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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

6-11-1913 Santa Fe New Mexican, 06-11-1913 New Mexican Printing company

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solely between the miners and oper- ators. brother of Mfuirv nniinrn WEST VIRGINIA "Was there any state of Insnrrec-- J ASSASSINATE DIAZ LEAVES ItIUIILT rUlMCU tion In the strike zone prior to the MEXICO! asked FOR declaration of martial law?" Paris, June 11. The young French Mr. Belcher. aviator, Marcel (!. Mriudejone des HEARINGS "The THE TURKISH BY FEDERAL Paris. June 11. A brother-in-la- of FORTH LIKE governor evidently thought Moulinais, beat all distance records j paid witness. Diaz left for Mexico to- there was," the by flying troin Paris to War-sa- knew yesterday day to discuss with the government General Elliott said that, he by way of Devlin, a distance of S. B. for-- , there the question of the return of that Uepresentative Davis, ,"0ri kilometers (aproxinuitt'ly :;:! had told Gov- JURY the former dictator. Diaz recently WATER START nier county prosecutor, VIZIER miles), In thirteen hours, and, he could not .received a delegation of Mexican ernor Glasscock that, stops, attained an courts to sub-- ! average! friends who requested him to return secure action in the of 130 kilometers (!);!.:! ipeed miles) to Mexico to assist by his counsel In due the riotious condition. This, he hour. He in SENATE COMMITTEE BEGINS INVESTI- ' MAHMOUD SCHEFKET PASHA SHOT mi accomplished tills the VIOLATION OF NEUTRALITY LAWS to HAWAIIAN SUGAR INTERESTS SPEND was one of reasons , for the restoration of tranquility that said, the competition for the Poiumcry cup which declared martial country. GATION INTO COAL STRIKE SITUA- the governor DOWN IN MOTOR CAR BY TWO or the longest flight across country CHARGED." NO NAMES MADE $600,000 A YEAR IN WASHING- law. The reply of the old dictator was: from sunrise to sunset in one day, STATE-ADJUTA- BOR- "1 NT The witness that his troops H1S AIDE IS ALSO PUBLIC, BUT OFFICERS ON should have been to return TON. ONE MAN GETS A TION IN THAT said ARMED MEN. with stops if neceasary. pleased $1000 had five or six machine and reside in my but am de- captured To give some idea of his achieve- country, GENERAL ON STAND. in attecteu KILLED. DER ARE NOTIFIED. termined not to in its MONTH. guns the district. Alter ment, it may be sUted that the Xord participate first law ended, the martial period express, one of the fastest trains in politics." General said that members of Elliott me world, takes eighteen hours in and men ANTI-FR- PROBING INTO REIGN the state militia, officers, ASSASSINS MAKE the from Paris to Berlin and FRENCH AVIATOR MAY DETAILS OF EE were the coal trip PHILIPPINES employed by operators twenty-seve- hours between Paris and ' "mine OF MARTIAL LAW to act as watchmen or guards." GOOD THEIR ESCAPE Warsaw. BE ONE WANTED AGAIN SCENE SUGAR PROGRAM remained as guards, he said, They The aviator left Villa Coublay at even after martial law was again OF TROUBLE .1:3ri o'clock yesterday morning. He and the again took 11. Charleston, W. Va., June 11. Indus- troops Constantinople, June 31 The Turk rose at once to a great height and Los Angeles, Cal., June 11. Several Washington, D. C, June Activ- charge of the field. Manila, June 11. lirigadier General ities of Hawaiian interests in trial war In West Virginia was today ish Grand Vizier, Mahmoud Sjhoi'kct went off at great speed. The first indictments charging violation of the sugar General Elliott told of the opera- John J. commander of the behalf of tariff on were In- news was received at Wanne, In Prus-- j Pershing, a sugar taken described to the senate mine strike tion of an armored train, on which a Pasha, was assassinated at uoo.i to neutrality laws were reported today of had made sla, where he landed at S a. in.. He department Mindanao, up again today by the senate lobby committee machine gun was mounted, which two men armed with revolvers' hy the federal grand jury which com- all to move forward to- vestigating by Adjutant day by continued his journey to lierlin at arrangements committee. made four up Paint and Cabin an of and in a decisive General Charles D. Elliott, who told trips who attacked him while he was pro- 9.30, descending in the aerodome at pleted investigation the smugg- day engage fight Royal D. Mead of the Hawaiian Aintrii Hi nrmli-- t)nt oa V mn 11. the rebellious Moras entrench- said in fashion of battles fought in his motor car to the Sub- Johannisthal at 12:01 p. in. ling of acioplancs across the interna- against Sugar Planters' association, he graphic np(J Ulfi mm. ceeding ed at the Sultan of l.til u..-.- frnni'Ha nnrl at amo)g actual Pagsag under received a salary of $1,000 a month mine strikers .Moose lime Drindejonc des Moulinais' tional border to help Mexican rebels . , ers was known as the "Bull Porte. Jolo. for his work in His ef- Mucklow and Hollow urove, in uie flying time for the !I23 kilometers Washington. g ,a, It is believed in government circles in Sonora. The names of those Indict- A stubborn resistance to the ad- were confined to section. He told of armor--, was six hours and :!! minutes. After forts, he said, the Paint Creek AUoniev Bicller tried to ascer-c- ed were not made vance of the American was of machine that here that the assassination of the luncheon at Berlin with the military public. troops gathering and distribution sugar trains carrying guns what' were on a force- - Mn rifleg carrled vizier was the outcome of a to Didier Musson, the French aviator, expected and'tt strong had statistics and he thought $15,000 swept through the strike district and invaded the Paint grand cviators, he resumed his journey special train that the committee of Union was taken Into custody when one of therefore been assembled, consisting would cover his annual expenses. He recited stories of men ambushed and on of Feb- plot against, Warsaw, where h" landed safely at Creek section the night and the machines was hy of a company of, regular infantry, had been associated with the domestic fchot down. At least a score of skirm- was Progress (Young Turks). 0:15, well ahead of the sundown limit. ilying captured ruary 7, and from which a battle the aide de of federal near Tucson. He was a troop of cavalry," seven companies sugar organization which detailed in El- lbraham Bey, camp His ilight heals the record made by agents producers ishes were by him, nearly fought at Holly Grove. General of scouts, two companies of constab has tariff or wound- Mahmoud Schefket Pasha, was also Krnest Guilloux from Ilarritz to Kol-l'i- released and went to Mexico. The directed the sugar public- all of which men were killed liott did not know where the guns with a of four moun- in In killed by the assassins. It is under- Netherlands, by 170 kilometers. captured aeroplane later disappeared, ulary battery ity campaign Washington. May, ed. came from. . j stood the men who committed ai.d the aviator used It in an abar- - tain guns and a machine gun platoon. he and Sidney M. Ballou terminated General Elliott told of the that capture are civilians to bombs on Mex ja $2,500 contract for publicity work, of six machine the crime AVIATOR ATWOOD FLIES tive effort drop the by the state troops whose in by the press service bureau of which 150 Mahmoud Schefket Pasha, ACROSS LAKE ERIE ican warship Guerrerro Guaymas guns, each capable of firing shots ' ON H. W. was head. CURRENCY LEGISLATION death was reported this morning, has Ohio, June 11 Aviator harbor. BIG LABOR STRIKE Mayo a and 120,000 rounds of am- Sandusky, detailed account minute, held office as grand vizier since .Tanu- X. Atwood. who Officials here communicated today Mead produced a munition. He identified photographs Harry left, Ecorse, in 2.", this when Kiamil Pasha a with in Tucson in of all his receipts and expenditures built mine iry year, Mich., yesterday afternoon for flight agents expectation of a sheet iron fort by IS OPPOSED On the same Nazim some of those indicted would he RIO GRANDE Washington. He had received $8,000 told of the resigned. day across Lake Erie to this city In a hy that cuards at Mucklow and of the on side of the from the Hawaiian Sugar association 1 Pasha, the commander Turkish arrived here at 1:33 found the American of hundreds of "man killing" and had $5,518.16, up to last capture army at the Tchatalja lines was shot o'clock this morning. border. spent of them "hidden out" in AND CURRENCY COM demand of Senator guns, many BANKING dead during a demonstration in Con 1,200 LABORERS ENGAGED IN CONSTRUC- night. Upon the hollow trees ana mountain caves anei 11. Gronna the committee today sub MITTEE GOES ON RECORD AGAINST slantinople. Nogales, Ariz., lime Uy the dy- TION WORK WANT MORE BETTER took of the strike PAY, A. Y. publisher and the militia charge Mahmoud Schefket Pasha was a namiting of a troop train near Guay- poenaed Moore, held mine SESSION. A. M. of the Courier-New- s district. Trains up, tipples ANY SUCH LEGISLATION THIS pure Arab and a native of Bagdad. He mas 200 federal soldiers HOURS AND LIVING CONDITIONS. Baker, mine STEEL TRUST yesterday, North Dakota, to ex- burned, pitched battles between was to Constantinople with are estimated killed and many more of Fargo, detailed brought recent editorial guards and miners were all his family when he was a boy. After wounded. The track had been mined plain a intimating who said that all Washington, D. C, June 11. At a Salt Lake City, Utah, June 11. Two Gronna knew something bv General Elliott, studying at the military school he the who were forced to that Senator of the senate banking and by insurgents con- in c f these affairs were reported to him. meeting IS of with bases at Ortiz. thousand laborers employed in of the use of money Washington committee Democrats was graduated at years age SUIT STILL abandon their He detailed a engagement at currency today, He was a with a detour around Soldier to influence legislation. general the highest honors great As General Obregon retreated structing none of on creek, and Republicans expressed opposition - Mead told the committee Mucklow, Holly Grove, Paint ravorite of the former Sulttiu Adbul ibis state troops north toward Iler- Summit, on the Denver & Rio Grande to an effort to put through currency - for advertising had ind Honda, Cabin creek, on February Hamid, who appointed him on the gen- imosillo, General Ojeda's federals en- the money spent legislation at the special session and railroad between Helper and Tucker, been used to influence the editorial 10, when a mine bookkeeper and a eral staff. Afterward he proceeded to here and were confident that the introduction ON jtralned began pursuit. are idle as of of. The total miner named Estep were killed. This and staid there ten years Didier Masson Is to have Utah, today the result policy newspapers. of a bill in the senate would lead to Germany reported amount the Hawaiian plant- resulted in a second declaration of the organization of the Ger- his war and again a strike of 1200 of their number last spent by long debate, retard the progress of studying repaired aeroplane ers association for all purposes was martial law and General Elliott said man army. Mahmoud Schefket Pasha, ..'will attempt, to drop bombs on the night for an increase in pay and bet- tariff bill and keep congress here about $600,000 a and was raised when he went into the .field with the his close with Abdul JUDGE GARY TESTIFIES THAT IT IS .'heads of the federals. An year that until November. despite intimacy aeroplane ter working and living conditions. assessment. on the of February 10, a Hamid, was the moving spirit in fos- manufactured in Douglas, Ariz., by by troops night Senators O'Gorman, and PROPER TO SECURE The strike is being conducted by au Mr. Ballou said aside from the tariff was found on the rail-toa- Hitchcock, revolution which PERFECTLY is known to dynamite bomb showed to such tering the military an amateur Inventor, were interested in Bristow opposition fall. into Mexico organizer for the Industrial Workers that his employers tracks ahead of the troop train. Chairman brought about that sultan's AGREEMENT FROM SELLER NOT have crossed last night Mid legislation at this time. - legislation opposed "All these affairs were between Soon after the outbreak of the Bal- Mtid to have been taken to Naco, So- of the World. immigration of Owen was of the opinion that a bill test in the immigration said kan Mahmoud Schefket Pasha GO AGAIN. an escort soiuieis. was here the 'the literacy mine and strikers," tjie war, TO IHTaSSMKESS nor, under oi nriy lt reported today that o guards should be put through this summer. hill that wtw-befor- liosisress last year The militia bad nothing to was appointed chief of the commissar- From Xaco it will be hurri'd by rail general. He probably will bring in a measure strikers, armed with plckhandlcs and because Hawaii wished to bo able to and I know of them only iat of the Turkish war of- to the front. do with them within a few weeks, but members of department shovels, made their way the from to build to me and he was one of those through get iinmlyrants Europe through information brought by the committee declared today it fice, present METHODS OF STEEL of the IN various camps and forced 800 men up a white population. loth sides reDl'e- - at the grand council empire IRREGULARS MUTINY nnlfl hp n nprsnnal bill, not - American cane and the committee which decided in last to ac- STREETS OF MEXICO CITY. who refused to strike, to leave their lie testified that General Elliott gave January TRUST DISCLOSED and Hawaiian of of tlie Mexico 11 Two hun- work. beet and Porto Rican documents showing the operations ,, thaf u misht ,.0. b re. Icept the proposal European City, lu;ie in the to the war to an end. who were re sugar producers were interested the military which took charge of the at this session, powers bring dred irregulars recently portpd mutinied in the Pe organization called domestic sugar strike district during the first martial memDer of the committee said cruited, yesterday NATIONAL GOOD 0ne lu,h- l" uiiKn ... ,,, ; Hl,rlinn producers, and that Hawaii so far has and the disposi- Presi- - low period showing that talks with members of A. A. JONES TO BE Libert II. Gary chairman of the Vrnt- tooted the bills. He expected aid con- they learned that ROADS CRUSADE tion made of prisoners. dent Wilson's cabinet had not en siaies sieei lesimeu but so far 11. corporation, , were"ento be sent Inlo the field. from Louisiana producers V. AT thev Charleston, Va., June Adju- vinced him that a mess- BANQUETED .... i IS PROMISED presidential louay inai iiu uumgiiL iniui-- cwuiu cheered for the rebel m, contribution has been made from tant General Charles D. Elliott of the age on was to be looked They Carranza, currency ALBUQUERQUE e'reumstances" it "was perfectly prop- to take i that source. West militia, who was in in near future. leader and were preparing Virginia for the er" for a purchaser to enter into a in the Washington, June 11. A definite "To a campaign by beet sugar peo- command in the strike zone Chairman Owen called today's chances of gaining a following supreme X. June 11. A. A. contract with a seller that the latter when start toward the development of a started months ago Hawaii con- the martial law periods, pro- to features of the Albuquerque, M., streets against the government ple during meeting explain first assist- should not compete with the purchaser into comprehensive system of good roads tributed at the rate of about $:1000 a duced before the senatorial which will be in- .hues of Las Vegas, thev found themselves looking today glass bill probably sold out to him. construction the over will be five he added. investi- in ant of the interior, has after having the guns of the men of the 29th the country month for month," committee from Washington troduced and debated the secretary cross-exan- shortly of Albu- Gary was under the mane ai uie exira session The winess told o the preparation conditions in West Virginia at house. accepted the invitation the Judge reetment which occupied present gating ban- nation in the of the suit Madero was of congress, and legislation to carry in New York of articles about the that time, documents which showed Some senators feel that the dis- querque Commercial club to a hearings pHluce when Francisco dissolve the corporation. on the work will be enacted at the which were put up in fifty-on- e men were sentenced by will inform quet, .which will be given at 7:45 captured. sugar Industry that cussion in the house the M. session which con- court. o'clock at the Alvarado hotel. Judge Jacob Dickinson, attorney had been rushed general legislative "boiler plate" and sent to newspapers the military country and pave the way for action tonight T)js regjment venes in the here 7:23 for the government, after reading from town j0 qUeu ti1R mutiny December. the country, and of type- Private F. L. Long, tried for in the senate next winter. Mr. Jones will arrive at jaoross his- throughout committee with-- 1 This is the first time in the which he murder of Ira Ridd, was acquitted by o'clock tonight on Santa Fe train No. minutes of the finance oflpnd t),e irregulars surrendered written "features stories' the in 190: which Bet tory of the United States that such said sometimes as editorials the court. Robert Hartigan, a mine 1 from Las Vegas. A party of promi- corporation Jc,ut a flBht. appeared forth Mint the comoration nroDosed was decisive-- 1 tasK nas neen actually uncertain. under a guard charged with doing police duty THREE HELD FOR nent New Mexicans from East Las mtn tirmv and sometimes as dispatches to the Oliver ore General Pena at There have been, of course, good New date. as a of the state, was Vegas and Santa Fe will accompany purchase properties ly n,,'.a,lfpated today by York MURDER (N under condition that the owners keep! of Monclova, road movements in the individual "Of there was to in- sentenced twice, according to the list, him. Among those who are expected Bocatoche, just south course, nothing to a fine of $500 and to C. out of the ore business, asked the to war the i ne " dicate to the reader that these dis- each time pay SILK STRIKE to attend are: Governor William Recording department, of states an In In an- witness if that came under his policy seven hours and the the history the original were for the Hawaiian serve six months prison. of State Antonio .. fighting lasted iiii.i.. patches paid by McDonald, Secretary ...... 200 rebels instance or two where the federal other similar case, a guard was O. N. Mar-ln- i ot fostering competition. government anounces that sugar planters?" asked Walsh. Ipswich, Mass., June 11. Three In- Lucero, State Treasurer congress lent a hand to construct a fined $100, and sentenced to sixty "That, would depend upon circum killed. "No, sir," said Mr. Ballou. dustrial Workers of the World, one a who will act as toastmaster: State veie road over which the mail could be Other sentences shown by the said the witness. Mr. Ballou his check books days. held ba'l Auditor W. G. Sargent, State Land stances," but so as an effort to pro- brought woman, were today without to me if a OF MACHINE carried, far the ses- list were: Commissioner Robert P, Ervien, At "It seems that purchaser f.H'PMENT which before the committee at night 32 on the charge of murder as a resuit. INTERCEPTED. vide a network of highways, For "intimidation of workmen," W. of any commodity or business should GUNS ...111 sion. He explained that the money riot at the silk torney General Frank Clancy, nn,.n.Hu mmol11m honutil. In utrai'.r , each. of last night'B strike a an Kl June 11. A ship- Mill ntivui cij tu i9 ii j prisoners, six months and M. of Socorro, and secure as part of the contract, Paso, Texas, section inhabited of th!slWM spenl Buea mills in which a woman was killed Harry Dougherty, and 10,000 of the area su- - concealed weapons, two so- agreement from the seller that he ment of two machine guns Hives who "lobbied" aaginst free Carrying 'seven other persons seriously injured Col. Ralph E. Twicbell, assistant .h hu.ha 10l,rt0H one day; five prisoners, should not entpr into with rounds of ammunition, supposedly said $lo,0UU naa Deen useu. prisoners, Fixteen other with licitor for the Santa Fe Railway com- competition plan is the real beginning. gar. lie six months; one $1,000 fine persons charged that would be proper destined for the insurgents moving to aid in the of the beet prisoner or assault were io pany; A. T. Rogers, Jr., Herbert W. him, perfectly It is the intention of the Demo- campaign and one year; one one year. rioting requirea and circumstances would! west along the border toward Juarez that $22,500 had been prisoner furnish bonds. Clark, W. Kelly and United under many cratic leaders to create two commit- sugar people; steel knuckles, one prison- Harry not trade." tlv to the arrest bv troops work after the Ha-- I Carrying Those held for murder are Nathan States S. B. Davis, Jr., of Las restrain tees, one in the house and the other jused in publicity er fined $50. Attorney of the United StateF border patrol of became an of the Indus! who will accompany Mr. Jones in the senate, to be called the com- waiian producers personally Unlawful stabbing, two prisoners. Hermann, organizer Vegas, Colonel Torblro Ortega, commander of had been Workers of the E.."ji- Pin-gre- to mittee on good roads. The house interested and that $2400 one year. rial WiDrldy this city. THE DAY IN CONGRESS. the constitutional! t forces, in north- man of the Lowell branch, business men, both committee will be composed of 21 paid to a "New York newspaper False statement to officers, one secretary About forty western Chihuahua state. was - -- members. All information and data by the name of W. A. Kidd," who end Mrs. E. L. Pingree. members and of the who was arrested upon prisoner, thirty days. secre- Mr. Senate. Ortega, to the of roads will to write "feature stories" and get one Thomas J. Halliday, national Commercial club, will be present. the line from his headquar- pertaining subject Disorderly conduct, prisoner, In- Not in meets Friday. crossing j them The sum of $7500 of the textile branch of the Jones is known here, and those session; tomor-rt.- be transferred to these committees published. three months. tary widely con- ters at Ojinaga, will be tried Workers of the World, who on account of Finance committee Democrats from the committees on postoffices was used in advertising in newspa- Larceny, one prisoner, $10 fine and dustrial who do not attend per bill at Presidio, Texas. He is charged Boston to take tinued consideration of tariff and post-road- where it is now neat- pers. ten days. came here from today sonal friendship for Mr. Jones, will go with violation of neutrality laws. The the of the leaders who had been the changes. ly pigeonholed. "Kidd did not get anything pub- Altogether, the list accounted for place to show Albuquerque appreciates inter- - was made from El Paso, - Activities of Hawaiian suar Fhipnient In the course which' the said Mr. "and I ter- two cases locked up, was arrested, charged with favor to New Mexico in the appoint- who nave general, lished," Ballou, all but under the martial nt honrinPM ssv otnciais sen-iit- a town ordinance. He was o,ia f,.,H Oi,iont Wnro investigating committees of the house and minated his contract as soon as pos- law list, the first njartial law period. violating ment of Mr. Jones. . succeeded in confiscating one of the on bond. lobby investigating committee. will follow in preparing a plan sible after I got here." These two cases were marked "miss- released O. N. Marron will be toastmaster. fire pieces, Nico-lctt- a Strong sentiment in oposition for a system of good roads, will "He was you then,' files." An autopsy on the body of Miss follows: tojiapid " just kidding ing from the The program at this Bession of ru- Paudelopouler, the bystander Administration currency legislation center about the development suggested Senator Reed, and, after General Elliott detailed the orders "Recognition by the at of bank- - C ral mail on which mail can to who was killed when the police, ' H. F. developed special meeting VII CIIIT AGAINST routes the the laugh subsided, he apologized for martial law the strike o' the New Mexico Bar, Judge stmr, i , 1 aa restoring 1115inn vuillllltt., be carried expeditiously. These mail it be stricken zone last which he said guarding the Ipswich hosiery mill, the fun and asked that February Raynclds. Houre. OAT MEAL TRUST routes will radiate from every posr-- were modified Governor Hatfield fred upon the mob, showed that she of New Mexico Indus- from the record. by "Recognition Not in session; meets Friday. ioflice, except those which are in the use of 29, that of died from a bullet wound in the head. Ad- "Have you made any corrupt on May annulling portion and Commercially by the - j an- - o trially 111., 11. The Quak- cities, and which will connect with Nelson. the proclamation which placed the The arrival of additional police A. B. McMillen. , June money?" asked Senator , ministration," the rt oat .omer, so nai eventually a magnincem answered the witness. military authorities above the civil day appeared to intensify the feelins "New Mexico in Relation to the ler Oats company, "No, Rir," workers. . AMERICAN YACHT meal trust 90 per cent of set of highways will be created. The has been to coun- courts. The militia, the witness said, among the 600 idle During Public Land Judge Edward controlling "Your purpose were made Policy," SEIZED IN JAPAN. oat meal and federal government will maintain for free were now working under the civil the forenoon five arrests A. the products teract the sent'tnent Bligar Mann. 11. American over construc-th- e a dozen militia- The under guard, con- Tokio, June The of the country, was attacked by pert supervision the started the other side?" courts. Only about mill, police of the Rio Grande - by with 200 "Development yacht Columbia was seized today federal government in an anti- Ition of these roads and the ex- - ' men remained. tinued in operation about G. L. Brooks. "Yes, sir." Valley." when she put in at Wakayama, trust filed here today charging a j enditures of money, by the' bureau had been "While you were in charge in the employes. Pueblo In- snjt He again denied that there "Our Policy Toward the is not an for re- - the corn-pair- which has the work in wtll martial law zone, you made arrests which open port monopoly "in derogation of charge any combined fund raised by sugar dian," Hon. F. W. Clancy. was of the Unit-fro- on the state's of on own responsibility, without She on the voyage j mon rights of the people depend acceptance here and in Hawaii to de- your Col. D. K. B. Sel- 1 producers "Albuquerque," of the the scheme of . as out-- or warrant from any civil REFUSE TO JOIN Nagasaki to Yokohama. ed States," and in violation development feat the Underwood bill and said he a writ lers. lined the court?" asked Senator Borah. STRIKE-HO-ME Sherman law. by government, engineers. had no knowledge of an assessment "The State of New Mexico," Gov- One of the plans " that is beir.s "Yes, that is right," said General Sk3kSSV3SV on a per ton basis of Hawaiian su- ernor W. C. McDonald. .1. Har- hard is devised DYNAMITED A steel yacht, belonging to pressed the scheme to conduct the campaign. Elliott Oldest the SUFFRAGE p gar planters said that at one "New Mexico, the and vey Ladew, of the New York Yacht (S by former Secretary Jonathan Bourn General Elliott GALUSHA n Youngest," Hon. Antonio Lucero. in Orient- ef now chairman of the DEPUTY MARSHAL time he had 1,000 men in the field, Paterson, N. J., June 11. Pater-so- club, which left for a cruise STEP NEARER Oregon, m TO militia was the "Our Guest," Col. R. B. Twitchell. al waters in November, 1912, is be- ijeint committee on leoerai aid in in.f ASSIGNED ALBUQUERQUE practically the entire organi- shaken early today by fMIC - 11. Uni- could not Hon. A. A. Jones. lieved to be the vessel whose "arrest" 111 (construction of post roads. He pro- Albuquerque, June Deputy sation of the state. He explosion of a bomb in front of the llllliwl re- j an of three billion ted States Marshal J. R. Galusha say definitely how many armed men home of three brothers who had at Wakayama, Japan, is reported in a poses expenditure Work for New Mexican. is 111.. worn dollars one billion for construction turned last from Santa Fe on he had to contend with but he felt refused to join the the It cable dispatch. The detention of the Snrinefield June 11. The night persistently ex- No. 1. Mr. Galusha will have were more arms among silk strikers. house was dam working for you, for Santa Fe and vessel was about pn's suffrage bill, which passed in the and two billions for construction, train that, there The probably brought mai-shal- new over a of of the local branch of the 's the strikers than among the militia. aged but the sleeping occupants were the state. owing to entering a port where there senate recently, was passed by the tending period fifty years. charge a The billion dollar construction fund i" main office at Santa Fe and Under n by Attor- uninjured. It was the second at- was no customs house or coaling sta- house today by a vote of 77 ayes, mo- to be the states for will open the office formerly occupied ney Belcher for the miners. General tempt to dynamite their home since tion. Similar action is taken by the bare constitutional majority. A apportioned among ' which In the treas- the marshal, in he federal building Elliott said that the controversy prior the strike began. tfiusiasm" on the part of the strik- authorities of any other country under tion to adjourn was voted down before they shall deposit ty fifty-fou- r 4 cent bonds. here. to the declaration of martial law was The police reported "renewed en-- ers. - l:ko circumstances. the final roll call. ury their per PACE TWO SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1913.

SOCIETY NOTES DRESS LOBBYISTS Benefited Many Who PONT BE Had Tuberculosis ALAD To Meet Mrs. Roll's Mother. Thoso who siiffi'r from Consumption Mrs. J. A. Kolls was at home yes- ar K''inTiilly troubled with nlitht IIP IN FANCY MVelllK. fever, loss of Hll'ellKth 1111(1 lit- Old terday at her beautiful home on Pal tle or no ii))e1ite. Fresh uir. good food, Potatoes the cure of the lire Ijfiood ace aveniue to her many friends in and proper body to u reeovery. but In many eases Santa Fe to give them an opportunity Koiui'thiiiK else Is needed. Kekiniin's Al- to meet her mother, Mrs. Hooper King CLOTHES terative is a modleine which has been most successful In stopping niiflit sweats, AT- - of Chatham, Ontario. During the af- reducing fever und promoting appetite, ternoon more than 100 called ami many who have used II. declare 11 guests saved their lives. investigate whut It and wished Mrs. King a pleasant sum- IS THE SUGGESTION OF TOM PENCE did In this case: in Ke. "(Sentleuieu : 1'or four years I was mer Santa which -V- ARIOUS KINDS OF MEN WHO troubled with cough, gradually became worse: 1 had night sweats and IN HONOR OF FRANCES MARRON. pains in lay chest. 1 was losing my ap- - Cwt. LOBBY AND WHAT THEY DO AND petite and had become so thin anil weak Per du- 85c ave- Miss Thelma ISlandy, of Marcy I could not attend to my household nue, entertained about a score of her HOW THEY ties. A physician pronounced my cast) DO IT. Consumption. Not being satisfied. I wns RESOLVED young friends yesterday afternoofi to examined by the physicians of the Poly- THAT WET ARE ALWAYS of clinic Hospital. They also pri.aouitced meet Fiances Marron, Albuquerque, the disease Consumption, which was daughter of State Treasurer and Mrs. proven later ny an examinnnou oi spu- AWAKE. ftWAKZ To SENATORS WOULD BE as Tuberculosis Hacilll were found. X. Marron. a tum, U. Following delightful J v ms ordered to a Consumptive Hos- The afternoon, Mrs. Blandy served re- pital. Mv nephew would not allow rue mtehests or GO. TOGGED IIP AS WELL to until 1 had tried Kckinun's Aller-al- i GROCERY freshments 5 of a kind go OUR, INTER about o'clock, . Ilcfore had taken the medicine 1ATHoH$ AND that tickle the palate of the young three weeks I hud marked relief, night sw-ii- censed, pain in the breast AWAKE IS folks and about an hour later the D. June ll.-T- he cough became louse and easy, ToWW Washington, C, fou r left uie and 1 commenced getting 4o. guests bade their little hostess good- I am fhohstje suggestion that lobbyists be put into wdl. My health became normal. NEW AND UPT6PATF. bye. A number of games were played uniforms of In c llent lieu lilt now and have been bight green jackets, short I during the but the completely cu for ten years. I strong- ARE HOTMUZEP. afternoon, surprise trousers and caps with jaunty peacock ly n ininend It." rWE of the afternoon was the number and i.MUS.) MAItY WASSON. feathers the idea is that of Toin . Care I d. Tlili S. 17lli St., I'hlla.. Pa. BUT RlCHrONTME of those assembled 'Von-rlii- variety rag dances fence, in of the Kc' iuau's Alterative is effective la l charge Washington IT TAKES A LIVE-WIR- E HARDWARE MERCHANT TO DO showed themselves masters of. na- Asthma, ilay 1'ever: Throat and BUSINESS headquarters of the Democratic in LIVE-WIR- LIVE-WIR- I.uut: Troubles, und upbuilding the IN A E COMMUNITY. A E HARDWARE MERCHANT tional committee would, if carried Kystem. Hoes not contain poisons, opratc THE SENIOR DANCE. or habit forming Ask for booklet MUST BE AWAKE TO WHAT HIS PATRONS REQUIRE. HE MUST BE out, show uniforms in some unex- drugian" to Eckmau The Daii'ie was last telling of recoveries write AWAKE EARLY AND ALL THE TIME. WE ARE NOT LETTING OUR Senior given pected places. Laboratory. Philadelphia. Ph., for evi- evening at the Board of Trade hall, dence. For sale by all leading druggisto BUSINESS RUN ITSELF. WE ARE RIGHT ON THE JOB, READY TO Droudly speaking, a lobbyist is any YOU OR YOU WHAT YOU and to some of the sleepy and by Zook's Pharmacy in Santa Fe. SHOW SELL JUST ASK FOR AND SEND according person representing a special interest eyed young fellows of the city, it YOU AWAY SATISFIED WITH YOUR PURCHASE, AMD TO BACK UP oal Wood as opposed to the interests of the EVERY SALE WE MAKE. was some dance. The music was uhole people. It is futile to to dis- the was cool, and try BRIEF RESUME PHONE 14. "IF IT'S HARDWARE WE HAVE IT." PHONE 14. SAWED WOOD splendid, evening criminate between man who does besides it was so hard most the raining this for a or OF TOME LAND of the time that home was out fee, contingent regular WOOD-DAVI- S HARDWARE COMPANY. going the and the one who of the so this may account lobby lawyer GRANT DECISION DAWSON COAL question, does it for a consideration received Phone 14. IF IT'S HARDWARE WE HAVE IT," Phone 14. fcr the fact that it was 2 a. m. when in some other are all "Home, Sweet Home" was played, way. They Feferring to the Tome land grant Domestic Lump Fancy Egg , Lump Fancy close to attend-'ed- su- - Right sixty couples John case which was decided in the with the younger set predominat Thurston, killing court at the loan shark bill or the Washing-te- n pieme Washington yesterday, ing, and it joy was ever unconnnea the decision in which case was print IT OF CRICHTON." aus- pawnbrokers, is one kind of a lob- "BUY last night was one of the most ed in last night's New Mexican, it was While byist. Senator Goff, of West Virginia, picious unconflned occasions. learned today that F. C. Wilson, of Phone One O J. the a set num- voting and talking for his own oil program contained only this city, was the attorney for the of combination of mu-- ! we,ls. coal lands and cherised peonage ber dances, the plaintiffs in the and that the was so system of West Virginia, is another action, sic acceptable partners, etc., case had been before the ter- four encores kind of lobbyist. It is merely an inci-wer- e argued enticing that three and ritorial supreme court in danced a of times. dent that the latter his pay from January, number gets 11)11, had been won the LIGHT by defendants, anl laven-th- e senatorial The class colors of green payroll. ar.d to the court even to the Why be so hard on the little fellow appealed supreme N THESE DAYS OF MODERN METH der prevailed extending where the decision of the territorial cream which was of the de- - cutside the door? He is a more ice part only court was affirmed. The ODS, a most licious refreshments. poorly paid and harder working lob- supreme style Electricity plays impo- ASK FOR TICKETS cf the case was George W. Bond et to byist. His business suffers heavily rtant The would The senior class is be congra- als., vs. the unknown heirs of Juan part. grandfather oc- from the relentless I SHIP YOUR FREIGHT tulated on their success on this competition and the contention in brief be amazed at the radiance of the mod- - by the lobby workers inside the I'arela, casion. v. as whether the grant was a town To El Bisbee, and senate and the house of representa- ern home and all this To Paso, Douglass f. rant or not. were seek- why light? e The plaintiffs FROM SANTA FE ALL PARTY. tives. He has to button-hol- members all points in New Mexico, Ari DAY BRIDGE ing title to it under a sale made make home more homelike to make at. they come out or go in. The man by the MEXICO Mrs. Thomas Doran, assisted by former alleged owners while the de- zona, Mexico and to the Pacific Coast, via NEW inside can go and sit down beside a home most on earth Mrs ,C. W. Fawcett, was the hostess fendants to keep the title intact the the pleasant spot CENTRAL to Torrance thence. member and present, the case of spe- sought yesteiday at an all day bridge party-give- in the town of Tome. The decision and children. Good cial with comfort, secrecy for father, mother light at the O. Owen home on Don privilege iu a victory' for the town. and dignity. on is much to be Caspar avenue. The affair was some that is easy the eyes very And is not an owner, lobbying for thing of an innovation in Santa Fe cir his own, also a Take our old desired. cles, but. from the reports re lobbyist? HOTEL ARRIVALS. The East judging friend, T. one of the ceived from those present, one of the Henry Oxnard, most familiar of our third house mem- - most in a long while De Vargas. pleasant days bers. He was a of was those present. pioneer promoter J. M. Harlan, Albuquerque. enjoyed by Ibeet stiear factories and lenrnpd his Best or There six of F. M. Miller, Greeley, Colo. were tables bridge I(,sson8 aB a i0bb comi o Wash- - vlst net G. E. Horst, . aside from the hostesses, and play to the beet ingtoii protect sugar E. Strawu, Alamosa. at 10: :!) a. m., lasting until jd,IBtry from the ravaging competition Geo. D. Stateson, Kansas City. shortly after 4 with a recess at noon 0, tne tntst learned Route West sugar Having W. A. lloore, Albuquerque. to enable the guests to partake of athe le8S0Ili and soId a maioritv of his of Mrs. W. G. Arlud, Las Vegas. POWER bountiful luncheon consisting beet to interests the trust, he has gone G. 15. chicken hot biscuits, olives, Rains, Kansas City. salad, . on lobbying for the sugar industry as C. straw- - G.. Chamberlain, St. Louis. For Rates and Full Information!Address jelly, French peas in timbles, ja whoe. Sureiy he would have to IS QUITE SO CONVEN - S. S. Ward, Artesia. berries and whipped cream, and mini- wear a and forsooth uniform; he Will R. Hill, Kansas City. IENT as to touch the button and erous varieties of cake and coffee. wouItl 10ok in one with his EUGENE cunning Max F. Yolowstern, New York. FOX, TEXAS. Xo were offered for the four four inches stove is to cook prizes high! feet, of chubbiness in Mrs. M. R. Summers, Roswell. your ready your score, but beautiful little Japanese knee pants and a green cocked hat. N Margaret Lee, Albuquerque. iron to use, toasted filled with If are to be uniformed ready your mahogany baskets candies, lobbyists E. B. Cornell, Alamosa. will be vacu- were given for favors. there lots of green clothes Montezuma. ready for the hurried breakfast, your witllin the halls. The house was profusely decorated legislative A. W. Alexander, City. um cleaner ready for the fray, your washer j bers have the of the floor, so daisies, roses and poppies and privilege Geo. Frane, Globe, Ariz. to cleanse, fan ready to cool the heat- - j we exPeot to see Senator Faulk ready preseuted a most charming appear- may J. B. Wood, City. NEW MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE ner, wnn nis utile cocKaae ana green ed rooms. Electricity will do every thing ance. j Frank Lavan, coat around the senate City. The occasion came to an trotting telling G. L. Kali!, Albuquerque. for you. We furnish it at reasonable rates, ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO. enjoyable his former colleagues what is desired end all too soon, and the de- - Chas. R. Easley, City. Estimates and full infor- guests his and day and night' full of for the by present clients, railroads. M. S. Rosenfeld, San Francisco. 'The West Point of the Southwest. parted appreciation it will be handled mation cheeerfully given. novel entertainment them Faulkner, recalled, C. H. Webb, Albuquerque. given by the combined railroad to their hostesses. opposition E. D. Frock, Colorado Springs. Ranked as "Distinguished the rate bills. original regulation H. C. Yontz, City. Institution " the U S. Of course Smoot would bo by Senator O. F. Zotterman, Denver. FE WATER & LIGHT CO. uniformed. He has admitted SANTA War Department. FOURTH STARTED personal W. C. Calloway, El Paso. financial interest in and wool Located In the beautiful Pecos sugar E. E. Ford, St. Louis. BV EAGER BOYS and besides that, he is the accredited Valley. S,700 feet above sealevel, Geo. Simpson, Chicago. of the Mormon sunshine every day. Open air legislative agent Arthur Pugh, St. Ixiuis. ses- Detroit ,.Tune 11. Premature cele-- 1 which is a fiscal as well as a work throughout the entire church, M. A. Ross, Albuquerque. for bration of 4 in sion. Conditions physical July by boys living the religious organization. Incidentally, R. L. Erb, East Las , egas. COAL YARD and mental development are of the Ritters box fac-- Snioot's church is a CAPITAL vicinity cigar partner of the Fred H. West, St. Louis. IDEAL such as cannot be found tory, Cbene and Pierce streets, was sugar trust. PHONE 85 MAIN. elsewhere in America. Four- E. Mason, Pueblo. stopped by the police That dear Hemen-fro- teen officers and instructors, all Friday night James the Hunt street when offi-- 1 from standard East- station way, of Indiana, would have to be It will not graduates cials of pay you to waste your ern Ten buildings, the company fearing their uniformed. He has admitted making oa1 colleges. time Wood - writing out your legal forma dr would be pet. on lire modern In every respect. building report- a fortune in the capacity of "high when can LUMP FACTORY WOOD - you get them print- SWASTIKA ed the matter to the officers. Patrol- class the of already Regents : lobbyist" during passage ed at the New Mexican Printing com LUMP SAWED WOOD men were rusnea ro me tactory anu the Aldrich tariff revision, although CERRILLOS E. A. CAHOON, President. ordered to confiscate all fireworks. pany. COAL CORD WOOD J. E. RHEA, lit was furnished with an office in the STEAM The however, saw them J. P. WHITE, Treasurer. celebrators, senate office building next to that of Work ANTHRACITE COAL, ALL SIZES. and with the remain-- for the New Mexican. It is JOHN W. POE, Secretary. coming secaped the chairman of the finance commit- - S. F. mg fireworks. working for you, for Santa Fe and Montezuma Avenue, near A., & Railroad Depot. W. A. F1NLAY. tee and did uot ey6n wear a badge the new state. e For particulars and illustrated cats-egue- , And the green uniform would get on Work for the New Mexican. It Is Re- address, ' prominent Democrats as well as for for Santa Fe and working you. ublicans. Fred Lynchj of Minnesota. The of SCOTTISH W. new state. Rapid Spread RHOADS fXI COL. JAS. WILLSON, Supt. the vvno is chairman of the Democratic na- - J.F. - tional committee, and a great booster NOVELTY WORKS. If cw AUB News RITE ivieAiuaii Advertising vvuui BlWaya for President Wilson, paid an ex-se- n bring results. Try it to for free lumber in 104 Galisteo Street 104 lobby order of household Can-!ad- Many the articles REUNION that his own lumber holdings in n hLM A in use in our IT'S MISTAKE. be enhanced in value. daily homes, many might of the ideas In wear- makes Screens, etc. of all Think of putting Fred Lynch into a perfected SANTA N. M., Statements That May Be lnvestraated ing apparel, and much of the ad- kinds and Repairs Fur- FE, green mltorm. 16-1- i coi i n tilv it jr ui ociriici re wmzens. vanced In We JUNE 8, 1913. & R. R. Some senators would have to wear thought living today niture. Upholstering. Denver Rio Grande Many in a effort would not now be benefiting hu- people misguided the uniform one week and lay it off make the Capital City to rid of on were it not for the ad- For this occasion the A., T. & get kidney backache, rely the next. Mr. Simmons would have to manity Fly Traps. Also Porch liniments and other make- in like S. F. R'y will sell tickets to plasters, have on his green clothes while vot- vertising newspapers Swings, Seats, etc. Step shifts. The right treatment Is kid- THE SANTA FE NEW MEXI- Santa Fe and return at one'and ANNUAL CONVENTIONS ing for the Aldrich bill's duty on lum- Ladders and Fruit Lad- ney treatment and' a rec- CAN. one-fif- th fare for round remarkably ber, and later, after his tar- Also do all kinds the ommended kidney medicine is Doan's changing As a concrete much ders. from in New iff convictions to his advocacy example of trip all' points NEW MEXICO SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Kidney Pills. Santa Fe is no excep- present to a manu- repair work. of free lumber, he would his the point, prominent Mexico. tion. wrap facturer and distributor of a -- AND green suit in camphor for the summer. N. M. Dates of June 14, 15, The proof is at your very door. The foot-for- a Telephone 157 W. SANTA FE. Sale, li. But congress is not the shoe for children :: following is an typical of only body Return June 21, 1913. NEW MEXICO CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR UNION experience which needs the of the shoe of special construction Prices Reasonable. All Work Guaranteed. Limit, the work of Doan's Kidney Pills in protection and features Santa Fe. preen suit. When A. Piatt. Andrew, H. S. LUTZ, SANTA FE. JULY 1st to 3d and recently advertised in twenty of Agt., CAMTA EE W M Thomas M. Cerrillos San- formerly assistant secretary of the 11. 1T1., JUL to Baca, St., the principal cities west of the rC, Y!4th 6th, respectively ta Fe, New Mex., In treasury, comes over from New York says: "My faith Mississippi river for a period of Doan's Pills is as and calls on President Wilson to talk For the above occasion the D. & R. G. R. R. will pro- Kidney Just strong four weeks. today as when I recommend- currency legislation, he ought to have publicly At the end of that time he ex- tect rate of ONE FARE for round trip from sta- ed them in 1902. I was caused much his little feather in his hat. He was MEXICAN PBINTING s perienced such a demand for ' ,NEW 00. . suffering backaches for principal expert and assistant to Mr. tions Aztec, N. M., by three this shoe that he has been un- Looal for Farmington, Durango, years and I was never laid off Aldrich in drafting the "Aldrich plan," Agents though able to fill his on time N. all from work, my back was so incidentally drawing two salaries from orders Antonito, Colo., Espanola, M, and painful for weeks. that it was all I could do to around. the government while doing it, and he many intermediate stations. get The who read his ad- directly, Doan's Kidney Pills, relieved is lobbying with the chief executive in public entirely In an tne and I "had no return attack of the j behalf of the money trust! vertisements incredibly , "Elastic" Bookcase , time to Its trouble for six months. At that time Of course little lobbyists must be short learned, profit, SELLING DATES: benefited and Desk combined. m-- my work brought on a recurrence of tagged. The senate will lay the weight about something that HffiJ From N. June 28th. trouble. at once of its on It, something that filled a real Farmington and Aztec, M., my I took Doan's wrath Buford Lynch, Claude , A Dak Unit with few or E jmtSQTZJ i Kidney Pills and they gave me relief. Bennett's information need, and responded by practic- many Book Units desired. gj' M ' From Colo, including Antonito ) June 29th. congressional u Durango, (not A medicine that lives up to the claims bureau, and these little messenger ally doubling the manufacturer's The onlv perfect combination j ..'itcfT-'-m- business. desk and bookcase Ajfnrn IBEr 1 From All Points South of Antonito, June 30th, for it like Doan's Kidney Pills do, de- boys of special privilege who trot ever made of serves the strongest endorsement. around on the outside, but they must By this systematic series For sale by all dealers. Prlc 50 not advertisements the producer, RETURN LIMIT, JULY 8TH. forget Penrose, of Standard Oil; Its advantages and posst- - cents. Foster-Milbur- n the and the consumer Co., Buffalo, Ike Stevenson, of the lumber trust; retailer, Ulhies. writs or ptHot' . one :' WM. M. SCOTT, T. F. & P. A, 239 SAN FRANCISCO ST. New York, sole agents for the United Ransdell, of the sugar trust; Root, of were helped. This is just s us about C,it. - : States. case. There are hundreds like - IMI. many trusts, and those versatile chaps SJNTJ FE IT. Remember the name Doan's and like Simmons, Thornton, Over nan. it take no other. Alden Smith and the rest. PAGE THREE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1913. SANTA Ft: NEW MEXICAN

Amount. Katherine L. New Bedford, one hundredth the attention it noble work I find you engaged in." DISPOSITION OF FUNDS. RECAPITULATION. Norton, part f read a from First National Hank, Las Vegas. Spec. Deposit 72,076.23 Balance "February 28, 1913. . 769,331,44 Mass., "I had a terrible pain RURAL EDUCATION has the conditions Supt. Conway letter ,$ says: given Philippines, N. First National Hank, Albuquerque 11,440.78 Receipts during 131,020,91 State Supt. Alvan White, wherein 1! quarter across and would be different, Let me National Las S. I) 5,927.21 . my back, with a burning entirely he states and quotes the law in re- First Hank, Vegas, Las 1 1.443.07 Total to be accounted for. . '$ 900,352.35 scalding feeling. 1 took Foley Kidney HAS BEEN NEEDED urge upon you, as teachers, to con- to institute attendance and the San Miguel National Hank, Vegas gard National Raton 1 1,444.8(1 during 417,476.23 Fills as with results certain tinue this work the lines you for the weeks. First Bank, Payments quarter.. advised, along $15 compensations lour Hank & Trust Co., Las Vegas 11.483.88 feel- have and in few Peoples and sure. The pain and burning chosen, h very years The committee for arranging the First National Hank. Tucumcarl, S. I) 23, 293. IS Balance May 31, 1913 1 482,876.12 invig-oiated- . we bound to the ing left me, I felt toned up and are reach standard. program for tomorrow morning is National 8,200.47 HAD THE GOVERNMENT PAID HALF can do a deal for the State Hank, Albuquerque I recommend Foley Kidney Education great Candido Ortiz and Kamun Gonzules. First Savings Hank ft Trust Co., Albuquerque. 8,196.25 V New It is to ills." For backache, rheumatism, THE ATTENTION TO NEW MEXICO people of Mexico. going American Trust & Savings Hank, Albuquerque 8,225.15 where be- 7,344.4 7 lumbago and all kidney and bladder place them they properly ARRAIGN SUFFRAGE i'TES Sttite Hunk Commerce, Clayton As an of what a The Bowman Hank Trust Co., Las Cruces. 8.158,87 ailments, use Foley Kidney Pills. The IN THE PAST AS IT HAS TO THE long. illustration ON CHARGE it lack of education can bring upon a First National Bunk, Roswell 6.558.20 Capital Pharmacy. RESULTS WOULD Citizens National Hank. Roswell 6,557.47 PHILIPPINES, people, just take a look at Mexico, 550. 33 London, June 11. iCMty Marion, n:i First National Hank, Clayton 6, our sister republic, where over half 7,359.76 I, O. N. Marron, State Treasurer, certify the fore- Work for the New Mexican. It is HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT-GEOR- GE and Clara r.lizaoetli divei u, First National Bank. Carlsbad of the population is engaged in a fac iactress, 0,5aX.2O statement to be true and connect. for for Santa Fe and mil Silver City National Hank going ftorking you, tional embroilment. The better our 'a well known taut sitff.ugetio, O. N. MARRON. the new state. ARMIJO SPEAKS. First National Bank. Tucumcari 7,341.82 education is, the better we will be were arraigned today 'in oi American National Hank, Silver City 7.360.32 State Treasurer. Het to or. '.he as a country. You have an excellent 'having fire the stands First National Hank, Santa Rosa 7.375.43 Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 1, 1913. racecourse ,' 7.357.36 was opportunity for doing good, and it is Hurst Park yesterea American National Hank, Roswell The program this morning Hank Trust Roswell 7,378.70 to be hoped this work will be contin- The police have evidence collecting First State ft Co., in the the first 1'. S. Hank ft Trust Co., Santa Fe 7.030.72 B. P. E. opened regular order, ued. 1 most the them wilh the outrage and th'-'- were 0. compliment highly Hank ft Trust Co., S, I). . 15.083.78 number a Ml' First State Roswell, being song by the Institute, work of your superintendent and his remanded on bail $lo,000 each. 5.711.58 Miss Maud First National Bank, I'ortales GRAND LODGE followed by a vocal solo by assistant, Mrs. Conway, and assure First National Bank. Clovis 4,097.88 Hancock, with piano accompaniment you that their efforts are being appre- State Hank Commerce, Clayton, S. I).... 10,587.31 !by Miss Hazel Sanford. I York 2,500.00 ciated. congratulate you upon the State of Ohio, city of Toledo, Lucas Seaboard National Hank, New introduced of conductors and in- - First State Hank, Las Cruces 4,697,41 CONVENTION Superintendent Conway splendid corps county, ss. 4.691.56 Geo. W. Armijo as the for ana enons McKinley County Hank, Gallup N. speaker siruoiors, uieir spieuuiu Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he National Hank of Carlsbad 4,597.93 ROCHESTER, Y., the exercises, to arouse tlie proper enthusiasm in opening is senior partner of the firm of F. J. American Bank ft Trust Co., Clovis 3.677.20 to 12th. Mr. was com-- j you. The improvements in the rural National 3,677.53 July 7th Armijo's talk along Cheney & Co., doing business in the First Bank, Callup mon sense and and communities with regard to school First, National Hank, Nara Visa 3,679.45 practical lines, City of Toledo, County and State RATE FROM CC was much the teachers. houses is already noticeable. Old National Hank of New Mexico, Raton... 3,274.91 dj;o enjoyed by aforesaid, and that said firm will pay Ass'n 3.585.03 SANTA FE, P00.iJiJ He "Conditions, educationally, shacks and dilapidated buildings Union Co. Trust ft Savings said, the sum of ONK HUNDRED DOL- First National Lake Arthur 3,678.86 Dates of Sale, 3, 4 and 5 have a material and have been replaced by decent school Bank, July undergone LARS for each and every case of Ca- First National Hank, Las Cruces 3,680.56 for the in Santa buildings, and your superintendent 30 from leal change, better, tarrh that cannot be cured the use Deming National Hank 3,277.90 Return Limit days Fe five tells me that actual preparations are by county during the past years. of HALL'S CATARRH CURK. First National Bank, Lordsburg 3,676.72 date of sale, within which time We have indeed been fortunate in being made to build and repair some- Lake wood National Bank 3.275.93 be FRANK .1. CHENEY. original starting point must having men behind the school move-- 1 thing like twenty school buildings Hank of Deming 3,678.79 reached. Low rates from all ment, who have proven fearless in during the coming year. No one Sworn to before me and subscribed First National Bank, Melrose 3,679.54 other on Santa Fe. the of Your mission could look upon the school exhibit you in my presence, this Gth day of De- Clovis National Hank 3,675.99 stations the discharge duly. I'ortales Bank ft Trust Co 3,675.83 commendable. You are endeavor- last February without ex- cember, A. D. 1SSC. H. S. LUTZ, Agent, is displayed Bank of Magdalena 3,687.98 to your best efforts in be- pressing the greatest of admiration (Seal.) A. V. GLEASON, Santa Fk, . . New Mexico. ing push Exchange Hank, Carrizozo 8,678.54 half of an education, for the rural for your efforts, under the supervi- Notary Public. First National Hank, Helen 3,276.41 communities, an education that sale-guard- s sion of your superintendent and his Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern First National Bank, Hope 3,679.30 The I have National 2.869.67 and protects the children of assistant. things that ally and acts directly upon the blood First Hank, Alamogordo serve to First State Hank, 1,870.83 PROFESSIONAL CARDS our county, it has only been recent- mentioned only indicate the and mucous surfaces of the system. Deming - First. National Bank, Ft. Sumner 1,559.83 ly that we have started to come into progress you have made. In conelu- Send for free. I testimonials, Nutionnl Hank of Commerce, New York, 5,157.91 " edu- j sion let me state that while am not AT LAW. our own, by demanding proper F' J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. First National Hank, Ellda 2.655.74 ATTORNEYS 'engaged in actual educational work, cational recognition in the country Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Sierra County Bank, Hillsboro 2.450.88 districts. Our people have long been feel it is my duty as an American Taos Bank 3,341.54 EDWARD P. DAVIE8, jl Takti Hall's Family Pills for con County ignored and disregarded. Had the citizen to respond when called upon Torrance County Loan 1,820.40 City Attorney. us the something in behalf of the stipation. State National Bank 40,347.89 Bank United States government given say Capital City Building, U. S. Hank & Trust Co., Santa Fe . 2,374.30 17-1- Rooms 8 New Mexico Savings Hank & Trust Co. .! 540.52 Santa Fe, New Mexico Citizens Bank, Albuquerque .1 4.508.63 STATE TREASURER'S QUARTERLY STATEMENT First National Bank, Farmington .. 7,207.89 G. W. PRICHARD, San Juan National Bank . 6.023.20 and Counsetior-at-Law- . 1, and May 31, 1913 The Socorro State Bank 4.000.00 Attorney Covering the Second Quarter of the First Fiscal Year, beginning March 1913, ending in all Practices the District Courti TOTAL .I1482.870.12 attention to case and gives special Transfers Transfers Disburse- - Balance Funds not available. the State Court. Title of Fund or Account. Balance Receipts before Supreme Feb. 38, 1913 to Funds from Funds. nients. May 31, 191? Office: Santa N. M Laughlin Bldg., Fe, .". .'". Yr. . 4,047.12 4,047.12. State Purposes 63d Fiscal Fd.. iOO Yr. Fd.. 25.00 6.SX6.47I 6,536. I7. Chai. F. Easlcy, . Chat. R. Easley, State Purposes 1st Fiscal 63d F. Yr. Fd ';. 3,817.141 3,817.14. VETERANS OF GETTYSBURG WILL EASLEY & State Institutions EA3LEY, State 1st F. Yr. Fd '. 14,769.35 14,769.35 t aw. Institutions, 648.77 Attorneys-a- Cattle Indemnity Fund 6.201.09; 910.48- 6,462.80! Practice in the Courts and Defer Fund 984.11 2,235.33 Sheep Sanitary 5,8811.04! 3,645.94 FIGHT THE GREAT BATTLE OVER AGAIN Land Charitable Institutions Fund 8.552.95 . 973.03 Department 154.59 12,930.51 Land grants and titles examine. Insane Asylum Bds. Sinking Fd 12,775.92 . Fund 3,420.88; 884.68 3,717.16! 588.40 N. M branch Office, Estaa Eradication Indemnity Santa Fe, Fund 41.373.S3! 1,706.00 8,988.60! 39.745.OOi 13,323.43 M. Road cia, N. Fd. 2nd Ser 7.114.49 . 46.06 7,160.55 Capitol Reb. Bds. Skg. WAR DEPARTMENT MAKES LAVISH PREPARATIONS TO ENTER- places whore, as vigorous young men, Fen. Convicts Fund 2,026.23 8,860.57 . 6.663.491 4,223.31 Earnings f WHO WILL MEET AS they gave their best for their flags. DR. W. HUME BROWN, Fund 8.50'. i. 8.50 TAIN UNION AND CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS Compilation 3.441.84 Dentist. Game Protection Fund 4,571.02; 712.50;. 1,841.68, COMRADES JULY 1. has been preparing . 2,283.20: 291.60! 3,471.83 Over Store. ... Interest on Deposits Fund 2,336.27; 3,710.36 for the of Spitz Jewelry 16. 811.27 3,352.04;. 4,530.84 15,632.47 (By Oliver P. Newman.) 000 people to order, but the United Gettysburg 2 Maintenance Public Lands Fund Rooms 1, and I. 2,736.13 11. bat- with half a for four years. In that time it has en- Compensation Assessor's Fund 2,736.13. Gettysburg, I'a., June The States war department, Phone Red 6. ' . Taxes of 1907 Fund 395.20 395.20; tle of Gettysburg, the greatest in million to spend, is proving equal to listed the of congress and Office Hours g a. m, to 6 P. m. 519.62!. 519.02. Taxes of 1908 Fund . . American history, is to be the task. of most of the states, all of which And by Appointment. Taxes of 1909 Fund. 1.053.00 . 1,053.00;. bul- reunion. 3.940.451. but in memory this time, not with A lighting system, a water system, a will be represented at the 1910 Fund ' 3,940.45 . Taxes of lets. sewer and all In most cases the siates or the pa- Taxes of 1911 Fund. "r 9,198.06: . 9,198.06!, system, hospitals other . 105.85 The blue and will instead triotic societies of the states have pro- C. C. M. D., Taxes of 1912 Fund 28.322.36 28,216.51! gray join, necessary facilities for housing and GUNTER, 509.1 3! . 20,761.58,' 776.42! of forces on historic vided funds to the expenses of vet- S. F. & G. Cos. R. R. Bds. Fd. Ser. C. 21,028.87, oppose, the spot feeding 40,000 men for the reunion pay PHYSICAN SURGEON, 6.00; 8.00' . 14.00 3 and 4, half a thou- - erans to and from The and S. F. & G. Cos. R. R. Bds. Inc. Fd. . . cu July 1, 2, century, have been established. Five Gettysburg. i 3,397.45 3,397.45! to a from the time the, same men 18-1- OUIl runuI.....! ; day, Rooms 9 Bldg. Calls --91117(114! 35.00 16.523.55; 4,581.59 Laughlin Legislativerf Expense Fund si niggled for each other's life blood attended or .'V',l1,464.35!. 2,143.64!.. 3,459.79! 148.20 promply day night. Mounted Police Fund oo. 726.12 in the decisive battle of the Civil war. Fund 4.883.071. 1,213.05!. 5,370 Agricultural College 3,946.661 124.50'. 4,071.16 Today the engineer and quarter- Ifoffice2 4 hours;m 7 8 j 9 to a. ffk, to p. to p. n Agricultural College Inc. Fd 85.34 85.34 . master's departments of the regular College Per. Fd j Agricultural 1,065.391. 1.158.201 2,223.68 to the battle-liel- School of Mines Fund ; army are hustling get 8,284.75. 2.129.951 0,820.29 59411 University of N. M. Fund ready to encamp 40,000 veterans . 1,350.38! j 5,097.00; 1,733.96 Normal School Silver City Fund 5,480.58 j of the Union and Confederate armies, THOUSANDS OF :i 5,879.32!'. 1,470.311 7,349.63 Vnrnml Srhnnl T.;,H Vpfrjis Fund.. who are expected to assemble in n re J 1,278.311 15,497.39! 761.09 Military Institute Fund J4'???-:!.- union that will mark another epoch in 29,982.68!. . .j,22.i.Ui . 29.9S2.6S 3,223.5.7 POSTMASTERS Insane Asylum Fund "drawing the hearts of a Miner's Fund 2,034.41'.. 549.42i. 2,034.41! 549.42 together Hospital 7.284.30 men in a nation that has neither north Blind Asylum Fund 6,742.89 . . 541.41:. . 402.57! 151.05 nor Deaf &. Dumb Fund . 553.62;. south." MAY LOSE I0BS Asylum 336.34 Orphan School. S. Fe Fund 2.497.02. . 570.04!. 2,730.72! The great state of Pennsylvania is Spanish American Normal School Fund 1,903.28!.. 385.88! . 2,289.16 host for the reunion, which will be at- to an executive order 276.361. 528.18 According Reform School Fund 251.82;.. tended by many famous men and wo- issued President Wilson, prac- Reform School Def. Fund 1,331.75 .. 106.33 . 1.438.08 by 369.76; 165.28 men of 50 years ago and of today, the Fourth-Clas- s Pootmast-er- s Museum of N. M. Fund 254.86;.. 280.18. tically all 258.53! 118.21 most noted of whom will be the presi- to a Rep. Old Palace Bldg. Fund 184.74!.. 192.00;. will be compelled take 1.093.22.. 305.26!. 1,398.48 dent of the United States, himself a to Indigent Student's Fund Civil Service examination deter- Current School Fund 46,299.03; 3,747.39 10,210.96 23,149.52 22,589,64! 14,518.22 southerner. mine whether they may continue to N. M. Penitentiary Fund .1 2,510.79' 2,510.79! hold their offices. These examina- Reserve Fund 33,657.68. 23,149.52!. 4,430.00 52,377.20 7.507.33 . tions will be open to all other ap- Interest Fund 4,198.40; 597.46i 9,495.00 2,808.19 . 1.140.81. 6,484.76 2,806.56 plicants who may want the Penitentiary Cur. Expense Fund... 8,150.51 Penitentiary Maintenance Fund 13,965.661. 1,965.63'. 7,795.65 8.135.64 Convicts Fund 770.12!. 63.60;. 339.201 494.52 Fourth-Clas- s Trans. Discharged of . 342.61 Appointments Pen. Sewerage & Plumb. Fund 285.11 57.50. Postmasters will hereafter be for 28.00 1.00!. 29.00 Fees Fund 120.01. life. The man who gets the job Pen. Kit. Bak. & Din. R. Fund.... 1,594.881. 192.51i. .1,667.38! 796.97!. 420.551 437.19 this time will have it as long as he Board Fund 60.77;. Penitentiary 100.33 . 9.54. 109.87 lives. Bath House Fund Penitentiary '11.491. 9.54. 21.03 A Fourth-Clas- s Fen. Supt's. Rooms Fund ' Postmastership 97.95'i I. 27.00-- 70.95 as with Pen. Repair Fund . pays as high $1000 a year, 95,986.06 13,628.81; 4,425.41 3,554.95' 81,645.79 28,839.54 ex- Salary Fund Money Order and Registry Fees Miscellaneous Fund 28,347.68!. 4.810.28 12,534.981 20,622.98 tra, but it is worth several times Militia Fund 9,302.98!. 554.46 1,321.111 8,536.33 State 4,824.331 945.91 that amount to any merchant. The Capitol Contingent Ex. Fund 5,070.87!. 699.37 entire served the Court Fund .40!. .40 population by Supreme 187.38 371.98 Post Office and its Rural Routes Armory Cer. & Int. Fund 184.60. Cer. & Int. Fund 9,757.041. 621.48 8.670.00! 1,708.52 comes into his store to transact Deficiency 68.19 Series C Bonds, Int. & Skg. Fund. . 10,005.69!. 9,937.50 business. Thousands of dollars of 52,68 10,210.96; 10,210.96 23.55 29.13 Common School Income Fund I additional trade can thus be se- Univ. of N. M. Income Fund 85.86! 306.69! 392.55 " " cured. - Nor. School S. C. Inc. Fund 695.76! 157.67; 853.43 22.20 If you have the Post Office, you Nor. School S. C. Per. Fund 22.20' and 46.29! 15L67. !!!.'!.'!!!.'.'.'!.'.'.'.'.'.'.'!.'"" '20396 government Pennsylvania provide can't afford to lose it. If you don't Nor. School L. V. Inc. Fund quarters and "rations'' for veterans Nor. School L. V. Per. Fund 67.02 67.02 have the Post Office, NOW is i .'.'!.'.'.'.' .'..'.'.'.' 265.31 from June 29 to 6, but cannot pay your N M. School of Mines Inc. Fund. 68.76 .196.55! July chance to it. The office 77.591 .'.'.'.' tares. of get will go N. M. School of Mines Per. Fund., 77.59 lailroad Thousands veterans to man 60.50 112.40 172.90 the passing the best exami- Military Institute Inc. Fund of course will pay their own fares. nation, and he can hold it for the Reform School Income Fund 77.13' 77.13 Although the battle was fought the rest of his life. Income Fund.. 1 483.13 83.03! 566.16 ot Blind Asylum ' first three days July, the ceremonies Income Fund 81.58 72.1 Sj 9.40 For over 10 years the Interna- Deaf & Dumb Asylum will occupy the first four days, to in- Income Fund j 48,735.41 1,515.93! 3,151.59' 3,386.92! 43,712.83 tional Schools Water Reservoirs when Wil- Correspondence Reservoirs Per. Fund 127.211 61.34 6.13! 182.42 clude the Fourth, President have Water 1 been preparing men and wom- Miner's Income Fund 178.231 70.53 248.76 son will deliver an address. July en Hospital to successfully pass Civil Ser- Insane Asylum Income Fund 43.82 103.15 146.97 will be "veterans' day," given over to vice Examinations. The I.C.S Insane Asylum Per. Fund. 320.00! 960.00 1,280.00 exercises by the Grand Army of the 2.691 108.39 Course for Fourth-Clas- s Postmast- Imp. Rio Grande Income Fund 4.684.20! 26.88 4,600.00 and the United Confederate Fund 10.991.67 116.64! 11,108.31 Republic ers will Public Bldgs. at Cap. Inc. commanders-in-chief- . give you just the informa- 673.35! 66.90! 497.49 242.76 Veterans, whose tion to Penitentiary Income Fund j you need successfully pass Per. Fund 2.94! 2.94 Gen. Alfred B. Beers, of Bridgeport, Penitentiary '. this examination. Palace Income Fund 6.21 !!!!!!!!'.!'!!!!!!!!!'. !! X. 6.21 Conn., and Gen. Bennett H. Young, of Fill in and mall the attached cou- State Char. P. & R. inc. Fund 28.00 sieo''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.X.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'....'..'.'. 60.60 Louisville, Ky., will preside. It won't in C. S. 5 Pro. U. S. L. S. Per. Fd 121,040.78 121,040.78 pon obligate you the ?: ... 2 will be when r ...u 1 2,927 42 July "military day,' least and the l.C.S. will explain Pullman car lax will of maneuvers 10 & 25 Pro. U. S. For. Res. Fd 3,013.39, !,967.9S 45.41 the program wusist ho.7 they can qualify you to suc- thou- Ele. Butte W. U. Ass n. of N. M. Fd 576.25! 160.41'.;... 736.66 by regular army troops, many this examination I cessfully pass for Fund 593.19 577.77 1,170.96 sands of which will be present. July Fourth-Clas- s Postmaster and se- Hydrographic Survey Stream Gauging Fund 3,000.001, 3,000.00 3 will be "civic day," in charge of the cure Post Office for life. Mark 1.421. your Def. Cer. 1909 Fund 1.42 Gettysburg commission, NOW. 25.00.. 25.66i Pennsylvania the Coupon P. & I. Bds. 1901 Mil. Inst. Fd. and 4 will be "national day," Fund 1.67;. Y.57 July Insurance Armories because of the address, S. J. Co. School Fd. Schwartz Es. 1,574.25. 1,574.25! president's International Correspondence at Alfred E. Boers, of Connecticut, which will be followed by fireworks in Def. Appropriation Fund 1,013.381. 1,013.38 Above, left, Judge Schools Act Land Board Fund. 250.00. 250.00 of G. A. Gen. Bennett H. Young, of Kentucky, the evening. Carey 1,360.03'. right, Box 1238-- Scranton, Pa. Pen. Ref. Bds. Sinking Fund 108.53) 1,468.56 of United Confederate Veterans. Among the famous people expected 25.60!. 25.60 U. S. State Cor. Con. Expense Fund... '2,170.49 at left. Gen. Leonard Wood. A., in charge of the government to attend are Gen. "Dan" Sickles, who Please without furth- 65,505.481. 31,078.80! 36,597.17 Below, ft a a explain, Casual Deficit Fund ... it m. Mrs. La . arranaements at Gettysburg; uarrison, secretary lost hs leg at er on my part, how I Con. Convention Expense Fund . . 8,998.371. 7,785.39 1,212,98 right, "S Gettysburg; obligation will in the reunion. Salle Corbell widow of can for the position of Refunding Bonds Skg. Fund 1,360.031. 1,468.56 of war, who play prominent part Pickett, fthe qualify j Fourth-Clas- Las Fund 200.00i 446.00j. 646.00 famous Gen. George Edward Pickett, s Postmaster. Vegas Grant has a sand tents will be erected, with a cot Bank Examination Fees Fund.... 375.00 . 375.001 Pennsylvania appropriated whose charge was the niOBt thrilling of a million dollars and con- for each man. Kitchen tents are be- Name Salary Dist. Atty. 1st J. Dist 812.60, 812.50 quarter event in the three days' fighting; Gen. 3rd 4,059.02!, 4,059.02 a of a dining-roo- tents will Salary Dist. Atty. J. Dist gress has appropriated quarter ing prepared, Nelson A. M'les, who was a lieutenant St. No Salary Dist Atty. 5th J. Dist 979.16. 979.16 million, half a million dollars go up, dishes for 40,000 people will be and 2,111.82 making at Gettysburg; Lindley M. Garrison, Salary Dist. Atty. th J. Dist 2,111.82 to be expended In for the 0 provided and a food supply arranged Adams Ex. Co. 1.76. 1.76 caring of war, and Gen. Leonard Tax Fund veterans of both who will al! to the end that the Union and Con- secretary City ...... State Wells Ex. Co. Tax Fund... 822.00, 822.00 sides, Wood, chief of staff of the army. Fargo not have a of federate soldiers who on the Present Globe Ex. Co. Tax Fund 46.95 !!!.'.'!.','.'! 46.95 penny expense. fought Occupation , It Is some job to take a barren bat- lield of Gettysburg may get together, Just Try a New Mexican Want A4 Totals 769,331.44? 131,020.91: 121,135.20; 121,135.20!?417,476.23;j 482,876.12 tlefield and convert it into a city of 40,- - isit together, tell stories, revisit the it you ant auiclc return. PAGE FOUR SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1913.

BRAINS NEEDED K IN OUT GARDENS By I. E. Sanborn, in Chicago Tribune sip It looks so slmp'p to play the out- field the general belief is that any fast man who can catch a ball can play BASEBALL! out there. But in order to bold the FIGHTING LEADER, IS THE MURAT OF job in fast company he must be able , BASEBALL to hit the ball on the nose with much STRATEGY.! In othar words, an out- YOUNGEST MANAGER IN MAJOR LEAGUES HAS RIVALS GASPING FOR BREATH AT HIS AUDACIOUS frequency. Fine standing the Clubs. fielder is supposed to be a batsman first and a fielder afterwards. since I took y . Such important matters as studying y Club Won L:ist Pet. the different batsmen und governing .Philadelphia 29 12 .707 one's play according to the score do FOLEY !New York 24 in . .rr8 not into the minds of many a KIMY PIES! i a .548 as a outfield-.52- Brooklyn ,'....23 player who is rated good CONTAIN NO HABIT FORMING DRUGS 'Chicago 25 23 er until he "gets up against the real r . E. D. G rover, 414 Spaulding St., j Pittsburg 23 21 .4S!)gaim and has a lot of problems to For ELM IRA, N. Y. 'St. Ixmis '." 22 Sfi .458 'solve without havl.ig learned the an- - while a Boston 17 20 .395tsw( : in the minors. says: "Recently having spell Backache, f t kidney trouble I took Cincinnati 17 31 The White Sox looks to be wel1 Foley Kidney Pills sur'ied with . Manager Rheumatism. and got the very best of results Club Won Lost Pet. Callf.'vin has four of them, all fairly Their action was prompt and effect- ive. I had backache In Philadelphia "7 1:' fast, young Dlayers able to hit the bill mi! and pains the m 15 side, were .G94.wj,, considerable precision, to cover Kidneys right my kidneys congest- 22 and" ed and their action Since Washington 26 j42 ground well, and all possessed of gool irregular. Chicago 27 24 .529 arms. What more he could using Foley Kidney Pills I have had jtiiro'Viig m ladder. no more backache no Boston 22 24 4sask !'" the fans don't see. But Calla-.3S5j,a- i and trace of my former trouble." Detroit 20 32 j,a j,a(j nlen pcouting for weeks kidney St. Louis v...... 20 364 land lias refused to waive on every out-.23- 9 N'ew York ...... 11 on whom waivers were sought. CAPITAL PHARMACY. He is searching for an who Western League. cur "grasp the ia(:a or has aireauy i ON 20 MINUTE will Club Won Lost Pet. grasped it and has confidence enough CARS LEAVE stop for thirty minutes in Santa Denver 34 14 .708 to coach the other gardeners. SCHEDULE JULY 4th. Fe before beginning the return laD 31 19 .620 Albuquerque, N. M June 11. A- Judges will be stationed all thu jSt.' Joseph Pome batsmen are pronounced right along 2( 21 .553 the committee at route to see that no Lincoln ; fidd hitters, and the outfielder that lthough appointed rules are 23 .540 the auto road race boosting meeting Omaha ...... 27 knows his business will swing around 24 25 had raised iDes Moines .490 so much jesterday practically thi as to protect as as possible cu'-le- j entire the LEDOUX AND Sioux City ...... 21 27 .438 of that field. Others hit oftenest to prize fund, meeting McGOVERN 29 for last at the Commercial BOX iTppeka 19 .396 left field and the reverse arrange night DRAW. 12 36 .250 club was on account of th.i 'Wichita t of the outfield is necessary. It postponed absence of Sellers. 11. is the business of the men out thevts Mayor Boston, June Charles Ledoux, The committee will make its report of observe the of all their t bantamweight champion France, Where They Play Today it'j peculiarities on the amount raised at the meeting. Phil McGovern of opponents at bat and take up their fought Brooklyn, There is little doubt, acording to th-- ten rounds to a draw here last 'ons without waiting j night. National League. accordingly the fund will ba bet- to them. canvassers, that , The French boxer had a little the New York at ft;- heir manager "set" s Chicago. large enough, and then final prepaivi-t'.on- ter of the bout, in the opinion of In some a on the Brooklyn at Pittsburg. things manager for the road event will be com- many spectators. at. lu outfield. Hie Philadelphia Cincinnati. nch cannot coach his pleted. . DUNDEE TAKES ON above noise Boston at St. Louis. u;ice will not carry the Perhaps by next week, and by tli; ' JACK WHITE OF CHICAGO. v. lien a is hit. but the men long fly week after, at the latest, cars to be Los Angeles, June 11. Johnny Americai. League. OV .there can coach each other, parti- entered in the race, to their Dundee of New heads stripped York, featherweight, Chicago at New York. cularly on drives hit over the chassis, will be rnnninc over count rv and Jack: of were is !White, Chicago, Detroit at r, the Then there t'ie d Washington. outposts. roads, getting tuned up for the race. matched yesterday for a twenty-roun- of to do with a ball af-t-- r Cleveland at Boston. j what The stripping of the stock cars, un- fight here June 17. it or a safe hit. St. Louis at Philadelphia. catching stopping cording to the requirements for the Dundee and Ad Wolgast, former Mnny a game has been won and losr road event, will take some time, and were sched- or lightweight champion, American Association. jhy making the right wrong throw, tfter that the dr'vers will want to In- uled to fight in the Vernon arena last of the and Student of Inside Baseball, Who Has Toledo at Ixmisville. ri;d the question wrong come accustomed to the course and night, but an injury to Wolgast forced l on Traveled with Naps Since Season Indianapolis at Columbus. 'ght depends entirely the existing to condition their cars. the promoter to call off the match. ? Opened. Minneapolis at Kaunas City. tituation. The first car will leave First 'Street White is one of the best known St. Paul at . An outfielder like Jimmy Schekard, and West Central avenue at 9:30 in the and is Irish- featherweights country There's a brand new, fighting formerly of the Cubs, is of far greater o'clock in the morning of July 4, il regarded as a contender for the feath man In the battle front of baseball, itlue to his team than the average l as been decided. cars wih held now others stand for it. The Games. Other erweight championship by wouldn't Today's e Jen-ting- His chief value was heave at twenty-minut- and Johnnie Kilbane of Cleveland. and when the nam?s of McGraw, honor works like a charm. lug recognizes. intervals, system not his own individual brilliance but 11 will have started noon. The cars Kelly, Ewing, Tebeau and other "Gross fellow. National' League. by up the other .Figure 'lis and willingness to help his hereafter out and don't do it," ability great Celts are mentioned what he expects, At Pittsburg associates in the gardening game. A are two orders. 3 9 2 SCHOOLBOY MATHEMATICIAN that of Joseph L. Birmingham, who Birmingham Prooklyn of a fly ball himself, One bunted with 11 I 0 perfect judge PUTS ONE OVER ON EUCLID, made Cleve land team the sur- day Birmingham rittsburg Schekard never failed to coach his has the two men out and bases filled, win- - Kent and O. Mil NEWTON & CO. the Stack, Yinglking. neighbor on long flies. Often a Cub prise of the game this year, must be The team was a run and Gibson. ining the game. ler, Fisher; O'Toole has gone back at top included. i behind and d thing the speed, with his back turned to the bal Birmingham is a real boy manager. was to hit the ball hard and pray At Chicago (Ten innings.) on Schekard to him at Delicious Chocolate. 14 2 depending stop Hpt 2S 3, and for a hit. The bunt upset the oppos- New York He won't be until December the proper instant, and Schekard's October's chilly cUjc toggeit something ing team, the pitcher went to pieces; Chicago 2 i 2 lor the inner mtn. he is the youngest manager that ever "whoa" usually brought him around winn and had to be taken out. Fromme and Meyers; Smith and WaVa readr. BY ROSS TEXXY, in time to make the catch if he could We're serving hot chocolate made from played in the maj'jr leagues. when were : Next day the opponents Archer. iget under the ball at all. caw r pruuuci uuteu lor the a for order its purity, excellence and "Birmy" has given Xaps when seemingly beaten. They finish looking bunts Birmingham who can make a noise also will pre-- : deUcfouineea of flavor. of" to knockeO fighting spirit in contrast to the once like the Detroit club other days. ed his players slug. They At Cincinnati vent any chance of a collision between We don't know of any other atore from the box that, 4 -- meek aggregation ready to let the These things have made the fans talk three pitchers day Philadelphia liia pals, even if they do hot" know that lerret ebccolate too on the field other fellow tramp upon its neck. about the who has made No hand shaking goes Cincinnati ; 3 7 "jhow to decide which shall take the ezpenaire, perhaps.ttgjrIt'a different at OUR5 ma- Games are no there'a nothiDg too good for our Critics who have picked the Ath- the team one of the best fighting with Birmingham. Mayer, Moore and Whaling; Ben ball without looking at each other. patroni. a tea for the rivals. And A PIPING HOT letics, Washington and Boston to run chines in baseball. longer party ton and Clarke. made outfielders out will man. from who is play- CUPFUL FOR DC. away realize there's new sort of ball Birmingham is a manager who every Lajoie, of and Hahn. He knew of hiti wonderful career, Pat Dougherty Barred with dainty, chap orackert. team in Cleveland. alone bring joy to the heart of ing the game American League. and where he was q every batsman e crew his He to the rawest firmly believes freah. yon-r- refuses to believe, and says Birming- and that regal of day. recruit, At Washington-Detr- oit. most to different kinds of . HUYLEPS 'waya If series likely hit rnt of ae city, we'll expraea to yon. team into broke a to turn defeat into will play in the world's 1 ham has "conned" the play- leg trying they 11 14 pitching, and would have broken two next fall. 1 ing ahead of its natural gait. victory Washington 0 5 clinched There isn't a factional difference on The Naps are on the first eastern could he have the game. Dauss and McKee; Engle, Gallia Invasion and before they return home ' No longer does "Birmy" sport the team. The players are fighting FEATHERWEIGHT CHAMP not them- Wilson and Henry. OVER JIMMY FOX. Griffith predicts they will have slump-- crutches, but. when his broken leg was for everything, but among WINS ed. The acid test comes when Naps torturing him at every move he was selves. And, what is more to the At New York 11. ''. WEBSTER'S meet Athletics in Philadelphia June on the bench with the master base- point, they are demanding and getting Oakland, Cal., June Johnny Id close Chicago 1 1 12, 13, 14 and 16. That series should ball brain directing the team. their share on the paths, hitting Kilbane, of Cleveland, featherweight NEW is New York 0 6 fl defeated of a' see Cleveland in first place or lower in He has erased the word "quit" from to .300 as a team, r.nd Joe Jackson champion, Jimmy Fox, sydney gross. .450 mark. Russell and Schalk; Fisher, Keat- in the sixth round INTERNATIONAL race. the There isn't a rule clouting the ball around the this city last night sixteen-year-ol- d the Nap dictionary. A , toy has solved BIRMINGHAM. ing and Gossett. of their scheduled d bout. Up to June 4, the team had knocked for his players to obey. "You're al JOB a mathematical problem that has baf- DICTIONARY of Cleveland Baseball Fox's seconds threw a sponge into 35 pitchers from the box in winning men and know as well as I do how to Boy manager fled the world since the beginning of THE MERRIAM WEBSTER have At. Boston the when their man was help- 32 of the 45 garaeh. care for yourselves," he. told them. Team, Whose Aggressive Tactics ring civilization. The New dic- of 1913. Cleveland . ; less and on the of a knockout. Only unabridged In 12 games they came from behind And not a player cuts loose. The Made the Naps the Sensation verge He has found a way to divide an in Boston 51 Fox was outclassed. He tionary many years. completely angle into three equal parts without Contains the and essence (Tied end of 12th inning). showed little form and his punches pith ' the use of higher mathematics. And of an authoritative library. Seventh Period. in the big leagues today. He's hitting had no force. that's that neither Euclid Covers field of knowl- BRITISH PAPERS throw? he neves American Association. out something every No score, good. Can he Why That Kilbane did not put him nor Des Cartes nor Newton nor any edge. An Encyclopedia in a COMMENT ON Eighth Period. misses 'em. Jimmy McAleer brought At Columbus (First game) was due to his kindness of heart. other mathematical that ever book. out in St. but he sharps Goal. Time. him Louis, thought Indianapolis ... 5 11 2 When the sixth round began, the lived could do. The with the POLO MATCH was too 1 like a catch- Only Dictionary 10. U Waterbury, IT. S 2:37 light. light Columbus 7 5 2 crowd demanded that the fight be This progidy is Sydney A. Gross, a New Divided er 126 pounds Page. Gross score: United States 7; Eng- myself weighed only Harrington, Merz Works and Cot- stopped, and Fox's seconds responded Philadelphia high school boy. 400,000 Words. 2700 11. While when I broke in." Pages. London, June admitting land 3. ter, Casey; Cramer, Cook and Smith. with wanted tQ trisect an angle 60OO Illustrations. Cost "' are and alacrity. Sydney nearly that the pace of the American polo Penalties: United States, 1 2 "Our pitchers doing well, and wasn't satisfied with the elabor- half a million dollars. was too much for British L-- I've four in reserve as good almost team the points, on fouls by Waterbury in ate" "higher curves' method invented Let us tell you about this most team in the match at Meadowbrook as the four I'm working, regularly. second ; h. in fourth THRONE-LES-S by Euclid, 2,100 years ago and used remarkable volume. period Waterbury Whenever of the latter show QUEEN " WANTS ALIMONY FROM single jesterday, the evening papers today D. Milburn in seventh period. any ever' since. So he got and made Write for period; are in need of a rest any one of busy sample express themselves as not altogether Net score: United 5 2 they KING OF FRANCE. a little cardboard device that does gea, full par- States, the four others is ready to go in. discouraged by the result of the first 3 the business as as a drafts ticulars, etc. goals; England, goals. there are Moore and Chalmers, simply match. Why, man's pantograph. Name this both but so as Seaton, Bren-nan- , The Evening Standard says: "The fit, long You can place It over the you paper and Alexander and are doing angle British team ought to have learned a DOOIN SAYS HIS Uixey want to trisect and work the hinges we will and well there's no sense in disturbing the end tree great deal from yesterday's game TEAM IS OK. NOW and in a moment you have your three asctcf we are more hopeful of the result of arrangement. angles. "The showing we made in the Pocket the next game." The "sector," as it is called, has 11. "Get and Athletic series in Maps The Pall Mall Gazette says: "As the Philadelphia, Pa., June Washington been examined by Prof. M. J. Babb of said Dooin the probably misled a good Eritish never had a really fast one thing clear," Manager spring the University of Pennsylvania, Prof. players of "and that is that the many fans as to our real strength. I game since landed in the Phillies, David Eugene Smith of Columbia Uni- piactice they Phillies are not their didn't give a darn about those games, America, failed where playing beyond versity and other experts and has they just they The fact that we are out in tried to win them, of course, but have been reasonably expected speed. been pronounced a scientific discovery MerriimCe. night front doesn't mean, to my way of the main thing was the benefit to be to we feel some con- of great value. It will be especially 1 HeT Sprint-fiel- fail, but may we are had from the workout." I V Miua.r"j fidence now have the meas- thinking, that going beyond useful in the mechrnical arts. that they our but that some of the other ure of gait, their opponents." clubs are Gazette slipping. BARBARA WINS The Westminster says: "There is one man on our still we cannot only "We may hope, but lnli lo liltrinp- Qhnva llis rpffll- - MOTOR RACE mm entertain longer great confidence that Jar ,t and tw0 of them PaaUert At Much Leas effort made TO BERMUDA ass the big by England will'n,, Trtorna . wav below INDIAN MOTORCYCLES Down Than LOW GRADE MACHINES time." ,ittw restore the cup this their real form, about .150. There is June 11. The The next game will be played Satur no reason why we oughtn't to be able Hamilton, Bermuda, motor boat Barbara II, crossed the LIST PRICE F. 0. B. DENVFR 1st PAYMENT day. j to go still faster and no reason why i line 25 minutes 20 sec The detailed score we oughtn't to stay where we are. finishing and yesterday's o'clock $210.00 Single Cylinder, Regular Model $128,00 match is as follows: I never saw a sandier lot of players onds past three this morning won in the race from Philadelphia, which 260.00 Twin Model 168.00 Period. than mine, and there t be any Cylinder, Regular First or heart' started on at 1:150 p. m. Goal. Time. cracking losing just because Saturday 285.00 T. T. Two Speed, . . Single 188.00 to meet with setbacks. Unofficially her time from 1 J. M. X. ...1.36 they happen 335.00 T. T. Two . . Twin 268.00 Waterbury, S.., "I've the Phillies was 85 hours, 14 minutes, 20 sec- Speed, 2. L. U. S always thought Waterbury, ...2:28 could win if had a ball club and ends. All Eqipped with Cradle Springs, Fore and Aft. 3. D. U. S ...3:33 they Milburn, you must bear in mind that this is PROVIDED: Your order Is in by 1st, 1913, the agreement' Second Period. the first time they have been able to RITCHIE AND RIVERS July as at Goal. . Time. put a club in the field since July, MEET JULY FOURTH. will be cash down listed under "payment,1' and the balance 4. Captain Cheape, England ...4:04 1911. From that time up to this year San Francisco, June 11. Willie $20 a month until paid for. If you can make more on payments or 5. h. Waterbury, U. S ..3:03 the team was simply shot to pieces Ritchie, lightweight champion pugi less, there are special propositions for each. Ask for a catalog with I don't care who the list of the world, and Joe Rivers, Third Period. injuries. anyway and see for yourself. J Goal. Time. manager is, to be up in the race he challenger, formerly signed articles ? e. J. M. Waterbury, U. S. ..0:31 has to have his best players free from late yesterday for a cham- or have first-clas- s reserves. contest in on the Remember, the First of Come, Will Fourth Period injury pionship this city July. "I see we are weak in sub- afternoon of 4. Goal. Time. they say July stitutes, but I can't see it. We have The men agreed to weigh 134 Be 7. L. XT. S 7:19 Glad to Explain Waterbury, Runt Walsh for substitute infielder pounds ringside. The articles stipu- Fifth Period. and Beals Becker and Doc Miller for late that they must be to enter ready Marie Dorothea of Austria, .A-GrElT- Goal. Time. the outfield. We have the twenty-fiv- e minutes after Dutchess of Orleans, Formerly Archduchess - T ring Duke of to 8. Ritson, 2: 02 behind besides Killifer and in, failure to do carry- who wants a divorce from Prince Phlllipe, Or'eans, pretender KIRK:' Captain the bat, so, England.... weighing of 72 9. Captain Cheape, England ..3:35 myself, and Howley is one of the fast- ing a forfeit of $1250. The forfeit for the French throne. She will ask for alimony and the restitution money Phone 138 J Phone J has live with mother. Sixth Period. est men on the team. not making the weight is fixed at she has advanced her husband. She gone to her No score. "1 consider Killifer the best catcher 2500. Archduchess Cfothilde. PAGE FIVE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1913. SAHTA FE m MEXICAN MUCH DAMAGE 1 LIGHTNING Ready TrimmedjP UNITED STATES BANK & TRUST CO. By PERSONALS ADOLF SELIGMAN DRY GOODS CO. AND HIGH WIND - (Owing to the great Interest manl HATS CAPITAL $50,000 00 Although the rain which fell last tested In the Personal Column, the hIrIU was of great bcmelit to the coun- New Mexican request Its readers to try In general, not a little damage was send in by mail (a postcard will do) At Less Than Cost Ladies' Wash Dresses Does a General Business dene in the city by the lightning anil or by telephone (call "31") items of Banking so read- the wind which accompanied the down this column. By doing the ers will confer a favor on the New 1'Our. Lightning struck in the city in MRS. W. LINDHARDT Mexican and on their friends. Com- SPECIAL SHOWING several places, and this morning at Your Solicited munications sent mall should bear Patronage 1 ast To are out of business by 125 Palace Ave telephones the of the en that account. The company, how- signature writer). I to have them all in work-ii.'- I LOW PRICES! LOW PRICES I N. B. President. W. E. GRIFFIN, Cashier ever, expects X X X LAUGHLIN, The order by tonight. electric TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS: Arizona. It is however, much less J. B. t. wires were also out of com UMY, light put N the Postal Tele- - pronounced than on Tuesday morn- in and at the Telephone mission several places, company if you do not get N ing, and high barometer appears on JIOSANFRraf of Modern a wire graph ctrner the Grocery, and one will be de- - the Pacific, also east ward in the cen- of its insulation as clean your paper ,v,an stripped livered to you at once. N tral valleys. Showers have occurred 4 m i'i h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 as; though it had been done with a pen from New Mexico and northern Tex- knife, and the wire broken in two. , as northwest to Idaho and Montana. The wind did considerable is in Conditions favor showery and warm- damage, Father Cimilo, of San .Miau. the a INSURE WITH HAYWARD AND REST CONTENT. afternoon and to- too, to gardens and trees, broken city on a short visit. er weather this CITY LOTS FOR SALE - limbs the streets in all di- night, with generally fair and warm- strewing T, S. Marshal A. Jl. Hudspeth left Gal-iste- o er We are offering two HOMES on DON DIEGO ADDITION. rcctiohs this morning. last night for a trip to Silver City on Thursday. BARGAINS A peculiar accident happened to official business. Street from five to seven blocks from about 2:30 tltis morn- - Charles II. of this Tony Winsor Webb, formerly DIVORCE ASKED Plaza at BARGAIN PRICFS. Large lots, fences and Month - pod buildings, $50.00 Down, - Balance, $10.00 Per ing, which proved to be a very nar- city, ami now located at Albiuiueniue, row escape for him from being struck lis a visitor in the city for a few BY WIFE OF trees. Exceptionally desirable for Hie family wlio wants to keep lightning. He had been, engaged Warranty Deed 1913 Taxes Paid. by days. COLORADOAN horses, a cow, or to have garden patch. These will go quick. Are in digging a cellar at what is known K. I'. Davies returned last evening as the Sena school back of the high from Tierra A marilla, where lie had! you interested ? 11. Former Con- school, and shortly after midnight for the two weeks on court Xew York, June jbeeu past Pence of Colora- fearing that the rain would fill his business. gressman Lafayette do, is defendant in a suit for separa- cellar full of water he got up and V. S. Marshal Alfredo Del-- j JOSEPH B. HAYWARD, MANAGER, O. C. & CO. Deputy tion here his WATSON it begun today by wife, went to work ditching around to Uado's first otiicial trip called him to' Room 8, Capital City Bank Building, Santa Fe, N. M. ; Mrs. Catharine Pence, turn waters lie was work-- 1 Soper daughter A. the away. j where he will remain for sev-- (C. BISHOP) Ituton, of Ixi IF IT'S REAL ll Ixi ing by the light of a lantern which of Robert. Soper, Georgetown, Ky., i ESTATE, WARD (IAS IL eral days. She does not ask for absolute di- INSURANCE SURETY BONDS LOANS stood on of not feet - a pile dirt eight J. .M. Harlan, the Albuquerque con- from him. there came a vorce but charges extreme cruelty Suddenly tractor, who has charge of the im-- j 189 J. bolt of which and abandonment and alleges contin- Phone, lightning seemingly on the Do hotel, in his immediate provements Valgus ued misconduct with Mrs. Lillian N. struck neighbor- is in the 119 San Francisco : Santa Fe, New Mexico. hood he felt no ill effects. city. Duke, divorced wife of the millionaire St., although A marriage license has been issued Looking around however, to see where tobacco man. 1 1 1 1 to Hernardo Sanchez of Santa Fe, 47, HI 1 I II 1 I I I I it struck he was to see that "I have refrained from asking for WHY BE BAKED OVER A HOT STOVE? ltlHIIIIIIIIHtHn surprised laud Virginia Lara, age H7. of Questu, the bolt had cut a round piece of a divorce," .Mrs. Pence said, "because county. 1 When can PERCOLATORS and CHAFING glass out of the lantern globe, and jTaos don't, want him to have a chance you buy that the in the lantern was Mrs. M. I. Summers, of Hoswell, to marry that woman." DISHES run by electricity or alcohol ? I have a fine light - ' 'and Miss high-gra- de still burning. Margaret Lee, of Albuquer- The Pence's were married in 1SSG. assortment of the Sterneau Inferno," all !(iue, are the of Lee and j on & guests Harry For a lime he was n member of the. chafing dishes, which you can cook a MULLIGAN vis-- 1 RISING, (wife at the De Vargas hotel. The Colorado After a term meal, and the percolators which will make a cup Mr. Lee. legislature. WALL iters are nieces of in congress, Pence took up his law of most delicious coffee in a few minutes. STREET. M. formerly! FUNERAL DIRECTORS .Mis. I). I.aFolletie. practice in Washington, where, the Miss Anita Jeuks of this hut now' SAN FRANCISCO ! 66-6- 130 city, wife alleges, he met Mrs. Duke. Then : H. C. VONTZ, STREET. License Numbers, Day or Night Phone, Main. 1. A more cheer- JEWELER, New York, June of Oklahoma City, Okla.. arrived in she avers, he abandoned her. a Next Door to ful tone characterized Postoffice, today's trading Santa Fe yesterday to visit, with herj Counsel for Mrs. Pence explained on the stock market and re-- compared mother, Mrs. J. Jenks. She will this afternoon that they were now-tryin- with yesterday's violent movements ;main during the summer months. to serve Mr. Pence with the the market was narrow and calm. The Ismael Snarks has returned from papers, and that they believed he was inlluonced the . opening rise by !riallnu , here he has been on business was in Washington. LIVERY BARN advance of the American stocks in with the New Mexico Fire Ilrick com- - CORRICK London. naiiv He renorts the outlook for busi- - BOXING BILL DEFEATED Commission house buying, covering THE STAR BARN neS8 as good and tlie roln,)aliy getting! IN ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE NOBBIEST OUTFITS IN THE CITY of shorts and speculative purchases Ub , W. A. - - pant shape for a blf, otItmlti Springfield, 111., .lime 11. The bit! WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR. ror me account sumuuueu uie : long in: Superintendent of Public Instruc-- limited round con- - for a time, but the demand was not permitting boxing a ition Alvin X. White, who lias been f)Hts in Illinois was defeated in thc GENERAL LIVERY Buggies and Saddlers Specialty. well sustained, and the upward moro-tme- attending the institute at Carlsbad, PWOI. house of the legislature last lacked vigor. Speculation b (will go to Roswell this week and then 59 to 4fi. Hack and Lines. Re- Hacks and Transfer. Attention and the Best came once the deman-- night, Baggage Entire Stable Baggage Prompt hesitating :to Karmiugton to be present at, the of Satisfaction Guaranteed. showed signs of falling off and the institutes of Chaves and San Juan stocked. Best Rigs you can get. whole list gave way. Support became counties. SADDLE POMES. AND FOUR HORSE moderately after the ha.1 TWO OUTFITS. PROMPT SERVICE. strong prices Miss Claribel Fischer last to the of yes- - returned 9 W returned neighborhood i . i ... Phone 139. San Francisco St. 104 DON GASPER ST. Telephone if v"i..ii,.,. 310 .'terday's close, but the market was eveumg iium l.u.uihuuni j u..eBe i LU,u INSURANCE sensitive and fluctuated in rather a ,aao PrS wnere sue iiiu mnsueu er us a inervous position. Umiidtttioii conttiv nrst year siuueui. .tnss luel in certain stocks. Claribel will spend the summer vac- FIRE, LIFE, Mr. Il I fionds were ation at the home of her pa'ents, . AMERICAN irregular. ' v With prices evincing no determined iand Mrs. Adolf Fischer, PLATE GLASS inclination to go up and bears hesi-itatin- .Mrs. Lorin c. Collins leaves Friday ! lis to sell owing to the indications for Seatle, Wash., and will go to a su- The Best That Can be Bought of support, speculation became dead- - burb of that place called Bremerton, AT ANY PRICE Grain Flour ip.cJ tanked. Th list ruled about veslr- - where the United States naval dis- - Hay, wex-- are and will Take no chances on either j day's final figures but advances plinary barracks located, We Can Save You Money. j mostly fractional. visit her daughter, Mrs. McGill, wife when a small amount will give a Trial Order. Phone 214 The market closed weak. Unloading c.f Captain J. t McOill, of the marina you the protection that you Telephone J. of large blocks of Canadian Pacific corps, who is in command of that sta-sen- t need, and when you do use in- We Buy and Sell for Cash. down the price with a rush tojtion. surance get the best, as it is 219 J compared with 21" at the! s. II. Cole returned from the Valley the cheapest, and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. -:- - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. opening. The effect ot demoralization lianch yesterday after having a suc in this the list cessful and the of ALWAYS SEE W TPADE MAJ& MTER MARK stock spread through fishing trip, landing Guaranteed Pure, Clean and Wholesome. R and there was a in all quarters, a hundred of the speckled beau slump nearly IMIfllMIIIMIIMII Union Pacific sold at 137 4 and steel ties. He was a guest at the Valley; FRANK M. JONES, at 19 both new low prices and Ranch, where the best of aceommoda- - Bank ether issues sold from i tions are always to be had and where Office United States Building THE SANTA FE HAY AND GRAIN CO. important (FIRST KI.OOK) to a point under yesterday's close, j Mr. and Sirs. Miller keep the latch: IF , YOU BUSINESS MEN with business expanding greatly on string on the outside constantly. who has purchased the Insur- M. O'CONNELL, Mgr., - - 116 Galisteo St. the break. Antonio Lucero, secretary of state; ance Business of the L. A. first-cla- ss only realized the business-buildin- g power of Prank W. Clancy, attorney general,; Harvcu Aorpnrv- - Strntur lines. NEXT INTERNATIONAL jand Robert P. Krvien, commission of good companies, goedprotection stationery, you would choose your own Bond Paper and CONGRESS AT SAN FRANCISCO, public lands, will attend the banquet' its selection to a subordinate to be given at Albuquerque tonight to not intrust June .11. At A. A. who Just been Ghent, Belgium, theijion. Jones, has mumruTnjiuiuxruuumuuu-urLa- business closing meeting today of the Tenth j appointed to the position of first c saHENRY And, if you wanted to make your stationery Congress of Agriculture, sistant secretary of the interior. Gov-- ' KRICKe 100 efficient, you would specify the American delegate Dr. Alfred lernor McDonald will probably attend! DISTRIBUTOR OF True, of Washington, proposed that before returning from his recent trip (be next Congress in 1915 should be tc Las Vegas. LEMP'S KEG and BOTTLE BEER held at San Francisco. BUDWEISER IN BOTTLES THE WEATHER Manufacturer of all kinds of Soda Waters made from Pure Distilled THE water. Agent for Manitou Spring Mineral Water. TELEPHONE 35 J Santa Fe, New Men. H. S. KAUfiE & GO. Score another for the "arid west" COUPON and add 0.68 of an inch of rain last Grose night to the previous total of 1.11 ioern nj (Fac-Simi- Water-Mark- ) Price Where Quality Governs the inches for the month. Lasting al- most all In a slow drizzle with The De Luxe Business and Price the Quality night COMPANY Paper livelier bursts at times another splen- did downpour visited this section last because would find that COUPON night and made doubly sure a record by comparison you ' breaking season for the ranchman Mrs. Warner SUMMER TOURIST Its not a new Idea, but one and the dry farmer. Ther was some wind too, as you noticed, the ens well worth considering when perhaps Is now us character impressiveness, and all that makes stationery weather bureau a maximum furnishing you buy your Groceries. The recording with her fresh HOME and wholetomeness o' velocity of 36 miles from the south- really productive-Jus-t purity MADE all foods sold in our store east. In the mountains , the rain BREAD and of And see the Is best kind of Health changed to snow and northeast ROLLS, PIES, COF- RATES specify COUPON. BOND today. your the to within about Insurance for you. Inferior city extending FEE CAKES, LAYER sua mantel of difference. Let us show are not sold by vs. We eight miles of the city, a you samples. goods morn- NEW NEW MEXICAN PRINTING COMPANY. AGENTS. leave that to thosw who wish white covered the range this CAKES, Etc., every SANTA FE, MEXICO, Sanl Fe. N. M. to take chances. HIGH ing. This is an unusual site for this hour in the day. If TO QUALITY AND A PRICE AS time of the year. ." have tried them The temperature yesterday did not you Denver, . $21.10 Colorado Springs, $18.15 LOW AS THIS QUALITY we no NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. R. 1 W., N. M. P. M. WILL PERMIT Is the basis get above 59 all day, the high mark need say more, reached at 1 p. m.,' while 49 de- 16.35 Salt Lake, 40.00 He names the following witnesses upon which we want our being but if you have not, Pueblo, . Ogden, grees was recorded at, 8 a. m. yes- Small Holding Claim No, 5838 017877. to his actual continuous adverse reputation to rest. P'east don't prove terday morning. The lowest point get busy, you . 51.85 St. Louis, . . . . 47.35 of the United of said tract for remember this. Chicago, Department Interior, possession twenty reached last night was 40 degrees, know what you have Land Office, Santa N, M., next the survey of 51.85 N. 66.45 States Fe, years preceling while the lowest at the other stations been missing. I St. Paul, . Buffalo, Y., . . April 9, 1913. the township, viz: is as follows: ,; H m r follo- 78.85 Atlantic . 79.35 Notice is hereby given that the J. J. Salazar, of Cuba, N. M.; Hllarlo JUST RECEIVED Amarillo, 52; Bismarck, 56; Boise, New York, City, . of N. M.; Onofre liarcia, 52; 58; wing-named claimant has filed notice Lucero, Cuba, Cheyenne, 46; Dodge City, to Return limit, October of X. Morales, of Another car load Of 38: 28; Grand Fresh Vegetables Daily On sale daily June 1st Sept. 30th. of his intention to make final proof la LaJara, SI.; Dicga Duraneo, Flagstaff, to east of Chicago and St. Louis LaJara, N. M. Boss Flour. Junction, 48; Helena, 50; Kansas 3 1st, except that points support of his claim under Sections 16 Patent limit is 60 from date of sale. Any. person who desires to protest City, 56; Lander, 48; Los? Angeles, return days 17 the act of March 3, 1?91 Phoenix,';-54- ; Port- and of against the allowance of said proof, or PURE FOODS 52; Modena, 42; We save you moneyon (26 Stats., 354), as amgnded by the land, 50; Pueblo. 50; Rapi City, 58: who knows of any substantial reason Monarch Canned Goods,. STRAWBERRIES FOR act of 21, 1893 (27 Stats., Roseburg, 44; Roswell, 6Q; Bait Lake, PRESERVING. LOSOALIFORlsTIAANGELES. SAN FRANCISCO, CCC EC February under the laws and regulations of the Richelieu Canned Goods, CC 470), and that said proof will be made 48; San Francisco, 50; Spokane, 58; SAN DIEGO, OAKLAND, Ot0 Interior. why such proof Peeled Call for- - V3'd before Juan C. Sandoval at Cuba, N. Department Hunt's Hand 44; WinnemuccaF52. 1913 fhould not allowed will be an Tonopah, On sale June 1st to Sept. JOth, 1913. Return limit, October ilst, on viz: Fortino Castillo be given nla Canned Fruits. Forecast. S daily, M., May 20th, above-mentione- d 1- - opportunity at the EXCURSIONS the S 2 NW NW SB For Santa Fe and Threat- SPECIAL for cross-examin- e vicinity: 4 time and to the & SANBORN'S 4 NW 4 NW 4 NW NE place CHASE ening with probably showers and LOS ANGELES, SN FRANCISCO, witness of said claimant, and to offer NW 4 NW SW 4 NE 4 NW Tea Coffee. warmer Thursday generally SAN DIEGO, OAKLAND, $5055 evidence in rebuttal of that submitted and tonight; PU.aa W 1-- 2 SE 4 NE 4 NW N fair and warmer. CANDIES 7. Return 31st. claimant : FINE Dates of sale, June 30, July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, limit, Aufust 1-- bj 2 NE 4 NW Sec. 3, T. 21 N., R. For New Mexico: Generally cloudy MANUEL R. Also on sale 22, 23,24,25,26.27,28, 29. Return limit, Oct. 22, 1913. 1 W., and S 2 SE 1--4 SW 4 SW OTERO, with Bhowers, in east portion tonight Aufust .- ,- . NE 4 SE 4 SW 1--4 SW SE 4 Register. or Thursday., SUMMER TOURI5T RATES

4 Conditions. NE 4 SW SW SE 4 SW S. KAUNE & 00. on sale to many other points in the United States and Canada. 1--4 4 4 2 There has been a gradual increase SE SE NE SW W It will not pay you to waste your call on or address. 1-- 4 4 4 I in the barometer over most of the For further oarticulars SW 4 SE NW NE SW time writing out your legal forms 24 -- 1-- 1-- 1--2 4 1-- western during the last SE S 2 S NW SE N when you can get them country H. S. - SANTA FE, N. M. g already print- Vhere Prices ar Bst low bar- LUTZ, Agt., 2 RE 1.1 VW 1.1 Sn 1.1 MR 4 SW Mexican hours, although a trough; ot ed at the New Printing ' ituH 1-- NV,1 : ometer still extends from Montana to 4 NW 1--4 SE 1--4. Sec. 34, T, 22 Ccpajy.:;C's . .v Fo Sate Quality riruuinAruinnnnjianj; JUNE 11, 1913. PAGE s:x MXA tl NEW MEXICAN WEDNESDAY,

THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA. iiiiiinnmmiiniinimn Santa Fe New Mexican

s ,"' ' ' ' I Entered as Secoad Clusa Matter at the Saate P Poatoftlce Common sfnsO The Saota F New Mexican Published Daily fiv 'T The New Mexican Review English Weekly El Nuevo Mexicano Spanish Weekly Must one to Publishers prompt every get The New Mexican Printing Co., and maintain a Bank Account.

It is the Convenienc- Bronson M. Cutting. President Greatest of Business es-Money Safe-Guarde- Charles M. Stauffer ..General Manager is d and Editor yet Always at Command. J. Wight Giddings. Where are you going to spend your vacation? If you enjoy dancing, fisting, hunting, horseback riding tennis 6) . . Editor rom with A William P. Brogan ...Associate playing, trap shooting and all out door sports come to Valley (Ranch. Two and tnree bungalows bath, FEW STROKES OF THE PEN WRITE A Ia CHECK-MONE- oaa and two room cabins or rooms in main building. Accommodations already reserved ahead to July. PAYABLE ONLY TO THE ONE INTENDED TO SUBSCRIPTION RATES Yours? RECEIVE IT AND THE CHECK, WHICH IS ALWAYS RETURNED TO THE 15.00 ky awll. . .1.M -- K- o.llv. Mr vear. by mill Dally, per qsartsi, H- - MAKER AFTER IS 01J0 Booklet Free on PAYMENT, THE BEST FORM Oally, tlx month, by mall W.Si Dally, par quarts, ky earrtaf Request OF. RECEIPT. M.M Waakly, tli mantha M Weekly, pir year THE VALLEY RANCH, VALLEY RANCH, NEW MEXICO. THIS STRONG BANK RENDERS A PERSONAL SERVICE TO EVERY DEPOSITOR AND IN- VITES YOUR ACCOUNT. the people of his home state and the 25TH HOMICIDE THE BYSTANDER Duke City will often come to mind in FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SANTA FE most SINCE JANUARY AS IT pleasurable memory. SEES when A. A. Jones of Newo Time may come IN DETROIT Capital, Surplus and Profits, ! fiHi "All Today's Today" can do some favor for New Mexico, Jffj $245,000 and while he would, without doubt, do June 11. In the Corn On the Cob. i! there is an additional in- Detroit, presence is any way, more witnesses I do not believe there anybody centive in that he has been told by of half a dozen or eye to Italian, hereabouts who has not begun his friends und that they an unidentified man, evidently corn on the neighbors killei think about the season of the honor that has come to was shot and almost instantly appreciate man a PHONES: cob. one of the citizens of the state and by an unknown during quarrel now that the two at Brush and learned 31 It, has been a long time that are of the of between OFFICE 286 EDITORIAL ROOMS be content with corn they proud recipient BUSINESS have had to the honor. streets. it been good of on the revolve in. the can and while has The which Mr. Jones is to The glint light . position as a u omer t !iu the hand of the unknown slayer sunsinme, ., iu Q .u,vi, i, ,nv An The Montezuma Hotel THE SENATOR AND THE PRIMARY substitute,, a sort of pliotograpuaj held back the men who had seen the In Ihe results of the j much for the west in calling attention SANTA MEXICO. There is something entertaining, not to say amusing, the original. shooting, and the murderer escapea, FE, NEW of to it, and the great south- on of Hie primary election proposition in the selection fnited There are a good many excellent particularly running eaBt on Larned street until carrying west, and all that can be done In inisi, Slates senators. and palatable results that come out ne disappered from the view of the THE TRAVELING MAN'S HOME way is of incalculabl o advantage. We! ,..,, . It is so different now, and we will all of us watch with very great interest, of the garden. That's one thing that ,,,.,, QofQ hiu. an- need the advertising. We need to be ihe action of the candidates for the honors of the toga. makes gardens a delight, and the tance. The shooting took place in Cuisine and Table Service Unexcelled. Rooms en for the senate. known to be fully appreciated and it suit with In gone bv the people saw little of the candid lie of the good edibles that are front of J. Bomarito's saloon, into years his ticipation is no small to have a friend baths. Electric Steam Heat, sections of this country never saw him. He managed campaign to come from them offsets the pers- advantage which the body of the man was car- private light, Many he at court. and the only citizens of his state fr.r whom cared and weariness that go some- ried, while the police flyer in charge Central Location. from headquarters piration has shown the were the candidates for the legislature on his ticket. times with the early preparation. We Albuquerque right of Lieutenant Jack Buhrer dashed to to different and will lose noth- Rooms. The candidate for the house of representatives had adopt cannot accomplish much in this little spirit Albuquerque the scene of the shooting. Large Sample THOS. DORAN, to to be show of of an Prorpietor. methods lie had to get among the people and meet then, face face, old world without labor, that is, much ing by this appreciation The dead man had been shot school-roo- a honor done to this citizen of our seen and known. To him the country was as familiar place that, amounts to anything, like corn through the mouth, the bullet, evident- scene for his state. as the opera house in the cities or his district as the unloading on the cob. ly of large caliber, boring its way into the town halls scattered here and the. The man stock of oratory and and I have seen peopl'1 take corn and put the lower part of brain. there were known, every one. the cob end on a plate and strip the AMONG as Placed in the patrol wagon but iiMijaaK of the Vnited States must finally THF FMTORS WOOD 'S STAGE LINE And now the candidates for senators off with a knife and 1 always ni on the way to gt Mary.. Hospi the common air! kernels wnw,de submit to this indignity of getting down among people for as we feel tal. He was unconscious when eye La Salle Hotel i like n felt sorry them, just Didn't Know It. From actually being driven out into the isolated country districts, just for a who we know is witnesses reached him. sorry person Now had it not been for the Roose- - congressman. out of life, and Theodore Stoffles. 168 Congress BARRANCA TO TAOS plain that Senator losing something good velt libel suit we never have The condition is brought to mind by the vigorous campaign the who does not enjoy taking might streeti who toId the poice he st00d person known there was a mint bed at the CHARLEY Meets Both North South Penrose, of Pennsylvania, is conducting. a cob filled with nice, big, juicy ker- al,out 50 feet f rom tne coupiei sai(j the 1 GANN, Prop'r wants to back to the senate. White House. Clovis Journal. was a small man evidently Bounds He go or nels of corn and sinking his teeth into murderer Trains. rim nee he has is to lay aside the robe of dicta Back Numbers. ?,fi he wore It and gnawing it off has just missed about years old, and that 1 European Plan. q Leaves Barranca on the arrival el common which the people wear and j School's out. Summer's and arrav himself in the garments one of the things at the here.dark cIothjnK. He saw the fellow 1 Meals At All Hours. north bound and m pleasantest ditches i the train arrives at which are recognized now as me garments iu.n, whether it is and stylish There's water in the irrigation draw ,is gun and shoot. The man Rooms in Connec- - of today and the rea, table, pretty have out their Elegant Taos at 7 p m. past political regime have become the suppliants and refined or not. and the youngsters got talked in Italian, he said, tion. Steam Heat, suits. and rithme-- j 1 1 Ten miles other rulers are the people. I do not give a rap if it looks like biithing Geography After an hour-- work Lieutenant shorter than any which he nee. Ar- - Electric and Baths. Senator Penrose will probably see parts of Pennsylvania who and tore tic are back numuers.-Carls- bad alTested g Lights way. Good covered hacks and good was the cave dweller gnawed Jack Bhurer and hig men more the whom he supposed - saw before and he may learn about people at his food like a beast of the field or gus- Fandre, Italian laborer, 31 years 1 RATES: 50c 75c PER 'DAY. teams. Fare $5.00 round trip. Team to Senator and he will have Tony and to represent, it mav be a lesson Penrose, if I cannot eat corn Much Surprised. .old tne a charge furnished commercial man to take In the mountain, ' 0n poijce blotter, 241 San Francisco Street. fl if he to by it, for he originally - study it hard and diligently expects profit off the cob in the corn sea- We are surprised to see of murdter Was written opposite Near S. W. Corner the surrounding towns. Wire Embudc teacher and from him the senator right green jg Plaza, under the wrong 1 Patterson the of was taught politics json, then don t warn any green corn, taking up fight th3;Fandres name A number of men Jsff station. view. en- - jWMWWWIWIWMlWilll gained a very biased that's all. sugar trust to maintain a tariff that who said they were eye witnesses of the same con-tn- e idenii-Fiime- Other senators in other states are going to have experience I do not not know just why these ables it to exact from every sugar kjning were 110t agrfeed on the peo which Senator Penrose is now facing, and the school Instituted by came to me today unless it in the Rocky mountain region flcation of the prisoner as the murder-fro- lesson is to prove o. thoughts pie teaching Vnited States senators 1his primary going was the longing that comes to us all two to three cents per pound er, gome insisting that they recognized candidates well. price--Far- m-; inestimable value, not only to the people, but the sometimes for those things that we more than an equitable him clearly as the man who did the J MAYES can't have, and now, just as the green ingtnn Times-Hustle- shooting; others denying with equal "Fixit Shop" MEASURES spears of corn begin to show in the No Complaint. .emphasis that he was the man. For of All Kind THE WAY HE it makes me think of corn Not word of has been The searched Fandre 's rooms Repairing has a strike in two of nis largest mills gardens, one complaint police In Metal and Wood Governor Foss of Massachusetts, on cob. of but found no revolver. He did not 20 cent increase. A feature of the strike the recorded against the appointment INSURANCE Twelve hundred workers ask per Be Jim. one in his was the out of young women who Sunny Granville A. Richardson as special jave pockets, GUNS, BICYCLE, of more than local interest going thirty h homi-an- d women is full of in- In Cleveland, th town, of this district. As a lawyer The killing is the twenty-fift- are not connected with any union. The story of these judge LOCK, KEY and the city causes the street car company a citizen, he has been !!' to occur in Detroit and environs . . private struction. on lines a limited ser- enforce-!sinc- e 1. 1912 there Fire, Life, Accident for motors and blowers to run certain one of the people and for the January During UPHOLSTERING SPECIALTIES Thev work at winding armatures dynamos.., d similar vice for persons who live far out. ment of the law to the letter. Honest werH t)ut 27 homicides during the Plate Glass, Etc. Etc It is hard work In Newark, N. J., in a unionized plan', producing 128 GalisteoSt. Phone 109 J Fnss A "limited" can't run faster than firm itlre vear. this work is done by men and their pay is $22 a week. In the fair, yet courteous, Judge . articles, weei--Whe- since it has to run is as a an ordinary car, . the maximum pay of the girls for identical work given $6 Richardson will uphold the honor and REAL ESTATE plant of on the same tracks; but in rush hours EUGENE a half holiday was recently established, the wages there dignity of the important position at TRAMP PRQUES TO NADEAl), PROPRIETOR, Saturday it is a convenience because it doesn't - was cut 40 cents. Naturally the girls struck. all times.- Artesia Advocate. Former Master Mechanic girls discharge passengers until several BE PRETTY GIRL e and a warm friend of labor around political Reason. City Property, Farms Foss is a miles out. Hence persons wishing to The Sacramento Shaft, Bisbee, Arizona, campaign times. a little take other cars When a newstmner desneratelv' Ranches, Orchards have been cam- go only way Md It. Mrs He isn't stingv, either when it comes to Foss. There and on the "limited" have shouts: "The countrv is going to the Cumberland, June Land passengers B- Grants, Etc Foss mi:ht have nuide the bow-wow- s Dem-'Lul- of Mulberry Grove, paigns in Massachusetts when the money spent elbow room. demnition because the Ingram, a - - n NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Atlantic tide turn green with envy. cars are mark- ocratic congress is about to reduce the !Mo- - suburb fst- Lou,is- wea,r These, limited plainly look workers. edi-!!w- hive diamond but ng Small claim No. 5277. Bonds But he "couldn't afford" to raise the pay of these girl armature ed, the sign also telling in large let- tariff," it Is not a sign that the rings holding Surety for at the like a tramp in ragged male attir Serial No. 015207. Mid though a candidate for the Democratic nomination president ters where they make their first stop. torial force is anxious to break into a his refusal to consider n was taken from a freight car here and of the Interior, convention, he offered as an excuse for The service has been going a number j lunatic asylum, but merely that the re- Department Paltimore asked to all about herself, United States Land Office. made the absurd. explain . raise the fact that the tariff agitation had suggestion of months. You'd, therefore, suppose sponsible editor is a' cuckoo, and; . Of All K i n d s . i ue young wmow was given 1913. k men's work that an rich who can read would know or "endowed" the preiiy Santa Fe, N. M., May 24, girls doing already that persons ignoramus by graft an to her distance. i opportunity change clothing Notice is the man in politics is not a nice spectacle, seen from the enough to look out for the "limiteds ers to help them in heir efforts to con- hereby given that 194 24 may splurge before how she d Telephone matter of course, in Massachusetts, and not climb onto them unless tinue Raton Re- explaining happened following-name- claimant has filed W.Joom It is, however, so common, so much a they robbing the people. to be the lore of a hobo. vote-gettin- wished the limited service. assuming notice of his intention to make final LAUGHLIN that it doesn't seem to interfere with his capacity. porter. When she BUILDING, will think of it It is not so. reappered everybody gasp- proof in support of h'.s claim under We wonder what the country at large They All Know Artesia. ed. Her costume was the lasteBt 0 Every day, with unfailing regular- split sections 16 and 17 of the act of SANTA FE - NEW MEXICO Somebody sent oat a bale of alfalfa skirt variety, cut-awa- coat slipper-- s ity, from a tenth to a third of the oc- March 3, 1891 (26 Stats., 8.r.4), as through the mail last week, and the and stockings to match. AT GETTYSBURG! cupants of the limiteds frantically sig- amended by the act of February 21, 1. addresses of the sender and the rec- Just about the time of the What a gathering that will be at Gettysburg on July nal the conductor for immediate stops. explana- 1893 (27 Stats., 470) and that said viiil he fouirht all over again by the survivors who will mett not eiver-to-be were accidentally torn off. tion was due, Harrj K. Ingram, of St. will be made before Juan C. Ttia4 ...... which, under the rules, he dare ' proof hti auu ...1,1...u uw.u:.- - The mark was too dim to make Louis, a commission man, and brother-ou- t N. there, but it will be in reminisence, tree trom ouierness imake. and of the number that thus post Sandoval, U. C. Com'r., at Cuba, ... the name of the but thejir.-la- of Mrs. Ingram, and handclasp of loyal trienasnip in which an uiuenic reveal that they didn't notice what car town, appeard M.,' on July 10, 1913, viz: Francisco of Artesia s alfalfa bales had Bad he was taking care of her. Shi of for lot 1, Where has become complete. were a lot to story Mora, Cuba, N. M., the reunion they entering proceed she was a f h been far and wide and the rail-- explained that making trip Sec. 5 and 6, Sec. 16, Alfred E. Beers, of Connecticut, commander-in-chie- of the G. A. it., tongue-las- the conductor and threat- spread 21, and lots 4, Judge the pack-- j 011 a waSer of I5.0C0, the wager being T. 21 R. 1 Bonnet H. of Kentucky, commander-in-chie- f of the United en him with vengeance. way clerks. forwarded little N., W. and General Young, made at a society function held re- - will meet at the head of the two great organizations The other night a robust woman an- age right back to Artesia, although He names the following witnesses Confederate Veterans, at Mulberry Grove. Shall We will be of two men, once the most bitter enemies and gered by her own mistake, tried to there was nothing on the wrapper ta (centiy to prove his actual continuous ad- and the meeting that It was explained to Mrs. Ingram with the remnants of their old armies through an open entrance, and ir.dicate its starting point. Pecos Val verse possession of said tract for now devoted friends, because both, leap that there is a law in most of the East- to the same to make this the motorman had to throw his arms ley News. twenty next the sur back of them, are living and working end, ern states which forbides women from years preceding and in the world. around her to save her. On the same A Come Back. vey of the township, viz: Go nation the best, strongest in This occur nuu car another because the masquerading male attire vice Andres It will be half a century, to a day, when this great reunion win woman, angry Senator Fall met his match in th-- Tranquilino Romero, Jose - versa, and she immediatly is historic. conductor wouldn't make an excep- produced Archibeque, Culso Sandoval, Felipe it will be an event that senate the other day. The resolution p. roll of tion in her case, refused to her! large money and purchased Salazar, all of Cuba, N. M. of memories for many. It will be a day of inspiration pay to the s under a ? It will be a day fare and had to be lifted out. i investigate lobbyists ticket to Newark. for all. will be delivered, but not one can hope to equal ennfatrierntl...-- when ?pntn- - ttV.ll ?tna. Any person who desires to protest Summer and hope Speeches vou . "Anyhow," she remarked, "I got this of the bits Are ever eniltv" nf not looking ... allowance of said that, of Abraham Lincoln's which stands out as one greatest ,, : tiousiy snggesiea tt'.at tne resolution far and I imagine I won the against the proof, epic of getting stung" and then of making . wager." or who knows of substantial rea- of oratory the world has yet known. omD,IuH t ' ,. any Upon the correct answer to this a fuss about it, trying to blame on ,..." . "I.. son under the lav. a and regulations of others a responsibility which is the question will depend much of now with each other and have just entered yourjthe United States. "Or abroad,' WORTH THE PRICE interior department why such Spain and Japan are flirting own should not allowed will be the pleasure of your outing. may acquire land in Spanish added Senator Thomas, of Colorado, proof be into treatv whereby the Japanese Do SAYS BRIDE above-mentione- arrangements not you grouch easily when caught WEEK'S given an opportunity at the d Why not avail of the Hack of these diplomatic arrangements between nations, it is referring to Senator Fall's interests yourself territory. 16 in an error, instead of acknowledging time and to cross-examin- e the whole meaning. Spain's adherence in Mexico and the laugh was on the place assistance of the undersigned, always easy to see and discover the situation with a Wis. 11. of said the United States would not be con- grin? Sage of Three Rivers. Hillsboro Five Milwaukee, June "Oh, no, the witnesses claimant one of summer any position Japan might take against A public conveyance, no I don't and offer evidence in the Santa Fe's old of a might offer you've Press. retgret it much. It was worth to rebuttal of sidered seriously and any support the wreck monarchy doubt noticed, is a to ' tour His help will in sudden good place study $500 to be a wife even if It did not that submitted by claimant. specialists? would not be of any vital value, but there may be, this diplomatic human nature. The of Produce It At Home. on toward great majority last long. I'm no spring chicken any FRANCISCO DELGADO, cost you nothing, but you will move something more than just a warm feeling Spain's part are fine m The ranchers of the San Juan should travelers their patience ' more and I did want to become some of that ration in their ostracism from see to U a Register. find it Invaluable. Japan and a sympathy for the people and jovial humor; but one or two that this year they B've man's wife." are a occupation of the Philippines larKer amount of their time and American soil. Maybe they planning joint cranks in a car cau certainly stir up energy That is the manner ir. islands by or by force. to the of those philosophic NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. when Japan has acquired those purchase a heap of excitement, to say nothing production products which an Illinois woman received u-- of which can be raised here in San Juan V. S. Lana Office at Santa N. M. annoyance. sympathy for the disapperance of her Fe, r. broken into "People," he well says, "have Don't be county, and are consumed in San Juan 28, 1913. Tr,i, Snllivan hns print. a sorehead when you travel, husband with $500. January Not Visit in the old fashioned way for cenluries, and I think the be a Sunny Jim. county, but w.hich are being shipped Department of the Interior, Why been born and raised ' Deserted by her husbandesieoaSi: r to of the Probably John has A into San from out- Notice is Filo-men- a Grand Cali- r,M times was suDerior that present.' Proper Tribute. Juan county the Deserted by her ' handsome, hereby given that Colorado, Canyon, .,tr.. old fashioned dashing Pino de reference to the force of the punch of the boys. The banquet to A. A. Jones given by side. Bacon, ham, lard and other husband," to whom she had been mar- Alarid, heir of Jose fornia, the Northwest Chicago, the for with de la Cruz Pino, of Galisteo, N. M., Albuquerque commercial club was pork products, instance, are, ried a week, and minus $485, which Adirondack, the Northern Lake and he was defeated an exhibition r. few notable in. who, on Not. 26, 1910, made Home- A man in Arkansas ran for the legislature says of the right spirit. exceptions, shipped she says her husband took with him or the Atlantic Coast should have stead No. 1--4 Regions, because some of the voters saw him go Into the bank. They New Mexico was honored by this ap- Cattle are selling for unusually high when he disappeared, Mrs. Violet Entry C14579, for SW in to borrow. and is room for SW Sec. 81, Twp. 12 N., Resorts this summer? given him the benefit of the doubt. He may have gone pointment of one rf her citizens to a prices, there many Adamsou, 30 years old, formerly a and 0 official more in So N 2 NW SW 1--4 NW 1-- Section high positn in our govern- the county. why sit down schoolteacher of Stone Fort, 111., ap- O. the ment and is well and when a little effort ex 6, Townshtn 11 N., Range 13 E., N. M. A man in North Carolina bearing the name of Dammit is asking it to show an appre- complain pealed to the police for aid and trans P. Meridian, has filed notice Inten- to his name. That body, if it wants rally to do justice, ciation of it. The banquet tonight is erted in the right channels wil bring portation back to her home. of Complete Information about legislature change tion to make five es- and act unanimously. really a big thing in the state and for in profitable returns? Farmington The young woman and' her husband year proof, to summer fares and train should suspend the rules tablish claim to service, n the state. It will give the new assist- Enterprise. whom she had known lees than three the land above de- scribed, before etc., sent promptly, If you ad- announced the invention of a typewriter that ant secretary extra standing in official weeks, arrived in Milwaukee Monday. Register and Receiver, Pittsburg scientist has U. S. Land Office at Santa N. M dress loaned it to the recent congressional spelling circles at the capital, for it will show! Subscribe for the Santa F; New Despite her experience, the young wife Fe, can spell. He should have on the 10th of 1913. that his home folks are glad to do him; Mexican, the paper that boosts all declared that were she face to face day March, school. names H. . a honor, and that they recognize the ap- the time and works for the upbuild with the same proposition again she Claimant as witnesses: S. LUTZ, Afent, , the national banks. pointment as one that is of ing of our new State, would not very her actions. Juan Baca, Plactdo Lopes, of Senator Knute Nelson favors emergency currency for worthy Leyln, SANTA a also where we could have it in the home? especial consideration. N. M A&tonlo Villanueva. Agnstln FE, Can't the senator arrange syBtein Then New Mexican. la Work, for the New Mexican. . 0 too Assistant Secretary Jones Work for the It It it Raatlrs (4 Galisteo, N. U. for Santa Fe NEW.M'BXICO does not Beem to will go to his new and honorable post working for you, for Santa Fe and working you, for and MANUEL a OTERO. Professor Taft says we are unprepared for war, but he new with the warmest of feelings toward he new state. the state. .. Register have impressed Sisson and Hobson with that fact. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1913. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN PAGE SEVEN

of the old-tim- e Indian scout, his hair FRATERNAL SOCIETIES droops in heavy locks about his Blood with shoulders and on his lingers are many MASONIC. Tingles rings of many colors. Raton Montezuma Lodge WANTS No. 1, A. F. & A. M. Regular communt FOR It ISN'T Furnished or un cr Warmth and Life eation first Monday nili.-c- rooms. Call at New Stale Cite FARMINGTON IS of each month at Masonic Hall at FOR SALK t'llKAl-'- Two rebuilt 7:30. lawn mowers. Good condition. Ap- Peo- Anaemic, Pale, Thin, Bloodless, Tired, Weary proud of scon E. R. PAUL, W. M. ply Fixit Shop. CHAS. E. LI.YNEY, Secretary. j ple Feel the Breath of Hew Life and Vigor. FOR SALE Fine furniture very if taken at 1.11 Don WHO WON THE MARATHON AT DENVER Santa. Fe Chapter No reasonable once, 1, 11. A. M. Regular (Jaspar. AND GIVES HIM WELCOME-STA- PLIN convocation second ..t w.l, ...nntV. 1 UC N'T A or HOME AND wiuiitiDj ui cam luuuiu FOR three six room at Masonic Hall at 'house tarnished or unfurnished. Ap- - CREAM IN PLENTY. 7:30 p. m. piy lo I). S. LowiUki. J. A. MASSIF, Farmington, X, M., June ARTHUR SELIGMAN", H P. Piano for Sale In first class condi ington people turned out Friday after-- ! Secretary. tion. Call between 2 and 4 p. ui. 107 noon en masse to honor William Scott, Washington avenue. winner of the third prize in the Mara-- Santa Fe Commanflery thon race held in Denver last Decora- - No. 1, K. T. Regular' SPANISH TEACHING phonograph tion Day. The gathering was one of conclave fourth Mon- - i.titlit. Will sill cheap. 24 records, the most enthusiastic and picturesque Clean, Sweet Cooking day in each mouth at See nie quick. 211 Jefferson street. Masonic Hall 7:30 , witnessed here in many a day. is the kind that hot at only will appeal to during the summer - Mr. Scott entered the race tinder the you p. m. ROOMS FOR MEN Newly furnish- Don't Let the Wicked of Bad Blood You S. months. Therefore It's up to you to t;et a Imps Lay Low; S. S. will Save You. most adverse conditions, and all Den WESLEY O. CONNER, JR E. tV.ed. light and airy, shower hath, use of The blood often needs a bracing in- skin unsightly. ver went wild when the "man in over- jW. E. GRIFFIN, Recorder. library. Mrs. A. E. P. Robinson, corner fluence. It demands help. It has lost Nearly all sickness Is due to sluggish alls," as they called him because he N&w Grunt and Johnson. Phone 270 J. that effect that blood. And S. S. Iteration - pulsating, Invigorating if you let S. bathe your had not time to don a suit, Basrrsnrai j my fry Santa Fe Lodge of Pev- fives brightness to the eye, with its influence running springiness system wonderful your made uip. fection No. I, 14th de-- VOR SALE CHEAP. A to the step, activity to the stomach and nervous fad- the exceptionally good showing Cook-stov- e troubles, your wan, weary, Oil Ac- - lot wind mill digestion, and that to make that he did. Ancient and proved good location, ought you ed, listless, lifeless body will revive and - Cooler - of 'One mile from Reason for sell- feel keen, alive and thrilled with the become so renewed with the sense of The town was decorated with flags eancr and than Coal or Wood- Cheaper than Gas eepted Scottish Rife plaza, i en- home-comin- on K. u. w., Vo sensation of nervous and muscular enjoyable health you will scarcely know for the reception, and .9UVr i'ree Masonry meets leaving town, Aouress And can Made with 1, 2, 3 and 4 burners. Dealers New .Mexican. ergy. you realize all of these yourself. Try S. S. S. today. Get a bottle it resembled very closely a holiday for everywhere. !the third Monday cf each month at joyful experiences by a short use of that at anv drutr store. If win HHv nut ti,n ' Catalogue on rcipiest 7 : 30 o'clock in the evening In the New wonderful fair. The school children were on the bracing medicine so familiar "blues," puf you on your you Cathedral. Scottish Rite Notice. The Ma-- j to host feet; keep scene in dray wagons and autos, wliich Visiting Singer Sewiig a of people as S. S. S. going all and entitle you to Jehino otiice w ill he drives day sleep were bedecked with Mowers. All CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Masons are cordially invited to attend. company's open It out the pains and aches of sound and restful. H. S. S. is gaily not a the town E. C. ABBOTT, daily. Anyone desiring to make rheumatism, puts life Into your dull, "dope," not a but autos of the lined up for the Denver, Pueblo, Albuquerque, 32, listless physic, a fine, bracing, Master. ments or secure supplies will rind a nerves; awakens the sluggish purifying medicine is sure to do occasion, as well as a string of car- that you Butte, Boise, Salt Lake CHAS. A. ;derk on hand. A. S. Lock wood. Agent. train; animates the tired, weary mus- a world of good. riages and buggies, and the plaza was Cheyenne, City WHEELON, Secy. cles; and arouses blood your to, throw It is just what you need. S. S. S. is crowded with people eager to get a out of the system oil those TYPEWRITERS poisonous prepared in the great laboratory of At- glimpse of the "hero" who B P. O. E. perms and acids that cause eczema, Ga. returning and lanta, and if you are troubled with made so able a for Santa Fe LodgeNo Cleaned, adjustea repaired. Npw lupus, psoriasis, acne, pimples, boils, tet- any stubborn blood disease representation furnished. Ribbons and sup- their medical I 460. B. P. O. E. platens ter and those scrofulous taints which will Farmingtoii in the race. dept. guide you safely to health. Cherries, which will also he being New York. They started from holds its plies. Typewriters sold, exchcaDged keen people half sick and make their Write them. The band boys assembled In ,,,.,! y1' regular and tented. Standard makes handled. are commencing to ripen. Los Angeles, California, April Nth. ession on the sec- ' AH work and . . . ' mak- repair typewriters guar 41 Ihfi business men of Farmingtoii They drive several pack burros, ond and fourth anteed. Santa Fe Typewriter Ex- - ... , . . Iliiive agreed to close their doors every ing eighteen to twenty miles per day, Wednesday cf each tu i j j t litri u in Liitr iiun i u u 1111 change, Phone 231 W. unit '1 hursduy afternoon during the sunt' and camping out most of the time. month. Vliitlnx of flowers in behalf of n ivense bouquet mer and will three individuals above mention-tur- NEWS OF THE STATE months, the populace (The brothers are invit will lie 'be citizens, who desired to jf-- - A reward of twenty Oollars express out and go to the fair grounds, claim to have been cured by a cer- ed and welcome. their for Mr. Scott's ef- paid for information the appreciation where baseball and other will tain specific for tuberculosis and the EDWARD P. regarding forts. sports DAV1ES, whereabouts of Thomas be had. purpose of this endurance is to present Three Runaways. proofreader, who was for tramp Exalted P.uler, - responsible The moved (entry . He left his home in Tucuni- A runaway horse plunged into the the blunder, promptly shot at sunrise, reception along very Next wilt be. Iowa in C. H. WILSON, Thursday Day - X. M., in 1912, was to nicely, as a large committee of towns- thoroughly cured. Norman A. Clark- cari, November, team belonging N. T. Bowman Tues- We trust the young ladies will ac- Farmingtoii. All the iowans are lo Secretary. De- people had been selected to look after son and .Mabel ( iarkson Aekernian last heard from at Alountainair in day and run a shaft in the breast of cept this explanation with our apolo in a picnic at the fair grounds. the program for the event. After gather are also members of the party. They cember last. Age. fifteen; height, five one of the horses. The team in turn gies and compliments. Ohar Prog- After their feed they have invited the Santa tlinnking the people for their show of left Deming at four o'clock .Monday re Camp feet four inches; eys. blue; hair, light: ran away, scaring another horse hitch- ress. rest of the citizens to come and join M. W. A. Scott gave a short talk on afternoon for El Paso. 13514, prominent front teeth; and ed to a buggy, and for a few minutes gratitude, them in hall and meets second Tues- his making merry, game XL D. Henderson, general manager has a tattooed star on arm between were three in prog- More Cars Needed. experience. other to be so- there runaways sports given. of the Texas Land and day each month, wrist and elbow. Speaks some Span- ress at the same time. The latter two The alfalfa growers of Mr. Scott's story of the experience Development Hagerman company, of Pecos, Texas, and R. S. cial meeting third ish. Address, Thomas Gentry, Sr., were before further are in the follows: Fire- stopped damage busy engaged putting up Charles, engineer in charge of that Tuesday at Tucuuieari. New Mexico. was the one ran first of the al- "I have been in DEMING NOTES - done, but original cutting valley's pride, interested the company's development, were in Dem man's Hall. Visit- there- falfa. ben Platoro in Colorado a - into a tree and hung the buggy This crop has very heavy mining district, Of- DIUERS KINDS iinc Mondav investigating the Irrlira- ln neighbors welcome. BIDS FOR PENITENTIARY SUP- on. the of cars received and 1 (his A. G. Farmingtoii Enterprise. and supply at that little, thought that spring ;tion methods of this valley. WH1TT1ER. Consul. PLIES. point has proved very inadequate. T wnlllrl "im nvar ill, ,'it at, I qoo u.liat 'A. B, P. ROBINSON, Clerk, Bids six months' r" . Doming, X. M., June 11. The Lisle for furnishing sup- Old Muzzle Exploded. The ancient king's cry of "A horse, a iUn lor the state will , ,v. company, of Clannda, DID plies penitentiary William horse, my kingdom for a horse' can ,t, t..n, v.,. ithiMan,,faclunnK $175,000 F. W. FARMER !! a. m. Leek Cowder, grandson of ' has established headquarters at he received until o'clock Leck, was hurt Tuesday by an ex- be paraphrased easily to express con- race and thought I might go over and.,!', . .. . , . . NOT COMPENSATE Homestead No. Tuesday, June 10th, HH3. Supplies ditions for "A a take that in as I had con-- 1 2879, Brotherh- plosion of an old muzzle loading shot here, car, car, my too, being ,m with s x Smitn consist of groceries, meats, clothing, 1 L . w(,.r, Ameri- gun. The ' gun had been in use for kingdom for a car," would just about siderable practice in running. So , ,,,, ,,.,,.,. Boston, .Mine 11. Harold Susman. ood of leather, etc. A list of these supplies wrote for an blank in to j can Yoemen. about "forty-nin- e years," as Leek express the sentiments of nearly everj entry order Nw Mp..ifn , 2f, the poet, who last November mar- with conditions and blank proposals it, barrel hursts under a grower there. learn 01 uie 1 uiougiH nr .,,,' ried Mrs. Liilie Annette Coe, a rich Meets second will be furnished upon application to puts and the r requirements.. P. M. Steed has returned from - i ic,n t. Mon-day- s c There are hundreds of tons of al- muL n i nit? j iiit:iu& and fourth harge, one fragment of steel striking uuiuu luiiiu uquii ggver'il wot'ks' visit to Arkansas, his ixe" v.uuu., ar the superintendent. I would The of "". B. the head over the eye, and another intra oaiea ana stacked in tlie fields, enter. sporting editor forn hnlT1(1 or an agreement, Susman asserti. of the JOHN McMANVS, Supt. e Mia Votra v.i iciin ft cit'cttrtn1 ft month his hand. The occur-- ! waiting for cars. Forty-fiv- cars were namia mat. tney live as a mother and son, in at the By order of the Board of Peniten- injuring injury "' ' " B red on in the sent down from Roswell Tuesday but for blanks to b: a reeuest for entry, ';, t,' To-- "I a letter to friends here whv Fireman's Hall. tiary Commissioners. the Paul Grey place " "L ",4C1 explains and Leek was to of this number Hagerman's share and so published it in the paper, but " ,'c V" "' be left his bride. H. Foreman. R. L. Baca, Dated: Santa Fe, N. M May 81, mountains, brought . nV the day in D They made. was i.,D ki.i "Pt ining. Cor. Sec. David Gonzales. 1913. . town by Bob Lucas in his machine. so small that they were all filled the in an automobile. .'" "m f"'1 " u; in con- his return letter. The saw trip Carlsbad Argus. a short time and the shortage boys the The i.,,t,0 T,nA t tailed statement ol his unprecedented tinues. Carlsbad Current. announcement in the News and asked1.,, . ., r,ntv' He he met Jl rs. Coe Santa Fe Lodge It will not pay you to waste your . ox, of Grant marriage. says 1 1 county engineer No. 2, of me if would go. told them I would in She has received $2."0.-00- Knights time writing out your legal forms Better Tie 'Em. county, and John Burnside, a member Newport. Touched Live Wire. try, but would wait until I saw what under the will of her husband. Pythias meets when you get them already printed On Tuesday at 12:50 a bay horse ran ef the (Irani county road board, in C. H. Hudson, a lineman the requirements would be. So I tele- - Susman visited her in New Haven every Monday at the New Mexican Printing south on Fourth street, out of town, employed the northern part of Luna county at 8 o'clock on the work for the Pecos Gas graphed for the blanks, which arrived she invited him to evening out by Dr. Nichols residence and over Valley jMonday to confer concerning several 'ant "ays finai'y ln Odd Fellows the south. The and Electric company was hurt Satur- v., S,C ,c uu ""roads which are in Luna and make his permanent home with he ridge going single them out and have exami- - partly Hall. to be own day afternoon by contact with a live a physical ,nartly in Grant counlVi anJ At first she was going to adopt hi::i, buggy seemed holding its - lnvestif,at. All SPECIAL TO WOMEN some two miles wire while at work on the power line uuiioii ujju bitiji pubi mime iui ieu- eel tne roads needs ot that section. he says, but thev agreed marriage visiting when last seen, from ver. Knights are most Do you realize the fact that thousands of town. don't take to hitch southwest of Artesia. He was making The two boards ivtend to cooperate would be better. His letter says: It very long e cordially invited. women now using some connections on one of "I arrived in Denver forty-fiv- minu- in the "She showed me the new will she ire a horse, and is less dangerous to the the high handling roads along the border A. P. HILL. C. C. and Ed had been with tes before the time set for the start of the two counties. had her lawyer dnw up, leaving me public, less expensive to the owner of poles, Hyatt, A. REINGARDT. K. of R. and 3. him of the race, a stranger in a strange Alfred $175,00, her house and furniture and the rig and in many civilized cities at the work, had just descended A. Berger, T. J. Price and to the ground, when the below place. Making inquiries 1 found my Carrie T. Van Cansbeck arrived in fine jewelry. I3ut at the same time are assessed a fine for leaving a boys ' they way to the News office and nn . I she such an unusual construction FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA. team not tied to secure. Ol heard a noise, and looking up, saw presented npinin? Snnrinv tnnnnimonni put something which were imrne- - tIle latent maternal instinct I fell Lodge No. 259, holds lt regular Tucum-car- i Hudson stiffen out and fall to the my credentials, endurance tramp, their objective point uPn course, that is "back east." to leave her." meeting on the first Thursday of each A Soluble Antiseptic Powder ground. The fall of twenty-fiv- e feet, aiateiy accepted. Ihe car that was impelled News. to month at Fireman's hall at 7:30 p. m. as a for mucous membrane af- - as he did on his face, carry the racers out to Littleton remedy striking squarely Visiting brothers are invited and wel fections, such as sore nasal or probably hurt him as much as the was standing in front of the office throat, Assessor Bought It with of the runners on and come. pelvic catarrh, inflammation or ulcera- - On last J. M. Randall cal- shock. He was unconscious for only part board, Thursday 1 BENITO ALARID, President. tion, caused female ills? Women who a moment. had no time to get a running suit, by led upon County Assessor McCoy CAVID GONZALES, Secretary. jhave been cured say "it is worth its The men on Hud-se- running shoes, or any running regalia! and stated that he had been over as the line brought . in " Dissolve in water and So 1 climbed on the van weight gold. sessed and that he did not have the into town where he was given together. ODD For ten the with the rest of them and FELLOWS, apply locally. years Lydia amount of merchandise at cash value prompt medical attention, and is now arranged OST No 2, I. O. O. P. E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has recom- - myself after reaching our destination Pm for what he was assessed and named rapidly recovering from his exper Sunta Fe Lodga mended Paxtine in their private cor- - as as under the cir-- an amount at which he would sell ience. He is still sore from the jar lightly possible meets regularly respondence with women. cumstances in "farmer's" ap-- 1 for cash, as that is all that any prop- ol the bad fall, but otherwise will be running every evening at S o'clocl For all hygienic and toilet uses it has which consisted of a of Thursday erty should be assessed for. all right in a few days. Pecos Valley pare, pair Odd Fellows Hall. Visiting broth-- j no equal. Only 50c. a larj,'e box at Drug- overalls and a of shoes. ;ln Arch McCoy, having had some News. pair heavy erg always welcome. gists or sent postpaid on receipt of price. "At start of firs! mercantile experience was satisfied the the race fcr the The Pax ton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass, rive miles 1 that it was a bargain and formed a Advertising The Trail. found myself considerably NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. stiffened from the ride on the partnership with Col. W. H. Williams J. R. who left New York up long Department of the Interior, V. S. Johnson, and remained in and purchased the store and is now October 10th and is on foot cars the rear for Iho Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., Aprt traveling most Then I commenced to feel selling the stock out at sale prices as from coast to coast with a view of ad part. ;9, 1913. better and wind in they could only lease the building for vertising the Santa Fe trail, arrived get my good shape Notioe Is hereby given that Hiram and I the runners D. 11. Old two months, at which time we under- in Raton Tuesday. began overtaking Washington, C, June 'of government documents, at the same Bennett, of Stanley. N. M.. who. on Mr. Randall one one, until I had filth the well-know- and time stand will restock his His plan is to secure all the local by gained jVncIe Sam, highly the occasion for the sale and the! March 18th, 1907, made Homestead store with new Az- when I encountered a of the coun-- 1 valuable information dis-- ! a stock of goods. data possible, including reminiscences place good respected proprietor pie that is to be Entry 04042 No. 10906, for NE tec Democrat. runner who me a stiff race for Iter at the corner of 1 Gth street and of calls 11 f? of old times along the trail as well as gave posed attention to the work Section 26, Township N., Range accommodations the nearly a mile. Overtaking him finally, Pennsylvania avenue, is going to havejof one of the least known, yet busiest, E., N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice present along 1 - Shot out in a final to over- a fire s of five-ye- Him. route. This data will be used in var- started sprint sale. Oh, no, there nothing the governmental departments, of intention to make proof, take the and in pass-'doin- in what A. T & S. F. R'Y Last week we wrote an item saying ious to create sentiment in favor leader, succeeded you're thinking about Of all the scientific bureaus in to establish claim to the land above ways man Woodrow hasn't reached the that Miss Helen Parker and Miss Ethel of the Santa Fe trail as the ocean to ing the third almost at the finish, point Washington it is probable that the described, before Harry C. Kinsell, U. f.nd in I he's marked down Johann, tw'o of Obar's best young ocean such as short would say conclusion that if any federal, jobs, work of the Ceological Survey receives S. Commissioner, at Stanley, N. M., on TIME TABLE highway, stories, consid- But Uncle Samuel has been forced to ladies, had gone to Silver City to at- sceneries the had been in as good condition less mention than any, and yet it. has May 20, 1913. for movies, booklets, hold a fire sale in to. him- tend the Normal Institute. etc. ering the rest, as some of the other order rid been of the most important nature and Claimant names as witnesses: Effective January 1st, 1913. I would have been near self of some 150,000 Geological Sur- has been M. L. In the linotype column of the paper His idea is that in this way the use racers, very carried cn for years. The Jerry Bennett, Robertson, J vey documents, some of which are H. Leave Santa Fe 8:10 a. m. to con- the item appeared, all except one line of this reason of historic and first." study of the geological formation of Cantwell, J. H. Slane, all of Stan route, by more or less damaged by fire. And N. M nect with No. 3 westbound and of the item, which was entirely sentimental interest thus created will After leaving Denver Mr. Scott rode the earth and especially of sections of I'ey, an ne'8 EoinS t0 lBt then go at one-fift- h the United No. 10 eastbound. omitted, with the result that the item be used the far as Antonito, and walked and States has been of tremen MANCEL R OTERO, very largely during run the the wav to lnelr price. value in made no sense whatever. and the San rest of Farmineton. regular dous mining and farm opera Register Returning, arrive Santa Fe 12:10 p. Diego exposi- two Think of it! For the comparatively In view of the fact that there isn't tions and a distance of some hundred miles. tions. inu pracucauy all or it lias thereby helping materially Will Scott has been out on a small sum of five cents, one nickel, been done by scien'ists of this bureau. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. any too much sense in the stuff we to secure federal aid for this route. living No. 3 to Albu- seven the twentieth part of a dollar, you the U. S. carries passengers write at best, we simply couldn't stand Mr. is a homestead about miles out The basis of soil analysis and other Department of Interior, to Johnson picturesque looking can obtain a minute and accurate Office querque, locally, and Pacific we eagle-eye- d from and has been run well known ftincti. ns of Land at Santa Fe, N. M., May for it, and so had the individual, dressed after the fashion Farmington, statement of the the depart- Coast points. ning to and from his which has geological composi- ments of and 10, 1913. ranch, tion of one 1SS Agriculture the Interior any of sections that i Leave Fe 3:30 m. to con- put him in good condition for long dis found in work done by the geolog- Notice is hereby given that Nestor Santa p. 175,000 miles 1 tance He has run in several aggregate square of the ists. is difficult to of N. on nect with No. westbound, and running. the It Imagine a more Callegos, Galisteo, M., who, races with here and territory of United States. Never No. 2, eastbound. connecting at Navajos thinks r F important undertaking than the geolo-- j May 4th, made Homestead Entry hPtnro in rno nlatnrv (rnvarnmont with "Cut-off- " nothing to runing to Aztec Sical survey of so vast a territory as No. 14178-0643- for SW 4 SB Albuquerque "A Perfect Woman Planned iniprnhnnrlloino rr aiifvovlnfr train for Clovis and Pecoi Val- Nobly tance of some twenty miles. the United States and the discoveries SB 4 SW Sec. 10, NE 4 NW To Warn, to Comfort and Command" He is pianning to take in tlie race that have been made by the govern- NW 4 NE Section 15, Township ley points. ment scientists have gone far toward 10, N., Range 12 E., N. M. P. Meridian, arrive Santa Fe 6:05 p. Nature never intended woman to be delicate, or a sufferer from nickelSrfive-ce- Returning, ailing, will cross the line first. correcting existing knowledge. has filed notice of intention to make m. "nerves." Women in middle age complain of "hot flashes." Many piece. Frank one of the trustees some of Five Year to establish claim women suffer needlessly from girlhood to womanhood, and from moth- Staplin, The Geological Survey building was Indeed, the most important Proof, Leave Santa Fe 6:20 p. m. to con erhood to middle life, with backache, or of the San Juan Basin Oil discoveries of to the land above described, before headache, dizziness, falntness, or company, severely damaged by fire a few days the century in the nect with No. 7 westbound car- bearing-dow- n sensations. For a permanent relief from these from Fe field the rand Receiver U. S. Land distressing returned Santa Thursday, lafiT) Tho hnBAmant U'harn a iartra geological have been made by Registe rying El Paso sleeper, also No. symptoms nothing is so good as where he has been in the interest men sent out from Office, at Santa Fe, X. M on the 16th ofj8tore of fhe bure(u'.8 folio rep0rts the survey. 4 eastbound. the company. He announces that the ,,,, day of June, 1913. DR. PIERCE'S werfi kfir,i waa flnnrtori wnt(.. The books that have been damaged Santa Fe 8:35 are now in excess of Teodoro Rosendo Returning, arrive p. subscriptions 8moke and other things. There were j by fire and are to be sold at the gov Tapia, Tapla, m. $7500 and the trustees are now calling I150.0O0 folios in the slock and it is es-- eminent bargain sale contain much Claimant names as witnesses: m amounts Santa Fe 8:50 p. m. to con FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION tne subscribed and will itimated that nrobabiv one-fift- h of them of the information that has been Mauricio Tapia, Juan Gonzales, all of Leave commence the N. M. nect with No. 8 eastbound, and as a soothing and strengthening nervin- The "Favorite purchase ot materials were badly damaged. They sold at 25 gathered in this work. There are 1SS Galisteo, Prescription" No. 9 westbound. e-allays and subdues nervous excitability. is known everywhere and for over 40 years as necessarv for the drilling of a well. and 50 cents each. Director numbers describing an number MANUEL R. OTERO, standard for the diseases of George equal Irritability nervous and other the remedy hav-actu- exhaustion, women. Your dealer in medicines sells it in Work will probably be started on the otis Smith conceived the idea of of sections of the that has Recister. Fe 12:30 distressing symptoms commonly attendant territory Returning, arrive Santa liquid or tablet form; or you can send SO one-ce- of the well in a month a fire sale. So he has been The data in these m. upon functional and organic diseases of the stamps for a trial bos of Dr. Pierce's drilling jng marked surveyed. a. feminine organs, it induces refreshing sleep Favorite Prescription tablets. Address Dr. or two. down all these folios to the small sum volumes is the moil exhaustive and It will not pay you to waste your and relieves mental and despondency. Pieiv Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y. anxiety Farmington folks are having their of 5 cents and prepared to let them minute character and the books are time writing out your legal form j Call "Central" forTrain Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate fill of strawberries and cream these go to the first comers. said to be prepared especially for engi when you can get them already print-- maa sugar-coaie-a, eiowarn, uver Doweia. uay days, as a plentiful crop of the delic- While there might be something neers, students and others interested ed at the New Mexican Printing com' J Reports. ious berry has been produced this uniaue and humorous about a fire sale in geology. any. JUNE 1913. SUXtk FE NEW MEXICAK WEDNESDAY, 11, PAGE EIGHt

jed regarding an assessment recently made in this state: THE GLORIOUS 4TH. PANAMA HATS "In February the state board of AT A BIG DISCOUNT OFFICIAL NEWS. equalization, in the performance of its CELEBRATED duties, fixed the valuation of the prop- TO BE owing to an 'overstock. TAILORED F. ANDREWS erty of all of the public corporations AND DRESS HATS greatly reduced in and on trains of holder. Usual like railroad, express telegraph price. ON UNTRIMMED SHAPES Money Scrip Coupon Books. at option actual value of is-- at the full JOINT COMMITTEES FROM THE CITY 20 and 25 cent discount. Don't and Market. 1ms been I be checked companies 1C, per Grocery, Bakery The following letter baggage allowances may A little later the legi- to before bag-gag- e the property. get prices purchasing state corporation and for excess COUNCIL AND THE CHAMBER OF COM- forget sued by the thereon, charges slature directed that property should elsewhere. for the benefit and enlight-- i therewith. paid be assessed for purposes of taxation MERCE MET YESTERDAY AND OUT- enment of the public on the subject fea Both books carry redemption Int one-thir- of that value, but still RECEIVED PROGRAM-COMMI- JUST !of interchangeable mileage: net fares of various LINED THE TTEES or tures to babis of required the state board to ascertain MISS A.IUGLER Carload of Stale Corporation Commission, viz.: 2 cents per mile on In March the Another 11. lines, jrnd fix the full value. APPOINTED. New Santa Fe. June ' Southern Pa-- ' Mexico, Santa Fe systems and state board, in the performance of this SOUTHEASTCORNER PLAZA. "EMPRESS FLOUR.'' To whom it may concern: $!'0 book, and 3 ciflc company, for duty, ordered that the values as fixed Regarding use of interchangeable cents per mile on ?4' book. Net fares in should stand as the actual The glorious fourth will be celebrat- 3 cents February Auto Service. money scrip for passenger transpor- of, certain smaller lines being values of the property, and that, in ed with unusual attractions in Santa EDITORS FROM Our o Delivery bag-.....n- a Try tation and for payment of excess per mile for either book; while accordance with the statute these Fe. Yesterday afternoon the commit- - U. op- j op-- l ALL OVER S. nlinrees locally on all lines few very short lines at present Inronerties should be assessed at one- - tees from the council and the cham- jerating through and within the state erating passenger business at a loss of those values for purposes of ber of commerce met in joint ses- WILL CONVENE No. 4 local third of New Mexico. have been allowed to charge taxation. This order was put in plain sion at the old Palace and outlined in to re fares. The manner of obtaining re sent for the celebration. The com- egHfjjjWH'one As information, and order and unmistakable language and plans Colorado June 11. Editors what, conditions sucn council was: Springs, move any misunderstanding uiai fund and under to the assessing officers in every coun- mittee from the city fioni all sections ef the country will we refund made, will be fully Celso A. B. Renehan, inav exist in this connection, beg ty. Notwithstand this, in one county, Mayor Lopez, meet in Colorado for the an on contract or will be ex- J. W. James Springs to respectfully advise that shown the at least, the assessor has apparently George Armijo, Akers, nual of rress Books from convention the National money scrip coupon books, plained by selling agents. first multiplied the full values fixed Seligman. The committee the which con at all of Association of America, forms S. A. and S. N in denomina- should be on sale principal the board of three and then assesed chamber of commerce consisted of unusual and date 'by venes June 17. A program in. New Mexico after one-thir- d of S. G. A. S. tions of $90 and $40, respectively, points the property at that the following: Cartwright, interest has been ana plans com- and in the event any diff- John Ham-pie- , prepared, prescribed and authorized by this effective,, amount. The soulless corporations Brookes, Henry Dendahl, for the include visits chart- is encountered In obtaining R. L. annual outing mission for use on all regularly iculty jare making violent objections, and Henry Krick, J. Palen and to of Interest In the ln within or such date, the many points ered steam railways operating such books on after have been taken to haw the er Bradford Prince. a tour 1 should arise as to steps Pikes Peak region and general and through the state of New Mexico, or if any question ror corrected. It is hoped that no The committee from the Woman's Colorado. ef- or of the state of will be honored by all such lines, honoring such scrip by agents mistake has been made in any club was Mrs. Frank W. Parker and PFONIK amic- - similar The session of the conven- opening fective on and after June 14th, 1913, conductors, which cannot be in state." Hall. Seasons - other county the Mrs. Kate , rall- tion will be held on Tuesday. After for transportation and for ably settled with employes of passenger - The nrouram has not all been made will be two excess charges. road companies, we respectfully sug- the formal opening, there RED, PINK AND WHITE. payment of baggage but there is enough known about edi- I carriers of such scrip that the matter be brought to yet, addresses by prominent women The honoring gest ITEMS. it to state that it is going to be a club GARDEN Phone 12. follows: i the attention of this commission for LOCAL tors. "Laws that the press," by THE CLARENDON will be as will be a salute of Water-town- , I - J rail- good one. There Mrs. L. R. Eastwood, of the The Arizona and New Mexico necessary adjustment. 100 guns at. sunrise, and games and and "Woman's Very respectfully, IN TELEPHONING S. D., Herald; way company. band concerts in the in the Mrs. and Santa COMMIS- The New Mexican, If your business morning experience in Journalism," by The Atchison, Topeka STATE CORPORATION and a of the Declara is about subscriptions or nlaza. reading Juliet V. Strauss, country contributor Fe railway company. SION. advertising, Rock-ville- , Santa call up "286." If tion of Independence. to the Ladies Home Journal, of The Atchison, Topeka and H. Williams, Chairman. job work, please coast lines. By Hugh wish to to the editor or give In the afternoon adjacent to the Ind. Fe railway company De Social Club you speak Pacific Vargas Incorporated. "31 " federal building there will be Indian will Chicago, Uock Island and Articles of have been any news, please phone The country weekly department incorporation Cream is fine for sun- dances and races, squaw races, burro for the railway company. 'filed the commission Zook's Cold mpft nn Tuesday afternoon with corporation Take a with races, and bo forth. At night there as the The Colorado and Southern railway Social and Dancing burn or wlndburn. jar consideration of such subjects by the De Vargas band concert in e on your vacation. will be a patriotic ot a proni-abl- company. Club, of Santa Fe, the headquarters you following: "The production Kio Grande rail- Treasurer's The re- the plaza and a display of colored "The Ad. The Denver and to De and the State Report country newspaper"; Now! be at the Vargas hotel, published from the old Palace. in road company. to be William M. port of the state treasurer lights club In our town"; "Cash advance statutory agent some errors have in state Prepare El Paso & Southwestern system. is $1 and last week contained The following committees "The next step The initiation fee subscriptions"; Central railroad com- Oregg. which occurred in the make-up-. The to act lor the occa "ITncleanliness vs. cash New Mexican the club is to give dances been appointed organization"; organised is in correct form in and to a good program, and "The N0NKINK pany. end other social entertainments for report published sion, prepare in the printing business'; Midland Railway issue. funds to divorce The New Mexico members and afford members free use this and raise the necessary country editor's problem." HOSE FOR SALE All kinds of building a real entertainment, al- RUBBER company. oool room. Assessment make the day The will r.f billiard and sev-pra- l daily paper department Raton and Eastern lumber. 314 Galisteo street. will be a crowd of after-noo- , is the best that can The Santa Fe, be made on the membership by as there large so hold its meting on Tuesday jmay Don't Be Alarmed Satisfaction is hundred visitors from other parts be It is railroad company. officers. The club is not with the following subjects on produced. Pacific company. the proper what we all and when we are in addition to the hun made Boston Southern for gain. The in- want, of the country the program: "The newspaper in po by the Mountain and Pa- organized pecuniary sure to there we will trade. dreds of our own people present. Woven Hose& Rub- St. Louis, Rocky corporators are: William M. Gregg, get it, litics"; "the newspaper in public cific company. A Read the common-toda- There will be at least 40 officers of the railway Fred T. Salem B. Cole, John good policy. morality"; "making a small city daily ber Co., the largest to such scrip Gregg, the Wood-Davi- s Endeavor here at In addition honoring T of National Christian there will NON-KIN- K 'Hunter. Herbert MendenhaU, Edw. jpay.' On Tuesday evening in the world. within the state of New Mex- and hundreds of meinoers locally C. W. M. j Hardware company. the time, bo a tendered by the Colorado !L. Safford, M. McClintock, from state smoker, is a superior ico pither of the scrip books mention A. 6 hole with wa nf iiiat organization the at the Antlers El Rose, and Jim Ellis, of Santa Fe; FOR SALE range springs newspapers ly moulded ed 'will be honored to Pecos and and hundreds of Sunday school peo pure F. Caliente, and V. J. ter back. l. A., care ie ;vicaii;ii. hotel. Texas, and to principal points Joseph, Ojo also a special train party Para Rubber. Paso, Tombstone, Arizona. The board Walls Caved Part of one wall on ple here, inn Werlnpsdnv morning the general in Colorado and Arizona; the $!I0 Hicks, Toronto, Canada, of sightseers iof directors are: William M. Gregg, the house of Edgar L, Hewett, on from association will meet for the consider- 7-P- LY I also the states of Utah, Brad-fiel- who will come in here DANDY WRAPPED HOSE book covering B. John Westley and tourists, "Benefits of well as Fred T. Gregg, Salem Cole, Agua Fria occupied by the oppor- ation of these subjects: Nevada and California, as in due to the on July 5, and can have Hunter and W. M. Rose. caved last night, "of is the National Press Association to its Red Color nraciicallv all other western states. dam- seeing the Indians who it Valuations. excessive rain, and somewhat tunity members,' 'and "the necessity of a and a Popular Tickets may be purchased with scrip Regarding Assessing which Mr. intPndPrt to invite and have present been - aged several blankets national in its Seller with or it will be honored by conductors The following facts have glean- here on the 4th and remain until after business organization, Bradfield has for sale. for the country publishers." us for 5 the The committees are: scope, years. Whether vou' need a large or a The cost will have the Guar- Prank Nuding. ' Henry department Fully jsmall hot water bottle, you will find Finance floor Wednesday afternoon and will anteed and LINCOLN'S PLAVMATE FOUGHT IN TWO WARS Zook s. Dendahl, C. M. Stauffer. "The A. 13. the size you want at Mrs. consider these questions: an Good four room brick Music Mrs. Kate Hall and wors Extra 1 FOR RENT Two C of cost finding"; "Cost system OF YEARS AGO & W. Parker. Quality. REMEMBERS HAPPENINGS 00 residences with bath. 0. C. Watson Frank and efficiency"; "Country newspaper Dr. J. A. Rolls, Manuel - Co. Athletics costs"; "Cost finding as a credit as- Otero and H. S. Bowman. Follow-lin- You Motorists like and "Publicity4 costs." Are Tired? George-Armij- o, J. L. Sel set"; to be and in Indians this session the editors will be their cars tired properly and Jose D. Sena. first consulted the igman of the Union Printers' Home, Fe Hardware & Co. so doing have Delgado, Antonio guests Santa RaCeSAlfredo j its Supply Wood-Davi- has s Hardware company. The educational department Valdez and Paul Allen Hall. and will "Good Year No Rim j session morning They have the Plaza and Races F. T. Thursday what offer you Sports Iconsider these "What News-- i Cut" tires. Hear they Norman L. King and James subjects: new ad Blandy, papers can do"; "Liberty of the press" by consulting today. W. Chaves. Dr. Clifford S. Losey, the eye, ear, , "Dignity of journalsm"; "The unhap W. H. news-nnnpr- s and of Las Ve--j Publicity and Printing and "Accuracy in nose throat specialist, Karl Greene. py humorist"; will be at the De Vargas hotel, Pope, J. W. Glddings and ' The convention will close gas, and Colored Fritz June 12th, 13th and 14th. Hours Salutes Lights with the session Thursday afternoon, Muller, A. J. Griffin and Frank Owen. will be devot?d to business mat- p. m. at which Assessments The committees will go to work the selection of offi Run About the Same to ters including It was The Palace Hotel, In will once and there being time enough cers. on property this county prob- will be a run about the same this year as prepare for the event there Officers of the National Press Asso- ably of, 2STOW The assessor raised lot accomplished and the success ciation of America, are A. D. Moffett, IT IS last. county matter of 250 the board the event is assured in the Indiana, J. Clyde about assessments and en- Ehnwood, president; from afar a novel vice-pre- of equalization raised about 100 more, giving visitors Oswald, New York City, out of a total of 5,000 or 6,000. tertainment. dent; George Schlosser, Sioux Falls, THE DE VARGAS Serious Sickness calls for a consul- It is intended to raise a fund of South Dakota, secretary; and W. R. tation with your doctor at once. The $500 and the residents and merchants Hodges, Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, treas- next important step is to take his pre- are requested to decorate appropriate- urer. scription straight to Zook's where it ly with flags and bunting in keeping Preceding the meetings of the Na- the Colorado W. Q. SARGENT, will be filled right. with the big day. tional Press Association, Proprietor. Telegraph Operator Dies J. Park One of the race features of the FHirnrial association will hold its an Colorado Smith, who until a year ago was an day will be a pony potato race, which nual meeting at W. ri. JYIENDENHALL, Business Manager. operator in the local Postal Telegraph will cause any amount of amusement Springs, on Monday, June 16. company's office, died last week at and good fun. with ' Rouse, Colo., from paralysis, Alfredo will have charge sufferer for Delgado and which he had been a of and is in The De Vargas will bs remodelled in the Spanish style N. the cowboy pony race, years. He was buried at Raton. with cowboys who died about correspondence newly furnished throughout; also freshly painted and M., where his wife, who will be and in the See Johnson is also buried. He present participate and all the com- three years ago, day's program. papered. Many private baths leaves two children, who are with forts of a first-cla- ss hotel. relatives at Wagon Wheel Gap, Colo. PHIL BROCK KNOCKED OUT. The Roofman STATEMENT. out- The Mutual Life Insurance Company Akron, O., June 11. After, of New York. pointing Phil Brock, of Cleveland, Roofs of Ak- For Leaky For the year ending December 31, throughout, Johnny Griffith, 1812. to the standard of ron, last night knocked him out in the According Thev ALL WORK GUARANTEED. the Insurance Department of the ninth round of their bout here. of New York: fought at the lightweight limit, Gr'f state ALBUQUERQUE AND SANTA FE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Income. f.tli graduating from the featherweight class. (Montezuma Hotel) CHAS. CLl'SKER, Received from prem- iums ....$ 58,747,031.99 He He Never Married Because His Sweet- of service in the fight with Mexico. From all other sources. . 29,C99,4S1.75 heart died 80 Years Ago and He remembers hearing many first-han- d Flour Hay, Grain, Potatoes and Salt. Promised on Her Deathbed That He stories of thewar of 1812. Total received ...... $ S6.44C.513.74 Would Never Wed He Has Kept Clusker was born in Madison coun Disbursements. For INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. Sola Agents His Promises. ty, Kentucky, on March 27, 1810. When To policy-holder- s $ 60,C30,93C97 San Diego, Cal., June 11. A memory 14 he was a playmate of Abraham Lin For all other accounts. 11,041,101.94 arden field seeds in bulk and packages ALFaLFA SEED. All kinds of flowers, f 4 that spans a century! coin. Charles Carroll Clusker, now 103 "I went with him on several squir- Total disbursed . .... 71,672,098.91 Fe 2 is to The only exclusive grain house in Santa years and months old, &n rel hunts," he said, "but I never knew Assets. have that distinction if he lives only him to harm an animal or bird." Real estate, (market a few months longer. Clusker , never married. He knew value ) : 23,532,623.87 is of one woman for whom he cared 219.751,108.23 Black And there's no sign that he going only Secured loans Phone Black Phone to die soon, for his step is still sturdy, enough to marry. That was 80 years Bonds and stocks own 45 LEO HERSCH 45 his voice is strong, and the keen eyes ago, and he promised her on her death- ed, (market value).. 342,408,141.28 that twinkle as he tells of his great bed that he would never wed. He jCash 2,196,742.05 age, shine with humor. keeps bachelor hall here, spends much Advanced or deposited He's the oldest living Elk, and fel- of his time reading his favorite author, to pay policy claims. 613,566.93 low Elks are sure his memory has Shakespeare, taking a lively interest Premiums in course of never been surpassed in modern times. in civic affairs and says he doesn't collection, or collect- ex- What does he remember that hap- know why he has lived so long, ed and not reported, Been pened almost a century ago? cept that he doesn't worry. He hasn't interest and rentals Tire Service You've Waiting For A whipping he got in his fourth smoked for fifty years, but has drunk due and accrued .... 10,622,863.90 year! moderately, he says, ever are ways render you the ut- man. There "It was back in Virginia," says the since he was a young Total assets $599,125,046,26 most in tire service. we know to save veteran, "I got into a rough and tunv Has This Veteran Memory? Liabilities. To guide in the and Charles of San Cal., motorists a good ble light with a little playmate, Clusker, Diego, reserves ...... $485,980,754.65 care of tires. To back a His mo- Follcy when we rolled to the floor, I scratch remembers century. claims 4,253,927.64 It's pretty hard to resist the call ot tie brook these days when part of their tire the meanB him a when Policy supply ed his face. Just what happened after ther gave good whipping held for future you know the real enjoyment or fishing know the exhilarating pleas- upkeep. for he was in his fourth and he Fund, promptly repair- that is. a little hazy in my mind, but year, dividends on ure a "nibble" and the landing of a speckled beauty gives. One of these is lit--t policies frequent ing an injury to do remember the mother of the is now in his 104th year. Our of FISHING OUTFITS AND EQUIPMENTS is war un- on which the appor- present display tires which can't tires. tie boy went to my mother, and told He fought in the Mexican ' made and more complete tionment of dividends . the largest and finest we have ever better Good Year her that I had scratched the face of der Taylor, and came to are ask- rim-cu- t these ten Let us show you Zachary is deferred, and for in every detail, and prices materially lest than you usually No-Ri- 'her mother was very California in 1848. When he first saw oversize m Cut what these boy. My angry of securi- ed to pay elsewhere for high character tackle. per cent( things and me. The memory of that the city of Los Angeles, it was a ranch depreciation new-typ- e whipped con- - : tires mean these ties and , Tires 'whipping is still vivid in my mind." with a few adobe buildings. general becsftise of this . 87,229,658.80 tires, tires, per- Clusker is a veteran of the Mexican He voted for Andrew Jackson in tlngencies ...... these! now WITH OR WITHOUT fect service. Let us Amount to - savings, and the civil wars, and is always in 1S32 and was a Democrat for a long be apportion-- all others. NON-SKI- TREADS. ed to policy-holder- s in outsell bring you lower the line of veterans in the time; no he's ah Independent. "Vot- is to cost mile. thinning . 17,368,046.93 Another way per Memorial parade. He enlisted ln ing for the best man," he says. 1913 day liabilities and re mm n w the Confederate army, not as a boy, Smoked and chewed tobacco until Other tn' a serves . 4,292,658.18 " Wfjno HW WOOD-DAVI- as did most of the survivors of today, 50 years ago and has drunk whiskey ih S HARDWARE CO. but when he was forty years old. At moderately ever since he was a boy. .;it that time he had seen several months He ia the oldest living Elk. I Total liabilities $599,125,046.26

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