Copeia, 2002(1), pp. 39–43

Virulence of Malaria: Three Species of Infecting , the Endemic Anole of , Netherlands Antilles


Anolis in the eastern islands are hosts to three species of malaria par- asite (Plasmodium). Although the parasites are widespread on the islands, little is known about their effects on infected . Presented here is an inventory of some costs suffered by Anolis sabanus, the endemic solitary anole of Saba, Nether- lands Antilles, when infected with , Plasmodium floridense, and an undescribed species of Plasmodium. Parasitemia (parasite density in the blood) for most infections was low for all three Saban parasites. Blood cell com- position (percent of immature erythrocytes) and blood hemoglobin were altered by infection (severity varied depending on species of parasite). Not affected by infec- tion were body temperature, proportion of lizards with broken tails, perching loca- tion, foraging success, male-male interactions in experimental manipulations, and body color or symmetry in body color. Overall, the three malaria parasites of Saban anoles have lower virulence than other lizard malaria parasites studied (one tem- perate and two tropical). Theory on the evolution of parasite virulence suggests transmission biology of the parasite may differ for the Saban parasites compared to the other studied species.

HREE species of malaria parasites (Plasmo- Agama agama infected with Plasmodium gigan- T dium) commonly infect Anolis lizards in teum and Plasmodium agamae in Sierra Leone, the eastern Caribbean islands from Puerto Rico west Africa. Detailed studies show malaria is vir- in the Greater Antilles to Grenada in the south ulent in these two associations (reviews in (Staats and Schall, 1996a; Perkins, 2001). Tel- Schall, 1990, 1996). ford (1975) described P. azurophilum as a para- Here we present a broad inventory of the site that invades both erythrocytes and two clas- consequences of Plasmodium infection for Anolis ses of white blood cells. Recent molecular stud- sabanus, the solitary endemic anole of Saba, ies reveal that these are two monophyletic spe- Netherlands Antilles. On Saba P. azurophilum, cies (Perkins, 2000, 2001), so here we use Plasmodium sp., and P. floridense all exploit only Plasmodium azurophilum for the species that in- the anole as their host (Staats and fects white blood cells and refer to the undes- Schall, 1996b). The scarcity of data on the ef- cribed cryptic species as P. sp. The third parasite fects of natural parasitic infection for , is Plasmodium floridense, a typical malaria parasite or indeed for nonhuman parasites in general, that infects erythrocytes. Although Caribbean hinders cross-species tests of hypotheses on the Anolis have long served as important models for ecology and evolution of pathogens (Toft, 1991; studies in biogeography, speciation, environ- Gulland, 1993); thus, our goal was to be as com- mental physiology, and population and com- plete as possible in this survey of the costs of munity ecology (review in Roughgarden, 1995), lizard malaria for the Saban anole. the role of malaria in Caribbean anole biology has been pursued in only two studies. Schall MATERIALS AND METHODS (1992) found that Plasmodium affects the blood’s cell composition and chemistry of Anolis Saba, Netherlands Antilles, is a small (13 gingivinus and Anolis pogus (ϭAnolis wattsi) on km2) island in the northeastern Caribbean just St. Martin and may mediate competition be- south of St. Martin. The island is the tip of a tween the two similarly sized lizards. Schall and massive undersea volcano and the island’s to- Pearson (2000) reported that body condition of pography is steep and complex, rising to 887 m in eastern Puerto Rico was not elevation (Westermann and Kiel, 1961). Mean altered by infection with the three malaria par- monthly temperature varies only from 26–28 C; asites. Contrasting with this paucity of informa- rainfall is very variable among years but aver- tion on the costs of malaria for Anolis are the ages somewhat more from late August to De- substantial data on two other lizard malaria sys- cember (130 mm/month) than in the other tems, Sceloporus occidentalis infected with Plas- months (75 mm/month; Netherlands Antilles modium mexicanum in northern California and Meteorological Service data). Our study took

᭧ 2002 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists 40 COPEIA, 2002, NO. 1 place during May to August but during a wet which differ in their shape, size, and staining year. color; immature erythrocytes contain less he- A survey over the entire island found malaria moglobin than mature cells (Schall, 1990). prevalence varied by habitat, with 10–14% of liz- Blood hemoglobin was determined by the cy- ards infected in the dry, windy areas, to 50–70% anmethemoglobin method (Schall, 1990). at some wet sites (Staats and Schall, 1996b). The Foraging success was assayed by capturing a cryptic species of Plasmodium was unknown dur- lizard during 1000–1200 h, immediately placing ing that previous study; hence, Plasmodium sp. it into a large (3000 cm3 volume) zip-top plastic and P. azurophilum were combined and equaled bag, and keeping it there for 24 h. Lizards were about half of the infections. All of the data re- not used if they defecated upon capture. The ported here compare infected and noninfected bags were opened every 8 h to allow fresh air lizards collected from the wet sites where ma- to circulate. Feces present in the bag after 24 h laria was most common in the lizards. were collected, frozen, then later dried to con- The methods used here are described in de- stant mass and weighed (Eisen and Schall, tail elsewhere (references given below). Briefly, 1997). The mass of the live lizard was also ob- lizards were captured by hand or a slipnoose at tained and the relative fecal mass calculated as the end of a telescoping fishing pole. The feces mass/lizard mass. height above substrate for the lizard’s perching Male-male interaction was examined by plac- position was recorded, and that location was ing an adult female A. sabanus and two adult scored as in the sun or shade. Immediately males into a large net cage (3 ϫ 3 ϫ 2 m). upon capture (slip noose method only), some Males were matched by SVL and tail condition, lizards were held by one toe while still on the but one was infected with Plasmodium, and the noose, and a rapid reading thermometer was other was not infected. Each male was marked placed within the cloaca to record body tem- with unique dots on the dorsal surface. The liz- perature. The air temperature 1 cm above the ards were placed into the cage in the evening perch site was also recorded, using the rapid and observations were made for the next two reading thermometer with its bulb shaded from days from 0800–1400 h. The observer was not the sun. The anoles were maintained in mesh aware which lizard was infected. Recorded were sacks until evening, when they were measured (1) number of dewlap displays apparently to the (SVL ϭ snout–vent length), sexed based on the other male, (2) time in seconds spent displaying spotted dorsal color pattern and postanal scales to another male, (3) number of dewlap displays in males, tail condition noted (intact, broken, apparently to the female, (4) time in seconds or regenerated), and a toe clipped to extract a displaying to the female, (5) number of ap- drop of blood to make a thin blood smear. The proaches to the female or other male, (6) num- lizards were released the next morning at their ber of times moved, (7) number of copulations point of capture. The smears were fixed in ab- and time spent copulating. These data were solute methanol and stained with Giemsa, then then examined by three individuals experi- scanned for 6 min at 1000ϫ to detect and iden- enced in observing Anolis interactions and the tify parasites (Schall 1996; Staats and Schall, dominant male identified if possible (Schall and 1996a). Plasmodium floridense and Plasmodium sp. Dearing, 1987). were readily distinguished by size and number Anolis sabanus is strongly sexually dimorphic of nuclei in the dividing schizont stage (Plas- in color; males develop brown spots on the dor- modium sp. is much larger with more nuclei) sal surface, which are absent in the females (La- and the presence of malaria pigment (found zell, 1972). The dorsal surface of lizards was only in P. floridense). Plasmodium azurophilum was photographed and the resulting 35-mm slides found only in white blood cells. White cells are were projected onto a digitizing planimeter far less common in the blood than erythrocytes; (Zeiss Co.) to measure the proportion of the hence, P. azurophilum typically has lower density dorsal surface covered with the spots (Ressel in the blood. It is possible that very weak infec- and Schall, 1989). The symmetry of the spots tions are more often overlooked than those of was determined by counting spots on the left P. floridense and Plasmodium sp. and right side of the middorsal row of promi- Parasitemia was determined by counting the nent scales (spots on the midline were scored number of parasites of P. floridense and Plasmo- depending on the proportion of the spot to the dium sp. seen in microscope fields containing a left or right of the midline) (Schall, 1996). total of 1000 erythrocytes. This method allowed Nonparametric statistical tests were used determination of parasitemia for only the two throughout to compare infected versus nonin- species that infect erythrocytes. Also recorded fected lizards: Mann-Whitney U-tests for com- was the number of immature erythrocytes, parisons between two distributions, G-tests to SCHALL AND STAATS—VIRULENCE OF LIZARD MALARIA 41

TABLE 1. HEMATOLOGICAL MEASURES COMPARING An- sayed for hemoglobin levels, precluding com- olis sabanus INFECTED OR NOT INFECTED WITH A MA- parisons with other classes of infection status. LARIA PARASITE. Given are number of immature eryth- rocytes (iRBC) per 10,000 erythrocyte and hemoglo- bin concentration in the whole blood (g/dl). Code Body temperature.—Infection did not result in for infection status: NI ϭ Not Infected, Az ϭ P. azur- changes in behaviorally maintained body tem- ophilum, Fl ϭ P. floridense, P. sp. ϭ undescribed species. perature of the lizards (infected lizards, mean ϭ 28.9 C, n ϭ 69, and for noninfected lizards, Infection iRBC Hemoglobin mean ϭ 29.4, n ϭ 96; P Ͼ 0.05). Air tempera- status x¯ (n, Range) x¯ (n, Range) ture at the perching site did not differ by infec- NI 378 (27, 48–1494) 7.1 (128, 4.5–9.7) tion status (28.8 C for noninfected vs 28.5 C for Az 408 (27, 162–1039) infected lizards; P Ͼ 0.05) nor did proportion Fl 536 (32, 168–1835) 7.1 (96, 4.6–11.2) of in sun versus shade (P Ͼ 0.05). P. sp. 560 (24, 150–1428) 6.4 (15, 5.1–7.6) Tail breaks.—Although injured tails are common for the Saban anole for both males (35%, n ϭ compare counts, binomial test with expectation 1420) and females (31%, n ϭ 666), there was of equal number of wins for the male-male in- no difference in injured tails (combining both teraction experiments, and Wilcoxon signed recently broken tails and regenerated tails) for rank tests to compare number of behaviors dis- infected and noninfected lizards (partitioning played by lizards in the male-male observations. data by gender of lizard, P Ͼ 0.05). For the analysis of blood parameters, only soli- tary infections (one parasite species) were com- Perching location and foraging success.—Mean pared with noninfected lizards. For other anal- perching height did not differ between nonin- yses, noninfected lizards were compared with fected lizards (77.8 mm; n ϭ 85) and lizards lizards infected with any of the malaria parasites infected with a malaria parasite (80.9 mm, total because partitioning results by species of Plas- n ϭ 34, P Ͼ 0.05). Relative dry mass of feces modium did not alter the results. produced during 24 h after capture did not dif- fer between infected and noninfected lizards (P RESULTS Ͼ 0.05, analysis split by gender of lizard, male Parasitemia.—Parasitemia was determined for a noninfected mean ϭ 0.0025, n ϭ 140, com- randomly selected sample of infections of P. flor- bined infected mean ϭ 0.0027, n ϭ 71; female idense (mean ϭ 0.87% of erythrocytes infected; noninfected mean ϭ 0.0041, n ϭ 62; combined range from not detected in 1000 cells counted infected mean ϭ 0.0028, n ϭ 28). to 6.6%, n ϭ 59) and Plasmodium sp. (mean ϭ 0.22%; range from not detected to 1.7%, n ϭ Male-male interaction.—For 21 experiments, in- 32). Both species can reach fairly high parasit- teractions of an infected and noninfected male emia, although such infections are rare. During were scored as a tie in five experiments, and the initial examination of blood smears to de- infected lizards were winners in eight and non- tect infected animals, we recorded an estimate infected winners in eight (P Ͼ 0.05). The num- of parasitemia. Therefore, we were able to ber or duration of displays, approaches to an- search these preliminary notes to select five of other lizard, moves, number of copulations and the infections with highest parasitemia; these duration of copulations did not differ signifi- ranged from 3.7–11.3% for P. floridense and 1.7– cantly by infection status (P Ͼ 0.05). 21.8% for P. sp.

Blood cells and hemoglobin.—Immature erythro- Body color.—The number of spots on the dorsal cytes were more abundant in the blood of liz- surface of male lizards did not differ between ards infected with P. floridense or Plasmodium sp. infected and noninfected lizards (mean ϭ 30 than for those not infected or infected with P. for each group, n ϭ 452 noninfected and n ϭ azurophilum (P Ͻ 0.05; Table 1). Hemoglobin 430 for total infected lizards; P Ͼ 0.05). The content of the blood was not reduced for lizards area covered with the brown spots also did not infected with P. floridense compared with non- differ among groups (mean ϭ 31–36%, P Ͼ infected lizards (P Ͼ 0.05), but infection with 0.05). The absolute difference in number of Plasmodium sp. led to a significant 10% drop in spots on the left and right sides of the middorsal hemoglobin (P Ͻ 0.05; Table 1). Only a very scale row also did not differ by infection status few solitary P. azurophilum infections were as- (mean ϭ 0.31–0.36, P Ͼ 0.05). 42 COPEIA, 2002, NO. 1

DISCUSSION because maintaining a territory is not important for access to prey. The survey of potential costs suffered by the Parasitic infection could alter the appearance Saban anole lizards infected with three species of of showy traits in males such that females might Plasmodium reveals low virulence for this parasite- obtain information on the genetic quality (re- host system. The low virulence is in striking con- sistance to parasites) of potential mates (Schall trast with the consequences of malaria infection and Staats, 1997). Likewise, parasitic infection for fence lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis (infected might disrupt the development of infected with P. mexicanum) in California, Agama agama hosts, which can be measured as an decrease in (infected with P. giganteum and P. agamae) in west the left-right symmetry in populations of bilat- Africa, and possibly for A. gingivinus (infected erally symmetrical animals (Møller, 1994). primarily with P. azurophilum and Plasmodium sp.) Fence lizards in California are sexually dimor- on St. Martin (Schall, 1990, 1992, 1996). phic in ventral color pattern; males develop The difference between the Saban parasites blue and black markings to a far greater degree and the other cited lizard malaria systems is ap- than females. Infected male lizards differ from parent when comparing the density of parasites noninfected individuals in the proportion of in the blood. Parasitemia for the other lizard their ventral surface covered with black (Ressel malaria parasites is typically higher than for any and Schall, 1989) and infected animals are also of the three Plasmodium infecting the Saban less symmetrical in the size of their blue patches anole [3–11 times as high for P. mexicanum in (Schall, 1996). In contrast, infection status did California depending on comparison, 1–7 times not alter the sexually dimorphic colors of in- for P. agamae, and 2–11 times for P. giganteum in fected males for A. sabanus. west Africa (Schall, 1996; Schall and Bromwich, Although lizards develop behavioral fevers in 1994)]. Parasite replication in the blood leads response to infection with some pathogens as to destruction of erythrocytes, production by an antiparasite tactic (Kluger, 1979), infection the lizard of replacement immature erythro- with malaria parasites does not cause changes cytes, and consequent reduction in blood he- in thermoregulation for infected lizards in Saba, California, or west Africa (Schall, 1990, moglobin levels (Schall, 1996). As expected, he- 1996). moglobin reduction is less severe for the Saban In summary, P. azurophilum, P. floridense, and anole (no change for infections of P. floridense Plasmodium sp. all appear to have low virulence and a reduction of 12% for Plasmodium sp.) for the Saban anole. This result is in stark con- than for either the California (25%) or African trast with detailed studies on temperate-zone liz- (21%) lizards. The St. Martin anole, when in- ard malaria in California, two malaria species of fected with Plasmodium sp., suffers a 10% reduc- the west African tropical habitat, and perhaps tion in hemoglobin, similar to that seen for Plas- even the same three Caribbean species on St. modium sp. infections on Saba. Martin, just 52 km from Saba. Several hypothe- Malaria infection results in significant behav- ses have been presented to explain such varia- ioral changes in California lizards (and more tion in virulence among closely related parasite limited evidence suggests this is true also for the species, or even genetic strains within species African lizard hosts when infected), but we ob- (review in Schall, 2001). Two will be discussed served no similar effects for the Saban anole. here. The ‘‘Small Worlds’’ hypothesis argues Fence lizards in California infected with P. mex- that when host population sizes are small (or icanum are more likely to have an injured tail the parasite has access to only a small number (for both males and females; Schall, 1996), but of hosts because of low dispersal ability), avirul- no such effect was found for the Saba malaria ence is expected because the parasite must system. Infected male fence lizards are less able await the arrival of new young or migrants to maintain territories and compete for access (Boots and Sasaki, 1999). Perhaps the available to females than are noninfected males (Schall number of lizard hosts on islands is less than and Dearing, 1987; Schall and Houle, 1992). In for mainland systems. This seems unlikely be- experimentally staged male-male contests, 90% cause Anolis are often very abundant on Carib- of the winners were the noninfected males. In bean islands and this is certainly so on Saba contrast, infection did not alter the success of (pers. obs.). A more likely possibility is that oth- male A. sabanus in similar experimental male- er aspects of the transmission biology of the Sa- male contests. The foraging success of free-rang- ban malaria parasites differs from the mainland ing Saban anoles was not affected by malaria systems. Low virulence is expected when trans- infection, but this is also true for fence lizards mission intensity (in this case, number of bites in California (Eisen and Schall, 1997), perhaps by infectious vectors) is low (Ewald, 1994), there SCHALL AND STAATS—VIRULENCE OF LIZARD MALARIA 43 is a period of impossible transmission resulting PERKINS, S. L. 2000. Species concepts and malaria par- from seasonality (Gill and Mock, 1985), or the asites: detecting a cryptic species of Plasmodium. host normally has a long lifespan (Ebert and Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci. 267:2345–2350. Mangin, 1990). 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