THE STATE OF Water Development Office 6920 YELLOWTAIL ROAD TELEPHONE: (307) 777-7626 CHEYENNE, WY 82002 FAX: (307) 777-6819 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM

TO: Water Development Commission DATE: January 29, 2013 FROM: WY SEO & WWDO REFERENCE: Snake/Salt River Basin Plan Update, 2012 SUBJECT: Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation – Tab XII (2012)

Contents 1.0 Introduction ...... 1 Appendix A: Key Storage Facilities ...... i Appendix B: Storage Facility Inventory ...... xiii Appendix C: Reservoir Evaporation ...... xxix

1.0 Introduction This Technical memorandum addresses data and information for major reservoirs in the Snake/Salt River Basin. The Technical Memorandum from 2002 (Technical Memorandum, Basin Water Use Profile – Major Reservoirs, Snake/Salt River Basin Plan (Sunrise Engineering, 2002)) was not changed and is presented here in its entirety. Figure 1 has been included in the memorandum to show the location of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation reservoirs. Data and information in Appendix A, Key Storage Facilities and Appendix B Storage Facility Inventory have been up-dated. New data and information are presented in italics. Additionally, Appendix C has been included that shows reservoir evaporation for each appropriate sized reservoir or lake in the Basin. The method of calculating reservoir evaporation is also provided along with the total reservoir evaporation for the Basin.

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Wyoming Water Development Office Page 1

Technical Memorandum

SUBJECT: Snake/Salt River Basin Plan Basin Water Use Profile – Major Reservoirs

PREPARED BY: Sunrise Engineering, Inc.

DATE: July 17, 2002


Each basin in Wyoming has reservoirs that are used to store water for various purposes. These reservoirs range from small ponds for stock water to large reservoirs for hydroelectric power and irrigation. The major reservoirs in the Snake/Salt River basin are listed in this memorandum and its appendices along with associated data.

Facility Selection:

For consistency with the other Wyoming basin plans, data has been collected on all of the major reservoirs that are of particular significance to the basin. Facilities with capacities of 1000 acre- feet or larger define this criteria. In depth data regarding these reservoirs such as capacity tables and water rights have been compiled on each of these larger facilities.

In addition to the information on key storage facilities in the basin, an inventory of reservoirs was compiled. As with the other basin plans, facilities with a height of 20 feet or greater or with capacities of 50 acre-feet or greater were included in the inventory. These facilities are within the limits of the Safety of Law coverage.

Methodology – Data Gathering:

Data on the various reservoirs included in this memorandum were collected from a variety of sources. The main source to determine what facilities would be included was a search of the Water Rights Database obtained from the State Engineer’s Office. Also used as a source of information was the Active Dams database, as some dams listed in the Water Rights Database are not currently in operation. The Tabulation of Surface Water Rights was used to determine the water source for some of the facilities. Information was also obtained from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation on facilities under their management. It was found during the data collection that there are a number of larger dams that were permitted at one time yet were never built, or were built and have since been removed. Generally, these facilities were to be in the vicinity of Grand Teton National Park, and some were to enlarge existing lakes. Review of the Active Dams database as well as conversations with the National Park Service helped to determine if a Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Wyoming Water Development Office Page 2 particular dam was in place. Dams that either were not built or have been removed were not considered for this technical memorandum.

Compact & Court Decree Issues:

According to the technical memorandum prepared by Fassett Consulting entitled “Summary of Interstate Compacts and Court Decrees”, the Compact recognizes, without restriction, all existing water rights in Wyoming and established prior to July 1, 1949. It permits Wyoming unlimited use of water for domestic and stock watering purposes, providing stock water reservoirs shall not exceed 20 acre-feet in capacity. The compact allocates to Wyoming, for all future uses, the right to divert or store 4% of the Wyoming-Idaho state line flow of the Snake River. Idaho is entitled to the remaining 96% of the flow. The use of water is limited to diversions or storage within the Snake River drainage basin unless both states agree otherwise. The compact also provides preference for domestic, stock and irrigation use of the water over storage for the generation of power.

One unique aspect of the Snake River Compact, compared to other compacts to which Wyoming is a party, is a requirement that calls for Wyoming to provide Idaho replacement storage for one- third of any usage after the first 2% is put to beneficial use. Early estimates of these replacement storage quantities, based upon the average state line flow, are 33,000 acre-feet. A valuable technical result, provided in the technical memorandum prepared by Boyle Engineering entitled “Available Surface Water Determination”, is the update of Wyoming’s current use of water in the basin. This will provide the state and water users with an important component of information for future development and project planning.

In addition to the Snake River Compact, the Roxanna Decree is in effect on Teton Creek and South Leigh Creek which feed the Teton River. These streams are on the west side of the and are not direct tributaries of the Snake River. According to the technical memorandum entitled “Summary of Interstate Compacts and Court Decrees”, the stipulation generally sets forth that Wyoming water users shall be unlimited in their diversions from Teton Creek and its tributaries until the measured flow of the creek diminishes to 170 cubic feet per second (cfs). After that, the Wyoming water users are limited to a diversion of 1 cfs for each 50 acres of irrigated land. When the flow further reduces to 90 cfs, the flow of Teton Creek and its tributaries is divided equally between the Wyoming and Idaho water users.

For South Leigh Creek, the stipulation generally provides the appropriators in Wyoming the unlimited diversion of water until the natural flow of the creek diminishes to a total of 16 cfs. At this time the Wyoming water users are then permitted to divert one-half of the streamflow and Idaho water users can divert the balance. In general, the Roxanna Decree does not affect any storage of water at this time.

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Wyoming Water Development Office Page 3 Conclusion:

As stated in the Facility Selection section of this memo, in depth data on reservoirs with storage over 1,000 acre-feet has been collected, and is presented as Appendix A. A list of the facilities in Appendix A is shown in Table 1.

All of the major reservoir facilities in the Snake/Salt River basin are owned and managed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for irrigation and hydropower production in Idaho. Dam and are managed as part of the , which provides irrigation water for over 1 million acres of farmland in Idaho. , part of the Palisades Project, is also managed in conjunction with the Minidoka Project. The locations of these major reservoirs are shown in Figure 1. Also, an inventory of facilities with capacity at 50 acre-feet or larger is compiled in Appendix B.

Table 1. Major Reservoirs in the Snake/Salt River Basin

Reservoir Permit Year Normal Capacity Dam Height Surface No. Complete (acre-feet) (feet) Area (acres) Grassy Lake 4631R 1939 15,182 70 310 Jackson Lake Various 1911 847,000 65 25,530 Palisades Idaho 1957 1,200,000 270 16,150

Lake evaporation data included in the inventory was obtained from the Annual Lake Evaporation presented in Development of an Evaporation Map for the State of Wyoming for Purposes of Estimating Evaporation and Evapotranspiration by Larry E. Lewis. The annual lake evaporation estimates were distributed among the months of the growing season using Table IX as instructed on page 58 of the Lewis report. This method of assigning evaporation to the various reservoirs is similar to that used in other recent Wyoming basin studies.

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Wyoming Water Development Office Page 4

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Wyoming Water Development Office Page 5 Resources:

Fassett Consulting, Summary of Interstate Compacts and Court Decrees, Technical Memorandum, Snake/Salt River Basin Plan, 2002.

Lewis, Larry Eugene, University of Wyoming, Development of an Evaporation Map for the State of Wyoming for Purposes of Estimating Evaporation and Evapotranspiration, May, 1978.

Wyoming State Engineer’s Office, “Search Results from Active Dams Database”, transmitted by Larry Stockdale, March 26, 2002.

Wyoming State Engineer’s Office, “Search Results from Water Rights Database,” transmitted by Jeff Davis, October 19, 2001.

Wyoming State Engineer’s Office, Tabulation of Adjudicated Surface Water Rights of the State of Wyoming, Water Division Number Four, October 1999.

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Dataweb (, information on various dams, 2001-2002.

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Wyoming Water Development Office Page 6


Appendix A: Key Storage Facilities

. Grassy Lake Reservoir . Jackson Lake . Palisades Reservoir

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page i Snake/Salt River Basin Planning Study Key Storage Facilities

Facility: Grassy Lake Reservoir

Location: 25 miles northwest of Moran, 35 miles east of Ashton, ID. T48N, R116W.

Owner: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Year of Construction: 1937-9

Enlargement History: None

Total Storage: 15,500 acre-feet

Active Storage: 15,200 acre-feet

Dead Storage: Unknown due to natural portion of Grassy Lake

Area/Capacity Data: Maximum Surface Area = 310 acres

Elevation Capacity Area (feet) (acre-feet) (acres) 7135 0 65 7136 68 70 7137 138 75.0 7138 217 79 7139 297 84 7140 384 88 7141 474 91 7142 565 95 7143 665 99.0 7144 765 103 7145 869 107 7146 979 111 7147 1,090 116 7148 1,210 120.0 7149 1,330 124 7150 1,458 129 7151 1,588 133 7152 1,722 137 7153 1,862 141 7154 2,002 145 7155 2,151 148 7156 2,301 152

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page ii Elevation Capacity Area (feet) (acre-feet) (acres) 7157 2,455 157 7158 2,615 161 7159 2,775 165 7160 2,944 169 7161 3,114 173 7162 3,289 177 7163 3,469 180 7164 3,649 184 7165 3,837 188 7166 4,027 192 7167 4,220 196 7168 442 199 7169 4,620 203 7170 4,821 206 7171 5,031 209 7172 5,241 211 7173 5,451 214 7174 5,668 217 7175 588 219.0 7176 6,108 222 7177 6,328 224.0 7178 6,555 227 7179 6,785 229 7180 7,015 232 7181 7,245 235 7182 7,483 237 7183 7,723 240 7184 7,963 243 7185 8,204 245 7186 8,454 248 7187 8,704 250 7188 8,954 253 7189 9,205 256 7190 9,465 258.0 7191 9,725 261 7192 9,985 264 7193 10,251 267 7194 10,521 270 7195 10,791 273 7196 11,062 276 7197 11,342 278 7198 11,622 281.0 7199 11,902 284 Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page iii Elevation Capacity Area (feet) (acre-feet) (acres) 7200 12,187 287 7201 12,477 289.2 7202 12,767 292 7203 13,057 294 7204 13,355 297 7205 13,655 299 7206 13,955 302 7207 14,255 304 7208 14,562 306.8 7209 14,872 309.2 7210 15,182 311.5 7211 15,492 313.9 7212 15,808 316.4 7213 16,128 319.0 7214 16,448 321.7 7215 16,768 324.3

Dam Construction Type: Zoned Earthfill/Rockfill. Dam Height = 118 feet.

End-of-Month Storage Records:

Water Rights:

Permit Number Permitted Use Priority Date Volume (af) 4631R POW, IRR, DOM 2/13/1936 15,204

Designated Use: Power Generation, Irrigation Storage, Domestic Use

Recreational Use:

Associated Irrigation Diversions: Fremont-Madison Irrigation District

Operational Discussion: Grassy Lake is managed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as part of the Minidoka Project. As part of this project, the dam provides supplemental irrigation to the Fremont-Madison Irrigation District in Idaho.

Resources: Active Dams, State Engineer’s Office, transmitted by Larry Stockdale, March 26, 2002.

Search Results from Water Rights Database, State Engineer’s Office, transmitted by Jeff Davis on October 19, 2001.

DataWeb, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page iv Snake/Salt River Basin Planning Study Key Storage Facilities Facility: Jackson Lake

Location: Thirty miles north of Jackson on the South Fork of the Snake River. T44-48N, R114- 116W.

Owner: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Year of Construction: 1910-1911

Enlargement History: 1916

Total Storage: 847,000 acre-feet

Active Storage: 847,000 acre-feet

Dead Storage: Unknown due to natural portion of Jackson Lake

Area/Capacity Data: Maximum Surface Area = 25,540 acres

Elevation Capacity Area (feet) (acre-feet) (acres) 6730 0 17,100 6731 17,190 17,290 6732 34,580 17,490 6733 52,180 17,710 6734 70,010 17,940 6735 88,070 18,190 6736 106,390 18,450 6737 124,980 18,730 6738 143,860 19,020 6739 163,030 19,330 6740 182,520 19,650 6741 202,330 19,960 6742 222,430 20,050 6743 242,830 20,540 6744 263,500 20,810 6745 284,450 21,080 6746 305,660 21,340 6747 327,120 21,580 6748 348,820 21,820 6749 370,750 22,040 6750 392,910 22,250 6751 415,260 22,460

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page v Elevation Capacity Area (feet) (acre-feet) (acres) 6752 437,810 22,650 6753 460,550 22,830 6754 483,470 23,000 6755 506,550 23,160 6756 529,790 23,320 6757 553,190 23,480 6758 576,750 23,640 6759 600,470 23,800 6760 624,360 23,970 6761 648,400 24,130 6762 672,620 24,300 6763 697,000 24,470 6764 721,560 24,640 6765 746,280 24,810 6766 771,180 24,990 6767 796,260 25,170 6768 821,520 25,350 6769 847,000 25,540 6770 872,600 25,730

Dam Construction Type: Combined concrete gravity and zoned earthfill. Dam Height = 65 feet.

End-of-Month Storage Records:

Average End of Month Contents, 1971-2001 (based on preliminary data)

Month Contents (acre-feet) October 472,980 November 478,820 December 486,680 January 494,830 February 498,650 March 491,640 April 477,330 May 578,780 June 692,740 July 656,330 August 549,200 September 461,050

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page vi Water Rights:

Permit Number Permitted Use Priority Date Volume (af) 894R IRR 8/23/1906 299,000 1903R IRR 8/18/1910 93,900 2185R IRR 7/24/1911 45,010 2894R IRR 5/20/1912 300,000 2895R IRR, DOM 5/24/1913 100,000 TOTAL 837,910

Designated Use: Irrigation Storage, Domestic Use

Recreational Use: Boating, Fishing, Camping, Wildlife

Associated Irrigation Diversions: None

Operational Discussion: Jackson Lake Dam is managed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation as part of the Minidoka Project. As part of this project, the dam provides irrigation supply to the irrigation districts in Idaho. Seasonal flows from the dam are also coordinated with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department in order to provide adequate flows for fish in the Snake River.

Resources: DataWeb, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Search Results from Water Rights Database, State Engineer’s Office, transmitted by Jeff Davis on October 19, 2001.

Mike Beus, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Telephone Interview, May 29, 2002.

Area and Capacity for Jackson Lake Reservoir, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, received from Mike Beus, July 15, 2002.

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page vii Snake/Salt River Basin Planning Study Key Storage Facilities Facility: Palisades Reservoir

Location: Eighteen miles northwest of Alpine on the South Fork of the Snake River in Bonneville County, Idaho.

Owner: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Year of Construction: 1951-1957

Enlargement History: None

Total Storage: 1,401,000 acre-feet

Active Storage: 1,200,000 acre-feet

Dead Storage: 44,100 acre-feet

Area/Capacity Data:

Elevation Capacity Area (feet) (acre-feet) (acres) 5498 499 4,972 5499 5,509 5,046 5500 10,592 5,121 5501 15,751 5,197 5502 20,987 5,275 5503 26,302 5,354 5504 31,696 5,434 5505 37,170 5,514 5506 42,723 5,592 5507 48,354 5,670 5508 54,061 5,745 5509 59,842 5,818 5510 65,695 5,887 5511 71,614 5,952 5512 77,596 6,012 5513 83,636 6,068 5514 89,732 6,123 5515 95,881 6,176 5516 102,084 6,230 5517 108,341 6,284 5518 114,654 6,342 5519 121,026 6,403

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page viii Elevation Capacity Area (feet) (acre-feet) (acres) 5520 127,462 6,469 5521 133,967 6,540 5522 140,545 6,615 5523 147,199 6,694 5524 153,933 6,774 5525 160,749 6,857 5526 167,647 6,940 5527 174,629 7,023 5528 181,693 7,106 5529 188,839 7,187 5530 196,065 7,265 5531 203,368 7,342 5532 210,748 7,418 5533 218,203 7,493 5534 225,733 7,568 5535 233,338 7,642 5536 241,017 7,716 5537 248,769 7,790 5538 256,596 7,862 5539 264,496 7,936 5540 272,469 8,010 5541 280,515 8,083 5542 288,634 8,155 5543 296,826 8,227 5544 305,089 8,299 5545 313,423 8,370 5546 321,829 8,442 5547 330,307 8,514 5548 338,857 8,587 5549 347,481 8,661 5550 356,179 8,736 5551 364,954 8,813 5552 373,805 8,891 5553 382,735 8,969 5554 391,744 9,049 5555 400,833 9,129 5556 410,003 8,210 5557 419,252 9,290 5558 428,582 9,370 5559 437,991 9,449 5560 447,479 9,527 5561 457,045 9,604 5562 466,687 9,681 Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page ix Elevation Capacity Area (feet) (acre-feet) (acres) 5563 476,406 9,757 5564 486,200 9,832 5565 496,070 9,908 5566 506,015 9,983 5567 516,036 10,059 5568 526,133 10,135 5569 536,306 10,211 5570 546,556 10,289 5571 556,883 10,366 5572 567,287 10,441 5573 577,765 10,515 5574 588,317 10,589 5575 598,944 10,665 5576 609,647 10,742 5577 620,429 10,822 5578 631,292 10,905 5579 642,241 10,993 5580 653,281 11,087 5581 664,417 11,185 5582 675,653 11,286 5583 686,911 11,391 5584 698,436 11,498 5585 709,990 11,609 5586 721,656 11,724 5587 733,439 11,843 5588 745,343 11,965 5589 757,371 12,091 5590 769,528 12,222 5591 781,819 12,359 5592 794,250 12,504 5593 806,830 12,656 5594 819,564 12,811 5595 832,454 12,970 5596 845,504 13,129 5597 858,712 13,288 5598 872,078 13,444 5599 885,598 13,596 5600 899,267 13,742 5601 913,079 13,884 5602 927,034 14,024 5603 941,127 14,163 5604 955,359 14,300 5605 969,727 14,435 Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page x Elevation Capacity Area (feet) (acre-feet) (acres) 5606 984,288 14,568 5607 998,861 14,698 5608 1,013,623 14,826 5609 1,028,512 14,951 5610 1,043,524 15,073 5611 1,058,657 15,194 5612 1,073,912 15,315 5613 1,089,286 15,435 5614 1,104,780 15,553 5615 1,120,390 15,667 5616 1,136,112 15,777 5617 1,151,941 15,882 5618 1,167,871 15,979 5619 1,183,896 16,069 5620 1,200,000 16,150 5621 1,216,219 16,266

Dam Construction Type: Zoned earthfill. Dam Height = 270 feet

End-of-Month Storage Records:

Average End of Month Contents, 1971-2001 (based on preliminary data)

Month Contents (acre-feet) October 745,910 November 797,340 December 821,430 January 827,240 February 821,890 March 735,840 April 661,780 May 826,600 June 1,060,580 July 926,680 August 801,090 September 716,400

Water Rights: Water rights for Palisades Reservoir are administered by the State of Idaho.

Designated Use: Irrigation Storage, Power Generation, Flood Control, Fish and Wildlife

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page xi Recreational Use: Boating, Fishing, Camping, Wildlife

Associated Irrigation Diversions: Downstream diversions are located in Idaho

Operational Discussion: Palisades Dam is part of the Palisades Project, which serves purposes such as irrigation, power generation, flood control, recreation, and fish and wildlife conservation. The dam is also operated in conjunction with the Minidoka Project to provide holdover storage for irrigation and power generation

In 1991, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation entered into a contract with the State of Wyoming for the purchase of 33,000 acre-feet of joint use space in the reservoir. All Palisades Reservoir spaceholder contracts provide for use of a proportionate share of the water accruing to the reservoir water rights, the ability to keep unused stored water for use in subsequent years, and the option of participating in the Water District 1 Rental Pool. Additionally, Wyoming has the option of making exchanges to allow the use of their Palisades Reservoir space to retain water in Jackson Lake or to increase winter flows in the Snake River for cutthroat trout. The space also insures Wyoming’s ability to fulfill Snake River Compact obligations.

Resources: DataWeb, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix A Wyoming Water Development Office Page xii


Appendix B: Storage Facility Inventory

. Afton Electric Reservoir (AKA Swift . Jackson Wastewater Treatment Plant Creek Reservoir) . Leidy Lake . Baldwin Reservoir . Leland’s Reservoir . Bear Pond Reservoir . McLean Reservoir . Bergman Lake Reservoir . Melody Ranch Pond . Cottonwood Lake . Porter Reservoir . Cottonwood Reservoir . Strawberry Creek Reservoir . Teton Meadows Ranch Reservoir . Teal Reservoir Enlargement . Timber Creek Reservoir . Flat Creek Ranch Reservoir . Tracy Lake . Four Shadows Reservoir . Tucker Ranch No. 23 Reservoir . Grassy Lake . Tucker Ranch No. 24 Reservoir . Hardeman Reservoir . Two Ocean Reservoir . Hardeman #2 Reservoir . Uhl Reservoir . Indian Lake Reservoir . West Borrow Area Lake . Jackson Lake . Woodward Reservoir

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xiii Afton Electric Reservoir (AKA Swift Creek Reservoir) Tributary: Swift Creek, Tributary Salt River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 29, T32N, 4091R Town of Afton 1938 42 °43’32” 110 °54’32” R118W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 30 69 48 5 P Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 40 27.52 4.82 5.59 6.71 6.16 4.24

Baldwin Reservoir Tributary: Teton Creek Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 21, T44N, 10498R Alfred E. Baldwin 1995 R118W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 20 30 30 3 S, F Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 34 23.39 4.09 4.75 5.71 5.24 3.60

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xiv Beaver Pond Reservoir (as of December 2012, not built) Tributary: Dry Gulch Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 18, T43N, 1424R Royer & Shinkle 1908 R114W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 10 79 79 11 I Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 34 23.39 4.09 4.75 5.71 5.24 3.6

Bergman Lake Reservoir Tributary: Indian Creek, Trib. Squirrel Cr., Trib. Falls R., Trib. Henrys Fk. R. Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude Squirrel Creek 5, T47N, 6001R 1953 44 °03’34” 111°02’20” Irrigation Company R118W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 12 373 201 37 I Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 33 22.70 3.97 4.61 5.54 5.09 3.50

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xv Cottonwood Lake Tributary: Cottonwood Creek, Tributary Salt River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 30, T31N, 253R U.S. Forest Service 1918 42 °38’09” 110 °49’02” R117W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 11 240 70 32 I Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 41 28.21 4.94 5.73 6.88 6.32 4.34

Cottonwood Reservoir Tributary: Granite Creek, trib. Fish Creek, trib. Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude New Moraine LLC & 25, T42N, 13889R 2010 43.5684° 110.8312° Snake River Assoc. R117W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) No dam - pit 487.55 487.55 28.40 R, F Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 37 25.46 4.45 5.17 6.21 5.70 3.92

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xvi Teton Meadows Ranch Reservoir Enlargment Tributary: Horse Pasture Draw trib. Susannah Slough trib. Flat Creek Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude As of Dec. Roger W. Seherr- 2012, not 19, T40N, 12324R Thoss yet R116W completed Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) No dam - pit 200.4 200.4 14.5 S, WL Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre)

Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 37 25.46 4.45 5.17 6.21 5.70 3.92

Flat Creek Ranch Reservoir Tributary: Flat Creek, Tributary Little Gros Ventre River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 8, T41N, 9068R Flat Creek Ranch 1967 43 °31’29” 110°32’27” R114W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 11 151 151 46 R, F Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 34 23.39 4.09 4.75 5.71 5.24 3.60

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xvii Four Shadows Reservoir Tributary: Drainage of Fish Creek trib. Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 25, T42N, 13891R New Moraine LLC 2010 43.5741° 110.8286° R117W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) No dam – pit 78.69 78.69 5.98 R, F Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 37 25.46 4.45 5.17 6.21 5.70 3.92

Grassy Lake Tributary: Grassy Creek, Tributary Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude U.S. Bureau of T48N, 4631R 1939 44 °07’48” 110 °49’06” Reclamation R116W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 118 15,500 15,200 313 P, I, D Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 32 22.02 3.85 4.47 5.37 4.93 3.39

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xviii Hardeman Reservoir (this reservoir has been breached) Tributary: Springs, Beaver Lake, Tributary Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 18, T43N, 5603R Gerrit Hardeman 1947 R114W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 15 93 13 S, I Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 34 23.39 4.09 4.75 5.71 5.24 3.60

Hardeman #2 Reservoir (this reservoir has been breached) Tributary: Hardeman Creek, Tributary Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 21, T43N, 5737R Gerrit Hardeman 1950 R114W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 15 133 19 I, D Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 34 23.39 4.09 4.75 5.71 5.24 3.60

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xix Indian Lake Reservoir Tributary: Indian Lake Basin, Tributary Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude Squirrel Creek 4, T47N, 6000R 1954 44 °04’01” 111°02’07” Irrigation Company R118W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 10 2034 904 252 I Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 31 21.33 3.73 4.33 5.20 4.78 3.28

Jackson Lake Tributary: Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude U.S. Bureau of T44-48N, 2895R 1911 43 °51’36” 110 °35’24” Reclamation R114-6W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 65 873,000 847,000 25,530 I, D Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 32 22.02 3.85 4.47 5.37 4.93 3.39

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xx Jackson Wastewater Treatment Plant Tributary: Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 8114R Town of Jackson 1980 43 °24’05” 110 °46’53” Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 23 260 260 20 D Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 36 24.77 4.33 5.03 6.04 5.55 3.81

Leidy Lake Tributary: Leidy Creek, Tributary South Fork Spread Creek Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude Wyoming Game & 2, T43N, 8632R 1983 43 °43’13” 110°22’21” Fish Department R113W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 8 65 65 14 F Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 33 22.70 3.97 4.61 5.54 5.09 3.50

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xxi Leland’s Reservoir Tributary: Fish Creek trib. Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 25, T42N, 13892R Snake River Assoc. 2010 43.5709° 110.8376° R117W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) No dam – pit 65.83 65.83 4.77 R, F Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 37 25.46 4.45 5.17 6.21 5.70 3.92

McLean Reservoir Tributary: McLean Creek, Tributary Muddy Creek, Tributary Hoback River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude Miller Land & 23, T36N, 5484SR 1965 Livestock Company R113W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 20 16.4 16.4 3 S Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 37 25.46 4.45 5.17 6.21 5.70 3.92

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xxii Melody Ranch Pond Tributary: Flat Creek, Little Gros Ventre Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 28, T40N, 9884R Melody Ranch 1993 R116W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) No dam - pit 70 70 6 F Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 37 25.46 4.45 5.17 6.21 5.70 3.92

Porter Reservoir Tributary: Wallace Creek, Tributary Shive Spring Branch, Trib. Buffalo Fork Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 2, T44N, 5735R Bruce Porter Estate 1951 43 °48’01” 110 °23’15” R113W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 17 52 52 7 S, I, D Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 32 22.02 3.85 4.47 5.37 4.93 3.39

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xxiii Strawberry Creek Reservoir Tributary: Strawberry Creek, Tributary Salt River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 30, T34N, 5684R Lower Valley Energy 1949 R117W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 22 11 11 3 P Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 39 26.83 4.70 5.45 6.55 6.01 4.13

Teal Reservoir Tributary: Salt River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude Wyoming Game & 3, T36N, 9837R 1992 Fish Department R119W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 10 79 79 32 WL, WT Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 40 27.52 4.82 5.59 6.71 6.16 4.24

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xxiv Timber Creek Reservoir Tributary: Timber Creek, Tributary Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 15, T40N, 2108R Mary A. Cheney 1911 R116W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 30 12 12 1 I, D Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 37 25.46 4.45 5.17 6.21 5.70 3.92

Tracy Lake Tributary: Randolph Creek, Brush Creek, and Buffalo Fork River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 19, T45N, 9447R ANK Corporation 1928 43 °50’54” 110°22’00” R112W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 20 646 380 47 I Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 32 22.02 3.85 4.47 5.37 4.93 3.39

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xxv Tucker Ranch No. 23 Reservoir Tributary: Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude Tucker Ranch 13, T41N, 10159R 1993 Development R117W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) No dam - pit 146 146 11 WT, F, A Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 37 25.46 4.45 5.17 6.21 5.70 3.92

Tucker Ranch No. 24 Reservoir Tributary: Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude Tucker Ranch 12, T41N, 10160R 1993 Development R117W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) No dam - pit 270 270 16 WT, F, A Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 37 25.46 4.45 5.17 6.21 5.70 3.92

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xxvi Two Ocean Reservoir Tributary: Two Ocean Creek Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude Osgood Land & 2, T45N, 3487R 1918 Livestock Company R114W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 2 1,024 512 512 I Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 32 22.02 3.85 4.47 5.37 4.93 3.39

Uhl Reservoir Tributary: Spread Creek, Tributary Snake River Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 1, T44N, 5380R 1948 43 °48’18” 110 °28’54” Preserve Inc. R114W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 20 756 543 83 I Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 32 22.02 3.85 4.47 5.37 4.93 3.39

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xxvii West Borrow Area Lake Tributary: Imeson Spring Creek Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 29, T40N, 8116R Town of Jackson 1980 R116W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) No dam - pit 96 96 6 W, F Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 37 25.46 4.45 5.17 6.21 5.70 3.92

Woodward Reservoir (as of December 2012, not built) Tributary: Turpin Creek Permit Year Location Owner/Operator No. Completed S-T-R Latitude Longitude 21, T43N, 3845R Wm. Woodward 1922 R114W Dam Height (ft) Max. Capacity Normal Capacity Max. Surface Purposes (af) (af) Area (acres) 15 120 120 24 I, D Lewis Evaporation Estimates (inches/acre) Annual May-Sept. May June July August September 34 23.39 4.09 4.75 5.71 5.24 3.60

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix B Wyoming Water Development Office Page xxviii


Appendix C: Reservoir Evaporation

Calculation of Reservoir Evaporation for the Snake/Salt River Basin Plan 2012 Update Reservoir Calculated Evaporation Surface Evaporation Reservoir Name Notes (inches/year) Area Depletion (Acres) (AFY) Afton Electric 40 5 16.67

Baldwin 31 3 7.75

Beaver Pond 0.00 Not Built 12/2012

Bergman Lake 33 37 101.75

Cottonwood Lake 41 32 109.33

Cottonwood 37 28.4 87.57

Teton Meadows Ranch 37 14.5 44.71

Flat Creek Ranch 34 46 130.33

Four Shadows 37 5.98 18.44

Grassy Lake 32 313 834.67

Hardeman 0.00 Breached

Hardeman #2 0.00 Breached

Indian Lake 31 252 651.00

Jackson Lake 32 25,530 68,080.00

Jackson Wastewater Treatment Plant 36 20 60.00

Leidy Lake 33 14 38.50

Leland's 37 4.77 14.71

McLean 37 3 9.25

Melody Ranch Pond 37 6 18.5

Porter 32 7 18.67

Strawberry Creek 39 3 9.75

Teal 40 32 106.67

Timber Creek 37 1 3.08

Tracy Lake 32 47 125.33

Tucker Ranch No. 23 37 11 33.92

Tucker Ranch No. 24 37 16 49.33

Two Ocean 32 512 1365.33

Uhl 32 83 221.33

West Borrow Area Lake 37 6 18.50

Woodward 0.00 Not Built 12/2012

Total 72,175.09

A sample calculation is presented below. This calculation allows the evaporation rate and units to be correct.

40 in/yr * 1ft/12in * (5acres * 43,560ft^2/1acre) / 43,560ft^2/1acres

Technical Memorandum Major Reservoirs and Reservoir Evaporation Appendix C Wyoming Water Development Office Page xxix