06 Sunday, April 14, 2019 Reports by Ailyn Agonia For events and press releases email Kabayan Corner [email protected] or call (974) 4000 2222 Top Philippine singers to regale music lovers at Doha concert The upcoming concert of Philippines’ two top singers and Global PCR ambassadors was announced during the launch of the new office of the Doha City Event Management on Friday

hilippines’ con- Alliance Middle East Tour cert king Martin 2019”. Nievera will be per- Nievera, whose sing- forming in Qatar ing career spans more than Ptogether with celebrated Fil- three decades, has per- ipina singer Lani Misalucha, formed in different concert also known as the “Asia’s venues across the world. He Nightingale”, for the Global also held hugely successfully Police Community Relations concerts in Qatar in 2007 to- (Global PCR) “World Alli- gether with ance Middle East Tour 2019 and in 2015 with Morissette on June 27. Amon. The upcoming concert in Misalucha is known for Doha of two of the Philip- her ability to sing across sev- pines’ top singers and Global eral genres including pop, PCR ambassadors was an- rock, , soul and rhythm nounced during the launch and blues. She held success- of the new office of the Doha ful concerts across the Phil- City Event Management (DC ippines and in different parts Event) on Friday. of the US most notably in Las The Global PCR is con- Vegas. ceptualised to forge stronger Aside from the Nievera- relations between the Philip- Misalucha concert, DC Event Signing of contract for the “World Alliance Middle East Tour 2019” between Victor Magnipes (right) of pine National Police (PNP) also announced that it will DC Event and Rachel S Chan (centre) and Engr. Henry Dimaano representing Global PCR. and the community through organising another con- its partner-stakeholders and cert featuring Filipino rock The launching of the new partner non-government band Juan Kar- DC Event office located at the organisations in the Philip- los and other Mezzanine Floor of Abdul- pines and abroad. It is aimed guests for the at addressing specific issues Summer- and concerns of Overseas fest 2019 Filipino Workers and their event on families for global peace. August 9. The initiative was launched in different parts of the Mid- dle East including in Qatar A poster of the upcoming concert. last month in the pres- ence of Global PCR del- egation from . During the DC Event new office soft launch, Vic- Guests during the opening of DC Event new office. tor Magnipes of DCEM ghani Building in Doha events, lights and sound, pho- signed the also featured a presen- tography and videography contract with tation of the services productions, among others. Global PCR of the Filipino-owned The event was attended by represented venture which in- Lea Abo, sponsor, and other by Rachel S. Chan cludes events plan- members of the community. and Engr. Henry Di- ning such as sports, Further announcements of DC maano for the Doha corporate, fashion Event are on its official website (left) and Lani Misalucha. Juan Karlos band concert in Doha on August 9. leg of the “World and community www.dceventsqatar.com. Flickers Qatar holds friendly badminton tournament Rhianne Cassey Caburnay is part of the tandem which ranked runner-up in women’s doubles (EF category). The successful event was a joint effort of the leadership of Flickers which also include Vice President Edsel Hernan- dez, Secretary 1 Ercil Ben- cio, Secretary 2 Jani Gayoma Treasurer Mau Campos, Assis- tant Treasurer Errol Talamor and Auditor Isabel Baluyut. Other office-bearers are directors Lance Magpoc, Allan Nabong, Cris Nunez, Ruel Se- nupe, Cyrus Casihan and Joe A group of Flickers Qatar members during the event. Sagad with Ana Valencia as media consultant. The pool of lickers Qatar, one of group for its members aimed enthusiasts in action, both advisers of the group is com- the most active Filipino at promoting healthy life- men and women and across prised of its former presidents PICPA Doha LLC (G) badminton groups in style through sport. It was led ages. The roster of winners in- Alano Merto, Mechie Ortiaga Doha, hosted a friendly by Flickers Qatar Chairman cluded the ‘mother and daugh- and Fidel Hernandez. tournamentF at Ali bin Hamad Renato Ajero and President ter’ tandem of Isabel and Yan- Ortiaga of JC Premier Qa- ‘Accountancy Week’ Youngest Player runner-up al Attiyah Arena recently. Kutchie Reyes. na Baluyot for the women’s tar gave away products worth Rhianne Cassey M Caburnay The event was part of the The fun-filled tournament doubles (category CD). The QR2500 during the raffle and Hazzel. regular programme of the saw a number of badminton tournament’s youngest player draw during the event. ends in style

he Philippine Institute of Certified Public Ac- countants (PICPA) Doha LLC (G) marked the conclusion of the professional group’s ‘Account- ancy Week’ with a gathering held at the La Cigale THotel Doha, recently. The event kicked off with an inspirational mes- sage by PICPA Doha LLC (G) President Sharon C. Dela Cruz followed by PICPA ‘Utakan’ 2019, a form of game or mind sport. The game featured participa- tion by six groups of two to three members each with the players (as individual or in teams) attempting to answer questions related to accounting. The team of Vladimar F. Susi, Christian Dave M. Barrameda and John Vincent P. Gunita bagged the first spot in the competition. Vladimar was also awarded at the event as winner of the PICPA Quiz Whiz, an online quiz bee wherein a series of questions were posted on the Facebook page of PICPA Doha LLC (G). The Accountancy Week activ- ities also included the PICPA Vlogging Competition, a video-making contest focusing on discussion of the life of an accountant. The organising committee for the week-long celebration was headed by Fredelene P. Magdaug, PCPA Doha treasurer, and Carmela Mae V. Group picture of Flickers Badminton Tournament winners. WD-CD Mother and Daughter Tandem cham- Ampongan, chairman for Ways and Means. pions Isabel and Yanna Baluyot.