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Taste of News The flu comes to Det er sunt å være syk av Candy or cake? og til. Norway

Read more on page 8 – Henry David Thoreau Read more on page 3 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 124 No. 2 January 18, 2013 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy News in brief Find more at blog.norway.com Cherished sport turns deadly Culture The death of A new luxury hotel – The Thief – has opened on ’s famous 12-year-old Olav ‘Thief Island’ (Tjuvholmen) where 18th century criminals Hovda inspires were once brought to face justice. Leaving the past behind, roller-skiers to Tjuvholmen island today is home to a thriving urban centre call for change for business, art and nightlife, which the hotel aims to capture. Designed by Norway-based Staff Compilation Mellbye Architects, “The Thief” Norwegian American Weekly features 119 guestrooms and suites, all with French balconies. Art is central to the property 12-year-old Olav Hovda and and each room is decorated his father were out roller skiing in with handpicked works from a Klepp, Norway, about half an hour collection of international and south of Stavanger, when a hit- Norwegian artists. Read more: and-run driver hit the child before http://www.norwaynews.com/ fleeing the scene. Hovda later died en/~view.php?72R8454LL84823 of his injuries. His funeral was on x285Uol844QJ388bP976Byj353 Thursday, Jan. 10. P5F8 The same day, a judge ordered (Norway News) the two suspects in the case jailed for two weeks, one week in full Research Photos: Flickr / Office of the Prime Minister Manufacturing production in See > roller, page 6 Here, Prime Minister speaks at the semi-annual press conference on Dec. 19, 2012. Norway declined 0.1 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis in November compared to a month earlier, Statistics Norway said Oscar nominated Explorer visits D.C. Tuesday. While basic chemicals and basic metals saw a decrease Kon-Tiki is now heading for an Academy Børge Ousland to in production during the month, Award as Best Foreign-Language Feature speak at National there has been continued growth in machinery and equipment and Geographic event in ships, boats and oil platforms. (RTT News) Special Release Royal Norwegian Embassy

What’s inside? “History is always an integral News 2 – 3 part of the present. We are well Business 4 aware that we are sailing in the wake of great explorers and ad- Research & Education 5 Photo: Helsport.no Opinion 6 – 7 See > explorer, page 6 Børge Ousland, polar explorer. Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Photo: Norwegian Film Institute A ski jump triumph Pål Sverre Hagen play in “Kon-Tiki.” Obituaries & Religion 11 Anders Jacobsen Arts & Style 12 claims World Cup win In Your Neighborhood 13 Special Release Norwegian Heritage 14 Norwegian Film Institute Sports 15 Norway Post Norwegian directors Espen action-adventure Kon-Tiki, which Norway’s ski jumper Anders $1 = NOK 5.5068 Sandberg and Joachim Rønning’s took almost 900,000 admissions is action-adventure is now heading already on the course for a Gold- Jacobsen claimed his third World updated 1/14/2013 for an Academy Award as Best en Globe, was today (10 January) Cup win of the season ahead of In comparison Foreign-Language Feature nominated for an Academy Award compatriot Anders Bardal in Zako- pane on Saturday. Poland’s Kamil 12/14/2012 5.6242 Norwegian directors Espen as Best Foreign-Language Fea- Sandberg and Joachim Rønning’s ture – the first Norwegian selection Stoch placed third. 7/14/2012 6.0992 Photo: Wikimedia Commons See > jump, page 15 1/14/2012 6.0587 See > kontiki, page 12 Ski jumper Anders Jacobsen. 2 • January 18, 2013 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Ni av ti tog i rute i 2012 Kriminalitet øker Krevde svar I snitt var hele ni av ti persontog i rute i fjor. Det er første gang siden 2005, og Da svarene i Sigrid- samferdselsminister Marit Arnstad (Sp) er Det er stadig flere saken lot vente på seg, svært fornøyd. – Det viser at arbeidet som er gjort, særlig rundt Oslo og i Oslotunnel- Oslofolk som opplever å engasjerte Grete Faremo en, har gitt resultater, sier Arnstad til NTB. (Ap) seg personlig Samferdselsdepartementet har satt et punkt- bli frastjålet lommeboka lighetsmål for togtrafikken på 90 prosent for si, viser tall som politiet persontog og 95 prosent for Flytoget. I 2012 VG ble målene oppnådd med god margin. 91,2 la fram 14. januar prosent av persontogene og 95,8 prosent Da Justis- og beredskapsministeren av Flytogets avganger var i rute. – Det er NRK leste Aftenposten 26. oktober sto det svart gode tall når man tenker på den krevende på hvitt at flere sentrale prøvesvar i Sigrid- situasjonen i 2010, sier Arnstad, og mener – I forhold til befolkningen er ikke saken ikke vil være klare før i 2013. Det at satsingen på bedre vinterberedskap også økningen skremmende, mener politimester gjorde Grete Faremo (Ap) utålmodig. har gitt gode utslag på punktlighetsstatistik- Hans Sverre Sjøvold. I en korrespondanse mellom Justis- ken. I bunnåret 2010 var punktligheten til Mandag møtte han og visepolitimestrene departementet (JD) og Politidirektoratet persontogene helt nede i 85,5 prosent, og for Roger Andresen og Hans Halvorsen media i (POD) kommer det frem at ministeren vil Flytoget 92 prosent. Men siden da har tal- det nye presserommet på politihuset. De for- Foto: Aktiv i Oslo / Flickr vite hvorfor etterforskningen drøyer: lene blitt forbedret for hvert år. I tallene er talte blant annet at vinningskriminalitet ut- Oslo-politiet utenfor Grand Hotel i Oslo. «Statsråden ønsker å vite mer. Hva er for øvrig kun uforutsette hendelser tatt med, ikke stengninger som er planlagt på forhånd, gjør 60 prosent av kriminaliteten i Oslo. problemet? Hos hvem stopper det opp? Hvor som da Oslo S i fjor sommer stengte i seks I 2012 var det en økning i antall an- forteller at det sitter rundt 25 personer i va- er flaskehalsen?», står det i en e-post sendt uker. meldelser for simpelt tyveri (8,1 prosent) og retekt på grunn av slike saker. – Oslos unge fra JD 26. oktober, som VG har fått tilgang (VG) for grovt tyveri (10 prosent). Innenfor grovt befolkning bli stadig mer lovlydig. Selv om til. Senere samme dag sender Justisdeparte- tyveri var det en økning fra person på of- det bli flere ungdommer, er det mindre krim- mentet ut en ny henvendelse med de samme Trondheim økte mest fentlig sted på 19,4 prosent, viser politiets inalitet, sier Sjøvold. spørsmålene. Tidsfrist? Innen to timer. Byturisme øker mest og Trondheim øker tall. Sjøvold mener Oslopolitiets hovedut- Roger Andresen skryter av samarbeidet Og én time på overtid kommer svar fra mest av alle byene, viser foreløpige tall fra fordring er vinningskriminalitet, ikke minst mellom kommunen og politiet. Han sier det POD med en redegjørelse fra Oslo politidis- Statistisk Sentralbyrå og Innovasjon Norge. lommetyverier. Han sier Oslo er en attraktiv brukes mye ressurser på gjengangere og at trikt. De viser til at det tar tid å få svar på alle – Det er bare helt fantastisk, sier reiselivssjef by å begå lommetyverier i. tilbakefallsprosenten er så liten at det har prøvene på grunn av den store spormengden Line Vikrem Rosmæl i Visit Trondheim til Det ble anmeldt over 17,000 lommetyv- vakt internasjonal oppsikt. i saken. nrk.no. Det er særlig på kurs og konferanser erier i løpet av fjoråret og i august ble det – Vi har utrolig god ungdom i denne Brevet er signert assisterende politidi- at Trondheim vinner. Mens resten av landet etablert en egen innsatsgruppe mot dette. byen. Forebyggende arbeid får sjelden over- rektør Vidar Refvik. – Det er helt unikt, men hadde en økning på 2,4 prosent på kurs og – De er en stor utfordring og det har skrifter, men det er noe av det viktigste vi meget interessant at Faremo tar kontakt på konferanse økte Trondheim med 11–12 vært en betydelig økning de siste to årene. gjør, sier Andresen. den måten, mener leder for Stortingets jus- prosent på dette området, sier Rosmæl. Hun Det dreier seg ofte om små verdier, men det tiskomité (Frp). forklarer veksten med at det har vært et op- rammer mange, sier Sjøvold. English Synopsis: According to new numbers from pdemmet behov hos byens fagmiljøer på å English Synopsis: Justive Minister Grete Faremo Han mener det er en klar utfordring å få the Oslo Police Department, crime in the city in 2012 took initiative to hurry along the Sigrid Giskegjerde arrangere store konferanser. Den demningen folk til å passe på bedre på sakene sine og was on the rise. Schjetne case, which has been at a stand-still. brast da Clarions nye hotell åpnet på Brat- tøra med en kongressal med plass til 1800. – Før måtte vi si nei til alt som involverte flere enn 600–700 personer. Nå kan vita Vi stortrives! Demonstrerer for barna imot godt over tusen. I 2014 åpner Scandic Lerkendal, et stadionhotell med 400 rom og I en landsomfattende en kongressal med plass til 1800 deltakere. Flere lokallag i Rica Hell kan tilby 1000 stolseter i sin nye undersøkelse kommer regjeringspartiet Ap sal på Værnes. – Trondheim har et helt spe- det frem at Kristiansand sielt fagmiljø som nå kan arrangere store og SV sentralt krever konferanser i hjembyen. Ifølge Line Vikrem kommer på andre plass endringer i regjeringens Rosmæl har alle de tre områdene ferie/fritid, når det gjelder trivsel kurs/konferanse og business økt i 2012. – politikk for asylbarn Hotellene sier det ser lovende ut også for blant innbyggerne neste år. (NRK) VG VG AUF-Eskil sjokkert: Privatskole lærer elev- ene at homofili er en skade Kristiansand er den kommunen i landet Bakgrunnen for demonstrasjonene er der folk trives nest best. På førsteplass kom Høyesteretts-avgjørelsen som ble truffet like AUF-leder Eskil Pedersen mener staten bør Asker kommune. Foto: Wikimedia Commons stoppe all støtte til Kvitsund gymnas. Skolen før jul: Med 5 mot 14 stemmer ble det avg- SV’s party leader, . – Ingen steder er som Kristiansand, sier er klaget inn for å lære elevene at homofili jort at to av landets 544 asylbarn ikke får bli. Ragnhild Ås som i mange år har bodd i USA. er en skade i barnets utvikling. En elev ved I dommen går innvandringspolitiske Signe Torjesen trekker frem nærhet til skolen har levert klagen til Fylkesmannen hensyn foran hensynet til barns beste - noe met for å ikke prioritere hensynet til barna i , i følge TA.no. Eskil Pedersen, sjøen som av grunnen til at hun trives så godt kritikerne mener er i strid med - først er for stort. Men det er for tidlig å si som selv er homofil, er sjokkert over det han i sørlandsbyen. smeldingen som kom i juni i fjor. noe skråsikkert om effekten av den. Stort- kaller vranglære fra skolen. Rektor Torleif – Vi har også fine turområder, som – Vi ønsker en rausere asylpolitikk ingsmeldingen kan fremdeles ha betydd en Belck-Olsen bekrefter overfor VG Nett at en baneleia for eksempel, sier hun. overfor barn, og at flere asylbarn skal få bli i praksisendring i Utlendingsnemda, mener lærer har delt ut et hefte med innhold som 20.000 har deltatt i undersøkelsen som Norge. Jeg er glad for det store engasjement- Lysbakken. sier at abort er mord og at homofili er en er utført av Sentio. et, og det er naturlig for SV å støtte det, sier SV har tidligere tatt dissens i asyl- skade i barnets tidlige utvikling - til elever i Trives du i sørlandsbyen Kristiansand? SV-leder Audun Lysbakken til VG Nett. spørsmål i regjeringen, og Lysbakken er klar kristendom-timene. – Det er en lærer hos oss Skriv gjerne din kommentar nederst i saken! Mange av støtteforeningene for asyl- på at stortingsmeldingen om barn på flukt som har delt ut et hefte til elevene. Men dette Geir Olaf Garberg mener trivselen skyl- barn i Norge krevde en ny gjennomgang av var et kompromiss. – Uansett vil SV gå til heftet står ikke på vår liste over læremidler. des væremåten til sørlendinger. regelverket etter dommen. Men statssekretær valg på en rausere asylpolitikk, lover han. Jeg trodde ikke at dette heftet var i bruk, så – Jeg tror det har mye med hvordan vi i Justisdepartementet, Pål Lønseth (Ap), var – Kan du love velgerne at dere får gjen- denne saken er kjedelig også for oss internt, er med hverandre. At vi er veldig hyggelige klar på at det ikke kom til å skje. nomslag for dette hos Arbeiderpartiet? sier Belck-Olsen til VG Nett. med hverandre. I tillegg er det en liten by, – Det kommer an på om vi går frem eller (VG) – Nå har vi lagt frem en stortingsmeld- sier Garberg. ing som sier at vi skal ha en gjennomgang tilbake. I 2009 gikk partiene som var for en For å se kommunene som kom høyest etter ett år. Først da vil vi se om den har ført rausere asylpolitikk tilbake, og det har vært opp på listen, besøk http://www.nrk.no/con- til en praksisendring, sier Lysbakken. et problem. Men jeg mener vi har fått til en tentfile/file/1.10868493!Kommunetilfredsh – Mange mener det ikke er nok, når god del, sier han. et%20Desember%20%282%29.pdf Høyesteretts-avgjørelsen legger mer vekt på English Synopsis: Members of the Socialist Left par- English Synopsis: In a new survey, Kristiansand innvandringspolitiske hensyn enn på barnas ty and the Labor party demonstrated in several cities was declared the province in Norway where people beste? in Norway to protest strict new rules about asylum- are the happiest. – Høyesterettsdommen viser at rom- seeking children being allowed to stay in Norway. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news January 18, 2013 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Flu season arrives in Norway “Lettskremte Basse” clip appears on the Ellen Show Influenza intensity Did you suspect you heard some Norwegian on daytime television earlier this month? classifed as above You did! Right before Christmas, NRK did epidemic threshold in a report on Basse Andersen, better known as “Lettskremte Basse” (“easily frightened Norway Basse”). An office worker in , Andersen is considered by his colleagues to be the most easily frightened man in the Kelsey Larson world, and several humorous clips of his Managing Editor colleagues playing pranks on him to scare him was uploaded to YouTube by NRK. The video went viral, raking in several On Jan. 3, the Norwegian Institute of Photo: Google Flu Trends thousand views, before it was picked up Public Health reported: “The 2012-2013 in- Google Flu Trends tracks flu-related searches, and compares them to realtime numbers from the CDC. Here, Nor- for the Ellen Degeneres show. Degeneres fluenza season in Norway is emerging and way’s cases of the flu in 2009-2010 (light line) compared to 2012-13 (dark line). Visit www.google.org/flutrends to showed a clip from the video before she above the epidemic threshold. The activity at learn more. introduced her own easily-frightened staff the moment is of medium intensity.” member for a short segment. The confirmed cases mostly consist of pre-existing immunity in the population will related, pending investigation by the NIPH. (Staff Compilation) A H1N1 (the “swine flu”) and influenza B limit the epidemic’s spread,” the NIPH re- “We have so far not found any indica- viruses. ported. tion that this year’s flu season seems to be Norway is short of engineers “We expect that infection caused by A So far in Norway’s flu season, one death more dangerous or substantially wider than Norway needs several thousand engineers, (H1N1) virus (swine influenza) could consti- has been reported in the hospital (an other- an average flu season,” a NIPH report pub- according to one of Norway’s wealthiest tute a larger proportion of this winter’s epi- wise healthy boy of 11 years) and under 10 lished on Jan. 10 said. men, investor Johan H. Andresen. He is demic than in the last two winters, but that deaths have been reported that could be flu- hoping for a shake-up in the education See > Flu, page 6 sector. Andresen is concerned over what is in his opinion a lack of concentration on subjects like technology, science and No golden globe math. Now he aske the Government to put Norway goes electric forward an all-out effort for knowledge Kon-Tiki, nominee for the and education, Dagsavisen reports. “We Electric vehicles selling Golden Globe award, are always behind. Whenever you realize that you lack people, you are already 20 fast in Norway, thanks to loses to Austrian Amour years behind,” Andresen says. strong incentives (Norway Post) Staff Compilation Passenger record at Oslo Airport All together, 22.1 million passengers Nathan August CleanTechnica.com At this year’s Golden Globe Awards travelled via the Oslo Airport Gardermoen hosted by the Hollywood Foreign Press in last year. NRK and Aftenposten reported that this is a 4.6 percent increase over Electric car sales have been booming in Los Angeles, Calif., a Norwegian film was 2011, and the highest number of travellers Norway, largely thanks to the many strong up for an award for the first time. Photo: Press images / Nissan Leaf in one year ever. The increase was highest incentives there to buy one. In the U.S., elec- Kon-Tiki, nominated for Best Foreign The Nissan Leaf is the 13th best-selling vehicle on foreign destinations, particularly on tric and hybrid vehicle sales for 2012 made in Norway. Language Film, was in the running along chartered flights, with 10.7 percent. On up only 0.6% of new vehicle sales, but in with Austrian film “Amour,” Danish film “A Royal Affair,” and French films “The In- domestic flights the increase was 2.9 Norway they topped 5.2%. EVs in Norway is price. Typically, EVs are a touchables” and “Rust and Bone.” percent. Total sales for EVs reached 50,000 for good bit more expensive than conventional The Austrian film, pegged as a favorite, (Norway Post) all of 2012 in the U.S., with its large popu- cars. “But, in a nation where high car taxes won the Golden Globe in the end. The film lation of 315 million. While Norway, with are the norm, the Norwegian government is also nominated for five Oscars, including its population of only 5 million, sold over doesn’t levy import taxes on EVs,” Autob- Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, 10,000 EVs in the same time period. log Green writes. “The competitive pricing Best Original Screenplay and Best Foreign Electric cars such as the Nissan Leaf are has helped the Nissan Leaf become 13th best Language Film. very popular in Norway, and there are more selling vehicle in Norway. The country also Kon-Tiki will have another shot at an reservations for Tesla’s Model S there than has a long history with EVs, and it’s common Vesterheim Museum anywhere else in the European market. award on Feb. 24, at the Academy Awards, The simple reason for the popularity of where it is again nominated for Best Foreign See > electric, page 7 Language Film. Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • January 18, 2013, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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Photo: Øyvind Hagen / Statoil 2401 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Acona, a Norwegian consulting company, provides service to the oil and gas industry in Norway. Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Acona, with its head office in Stavan- demand for Acona’s services going forward. Sales and Service ger, is one of the largest independent compa- The CEO of Acona, Oddbjørn Kopper- nies in Norway providing consultancy ser- stad, said that CapMan is a perfect partner. vices within the area of well operations and “We have developed a common view with drilling. The company has branch offices in regards to the future strategic development Oslo, Bergen, and Tromsø in Norway; of the company. We are now looking forward Great Yarmouth and Aberdeen in the U.K.; to working with CapMan and I am confident Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK and Baku in Azerbadjan. The company em- that together we are well positioned to fulfill phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 ploys more than 370 people and turnover for Acona’s potential,” Kopperstad said. fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 2012 is expected to be approximately NOK CapMan is one of the leading private 800 million. equity firms in the Nordic countries and Rus- The company is a result of eleven merg- sia, with assets under management of 3.5 bil- ers of companies providing niche compe- lion Euros. Altogether they employ 150 peo- [email protected] tence service to the oil and gas industry in ple in Helsinki, , Oslo, Moscow, 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 Norway since 1987, culiminating with the Copenhagen and Luxembourg. CapMan was acquisition of Fraser Offshore, a U.K. based established in 1989, and has been listed on well management company in September the Helsinki Stock Exchange since 2001. LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: 2012. At the location, the managing director According to the CEO Lennart Simon- Certified Public Accountant Small businesses of Fraser Offshore said that the union of the sen, “the efforts last year (2012) have been (206)789-5433 Individuals two companies created a powerful new force geared towards fundraising, which lays the 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance in the well management sector. With drill- foundation for our operations for several Seattle, WA 98119 ing experience from the North Cape to the years to come. The outlook for fundraising Southern North Sea and a complete range of is positive despite a challenging market.” well-related services, it will offer industry- Private equity means making direct in- leading value to oil companies. vestments in companies. These are made Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU Just before Christmas, Acona was bought through funds which raise their capital pri- Independent Insurance Broker up by the private equity fund CapMan. Cap- marily from institutional investors such as Man is exited about the acquisition. This is pension funds and foundations. Private eq- Long-Term Health Care Insurance their first investment in the oil services in- uity funds actively develop their portfolio Should you consider it? dustry. The growth potential for providers of companies. Value creation is based on pro- Call me for honest straightforward advice. well management services is expected to be moting companies sustainable growth and significant. An increased share of small and strengthening their strategic position. It is of (206)362-5913 mid-sized companies on the Norwegian and long-term nature. www.obergltc.com U.K. Continental Shelves, and constraints of The acquisition is expected to close in 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 human resources and competence for drill- January 2013. Subscribe to the Weekly! ing operations are factors expected to drive Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]

Norwegian- Business News & Notes Always the owned Norway Unemployment Unexpectedly Rises age forecast of 10 economists surveyed by since 1963 best possible as Economic Growth Slows Bloomberg. The world’s fourth-richest nation prices! Norway’s jobless rate unexpectedly rose in per capita has so far withstood a contraction AIR – SEA – LAND SPECIALISTS the October quarter as companies prepared for in the euro area as record investment in in its weaker economic growth amid a recession in petroleum industry fuels demand for work- Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide the euro area. Unemployment rose to 3.2 per- ers. Growth in the mainland economy, which cent from a revised 3.1 percent in the previous excludes oil, gas and shipping, is estimated to 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 period, the Oslo-based Statistics Norway said slow to 3 percent in 2013 from 3.75 percent today. The figure was above a 3 percent aver- last year, according to central bank forecasts. Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research January 18, 2013 • 5 Research & Education New treatment for psoriasis Three percent of the world’s population suffer from psoriasis. A Norwegian research-based company is close to developing a treatment that could help millions

Siw Ellen Jakobsen & Else Lie Research Council of Norway

The psoriasis treatment consists of a compound which, when applied to the skin, is absorbed by skin cells much more natu- rally than most other ointments. It contains a synthesised molecule based on the fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which may prove effective in inhibiting chronic inflam- mation associated with psoriasis. Photo: Innovation Norway/Heidi Widerø Clinical trials soon underway Clinical trials will soon be underway for a new drug, developed by a Norwegian company, that could help treat psoriasis. Avexxin, a Trondheim-based company, is to begin clinical testing of the ointment in early 2013. If the results are positive, Avexx- • Expanding drug pipeline in Avexx- Avexxin was recently nominated as one Inflammatory companies to watch. in may find itself on the cusp of an interna- in - adopting new chemistry (2009- of the world’s Top 10 Autoimmune/Anti- tional breakthrough. 2012) Successful tests of the psoriasis com- “We have been lucky in obtaining pri- pound could also give an important boost to the pursuit of more comprehensive clinical vate funding that supports our main focus – trials to determine whether the technology the development of a medicine for treating can be applied to other chronic inflammatory psoriasis,” Dr. Johansen explains. conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and “The financial support we have re- Student-Faculty nephritis, an inflammation in the kidneys. ceived from the Research Council has been critical to our research and has enabled us to Combining clinical phases 1 and 2A develop several molecules to treat other in- Research Clinical trials often extend over a long flammatory conditions with the same treat- period of time. The treatment must first be ment target as psoriasis. These molecules At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community tested for toxicity on healthy volunteers. could prove effective in treating rheumatoid ensures challenge and support for every student Subsequent trials must be carried out on real arthritis and nephritis,” Dr. Johansen states. patients to ensure that the treatment has the “When we carried out tests in summer desired effect. With an ointment such as this, 2012 to see whether one of the new mol- which is to be applied externally, it is pos- ecules might have any effect on arthritis in sible to combine trial phases 1 and 2A. animals, the results were extremely encour- “This enables us to save a lot of time,” aging.” explains Professor Berit Johansen of the Norwegian University of Science and Tech- Substantial international attention nology (NTNU). Dr. Johansen has been “Our most recent results are especially studying the mechanisms behind inflamma- important now that we have begun negotiat- tory disease since the end of the 1980s. She ing with international pharmaceutical com- launched the company, Avexxin, in 2005. panies towards potential agreements,” Berit Johansen says. Three leading pharmaceuti- Potential for treating other conditions cal companies are currently courting the Two Avexxin projects have received Norwegian team. funding under the programme for User-driv- If the decisive clinical trial proves a en Research-based Innovation (BIA) at the success Dr. Johansen and her colleagues will Research Council of Norway: enter into discussions on licensing their pat- • Development of mechanism based, ent to one of these companies. This will be Chemistry Professor Neal Yakelis and Chelsea Berdahl in the Rieke Science Center novel anti-inflammatory com- the company that undertakes the final clini- laboratory. pounds (2006-2009) cal trials. CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS We’ve gone digital! If you are a print subscriber, you can access the digital edition PLU for free! Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 Email [email protected] for details 6 • January 18, 2013 norwegian american weekly opinion

An opinion column about current issues in Norway < explorer From page 1 Join the conversation! venturers.” — Børge Ousland On the EDGE When it comes to polar exploration, What happened to the tax promise? Børge Ousland is a natural. An avid out- By doorsman and former member of Norway’s Marinejeger – equivalent to our Navy Seals To avoid a tax level debate, the ruling still more than four times the estimated Norwegian state, that increases form year – he has the physical and mental toughness Norwegian Labor Party and their coalition government income from fuel taxes in to year. The revision at year end showed to survive extreme conditions, as demon- partners promised that they would not that the states income for 2012 increas- strated by his history-making crossing of the raise the tax level above the 2004-level, es with 40 billion NOK (7 billion USD) Antarctic during the long polar night. both in the 2005 and 2009 parliamentary compared to the initial decision for the Ousland is a Norwegian polar explorer, elections. However, the devil is in the de- 2012 budget. And this happens year after photographer and writer. He made the first tails, because Labor excludes toll roads year. The Norwegian state budget surplus unassisted Antarctic solo crossing, finishing from their own definition of taxes. This is now estimated to 390 billion NOK (68 on Jan. 18, 1997. He ventured to the South means that they can increase government billion USD) for 2012. Pole on Dec. 8, 2005. On Jan. 15, 2006, he spending by increasing the proportion of I wish that at least the ruling Labor began a journey to the North Pole, which he roads financed by tolls, without technical- Party would try to follow up on its prom- and Mike Horn successfully concluded on ly breaking their own tax promise. The ise not to raise taxes above the 2004-lev- 23 March. In Sept. 2010, Ousland’s team same goes for property tax collected by el. It disappoints me very much that they aboard “The Northern Passage” completed local authorities, not the state, and envi- instead spend time looking for loop-holes the circumnavigation of the North Pole. The ronmental charge to the NOX fund which in their own promises. Russian team aboard the “Peter I” achieved replaces governmental tax, but is still a the same feat in that season. These were the tax. first recorded instances of the circumnaviga- The NOX-fund collected 2,6 billion tion of the North Pole without an icebreaker. NOK (0,45 billion USD) I the three year In Dec. 2011, he traversed Antarctica to the period 2008-2011, while the property tax Siv Jensen is the South Pole for the centennial celebration of paid yearly is 7,6 billion NOK (1,3 bil- Photo: NEI til bomvei på Fosen / Facebook Leader of the Progress the first expedition to reach the Pole. lion USD) and increasing as the tax base Toll roads are the largest source of revenue outside tax Party (Fremskrittspar- Ousland married at the North Pole in is continously expanded under this gov- level changes in Norway. tiet) and also the parlia- 2012, having been flown in by helicopter ernment. mentary leader for the with “20 or 30 people.” `s group The biggest tax collecting outside the 2013. The 80 billion NOK in road finance But Ousland brings more than tough- in the Storting (The Nor- tax level promise is the toll roads. The from tolls translates to more than 100 bil- ness and endurance to his adventures at high wegian Parliament). ruling Norwegian Labor Party and their lion in toll fees from motorists, because latitudes. He is profoundly aware of those The classical liberal coalition partners said that they wanted to of the additional costs of interest rates who have gone before him. Heir to a great (libertarian-conservative) Progress Party is finance roads through tolls for 60 billion and operating costs. The figure is even Norwegian tradition of polar voyages, he has the second largest party in Norway and the NOK in the National Transport Plan 2010- higher than 100 billion if one also takes crafted expeditions to replicate the feats of leading opposition party. Ms. Jensen has 2019. This figure has been increased to 80 into account that a large percentage of the pioneers such as Nansen and Amundsen—in been elected member of the Storting since billion NOK (14 billion USD) in the pre- toll ring in Oslo is used directly as public some cases accomplishing what they were 1997, representing the district of Oslo. Ms. liminary draft of National Transport Plan transport subsidies. unable to do. In 2007, while retracing Frit- Jensen is member of the Standing Committee 2014-2023. Norway has the world record The other approach to tax level is on Foreign Affairs and Defense and member jof Nansen’s historic trek across Franz Josef in high fuel taxes, but 80 billion NOK is the tax money actually flowing in to the of the Enlarged Foreign Affairs Committee. Land, he and his team were isolated for three weeks during which they were forced to live off the land. In 2010, Ousland completed The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is the Northern Passage—a circumnavigation not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. by ocean of the entire Arctic in a single sea- son— a long-sought goal of Arctic explora- < roller < Flu tion that became possible only with changing From page 1 with Aftenposten. From page 3 climatic conditions. The accident happened despite the fact An audience favorite for his charismatic that both Olav and his father were wearing isolation, including limited access to media. However, this fact has not prevented and compelling presentations, Børge Ous- reflective vests. The suspects, a man and a woman, have de- Akershus University Hospital in Oslo from land will report on his latest expeditions with The organized training in Oslo often nied involvement. being overwhelmed with flu patients in the photos and hair-raising video direct from the takes place in schoolyards, at recreation Hovda’s death has resulted in an outcry last several weeks. VG reported that over 84 field. parks and walking and biking paths. from roller skiers across the nation. people have tested positive for H1N1 alone “But we have no control over those who Roller skiing, a non-snow alternative to at the hospital. Tickets at nglive.org/dc or call (202) are not in an organization,” says Bakke. cross-country skiing, originated as a sum- Oslo emergency medical services has 857-7700 today! Bakke does not recommend roller ski- mer training program for cross-country ski- had to call in extra personnel to take care of National Geographic ing anywhere in Oslo unless the training is ers. However, roller skiing has become its all the patients. Jan Erik Berdal, head phy- Thursday, February 28 organized. own competitive sport. Competitons and sician in the infectious diseases ward, calls 7:30 PM “This we try to ask the parents – do not championships are held around the world. this flu season an epidemic. “It seems to me $22 / $20 Member take children 10 – 14 years old in traffic. Roller skis resemble elongated inline skates, that it has really taken off now. It seems that There are many who are not good enough,” with only two wheels, one on each end, and we are at the top or in the middle of such an says Bakke. should be used on pavement. Roller skiing epidemic now,” Berdal said to VG. Many have suggested that special roller is popular in Norway, both for cross country Consultant Øystein Hveding in Lille- skiing paths need to be built to ensure the Don’t skiers in the offseason and those who roller hammer told local newspaper gd.no that he safety of roller skiers. ski year round, like Olav Hovda and his fa- has not seen the like in his 25 years as a doc- Oslo City Commissioner for Sports and ther. tor. Transport, , thinks that those Gulbrand Bakke, of the Oslo Skikrets, Still, the numbers of sick people in Nor- using roller skis benefit from bike paths built forget! an organization that encompasses thousands way this flu season do not compare to 2009’s in Oslo. of ski clubs in Norway, worries about the record-breaking numbers, and Aftenposten “We do not have any special strategy for All subscribers have safety of children and parents in Oslo, es- has reported that the numbers of people ad- roller skiing specifically,” said Elvestuen to pecially those who are not part of organized mitted to the hospital have been evening out. full access to our Aftenposten. He believes that the Oslo sports training. Meanwhile, in the U.S., 18 flu-related organization in this case must request that new digital edition! “I think the accident is tragic and terri- deaths have been reported, as well as vac- special roller ski paths be a higher priority. bly sad. It’s terrible for those who are left. I cine shortages. Email kelsey@norway. But Gulbrand Bakke is not optimistic am thinking particularly of the father. They that anything will be done soon. com to activate your were well marked, and that is one of our ma- Visit www.fhi.no for more information “The concern will be there for many jor concerns, that roller-skiers always use a about influenza in Norway, and www.cdc.gov account. years,” he said. reflective vest,” said Bakke in an interview for more information about the flu season in the U.S. Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. norwegian american weekly January 18, 2013 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Managing Editor Dear Editor, To reserve your place, call or e-mail Kelsey Larson [email protected] Thank you for running our ad for the Tom Heavey by Jan. 22, 2013 at (253) 752- 2012 fair on 11/10/12. The fair was a great 6525 or [email protected]. The Assistant Layout Editor success. I am sending you a picture: cost is $18.00 per person. Please make your Harry Svenkerud [email protected] check payable to Advertising Greater Tacoma Peace Prize, and send Erik Krippaehne [email protected] it to P.O. Box 731143, Puyallup, WA 98373. Subscriptions Your reservation will be confirmed by phone Call (800) 305-0217 [email protected] or e-mail. Contributing Editors The Greater Tacoma Peace Prize: Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Photo courtesy of Kari Williams Carla Danziger McLean, Va. The Toll Lodge #3-476 45th Anniversary Party took • was inspired by the Nobel Peace Prize Sölvi Dolland Fraser, Mich. place on Sept. 29, 2012. From Left: Kari Williams, Troll and Norway’s efforts to work for peace Erling Dugan Ventura, Calif. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Lodge President; Diane Hanseth, Troll Lodge Social world-wide Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Director; Phil Fiederein, Troll Lodge Counselor; and • was started in 2005 in honor of the Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Photo courtesy of Kari Williams Gail Euloff, District 3 President of the Sons of Norway. Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. The Annual Scandinavian Holiday Fair at 100th anniversary of Norway’s peaceful Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Troll Lodge #3-476 took place on Nov. 10, 2012. separation from Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. Pictured here is President Kari Williams with • was founded by representatives of the Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway granddaughter Emily Brideau, on left: Karen and Dear Editor, Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Norwegian-American community of the Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. Jeff Brideau/ on right: Cathy and Erik Williams. The Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Com- Karen and Erik are Kari’s children. greater Tacoma area (two representa- Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. mittee hopes you share their desire for de- Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. tives each from: the Sons of Norway, Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. licious food and a more peaceful world. An Daughters of Norway and Pacific Lu- Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. event of special interest to those who care Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. theran University) Solveig M. Lee S seattle, Wash. Besides many vendors, Troll sells Scan- about efforts to promote peace takes place • provides a way to spotlight some of the Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. dinavian goods and some Norwegian foods on January 27, 2013, at Pacific Lutheran many peace builders—and related peace Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. University in Parkland, Wash. when the Rev. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. and chocolates. initiatives—in our own backyard, and to David Moe S sun City, Calif. I am also sending you a photo from Troll William “Bix” Bichsel, S.J. will speak about support peace building efforts Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. his recent trip to Norway to attend the Nobel Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. Lodge 3-476 Sons of Norway’s 45th Anni- Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. versary on Sept. 29, 2012. A very success- Peace Prize Ceremony and be recognized as Sincerely, John Erik Stacy S seattle, Wash. the Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Laureate for Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. ful party at Chalet-on-the-Hudson in Cold Candace Brown Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Spring, New York. 2012. Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. It is nice to see some news from the East The “Brunch With Bix” will begin at Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. Coast, and I hope you can use these pictures 1 p.m. inside the Scandinavian Cultural CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives in the paper. Center, on the PLU campus. It will feature to make its news report fair and accurate. If you a tempting menu of traditional brunch fare, Do you have something to say? Write to us! have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly Sincerely, along with a presentation by Father Bichsel reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for Kari Williams that includes video clips from the Nobel Cer- Letter to the Editor style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right emony. Guests will also have the opportunity Norwegian American Weekly not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor Peekskill, N.Y. taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. to ask questions about his experiences dur- 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and ing the trip. or send a note to [email protected] letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published < electric weekly except the first week of the calendar year, infrastructure in the country, with more than the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks From page 3 of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • 3,500 charging posts and 100 fast-charging Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. stations in the small nation. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription to see Revas, Kewet Buddies and many other The fast rate of change in Norway shows Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. EVs on the streets of Oslo, the capitol.” what could be possible in the US, or at the There are also many governmental poli- very least some regions of it, if similar in- SINCE MAY 17, 1889: cies that contribute to the high rate of EV centives were adopted. With such a high per- Be our friend on Formerly Norway Times Western Viking & Washington Posten adoption there, including: being allowed to centage of CO2 emissions coming from the drive in the bus lane, free parking in many internal combustion engines of cars, a rapid Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, areas in the city, and avoiding the congestion switch over to electric and hybrid vehicles Facebook! Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven charges that conventional car owners are would be very valuable in limiting the most subject to. There is also a highly developed negative effects of future climate change. facebook.com/naweekly NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • January 18, 2013, 2012 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Cake or candy? This decadent cake is a modern Norwegian invention, modeled after the favorite candy bar

Sunny Gandara ArcticGrub.wordpress.com

The troikakake is a more modern cake have taken it a step further and invented a invention in Norway, modeled after the deli- cake from it, of course! Well known for serv- cious and popular chocolate “Troika.” Lay- ing an outrageous number of cakes at special ered with truffles, marzipan and raspberry occasions such as birthdays, confirmations, jello, it is one of those unique candies I’ve baptisms and weddings, it is no surprise the bragged about on my Facebook page, Fork Norwegians love to play around with dif- and Glass, and to all my international friends. ferent recipes. It is not uncommon to see 20 The different flavors and textures this ex- different cakes on the table at one time, and traordinarily satisfying chocolate offers is people manage to somehow get a taste in of nothing short of amazing, and I’m always every single one! This is usually a ‘wow’ surprised how I discover yet another layer moment for most foreigners visiting a Nor- of flavor every time I take a new bite. In a wegian household or attend a party there for recent test by nutritionists and health profes- the first time, they simply can’t believe their sionals in Norway, Troika got top marks for eyes. This is probably the only time Norwe- being the best chocolate choice, containing gians have Americans beaten in excess and the lowest amount of calories and fat. More gluttony! good news – you can enjoy some guilt free! Below is my favorite recipe for Troika Troika is Russian for “a set of three,” kake – it is extra decadent, since technically and the chocolate is appropriately named it has four layers instead of three, with an ad- because of its three aforementioned layers. ditional, gorgeous chocolate topping. Rich, While you can also make your own Troika velvety and outrageous, just the way I like it! chocolate (and many do), the Norwegians

Photos: Tine.no, Nidar.no What happens when you combine choc- Troika Cake olate cake and Nidar’s beloved Troika candy bar? Pure magic! Troikakake

4 oz. good quality, dark chocolate 70% (I 2 packs raspberry Jell-O like Valrhona) 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice The Little Viking 3 oz. granulated sugar 1 Tbsp. glucose Scandinavian GiftS 6 large eggs 8 oz good quality dark chocolate chips like a touch of Scandinavia in southern California 1 Tsp. vanilla extract Ghirardelli (70%) 1 lb. storebought marzipan (I like the the 2 cups heavy cream We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 Odense or Niederegger brands) 1 tsp. vanilla extract and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected] To make the cake bottom/chocolate mousse: Line a 12-inch brownie pan with parchment paper. Preheat oven to 350° F. In a double boiler over simmering heat, melt the chocolate, and set aside to cool. Sepa- rate the eggs, add all the sugar except 2 Tbsp. into the egg yolks in a bowl. Whisk together in a stand mixer until light yellow and fluffy and soft peaks form, about 5 minutes. Add the melted chocolate into the eggs and combine well. In a separate stainless steel bowl, whisk the egg whites with the remaining 2 Tbsp. of sugar and vanilla extract until soft peaks form. Carefully fold the egg whites into the egg/chocolate mix with a spatula until no streaks of white are left. Pour the batter into the prepared brownie pan and bake in oven for about 15 minutes.

To make the marzipan layer: While the mousse is cooling, sprinkle some confectioners sugar on kitchen countertop and with a rolling pin, roll out a thin, square layer of marzipan to fit on top of the mousse. Place the marzipan on top of the cooled-down mousse.

To make the jello: Make the jello according to the instructions on the package, and let it cool slightly before pouring it over the marzipan. Place it in the fridge and let it firm up.

To make the chocolate topping: Gently heat up the heavy cream in a small saucepan until just below simmering. Add in the chocolate chips and vanilla extract and whisk until combined and smooth. Pour into a glass bowl and place in fridge to cool for about 2 hours. Stir every 30 minutes. When Celebrating 50 years of business the chocolate cream has almost firmed up, place into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, and whip until light and fluffy. Spread the whipped chocolate cream Visit our store in Seattle or find us online! across the jello on the chilled troika cake and place into fridge to chill for another 30 minutes. Decorate with fresh raspberries before serving and cutting into pieces for your guests! www.scanspecialties.com 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Sunny Gandara, a native Norwegian, is the voice of Arctic Grub, a blog dedicated to Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 delicious Norwegian recipes. In 2008 she founded her own company, Fork and Glass, a food Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! and wine event company, located in the Hudson Valley of New York. Visit arcticgrub.word- press.com, facebook.com/forkandglass or twitter.com/forkandglass for more information. norwegian american weekly January 18, 2013 • 9 TRAVEL A cozy stay amongst snow and ice

Photo: Terje Rakke/Nordic Life -–Visitnorway.com The Kirkenes Snowhotel offers a very unique getaway for those who love winter.

KirkenesSnowHotel.Com A Piece of Norway in America Kirkenes Snowhotel opened in 2006, It’s always exciting to see what kind of and ever since then it has provided guests sculptures the artists find hidden in the ice! with the ultimate northern Norway experi- But the experience of staying in a build- ence. ing made of snow and ice is not all the Kirkenes is located in Finnmark, in the Kirkenes Snowhotel has to offer. northeast of northern Norway, and is known Next to the hotel is the Gabba Restau- as the gateway to the East and the capital of rant, shaped like a traditional Sami lavvo the Barents Region. (tent), but built in a Russian style with pine Every room in the Snowhotel is like a timber. The restaurant is circular with a large small treasure. The rooms are five meters in fireplace in the middle, where the chefs do diameter, and they are equipped with every- all the cooking. The menu is mostly fish thing needed for a comfortable night. The which are in abundance in Finnmark: cod, rooms are decorated with beautiful, unique salmon and Arctic charr. The Arctic charr snow carvings. These works of art are cre- comes from the restaurant’s own fish farm, ated by artists from the Chinese city of Har- and even won a prize for the best seafood bin. As the picture above illustrates, the bed in Norway in 2009. The menu also includes frames are made with ice, but the beds have other regional specialties, such as reindeer comfortable mattresses with thermal insula- meat. tion on top. You sleep inside a sleeping bag Kirkenes Snowhotel believes that snow Photo: Anne Marte Archer / Flickr graded for -35°celcius (-31° F). is often looked at with a negative associa- All of the 20 snowsuites have a differ- tion: making messes in the streets and caus- Norway, Indiana ent theme from arctic culture or nature. The ing delays. The goal of the hotel is to end Indiana lighted ice sculptures gives the Snowhotel a that outlook on snow. One way they do this very cozy and special atmosphere. is by hosting a variety of fun snow-related Don’t worry; you will not freeze in the activies which highlight the beauty of winter snow hotel. The beds are warm and comfort- conditions in the Arctic. Norway, Indiana is a small town of about 437 people in White able, and next door there is a heated building Activities include snowmobile tours, County, Indiana. It gives a nod to its name with this impressive offering bathrooms with hot water. king crab excusions, husky sled trips, ice Viking-ship mural. In the construction of the hotel’s ice-bar fishing on the fjord, snowshoeing, and of and sculptures, more than 15 tons of ice has course, hunting for the northern lights. The been used. evening northern lights tour guides take you Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! All the ice comes from the frozen lake by bus to all the locations where the northern Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] next to the snowhotel. The ice is cut with lights can best be seen around Kirkenes. chainsaws and pulled with snowmobiles into A trip to the Kirkenes Snowhotel may the Snowhotel. In the middle of winter, this not be for everyone, but without a doubt it ice is 70 centimeters thick. The icebar and will be a unique way to experience Norway Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Only $59 for a year’s the sculptures are designed differently every that you will always remember! subscription. Call (800) 305-0217 or email at [email protected]. year. 10 • January 18, 2013 norwegian american weekly roots & Connections Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week Norwegian 101 Language practice with Heidi Håvan Grosch Language lek (play) Norwegians eat (spiser) applesauce on their bread (på brød- skive) like jam (syltetøy), but call it eplemos. Mashed potatoes are called potetmos, but I would never think (jeg ville ikke tro) of putting them on my bread (å bruke dem på brød) as a spread (pålegg) for breakfast (til frokosten). In English a rug is something you put on the floor (du bruker på gulvet) but in Norwegian you use it in baking (du bruker det når du baker) and it means (det betyr) rye. Add a local dialect to the language mess (rot) and it can be even more confusing (det kan være mer forvirrende). In Trøndelag we speak the Trøndersk dialect where the word for (ordet for) a slice of bread sounds like a slice of cake (kakskiv) and Christmas cookies are called kaffebrød (coffee bread). Just pass the cupcakes (muffins), please. When new English words (nye engelske ord), especially those related to technology (teknologi), appeared on the scene (kom fram), Norwegians just said them in a Norwegian way (på en norsk måte), So computers and televisions (TV) or fjernsyn (remote vision) quickly became common words (vanlige ord). Photo courtesy of Paul Abrahamsen This photo was submitted by Paul Abrahamsen in Palatine, Ill. with the note: “This Spelling (staving) in Norwegian isn’t as hard (er ikke så van- photo is of my grandchildren Finn Patrik Drohan (age 4) and Kendall Berit Drohan (age 1 skelig) as you think (som du tror) if you speak English (hvis du 1/2). Their parents are Jena and John Drohan. They are in their bunads brought from Nor- snakker engelsk). Replace (sett inn) English “ph” with “f “(as in way. The picture was taken in the woods in Crystal Lake, Ill. elefant), “c” with “k” (as in katt) and the “t” in a word ending with “-tion” with “sj” (as in tradisjon) and you have come a long way (du har kommet langt) with the language (med språket).

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? or ? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption.

Ole is on his deathbed. The doctor has told him he has only a few hours to live. He catches the scent of his Community Connections favorite bars wafting through the air. With all the strength he can muster, he drags himself into the kitchen and For just $35, you can print a photo sees a fresh pan cooling on the rack. and up to 10 lines of text to celebrate He cuts one out and bites into the life’s milestones with the Norwegian- scrumptious cookie. Lena comes in, American community. Commemorate smacks his hand, and says, “Shame birthdays, engagements, weddings, an- on you, Ole! Dese are for after de niversaries, baptisms, birth announce- funeral!” ments and more! Ole and Lena Each submission will be printed in America’s favorite Norwegians! the “Roots & Connections” page, and we will send you up to 10 copies to share with family and friends. Faith Skindelien New London MN Arne M. Tandberg Spokane WA 22. januar Nels Wahl Dillingham AK Aldora Dryden Belmont NJ Vicki L. Grorud Portland OR Happy belated birthday! 23. januar A diligent subscriber informed us that we mistankenly left out some birthdays in one of Ben Muri Great Falls MT our December issues! Apologies and belated wishes for a very happy birthday to: 18. januar Severin Jorgensen Langevåg Norway Alice Bjorvand Tveit Norway Jorunn Hoem Kristiansund Norway 15. desember Lloyd Davies Palmer Knutson Ferryville WI Sverre Rying Sequim WA Rock Hill SC Oscar Korsrud Spokane WA Duane C Hedal Great Falls MT Marie Petersen Maffie Staten Island NY Bell Lirhus LaCosta CA Liv Grete Østby Oslo Norway 18. desember Luella Adskim Stella Garness Stella Haugland Moorhead MN 24. januar Seattle WA Garwood TX Ruth Vaage Appleton MN Gudrun Olson Bellingham WA Ivar O Thornes Milwaukie OR 19. januar Ardis Christoferson Marysville WA Anita Friman Oakland CA Andrew Vedvik Madison WI Bertin Solberg Alfred Hauge Adelheid Marie Haugan Price Springboro OH Ella Carlson Libertyville IL Sioux City IA Toledo OH Inger Skodven Spiotto Killen AL Orvin Sletten Salem OR Jeffrey Johnson Seattle WA Esther Larsen Auburn WA Axel Gidlof Los Angeles CA Arne Syvertsen Staten Island NY Christina Marie Rolf Radcliffe IA 16. desember Lars Gjedsdal Helga Nelson Spokane WA Bill Nesseth Mitchell SD Lake Forest Park, WA Susie Price Loven Dallas TX John Husaby Cannon Falls MN Frank Dryden Belmont, NJ Erna Mayfield Newport News VA Elmer C. Olsen Glenwood MN 19. desember Kari Jensen Ventura CA Don Boyd Olympia WA Olav Henriksen Tønsberg Norway Magnhild Eidsmo Sand Point ID Want to see your birthday in the Ida M Hagelund Hawley MN Sara Henry Mt. Vernon, WA Mrs. Arnold H Anderson Williston MD Greta Louise Venos New Westmnstr BC Can Norwegian American Weekly? 20. januar Harry Nilsen Edmonds WA Sara Henry Mt. Vernon WA Thorwald Kamp Minneapolis MN Jon Herfindahl Aptos CA Arvid Lingaas Edmonds WA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@norway. 20. desember Regina Jensen Scotts Valley CA com. Birthdays must be submitted at least one 17. desember Carl Sather Oakland CA month in advance. Betty Nordbruget Mill Bag BC Can Ole W. Selbach Libby MT 21. januar NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Andrew Mahles Oakland CA Chris Rowland Vancouver WA Alf L. Knudsen Mukilteo WA away? Please notify us! Kaia Voll Lahaugmoen Norway Christine R Svendsen-Schaff Seattle WA Sonja Brekke East Rockaway NY Dave Bordson St. Paul MN norwegian american weekly January 18, 2013 • 11 obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary.

I remember an old, wise pastor in Nor- the truth, because people don’t want to hear way who said about certain preachers with the truth if the intention is to attack them. In- Joan Louise Hervold- Hansen a legalistic approach in their preaching: stead they put up their defenses. The Bible “They cut the ears off people.” What he em- says: “Speak the truth in love.” Don’t cut off October 16, 1949 – October 22, 2012 phasized was – people don’t want to listen people’s ears! This is not an easy matter, es- when the message is conveyed in a hostile pecially if we tend to get too easily excited and rude manner. I think that concerns not when we are faced with aggravations and Joan Hervold – Hansen went to be with friends, she held small shows in Drammen at only preachers, but to a certain extent – all difficult people. There is no question about the Lord after a long battle with systemic Lu- which she was able to market her paintings. of us. If we get angry and hostile, we may it – a quiet answer is more in line with the pus on October 22, 2012, in Drammen, Nor- Funeral services were held for Joan at “cut of the ears of people” with our words Spirit of Christ than an angry response. So way. Joan was born in Brooklyn, New York, Den Frie Evangeliske Forsamling in Dram- and tone of voice. How we talk speaks so it’s hardly a Christian service to give our fel- the second child and only daughter of Gun- men on November 1. loudly that people can’t hear what we say. low man “bloody ears.” Or do you think so? stein and Alice (nee Erdvig) Hervold. Prior She is survived by her three children, I think this guy has also been guilty of that, Don’t cut off people’s ears! “A gentle answer to her move to Norway she was a member of Daniel, Barbara, and Brigitta of Drammen; although my wife tells me I have improved. turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up Salem Gospel Tabernacle in Brooklyn where seven grand- children, Alicia , Noah, Sam- Age and God’s grace can help us with that anger” (Proverbs 15:1). she taught in the Sunday school, sang in the uel, Shawn, Lily and Leah of Drammen; and problem. It does not help if we are telling choir, and was active in the youth group . She Christine Mirkovic-Nataren of Henderson- always knew she wanted to work in art and, ville, NC; her brothers Thorsteen of Gettys- after graduating from the High School of Art burg, PA, Alfred and Reidar of Staten Island and Design in Manhattan, received a BA in , NY, and Tellef of Telluride, CO, along with Subscribe to the Weekly! Fine Art from Brooklyn College. other family and a host of friends on both (800) 305-0217 She taught for a number of years in the sides of the Atlantic Ocean. School System as well as in She was a very talented person with a Drammen. She did illustrations for a church- gentle nature. She was cherished by her chil- related magazine in Norway as well as a dren, adored by her brothers, and loved by Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church textbook company. In addition to the many other family members and many friends. She beautiful paintings she created for family and is greatly missed! Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of members. Please visit us soon! Pastor: Sigurd Grindheim. January - February 2012 Jan. 27 Norwegian Service w/ Holy Commu- Sigmund Aarseth nion, Annual congregational meeting May 16, 1936 – December 12, 2012 follows service Feb. 3 Norwegian Service Sigmund lated to trade shows in large malls. He has Aarseth was done dozens of interiors in buildings, most Feb. 9 Cooking Class, 9:30am. $10 born in Sæbø, notably the Ann Sather restaurants in Chi- reserve w/ Karena: (224) 622-3606 Norway, on the cago, historical buildings in Spring Grove, Hjorundfjor- Minn., Vesterheim and the Norwegian Host- Feb. 10 Norwegian Service w/ Holy Commu- den on the west fest building in North Dakota. Mostly domi- nion coast of Nor- nated by Norwegian Rosemaling, some of Feb. 16 “Kompe” dinner, 6 p.m. Reserve w/ Kay: way in 1936. his designs are fitted to the place itself, and (847) 256-6849 He had two his brilliance in understanding the aesthetics All services are at 11 a.m. unless otherwise noted. brothers who and sense of place. His rosemaling career 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • www.minnekirken.org are also artists. was illustrated in two books which he co- He married authored with Margaret Miller in 1974 and Ingebjorg and Diane Edwards in 2001. moved to Volbu, Valdres, where he has lived Sigmund’s fame in Norway is mostly Don’t let economic uncertainty for the last 50 years. This is the area where as a landscape painter, who painted directly Ingebjorg is from and Sigmund moved sev- from life. He spent the majority of his time affect your fi nancial future. eral old farm buildings onto the property, outdoors catching the ever changing light creating an old style farm compound with and seasons of Norway on canvas. During As a Fortune 500 fi nancial services organization with more than 100 years of houses, a stabbur and a barn which he used the long winters he painted interiors many experience, Thrivent Financial is uniquely positioned to help you weather for his studio if not painting outdoors. Sig- of which are featured in his book “Painted these uncertain times. mund Aarseth died December 11, 2012. Rooms” which was authored by his son, Put the strength and stability of Thrivent Financial to work for you. Contact Sigmund’s interest in art flourished Gudmund Aarseth. In 2008 he collaborated a fi nancial representative or visit Thrivent.com/strong. early. He studied arts and crafts at several with his son, Gudmund and daughter, Marit, schools, mainly in Oslo where he earned sta- with a book on his landscape painting, “Nor- tus as a Master Painter. In recent years he way, Painted in Light and Color”. He has has focused on Fine Arts, but his earlier proj- exhibited in Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Ger- ects varied from sign and banner painting to many, Austria, Switzerland, England, Spain, interior decoration, restoration, rosemaling the Canary Islands and the US. and architectural drawing. Sigmund and Ingebjorg have three chil- Rosemaling, the Norwegian Decora- dren, Halldis, Gudmund and Marit and three tive Art, brought him to the Telemark area grandchildren, Andreas, Joachim and Sun- where he studied with Gunnar Nordbo, a niva. well-known rosemalers in that area. Thus Sigmund’s career and his accomplish- began a career in Rosemaling which led to ments have touched so many people, his ex- his being asked by Marion Nelson, Direc- uberant personality and his emphasis on the tor of the Norwegian-American Museum or Norway of tradition and history have cumu-

Vesterheim in Decorah, Iowa, to come to the lated in his being awarded the St. Olaf Medal Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., US to teach in 1968. He has returned every of culture in 2009, given by the King of Nor- 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent year or two to the US to teach, exhibit and way for his work in introducing people world Financial for Lutherans. For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) doing interior decoration in 19 states. The wide to the Norwegian culture. 27675NAWA N1-13 601493 first projects were commissioned in 1965 by Image: Karen Hoyt the Norwegian Board of Export and were re- 12 • January 18, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Record film number Calendar of Events The largest film showcase in Scandinavia has chosen a record number of Norwegian films What’s going on in your neighborhood?

MAIne Annual Lutefisk & Meatball Dinner Author Event January 26 & 27 February 7 Eugene, Ore. Falmouth, Maine Sonja Lodge #2-38 is having its annual New Jersey novelist Michael Carr and Lutefisk dinner served family style. Boston Globe bestselling fiction writer Meal includes lutefisk, meatballs, boiled David S. Brody will speak to the Maine potatoes, white sauce, melted butter, Nordmenn about their books and re- coleslaw, lefse, flatbread, cranberry rel- search into the Viking and medieval pe- ish and for dessert prune pudding and riod on February 7, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. Scandinavian cookies. For info: call (541) 337-6689 or E-mail at CeliaLech- at the American Legion Hall, 65 Depot Photo: Norwegian Film Institute [email protected]. Rd., Falmouth, ME 04195. Crafts and A still from “Liv & Ingmar,” a Norwegian documentaries selected for the Göteborg Film Festival. Culture meets at 1:00 p.m. All are wel- come. For more information, contact St. Olaf Choir 2013 National Tour Special Release Mary Johnson, 207-428-3640 or maryj@ February 1 Norwegian Film Institute maine.rr.com Eugene, Ore. The St. Olaf Choir, with 75 mixed voic- A record number of Norwegian entries kar’s Liv & Ingmar, Hans Petter Moland’s es, is the premier a cappella choir in the Nevada in Scandinavia’s largest showcase, which When Bubbles Burst (Når boblene brister), . For over a century, the Vegas Lutefisk Dinner will be launched by Espen Sandberg and and the original Oscar-winning Kon-Tiki choir has set a standard of choral excel- January 26 Joachim Rønning’s sea-faring-adventure documentary (1950), by Swedish director lence and remained at the forefront of Boulder City, Nev. Kon-Tiki Olle Nordemar will be joined by Margreth choral artistry. Conducted since 1990 The 15th annual lutefisk dinner is be- Unspooling between 25 January-4 Feb- Olin’s Nowhere Home (De andre) which by Anton Armstrong, the St. Olaf Choir ing hosted by the Vegas Viking Lodge ruary, Sweden’s Göteborg Film Festival – will participate in the newly established continues to develop the tradition that of the Sons of Norway Saturday, Jan. 26 the largest showcase in Scandinavia – has Dragon Award Best Nordic Documentary originated with its founder, F. Melius at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the Boulder City selected a record number of 17 Norwegian competition. Christiansen. 7:30 p.m. at The Hult Cen- Elks Lodge. Tickets must be purchased films, to commence with Espen Sandberg The Nordic Light programme will ter for the Performing Arts. For ticket in- by January 20 – none will be sold at the and Joachim Rønning’s action-adventure screen Eirik Svensson’s feature debut, Must formation, visit stolaftickets.com or call door. The cost is $18 for adults and $5 for Kon-Tiki, which will open the festival. Have Been Love (En som deg), a Norwe- children 10 years old and younger. On (605) 367-6000. “Obviously we are proud that Kon-Tiki gian-Finnish love-story starring Pamela Tola the menu: Lutefisk with melted butter will open Sweden’s No. 1 festival – the film and Espen Klouman-Høiner; Roar Uthaug’s or white sauce, roasted pork, boiled po- Washington was nominated for a Golden Globe, and was Escape (Flukt), which has sold more than 70 tatoes, peas and carrots, lefse, coffee and Crab Feed and Silent Auction nominated for an Oscar as Best Foreign- countries; and Martin Lund’s Karlovy Vary iced tea, and Norwegian and other cook- January 26 Language Feature. We hope it will contrib- winner, The Almost Man (Mer eller mindre Seattle, Wash. ies. Aquavit will be served at an open ute to increasing the interest in Norwegian mann). Join us at 6 p.m. for our annual Crab bar. Packets of lefse also will be sold to cinema among Swedish audiences,” said Inge Wegge and Jørn Nyseth Ranum’s Feed Educational Foundation fundraiser take home. Anyone wishing to purchase Stine Helgeland, Executive Director of the North of the Sun (Nordfor sola) will unspool dinner and dance. The meal includes tickets should send a check, made out to international department at the Norwegian in the new section, Environmental issues, dungeness crab, stuffed chicken breast the Sons of Norway, to Gwen Knighton, Film Institute. while four Norwegian entries are on show in or cornish game hen; baked potato, cole- 2156 Marstons Mills Ct., Henderson, NV Three Norwegian features have entered the short films programme, including Stian slaw, garlic bread, beverage, and dessert 89044. Please include a self-addressed, the Dragon Award competition, includ- Kristiansen’s Videoboy (Videogutten), Gun- auction. There is a no-host bar during the stamped envelope and a note indicating ing Sara Johnsen’s All That Matters Is Past hild Enger’s Premature (Prematur), Thomas evening. Lively entertainment is also be- the names of those attending, wheth- (Uskyld), Dag Johan Haugerud’s I Belong Balmbra Simonsen’s Orfeus (Orfeus) and ing planned. The event is sponsored by er they are going at 3 or 6 p.m., and a (Som du ser meg) and Hisham Zaman’s Be- Kristoffer Borgli’s Whateverest (Whatever- Leif Erikson Lodge 2-001, Sons of Nor- telephone number. For information, call fore Snowfall (Før snøen faller). Last year est). way. Call the Leif Erikson Hall Office, (702) 869-5775. Tickets must be pur- Arild Andresen’s Company Orheim (Kom- The German/Norwegian co-production (206) 783-1274, from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. chased in advance and are not available pani Orheim) won the trophy which comes Two Lives (To Liv) directed by Georg Maas Monday – Friday for tickets. Tickets are at the door. with a cheque of 1 million Swedish crowns has been selected as one of eight films to $30 for adults and $15 for students and (€0.1 million). Four Norwegian documenta- compete for the Ingmar Bergman Interna- children 12 and under. Bring your own New York ries have been selected for the Documentary tional Debut Award. picks and crab crackers! We hope you Embrace Winter Festival programme. Indian director Dheeraj Ako- February 9 will be able to attend this fun evening for New York, N.Y. young people in District 2. Come out and “Embrace Winter” while < kontiki From page 1 voyage from South America to the Polyne- celebrating the arts & cultural treasures St. Olaf Choir 2013 National Tour sian Islands on a wooden raft. Film stars Pål January 30 of Bay Ridge on Saturday, February 9th since Elling in 2001. Sverre Hagen, Anders Baasmo Christiansen, Seattle, Wash. from noon to 5:00. Music, dance, his- Already on the shortlist of internation- Odd-Magnus Williamson, Tobias Santel- The St. Olaf Choir, with 75 mixed voic- tory, art, games and crafts inside and al Oscar contenders, Kon-Tiki will be up mann, Jakob Oftebro and Agnes Kittelsen es, is the premier a cappella choir in the outside stores along the Third Avenue against Austrian director Michael Haneke’s and screenplay is by Petter Skavlan. United States. For over a century, the between 69th Street & 75th Street. Get Amour, Canadian director Kim Nguyen’s Norway has been nominated four times choir has set a standard of choral excel- your passport stamped at each activity War Witch (Rebelle), Chilean director Pable for the Best Foreign-Language Feature, for lence and remained at the forefront of and win a prize. Both Nordic Deli and Larrain’s No and Danish director Nikolaj Arne Skouen’s Nine Lives (Ni liv) in 1957, choral artistry. Conducted since 1990 the Scandinavian East Coast Museum Arcel’s A Royal Affair (En kongelig affære). Nils Gaup’s Pathfinder (Veiviseren) in 1987, by Anton Armstrong, the St. Olaf Choir will be participating. Suggested donation The American Academy of Motion Picture Berit Nesheim’s The Other Side of Sunday continues to develop the tradition that $5.00. This event is brought to you by Arts and Sciences will announce the winner (Søndagsengler) in 1996 and Petter Næss’ originated with its founder, F. Melius BRACA (the Bay Ridge Arts & Cultural at the 85th awards ceremony on 24 February. Elling in 2001 – but never laid its hands on Christiansen. 8 p.m. at Benaroya Hall. Alliance) in partnership with the Third Produced by Aage Aaberge and Jeremy it. Thor Heyerdahl’s own documentary of For ticket information, visit stolaftickets. Avenue Merchants. For more info see: Thomas for Nordisk Film Production Nor- the Kon-Tiki expedition scored the trophy com or email [email protected]. www.BRACAbrooklyn.org or call (718) way/UK’s Recorded Picture Company, Kon- for Best Documentary in 1951. 748-5950. Map and schedule to follow Tiki follows Norwegian explorer Thor Hey- The 85th awards ceremony takes place on website. erdahl and his five scientists on their 1947 on 24 February, 2013. Oregon Connect with Norway and the Norwegian-American Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 community every Friday by subscribing to the Weekly to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us January 18, 2013 • 13 In your neighborhood 14th Annual Nordic Spirit Symposium California Lutheran University hosts an event honoring Scandinavian peacemakers

Photos courtesy California Lutheran University The Nordic Spirit Symposium in Thousand Oaks, Calif. will feature these speakers, from left: Carl Emil Vogt, Eric Einhorn, Paul Hanson, Arland Hultgren, Olav Njølstad, Christine In- gebritsen and Herbert E. Gooch III .

Special Release California Lutheran University

Scandinavians have played important resulted in the Oslo Accords in 1993. With ences for peace, most notably the Universal gers and limitations roles in peacemaking and humanitarian ac- the help of documentary footage, Profes- Christian Conference on Life and Work in tivities around the globe. This symposium sor Hanson will explore the events that led Stockholm (1925), a precursor for the for- The Nobel Peace Prize: Does it Really for the public will give a sampling of these to the famous signing on the White House mation of the World Council of Churches. Matter? Scandinavians and their contributions to- lawn and reasons its promise has yet to be Lecture by Olav Njølstad, Ph.D., Pro- ward a better global society. The public is fulfilled. Earl Warren: Equal Justice Under Law fessor, Department of Archaeology, Con- invited to share the time-honored spirit of a Lecture by Herbert E. Gooch III, Ph.D., servation and History, , symposium, blending music, dining and the Saturday, Feb. 2 Director, Masters in Public Policy and Ad- Norway. free exchange of ideas to enhance the plea- ministration Program, Professor, Depart- In this talk, the speaker will give a brief sure of learning. A program for the public Fridtjof Nansen: From Polar Explorer to ment of Political Science, California Luther- overview of the history of the Nobel Peace is listed below. The event takes place Feb. Humanitarian Hero an University. Prize, and present the main categories of 1 and 2, and is hosted by the Scandinavian Lecture by Carl Emil Vogt, Ph.D., Re- Son of poor immigrant parents, his fa- Peace Prize laureates. He will proceed to American Cultural and Historical Founda- searcher, National Library of Norway, Oslo, ther Norwegian and mother Swedish, Earl discuss what relevance the Prize may still tion. Norway. Warren became a leading American political have in a world very different from the late In this talk the speaker will explain how figure and the most influential American ju- 19th Century world of Alfred Nobel. The Friday, Feb. 1: Nansen’s Arctic expeditions made him an rist of the 20th century. As Chief Justice of conclusion is an affirmative one, and he will international celebrity as well as a national the Supreme Court, he took us several steps explain why and how he believes the Nobel The Role of Norms in International Rela- hero in Norway. Nansen later used his fame towards fulfilling America’s promise as ex- Peace Prize still has an important role to play tions and the Soft Power of Small States to fight first for Norwegian independence pressed in four words inscribed on the Su- in our common strife for a better and more Lecture by Christine Ingebritsen, Ph.D., from Sweden in 1905 and then to establish preme Court building: “Equal Justice Under peaceful world. Professor, Department of Scandinavian himself as one of the League of Nations’ Law.” Studies, University of Washington, Seattle. most important faces and a leading figure in PANEL DISCUSSION Small powers are often underestimated international humanitarian work. From Neutrility to Peacemaking. The Christine Ingebritsen will lead the sym- in world politics. This lecture challenges the Dangerous Challenges of Mediation: Fol- posium speakers in a panel discussion of the idea that “the strong do what they will and Peace Through Justice and Reconcilia- ke Bernadotte and Dag Hammarskjold symposium topics. the weak do what they must” by illustrating tion: The Legacy of Nathan Söderblom Lecture by Eric Einhorn, Ph.D., Profes- how Scandinavia has found a niche in the Lecture by Arland Hultgren, Th.D., sor Emeritus of Political Science, Adjunct The organizers reserve the right to make soft power politics of peacemaking, human Professor Emeritus, New Testament, Luther Professor of Scandinavian Studies, Univer- any changes that may be necessary. rights, egalitarianism, poverty reduction and Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. sity of Massachusetts, Amherst. Reservation deadline for Saturday sustainability. Nathan Söderblom (1866 – 1931), Arch- After World War II Swedish neutrality Lunch and Dinner: January 18, 2013. bishop of Uppsala (1914 – 1931) and recipi- became increasingly activist and risky as its Early registration deadline: January 18, Norway’s Peacemaking Role in the Mid- ent of the Nobel Peace Prize (1930), gained diplomats and government intervened in ma- 2013 dle East: The Background and Context of the attention and commitment of church and jor regional conflicts. Passive neutrality gave For information contact (805) 660-3096 the Oslo Accords political leaders to seek peace through in- way to assertive crisis mediation. The role of or email nordicspiritsymposium@hotmail. Lecture by Paul Hanson, Ph.D., Profes- ternational justice and reconciliation among Folke Bernadotte and Dag Hammarskjöld as com. sor, Department of History, California Lu- nations during the turbulent era in which he innovative mediators reflects the opportuni- theran University. lived. Ahead of his time in many ways, he ties of active engagement as well as its dan- The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict has been has been called “the architect of the ecumen- an intractable problem for almost a century. ical movement of the twentieth century.” Perhaps the best chance for a resolution in His international connections among both Find the perfect gift from in the past 20 years occurred as a result of the church and political leaders enabled him to our online store, or if behind-the-scenes Norwegian mediation that foster communication and convene confer- you’re in the area, visit our shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 A brief neighborhood note (715) 256-9930 • [email protected]

St. Olaf Choir 2013 National Tour Francisco, Calif.; Feb. 6 San Luis Obispo, The acclaimed St. Olaf Choir is coming Calif.; Feb. 8 Santa Barbara, Calif.; Feb. to a performing arts center near you! Jan 9 Pasadena, Calif.; Feb. 10 Phoenix, Ariz.; 26. Sioux Falls, S.D.; Jan 27. Mason City, Feb. 11 Tucson, Ariz.; and Feb. 16 Stillwater, Iowa; Jan. 30 Seattle, Wash.; Feb. 1 Eugene, Minn. See our Calendar of Events for more SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMEN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! Ore.; Feb. 2 Portland, Ore.; Feb. 3 Salem, information, and for ticket information visit Ore.; Feb. 4 Sacremento, Calif.; Feb. 5 San stolaftickets.com. Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com 14 • January 18, 2013 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES AND TROLLS Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The sto- home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is ries are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard experiencing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us Espeland, Velle Espeland, Johannes Farestveit and Nana Rise-Lynum. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and in on the good, the bad and the unexpected! published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad - - - see copyright page of the TT Vol. 1 book. Melodi Gran Prix (MGP) and Melodi Grand Prix Lokal (MGP Lokal)

Soria Moria Slott Soria Moria Castle

Halvor drog femtenmil-støvlane på seg, Halvor put on the fifteen-mile boots, and off Photo courtesy Heidi Håvan Grosch og av stad bar det, over heiar og åsar og fjell. they went, over hills and ridges and mountains. At Anne Victoria (left) and Maria did well in Inderøy’s semifinals of the MGP-Lokal song competition. Sistpå sa vestavinden: — No kan eg ikkje vera last the West wind said: — I cannot be with you med deg lenger, for eg skal blåsa ned noko any longer, because I am going to blow down some Melodi Gran Prix is a big deal in Nor- their young entries to perform only original granskog fyrst. Men snart kjem du til nokre spruce forests first. But soon you will come to way. In many ways it is American Idol and music. “MGP Lokal is a great opportunity gjenter som vaskar klede, og då er du mest some girls who are washing clothes, and then you Miss America rolled into one, with musi- for young people to showcase their talents in framme. Ei stund etter kom Halvor til gjentene are almost there. A little while later, Halvor came cians competing to become Norway’s cham- front of some very important people,” com- som stod og vaska. Dei spurde om han hadde to the girls who were washing clothes. They asked sett noko til vestavinden som skulle koma og if he had seen anything of the West wind who was pion and then going on to compete in the Eu- mented Eva Gunn, proud mother of 14-year- turka klede til bryllaupet. — Jau, sa Halvor, coming to dry the clothes for the wedding. — Sure, rovision Song Contest (www.eurovision.tv). old Hedda. Hers was one of the three entries han kjem snart; han skal berre bryta ned noko said Halvor, he is coming soon; he is just going to The further up the success ladder you climb, selected from Levanger. “They put together granskog fyrst. Men veit de vegen til Soria flatten some spruce forests first. But do you know the stronger your fan base becomes and, in a song and dance routine in the spirit of the Moria slott? the way to Soria Moria Castle? the end, you become a Norwegian superstar. ‘real’ MGP competition.” Everyone takes Dei sette han på vegen, og då han kom They showed him the way, and when he ar- I had been in Norway for only a few this competition very seriously and contes- fram til slottet, var det fullt av hestar og folk. rived at the castle, it was full of horses and people Men Halvor var så fillut og sundriven etter han there. But Halvor was so tattered and torn after years when Alexander Rybak won in 2009 tants perform on stages with professional hadde fylgt vestavinden gjennom buskar og having followed the West wind through bushes and with his song Fairytale. I didn’t know then lights and sound. Winners of the finale also kjerr, så han heldt seg avsides og gjekk ikkje brushes that he stayed out of the way and did not MGP was such a big deal, but I learned receive a professional DVD of their perfor- fram før siste bryllaupsdagen då dei skulle eta come forth until the last day of the wedding, when quickly as the song became embedded into mance. middag. they were about to eat dinner. Norwegian pop culture. I remember work- I also chatted with a local winner from Som skikk og bruk var, skulle dei no As was customary, they would toast the bride ing in a barnehage (daycare) just after Fai- Inderøy’s semifinals. At 11, Maria (song- drikka brura or gjentelaget, og kjøkemeisteren and the bridesmaids, and the master of ceremonies gjekk rundt og skjenkte. Langt om lenge kom went around and poured. Eventually he came to rytale’s success, and it was a hoot to see 3 writer and singer) and her friend Anne Vic- han til Halvor og. Då han hadde drukki, slepte Halvor as well. When he had drunk, he dropped the and 4 year old Norwegian speakers singing toria (10, violin) were the youngest to per- han ringen prinsessa hadde sett på fingeren ring the princess had put on his finger into the glass, this English song at the top of their lungs, form, winning a spot in the MGP-Lokal fi- hans, opp i glaset, og bad kjøkemeisteren helsa and asked the master of ceremonies to pass on his often miming the sounds of the words rather nale with Maria’s original song, Landet Mitt. brura. Då prinsessa fekk sjå ringen, stod ho greetings to the bride. When the princess saw the than the words themselves. Now the 2013 “I was inspired by what happened the 22nd opp frå bordet. — Kven har vel best fortent å ring, she stood up from the table. — Who is most få ei av oss, sa ho, anten han som har frelst oss, deserving to have one of us as a bride, she asked, MGP event has begun, and soon the regional of July,” she said, “but it took a long time eller han som sit brudgom? Det kunne det ikkje he who has saved us, or he who sits as the groom? semi finals will be over and the finalists vy- before I was finished. Then I heard about the vera meir enn ei meining om, meinte alle, og så To this there could not be more than one answer, ing for their chance at the Norwegian crown Melodi Grand Prix Lokal this summer…” vart det sendt bod at Halvor skulle koma inn. everyone agreed, and a message was sent to Halvor in Oslo. and before she knew it, Maria was standing Då Halvor høyrde det, var han ikkje lenge om that he should come in. When Halvor heard this, This year my town of Steinkjer is host- on stage. “I was nervous beforehand,” she å få fantefillene av seg og pynta seg til brud- it did not take long to take off his raggedy clothes ing one of the semifinals, and the area has told me, “ but once I was on the stage I had gom. — Ja, der er den rette! ropa den yngste and dress up as the bridegroom. — Aye, there is the prinsessa då ho fekk sjå han, og ho skaut den right one! shouted the youngest princess when she been abuzz for weeks. Norway has had three a very strong wish to just stand there for the andre for glugg og heldt bryllaup med Halvor. saw him, as she rejected the other suitor and wed Eurovision winners since NRK (the national entire time.” I asked her how she felt when Snipp, snapp, snute, så var eventyret ute. Halvor. And they lived happily ever after. television folks) started Melodi Gran Prix in she found out she had moved on to the finale. 3.NAW.Seter.4Jan2013_Layout 1 1/4/13 3:47 PM Page 1 1960…but Norway has also come last in the “I was very happy, but I felt bad for the oth- Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng international competition eleven times, more ers who couldn’t go further.” Price: $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. • www.astrimyastri.com than any other country involved. Perhaps Maria, Anne Victoria and Hedda will Legend of Siljatjern Seter: this is our year to top the list again, fingers face fierce competition when they go to the Life, love and faith on crossed! Melodi Grand Prix Lokal finale (which will a Norwegian mountain dairy But it is the Melodi Gran Prix Lokal that be over by the time you read this), and if they By Gunlaug Nøkland fascinates me even more. MGP Lokal was are lucky, will be selected as one of the five • Bilingual English Norwegian text introduced a few years ago as an opportunity winners selected to perform as the opening • 6”x9”, hardcover, 448 pages, SALE for young people between the ages of 11 and act of the big Melodi Gran Prix semifinals in 1/2 p • Recipes & pictures of old seter life rice • Was $29.95, now only $14.95 17 (those not old enough to compete in the Steinkjer on the 19th of this month. • Plus FREE shipping in USA Melodi Grand Prix or the Eurovision Song Throughout Norway, young people are Legend of Siljatjern Seter tells the story of Contest) the opportunity to showcase their singing their songs, hoping to make dreams Mette agreeing to take a summer job as a talents. Fylkeskommuner (provinces) across come true. Keep your ears open and look for budeie (dairy maid) on an old-fashioned demonstration dairy called Siljatjern (Silja’s Norway host preliminary rounds in different coverage of the Eurovision Song Contest pond) Seter. Here in this book, you can ex- kommuner (municipalities) before culminat- later this year to see who has been chosen perience life as your ancestors lived in Nor- ing in a regional finale. Winners of that fina- to represent Norway. Maria, Anne Victoria way before they immigrated to America. le then perform at the opening of the closest and Hedda are still too young to be singing Call — send a check — or order from website Made in America! Melodi Grand Prix semi-finals in their area. on that stage themselves, but who knows… This too is a big deal for us here in perhaps MGP Lokal is just a stepping stone Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 Trondelag as North Trondelag is the only for them on the road to becoming Norway’s 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] fylkeskommune in Norway that required musical champion. norwegian american weekly January 18, 2013 • 15 Sports Young Norwegians dominate Ski in the U.S. Races and events in the U.S.’s favorite Nordic-inspired winter sport Young Norwegians top Liberec Team Sprint, U.S. finishes in seventh place Jan. 13 The Jente Loppet in Hyak, Wash. is a race promoted for women! Bring a friend, bring kids; it’s a race, a social gathering and a New Years Resolu- tion all in one! First race starts at 10:00 am – arrive well in advance! The race categories are: Kids 2.5K – boys and girls up to 17 yrs; Women’s 5K – age Alex Matthews FasterSkier.com groups 12 and up; Women’s 10K – also 12 and up. All races are “Freestyle” (ski in whatever style you like). For more information, visit http://www.sno- qualmienordic.org/events/jente-loppet---2013. With two teammates alternating be- and almost missed the end of the tag zone,” tween six laps on the women’s 850-meter Sargent wrote in an email. “Norway and Jan. 19 The Birkie Tour in Hayward, Wisc. is an untimed, non-competitive, course in the World Cup freestyle team sprint Sweden had a little gap and I tried to sprint “open-track” style event open to skiers age 13 and older. Spend the day ski- in Liberec, Czech Republic, there was hardly to catch them to get the draft on the down- ing with family and friends with a morning start time window, short and long enough time to get the skis off and another hill, but I think I went too hard and really distance options, aid stations (light) along the trail, food and beverage at the pair back on. As for catching your breath, flooded with lactic acid. I had nothing left end of both courses, and a bus ride back to the start. More info at: http://www. forget it. in the last few hundred meters and was doing birkie.com/page/show/110429-birkietour Tactics were essentially pointless. If you everything I could just to stay on my feet and wanted to win, better get in front and stay not fall over.” Jan. 26 The 108th Annual Norge Ski Jump tournament, sponsored by the Norge there, hanging tough for the duration. But in Earlier in the day, Sargent and Bjorn- Ski Club, will take place at 100 Ski Hill Rd. in Fox River Grove, Ill. from noon a team sprint, which starts with a round of sen had another tag-off snafu on the last ex- – 4 p.m. on Jan. 26 and 27. Gates open at 11 a.m. Parking is free. Admission: semifinals followed by a final, there are six change. $15 at gates, $10 pre-sale. Have fun with the entire family and watch as jump- total exchanges. One can ski clean through- “The semifinal was really good until ers from around the world compete on the 70 meter hill. More information at out and mess up there, and well, it could be the last tag when Sadie’s ski hit my pole and norgeskiclub.com or call (847) 639-9718. over. broke it,” Sargent explained. “I had to ski Norway and Sweden had the right idea part of the first hill with one pole until I got Feb. 8 Participating in the Friendship Tour in Mora, Minn. offers families and Sunday, getting ahead early in both the another pole from the Norwegians, which touring skiers an opportunity to experience the Vasaloppet without racing in semifinal and final to secure top finishes in was better than nothing but way too big for one of the five Sunday events. The 2K Friendship Tour (about one mile) be- each. Maiken Caspersen Falla led Norway’s me. So I lost contact with the two Norwegian gins at 6 p.m. at the Vasaloppet Nordic Center and ends at the gazebo in the A-team to a triumphant victory in the final, teams and Sweden, but I was able to hold off city’s Library Park. After a music-filled start at the Nordic Center, skiers will challenging Sweden’s Ida Ingemarsdotter in the teams behind us. Luckily our semifinal be guided by lanternlight to Mora Lake. At the shore of Lake Mora candlelight the final 200 meters and beating her by 0.5 was a lot faster so we got a lucky loser spot.” will illuminate the trail across the lake and up the hill past the Belltower and seconds in 11:26.2. Falla teamed up with In- After finishing the final in seventh, Sar- to the finish. Snacks, hot chocolate, warm blueberry sport drink will be served gvild Flugstad Østberg for the win, and Swe- gent said she was excited about her personal at the finish. For more information, visit http://www.vasaloppet.us/races.php. den’s A-team of Ingemarsdotter and Stina best in a team sprint, especially after she and Nilsson settled for second. Bjornsen placed 14th in the event last season Sweden’s second team (Linn Soemskar/ in Milan, Italy. < Jump Magdalena Pajala) was third (+5.7), ahead of “A year ago we raced a team sprint to- From page 1 points more than the home favorite Kamil Germany, Switzerland, Russia and the U.S., gether in Milan and didn’t make the final and Stoch. The Steinkjer jumper had two jumps respectively. were barely hanging to the back of our semi- This was Jacobsen’s ninth World Cup of 132.5 and 132 meters. In the second semifinal, it was Norway’s final,” Sargent wrote. “So to be in the fight win of his career, and for the Norwegian Third best of the Norwegian jumpers B-team (Kari Vikahgen Gjeitnes/Celine today was really fun.” team it was a return to the top, after the flop was Tom Hilde. He did better in the ski jump Brun-Lie) that advanced in first with a time After finishing behind two Norwegian in Zakopane the day before, when the team team event Saturday than the day before. The of 11:34.9. Sweden I placed second, Norway teams and the Swedes in the semi, the Amer- ended seventh. 25-year-old was number 13 after the jump, I was third and the lone U.S. women’s squad, icans had confidence going into the final. Jacobsen jumped respectively 128.5 respectively, 129.5 and 124.5 meters. The with Sadie Bjornsen and Ida Sargent, made it “We knew we could ski with the group,” and 131.5 meters, which earned him a total impact of the second jump was unfortunately through in fourth (+7.3). Bjornsen wrote in an email. “The pace is of of 273.3 points. He was 1.7 points ahead of not good enough for the Asker jumper. Behind Switzerland (Bettina Gruber/ course always higher in the finals, so we had Bardal. He could have lost the victory when Anders Fannemel followed right be- Laurien van der Graaff) in fifth (+9.2), Can- the plan of simply going when we could.” he got in trouble after landing, but managed hind. He made a solid jump in first place in ada’s Dasha Gaiazova and Perianne Jones At the top of the first big hill, Bjorn- masterfully to stay on his feet. Before the fi- the 133 meters, while another jumped ended was sixth (+12.0) and missed qualifying by sen said someone stepped on her pole and nal round, Jacobsen was number two. at 120 meters. a mere hundredth of a second. nearly pulled her glove and handle off, but Bardal secured second place with 2.9 Rune Velta came in 17th place. Germany’s Nicole Fessel and Hannah she gripped tight and managed to keep it to- Kolb won the first semifinal in a consider- gether. By the end of the first lap, Bjornsen ably slower time of 11:43.2, with Slovenia was in sixth, and Sargent kept picking off the and Sweden II taking second and third, re- places until she reached the leaders. spectively. “The fact that we were able to ski in 3rd The Scandinavian Hour Ten teams advanced to the final, where for 95% of the race is exciting!” Bjornsen Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Norway II’s Gjeitnes made a point to lead wrote. “[In Saturday’s individual sprint] we early. Nilsson and Østberg stayed close weren’t quite as happy, so today was a great KKNW – 1150 AM in second and third on the first lap, and by way to finish the weekend on a positive note. the end of the leg (one of three apiece), the It was much closer to our own expectations!” Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Americans had moved to third. At the front of the pack, Ingemarsdotter Streaming live on the internet at: The race stayed in essentially the same and Falla skied away from the group on the order throughout the second leg, with Nor- last lap. Brun-Lie attempted to go with them, www.1150kknw.com way’s A-team moving to first, Sweden hang- but crashed into the fence on the curving de- ing in second, the U.S. in third, and Norway scent before the stadium and ended up 10th. II and Germany around fourth. By the end of Meanwhile, Ingemarsdotter led into the fi- the leg, Norway II was back up front again nal stretch, but Falla found another gear and Waiting too long for your issue? with Brun-Lie and it appeared the Norwe- overtook her before the finish. gians were working together ahead of Swe- For her 22-year-old teammate, Østberg, Try our digital edition – delivered to den. The Americans sat tight in fourth, then it was her first World Cup victory. third, with two laps to go. “It is the first time I stand on top of the your inbox every Friday morning! At the last exchange, things fell apart a podium,” Østberg told NRK, according to a bit for the Americans while the Norwegians translation. “I tried to save energy for the fi- Email [email protected] to activate your and Swedes continued to push toward the nal round, and luckily we managed to get a finish. [win]. I’m very pleased.” digital subscription today! “My last leg we kind of botched the tag Fine print: All print subscribers have access to our digital edition until June 1, 2013. You can also Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! change to digital-only if you prefer. To set up your account, email kelsey@norway. Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. com with your account information. Don’t let economic uncertainty affect your fi nancial future.

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