
Dear Parents/Carers.

October has arrived and the warm September days seem like a distant memory already. The weather has taken a significant turn in recent days, which means the children can no longer use the grass at break times and lunch times. We would like to keep using the Glanville Road entrance at the start and end of the school day, so please stick to the path and resist the temptation to take a short cut across the grass at drop off and pick up times.

In ICT lessons this term, the children will continue to practice the use of Seesaw and Microsoft Teams. We will be sharing some short instructional videos with parents/carers in the next few weeks to support your understanding of how this software works in practice.

I would like to thank all members of the school community again for their support since returning this term, which now includes the wearing of face coverings and following the new routes and timings. It is imperative for the wellbeing and academic achievement of our children that we all, as a team, continue to work together.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Mr C Murphy Headteacher

Diary Dates

5 October Last day for School Photograph orders. 5 – 6 October Covid 19 contingency dates for Strood Fair Banding Test 7 October Fair Banding Test (application deadline 25 Sept) 10 October Strood Academy Fair Banding Test (application deadline 2 Oct) 13 -14 October Medway Test for some Yr 6’s 15 -16 October Medway Test for some Yr 6’s 20 October Flu Immunisations Yr R - 6 23 October Last day of Term 1 – Staff Development Day 24 October Fair Banding Test (application deadline 2 Oct) 2 November Term 2 18 December Last day of Term 2 4 January 2021 Term 3 - Staff Development Day 12 February Last day of Term 3 22 February Term 4 1 April Last day of Term 4 19 April Term 5 3 May Public holiday 28 May Last day of Term 5 7 June Term 6 21 July Last day of Term 6


100 98 96 94 92 90 88 Year R Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Rainbow Overall Room This week 100 98.8 99.4 96.4 98.3 99.4 96.4 95.8 98 This Year 100 97.7 95.1 95.6 94.6 95.7 95.5 93.2 95.3 This week This Year

Please continue to strive for perfect attendance.

COVID-19 Testing

Please only request a COVID-19 Test if you are exhibiting symptoms of Coronavirus. Tests for the virus are in short supply across the country and should not be requested if you are feeling fine. The legal duty to self-isolate came into force this week to ensure compliance with isolation rules and to reduce the spread of COVID-19, if you are currently being tested for Coronavirus and are not isolating, you risk a fine.

Photograph Orders.

Please remember to return photo orders by Monday 5 October. We will not be able to accept orders after this date although you will still be able to order online following the instructions on the envelope.


Children are allowed to wear non-uniform to celebrate their birthday (if at the weekend or during the holidays, please select either the Friday or Monday closest to the day).

Due to the Covid risk, please do not send in treats to share with others, we will not distribute sweets/treats at school during this time.

AFCA Face Covering Update

Following updated guidance, announced last week by the Government we require all parents/carers, adults and visitors to our school site to wear a face covering.

This includes when dropping off children at the school gates and entering the school grounds for any other reason.

As a reminder, when on site you will be asked to follow the social distancing, hand hygiene and one-way measures that we have in place.

Face Covering

What is a Face Covering?

In the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, a face covering is something which safely covers the nose and mouth. You can buy reusable or single-use face coverings. You may also use a scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth covering but these must securely fit round the side of the face.

Face coverings are largely intended to protect others, not the wearer, against the spread of infection because they cover the nose and mouth, which are the main confirmed sources of transmission of virus that causes coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

Wear your Face Covering Correctly

 Wash your hands before putting on your face covering  Put it over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin  Try to fit it snugly against the sides of your face  Make sure you can breathe easily

Wear a Face Covering to Protect Others

 Wear a face covering that covers your nose and mouth to help protect others in case you’re infected with COVID-19 but don’t have symptoms  Wear a face covering in public settings when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when it may be difficult for you to stay six feet apart  Wear a face covering correctly for maximum protection  Don’t put the face covering around your neck or up on your forehead  Don’t touch the face covering, and, if you do, wash your hands or use hand sanitizer to disinfect

Follow Everyday Health Habits

 Stay at least 2 metres away from others  Avoid contact with people who are sick  Wash your hands often, with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds each time  Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available

Take Off Your Face Covering Carefully, When You’re Home

 Untie the strings behind your head or stretch the ear loops  Handle only by the ear loops or ties  Fold outside corners together  Place face covering in the washing machine  Be careful not to touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing and wash hands immediately after removing.

Flu Immunisations

This is an NHS initiative and school staff have no access to the system. If you have any questions please contact the immunisation service as above.

Key dates for admissions 2021

You can apply for your child to start school in year R (reception) if they were born between 1 September 2016 and 31 August 2017.

 Primary school applications open: 9am on Monday 7 September 2020  Primary school applications close (national closing date): 5pm on Friday 15 January 2021  Offers sent to parents and carers (national offer date): 16 April 2021  Places must be accepted or refused by Friday 14 May 2021  Requests to go on a waiting list and appeals must be submitted by Friday 14 May 2021  Re-allocation of empty places begins on Monday 7 June 2021  Re-allocation of empty places ends on Friday 31 December 2021

Key dates for admissions 2021

For children currently in Year 6

 Secondary school applications open: 9am on Monday 7 September 2020  Medway Test dates: Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 October 2020  Results of the Medway Test: Monday 2 November 2020  Deadline for Medway Test review requests: Monday 9 November 2020  Deadline for primary and junior schools to submit review work to Medway Council: 10am on Wednesday 18 November 2020  Medway Test school work reviews: Thursday 19 and Friday 20 November 2020  Review decisions posted to parents and carers: By Tuesday 24 November 2020  Secondary school applications close: 5pm on Monday 30 November 2020  Offers sent to parents and carers: Monday 1 March 2021  Places must be accepted/refused and requests to go on a waiting list and appeals must be submitted: By Wednesday 31 March 2021  Re-allocation of empty school places begins: Monday 19 April 2021  Re-allocation of empty school places ends: Friday 31 December 2021

Test Registration Form for Year 7 September 2021 Entry WE DO NOT SHARE RESULTS WITH BROMPTON ACADEMY OR VICTORY ACADEMY. YOUR CHILD MUST SIT THE TEST AT THE ACADEMY FOR WHICH THEY ARE APPLYING FOR To be completed by Parent/Carer Please complete this form if you are seeking a place for your child at Strood Academy. Your child will need to sit the Fair Banding Test even if the Academy is your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th preference and/or your child has a family member currently on roll here. Please ensure you complete all sections. Please write in black ink and use BLOCK CAPITALS Preferred Test Saturday 12 September 2020 □ Form to be returned by 28 August 2020, 3pm Date: Wed 7 October 2020 (from 4pm) □ Form to be returned by 25 September 2020, 3pm Saturday 10 October 2020 □Form to be returned by 2 October 2020, 3pm In light of COVID-19 these dates are subject to change. Contingency test dates have been set for Monday 5th October and Tuesday 6th October (from 4pm). Please reserve these dates as it may be necessary to move you onto one of these test dates PLEASE NOTE THAT TEST DATES ARE LIMITED, BOOKED ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS. IF YOU BOOK A SESSION THAT IS ALREADY FULL YOU WILL BE CONTACTED AND MOVED TO ANOTHER SESSION Child’s Legal Surname: Child’s Legal Forename

Child’s Middle Name (if applicable):

Child’s Gender: Male □ Female □

Child’s Date of Birth:

Parent/Carer Title: Mr □ Mrs □ Miss □ Ms □ Dr □

Parent/Carer Forename and Surname:

Relationship to Child: Mother □ Father □ Other □ (please specify)

Do you have parental responsibility for this child? Yes □ No □

Full Address: House/ Flat number/Name ______Road: ______Town:______County:______Postcode:______

Home Phone Number: Mobile Number:

Email Address:

Child’s Current School:

Does your child have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)? Yes □ No □ Extra Time may be provided for students who have a diagnosed Special Educational Need or Disability. Has your child been formally diagnosed with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND)? *Yes/No *Please attach evidence. This may be a Diagnostic Assessment Report or a Consultant’s letter. Please provide details of the Special Educational Need or Disability: NB: The Fair Banding Test is read aloud to all students, so reading support is not required. Signed:______Date:______Children will not be able to sit the test unless the completed form is returned by the above deadline. Please return the form to: Strood Academy, Carnation Road, Strood, Rochester, ME2 2SX or email to [email protected]

RE: Chatham Grammar Virtual Open Events 2020

Chatham Grammar have carefully made the decision to not go ahead with their annual open events for 2020, however they are excited to be able to announce that they will be offering their new Virtual Open Events on the following dates:

Saturday 14th November 2020 from 9.30am Saturday 21st November 2020 from 9.30am

Parents and carers will be required to register for these Virtual Open Events via the Chatham Grammar website.

Deaf Awareness

Our Learning Objective is to be more deaf aware. Be more Deaf Aware with these strategies!

Stand with the light on your face not

behind you.

Make sure you are looking at the person.

Speak normally!

Do not cover your mouth!

Wear plain coloured clothing.

Bluebell Class

This week in computing we have started to learn how to touch type. We have been looking at placing our fingers accurately on the home row in order to familiarise ourselves with the order of the keys and to increase our speed and knowledge of letter placement.

We all put ourselves in the challenge zone to complete this task and we had a great time doing it! If you would like to continue to support your child with their touch-typing journey, google 'dance mat computing' and select 'level one' or head over to https://toybox.tools.bbc.co.uk/activities /id/activity-dance-mat- typing/exitGameUrl/http%3A%2F%2Fww w.bbc.co.uk%2Fguides%2Fz3c6tfr

Tiger Lily Class

This week Year 3 have had another busy week of learning and have delved further into the story of Stig of the Dump, using retrieval techniques and predictions to confidently answer questions in guided reading. We have also started some fascinating cave paintings and will continue these next week by using natural 'tools' that we find at our Forest School to help create marks on our sandy pictures.

We are continuing to develop our understanding of addition and subtraction by looking at the columnar method and how to 'exchange' numbers when subtracting (you may remember this as 'borrowing one from next door')!

Homework so far has been amazing, but I would love to see more of you posting it on Seesaw so we can monitor how well your child has retained what is being taught at school.

Miss White

Snowdrop Class

Snowdrop class are proud to announce the Captains and Vice Captains of our school House Teams!

House Captain Vice-Captain

Bridge Riley Noah

Castle Lennan Kelsey

Fort Katie Lexi

River Amina Teni

Rose Class

Year 4 rocks!

In Year 4 we are working hard to learn our times tables. Amy performed her 8 times table with confidence and Kairo has learnt his 6, 9 and 12 times tables in just 3 weeks!

Orchid Class

As part of our 'Space' topic, Orchid Class have been learning about the artists, David Hardy and Robert McCall. Both artists specialise in painting space scenes.

First, we painted a colourwash. Once this was dry, we made stencils and stuck them onto the page. Next, we used sponges to paint the background. Finally, we removed the stencils revealing the colourwash beneath.

We are very pleased with our space pictures!

Chartwells Updated Autumn Lunch Menu Chartwells have updated their lunch menu; the updates will begin from next week beginning at Week 1.

The cost of a school lunch is £2.15.

Please remember to book your child’s lunch 24 hours in advance. You are able to book lunches for up to 8 weeks ahead of time so if you would like to book for the whole term you can!

Reminder that if your child is entitled to a free school lunch, you will still need to book their lunch option via +Pay.

Please also remember to discuss the lunch menu with your child so that they are aware of what has been booked each day.