We wish Refuah Sh’lema to: Noam Haber בייה jmagnet Joe Levitan Bela Davidson Howie Meyer Anice Stark Allan Fryman Joel Zeger Rose Rosenbaum Phillip Shadlesky Gerald Robinson Abe Swimmer Rosa Weisberg Ilse Matheus

Ruth Leichner Janice Rothman Morton Cohen 18 Reiner Road, Toronto, Ontario M3H 2K9 416-636-3451 If you know Beth Radom members who would benefit from Clergy

outreach or should be part of our Refuah Sh’lema list, please Parshat Acharei Mot contact [email protected]. We assure you of confidentiality.

May 4, 2019 29 Nisan 5779 ------

------With Reverence, We Honour The Yahrzeits Of:

Torah: Page 460 Ch 16, V 1 Eli Majer Gajer Late Father-In-Law of Rosa Weisberg Maftir: Page 484, Ch 16, V 31 Haftorah: Page 948 Shane Okorofsky Late Son of Stanley Okorofsky

------David Shadlesky Late Father of Seymour Shadlesky

Today’s Congregational Kiddush is sponsored by Chaskel Rutman Late Father of Ita Streiman Michael & Stephanie Ophek and Jenny Ophek in celebration Janet Korn Late Sister of Patricia Weinstein Ruth Rothman Late Mother of Charles Rothman of Lauren’s upcoming Bat . Kiddush will take place Phoebe Jacobs Late Mother of Sheila Miles in the Belzberg-Weisberg Social Hall on the lower level. Rita Rohringer Late Wife of Kurt Rohringer ------

Mazel Tov to Michael & Stephanie Ophek and all of their family Happy Birthday Wishes To: celebrating their daughter Lauren’s upcoming Bat Mitzvah. A HEBREW SCHOOL THAT KIDS LOVE! Jeremiah Burko Ryan Madan Beverly Schachter ------Steven Axmith Esther Kirshenblat Allan Newman JK - BAR/BAT MITZVAH Mazel Tov to Abe Swimmer, Gayle & Ron Rubinoff, Heather & Elliot Tarnow Michael Pearlman Wayne Mandel REGISTER ONLINE. Steve Lamasz on the birth of their (great) granddaughter. Cindy Anisman Barbara Feldberg Bluma Wagner

Mazel Tov to parents Mandy & Sean and big brother Zachary! Beth Radom always welcomes NEW MEMBERS! Edward Saxe Pearl Rosen Rena Gutstadt-Fronenberg

------25% off Membership for Jewish Day School Families. Belated Happy Birthday Wishes to David Edwards ------Check it out @ www.bethradom.com ------Prayer For Healing

מִי שֶ בֵּרַ ך׃ אֲ בֹותֵּ ינו, A Minyan has been requested by a member of Beth Radom Mi she berach avoteinu מְ קור הַבְרָ כָה לְאִ ּמֹותֵּ ינּו wishing to say Kaddish for a loved one M'kor hab'racha l'imoteinu on Monday, May 6 at 7:30am May the source of strength, who blessed the ones before us; and Monday, May 13 at 7:30am Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing. Are you a member of Beth Radom in need of and let us say: Amen. מִי שֶ בֵּרַ ך׃ אִ ּמֹותֵּ ינו ,a Minyan to say Kaddish? Then contact the Mi she berach imoteinu מְ קוׄר הַבְרָ כָה לְ אֲ בֹותֵּ ינו Shul office at least a week or two in advance M'kor hab'racha l'avoteinu so we can make the necessary arrangements. Bless those in need of healing with refuah sh’lema Please consider showing your appreciation to fellow members by The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, and let us say: Amen sponsoring the breakfast. Food sponsorships are fully receiptable ------for tax purposes! We ask that you try to attend morning services as regularly as possible to help achieve a minyan each day. THE BLESSING FOR STUDY: בָ רּוְך אַתָ ה ה CANDLE LIGHTING & SERVICE TIMES: Barukh attah Adonai Friday, May 3 Light Candles at 8:05pm ------אֱ להֵּ ינּו מֶלֶ ך-הָעולָ ם Eloheinu melekh ha-olam Saturday, May 4 Shabbat ends at 9:14pm : Rabbi Dr. Geoffrey Haber [email protected] ראֲשֶ קִדְ שָ נּו בְמִ צְ ותָ יו asher qidshanu b'mitzvotav Friday, May 10 Light Candles at 8:13pm CANTOR: Jeremy Burko [email protected] וְצִ ּוָנו לַ עֲסק בְדִ בְרֵּ י-תורָ ה .Saturday, May 11 Shabbat ends at 9:22pm PRESIDENT: Ronald Lindsay [email protected] v'tzivanu la-asoq b'divrei Typical Daily Minyan (M-F) begins at 7:30am; Sunday at 9:00am GABBAI: Mark Vernon [email protected] Praised are you Adonai, our God, eternal Sovereign of the Shabbat Mornings – Service typically begins at 9:30am DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION: Cindy Kozierok [email protected] Universe, Who sanctified us with [God's] commandments ADMINISTRATOR: Miriam Sharpe [email protected] and enjoined upon us to study Torah.

RABBINIC REFLECTIONS—PARSHAT “ACHARIE-MOT” “ is a certain perception of , which may be from repeating itself? If we choose the latter, as I do, it requires Rabbi Geoffrey Haber, MA, DMin, DD (Hon) expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical each of us to do more than be pundits on the sidelines. We must manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or actively speak out against such horrors. We must demand A Jewish man is sitting on a bench reading his newspaper when non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish protection and security from our government, an accounting from an anti-Semite approaches him and says, "You know, all the community institutions and religious facilities.” In other words, our fellow citizens and the prosecution of the guilty. As my world's problems are because of the Jews." anti-Semitism is hostility to, prejudice, or colleague, Rabbi David Seth Kirshner writes: Hate does not The Jewish man looks up and replies, "And the bicycle riders." against Jews. Antisemitism is generally considered to be a brew from thin-air. It has a root. Hate is fertilized and given The anti-Semite replies befuddled, "Why the bicycle riders?" form of racism, but has also been characterized as a political sunlight to grow, like a cancerous weed. Indifference only makes The Jewish man responds, "Why the Jews?" ideology which serves as an organizing principle and unites that cancerous weed metastasize. Elie Wiesel said, disparate groups, such as the far left and far right in Europe – “Indifference is the epitome of evil.” It seems that anti-Semitism has risen its ugly head once again, and increasingly in North America—and jihadist Muslims that and only 74 years after ; within living memory of has led to the attacks on entire Jewish communities such as In memory of every person that ever died or was persecuted the most heinous attack on the Jews in the history of the world. Pittsburgh and Poway. expressing his or her religion, especially those this past Shabbat, Indeed, B’nai Brith Canada reports that anti-Semitic incidents let us commit at this moment to cutting down those weeds, doubled between last year and this. The attack on the Tree of Yet anti-Semitism is not new, or a product of the 20th and 21st arresting that metastasis, and drowning out hate with love, Life in Pittsburgh, PA six months ago and the attack centuries. Although the term did not come into common usage compassion, respect, understanding, tolerance and hope. Let us on Chabad of Poway, CA this past week mark a new chapter in until the 19th century, and now is also applied to historic anti- all do our part and get off the sidelines to make our cup overflow the history of anti-Semitism in the US. Pittsburgh, alone, was Jewish incidents, it has roots that go back to the anti- of with joy once again. the largest single lethal attack against Jews in US history; and early Christianity and the Holy Roman Empire. Notable instances now linked with the attack in California, exactly six months later, of persecution include the massacres preceding the Shabbat Shalom! ------leaves us devastated and wondering why and how this can in 1096, the Edict of Expulsion from England in happen in the 21st Century. 1290, the expulsion of Jews from in 1306, the massacres of Spanish Jews in 1391, the persecutions of the Spanish OLUNTEERING at BINGO is FUN! The title of this week’s Torah portion, coming from the opening , the expulsion from Spain in 1492, the Cossack The next volunteer opportunities are all on: words of the reading, is Acharei-Mot, literally, “after the death,” massacres in Ukraine from 1648 to 1657, various anti-Jewish Saturday, May 11, 2019 referring to the two sons of Aaron who died after bringing a in the Russian Empire between 1821 and 1906, the Session 1: from 8pm – Midnight strange fire to the altar of God in the Mishkan (the portable 1894–1906 in France, the Holocaust in German- Session 2: from 11pm – 3am desert Temple). Moses’ response upon hearing the news is occupied Europe during World War II, Soviet anti-Jewish PLUS Monday, May 13, 2019 1 Session: from 5pm – 9pm silence. What could he say to comfort his brother after the policies, and Arab and Muslim involvement in the Jewish exodus To volunteer, please contact death of his nephews? But, in the aftermath of the terrible from Arab and Muslim countries post-1948. It is a sad tale of woe tragedies in the US and the many acts of anti-Semitism in [email protected] or 416-636-3451 x24 upon the Jewish people for no other reason than being Jews. Europe, we cannot be silent. Silence is what led the world to ------complacency over the actions of the Nazis in Germany in the And now, as your spiritual leader, I am supposed to explain the CHECK OUT BETH RADOM’S MUSEUM AND GALLERY 1930s that led to the Holocaust in the 1940s. We cannot be inexplicable and to make sense of the nonsensical. I am tasked Have you seen our new video display? It’s on our website! silent; we must speak out. We cannot be silent; we must hold to tell you that hatred will lose, we will win, the Jewish People will Does your family have things to add to this museum? We governments and humanity to account. It was Edmund Burke triumph, and this ongoing stream of terror will end. As an eternal appreciate donations of plaques, photos, paperwork, hand written (1729-1797), the Anglo-Irish statesman most famous for his optimist, my cup feels empty in the wake of another tragedy on letters, booklets, flyers, old landing papers – anything related to letter to Thomas Mercer, who notably stated in it: “The only innocent worshippers in a synagogue near San Diego. I am the once thriving, Jewish, City of Radom. And of course we are thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do deputized to offer ‘thoughts and prayers’ again, when plain folk looking for funding streams to expand the presentation space. nothing.” That is what enabled the Holocaust to happen and engaged in sacred prayer are gunned down. Whether Orthodox, Contact Allan [email protected] for more information. we cannot let such a thing happen again. Conservative, Reform, Reconstructionist, Renewal or secular ------Jews—our differences seem trivial in moments like these. In 2005, the European Union agency, the European Monitoring Today, again, we are all one people draped under a tallit of grief. Centre on Racism and (EUMC), published the non-legally binding Working Definition of Antisemitism adopted There is no denying that echoes of a darker time in by the inter-governmental body the International Holocaust are ringing in our ears today. Will this lead to an expulsion like Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), and governmental and non- in Spain? , like in Russia? A Holocaust like in Europe? governmental organizations worldwide. The definition reads: Or will it lead to resolve, strength and our rising up to stop history