Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88444-0 - The : Evolution, Biology and Ecology Barry S. C. Leadbeater Index More information

Choanoflagellate species index

Acanthocorbis Hara and Takahashi Cladospongia Iyengar and Ramathan 175–9, 188, 190, 196, 198, 204, 206–8, Acanthocorbis apoda (Leadbeater) Hara Cladospongia elegans Iyengar and 210, 218, 220–1, 223, 230–1, 236 and Takahashi, 75, 87, 221, 223, 229 Ramathan, 60 Diaphanoeca multiannulata Buck, 85, 92, Acanthocorbis campanula (Espeland) Codonodesmus Stein 221, 223, 225, 227, 233, 236–7 Thomsen, 223 Codonodesmus phalanx Stein, 58 Diaphanoeca pedicellata Leadbeater, 181, Acanthocorbis haurakiana Thomsen, 89, Codonosigopsis (Robin) Senn 184, 221, 223, 227, 230 97 Codonosigopsis robini Senn, 240 Diaphanoeca sphaerica Thomsen, 231 Acanthocorbis mongolica Paul, 232 Codosiga James-Clark, 3, 9, 238 Diaphanoeca spiralifurca Hara, 83–4 Acanthocorbis unguiculata (Thomsen) Codosiga balthica Wylezich and Karpov, Diaphanoeca undulata Thomsen, 221, Hara and Takahashi, 71, 77, 204, 37, 45, 231, 243 223, 230 206–7, 221, 223, 225, 231 Codosiga botrytis (Ehrenberg) Bu¨tschli, Didymoeca Doweld Acanthoeca Ellis, 142–53 4–6, 9, 21–2, 28, 30, 34, 45, 49, 61, Didymoeca costata (Valkanov) Doweld, Acanthoeca brevipoda Ellis, 75, 133, 142, 232, 237, 240, 244 69, 85, 87, 166–75, 184, 187–9, 221, 144, 231 Codosiga gracilis (Kent) de Saedeleer, 223, 236 Acanthoeca spectabilis Ellis, 20, 66, 75, 84, 23–5, 29, 45–6, 207–8, 210 Didymoeca elongata (Nitsche and Arndt) 87, 133, 141–53, 186, 221, 223, 230 Codosiga minima Wylezich and Karpov, Doweld, 166, 223 Apheloecion Thomsen, 222 37, 45, 231, 243 Didymoeca tricyclica (Bergesch et al.) Astrosiga Kent, 13 Codosiga pulcherrima James-Clark, 3, 45 Doweld, 166, 223 Astrosiga disjuncta (Fromentel) Kent, 58 Codosiga pulcherrimus James-Clark. Diplosiga Frenzel See Codosiga pulcherrima James-Clark Diplosiga socialis Frenzel, 5 Bicosta Leadbeater, 216 Cosmoeca Thomsen, 231 Diplosigopsis France´,5 Bicosta antennigera Moestrup, 183, Cosmoeca ceratophora Thomsen, 221, 223 222–3, 227, 234–6 Cosmoeca norvegica Thomsen, 23, 88, 92, Helgoeca Leadbeater Bicosta minor (Reynolds) Leadbeater, 89, 95, 221, 223, 229, 233, 237 Helgoeca nana (Thomsen) Leadbeater, 97, 222–3, 229, 234–6 Cosmoeca phuketensis Thomsen, 88, 94–5, 20, 77, 133, 137–40, 223 Bicosta spinifera (Throndsen) 221, 233 Leadbeater, 9, 73, 87, 89, 96–7, 182, Cosmoeca takahashii Thomsen, 88, 95, Kakoeca Buck and Marchant 187, 204, 220, 222–3, 227, 230, 233–7 221, 223, 227 Kakoeca antarctica Buck and Marchant, 84 Cosmoeca ventricosa Thomsen, 23, 88, Calliacantha Leadbeater 94–5, 221, 223, 225, 227, 233 Lagenoeca Kent, 238–9 Calliacantha longicaudata (Leadbeater) Crinolina Thomsen, 184 Lagenoeca antarctica Nitsche et al., 230 Leadbeater, 89, 97, 222–3, 229 Crinolina aperta (Leadbeater) Thomsen, Lagenoeca globulosa France´, 240 Calliacantha multispina Manton and 85, 92–3, 204, 221, 223–5, 227, 236–7 Oates, 89, 97, 181, 222–3, 229 Crinolina isefiordensis Thomsen, 88, Monocosta Thomsen Calliacantha natans (Grøntved) 92–3, 221, 223 Monocosta fennica Thomsen, 68, 231 Leadbeater, 31, 89, 97, 181–2, 204, Crucispina Espeland and Throndsen Monosiga Kent, 21, 25, 207, 230, 238–9 222–3, 227, 230–1, 234, 236 Crucispina cruciformis (Leadbeater) Monosiga brevicollis Ruinen, 10, 30, Calliacantha simplex Manton and Oates, Espeland, 97, 222–3, 229, 233, 237 247–9, 266–76 89, 95, 97, 181–2, 222–3, 227, 230–1, Monosiga gracilis Kent, 6, 21 234 Desmarella Kent, 9, 238–9 Monosiga marina Grøntved, 216–17 Calotheca Thomsen and Moestrup Desmarella moniliformis Kent, 58, 61–2, Monosiga ovata Kent, 29, 31–5, 40–1, 205, Calotheca alata Thomsen and Moestrup, 229 207–8, 244, 272, 274 222 Desmarella phalanx (Stein) Kent, 58 Choanoeca Ellis Diaphanoeca Ellis Nannoeca Thomsen Choanoeca perplexa Ellis, 4, 18, 20, 37, Diaphanoeca grandis Ellis, 25, 29, 66, 69, Nannoeca minuta (Leadbeater) Thomsen, 52, 54–5, 205 80–1, 85–6, 88, 92, 101, 107–8, 122–3, 221, 223


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308 Choanoflagellate species index

Parvicorbicula Deflandre, 184 pedicellata (Oxley) Ertl, 60 Sphaeroeca Lauterborn, 13 Parvicorbicula circularis Thomsen, 82, Proterospongia skujae (Skuja) Bourrelly, Sphaeroeca salina Bourrelly, 60 181, 221, 223 60 Spinoeca Thomsen Parvicorbicula corynocostata Thomsen, Proterospongia skujae var. gracilis (Skuja) Spinoeca buckii Thomsen, 223 82, 181 Bourrelly, 60 Stelexomonas Lackey, 239 Parvicorbicula manubriata Tong,82,95,230 Stephanacantha Thomsen, 223 Parvicorbicula quadricostata Throndsen, Saepicula Leadbeater Stephanacantha campaniformis 82, 89, 95, 181, 218, 221, 223, 227, Saepicula leadbeateri Takahashi, 223, 225 (Leadbeater) Thomsen, 74–5, 80, 187, 229–30 Saepicula pulchra Leadbeater, 70–1, 77, 221, 223 Parvicorbicula socialis (Meunier) 183, 221, 223 Stephanacantha dichotoma Thomsen, Deflandre, 56, 72, 82, 88, 92, 94–5, James-Clark, 3, 239 222–3 181, 204, 214–16, 218, 221, 223, 227, Salpingoeca abyssalis Nitsche et al., 230 Stephanoeca Ellis 230, 233, 236–7 Salpingoeca amphoridium James-Clark, 3, Stephanoeca ampulla (Kent) Ellis, 155, Parvicorbicula superpositus Booth, 229 23–30, 56, 237–8, 244 157, 218 Platypleura Thomsen, 222–3 Salpingoeca ampulla Kent, 66–7, 85 Stephanoeca apheles Thomsen, 223 Platypleura acuta Thomsen, 223 Salpingoeca angulosa de Saedeleer, 49 Stephanoeca arndtii Nitsche and Arndt, Platypleura cercophora Thomsen, 223 Salpingoeca gracilis James-Clark, 3, 48, 232 Platypleura infundibuliformis 63 Stephanoeca cauliculata Leadbeater, (Leadbeater) Thomsen, 74 Salpingoeca infusionum Kent, 6, 47–8, 54 83–4, 202, 223 Pleurasiga Schiller, 184 Salpingoeca inquillata Kent, 47, 54 Stephanoeca complexa (Norris) Pleurasiga echinocostata Espeland, 72, 82, Salpingoeca marina James-Clark, 3 Throndsen, 231 88, 94–5, 187, 221 Salpingoeca marinus James-Clark. Stephanoeca cupula (Leadbeater) Pleurasiga minima Throndsen, 23, 82, 88, See Salpingoeca marina James-Clark Thomsen, 69, 77–8, 84, 88, 221, 223 92, 94–5, 181, 218, 221, 223, 237 Salpingoeca natans Grøntved, 216–18 Stephanoeca diplocostata Ellis, 25–6, 31, Pleurasiga reynoldsii Throndsen, 82, 181, Salpingoeca oblonga Stein, 47, 54, 61 36, 38, 40, 42, 66, 88, 101–3, 106, 110, 218, 221, 223, 230 Salpingoeca pyxidium Kent, 8 114, 127, 156–66, 184, 190, 192–7, Pleurasiga tricaudata Booth, 82, 181 Dayel et al., 10, 45, 200, 207–8, 210, 213, 221, 223, 231 Polyfibula Manton, 221, 223 48–9, 51, 57, 247, 266, 269, 275 Stephanoeca elegans (Norris) Throndsen, Polyfibula sphyrelata Thomsen, 229 Salpingoeca spinifera Throndsen, 218 223 Polyoeca Kent Salpingoeca urceolata Kent, 52 Stephanoeca kentii Ellis, 218 Polyoeca dichotoma Kent, 54, 130–1, 133, Saroeca Thomsen Stephanoeca norrisii Thomsen, 87–8, 91, 141–2, 145, 183, 202, 221, 223 Saroeca attenuata Thomsen, 183 221, 223, 231 Proterospongia Kent, 9, 14, 16, 20 Savillea Loeblich, 138 Stephanoeca pedicellata Leadbeater, 229 Proterospongia choanojuncta Leadbeater, Savillea micropora (Norris) Leadbeater. Stephanoeca pyxidoides Leadbeater, 83, 36–7, 52, 55–6, 60 See Savillea parva (Ellis) Loeblich 87–8, 91, 183 Proterospongia dybsoee¨nsis (Grøntved) (micropora form) Stephanoeca supracostata Hara, 181 Loeblich III, 60 Savillea parva (Ellis) Loeblich, 18, 69, Stephanoeca urnula Thomsen, 83, 87–8, Proterospongia haeckeli Kent, 3, 12, 60 84, 186, 221, 223, 230, 232 91, 183, 223, 231 Proterospongia haeckeli var. clarki Savillea parva (Ellis) Loeblich (micropora Stylochromonas Lackey Schiller, 60 form), 26, 77, 84, 135, 137–8, 186, Stylochromonas minuta Lackey, 16 Proterospongia lackeyi Bourrelly, 60 205, 231 Syndetophyllum Thomsen and Moestrup Proterospongia nana (Braarud) Savillea parva (Ellis) Loeblich (parva Syndetophyllum pulchellum (Leadbeater) Throndsen, 60 form), 133, 136, 145 Thomsen and Moestrup, 72, 80

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Other species index

Abeoforma Marshall and Berbee Anthophysa solitaria Bory de St-Vincent, Cladophora Ku¨tzing (Chloroplastida, (Opisthokonta, Ichthyosporea) 1, 3 Cladophoraceae), 237 Abeoforma whisleri Marshall and Berbee, Anthophysa vegetans (Mu¨ller) Stein, 1 Raghu-Kumar 254 Anurofeca Baker et al. (Opisthokonta, (Opisthokonta, Corallochytrium) Actinomonas Kent (Stramenopiles, Ichthyosporea) Corallochytrium limacisporum Raghu- Dictyochophyceae), 204 Anurofeca (Prototheca) richardsi (Wong Kumar, 244, 255–6 Actinomonas mirabilis Kent, 203, 210 and Beebee) Baker et al., 254 Creolimax Marshall et al. (Opisthokonta, Bowman et al. emend Ascidiella Roule (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) Ichthyosporea) Nedashkovskaya et al. Ascidiella aspersa Mu¨ller, 25 Creolimax fragrantissima Marshall et al., (Cyclobacteriaceae, Bacteroidetes) Hassall (Stramenopiles, 247, 253–4 Algoriphagus machipongonensis Alegado Bacillariophyceae) Cyrtophora Pascher (Stramenopiles, et al.,57 Asterionella formosa Hassall, 237–8 Dictyochophyceae) Amastigomonas de Saedeleer (, Aulacoseira Thwaites (Stramenopiles, Cyrtophora pedicellata Pascher, 16 ) Melosirids), 237–8 Amastigomonas mutabilis (Griessmann) Aulacoseira italica (Ehrenberg) Danio Hamilton (Actinopterygii, Molina and Nerad, 203–4 Simonsen, 238 Cyprinidae) Amoebidium Cienkowsky (Opisthokonta, Danio rerio Hamilton, 165 Ichthyosporea) Bicosoeca James-Clark (Stramenophiles, Perez (Opisthokonta, Amoebidium parasiticum Cienkowsky, 244, ), 204 Ichthyosporea), 254 248, 254, 264 Biomphalaria Preston (Mollusca, Gastropoda) Dermocystidium percae Reichenbach- Amoeboaphelidium Scherffel (Opisthokonta, Biomphalaria glabrata Say, 256 Klinke, 253–4 Aphelidea) Bodo Ehrenberg (, Kinetoplastea), Dictyostelium Brefeld (, Amoeboaphelidium protococcarum Gromov 204 Dictyostelia) and Mamkaeva, 262 Bodo designis Skuja, 203, 206, 209–13 Dictyostelium discoideum Raper, 269 Amphibiocystidium Pascolini (Opisthokonta, Bodo saltans Ehrenberg, 204–5 Dinobryon Ehrenberg (Stramenopiles, Ichthyosporea) Chromulinales), 63, 140, 150, Amphibiocystidium ranae (Guye´not and Cafeteria Fenchel and Patterson 195, 237 Naville) Pascolini, 254 (Stramenopiles, Bicosoecida), 204 Dinobryon divergens Imhof, 238 Amphibiocystidium viridescens Raffel et al.,254 Cafeteria roenbergensis Fenchel and Dinobryon sertularia Ehrenberg, 238 Amphimedon Duchassaing and Michelotti Patterson, 203, 205 (Porifera, Demospongiae) Calanus Leach (Crustacea, Copepoda) Epistylis Ehrenberg (Ciliophora, Amphimedon queenslandica Hooper and Calanus hyperboreus Kroyer, 229 Peritrichia), 1 Van Soest, 272 Hertel et al. (Opisthokonta, Epistylis botrytis Ehrenberg, 1, 3–4 Anabaena Bory de St-Vincent ) (, Nostocales) Capsaspora owczarzaki Hertel et al., 244, Worley et al. (Opisthokonta, Anabaena flos-aquae Bre´bisson ex Bornet 255–6, 261, 266, 268–9, 274–5 Nucletmycea) and Flauhault, 237–8 Cercomonas Dujardin, (, ), Fonticula alba Worley et al., 244, 261, 264 Kent (Incertae sedis, 204 Fragilaria Lyngbe (Stramenopiles, ) Ehrenberg (Stramenopiles, ), 237–8 Ancyromonas sigmoides Kent, 204 Mediophyceae) Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton, 238 Anisonema Dujardin (Excavata, Chaetoceros simplex Ostenfeld, 118 ), 204 Ciliophrys Cienkowsky (Stramenopiles, Goniomonas Stein (Incertae sedis, Anthophysa Bory de St-Vincent Pedinellales), 204 ), 204 (Stramenopiles, Ochromonadales), 1 Ciliophrys infusionum Cienowsky, 209 Guancha Miklucho-Maclay (Porifera, Anthophysa dichotoma Bory de St- Ciona Linnaeus (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) Calcarea) Vincent, 1 Ciona intestinalis Linnaeus, 25 Guancha blanca Miklucho-Maclay, 13


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310 Other species index

Haliclona Grant (Porifera, Demospongiae) Paraphysomonas imperforata Lucas, 206, Schistosoma Weinland (Platyhelminthes, Haliclona permollis Bowerbank, 25 209–13 Digenea) Paraphysomonas vestita (Stokes) de Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 256 Ichthyophonus Plehn and Mulsow Saedeleer, 209–10 Sphaeroforma Jøstensen et al. (Opisthokonta, Ichthyosporea) Petalomonas Stein (Excavata, Euglenozoa), (Opisthokonta, Ichthyosporea) Ichthyophonus hopferi Plehn and Mulsow, 204 Jøstensen et al., 254 Phaeocystis Lagerheim (Haptophyta, 247, 254, 264 Ichthyophonus irregularis Rand et al., 244 Prymnesiophyceae) Sphaeroforma tapetis (Figueras) Marshall Phaeocystis pouchetii (Hariot) Lagerheim, et al., 247 Jakoba Patterson (Excavata, Jakobida) 214, 227 Sphaerothecum Arkush et al. (Opisthokonta, Jakoba libera (Ruinen) Patterson, 203–4, Cienkowsky (Amoebozoa, Ichthyosporea) 209, 212–13 Incertae sedis), 16 Sphaerothecum destruens Arkush et al., Phalansterium consociatum (Fresenius) 253–4 Leucosolenia Ellis and Solander (Porifera, Cienkowsky, 16 Spongilla Linneans (Porifera, Calcarea) Phalansterium digitatum Stein, 16 Demospongiae) Leucosolenia botryoides Ellis and Phalansterium intestinum Cienkowsky, 16 Spongilla arachnoidea James-Clark, Solander, 1, 11 Pirum Marshall and Berbee (Stramenopiles, 11 Ichthyosporea) Spongilla lacustris Lamarck, 11 Massisteria Larsen and Patterson (Rhizaria, Pirum gemmata Marshall and Berbee, 255 Spumella Cienkowsky (Stramenopiles, Cercozoa) Pleuromonas Perty (Excavata, Ochromonadales), 204–5 Massisteria marina Larsen and Patterson, Parabodonida) Staurastrum Meyen ex Ralfs (Charophyta, 203–4 Pleuromonas jaculans Perty, 209–10 Zygnematophyceae) Metridia Boeck (Crustacea, Copepoda) Poterioochromonas Scherffel (Stramenopiles, Staurastrum pingue Teiling, 238 Metridia lucens Boeck, 229 Chromulinales), 63 Stephanodiscus Ehrenberg (Stramenopiles, Metromonas Larsen and Patterson Poterioochromonas stipitata Scherffel, Mediophyceae) (Rhizaria, Cercozoa), 204 48–50 Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grunow, Patterson et al. (Opisthokonta, Pseudobodo Griessmann (Stramenopiles, 237–8 Filasterea), 204 Bicosoecida), 204, 209 Sycon Risso (Porifera, Calcarea) Ministeria marisola Patterson et al., 256 Pseudobodo tremulans Griessmann, Sycon compressum Fabricius, 5 Tong, 244, 255–6, 274 230 Synura Ehrenberg (Stramenopiles, Pseudoperkinsus Figueras (Opisthokonta, Synurales) Nematostella Stephenson (, Ichthyosporea) Synura petersenii Korshikov, 128 Anthozoa) Pseudoperkinsus tapetis Figueras, Nematostella vectensis Stephenson, 259, 254 Tabellaria Ehrenberg (Stramenopiles, 266, 272 Psorospermium Hilgendorf (Opisthokonta, Bacillariophyceae), 237 Cienkowsky (Opisthokonta, Ichthyosporea) Thalassiosira Cleve (Stramenopiles, Nucletmycea), 255 Hilgendorf, Mediophyceae), 237, 237 Nuclearia delicatula Cienkowsky, 261 254 Thalassiosira fluviatilis Hustedt, Nuclearia simplex Cienkowsky, 244 Pteridomonas Pennard, (Stramenopiles, 237 Pedinellales), 204 Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell Ochromonas Wyssotzki (Stramenopiles, and Hasle, 118 Ochromonadales), 204–5, 209–10 Rhinosporidium Minchin and Fantham Thaumatomastix Lauterborn (Rhizaria, Oikopleura Mertens (Urochordata, (Opisthokonta, Ichthyosporea) Thaumatomonadidae), 204 Appendicularia) (Wernicke) Seeber, Trichoplax Schultze (Metazoa, ) Oikopleura vanhoeffeni Lohmann, 233 254 Trichoplax adhaerens Schultze, 248, Olpidium (Braun) Schro¨t (Opisthokonta, Rhynchomonas Klebs (Excavata, 258 Nucletmycea, ) Neobodonida) Olpidium brassicae (Woronin) Dang, 262 Rhynchomonas nasuta (Stokes) Klebs, Volvox Linnaeus (Chloroplastida, 203–4, 206, 209 Chlorophyceae) Paraphysomonas de Saedeleer Cornu (Opisthokonta, Volvox vegetans Mu¨ller, 1 (Stramenopiles, Nucletmycea, Chytridiomycota), 262 Vorticella Linnaeus (Ciliophora, Ochromonadales), 128, 203–4, 230 Peritrichia), 237

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General index

Acanthoeca spectabilis size variation, 233 Antarctic species, 227–8 cell division, 145–6 Bicosta/Calliacantha theme, 95, 220, 223–4 bacterial production, 225 costal strip accumulation, 145 costal strip accumulation, 182 biogeography. see geographical records cytoskeletal poisons, 150–2 lorica size variation, 233–4 early quantitative records, 216 dwarf cells, 150 , 100–2, 107, 115, 117–18 electron microscopy, 218 helical costae, 75, 144 Boucaud-Camou, Eve, 131, 140, 214 epibiotic species, 237 lorica assembly, 146, 149 Bu¨tschli, Otto, 3, 261 freshwater acanthoecids, 232 lorica construction, 142–3 freshwater ecology, 237–40 lorica dimensions, 142 cadherins hypoxic environments, 231 organic investment, 144 classical, 266 lorica size variation, 233–6 acanthoecid phylogeny, 252 hedgling, 266 marine studies, 226 acanthoecid themes, 85–98 premetazoan subfamilies, 266 phases of study, 213 Bicosta/Calliacantha theme, 95–6, 220, Capsaspora, 256 planktonic suspension, 236 223–4 cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), 265–9 polymorphic life cycle, 234 Cosmoeca/Parvicorbicula theme, 92, 94, integrins, 267 quantitative aspects, 223 220, 223–4 cell division, 8, 41–2 rivers, 239 Diaphanoeca/Crinolina theme, 92–3, 224 codifying characters, 191 salinity tolerance, 231 Stephanacantha/Platypleura theme, 220 diagonal, 9, 40, 127, 131, 136–8, 140, 146 sampling limitations, 218 Stephanoeca theme, 85, 91, 220 emergent, 5, 9, 47, 49, 52, 54 soil and permafrost, 239 , 8, 44, 130, 251 inverted, 9, 40, 155, 157 trophic coupling, 224–30 , 8, 131, 154, 185, 251, 253 longitudinal, 9, 40, 44 choanoflagellate ecophysiology, 204–13 Amoebidiales, 253 non-restrictive, 5, 47 choanoflagellate predation Amoebozoa, 242, 261 role of microvilli, 165, 169 faecal pellets, 129, 233 , 242 separating threads, 156, 191 choanoflagellate/choanocyte similarity Antarctica collecting sites, 224 cell–cell signalling, 275 evolutionary link, 14 anterior ring calcium mediated pathways, 275 functional, 10 compound, 87 Hedgehog pathway, 270 morphological, 10 location, 70, 72, 78, 80, 93, 98, 102, 174 Hippo signalling pathway, 275 ultrastructural, 11 Aphelidae, 262 Notch pathway, 270 Choanoflagellatea, 8, 16, 251 , 242, 268 pathways, 269 multi-taxon, multi-gene phylogeny, aquiferous chambers, 1, 11, 258, 265, 278 pre-metazoan ancestry, 270 251 transcriptional regulation, 275 choanoflagellates basal bodies tyrosine kinase domains, 274 axenic culture, 204 cell division, 40, 44 tyrosine kinase mediated pathways, 273 classed as , 16 choanocyte, 11 chirality (handedness), 70, 132 classification, 15 Choanoeca perplexa,52 choanocytes distinguishing criteria, 4, 29 chytrid, 243 choanoflagellate relatedness, 1, 10, 241, early illustrations, 2 classification, 32 262 first record, 1 collar cells, 14 early illustrations, 7 , 249, 251 dormant (non-flagellar), 32, 243, 253, flagellar vane, 30 Chytridiomycota, 241, 262 262 microvilli, 5 Monoblepharidales, 242, 263 flagellar withdrawal, 40 choanoderm, 258, 265, 278 classificatory systems, 249–51 ichthyosporean, 243 Choanoflagellata, 4 choanoflagellate, 17 Monosiga ovata,34 choanoflagellate ecology, 213–40 Cnidaria Bicosta spinifera abyssal depths, 230 phylogeny, 259 left-handed rotation, 97 acanthoecid species, 223 , 8, 15, 44, 251


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312 General index

Codosiga botrytis sequence, 156, 187, 189 nudiform behaviour, 197–8 basal bodies, 32 costal strip production sinking velocity, 230 encystment, 61, 240 Bicosta species, 183 veil, 85–6, 122 flagellar vane, 28 codified, 191, 193 Diaphanoeca/Crinolina theme, 92–3, 224 nomenclature, 4 exocytosis, 105, 169 permafrost, 232, 240 logistical flexibility, 200 frustule synthesis, 101 collar SDV-associated microtubules, 105, 168 planktonic, 237 cell division, 165 sequence, 167, 175 silicon requirement, 100 early illustrations, 6 silica deposition vesicles (SDVs), 104, silicon uptake, 100 fluid flow, 25 107, 167 , 229 length, 45, 205 silicalemma, 104 Didymoeca (Diplotheca) elongata, 166 microvilli, 5 silicon gradient, 188, 190 Didymoeca (Diplotheca) tricyclica, 166 morphology, 24 tectiform, 179 Didymoeca costata, 166–74 particle capture, 5 upside-down, 168, 187 cell division, 169, 171 particle ingestion, 5 costal strips costal strip accumulation, 189 collar cells (cyrtocytes), 14 abutment, 68, 99 costal strip categories, 166 collar microvilli accumulation, 104, 122, 156, 182 costal strip orientation, 168 behaviour, 36 adhesion, 107 costal strip production, 167–8 cell division, 165 biochemical analysis, 107 left-handed rotation, 167 characteristics, 24 definition, 68 lorica assembly, 172 pressure drop, 25 dissolution, 119–20 lorica construction, 166–7 ultrastructure, 25, 35 first description, 66 lorica cup, 169–70 colonial choanoflagellates, 54–61 imbrication, 74, 99 nomenclature, 166 Codosiga,45 leading end, 68 veil, 167 form, 57, 60 misshapen, 110–11, 150 diffusion feeding, 27, 203 culture, 56 morphology, 72–3 Diplotheca costata. see Didymoeca costata definition, 54 nudiform accumulation, 136, 138, 145, dissolved organic matter (DOM), 203, 205 Diaphanoeca pedicellata, 224 193, 197 microbial loop, 203 ecological niche, 61 organic scaffold, 107 DRIP clade, 253 life cycles, 59 orientation, 175 linear colonies, 58 silicon deficient, 122 Eccrinales, 253 natural conditions, 58 X-ray diffraction, 105 Ellis, William Neale, 66, 131, 155, 214 nomenclature, 59 , 44, 251 elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) Parvicorbicula socialis, 216, 224, 229 cell cycle, 44, 46 amino acid insertion, 244 Proterospongia choanojuncta, 54, 56 Craspedomonadina, 4 early phylogeny, 242 Proterospongia haeckeli,60 Craspedophyceae, 16, 166 STEPPYS motif, 247 Salpingoeca amphoridium,56 , 260 elongation factor like (EFL) Salpingoeca rosetta,57 Cylicomastiges, 4 choanoflagellates, 247 swimming behaviour, 58 cytokinesis encystment, 61–2 conjoined cells, 192, 195 separating threads, 52, 161, 191 excystment, 62 Cosmoeca/Parvicorbicula theme, 92, 94, 220, cytoplasmic bridge, 57–8 extracellular coverings, 5, 8 223–4 cytoskeleton gel pe´riphe´rique, 9 costae filopodia, 34 glycocalyx (sheath), 5, 44 definition, 68 microfilament/microtubule interactions, lorica, 5 first record, 66 36, 153, 162, 165 microfibrils, 48 helical, 68 microfilaments, 34–6 mucous sheath, 9 junctions, 78 microtubule ring, 32–3 Schleimhu¨lse, 9 longitudinal, 72 microtubules, 32–8, 149–50 stalk development, 49 numbering, 69 microvilli, 34, 149 , 5, 44 transverse, 68 S1 muscle myosin, 34, 36 transverse ring, 68 Filasterea, 256 costal strip accumulation Diaphanoeca grandis, 175–9 Capsaspora, 256 Calliacantha species, 181 anterior transverse costa, 80, 82 Ministeria, 256 inside-out, 187 cell division, 175–6 filopodia, 45, 56–7, 177, 256 microvillar relationship, 165 costal strip categories, 175, 196 ancestry, 269 nudiform morphology, 186, 193, 197–8 lorica assembly, 177 behaviour, 36 quadrants, 161, 165, 169, 175, 188 lorica construction, 80, 175 flagellar basal body, 243

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88444-0 - The Choanoflagellates: Evolution, Biology and Ecology Barry S. C. Leadbeater Index More information

General index 313

during division, 40 Golgi apparatus, 39 Flagellata, 1, 214 maturation, 44, 52 cell covering secretion, 40, 52 integrin-mediated signalling, 268 flagellar hydrodynamics, 19–26 cisternae, 37 components, 269 feeding currents, 21 secretory activity, 63 pre-metazoan ancestry, 268 flow fields, 21–4 secretory vesicles, 37, 52 International Code of Nomenclature for influence of collar, 24 Griessmann, Karl, 5, 47, 52 Algae, Fungi, and (ICN), 249 influence of lorica, 25, 236 growth kinetics, 205–13 International Code of Zoological motile cells, 19 batch culture, 113 Nomenclature (ICZN), 3, 249 multiple toroidal eddies, 24 bioenergetics, 211 optimal swimming motions, 20 clearance, 205–7, 225 James-Clark, Henry, 1, 10–11, 214, 241 optimal feeding motions, 22 continuous culture, 211 publications, 3–4 particle velocity, 205 growth parameters, 210 juvenile pedicel length, 23 growth strategies, 210 Acanthoeca spectabilis, 145 resistive-force model, 19 heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF), 212 costal strips, 138, 145, 156, 158, 169, 177, singularities, 19 Monod equation, 209 179 slender-body theory, 19, 22, 25 nutrient cycling, 212–13 craspedid, 44, 52 stationary cells, 21–2 particle capture and growth, 208–9 definition, 9 swimming cells, 20–1 particle capture and uptake, 205–13, 237 Didymoeca costata, 169 flagellar vane, 28–31 population growth, 209–11 Helgoeca nana, 138 flagellum response to prey concentration, 211 lorica assembly, 110 absence, 18, 52, 136 nudiform taxa, 104, 130, 147, 153, 185 axoneme, 30–1 Haeckel, Ernst, 10, 13 Polyoeca dichotoma, 140 central filament, 32 Helgoeca nana posterior filopodia, 56, 177 development, 45 helical costae, 138 Savillea parva (micropora form), 136 length, 28 lorica assembly, 139–40 Stephanoeca diplocostata, 156 single posterior, 18, 243, 253, 262 lorica construction, 137–8 tectiform taxa, 104, 131, 155, 190 striated fibrous root, 32 helical costae, 75 surface, 28 assembly, 147 Kent, William Saville, 3, 11, 21, 47, 58, 66, transitional region, 30, 32 chirality (handedness), 70, 135 214 vane, 16, 28–31 clockwise rotation. see left-handed Animalia, 249 withdrawal, 40, 162 rotation Kingdom Fungi, 249 Fonticula alba, 244 left-handed, 75, 82 Kingdom , 249 Fresenius, Georg, 3 left-handed rotation, 82, 99, 138, 149 freshwater acanthoecids, 232 number of turns, 75, 83, 135, 144, 150 left-handed rotation fungal phylogeny, 262 occurrence, 77 Bicosta spinifera,97 fungal signature, 257, 262 production sequence, 188 Stephanoeca cauliculata, 83–4 Fungi, 244 recognition, 77 left-handed helix variety, 98 definition, 68 Gastraea theory, 13 helix longitudinal costae, 72 geographical records, 219, 221 chirality (handedness), 132 assembly, 83, 165 Andaman Sea, 220 definition, 132 spines, 75 Antarctic Convergence, 227 left-handed, 132, 144 Stephanoeca cauliculata,83 Antarctica, 220, 224–5 heterotrophic flagellates (HF), 202–4 lorica, 5 Arctic Ocean, 229 dimensions, 203 3D computer model, 76 Barents Sea, 229 feeding strategies, 203 chamber, 68 Californian waters, 220 heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF), definition, 68 Equatorial Pacific, 220 202–13 functions, 25, 98, 236–7 Gulf of Alaska, 227 dimensions, 203 length, 234 Iceland, 220 prey particles, 202 organic investment, 83 Limfjord, Denmark, 230 heterotrophy, 202 preservation, 69 Newfoundland, 220, 229 , 244, 249, 251 Saepicula pulchra, 70–1 North Pacific, 220 size variation, 233–6 Port Jackson, Sydney, 220 Ichthyosporea, 253–6 suspensory membrane, 84 Southampton Water, 220, 229 Ichthyophonae, 253 terminology, 8, 67 Southern Ocean, 220, 225 life cycles, host, mitochondrial cristae, veil, 85–6, 92, 167 West Greenland, 220 254 lorica assembly glycocalyx (sheath), 5, 9, 251 Rhinosporidaceae, 253 3D computer model, 138–9, 159, 161

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314 General index

lorica assembly (cont.) lorica-assembling, 147, 149, 158, 161, evolutionary systematics, 249 Acanthoeca spectabilis, 145–53 164, 172 Linnaean ranks, 249 Diaphanoeca grandis, 177 microfilament poisons, 152 nomenclature, 249 Didymoeca costata, 172 tectiform cell division, 162 diversification, 263 left-handed rotation, 84, 161, 172 Ministeria, 256 Opisthokonta mechanism, 158 mitochondria classification, 251 rotational movement, 149, 165 constricted, 38 early phylogeny, 242 rules, 67, 70, 99 cristal morphology, 243 eEF1A insertion, 244 Stephanoeca diplocostata, 158 flattened cristae, 37–8, 242, 253, 256 eukaryotic supergroup, 241–3 lorica cup, 169 tubular cristae, 37, 242–3 mitochondrial genomics, 247 loricate choanoflagellate mitochondrial genomics molecular phylogeny, 243–9 first record, 66–7 fungi, 248 monophyly, 244 gene content, 248 origin of name, 241 Manual of the Infusoria, 11, 21, 214, opisthokont phylogeny, 248 phylogeny, 244–5, 262 241 mitochondrial reticulum, 37–8 opistokont series, 241 , 253 ER association, 37 Opistokontae, 241 Metazoa, 249, 257–61 Monod equation, 209 opistokonten, 241 ancestry, 10 multicellularity, 257 , 257 cadherins, 265 particle capture, 26 diploblasts, 257 categories, 264 bidirectional transport, 21, 26–7, 205 monophyly, 248, 257 cell–cell signalling, 275 diffusion feeding, 205 non-bilateria, 257–8, 260 c-type lectins, 269 early illustrations, 6 phylogeny, 257 epithelial , 265 particle selection, 27 triploblasts, 257 extracellular matrix molecules, 269 spiral pathway, 5 microbial foodwebs, 202, 224 integrins, 267–9 video recordings, 26 microbial loop, 203, 224, 233 mesenchymal tissue, 265 particle ingestion microfibrils opisthokont, 264 collar, 4–5 Acanthoeca spectabilis, 84, 87 tissue phenotypes, 264 early views, 26 carbohydrate-containing, 48–9 , 27, 37, 205 chemical composition, 48–9 Nomenclator Zoologicus, 3 , 5, 38 cup-shaped theca, 48 non-bilateria particulate organic matter (POM), 230 Diaphanoeca grandis, 85, 87 phylogeny, 261 enmeshment of choanoflagellates, 230 Didymoeca costata, 85, 87 non-restrictive cell coverings, 44 sinking velocities, 230 helical arrangement, 49 non-restrictive cell division, 5 Parvicorbicula socialis, 215–16, 224, meshwork, 135–6, 142, 144 Norris, Rich, 16, 214 227, 229 Poterioochromonas stipitata,49 nucleariid amoebae, 244 Parvicorbicula/Pleurasiga species group, 82, robustness, 48 Nucletmycea, 249, 261–2 93, 95, 99, 130, 181, 188 Savillea parva,84 Fonticula alba, 261 Phalansteriidae, 16 stalk (peduncle), 48 Fungi, 262 Phalansterium,16 veil, 85 , 261 phylogenetic reconstruction microfilament poisons nucleus rare genomic changes, 244 cytochalasin D, 27, 151 division, 40, 156 Placozoa , 262 heterochromatin, 40 phylogeny, 259 microtubule poisons nuclear envelope, 40 Trichoplax adhaerens, 258 colchicine, 109–10, 150 spindle, 40 podiates, 242 effect on costal strips, 109 nudiform condition, 185 Polyoeca dichotoma mode of action, 109 nudiform species, 132 branching morphology, 140 nocodazole, 27 characters, 132 early records, 131, 140 vinca alkaloids, 27 evolutionary significance, 153 lorica construction, 140–1 microtubules lorica dimensions, 133 lorica dimensions, 142 categories, 108 phylogenetic relations, 154, 192 organic investment, 142 chemical composition, 108 nudiform/tectiform relationship, 191, 197, Proterospongia microvilli 199, 252 colony morphology, 59–60 actin microfilaments, 36 controversy, 13 ancestry, 269 opisthokont classification missing link, 12, 60 categories, 165 cladistics (phylogenetic systematics), 249 ancestor, 12 collar, 5, 152 classificatory systems, 249 pulsellum, 18, 241, 243

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General index 315

regulatory evolution, 199 biogeochemical cycling, 101 silicon starvation, 123, 127, 192 restrictive cell coverings, 44, 47 bound, 102 silicon turnover, 114–16 Reynolds number (Re), 18 cryptic recycling, 113, 122 silicon-deficient growth, 121 rosette agent, 253 definition, 102 silicon-enriched growth, 112, 122 rosette inducing factor (RIF), 58 depletion, 121 SIT-type genes, 101 dissolution, 118 Stephanoeca theme, 85, 91 Salpingoeca rosetta facultative requirement, 100 Stephanoecidae, 131, 154, 185, 253 colony induction, 57 mass per cell, 115 suspension feeding, 18, 202 comparative genomics, 264–9 monosilicic acid, 100 swarm gemmules (amphiblastulae), 12 cytoplasmic bridges, 45 , 100 Synzoospore hypothesis, 14 EFL, 247 reactive , 102 life cycle, 57 starvation, 123, 127, 188 tectiform cell division sexual , 10 terminology, 102 Bicosta species, 182 theca, 48 uptake, 113 Calliacantha species, 181 , 16, 44, 251 SIT-type genes characteristics, 131, 156, 179–80 Savillea, 133–8 Diaphanoeca grandis, 101 costal strip movements, 172 species, 133 sponge ancestry costal strip reorganisation, 169 Savillea micropora, 133 conflicting views, 12 cytokinesis, 191 Savillea parva, 133 from Cnidaria, 13 Diaphanoeca grandis, 175–6, 178 3D computer models of loricae, 135 (Porifera), 258 first description, 155 nudiform features, 138 amphiblastulae, 12 inverted juvenile, 155–6, 169, Savillea parva (micropora form), 135 ancestry, 10 177, 190 cell division, 136–7 as colonial protozoa, 11 lorica assembly, 158, 172, 177, 180 costal strip accumulation, 136 Calcarea, 258 separating threads, 156, 177, 191 flagellum absent, 136 choanoflagellate ancestry, 14 Stephanoeca diplocostata, 159 helical costae, 135 Demospongiae, 258 uniformity of characters, 174, 181 lorica assembly, 136, 139 evolution, 15 tectiform condition, 187 lorica construction, 135 Hexactinellida, 258 competitive advantage, 200 organic investment, 135–6 Homoscleromorpha, 258 tectiform species Savillea parva (parva form), 135 phylogeny, 258 characters, 132, 155 lorica construction, 136 Spongiae Ciliatae,1 phylogenetic relations, 192 Schlingvacuoles (gullet vacuoles), 5 Stein, Friedrich Ritter von, 1, 47, 214 theca, 5 SDV-associated microtubules, 105, 168 Stephanacantha/Platypleura theme, 220 carbohydrate composition, 52 depolymerisation, 105 Stephanoeca diplocostata, 156–66 cup-shaped, 48, 51 Didymoeca costata, 168 cell division, 156, 158 definition, 44 function, 105 colchicine treatment, 109 flask-shaped, 48, 50, 54 Stephanoeca diplocostata, 128 conjoined cells, 192, 195–6 morphology, 47, 50 sexual reproduction, 9 costal strip accumulation, 156, 159 third position of codons, 154, 252 definition, 9 costal strip categories, 103 transverse costae gametes, 10 costal strip formation, 104 assembly, 161, 165 meiotic detection toolkit, 10 experimental species, 102 distinguishing features, 77 ploidy level, 10 growth constants, 113 external, 78, 82, 181 polymorphic life cycle, 235 helical costae, 188 left-handed rotation, 83 repeat retrotransposons, 10 lorica assembly, 158, 160 occurrence, 183 single polymorphisms lorica construction, 102, 106, 156 Stephanoeca cupula, 77–8 (SNPs), 10 lorica dissolution, 119–20 silica deposition vesicles (SDVs), 28, 34, , 162, 164 Unikonta, 242 101, 107, 128, 167–8 nudiform behaviour, 193–4 unikonts, 242 silicic acid transporter proteins (SITs), 101 population growth, 112, 114–15 urmetazoan, 14 silicon silicon dissolution constants, 118 amorphous, 105 silicon per cell, 117 veil, 85–6, 92, 167 biogenic silica, 102 silicon replenishment, 124–5 functional role, 236

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