Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Eros Pinoy An Anthology of Contemporary Erotica in Philippine Art & Poetry by Virgilio Aviado Eros Pinoy: An Anthology of Contemporary Erotica in Philippine Art & Poetry by Virgilio Aviado. THE MOST CHARMING BOOKS OF 2001. , January 6, 2002 (STAR) By Alfred A. Yuson - I believe the most important publication of the year was the three-volume anthology Legal Write, also known as The Philippine Supreme Court Centenary Reader, 1901-2001, published by the Philipine Judiciary Foundation, Inc. Volume One, for which this writer served as an editor together with Gémino H. Abad and Asuncion Albert, is Supreme Court Decisions as Literature. It showcases excerpts from decisions of the High Tribunal, selected on the basis of their beauty or strength as prose. To quote from the Introduction by , "If literature be a mirror held up to society, then our legalese offers a veritable library of Philippine classics." Volume Two, titled Supreme Court Decisions as Philosophy, is edited by Justice Abraham F. Sarmiento, while Volume Three, Supreme Court Decisions as History, is edited by Justice Camilo D. Quiason. The last volume alone is all of 435 pages. All three volumes are huge and hardbound, classically gilt-edged, and fit into a sturdy slip case. Justice Artemio V. Panganiban writes in his Prologue to the final volume: "Indeed, this three-volume publication of the Supreme Court�s obra maestra during the past 100 years demonstrates that far from being �bores,� not only are court judgments written in inspired and readable prose; they are also veritable sources of history, philosophy and literature. "Truly, the excerpts contained in this trilogy capture the transformation of the Supreme Court from a passive, laid-back, generally cautious and conservative evaluator of past dramas to a proactive, interacting and courageous mover and moulder of current and future events. In both roles, it explains itself in elegant, spirited prose, which would pass for literature of the era." Conceived and prepared by the Legal Write group led by project director Rogelio S. Pantaleon and development editor Monina Allarey Mercado, this monumental trilogy truly lays claim to being a collector�s edition. 2. Monumental too is the recently released U.P. Diksiyonaryo Filipino, by the University of the Sentro ng Wikang Filipino in cooperation with Anvil Publishing, Inc., with Virgilio S. Almario as editor-in-chief. Billed as the first intellectual dictionary in Filipino, with over 100,000 entries and running a thousand pages, in hardbound and softbound editions, it aims to expand the use of Filipino in academic pursuits. Included are numerous entries from Philippine languages other than Tagalog, as well as technical words of foreign provenance. Prepared over the past five years by dedicated Filipinists that included a group of editors, assistant editors, researchers, and a score of language advisors and consultants, the book is seen as a transitional project that stabilizes, if temporarily, the thorny issue of Filipino orthography. Words that have long been deemed accepted in the language, say, "carbon dioxide" from English, are included and spelled as is, unless variants also exist, as in the case of "sandwich" and "sanwits." Filipinized forms, if any, are thus incorporated, subject to further changes in spelling. But borrowed words are given due credit, in their full foreign flavor. Ten thousand copies make up its breakthrough of a first print run, and we understand that orders are fast coming in, largely from the academic community. A couple of coffeetable books expectedly came out to commemorate and celebrate "Edsa Dos." We have to cite both as meaningful additions to our contemporary historical literature. 3. People Power 2: Lessons & Hopes, edited by Thelma Sioson San Juan (ABS-CBN Publishing). 250 pages, with full-color photography and clean, commendable design. Intro by Vergel Santos. Features thematic essays by notable columnists, including Dean Jorge Bocobo, Calixto Chikiamco, Jose Dalisay Jr., Glenda M. Gloria, Carolina G. Hernandez, Solita Monsod, Luis V. Teodoro, Ramon Villegas, Peachy Yamsuan, Jessica Zafra and Joselito Zulueta. 4. EDSA 2: A Nation in Revolt, by AsiaPix/Anvil, is billed as "a photographic journal." The brief text on "The Unmaking of a President" is by Sheila S. Coronel. Our top photo-journalists are represented in this 232-page softcover book that serves as a superb photo documentation of the spectacular events that unmade rogue leadership. See Miriam in all her finger-pointing fury. See Erap as a historic mug shot in the Epilogue, which also manages to include scenes from the May Day Mendiola revolt of the jologs. 5. Paragons: 23 CEOs on Corporate Ethics, published by the FINEX Ethics Committee, designed by Studio 5, may have been the best "business" book of the year. 6. Pinoy Pop Culture by Gilda Cordero Fernando and M.G. Chavez, published by Bench, is an eye-popping, razzle-dazzle, soul-satisfying, phenomenological documentation of what clicks for Pinoys, as much as what makes Pinoy click. Can Tita Gilda ever fail? A thousand times, "Not!" 7. Eros Pinoy: An Anthology of Contemporary Erotica in Philippine Art & Poetry, from Anvil. Excellent design by RayVi Sunico. Elegant. Sensuous. Follow now what to our mind were the most notable poetry titles released in 2001. 8. The Trilogy of Saint Lazarus by Cirilo F. Bautista (DLSU Press). The epic product of more than 30 years of dedication to the large idea and the long line. We reviewed this book in our April 16 column. 9. A Makeshift Sun: Stories and Poems by Gémino H. Abad (U.P. Press). 35 new poems by the master poet and literary critic are supplemented by five new fiction pieces that display a range of concerns and consummate technique. Must reading, especially for the young poet seeking a workshop fellowship. 10. Karikatura at Iba Pang Kontrabanda by Teo Antonio (UST Publishing House). The ninth collection by a master poet in Filipino. A wondrous read, even if the poems are all set in itals. 11. Morpo by Allan Popa, published by Collective Axis design. An excellent follow-up to the young poet�s first collection Hunos, which we�ve reviewed in this space. Popa promises to be the best, er, most charming, of our new generation of poets in Filipino. 12. Tracks Without Giants: Verse and Remembrance by Ramil Digal Gulle (UST Publishing House). The Palanca poetry prize-winner dedicates his first solo collection to the Thomasian Writers Guild, which he headed in the early �90s. Gulle has developed to be a very sexy poet indeed. 13. Marginal Annotations and Other Poems by Edith L. Tiempo (Giraffe Books). The latest collection by our only female National Artist for Literature. Masterful. 40 new poems, with an Intro by Ophelia A. Dimalanta. 14. About My Garden by Ernesto Superal Yee (Giraffe Books). Exquisite verse from a Dumaguete lawyer slash concert pianist slash gardener. Reviewed in our Oct. 22 column. 15. Beauty for Ashes: Remembering Maningning, edited by Mario Ignacio Miclat and Romulo P. Baquiran (Anvil). 34 poets and writers pay tribute to the memory of a wonderfully gifted child, the poet and artist Maningning Miclat. Reviewed in our Nov. 12 column. The rest of our choices comprise a novel, a short story collection, and several non-fiction titles. 16. Ben Singkol by F. Sionil Jose, our most dedicated craftsman among our living National Artists for Literature. This novel, his latest, has been hailed by the distinguished critic Dr. Isagani Cruz as Frankie�s best thus far. And we believe him. 17. Suite Bergamasque: The Boulevard Stories by Bobby Flores-Villasis (Giraffe Books). The most outstanding collection of short fiction published this year. Reviewed in our October 22 column. 18. Dreamweavers by Ma. Elena P. Paterno et al (Bookmark, Inc.). Unarguably the best art coffeetable book of the year, on the T�nalak weaving of the T�boli. 19. Letras y Figuras: Business in Culture, Culture in Business by Jaime C. Laya (Anvil). Cogent essays collected over a span of two decades of government service as a business and cultural manager. The final essay, on the interface between culture and development, is particularly enlightening. 20. Little Lessons, Little Lectures by Leoncio P. Deriada (Seguiban Printers and Publishing House, Iloilo City). This utterly charming, little "sleeper" offers valuable lessons on correct English usage. We hope to review it in full in a future column. 21. Trial of the Century: The Impeachment of Philippine President Joseph E. Estrada by Earl K. Wilkinson, edited by Alan C. Atkins (Book of Dreams Verlag, ). Although printed in Singapore, this book we make an exception of, because its publisher is also based in Angeles, Pampanga. The author, who religiously attended the impeachment hearings, provides a Filipino-foreign viewpoint in documenting Erap�s downfall. Wilkinson�s familiarity with the Philippines makes him a valid expert in illustrating why corruption is so deeply rooted here. He closes with a final chapter titled "Who is to blame?" Guess who. 22. The Mad Tea Party: The Pleasures of Taste by Clinton Palanca (Black Book). Hands down, this year�s best collection of essays, as elegantly and charmingly served by a literary and culinary mad hatter. 23. Visita Iglesia Bohol: A Guide to Historic Churches by Regalado Trota Jose (NCCA). A wonderful guidebook to undoubtedly the most charming and culturally rewarding among our 7,000 islands. Superbly designed by Tina P. Colayco, edited by Ramon N. Villegas. A great read, too. F. SIONIL JOSE : National Artist for Literature, Foremost Novelist. Along the stretch of Padre Faura street in Ermita, tucked between a restaurant and a run-down building, you will find the Solidaridad Bookshop. Owned and managed by National Artist F. Sionil Jose, considered the foremost Filipino novelist in English, this unpretentious place has been called, time and again, "the best little bookstore in Asia." I stumbled onto Solidaridad by accident. It was during my freshman year in college when I first discovered this gem, but I did not yet realize its worth then. I remember being disappointed during that first visit upon discovering that it does not carry the usual array of fiction novels found in other bookstores. Subsequent visits and a widening of my literary fare, however, soon convinced me of the rarity of such a place. The place seems like one of those ordinary bookshops you see along the alleys of Manila, though this one was brighter and cleaner. But appearance does deceive, as the shop's small interior and almost spartan design does not tell its role, as the Philippine Daily Inquirer put it, as a "cultural beehive where artists and writers gather to discuss literary, artistic, social, and political currents." Even the simple sign outside does not herald the fact that it has been graced by numerous writers from here and abroad. But all one has to do to see the evidence is to browse through their collection of foreign and local books. From history, economy, to arts and sociology to religion and of course, literature, the shop more than lives up to its reputation. Most prominent are Sionil Jose's collection of fiction. They have the original Rosales saga in five books and the condensed The Samsons. Ermita goes for 250 Philippine pesos (US$50 at Php50=$1) and the The Tree, the shortest among the 5 Rosales books, goes for Php95. Fairly affordable prices for Filipino literature such as these. Also available among the shop's numerous collection of Filipino literature are Bamboo Dancers (NVM Gonzales) and Nick Joaquin's Manila, My Manila. There are poems by Cirilo F. Bautista and a collection of short stories by Edilberto K. Tiempo. A collection of Palanca awardees in the 1990s and a collection of Filipino folktales are also available. But literature is not the only selling point of the bookshop, as history also occupies its shelves. Noticeable are Renato Constantino's works and the different books about Joseph Estrada's downfall. Contemporary Filipino works are also included in their collection. Eros Pinoy, An Anthology on Contemporary Erotica in Philippine Art and Poetry (edited by Yuson, Cabrera and Aviado) tries to define eroticism, Filipino style through poems, stories and visual images made by the country's top writers and artists. Even Gary Lising's books are available. Craft books, cook books and along with coffee table books of the visual arts can also be found here. Even new-age books are available. Merde, Excursions in Scientific, Cultural and Socio Historical Coprology by Ralph A. Lewin discusses the broad subject of fecal matter (I kid you not!!). Also available are books from , and the Southeast Asia. Works of writers like Anna Kavan, Vladimir Nabokov (Lolita, Speak Memory), James Joyce and Bernard Malamud can also be bought at decent prices. There are also different newspapers and magazines available. The only concession to ordinariness is their sparse collection of Signet Classics and books from authors such as Tami Hoag and Robert Ludlum, which can be bought at any other bookstore. I think the best thing about Solidaridad is the importance it gives to Filipino writers and their works. It has the largest display of Philippine books anywhere in the Philippines. It introduced me to the treasure that is Filipino literature. It made me realize how the works of Filipino writers and artists are at par with their foreign counterparts. This is where I broadened my horizons to include Filipino folktales and lore. My discovery of Sionil Jose's Rosales saga alone is enough reason for me to recommend the place to everyone. So if you are looking for an alternative to Powerbooks and National Bookstore, try visiting this little corner of Manila where literary treasures await you. THE ANTHOLOGIZED CHATELAINE. Read Water: An Anthology, Editors Hari Alluri, Garrett Bryant and Amanda Fuller (Lockhorn Press, 2020) Musings During A Time of Pandemic: A World Anthology of Poetry edited by Christopher Okemwa, Kistrech Theatre International, Kenya, 2020) Scentsibility , Editors Ayo Gutierrez and Edentu Oroso (GMGA Publishing and Pixel and Feather Printing & Digital Services, Philippines, 2020) Concrete Mist Anthology , Editor Heath Brougher (Concrete Mist Press, 2020) The Commons (Hare-Raising Digest/Waterhare Press, Plymouth, U.K., 2019) Editors Thom Boulton and Joanna Morgan. Queen Mob's Teahouse: The Book, Editors Russell Bennett and Reb Livingston (Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 2019) The End of the World Project , Editors John Bloomberg-Rissman, T.C. Marshall, and richard lopez (Moria Books, Chicago, 2019) NO TENDER FENCES: An Anthology of Immigrant & First Generation American Poetry , Editors Carla Sofia Ferreira, Kim Sousa, & Marina Carreira (fundraising anthology for RAICES, 2019) Felino Soriano Tribute , Editor Alison Ross (Clockwise Cat, 2019) T he OBU Manifestos , Vol. 2 , Editor James Berger (Spuyten Duyvil, Brooklyn, 2019) 2018. Danas: mga pag-aakda ng babae ngayon (anthology of Philippine women writers) , Co-Editors Janine Dimaranan and Faye Cura (Gantala Press, Philippines, 2017) A fter Irma After Harvey: A Fundraiser On Behalf of Animals , Editors Aileen Cassinetto and C. Sophia Ibardaloza (Paloma Press, San Mateo, 2017) Bards of the Far East: Anthology of Haiku and Kindred Verses , Editor-Authors Carolyn Gutierrez-Abanggan, Ligaw Makata, Jose Rizal Reyes, Felix Fojas and Danny Gallardo (Amazon Digital Services, 2017) Bibliotheca Universalis in Mass Media , Editor Daniel Dragomirescu (Biblioltheca Universalis, Romania, 2017) Dictionar Intercultural Al Revistei "Orizont Literar Contemporan" / Contemporary Literary Horizon: An Intercultural Dictionary , Editor Daniel Dragomirescu (Biblioltheca Universalis, Romania, 2017) Menopausal Hay(na)ku For P-Grubbers, Editor Eileen R. Tabios (Moria Books/Locofo Chaps, Chicago, 2017) A TRANSPACIFIC POETICS , Co-Editors Lisa Samuels and Sawako Nakayasu (Litmus Press, Brooklyn, 2017) Resist Much Obey Little , Editors Michael Boughn, John Bradley, Brenda Cardenas, Ching-In Chen, Lynne DeSilva-Johnson, Kass Fleisher, Roberto Harrison, Kent Johnson, Andrew Levy, Nathaniel Mackey, Ruben Medina, Philip Metres, Nita Noveno, Julie Patton, Margaret Randall, Michael Rothenberg, Anne Waldman and Tyrone Williams (Spuyten Duyvil Press and Dispatches Editions, 2017) Puñeta: Political Pili pinx Poetry, Editor Eileen R. Tabios (Moria Books/Locofo Chaps, Chicago, 2017) WATER IS LIFE--#NoDAPL Calendar, curator Amanda Ngoho Reavey (Tea and Tattered Pages, 2017) The Stars Look Very Different Today: a David Bowie Tribute , Editor Richard Robert Hansen (Poems-for-all, San Diego, 2016) A Slice of Cherry Pie --Kindle Edition, Editor Ivy Alvarez (The Private Press / Amazon, Australia / Online, 2014) P oem, Home: An Anthology of Ars Poetica , Editors Jennifer Hill & Dan Waber (Paper Kite Press, Kingston, PA, 2009) TOWARDS A CULTURAL COMMUNITY: Identity, Education and Stewardship in Filipino American Performing Arts , Cultural Project Team of Reme A. Grefalda, Lucy M. Burns, Theodore S. Gonzalves, and Anna M. Alves (National Federation of Filipino American Associations / The Ford Foundation, 2003) GARGOYLE 46 , cd anthology edited by Richard Peabody (Gargoyle, 2003) posted by EILEEN at 10:32 AM. About. Selected Anthology Appearances of Eileen R. Tabios's poems, fiction, essays and/or critical writings. HAGBAYON. UNDER THE STORM: An Anthology of Contemporary Philippine Poetry. July 27, 2011. Here’s an update on the upcoming anthology by MOV. This time, we have the name of the authors and the poems included, and the book cover. Launching will be at Ayala Museum on September 2, 2011, at 6PM. I can’t wait for the anthology to come out. It’s a must-have. Here it is: 1 Anne Carly Abad: December 18, 2008. 2 Diego José Abad: The Unfaithful Men. 3 Gémino H. Abad: THAT SPACE OF WRITING. 4 Anina G. Abola: In Place Of Emotion. 5 Jose Marte Abueg: I, Pontius. 6 Ericson Acosta: Ika-anim na Sundang: GABUD [Sixth Knife: WHETSTONE] 7 Arbeen Acuña: eraserase002. 8 Jim Pascual Agustin: Sea Fireflies Of Mindoro. 9 Arnold O. Aldaba: Fruit Of Knowledge. 10 Kislap Alitaptap: Wala Na Sa Quiapo Ang Nazareno [The Nazarene is not in. 11 Rio Alma: Seaman. 12 Jovsky Almero: Train Dodge. 13 Tofi Alonte: SHOES. 14 Donato Mejia Alvarez: Apat Na Larawan Mula Sa Tagaytay Ridge [A Short Quartet. From Tagaytay Ridge] 15 Panch Alvarez: Pointing According To Heraldina. 16 Angelo B. Ancheta: BIR-IT, JAN-NY! 17 Mark Angeles: F/LIGHT. 18 Rebecca T. Añonuevo: Anumang Leksiyon [Whatever Abides] 19 Roberto T. Añonuevo: Dalawampung Minuto [Twenty Minutes] 20 Teo T. Antonio: Sa Dulo Ng Malay [At the Edge of Waking] 21 Lystra Aranal: Hands Down. 22 Mesándel Virtusio Arguelles: EROS. 23 Cesar Ruiz Aquino: THREE VARIATIONS. 24 A.M. Azada: The Lion. 25 Mads Bajarias: Entropy & The Shrike. 26 Desiree L. Balota: manoy. 27 Romulo P. Baquiran, Jr.: LABERINTO [LABYRINTHE] 28 Joi Barrios: Mga Tala Sa Isang Pagpatay [Notes On A Political Execution] 29 Melissa Villa-Real Basmayor: Futura. 30 Ariel Dim. Borlongan: EKSENA SA SUSUNOD NA SIGLO [SCENARIO FOR. THE NEXT CENTURY] 31 Dave Buenviaje: Because Pandesal is never the same in another country. 32 Regine Cabato: Touch Me Not. 33 Jose Wendell P. Capili: Carnivalesque. 34 Ronan B. Capinding: Pagdidilig. 35 Ronaldo Carcamo: Ha-ha-ha. 36 F. Jordan Carnice: Stones. 37 Lito Casaje: Tsunami Blues. 38 Ian Rosales Casocot: The Smallness Of The Everyday. 39 Marella Castro: Hinatak Sa Kahulugan [A Catch Of The Infinite Pull] 40 Jose Jason L. Chancoco: Barber Shop Brainstorming. 41 Ayrie Ching: Learning Curve. 42 Frank Cimatu: THE YOYO ROUTINE. 43 Mikael de Lara Co: Kundiman. 44 Kristian Sendon Cordero: Stabat Mater. 45 Michael M. Coroza: MAGNANAKAW [THIEF] 46 Keith Cortez: The Current. 47 Lope Cui, Jr.: Multiple Choice. 48 Dakila Cutab: P’wera Contra. 49 Jose Y. Dalisay, Jr.: Bound For Saudi. 50 Ramon Damasing: On the Feminine. 51 Carlomar Daoana: Brutalism. 52 Mes De Guzman: Ang Katiwala [The Caretaker] 53 Ainne Frances dela Cruz: Speed. 54 Christa I. De La Cruz: After Impeng Negro. 55 Khavn De La Cruz: ang dalawa ang puso [the twice-hearted] 56 Noelle Leslie dela Cruz: Absence Muse. 57 Nikki De Los Santos: aporia. 58 Karl R. De Mesa: Preparations For History. 59 Iñigo de Paula: Paramdam. 60 Ricardo M. de Ungria: The Ambivalence Of Staying A Tree. 61 Lourd Ernest H. De Veyra: SUPREMACY OF THE TEXT. 62 Noel del Prado: Rebolusyon [Revolution] 63 A Despi: Social Blowtorching Transcends Scab Worship. 64 Glenn Diaz: Definition Of respite. 65 Lav Diaz: IN MEMORIAM. 66 Alain Russ Dimzon: Tinkling. 67 Jan Brandon Dollente: The What. 68 Jacob Walse-Dominguez: folding boxes. 69 Simeon Dumdum Jr.: The Last Rain of Summer. 70 Marjorie Evasco: In Baclayon, Reading Levertov’s For those whom the Gods love less. 71 Israfel Fagela: Siberia. 72 Bendix M. Fernandez: english lyrics to a japanese seduction. 73 Boni Fojas-Almirante: Erotica. 74 Luis H. Francia: SMOOCH KING. 75 Marc Escalona Gaba: Blinds. 76 Eric Gamalinda: Hydrazine. 77 J. Neil Garcia: Coda. 78 German Villanueva Gervacio: Procorpio’s Night. 79 Lolito Go: What Else. 80 Eva B. Gubat: Blind Date. 81 Ramil Digal Gulle: 82 Asterio Enrico Gutierrez: Death Poem Exercise 64. 83 Luisa A. Igloria: What I Don’t Tell My Children about My Hometown. 84 Neal Imperial: Tandang Sora. 85 Marne L. Kilates: Morion. 86 Phillip Yerro Kimpo: How The Americans Liberated Northern Luzon, 1945. 87 Jeanilyn Kwan: The Revolution Will Be Printed, Not Televised. 88 Jose F. Lacaba: Tagubilin At Habilin [Will and Testament] 89 Mookie Katigbak-Lacuesta: Tampuhan. 90 Marra PL. Lanot: Ina [Mother] 91 Christine V. Lao: What Ol’ Injun told the carnies. 92 Gian Lao: Here, at your grave. 93 Elaine Lazaro: O. 94 John Francis C. Losaria: NPA mula sa Tatlong Daang Salita at Dalawang. Pulgadang Pagitan [from Three Hundred Words and Two Inches in Between] 95 : Kartolinang Ibon [Craft-Paper Bird] 96 Soleil Erika Manzano: Ganoon dumating ang balita— [How the news broke—] 97 Carlo Angelo V. Marcelo: A Better Good Morning. 98 Edgar B. Maranan: The life and times of a seditious poet. 99 Luchie Maranan: Estranged. 100 Pia Montalban: Saleslady. 101 V.E. Carmelo D. Nadera Jr.: BALIMBING. 102 Joanna Nicolas-Na: On The Way To Market. 103 Homer B. Novicio: Dark Birds In Winged Chapel. 104 Emil Os: hyperlink. 105 Voltaire Q. Oyzon: Mag-aabroad inin akon mga buhok [My hairs will travel. 106 Doms Pagliawan: Philippine Eagle. 107 Don Pagusara: Alibangbang Sa Ulan [Butterflies In The Rain] 108 R. Torres Pandan: Ars Poetica, As Actually Practiced. 109 Ned Parfan: Disturbances. 110 Allan Justo Pastrana: The Soul Of The Town. 111 Carlos M. Piocos III: Prehistoria. 112 Axel Pinpin: Nang Salakayin Mo Ang Aking Pananahimik [The Night You. Assaulted My Deep Silence] 113 Zosimo Quibilan, Jr.: Vers. 114 Jun Cruz Reyes: Bunso [Lastborn] 115 Fidel Rillo: Sa Ganang Akin Po Naman Ay Ito Lamang Ang. Ipinamamanhik [Thus Do I Humbly Express Myself] 116 Virgilio A. Rivas: Eternal Juju Recurrence. 117 Deedle Rodriguez-Tomlinson: Euston Road on an Autumn Afternoon. 118 Patrick Rosal: Despedida Ardiente. 119 Darylle Rubino: Today After Time Immemorial. 120 Roger B. Rueda: Carabaohood. 121 Jose Leonardo A. Sabilano: SpaMusic. 122 Joseph de Luna Saguid: CORRESPONDENT. 123 Joel Pablo Salud: Meandering. 124 Edgar Calabia Samar: Vocabulario. 125 Rafael Antonio C. San Diego: Poem About Nothing. 126 Benilda Santos: Púgot [Beheaded] 127 Oscar Tantoco Serquiña, Jr.: Massacre. 128 Tanya Sevilla-Simon: Balikbayan Box. 129 Danny Castillones Sillada: Yang Pagtagád Kang Alyana [Waiting For Alyana] 130 Bebang W. Siy: Ang Bisita [The Visitor] 131 Bert Sulat Jr.: I Love Poetry. 132 Ramón C Sunico: HOW TO ENJOY A CONCERT: Mula sa Concert Notes ng. Francisco Santiago Hall ng PCI Bank [From the concert notes of Francisco. Santiago Hall of PCI Bank (now defunct)] 133 Christian Tablazon: BLUEPRINT. 134 Alyza Taguilaso: Leviathan. 135 J.I.E. Teodoro: Banal na Buntis [Pregnant, Holy] 136 Andrea B. Teran: Weight without gravity. 137 Enrico C. Torralba: PARA SA FOUNTAIN SA HARAP NG POST-OFFICE BUILDING. [FOR THE FOUNTAIN IN FRONT OF THE POST OFFICE] 138 Ricky Torre: An Appointment, And Variation On Federico Alcuaz (or Monologue. 139 Denver Ejem Torres: where my Barbie was safe, lest, if it came out in the open. 140 Charles Bonoan Tuvilla: Sa Panahon [On Seasons] 141 Roberto Ofanda Umil: Ang Tiwalag [The Defected] 142 RM Urquico: The Blues. 143 Czeriza Shennille Valencia: Every dawn you dig your own grave. 144 Eric Tinsay Valles: Independence Day In Hong Lim Park. 145 Joel Vega: NIMBUS. 146 Eliza Victoria: Crime Scenes. 147 Santiago Villafania: Rekindled. 148 Michael Carlo C. Villas: Vestibular. 149 Arlene J Yandug: I think therefore I Ant. 150 Alfred A. Yuson: The Ten Most Memorable Moments with D. Thus Far, & Why I. Mga Mambabasa ng Panitikan sa Wikang Pilipino--Dito Tayo. korek! sumasang-ayon ako dyan. nabasa ko na ang sa mga kuko ng liwanag . napakaganda nga talaga ng istorya. hindi naman kailangang isantabi, kaso kung iisipin natin, hindi naman sa pag-ibig nauuhaw ang lipunan natin. kaya lang, di rin naman kakagatin ng masa ang mga akda kung di mo ibibigay sa kanila ang nais nilang genre. kasalukuyan ko pong binasa ang tutubi, tutubi wag kang magpahuli sa mga mamang salbahe. ngunit ang nasa libro ko'y mayroong buod lamang. nakakahumaling basahin, ngunit nakakabitin din dahil buod nga lang. alam niyo ba kung ilang kabanata mayroon ito? 17 chapters ang Tutubi, Tutubi. Hardcore 'yang si Ser Jun. Nakasama siya sa isang pambansang workshop at dalawang beses ko siyang naging propesor (masokista ako). Binanatan ako nang binanatan ng masasakit na salita. Pero labs na labs ko 'yan. Mahusay din ang mag-inang Sicat. sang-ayon ako sa mag-inang sicat. naging guro ko si ma'am luna at ang dami kong natutuhan sa kanya. mga 3 beses ko siyang naging guro at sa bawat klase palaging may bago akong insight na nakukuha sa kanya. yung nanay niyang si ellen sicat magaling din sa short story. controlled na controlled ang kanyang pagkukuwento then mararamdaman mo na lang yung kirot habang binabasa. katulad yan ng experience ko ng pagbabasa ng mga kuwento nila raymond carver at amy hempel. paborito ko rin si eli guieb! emotional ang bawat sinusulat niyang short stories. panalong-panalo yung koleksyon niya ng mga maikling kuwento. Sana marami pang mag mungkahi ng mga panibagong lathalang mga librong gawa ng mga pilipinong manunulat. Im currently reading Alimuom by Eileen Sicat. Medyo matalagal na din na hindi ako nakakabasa ng libro sa wikang Pilipino. Admittedly nahihirapan akong intindihin some of the words. Not that im proud of it. Sa totoo lang nakakahiyang aminin na sarili kong linguahe hindi ko maintindihan. :( Maybe this is the time to start. Maraming magagandang libro na akda ng mga Pilipinong manunulat. Sana most of us would have time to appreciate this as well. "Nakakapanghinayang na masyado itong si Edgardo Reyes. Ang laki sana ng potensiyal niya para maging isang henyong pampanitikan. Nakita ito sa kanyang mga kuwento sa Mga Agos sa Disyerto at lalo na sa Sa Mga Kuko ng Liwanag . Sayang, sayang." Totoo nakakapanghinayang - pero masisisi ba natin ang tao kung magsusulat ng romance novels dahil sa economic condition nito? at dapat ba talagang isantabi ang mga romance novels? hindi naman ako masyadong disappointed kay reyes. mahusay pa rin sya, at kahit ba sumulat siya ng romance novels, hindi maitatangging may "kagat" pa rin ang mga gawa nya. hehe. nabasa nyo ba yung "diwalwal" niya? nalathala nung 2009. diwalwal means "lawit dila". tungkol sa isang minahan sa mindanao, kung saan maraming dumarayo para kumita ng pera at magbuwis ng buhay. nice and sweet. ano namang masasabi nyo sa "huling dalagang bukid" ni jun cruz reyes? Panitikang Pilipino sana ipamulat sa marami pang batang Pilipino. Mula sa kwentong pambatang pampanitikan nina Biag ni Lam-ang, Mga Alamat, Kwento ng kabayanihan at mga kwento sa Liwayway Magazine. Lahat ng ito ay pinamulat sa akin ng aking ina, kahit na sa malayo na kami halos lumaki, kung di niyo naitatanong di sa pagyayabang ang aking Ina ay sugo ng Literatura kaya kahit hindi namin natutunan ang mga kwentong yaon sa silid aralan naisapuso naman namin sa pamamagitan ng aking Ina. Mga Panitikang mas nauna pa niyang ikwento bago ang pakikipagsapalaran ni Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel at ni Cinderella bago nakita ang Prince nila at nag live happily ever after. Sorry, kakamiss mag tagalog. Hindi ko malilimutan ang Visitation of the Gods ni Gilda Cordero Fernando, dahil pinapakita nito ang kahinaan ng pampublikong paaralan. Nakakatawa lang nag realisasyon pagkatapos mong mabasa, dahik walang pinagbago ang sistema, na experience ko yan first hand noong may dinaluhan kaming isang paaralan sa kamaynilaan noong nakaraang taon. Ang pinaka gusto ko talaga sa lahat ng mga nabasa ko sa munting library ng aking Ina, ay yung mga akda ni Jose Garcia Villa , who can forget Footnote to Youth. kung marami lang sana ang nakabasa noon di na kailangan ng Pilipinas ang RH Bill! . and of course, ang nobelang pinaka proud and aking ina sa kadahilanang siya any may dugong Ilongga " Without seeing the Dawn" ni Teban/Stevan Javellana na kaunaunahang post war novel sa Ingles na pinatibay pa nina Nick Joaquin at at marami pang iba. - Ganda ng Literature natin, sana may mga program ang Philippine government to encourage reading among children. Madami talaga silang matututunan sa libro. Panitikang Pilipino sana ipamulat sa marami pang batang Pilipino. Mula sa kwentong pambatang pampanitikan nina Biag ni Lam-ang, Mga Alamat, Kwento ng kabayanihan at mga kwento sa Liwayway Magazine. Lahat ng ito ay pinamulat sa akin ng aking ina, kahit na sa malayo na kami halos lumaki, kung di niyo naitatanong di sa pagyayabang ang aking Ina ay sugo ng Literatura kaya kahit hindi namin natutunan ang mga kwentong yaon sa silid aralan naisapuso naman namin sa pamamagitan ng aking Ina. Mga Panitikang mas nauna pa niyang ikwento bago ang pakikipagsapalaran ni Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel at ni Cinderella bago nakita ang Prince nila at nag live happily ever after. Sorry, kakamiss mag tagalog. Hindi ko malilimutan ang Visitation of the Gods ni Gilda Cordero Fernando, dahil pinapakita nito ang kahinaan ng pampublikong paaralan. Nakakatawa lang nag realisasyon pagkatapos mong mabasa, dahik walang pinagbago ang sistema, na experience ko yan first hand noong may dinaluhan kaming isang paaralan sa kamaynilaan noong nakaraang taon. Ang pinaka gusto ko talaga sa lahat ng mga nabasa ko sa munting library ng aking Ina, ay yung mga akda ni Jose Garcia Villa , who can forget Footnote to Youth. kung marami lang sana ang nakabasa noon di na kailangan ng Pilipinas ang RH Bill! . and of course, ang nobelang pinaka proud and aking ina sa kadahilanang siya any may dugong Ilongga " Without seeing the Dawn" ni Teban/Stevan Javellana na kaunaunahang post war novel sa Ingles na pinatibay pa nina Nick Joaquin at Bienvenido Santos at marami pang iba. - Ganda ng Literature natin, sana may mga program ang Philippine government to encourage reading among children. Madami talaga silang matututunan sa libro. Maraming salamat meron pa rin mangilan ngilan sa ating nag bibigay pa din ng oras sa pagbabasa ng mga librong akda ng mga Pilipino. Sa totoo lang nakaka gulat sa henerasyon ngayon na wala na silang alam sa kahit anu mang panitikan na natutunan natin nun bata pa tayo. Kahit simpleng mga alamat ng mga gulay at prutas ni hindi na yata naikukwento sa mga kabataan ngayon. Yung mga pinag mulang mga kwento tungkol sa mga lugar dito sa Pilipinas katulad ng Alamat ni Maria Makiling, Bernardo Carpio, etc etc. Pinaka paborito ko yung kwento na kung bakit mer buwan at me mga bituwin sa langit. Yung nakasabit yung hikaw at suklay na sya naman naging buwan at mga bituwin. Kaya ako, I promised myself that I would tell these tales to my children in the future. :love: Wow guys natuwa naman ako kasi nakakita ako ng 100 Kontemporaryong Filipinong aklat na dapat nating basahin bago tayo kunun ni Lord. Hahha! Here it goes! 1.40 stories of passion ni Bo Sanchez2.8 secrets of the truly rich : how you can create material wealth and gain spiritual abundance at the same time ni Bo Sanchez 2: People Power uli! ng Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism 3.A Scrapbook about Edsa 4.A study of Philippine games ni Mellie Leandicho Lopez 5.ABNKKBSNPLAko?! Mga kuwentong chalk ni bob ong 6.Alamat ng Ampalaya ni Augie Rivera 7.Ang Ambisyosong istetoskop ni Luis P. Gatmaitan 8.Ang Bayan sa Labas ng Maynila ni Rosario Cruz-Lucero 9.Ang mga Kuwento ni Lola Basyang ni Severino Reyes muling isinalaysay ni Christine S. Bellen 10.Ang Mundong Ito ay Lupa ni Edgardo M. Reyes 11.Ang Sandali ng mga Mata ni Alvin Yapan12.Ang Unang Baboy sa Langit ni Rene Villanueva 13.Anting-Anting ; o, Kung bakit nagtatago sa loob ng bato si Bathala ni Nenita D. Pambid 14.Anyaya ng Imperyalista ni Ruth Elynia Mabanglo 15.Bagets : an anthology of Filipino young adult fiction inedit nina Carla M. Pacis, Eugene Y. Evasco16.Barriotic Punk ni Mes De Guzman 17.Bata Bata Paano ka Ginawa? ni Lualhati Bautista 18.Bedtime Stories: Mga Dula sa Relasyong Sexual ni Rene O. Villanueva 19.Believe and Betray ni Cirilo Bautista 20.Between the Homeland and the Diaspora ni S. Lily Mendoza 21.Bones of Contention ni Ambeth R. Ocampo 22.Bonifacio​s Bolo ni Ambeth R. Ocampo 23.Buhay Pinoy ni Fanny A. Garcia 24.Bukod na Bukod ni Isagani R. Cruz 25.Cogito Ergo Sum and other musing on Science inedit ni Queena N. Lee-Chua 26.Comfort food inedit ni Erlinda Enriquez Panlilio 27.Creative Nonfiction: A reader inedit ni Cristina Pantajo Hidalgo 28.Culture and History ni Nick Joaquin 29.Dekada ​70 ni Lualhati Bautista 30.Edifice Complex: Power, Myth and Marcos State Architecture ni Gerard Lico31.Erick Slumbook ni Fanny A. Garcia 32.Eros Pinoy: An Anthology of Contemporary Erotica in Philippine Art and Poetry inedit nina Virgilio Aviado, Ben Cabrera and Alfred A. Yuson 33.Etsa Puwera ni Jun Cruz Reyes 34.Filipiniana Reader inedit ni Priscelina Patajo Legasto 35.From Colonial to Liberation Psychology ni Virgilio Enriquez 36.Gender-Sensitive and Feminist Methodologies inedit ni Sylvia Guerrero 37.Himagsik : pakikibaka tungo sa mapagpalayang kultura ni E. San Juan, Jr. 38.History and form : selected essays ni E. San Juan, Jr. 39.House of Memory ni Resil B. Mojares 40.Image to Meaning ni Alice G. Guillermo 41.Iskrapbuk ni Allan N. Derain 42.Krisis at Rebolusyong Pilipino ni Jose Ma. Sison 43.Kung Di Man ni Ruth Elynia S. Mabanglo 44.Ladlad nina J. Neil Garcia at Danton Remoto 45.Lahi ni Adan : kuba at iba pang kuwento ni Nonon Villaluz Carandang46.Larangan ni Prospero Covar 47.Laro sa Baga ni Edgardo M. Reyes 48.Liktao at Epiko ni Zeus Salazar 49.Makinilyang altar ni Luna Sicat-Cleto50.Mass ni F. Sionil Jose 51.Mga Biyahe, Mga Estasyon ni Rio Alma52.Mga Talinghaga sa Laylayan ni Elizabeth Morales-Nuncio53.Nation, Self and Citizenship: An invitation to Philippine Sociology ni Randy David 54.Pagbasa ng Panitikan at Kulturang Popular ni Soledad S. Reyes 55.Pahiwatig ni Melba Padilla Magay 56.Palabas : essays on Philippine theater history ni Doreen G. Fernandez57.Pantayong Pananaw: Ugat at Kabuluhan nina Atoy Navarro, Mary Jane Rodriguez, Vicente Villan (mga patnugot) 58.Pasyon and Revolution ni Reynaldo Ileto 59.Pera mo, palaguin mo! ni Francisco Colayco 60.Philippine Folk Literature: Folktales ni Damiana Eugenio 61.Philippine Folk Literature: The Myths ni Damiana Eugenio 62.Philippine Ghost Stories ng PSICOM 63.Poetika/Politika ni Bienvenido Lumbera 64.Pugad Baboy ni Pol Medina Jr. 65.Quiapo: Heart of Manila inedit ni Fernando Nakpil Zialcita 66.Reinventing the Filipino Sense of Being & Becoming ni Arnold Molina Azurin 67.Revaluation 1997 ni Bienvenido Lumbera 68.Richard Gomez at ang Mito ng Pagkalalake, Sharon Cuneta at ang Perpetwal na Birhen at iba pang sanaysay ukol sa Bida sa Pelikula bilang Kultural na Texto ni Rolando B. Tolentino 69.Rizal without the Overcoat ni Ambeth R. Ocampo 70.Sa Loob at Labas ng Mall Kong Sawi, Kaliluha​y Siyang Nangyayaring Hari ni Rolando Tolentino 71.Sa mga Kuko ng Liwanag ni Edgardo M. Reyes 72.Sa ngalan ng ina : sandaang taon ng tulang feminista sa Pilipinas, 1889-1989 / Lilia Quindoza Santiago 73.Sa Sariling Bayan: Apat na Dulang may Musika ni Bienvenido Lumbera 74.Salamanca ni Dean Francis Alfar 75.Sandaang Damit ni Fanny A. Garcia 76.Sarilaysay: Tinig ng 20 Babae sa Sariling Danas Bilang Manunulat ni Rose Torres-Yu 77.Sikolohiyang Pilipino: Teorya, Metodo at Gamit inedit ni Rogelia Pe Pua 78.Sins ni F. Sionil Jose 79.Sipat Kultura: Tungo sa Mapagpalayang Pagbabasa, Pag-aaral at Pagtuturo ng Panitikan ni Rolando Tolentino 80.Smaller and Smaller Circles ni F.H. Batacan 81.Space and identity : expressions in the culture, arts and society of the Muslims in the Philippines ni Abraham P. Sakili 82.Stainless Longganisa ni bob ong 83.Tao Po! Tuloy!: Isang Landas Ng Pag-Unawa Sa Loob Ng Tao ni Albert E. Alejo 84.The Best of Alipin ni Jess Abrera 85.The Governor-General​s Kitchen, Philippine Culinary Vignettes and Period Recipes 1521-1935 ni Felice Prudente Sta. Maria 86.The I Stories inedit at tinipon ni Augusto V. De Viana87.The Knowing is in the Writing ni Jose Y. Dalisay Jr. 88.The Nymph of MTV ni Angelo Suarez 89.The Pretenders ni F. Sionil Jose 90.The Rene O. Villanueva Children​s Reader ni Rene Villanueva 91.Three Centuries of Binondo Architecture 1594-1898 ni Lorelei D.C. De Viana 92.Tikim : essay on Philippine food and culture ni Doreen Fernandez93.Tinig at Kapangyarihan: Mga Kuwentong Buhay ng Kababaihang Manggagawa sa Bahay ni Rosalinda Pineda Ofreneo 94.Tounges on Fire ni Conrado de Quiros 95.Trip to Quiapo ni Ricky Lee 96.Twisted ni Jessica Zafra 97.Txt-ing Selves: Cellphones and Philippine Modernity nina Raul Pertierra, Eduardo Ugarte, Alicia Pingol, Joel Hernandez at Nikos Lexis Dacanay 98.Utos ng Hari at iba pang kuwento ni Jun Cruz Reyes 99.Working Women of Manila in the 19th Century ni Ma. Luisa Camagay 100.Writing the Nation/Pag-Akda ng Bansa ni Bienvenido Lumbera. Sana mabasa ko yan lahat! I promise na unahin kong basahin tong mga to bago yung ibang english books ko. hindi naman ako masyadong disappointed kay reyes. mahusay pa rin sya, at kahit ba sumulat siya ng romance novels, hindi maitatangging may "kagat" pa rin ang mga gawa nya. hehe. nabasa nyo ba yung "diwalwal" niya? nalathala nung 2009. diwalwal means "lawit dila". tungkol sa isang minahan sa mindanao, kung saan maraming dumarayo para kumita ng pera at magbuwis ng buhay. nice and sweet. ano namang masasabi nyo sa "huling dalagang bukid" ni jun cruz reyes? tanda na siguro ng pagiging mapangahas ng mga nobelista sa Filipino ang nobelang ito ni jun cruz reyes. alanganing nobela, alanganing memoir pero alam mo ang patutunguhan ng kanyang ipinupunto kahit paminsan-minsan paulit-ulit ang gusto niyang sabihin. dahil ganun ang alaala at pag-alaala. in short, nahuhusayan ako sa nobelang ito ni ser jun. meta-fiction kung meta-fiction. maganda rin daw yung nobela ni alvin yapan na lumabas sa tapat journal ni egay samar. and speaking of which, may lalabas na isyu at si german gervacio yung nobela na na-feature. isa rin sila sa mga kontemporaryong manunulat/nobelista ang inaabangan ko ngayon. sana si rolando tolentino gumawa rin ng nobela.