Darren J. McAvoy

Department of Wildland Resources Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-5230 (435)797-0560 Email: [email protected]


M.S. December 1999, Utah State University, Major: Communication. Thesis project: The Missing Fires video presented by the

B.S. May 1987, Colorado State University, Major: , concentration in business


Extension Forestry Associate, Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 1999 – Present: Directing the Utah Landowner Education Program, assisting private landowners, producing the Utah Forest News, conducting workshops, field tours, and web casts, producing forestry education videos, coauthored the Utah Forest Water Quality Guidelines, co-chair of the Restoring the West Conference Committee, co-chair of the Utah Resources Group

Producer and Director, Center for Information Technology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 1997 – 1999: Created The Missing Fires video and digital information base for the National Park Service, a 22-minute video presentation about prescribed fire

Forestry Technician, Forest Health Protection, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Ogden, Utah 1997 –1998: Performed forestry fieldwork, monitored and installed study plots

Consulting , Inland Inc., Sandpoint, Idaho, 1990 – 1996: Practiced stewardship of private non-industrial forest land; represented private forest landowners, emphasized landowner education and involvement, prepared Forest Stewardship Plans, designed and administered selective timber harvest operations, executed government and industrial forestry contracts, fulfilled prescribed fire and wildland fire suppression contracts, supervised wildland fire crews

Writer and Host, Hotshots Video Productions, Sandpoint, Idaho, 1994 – 1997: Conducted on-camera interviews for the television series Ski Flakes , Flathead Interagency Hotshot Crew, Flathead National Forest, Columbia Falls, Montana, 1987 – 1989: Participated in and supervised wildland fire suppression

Reforestation Survey Technician, Yaak Ranger District, Kootenai National Forest, Yaak, Montana, 1985 – 1986: Conducted surveys, fire suppression activities

Logging Contractor, Frisco, Colorado, 1984: Felled beetle infested

Forestry Technician, Mountain Pine Beetle Project, Colorado State Forest Service, Frisco, Colorado, 1983: Assessed, marked and mapped beetle infested trees


Avalanche Educator, Utah Avalanche Center, Logan, Utah, 2006 – Present: Providing avalanche observations, teaching Introductory, Level I and Level II avalanche classes

Avalanche Forecaster, Utah Avalanche Forecast Center, Logan, Utah 1998 – 1999: Prepared and posted avalanche hazard forecasts, creating educational messages for the general public

Ski Instructor, Beaver Mountain Resort, Logan, Utah, 1997 – 1998: Planned and instructed university course in telemark skiing

Outdoor Skills Instructor, Outdoor Recreation Center, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 1997 – 1998: Provided university classes on telemark skiing, backcountry skiing, winter camping, backpacking, and ski mountaineering

Certified Ski Instructor, Schweitzer Mountain Ski Resort, Sandpoint, Idaho, 1990 – 1993: Taught alpine skiing, telemark skiing, and snowboarding


Red Card Qualifications: (1982-1996) Firefighter, Sawyer, Squad Boss, Floater, Helicopter Crewperson, Helicopter Long-line Operator, Falling Boss, Dozer Boss, Water Handling Specialist, Crew Boss, Ignition Boss, Task Force Strike Team Leader

EXTENSION PUBLICATIONS McAvoy, D. 2000-present. Utah Forest News. Utah State University Extension. (quarterly) 8 pp.

McAvoy, D. 2000. The Missing Fires. Utah State University Extension. (video) 22-minutes.

McAvoy, D., E. Storey, and R. Gropp. 2002. The Utah Forest Water Quality Guidelines Primer: A Practical User's Guide for Landowners, Loggers & Resource Professionals. Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands. 51 pp.

McAvoy, D., E. Storey, and R. Gropp. 2002. The Utah Forest Water Quality Guidelines: A Technical Manual. Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands. 61 pp.

McAvoy, D. 2008. Considering a Timber Harvest on Your Family Forest. (video) 22- minutes.

Utah Forest News (quarterly) The quarterly Utah Forest News is designed to help private forest landowners in Utah to better understand current and longstanding forestry issues pertinent to Utah. As timber harvesting has increased in Utah over the past decade, there has been no corresponding increase in the availability of professional forestry expertise in the state. In an effort to address this problem the Utah Legislature approved and funded the Utah Forest Landowner Education Program. This newsletter is one of the primary means of the program for increasing landowner awareness of forest stewardship principles and current issues in managing Utah's private forestland. This free newsletter is mailed to over 1300 Utah forest landowners and stakeholders quarterly, and additional copies are available in state forestry assistance offices around the state.

The Missing Fires (video) Wildland managers in many locations across the United States are currently attempting to return fire to the landscape in an effort to restore what is believed to be a necessary ecosystem process. Many resource managers also believe that increasing prescribed fire use can reduce the escalating costs and impacts of . The American public has a poor understanding of the policy of fire use, and without public support mangers will have an increasingly difficult time using fire. This thesis project attempts to address this problem with the creation of a video designed to increase public awareness and acceptance of wildland fire as a management tool and an ecosystem process. Approximately ten natural resource management professionals from several states and agencies were interviewed and existing fire footage was collected. Dramatic fire footage and nationally recognized music were blended with the interviews to make the message more appealing and effective. The video presentation is designed for viewing in National Park Visitor Centers, High Schools, and public access television stations across the nation. The information was collected in a completely revisable digital format, and is therefore a valuable tool for digital delivery system applications such as the Internet. This project was funded by the National Park Service.


McAvoy, D., M.R. Kuhns, and J. Black. 2004. Utah forest types: An introduction to Utah . USU Extension Forest Facts, NR/FF/011. 4 pp.

Daniels, B., D. McAvoy, and M.R. Kuhns. 2005 . Timber sale contracts. USU Extension Forest Facts, NR/FF/013. 6 pp.

Daniels, B., D. McAvoy, M.R. Kuhns, and R. Gropp. 2004. Managing forests for water quality: Forest Roads. USU Extension Forest Facts, NR/FF/010. Peer reviewed. 6 pp.

Daniels, B., D. McAvoy, M.R. Kuhns, and R. Gropp. 2004. Managing forests for water quality: Stream crossings. USU Extension Forest Facts, NR/FF/009. Peer reviewed. 6 pp.

Daniels, B., D. McAvoy, M.R. Kuhns, and R. Gropp. 2004. Managing forests for water quality: Streamside management zones. USU Extension Forest Facts, NR/FF/008. 6 pp.

Kuhns, M.R. and D. McAvoy. 2003. Extension forestry at Utah State University. USU Extension Forestry Fact Sheet. 2 pp.

Salmon, O., Reid, C. McAvoy, D. Forest Grazing: Managing your Land for Trees, Forage, and Livestock, USU Extension Forest Facts, Peer Reviewed, 6 pp.


McAvoy, D., October 2, 2009, Ablaze, With summer burn near burn near Bear Lake, agencies aim to clear out pines, encourage regrowth of aspen, Logan Herald Journal

McAvoy, D., July 2002, Pay Attention to Your Loggers' Insurance Policy, National Woodlands, The Voice of Independent Landowners

McAvoy, D., December 2003, Vol. 100 No. 8, Logger's Insurance Coverage: A Key to Managing Risk,

Daniels, B., D. McAvoy, M.R. Kuhns, and R. Gropp. September 2008 Vol. 13, No. 9. Here's How to Plan and Manage Roads for Water Quality, The Forestry Source, News for forest resource professionals published by the Society of American WEBSITES

Shaw, J.D., M.R. Kuhns, and D. McAvoy. 2002-present. USU Extension Forestry Website. http://extension.usu.edu/forestry/

Kuhns, M.R. and D. McAvoy. 2008-present. Restoring the West Website. http://restoringthewest.org


Society of American Foresters; Certified Forester

Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals


Silver Award, 2010, Web Design, Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

Silver Award, 2009, DVD, Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

Communications Award, 2008: Society of American Foresters 'For work with private landowners, contributions to the Utah Extension Forestry Web site and publication of the Utah Forest News'

Stewardship Achievement Award, 2006: Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands

Gold Award, Utah Forest News, 2006: Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

Silver Award, 2004, Web Page, Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

Silver Award, 2003, Newsletter, Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

Silver Award, 2002, Utah's Forest Water Quality Guidelines, Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

Silver Award, Newsletter, 2002, Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

Spirit of the Land Award, 2002, The Missing Fires video, Salt Lake Olympic Organizing Committee Silver Award, Newsletter, 2001, Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

Silver Award, 2001, Video, Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals

Scholarship Award, 1997, Outdoor Writers Association of America

Certificate of Merit, 1989, U.S. Department of Agriculture, For Exceptional safety attitude, work performance, and safety record as a member of the Flathead Inter-agency Hotshot crew during the 1989 fire season