A Bibliography of Phenomenological Philosophy of Natural Science

Steven Chasan Columbia University


Husserl, Edmund. Philosophie der Arithmetik. Halle: Pfeffer, 1891.


Husserl, Edmund. Logische Untersuchungen. Halle: 1900-01. English translation J. N. Findlay. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1970.


Husserl, Edmund. "Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft." In Logos. I (1910-1911): 289-341. English translation by Quentin Lauer. "Philosophy as a Rigorous Science." In Edmund Husserl. Phenomenology and the Crisis of Philosphy. New York: Harper and Row, 1965.

Husserl, Edmund. "Ideen zu einer reinen Phlinomenologie und phlinome• nologischenPhilosophie, Erstes Buch: Allgemeine Einfiihrungin die reine

265 L. Hardy and L. Embree (eds.), Phenomenology of Natural Science, 265-290. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 266 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Phanomenologie. "lahrbuch jUr Philosophie und phiinomenologische Forschung. I (1913): 1-323. English translation by Fred Kersten. Ideas pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy, First Book: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1983.

Weyl, Hermann. Die Idee der Reimannschen Flache. Leipzig: Barth, 1913. English translation by Gerald R. Madene. The Concept of a Riemann Surface. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1964.


Becker, Oskar. "Beitrage zurphanomenologischenBegriindungder Geometrie und ihrer physicalischen Anwendungen." lahrbuch jUr Philosophie und phanomenologische Forschung. 6 (1923): 385-560; selections translated in Kockelmans & Kisiel. 1970: 119-143.

Becker, Oskar. "Mathematische Existenz: Untersuchungen zur Logik und Ontologie mathematischer Phanomene." lahrbuch jUr Philosophie und phiinomenologische Forschung. 7 (1927): 439-809.

Geiger, Moritz, SystematischeAxiomatikderEuklidischen Geometrie.Augsburg, 1924

Heidegger, Martin. Sein und Zeit. Tiibingen: Niemeyer, 1927. English translation by John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson. Being and Time. London: SCM Press, 1962.

Husserl, Edmund. Formale und transzendental Logik: Versuch einer Kritik der logischen Vemunft. Halle: Niemeyer, 1929. English translation by Dorion Cairns. Formal and Transcendental Logic. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1969.

Weyl, Hermann. Raum, Zeit, Materie: Vorlesungen aber Allgemeine Relativi• tiitstheorie. 5th rev. ed. Berlin: Springer, 1923. English translation by H. L. Brose. Space-Time-Matter. London: Macmillan, 1922. BIBLIOGRAPHY 267

Weyl, Hermann. "Philosophie der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft." In Handbuch der Philosophie. edd. Alfred Baeumler und Manfred Schroter. Munich: Oldenbourg, 1926-30. English translation by Joachim Weyl. Revised by Hermann Weyl. Philosophy of Mathematics and Natural Science. New York: Aetheneum, 1963.

Weyl, Hermann. Gruppentheorie und Quantummechanik. Leipzig: Barth, 1928. English translation by H. P. Robertson. The Theory ofGroups in Quantum Mechanics. New York: Dover, 1931.


Geiger, Moritz. Der Wirklichkeit der Wissenschften und die Metaphysik. Bonn, 1930

Gurwitsch, Aron. "Ontologische Bermerkungen zur Axiomatik der Euklidis• chen Geometrie." PhilosophischeAnzeiger. 6 (1930): 78-100.

Gurwitsch, Aron. "Le Fonctionnementde l'organisme d'apres K. Goldstein." Journal de psychologie normale et pathologique. 36 (1939): 107-38.

Husserl, Edmund. Die Krisis der europilischen Wissenschaften und die transzen• dental Philnomenologie: Eine Einleitung in die philnomenologische Philosophie. Philosophia. (Belgrad) I (1936): 77-176. Reprinted in Die Krisis der europilischen Wissenschaften und die transzendental Philnomenologie: EineEinleitungin diephilnomenologische Philosophie. ed. Walter Biemel. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1954. English translation by David Carr The Crisis of the European Sciences. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970.


Cerf, Walter. "In Reply to Mr. Zilsel's 'Concerning "Phenomenology and Natural Science'''.'' Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 2 (1941): 220-222. 268 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Gurwitsch, Aron. "La science biologique d'apres K.Goldstein." Revue philo• sophique de la France et de l'etranger. 129 (1940): 244-65.

Margenau, Henry ·Phenomenology and Physics." Philosophy and Phenomen• ological Research. 5 (1944): 269-280.

Szilasi, Wilhelm. Wissenschaft als Philosophie. Zurich: Europa Verlag, 1945. Zilsel, Edgar. "Phenomenology and Natural Science." Philosophy of Science. 8 (1941): 26-32.

Zilsel, Edgar. "Concerning'Phenomenologyand Natural Science'." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 2 (1941).


Bachelard, Suzanne.La Conscience de rationalite: Etude phenomenologique sur la physique mathematique. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1958; two Chapters translated in Kockelmans & Kisiel (1970): 413-440.

Compton, John J. and Henry Margenau. "Some Recent Developments in the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics." Synthese. 8 (1950): 260-271.

Gurwitsch, Aron. "The Last Work of Edmund Husserl, Part I." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 17 (1957): 370-98.

Gurwitsch, Aron. "The Last Work of Edmund Husserl, Parts II-IV." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 18 (1957).

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "On the Mode of Being of Mathematical Entities." (in Dutch) Tijdschrift voor Philosophie. 16 (1954): 289-331.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "On Space and Space Perception.· (in Dutch) Tijdschrift voor Philosophie. 19 (1957): 372-428. BIBLIOGRAPHY 269

Kockelmans,JosephJ. On Time and Space: TheMeaningofEinstein'sRelativity Theory for a Phenomenological Philosophy ofNature. (in Dutch) Haarlem: Bohn, 1958.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "Physics and Philosophy." (in Dutch) Studia Catholica. 34 (1959): 28-60.

Margenau, Henry. The Nature of Physical Reality. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950. Reprinted Woodbridge, Conn.: Ox Bow Press, 1977.


Kockelmans, Joseph J. "Unity and Multiplicity in Science according to Pheno• menology." (in DutCh) Tijdschrift voor Philosophie. 22 (1960): 456-502.


Grunder, Karlfried. "'s Wissenschaftskritik in ihren ge• schichtlichen Zusammenhangen." In Archive fUr Philosophie. 11 (1961): 312-335.

Szilasi, Wilhelm. Philosophie und Naturwissenschaft. Bern: Francke Verlag, 1961. Selection translated in Kockelmans and Kisiel (1970): 205-232.


Kockelmans, Joseph J. Phenomenology and Physics. (in DutCh) Haarlem: Bohn, 1%2.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "Changes in the View of the World according to Con• temporary Physics." (in Dutch) Wijsgerig Perspectief. 2 (1962): 108-119. 270 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE


Compton,JohnJ. "On Understanding Science." Dialectica. 16 (1963): 155-76.

Grunder, Karlfried. "Heidegger's Critique of Science." In Philosophy Today 7 (1963): 15-32. 1964

Kisiel, TheodoreJ. "Reality of the Electron." Philosophy Today. 8 (1964): 56- 65.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "L'Objectivite des sciences positives d'apres Ie point• de vue de la phenomenologie.''Archives de philosophie. 27 (1964): 339-355.

Sokolowski, Robert. "Husserl's Interpretation of the History of Philosophy." Fran. Studies. 24 (1964): 261-280.

StrOker, Elisabeth. "Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft?" In Philosophia Naturalis. 14 (1964): 377-396.


Gurwitsch, Aron. "Comments on the Paper by H. Marcuse 'On Science and Phenomenology'." In Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 2 edd. Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky. New York: Humanities Press, 1%5: 291-306.

Heelan, Patrick A Quantum Mechanics and Objectivity. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1965.


Kockelmans, Joseph J. Phenomenology and the Physical Sciences: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Science. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1966. BIBLIOGRAPHY 271


Compton,John. "Natural Science and the Experience of Nature. " In Phenome• nology in America. ed. James Edie. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1967; also In Journal of Existentialism. 6 (1965-66): 203-212.

Compton, John J. "Phenomenology as Philosophy of Science." Pacific Philosophy Fornm. (1967): 81-85.

Gurwitsch, Aron. "Galilean Physics in the Light of Husserl's Phenomenology." In Galileo, Man of Science. ed. Ernan McMullin. New York: Basic Books, 1967: 388-401.

Heelan, Patrick A "Horizon, Objectivity, and Reality in the Physical Sciences." International Philosophical Quanerly. 7 (1967): 375-412.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "Phenomenology and the Philosophy of Science." Pacific Philosophy Fornm. 6 (1967): 93-96.


Kockelmans, Joseph J. ed. Philosophy of Science: The Historical Background. New York: MacMillan, 1968.

Richardson, William J. "Heidegger's Critique of Science." The New Scholasti• cism. 42 (1968): 511-536.


Alderman, Harold G. "Heidegger's Critique of Science. n Personalist. 50: 549- 558.

Gurwitsch, Aron. "Social Science and Natural Science." In Economic Means and Social Ends. ed. Robert L. Heilbroner. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1969: 37-55. 272 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Kockelmans, Joseph J. The World in Science and Philosophy. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1969.


Ballard, Edward G. "Heidegger's View and Evaluation of Nature and Natural Science." In Heidegger and the Path of Thinking. ed. John C. Sallis. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1970: 37-64.

Carr, David. "Husserl's Problematic Concept of the Life-World." American Philosophical Quarterly. 7 (1970): 331-339.

Heelan, Patrick A "Quantum Logic and Classical Logic: Their Respective Roles." Synthese. 22 (1970): 3-33.

Heelan, Patrick A "Complementarity, Context-Dependence and Quantum Logic." Foundations of Physics. 1 (1970): 95-110; Reprinted in The Logico-AlgebraicApproach to Quantum Mechanics. ed. C. Hooker. Reidel, 1979: 161-179.

Heelan, Patrick A "Scientific Objectivity and Framework Transpositions." Philosophical Studies. 19 (1970): 55-70.

Heelan, Patrick A "Logic, Language, and Science." In Philosophical Aspects of Scientific Realism. ed. E. MacKinnon. Appleton, 1970.

Kisiel, TheodoreJ. "Science, Phenomenology, and the Thinking of Being." In Phenomenology and the Natural Sciences. edd. Joseph J. Kockelmans and Theodore J. Kisiel. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970: 167-183.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. and Theodore J. Kisiel. edd. Phenomenology and the Natural Sciences. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "The Mathematization of Nature in Husserl's Last Publication." In Phenomenology and the Natural Sciences. edd. Joseph J. BIBLIOGRAPHY 273

Kockelmans and TheodoreJ. Kisiel. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970: 45-67.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "The Era ofthe World-as-Picture." In Phenomenology and the Natural Sciences. edd. Joseph J. Kockelmans and Theodore J. Kisiel. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970: 184-201.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "Heidegger on the Essential Difference and Necessary Relationship between Philosophy and Science." In Phenomenology and the Natural Sciences. edd. Joseph J. Kockelmans and Theodore J. Kisiel. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970: 147-166.

Ladriere, Jean. "Mathematics in a Philosophy of Science." trans. TheodoreJ. Kisiel. In Phenomenology and the Natural Sciences. edd. Joseph J. Kockel• mans and Theodore J. Kisiel. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1970: 466-499.

Sokolowski, Robert. The Fonnation of Husserl's Concept of Constitution. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1970.


Alderman, Harold G. "Heidegger's Critique of Science and Technology." In HeideggerandModern Philosophy. ed. Michael Murray. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1971: 35-50.

Biemel, Walter. "Reflexions a propos des recherches Husserliennes de la Lebenswelt." Tijdscrift Filosofia. 33 (1971): 659-683.

Heelan, Patrick A "The Logic of Framework Transpositions." International Philosophical Quarterly. 11 (1971): 314-334.

Hein, K. F. "Husserl's Criterion of Truth. "Journal ofCritical Analysis. 3 (1971): 125-136.

Kersten, Frederick. "The Life-World Revisited." Research in Phenomenology. 1 (1971): 33-62. 274 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Kisiel, Theodore J. "Zu einer Hermeneutik naturwissenschaftlicher Entdeck• ung." Zeitschrift tar allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie. 2 (1971): 195-221.

Van Peursen, Cornelius A "The Concept of the Body in Transcendental Phenomenology and in Modern Biology." Analecta Husserliana. 1 (1971): 133-151.


Compton, John J. "Science and God's Action in Nature." In Earth Might be Fair: Essays in Religion, Ethics, and Ecology. ed. Ian Barbour. New York: Prentice Hall, 1972.

Heelan, Patrick A "Toward a Hermeneutic of Natural Science." Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. 3 (1972): 252-260.

Heelan, Patrick A "Towards a Hermeneutics of Science." Main Currents. 28 (1972): 85-93.

Heelan, Patrick A "A Reply to Wolfe Mays." Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. 3 (1972): 277-283.

Heelan, Patrick A "Quantum Mechanics and Objectivity." In Problems of Scientific Realism. ed. E. MacKinnon. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1972.

Heelan, Patrick A "Hermeneutics of Experimental Science in the Context of the Life-World." Philosophia Mathernatica. 9 (1972): 101-104; and In Inter• disciplinary Phenomenology. edd. Don Ihde and Richard Zaner. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975: 7-50.

Kockeimans, Joseph J. "On the Meaning of Scientific Revolutions." Philosophy Forum. 11 (1972): 243-264.

Kockeimans, Joseph J. "Stegmiiller on the Relationship between Theory and Experience." Philosophy of Science. 39 (1972): 397-420. BIBLIOGRAPHY 275

Mays, Wolfe. "Towards a Hermeneutic of Natural Science: A Reply to P. Heelan." Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. 3 (1972): 261-273.

Stroker, Elisabeth. "Das Problem der Epoche in der Philosophie Edmund Husserls." Analecta Husserliana. 2 (1972): 170-185.

Stroker, Elisabeth "Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology as Foundation of Natural Science." Analecta Husserliana. 2 (1972): 145-157.


Heelan, Patrick A "Framework Transpositions and Higher Viewpoints." In Language, Truth and Meaning. ed. P. McShane, Gill and Macmillan, 1973: 93-114.

Kisiel, Theodore J. "On the Dimensions of a Phenomenology of Science in Husserl and the Young Doctor Heidegger." Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. 4 (1973): 217-234.

Kisiel, Theodore J. "Scientific Discovery: Logical, Psychological, or Her• meneutical?" In Explorations in Phenomenology. edd. David Carr and Edward Casey. Hague: Nijhoff, 1973: 263-284.

Landgrebe, Ludwig. "The Phenomenological Concept of Experience." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 34 (Spring 1973): 1-13.

Sokolowski, Robert. "Logic and Mathematics in Husserl's Formal and Transcendental Logic." In Explorations in Phenomenology. edd. Carr, D. and E. Casey. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1973: 318-50.


Embree, Lester. "Aron Gurwitsch als phanomenologisher Wissenschafts• theoretiker." trans. Alexandre Metraux. Zeitschrift fUr allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie.5 (1974): 1-8. 276 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Gurwitsch, Aron. Phenomenology and the Theory of Science. ed. Lester Embree. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1974.

Heelan, Patrick A "Discussion: 'Hermeneutics of Experimental Science in the Context of the Life-World', commentary on Professor Theodore Kisiel's commentary on my paper." Zeitschrift fUr allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie. 5 (1974): 124 & 135-37.

Heffner, John. "Husserl's Critique of Traditional Empiricism." Journal of the British Society of Phenomenology. 5 (May 1974): 159-162.

Kisiel, Theodore J. "Commentary on Patrick Heelan's 'Hermeneutics of Experimental Science in the Context of the Life-World'." Zeitschrift fUr Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie. 5 (1974): 124-135.

Kisiel, Theodore J. "New Philosophies of Science in the USA: A Selective Essay." Zeitschrift fUr Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie. 5 (1974): 138-191.

Wagner, Hans. "Husserl's Ambiguous Philosophy of Science." Southwest Journal of Philosophy. 5 (Fall 1974): 169-185.


Gurwitsch, Aron. "On the Systematic Unity of the Sciences." In Phiinorneno• logische Heute. Festrchrift fUr Ludwig Landgrebe. ed. Walter Biemel. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975.

Heelan, Patrick A "Heisenberg and Radical Theoretic Change." Zeitschrift fUr allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie. 6 (1975): 113-138.

Hemmendinger, David. ''Husserl's Concepts of Evidence and Science." The Monist. 59 (1975): 81-97.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "Review of Aron Gurwitsch's Phenomenology and The Theory of Science." International Studies in Philosophy. 7 (1975): 207-208. BIBLIOGRAPHY 277

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "Gurwitsch's Phenomenological Theory of Natural Science." Research in Phenomenology. 5 (1975): 29-35.

Kuderowicz, Zbigniew. "The Problem ofthe Relation of Philosophy to Special Sciences as Discussed in Cracow in the Period 1944-1974." Dialectical Humanism. 2 (Spring 1975): 147-155.


Gutting, Gary. "Phenomenology and Scientific Realism." New Scholasticism. 48 (1976): 253-266.

Kisiel, TheodoreJ. "Hermeneutic Models for Natural Science." Phiinomen• ologische Forschungen. 2nd. ed. E.W. Orth. Freiburg: Alber, 1976: 180-191.

Null, Gilbert T. "The Role of the Perceptual World in the Husserlian Theory of the Sciences." Joumal of the British Society of Phenomenology. 7 (Jan. 1976): 56-59.

Orth, E. w. ed. Die Phiinomenologie und die Wissenschaften. Freiburg i. Br.: Alber, 1976.

Seigfried, Hans. "Descriptive Phenomenologyand Constructivism." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 37 (1976): 248-261.

Straker, Elisabeth. "Zur phanomenologischen Theorie der Wahrnehmung." Ajatus. 36 (1976): 106-224.


Heelan, Patrick A. "Quantum Relativity and the Cosmic Observer" In Cosmology, History, and Theology. edd. W. Yourgrau and A Breck. Plenum, 1977: 29-38.

Kisiel, TheodoreJ. "Heidegger and the New Images of Science." Research in Phenomenology. 7 (1977): 162-181. Reprinted In Radical Phenomenology: 278 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Essays in Honor of Martin Heidegger. ed. John Sallis. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities, 1978.

Ladriere, J. Les enjeux de la rationalite. Le difi de la science et de la techno• logie aux cultures. Paris: Aubier-Montaigne, 1977.

Stroker, Elisabeth. "Einleitung" for Edmund Husserl. Die Krisis der europiiisc• hen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phiinomenologie. Hamburg, 1977; second edition, 1982.


Compton, John J. "Science, Anti-Science, and Human Values." Key Reporter. 44 (1978-79): 205.

Gutting, Gary. "Husserl and Scientific Realism." Philosophy and Phenome• nological Research. 39 (Spring 1978): 42-56.

Seigfried, Hans. "Heidegger's Longest Day: Being and Time and the Sciences." Philosophy Today. 22 (1978): 319-331.

Stroker, Elisabeth. "Husserls Evidenzprinzip. Sinn und Grenzen einer metho• dischen Norm der Phanomenologie als Wissenschaft." Zeitschrift [iir philosophischeForschung. 32 (1978): 1-30; translationinD. E. Christensen, et. al. edd. Contemporary German Philosophy. 1 (1982): 111-138, and in The Husserlian Foundations of Science. ed. by Lee Hardy. Lanham, MD: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1987.


Compton, John J. "Reinventing the Philosophy of Nature." Review of . 33 (1979): 3-28.

Gutting, Gary. "Husserl and Scientific Realism." Philosophy and Phenomenolo• gical Research. 39 (1979): 42-56. BIBLIOGRAPHY 279

Grieder, Alfonse. "Geometry and the Life-World in Husserl's Later Philo• sophy." Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. 5 (1979): 159- 162.

Heelan, Patrick A "Lattice of Growth in Knowledge." In Structure and Development of Knowledge. ed. G. Radnitsky. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 58. Reidel, 1979: 205-211.

Heelan, Patrick A "Continental Philosophy and the Philosophy of Science." In Current Research in the Philosophy of Science. edd. P. Asquith and F. Suppe. East Lansing: Philosophy of Science Association, 1979: 84-93.

Janssen, Paul. "Die Problematik der Rede von der Lebenswelt als Fundament der Wissenschaft." In Lebenswelt and Wissenschaft in der Philosophie Edmund Husserl. ed. E. Straker. Frankfurt am Main: V. Klostermann, 1979.

Kern, Iso. "Die Lebenswelt als Grundlagen problem der objectiven Wis• senschaften und als universalen Wahrheit-und Seinsproblem." In Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft in der Philosophie Edmund Husserl. ed. E. Straker. Frankfurt am Main: V. Klostermann, 1979.

Kisiel, Theodore J. "The Rationality of Scientific Discovery." In Rationality To-Day. ed. TheodoreF. Geraets. Ottawa: The University of Ottawa Press, 1979: 401-411.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "Reflections on Lakatos's Methodology of Scientific• Research Programs." In The Structure and Development ofScience. edd. G. Radnitzky and G. Andersson. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1979: 196-202.

McMullin, Ernan. "Compton on the Philosophy of Nature." Review of Metaphysics. 33 (1979): 29-58.

Prendergast, Christopher. Phenomenology and the Problem ofFoundations: A Critique of Edmund Husserl's Theory of Science. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Southern Illinois University, 1979. 280 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Ricoeur,Paul.Main Trends in Philosophy. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1979.

Rizzacasa, Aurelio. "Epistmology of the Sciences of Nature." Analecta Husserliana. 9. ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1979: 73- 84.

Sokolowski, Robert. "Exact Science and the World in Which We Live." In Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft in der Philosophie Husserls. ed. E. Straker. Frankfurt: Klosterman, 1979: 92-106.

Straker, Elisabeth. "Geschichte und Lebenswelt als Sinnesfundament der Wissenschaften in Husserls Spatwerk." In Lebenswelt und Wissenschaft in der Ph ilosophie Edmund Husserls. ed. E. Straker. Frankfurt, 1979: 106-123.


Bartlett, Steven J. "Self-Reference, Phenomenology and Philosophy of Science." Methodology and Science. 13 (1980): 143-167.

Kisiel, Theodore J.. "Ars Inveniendi: A Classical Source for Contemporary Philosophy of Science." Revue Intemationale de Philosophie. 131-2 (1980): 130-154.

Schrag, Calvin O. "Professor Seigfried on Descriptive Phenomenology and Constructivism." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 40 (1980): 411-414.

Seigfried, Hans. "A Response to Professor Schrag's Comments on 'Descriptive Phenomenology and Constructivism'." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 40 (1980): 415-419.

Seigfried, Hans. "Scientific Realism and Phenomenology." ZeitschriJt fUr philo• sophische Forschung. 34 (1980): 395-404. BIBLIOGRAPHY 281


Bello, Angela A "Phenomenology and Science: An Annotated Bibliography of Work in Italy." InAnalectaHusserliana. ed.AngelaA Bello. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1981: 137-146.

Kisiel, Theodore. "Paradigms." In Contemporary Philosophy: A New Survey. ed. Guttorm Floistad. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1981: 87-110.

Rouse, Joseph. "Kuhn, Heidegger, and Scientific Realism." Man and World 14 (1981): 269-290.


Bourgeois, Patrick L. "Fundamental , Scientific Methods, and Epistemic Foundations."New Scholasticism. 56 (Fall 1982): 471-479.

Heelan, Patrick A "Hermeneutical Realism and Scientific Observation." PSA 1982 edd. P. Asquith and R. Giere. Philosophy of Science Association, 1982: 77-87.

Hemmendinger, David. "Comments on Prof. Zucker'S 'Phenomenological Evidence'." In Phenomenology: Dialogues and Bridges. ed. Ronald Bruzina. Albany: SUNY Press, 1982: 291-295.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "Kurt Hubner's Kritik derwissenschaftlichen Vemunft." Contemporary German Philosophy. 1 (1982): 263-273.

Warnke, Camilla. "Science, Life-World, and TranscendentalIntersubjectivity." Deutsche ZeitschriJt tar Philosophie. 30 (1982): 77-88.

Zucker, Francis J. "PhenomenologicalEvidence and the 'Idea' of Physics." In Phenomenology: Dialogues and Bridges. edd. Bruzina, Ronald and Bruce Wilshire. Albany: SUNY Press, 1982: 269-290. 282 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE


Boehm, Rudolf. "The Meaning of the Phenomenological Critiq ue of Science." In Essays in Honor of Aron GUlwitsch. ed. Lester Embree. Washington D.C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1983: 375-390.

Heelan, Patrick. Space Perception and the Philosophy of Science. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983.

Heelan, Patrick. "Natural Science as HermeneuticofInstrumentation." Philo• sophy of Science. 50 (1983): 181-204.

Heelan, Patrick A "Is Visual Space Euclidean? A Study in the Hermeneutics of Perception. "Abstracts ofthe Seventh International Congress on the Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy ofScience. Salzburg. 5 Sec. to. (1983): 40-43.

Heelan, Patrick A "Perception as a Hermeneutical Act." Review of Meta• physics. 37 (1983): 61-76.

Heelan, Patrick A "Natural Science and Being-in-the-World."Man and World. 16 (1983): 207-220.

Kisiel, TheodoreJ. "Scientific Discovery: The Larger Problem Situation." New Ideas in Psychology. I (1983): 99-109.

Kolb, David. "Heidegger on the Limits of Science." Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology. 14 (1983): 50-64.

Liverziani, Filippo. "L'Oggeuivita e Davvero un 'Pregiudizio': Angela Ales Bello, Rispota." Aquinas. 26 (1983): 197-214.

O'Conner, Dennis T. "The Philosophy-Science Nexus in Early Merleau• Ponty." In Continental Philosophy in America. edd. Hugh Silverman, et al. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1983: 189-207. BIBLIOGRAPHY 283

Peursen, Cornelius van. "Creativity and the Method of Sciences." Analecta Husserliana. 14 ed. by A-T. Tymieniecka. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1983.

Stewart, Roderick M. "Heidegger's Transcendental-Phenomenological 'Justification of Science'." In Foundations of Morality. ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. Boston: Reidel, 1983: 189-208.


Bender, Frederic L. "Heidegger's Hermeneutical Grounding of Science: A Phenomenological Critique of Positivism." Philosophy Research Archives. 10 (1984): 203-238.

Cho, Kyung Kah. Philosophy and Science in a Phenomenological Perspective. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1984.

Drummond, John J. "The Perceptual Roots of Geometric Idealizations." The Review of Metaphysics. 34 (1984): 785-810.

Drummond, John J. "Review of Edmund Husserl, Studien zur Aritmetik und Geometrie. Texte aus dem Nachlass. (1886-1901)." ed. I. Strohmeyer, Husserliana 21. Man and World. 17 (1984): 217-27.

Heelan, Patrick A. "Is Visual Space Euclidean? A Study in the Hermeneutics of Perception." In Mind, Language, and Society. ed. Otto Neumaier. Vienna: Conceptus-Studien,1984: 1-13.

Heelan, Patrick A. "Perceived Worlds as Interpreted Worlds." (Abstract). Journal of Philosophy 81 (November 1984): 707-708.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "Phenomenology and the Critique of the Scientific Tradition." In Essays in Memory of Aron Gurwitsch. ed. Lester Embree. Washington: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1984: 423- 442. 284 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Kockelmans, Joseph J. On the Truth of Being: Reflections on Heidegger's Later Philosophy. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1984.

Willard, Dallas. Logic and the Objectivity of Knowledge: Studies in Husserl's Early Philosophy. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1984.


Compton, John. "Marjorie Grene and the Phenomenon of Life." Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 1984. 2 (1985): 354-364.

Heelan, Patrick A "The Epistemological Contribution of Ludwig Fleck" In Cognition and Fact. edd. R. Cohen and T. Schnelle. Proceedings of the Fleck Colloquium. University of Hamburg. November 1982. In Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Boston and Dordrecht: Reidel, 1985: 131-156.

Heelan, Patrick A "Perception as a HermeneuticaIAct." In Hermeneutics and Deconstruction. edd. H. Silverman and D. Ihde. Albany: SUNY Press, 1985: 43-54.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. Heidegger and Science. WaShington, D.C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1985.

Leder, Drew. "Modes of Totalization: Heidegger on Modern Technology and Science." Philosophy Today. 29 (Fall 1895): 245-56.

Naess, Arne. "The World of Concrete Contents." Inquiry. 28 (1985): 417-428.

Rouse, Joseph T. "Heidegger's Later Philosophy of Science. n Southern Journal of Philosophy. 23 (Spring 1985): 75-92. BIBLIOGRAPHY 285


Bast, Rainer A Der Wissenschaftsbegriff Martin Heidegger in Zusammenhang seiner Philosophie. Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog,1986.

Caputo, John D. "Heidegger's Philosophy of Science: The Two Essences of Science." In Rationality, Relativism, and the Human Sciences. edd. J. Margolis, M. Krausz and R. M. Burian. Dordrect: Martinus Nijhoff, 1986: 43-60.

Compton, John. "On the Sense of There Being a Moral Sense of Nature." The Personalist Forum. 2 (Spring 1986): 38-55.

Garrison, James W. "Husserl, Galileo, and the Processes of Idealization." Synthese. 66 (1986): 329-338.

Harvey, Charles. "Husserl and the Problem of Theoretical Entities." Synthese. 66 (1986): 291-309.

Heelan, Patrick A "Interpretation and the Structure of Space in Scientific Theory and in Perception." Research in Phenomenology. 16 (1986): 187- 199.

Heelan, Patrick A "Perceived Worlds are Interpreted Worlds." In New Essays in Metaphysics. ed. Robert Neville. Albany: SUNY Press, 1986: 61-76.

Kerszberg, Pierre. "Review of Joseph J. Kockelmans's H eidegger and Science." Revue de Synthese. 121 (1986): 148-151.

Kerszberg, Pierre. "Sur la physique et la philosophie de Hermann Weyl." Etudes phenomenologiques. 3 (1986): 3-31.

Kerszberg, Pierre. "Le principe de Weyl et l'invention d'une cosmologie non-statique."Archive for the History of Exact Science. 35 (1986): 1-89.

Kerszberg, Pierre. "The Cosmological Question in Newton's Science." Osiris. 2nd Series. 2 (1986): 69-106. 286 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "On the Hermeneutical Dimensions of the Natural Sciences." Etudes ph enom en ologiques. 3 (1986): 33-81.

Rouse, Joseph. "Merleau-Ponty and the Existential Conception of Science." Synthese.66 (1986): 249-72.

Straker, ElisabethPhilosophical Investigations ofSpace. trans. Algis Mickunas. Athens: Ohio University Press Series, 1986.


Borgmann, Albert, with the assistance of Carl Mitcham. "The Question of Heidegger and Technology: A Critical Review of the Literature." Philosophy Today. 31 (Summer 1987): 98-194.

Cataldo, Peter J. "Husserl on Galileo's Intentionality." The Thomist. 51 (1987): 680-698.

Haddock, Guillermo E. Rosado. "Husserl's Epistemology of Mathematics and the Foundation of Platonism in Mathematics." Husserl Studies. 4 (1987): 81-102.

Heelan, Patrick A "Husserl's Later Philosophy of Science." Philosophy of Science. 54 (1987): 368-390.

Kerszberg, Pierre. "The Phenomenological Analysis of the Earth's Motion." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 48 (1987): 177-208.

Kerszberg, Pierre. "The Critical Philosophy of Relativity." The Review ofMeta• physics. 41 (1987): 23-52.

Kockelmans, Joseph J. "On the Problem of Truth in the Sciences." (Presiden• tial Address, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, 29 December) Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association. 61 (1987): 5-26.

Rouse, Joseph. Knowledge and Power. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1987. BIBLIOGRAPHY 287

Rouse, Joseph. "Husserlian Phenomenology and Scientific Realism." Philosophy of Science. 52 (1987): 33-81.

Sokolowski, Robert. "Measurement." American Philosophical Quarterly. 24 (1987): 71-79.

Elisabeth Straker. ed. Lee Hardy. The Husserlian Foundations of Science. Landham: University Press of America, 1987.


Compton, John. "Some Contributions of Existential Phenomenology to the Philosophy of Natural Science." American Philosophical Quarterly. 25 (April 1988): 99-113.

Compton, John. "Phenomenology and the Philosophy of Nature." Man and World. 21 (1988): 65-89.

Drummond, John J. "Realism versus Anti-Realism: A Husserlian Contribu• tion." In Edmund Husserl and the Phenomenological Tradition: Essays in Phenomenology. ed. R. Sokolowski. Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy. 18. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1988: 87-106.

Fano, Vicenzo. "A PhenomenologicalAnalysis of the EPR Argument." In The Nature of Quantum Paradoxes. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1988: 155-167.

Heelan, Patrick A Space Perception and the Philosophy of Science. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988 (paper).

Heelan, Patrick A "Experiment and Theory: Constitution and Reality." Journal of Philosophy. 85 (1988): 515-524.

Heelan, Patrick A "Husserl, Hilbert and the Critique of Galilean Science." In Edmund Husserl and the Phenomenological Tradition: Essays in Phenomen• ology. ed. Robert Sokalowski. WaShington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1988: 157-173. 2~ PHENOMENOLOGY OF NAVURAL SCIENCE

Heelan, Patrick A "The Primacy of Perception and The Cognitive Paradigm; Reply to De May." Social Epistemology. 1 (1988): 321-326.

Heelan, Patrick A "A Heideggerian Meditation on Science and Art." In Hermeneutic Phenomenology. ed. J. J. Kockelmans. Washington, D.C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1988: 257-275.

Kerszberg, Pierre. "The Hermeneutical Status of the History of Science: The Views of Helene Metzger: A Comment." Proceedings of the Israel Colloquium for the History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 110 ed. E. Ullmann-Margalit. Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1988: 145-150.

Sargent,Rose-Mary. "Husserl'sLogicallnvestigations and ContemporaryIssues in Philosophy of Science." Journal ofthe British Society for Phenomenology. 19 (May, 1988).

Seigfried, Hans. "Transcendental Experiments (II): Kant and Heidegger." In Hermeneutic Phenomenology: Lectures and Essays. ed. Joseph J. Kockel• mans. Washington: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenologyand University Press of America, 19~: 123-156.

Seigfried, Hans. "Against Naturalizing PreconceptuaIExperience." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. 48 (1988): 505-518.

Straker, Elisabeth, "Husserl and Philosophy of Science." Journal of the British Society of Phenomenology. 19 (1988): 221-234.


Compton, John. "Phenomenological Reflection on the Human Meaning of Science." In American Phenomenology: Origins and Developments. edd. E. F. Kaelin and C. Schrag. Dordrect: Kluwer, 1989: 200-205.

Harvey, Charles. Husserl's Phenomenology and the Foundations of Natural Science. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1989. BIBLIOGRAPHY 289

Heelan, Patrick. A. "After Experiment: Realism and Research." American Philosophical Quarterly. 26 (1989): 297-308.

Heelan, Patrick. A. "Yes There is a Hermeneutical Philosophy of Natural Science: Reply to Markus." Science in Context. 3 (1989): 469-480.

Heelan, Patrick A. "Husserl's PhilosophyofScience." In Husserl's Phenomenol• ogy: A Textbook. edd. J. N. Mohanty and W. McKenna. Washington: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1989: 387-428.

Heelan, Patrick. A. "Space Perception and a Hermeneutic Phenomenologyof Natural Science." In Phenomenology in America. edd. E. Kaelin. and C. Schrag. Boston and Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1989: 216-220.

Kerszberg, Pierre. "Two Senses of Kant's Copernican Revolution." Kant Studien. 80 (1989): 63-80.

Mohanty, J. N. "Idealism and the Quantum Mechanics." History of Philosophy Quarterly. 6 (1989).

Seigfried, Hans. "Autonomy and Quantum Physics: Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Heisenberg." Philosophy of Science. (1989).


Babich, Babette. "Nietzsche and the Philosophy of Scientific Power." International Studies in Philosophy. (Summer 1990).

Drummond,John J. Husserlian Intentionality and Non-Foundational Realism: Noema and Object. Dordrect and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.

Compton,John. "Merleau-Ponty's Thesis ofthe Primacy of Perception and the Meaning of Scientific Objectivity." In Merleau-Ponty: Critical Essays. ed. Henry Pietersma. Lanham, MD: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1990: 133-148. 290 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Heelan, Patrick, A "Experiments as Fulfillment of Theory." InPhenomen%gy and Indian Philosophy. edd. D. P. Chattopadhyaya, L. Embree and J. N. MOhanty. New Delhi and Washington, D.C.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology and University Press of America, 1990: 313- 328.

Soffer, Gail. "Phenomenology and Scientific Realism: Husserl's Critique of Galileo." The Review of Metaphysics. 44 (1990): 67-94. Notes on Contributors

Robert P. Crease (Ph.D., Columbia University, 1987) is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and Historian at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He is the co-author of The Second Creation: Makers of the Revolution in 20th Century Physics (1986) and author of The Nature of Scientific Experimentation (forthcoming 1991).

Henry Davis is a doctoral student in philosophy at Duquesne University. He is currently completing his dissertation entitled "The Impact of Technology on Motion Theory in Aristotle and Galileo." One of his main research interests concerns the relationship between technological development and radical conceptual change in natural philosophy.

John J. Drummond (Ph.D., Georgetown University, 1975) is Associate Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Mount Saint Mary's College, Em• mitsburg, Maryland. He is the author of Husserlian Intentionality and Non• Foundational Realism: Noema and Object (1990) as well as various essays on Husserl and phenomenology.

Lester Embree (Ph.D., New School for Social Research, 1972) is William F. Dietrich Eminent Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida and President of the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology. He has authored, edited and translated various writings in phenomenology.

Aron Gurwitsch (1901-1973) is author of The Field of Consciousness (1964), Studies in Phenomenology and Psychology (1966), Phenomenology and the Theory of Science (1974), Marginal Consciousness (1985), Kant's Theorie des Verstands (1990), and otherworks, cf. Life World and Consciousness: Essays for Aron Gurwitsch (1972).

Lee Hardy (Ph.D., Duquesne University, 1988) is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MiChigan. He has written and edited several works on phenomenologyand the phenomenologicalphilosophy of science; currently he is translating Husserls transzendentale Phiinomenologie

291 L. Hardy and L. Embree (eds.), Phenomenology of Natural Science, 291-293. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 292 PHENOMENOLOGY AND NATURAL SCIENCE by Elisabeth Straker for Stanford University Press. He is also interested in the philosophy and theology of work, and has recently published a book on that topic entitled The Fabric of this World (1990)

Charles W. Harvey (Ph.D., Florida State University) is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Central Arkansas. His publications include Husserl's Phenomenology and the Foundations of Natural Science (1989), "Husserl's Phenomenology as Critique of Epistemic Ideology," International Philosophical Quarterly (March 1990), and "Epistemology, ergo Politics: Critique of a Correlation," Social Theory and Practice (April 1990).

Patrick A. Heelan (Ph.D., University of Louvain, Belgium, 1964, Ph.D., St. Louis University, 1952) is Professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He is the author of Quantum Mechanics and Objectivity: The Physical Philosophy of Werner Heisenberg (1965) and Space-Perception and the Philosophy of Science (1983, 1988).

Pierre Kerszberg (Ph.D., University of Brussels, Belgium, 1982) os Associate Professor at the Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of The Invented Universe (1989), a book dealing with the origins and development of relativity theory and cosmology. He has also published articles on philosophy of physical sciences in Kant and Husserl.

Joseph J. Kockelmans (Ph.D., Angelico, Rome, 1951; postdoctoral studies in mathematics, physics, and phenomenology from 1951 to 1962) is Professor of Philosophy at The Pennsylvania State University. He has published Phe• nomenology and Physical Science (1966), A First Introduction to Husserl's Phenomenology (1967), Husserl's Phenomenological Psychology (1967), Philosophy ofScience: The Historical Background (1968), The World in Science and Philosophy (1969), On the Truth ofBeing (1984), Heidegger on Art and Art Works (1985), Heidegger and Science (1985), a commentary on Heidegger's "Being and Time" (1989).

Lenore Langsdorf(Ph.D., SUNY at Stony Brook, 1977) is Associate Professor of the Philosophy of Communication Department at Southern Illinois University. She has written numerous articles on the emergence of self and NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS 293 subject-matter within everyday and intellectual activity and discourse, and is currently completing Media and the Evolution of Rationality: An Essay in the Praxiology of Communication and (co-edited with Ian H. Angus) The Critical Tum: Rhetoric and Philosophy in Contemporary Discourse.

John C. McCarthy (Ph.D., The Catholic University of America, 1988) has just joined the faculty of the Catholic University of America as Assistant Professor of Philosophy. His dissertation was on Husserl's Concept of Categorical Form. He has also written on Augustine's Confessions and Francis Bacon's Novum organum.

Halley D. Sanchez (Ph.D., Penn State University, 1974) is Professor of Philosophy and Associate Director of the Center for the Philosophy and History of Science and Technology, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagiiez. Some of his most recent articles are "Shimony, the Dilemma of Quantum Mechanics, and the History of Philosophy," "Interpreting Bohr's Philosophy Realistically," and "Dos Recientes Intentos de Mediar el Debate sobre Realismo Cientifico: Putnam y Fine."

Jim D. Shelton is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Central Arkansas. Among his publications are "Schlick and Husserl on the Founda• tions of Phenomenology,"Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (March, 1988), "The Role of Observation and Simplicity in Einstein's Epistemology," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (March, 1988) and "Schlick's Theory of Knowledge," Synthese (May, 1989). He is editor of the Southwest Philosophy Review. Index of Names

Ackermann, Robert, 224 Darwin, Charles, 200, 207 Adams, John Couch, 131 Davidson, Donald, 162 Agassi, J., 243 Davies, P.C., 132 Amp~re, AM., 242 de Broglie, Louis, 86, 260 Arber, Agnes, 150 Denton, Michael, 143 Aristotle, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12,57,68, Derrida, Jacques, 199, 201 137,146,148,154,212,233 Descartes, Rene, 4, 11, 76, 80, 136, Artaud, Antoine, 234 153, 168, 191, 194 Augros, Robert, 147, 153 Desmond, Adrian J., 132 Ayer, AJ., 122 Di Francia, G. Toraldo, 130 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 203, 206, Dilthey, Wilhelm, 53, 57, 246, 252 210 Drake, Stillman, 46, 66, 68, 74 Bachelard, Gaston, 201 Drabkin, I.E., 66 Bacon, Francis, 136,137,152 Driscoll, John A, 148 Bell, J.S., 160, 167 Droysen, J.G., 246 Berkeley, George, 189, 190 Drummond, John J., 73, 92 Bethell, Tom, 153 Duhem, Pierre, 209, 244, 245 Bloor, David, 69 Dupree, AH., 239 Bowker, Geof, 208 Einstein, Albert, 84, 85, 86, 93, 95, Brush,Stephen, 202 97,99, 100-109, 111-117, 130, Brahe, T., 242 207,243,260 Caputo, John, 231 Elliston, Frederick, 47 Cardwell, D.S., 23, 92 Embree, Lester, 47 Carnap, Rudolf, 223 Feyerabend, Paul, 23, 201 Carr, David, 47, 48, 72 Fine, Arthur, 158, 161 Childe, Gordon, 63 Fleck, Ludwik, 202 Cobb-Stevens, Richard, 154 Fleischmann, Martin, 165 Cohen, Morris R., 217 Forbes, Robert J., 62, 63 Collins, Harry, 201 Franklin,A,224 Comte, A, 254 Fresnel, Augustin Jean, 78, 85 Copernicus, N., 243 Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 210,230 Cuvier, Georges, 132 Galileo, Gallilei, 45, 46, 49-51, 64- Dallmayr, Fred, 190 69, 71-74, 80, 95-98, 103, 104, Danto, A, 246, 248 109,118,207,216,220,221,242

295 L. Hardy and L. Embree (eds.), Phenomenology o/Natural Science, 295-298. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 296 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Gardiner, P., 246 Huxley, Thomas Henry, 207 Gillespie, C.C., 239 Huygens, C., 260 Gimpel, Jean, 61, 63 Jacob,Margaret, 207 Gleick, James, 89 James, William, 177, 178, 191 GMel, Kurt, 83 Jammer, M., 238 Guerlac, H., 239 Janssen, P., 82 GUlWitsch, Aron, 35,47,48,58,60, Jonas, Hans, 144 97 Kant, Immanuel, 40, 93, 94, 165, Habermas, Jiirgen, 198 191,210,216,220,254 Hacking, Ian, 223 Kass, Leon R., 150 Hall, Rupert, 69 Kepler, J., 242, 262 Hanson, N.R., 23, 201 Kersten, Fred, 75 Hearnes, Vicki, 152 Kirschoff, Gustav, 41 Hegel, G.W.F., 165, 191, 192 Kline, Morris, 77 Heelen, Patrick, 59, 233 Kockelmans, Joseph J., 47, 158 Heidegger, Martin, 55, 198, 201, Koshland, Daniel Jr., 197 212,213,228,230,231,233 Koyre, Alexander, 46 Heisenberg, Werner, 84, 87, 260 Kuhn, Thomas, 23. 174-195,202, Hempel, CG., 246, 248 206,238,239,241,252,259 Herder, J.S., 246 Lagrange, J.L., 237 Hertz, H., 250 Lakatos, Imre, 178,238,241-245, Hilbert, David, 4, 82 252 Hindle, B., 239 Landels, J.G., 62 Holton, Gerald, 202, 206 Latour,Bruno,201,208 Hopkins, Gerand Manley, 149,151 Laudan,Larry,64,167 Hoskin, M.A, 46 Lavoisier, Edward, 176, 243 Hiibner, K., 238, 246, 247, 248, Leplin, Jarrett, 158 250,252,254,259 Leverrier, Joseph, 131 Hull, David L., 137 Lilly, S., 239 Humboldt, W. von, 246 Locke, John, 10, 11,13-18,28,148, Hume, David, 189, 190 189, 190 Husserl, Edmund, 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, Lorentz, Hendrik A, 105 13,17,18,20,23,28,30,31,41, Lucretius, 137 45-58, 60, 64-66, 68, 72, 75, 82- Lugo, Elena, 158 84,93-97,102,103,109,110, Lyotard, Jean-Francois, 199-202 116-125, 133, 136-148, 150, 151, Mandelbaum, Maurice, 174, 188 153-155,159,165,194,230,233 Margenau, Henry, 35, 41 INDEX OF NAMES 297

Marx, Karl, 69, 208 Prendergast, Christopher, 19 Matthews, P.T., 132 Presley, Elvis, 131 Mason, Stephen F., 129 Pringsheim, E., 243 Maxswell, J.e., 243 Protagoras, 162 McCormick, Peter, 47 Putnam, Hilary, 158, 161, 612 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 230, 231 Quine, W.Y.O., 209, 223 Merz, J.T., 239 Ranke, L. von, 246 Millikan, Robert, 218-220 Ricoeur, Paul, 190, 193, 194, 195, Milton, John, 200 202 Minkowski, Herman, 105-107, 109- Roger, J., 239 111,118 Rorty, Richard, 174, 175, 187-189, Mitcham, Carl, 158 191, 194, 195 Mohanty, J.N., 47, 126, 133 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 198 Moritz, L.A, 63 Rumford, Count, 129 Morris, Richard, 130 Ruse, Michael, 137, 141, 147 Moses, 203 Sabra, AI., 78 Motz, Lloyd, 131 Sapir, Edward, 187 Mozart, 206 Sarton, G., 238 Muir, M.M. Pattison, 130 Scanlon, John, 53 Musgrave,AJan, 178 SchrMinger, Erwin, 86, 87, 249 Newton, Issac, 27, 76, 78, 80, 84, Schutz, Alfred, 41,177 94,95,98-101,104,108,115, Segall, Marshall, 59 131,205-208,242,247,248,250, Sellars, Wilfrid, 20 260 Shakespere, William, 203, 206, 210 Nicholson, M.H., 239 Shapere, Dudley, 128 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 191, 198,201 Shapin, Steven, 201 Noverre, 234 Shaw, Robert, 89 Olscamp, Paul J., 76 Shyrock, R.H., 239 Oppenheim, P., 246 Simmons, Henry, 132 Paley, William, 200 Singer, Charles, 63 ,137 Smith, Barry, 139 Plato, 11,46, 154, 162, 166,212 Socrates, 162, 180 Plank, Max, 85 Sokolowski, Robert, 141, 150 Polanyi, Michael, 186 Sprat, T., 239 Pons, Stanley, 165 Stahl,216 Popper, Karl, 19, 243-245, 252, Stanciu, George, 147, 153 Portmann, Adolf, 149, 150, 153 Strllker, Elisabeth, 30, 33, 47 298 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

Stubbs, (}eorge, 151 Suppe, Fredrick, 178 Taton, R., 239 Thatcher, Margaret, 198 Torricelli,216 Usher, AP., 62 Valentin, Karl, 155 van Fraassen, Bas, 161 van Peursen, Cornelius, 19 Voltaire, Francois Marie, 198,205 Westfall, Richard, 202, 239 Weyl, Herman, 106, 109, 110-118, 260 White, K.D., 62 White, Lynn Jr., 61, 63 White, M., 246 Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 187 William, Conquerorthe, 61 Windelband, W., 246, 252 Xenophon, 151 Young, Thomas, 778, 85 Index of Topics algebra, 75 demonstration,4f, 7,13, 206f analytic geometry, 75, 77, 81 determinism, 90 anti-realism, 161ff, 209 ecology, 137 artistic performance, 210 eidetics, 10, 30ff, 33, 37, 127f associationistic psychology, 124 Einstein's field equations, 108, 117 author, 205 Einstein's mollusc, 102f authority,202ff, 207, 221 electromagnetism, 99 axioms,S, 25, 82, 249 empiricism, 210, 222 axiomatic systems, 73 Enlightenment, 200, 202 basic laws, 21, 25 environment, 177,182,186, 194 biology, 135ff equipment, 228 black holes, 169 ether, 130 built world, 46, 59ff, 63ff, 69 ethology, 137 calculus, 75, 81 evidence, 20, 30, 124 caloric theory of heat, 129 experimentation, 215-235, 247ff, categorial intuition, 148-151 explanation, 6, 21, 24ff, 82, 88,147, chaos,84,88,9O,92 195 chromosomes, 131 falsification, 19 cladistics, 137 forms, 135ff cold fusion, 165 form/matter distinction, 96, 113f commonsense, 163, 166 formalization,79,81 communication, 179 four-dimensional continuum, 105, Compton scattering, 85 110 conceptual change, 63 foundationalism, Iff, 31, 94 confirmation, 88, 222 fractuals, 90 consciousness, 11, 38, 40ff, 106- Galilean project, 95ff, 109 108, 110, 111, 122 Galilean science, 64, 71ff construct, 42 geometry, 49, 50f, 97f conventionalism, 262 gravity, 131 critical realism, 164ff, 170ff hermeneutical situation, 87, 245 criticism, 183 hermeneutics, 174, 201, 21lf, data,204,216,223 237ff Dasein,230 historicity, 145, 237ff definition,S, 113f historiography, 253f

299 L. Hardy and L. Embree (eds.), Phenomenology of Natural Science, 299-301. © 1992 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 300 PHENOMENOLOGY OF NATURAL SCIENCE

history, 203ff, 245, 258 178, 190, 195ff history of science, 237ff, 242 neo-Darwinism, 153 hypotheses, 21 Newton's mechanics, 98 hypothetical-deductive model, 23, Newton's rings, 78 240,247 normal science, 180 incommensurability, 177 objectivity, 125, 255, 259 idealism, 173, 188, 192 observability, 113 idealization, 51, 72, 74, 79, 81, 88, observation sentences, 222f 91 ontology, 119ff, 177ff inertia, 46, 66, 69 paradigms, 178ff intentionality, 123ff, 150, 154 parts and wholes, 138ff interpretation, 194 perception, 12, 42, 178, 189 introspection,39f perceptual world, 50ff intellectualism, 64, 66 performance, 205, 210, 234 judgemen~,3, 7,120,122 phenomenology, 1, 40, 43ff knowledge, 1, 12ff, 125 phlogiston theory, 130 language, 178, 181, 187, 190 photoelectric effect, 84 laws, 2, 18, 25ff, 240 photons, 85 life-world, 47ff, 97, 103f, 175, 195 physical object, 91 logic,120ff physics, 101, 107ff, 130 logical positivis~, 122, 157 pieces and moments, 139 manifolds, 81-92 Plank's constant, 85 mathematical function 75, 179 Platonism, 136,138,262 mathematization, 45ff, 66, 71ff, 88, positivism, 155, 178 96 post-modernism, 200, 208 Maxwell's equations, 98 power teChnology, 46, 60f, 66 meaning, 175, 193, 195 pragmatism, 191 mechanism, 142 prediction, 80, 88, 91 metaphor, 177 principle of relativity, 99ff, 113 metaphysics, 175, 186 progress, 200ff, 260f method,7 quantum physics, 84, 170, 222 Middle Ages, 60 quarks, 132, 169 modernism, 200f, 207ff realism, 157ff, 173ff, 189, 195 motion, 61 reason, 13, 212 narratives, 26, 199, 203ff reductionism, HOf, 142 natural kinds, 135ff relativity vs. relativism, 103 nature, 175, 176, 180-83, 186ff, religion, 212 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 301

Romanticism, 190f, 195 Schwarzschild solutions, 102 science, passim scientific realism, 157ff scientific revolution, 174ff, 182, 229 seeing and looking, 176 self-responsibility, 32 sense data, 42f sensations, 184, 188 social action, 193 social science, 195 soul, 146 space and time, 84, l06ff superstrings, 169 teacher, 211 technology change, 59 textualism, 173ff, 187, 192, 195 texuality, 199 time, 112, 116,203f4212 thematization,230,256 theory of relativity, 89, 96 theory of science, 20 tradition, 49, 203, 207 transcendental epoche, 116 trigonometry, 76 truth, 31, 125, 159ft, 212, 260,262 uncertainty principle, 84, 87 unified field physics, 107 verificationism, 22, 36 Vienna Circle, 122, 222 vitalism, 142 wave-function, 86, wave-phenomena, 78 world, 113, 174, 176ff, 182f, 186f, 193, 202ff, 229 world horizon, 110, 112 Contributions to Phenomenology


Editor: William R. McKenna, Miami University

Editorial Board: David Carr (University of Ottawa), Lester Embree (Duquesne University), Jose Huertas-Jourda (Wilfred Laurier University), Joseph J. Kockelmans (The Pennsyl• vania State University), Algis Mickunas (Ohio University), J. N. Mohanty (Temple University), Thomas M. Seebohm (Johannes Gutenberg-Universitiit, Mainz), Richard M. Zaner (Vanderbilt University).

Publications: 1. F. Kersten: Phenomenological Method. Theory and Practice. 1989 ISBN 0-7923-0094-7 2. E. G. Ballard: Philosophy and the Liberal Arts. 1989 ISBN 0-7923-0241-9 3. H. A. Durfee and D.F.T. Rodier (eds.): Phenomenology and Beyond. The Self and Its Language. 1989 ISBN 0-7923-0511-6 4. J. J. Drummond: Husserlian Intentionality and Non-Foundational Realism. Noema and Object. 1990 ISBN 0-7923-0651-1 5. A. Gurwitsch: Kants Theorie des Verstandes. Herausgegeben von T.M. Seebohm.1990 ISBN 0-7923-0696-1 6. D. JervoIino: The Cog ito and Hermeneutics. The Question of the Subject in Ricoeur. 1990 ISBN 0-7923-0824-7 7. B.P. Dauenhauer: Elements ofResponsible Politics. 1991 ISBN 0-7923-1329-1 8. T.M. Seebohm, D. FjI)llesdal and J.N. Mohanty (eds.): Phenomenology and the Formal Sciences. 1991 ISBN 0-7923-1499-9 9. L. Hardy and L. Embree (eds.): Phenomenology ofNatural Science. 1992 ISBN 0-7923-1541-3

Further infonnation about our publications on Phenomenology is available on request. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Dordrecht / Boston / London