John Langhorn D.D. a. prolific genius, who with his Post Oflice.-Mrs. Rebecca Barker, sub-postmistress. brother t\- illiam translatp.d "Plutarch's Lives;" he was Letters through Kirkby Stephen, , which &1so the author o~ various poetical works, and held is the nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive several livings and a prebendal stall in "Vells Cathedral; at 6.20 a.m. & 3·35 p.m.; dispatched at 2.45 & 6.10 he died 17 .Feb. 1772. Skelcies, about 1~ miles north­ p.m.; no sunday delivery of lettel'li by-west frUtu Kirkby Stephf'n, and the pruperty uf Gerard Elyetson Thompson esq. J.P. of Stobars Hall, is Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1659, Doted for its rich pastures. Beck Foot, a considerable principally through the exertions of the Rey. 'William mansion, one mile distant north-by-west, is the property Morland, ejected by the Parliamentary Commissioners and residence of Williarn Hallam esq. J.P. Col. Henry from the rectory of Greystoke, & endowed in 1681 with Paul Mason D.L., J.P. of Eden Place, Hartley, is a 5 acres of la.nd at Kaber, left by Mr. Robert WaIler, landowner in this parish. 'Vinton is part of the now let for }, 10 10S. yearly, & in 1722 with the seigniory of Bruugh, and Lord Hothfield is consequently interest arising on £110 (now £U9 IIS.), bequeathed the lord of the manor; but several portions of it are by Richard Monkhouse; the school, rebuilt in 1862, & held by inferior lords, among whom may be mentioned now under the control of 5 trustees, will hold 50 the Earl of Lomdale. The area is 4,494 acres of land children; average attendance, 38; Miss Mary Eliza­ and 16 of water; rateable value, £2,966; the popula­ beth J ackson, mistress tion in 1901 was 239. OFFICUL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIOSS &c. Post, M. O. & T. Office, Kirkby Stephen.-~Iiss Eliza- Tufton Hon. Sackville Philip D.L. .Appleby castle, beth Spence, postmistress, Victoria square. Letters, Appleby which should have Westmorland added, arrive at 5.15 Walker Benjamin esq. M.D. The Grotto, Kirkby Stephen & 9.20 a.m. & 3 p.m.; dispatched at 6.30 & 11.15 Watson Jsph. Robinson Esq. Dunedin, Graham st.Penrith a..m. & 1.45, 4, 5,45, 6,45 &; 7.3 0 p.m.; sundays at Whitehead Sir James bart. D.L. Wi~in!5ion manor, 6 p.m. Letters delivered to 'Wharton, , Smar- Dartford, Kent dale, Mallerstang, Hartley, Nateby, Crosby Garrett, Wild James An,;tly esq. hall, Warcop Brough, Winton & SouIby Clerk to the Magistrates, Charles Henry Moordaff, Pillar Letter Box, Town head, cleared at 5.45 & II a.m. Boroughgate, Appleby & 2·50, 5.40 &; 6.40 p.m Probation Officer', William Wilkinson Hallam, Market Wall Letter Box, X. E. station, cleared at 5 & 10.45 square, Kirkby Stephen a.m. & 2.40, 5·30 & 6.30 p.m.; sunday, 5.15 p.m Petty Sessions are held at the Shire hall, Bongate, Wall Letter Box, ~Iarket square, cleared 5.50 & II.5 Appleby, every alternate saturday at 1O.~0 a.m. & at a.m. & 3 &; 6.30 p.m the Police station, Kirkby Stephen, every altf'ruate PETTY monday at 12.15 p.m COGNTY MAGISTK-\.TES FOR EAST WARD The following places are included within the petty ses- SESSIONAL DIVISION. sional division :-Appleby, Asby Coatsforth, _-\sby Kir-kby Stephen Sub-Division. Little, Asby Winderwath, , Bolton, Bongate, Grimshaw Capt. .Tohn D.L. Hutton lodge, , Bralnpton, *Brongh, *Brongh SoweI'by, Bnrrells, Kirkby Stephen, chairman of Appleby bench Burton, Coloy, Coupland Beck, Crackenthorpe, *Crosby Chamley Capt. 'rhomas D.L. Croft house, Warcop, chair­ Garrett, Crosby Ravensworth, Drybeck, Dalton, man of Kirkby .stephen bench *Hartler, Helm, *Hillbeck, Hilton, Hoff &; Row, Abercrombie John esq. Augill castle, Brough, near *Kaber, Keisley, *Kirkby Stephen, Kirkby Thore, Kirkby Stephen Knock, Langt.on, Long Martyn, *Mallerstang, MilbuI'n ltkinson John Anthony esq. The Villa, Crosby Garrett, & Milburn Grange, Murton, *~Iusgrave Great, *Mus- Kirkby Stephen grave Little, *Nateby, Xewbiggin (Temple Sowerby), .Hkinson Williarn esq. Gaisgill, Tebay *.!'\ewbiggin (Ravenstonedale), Ormside, Ravenstone­ Barrett Robert Bell esq. The Castle, Skipton dale, Row & Hoff, Sandford, Scattergate, *Smardale, Bell Andrew esq. South view, Kirkby Stephen *Soulby, *Stainmore, Temple Sowerby, *Waitby. Breeks Richard 'Villiam Major, Helbeck hall, Brough. *Warcop, *'Vharton & *Winton near Kirkby Stephen :Marked thus * are in the Kirkby Stephen District. Chatfield Frpdk. esq. D.L. Garbridge, Bongate, Appleby Crackanthorpe Montague Hug-hes esq. K.C., D.C.L., WESTMORLAND LOCAL PENSIONS COM:\IIT'lEE. D.L. (chairman of quarter sessions), Newbiggin hall, Kirkby Stephen Sub-Committee. The townships in the Sub-Committee's District are;­ Curwen Rev..Uexander John Goldie B.D. The Rectory, Brough, Brough SoweI'by, Crosby Garrett, Ha.rtley, Hilbeck, Kaber, Kirkby Stephen, Mallerstang, Mus­ Kirkbv• Thore, PeIlrith Dent Willi:tm esq. Street house, Bolton, Penrith grave, Nateby, Orton, Ravenstonedale, Soulby, Stain­ Fairer ~atthew Robinson ESq. M.B more, Tebay, ""Vaitby, ''Vharton & Winton Faullmer Rev. Henry Jackson Hardcastle B.A. Even- ~leetings are held at the Board room on mondays, at • wood, Bishop ~\.uckland J2.15 p.lII. once a. month Fother-gill .Tohn William esq. BrowIlber, Newbiggin Chairman, Richard Bovill Thompson D.L., J.P. Stobars Fulton Maj. Wm. Scott, Bank End ho. Bongate,.l.ppleby hall Gibson Robert Wilson esq. M.D. Town Head house, Clerk, John Sayer, 65 High street Orton Tebay Pension Omcer, J n. Dargue Dixon,57 Boroughgate,Applby Gibson Thomas Horatio Esq. M.D. Redenol house, PUBLIC ESL\.BLISH:\IENTS. Kirkby Stephe.n Cemetery, ~'\ ppleby road, Joseph Craston Parkinson,. Goodwin Harvey esq. D.L. Orton hall, Tebay clerk to the joiIlt burial lJoard Graham William esq. D.L. Eden grove, Bolton, Penrith Police Station, High street, a building of stone built in Gregson Xicholas esq. Castle hou~e, Kirkby Stephen 1887, comprising in addition to the cells a court room Hallam William esq. Beekfoot, ""Vinton, Kirkby Stephen & quarters for the sergeant (Cumberland & West­ Jackson William esq. ~o North road, Kirkby Stephen mOl'land Couniy Constabulary); Henry Stephenson, Lowther Hon. William D.L. Lowther lodge, Kensington sergeant, & one Gore, London SW Public Weighing Machine, Market place, J. W. Braitb­ Lyde Bev. Wm. :\ILA. Vicarage, Brough, Kil'kby Stephen waite &; Son, proprietors Mason Col. Henry Paul D.L. Eden place, Hartley, Stamp Office, Post office Kirkby Stephen The Workhou!le for the East Ward Union, at :Xorth Mf'ssenger John esq. The Bank, Boroughgate, .l.ppleby road, is a plain building of stone, available for 172 Metcalfe-Gibson Thomas .'\.tkinson esq. Elm lodge, inmates; the present number of inmates is 49; John Ravenstonedale, Newbiggin William Ratdift'e, master; Mn. Edith RatclifTe, Nanson John esq. The Friary, Bongahe, .Appleby matron; ~hss Holmes, as~istant matron; Thomas Reynoldson John Geo. esq. Broug-h, nr. Kirkby Stephen Horatio Gibson M.D., a.M. medical officer Rivington Charles Robert esq. D.L. Castle bank, Appleby Sanderson William esq. Chapel street, Appleby PUBLIC OFFICERS. Thompson Edmund esq. Long :Marton, Carlisle Assistant Overseer, Clerk to the Parish Council &; Col­ Thompson Gerard Elyerson esq. M.A. Stobars hall, lector of King's taxes, John Sayer, High street Kirkby St-ephen Certifying Factory Surgeon, Hugh Highet L.R.C.P. &; S_ Thompson Richard Bovill esq. D.L. Stobars hall, Kirkby Edin. Mitre house Stephen Coroner for East & West Wards, William HewitH n .. Torbock Joseph esq. Cra.ckentborpe hall, Appleby Market street Tufton ..\lfd. Chas. e~q. B.A., D.L. 43 Palace ct.LondonW Medical OffiDer for Kirkby Stephen District of the Ea"t Tnfton Hon. John Sackville Richard D.L. Hothfinld Ward Union, Thomas Horatio Gibson M.D., C.M. place, .Ashford, Kent Redenol house WESTMORLAND 7