The Golby Echo

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The Golby Echo ,**~~~ " i' M~"~^***^^ ~*~^'' ~^~^wg~^M~™~^w^~^~i~*~*~~ **, ~~M*~i~M~iw~i~***~ ¦ The Golby Echo . _ . " Vol. XXI Waterville, Maine, December 12, 1917 No. 8 SEAVEEN S READING ROOM , i PUBLISHE D WEDN ESDAYS DURING THE COLLEGE YEAR BY THE STUDENTS OF COLBY COLLEGE " _ ¦ . 1 . ¦ - ¦ ."" ¦ 11 1 'I " ' /" liiHi 'l lii. , "" '" ' ' " "' m j COLBY COLLEGE WATERVILLE, MAINE Courses leading to the degrees of A. B. and S. B. For Catalogue, Address A.' J. ROBERTS, President Waterville, Maine Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville,f^Mfeie Coburn offers excellent opportunities to prepare for college or to secure a good generalvtraining. Library, laboratories, athletic field. Instruction is thorough , Expenses .are low. For catalogue address the Principal , DREW Tl HARTHORN. The City J ob Print ::: Printers to Colby College Ever ything in PRINTING AND ENGRAVING that a College Man, Woman or Society needs. Come in and consult with us, no matter how trivial the job. McALARY a- J OSEPH In the Basement, Savings Bank Building Wtttrville, Maine Tel: 207 Booth by & bartlett Co. Dr. Gordon B. Hatfield DENTIST GENERAL INSURANCE Gold Work a Specialty 176 Main Street WATERVILLE, MAINE Saving's Bank Bldg\, 173 Main St., Waterville, Maine Telephone Connection G. H. SIMPSON J. E. LaCHANCE SIMPSON & La CHANCE D. R. C. F. KIDDER CLOTHING AND GENT S' FURNI SHIN G S DENT I ST BOOTS AND SHOE S Telephone 828-J Common Stree f * WtUorvillo, Mo. 60 Main Street Waterville, Maine THE NATION AL SURVEY CO. GEOGRAPHERS MAP MAKERS PUBLISHERS Employersof Colby men during summer vacations for many years. For particulars see Burton E. Small, ' ig. j TOPOGRAPHICAL OFFICES CHfiSTEII , VERMONT IyAWTON V. CROCKER , President HENRY F. CROCKER. Vice President -'- - - .... - . _ - ,- The Onl y Place in W aterville :—— WHERE YOU CAN BUY BETTY WALES DRESSES SERGE Afternoon and Evening Dresses SILK WARD WELL DRY GOO DS CO., 76 Main St., Waterville ~ THE FASHION SHOP I tlin-Ai-iAi-iAi-iAi—i_i^ S. L. PREB LE WIIW»ili>i» »mnm »»»'i»»»'»" »» " '" '»»«""" »' Coats, Suits, Millinery * 68 Main St., Waterville, Me. Corsets, Gloves, Waists and Furs ::::::::». .M.. ^ . ..»,.».M» . »..m..n M V Vy V ^ ^ College ....THE NEW STORE... Photo grapher ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - rr-rrr =^ !=r-r: - ' , — - ' . - j: f % t 4 J 4? I fr-^^^S\ if I y y' Jh ^ • \ \ $C\ JP»T Worthy Workmanship /a\T With two thousand of the most ff \ x A skilled tailors in the clothes // Ik iJ \ industry, [sflk I 4 Ed. V thePrice fiR Co. € produce finest tailored %^Y^ 1* *| -to - lllsl W 1 order clothes on earth for the US \ nVii J) money. Well satisfy your every clothes requirement. 1 V™« i \ \ i fJrMm Prices reasonable ERVIN'S Local Dealer of Ed. V. Price 6P Co. Merchant Tailors, Chicago BOWLING SEASON OPENS. WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN SPEAKS TO COLBY STUDENTS. Zeta Psi and A. T. O. bowled the first match of the Inter-fraternity Bowling League, Tuesday after- Honorable William J. Bryan gave an address to noon, at the Casino alleys. Although the individual the students of Colby, in the college chapel, last scores were not large, undoubtedly due to the use Saturday morning. Merely passing through the city of new pins as well as to lack of practice, yet com- on his way to Bangor, Mr. Bryan consented to petition was keen and an enthusiastic crowd of utilize his time between trains, in this way, thus rooters was present. giving us an opportunity to hear one of the fore- The fraternities on the campus are the only ones most orators of the day. The room was crowded to be represented this year, since Delta Kappa Epsi- with an audience made up of the faculty, students lon and Phi Delta Theta hare decided not to com- of both divisions, and many citizens of Waterville. pete for the championship cup offered by the man- In beginning his speech, Mr. Bryan said that the agement of the Casino alleys. university is a good place for finishing one's educa- The teams will be for the most part made up of tion ; but that he believed the smaller Christian col- new men, Alpha Tau Omega being the only fra- lege to have greater advantages for the undergrad- ternity that has not suffered the loss of its last year's uate, because of the closer contact between students men. and teachers. He then discoursed for some time on The second match will be held this afternoon* the subject of public speaking, suggesting that, in between the Commons Club and Delta Upsilon. The our day of the subsidized newspaper, the public closeness of yesterday's match can be seen from the speaker is more needed than ever before. score which follows: In closing, he spoke for a few minutes on " The Alpha Tau Omega, 3. Purpose of Life; " and among other gems of thought McCracken 71 73 91— 235 he said : " It takes a great many books to train the Umphrey 83 77 93— 25S mind, but only one to train the heart. Three ideals Tyler . '. 76 83 92— 251 should disappear from the hearts of all of us,—the Pottle 84 84 71— 239 ideal of wealth, the ideal of social distinction, and, Bresett 77 88 97— 252 lastly, the ideal of fame in the way of merely secur- ing a high position. The highest of all rewards is 391 405 444—1230 the consciousness of having made the world better Zeta Psi, 1. for having lived in it." Perry 84 84 85— 258 Marshall 76 79 91— 246 Taylor 79 78 90— 247 DRAMATIC i CLUB AT HARMONY . Stone 67 89 80— 236 Castelli 83 90 68— 241 The dramatic club made its first appearance of the season at Harmony, December 5, presenting 889 420 414—1227 the three-act farce-comedy, u Ferguson of Troy." The cast included the following: Drummond, MILITARY COMPANY INDOORS. Miranda, Black, Cronin, Esters, Greene, Hanson, President Boardman, and Manager Parker. While Because of the heavy f all of snow, the company in town the men were guests of Mr, C. L. Whittier, has started its course in theoretical training, the who, with true Maine hospitality, threw open his* two platoons alternating in the use of the gymna- house to them. sium. The squad assignment has been completed Stanley Black, the gentleman, was a " star," aa and the following men have been appointed tempo- one young lady there was heard to remark. Jerry, rary squad leaders : Baldwin, Hois, Pratt, Drum- the crazy man, was taken for a professional and mond, Jacobs, Marden, Berry, Taylor, Burleigh, after the performance as well as during it was Merrill, The results obtained in class-room work always on hand with his airship. Boardman, with will determine the appointments, which will be his usual complaisance, took the part of the old lady; announced immediately after Christmas vacation, and the other feminine parts were all well taken * Miranda, especially, caused a fit of laughter at every Germany is learning that a place in the sun is appearance, When you next see any member of <inite a different thing from all the sun in the place. the cast, be sure to ask about the " no soap " joke. 0 SOME FACTS ABOUT WAR INSURANCE. DELTA UPSILON BANQUET. Any man or woman of any age in the active mili- The fifty-second annual initiation banquet of the tary or naval service of the United States can obtain Colby chapter of Delta Upsilon was held at the Elm- Government insurance. It has been ruled that mem- wood last Saturday evening. A large number of bers of Officers' Training Camps are under the act members and alumni were present, and a military and can obtain insurance. The cost for each thou- touch was given to the affair by the presence of sand dollars of insurance is from sixty-five cents a several of the enlisted men. Boatswain Robert P. month to persons at the age of twenty-one to one Lord , '20, was initiated at this time, this being the dollar and twenty cents a month to those of the age first war initiation. After the banquet the toast- of fif ty-one. master, Merle Hunt, '15, introduced the following The beneficiaries are limited to wife, husband, speakers : Charles N. Perkins, '93, who spoke for child, grandchild, brother or sister, stepbrother or the older alumni ; Reginald H. Sturtevant, '20, who stepsister, adopted brother or adopted sister of the spoke for the boys in the service; C. L. Batchelder, insured, as well at. parent, grandparent, or step- Bowdoin, '18 , representing the Bowdoin chapter of parent either of the insured or of his or her consort. Delta Upsilon ; A. B. Lorimer, '88, who gave the The insurance is not compulsory, but the cost is " Principia ; " and Phil T. Somerville, '21, who rep- low and the protection great, and not only axe all resented the neophytes. Following these there were persons eligible afforded every opportunity to obtain impromptu speeches, cheering, and singing of fra- this insurance without trouble or extra expense but ternity songs. they are specially urged to do so. The enlisted men who were present were: Boat- General Pershing and thousands of other officers swain Robert F. Lord, '20, Quartermaster Reginald and tens of thousands of soldiers have already taken H. Sturtevant, '20, Seaman Wilbur N. Baxter, '20, out insurance. Up to date policies of insurance and Lieutenant Harold Hersom, Bowdoin. The have been issued aggregating $1,032,938,000. initiates were: 1920, Robert F. Lord, William P. Hancock; 1921, Ernest A. Adams, Ralph C. Bradley, Chauncey L. Brown, Arthur J. Colder, Harold Good, BOWLING LEAGUE SCHEDULE. Arthur H. Hebert, Willard A.
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