CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E409 HONORING GENES THOMPSON support the gave to French sol- District. In honor of this important event, I am diers in the defense of their country during proclaiming March 12, 1999, as Latina History HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS World War I.'' Day. OF Chancy Wheeler distinguished himself in the The Symposium serves to address a variety IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES struggle to ``make the world safe for democ- of issues important to Latinas of all ages. I am racy'' and served his country with honor. All of pleased that Latinas benefit from the work- Thursday, March 11, 1999 us in the Second Congressional District are shops on health, business opportunities, and Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I want to recog- grateful for his service and commend him on cultural identity. This Symposium also includes nize the unique community service of Genes his recognition by the French Government. I Teen Track, which focuses on providing young Thompson. wish him health and happiness in the years to Latinas with workshops on leadership and on Genes, a native of Greenville, North Caro- come. establishing a path to success. lina, has lived in the East New York commu- f Since its founding in 1989, the HOPE Edu- nity for the past 20 years with her husband, cation and Leadership Fund has remained Dwight and their son, Anthony. As an East TRIBUTE TO WILLIAM ’’SONNY’’ dedicated to improving the educational, politi- New York resident, she has devoted a great RESSEL cal and economic status of Latinas. HOPE has deal of her time to helping the community to anchored itself by the principle that knowledge be a better place in which to live. For exam- HON. ANTHONY D. WEINER of the political process coupled with active ple, Genes has been a member of the 76th OF NEW YORK participation will guarantee a more representa- Precinct Community Council since 1980 where IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tive, democratic government. her efforts and devotion has been instrumental The proclamation of Latina History Day dur- Thursday, March 11, 1999 in uplifting her community. ing ``Women's History Month'' memorializes The Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Center Mr. WEINER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the important role Latinas play in American so- has employed Genes for the last 25 years as invite my colleagues to pay tribute to the ciety. Latinas are breaking glass ceilings and its Chief Switchboard Operator. She is also a memory of William (Sonny) Ressel. pioneering into areas our mothers never imag- shop delegate for Local 1199, 144 division for Sonny Ressel was neither a politician nor ined. Latinas own businesses, are executives the past 19 years. In addition to these daily re- someone who took on the responsibility of in our country's largest corporations, are being sponsibilities, she is an active member of Lib- helping others because of some ulterior mo- elected to public office and appointed to pow- erty Baptist Church where she serves on the tive. Despite working long hours, Sonny erful positions. We recognize the work and Pastor's Aid Committee as well as working Ressel always found time for his family and sacrifices of our mothers and grandmothers, with staff of Thomas Jefferson High school. the community that he loved. celebrate contemporary Latinas, and are build- Genes' civic activism includes membership in Before his untimely death on February 8th, ing the foundation for future generations. the Milford Street Block Association and work Sonny Ressel served as the Co-President of I commend the HOPE Education and Lead- as a volunteer with the political campaigns of the New Kensington Neighborhood Associa- ership Fund for their commitment to Latinas, Senator CHARLES SCHUMER and New York tion where he strove to improve his neighbor's and in their honor, proclaim March 12, 1999, State Comptroller Carl McCall. quality of life. as Latina History Day. I commend the achievements of Genes Sonny Ressel was a man of action who f Thompson, a true community activist, to the dedicated his life to helping others regardless attention of my colleagues. of who they were. Through his efforts, broken TRIBUTE TO KARNEY HODGE f streets and traffic lights in Kensington were quickly repaired. In response to a growth in HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH HONORING MR. CHANCY WHEELER the number of hearing impaired residents in OF CALIFORNIA OF WEST UNION, OH the community, Sonny secured the installation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of ``Deaf People Crossing'' signs alerting mo- Thursday, March 11, 1999 HON. ROB PORTMAN torists that some pedestrians would be unable OF OHIO to hear their horns. Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES With his loving wife Ricki, Sonny Ressel today to pay tribute to Karney Hodge for his helped the old and the infirm of our commu- many years of service to the community. Mr. Thursday, March 11, 1999 nity. They did this by making people laugh and Hodge has been a dedicated public servant Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to reminding them that they were not forgotten. and successful businessman. pay special tribute to a distinguished resident Friends and admirers have likened Sonny Karney is an investment banker and vice of West Union. OH, in the Second Congres- Ressel to an angel who was put on earth to president of Salomon Smith Barney and has sional District, Mr. Chancy Wheeler. Mr. help others and to spread happiness. I can spent his life in service to the community, ini- Wheeler will turn 100 years old on June 5, think of no better tribute for a man who always tially as a volunteer. Hodge most recently and he is being honored by the Government rose to the challenge of helping meet the worked as a financier of projects aimed at im- of France for his military service in the First needs of others. proving the facilities that Fresno is able to World War. Sonny Ressel was an innovator and beacon offer to its residents. Mr. Wheeler was born in 1899 in Mount Oli- of good will to all those he came into contact Hodge was an avid baseball player in his vet, KY. He volunteered for the Kentucky Na- with. On behalf of myself and my constituents, college days at California State University, tional Guard, and then transferred into the I would like to extend my condolences to the Fresno. He seriously considered playing pro- United States Army in 1917. As a member of Ressel family on Sonny's untimely passing fessionally, but he eventually left college to the First Infantry Division, 28th Regiment, First and to thank them for allowing us to share in become a partner in the family clothing store, Machine Gun Brigade, he served in 1918 in the bright light that was his life. Hodge and Sons. He still played baseball and the Aisne-Marne offensive, the St. Michiel of- f got his first taste of public service from an avid fensive, and the Meuse-Argonne offensive. He fan. In the 1960's Mayor Selland of Fresno, was wounded twice in battle. For his actions, TRIBUTE TO HOPE EDUCATION appointed Hodge to the planning commission, he received the Silver Star medal on July 21, AND LEADERSHIP FUND sparking Karney's interest in public service. 1918. He also received a 75th Anniversary In 1982 Governor George Deukmejian was Commemorative Medal for World War I veter- HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD looking to involve members of the private sec- ans from the U.S. Army. OF CALIFORNIA tor in agencies like Retail Development and Mr. Wheeler will receive the French Legion IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Planning. State Senator Ken Maddy surmised of Honor in a ceremony organized by VFW that Hodge's background in retail and long his- Post 3400 in West Union, OH, on March 12. Thursday, March 11, 1999 tory of community service made him a perfect In his letter conveying the Legion of Honor to Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, on candidate for such a position. In 1983 Hodge Mr. Wheeler, French Ambassador Bujon de March 12, 1999, Hispanas Organized for Polit- and his wife Marilyn relocated to Sacramento l'Estang wrote: ``The Legion of Honor is con- ical Equality (HOPE) Education and Leader- and he embarked on his second career, Exec- ferred on you by the French government as a ship Fund's Eighth Annual Symposium, enti- utive Director of the California Housing Fi- sign of the high esteem my country has for tled ``A Proud Past . . . A Powerful Tomor- nance Agency. Karney built a structure for the you who personally contributed to the decisive row,'' will take place in the 33rd Congressional young agency by bringing in the best people. E410 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 11, 1999 Under his leadership the agency became a lican budget proposal moves the country dra- If we are to salvage the Republican major- major provider of housing to residents of Cali- matically in the direction proposed by Mr. Ben- ity in both legislative bodies, we need a fornia and is considered one of the highlights ton. group of firebrands to step up and be count- Moreover, Mr. Benton's sentiments are rep- ed—and we need it now! Our history and our of Governor Deukmejian's term. Today Hodge soul is conservative principles. Being ‘‘nice is a vice president at Salomon Smith Barney. resentative of a great many Americans con- guys’’ is stupid and dangerous. I don’t mean Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to cerned about the country's future. As such, I we shouldn’t have compassion for any who Karney Hodge on his remarkable service to hereby commend the remarks of Mr. Benton need a helping hand. But there are a mul- the community. Mr. Hodge has served well in to the House and urge my colleagues to con- titude of ways to help people than through both the public and private sector. I urge my sider these observations as we proceed in ac- government intervention and the sooner the complishing the nation's business in Con- ‘‘moderates’’ realize this fact, the better off colleagues to join me in thanking Karney all of our citizens will be. Hodge for a job well done and wishing him gress. Both parties have been corrupted by fore- many years of continued success. WILLIAM (BILL) M. BENTON, going their ideals. The Democrats have been f Fort Collins, CO, February 24, 1999. taken over by the liberal faction of their Hon. BOB SCHAFFER, party. My parents were rock ribbed anti- HONORING EMILIA CONOLLY Fourth Congressional District of Colorado, Roosevelt (both Franklin and Eleanor). They DEAR BOB: This problem of Republican were Democrats who recognized the dan- leadership in both the house and the senate gerous path that was starting to be followed HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS has been weighing heavily on my mind since by the New Deal Democrats. Government OF NEW YORK we lost so much ground in the last national run pension a.k.a. Social Security that only IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES election. made our oldsters dependent on the Federal After a lot of thought, and praying about it octopus and our young workers drawn into Thursday, March 11, 1999 too, reading Cal Thomas, Thomas Sowell, one of the biggest Ponzi schemes of all time. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor Tony Snow and listening to Rush Limbaugh And I remember my father saying that was (as well as other ‘‘conservative’’ talking only the tip of the governmental inter- the work of Emilia Conolly, a committed health heads), studying what conservative leading professional in the borough of . ference iceberg. In the twenties, my Dad was magazines and newspapers (damn few, but elected by the Trainmen’s Union to be one of Emilia is a native of Honduras who immi- available) have to say on this subject, I the board members of the Railroad Retire- grated to the United States over 20 years ago. think I’ve boiled this very complicated knot ment Fund. I remember full well how he She was educated in the New York City public down to—we’ve lost our soul in the party and mustered the members of that board to re- schools, including Ft. Hamilton High School, we are running scared because of it. sist the take over of their pension plan by where she received her high school diploma. Despite almost sixty years of a mass media the Social Security board. His faction won trying to convince the general populace that and that fund is one of the strongest pension Emilia began her nursing career as a student we ought to be ‘‘a kinder, gentler’’ nation as in Interfaith Medical Center's School of Nurs- plans in the world today. It is independently a whole and feeding them huge amounts of run on a solid actuarial basis and it hasn’t ing where she made the Dean's List, received liberal philosophy, we still, by and large, are loaned one damn dime to the Federal Gov- three honorary awards and ultimately grad- a culture deeply rooted in conservative prin- ernment to hide deficit spending! uated as a registered nurse. ciples. I.E, less government, minimum gov- Springboarding from that background, I As part of her professional growth and de- ernmental intrusion in our private affairs, switched from being a Democrat to a Repub- velopment, she joined the nursing department minimum government ‘‘hand-outs’’ (let the lican at about age twenty-five because I was churches handle the welfare needs), low tax- very uncomfortable with the direction of the at Brookdale University Medical Center. Pres- ing policies, States rights rather than Fed- ently, she specializes in nursing care of criti- Democratic Party. Just about as uncomfort- eral control, etc. etc. In other words, the able as I am today, at age sixty-seven, with cally ill newborns (the Neonatal Intensive Care backbone of what made The United States of the Republican Party’s inclination to forego Unit). In addition, Emilia serves as a nurse America a unique entity among all the gov- conservatism in favor of ‘‘getting along.’’ preceptor for new graduate nurses. She ernments of the world past and present. Now that I’m getting close to the end of strives to maintain and to develop her clinical In eight short years, Ronald Reagan’s ad- my life, I guess I shouldn’t be so passionate expertise by teaching neonatal resuscitation ministration started to get the Republican about these things. However, I have children party, with its ‘‘rock ribbed’’ conservative classes to both doctors and nurses. and grandchildren who deserve better from tack, back on the path that the majority of the Republican leadership than simply roll- Emilia is an active member of Interfaith's our peoples felt ‘‘worked’’ and were com- ing over and playing footsie with the Lib- Nurses Alumnae Association. As a member of fortable with. My feeling is the voters didn’t erals. the Mid-Brooklyn Civic Association, she helps give him a Republican majority to work with Now, Bob, I’m not about to go down shout- to organize and to participate in voter registra- is because the Republican leadership in both ing at the wind without offering a plan of ac- tion, fundraising and the selection of can- houses simply failed to lead! Robert Dole and tion. This is something I proposed in 1965, on didates for outstanding community service. his cohorts were on that appeasement road the editorial pages of the now-defunct Colo- even then. She has also been recognized for her strong rado Springs Free Press newspaper, and I But he had a Judas Goat within the folds of think it is viable today as a conservative negotiating abilities on behalf of nursing con- the administration by the name of George cause. Permanently ‘‘fix’’ the Old Age Re- tracts within the bargaining unit of Local 1199. ‘‘read my lips’’ Bush. Most of us didn’t recog- tirement System by taking it out of the Emilia is married to James Conolly and they nize this at the time and probably a lot of hands of the Feds per se. Much like the Rail- are the proud parents of two daughters, Taryn the leadership of our party will, even now, road Retirement plan, I fashioned and envi- and Thalia. deny this fact. But former president Bush’s sion a system that sets up a government As stated on one of her awards, Emilia has capitulation to appeasement with the Demo- sponsored board to make annual rec- cratic Majority was the beginning of the end demonstrated ``compassion, empathy and per- ommendations as to what financial institu- of the conservative movement in the country tions would be approved for investments. sonal interests'' in striving to make a dif- as it should be practiced! (Gospel according Coupled with this would be the requirement ference in the lives of others. Mr. Speaker, to Benton?) by each wage earner that they choose one of please join me in presenting the achievements The rhetoric that came out of the Feb- these financial houses and their payroll de- of Emilia Conolly to my colleagues. ruary 23rd meeting between the senate lead- ductions go to one of the approved money f ership and President Clinton turned my warehouses. In addition, they would be re- stomach! These guys are from the Neville quired to furnish a certificate of deposit to TRIBUTE TO BILL BENTON Chamberlain school! We know well that be reported annually with their IRS filing. ‘‘sleeping with the enemy’’ only gets you This way they controlled, to a certain ex- beat up and bloodied. tent, their own retirement fund but mon- HON. BOB SCHAFFER After forty plus years of ever-increasing itored by this governing board’s staff. There OF COLORADO Democratic liberalism, Republicans don’t would have to be provisions for disablement IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES know how to win! The House is better than problems, but this could be tied down very the Senate and because of the House’s ‘‘Con- stringently through the proper legislation. Thursday, March 11, 1999 tract With America,’’ that the Senate This way such a fund would be actuarially Mr. SCHAFFER. Mr. Speaker, among the promptly botched, it showed Republicans can sound, private enterprise would be fostered, most thoughtful constituents in the Colorado win if the conservative message is packaged and the sorry savings rate of our citizens correctly. The loss we suffered in November district I represent in Congress is Mr. Bill Ben- would be greatly improved. Plus, there would can be laid directly at the Republican Sen- be all manners of funds available to help ton of Fort Collins. ator’s doorstep. Unfortunately, because we businesses grow, mortgages funded, etc. If He recently composed a letter to me regard- blew it, the Coach got fired (or plain tired) done right, the Federal Government couldn’t ing the agenda of the House of Representa- and our fire left the field of fight. Put that lay their grimy mitts on a single dime—not tives. I'm grateful, Mr. Speaker, the Repub- House loss in the Senate’s column too. even in the form of taxation!