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The Greeter Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida


Greeter: A guide: where to go, what to see, Orlando's Civic Weekly, Vol. 4, No. 14, week ending April 8

Hotel Greeters of Florida

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STARS Citation Hotel Greeters of Florida, "Greeter: A guide: where to go, what to see, Orlando's Civic Weekly, Vol. 4, No. 14, week ending April 8" (1933). The Greeter. 12. Civi<; Weekly Week Ending April 8, 19H-

WHAT'S WHAT-A GUIDE-WHERE TO Go-·wHAT TO SEE THE GREETER fishing A GU I DE WHERE TO GO ••• WHAT TO SEE BY WHATS WHAT-DAY BY DAY HARRY E. FITZGERALD Celebrated Sports Writer CIVIC WEEKLY OFFICI AL PUBLICATION A Weekly Feature of the CENTRAL FLORIDA CHAPTER CHARTER 19 GREETER HOTEL GREETERS OF AMERICA ORLANDO APARTMENT HOUSE OWNERS Some say Edgar Poe :filched The Raven SOCIETY Pike, And Bill Shakespeare swiped Hamlet HOTEL Bacorn; Even Kipling at times· lifted some of rhymes, Or plagiarised old songs in their making. H urrah for all pirates! Vive le cros bones skull, I swiped this column-I hope it's not dull. The largest planting by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries according to report, last year, was of loch !even trout, 23,143 ,000 in fi h and egg.

A . P . PHILLIPS, JR. , EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Alabama is the only state without any black DON EMERY, DAYTONA BEACH , ADVERTISI NG ba s protection whatever. Sale is there permitt, ALVAH WEATH ERS. CIRCULATION ed wit hout any restrictions at any time. DOT BEBE, SPECIAL HARRY FITZGERALD, FISHI NNew York, Thursday, C . of C. Bldg., 8 P . M . A

~ ith the approach of Spring and Summer All hail to Evans Crump whose smiling coun, t•ur thought not only go to things of love but tPnance again grace the avenue. Although to protect our loved ones and with these E~ans is not busying himself with his jewelry th oughts go the condition_ of ou~ roof. F. C. bu iness located at 33 S. Orange Ave., he is re, Georg :: Bu;lding Co., specializes m roofing and cuperating by exchanging yarns with his many rep air and building in O rlando for nearly a friends throughout the city. au ar,er of a century calls your attention that re w is the time not only to think but to act ow let' think. It has been almost too long regardi ng the roof over your head. _Telephone to rememb~r. We have reference to when rither '7'781 or 4040. Mr. George will be hap, P P.t ~· T he Tailor, Inc., started advertising in tb.e py to call seeking your requirements. There nfficial civic weekly of the city. Pete like O od are many new innovations in the roofi_ng bus, Irorsides, has withstood many a battle and still in e an d they will be happy to explain these is the leader in this field. We are proud to late st development . h;,vP carried the adverti ing of Pete for the greater part of seven years. HELEN PURDUE mart Sports Wear. Maker and Designer o f Hats Another advertiser of long standing has been 342 E. Park Ave. • Winter Park Tim Bat-rett fo Poinsettia Ice Cream Co. In, WHISTLING KETTLE ~identally he is one of the hardest men in Or, The place to dine- Catering lando to catch, reaching his office as early as 365 Lyman Ave., W inter Park. ix or even in the morning he completes his THE RIALTO GIFT SHOP day by 8 or 8 :30 and is off for less or more Decorative Accessories for wedding and bridge erious du ties. There is only one remark to Gift. m-. 1.e in regard to Jim' regularity and that i 322 E. Park Ave. W inter Park. "What a man!" llhoe repairing RTI 'S SHU-FIXERY Underwood T ypewriters. We Fix 'em while you wait Adding Machines 211 S. Orange Ave. childrens wear GEO. L. STUART CO. PETER AND JA E Office Equipment and Systems 1.7 W. Washington Street Sales Service and Sup plies m.irt Clothes for Children Phone 5877 15 So. M ain t. The GREETER Recommends


Automotive Electric Service AL HUPPEL Keys Made to Order Speedometer Repairing- Battery Service 325-333 West Central Ave.- Phone 3724

SUPER SERVICE STA TION Brake Relining-Batteries SANDERSON & DIGGES CC Goodyear Tires and Tubes North Orange at Robinson- Phone 4823

Federal Tires Phone 3111 WILLARD BATTERIES DIXIE KUHR SERVICE, INC. Free Road Service South Orange at Jackson Street

RICHARDS AUTO TOP SHOP TOPS 539 W. Central- Phone 3632

Hupmobile-Chrysler-Plymouth J. C. MULLIGAN MOTOR CO. 42 orth Garland SALES AND SERVICE Phone 7031 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CHURCH MAYE R and ARCAD E MAI the place to BUILDING TRADE in case you did'nt know DIRECTORY

Mr. and Mrs. Charles GROUND FLOOR Mayer have been one Andre's Beauty Salon of the most enthusiastic eems to- have solved the most intricate of feminine Auto Lic::: n ::e Bureau- W. K. Price, pectators at the programs Andres Beauty Salon afforded by the Greater problems in offering spec, East Side Barber Shop-L. E. Yates Orlando Movement. Both ial inducements for regular M D. Bailey,· Jr.- l nvestments Mr. and Mrs. Mayer are beauty treatments. And Chas. Mayer-Mayer Realty Co. extensive travelers and it i regularity that counts. So we suggest · that you Henry Mayer- Bldg. Supt. their high praise of the encourage your wife and · Vernon McKelvey-Real Estate excellent music program Orlando Typesetting Co.- J. M. Albee i indeed a compliment daughter to invest in beauty. We know of no, ..... hopping G uid Weekly Ad Paper not only to the city but to The Spectator-Weekly ewspaper.... Dr. ice of the Orlando thing else that pays larger dividends. Frank Gordon-Fernery College of Mu ic whose Veterans Foreign Wars-John ingeniousnes made possi, ble thi tupendou pro, gram given. A numb::: r of weeks ago OFFICES we stated that Walter Hall "All' quite on the had been made a Colonel Jose Arcntz- Arti t W e tern Front', that is of the State of Kentucky. Barter-Trade-Exchange on the we tern office We challenged Colonel Lyman Becker-Attorney occupied by M. D .. Bailey, Hall to prove his position The Gre~ter-Civic Weekly Jr. Evidently the fruit by concocting the world W alter H all-Attorney "moratorium" i till in fam!>us Mint Julep. A 0 : k ndo l,,etter Shop effect. How about it M . yet th5 challenge eoes S . J. Stiggins-Attorney D . ? u heeded. A . P. Phillips Co.-Adverti ing

For information phone Greeter, 4040, or Chamber of Commerce, 611 CONCERT-ORLANDO BOYS BAND-EOLA PARK SU DA 2:30 P. M. EDGAR A. BALL, Conductor WOODROW BROKAW, As i tant 1 a. MARCH-FLAG OF VICTORY ------··· ------· ---·----···· ·· ···------·· ------··· V- BLO b. PATROL- FOU,SO,KA -- -·········-··--·········------· ·-···· ····-·· ············-····· ··· ···MOSES,TOBA I GRA D SACRED FA TASIA- LOVE A D LOYALTY ···· ···-·····--······-·--·--BAR ARD 3. COR ET DUET- TWO LITTLE BULLFI CH ES --········------···· ··-·----·----·· ·------·- ·KLI G John Carc,w John Tubbs

4. CO CERT WALTZ- LES PATl EURS ··------·- ··· ··--·-- -- -·· ···- -- --··-- ·····------W A LDTEUFEL I TERMISSIO -BALLET MUSIC A D SOLDIERS CHORUS FROM "WILLIAM TELL".·-·-·· ·ROSSINI 6. ELECTIO -PRI CE OF PILSE ····--·-----··-···· ·------···-··--·------··· -··------·-·· ·· ······LUDERS COR ET SOLO- QCAR':'TITTE FR OM RIGOLETTO ·-·-······· ·· ··-·-·-·············-··· .VERDI Edgar A. Ball OVERTURE- PA ORAMA -·--········· ·· -·-··············--····························-········· BAR HOUSE STAR SPA GLED BA ER

····G Y ··LOM······································•BARDO AT THE c o :.,1sE0M · The DeMolay Dance Monday night, April 3d THE SHOP ALL at the Coliseum featuring Guy Lombardo and Hi Royal Canadians is going to be the largest WOME KNOW dance event of the season. Com plete arrangement have been made to ha, e the Orchestra near to the dancers, and FRANCES I SLATER aud ible all over the large hall. This famous re, cordin g and broadcasting orchestra will hav,e Gowns W raps Sport Clothes a new and more efficient setting than has been previou sly used at the Coliseum. Make yo ur plans to attend thi out tanding SAN J UAN H OTEL BLDG. eve r.~ of the dance eason . Guy Lombardo and Phone 7954 His Royal Canadians. which is one of the most po µular and renowned orchestras in the country, will play fro m 10 until 2. T his in an occasion y.... u can...... not m...... iss ...... , ORLANDO'S LEADING ~ ORLANDO STEAM BOARDING HOUSE SINCE 1897 ► LAUNDRY I


DYERS and . SPECIAL WEEKLY. and MONTHLY RATES-HIGH QUALITY­ CLEANERS I LOW PRICE Phone :n76 229 South Mai..-i Street Phone 4570 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ■ ORLANDO! : ■ FORWARD ■

•: O rlando's FIRST NATIONAL BANK •: • Home Town AND TRUST COMPANY • : ...... B A K OF ORLANDO . : if you must leave· orlando where to eat RAILROADS Please Mention The Greeter to O ur ATLA TIC COAST LI E - Pa en er Depot. Sleigh Boulevard. City ticket office. 43 Ea t Pine St. Arrive (f,\'oing orth) Arrive (going South; ORLANDO I :45 A. M. 2:55 . M. O overleaf Milk Depot , I :JO P. M. I :25 P. M. Corner Central and Court. AIR-MU ICIPAL AIRPORT Don George's Orlando- orth, 11 :40 A. M. Autrey Arcade-122 Orange Ave.- Phone Orlando-South, I :55 P. M. Ouck Inn Restaurant 3fi9 Orange Ave.- Phone 3.3:rn MILES FROM PerrydeJ.I 22 East Vore-Phone 54111 ORLANDO? ~ha!key's R ~st~mran! 51 . Orange Ave.- Phone 400-t

Apopka ____ 18 Lakeland ____ di! Th "'! La·ch String Arcadia _____118 Lee burg ____ 45 Magnolia at Colonia l- Phone 8751 Auburndale ___ 53 Madi on ____ 221 Avon Park ___ 85 farianna ____350 The Melrose Boarding House Bradenton ___143 ___ 74 229 outh Main trcct- Phone 4570 Brooksville ___ 72 Miami ----~45 Bunnell ____ 86 Mt. Dora ____ 27 Wyoming Hotel Clearwater ___ uo Moore Haven __163 Corner Amelia and Magno!ia- Ph:;ne 5126 Clermont ____ 27 ew Smyrna __ 62 Cocoa -~--- 52 Ocala _____ 82 Crescent City __ 74 Ocoee _____ 9 Dade City ___ 68 Okeechobee ___150 Daytona Beach __ 65 Ormond Beach __ 72 DATSON DeLand ____ 41 Palm Beach __180 Eau Gallie ___ 70 Palatka ____ !19 DAIRIES Eustis _____ 32 Pen. acola ___ _41B 0 Fro tproof ___ 74 .Plant City ___ 79 Ft. Lauderdale _ 222 Punta Gorda __145 GRADt'A PASTlURllfD Ft. Meade ___ 77 Sanford ____ 22 Ft. Myers ___170 Sara ota ____ 15 :'i Ft. Pierce ___1211 ebring _____ 0~ Milk~ Health/ Gainesville ___120 t. Augu tine __1211 PHONE Green Cove _ __12-' St. Cloud ____ 26 .6342 Pll b~~~E; Groveland _ ___ 34 Silver Springs __ !!8 Haines City __ 41 Stuart _____ I-&3 Hollywood ___230 Tallahas e ___2511 WHE Hleh Spring __141 Tampa ----~oo I JACKSONVILLE Indian River City _ :111 Tavare ____ 32 J acksonvllle __154 St. Petersburg __11 8 Visit the Key We t ___,20 Titusvllle ____ 42 Kissimmee ___ J Vero Beach ·-·-·--10:1 Lake Annie ___120 We. t Palm Beach...180 Thomas Jefferson Restaurant Lake City ___167 Winter Haven __ 52 214-2] 6 W. Adams St. Lake Wales __ 58 Winter Garden __ 1 l Lake Worth __1811 Winter Park __ 4 Featuring a CITY BUS S HEDULE 25- 35- 50 C ent Luncheon 11 A. M. to 3 P. M. To Winter Pnrk- Halt hour . ervice leaving Orange a11d Central on the hour and half hour. Return• ing from Winter Park depot ten minute before Eve ning Meal 50 Cenh and 20 minute;;; after each hour. Park Lake, Drubsdread Rn11 te- f .eaving Orange anrl GEO. A. LIGHT Central to Park Lake on the hour: to Duhsrlreml half past f'ach hour. Hnlf hour service 6 :!10 a . m. Manag-er ht QR . Ill nnrl 4 ::JO p Ill . to 7:00 " · m . Ch1>rnkee-So11t h Cit11 Limits Rottte- Ilourly service lendmr Ornnire ancl Central 20 minutes befor~ """'1 ho11r . low tides on daytona beach .4 . " · L Depot-South Pnrrnmnre Rnute-Hourly erv­ lce leavinfl' Central ar11I Ornn1?e 011th. JO minutefl Week Ending April 8, 1933 p11st e11c-h honr. April 2 For further information call Orlanrlo TrRn. it Co .. 6:28 April 5 ---·-······· 9:_.J Phone 3883. April 3 7:46 April 6 ·--·--······ 10:1 7 April 4 8:27 April 7 ------······ ll:06 April 8 -···········l l:5'3 Gn Direct to YOUR PROSPECT Phone 4040 FOR the thousands of people who come to Or­ ORLANDO lando and Winter Park either as vacationists or prospective residents, as well ;::s for our year­ LE.TTER CO. round citizens this magazine is published. Florida's Lar!!e t nirect The mission of "The Greeter" is to acquaint l\fn ii Onrani111 tlon the visitor and the busy O rlandian with what ew Location is happening in Central Florida-"Where to go 224 Church & Main Bldg. -what to see--how to get there--and when."--

The GREET ER Leads in Class Circulation and Reader Interest churches WINTER PARK NEWS-ROLLINS NOTES fu-st Methodist Church Dr. William S. Beard , who has been at Rol­ So. fain at Jackson St.-Dr. M. H. Norton ~in for the_ pa t few months helping Dr. Holt Broadway Methodist Church rn a fina1:c1al program, will be the peaker at Broadway al Amelia Ave.-C. H. Cummera the Morning M editation service in the Knowle first Baptist Church M~mori~l Chapel at Rollin , Sunday, April 2. 5outb Main at Pine St.-Dr. J. Dean Adcock Ht ubJect will be the "'WOU D STRIPE". first Presbyterian Church · The Organ Vesper Programs have been re, 5outh Main at Church St.-Lindsay E. McNair umed again, and will be played in the Knowles park Lake Presbyterian a,nd Friday at six P. M. Herman F. Siewert, East Colonial and Highland-C. H. Ferran F. A. G. 0 . is the organist. For complete pro, St. Luke's Cathedral Church gram, con ult the daily papers. North Main at Jefferson St.-Melville E. Johnson . An exhibition of paintings by Olive Chaffee St. James Catholic Church w_1ll be held in the Rollin Art Gallery begin, orth Orange at Robinson-M. Fox. nmg Monday afternoon, April 3. The event Christian and Missionary Alliance Church will open with a formal tea served from four Delaney al Anderson St.-J. T. Zamrazrn, Pastor until six P. M . Mrs. Chaffee is the wife of Seventh Day Adventist Church R_oy Chaffee of St. Louis, noted architect. The Ea t Robinson al Rosalind Ave. pictures to _be shown include landscapes, and Orlando Christian Church flower paintings. The Art Studio is open daily Church at Lake St.-Dr. P. H. Mears to the public and is located on Ollie Avenue Central Christian Church Winter Park. ' Ridgewood at Cathcart St.-Morrls B. Book Tuesday evening, April 4, in the Annie R us- Unitarian Church ell, a debate will take place between two men East Central & Rosalind-Dr. G. H. Bad&"er from Yale University, and Rollins. The sub­ Christian Science Church ~ect of this debate will be: "'That women in pol- orth Rosalind at Summerlin Place 1·1cs are a fiasco." Hiller Hiller, and Molly Tr= nity Lutheran Church Vincent, of New York will represent Rollin Ruth at Livingston-Geo. Trapp. College. The debate is open to the public, and Progressive Spiritualist Church will take plac at 8: 1 5'. Pres. Holt will preside. 51 E. Concord- Mrs. Sally R. Russell Rebound , the recent three act comedy by D onald (?gden Stewart, will ~e presented by the Creative_ Group tn Dramatics under the di, "See Keene for Keen Sight" rection of Robert Wun ch in the Annie Rus ell theatre, Friday and Saturday, April 7, and 8. KEENE & KEENE The second night will be a benefit performance for the R ol lins Infirmary. Leading characters Optometris:s and Mfg. Opticians will be Martha Davenpo rt, and Rob R oy Mize. Phone 4967 102 N. O::-ange Ave. Tickets may be had at the theatre box o ffi ce.

MILK & ICE CREAM Phone 6196

Pete The Tailor, Inc. EVANS CRUMP Exclusive French Dry Cleaners and Dyers JEWELER Office-36 W. Central- Dial 6101 Pia r t- I I 7-117 South Bryan t 33 S. ORANGE AVE.

DINNER $1.00 ]ea House ~oift Shop BEAUTIFUL BEEMAN TEAS ESTATE A La Carte formerly home of the late 22 E. GORE " a-IEWING GUM KING" Attrac~ive Room. at Perrydell Phone 5461 and Perrydell Annex THE BEST I ENTERTAINMENT at the t eatre AT SPARKS SHOWS tliis ~eek Sparks Theatres BEACHAM Orlando T h zatres Saturday thru Monday-"THE WHITE SISTER" with He Present the Latest Hayes and Clark Gable, with Lewis Stone-Louise Clos er - May Robson. A love story to thri:l th~ world! The roma Hollywood Pictures of the century is now brought to a 1.ew and greater glory talking pictures with the screen's two of the hour! T uesday thru Thursday-"KING OF THE JU GLE" Whether you are in Orlando, Miami THE LION MAN (Buster Crabbe) Frances Dee. Thu Palm Beach, Tam·pa, Gainesville, Jack, charged drama that swings it- action acr,oss two continent ! sonville or any other leading city of pectalc- amazing romance .... gloriou untamed Lion the state you will find Spark's Thea­ and civilized girl in the strangest. love story ever filmed. tres offering the best in entertainment. Friday only-O THE STAGE-RAY Florida as well as Orlando is indeed GA G featuring 9 acts vaudeville fortunate to have such an enterprising ful girls and stage band. organization caring for the entertain, 0 ' THE SCREEN- in "The ment needs of its citizens. Spark's Reader" with Constance Cummings. program~ are always s:Jperior and we _ Startfog Saturday April 8-"GABRIEL OVER T H E WH in Florida enjoy premier showings of HOUSE" with WALTER HUSTO , Karen Morley-D the majority of big pictures and it is Mcore. P :·epare for your most exciting movie treat. See not- uncommon for Orlando to offer million men on the march- a President made a Dictator- 1 the world permiere of the leading pro­ timely thrills in the most amazing picture ever made! ductions. According to Mr. Sparks, RITZ THEATRE producers consider Florida the great, Sunday and Monday-JOAN CRAWFORD IN " R AI " est t~sting ground of the country. As Walter Huston. A cloudbrust of passion. A raging stor Florida goes, the country goes! emotions. The lightning star of stars strikes at the heart of world with the peak performance of her career! Friday and Saturday April 7-8-Lewis Sone in "Men Must F1 with Phillips Holmes Diana Wynyard. RIALTO TH EATRE Sunday and Monday-"STRANGE INTERLUDE" with coming Shearer and Clark Gabl~. Added- "Red Shadow" cws. attractions T uesday and W ednesday-Double-feature- Edmund Lowe "CHANDU THE MAGICIAN" ALSO William Haine BEACHAM "FAST LIFE" with Madge Evans. "Today We Live" featuring Joan Thursday and F;iaay-DOUBLE FEATURE-Laurel and H Crawford in "PACK UP ;;Yt)UR TROUBLES" ALSO "MAD BUTTERFLY" with and ·sy!via Sidney. "Our Betters" starring Constance Ben, . ~ THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ARE GUEST DAYS AT nett T RIAL TO Purcha e one reguiar admission ticket and tak '"The Great Jasper" with Richard Dix guest free. "Bed Time Story" a Maurice Chcva, Satu!'day only-TOM KEENE in "Renegades of the lier feature Addcd- "Love thy eighbor" Comedy-"Last Frontier" Epi ode number 8.

RITZ BABY GRAND THEATRE, W INT ER PARK "Topaze" with John Barramore Sunday and Monday-JOHN-ETHEL-LIONEL BARRYMO in "RASPUTI1 A D THE EMPRESS". The Royal Fa "The King Vacation" featuring of the theatre in their fir t screen appearance. George Arless Friday and Saturd ay April 7-8-AL JOLSO I "Child of Manhattan" with John Boles JAH I'M A BUM". le Sale at the Baby Grand Theatre e ar.d ancy Carroll. Friday and Saturday.