Council Chairman J. A. Macpherson Deputy Chairman S. E. Chatterton Councillor Lynn Arnold J. D. Brookes J. Keith Campbell J.'I. Dryburgh Sit George Fisher T. J. N. Foley H. D. Huyer R. J. Kirby W. M. Leonard Sir Robert Norman Sir Frank Packer Sir Raymond Purves John R. Slade or Paul H. Slade A. J. White R. W. R. Wiltshire Liaison Member I. McCloy Ex Officio Chancellor of the University of Deputy Chancellor Vice-Chancellor and Principal Deputy Principal Chairman, Senate Finance Committee Professor and Head'of the School of Physics and Director of the Foundation

Executive Officers Director Professor H. Messel Secretary Oscar Guth Asst Secretary Miss Rita Knight Hon Secretaries C. R. Hall Rear-Admiral H. A. Showers, R.A.N. Ret. ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE SCIENCE FOUN THE SCHOOL OF PHYSICS WITHIN THE

JANUARY, 1973 Highlights of the Year:


1972 was a particularly successful year for the Foundation. Amid increasing interest by a number of University Departments in the establishments of our new Environmental Physics Department, the Foundation and the School of Physics decided to construct a 100-ton, 70-foot research vessel. This has led to the activating of the University's Marine Science Centre by the University Senate. The year saw yet another International Science School for High School Students which, for the second year running, went outside physics to deal with ecology and "Brain Mechanisms and the Control of Behaviour". For the first time the Foundation invited the Chancellor of the University and Mrs H. D. Black to represent it and the University at the scholarship award ceremonies in London, Washington and Tokyo. Mr and Mrs Black kindly accepted this mission and upon their return the Chancellor made a written report to the Council of the Foundation. Council found this report so colourful a description of the overseas functions that it obtained the consent of Mr Black to reprint it here for the benefit of Members. In his report Mr Black said: On behalf of the Science Foundation for Physics, my wife and I attended the three ceremonies associated with the presentation of Certificates and Medals to the 1972 International Science Scholars. We attended first the ceremony in Washington D.C., which was held in the offices of the National Science Foundation. Prior to this ceremony, and in the morning of the day on which it was to occur, I was accorded an admirable opportunity to meet and talk at length informally to the ten selected students from the United States. I was able to talk about the Foundation, Australian development, and our mode of life, and of the University they would be visiting; and to answer their questions, my wife assisting with some which she could more appropriately answer. I formed the impression that the 1972 U.S. group was a most carefully chosen one, of very attractive young people, who would amicably cohere as a team; and this impression was shared from the outset by the escorts, Mr Albert Young and his wife, Lois. It was an absolutely correct impression. The ceremony proper was held in the rooms of the National Science Foundation, the Head of which, Dr David, being unable to be present since he was involved in negotiations concerning scientific and technological exchanges with the Soviet Union, which negotiations followed the President's visit to the Soviet Union earlier in the year. His place was taken by Dr Stiver who spoke at length at the ceremony about science and science policy, and of the impact of science, and of the cross relations between sciences. Present also were several members of the Australian Embassy staff, including Professor Webster, Dr Muecke, and Dr Garrill; and I should like to record the very great help and hospitality accorded us by Professor Webster. From the President's Office of Science and Technology were present Dr Baldescheiller and Dr Yorke, the former speaking of scientific laws having no national boundaries. Last year's escort, Dr K. Kelson, was also present. He had, at the morning session, been most helpful, delivering to the students a straight, candid, and direct talk on behaviour, which was sensible and inoffensive, and which came well from him—relieving me of any such task. I was asked to speak, and did so, at some length, referring to the University, Australian development, the creation and role of the Foundation, and making a few promises as to how we would look after the young visitors to our country (this for the benefit of some parents present). The Presentation of Medals and Certificates over, we adjourned to the Chancery of the Australian Embassy, saw a fine film of the echidna, had a tour of the building, seeing some of the magnificent The Washington scholarship award ceremony was held in the rooms of the U.S. National Science Foundation on July 10, 1972, when this picture was taken. It shows standing (1. to r.) the Chancellor of the , Mr H. D. Black, Leonard Herk, Theodore Guth, Michael Buxbaum, Robert Pascal, Eric Gon^oli, Dr H. Guyford Stever, Director of the National Science Foundation. Seated (1. to r.) are James Small, Kathleen Lowry, Leslie Robinson, Robin Edison and Jane Talvenheimo.

tapestries of John Coburn for presentation to the Kennedy Center, consumed a vast and filling Australian afternoon tea; and on the following day, toured with the Scholars, the White House, and Washington, esrscially covering the full resources of the Kennedy Center. The ceremony was, all in all, simple a d unaffected. In London, die five U.K. Scholars accompanied my wife and myself to the Queen's Garden Party at Buckingham Palace; and we were duly marshalled at the particular spot in the grounds whereat His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh would meet the Scholars. But long before he came on the scene the Earl Mountbatten of Burma sought us out and, with the niost affable informality, met everybody, and with enormous good humour pointed out aspects of the Party; and then went away and gathered up every Australian he could find, including all the Military, Naval, and Air attaches and their wives, and brought them back to form a little colony of Australians to meet the Scholars and the Duke. And these other Australians were amazed to hear about us footing the bill to take British students back to . . .the amazement in their case being exceeded only by that of some Americans who could not quite grasp the idea that we were footing the bill for their benefit . . . that simple fact about the Foundation's activities left several Americans speechless, which is really something. His Royal Highness spoke to all the Students, who answered him in unaffected candour and without awe. He recalled Professor Messel, and in a short exchange about examinations, which he ar to the effect that the University of Sydney iok no questioning. mmensely excited, to the Royal Institution, , who lectured for the Foundation in 1971, •ved, and it was nice being convivial among hewaite, Professor King, and Mr and Mrs ndation and others. Most pleasing was the ome especially from Oxford, and Cambridge welcomed by Sir George and myself, and I tier alia, to the Washington Ceremony and leet; I promised "lethal" hospitality to the ance, and conveyed to all the greetings of on Medallions and Scholarship Certificates, He spoke rapidly, covering many things: pungent remarks about notable politicians, would make to New Delhi, to his relations Edwina, his wife, and where, and how the ;, in this room, the Viceroy of India, Earl th infectious good humour, recounting story this withall in a manner which retained a The London presentation ceremony was held in the rooms of the Royal Institution in Albemarle Street vn July 13, 1972. Picture at left shows the Chancellor, Miss Helen Ward, who escorted the U.K. scholars in the previous year, Mr Eric Breeze, Professor Ronald King, Abigail Fowden, Professor Eric Laithwaite, Dorothy Palmer, Mr Attwood, Vi-ginia Alun Jones, Michael Wickstead, Miss Jocelyne Artingstail, the 1972 U.K. escort, and Timothy Sanderson. Picture above shows Sir George and Lady Porter with Lord Mountbatten (right) after the ceremony. The Tokyo scholarship award ceremony took place at the official residence of the Prime Minister. Picture shows (I. to r.) Mr Hiroshi Tsiinoi. Director, International Cultural Relations Division, Commissioner's Secretariat, Agency for Cultural Affairs; Mr Hachiro Suda, Deputy Director-General, Elementary & Secondary Education Bureau, Ministry of Education; Mr Kenji Adachi. Commissioner, Agency for Cultural Affairs; Mr Yuji Sud. Mr Hiroshi Maeda; Mr Jun-ichi Sato: Dr Osamu Inaba, the Minister of Education; Mr Kakuei Tanaka, the Prime Minister: Mr and Mrs H. D. Black: the Hon. Gordon Frecfh, Australian Ambassador; Miss Yoko Jibu and Miss Yoko Sueoka.

line of seriousness throughout. Everyone was pleased, none more than the five Scholars. He had paid them the comp'iment of taking the engagement, seriously; he had done his homework for the occasion, and his presence and performance made the night memorable.' He took his departure to Brussels to make another television series, on the Home Guard; whereupon my wife and I took the children, tired but indomitable, to dinner Au Jardin des Gourmets in Soho, with Sir George and Lady Porter, and the 1971 "five", who wanted to relive their own experience, and to eat another Jinner at the Foundation's expense, and great was the gusto of the whole evening. It is impossible to describe just what this whole sequence of events, adding up to a long, tiring day, has done to the British "five"; but the image of Australia which they formed comes through in their letters and comments, and the Foundation has no more grateful children than these. In Japan, after some initial anxiety that the Japanese Prime' Minister would not be present at the ceremony (he was away, and out of Tokyo, visiting his electorate, where he was under pressure to raise the price of rice for the benefit of his constituents, mostly rice farmers), I was relieved, having tried to discover from the Australian Embassy what the position was, and having failed because our Ambassador was also away, to be informed on the morning of the day of the ceremony that Mr Kakuei Tanaka would present the Medallions and Certificates in person; and this he did, in the room just outside his office in the Prime Minister's official residence in Tokyo. Present were many officials and the Minister of Education, Dr Osamu Inaba, a former Professor of Law at Chuo University. Also present was the Australian Ambassador, the Hon. Gordon Freeth, and Mr Willis from his staff. Mr Tanaka arrived early, and instantly we were aware of a man of enormous good health and vitality, unconventional, direct and friendly, every inch a Japanese. Hands were freely shaken and knuckles cracked. He proceeded to present the Medallions and Certificates with a current of cheerful comment; and then ordered his Minister of Education to prepare a large plan to send Japanese students in thousands abroad to study; and said he wanted something like the International Science School scheme created in reverse for others to come to Japan from abroad, I thanked Mniand promised every care for the Japanese students. Having said this in English, I then made a^speech in Japanese, thanking him for his participation, congratulating him on his appointment as;Prime Minister, and referring to the growing links between Australia and Japan. I stressed the importance of links between the young people of our two countries, and then presented him with a gift of an Australian bark painting and concluded with a further expression of my and the University of Sydney's thanks. I gather from his comment that my accent earned his appreciation, since he understood what I said. I had the assistance of one of my Japanese students in selecting the elevated style of expression suitable to be used in the presence of a Japanese Prime Minister, and I hope I did not let the side down. Thereafter, with gusto and very firm handshaking, he departed; and there was a visible sign of slackening of official Japanese backs, but great cordiality was expressed, suggesting that it had gone well. We departed to the beautiful Australian Embassy residence, where the Ambassador and Mrs Freeth provided some very welcome refreshments, Australian style. AH Ceremonies were carried out in a spirit of good feeling and appreciation of the opportunities afforded overseas Scholars, their parents being particularly warm in their gratitude. I have written in appreciation of their participation in the ceremonies to the Earl Mountbatten, and to the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr Tanaka; and I propose to write to thank the U.S. President for announcing the Scholars, for the assistance of the National Science Foundation, and for the presence of his repre- sentatives from the Office of Science and Technology. I thought I would provide the Pr jdent with some information of the arrival of the U.S. contingent, of the fine impression they have made, and of how they mix well with British and Japanese Scholars honoured at ceremonies in their countries whereat Mountbatten and Mr Tanaka participated. I thought to say that in 1973 a further group of U.S. Scholars would be sought, and that a similar Ceremony would in that event be planned for July 1973. EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

x\t the Eighteenth Annual Gensral Meeting of the Science Foundation for Physics held at the Hunter's Lodge Celebrity Rooms, Double Bay, on March 10, 1972, Mr J. A. Macpherson was elected Chairman of the Foundation (in succession to Sir Robert Norman, who retired from the position after three years) and Mr S. E. Chatterton was re-appointed Deputy Chairman for the year 1972-73. The following were elected Members of the Council of the Foundation for the year 1972-73: Councillor L. Arnold, Mr J. D. Brookes, Mr J. K. Campbell, Mr J. I. Dryburgh, Sir George Fisher, Mr T. J. N. Foley, Mr H. D. Huyer, Mr R. J. Kirby, Mr W. M. Leonard, Sir Robert Norman, Sir Frank Packer, Sir Raymond Purves, Mr J. R. Slade (Mr P. H. Slade—alternative), Mr R. W. R. Wiltshire, Mr A. J. White. Mr I. McCloy was re-appointed to be an additional Member as the Liaison Officer between the Foundation and the School of Physics. The Senate of the University of Sydney at its meeting on April 4, 1972. approved the above appointments as Chairman and Members of the Council.


J. HIS is my third and last Annual Report to you, as Chairman, as I hand over in accordance with our Constitution, after three consecutive terms. I shall miss very much being Chairman of such a vibrant, vital and stimulating, may I ca'J it, enterprise as this Foundation. And an enterprise, according to Webster's, is "an undertaking that is difficult, complicated or has a strong element of risk". Webster's also describes it as "a systematic, purposeful activity". What better description could you want of our Foundation? We all know how difficult it was for Professor Messel to establish the Foundation 18 years ago, and we all know how difficult, and indeed sometimes how very complicated it was and is for all of us to have come together and stayed together. Risk? . . . Where is there greater risk than the risk of non-achievement in human endeavour, and the risk of failure when science probes the unknown. The Foundation is indeed an enterprise—systematic and purposeful. And our scientists, equally systematic and purposeful, have rewarded us with the sweet fruit of success many times over, But let it not be me to tell you this. There is evidence, much stronger that I coulrl relate, for instance, on page 52 of our 1972 Annual Review which tells you that only a few months ago one of our professors, Professor Hanbury Brown, in one month received two world-renowned awards: the $10,000 1971 Britannica Award in Science and the coveted Hughes Medal of the Royal Society of London. It is not I who says we are successful, it is organizations like the Royal Society, which has awarded Fellowships to several of our professors, that is far better abie to judge the worth of our enterprise than we ourselves are. And again it is not only the Royal Society of London: from the White House in Washington to the Tokyo residence of the Japanese Prime Minister our work and our efforts are known and honoured. To be at the head of such an enterprise is what I shall miss. Yet, in a sense, I shall be happy because I hand over to my successor, not something that in the course of 18 years has lost its lustre, energy and speed, but something that took a mere 18 years to grow up, to come into its own and which is today more useful and more needed than ever before! The challenge before this Foundation has not diminished. It has increased. And the goals are higher than ever. Let us not forget that when this Foundation was created, the first Sputnik had not even been muted. Today, in our Council Room there hangs a large colour photograph of man's first steps on the moon; and this photograph is not a new one; it is an old one; and at Council Meetings we hardly give it a second look any more . . . and sometimes the attendant even forgets to dust it... The Foundation has grown. Today, with our colleagues all over the world, we look far beyond the moon, to the other planets and the stars . . . and all this has made us realise only more forcibly how much there is to be done right here on our own planet—right here, amid the struggle of the nations to find a peaceful means of co-existence. We have realised even more than that: we have realised that not only must we learn to co-exist with one another, but we must also learn to co-exist with Nature itself. In this connection it i» not surprising that during my years as Chairman our Foundation itself has directed its attention to this world-wide problem and has begun to make its own small contribution, as you will read later in this Report. But before coming to that, I think I should mention that, as last year, the remainder of this Report is a joint one I make with the Director, Professor Harry Messel, and it is only natural that we shall begin with the teaching efforts in the School of Physics. Before going on with the joint part of this Report, I wish to pay the highest tribute to Professor Messel for his continuing enthusiasm, dedication and imagination. He is the right man in the right place. And to his staff—every one of them—for their great loyalty to the School of Physics and to the University of Sydney. UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING In undergraduate teaching efforts have continued to keep courses up-to-date and to modify them as indicated by student performance and by student response in staff-student liaison committees. This year, for example, a number of live lectures are being introduced into Physics IB course, a course which has been given on video-tape to some 1,500 students for the last few years. Planning and preparation for a new Physics I course is under way. This course will cater for our biologically- oriented students, those in the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, for example. It is intended to introduce this course next year. In addition, much effort has gone into improving the student tutorial system and the Foundation has provided substantial sums of money for this work during the past two years. We feel this investment is paying off good dividends. POSTGRADUATE STUDIES With a continuation of the financial stringencies caused by the University's reduction of the School's maintenance and equipment votes, it has been necessary to maintain a policy of restraint in the enrolment of new postgraduate students. Nevertheless, there has been a significant increase over last year's totals, the number enrolled for Ph.D. increasing by two to 43 (35 on scholarships) and the number of M.Sc. increasing by four to 22 (8 on scholarship). Thus there appears to be no diminution in the demand for postgraduate training in physics despite much propaganda about over-production of physicists. For example, during the year 183 enquiries were received from graduates of other universities, both in Australia and overseas, interested in working in our School towards a higher degree. This constant pressure has one advantage in allowing us to maintain the highest standards in the postgraduate school, but it is unfortunate that many able students must be turned away. During the year five students graduated with the Ph.D. degree and one with an M.Sc.; this is about the average over the last few years. The small number of M.Sc. graduates results from a significant number of transfers to Ph.D. work before the degree is taken. It is expected that the numbers graduating will increase sharply over the next few years until present restrictive policies take effect. THE ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Members will have read in the latest issue of "The Nucleus" about the initiation of the School's first research programme in this new Department. Although the Chair of Environmental Physics was established several years ago, it has not been filled for a variety of reasons—the main one being that it was felt we should exercise considerable care in deciding which particular areas of environmental physics we should embrace. It was agreed that the department should, if possible, concern itself with studies of a more applied and interdisciplinary nature, and hopefully, more directly related to the immediate needs of society. It was therefore felt that perhaps the best way to proceed in the early stages was to build up a number of small, but important, projects with wide practical and scientific applicability which could fit into the department. Thus the radio telemetry and interrogation group was established during 1971, with Mr Keith Brockelsby in charge. He now has three technical staff working with him. Some $50,000 worth of equipment was ordered during 1971 and this is now gradually arriving, allowing the group to tackle a variety of important and urgent problems. The radio telemetry devices, with which the group are presently concerned, are biosensors for measuring temperatures and heart-beats remotely, and a device for locating the position of a sensor from distances of up to 100 miles. This is interesting, practical and exciting work. The applications of such sensors are extremely varied and form the basis of a major research programme, initiated during 1971, by Professor Messel in collaboration with the Northern Territory Administration. It is known as "The Joint Study by the Northern Territory Administration and the University of Sydney of the Saltwater Crocodile". This long-term study is concerned with gaining answers to a large number of questions associated with this reptile—eating, breeding, movement, habitat, and so forth. The consequences of such a study could have considerable economic and ecological significance to northern parts of Australia. The crocodile programme requires the co-operative effort of physicists, electronic engineers, physiologists, zoologists, anatomists and ecologists. It provides an excellent opportunity for important interdisciplinary research. Already a number of staff of the School of Biological Sciences have joined in this work. This year's University medallist has enrolled for postgraduate work with us in this field—there is great interest among our youth in problems concerning our environment. Professor R. M. May, our youngest professor, has for some considerable time been working on theoretical ecological problems and has already established himself firmly in the field. These are interesting times for us and we are extremely pleased to see interdisciplinary research of this nature progressing. As time passes, we anticipate that we will have much to report on this work. A number of people have surprisingly asked, "Why be interested in crocodiles?" Of course, there are dozens of very important reasons, but perhaps our retort should be in the same vein: "Why be interested in Man?" THE "DAILY TELEGRAPH" THEORETICAL DEPARTMENT This Department, too, has begun to involve itself in problems related to environmental research. Some major new work in this regard, initiated by Professor Butler, involves large-scale research programmes aimed at providing a better understanding than is known at present of upper atmosphere movements and circulations. The motivation for this work lies in environmental problems of possible pollution in the upper atmosphere, and particularly in the ozone layer which protects life on earth from damaging ultraviolet radiation. These studies which involve a large amount of computing are, expected to generate several significant papers during the current yea.r, 10 The other professor in the Department, Professor May, in addition to his normal work in astrophysics and plasma physics, has turned his mathematical genius to problems involving ecology and our environment. He has set up certain mathematical models of living populations and their dependencies on each other and mathematically solved these exactly. This work has overthrown some major concepts which had been held by biologists and has suddenly gained for Professor May world-wide recognition in a new field. During the year, another member of the Department has been appointed to a professorship. Dr Bruce McKellar, who did his Doctor of Philosophy under Professor Butler only a few years ago, has been appointed to the Chair of Theoretical Physics at the University of . Since 1956, four members of the Theoretical Physics Department in the School of Physics have been appointed to chairs of theoretical physics elsewhere. An appointment which will give many Members delight is that of Neil Cramer a former Science Scholar. Cramer has just completed his Ph.D. and yet because of his great ability and potential was appointed only last month to a lectureship in the School, in spite of some of the heaviest competition seen for years. This is the second such appointment in the School over the past two years and is an excellent indication of how our efforts in the Science School field are bearing dividends. THE FALKINER NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT

The Falkiner Department operates by far the largest cosmic ray detector in the world, in the Pilliga State Forest, southwest of Narrabri, N.S.W. It now has a collecting area of 40 square kilometres and is being extended to 60 square kilometres. During 1971 the Department added large area spark chambers (some shielded by 10 cm of lead) to the array. Five papers on results from this giant detector were read at the International Cosmic Ray Conference which, in 1971, was held in Hobart. After the Conference, delegates from 12 countries inspected the Pilliga Forest array and were entertained at a barbecue in the evening by the Science Foundation. The Department has also extended its research on quarks. Dr L. S. Peak spent the year at the European Centre for Nuclear Research in Geneva working on the worlds most energetic accelerator, the Intersecting Storage Ring. He and his group set up a number of experiments to look for quarks produced by the accelerator. The results are being processed at the moment and the experiments are continuing. Drs Parkinson and Woolcott in Sydney have made a detailed study of the Wilson Cloud Chamber as a quark detector. Two papers are in preparation. THE WILLS PLASMA PHYSICS DEPARTMENT This Department which pioneered controlled thermonuclear research in Australia, continues to play a leading role in this field. Studies of plasmas with the laser techniques which have been developed by the Department have provided significant information hitherto unobtainable. Work is proceeding towards applying similar laser techniques to the problem of identifying the chemical nature and density of atmospheric pollutants. Another field of study within the Department which again has wider applications is that of the plasma centrifuge where the rotating plasma can be given speeds some 100 times greater than those possible with mechanical centrifuges. Work is proceeding in the Department to study the separation of elements of different atomic mass in such a high speed centrifuge. THE BASSER DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE From the beginning of 1972, the Basser Computing Department has been split into two groups— the Basser Computing Centre, which provides a computing service for the University, and the Basser Department of Computer Science, with responsibility for teaching and research in the field of Computer Science. Student numbers have continued to increase. Apart from providing a short course for all students taking first year Mathematics (attended in 1971 by over 1,600 students), credit courses are now offered to over 500 students, drawn from the Faculties of Science, Engineering, Arts and Economics. Effective students numbers (calculated on a weighted formula) have been rising at about 20 par cent per annum for some time now. It is expected that a full second year course for professional computer scientists will be introduced in 1973.

U Until the end of April, 1971, the Department provided a MEDLARS search service for Australia with a data base provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. This scheme was intended originally as a pilot scheme and, on the basis of the experience provided by the Department, the processing of search requests is now carried out by the Commonwealth Department of Health, using a programme devised in Sweden. During the period that the Department was responsible for processing searches, a total number of 900 searches was carried out in all. Experience gained in running the search service has enabled the Department, in collaboration with Fisher Library, to set up a scheme for processing requests for information retrieval in the fields of Physics, Electrical and Control engineering, and Computer Science, using a data base offered by the British Institution of Electrical Engineers.. The work being carried out in the Department on the computer generation of colour movies continues: the Australian Council for the Arts has provided financial backing for the project. Other research projects of note include a technique for using computers to explain the details of computer programmes and the design of terminals for computer aided instruction.


The new Basser Computing Centre is responsible for the provision of a computing facility and associated services for the University. Much effort in the past year has been devoted to the definition of the services to be offered and to the restructuring of the Centre. The Centre has three machines: an ICL KDF9, an IBM 7040/1401 and a terminal to a large scale CDC6600. The KDF9 was purchased in 1964, assisted by a donation to the Foundation of $250,000 by Dr and Mrs Cecil H. Green, of Dallas, Texas. It performs some student and general computation and a considerable amount of experimental analysis associated with the research programmes of the School of Physics. Data is provided on special magnetic tapes by the Falkiner Nuclear Department from the Giant Air Shower Array and by the Astrophysics Department from the Mills Cross radiotelescope. Printed results are supplemented by charts and graphs produced on the plotter. The IBM 7040/1401 was donated to the University by the IBM World Trade Organization through IBM Australia. It is heavily loaded and carries the bulk of the student teaching work. The terminal to the CDC6600 is used for jobs which require very fast turnaround or could not be processed by our computers. There is urgent need for a new computer for the Centre, and a submission for funds for the 1973-75 triennium was made to the Australian Universities Commission last year. A number of projects of some magnitude have been completed in the last year. These include MIDIPOST, which is an improved system for maintaining programmes on the KDF9, supplanting the old POST system, and a suite written for the 7040 which quickly and accurately marks and analyses objective examinations. The major compilers for handling student programmes have also been improved. In February, new systems were installed on both computers to coincide with new job control, accounting and magnetic tape handling arrangements, designed to provide more information about the running of jobs and to make it easier to use certain facilities.


The Stellar Interferometer at Narrabri has continued to work well throughout the year. It has now completed its programme of measuring stars and the Department is looking forward to publishing all the results. For the remainder of the year it will be used to search for gamma rays using a new technique. This latter programme is a joint effort with the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory of Boston. In last year's Report we claimed that, in our opinion, the work at Narrabri had been a real success. This opinion has been confirmed. Since the last report the work at Narrabri has been recognized by the award to Professor Hanbury Brown of the Lyle Medal of the Australian Academy of Science, the Hughes Medal of the Royal Society of London and the 1971 Britannica Australia Award for

12 Science. We also said we believed that this work should be continued, and with that in view we had approached the Federal Government to seek their help. We are still hopeful that the first step, a grant towards a design study of an improved interferometer, will soon be made, but we must await the reply. With it, all other discussion of the future of astronomy in the Chatterton Astronomy Department must also wait. In the meantime we have been asked by Professor Hanb.ury Brown to convey to the members of the Foundation and especially Mr Stan Chatterton, the thanks of the staff of the Chatterton Astronomy Department for their faithful support of the work at Narrabri over the last ten years.


One of the principal observational aims of the Astrophysics Department has been to prepare a comprehensive and accurate catalogue of some tens of thousands of radio sources in the southern sky. . Such a catalogue will serve as a basis for astrophysical research for many years to come. In its initial f stages this work is rather unexciting and over the last few years the Mills Cross radiotelescope has been used in a low-priority programme to survey the whole sky when other demands for observing time were absent. This survey is now beginning to produce results and the first catalogue, comprising about 1,500 radio sources in a small area of sky, has been prepared. More than 80 per cent of these sources have not been recorded before. A great amount of accumulated data also awaits computer analysis and now the proportion of time spent on the survey has been stepped up to complete the programme within the next three years. As a result of the development of some sophisticated instrumentation during the year it is also now possible to combine a search for new pulsars simultaneously with the basic radio source survey, resulting in a great saving in observing time. A second frequency (111 MHz) has also been added to the basic radiotelescope and the number of independent information channels increased from 11 to 33, This represents effectively the end of the planned improvements to the present instrument and it is time to take stock and think of the future. Experience has shown that the radiotelescope is mechanically and electronically very stable so that it seems reasonable to investigate the possibility of a major increase in operating frequency to take place shortly after completion of the sky survey. An increase by slightly more than a factor of three to near 1,420 MHz, the frequency of the atomic hydrogen line, would open a whole new field of astronomy and astrophysics. Such an increase would be a major and very expensive project and the Department is currently making a feasibility study with funds provided by the Australian Research Grants Committee.


Last year the purpose and importance of the Centre were dealt with in detail by the 1970 Annual RCP0rt. TO thl5 niay nOW be added that on his recent visit to Arecibo and Cornell Proofessol r Messel was informed that the contract for resurfacing the 1,000-ft diameter Areeibo telescope dish WaS to be let, site preparation work would take place in 1972, and the resurfacing should be completed during 1973 at an additional cost of $10 million already approved by Congress. With the proposed upgrading of the Mills Cross these two instruments should have an exciting future for at least the next 10 years. The U.S. National Science Foundation in their new grant to Arecibo, have supplied funds for the appointment of more staff as well as making substantial provisions for running costs. The improvement in the financial situation at the Cornell end of the Cornell-Sydney axis should result in a substantial increase in activity over the next decade.



13 At the Annual Dinner


Proposing the toast to the Foundation at the Annual Dinner on March 10, 1972, the Commonwealth Minister of Health, the Hon. Sir Kenneth Anderson, representing the Prime Minister, the Right Hon. William McMahon, said:

LAY I say how honoured I am to have been asked to propose the toast to the Science Foundation for Physics within the University of Sydney at this, your Annual Dinner. I am, moreover, gratified to speak on an occasion which I understand is even more significant than usual; for tonight we are to farewell your retiring Chairman, Sir Robert Norman, who has served you with much distinction for the past three years; and to welcome in, as his successor, a distinguished businessman, Mr J. A. Macpherson. One of the qualities which I find most attractive about the Foundation is that it is a body which is so refreshingly idealistic—its key Members positively exude enthusiasm—for the concept of science; yet it manages to promote its cause in a practical and meaningful way. This is the key to its success. Small wonder then that the Foundation has achieved international repute in its relatively short existence. Indeed much publicised achievements readily spring to mind: For example the generous scholarships offered by the Foundation for its annual televised International Science Schools for High School Students; the publication of high school science textbooks; and the important role the Foundation plays in research and in its liason with industry. The Foundation has co-operated in a singularly successful fashion with the University of Sydney to promote the incredibly successful Science Schools with the objective of honouring excellence

14 Right: The Chairman of the Foundation, Mr J. A. Macpherson. welcomed guests at the Foundation's 18th Annual Dinner at the Hunter's Lodge Celebrity Rooms, Double Bay, on March 10, 1972. Behind him is Mr Raymond Kirby, a member of the Foundation Council. Picture at left shows the Chairman with Senator Sir Kenneth Anderson (left) who represented the Prime Minister at the dinner, and with the University Chancellor, Mr Black.

amongst the top students of this nation; and in recent years these schools have included scholars from New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan. I am told that this is not only one of the most successful-enterprises ever undertaken by the Foundation, but also a project which has won the acclaim of The Duke of Edinburgh, former U.S. President Johnson and the Prime Minister of Japan. It is obvious that the success of the Foundation is due to the outstanding personal qualities of its leading members and its rank and file. The enthusiasm of your people here tonight, which is so evident has manifested itself at large—hence the Foundation's widespread support. And I do not think I can be accused of singling out anybody unfairly if I point to the inspirational efforts of Professor Harry Messel. If anybody were to deserve the accolade "Mr Science", it is surely he. How- ever, since Professor Messel's activities are already well documented and since he is to speak a little later on himself, you will be able to judge for yourselves. Mr Chairman, as a senior member of my Government, and on behalf of my Prime Minister, may I personally congratulate all of you here tonight who belong to the Foundation, or who are associated with it, for your fine efforts which are dedicated to the Pursuit of Excellence in science education. For my Government's part, I assure you we are committed to doing whatever we can to contribute to scientific research. Australia owes much to the initiatives of the Foundation and indeed people such as yourselves who believe implicitly in the need for a medium which brings together with Australian community— industry, academics and public—in an effort to serve each others interests in science and ultimately in the development, progress and growth of Australia. Mr Chairman, Gentlemen, let us now driek to this excellent institution whose ideals and actions are guided by the highest motives. I give you the toast: "The Science Foundation for Physics within the University of Sydney". 15 PROFESSOR MESSEL WARNS OF RETROGRADE STEPS IN EDUCATION

Responding to the toast on behalf of the Foundation, Professor Messel said:

• BEFORE. I get on to the main content of my response, I should like to pay our thanks to a wonderful Chairman, Sir Robert Norman. It has been a privilege for me to have worked throughout the 18 years of the Science Foundation with all its members, and particularly, naturally, because of the closeness of association, with each of the chairmen. Sir Robert, I have learned a great deal from you; it has been a great honour and pleasure to have had you leading us for the past three years and I hope you had some pleasure in doing so. On behalf of our members, and also of the staff of the School of Physics, we wish to thank you and we hope you will continue to attend our meetings. In my response I want to bring up just two matters. I shall not dwell on the past. This evening at our Annual General Meeting, there was tabled the Chairman's Report and a report by myself, which give a detailed account of the activities of the Science Foundation and the School of Physics during the past year. I think, perhaps, we have now reached the stage of maturity that we need not reiterate at our dinner each year what we have done. Perhaps we should devote a little more time to what we are going to do, and also deal with the problems which are with us at the present time— some of the problems which are perplexing us and perhaps the remainder of society. All of you are aware that the motto of the Science Foundation is the Pursuit of Excellence. If anything else stands out in the 18-year history of the Science Foundation, it is its concern with excellence—not only in Australia, but worldwide. And not just excellence in education, but excellence in the quality of life. I think, our International Science Schools for High School Students stand out as a very fine example of our concern and of the fact that the rest of the world appreciates our concern. Recently, in Australia, and in other societies around the world, many of us have become increasingly concerned with the question of excellence. It seems to be, each day, more and more eroded. I am well aware that this evening in this audience there are some of my distinguished colleagues from the Department of Education. We are proud, honoured and pleased to have you with us. I know you ail well personally, so I am well aware of some of your feelings. But perhaps some of you are not quite as aware of my feelings about this question Of excellence and which way the educational system in our country, and other countries around the world, is proceeding. Each time we appear to be taking a step which is known as an advance, a step forward, we seem to be taking a step backward, decreasing our standards and going in t!> opposite direction to that to which excellence would point. Let me give you an example of the sort of thing that worries me, many members of the Science Foundation, and many members of the University as well. We are seeing a gradual drive being made in the name "advance" for doing away with all examinations. They are said to be inhibitory, they have many defects, they have faults—but each of us has faults. What do we do in education when we feel that examinations are not a perfect system? We dispense with them. That is our way to overcome the problem: we do away with examinations. If you have a sore finger, cut it off! Get rid of it. Examinations are not infallible, they do grave injustice to many of the youth of this nation—so let us do away with examinations—let us do away with them at the end of the four-year system at the School Certificate! This is precisely what will happen within a year or so. Within the next two years or so you may see the next big major step, in the name of advance, we will do away with the Higher School Certificate examination. Already, you know, there are projects in Australia and students are already making a move to do away with all examinations in the University! Why? Because they are not perfect; they, too, have faults. No examination system is perfect, and therefore we must do away with all examination systems. Furthermore, because all syllabuses vest control of education in the nation, and because this is not perfect, and never will be, in any nation of the world, we must do away with all centralism in the way of education and we must delegate all authority to the individual teacher in each and every individual school, such as we have in other nations around the world. And then, I can assure you, we will end up having the same mess in Australia as have

16 A happy picture taken at the 1972 Annual Dinner of the Foundation of Professor S. T. Butler, Councillor Lynn Arnold, who represents the Sydney County Council on the Council of the Foundation, and Professor Messel.

some other countries around the world. All the tendencies which I see and have seen in my 20 years in this country, in the name of advance and education, each and every one of them seemed to be eroding the general question of standards. We have been going down in standards each time there has been an "advance", and this has always been done in the name of "advance" and for the "betterment" of the system as a whole. What has happened in the University worries me very deeply. For instance, we have seen the continual attack on the Universities that they should take all the students who wish to enter. Each and every one of these steps have meant a further erosion of the standards within the Universities. I am among the first to stand up for the right of each and every individual in our society, or in any other society, to be educated to the maximum of his or her ability. I think that this is the right of every individual. But this does not necessarily give the right to every person to enter a University. There seems to be a general tendency in Australia today to say that everybody has a right to go to University. If they have the ability to do so, I certainly agree they have this right. I'd like to go

43544-B 17 even further and say that not only do they have this right, but the nation has a duty to provide that education, free of charge to that student while at the University, but at the same time to make quite sure he repays society for that with which he has been provided, when he has finished his education. I am all for free education on the basis that it is a loan—four years free at the University if you have the ability, and you undertake to repay the four years back after you get out. I don't think that our society, or any other society in this world, can afford to provide a free education of any sort to all the people without expecting people to put back into society what society has invested in them. Now for a topic which looks forward to the future: Our Science Foundation has over the years endeavoured to play a leading role in certain narrow, specialised fields in Australia. I say narrow, and I say specialised, because living in the world in which we do today, unless the fields are narrow and specialised, you are soon going to fritter away your efforts and nothing will be seen for it. We have always endeavoured to pick fields which we felt were of some relevance and some importance in Australia, and also fields in which we felt this nation could play a leading role. I mention, for instance, in our early days our concern with astronomy, our concern with computing and our concern with the various other departments in the School of Physics. We all remember, it was in 1954 in this country when we were first discussing the necessity for bringing in Australia's first computer, and how in those early days many of our critics said, "Messel, you are 20 years ahead of your time; why do you want to fool around with those newfangled ideas?" But the Science Foundation felt the ideas were not newfangled and, of course, today this is all old hat, and thousands of people now working in the computer centres in Australia, and in Governments and industry and so forth, were trained by us!


We have always endeavoured to look forward and see what and where future needs might be, and try to play a leadership role. Most of our fields, with the exception of computing which we feel has had direct applicability to our society, to industry and government, have been concerned with fundamental research, as they should in a University such as the University of Sydney. However, over the past 18 or 20 years times have changed and we now have to pay increasing attention to problems which are more directed to applicability to socisty at the present time. I think our Science Foundation has reached that stage of maturity, and so has the School of Physics, that we can consider and address ourselves to problems which are more socially relevant at fhe present time. We have been looking at the fields in which we might participate, or lead, and which would be socially relevant. Many of you are aware that we have been looking at the field of the environmental sciences, and all of you are aware, I believe, that some three years ago the Senate of the University of Sydney allowed us to establish the seventh department within the School of Physics, known as the Environmental Physics Department. There has been relatively little activity in that department for a number of years until last year when suddenly people began asking, what is Harry Messel doing being concerned with crocodiles up in the Northern Territory. It seemed to be a long way removed from Physics. Well, there is always a method in the madness of certain people, and tonight I shall endeavour to share with you some of the method and some of the madness which is behind all this: Some three years ago, the Senate of the University of Sydney, along with other Senates of other Universities throughout Australia, set up Marine Science Centres within the Universities. Australia is a country which has 12,000 miles of coastline, and everybody in the nation has been asking why the Universities were not concerned with the field of marine sciences, with oceanography, with marine biology, marine geology, with physical oceanography. They were right—a country like Australia should be right up to its ears in this game; it is a crying need. Why weren't the Universities concerned with this? Of course, we were, but we were able to do relatively little about it for a very good reason—we haven't had any money, and for reasons best known to itself, the Government has not seen fit to provide the necessary funds for the older Universities in Australia to embark upon enterprises such as these. The marine sciences are just one field which stands out as a crying need. Let me give you an example: You would think that the Universities throughout Australia would have maybe 50, 60 or 100 vessels working in the marine sciences. Let me tell you the number of ships which the Universities own: There is the Matthew Flinders, which is not big. It is owned by the University of Sydney. And this small vessel, I think, is the sum total of all marine science ships owned by the Australian Universities. And if there are no ships one cannot go very far out into the oceans to carry out marine science research tasks. 18 j:' .,-

- *•- , ' ' r

P-ofessor Messel addressing guests at ihe Annual Dinner Seen al (he head tabie (1. to r.| the past Foundation Chairman, Sir Robert Norman; the Vice-Chanccll Professor B. R. Williams; the Federal Vlinister for Heahl Sir Kenneth Anderson, who lepresenied (lie Prim Minister, the Chairman, Mr J. A. Macphcrson; th University Chancellor, Mr H. D. Black, the then ! of Mayor of Sydney, Sir Emmet McDennott; Mr W. M. Leonard and the Chancellor of the I'lmciMls of , Sir Roherl Webster.

Recently the Government has shown great wisdom, as many of you are aware. It has set up a Marine Science Council, which has set up an interim council and has published a little booklet called "Marine Science in Australia". One of the wonderful things about this is that the Government has set up the Marine Science Centre at Townsville. The Centre will be concerned with one of Australia's most important marine biological problems, the Barrier Reef. It will have 6 to 10 million dollars to start with, and I hope this will be multiplied by many factors in the future. I warmly applaud this action by the Government. This Centre will work in close collaboration with the James Cook University, and many of you have heard in the past few months that they are going to get a 55 ft ocean-going vessel which will be able to travel up and down the Barrier Reef. It was quite obvious that here was a field which was just dying for something to be done. I'm a funny guy: I talk and talk around and around a problem, and only eventually do I get enough courage to act. But I just don't get enough courage to act by myself, I go and have discussions with

19 our Vice-Chancellor, my professorial colleagues, and scores of other people. Last year I started feeling my way about this matter and I became involved in an environmental problem which arose from my previous concern with radio telemetry and interrogation—means of individuals monitoring individuals through various remote controlled devices; individuals monitoring animals; machines monitoring individuals; individuals monitoring machines; machines monitoring machines. I became concerned with this problem some six years ago. It was obvious it was going to take off, and that tremendous advances were going to be made in this field. It was a field of the future. It was then that I began working on polar bears in the Arctic. We didn't get very far because of the state of technology of that time; the sophisticated electronic components required simply had not yet been developed. The outcome was that the University of Sydney made some $30,000 due'to a breach of contract by a well known electronics company in the United States. As the years have gone by, various big developments came about in the space programme and the electronic components which would allow such a field to develop further became available. So I began to investigate how we might apply and develop this field in Australia.

A year ago we called a seminar from all the various Governmental scientists and University scientists throughout Australia. The outcome of it was that last year we set up in the School of Physics within the University of Sydney, a radio telemetry and interrogation group for which we have bought over $50,000 worth of equipment. Our chief engineer here is a former chief engineer of the big radio tracking station at Tidbinbilla, Mr Keith Brockelsby; we have set up a centre, not only for the School of Physics within the University, but for the other University departments, such as biology, geology, for various departments within the C.S.I.R.O., and for various other departments concerned with these problems in other Australian Universities.

Our next problem was then to become concerned where we could make a useful practical contribution. At that time the Northern Territory Administration faced the problem of the disappearance of the barramundi in the Northern Territory, which had been a multi-million dollar industry. Nobody knew why. Seasons were closed, netting forbidden in the rivers, but still the baramundi continued to disappear. At the same time crocodiles had been killed in larger and larger numbers in the North due to the fact that there had been wars and civil wars within Africa, making Australia and New Guinea new centres for crocodile skins. The crocodile was in great danger of being exterminated in Northern Australia. The upshot of this was that the University of Sydney and the Northern Territory Administration entered into a joint arrangement to study the crocodiles. I, in the meantime was looking at the marine sciences and this seemed to be the time for me to get right into il; and in order to study crocodiles, I needed a ship—a ship which could do the job for the

20 University properly. And this is just what the Science Foundation had done. As always—we talk and talk and then, suddenly, we act! Tonight, I am happy to tell you, that within a month's time we will be calling for tenders, the complete detailed specifications having been drawn up for the past year, for Australia's Universities' largest oceangoing research vessel. It will be a vessel of about 100 tons, 70 ft long, equipped with a big biological laboratory, and it will form one of the main research tools for the University of Sydney's Marine Science Centre. It will provide a magnificent: opportunity for the University to really embark upon what we have all prayed for for decades— multi-discipline research, where the physicists, the biologists, the geologists, in short the whole gammut of the scientific community within the University, can co-operate and participate. Thus, this evening, it gives me great pleasure to think that the Science Foundation is again going to take a positive, leadership role in this country, and embark on something new and something which this country deserves; something which is going to get us moving; and this is the most important thing of all. We are very pleased about this and we hope that this vessel is going to be only the first of many throughout this country, and I hope it will please the Government, Sir Kenneth, that the Science Foundation has again seen fit not to go begging to the Government first, and then screaming that we didn't get money; we haven't even approached you for a cent; but we will in the future, don't worry. We hope that we will embark on this, just as we did in computers, just as we did in many other fields—what we wish to demonstrate is, if we bslieve in a thing we put our money where our mouth is. Sir Kenneth, thank you for your kind words about our Science Foundation, thank you ladies and gentlemen.

Picture on left page shows the retiring Secretary of the Sydney County Council, Mr J. H. Borserini, the then Police Commissioner of New South Wales, Mr N. T. W. Allan, and Mr C. R. Hall, art Hon. Secretary of the Foundation. At right: Senator Lionel Murphy, Leadei of the Opposition in the Senate, bein,j welcomed to the 1972 Annual Dinner by Foundation Secretary Oscar Guth. CHANCELLOR PAYS TRIBUTE TO WORK OF FOUNDATION

Responding to the toast speech on behalf of the University of Sydney, its Chancellor, Mr H. D. Black, said:

XVAR Chairman, I should like to acknowledge that part of the toast which relates to the University of Sydney and, in particular so, to congratulate you on the assumption of the chairmanship of the Foundation, and to express the pleasure of the University that you assume this office in anticipation of the services that you will perform, keeping to the great tradition which has been established by Chairman, the latest being Sir Robert, to whom I also express the University's thanks. Secondly, may I acknowledge the presence of Sir Kenneth Anderson in lieu of the Prime Minister, and to say that we are extremely glad that you stand in lieu of the Right Honourable Mr William McMahon. I am very glad to be able to acknowledge a toast to the University since, as you would expect, a Chancellor has to attend an intolerable number of dinners, which is not the same thing, Mr Chairman, as saying a number of intolerable dinners. And it is a pleasure to be in a gathering which drinks a toast to the University, as if participation in it, and association with it, was an honour— which it is. I had the somewhat dubious pleasure two weeks ago of having granted the request to speak in welcome of new students to listen to a fairly consistent denegration of all that the University is, and it is a pleasure to come into a gathering such as this, and to hear the University spoken of with some praise, and I thank you for it. But I must tell you that the most perfect comment which I have heard lately about the University of Sydney was spoken to me by a youth who did not know who I was, when on the day of welcoming new students I said to him, "Where are you going?" and he said, "I'm going towards City Road". I said, "What are you going to do?" And he said, "I tried to get entry into the University with an arts/law combination," (as you may know we restrict the arts/law combination to a couple of hundred). He didn't make it but was admitted to arts, and therefore I had a youth who had in fact been disappointed in that he was not admitted in the terms that he chose or wished, but he was admitted to the Faculty of Arts. And I said, "You must be very disappointed that in a sense, at the very outset you have failed to establish the line of advance towards your career." He replied, "No Sir, I am admitted to the Faculty of Arts". And he. added the sentence which I think is the sentence which I shall treasure: "This is a good place to be in". That, I think, is what one would wish to say of the University. This is a good place to be in, whether it is in the form of staff or student, or whether in means in relation to its activities as is the Foundation. And, in acknowledging therefore the toast to the University, I acknowledge that part of the work done in the University which has, in effect, been founded upon the resources which this Foundation has provided it. It would be inconceivable that a first-rate Foundation would attach itself to a second-rate Department—it would be inconceivable that the Foundation would take any pleasure in linking itself with something that was unscholarly. It is the essential feature of a University that it does concern itself with scholarly pursuits, and in so far as the Foundation underpins those scholarly pursuits, it is not the sole source of those scholarly pursuits. Be under no misapprehension on that point, but it does underpin and assist and enlarge them, that we are extremely grateful for what you have done for us. It's interesting, if you will permit me to recall to you just how remarkably the Department of Physics has been transformed over a short period of time. I began as a student in the University in 1923. It was in the immediate post-war years when the Department of Physics had but one Chair, held by Professor Oscar Vonwiller from 1923 until the termination of the Second World War in 1945. He had as his major assistant, Associate Professor V. A. Bailey who later, from 1936, on the decision of the Senate, became Professor of Experimental Physics, between 1936 and 1953, and in 1953 he moved from that Chair into the Chair of Research in Physics, holding it from 1953 to 1960. It proved, as you all know, immensely difficult to find a person fit and worthy to be the encumbent of the Chair of Physics, vacated in 1945 by Professor Vonwiller, and it was not until September 1, 1952, that Harry Messel was appointed. And, he is now approaching what can be regarded as a sort of lusty majority of 21 years in that chair—this is about the age of his adulthood, just beginning. Thereafter, in 1959, the University of Sydney took upon its running cost-budget and made part of its Establishment the Chair of Physics, Theoretical Physics, to which was appointed,

33 Mr A. J. White, Mr E. J. Selby and Mr J. I. Dryburgh at the Foundation Dinner. Bc-km: Mi Russell Slade; Mr A. F. Deer, Chairman of the Sydney University Senate Finance ( omniillee: Sn Robert Norman; visiting former U.S. Consul General to Sydney, Mr B. Capella; and (lie l>epm> Chairman of the Foundation, Mr S. E. Chatterton. and it is pleasant to see him here this evening, Stuart Butler. Then, in 1960, in a Chair of Physics, Plasma Physics, the very distinguished Charles Watson-Munro was appointed to the School, followed in 1961 by a fourth Chair in Physics, related to the electronic computing, to which John Bennett, happily present this evening, was appointed. Also in 1961, in higher energy , Brian McCusker was appointed to a Chair, followed by Robert Hanbury Brown in the Chair of Physics, concerned with Astronomy, in 1964, and in Astrophysics, Bernard Mills, in 1965. Sub- sequently in a departure which is a recognition of excellence, a personal Chair was created for Robert May in Physics Theoretical in 1970. What you therefore witness is a situation which has transformed in the University of Sydney by building into the Establishment of the University, as from the time when there was a shortage of Physicists and the difficulty of filling a Chair, such a constellation of talent, that the University of Sydney is now in its own right a source of supply to other academic institutions, and to other bodies needing physicists trained in the standards of excellence of that Department. It has moved from a situation of scarcity of supply to a source from which come the resources that others must draw on for the teaching and the research in physics itself. This has been a transformation effected within the University of Sydney, and a transformation carried out by its policy-making body, with along the way, the accession of resources which the Foundation represented, attaching itself to this host in such a fashion that the equipmental and other facilities have made the personal capacity of these people reach deeper into their specific fields of enquiry. And it is here that the Foundation, I think, has done enormous work in adding a dimension which has not been available from public resources to the work of this particular department. That this is recognised abroad is seen by a letter which I had from Professor Sir George Porter who, as you know, was one of the distinguished participants in the 1971 International Science School for High School Students, the very distinguished English scientist, Nobel Prize winner in 1967. In his letter, in addition to the formal, if you like, traditional thanks for the hospitality accorded him while in Australia, this international scholar, paid his own personal respects to me, and I transmit them to the University and to the Foundation, for the work the University has been doing in opening horizons for children drawn from England, Japan, from the United States, from New Zealand and from Australia. That recognition by such a distinguished scholar is in part an example of the regard in which the School of Physics and the Foundation are held in the world of science at large. But there's more to it than that, at the personal level I have here a letter which I should like in part to read, for it indicates how in fact the University and the University in association with the Foundation, have changed the mind of one boy and done it in a fashion which illustrates that the standard of excellence was such that it stood without difficulty in an international comparison. I will retain the name as my own private pleasure and read you a few passages from this letter. It is from a boy who came from the English contingent in 1971, a magnificent contingent on any comparison, and it reads as follows: "Dear Mr Black, I hope that this letter reaches you before the Christmas rush blocks off communications between our two countries. This is not only because I want to wish a Merry Christmas to you and your wife, but also to tell you about the special reason I have for being grateful to the Science Foundation. For various reasons, I learned when I came up to Cambridge that I would have to take biology of cells as a fourth subject of chemistry as I had intended. As I intend to specialise in physics this was fine, except that I had read none of the biology of cells or of the biology of cells set textbooks, and had forgotten all the biology I ever knew. But, to my surprise, the first few weeks of the biology of cells course in Cambridge covered the same ground as Professor Phillip's and Professor Porter's lectures at the Science School. The book, Molecules to Man is often more up-to-date taan our textbooks in Cambridge. I have the required background knowledge and more—thanks to the Science Foundation!" He adds the most important passage: "I mention this letter, trivial in itself, as an example of the miriads of tiny effects our world tour is still having. There is an old saying, that golden hairs fall from a golden horse." Having long since dismounted from the golden horse, the golden hairs are still to be found in profusion. I hope that the golden intellectual hairs that your support has given the University, will continue to fall from the horse on which ride the great intellectual potential of the young of this world! I hope, Mr Chairman, that with a figurative adaptation of the terms, you will see that this Foundation rides upon a golden horse, for the hairs which fall from it will indeed be those which will fructify in the intellectual excellence of the youth of the future. May I acknowledge with thanks that part of the toast which was to the University of Sydney.



Th. C Science Foundation for Physics is a voluntary philanthropic association of individuals and public and private organisations dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in science education. Its main constitutional objectives are:

• To support, promote, foster, and develop, financially and otherwise, scientific research in the School of Physics of the University of Sydney. • To support and encourage science education and the training of scientists and technologists in the School and in Australia generally. • To make and solicit donations, gifts, and bequests to the University of Sydney for these purposes.


X HE Foundation—the first such organisation in the British Commonwealth—was inaugurated on March 12, 1954. Its inaugural meeting, held in the Great Hall of the University of Sydney, followed many months of careful planning and the ratification of the Foundation's constitution by the Senate of the University of Sydney on June 8, 1953. Although mainly concerned with the School of Physics of the University, the national importance of the Foundation was underlined by the presence at its inauguration of the then Federal Treasurer, Sir Arthur Fadden, representing the Commonwealth Government, the then Premier of New South Wales, the late Mr J. J. Cahill, the then Premier of , Sir Thomas Playford, and many other distinguished personalities. The establishment of the Foundation followed within twelve months the appointment of Canadian Professor Harry Messel to the Chair of Physics at the University. "It was his idea," said the University's Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Stephen Roberts, in his opening address at the inauguration, "that industry and the University could combine within a research foundation with great mutual benefit. And it was his energy and enthusiasm which have been responsible for the setting up of the Foundation. "Never before has the University needed so much the active co-operation of the community it serves, and I venture to suggest that never before has the community needed so much the services of the University in ... what no doubt will be known as the atomic age," Professor Roberts said. "The Senate, when it invited Professor Messel to accept the Chair of Physics, agreed to appoint 12 new permanent members of the academic staff to the School of Physics; a grant of over $40,000 for equipment and research was made from the Sir Hugh Denison Foundation; a substantial sum of money was set aside to provide research studentships and fellowships for Australian and overseas graduates; and a sum of $90,000 is being spent on modernising the building containing the School of Physics. But Professor Messel found that these sums of money were insufficient to do all that must be done . . . Hence the idea of the Science Foundation for Physics was conceived by means of which industry would support the University and the University would keep industry well informed of (science) developments, train young men and carry out fundamental research." Four generous gifts set the Foundation off to a good start. On February 12, 1954, the late Sir Adolph Basser, a prominent Sydney businessman, donated $100,000 for the •establishment of a comput- ing laboratory now known as the Basser Computing Department of the School of Physics. Three weeks later the late Mr G. B. S. Falkiner, of "Haddon Rig", Warren, N.S.W., made a similar donation of $100,000, which was used for setting up the School's Falkiner Nuclear Department, named in memory of his father, the late Mr F. B. S. Falkiner. The third and fourth gifts, each of $100,000, were made at the inauguration meeting by Mr Cahill on behalf, of the N.S.W. Government, and by Sir Arthur Fadden, on behalf of the Federal Government. The meeting elected as first chairman of the Foundation, Mr R. G. C. Parry-Okeden, managing director of Lysaghts and representative of the Chamber of Manufactures of N.S.W. Mr Parry- Okeden also became the first chairman of the Foundation's'governing body, its Council, whose other inaugural members were: Mr (later Sir) James N. Kirby, then Managing Director of James N. Kirby Pty Ltd (Dep. Chairman). Mr W. G. Walkley, Managing Director of Ampol Petroleum Ltd. Mr G. B. S. Falkiner, Grazier. Mr E. G. Boyd, Managing Director of Mount Morgan Ltd. Mr (now Sir) Frank Packer, Managing Director of Consolidated Press. Mr G. C. Crane, Chairman of Directors, Australian Gas Light Co. Mr T. G. Crane, Managing Director, Monsanto Chemicals (Aust.) Ltd. Professor H. Messel (ex officio). Other ex-officio members of the first Council of the Foundation were the Chancellor of the University, Sir Charles Bickerton Blackburn, the Deputy Chancellor, Dr C. G. McDonald, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Stephen Roberts, the Registrar of the University, Mr W. H. Maze, and the Hon. Secretary, Mr C. R. Hall. 26 WHAT THE FOUNDATION MAS ACHIEVED SO FAR

J\.IGHT from its inception the activities of the Foundation paved the way for Australia having an atomic energy research programme at all and for the establishment of the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering. It was the Foundation which first brought together the Australian community—industry and the public—and the University in an effort to serve the mutual interests of both in science and thus in the development, progress, and growth of Australia. The main means by which the Foundation has succeeded in making the Australian public more science-conscious, thereby increasing the numbers of those wishing to become much needed scientists and technologists, included— (1) Continual appeal for the pursuit of excellence and encouragement of a higher standard of science education. (2) Scholarships—any student who obtains a first-class honours degree in Physics at any Australian University is offered a scholarship to do postgraduate work at the School of Physics of the University of Sydney. (3) Annual televised Science Schools for teachers and high school students (these schools became international six years ago). (4) Publication of scientific papers, articles, lecture-course and textbooks. Foremost among the latter are: Science For High School Students—a two-volume work of more than 1,000 pages integrating the four sciences of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology for 1st to 4th year high school use to the School Certificate. Science For High School Students Teachers' Manual—a teachers' aide companion volume to the textbook. Abridged Science For High School Students—a shortened version, of the main textbook, covering the Modified, Ordinary and Ordinary (Credit) study levels only whereas the main book covers the entire revised science syllabus approved by the Secondary Schools Board. Senior Science for High School Students—a three-part work covering Physics, Chemistry and Biology respectively, for 5th and 6th year high school use, extending science study to the Higher School Certificate and matriculation requirements. Senior Science For High School Students Teachers' Manual—the teachers' aide companion to the three senior books. It was through the efforts and funds of the Science Foundation that a world-standard research programme was embarked upon by the School of Physics to give Australian students study opportunities that before they could find only abroad, and to attract to Australia world-ranking scientists to carry out and develop this ambitious programme. The most spectacular achievement of the Foundation is that it has made possible the development of the School of Physics of the University of Sydney into one of the leading such schools in the world and a partner in the new Cornell-Sydney University Astronomy Centre. Finally, the Foundation in supporting fundamental research in the School of Physics, concerns itself with making readily available to Australian industry such results as may lend themselves to useful practical applications. The School of Physics is frequently consulted by Australian industry on such specialised equipment as lasers, energy sources, and high quality microwave receivers. Technical help is always freely given. The School, in the continuous revision of its courses, is paying particular attention to the developing needs of industry for scientific and technical staff,


A HE work of the School of Physics can roughly be divided in two—the teaching and the research aspects. AH persons concerned with research in the School also take an active part in its teaching activities. There are also certain members of staff whose interests lie mainly in the field of teaching. In first and second years, where the School deals with particularly large numbers of students, the organising of laboratory and lecture courses is for these members of staff a full-time job. The responsibilities and functions of teaching and training in the School are briefly: • Ph.D. courses and research facilities which train research leaders for industry, Government and for the academic staff of institutions of tertiary education. This last has been an important task for the School of Physics in the past years of great university expansion in Australia. With further expansion of tertiary education, and in particular of colleges of advanced education, it will no doubt continue to be of importance. • M.Sc. courses, like those for a Ph.D., provide training in research. M.Sc. graduates have in the past gone into research and development within industry, government establishments and other Universities, also into secondary and technological teaching. • B.Sc. Honours and Pass. These undergraduate courses provide the basic training of the physicist. Honours graduates, who do not proceed to the post-graduate degrees of M.Sc. or Ph.D., and pass graduates are required in industry for development and control work, as research assistants, as secondary school-teachers and in a wide variety of semi-administrative roles where a scientific training is called for. • Service courses are provided by the School of Physics for many other University faculties and departments. • Computing courses in the School of Physics are constantly expanding due to the enormous increase in the use of computers in Australia and the consequent requirement of large numbers of trained people ip this field. The School of Physics, which has been the first university institution in Australia to teach this new science, is doing its utmost to keep in step with the ever-growing demand for computer personnel training.


The undergraduate and postgraduate teaching aspects in the School of Physics overlap in fourth year which provides the transition from undergraduate course work to research work. Research work in the School is organised in six interrelated research departments, each under its own professorial head. The_ research fields have been selected to stimulate cross-fertilisation of ideas and this shows itself in seminars, laboratory discussions and in common meeting grounds in Theoretical Physics and Computer usage. Most academic staff appointments to the School of Physics are made to research departments in specific fields of research, but these staff members also take part in the undergraduate teaching. As already pointed out, some staff members are exclusively appointed for teaching and particularly the organising of the teaching load. There is however no sharp demarcation line between teaching and research,



The first year courses so far available have been Physics IA and Physics IB. Physics IA is intended for students going on to specialise in Physics or 'in other sciences requiring a detailed acquaintance with Physics, e.g., electrical engineering, applied mathematics and physical chemistry. The course is of high standard; in Michaelmas Term 1972, 100 students were taking this course. Physics IB was designed for all other students requiring Physics, namely students in the Faculties of Medicine, Veterinary Science, Agriculture and Dentistry, biologists, biochemists, geologists and pharmacy students in the Faculty of Science and those students in the Faculty of Engineering who do not require such an advanced course as Physics IA. In Michaelmas Term 1972, there were 1,400 students taking Physics IB. Partly on account of the large number of students in this course the lectures have been prerecorded on television videotape. This has a number of advantages: all the students get the same lecture; all students get an excellent view of the many demonstrations which are given; all the lectures are good because they have been vetted by the lecturer himself and his critical colleagues. The lecturers giving this course are all active members of their research departments. Tutorial assistance is also available to Physics IB students. Students may individually, or in small groups, book tutorials with a tutor. In addition, audio-visual, programmed tutorials to teach problem-solving techniques are regularly given. Following the success of a pilot scheme in 1971 these tutorials have now been expanded to 27 sessions per week with about 15 to 20 students attending each session. 1973 will see the introduction of a new First Year course—Physics IL.S. (Life Sciences). This is intended for students in the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science and Agriculture. It may also be taken by science_ students whose primary interest will lie in the biological sciences and for whom one year of Physics will be sufficient.


Physics II is taken mainly by students in the Faculties of Science and Engineering but is also available to Arts students. There are two lecture courses, IIA and IIB, and a common laboratory course. Regular problem assignments, followed by tutorial discussion of these problems, are a feature of these courses. In the laboratory course use is made of modern equipment and techniques. One whole term is spent in a co-ordinated course in electrical circuits and electronics including transistor circuitry.


The Physics IIIA course is largely orientated to the needs of those students who plan to go on to further studies in Physics. The Physics IIIB course is a terminal course., specially designed to meet the needs of students who are going to positions in teaching and industry or who are returning to the Faculty of Engineering. At the end of the third year a student may proceed to take his B.Sc. Pass degree. Students who obtain a Credit in the IIIA course may be allowed to proceed with the fourth or Honours year. 29 During the Honours year students are attached to one of the current research projects in the School for their laboratory work. A certain amount of specialisation is allowed although a common-core of courses is provided and must be taken by all Honours students. It should be pointed out here that during the first three years no specialisation is allowed. Physics can only be taught as a "unity" and this policy is closely followed in the School. Students graduating at the end of the fourth year obtain an Honours B.Sc. with Honours Class I, II or III. Students obtaining Honours I or II may be allowed to proceed to a postgraduate year and enrol as M.Sc. students. In exceptional cases students who do well in their M.Sc. year may without submitting an M.Sc. thesis be allowed to enrol as Ph.D. students. Students obtaining Honours I may of course be allowed to enrol from the start as Ph.D. students. The work of this degree takes a minimum of an additional three years. The average period of time taken is closer to four years beyond the Honours year.


Many applications to enrol for postgraduate work are received from overseas students and from graduates from other universities. Although the academic standards we require are high it has still been necessary to restrict our numbers of postgraduate students on financial grounds. While we have a considerable capital investment in equipment, in cosmic ray installations, in plasma physics sources, in the Mills Cross and the Narrabri interferometer, it is difficult to secure the necessary finances to pay the technicians to maintain this equipment and to make extensions proven necessary from the research. In the computer field the Basser Department of the School conducts courses leading to a post- graduate diploma (Diploma in Numerical Analysis and Automatic Computing) and offers a course, Computing Science, to Science and General Science students in the third year of their Science courses. A fourth (Honours) year in Computer Science was introduced in 1967. Research projects leading to a Ph.D. or an M.Sc. degree (or, if suitable arrangements can be made, appropriate equivalents in other faculties, e.g., the degree of M.Eng.Sc, in the Faculty of Engineering) may be carried out under the supervision of members of the Department staff.


Research students enrolling in postgraduate courses are usually supported financially through competitive Commonwealth and University studentships available to them, at a current annual value of $2,900. In addition there are prestige awards such as the General Motors-Holden scholarships, C.S.I.R.O. studentships, the G. J. Coles scholarships and the Rothmans scholarships. There always appears a number of special cases of students who are not eligible for scholarship awards for a variety of reasons including residency, timing, etc. In such cases the School of Physics may give the students financial support through a Teaching Fellowship appointment (around $4,000, p.a. taxable) or by help from the Science Foundation for Physics. This help however is not given to students of a lower standard than that necessary for the award of a Commonwealth postgraduate studentship.


OOME 18 years ago, when the Foundation was established, the postgraduate school in Physics in the University of Sydney was practically non-existent. The number of students coming forward for degrees in Physics were few and of these the best who were interested in pursuing postgraduate work invariably left for overseas. One of the Foundation's first tasks, therefore, was to stop the drift of young Australians overseas, to bring back some of the best of the young Australians who had left, and, if possible, even to get some of the best overseas students to pursue postgraduate studies in the University of Sydney's School of Physics. To do this it was necessary to establish a postgraduate group consisting of scientists of world repute to work in specially chosen fields of endeavour, and in which Australian research could lead and not just follow. The key was first-class staff—staff who were respected for their scientific work the world over. The co-operation in this regard during the past 18 years by the University of Sydney and the Foundation has resulted in the School of Physics establishing a high international reputation as a physics research centre. Scientists from all corners of the globe have joined and are continuing to join the staff and graduate students of the School and many brilliant Australians have been brought back to this country. Today the School of Physics is training and retraining students not only from the University of Sydney but also from otherjiAustralasian Universities. In addition, the School has for some time now been drawing many of its0 postgraduate students from overseas—from Britain, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, and Europe. At present there are some 60 postgraduate students in the School. The research effort of the School of Physics is organised in seven departments under Professor H. Messel. The sever, departments form an integrated research programme and their work is closely linked and has been chosen with that purpose in mind. It is felt that by carefully choosing special fields of research work, Australia can be a world leader in these. Financed to a major proportion by the Foundation, the research effort in the School should allow Australia to make an ever- increasing contribution to the furthering of new knowledge in these fields. The seven Research Departments of the School of Physics are:

© The Daily Telegraph Theoretical Department, headed by Professor Stuart T. Butler, Ph.D., D.Sc, F.A.A. 0 The Falkiner Nuclear (Research) Department, headed by Professor C. B. A. McCusker, D.Sc., M.RJ.A. © The Basser Department of Computer Science, headed by Professor J. M. Bennett, B.E., B.Sc, Ph.D. O The Wills Plasma Physics (Thermonuclear) Department, headed by Professor Charles N. Watson-Munro, O.B.E., D.Sc., M.I.E.E., F.Inst.P., F.A.A. © The Chatterton Astronomy Department, headed by Professor R. Hanbury Brown, D.I.C., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.A.A., F.R.A.S. O The Astrophysics Department, headed by Professor B. Y. Mills, M.E., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.A.A. © The Environmental Physics Department, headed, pending the appointment of a permanent Head, by Professor Messel as Head of the School. THE "DAILY TELEGRAPH" THEORETICAL DEPARTMENT

STAFF POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Professor S. T. Butler D. W. E. Blatt Professc 1. M. May M. A. Box Dr I. M. Bassett H. N. Comins Dr N. F. Cramer G. N. Epstein Dr R. G. Hewitt K. King Dr I. D. S. Johnston B. R. W. Lederer R. E. McMurtrie g. L Martin P. Pick D. C. Sams G. C Vorlicek

A. HE Daily Telegraph Theoretical Physics Department was established in 1959, with the appointment of Professor S. T. Butler. It was financed with the aid of the Foundation, in particular with a gift of $100,000 by Sir Frank Packer, Managing Director of Consolidated Press Ltd, their owners of the Daily Telegraph.

Active work in the field of theoretical physics pre-dates the formal establishment of the department. In the early 1950's, Professor Messel "captured" a brilliant trio of theoreticians— John Blatt, Stuart Butler, and Robert Schafroth—whose work, on superconductivity in particular, first brought the Sydney University School of Physics into the first class of world-ranking research institutions. • 5(BCe ffiCD, WO menWm Qt ftp fcpafflnem h»ve been honoured by the Australian Academy of Science. Professor Butler was awarded the Academy's Thomas Rankea Lyle Medal for 1966 for "significant advances in three different fields of theoretical physics"; and Professor R. M. May was awarded the Academy's for 196? for distinguished research in Physics made by a scientist under the age of 35. Professor May was also awarded the Edgeworth David Medal by the Royal Society of New South Wales in 1968 and the David Syme Research Prize by Melbourne University in 1968. During 1970, Professor May was awarded a personal Chair by Sydney University, the first such position created by the University. During the past eleven years, the research work carried out in the department has ranged over a wide variety of topics—from the structure of atomic nuclei to the structure of stars, from shock waves in laboratory plasmas to tides in the earth's atmosphere, from the nature of pulsars to the nature of quarks.

Following his work in several areas of statistical mechanics and the theory of systems incorporating many particles, Professor May has developed an increasing interest in those aspects of population biology which deal with the complexity, diversity and stability of communities of interacting species. A book entitled "Stability and Complexity in Model Ecosystems", which reviews his own and other work in this field, will be published by Princeton University Press early next year.

32 Next July Professor May has been invited to lecture on this work at a major meeting of the American Mathematical Society devoted to the topic "Biology and Mathematics"; the other three lecturers include the Nobel laureate Francis Crick. Over the years, the department has turned out 27 Ph.D.'s and 7 M.Sc.'s. Some ten of them currently staff Theoretical Physics Departments in Australian Universities, four of the best having been kept at Sydney University; others occupy various research and teaching positions both inside and outside Australia. Five sometime staff members currently hold Professorships in Australia. As a direct result of the Foundation's support, the Department has been able to maintain a flow of top-flight Visiting Professors, mainly from the U.S.A. This not only greatly stimulates research, but also brings home to the graduate students that they are members of a lively international community. At the present time, the group's interests lie mainly in the following fields: (1) Low Energy Nuclear Physics A new method has been developed for finding exact solutions of the so-called "Bethe- Goldstone" equation—a key equation in the theory of the many body problem (the problem of just how the many nucleons fit together inside a nucleus), which has up till now only been able to be solved approximately at the expense of vast amounts of computer time. The solutions to this equation, which are currently being explored, will provide the key to the cc^iputation both of nuclear structure properties and of the binding energy of nuclear matter. A second major project in the field of nuclear physics is a direct numerical calculation of the quantum mechanical three-body problem, which should soon lead to an accurate value for the binding energy of the triton (the nucleus of heavy-heavy-hydrogenj and of He3. (2) Plasma Physics Part of this effort deals with problems of interest to, and suggested by, the Wills Plasma Physics Department. For example, investigations into the propagation of magneto- hydrodynamic waves in plasmas have been carried out, with particular reference to the propagation of shock waves as a means of heating the plasma. Other projects in this field deal with experiments being done overseas. Thus the considerable body of theoretical work done on the production of highly excited neutral atoms for injection into plasma devices has been of relevance to the design of the machines ALICE (Livermore, U.S.A.), PHOENIX (Culham, U.K.) and OGRA (Leningrad, U.S.S.R.). Yet other work in this field deals with certain underlying problems which concern the basis of plasma-kinetic theory. One facet of this work which makes contact with experiments is the calculation of the rate of energy loss by fast particles in a plasma: other aspects are more abstract. (3) Theoretical Ecology Various aspects of theoretical models which bear on aspects of population stability in biological communities of interacting species are being studied. Some of the broader themes are the relation between stability and complexity in general multispecies models; the relation between population stability in randomly fluctuating environments as opposed to deterministic ones; and the way environmental fluctuations are liable to put a limit to niche overlap, a limit to similarity, among competing species in the real world. Minor themes include the way non- linearities can produce stable limit cycle oscillations in real ecosystems; the role played by time-delays in feedback mechanisms, and the way that addition of extra trophic levels can stabilise them; the relation between stability within one trophic level and total web stability; and why strong predator-prey links may be liable to be more common in nature than strong symbiotic links. (4) Miscellaneous A number of smaller projects include work in the fields of: (a) Astrophysics—for example the energy generating processes in stellar interiors, the shape and brightness distribution of rotating stars and close binary systems (in collaboration with the Chatterton Astronomy Department), and even forays into the realms of cosmology. (b) Atmospheric Physics—a study of the effect of the oxides of nitrogen in the emissions from supersonic aircraft on the ozone column in the stratosphere. (c) Statistical Mechanics—vtheK investigations into abstract model problems have yielded surprising insight into topics in the behavioural sciences (e.g. the theory of voting). COSMIC RAY RESEARCH IN THE FALKINER NUCLEAR DEPARTMENT

STAFF POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Professor C. B. A. McCusker C. J. Bell Associate Professor M. M. Winn B. V. Denehy Dr L. S. Peak A. Gray Dr J. Ulrichs J. G. Loy Mr J. B. T. McCaughan A. K. Outhred Dr L. Goorevich L. S. Wilson Dr A. D. Bray Dr A. Parkinson Mr A. Bakich ..I Mr L. Horton Mr P. Nielsen Miss R. Roberts

M. HE Department was established more than 11 years ago by an original gift of $100,000 from the late G. B. S. Falkiner. Its purpose is to study the origin, properties and nuclear interactions of extremely energetic cosmic radiation. The cosmic ray detector which it operates in the Pilliga State Forest, some 350 miles northwest of Sydney, is by far the largest Cosmic Ray Air Shower Array in the world. The array consists of a number of detector stations in the Pilliga Forest and a base station at Bohena. At the base station there are four houses for the staff; a laboratory and radio station; a service bay for the three four-wheel-drive vehicles that service the array and a refilling station for the bottled gas cylinders which power the array. The base is dominated by the 164 ft high radio antenna transmitting timing signals to the array on a 400 MHz carrier frequency. The cosmic rays are detected by the stations in the Forest. During the past year scientists of the Department have been busy increasing the number of stations from 34 to 46 (and the collecting area to about 60 square kilometres). The picture on page 36 shows two of the staff testing one of the stations. The results are recorded on the tape recorder at the top of the scintillator tank. Once a week the tapes from each tank are collected and flown to Sydney for analysis on the Basset Department's KDF9 computer. The purpose of the experiment is to study the most energetic radiation known; its nuclear reactions, its nature and its origin.

34 The four A-frame houses for the permanent and visiting staff and students at the Cosmic Ray Detector Station at Bohena. Picture also shows the laboratory, the service bay for the vehicles, the refilling station for the gas bottJes which power the station and the 156 ft transmitting antenna.

35 .f',;

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n ft ft Left: Testing one of the detector stations in the Pilliga State Forest. The top of one of the scintillator tanks is in the foreground. Two metres down the tank widens to an area of six square metres, and its floor is covered with the scintillating liquid tliat picks up the cosmic ray particles. Each event is recorded on the tape deck visible on the top of the tank. Checking the equipment are Geoff Wall, technician (left), and Laurie Horton, manager, using portable equipment in the land-rover. Above is a dramatic photograph of the 156 ft transmitting antenna.


STAFF RESEARCH STUDENTS Professor C. N. Watson-Munro L. Bighel Associate Professor D. D. Millar D. D. Cohen Dr L. C. Robinson A. R. Collins Dr J. A. Lehane N. R. Heckenberg Dr W. I. B. Smith R. A. Niland Dr I. S. Falconer F. J. Paoloni Dr B. W. James S. W. Simpson Dr R. C. Cross G. D. Tait Dr G. F. Brand L. B. Whitbourn

• ESTABLISHMENT AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT The Wills Plasma Physics Department was established in 1960 under Professor C. N. Watson- Munro with the aid of the Foundation, in particular with a gift of $100,000 by W. D. & H. O. Wills Ltd. During the past few years there has been considerable support from local N.S.W. industry in the donation of specialised electronic components and equipment (total $100,000), the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering, the Australian Research Grants Committee and the University of Sydney Research Committee.

• WHAT IS A PLASMA? While the term "fourth state" of matter was introduced in 1879 by the English physicist Crookes to describe what he called "an ultra gaseous state of matter", the term plasma—to describe the ensemble of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons one finds in an ionized gas—was introduced by Langmuir in 1929. In the laboratory one can prepare a plasma by heating a gas to about 20,000° C, at which temperature the orbital negative planetary electrons become dissociated from the positively charged nuclei. Because the positive and negative ions in the plasma are electrically charged they circulate around magnetic field lines; thus magnetic "bottle.s" can be designed to.confine a plasma for periods of a few thousandths of a second and enable their properties to be studied-. The Wills Plasma Physics Department has built five such magnetic bottles as plasma sources.


* Immediate Industrial Applications to fluorescent discharge tubes, lightning arrestors, electronics, nuclear particle detectors, vacuum technology, high current switching. * Longer Term Application—direct magneto-hydrodynamic conversion in power stations which could remove necessity for turbine and increase efficiency from 40 up to 60 per cent. * Possible Application to controlled nuclear fusion power production from heavy hydrogen, where world's energy resources are 1,000 million times that of coal. * Space Propulsion. * Basic Physics Research to understand behaviour of Fourth State of Matter. * Assistance in the interpretation of Astrophysical observations and theory.


If we can heat a heavy hydrogen plasma to a temperature of around 300 million degrees we can overcome the repulsive forces between the positively charged hydrogen nuclei and fuse them together with a very large release of energy. Such processes indeed take place in the sun (where

38 k \





Experiments on Decay of Plasma in a Confining Magnetic Field in SUPPER 1. ]. Cyanide laser as far-infrared energy source constructed by L. Whitbourn in School of Physics. 2. Solid State Detector for infrared radiation immersed in superconducting magnetic field in liquid helium at temperature of 4-2 K. 3. SUPPER I plasma, showing coils of confining magnetic field. 4. Waveguide to Microwave Interferometer.

gravitational forces hold the plasma together) and in the uncontrolled hydrogen bombs. To achieve controlled thermonuclear reactions on earth it is necessary to hold the plasma in a magnetic bottle for a time of the order of tenths of seconds. The main problem is one of confinement but substantial progress has been made in the Russian Tokomak programme which has now been duplicated and extended in the U.S.A. and Western Europe. Between 1952 and 1956 confinement times increased by a factor of 1,000; between 1956 and 1966 there was no improvement while the instabilities were identified; from 1966 to 1971 there has been a period of instability suppression which has resulted in a factor of 100 improvement on the confinement time; this is only a factor of 10 off the requirement and if the Russian empirical scaling laws apply their T10 machine, due for completion about 1975, this should be a thermonuclear device. There would, of course, still be a very long period of engineering and technological development to the power reactor stage, but the situation is sufficiently optimistic for the International Atomic

39 Energy Agency to set up a permanent 10-man International Fusion Council to promote international co-operation including the holding of conferences. Professor Watson-Munro is one of the members of this Council, Other routes to the thermonuclear Eldorado are becoming competitive with the Russian Tokomak. The Tokomak is a toroidal (shaped like a doughnut) device which has no ends and where the plasma is heated by an electric current which provides one of the confining magnetic fields (the azimuthal). The other confining magnetic field is provided by an external solenoid, which will eventually be made from superconductors at liquid helium temperatures. The Russians have confined plasmas of densities of the order of I014 particles per cubic centimeter at temperatures of 10 million ° C for times of the order of 25 milliseconds. The target for the new T10 machine is 100 million ° C and one second. The method of heating from 10 million to 100 million ° C is not determined; there is some interest in the ion cyclotron and magnetoacoustic heating experiments being carried out at Sydney University and elsewhere. In Theta Pinch experiments in U.S.A., Britain and Germany temperatures of 50 million ° C at densities of 1017 particles per cubic centimeter have been achieved for confinement times of the order of a few microseconds. In the Theta Pinch a very large electric current (several million amperes) is suddenly switched into a single, turn solenoid containing a cylindrical heavy hydrogen plasma. Due to the interaction of an axial magnetic field and an azimuthal current, a shock wave is driven radially inwards, heating and compressing the plasma as it goes. Recent experiments by the British using lasers as diagnostic tools have shown that the only significant losses of plasma are out of the ends and that a toroidal theta pinch is a potentially feasible thermonuclear reactor. The first of the toroidal theta pinch experiments are now under construction in U.S.A. and West Germany. The confinement time must be raised to a millisecond. Another attempt to produce thermonuclear reactors is by using very high energy laser beams to rapidly heat solid deuterium at very high densities (1023 particles per cubic centimeter) and hope for inertial confinement for a sufficient time. Such a system could also produce an explosion, which might have military applications; most of the research in the world in this field is now carried out in secret defence laboratories.


Supper Machines (Sydney University Plasma Physics Experimental Rigs):

Machine Diameter Length Magnetic Field Use

in ft in Supper I (1961) 6 2 6 10,000 gauss Diagnostics Supper II (1962) 9 5 6 20,000 gauss Wave Studies Supper ffl (1966) 9 1 0 30,000 gauss Wave Studies near Electron Cyclotron Resonance Supper IV (1968) 4-6 8 0 15,000 gauss Wave Studies Supper V (1969) 4 1 6 2,000 gauss Continuous Source (PIG)

Supper III was revamped in 1972 for plasma centrifuge experiments.


Large scale controlled thermonuclear reactor experiments of the kind described above cost several million dollars and take several years to build, which makes them quite unsuitable for post- graduate training in a University. The Universities play their part by fundamental studies of the properties of plasmas, how to measure these properties (called plasma diagnostics), how to heat plasmas, what are the decay and diffusion mechanisms etc.? Research in these fields in the Wills Plasma Physics Department has been largely associated with the interaction between electromagnetic waves and plasma embedded in a magnetic field. This work has involved frequencies ranging from JO* h.ertz to 1016 h.ertz—the magnetohydrodynamic region (from 10*-107 hertz) where the plasma mi

Experiment on Plasma Centrifuge for Separation of Isotopes. The hot plasmas are rotated at velocities of 5 million centimetres per second in a plasma centrifuge driven by electromagnetic forces in SUPPER III. 1. Electrolytic condenser bank for SUPPER ill magnetic field. 2. SUPPER III plasma centrifuge with magnetic field. 3. Puff Valve that opens for less than one millisecond to take out a sample of plasma for isotopic examination. 4. Control equipment for Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer for isotope analyses. behaves as a magnetised fluid—the microwave region (108-10u hertz)—the infrared region (1011—1014 hertz) and finally—the visible region of 101B hertz. During the past year the main experiments have been: • SUPPER I—Study of the decay of a fully ionized helium plasma in a magnetic field and an understanding of the relative importance of the processes of recombination, diffusion perpendicular to the confining magnetic field and parallel (ambipolar) to the magnetic field. This work has involved many diagnostic techniques to measure the density and temperature of the plasma— spectral diagnostics where a study of the width and ratios of spectral lines and their intensities with respect to the continuum yields information on plasma density and temperature—helium-neon laser measurements of the refractive index in the visible spectrum giving electron density—cyanide laser measurements (at 1012 hertz) of the refractive index of the plasma in the far-infrared region giving electron density—2 mm and 8 mm microwave studies of electron densities. • SUPPER II has been used for the study of very fast (close to 0-1 % of the velocity of light) hydromagnetic shock waves where Doppler broadening of spectral lines has yielded information of ion temperature and classical (Thomson) scattering of radiation from a ruby laser beam in the

41 visible spectrum has given data on local electron densities and temperatures. The amount of light scattered is about 10-12 of the original and a special polychromator has been constructed to record the shape of the scattered signal. • SUPPER III which was used for the now completed work on electromagnetic wave propagation near the electron cyclotron frequency has been rebuilt to carry out research into plasma centrifuges. This technique—where the peripheral velocities are one hundred times those of mechanical centrifuges—offers possibilities of commercial isotope separation including uranium enrichment. • SUPPER IV, our largest source, has been used for studies of the propagation of Alfven (magnetohydrodynamic) waves in oscillating magnetic fields (parametric amplification) and in magnetic fields with steep gradients. • SUPPER V has been used for studies of electron cyclotron harmonic waves—the radiation from which is important in any thermonuclear reactor.



Australians are becoming increasingly aware of the damage to health and property that can result from the pollution of the atmosphere by modern industry and exhaust emissions. In order to assist those developing techniques and equipment to reduce atmospheric pollution it is necessary to have equipment that will locate the source of the pollutants, and measure their concentration. Laser techniques are being used increasingly for monitoring and investigating the distribution of atmospheric pollutants. In the School of Physics a high-powered ruby laser optical radar or LIDAR ("LIDAR" is an acronym for Light Detection And Ranging) is being used to study the pollution of the atmosphere by minute dust and other waste particles. A 50 megawatt pulse of red light from the laser, of less than 1/10,000,000 (10~7) of a second duration, is fired into the atmosphere, and light backscattered at the same wavelength is collected by a 10" diameter telescope, which focuses the light on to a sensitive photocell. The intensity of the light scattered back into the telescope depends on the amount of pollutant present in the atmosphere, and the time between firing the laser and detecting the backscattered light gives the range to the polluted region. Measurements have recently been made of the participate pollution in the vicinity of the School of Physics, which showed a significant decrease in pollution during the fuel shortage in August, 1972. This technique is particularly valuable in that it is sensitive to the presence of small particles dangerous to health, which may not be observed by conventional solid pollutant monitors. A small fraction of the backscattered light will be at wavelengths other than the laser wavelength. These wavelengths are characteristic of the gas molecules from which the laser light is scattered. Observation of this type of scattering—Raman scattering—will enable harmful gaseous pollutants to be identified, and allow the measurement of their concentration and distribution. It is hoped to extend the capabilities of the School of Physics' LIDAR system to allow Raman scattering experiments.

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The School of Physics' LIDAR, with the cover removed from the ruby laser. The components of the laser (1) and a laser energy monitor (2) are mounted on an optical rail. The telescope mirror is at the lower end of a 12 in diameter aluminium tube (3), and the photocell and filter are in the housing on top of the telescope tube (4). The elevation of this equipment can be adjusted from horizontal to vertical, and it can be rotated about a vertical axis through 360°. The signal from the photocell is recorded by a cathode ray oscilloscope (5) for Jater analysis. THE BASSER DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE

STAFF RESEARCH STUDENTS Professor J. M. Bennett J. M. Barry Dr J. B. Hext R. J. Dear Dr A. H. J. Sale J. J. Edwards Dr H. R. Hwa J F. Federer Dr R. J. Quinlan L. Gay Dr A. G. Bromley M. Hore Dr D. Herbison-Evans J. R. Hynd Mr M. W. Whitelaw K. McAllister Mr J. W. Makepeace C. J. Mackintosh A. T. Rattray R. Skeivys C. K. Yuen

JL HE Basser Department of Computer Science was formerly the academic section of the Basser Computing Department. In 1972, it was constituted as an independent Department, within the School of Physics, separate from the Computing Centre. From its inception in 1956 until the end of 1971, the Basser Computing Department served a dual academic and utility role. Its initial computer, the SILLIAC, funded through the generosity of the late Sir Adolph Basser, was the first computer built by Australian industry, and provided a valuable computing facility for both the School of Physics and many other groups within the University, and its availability made possible the introduction of courses in computer techniques. During SILLIAC's twelve years of service, the Department expanded rapidly, acquiring five more computers and introducing courses at all levels from first year through to postgraduate. Because of the continuing expansion of both its academic and utility activities, the Department split into separate Departments at the end of 1971. These separate Departments were given the titles "Basser Department of Computer Science" and "Basser Computing Centre", and deal,respectively with the training and research functions, and service functions of the original department. Following the separation, the Department of Computer Science retained the use of the CDC 1700 and the DEC PDP-8 for teaching and research purposes. The former is connected to discs, consoles, and the PDP-8, and to the two main machines of the Computing Centre. The latter is used primarily for work in computer graphics. The Department's undergraduate courses range from Automatic Computing and Introductory Computer Science (for first and second year Arts, Economics, and Science students) to an honours year for fourth-year Science students. At the postgraduate level, it is responsible for the Diploma in Numerical Analysis and Automatic Computing, and the research degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. The research interests of the Department include the design of computers, the theory and practice of their application to numerical processes, techniques for the computer- aided documentation of problems, and the use of computers in education. Current student numbers are as follows: Automatic Computing 89 Introductory Computer Science ...... 166 Computer Methods 167 Computer Science ...... 58 Computer Science Honours 9 Dip. N.A.A.C. (part-time) 24 Dip. N.A.A.C. (full-time) 12 M.S&. (part-time) 7 M.Sc. (full-time) 4 Ph.D. .... 4

44 Top: Miss Christine Walker, a Basser Depart- ment operator, typing problems into the main computer via the Control Data 1700 machine. Lower: Student Miss Sue Bunce preparing to photograph pictures produced by the PDP-8 computer. The pictures are filmed to give moving images of certain computer calculations.


Below: The English Electric-Leo-Marconi KDF9 is the most powerful of the five computers in the Basser Computing Centre. The large central processor is housed in two rows of cabinets behind the magnetic tape transports. The automatic operaiing system is controlled from the operator's console on the right. Right top: The Department's IBM 7040 computer operates almost completely automatically. The console on the left is used for starting the system and for occasional control by the operator. Right lower: Connected to the IBM 7040 are six magnetic tape transports and a small IBM 1401 computer. The 1401 buffers the printer (left foreground) and card reader/punch (centre)

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Manager: R. B. Donnelly Chief Engineer: G. R. Brooks Operations Supervisor: I. C. Gribble Applications Supervisor: B. G. Rowswell Systems Supervisor: h. K. Haddon

X HE Utility section of the Basser Computing Department has been reorganised to become an independent body within the School of Physics, called the Basser Computing Centre.' It provides for the computing needs of the University by offering the following services: * the operation and maintenance of two medium scale computers and ancillary equipment, * the provision of supported programs together with guides to their use, * assistance to users of the computing facilities, * the writing of programs for users, * consultation on computing problems. One of the computers operated by the Basser Computing Centre is an TCL KDF 9, which was delivered in 1964. Its purchase was assisted by a donation-to the Foundation of $250,000 by Dr and Mrs Cecil H. Green of Dallas, Texas. The other machine, an IBM 7040/1401, was donated to the University by the IBM World Trade Organisation through IBM Australia, and has been taking an increasing share of the load as the demand for computing grows. These computers are connected to the smaller machines in the Basser Department of Computer Science to enable them to call on greater computing power. A special facility developed here is the ability to read instrumentation magnetic tapes containing data from remote experiments. This is currently being used by two research Departments in the School of Physics: the" Falkiner Nuclear Department for data from the Giant Air Shower array and the Astrophysics Department to analyse data from the Mills Cross. The computing needs of the University are changing rapidly in magnitude and in character. The Basser Computing Centre is intimately involved in the reappraisal of these needs, and in the process of determining how they are to be met. It is likely that a new installation will soon be acquired.


L THE CORNELL-SYDNEY ASTRONOMY CENTRE JL HE Cornell-Sydney University Astronomy Centre established in September, 1964, is an arrangement under which the University of Sydney's School of Physics, headed by Professor H. Messel, the University's Electrical Engineering School, under Professor W. N. Christiansen, and the Radiophysics and Space Research Centre of Cornell University, New York, headed by Professor T. Gold, F.R.S., have set up the world's biggest radio astronomy and cosmic ray research centre. The basis and mode of operation of the Centre are described in greater detail in a separate brochure which is available on request. Briefly it is as follows. The Centre, under the joint directorship of Professors Messel and Gold, completely pools into a joint venture over $25 million worth of astronomy instruments and related facilities of both universities. It also brings into a joint venture the highly-trained research and technical staffs of the member departments of the two universities, giving the Centre the largest known concentration of astronomers and associated scientists ever assembled in one organisation. Within the new Centre the University of Sydney and Cornell University staff and even post- graduate research students are completely interchangeable, thus setting an entirely new pattern of international university co-operation. Whenever appropriate for the research work in which they are engaged, postgraduate students are interchanged between Cornell University and the University of Sydney. Students enrolling at Cornell University then work for a Cornell degree and those enrolling at the University of Sydney work for a University of Sydney degree. The impressive list of astronomy facilities pooled in the Cornell-Sydney University Astronomy Centre is headed by Cornell's instrument at Arecibo in Puerto Rico, by far the largest radar radio-telescope in the world, built at a cost of nine million dollars provided by the U.S. Advanced Research Project Agency (see caption on page 47). The spheric dish-shaped antenna of this telescope is 1,000 feet in diameter, compared with the 250-ft dish at Jodrell Bank, England, and the 210-ft C.S.I.R.O. dish at Parkes, N.S.W. The Arecibo Observatory is owned by the U.S. National Science Foundation and operated by Cornell University under contract with the N.S.F. as one of the several national observatories of the United States. The Sydney University astronomical instruments pooled in the new Centre are: School of Physics: The Stellar Intensity Interferometer at Narrabri, N.S.W. under the direction of Prpfessor R. Hanbury Brown, F.R.S.; and the giant one mile by one mile Mills Cross radio- telescope at Hoskinstown, near Canberra, under the direction of its Australian inventor, Professor B. Y. Mills, F.R.S. The capital cost of these two Sydney School of Physics facilities alo'ne is well over two million U.S. dollars. Major financial support has been or is being provided for these projects by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research of Great Britain, the Science Foundation for Physics within the University of Sydney, and Mr S. E. Chatterton, of Sydney. School of Electrical Engineering (field station at Fleurs, near Sydney): the Criss Cross, a grating cross of sixty-four 19-ft paraboloid antennas; the original 1,500 ft by 1,500 ft Mills Cross; and the Shain Cross, all are under the direction of Professor W. N. Christiansen. In addition to their astronomical instruments, both universities have closely related cosmic astronomy installations, and these, too, have been pooled and included in the joint Cornell-Sydney University Astronomy Centre. These installations, which are supported largely by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Sydney University Science Foundation, are under the direction of Professor C. B. A. McCusker, head of the Sydney School of Physics' Falkiner Nuclear Department, and at Cornell under Professor K. Greisen. Furthermore, all the space research of Professor Gold's group is also pooled and thus the Sydney group goes automatically into this field as well. The academic research staff of the Cornell-Sydney University Astronomy Centre includes some 35 scientists, nine of whom are full Professors and three of whom are Fellows of the Royal Society. The Foundation has played an important role in bringing this great scheme into being—a scheme which is having far-reaching consequences for science in both Australia and the U.S.A. 50 THE CHATTERTON ASTRONOMY DEPARTMENT

STAFF POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Professor R. Hanbury Brown, F.R.S. R. J. W. Lake Dr J. Davis N. R. Lomb Dr L. R. Allen R. Thompson Dr R. R. Shobbrook

JL HE Chatterton Astronomy Department of the School Gf Physics is concerned with Optical Astronomy. Most of the observational work is carried out at Narrabri Observatory, about 300 miles north-west of Sydney; however, some observations are also made, by permission of the Director, with optical telescopes of the Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories of the Australian National University.

Aerial view of the Narrabri Observatory with the Nandewar Range in the background.

$§;u\i, :\f;J'x-' The original Department was established in 1959 with the help of a $100,000 gift by Mr S. E. Chatterton, a prominent member of the Science Foundation. The major work of the Department has been the development, construction and operation of the Stellar Intensity Interferometer at Narrabri Observatory. The building of this instrument was a joint project of the Universities of Sydney and Manchester (U.K.). The first discussions took place in 1957, and the first proposal to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (D.S.I.R., now the Science Research Council) in U.K. was made in February, 1958. It was then proposed that the interferometer should be a joint project of the two Universities, with the instrument itself being built largely in the U.K. but installed and operated in Australia. The University of Sydney, backed by the Foundation, undertook to meet all the costs in Australia, including shipping, installation and the running costs for at least 5 years; furthermore, in the event of no funds being available from the D.S.I.R. the Foundation offered to contribute £Stg.40,000 towards the cost of the instrument itself. A grant of £Stg.5,000 was made by the D.S.I.R. towards a design study and on the basis of this study it was estimated that the total cost of the project would be £Stg. 140,000. A proposal was then made to the D.S.I.R. that they should share the costs equally with the University of Sydney and in reply they made a grant of £Stg.75,OOO. The total cost of the installation proved to be about £Stg. 225,000 of which the D.S.I.R. contributed £Stg.93,000 and the Foundation in Sydney £Stg.96,OOO. The balance of the capital expenditure, plus a share of the running expenses was contributed by the Office of Scientific Research of the U.S. Air Force. Most of the equipment arrived in Narrabri in January, 1962 where the site had already been prepared. The electronic correlator an important component, arrived in January, 1963. The first measurements were made on the bright star Vega in July, 1963. Since that day the Stellar Inter- ferometer has worked almost continuously. It took almost two years to establish a completely satisfactory instrument and procedure, and the main observing programme started in May, 1965 and ended in February, 1972. The results of this programme, lasting almost seven years, are unique and represent a classical contribution to stellar astronomy. Before the work began the angular diameters of only six stars were known, all six being giants or supergiants and none of them representative of the main population of stars which is called the main sequence; moreover, the precision of these six measurements, made with Michelson's interferometer in about 1930, is not known. As a result of the work at Narrabri, 32 single stars have been measured, many of them main sequence stars, and the precision and repeatability of these results is well understood. These results are now widely used by astrophysicists throughout the world and they have been used, among other things, to establish the temperature scale for stars. In addition to this work on single stars the interferometer has. been used to develop the technique of intensity interferometry and to explore what could be done' with a larger instrument. This work includes the measurement of the size of the emission region surrounding a Wolf-Rayet star, the measurement of Ihe distortion of a rapidly spinning star, and observations of the binary star Spica. The work or Spica is of considerable potential value because it showed how, by the use of an interferometer, all the important parameters of a binary star including the distance can be found. Other work includes experiments on the effects on an intensity interferometer of atmospheric scintillation and the pulses of light from the night sky which are due to cosmic rays entering the earth's atmosphere. Lastly the actual technique of intensity interferometry, in particular the electronic correlator, has been established beyond question. The work of the interferometer on stars finished in February, 1972 and no further work on stars is planned. The reason is quite simply that it has finished the job for which it was designed. It was originaljy designed to measure stars brighter than magnitude +2-5. A programme was drawn up of bright stars which represents the range of spectral types and luminosity classes between Type O and F, and the interferometer has completed this programme satisfactorily. The exposure times for stars fainter than +2-5 sxceed 100 hours per star; it is obvious that, if we are to add significantly to the work which has already been done, we must increase the sensitivity of the equipment by a substantial amount. A thorough look at this problem shows that it is not an attractive proposal to modify the existing instrument to reach fainter stars; the expense of the modifications would not be consistent with the reward. To reach the new and exciting possibilities which we can now see ahead, a very much larger instrument is needed, some 100 times more sensitive than the present instrument at Narrabri. A detailed proposal for such an instrument was prepared by the Chatterton Astronomy Department and forwarded to the Department of Education and Science in March, 1971. This proposal describes a novel instrument, based on the work at Narrabri,

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A model of the new Stellar Interferometer proposed to the Commonwealth Department of Education and Science. Four large plate reflectors run on straight rails and reflect' the starlight into stationary paraboloids in (he centra) building.

which would be capable of measuring stars of magnitudes +7-5 and of making a most valuable and original contribution to stellar astronomy. The cost was loosely estimated at about $3 million. No decision on this proposal has yet been received from the Department. In the meantime the interferometer at Narrabri has been applied to other astronomical work of considerable current interest. In collaboration with the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Boston it is being used to look for high energy gamma rays from objects outside the earth. For the past ten years groups in various parts of the world have tried to detect gamma rays by observing the flashes of light, called Cerenkov light, which gamma rays make when they collide with the earth's atmosphere. Up to the present day there has been no certain success and gamma ray astronomy has been confined to a few low energy observations from balloons or rockets. Some years_ ago observations of Cerenkov light pulses were made at Narrabri using the two reflectors of the interferometer looking simultaneously at the same part of the earth's atmosphere where Cerenkov light pulses are generated. This original work was subsequently developed by the Smithsonian Institution and, as a result, we now have a powerful new method of looking for gamma rays using two spaced reflectors. It may well be that the installation at Narrabri is the most sensitive gamma-ray telescope in existence. It is still too early to say but the results of the first programme at Narrabri on gamma-rays look promising and it may be that the reflectors of the stellar inter- ferometer have obtained the first really positive results in a new branch of astronomy, the observation of celestial objects by high-energy gamma-rays. The Chatterton Astronomy Department intends to pursue this work in 1973, again in collaboration with the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Boston. 53 THE ASTROPHYSICS DEPARTMENT

STAFF POSTGRADUATE STl/DENTS POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS: Professor B. Y. Mills M, J. Batty Dr J.M. Sutton Dr M. I. Large J. N. Clarke Dr D. H. Clark Mr A. G. Little (Director, I. M. Davies Molonglo Observatory) A. J. Green (Mrs) Dr W. B. McAdam D. S. Hoskins Dr H. S. Murdoch R. G. Milne Dr A. J. Turtle J. G. Robertson Dr D. F. Crawford R. T. Schilizzi Mr. R. W. Hunstead A. E. Vaughan

TX HE Astrophysics Department, headed by Professor B. Y. Mills, F.R.S., is concerned mainly with the collection and interpretation of radio astronomical data obtained with the Mills Cross radio- telescope at the Molonglo Radio Observatory located at Hoskinstown, near Canberra. This is a unique instrument unmatched in its combination of speed, resolution and sensitivity elsewhere in the world. The sensitivity of a radio-telescope depends on its collection area, whereas the fine detail it can detect in the sky depends on its diameter. In 1953 Professor Mills showed that by building two long narrow aerials in the form of a symmetrical cross and connecting them together appropriately it was possible to obtain a resolution, or definition, appropriate to the lengths of the aerials, i.e. the "diameter" of the cross, and a sensitivity appropriate to the total area of the arms of the cross. Thus by picking the correct length and width it was possible to tailor a radio-telescope exactly to the astronomical problem and thereby construct it very much more economically. The first instrument of this type which was constructed at Fleurs, near Sydney, in 1954 proved very successful for studying the cosmic radio emission from remote parts of the universe. In 1960, Dr Mills joined the staff of the School of Physics with the plan of constructing a very much larger and more sophisticated Cross of similar type. For this the Science Foundation for Physics had made available a sum of $200,000 which was soon supplemented by a grant of US.$746,000 from the U.S. National Science Foundation. The first part of the Cross was completed by 1965 when tho Observatory was officially opened by Sir in a ceremony attended by many overseas scientists and diplomats. In 1965 also, Dr Mills was'appointed a Professor and the Astrophysics Department created to operate the Cross and exploit the scientific results. The new Cross represents an enormous advance in sensitivity and definition. It also incorporates a new "imaging" system which presents an instantaneous picture at radio wavelengihs of the part of the sky on which it is focused. The net result is a very powerful' and sensitive instrument which provides data enormously faster than conventional radio-telescopes which measure only the total amount of emission from one small area of the sky at a time. The Cross has two mile-long arms, running East-West and North-South, which intersect at their centres. Each is in the form of a cylindrical parabola approximately 40 feet wide. The East- West arm is split in the middle to allow the continuous North-South arm to pass through; it is mechanically tilted over its whole mile length to point to any selected elevation angle. The North- South arm is fixed on the ground, but its reception pattern can also be directed to any elevation angle by "phasing" of the 4,200 individual dipole aerials at the focus of the parabola. The instrument operates at a frequency of 408 MHz. Recently a separate receiving system at a frequency of 111 -3 MHz has been installed in the East-West arm to provide spectral information. The radio telescope is probably best known for the discovery of many new pulsars, for which the East-West arm is ideally suited. This work has recently been extended to more accurate timing and positioning of pulsars. The main programs, however, are concerned with sky surveys, accurate position measurements and the mapping of extended sources of radio emission. In the absence of specific programs the instrument is gradually building up a complete survey of the southern sky. More than half the available area has been surveyed and the first catalogue of a small area about 700 square degrees containing 1500 radio sources has been prepared; the catalogue should eventually contain some tens of thousands of radio sources. The positional accuracy is typically 10"—15" arc. This does not represent the limit of accuracy of the instrument which is about 2" arc. Positions of



J. HE establishment of the new Environmental Physics Department has heightened the interest in a number of Departments in the University in the environmental field. The additional decision by the Foundation and the School of Physics during 1972 to proceed with the construction of a 100 ton, 70 foot research vessel had led to the activating of the University's Marine Science Centre by the University Senate. There is considerable excitement in the participating Department? of the Marine Science Centre at the prospect of the University owning and having at its disposal, its own research vessel, one of the first of a substantial size, in any Australian University. Undoubtedly the vessel will provide the opportunity for research in many important fields of the marine sciences—a field which, because of lack of ship facilities and funds, has been sorely neglected in Australian Universities in the past. The School of Physics intends to lease the new vessel to various other interested groups when it is not being used by the School. The vessel should be completed and ready for use during 1973. The Commonwealth Government, in recognition of the importance of encouraging marine science studies in Australian universities has recently allocated $900,000 to the Australian Research Grants Committee for allocation in this field during the 1972-75 triennium. These funds should prove to be a real stimulus to researchers wishing to go into the marine sciences and undoubtedly the 1972-75 triennium will see considerable growth. In last year's review the basis for the establishment of a radio telemetry and interrogation group within the Environmental Physics Department was given. Since that date, the group has been engpged in much work designing telemetry biosensors for the measurement of temperatures and heart rates of reptiles and telemetry sensors to monitor the movements of dingoes (for C.S.I.R.O.) and crocodiles. Some of the most advanced transmitters and receivers of this kind, so far, have been designed and built by the group, and a number of these field tested. Staff from the Schools of Biology and Physics are in the process of obtaining considerable scientific data, both in Sydney and in the field, using these devices and a number of scientific papers will appear in due course as a result of this work. Much of the work, however, is of a long-term nature. It is anticipated that the new department will take further shape during the present triennium with the appointment of a number of new academic and technical staff.

56 The first major En\ironmciital Physics oxpeditio''. to the Nonhern Territory was led by Professor Messel in May to August, i972. Picture at Ivfl shows the expedition convoy on the road to Mainoru. Picture at right shows a 13 ft crocodile in a 9-ft aluminium boat—a difficult load indeed. Picture below shows the crocodile restrained on a floating pontoon while electrocardiogram leads arc attached. After implantation of the telemetry device to monitor heart i ate the incision is closed again, which is a difficult task because of ihe tough crocodile hide. 1972 INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE SCHOOL TOPS FIFTEEN YEARS OF SYMPOSIA

JL HE Foundation's 15th annual International Science School for High School Students, heid from August 28 to September 8, was its sixth such international symposium. The first was held in 1967 when President Johnson agreed that 10 American students be selected to attend and be designated as "Lyndon B. Johnson Australian Science Scholars". In 1968 the international scope of the Foundation's Science Schools was widened to include not only 10 American Lyndon B. Johnson Australian Science Scholars, but also five students from the United Kingdom under the aegis of Britain's Royal Institution, and five students from Japan under the aegis of the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Eisaku Sato. The British students wer; named "Royal Institution Australian Science Scholars" and the Japanese "Sato F.isaku Australian Science Scholars". 1969 saw a new American President—Mr Richard Nixon—and the Science Foundation was privileged to find that Mr Nixon decided that the scheme of his predecessor should continue. To assure continuation, independent of who occupies the Chief Executive's chair in the White House, President Nixon renamed the American scholars "The U.S. President's Australian Science Scholars". In 1972 Mr Kakuei Tanaka succeeded Mr Sato as Prime Minister in Japan, and he, too, decided to continue the association with our Science Schools, renaming the students of his country "The Japanese Prime Minister's Australian Science Scholars". Three of the world's leading brain research scientists lectured at the 1972 International Science School. The School's 26 lectures dealt with man's behaviour and his environment, under the general heading "Brain Mechanisms and the Control of Behaviour". The lectures on the latest developments in brain research were given by: • PROFESSOR W. ROSS ADEY, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology at the University of California; • PROFESSOR D. B. LINDSLEY, Department of Psychology, Physiology and Psychiatry at the University of California; • PROFESSOR JAMES OLDS, Division of Biology at the California Institute of Technology. The other lectures were given by: • PROFESSOR L. C. BIRCH, Professor of Biology at University of Sydney, who gave three lectures on "Biology and the Image of Man"; • PROFESSOR R. M. MAY, School of Physics, University of Sydney, who gave two lectures on "Terrestrial Ecological Systems"; • DR JOHN MADDOX, Editor of the London scientific journal, "Nature", who gave three lectures on "Problems of Predicting Population"; • PROFESSOR JULIUS SUMNER MILLER, El Camino College, California, who gave one demonstration lecture; and • EMERITUS PROFESSOR W. M. O'NEIL, Deputy Vice-ChanceHor of the University of Sydney, who gave two lectures on "Brain and Mind". Each of the 20 overseas scholarships awarded by the Foundation means for the winner a world trip by air, attendance of the Science School, a commemorative medal and scholarship certificate, as well as $25 pocket money in Sydney. All overseas scholarship winners were accommodated as house guests in the homes of Sydney scholarship winners during the 1971 Science School. The New South Wales country, interstate and New Zealand students were accommodated at the Cranbrook School, Bellevue Hill, one of Sydney's leading private schools. All students received the 1972 Science School book containing the lecture material entitled, like the School, "Brain Mechanisms and the Control of Behaviour". The book is being republished in London by Heinemann Educational Books. Each year the Foundation distributes 3,000 free copies of its Science School books to high schools and teachers throughout Australia, Over the years the Foundation has spent more than $260,000 on this programme alone. 58 All 20 overseas Science Scholars and their escorts arrised together in Sydney Timothx Sanderson. Bristo1: Hiroshi Maeda. Shiga-ken: Japanese escort. Mr on August 26. 1972, and were met at the airport by the Chancellor of the Mototiugu Yamaoka. of Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs; Michael University of Sydney and Mrs H. D. Black, as well as by Foundation officials. Wickstead. Worcestershire; Miss Jocehne Artingstall. t'.K. escort. At the airport the entire group posed for this picture. Seated (!. to r.) immediately behind her Robert Pascal. Jr. Louisiana; James Small. Colorado; Dorothy Palmer. Cheshire; Abigai1 Fowiicn. London; Virginia Alun Jones. Somerset; Yoko Sueoka, Yamaguchi-kcn; Mrs and Mr H. D. Black, Robin Eric Gomoll. Wisconsin; Michael Busbaum. Connecticut; Theodore Guth. Edison. Missouri; Leslie Robinson. Utah. Standing are d. to r.) Yoko Jibu. New York. Jane TuKenheimo. Penns\l\ania: Leonard Herk. Minnesota. Hyogo-ken; Jim-ichs Sato, Arakawa-ku, T6k\6-to; Yuji Sud3, Mnagi-ken: Kathleen Lowrv Tc\as; and Mrs and Mr A. \ oung. L.S. escorl-. The 1972 U.S. Presidential Australian Science Scholars were escorted by Mr and Mrs A. Young, of the U.S. National Science Foundation; the. five Japanese Prime Minister's Australian Science Scholars were escorted by Mr Mototsugu Yamaoka, of the International Cultural Relations Division, Commissioner's Secretariat of Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs, who had escorted the Japanese Scholars twice before in 1969 and in 1970. Britain's Royal Institution Australian Science Scholars were escorted by Miss Jocelyne Artingstall, of the Royal Institution. The 20 overseas scholars and their escorts arrived in Sydney two days before the opening of the Science School and were met at the airport by a large number of Press, Radio and Television representatives, as well as by their Sydney hosts—the parents of Sydney scholarship winners in whose homes the overseas students had been "billeted". As every year since 1969, the 1972 Science School lectures were again televised jointly by the Channel-9 network and the Australian Broadcasting Commission, ensuring the widest possible TV audiences throughout Australia.

Picture at right shows part of the television lecture theatre in the School of Physics during a session of the 1972 International Science School for High School Students. Seated i.', the front row are Dr John Maddux, Professor S. T. Butl'T. Professor James Olds, Mrs D. B. Lindsley and Professor Lindsley. Visible in the second row are Mrs S. T. Butler, Mrs J. Olds, Miss Rita Knight, Personal Assistant to Professor Messel, and Mr Mototsugu Yamaoka, Japanese escort. Below in the front row during one of the lectures are the Foundation Chairman, Mr J. A. Macpheroon, Professor Messel, Oscar Guth, Mrs Black and her husband, the University Chancellor, and Professor W. Ross Adey. •6 s'

ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA PRIZES At the termination of the Science School two outstanding students were each awarded a prize of a full set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, generously donated by the Company for this purpose. The students were Bruce Collins, of Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill, N.S.W., and Brendan Kay, of St Leo's College, Box Hill, Vic. f The history of the Foundation's Science Schools goes back to the fifties. Then, concerned by the growing shortage of scientists and technologists in Australia and by the small percentage of undergraduates who upon entering the universities enrolled in the Faculties of Science and

Professor Butler, who with Professor Mcssel organises lhe International Science Schools for High School Students, awarded two sets of the Encyclopaedia Briiannica, donated by the company, to two of the scholars, (left) Bruce Collins of Trinity Grammar School, Summer Hill, N.S.W., and Brendan Kay of St Leo's College, Box Hill, Victoria (right).


J Two of the most Professor Robert '

Engineering, the Foundat enrolling in science or en teacher in the form of S< The Foundation dec invifing to these schools them to Australia half wa science teachers in thesi developments, but that it ^ Events have since p Thomas Gold inspired sc the courses been conduct The first such Schoo teachers. But it was a S< attend, the Foundation p since only a small percent were printed in book forn high school throughout I School book were distrib This Science School future schools in two-yeai two years in succession, science teachers up to dat< with courses on subjects < Within these first foi the surprise of the organi increasing interest, and r>' lectures. This general er stations, TCN Channel 9, School for science teachei This School, organis .27 lectures under the ger

IfiliPONSQRS THE SYDNEY COUNTY COUNCIL ' MBG.HERMON SLADE • M« W.RUSSEU. SLAOE THE NEUJUDHERMON SLIDE TRUST MB ilcXANDER BODEN PHILIPS ihQlSfRIES HOLDINGS LB THE JAMES N.KIRBY FOUNDATION i AMPOL PETROLEUM '& At the end of one of his lectures Professor W. Ross Adey, of the University of California, followed Professor Messel's practice of giving credit on television to the sponsors who make the Science Schools possible. Here he points to the 1972 list. teachers up to date with the results obtained during the International Geophysical Year by means of artificial satellites and other modern techniques and in general to keep them abreast of the modern space age. Two distinguished overseas professors were specially flown to Sydney to give five lectures each—Professor G. Gamow, of the University of Colorado, and Professor Thomas Gold, Director of the Radiophysics and Space Research Centre at Cornell University. In addition, Professor Bart Bok, of the Australian National University, came from Canberra to give three lectures on " The Observational Basis for Stellar Evolution "." It was this 1960 Science School which really put the Foundation's Science School effort "on the map" in Australia, and interest in these Schools not only by educationists but also by wider and wider sections of the general public has since been steadily increasing. By 1962 this general enthusiasm had become so strong that the Foundation, after consultation with governmental and education authorities, decided to interrupt the Schools for science teachers and instead to hold a series of similar such Science Schools for high school students who had just completed their fourth year and were in the second-last year of their secondary education. It was felt that if at that stage students could be further enthused in the field of science, a greater proportion of them might be encouraged to continue their studies in universities. The Foundation decided to award 150 scholarships to boys and girls alike, without discrimination, with the N.S.W. Education Department selecting students from Departmental schools and the N.S.W. Science Teachers' Association selecting students from non-Departmental schools in this State. Preference was given to top students interested in science as a career though a number of top students interested in the humanities were also chosen. The Foundation meant the scholarships to serve as a reward and inspiration to leading students and as a means to applaud their ability and diligence by giving them an opportunity to be instructed by a group of world-ranking scientists. The Foundation assembled on the lecturer's platform of the 1962 Science School a group of the world's leading experts in their respective fields who took students on "A Journey Through Space and the Atom "—the general heading given to the Summer School by the Foundation. This distinguished team of scientists consisted of Professor Hermann Bondi, then Professor of Applied Mathematics, King's College, University of London, who gave five lectures on The Structure of the Universe. Professor R. N. Bracewell, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, 64 California, who lectured on Life in the Galaxy. Dr Wernher von Braun, then Director of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsviile, Alabama, who gave five lectures on Space Rocketry. Newspapers and magazines throughout Australia devoted columns to reports and pictures of the Science School—a Press enthusiasm which can perhaps best be described in the words of the Sydney "Daily Telegraph" which said in an editorial:' "In this age scientific knowledge is the greatest single instrument for progress and survival and peace—not just scientists but ordinary citizens are becoming more acutely conscious of that every day. It is this consciousness that has made the annual Science Schools sponsored by the (then) Nuclear Research Foundation a popular success, beyond expectation". As in the two previous years the 1962 Science School was again televised by station TCN Channel 9 Sydney, and through the station's affiliates the programme was also shown in all other Australian State capitals. So great was the popular enthusiasm for this type of television programme that within less than one month of the end of the Summer School TCN-9 had to begin rescreening the series in Sydney and arrange similar repeat screenings also in other Australian capital cities. But however great public enthusiasm was over the 1962 Science School, it was almost insignificant compared with the enthusiasm of the attending 150 high school students themselves. They had been chosen from more than a thousand applicants from more than 330 N.S.W. schools and the famous

Professor Acley conducts an experiment on the monitoring of brain waves with one of the U.S. scholars, Miss Leslie Robinson.

The Deputy Vice-Cliancellor of Sydney University, Emeritus Professor W. M. O'Neil, lecturing at the 1972 School.

scientists who lectured to them said afterwards that never before in their careers had they had an opportunity to lecture to such a keenly interested audience. At the conclusion of the School the 150 students were each presented with an inscribed medal and received, a personal cheque for out-of- pocket expenses. Students from outside the Sydney metropolitan area were also refunded their fare expenses to and from Sydney and their accommodation problem had been solved by billeting them in the homes of Sydney scholarship winners. Last but not least each of the students received a free copy of the richly illustrated 500-page book, " A Journey Through Space and the Atom ", con- taining all the lecture material. A total of 3,000 such books were distributed free by the Foundation to science teachers and high schools. The 1962 Science School for high school students thus became the norm for subsequent annual Schools as both educationists and the public seemed to agree on the tremendous value of this Founda- tion effort for the education of the youth of Australia. In January, 1963, the annual Science School was extended from a N.S.W. School to an Australia-wide School and scholarships were awarded for 140 students from N.S.W. and to two students from each of the other five Australian States. The 1963 School presented a lecture course entitled "The Universe of Time and Space" aud dealt with subjects ranging from the structure and origin of the universe and the solar system of elementary atomic and nuclear physics, electro magnetism and an introduction to the theory to relativity. The 19 lectures of that course were given by: Professor Hermann Bondi, from London; Professor R. Hanbury Brown, then Professor of Radio Astronomy, University of Manchester and now Professor of Astronomy in the School of Physics; Professor Thomas Gold, from New York; Dr R. A. Lyttleton, Reader in Theoretical Astronomy, University of Cambridge; Professors S. T. Butler and H. Messel of the School of Physics, Sydney University; and last but not least by Professor Julius Sumner Miller, of El Camino College, California, who gave a series of demonstration lectures which not only greatly inspired the students but, through their unique presentation and Professor Miller's extraordinary showmanship, became an unprecedented television success throughout Australia.


•it The January 1963 Science School lectures were televised in Sydney every week day at 7 a.m.— a successful experiment by the television station to afford people of all walks of life an opportunity to view this programme before going to work in the morning. People who missed the programmes aroused so much clamour for it in the Press and in correspondence that the lecture series was hardly finished when it had to be re-screened all over again. The same held true for other Australian capital cities and it was estimated that at least 3} million people throughout Australia—or one in every three—had seen some of these science programmes. In 1964, a Nobel Prize winner in medicine and one of the world's leading experts on the origin of life lectured to Australian high school students at the Science School. The main part of the Summer School consisted of a course of 18 lectures under the general heading "Light and Life in the Universe ", given by 1962 Nobel Laureate Professor James D. Watson, Professor of Biology at Harvard University; Professor Martynas Yeas, Associate Professor of Microbiology at the State University of New York; and Professors Messel and Butler. Professor Watson lectured on the basic structure of the molecules of life and the way they reproduced themselves; Professor Yeas lectured on the way in which life could have developed on earth and elsewhere in the universe; and Professors Messel and Butler lectured on the fundamental properties of light and the essential role it plays in life processes. In January, 1965, two of the world's leading cosmologists—Professor Bondi and Professor Gold— lectured at the Science School. A third distinguished overseas visitor to lecture was to have been Professor Julius Sumner Miller, of El Camino College, California, but illness caused his last-minute replacement by Professor C. B. A. McCusker, head of the School of Physics' Falkiner Nuclear Department. The main part of the School consisted of a course of 18 lectures under the general heading of "Time". In this series Professor Bondi gave four lectures on Time and Relativity; Professor Gold four lectures on the Arrow of Time; and Professors Messel and Butler four lectures on the Relation of Geological and Biological Time. In addition, Professor McCusker held a course of six spirited practical lecture demonstrations. The January 1966 School was turned over exclusively to School of Physics lecturers. The programme consisted of 18 lectures on subjects ranging from nuclear physics to the latest advances in astronomy and astrophysics under the general heading "Atoms to Andromeda". Apart from

The indomitable Professor Julius Sumner Miller again gave a demonstration lecture at the 1972 School. Professor Messel who introduced the lectures, the programme was carried out by: Professor S. T. Butler and Professor R. M. May, who lectured on theoretical physics; Dr M. M. Winn and Dr L. S. Peak, who lectured on high-energy nuclear and cosmic ray research; Dr C. S. Wallace, who lectured on the latest advances in computer science; Associate Professor D. D. Millar, who lectured on plasma and thermonuclear physics; and by Professor R. Hanbury Brown and Dr M. I. Large, who lectured on modern astronomy, interferometry, radio-telescopes and astrophysics. All lectures were televised and screened throughout Australia. The January 1967 Science School was *he Tenth Anniversary Science School of the Foundation, and for the first time its scholarship winuers included students not only from New South Wales, the other five Australian States and New Zealand, but also 10 L.B.J. Scholars from the United States, escorted by Dr and Mrs Keith Kelson, of the U.S. National Science Foundation. The International Science School, under the general heading of "Apollo and the Universe" included 20 televised lectures by Dr Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, who gave two lectures on the Transuranium Elements which he discovered between 1940 and 1955; Dr George E. Mueller, then Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Headquarters, Washington, D.C., who gave four lectures on Project Apollo; Professor Hermann Bondi, who gave four lectures on Gravity and Cosmology; Professor Thomas Gold, who gave three lectures on Radio-astronomy; Professor E. E. Salpeter, a Sydney University School of Physics graduate and now Professor of Theoretical Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, who gave three lectures on the Evolution of Stars and Formation of the Elements; and Professor Julius Suraner Miller, El Camino College, El Camino, California, who gave four lecture demonstration talks. Because of the participation of the L. B. J. Scholars, and because of the galaxy of leading overseas scientists as lecturers, the 1967 International Science School received a large amount of publicity in the Press and on the air, praising the efforts of the Foundation in extending its annual Science Schools for High School Students internationally. Indicative of the general approbation of this Foundation venture was the editorial comment which appeared in the "Sydney Morning Herald" on the opening day of the Science School. It said, in part: "This year Professor Messel had brought off another stroke by including American high school students in the school. The six boys and four girls who arrived yesterday were selected from 200,000 in schools all over the U.S.A. They are here under 'Lyndon B. Johnson Australian Science Scholarships' (provided, of course, by the Foundation), and in extending them a welcome there is surely no Australian who, on this occasion at least, is not willing to go 'all the way'." • , The 1968 International Science School for High School Students, from August 26 to September 6, ' was a further extension of the Foundation's efforts in the field of secondary education. While the 1967 Science School was the Foundation's first to include scholarship winners not only from New South Wales, the other five Australian States and New Zealand, but also ten L.BJ. Scholars from the United States, the 1968 Science School was extended to include in addition five scholars from the United Kingdom and five scholars from Japan. The ten 1968 Lyndon B. Johnson Scholars were escorted during their entire absence from the United States by Dr and Mrs Charles A. Whitmer, of the U.S. National Science Foundation. The five Sato Eisaku Australian Science Scholars had as their official escort a senior officer of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Dr Tadao Arita. Britain's five Rpyal Institution Scholars had no official escort from their own country, but Dr Arita and Dr and Mrs Whitmer kindly acted as escorts wherever possible. As in previous years, the 1968 International Science School lectures were again televised by TCN Channel-9 and shown throughout Australia on the Channel's network. The lectures were given by: Professor R. N. Bracewell, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, who gave five lectures on The Sun; Dr G. J. F. MacDonald, Executive Vice-President, Institute for Defense Analyses, Washington, D.C., who gave five lectures on Science and Technology of the Environment; Professor R. M. May, of the School of Physics, University of Sydney, who gave three lectures on The Time Scale of Creation; Dr E. F. M. Rees, then Deputy Director and now Director of the NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, who gave five lectures on Space Flight; NASA Astronaut Alan B. Shepard, who gave two lectures on astronaut training and experience; and Professor Julius Sumner Miller, El Camino College, El Camino, California, who, as a special guest, gave one lecture demonstration talk. The 1969 Science School under the heading of "Nuclear Energy Today and Tomorrow" followed the extended international 1968 pattern. There was one innovation however; unlike in previous years when the Science School lectures had been televised exclusively by the Channel-9 network, the

70 Professor D. B. Lindsley of the 1969 International Science School was televised by that network in conjunction with the Australian Broadcasting Commission and the School's television audiences throughout Australia were thereby greatly enlarged. The 1969 lectures were given by: Professor R. H. Dalitz, Department of Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, England, who gave five lectures on ; Professor C. B. A. McCusker, School of Physics, University of Sydney, who gave five lectures on cosmic ray research; Dr P. W. McDaniel, Director of Research, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, who gave five lectures on the peaceful uses of atomic energy; Professor W. K. H. Panofsky, Director, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, California, who gave five lectures on particle physics; Dr D. Z. Robinson, Vice-President of Academic Affairs, New York University, who gave two lectures on science and the citizen; and Professor F. C. Brown, University of London Institute of Education, who gave one lecture demonstration talk. The ten 1969 Presidential Australian Scholars were escorted during their entire trip by Dr and Mrs Howard D. Kramer, of the U.S. National Science Foundation. The five Sato Eisaku Australian Science Scholars had as their official escort Mr Mototsugu Yamaokas of the International Cultural Relations Division, Director-General's Secretariat of Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs. Britain's five Royal Institution Australian Science Scholars were escorted by Professor and Mrs F. C. Brown, of the University of London Institute of Education. The 1970 International Science School was held urder the general heading "Pioneering in Outer Space". The lectures were given by Professor Hermann Bondi, F.R.S.; Mr George Hage, Vice-President for Development, Boeing Company, Seattle, Washington, who gave four lectures on U.S. Space Flight; Colonel Lee B. James, Director of Lunar Operations at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, who gave another four lectures on U.S. Space Flights; Dr George E. Mueller, Vice-President, General Dynamics Corporation, Washington D.C., who also gave four lectures on U.S. Space Flight; Sir Mark Oliphant, F.R.S., Research School of Physical Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, A.C.T., who gave two lectures on Science and Mankind. The ten 1970 Presidential Australian Science Scholars were escorted by Dr and Mrs Alfred F. Borg, Deputy Division Director for Undergraduate Education in Science, at the National Science Foundation in Washington D.C. The five Sato Eisaku Australian Science Scholars had as their official escort Mr Mototsugu Yamaoka, of the International Cultural Relations Division, Director- General's Secretariat of Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs. Britain's five Royal Institution Australian Science Scholars were escorted by Professor and Mrs R. King, of the Royal Institution. The 1971 International Science School departed from the field-of physics and presented 27 lectures under the heading "Molecules to Man". The lecturers were:' Professor Paul Ehrlich, one of the world's leading ecologists and Professor of Biology at Stanford University, California; Professor R. J. Harrison, expert on dolphins and Professor of Anatomy at Cambridge University; Professor Julius Sumner Miller of El Camino College, California; Professor G. J. V. Nossal, Director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne; Professor D. C. Phillips, F.R.S., Professor of Molecular Biophysics at Oxford University; Professor Sir George Porter, F.R.S., Director of Britain's Royal Institution; and Mr Chapman Pincher, Science Editor of the London "Daily Express". The ten 1971 U.S. Presidential Australian Science Scholars were escorted by Dr and Mrs Keith Kelson of the U.S. National Science Foundation, who in 1967 escorted the first Lyndon B. Johnson Australian Science Scholars to Australia. The five Sato Eisaku Australian Science Scholars had as their official escort Mr Shigeo Miyamoto, of Japan's Agency for Cultural Affairs, and the British Royal Institution appointed a distinguished former science teacher, Miss Helen Ward to escort the five Royal Institution Science Scholars.

Portrait taken of Dr John Maddox, Editor of "Nature", during one of his controversial lectures against what he calls "doomsday prophecies", during the 1972 Science School.



X ARALLEL with the success of the Foundation's annual Science Schools, the success of the Science School books published simultaneously each year has also greatly increased since 1958. The very first such book—"Selected Lectures in Modern Physics",- edited by Professor Messel and containing, as did all subsequent books, the complete lecture material of the Science School— was re-publisbsJ overseas by Macmillan & Co. Ltd. It was enthusiastically reviewed by J. M. Valentine in the Bulletin of the British Institute of Physics. "Written for the non-specialist," said the reviewer, "the lectures contain a surprising amount of solid information. Even the rr.ost out-of- date science teacher will have a fairly good idea of how the nuclear physicist looks at this work . . ." Together with the book on the first Science School in 1958, the Foundation also distributed to science teachers and high schools "The Astronomer's Universe", a book by Professor Bart J. ock, then Professor of Astronomy, Australian National University, and Director of the Mount Stromlo Observatory, based on his series of lectures given at the Science School. The following year again the Foundation produced two Science School books—"Notes on an Introductory Course in Modern Physics", a collection of Professor Messel's lectures to that Science School, and "Nuclear Power and Radioisotopes", being notes on a course of lectures given to the School by Dr A. J. Herz. But the first really resounding success of a Foundation Science School book came in 1960 with the publication of "From Nucleus to Universe", which was also re-published in Britain by Macmillans. "From Nucleus to Universe" was edited by Professors Messel and Butler who collated the lecture material from 12 leading scientists including the late Professor George Gamow, of the University of Colorado, Professor Thomas Gold, of Cornell University, and Professor Bok. Coinciding with the 1961 Science School, the Foundation published "Space and The Atom" which proved a worthy successor to " From Nucleus to Universe ", including lecture material by Professor E. E. Salpeter, of Cornell University, who discussed the Quantum Theory and its application to the theory of nuclear reactions and the evolutions of suns (stars), and by Professdr P. T. Fink of Sydney University, whose topics were aeronautics, rocketry and space travel problems. In addition the book included a course of ten lectures given by Professors Messel and Butler on elementary atomic and nuclear physics with an introduction to the theory of relativity. The largest Science School book to date has been "A Journey Through Space and The Atom", published in January, 1962. This book, which included a complete course on modern space rocketry by Dr Wernher von Braun, Director of America's space rocket research and development programme, was even more richly illustrated than its predecessors and ran to about 150 pages more than the hitherto average—nearly 500 pages. The book also contained a five-lecture course by Professor Hermann Bondi, then of London University and now Chief Scientific Adviser to the U.K. Ministry of Defence, on the astronomer's universe and the universe of galaxies, a contribution by Professor R. N. Bracewell, of Stanford University, U.S.A., on the question of life elsewhere in the universe, as well as a complete course on atomic physics again by Professors Messel and Butler. In 1963 the title of the Foundation's Science School and its book was "The Universe of Time And Space", with contributions again from Professors Hermann Bondi ar,d Thomas Gold and with additional contributions from Professor R. Hanbury Brown, then of Jodrell Bank Observatory of the University of Manchester and now Head of the Chatterton Astronomy Department in the School of Physics, as well as from Dr R. A. Lyttleton, of Cambridge University. As the title implies the contents of this book ranged from the structure and origin of the universe and the solar system to elementary atomic and nuclear physics, electromagnetism and an introduction to the theory of relativity—the last subject being once again that dealt with by Professors Messel and Butler. The 1964 Science School book was in a way different from its predecessors in as much as it dealt mainly with a subject that is perhaps more allied to the field of medicine entitled " Light And Life In The Universe ". Its principal material came from the 1962 Nobel Prize winner in medicine, Professor James D. Watson, of Harvard University, who wrote about his discovery of the structure

74 of the DNA molecule which the official Nobel Prize announcement hailed as solving a most funda- mental biological problem. Professor Watson's discovery unravelled the " genetic code" and constitutes a major contribution in the fields of molecular biology and heredity. The second overseas contributor to the Science School and the book was Professor M. Yeas, of the State University of New York, also a world expert in this field. In addition Professors Messel and Butler dealt with the fundamental properties of light and the essential role it plays in life processes. In 1965 the book was on the general subject of " Time ". Under this heading Professors Messel and Butler dealt with Time and the Universe, Professor Hermann Bondi with Relativity and Time and Professor Thomas Gold with The Arrow of Time. The book also contained a section on Great Men of Science by Professor Julius Sumner Miller, of El Camino College, California. The 1966 Science School book, "Atoms to Andromeda", contained selected lectures given by senior staff of the School of Physics on theoretical physics, high-energy nuclear and cosmic ray research, plasma and thermonuclear physics, astronomy, astrophysics and electronic computing. The January 1967 Science School book, "Apollo and the Universe", contained material presented by Dr Glenn T. Seaborg, Chairman of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, on the Transuranium Elements; by Dr George E. Mueller, then Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, NASA, on the U.S. programme for landing a man on the moon; by Professor Hermann Bondi, on Gravitation and the Universe; by Professor Thomas Gold, on Radio-astronomy; by Professor E. E. Salpeter, of Cornell University, on the Evolutior1 of the Stars and the Origin of the Elements; and some Biographical Essays on scientists by Professor Julius Sumner Miller. The 1968 International Science School book, "Man in Inner and Outer Space" was published coinciding with the Science School itself. Its contents ranged from America's manned moon landing programme to selected research fields, the sun and our own planet. The material was written by Professor R. N. Bracewell, of Stanford University, U.S.A.; Dr G J. F. MacDonald, Executive Vice- President, Institute for Defense Analyses, Washington, D.C.; Professor R. M. May, School of Physics, University of Sydney; by Dr E. F. M. Rees, then Deputy-Director and now Director of the NASA George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, and by NASA Astronauts, D. K. Slayton, A. B. Shepard and L. G. Cooper. Coinciding with the 1969 International Science School "Nuclear Energy Today and Tomorrow" was published, presenting a course of lectures on selected topics in the fields of nuclear and atomic energy by Dr D. Z. Robinson, Vice-President of Academic Affairs, New York University; Dr P. W. McDaniel, Director of Research, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C.; Professor C. B. A. McCusker, Professor of High Energy Nuclear Physics, University of Sydney; Professor W. K. H. Panofsky, Director, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford University, California; and Professor R. H. Dalitz, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, England. For the 1970 International Science School "Pioneering in Outer Space" was published presenting a course of lectures on selected topics in modern physics and space flight by: Professor Hermann Bondi; Mr George Hage, Vice-President for Development, Boeing Company, Seattle, Washington; Colonel Lee B. James, then Director of Lunar Operations at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center at Huntsville, Alabama; Dr George E. Mueller, Vice-President, General Dynamics Corporation, Washintgon, D.C.; and Professor Sir Mark Oliphant, F.R.S., of the Australian National University, Canberra, A.C.T. The 1971 International Science School and its book departed from physics into the field of biology by presenting a lecture course under the general heading of "Molecules to Man". The lectures were given by Professor P. R. Ehrlich, Professor of Biology, Stanford University; Professor R. J. Harrison, Professor of Anatomy, University of Cambridge; Professor G. J. V. Nossal, Director Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne; Professor D. C. Phillips, F.R.S., Professor of Molecular Biophysics, Oxford University; Mr Chapman Pincher, Science Editor, "Daily Express", London and Professor Sir George Porter, F.R.S., Director, The Royal Institution, London. In 1972 the International Science School and its book again departed from physics and presented a lecture course under the general heading of "Brain Mechanisms and the Control of Behaviour". The brain research lectures were presented by: Professor W. Ross Adey, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology at the University of California; Professor D. B. Lindsley, Department of Psychology, Physiology and Psychiatry at the University of California and Professor James Olds, Division of Biology at the California Institute of Technology. Other lectures were given by: Professor L. C. Birch, Professor of Biology at the University of Sydney; Professor R. M. May, 75 School of Physics, University of Sydney; Dr John Maddox, Editor of the London scientific journal, "Nature"; Professor Julius Sumner Miller of El Camino College, California and Emeritus Professor W. M. O'Neil, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney. All Foundation Science School books are published in Australia by Shakespeare Head Press, Sydney, and are edited by Professors Messel and Butler. Each of them has been distributed free by the Foundation not only to Science School participants, but also to high schools throughout Australia. In all, the Foundation distributes 3,000 free copies of each book annually, an effort which has been hailed by the Education Department as a major contribution to secondary school education. The world-wide interest in thp Science School books may be judged by the fact that the last nine years' books have all been re-publisiied world-wide in the United Kingdom by Macmillans, Pergamon Press and Heinemann Educational Bioks. Another work that should be mentioned among book publications by the Suence Foundation is the three-volume textbook called "A Modern Introduction To Physics" edited by Professor Messel and published by Horwitz-Grahame, Sydney. This textbook was written by Professors Messel and Butler as well as by Professor J. M. Blatt, of the University of New South Wales, and by Associate Professor M. M. Winn of the School of Physics, Sydney University. Much like the overall policy followed in the Foundation's Summer Schools of presenting physics not as a series of dogmas and laws but in its naturally interesting way, this three-volume work also presents physics as a fascinating story.


Finally, there is the Foundation's most outstanding book venture—a completely integrated and interlocked "package" of textbooks and teachers' manuals covering the entire new six-year science syllabus for New South Wales high and secondary schools. This series of books was conceived by Professor Messel and prepared under his executive editor and principal authorship. It is published by the Foundation itself, and printed and distributed in Australia by the N.S.W. Government Printer. This series of books comprises: "Science for High School Students", a textbook integrating Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology in the single "science" course which is a required subject in the first four high school years. "Science for High School Students Teachers' Manual", a teaching aid companion to the textbook. "Abridged Science for High School Students", a condensation of the textbook, covering the Ordinary Level of the science course only, whiie the original textbook also covers the Advanced and Credit levels. A British adaptation of this book has been published in the U.K. by Pergamon Press Ltd in 13 volumes. • . • *, "Senior Science For HigL School Students", a three-part work for fifth and sixth year high school study. Part 1 covers the Physics section of the syllabus; Part 2 the Chemistry section; and Part 3 the Biology section. "Senior Science For High School Students Teachers' Manual", a. teaching aid companion to the three-part textbook. All books are now being used in the majority of N.S.W. high and secondary schools and are kept up to date by continuous revision by a large group of leading science educators.


Heads of the School's Research Departments: PROFESSOR S. T. BUTLER—Daily Telegraph Theoretical Department PROFESSOR C. B. A. McCUSKER—Falkiner Nuclear Department PROFESSOR J. M. BENNETT—Basser Department of Computer Science PROFESSOR C. N. WATSON-MUNRO—Wills Plasma Physics Department PROFESSOR R. HANBURY BROWN—Chatterton Astronomy Department (steiiar interferometer projeci) PROFESSOR B. Y. MILLS—Astrophysics Department (Mills cross project) PROFESSOR R. M. MAY—Theoretical Physics Director of First Year Courses: Dr B. A. Mclnnes Associate Professor/Readers: Assoc. Prof. D. D. Millar Assoc. Prof. M. M. Winn Dr J. Davis Dr M. I. Large Dr H. D. Rathgeber Dr L. C. Robinson Senior Lecturers: Dr L. R. Allen Dr I. M. Bassett Dr P. G. Guest Dr R. G. Hewitt Dr J. B. Hext Dr I. D. S. Johnston Dr J. A. Lehane Mr A. G. Little Dr W. B. McAdam Dr H. S. Murdoch Dr L. S Peak Dr A. H. J. Sale Dr W. I. B. Smith Lecturers: Mr G. R. Brooks Dr N. F. Cramer Dr D. F. Crawford Dr 1. S. Falconer Mr C. J. Gordon Dr H. R. Hwa Dr B. W. James Dr J. R. Quintan Dr R. R. Shobbrook Dr A. J. Turtle Temporary Lecturers: Dr A. G. Bromley Dr D. Herbison-Evans Senior Tutor Demonstrators: Dr R. C. Cross Mr R. W. Hunstead Exective Assistant in the School of Physics: Mr J. B. T. McCaughan Mr Oscar Guth Mr 1. M. Sefton Dr J. Ulrichs Manager, Basser Computing Centre: Mr M. W. Whitelaw Mr R. B. Donnelly


Ex-Officio Members:

The Chancellor: Mr H. D. Black, 99 Rosevilfe Avenue, Roseville 2069 The Deputy Chancellor: The Hon. Mr Justice D. M. Selby, Room 5020 Level 5, 50 Phillip Street, Sydney 2000. The Vice-Chancellor and Professor Bruce R. Williams. Principal: The Deputy Principal: Mr W. H. Maze. The Chairman of the Senate Mr A. F. Deer, 1179 Pacific Highway, Turramurra 2074. Finance Committee; Professor and Head of the Professor H. Messel. School of Physics and Director of the Foundation:

Life Governors: Representatives; Life Governors (cont.): Representatives:

Ampol Petroleum Limited, Mr W. M. Leonard, M.I.M. Holdings Ltd, Sir George Fisher, 84 Pacific Highway, Chairman and Chief Mount Isa 4825. C.M.G., President, North Sydney. Executive Officer. M.I.M. Holdings Ltd, (Box 5342, G.P.O., Sydney Box 1433, G.P.O., 2001.) Brisbane 4001 and Mr J. W. Foots, Australian Consolidated Press Ltd Sir Frank Packer, Chairman, 168 Castlereagh Street, K.B.E., Managing M.I.M. Holdings Ltd, Sydney. Director. Mt Isa 4825. (Box 4088, G.P.O., Sydney Philips Industries Ltd, Mr H. D. Huyer, 2001.) (Box 2703, G.P.O., Sydney Chairman and 2001.) Managing Director, Australian Paper Manufacturers Mr J. D. Brookes, and Mr H. J. Brown, Ltd, Technical Director, Technical Director. South Gate, South Melbourne. and Mr J. M. Lowe, Resident District Plessey Pacific Pty Limited, Mr R. W. R. Wiltshire, (P.O. Box 1643, Melbourne Manager, A.P.M. Ltd, 9-25 Commonwealth Street, Director of 3001.) Matraville 2036. Sydney. Marketing. (P.O. Box 288, Darlinghurst The Broken Hill Proprietary Mr J. A. Macpherson, 2010.) Coy Ltd, Sydney Manager, The Sydney County Council, Councillor Lynn 500 Bourke Street, The B.H.P. Coy Ltd, 552A-570 George Street, Arnold. Melbourne 3000. 20 O'Connell Street, Sydney. Sydney (Box 2695, (Box 4009,G.P.O.,Sydney2001.) G.P.O., Sydney 2001). W. D. & H. O. Wills (Aust.) Ltd, Mr T. J. N. Foley, Chamber of Manufactures Mr C. W. Love, 71 Macquarie Street, Sydney. C.B.E., Chairman, and of New South Wales, President. (Box 145, G.P.O., Sydney Mr H. Widdup, 6 O'Connell Street, 2001.) Deputy Chairman. Sydney 2000. Mr S. 'i. Chatterton, C.B.E., Mr S. E. Chatterton, M.B.C. Building, C.B.E. 6 Dalley Street, Sydney 2000. Governors: Representatives: Clyde Industries Ltd, Sir Raymond Australian Workers' Union, General Secretary. P.O. Box HI 62, Purves, C.B.E., 321 Pitt Street, Sydney, Australia Square, Chairman and (Box A252, Sydney South Sydney 2000. Managing Director. 2000.) The James N. Kirby Foundation. Mr Raymond J. Kirby. Hooker Corporation Ltd, Mr J. Keith Campbell, 86-90 Bay Street, Hooker House, C.B.E., Chief General Broadway. Angel Place, Manager. (P.O. Box 332, Broadway Sydney 2000. 2007.) The Nell and Hermon Slade Trust. Mr John R. Slade, 40 Greenway Drive, Mayfair Hams & Bacon Co., Mr J. I. Dryburgh, Pymble 2073 State Abattoirs, Homebush Bay. Managing Director. and Mr Paul H. Slade, (Box 5185, G.P.O., 4 Pindari Place, Sydney 2001.) Bayview 2104,

78 Life Members: Representatives: Life Members (cont.): Representatives:

Mr A. E. Armstrong, Mr A. E. Armstrong. Morris Wools Pty Ltd, Mr Ivor G. Morris, Box 2616, G.P.O., Redbank4301. Managing Director. Sydney 2001.

Australian Gas Light Coy, Mr C. G. Crane, Prospect County Council, Mr R. A. Hingston, 477-487 Pitt Street, Sydney. Chairman. 10 Smith Street, Parramatta. County Clerk. (Box 481, G.P.O., Sydney (P.O. Box 389, Parramatta 2001.) 2150.)

Bonds Coates Patons Ltd, Mr Russell Slade, 100 Mallett Street, Chairman. Camperdown. St George County Council, Mr W. A. Baldwin, (P.O. Box 36, Camperdown Montgomery Street, Chief Electrical 2050.) Kogarah. Engineer, or (P.O. Box 15, Kogarah 2217.) Mr J. P. Lundie, The Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Mr R. G. Jackson, County Clerk. Ltd, General Manager. 1-3 O'Connell Street, Sydney 2000. Scotts Provisions (Holdings) Ltd, Mr H. K. Scott, 89-97 Moore Street, Leichhardt. Managing Director, (P.O. Box 86, Leichhardt and Mr A. S. Ducat, The Commercial Banking Co. Mr G. B. Kater, 2040.) Director. of Sydney Ltd, Royai Exchange Bldg, 343 George Street, 50 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000. Sydney 2000. Alternate: Mr G. F. Shortland County Council, Mr A. Donaldson, Bowen, General Nesca House, King Street, Chief Electrical Manager. Newcastle. Engineer. (P.O. Box 487F, Newcastle Alternate: Mr A. J. 2300.) Brown, Commonwealth Trading Bank of Mr F. E. J. Butcher, 16 Thomas Street, Australia, General Manager. Hamilton 2303. Martin Place, Sydney. (Box 2719, G.P.O., Sydney 2001.) Mr G. Hermon Slade, Mr G. Hermon Slade. "Ting Hao", James Hardie & Co. Pty Ltd, Mr Frank A. Page, 15/104 Darley Road, Manly Asbestos House, Technical Director, 2095. York and Barrack Streets, and Mr S. E. Cohen, Sydney. Chief Engineer. (Box 3935, G.P.O., Sydney (P.O. Box 70, 2001.) Parramatta 21 SO.) Standard Telephones & Cables Mr A. T. Deegan, Pty Ltd, Managing Director, 252-274 Botany Road, and Mr K. S. Brown, Leigh-Mardon Pty Ltd, Mr J. F. R. Lawes, Alexandria. Technical Director. 71 Macquarie Street, Sydney. Deputy Chairman. (Box 525, G.P.O., Sydney (Bos 519, G.P.O., Sydney 2001.) 2001.)

ohn Lysaght (Aust.) Ltd, Mr E. B. Gosse, Stewarts and Lloyds (Aust.) Mr A. S. Attwood, 50 Young Street, Chairman. Pty Ltd, General Manager, Sydney. Works and Head Office, Stewarts and Lloyds (Box 196, G.P.O., Sydney Newcastle. (Aust.) Pty Ltd, 2001.) (P.O. Box 156, Newcastle 12 Carrington Street, 2300.) Sydney 2000. Mr Ian McCloy, Architect, Mr Ian McCloy, Colman House. Unit 2,646 Pacific Cnr Walker and Berry Streets, Highway, Killara 2071 E. E. Whitmont & Sons Pty Ltd, Mr C. G. Whitmont. North Sydney 2060. (representative of 143 Main Street, Members on Council— Blacktown 2148. Liaison Member).

Monsanto Chemicals (Aust.) Ltd, Mr A. D. Lapthorne, Woolworths Limited, Mr D. Wilson, Somerville Road, Managing Director. 534 George Street, Director, West Footseray, Victoria. Sydney. 8a Cyprian Street, (P.O. Box 62, West Footsmy (Box 4068, G.P.O., Sydney Mosman 2088, 3012.)

79 Members: Representatives: Associate Members: Representatives:

Bradmill Industries Ltd, Sir Robert Webster, Mr A. F. Agnew, Mr A. F. Agnew. Cnr Missenden and C.M.G., C.B.E., M.C., 39 Neerin Avenue, Parramatta Roads, Chairman. Castle Cove 2069. Camperdown 2050.

Alcan Australia Ltd, Mr R. W. Berriman, P.O. Box 12, General Manager and Commonwealth Development Mr R. S. Elliott, Granville 2142. Chief Executive Bank of Australia, General Manager. Officer, Martin Place, Sydney. Australia Square, (Box 2719, G.P.O., Sydney Sydney 2000. 2001.)

Australian Abrasives Pty Ltd, Mr D. F. Richards, 302 Parramatta Road, Auburn Managing Director. Commonwealth Savings Bank of Mr I. R. Norman, (P.O. Box 22, Auburn 2144.) Australia, General Manager. Martin Place, Sydney. (Box 2719, G.P.O., Sydney American Travel Headquarters, Mr Roland Hill. 2001.) 33 Bligh Street, Sydnej', 2000.

Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd, Sir Maurice Mawby, Apex Club of Broken Hill, The President. 95 Collins Street, Melbourne. C.B.E., P.O. Box 278, (P.O. Box 384D, Melbourne, Chairman. Broken Hill 2880. 3001.) A.N.Z. Banking Group, Mr M. Brunckhorst, (Box 495, G.P.O., Sydney Senior Chief Ford Motor Company of Australia Mr A. D. O'Hara, 2001.) Manager for N.S.W. Ltd, Public Relations 1735 Sydney Road, Manager, Melbourne. Campbellfield3061. Alt.: MrD. Syer, Manager, Eastern Brisbane Water County Council, County Clerk. Region, P.O. Box 360, 221 Miiier Street, Gosford 2250. North Syciiiey 2060. Commercial Bank of-Australia Mr D. W. Stride, Ltd, General Manager, or 33S Collins Street, A. B. Jennings, Hawker de Havilland Australia Mr T. W. Air, Melbourne 3000. State Manager Pty Ltd, Technical Director. for N.S.W., P.O. Box 78, Lidcombe 2141. 273 George Street, Sydney 2000.

Mobil Oil Australia Ltd, Mr W. E. Anstee, Constable and Bain, Mr D. N. Constable. 189-193 Kent Street, Manager for N.S.W. 6-10.O'Connell Street, Sydney Sydney. (Box 7033, G.P.O., (Box 1592, G.P.O., Sydney 2001.) Sydney 2001.)

Denison Estates Pty Ltd, Mr R. E. Denison, 701 Culwulla Chambers, Chairman of The Shell Group of Companies Mr L. T. Froggatt, 67 Castlereagh Street, Sydney Directors. of Australia, Chairman of Directors, 2000. The Shell Co. of Aust. Ltd, and Mr C. T. Hansen, 15S William Street, Manager for N.S.W. Melbourne 3000. (Box 2694, G.P.O., Macleay River County Council, The County Clerk. Sydney 2001.) P.O. Box 224, Kempsey 2440.

Sunbeam Corporation Ltd, Mr M. J. Doherly, Coward Street, Mascot. Chairman and The Macquarie County Council, Chairman, Councillor (P.O. Box 39, Mascot 2020.) Managing Director. P.O. Box 374, Dubbo 2830. H. C. Clegg.

80 •ft Associate Members (cont.): Representatives: Donors Eligible for Membership: Representatives:

J. N. McArthur, Chairman, Mr 3. N. McArthur. Allied Mills Limited, Mr A. W. Green, Karangi Minerals Australia Smith Street, Secretary. N.L., Summer Hill. 61-69 Macquarie Street, (P.O. Box 1, Summer Hill Sydney 2000. 2130.)

Bank of New South Wales, Sir Robert Norman, Mullumbimby Municipal Council The Mayor, 60 Martin Place, Sydney. Director and Chief P.O. Box 177, Mullumbimby Alderman J. F. D. (Box 1, G.P.O., Sydney General Manager. 2482. Green. 2001.)

Colgate-Palmolive Pty Ltd, Mr L. W. Yeomans, 22 Colgate Avenue, Balmain. Secretary. Murrumbidgee County Council, Mr B. J. Rodely, (Box 3964, G.P.O., Sydney P.O. Box 415, County Clerk. 2001.) Leeton 2705.

Cyclone Company of Australia Mr J. D. Munro, Ltd, Managing Director. Namoi Valley County Council, Chairman, 93 City Road, South P.O.Box 175, Councillor G. T. New Melbourne. Narrabri 2390. Alt.: Councillor V. J. (Box 187, P.O., South Williamson. Melbourne 3205.)

Mr Harold Dodd, Ch.M., Mr Harold Dodd. W. C. Penfold & Co. Pty Ltd, Col. E. T. Penfold, F.R.C.S., 27 Wimpole Street, Sydney iOOO. O.B.E., E.D. London, WIM 7 AD England. 129 York Street, Sydney 2000 Dr and Mrs Cecil H. Green, Dr and Mrs Zed\ H. P.O. Box 5474, Green. Dallas, Texas, 75222, U.S.A. H. B. Selby and Co. Pty Ltd, Mr E. J. Selby. P.O. Box 121, North Ryde 2113. Hunter Valley County Council, Chairman, 6-10 Church Street, . Alderman R. Brown. Maitland. (P.O. Box 38, Maitland 2320.) Southern Mitchell County Mr W. R. Hebble- Council, white, Chief Electrical 202-205 Russell Street, Engineer. World Travel Headquarters, Mr Frank P. Johnson, Bathurst. 33-35 Bligh Street, Director. (P.O. Box 172, Bathurst 2795.) Sydney 2000. CONSTITUTION OF THE SCIENCE FOUNDATION FOR PHYSICS WITHIN THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY

NAME MEMBERSHIP OF THE FOUNDATION 1. The name of the Foundation shall be The Science Foundation 6. Unless the Council shall otherwise determine the number of for Physics within the University of Sydney. members of the Foundation, other than Associate Members and Life Members, shall not exceed one hundred. 7. Such persons, firms, companies, corporations or associations as OFFICE shall be admitted to membership by the Council of the Foundation 2. The office of the Foundation shall be in Sydney at such place as shall be members thereof, and the Council may determine from time to the Foundation may from time to time determine. time the qualifications for and the conditions of membership. 8. Until otherwise determined by the Council— OBJECTS (i) The annual donation to be paid to the University by an Associate Member of the Foundation shall be not less than 3. The objects of the Foundation shall be to advise the Senate of the S200 and not more than S799. University of Sydney and the Vice-Chancellor on matters associated (ii) The annual donation to be paid to the University by a with Science in the School of Physics within the University of Sydney, Member of the Foundation shall be not less than SSOO and without restricting the generality of the foregoing in particular to— and the payment of such sums for a period of ten years shall entitle such Member to a Life Membership of the (a) Promote, foster, develop and assist Science in the School of Foundation. Physics within toe University of Sydney. (iii) The annual donation to be paid to the University by a (b) Co-operate with the School of Physics in furtherance of Science. Governor of the Foundation shall be not less than $4,000 and the payment of such sums for a period of ten years (c) Recommend grants to the School of Physics for the purchase of shall entitle such Governor to be a Life Governor of the plant, equipment and materials, or otherwise, for the promotion Foundation. of Science, from funds raised by the Foundation by way of fees, donations and the like. 8A. Individuals, firms, companies, corporations or associations, making donations in accordance with either Section 8 (i), (ii) or (iii) (d) Promote research into Physics generally. supra on joining may elect to be grouped under the classification (e) Admit to membership of the Foundation persons, firms, "Donor, eligible for Membership" in lieu of as an Associate Member, companies and associations, whether incorporated or unincor- Member or Governor. Such an election will not deprive the donor porated, and upoa such terms and with such privileges as may of any entitlement of membership that would have accrued had the be determined from time to time. donor not so elected. (f) Recommend the printing of publications and the issue thereof 8B. Life Governors and Life Members shall be indicated separately to members of the Foundation and others. at the head of the respective lists of Governors and Members. (g) Arrange for lectures, exhibitions and demonstrations. 9. Any Associate Member, Member or Governor may withdraw (h) Assist the University to acquire and turn to account patents,' from the Foundation by "giving notice in writing to the Secretary patent rights or inventions, copyright designs, trade-marks or subject to the payment of any donation which prior to the date of such secret processes. withdrawal ho has agreed to make. (i) Assist in arranging visits from abroad of experts in Science. (j) Enter into any arrangement with any institution or association GENERAL MEETINGS having objects similar to those of the Foundation. 10. An Annual General Meeting of the Foundation shall be held at least once in each year and the Council may at any time_ convene a (k) Solicit donations, gifts and bequests to the University of Sydney Special General Meeting and shall convene such meeting on the for the School of Physics from members of the public. requisition in writing of at least five Members or Governors of the Foundation. (I) Do all such thints as are incidental or conducive to the attain- ment of the above objects or any of them. 11. Not less than fourteen clear days notice in writing of any General Meeting shall be given to every Associate Member, Member or PRELIMINARY Governor. 4. The following words and expressions shall have the following 12. At the Annual General Meeting the Foundation shall elect from meanings: amongst the Governors a Chairman, who shall be Chairman of the Foundation, and Chairman of the Council and whose appointment as "The Foundation" means the abovenamed Foundation. Chairman shall be approved by the Senate. "The University" means the University of Sydney. 13. The Chairman shall retire at each Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election as Chairman. "The Senate" means the Senate of the University of Sydney. 14. No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless "The Council" means the Council of the Foundation. Words at least five Members or Governors are present personally or by importing the singular number only include the plural number and vice representatives. versa. 15. At any General Meeting a resolution put to the vote of the Words importing persons include companies and corporations. meeting shall be decided by a show of hands, unless a request for a ballot shall be made by not less than three Members or Governors present at the Meeting. Each Member or Governor shall have one MONEYS RECEIVED BY THE COUNCIL vote. Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote. 5. All moneys received by, on behalf of, or as a result of the activities 16. A declaration of the Chairman that the resolution has been of the Foundation shall be passed directly to the University of Sydney carried or lost shall be conclusive evidence of the fact. to be expended as the Senate with the advice of the Council shall think fit for the promotion of Science in the said School of Physics and in 17. No Member or Governor not personally present shall be entitled furtherance of (he abovementioned objects, and no portion of such to vote unless such Member or Governor is a company, corporation, money thall be otherwise applied. association or firm whose representative duly appointed in writing is


••»» personally present. Provided that a Member or Governor may appoint 24. Every member of the Council other than the ex officio or the a proxy (who is also a Member or Governor) to vote on his or its additional member appointed pursuant to the provisions of Section 20 behalf. Such proxy will be in the form or to the effect following— supra shall retire at each Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-appointment. T the undersigned being a Member or Governor of The Science Foundation for Physics within the University of Sydney hereby 25. Nomination of the Council shall be determined by ballot unless appoint or failing him the Chairman shall decide that in the circumstances ballot is unnecessary. But no person nominated shall be entitled to act as a member of the as my proxy to vote for me or on my behalf at the (Annual or Council until he has been appointed by the Senate of the University of Ordinary, as the case may be) General Meeting of the Foundation Sydney. to be held on the day of 26. No person not being a retiring member of the Council shall be 19 and at any adjournment eligible for nomination unless some other Member or Governor of the thereof. Foundation has left with the Secretary, not less than fourteen days beforo As witness my hand this day of the Meeting, a notice in writing signed both by the proposing Member or Governor and by the candidate for nomination. 19 Signed by the said 27. The office of a member of the Council shall ipso facto be vacated: in the (a) if he becomes bankrupt or becomes of unsound mind or incapable presence of of performing his duties; 18. The Chairman may with the consent of any meeting at which a (b) if he is absent for a continuous period of three months without quorum is present adjourn the meeting to a date to be fixed by him, special leave of absence from the Council; but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting which was adjourned. (c) if by notice in writing to the Council he resigns his office; (d) if he is requested in writing by not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of the Council to retire from office; or COUNCIL (e) if the Senate shall, by majority, resolve that the office be vacated. 19. The entire contro1. management and conduct of the business and affairs of the Foundation shall be vested in the Council who shal| be appointed by the Senate of the University of Sydney, at its discretion, PROCEEDINGS AND POWERS from among the persons nominated under Sections 21, 21A and 25 infra. OF THE COUNCIL 20. Until otherwise determined by the Foundation in General 28. The Council may meet together for lire despatch of business, Meeting and approved by (he Senate, the Council shall consist of not adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they see fit. Until the less than five, nor more than fifty, persons who shall be Life Governors Council shall otherwise determine, five of their number shall be a or Governors. The Chancellor. Deputy Chancellor, the Vice- quorum. Questions arising at any meeting shall be determined by a chancellor, the Assistant Principal, the Chairman of the Senate majority of votes, and in the case of an equality of votes the Chairman Finance Committee, the Professor of Physics within the University shall have a second or casting vote. of Sydney and the Director of The Science Foundation for Physics shall be additional and ex-officio members of the Council. The 29. Without prejudice to the generality of Section 19 the Council Professor of Physics shall have the right to nominate an additional shall have power: member of the Council who shall act as a liaison officer between the Foundation and the School of Physics. (a) to recommend the appointment, with or without remuneration, of a Secretary and such other officers as it shall think fit; 21. The Council may nominate any Life Governor or Governor of the Foundation for appointment either to fill a casual vacancy on, or (b) to appoint sub-committees, consisting of one or more persons as an additional member of the Council provided that the total (who need not be members of the Foundation) wnose duty it number of members, other than the Professor of Physics and the shall be to investigate and report to the Council. additional member nominated by him pursuant to Section 20 supra, shall not at any time exceed the maximum number prescribed. 30. The Council shall cause Minutes to be kept and recorded of all resolutions and proceedings of General Meetings of the Foundation and 21 A. The Council may, in addition, nominate from within or of Meetings of the Council and shall cause such Minutes to be signed by outside the Foundation a maximum of three persons, firms, companies, the Chairman of the Meeting or of th: next ensuing Meeting. associations or corporations for appointment either to fill casual vacancies on, or as additional members of the Council, provided that the total number of members, other than the Professor of Physics and the additional member nominated by him pursuant to Section 20 supra, shall not at any time exceed the maximum number prescribed. REGULATIONS 31. The Foundation in General Meeting may make Regulations not 22. If the Life Governor or Governor of the Foundation or the inconsistent with the Rules of this Constitution. body invited under Section 21A supra is a firm, company, association or corporation, such Life Governor, Governor or invited body may designate in writing its representative who shall be eligible for appointment to the Council. ALTERATIONS TO CONSTITUTION 23. The first members of the Council shall be: 32. This Constitution may be added to, amended or repealed by Mr R. Parry-Okeden, Managing Director of Lysaghts and represent- resolution passed at any General Meeting, provided thai no such ative of the Chamber of Manufactures of New South Wales. resolution shall be deemed to have been passed unless (a) it has been carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of the Members present in Mr W. G. Walkley, Managing Director of Ampol Petroleum Ltd. person or by representative or proxy and voting thereon and (b) it is Mr G. B. S. Falkiner, grazier. subsequently approved by the Senate. Mr E. G. Boyd, Director of Mount Morgan Ltd. Sir Frank Packer, Managing Director of Consolidated Press. Mr C. G. Crane, Chairman of Directors, Australian Gas Light NOTICE TO MEMBERS Company. 33. A notice shall be served by the Foundation upon any Associate Mr T. C, Crane, Managing Director, Monsanto Chemicals ember. Member or Governor either personally or by sending il (Australia) Limited. through the post in a pre-paiil letter, envelope or wrapper addressed to (Seven Governors appointed by the Senate for the inaugural year him at his registered or last known place of address.

Mr James N. Kirby, Managing Director of James N. Kirby Manu- 34. Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on facturing Pty Ltd. the day upon which in the ordinary course of post such notice would (Nominated by the Professor of Physics under Section 20 of the reach the addressee. Constitution.) 35. The signature to any such notice may be written or typed or Professor H. Messel, Professor of Physics; ex oflicio). printed.


JL HE Science Foundation for Physics has three grades of membership, all of which are open to individuals and companies and other corporate bodies. The highest grade of membership is that of Governor. Governors are eligible for appointment to the Council of the Foundation. An annual contribution of at least $4,000 is required from a Governor. Next grade is that of Full Member, pull Members vote at General Meetings of the Foundation, but they are not eligible for appointments to Council, A mini- mum annual contribution of $300 is required for full membership, but larger amounts are most welcome. The total number of Full Members and Governors is limited to 100. An unlimited number of Associate Members are admitted to the Foundation on paying an annual contribution of from $200 to $799. Associate Mem- bers enjoy all the privileges of Full Membership with the one exception that they are not able to vote at General Meetings. Foundation members of all grades receive the pub- lications of the Science Foundation for Physics, includ- ing "The Nucleus"; they are invited to attend meetings, lectures and discussions. All contributions to the Science Foundation for Physics are allowable deductions from income for tax purposes. Applications and enquiries concerning membership should be sent to: The Secretary, Science Foundation for Physics, School of Physics, University of Sydney, N.S.W. 2006.

84 " In the conditions of modern life the rule is absolute: the race which does not value trained intelligence is doomed. Not all your heroism, not all your social charm, not all your wit, not all your victories on land or at sea, can move back the finger of fate. Today we maintain ourselves. Tomorrow science will have moved forward yet one more step, and there will be no appeal from the judgment which will then be pronounced on the uneducated." ALFRED NORTH WHITEHEAD, 1916.


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