Oldham Borough Council Council Meeting Wednesday 2 February 2011
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Oldham Borough Council Council Meeting Wednesday 2 February 2011 OLDHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL To: ALL MEMBERS OF OLDHAM BOROUGH COUNCIL, CIVIC CENTRE, OLDHAM Tuesday, 25 January 2011 You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Council which will be held on Wednesday 2 February 2011 at 6.00 pm in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, for the following purposes: 1 To receive apologies for absence. 2 To order that the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 15th December 2010 be signed as a correct record. (Pages 1 - 54) 3 To receive declarations of interest in any matter to be determined at the meeting. 4 To deal with matters which the Mayor considers to be urgent business. 5 To receive communications relating to the business of the Council. To receive a presentation from representatives of Oldham Youth Council. 6 To note petitions received relating to the business of the Council. (Pages 55 - 56) 7 To deal with any topical issues agreed by the Mayor 8 To receive and consider questions and related comments from residents of the Borough about any matters relevant to the functions of the Council (time limit 20 minutes). 9 Outstanding Business from the last meeting (time limit 20 minutes). This Council regrets the proposed cuts in Disability Living Allowances which will make disabled people living in residential homes worse off by an average of £33 per week. This Council resolves to write to our 3 MPs requesting they lobby Mr Iain Duncan Smith the Secretary of State at the Department of Work and Pensions asking him to reconsider this proposal which will isolate these vulnerable people who presently use this money to get out to take part in activities. 10 Motions of Opposition Business (time limit 30 minutes) . a) Proposed by Councillor McMahon seconded by Councillor Hibbert This council believes the behaviour of Communities and Local Government Minister RT Hon. Eric Pickles MP has damaged the relationship between central and local government. This council supports the stance of Councillor Richard Kemp, Leader of Local Government Liberal Democrats in his view that Eric Pickles should be sacked. This council also believes Mr Pickles should be removed as Vice President of the Local Government Association. This council therefore instructs the Chief Executive to: 1. Write to Councillor Baroness Margaret Eaton DBE, Chair of Local Government Association to advise her of this council’s position and to inform the executive of this member council’s view that Mr Pickles should not be allowed to continue as Vice President of the LGC. 2. Write to all boroughs’ MPs to advise them of this council’s position and ask that they support our stance. 3. Write to Rt. Hon David Cameron MP and Rt. Hon Nick Clegg to advise them of this council’s position and ask that they consider the continuing breakdown in relations between the minister and local authorities. b) Proposed by Councillor Butterworth seconded by Councillor Akhtar Critics argue that abolishing EMA will lead to thousands of teenagers giving up their studies, Andy Burnham, the shadow education secretary, recently said that the decision to scrap EMA ‘stacks the odds’ against the poor and that young people see a government that is kicking away the ladder of opportunity. The EMA provides a weekly payment of between £10 and £30 to the poorest 16-18 year olds living in households earning under £31,000 per year. 650,000 students who receive the maintenance come from homes where household income is less than £20,800. Jobless figures released on 19 th January pushed the youth unemployment rate up to the highest level since records began in 1992. It is estimated that around 78,000 young people are unlikely to be able to stay in further education without EMA. This Council resolves to:- • Write to Simon Hughes MP in his new role of ‘’advocate for access to higher education’’ urging him to report urgently on the establishment of a fair system to replace EMA which has now been scrapped. • Write to the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Education to inform him of the detrimental effect the scrapping of EMA for hundreds of people in our Borough will have. • This Council states that: - Cancelling the EMA scheme is fundamentally unfair and premature. Furthermore this Council informs the secretary of state that scrapping EMA before a fair system to replace it has been proposed, consulted upon and approved by parliament, is not in the best interest of 16 year olds from low income families in Oldham, who wish to stay on in Education. 11 To note the Minutes of the following Joint Authority and Oldham Partnership meetings and the relevant spokespersons to respond to questions from Members (Pages 57 - 106) (time limit 20 minutes):- Greater Manchester Waste Disposal 12 th November 2010 Authority Greater Manchester Police Authority 22 nd November 2010 Association of Greater Manchester 26 th November 2010 Authorities Executive 17 th December 2010 Greater Manchester Integrated Transport 15 th October 2010 Authority Unity Partnership Board 24 th November 2010 Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue 9th December 2010 Authority 12 Cabinet Question Time a) To receive any written questions to Cabinet Members (time limit 10 minutes). b) To receive answers from a Cabinet Member to the written questions received (time limit 10 minutes) 13 To note the Minutes of the meetings of the Cabinet held on the undermentioned dates, including the attached list of urgent key decisions taken since the last meeting of the Council, and to receive any questions on any items within the Minutes from Members of the Council who are not Members of the Cabinet (Pages 107 - 122) (time limit 15 minutes) :- a) 8 th December 2010 b) 22 nd December 2010 c) Urgent Key decisions between 8 th December 2010 and 22 nd December 2010 14 To receive responses to the questions raised from appropriate Cabinet Members to questions raised in 13 above (time limit 15 minutes). 15 To receive observations on any items within the Minutes of the Cabinet received above from Members of the Council who are not Members of the Cabinet (time limit – 20 minutes – the last 5 minutes reserved for the Leader of the main opposition group). 16 To receive comments from appropriate Cabinet Members to observations made above (time limit – 25 minutes – last 5 minutes reserved for the Leader of the Council). 17 Notices of Motion (time limit 30 minutes) . a) Councillor to Williamson to MOVE and Councillor Heffernan to SECOND. This Council notes the recent announcement by the Coalition Government to abolish the Education Maintenance Allowances (EMAs). This Council also notes that the Coalition Government have made clear their intention to replace the Education Maintenance Allowances (EMAs) with a more targeted Allowance regime for 2011/12. This Council therefore resolves That the Chief Executive be requested to write to the Secretary of State for Education seeking early detail and clarity on the proposed new allowance scheme. b) Councillor Alcock to MOVE and Councillor Roughley to SECOND . This Council welcomes the recent statement on the Postal Services Bill by the Minister for Postal Affairs, Edward Davey MP which made clear that the national network of 11,500 Post Offices was ‘not for sale’. This Council also welcomes his announcements of £1.34bn of new investment and plans to examine mutuality which could see ownership and running of the business being handed over to employees, sub postmasters and local communities. This Council believes that the new proposals contained within the Postal Services Bill will at last provide the stability and security for the Post Office network in Oldham which was sadly lacking under the last Labour Government This Council Resolves to: 1. request the Chief Executive write to the Minister for Postal Affairs welcoming the provisions of the Postal Services Bill 2. request the Chief Executive to write to the Boroughs three MP’s seeking their support for the Government proposals to inject major new investment into the Post Office network as set out in the Postal Services Bill c) Councillor to Martin to MOVE and Councillor E Hulme to SECOND. This Council believes that strong, prosperous and successful communities are best developed by empowering local people to take the key decisions that impact upon them. We recognise that government through centralisation and top down controls has failed; public sector productivity has declined, major social problems persist and trust in democracy fallen. Centralised systems impose bureaucracy, discourage initiative, monopolise resources, suppress diversity, restrict information and bypass those who best understand local needs and priorities. By devolving power and control of resources to the lowest practical level, and trusting people and their local elected representatives to make decisions, we can ensure that individuals are best placed to pursue their aspirations and make a meaningful contribution towards shaping their local area. This Council Resolves to: - Embed the principles of localism and devolved decision making in future Council strategy. - Investigate opportunities to devolve greater power and resources to our Parish Councils, District Partnerships and the wider community. - Take steps to promote to Oldham residents the new rights and powers they will have under the Localism Bill to take over services and to purchase local assets. 18 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC - TO RESOLVE - That in accordance with Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it contains exempt information relating to paragraph 3,4 and 5 of Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. It would not, on balance be in the public interest to disclose the information to the public because it contains information relating to the financial and business affairs of the Council and individuals, consultations and negotiations in connection with labour relation matters and information subject to legal privilege.