To explain the purpose and proposed content of Sefton’s third Local development Scheme (LDS) and seek Members’ approval for the submission of the attached draft document to Government Office NW.


To meet the requirements of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Regulations in relation to the preparation of the Council’s Local Development Framework.


Planning Committee

1. Note the staff and financial resource implications of the programme set out in the LDS and approve in principle the use of unallocated Planning Delivery Grant to fund this programme, subject to further reports on the detail and costs of the studies proposed.

2. Approve the following recommendation to Cabinet


1. That the draft Local Development Scheme attached at Annex B to the report be approved for submission to Government Office

2. The Planning and Economic Regeneration Director be authorised to approve any changes required as a result of discussion with Government Office and any minor editorial or presentational changes (as set out in paras 9.1 – 9.3).


FORWARD PLAN: Included in the Forward Plan

IMPLEMENTATION DATE: Following the expiry of the call-in period for the minutes of the Cabinet meeting


ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS: None, the annual publication of a Local Development Scheme is a statutory requirement


Budget/Policy Framework: Supports the implementation of Corporate Plan Strategic Objective 7


The draft LDS (Annex B, Table 5) identifies a number of further studies, specialist advice and consultation activities required to provide the evidence base to support the LDF, and the Core Strategy in particular. The total cost over the three years 2007/08–2009/10 is estimated at approximately £245,000. It is proposed that these costs would be largely funded from existing revenue budgets in the form of the unallocated balance of previous Planning Delivery Grant awards. In addition, a provisional estimate of £50,000 - £60,000 (at current prices) has been included for public inquiry costs falling in 2009/10 for which budget provision will be required.

2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2007 2008 2009 2010 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE £ £ £ £ Gross Increase in Capital Expenditure Funded by: Sefton Capital Resources Specific Capital Resources REVENUE IMPLICATIONS Gross Increase in Revenue Expenditure 50-60,000 Funded by: Sefton funded Resources 50-60,000 Funded from External Resources Does the External Funding have an expiry date? Y/N When? How will the service be funded post expiry?


Risk Assessment: Risk assessment carried out. See summary in paragraph 10 of the report.

Asset Management:

CONSULTATION UNDERTAKEN/VIEWS Government Office NW, Sefton Borough Partnership, Technical Services (Strategic Transportation Policy Unit), Environmental Advisory Service, Housing Market Renewal team.



Corporate Positive Neutral Negative Objective Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community 9 2 Creating Safe Communities 9 3 Jobs and Prosperity 9 4 Improving Health and Well-Being 9 5 Environmental Sustainability 9 6 Creating Inclusive Communities 9 7 Improving the Quality of Council Services and 9 Strengthening local Democracy 8 Children and Young People 9




1. Introduction

1.1 The 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act introduced major changes into the development plan system. Instead of preparing a Unitary Development Plan (UDP) the Council has to prepare a Local Development Framework (LDF). This replaces a single comprehensive document (UDP), which took several years to go through its various stages, with a Framework which is effectively a portfolio of shorter planning documents to address the needs of specific areas (e.g. development in the Housing Market Renewal priority neighbourhoods) or topics.(e.g. urban greenspace)..

1.2 The new system contains a variety of types of plans and documents and the terms can be confusing. A diagram to illustrate these is reproduced at Annex A.

2. The Sefton UDP and the Local Development Framework

2.1 The Council’s revised UDP was adopted on 29 June 2006. It will form part of the Local Development Framework and becomes a ‘saved’ plan. In effect this means that the UDP will run alongside the new planning system for a number of years to come. As the policies in the adopted UDP become out-of-date they will be replaced by planning documents with new policies focusing more on specific topics (e.g. affordable housing) or areas (e.g. town centres), and eventually by a Core Strategy which will provide a new over-arching spatial plan for the Borough.

3. What is a Local Development Scheme?

3.1 A key part of the Framework is the Local Development Scheme (LDS). This is a project plan available to the public, which sets out the Council’s priorities for preparing the documents to be included in the Local Development Framework for the next three years.

3.2 The LDS must include the key milestones or stages for preparing each document and the Council’s performance against these will determine one part of the Planning Delivery Grant which the Council receives each year. In 2005- 06 the Council received £52,000 for submitting the LDS to Government Office on time, and we are due to receive a further round of Planning Delivery Grant based on the target we set for adopting the UDP.

3.3 This is our third LDS. The second one came into effect last October, but this year the Government require LDSs to be submitted before 31st March. Once approved by the Government Office the programme and plan milestones set out in the LDS establish the performance framework for the following year, which will determine allocations of the plan-making element of Planning Delivery Grant. It is therefore important to be realistic about what we aim to do. The Council is expected to review its performance annually - this will be set out in an Annual Monitoring Report (AMR). We produced our second AMR last December.

3.4 During 2006-07 we have made significant progress with two key documents:

• as mentioned above, the UDP was adopted in June 2006 • the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) was adopted in October 2006.

ITEM NO. 14 3.5 The SCI sets out how the Council will try to encourage as wide a spectrum of the community as possible to take part in the preparation of the plans and documents listed in the LDS. It also lays down standards for consultation on planning proposals. It encourages developers to consult local interests before submitting large of contentious planning applications. A pack has just been prepared and will soon be on our web-site advising developers how to undertake consultation on larger schemes before making their applications. If developers use this process to address legitimate concerns from the local community, it should help to reduce some of the opposition to schemes before they become applications.

4. What does the Local Development Scheme contain?

4.1 The draft LDS is attached as Annex B to this report. Sections 1 and 2 consist of an introduction and provide the context within which the LDS has been prepared.

4.2 Section 3 is the heart of the LDS explaining what types of planning documents we intend to prepare and why. It summarises how the documents fit together, the areas they affect, and the timescales for producing them in diagrams and tables: • Table 2 (p. 10) is a schedule of all the planning documents we intend to prepare in the next three years; • Diagram 1 (p. 14) shows the relationships between the various documents • Diagram 2 (p. 15-16) includes two maps which show the geographical coverage of these documents, one for South Sefton, the other for Southport (some documents like the Core Strategy, are relevant to the whole Borough); • Table 3 (p. 17) shows the timescales for reaching particular stages e.g. public participation, examination by an Inspector, final adoption.

4.3 Section 4 explains the process of producing the documents. This includes factors such as: • how much staff time will be allocated and which postholders will be involved • who has day-to-day responsibility for managing the process • what are the risks which might lead to delay and how will we deal with these • the evidence required for preparing the documents and carrying our sustainability appraisal • the costs of assembling the necessary information, publicity, consultation etc • the political responsibility for approving the documents.

4.4 A one-page profile of each planning document is included in Appendix 2 to the LDS (pp.26-37). These summarise information on each document, including its purpose, geographical coverage, how it relates to other documents, who will be involved and consulted in preparing it.

5. Priorities within the Local Development Scheme

5.1 The draft LDS comprises a list of planning documents, the preparation of which it is suggested should be our priorities over the next three years. There are two main types: • Development Plan Documents – these are formal policy documents which are examined by an Inspector • Supplementary Planning Documents – these provide advice on how the

ITEM NO. 14 policies will be implemented.

5.2 Three Development Plan Documents (DPDs) are proposed: • Joint Merseyside Waste DPD • Seaforth and Litherland Centres Area Action Plan • Core Strategy

6. Development Plan Documents

6.1 The preparation of the Joint Merseyside Waste DPD is a priority to meet Government targets for managing waste in a more sustainable manner. In particular, Merseyside needs to reduce its reliance on landfill by providing alternative facilities for recycling, reprocessing, treatment and disposal. The Regional Waste Strategy sets objectives, targets and appropriate timescales for these changes, which are reinforced by draft Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) policy.

6.2 The Merseyside authorities ( City Council, Knowsley Council, , St. Helens Council, and Halton Council) have agreed to prepare this DPD jointly, for adoption by 2010.

6.3 The Waste DPD will ensure the right mixes of sites are identified to enable waste to be disposed of in a more sustainable way. Significant investment will be required in new sustainable waste management facilities for all types of waste because landfill is the last resort.

6.4 The Seaforth and Litherland Area Action Plan is considered to be a priority given the changing role of Seaforth Local Centre. For the purposes of this DPD, the area contained within the L21 postcode area. It lies to the north of Bootle Town Centre, and is one of the most deprived areas in Sefton.

6.5 A co-ordinated, spatial, approach would provide a framework for making the most of the variety of funding which the area benefits from, including Neighbourhood Renewal Funding (NRF), Housing Market Renewal Initiative (HMRI) and the Sefton / Liverpool Enterprise Growth Initiative (SLEGI).

6.6 It will also address the importance of integrating with proposals emerging in the Knowsley and Linacre SPD and how best to co-ordinate investment in Seaforth which although within the HMR area is not a priority neighbourhood for funding.

6.7 The Core Strategy will be the key strategic document in the new LDF. It will set out the Council’s objectives and priorities in a 15 year spatial strategy supported by a ‘key diagram’.

6.8 Current Government guidance stresses the importance of integrating the processes of preparing the Core Strategy and the Sustainable Community Strategy. This has not happened as much as would be ideal because of their different timescales. However, good working relationships have been established with the sub-groups of the Sefton Borough Partnership, and further opportunities will be sought to draw the two processes together.


7. Supplementary Planning Documents

7.1 The majority of documents included in our draft LDS are Supplementary Planning Documents. These will explain how policies in the adopted UDP will be applied in practice. This is the same role previously performed by our Supplementary Planning Guidance under the old system. Indeed, existing supplementary guidance will still carry weight in determining planning applications, but any new supplementary guidance must be SPDs, not SPGs.

7.2 This new guidance will have to be prepared in a different way; the main changes are new requirements: • to make sure that the guidance helps to achieve sustainable development (e.g. it will have to undergo a ‘sustainability appraisal’), • for involving members of the public and other stakeholders in the preparation of this guidance.

7.3 A number of Supplementary Planning Documents need to be prepared in the next three years to help achieve Council objectives. These include:

• guidance for regeneration in Housing Market Renewal areas (Stanley Road retail frontage, Linacre and Knowsley/Peel neighbourhoods); • advice on how to secure more affordable housing • guidance for further development in Southport town centre

7.4 The 2006 LDS included the preparation of a Public Greenspace and Development DPD to set local standards for providing open space and recreation. It is now considered that a quicker and more appropriate route to achieve the guidance we want is to prepare two Supplementary Planning Documents. These will be the Open Space and Development SPD and the Green Space Strategy SPD.

8. Reviewing and updating the Local Development Scheme

8.1 The annual review of our performance in meeting the targets set out in the LDS was mentioned in para 3.3. Following the preparation of the Annual Monitoring Report each December the LDS will be updated and will look ahead for a further three years. However, if there is an urgent need to prepare a planning document, the LDS can be updated at any time in consultation with Government Office.

9. Consultation on the Local Development Scheme and next stages

9.1 A copy of the draft LDS has been submitted to Government Office for their initial views. They in turn will consult the Planning Inspectorate about how realistic the timescales are for those documents which need to be formally examined. Amendments will be made to reflect their comments before the LDS is formally submitted to Government Office.

9.2 Once the draft LDS is finally submitted to Government Office (by 31st March) they have 28 days to comment formally. If they do not make any comment the LDS will be approved at the end of that time.

9.3 It is also proposed that, once it is approved, the LDS will be much more attractive to the public if the document is formally designed. This will require a number of presentational changes, in particular to figures, maps and diagrams.

9.4 It is recommended that the Director be authorised to approve amendments to

ITEM NO. 14 the draft LDS arising from the above.

9.5 The LDS documents will then be made available at the Planning Department offices, on the Sefton web site and at libraries.

10. Risk Assessment

10.1 Developing a programme for the production of documents for a three-year period raises a number of potential risks. Failure to meet committee dates as set out in the project plan may arise for a number of reasons. Potential risks, and control measures we will undertake to mitigate these, have been identified as: Risk • Emergence of new guidance • Volume of work greater than anticipated • Staff turnover • Difficulty in managing joint working • LDF too ambitious • Background studies not completed on time • Consultation takes longer than anticipated • Lack of member support at key stages • DPDs fail legal challenge

Risk Control • Keep up to date with new policies/ guidance and best practice • Consider additional resources • Set realistic targets/workload • Advice will be sought from Counsel on content of complex LDDs • Project management approach will be taken in preparation of all LDDs including staff training • Team plans will be prepared for all parts of Group which contribute to this process – this will ensure that LDS work can be programmed into work schedules • LDS progress will be on weekly agenda of divisional management team • There will be extensive consultation in early stage of document preparation • Members will be kept informed through the whole process • Ensure all statutory requirements are met. • Maintain close working relationship with Government Office and Planning Inspectorate

11. Financial Implications

11.1 Table 5 of the draft LDS identifies a programme of further studies, specialist advice and consultation activities required to support the preparation of the LDF, in particular the Core Strategy. It is currently estimated that the total cost in 2007/08 will be in the order of £135,000, and approximately £55,000 in 2008/09 and 2009/10. This includes the need for specialist consultancy support on housing, employment and retail studies, environmental and flood- risk assessment, and legal advice. More precise estimates will be possible when detailed briefs for the work have been completed, and this will be the subject of further reports to the Planning Committee. It is proposed to fund this programme mainly from the unallocated balance of previous Planning Delivery Grant awards, which are adequate to cover the programme in full.

11.2 In addition, on the current programme it will be necessary to make provision for the costs of public examinations into three Development Plan Documents

ITEM NO. 14 – the Joint Merseyside Waste DPD, the Seaforth and Litherland Area Action Plan and the Core Strategy. At this stage it is only possible to make a very tentative estimate of costs, and a figure of £50 – £60,000 has been included in Table 5. This estimate is based on current Planning Inspectorate and legal fees and past experience suggests that these will be subject to inflation in excess of RPI.

ITEM NO. 14 Annex A

Local Development Framework - how the documents fit together

ITEM NO. 14 Annex B

Sefton Council Local Development Scheme

March 2007 ITEM NO. 14

Contents Page

1.0 Introduction 2

Table 1: Glossary of Terms 3

2.0 Context 4

About the Area 4 Regional and Strategic Planning Context 4 Links with other Strategies 4 Plan: Sefton - Context 5 Joint Working 6

3.0 Sefton Local Development Framework 7

Saved Unitary Development Plan 7 Supplementary Planning Guidance 7 Review of 2006 Local Development Scheme 7 Programme for 2007-10 9 Table 2: Schedule of Sefton’s Local Development Documents 10 Development Plan Documents 11 Supplementary Planning Documents 13 Further Local Development Documents 13 Annual Monitoring and Review 13 Diagram 1: Relationship between Local Development Documents 14 Diagram 2A: Areas covered by LDDs within South Sefton 15 Diagram 2B: Area covered by LDDs within Southport 16 Table 3: Programme Management 17

4.0 Supporting Statement 19

Evidence Base 19 Table 4: List of Studies Required to Inform LDF 19 Sustainability Appraisal, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment 20 Resources 20 Table 5: Indicative costs of LDF Process 22 Programme Management 23 Council Procedures 23 Risk Assessment 23 Table 6: Risk Assessment 24

Appendix 1 List of Supplementary Planning Guidance 25

Appendix 2 Profiles of each Local Development Document 26


1.0 Introduction 1.1 This Local Development Scheme provides the starting point for the local community to find out what our current planning policies are for Sefton. It sets out the programme for the preparation of Local Development Documents which will ensure an up-to-date planning framework for the Borough. 1.2 The three-year programme includes “consultation milestones” to inform the public about opportunities to get involved with the plan- making process and to let them know the likely dates when they can be involved. 1.3 Sefton Council is responsible for preparing the portfolio of Local Development Documents that will form our Local Development Framework. This is the name given to the planning system introduced in 2004. An explanation of the terms used is set out in the table on the next page. 1.4 Local Development Documents set out the spatial strategy for the district and comprise Development Plan Documents and Supplementary Planning Documents. 1.5 Development Plan Documents along with Regional Spatial Strategy (prepared by the North West Regional Assembly) comprise the statutory development plan, which is the basis upon which all planning decisions are made. Development Plan Documents will eventually replace the Sefton Unitary Development Plan. 1.6 The Council is committed to the programme set out in this Local Development Scheme because of the benefits that an up to date and effective development plan and supplementary guidance can have, including: • community commitment to the future of this area; • providing a means for coordinating the activities of different departments, agencies and organisations • the role of plans in promoting regeneration and investment, by creating certainty and commitment to change and improvement; • the need for a clear audit trail to link bids for public funds to a coherent and soundly based strategy for this area; • providing a strongly justified basis for successful negotiations over development proposals and for developer contributions. 1.7 This Local Development Scheme will be reviewed and rolled forward annually to take account of progress on the programme and monitoring of the evidence base and adopted policies. 1.8 This takes place through the Annual Monitoring Report, the last of which was prepared in December 2006. This highlighted the need to revise the sections in the Local Development Scheme on ‘risk’ and ‘resources’ in the light of experience to date.


Table 1: Glossary of Terms

Component Abbrev Explanation -iation Local Development LDF The name given under the new system to a portfolio of Local Framework Development Documents which will provide the framework for delivering the spatial planning strategy for the Borough. Local Development LDS A 3 year programme that sets out the details, timescales and Scheme the arrangements for production for each document in the LDF(this document is the Local Development Scheme)) Local Development LDD A document that forms part of the LDF. LDDs include 2 Document different types of documents, as explained below. Development Plan DPD An LDD that has been subject to an independent public Document inquiry run by a Planning Inspector. Once adopted following an inquiry these documents will have statutory weight. There are different types of DPDs, including the Core Strategy, Site Specific Allocations, the Proposals Map and Area Action Plans. Supplementary SPD An LDD which is subject to public consultation but is not Planning Documents subject to an independent public examination. These will form a material consideration in determining planning applications but are not statutory documents. Regional Spatial RSS A document that sets out the planning policies in respect of Strategy the development and use of land in the region which is prepared by the North West Regional Assembly. It will form part of the statutory development plan for the Borough. The Development - Consists of the Regional Spatial Strategy and the Plan Development Plan Documents contained within the Local Development Framework. Core Strategy - A DPD that sets out the vision, spatial strategy and core policies for the spatial development of the Borough. Statement of SCI A document which forms part of the LDF and which sets out Community how the Council will involve the community and other Involvement stakeholders in the preparation of all LDDs and consideration of planning applications. Annual Monitoring AMR An annual report, which sets out the progress in producing Reports LDDs against the timetable set out in the LDF, and the progress in implementing policies. Appropriate AA Aims to ensure regional and local plans or programmes will Assessment not have adverse effects on the integrity of European designated ‘Natura 2000’ sites Sustainability SA & All policies and proposals in LDDs will be subject to Appraisal & Strategic SEA Sustainability Appraisal. This includes the requirements for a Environmental Strategic Environmental Assessment to ensure they reflect Assessment sustainable development principles. Area Action Plan AAP A type of Development Plan Document focused upon a specific location or an area subject to conservation or significant change (for example major regeneration). Unitary Development UDP The statutory development plan in place prior to the Plan introduction of the new LDF system. Sefton’s UDP was adopted in June 2006.



About the area 2.1 The southern part of the area covered by Sefton Council is part of the urban core of Merseyside and it faces many of the same challenges as the wider urban area (see plan on next page). 2.2 The next largest built up area is the tourist and shopping centre of Southport in the north. There are a number of other towns and villages that are surrounded by Green Belt or lie within the Green Belt. Many of these are commuter settlements. 2.3 The Borough is linear in shape and its extensive coastline is protected by international nature conservation designations. 2.4 The key priority in south Sefton is regeneration. This area, together with parts of Liverpool and Wirral boroughs, forms the NewHeartlands Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Area. Much of the area is also in receipt of Neighbourhood Renewal Funding (NRF) and part has been awarded for funding under the Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (LEGI). 2.5 In Southport regeneration is also a priority. The Southport Partnership which includes public, private and voluntary sectors is due to continue to 2017. 2.6 In order to assist regeneration within these areas there is an emphasis on concentrating development within the built-up area and on restraining development outside the built-up part of the Borough and in other locations where it would cause harm to the environment. 2.7 A key corporate priority across the whole of the Borough is the need to provide affordable housing.

Regional & Strategic Planning Context 2.8 An examination into the revised draft Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) was held in November 2007. The Panel expect to publish their report in late spring 2007, and the revised RSS is anticipated by the end of 2007. When approved, this will replace the current RSS (approved as RPG in March 2003). 2.9 The direction set out in draft RSS will provide important context for the Core Strategy. RSS is part of the statutory development plan. Links with other strategies 2.10 The Sefton Community Strategy is prepared and approved by the Sefton Borough Partnership (SBP). It is kept under review each year and is currently being updated. The LDDs should have regard to the Community Strategy and ensure that land-use requirements arising from the Action Plans of the Partnerships various Thematic Groups are addressed. In turn, as it is updated, the Community Strategy is expected to address issues that arise from those development requirements driven by RSS and ensure that partners have their plans in place to support development requirements.



2.11 Efforts will be made to involve the community and key interests in preparing the Core Strategy and the Community Strategy where possible, though it is not possible to say how practicable this will be given the different timescales. The Statement of Community Involvement provides for extensive consultation with the extensive network of groups which are linked in to the Borough Partnership (in particular with the Voluntary and Community Sector Thematic Group). 2.12 There are a number of strategies and plans affecting the Borough which have implications for land use and development. These will be taken into account in the preparation of LDDs in so far as the strategies accord with the Community Strategy. The key ones comprise: • Atlantic Gateway Integrated Development Plan • Housing Market Renewal Initiative, for which the South Sefton Regeneration Strategy provides the development framework for the Pathfinder Area • A Vision for Southport Seafront: Final Masterplan. 2.13 The Merseyside Local Transport Plan (which looks ahead to 2010-11) will influence accessibility and development potential. The Council, with the other Merseyside authorities, works closely with Merseytravel to improve transport choices in particular within the Urban Priority Areas.

Joint Working

2.14 Joint working takes place informally on matters of strategic interest. The Merseyside District Planning Officers (DPOs) meet regularly. This group reports to the Merseyside Strategic Planning and Transportation Committee. 2.15 The DPOs have commissioned a study on sub-regional housing called the Liverpool City Region Housing Strategy. This is a major piece of work, funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government, which will provide an investment framework for future housing development across the city region. The work is being led by a steering group drawn from the city region’s local authorities,

2.17 The 6 Greater Merseyside Authorities, including Halton, have agreed to produce a joint Waste DPD. Further detail is provided later in Section 3.

2.18 Sefton and Liverpool Councils have agreed an informal protocol to work closely to support to the preparation of the Area Action Plan for North Liverpool. A key aspect of this will be jointly considering the need for assembling background information.



Saved Unitary Development Plan 3.1 The current approved planning framework for the borough of Sefton is the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) which was adopted in June 2006. The policies in this plan will be ‘saved’ under the new system for a period of three years i.e. until June 2009. Along with RSS they will form a key part of the statutory development plan until then. 3.2 This means that the policies in the UDP will provide the framework for development over most of the period covered by this Local Development Scheme. We do not anticipate replacing many of these policies before June 2009. However, we will assess how effective existing policies are in the 2007 Annual Monitoring Report. 3.3 Saving policies beyond June 2009 would have to be agreed by the Secretary of State. We are required to let the Secretary of State know by December 2008 what our intentions are for the policies in the UDP.

Supplementary Planning Guidance 3.4 The Council has adopted quite a number of Supplementary Planning Guidance notes (SPG) which relate to policies in the adopted UDP. These SPGs will continue to be non-statutory guidance and will be material considerations in the determination of planning applications until they are replaced by Supplementary Planning Documents. A full list of SPGs is given at Appendix 1. This Local Development Scheme proposes to replace three of the SPGs: • the SPG on Public Greenspace and Development will be superseded by two SPDs – one called Green Space Strategy and the other called Open Space and Development • ‘Regulating the Supply of Residential Land’ will be replaced by an SPD called ‘Managing the Supply of Housing Land’ • ‘Ensuring Choice of Travel’ will be updated by a Merseyside-wide document of the same name.

Review of 2006 Local Development Scheme 3.5 This section summarises progress with the 2006 Local Development Scheme. This has been limited since Sefton’s 2006 LDS only came into effect in October. Statement of Community Involvement and Development Plan Documents - The Statement of Community Involvement has kept broadly to time and was adopted in October 2006, just one month behind the original timescale.


- Initial work on the Core Strategy has been delayed. The timetable set out in the 2006 will need to be delayed slightly to accommodate the new requirement for Appropriate Assessment and to ensure that a number of background studies are in place. - The Seaforth and Litherland Area Action Plan has slipped considerably. This is due to a number of factors: o significant learning process as this is the first of our DPDs, including many issues emerging in the early stages of pre- consultation o it was not anticipated that we would have to build as many new partnerships and this has taken longer than anticipated o a key additional area of work emerged which had not been anticipated. Supplementary Planning Documents 3.6 Although preparatory work has begun on many of the other SPDs, none has yet come forward for public consultation. Their timetables have slipped for a variety of reasons, some of which were set out in the 2006 Annual Monitoring Report. These include: - protracted CPO inquiries affected the timetables of SPDs with the Housing Market Renewal areas as the CPO process was first priority - an extended consultation was required for the Stanley Road, Bootle, SPD which, again, has led to delays. - the housing SPDs have continued to slip because of the complexity of the issues involved, emerging government advice on affordable housing, the need to commission a ‘supply and demand’ study to support the new guidance, and the lead officer being diverted to preparing for the examination into RSS. 3.7 The experience with our first two Local Development Schemes has challenged us to be much more rigorous in our assumptions and to produce a more realistic LDS for 2007.

Programme for 2007-10 3.8 This section sets out the DPDs and SPDs that the Council has identified as priorities for production in the next 3 years. Diagram 1, on page 14, illustrates the relationships between Local Development Documents. This is not meant to represent the order in which documents are prepared, but the relationship (or ‘chain of conformity’) between the various documents. Diagram 2, on pages 15 and 16, illustrates the geographical coverage of the LDDs within the Borough (2a – South Sefton; 2b – Southport).


3.9 The list of the Local Development Documents (LDDs) the Council will produce over the next 3 years is summarised in Table 2 below. Table 3, on page 17, provides an overview of the timetable and project management for preparing each of the new LDDs. More detailed information on the role, content, geographic coverage, timescale for preparation and ‘chain of conformity’ (i.e. the planning document which provides the authority for each LDD) is set out in profiles in Appendix 2.

3.10 Our main preparation priorities for 2007-2010 flow from: • Policies and proposals set out in the adopted UDP; • The NewHeartlands Housing Market Renewal Initiative; • The Council’s corporate objectives • The UDP Inspector’s report; and • New legislation and regulations.

3.11 Key priorities are: • a Waste DPD prepared jointly by the six Greater Merseyside authorities (see paras 3.14 – 3.18 below) • the Core Strategy which will be the key strategic document in the Local Development Framework • South Sefton Housing Market Renewal SPD to provide a sound framework for regeneration in the Knowsley/Peel and Linacre neighbourhoods; • SPDs providing guidance on affordable housing and housing land supply; • a DPD in the form of an Area Action Plan for regenerating the Seaforth and Litherland areas (paras 3.19 – 3.21 below). • SPDs providing local standards for recreational open space and a corporate approach to managing and enhancing green space.

3.12 The Proposals Map is the one in the recently adopted UDP. This in turn will be updated as soon as the first new development plan document is adopted and then kept up to date each time a development plan document is adopted.


Table 2 Schedule of Sefton Local Development Documents

Document Title Status Purpose Merseyside Joint DPD To ensure that all the planning authorities meet their Waste Plan contribution to delivering identified needs of the region for all waste streams. To show that waste management will be considered alongside other spatial concerns. To help develop agreed criteria for the identification and allocation of sites suitable for new and enhanced waste management facilities for the identified waste management needs of Greater Merseyside. The allocation of sites for waste management. Seaforth and DPD To provide a detailed policy framework for the regeneration Litherland Area of the Seaforth and Litherland areas. Action Plan Core Strategy DPD To set out the strategic vision and spatial strategy for meeting known and anticipated development requirements to 2024, including number of dwellings required. Will include a key diagram to show broad locations (not specific sites) to meet specific requirements, key transportation elements, main patterns of movement and relationships to other strategies and adjoining local authority areas. It will NOT include primary development control policies Affordable Housing SPD To provide more detailed information on how the affordable housing policy will work Managing the Supply SPD To clarify and update guidance on the mechanisms for of Housing Land bringing forward balanced housing markets in accordance with development plan policy. Stanley Road SPD To establish the mechanisms for, and provide design advice about, the regeneration of the Stanley Road frontage blocks that are within the Bedford Queens priority neighbourhood, to support HMR Pathfinder activity, including possible future CPO action. Knowsley-Peel- SPD To guide the detailed regeneration of the Knowsley–Peel- Linacre Linacre area as part of the Housing Market Renewal Initiative Canalside sites, SPD To provide guidance on development of these sites adjoining Bootle the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, Bootle Ensuring Choice of SPD To help to ensure that developments are accessible by a Travel realistic choice of transport, including walking, cycling, public transport and by car. Southport Town SPD To provide a spatial planning framework for further Centre investment, regeneration and control of development in Southport Town Centre for the period 2007-2017. Green space Strategy SPD To provide detailed policy guidance for protection, management and enhancement of green space in Sefton in order to support regeneration, encourage social inclusion, improve health, promote biodiversity and provide recreational, eco-tourism and educational opportunities. Open space and SPD To provide detailed policy guidance to protect and enhance development green space and ensure that new development results in the provision of adequate publicly accessible green space.


Development Plan Documents 3.13 For reasons outlined above, it is intended to prepare three DPDs in the period of this Local Development Scheme: • the Joint Waste DPD • the Seaforth and Litherland Area Action Plan • the Core Strategy.

Joint Waste DPD 3.14 Merseyside is a significant producer of waste - over 4.5 million tones in 2005. Rapid changes in how we manage waste are needed because of the following factors: • European legislation • government targets • increasing amounts of waste • the need for improved protection of the environment, and • rising public expectations.

3.15 In particular, Merseyside needs to reduce its reliance on landfill by providing alternative facilities for recycling, reprocessing, treatment and disposal. The Regional Waste Strategy1 sets objectives, targets and appropriate timescales for these changes, which are reinforced by draft Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) policy.

3.16 The Greater Merseyside authorities (, Knowsley Council, Sefton Council, St. Helens Council, Wirral Council and Halton Council) have agreed to prepare a joint DPD, the Merseyside Joint Waste Development Plan Document.

3.17 The Waste DPD will ensure the right mixes of sites are identified to enable waste to be disposed of in a more sustainable way. There is much uncertainty in future trends about the amount and type of waste produced in Greater Merseyside. However, significant investment will be required in new sustainable waste management facilities for all types of waste because landfill is the last resort.

3.18 It is intended to produce the joint Waste DPD over the next three years for adoption by April 2010.

1 “Regional Waste Strategy for the North West” North West Regional Assembly, September 2004


Seaforth and Litherland Area Action Plan DPD 3.19 The Seaforth & Litherland area is, for the purposes of this DPD, the area contained within the L21 postcode area. It lies to the north of Bootle Town Centre, and is one of the most deprived areas in Sefton.

3.20 A co-ordinated, spatial, approach would provide a framework for the following:

o making the most of the variety of funding which the area benefits from, including Neighbourhood Renewal Funding (NRF), Housing Market Renewal Initiative (HMRI) and the Sefton / Liverpool Enterprise Growth Initiative (SLEGI) o the significant changes anticipated to retail patterns within the area, whilst at the same time ensuring that adequate local provision is maintained o the regeneration of housing and community facilities, including health & education provision o the importance of integrating with proposals emerging in the Knowsley and Linacre SPD o investment in Seaforth which although within the HMR pathfinder area is not a priority neighbourhood for HMR funding o the impact of a possible new port access road.

3.21 The DPD will be in general conformity with the current and replacement draft RSS and will have regard to the Community Strategy. Although this plan is being produced in advance of the Core Strategy, it will eventually conform to the Core Strategy.

Core Strategy DPD 3.22 The Core Strategy will be the key strategic document in the new LDF. It will set out the Council’s objectives and priorities in a 15 year spatial strategy supported by a ‘key diagram’. The LDS published in 2006 set out a timetable for its preparation and adoption in 2009. 3.23 Current Government guidance stresses the importance of integrating the processes of preparing Core Strategy and the Sustainable Community Strategy. This has not happened as much as would be ideal because of their different timescales. However, good working relationships have been established with the sub-groups of the Borough Partnership, and further opportunities will be sought to draw the two processes together. 3.24 Our objective is to have a Core Strategy in place by the end of 2010 that will enable us to fully integrate with the Sustainable Community Strategy and the replacement Regional Spatial Strategy. We will seek to have the UDP part 1 policies saved to this time.


Supplementary Planning Documents 3.25 The proposed Supplementary Planning Documents are listed below. These are related to policies in the UDP. • Affordable Housing (H2) • Managing the Supply of Housing Land (H3) • Stanley Road (H8) • Knowsley-Peel-Linacre (H8) • Canalside sites, Bootle (H8) • Ensuring Choice of Travel (AD2) • Southport Town Centre (EDT13) • Green space strategy (G1) • Open space and development (DQ4 and G1)

Further Local Development Documents 3.26 It is possible that a need for further LDDs will arise before the annual review of the LDS – these will be added to the LDS in consultation with Government Office. Changing circumstances may also mean that it is no longer appropriate or necessary to prepare some of the LDDs identified within this LDS. If so, this will be explained in the annual monitoring report.

Annual Monitoring and Review 3.27 The Council is required to monitor annually how effective its policies and proposals are in meeting the vision and the Core Strategy DPD (when prepared). We intend to publish the 2007 report in October. 3.28 The Council will assess: • whether it is meeting, or is on track to meet, the targets set out in its saved UDP and LDDs and, if not, the reasons why; • what impact LDD policies are having on other targets set at national, regional or local level; • whether any policies need to be replaced to meet sustainable development objectives; • what action should be taken if policies need to be replaced. 3.29 As a result of monitoring the Council will consider what changes, if any, need to be made. With the agreement of Government Office, the Council will bring forward any such changes through the review of the local development scheme each year.



Diagram 1 - Relationships between Local Development Documents




Joint Merseyside Seaforth & Waste DPD Litherland AAP

Supplementary Planning Managing the Ensuring Choice Affordable Supply of Southport Town of Travel SPD Housing SPD Housing Land Centre SPD

Documents Documents SPD

Canalside sites, Open Space and Green Space Stanley Road Linacre/ Bootle SPD Development Strategy SPD SPD Knowsley SPD SPD

Statement of Community Involvement

Evidence Base + SA and SEA





Document Stage 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A

Pre-production Consultation Stanley Road SPD Public Participation on draft SPD Proposed Date For Adoption

Managing The Supply Pre-production Consultation Of Housing Land SPD Public Participation on draft SPD Proposed Date For Adoption

Pre-production Consultation Linacre and Public Participation on draft SPD Knowsley/Peel SPD Proposed Date For Adoption

Canalside Sites Pre-production Consultation Bootle SPD Public Participation on draft SPD Proposed Date For Adoption

Pre-production Consultation Affordable Housing SPD Public Participation on draft SPD Proposed Date For Adoption

Pre-production Consultation Ensuring Choice Of Travel SPD Public Participation on draft SPD Proposed Date For Adoption

Pre-production Consultation Southport Town Centre SPD Public Participation on draft SPD Proposed Date For Adoption

Pre-production Consultation Green space strategy SPD Public Participation on draft SPD Proposed Date For Adoption

Open space and Pre-production Consultation Development SPD Public Participation on draft SPD


Document Stage 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A

Proposed Date For Adoption Start Of Preparation Pre-consultation on issues/options Core Strategy DPD Public Participation on preferred options

Estimated Submission to SoS Estimated Examination Proposed Date For Adoption

Start Of Preparation Joint Merseyside Waste DPD Pre-consultation on issues/options Public Participation on preferred options Date For Submission To SoS Pre-Examination Meeting Examination Proposed Date For Adoption

Start Of Preparation Seaforth and Litherland DPD Pre-consultation on issues/options Public Participation on preferred options Date For Submission To SoS Pre-Examination Meeting Examination Proposed Date For Adoption


Evidence Base

4.1 A key feature of the Local Development Framework (LDF) is that its policies and proposals are soundly based on up-to- date and reliable information. To ensure that this is the case, a number of specialist studies need to be carried out. This ‘evidence base’, in addition to providing valuable information to support the preparation of the LDF, will be essential to monitor and review the various documents which comprise the LDF.

4.2 The main technical studies that are either already completed, or are to be undertaken, are listed in the table below. The completed studies are publicly available and are also on the Council’s web-site. As part of the annual monitoring process, the Council will consider the need to carry out any further studies. It is likely that some of these studies should be carried out jointly with other authorities, but this is still subject of discussion. Table 4 List of Studies Required to Inform LDF Study Purpose Timescale Housing Needs Study Assess the extent of the need Completed 2005 – to be for affordable housing across reviewed in mid 2007 the Borough South Sefton Housing supply Assess what dwelling tenure Due to be complete March and demand study size and mix is needed to 2007 meet anticipated demands in the HMRI area Greenspace review Assess greenspace resource Current – due to be completed within the Borough as basis for June 2007 preparing a green space strategy Urban housing potential study Identify capacity of urban area May 2007- April 2008 to accommodate further residential development Retail strategy review Assess the need for further Last done 2005. To be retail floorspace across the reviewed in late 2007 Borough Town Centre health checks for Keep under review the health Late 2007 – to coincide with Bootle and Southport of Bootle and Southport in Retail Strategy Review relation to a range of PPS 6 indicators Employment Land and Identify need for employment May – November 2007 Provision Study land across the Borough Strategic Flood Risk Review areas of the Borough April – July 2007 Assessment where flooding may affect development potential


Sustainability Appraisal, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment

4.3 All DPDs and SPDs will be subject to a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). These are tools to ensure that policies in the LDF promote sustainable development and take into account the effects of development on the environment. Documents are now also subject to Appropriate Assessment (under the amended Habitats Regulations) to ensure that proposals do not harm sites of international conservation value.

4.4 The process of preparing documents needs to: • identify sustainability issues and problems; • collect base-line monitoring information; • predict significant effects more thoroughly; • secure greater consultation with the public and environmental authorities; • address and monitor the significant effects of the plan.

4.5 As part of the process, the Council must: • prepare a sustainability report on the significant effects of options and the draft plan; • carry out consultation on the draft plan and accompanying sustainability report; • take into account the sustainability report and the results of consultation in decision making; • provide information when the plan is adopted and show how the results of the sustainability appraisal and SEA have been taken into account. Documents will be screened initially to see if Appropriate Assessment is required. If it is, then Appropriate Assessment will be carried out at the same time as Sustainability Appraisal.

4.6 A team has been set up within the Planning and Economic Regeneration and Environmental Protection Departments to prepare the appropriate scoping and sustainability reports. A couple of staff will be drawn from this team at any given time to prepare these reports so they will be able to respond at short notice. A consultant is being engaged to review the way we carry out this appraisal work and, in particular, to assist us in the appraisal of the core strategy.


4.7 The preparation of the LDF is being led by the Policy, Plans and Information Group. The team, which consists of 8 planners and 2

SEFTON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME MARCH 2007 20 ITEM NO. 14 technicians, has been supplemented by two temporary planners specifically to deal with the extra workload arising from the LDF. A monitoring officer will be working increasingly on LDF matters.

4.8 The following in-house resources will be made available for preparing local development documents. • Assistant Director of Planning and Economic Regeneration 5% • Team Leader, Local Planning 60% • Team Leader, Strategic Planning 30% • 2 Principal Planning Officers 50% • Senior Planning Officer 60% • 2 x Assistant Planners 80% • 1 x Assistant Planner 70% • 1 x Assistant Planner 40% • 1 x Monitoring Officer 40% • 1 x Senior Technician 20% • 1 x Technician 20%

4.9 In addition, staff from other departments and services are making significant contributions. The Housing Market Renewal team is making a significant contribution to the preparation of three SPDs relating to the regeneration area in the south of the Borough. The Waste DPD is being co-ordinated on behalf of the six Merseyside districts by a team formed for the purpose. The ‘Ensuring Choice of Travel’ SPD is being co-ordinated by the Merseyside authorities with minimal input from the Planning team. The Southport town centre SPD is being led by the Department’s Regeneration Programmes and Projects Group.

4.10 In addition, colleagues from the Social Services and Leisure Departments are making significant contributions to studies which will form the basis of SPDs on housing and open space. This wider involvement brings benefits by helping ensure shared ownership across Council departments and integration with other Council strategies and plans.

4.11 Consultants will be engaged on specific projects where there is a lack of expertise or capacity in house. Current and imminent work which will lead to LDDs includes the following: • specialist consultants are contributing to the preparation of the Merseyside Waste DPD on behalf of the Greater Merseyside districts and Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority • a Housing Needs Survey was carried out in late 2005 and the consultants who carried out this study will be retained to offer advice on the affordable housing SPD, and an update of the Housing Needs Survey later this year .

SEFTON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME MARCH 2007 21 ITEM NO. 14 4.12 Consultants have been, or will be, engaged for the following: • to prepare masterplans to guide regeneration of the HMR areas • to co-ordinate consultation for the SPD for the Canalside sites, Bootle • to carry out further work to do with retail issues in Seaforth as part of the Seaforth and Litherland Area Action Plan • to advise on a variety of aspects to support the development of the ‘classic resort’ vision for Southport town centre • to assist with or lead on studies on housing, employment and retailing • to carry out a sustainability appraisal and appropriate assessment of the Ensuring Choice of Travel SPD on behalf of the Merseyside authorities • to carry out a heritage study for Stanley Road, Bootle, and to assist with appraising options. • To provide specialist advice to help carry out appropriate assessment, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment on the Core Strategy.

4.13 A key skill to assist with the delivery of the local development framework is project management. Almost all the LDF team have had training on this within the six months. 4.14 Most members of the team attended a course on how to engage the community more effectively in the preparation of planning documents in March 2005. This is a skill we need to refresh our skills, as well as engaging consultants where appropriate. 4.15 The cost of producing the LDDs is being met from Planning Delivery Grant. This has met the costs so far of two extra members of staff on fixed term contracts to assist with the Local Development Framework. This will also fund the studies which we need to commission particularly to support our work on the Core Strategy. 4.16 Based on the current programme milestones, financial provision will need to be made in 2009/10 to cover the costs of public examinations on the Joint Waste, Seaforth and Litherland and Core Strategy DPDs. A preliminary estimate is £50- 60,000.

Table 5 Indicative costs of LDF process (£000s) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Evidence base (Table 4 and 120 40 TBC paras 4.11-4.12 Consultation and publicity 15 15 15 Public Examination of DPDs - - 50-60

SEFTON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME MARCH 2007 22 ITEM NO. 14 * subject to confirmation with Planning Inspectorate

Programme management

4.16 The overall production of the LDF is managed by a Steering Group within the Planning and Economic Regeneration Department. It is hoped that a sub-group may be formed from the Planning Committee to oversee progress with the LDF.

4.17 The profiles in the Appendix identify management responsibilities for each area of work. Key contacts are: • Assistant Director (programme overview); • Team leader, Local Planning (day to day programme, staff & resource management).

4.18 Progress on the LDS and preparation of LDDs will be discussed monthly at Departmental Management Team meetings, and will be a standing item on the Policy, Plans and Information weekly work programme meetings. 4.19 The Planning and Economic Regeneration Director will take personal responsibility for ensuring that the annual monitoring report is produced on time and that the information is fed into the annual review of the LDS.

Council Procedures 4.20 For each DPD and the SCI, the levels of political responsibility are as follows. • Executive Decision (Cabinet Member) for all pre-submission stages. • Full Council Resolution required for submission and adoption stages. For each SPD, the levels of political responsibility are as follows. • Executive Decision (Cabinet Member) for all stages except adoption. • Full Council Resolution required for adoption stage.

Risk Assessment 4.21 In analysis of risks has been carried out. These together with the proposed action/ contingency approach to managing them are set out in the following table:


Table 6 Risk Assessment

Risk Impact Mitigating actions New PPS’s and RSS to be Additional work to - keep up-to-date on emerging national published which will change comply with new policies, guidance and RSS and respond national and regional policies, guidance and to changes early policies and guidance RSS causing slippage in programme Volume of work greater causes slippage in - ensure timetable is realistic but has than anticipated e.g. on programme flexibility built in Appropriate Assessment or - monitor progress against LDS on gathering evidence - consider additional resources Lack of in-house skills for rogress causing a - employ specialist consultancy staff specialised areas of policy in the programme using Planning Delivery Grant work e.g. Sustainability - objectives on quality Appraisal/ Appropriate compromised Assessment; background - evidence base/ SA is studies challenged Required to do other diverts team from LDF - LDF made a corporate priority and unforeseen work causing a slippage in other work minimised programme Difficulty of achieving joint Slows progress and - provide clear framework within which working for key studies/ results in inadequate we will work with other authorities managing such studies to evidence base - apply project management approach to acceptable timescale studies Technical and staff Slows progress with - ensure issues clearly identified and resource difficulties in getting evidence base in that these issues given priority in getting databases up-to- place technical work programme date Staff turnover slow progress causing - take prompt action to fill vacancies with slippage in programme staff with the required skills - adopted flexible approach to terms and conditions - employ part-time consultants LDF programme too key milestones in - ensure LDS is realistic ambitious programme not met - monitor progress against LDS and amend if necessary Planning Inspectorate - examination and/or - close liaison with Planning Inspectorate unable to meet timescale report s delayed to ensure early warning of any problems for examination and - key milestones in (e.g. consultation on LDS) reporting programme not met - maintain up-to-date Service Level Agreements DPD fails test of DPD cannot be adopted - ensure DPDs are sound, founded on a ‘soundness’ without additional work robust evidence base with sustainability appraisal and well audited community engagement - undertake soundness self-assessment - maintain close working relationship with Government Office & Planning Inspectorate Legal challenge - Adopted DPD quashed - ensure procedures, Acts, regulations - Additional workload are complied with



New Housing Development Design Ensuring Choice of Travel Trees and Development Public Greenspace and Development Landscape Character Development in the Green Belt Archaeology House Extensions Shop Fronts, Security and Signage Regulating the Supply of Residential Land Southport Seafront Bootle Town Centre South Sefton Housing Market Renewal: Bedford Road/ Queens Road South Sefton Housing Market Renewal: Bedford Road/ Queens Road Development Brief

South Sefton Housing Market Renewal: Klondyke and Canal Corridor South Sefton Housing Market Renewal: Klondyke and Canal Corridor Development Brief



1. Halton Council, Liverpool City Council, Knowsley Council, Sefton Council, St Helen’s Council and Wirral Council Merseyside Joint Waste DPD (Working Title ‘Merseyside Joint Waste Development Plan Document’)


Purpose To ensure that all the planning authorities meet their contribution to delivering identified needs of the region for all waster streams. To show that waste management will be considered alongside other spatial concerns. To help develop agreed criteria for the identification and allocation of sites suitable for new and enhanced waste management facilities for the identified waste management needs of Greater Merseyside. The allocation of sites for waste management. Coverage Liverpool City Council, Knowsley MBC, St Helens MBC, Wirral MBC, Halton BC and Sefton MBC. Document Type Joint Development Plan Document Conformity The Waste DPD will be in conformity with the core strategies of each of the Districts Core Strategy Development Plan Documents and Regional Spatial Strategy


Stage Dates Start of preparation December 2006 Public consultation on issues and options March –April 2007 Public participation: Preferred Options & Proposals January – February 2008 Date For Submission To SoS September - October 2008 Pre-Examination meeting March 2009 Examination May - June 2009 Estimated Date For Adoption April 2010 Review Annual monitoring progress report which will inform each District’s Annual Monitoring Report

Arrangements for Production

Organisational Lead St. Helens Council is the lead District for the Waste DPD. The work will be co-ordinated and managed by the Merseyside Environmental Advisory Service on behalf of each District. Political Each Council in Greater Merseyside will consider key outputs and milestones through Management normal schemes of delegation. Full Council approval required at commencement, submission and adoption. Internal Resources The Merseyside EAS Waste Planning Team, with assistance from each of the Greater Merseyside Councils and Merseyside Policy Unit. External Resources Specialist consultancy commissions Stakeholder Merseyside Waste Disposal Authority Resources Community & Consultation will be co-ordinated through each District using existing networks and Stakeholder partnerships. Additional targeted consultation with key groups and sectors will be set Involvement out in the Communications Strategy.

SEFTON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME MARCH 2007 26 ITEM NO. 14 2. Seaforth and Litherland Area Action Plan DPD

Overview Purpose To provide a detailed policy framework for the regeneration of the Seaforth and Litherland areas.

Coverage Seaforth and Litherland - L21 postcode area

Document Type Development Plan Document

Conformity With RSS


Stage Dates Start of preparation October 2006 Public consultation on issues and options September – October 2007 Public Participation: Preferred Options & Proposals August – September 2008 Date For Submission To SoS April 2009 Pre-Examination meeting September 2009 Examination November 2009 Estimated Date For Adoption June 2010 Review Annual Monitoring Report

Arrangements for Production Organisational Lead Director of Planning and Economic Regeneration Political Management Council

Internal Resources Principal Planner (Local Planning), Strategic Planning and Information Manager External Resources White Young Green Consultants BDP Consultants

Stakeholder Housing Market Renewal department, and other Council departments Resources including Leisure &Technical Services Maritime & Crosby RSLs (the Council’s RSL partners for the Seaforth & Waterloo neighbourhood) LinacreOne ((the Council’s RSL partners for the Linacre neighbourhood) Owners of Stella Precinct and other key sites (to be determined) Tesco Lidl Merseyrail British Waterways Chamber of Commerce Bootle and Crosby Business Village Partnership Community & Consultation with local traders and community – type to be decided Stakeholder Area Committees and Network South Involvement Housing Market Renewal and One Vision newsletters etc


3. Core Strategy DPD


Purpose Strategic document setting out the vision and spatial strategy for meeting known and anticipated development requirements to 2024, including number of dwellings required. Will include a key diagram to show broad locations (not specific sites) to meet specific requirements, key transportation elements, main patterns of movement and relationships to other strategies and adjoining local authority areas. It will NOT include primary development control policies

Coverage District wide

Type of document Development Plan Document

Conformity With emerging RSS and Sefton Community Strategy.


Stage Dates Start of preparation May 2007 Public consultation on issues and options February – April 2008 Public Participation: Preferred Options & Proposals October – November 2008 Date For Submission To SoS September 2009 Examination June 2010 Estimated Date For Adoption December 2010 Review Annual Monitoring Report

Arrangements for Production

Organisational Lead Planning & Economic Regeneration Director

Political Management Council

Internal Resources Local Planning Team & GIS support

External Resources Consultation facilitators

Stakeholder Resources Sefton Borough Partnership

Community & Stakeholder Range of specific and general consultation bodies Involvement .


4. Affordable Housing SPD

Overview Purpose To provide more detailed information on how the affordable housing policy will work Coverage Borough-wide Type of document Supplementary Planning Document Conformity With Adopted Sefton UDP (Policy H2)


Stage Dates Start of preparation December 2006 Approval for consultation June 2007 Public participation July-August 2007 Date for Council Resolution to Adopt as SPD October 2007 Review Annual Monitoring Report

Arrangements for Production Organisational Lead Planning and Economic Regeneration Director Political Executive decision (Cabinet) Management Internal Resources Strategic Planning and Information Manager; Principal Planner (Strategic Planning) Principal Housing Officer External Resources Retained affordable housing consultants Stakeholder RSLs; development industry Resources Southport and South Sefton Housing Forums Housing Corporation Community & 2 workshops, one with RSLs in north of Borough, and one with RSLs Stakeholder and HMR Pathfinder in south of Borough, Agents Forum, Area Involvement Committees, developers.


5. Managing the Supply of Housing Land SPD

Overview Purpose To clarify and update guidance on the mechanisms for bringing forward balanced housing markets in accordance with development plan policy. Coverage Borough-wide Type of document Supplementary Planning Document Conformity With Adopted Sefton UDP (Policy H3)


Stage Dates Start of preparation December 2006 Approval for consultation June 2007 Public participation July – August 2007 Date for Council Resolution to Adopt as SPD October 2007 Review Dictated by 1. RSS housing priorities and future annual requirements, and 2. monitoring of management of Sefton’s housing land supply and achievement of the regeneration of Sefton’s HMR Pathfinder area.

Arrangements for Production Organisational Lead Planning and Economic Regeneration Director Political Executive decision (Cabinet) Management Internal Resources Principal Planner, Strategic Planning External Resources None Stakeholder Development industry; RSLs; Southport and South Sefton Housing Resources Forum Community & Area Committees, developers, Agents’ forum Stakeholder Involvement


6. Stanley Road SPD

Overview Purpose To establish the mechanisms for, and provide design advice about, the redevelopment and remodelling of the frontage blocks on Stanley Road within the Bedford Queens priority neighbourhood, to support HMR Pathfinder activity, including future CPO action. Coverage Stanley Road south of Balliol Road, as far south as the Liverpool boundary. Document Type Supplementary Planning Document. Conformity With Adopted Sefton UDP (Policy H8)


Stage Dates Start of preparation May 2006 Approval for consultation September 2007 Public participation October 2007 Date for Council Resolution to Adopt as SPD January 2008 Review Not likely to be required

Arrangements for Production Organisational Lead Planning and Economic Regeneration Director Political Executive decision (Cabinet) Management

Internal Resources Principal Planning Officer (Local Planning) will lead Senior Planner (Local Planning) will co-ordinate small team from Planning & Economic Regeneration Dept and Environmental Protection Dept to carry out Sustainability Appraisal External Resources Consultant involvement – preparation of Heritage Report, Option Appraisal. Partners. Stakeholder None Resources Community & Developer partner (Keepmoat), RSL partner (EVOLVE), Local Stakeholder retailers, businesses, owners, residents, employees and students. Involvement


7. Knowsley-Peel-Linacre SPD

Overview Purpose To guide the detailed regeneration of the Knowsley–Peel-Linacre area as part of the Housing Market Renewal Initiative Coverage Linacre and Knowsley/ Peel pathfinder areas Type of document Supplementary Planning Document Conformity With Adopted Sefton UDP (Policy H8)


Stage Dates Start of preparation March 2006 Approval for consultation June 2007 Public participation July 2007 Date for Council Resolution to Adopt as SPD November 2007 Review Dependent on future HMRI funding and achieving of aims for the regeneration of the area.

Arrangements for Production Organisational Lead Planning and Economic Regeneration Director/ Housing Market Renewal Director Political Executive decision (Cabinet) Management Internal Resources Principal Planner (Local Planning) External Resources Consultants - BDP – appointed. Stakeholder RSL partner (Riverside) appointed, developer partner not yet Resources appointed Community & Community event, newsletters, focus groups. Stakeholder Involvement


8. Canalside sites, Bootle SPD

Overview Purpose To provide guidance on development of these sites adjoining the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, Bootle Coverage Sites adjoining Canal (see Diagram 2A) Type of document Supplementary Planning Document Conformity With Adopted Sefton UDP (Policies EDT10, H10, G2)


Stage Dates Start of preparation September 2006 Approval for consultation June 2007 Public participation June - July 2007 Date for Council Resolution to Adopt as SPD October 2007 Review Annual Monitoring Report

Arrangements for Production Organisational Lead Planning and Economic Regeneration Director Political Executive decision (Cabinet) Management Internal Resources Local Planning Manager; HMR External Resources None identified Stakeholder RSLs (Riverside); development industry Resources British Waterways Trustees of St Marys School Bootle Business Village Partnership South Sefton PCT Community & Exhibition of proposals for local community Stakeholder Involvement Consultation with HSE office staff


9. Ensuring Choice of Travel SPD

Overview Purpose To help to ensure that developments are accessible by a realistic choice of transport, including walking, cycling, public transport and by car. Coverage Borough wide – though being developed in partnership with other Merseyside authorities. Type of document Supplementary Planning Document Conformity With Adopted Sefton UDP (policy AD2)


Stage Dates Start of preparation September 2006 Approval for consultation May – June 2007 Public participation - Stage 2 July – August 2007 Date for Council Resolution to Adopt as SPD January 2008 Review Annual Monitoring Report

Arrangements for Production Organisational Lead Planning and Economic Regeneration Director & Technical Services Director Political Executive decision (Cabinet) Management Internal Resources Planning and Technical Services Directorate staff External Resources The partners which have developed the documents including, Liverpool City Council, Wirral Council, St Helens Council, Knowsley Council and Merseytravel. Stakeholder N/A Resources Community & Stage 2 consultation in line with Statement for Community Stakeholder Involvement. This will focus on stakeholder groups such as via Local Involvement Strategic Partnerships and Business Villages.


10. Southport Town Centre SPD


Purpose To provide a spatial planning framework for further investment, regeneration and control of development in Southport Town Centre for the period 2007-2017.

Coverage Southport Town Centre

Type of document Supplementary Planning Document

Conformity With Adopted Sefton UDP (policy EDT13)


Stage Dates

Start of preparation July 2006

Approval for consultation February 2008

Public participation September – October 2008

Date for Council resolution to adopt SPD March 2009

Review Annual Monitoring Report

Arrangements for Production

Organisational Lead Planning and Economic Regeneration Director

Political Management Executive Decision (Cabinet)

Internal Resources Planning and Economic Regeneration staff

External Resources Consultants in preparation of background documents and facilitating consultation

Stakeholder Resources N/A

Community & Stakeholder Consultation through Southport Partnership and associated Involvement networks, Southport Business Village and/or BID, Sefton Borough Partnership and its thematic groups, Southport Area Committee.

SEFTON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME MARCH 2007 35 ITEM NO. 14 11. Green space strategy SPD

Overview Purpose To provide detailed policy guidance for protection, management and enhancement of green space in Sefton in order to support regeneration, encourage social inclusion, improve health, promote biodiversity and provide recreational, eco-tourism and educational opportunities. Coverage Borough-wide Document Type Supplementary Planning Document Conformity With Adopted Sefton UDP (policy G1)


Stage Dates Start of preparation April 2007 Approval for consultation August 2007 Public participation September – October 2007 Date for Council Resolution to Adopt as SPD January 2008 Review Annual Monitoring Report

Arrangements for Production Organisational Lead Director of Planning and Economic Regeneration Political Executive decision (Cabinet) Management Internal Resources Local Planning Manager; Asst Team Leader (Regeneration Planning and Programmes); steering group including reps from Planning, Leisure, Community Safety and Children’s Services Depts External Resources Steering group includes reps from the Primary Care Trust, Mersey Forest and TRANSFROM network. Specialist consultants for specific aspects e.g. facilitating focus groups Stakeholder Sefton Sports Council; Sefton CVS – representing children and young Resources people, environmental interests and people with disabilities Community & Consultation with local communities; Area Committees Stakeholder Involvement

SEFTON LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME MARCH 2007 36 ITEM NO. 14 12. Open space and development SPD

Overview Purpose To provide detailed policy guidance to protect and enhance green space and ensure that new development results in the provision of adequate publicly accessible green space. Coverage Borough-wide Document Type Supplementary Planning Document Conformity With Adopted Sefton UDP (policies DQ4 and G1)


Stage Dates Start of preparation April 2007 Approval for consultation August 2007 Public participation September – October 2007 Date for Council Resolution to Adopt as SPD January 2008 Review Annual Monitoring Report

Arrangements for Production Organisational Lead Director of Planning and Economic Regeneration Political Executive decision (Cabinet) Management Internal Resources Local Planning Manager; Asst Team Leader (Regeneration Planning and Programmes); Development Control (South Area Team Leader); steering group including reps from Planning, Leisure, Community Safety and Children’s Services Depts External Resources Steering group includes reps from the Mersey Forest and TRANSFROM network. Specialist consultants for specific aspects e.g. facilitating focus groups Stakeholder Sefton Sports Council; Sefton CVS – representing children and young Resources people, environmental interests and people with disabilities Community & Consultation with local communities; Area Committees Stakeholder Involvement