Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References

Introduction to LATEX

Updated: Robert Woodward – [email protected] Creator: Nobel Khandaker – [email protected]


presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Outline

1 Introduction

2 Basic Typesetting

3 Advanced Typesetting

4 References

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX LATEX is most often used to produce technical or scientific documents, but it can be used for almost any form of publishing

Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References What is LATEX?

LATEX is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References What is LATEX?

LATEX is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting LATEX is most often used to produce technical or scientific documents, but it can be used for almost any form of publishing

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Platform, version independent (Unix, Windows . . . ) Pre-set standard formats (for paper, thesis . . . ) Fast, professional math equations typesetting Freely available

Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Why use LATEX?

Professional result

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Pre-set standard formats (for paper, thesis . . . ) Fast, professional math equations typesetting Freely available

Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Why use LATEX?

Professional result Platform, version independent (Unix, Windows . . . )

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Fast, professional math equations typesetting Freely available

Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Why use LATEX?

Professional result Platform, version independent (Unix, Windows . . . ) Pre-set standard formats (for paper, thesis . . . )

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Freely available

Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Why use LATEX?

Professional result Platform, version independent (Unix, Windows . . . ) Pre-set standard formats (for paper, thesis . . . ) Fast, professional math equations typesetting

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Why use LATEX?

Professional result Platform, version independent (Unix, Windows . . . ) Pre-set standard formats (for paper, thesis . . . ) Fast, professional math equations typesetting Freely available

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Basic LATEX Work Flow I

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX LATEX Compiler : LaTex, TexLive Windows: MikTeX Mac: TeXshop LATEX Output Viewer PDF: xpdf, Foxit, Adobe Reader PS: Ghostscript, GhostView HTML: Web Browser

Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References What Do You Need to Process a LATEX Document?

LATEX Editor Linux: , Emacs Windows: TeXworks, WinEdt, LyX Mac: TeXworks, LyX, Emacs

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX LATEX Output Viewer PDF: xpdf, Foxit, Adobe Reader PS: Ghostscript, GhostView HTML: Web Browser

Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References What Do You Need to Process a LATEX Document?

LATEX Editor Linux: Kile, Emacs Windows: TeXworks, WinEdt, LyX Mac: TeXworks, LyX, Emacs LATEX Compiler Linux: LaTex, TexLive Windows: MikTeX Mac: TeXshop

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References What Do You Need to Process a LATEX Document?

LATEX Editor Linux: Kile, Emacs Windows: TeXworks, WinEdt, LyX Mac: TeXworks, LyX, Emacs LATEX Compiler Linux: LaTex, TexLive Windows: MikTeX Mac: TeXshop LATEX Output Viewer PDF: xpdf, Foxit, Adobe Reader PS: Ghostscript, GhostView HTML: Web Browser

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Basic LATEX Work Flow II

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Hello World in LATEX

Example \documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{article} %include packages here %\usepackage{package} \begin{document} Hello world! \end{document}

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Basic Formatting in LATEX

Bold Text: \textbf{Bold Text } Italic Text: \emph{Italic Text } Spacing: Many spaces = one space Use \\for newline Hit return twice for a new paragraph \newpage Comments: % . . . your comments here . . . Reserved Symbols: # $ % ˆ & {} ˜ \

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Mathematical Equations in LATEX

Use $ . . . $ or \begin{math} ... \end{math} for include mathematical symbols, equations, etc. 2 Subscript and superscripts — xˆ2: x and x 2: x2 Fractions— \frac{a}{b} or $a \over b$: a √ b Radical— \sqrt{x}: x Many more symbols and operators are available

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Images and Figures in LATEX

Include .eps (postscript) images in LATEX for dvi output Include .jpg, .png, and .gif images in LATEX for output : gimp: for converting images, DIA and PowerPoint: for drawing figures graphicx package is required: \usepackage{graphicx} Example \begin{figure} \includegraphics[height=50%,width=50%]{filename.eps} \end{figure}

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Making Tables in LATEXUsing Excel

Download Excel2LaTeX Available for download at Extract the files and double click on the Excel Add-In file (Excel2LaTeX.xla) Create the table in Excel which you want in your LATEX document and highlight the cells Click on the Macro, an error might occur, just click ”End” Most likely you will want to un-check ”Create table environment” and ”Booktabs-style formatting” Copy the table to your LATEX file!

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Bibliography in LATEXI

Bibliography information is stored in a *.bib file, in Bibtex format To include and reference Bibliography: Set referencing style \bibliographystyle{plain} Create reference section by \bibliography{bibfile with no extension} Cite reference inside the text by \cite{bibliography item}

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Bibliography in LATEXII

@book{Come95, author=“D. E. Comer”, title={Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols and Architecture}, publisher=“Prentice-Hall”, year=1995, volume=1, edition=“Third”}

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Very Helpful References for creating: Tables, Equation Arrays, Lists, etc. Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX Simplified Introduction to LaTeX LaTeX Wikibook Google is your friend

Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Other Useful Tools/Topics for LATEX

Bibliography Management: JabRef, Zotero

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Google is your friend

Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Other Useful Tools/Topics for LATEX

Bibliography Management: JabRef, Zotero Very Helpful References for creating: Tables, Equation Arrays, Lists, etc. Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX Simplified Introduction to LaTeX LaTeX Wikibook

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX Introduction Basic Typesetting Advanced Typesetting References Other Useful Tools/Topics for LATEX

Bibliography Management: JabRef, Zotero Very Helpful References for creating: Tables, Equation Arrays, Lists, etc. Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX Simplified Introduction to LaTeX LaTeX Wikibook Google is your friend

presented by Robert Woodward Introduction to LATEX