Volume 58 No. 3 March 2014

JOHN X of Antioch Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow & Patriarch VOLUME 58 NO. 3 MARCH 2014 COVER: Patriarch JOHN X of Antioch and editor’s letter Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow contents Issue Appeal on 3 EDITORIAL by Bishop JOHN GREAT LENT 5 PATRIARCH JOHN X OF ANTIOCH AND PATRIARCH KIRILL OF MOSCOW ISSUE APPEAL ON SYRIA A Time To Share in Christ’s Compassion 6 ROLE MODELS FOR WOMEN IN ANTIOCHIAN WOMEN’S MONTH by Khouria Suzanne Murphy 8 GLORY TO GOD FOR THE ANTIOCHIAN WOMEN Christ took on flesh to share in our lives and by Khouria Dannie Moore allow us to share in Him. We who are baptized 9 BISHOP JOHN PARTICIPATES into Christ, who have put on Christ, share in His IN MARCH FOR LIFE priesthood. His priesthood combines the Levitical 10 SOME THOUGHTS CONCERNING priesthood with the prophetic. Even in His very THE DISPUTE OVER QATAR The Most Reverend being, Christ Himself expresses priesthood as Metropolitan PHILIP, D.H.L., D.D. by Archpriest John W. Morris prophet, priest and king. His grandfather Joachim 12 A MISSIONARY’S JOURNEY The Most Reverend INTO ORTHODOXY IN TURKANA is of the kingly lineage of David, His grandmother JOSEPH by Karen Morrison Anna of the priestly tribe of Levy. As the Son of The Right Reverend the Father, Christ is the perfect prophet or voice Bishop ANTOUN 17 FOOD FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE CALENDAR of God. Here we see the three priestly functions The Right Reverend 18 SYRIAN RELIEF Bishop BASIL found in the New Testament. In His priesthood, The Right Reverend 20 WORSHIP: WHAT’S THE POINT? Christ praises God the Father and brings us to Bishop THOMAS by Chris Humphrey Him, but also with the Father takes care of us. Luke Dingman, www.lukedingman.com By the hand of Fr. The Right Reverend 23 FOOD, SEX, AND SPORTS: Likewise, in Christ Christians stand with the world Bishop ALEXANDER IDOLS OR PATHWAYS TO SALVATION? The Right Reverend by Fr. Philip LeMasters and supplicate the Father as well as stand with Bishop JOHN God revealing God to His world. Christ makes us 26 COMMUNITIES IN ACTION The Right Reverend priests and we share in His priestly work. Bishop ANTHONY 31 ARCHDIOCESAN OFFICE As Orthodox Christians, we are the priests of The Right Reverend Bishop NICHOLAS 32 ORATORICAL FESTIVAL the most high God. No matter what our job or Founded in Arabic as 35 GOD IS WITH US! station in society, Christians stand with people Al Kalimat in 1905 by Rev. Professor Nicholas M. Kastanas before God and with God before man. Although by Raphael (Hawaweeny) Founded in English as each of us has different spiritual gifts and we all The WORD in 1957 by Metropolitan ANTONY (Bashir) play a variety of roles in society, each of us has Editor in Chief The Rt. Rev. Bishop JOHN, D.Min. opportunities to build relationships and in those Assistant Editor Christopher Humphrey, Ph.D. relationships to provide God’s people with a safe Editorial Board The Very Rev. Joseph J. Allen, Th.D. place for Him to heal and for Him to work through Anthony Bashir, Ph.D. Letters to the editor are welcome and should include the author’s full name and us to minister to all His people. God’s people are The Very Rev. Antony Gabriel, Th.M. . Submissions for “Communities in Action” must be approved by the local Ronald Nicola pastor. Both may be edited for purposes of clarity and space. All submissions, in all the people of the world. God took on flesh to Najib E. Saliba, Ph.D. hard copy, on disk or e-mailed, should be double-spaced for editing purposes. save all of humanity, not just one race or group. The Very Rev. Schneirla, M.Div. Design Director Donna Griffin Albert ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: U.S.A. and Canada, $20.00 Member Foreign Countries, $26.00 The Associated Church Press Conciliar Press Single Copies, $3.00 Ecumenical News International The WORD (USPS626-260) is published monthly, except July and August, by the “Christianity for me is more Orthodox Press Service Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America at 358 Mountain Editorial Office: Road, PO Box 5238; periodicals postage paid at Englewood, New Jersey 07631- The WORD 5238 and at additional mailing offices. a verb than a noun” 2 Lydia’s Path Westborough, MA 01581-1841 Postmaster send address changes to: The WORD, 358 Mountain Road, PO Box e-mail: [email protected] 5238, Englewood, NJ 07631-5238 ISSN 0043-7964 www.antiochian.org. God loves all people, and He will bear witness to anity requiring more than we can muster. We fear Subscription Office: 358 Mountain Road Canada Post Publication Agreement No. 40043404 the people we know and serve them through us. that we lack too much in our faith and spiritual- PO Box 5238 Return Canada address to: Too often we fall into despair, imagining God ity to do the ministry to which we are called. We Englewood, NJ 07631-5238 American International Mail, STN A – BOX 697, Windsor ON N9A 6N4, Canada to be too far away and the mission of our Christi- sometimes don’t pray regularly, and we shy away

2 March 2014 The Word 3 from seeking God’s will in what we do. Imagining know the Father by knowing Christ, and we know these tasks as too big, we may fall into despair. Christ by putting Him on and sharing in His work. Patriarch JOHN X of Antioch This despair looks like laziness, a defeatist atti- “As many as have been baptized into Christ have tude and a kind of spiritual paralysis. Although put on Christ” (Galatians 3:27). we have heard that our Hope is in the Lord, we One of the first clergy retreats I went on as and Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow put more emphasis on our and less on the Lord. a young priest over thirty years ago was led by The Lord who is mighty and good has sealed in Bishop KALISTOS of Denver. Bishop KALISTOS Issue Appeal on Syria us His (Ephesians 1:13). He is with us was a wise and seasoned priest who had much THE DEPARTMENT FOR EXTERNAL CHURCH RELATIONS OF THE REPORTS: and He will do mighty things through us. It is for experience mentoring clergy. When one of the On January 26, 2014, His Beatitude Patri- and YOUHANNA Ibrahim, Christian hierarchs us to get out of the way and allow God to work in younger priests complained about his prayer life, arch JOHN X of Great Antioch and All the East from Aleppo, have been held captive for many us. It is for us the surrender to our loving God and the bishop explained how all of our work was and His Holiness Patriarch KIRILL of Moscow months now. For over a month, sisters of the merge our own will with His. It is in union with prayer as all of our work brought people to God and All made a joint Statement ad- Convent of St. Thecla in ancient Maaloula have God that we are fulfilled as persons and come to and God to His people. All of the Church prayers dressed to the participants in the Geneva II In- been held hostage as well. We call upon all parties be in the image and likeness of God that we are revealed the kingdom of God and the presence ternational Conference on Syria. Taking part created for. of the Trinity. Why, even our shopping in clerical in the Conference are representatives of the Christianity for me is more a verb than a noun. clothes witnessed to our value for our God and opposing parties and the world community. By this I mean that our spirituality is in the doing. our dedication in Him. All of our conversations The text of the Statement is given below. We who have adopted the name of Christ to be brought others to a recognition of God and His We, Primates of fraternal Orthodox Churches, called Christian have put Him on and share in His choice to save us and forgive our sins. the Church of Antioch and the Russian Church, work. This work is expressed in His priesthood. This recognition of the clergyman’s life as met in Moscow in order once again to bear wit- It is about praising the Father and taking care of prayer and witnessing to God applies to the lives ness to love in Christ, the love which our Church- es have preserved intact through centuries and God’s people and the world that He has given of Christians who are not ordained as well. When which is addressed to all people, regardless of us. In John 14 we read, “If ye had known me, a Christian postal worker shares God’s love and their nationality, religion or political views. ye should have known my Father also: and from compassion both implicitly and explicitly, God is Today we make our common prayers on be- henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.” We praised and His love is shared. It is the duty of all half of the long-suffering Syrian people who are of us, as Christians, to live God’s life and to love undergoing unprecedented ordeals. The land, in in that life, wherever we are and at all times. which Muslims and Christians have lived togeth- When we pray for others, God responds. When er for centuries, has been filled with the tears of we are kind, we witness to the Lord we serve. those who are lamenting the death of their rela- God is generous and compassionate. His tives and friends, and who have been driven away mercy endures and His love is transforma- from their homes. The calamity that has come to tive. When we participate in showing God’s the once peaceful land spares neither old people compassion and love we share in Christ’s nor children, neither Muslims nor Christians. No heart can remain indifferent to the horrible trag- to act humanely and show mercy as evidence of priesthood. This is when and how life becomes edy in Syria. their intention to pursue the re-establishment of prayer and unity with God is actualized. We These days, Switzerland is hosting an interna- peace and prosperity in Syria. don’t need to talk so much. We need to be Chris- tional conference which gathered at the negotiat- The scale of the disaster makes us, Primates of tians, to serve God and each other and witness ing table representatives of the opposing parties the two Orthodox Churches, appeal to all people to what God is doing in our lives and in the lives and the world community. We address our ardent of good will and ask them to help those who are of those around us. Let your Lenten journey be appeal to the participants in the meeting, ask- suffering in refugee camps or facing destitution Top: Patriarch JOHN X

By the hand of Fr. Luke Dingman, www.lukedingman.com By the hand of Fr. an opportunity to share in Christ’s compassion ing them to exert every possible effort to end the after losing their homes and livelihood. in prayer by being deliberate and dedicating yourself to bloodshed and restore peace in the blessed land The destruction of priceless cultural and re- Middle: Patriarch JOHN X sharing in His life through His priesthood. Lent of Syria. ligious heritage sites, in which Syria is so rich, addresses Patriarch KIRILL We call upon the participants in the Geneva II must stop. Their destruction is a crime against and Archbishop NIPHON is about doing. translates. International Conference on Syria to oppose any future generations. Bishop JOHN manifestation of extremism in order to put an end We believe that the All-Merciful Lord will Bottom: Official reception for Patriarch JOHN X to the intolerance and the policy of ultimatums. show His mercy to the people of Syria and will The substance of this address on divine compassion by Bishop JOHN was given to a conference at It is only fraternal and free dialogue within the strengthen and bless those who are striving to Holy Cross Seminary in Boston in the fall of 2013. Syrian society that can open the way to a peaceful restore peace and prosperity in this ancient and settlement. holy land.

Once again, we appeal for the immediate re- The Department for External Church Relations lease of the Christians who have been taken hos- of the Russian Orthodox Church tage in the armed conflict. Metropolitans PAUL

4 March 2014 The Word 5 Role Models for Women in Antiochian Women’s Month By the hand of Janet Jaime When I was a little girl, I loved to read stories about brave knights and lovely princesses. When our children were young, societal sensibilities had broadened so that they could not only read about brave knights, but also brave princesses. The Walt Disney company did a good job of coming up with female characters that were both feminine and brave – and they did this without diminishing the virtues of the male heroes. When our children were little, we were not yet Orthodox Christians, so we didn’t have access to the vast wealth of stories about our many Orthodox . Our Orthodox saints are not fairy-tale heroes. These brave men and women (and children) faced very real horrors – torture, enslavement, and death – with steadfast resolve.

Looking back, I wish that I had known more very interesting and compelling life: that she was about them so that I could have read my children the fi rst convert to faith in Jesus Christ in Europe, the real stories about such heroes as the Holy or that she dedicated her life and her fortune to Martyr Hermione, the Daughter of St. Philip the building up the Church in Macedonia and helping , and the Martyr Babylas of Nicomedia the poor and destitute in the name of Christ. with the 84 children-catechumens, including Am- It is this rich oral history of the lives of the monias and Donatus (commemorated September saints, and particularly of our Orthodox women 4). Of course, my husband and I read Bible sto- saints, that I am going to focus on in the months ries to our children. There are many heroes and ahead as the Religious Coordinator of the Antio- heroines in the pages of Scripture which we could chian Women’s North American Board (NAB). point to when our children asked about Hallow- With the blessing of our NAB board, I contacted een costumes. The accounts in the Scriptures, John Maddex, CEO of Ancient Faith Ministries, especially in the New Testament, are lacking de- to investigate whether we could undertake a joint tail, however. It wasn’t until we became Ortho- effort in this project. My idea is that we would dox that we found the treasury of oral traditions produce several short inspirational spots that that fl eshed out the fi gures we read about in the would air periodically during the week, featuring Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. It was this a woman saint whose Feast Days we keep in that oral tradition that gave actual, real names to the month. John was very encouraging, and as soon Myrrh-bearing Women, and stories about who as we get some of the technical issues taken care they were and how they were related to each oth- of, we will begin airing these biographical sketch- face during the day. I also hope this effort will who is special to you – especially if she is a more er and to the Lord. In the Book of Acts, we read of es. As reference, I will use book by Bishop DEMI- remind us to honor the memory of the saints. obscure saint – and you would like me to include a woman named Lydia: “We sat down and spoke TRI (Khoury), A Cloud of Witnesses: Saints and Their bravery and fi delity to Jesus Christ in the her in these broadcasts, please e-mail me with in- to the women who had come together. One who Martyrs from the Holy Land, and the informa- face of death should encourage each of us. Their formation on her life. For truly, “the choir of the heard us was a woman named Lydia, from the tion we have available at our Antiochian Women ability to bless those who sought to persecute and Saints have found the Fountain of Life and the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple goods, who website (http://www.antiochian.org/content/or- silence them offers us an example of true godly Door of Paradise.” Through the intercessions of was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her thodox-women-saints). This site was compiled by humility and submission to the Cross. Their ex- those who “have trod the narrow way most sad,” heart to give heed to what was said by Paul. one of my predecessors as NAB Religious Coor- emplary lives will surely inspire you and me to may we also draw near to Christ our God and en- And when she was baptized, with her house- dinator, Dianne O’Regan, and is a great resource. live up to the calling of our Lord to be “perfect joy the “home-country of (our) heart’s desire” at hold, she besought us, saying, ‘If you have I encourage you to visit the site and read the list- even as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew the end of this, our earthly pilgrimage. Wishing judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come to ings, both for information and inspiration. 5:48) – a daunting task, to be sure, but one that you and yours a fruitful Great Lent and a joyous my house and stay.’ And she prevailed upon Our goal in producing and airing these biog- we can embrace in the company of the saints. and holy Pascha. I hope and pray that you will fi nd this effort us” (Acts 16:13–15). From this brief account, it raphies is to give the listeners spiritual and intel- Khouria Suzanne Murphy would be impossible to guess the details of her lectual strength to meet the temptations we each helpful in your spiritual life. If you have a saint NAB Religious Coordinator

6 March 2014 The Word 7 Glory to God Bishop JOHN Participates in for the Antiochian Women March for Life

Serving with the Antiochian Women of the it, break it and give it back to us to give to oth- Orthodox Christians from around the U.S. and Canada traveled to Washington, D.C., Archdiocese for many years, I have witnessed ers. And the same power is in each piece as in the on January 22, 2014, for the 41st March for Life, marking the anniversary of the Supreme many acts of charity done in the name of our whole loaf. We can trust that God “is able to do Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in all fifty states. His Grace Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are “a sister- exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, Bishop JOHN of the of Worcester and New England represented His Eminence hood serving Christ through serving others.” As according to the power that works in us” (Ephe- Metropolitan PHILIP and the Antiochian Archdiocese at the March. After the peaceful Antiochian Women, we are called to many acts of sians 3:20). mercy in our homes, in our parishes, in our dio- At this time, we are called together to help the march and rally, he wrote the following. cese and together in our Archdiocese. So much is suffering people of Syria. Our humanitarian act required: money and time and, from the Prophet of mercy is to send Baby Kits and School Kits for Micah, “to do justly, and to love mercy, and to the children and Health Kits for the children and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). Some- adults in this beloved country, trapped in this con- times, we may wonder if we are affecting the lives flict they have not chosen. This act of mercy is of those we so desire to help. being coordinated with the IOCC (International Having six beautiful children to take care of, Orthodox Christian Charities). from birth to college age, made our home life Let us remember them each day and do what very interesting. After our fifth child was born, we can for those for whom the hour is already my mother came to stay with us for a couple of late. Together we can help provide the basic ne- weeks, as she did after the birth of each one of cessities of life. our babies. We moved through the day meeting Glory to God for the Antiochian Women! the needs of those in our care. One day, she gently Khouria Dannie Moore said, “A mother is a loaf of bread, and each child NAB Humanitarian Coordinator wants the whole loaf and can only have a slice.” Through the years, that observation has been a reminder of how to serve others. As we recall in the account of the feeding of Antiochian Orthodox Christian Women of Only our fingers and toes were chilled; our hearts were North America the five thousand in Scripture, it was late in the warmed by the fervor of the crowds, which were not fright-

ened away by the extreme cold and snow. It was an honor to day and Jesus had been teaching the people and Project 2013-2014 healing the sick. The Twelve wanted to send them stand and march for life with Orthodox hierarchs, including away to get something to eat. Jesus said, “You give Help the Orphans of Metropolitan TIKHON of the Orthodox Church in America them something to eat” (Mark 6: 37). A little boy War in Syria (OCA), Archbishop NATHANIEL, and Bishops MICHAEL, offered Jesus five loaves and two fish. Jesus took MELCHISEDEK, and MARK, and Bishop DEMETRIOS of them in His hands and “looking up to heaven, He the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. It was also a joy to walk blessed and broke them and gave them to His dis- with the banners and students from St. Vladimir’s and St. ciples and the disciples gave to the multitudes. So Tikhon’s Seminaries, and many Orthodox faithful who they all ate and were filled” (Matthew 14:19, 20). chanted hymns to the Theotokos as we marched. Each person did not receive a whole loaf of bread, Bishop DEMETRIOS offered the opening prayer at the but only a portion (or slice). Because Christ had March, and special greetings and appreciation was ex- blessed it, the same nourishment (power) was in pressed for Metropolitan PHILIP from Roman Catholic Car- dinals Donald Wuerl and Sean O’Malley, as well as from the the portion as in the whole loaf. “For I was hungry and you gave We can think of the Antiochian Women being Me food; I was thirsty, and you gave bishops of the OCA. The Antiochian Archdiocese was repre- Me drink.” (Matthew 25:35) like that loaf of bread. Or we can see the act of sented well by priests and laity. Upon reaching the steps of mercy we do together as the loaf of bread. Which- Our Goal: $200,000! the Supreme Court, the Orthodox faithful offered Trisagion Prayers for the many lives lost to abortion. ever we choose, we can be confident that if we A Sisterhood Serving Christ Through Serving Others offer our bread to Christ our God, He will bless (Read “Abortion: An Orthodox Statement,” by The Very Rev. Timothy Baclig, at www.antiochian.org/1135094000.) Photos by Stephen Osburn

8 March 2014 cantly the states that “the dignity proper Before the loss of the Nestorians and Non- Some Thoughts Concerning to the metropolitan city is safeguarded.” At that Chalcedonian Churches and the Muslim conquest time, the Bishop of Aelia (Jerusalem) was under of Arabia and the surrounding territories, Antioch the authority of the Bishop of Caesarea, who was had jurisdiction over a very wide area which in- the Dispute over Qatar himself under the jurisdiction of Antioch. Thus, cluded not only Syria and Lebanon, but also despite the great prestige of Balsamon, the actual Palestine, Cyprus, Arabia and Mesopotamia and Recently, a serious on January 18, 2014. Meanwhile, in an unsuc- texts of Canons 6 and 7 of I Nicaea cannot be stretched as far as Persia and India. The Church dispute has broken out cessful effort to resolve the problem, His Beati- used to justify Jerusalem’s claim to Qatar or any of Cyprus gained its independence at the Coun- between the Patriarchs tude Patriarch JOHN X met with His All Holiness other area, because at that time Jerusalem itself cil of Chalcedon. However, all the other of the of Antioch and Jerusa- BARTHOLOMEW I, Ecumenical Patriarch, the had not yet been recognized as an autocephalous Churches of the Middle East, except for those in lem over the establish- Archbishop of Athens and officials of the foreign or independent Church, but was itself still under North Africa which were under Alexandria, looked ment of an Archbishop ministry of Greece. the jurisdiction of Antioch through its subordina- to Antioch as their ultimate superior. Before the 2 under Jerusalem in Qa- His Beatitude Patriarch THEOPHILOS III of tion to Caesarea. schisms following the Councils of Ephesus and tar, a small Arabic Emir- Jerusalem has sent two letters to the Patriarch of Historically Jerusalem was the last of the an- Chalcedon, the of Antioch had eleven ate on a peninsula that Antioch, His Beatitude JOHN X, defending the de- cient Churches to be raised to patriarchal rank. metropolitanates comprised of one hundred and is part of the larger Arab Peninsula. The dispute cision to place an Archbishop in Qatar. Jerusalem As indicated above, after the Jewish revolt of 70 twenty seven . There was a bishop sub- began when the American Ambassador to Qatar, asserts its claim that its presence in Qatar was A.D. and before the First Ecumenical Council, ject to Antioch like all other Bishops in the region 6 Patrick Theros, invited Archimandrite Theophi- approved by the ruler of Qatar, Emir Tamim bin Nicaea I, in 325, Jerusalem was renamed Aelia in Qatar as early as 258. Even before the Council los, the present Patriarch of Jerusalem, to hold Hamad bin Khalifa Al Than. The canons and prac- and its Bishop placed under the authority of the of Chalcedon put an end to Juvenal’s claims to services in his home for the Orthodox community tice of the , however, Bishop of Caesarea. The Holy Fathers of Nicaea authority over the East, the Council of Seleucia- in the Emirate in 1997. This led to further contact and not the wishes of a secular prince, determine recognized the special status of Jerusalem as Ctesiphon in 410 organized the Church in Persia between the Orthodox in Qatar and Jerusalem. In the proper procedure for the Church. Jerusalem having the dignity, but not the jurisdiction, of a and the Arabian Gulf into an autonomous Church 2001 the Holy Synod of Jerusalem assigned Arch- also justifies its decision to place an Archbishop Metropolitan. At the Third Ecumenical Council under an official called a Catholicos, a title used mandrite Makarios to serve the Orthodox commu- in Qatar on its historic official title, “Patriarch in Ephesus in 431, Juvenal, the Metropolitan of for a bishop with rank almost equal to that of a nity in Qatar. On May 4, 2013, the Holy Synod of of the Holy City of Jerusalem and All Palestine, Jerusalem, claimed patriarchal rank, second only patriarch in an area outside of the jurisdiction of Jerusalem elected Makarios Archbishop of Qatar. Syria, Arabia, beyond the Jordan, Cana of Galilee to Rome. He also claimed authority over Phoeni- the Roman Empire, still subject, however, to the Meanwhile, the Patriarchate of Antioch protested and Holy Zion.” It is obvious that this title greatly cia (Lebanon) and Arabia, which historically be- authority of Antioch. The decree also listed Qatar the intrusion of Jerusalem into its canonical terri- inflates the actual jurisdiction of the Holy City. longed to Antioch. The council, however, was too as one of the territories under the jurisdiction of tory on May 12, 2013, pointing out that Antioch Jerusalem does not and never has had authority preoccupied with the problem of to Antioch. Thus historical evidence as well as the 3 already had a Metropolitan, Constantine of Bagh- over the Church in Syria, which has always been deal with Juvenal’s excessive claims. decision the restricting the dad, with authority over the Gulf States includ- under the Patriarchate of Antioch, which moved At the Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalce- authority of Jerusalem to the “three Palestines,” ing Qatar. Despite the Antiochian protests of the its headquarters to , the capital of Syr- don in 451, Jerusalem was granted the Patriar- and affirming Antioch’s authority over Arabia, intrusion into its canonical territory, Jerusalem ia, during the Patriarchate of IGNATIUS II (1342– chal status that Juvenal had unsuccessfully asked shows the invalidity of Jerusalem’s modern claim insisted on the consecration and installation of 1346), nor has Jerusalem ever exercised author- for in 431, but as the lowest ranking patriarch- to authority over Qatar. Therefore the Holy Synod Archbishop Makarios. During its meeting from ity over Phoenicia (modern Lebanon), or any part ate after Antioch, and not as second only to of Antioch is well within its rights to protest the October 15 to 17, 2013, the Holy Synod of An- of the Arabian Peninsula, including Qatar. Finally, Rome, as the ambitious Patriarch had requested incursion of Jerusalem into its canonical and his- tioch issued a second protest which warned that Patriarch THEOPHILOS III justifies his authority at Ephesus. The Council also limited the author- torical territory. Archpriest John W. Morris the decision of Jerusalem to place an Archbishop over Arabia on the commentary of the medieval ity of Jerusalem to the “three Palestines,” that is, modern Israel, the occupied territories and Gaza, 1. “The Official Response of His Beatitude THEOPHILOS III of Jeru- under its authority inside the canonical territory canonist (ca. 1135–1195), salem to His Beatitude JOHN X of Antioch concerning the Canoni- of Antioch would endanger communion between himself , on Canons 6 and 7 and Jordan. Thus the Holy Fathers of the Fourth cal Jurisdiction of the Emirate of Qatar (http://www.jp-newsgate. net/en/2013/04/29/2741) the two ancient . The Holy Synod of the first Ecumenical Council, the First Council Ecumenical Council rejected Juvenal’s claims to 2. Archbishop Peter L’Huiller, The Church of the Ancient Councils: 1 Phoenicia and Arabia, recognizing the historic au- the disciplinary works of the first four ecumenical councils. also stated that unless the issue is resolved within of Nicaea in 325. Canon 6, however, only men- Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1996, pp. 53-56 two months, that it would withdraw its represen- tions Rome, Alexandria and Antioch, and makes thority of Antioch over the two Phoenicias, mod- 3. Karlyu Bihlmeyer, and Hermann Tuchle, Church History, West- ern Syria and Lebanon, and Arabia.4 Significantly, minister: The Newman Press, 1968, vol. 1, p. 310. tatives from the regional Episcopal Assemblies. no reference to Jerusalem, which had been re- 4. “Decree on the Jurisdiction of Jerusalem and Antioch, Session Since Jerusalem did not comply with Antioch’s named Aelia by the Romans following the Jew- in his official reply to Patriarch JOHN X, the Patri- VII, Chalcedon. A.D. 451,” in Henry R. Percival, The Seven Ecu- menical Councils of the Undivided Church, in Philip Schaff, and request, His Eminence Metropolitan PHILIP and ish Revolt of 70 A.D. The 7th Canon is rather arch of Jerusalem recognized, “that the Emirate Henry Wace eds, A select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene of Qatar is an integral geographical continuation Fathers of the Christian Church, Second Series, Vol. XIV, p. 266. the Bishops of the Self-Ruled Antiochian Ortho- unspecific, and merely states that “the bishop of 5. The Official Response of His Beatitude THEOPHILOS III of Jerusa- 5 dox Christian Archdiocese of North America of- Aelia, is honored, let him enjoy the honor that of Arabia.” Therefore, it is clear from the deci- lem to His Beatitude JOHN X of Antioch concerning the Canonical Jurisdiction of the Emirate of Qatar ficially withdrew from the Assembly of Canonical flows from his position while the dignity proper sion of Chalcedon that Antioch, not Jerusalem, 6. Aziz S. Artiya, History of , Notre Dame, In- Orthodox Bishops in North and Central America to the metropolitan city is safeguarded.” Signifi- has canonical jurisdiction over Qatar. diana: University of Notre Dame Press, 1968, pp. 176–177, 258.

10 March 2014 The Word 11 Within the Turkana, there live not only a heartbeat of survival and a foot-stomp of joy, but a soul that takes joy in the risen Lord. Orthodox Christianity is alive and well in the cracked, mystic terrain of northern Kenya. The Turkana, in Turkana, speak- ing Turkana, proclaim the Trinity with the faith of a child and with the wisdom of an elder. Through the tireless love and effort of local parish priests, the commit- ted involvement of the Ortho- dox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), and the willingness of many to receive the Gospel, the one, true faith has united over A Missionary’s Journey ten communities of believers. into Orthodoxy in Turkana

12 March 2014 I was accompanied by a team of seven incredible individuals to Kenya. It took no time at all to give ourselves the team name “Turkana Saba” (Saba is “seven” in Swahili). Strangers for but moments, we were a pan-Orthodox melting pot from Washington to Cali- fornia to Virginia to New York to Russia, and a few spots in between. The sup- port and prayers of family and friends brought us together at the OCMC head- quarters in St. Augustine, Florida. The passionate, dedicated OCMC staff read- for frogs in our bathroom, hand-washing laundry, and a metal shed that we affectionately referred ied us with lesson plan guidance and taking cold showers, using water bottles to rinse to as the “Tin Can.”) Our teaching topics included enlightened us on the Great Commis- after brushing our teeth, walking with flashlights various parables, death and its origin, salvation, sion: “Therefore go and make disciples at night, dodging bats, spiders and small scorpi- saints, marriage, seven sacraments, the Creed, of all nations, baptizing them in the ons, and riding in the bed of the pick-up truck that transformed life in Christ, and Orthodox parenting. name of the Father and of the Son and served as our transportation, as our drivers zoomed We were quite surprised both at the prior knowl- of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them past pot holes on the dirt roads of the town. edge of several of the people and at the lack of to obey everything I have commanded The focal point of our mission work was teach- knowledge of others. If there had been any school- you. And surely I am with you always, ing at St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church, just ing at all, the people were most familiar with a lec- to the very end of the age” (Matthew outside of Lodwar. The building itself and the water ture style, but we pushed many out of their com- 28:19–20). well beside it were projects of OCMC and continue fort zone by asking questions, making crafts and Eager and nervous (because, after to be a well-spring of life for the Turkana people. requesting them to participate in dramatizations. all, when do you really say, “Okay, now We had two teaching sessions while there, one for Watching the priests teach their own people was I’m ready to go to Kenya”?), we flew adults and one geared toward children. Some of the amazing, as their teaching exemplified the pure art to Amsterdam, from there boarded a nomadic, native Turkana walked two days just for of story-telling and total engagement with the con- Kenya Airways aircraft to Nairobi, and our teaching seminars, with the intent of returning tent through voice inflection and gesticulation. then hopped on a puddle-jumper to to their tribes and sharing what they had learned. Highlighted below are some of my notable mo- Lodwar. Over thirty hours of travel left It makes one stop and pause – would I go to such ments with the Turkana: us worn out but ready. Our team stayed great lengths for Truth? We had three concurrent • One is always being greeted with a unique hand- in the modest quarters of a Catholic teaching sessions, each with a priest/translator. My shake and a bow/kiss to either shoulder. guest house, which proved just fine for teaching experience in a Title I school with a large • Kids are always smiling and shouting “How are our needs of praying, journaling, eat- population of ESL students, predominately refu- YOU?!” ing, sleeping, lesson-planning and so- gees from Africa, served me well in this capacity. I • Holding an of the crucifixion in one of my cializing. We became experts at spray- acted as teaching coordinator for the group, deter- lessons, I ask, “Is this the end of the story?” and ing bug spray, repairing holes in our mining what got taught and where. (The location a small group of men nodding, thinking that mosquito nets, rationing toilet paper, choices included the church building, a grass hut Christ’s death was the end. eating cabbage and potatoes, checking

14 March 2014 The Word 15 Food for Hungry People 2014 40th Anniversary A Missionary’s Journey Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

MARCH 3 4 5 6 7 8 How many clocks "Put a little love Count the Count the How many radios Count the • Anytime the people heard something they liked, or that reso- do you have in in your heart"; number of Bibles number of soda do you own? number of steps your home? get FFHP off to a in your home and cans or water Deposit $.15 (inside and nated in their spirit, they’d stand, clap and jump up and down in Deposit $.10 for good start. Put in deposit $.25 for bottles in your each. Radios are outside) of your each in your Food a nickel for all each, because home. Put in $.05 a means of home. Contribute joyful tempo – in the middle of a lesson, as a stretch break after for Hungry People the "loves" in Jesus said, "I was each, because communication. $.05 for each a lesson, during Liturgy – constant expressions of joy. Box because your life. hungry and you Jesus said, "I was Let's step. Help the "time" is running gave me food." thirsty and you communicate our hungry "step" • In lieu of formal school supplies, I brought cardstock in sheet out for those who gave me drink." love for the into a new are starving. hungry. future. protectors to make dry erase boards. When I asked one group to draw what comes to mind when they think of a saint, an old 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 How many Count the locks in How many rings How many eggs How many doors Have all the How many woman started laughing because she’d never held a marker or mirrors are in your home. do you have? are in your does your home people in the electrical outlets your home? Donate $.15 for Deposit $.15 per refrigerator? Give have? Deposit family deposit all are in your pen before. Deposit $.15 for each lock. Let's ring. This will $.05 for each. $.05 for each. the pennies they kitchen and each. Let your "unlock" the door help us b"ring" Hungry people Help open a "door" have in their living room? Give • I sang the Resurrection troparion in Turkana while holding the mirror reflect that gives hope to food to the have to to a better future pockets or $.05 each. You'll the image of the hungry. hungry! "scramble" for for the world's purses. It makes get a "charge" Resurrection icon in a lesson and felt inside the joy of Pascha in one who cares. their food. hungry. "cents" to help out of feeding a way I’d never experienced before. the hungry the hungry. • Communion was – hands down – the most emotional, trans- 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 "Button up your For every cell How many For each pie or How many For every salt For every TV formative experience. As soon as the Gifts come from behind overcoat" – so phone in your extension cords cake in your tablets do you and pepper show that was simple to do. home, give $.25. do you have in home, donate own? For every shaker, give $.10. watched today, the iconostasis, the beating of a drum, trills, laughing, smiling, They are not It is "long your home? Give $.25. We should one, deposit Let's all "sprinkle" donate $.25. TV only hungry but distance" to $.15 for each. never "dessert" $.25. Let’s never their lives with a helps us see jumping, fill the space of the church building. They know it is very cold too. hungry areas in Let's "extend" a the hungry. “tune out” the little seasoning. around the Deposit $.10 for most parts of the helping hand to hungry. world, this the Body and Blood. They know it is life-giving. They reminded each coat in world. Let's make those who need money will help me of what I often forget, and their reaction to receiving these your home. it a toll-free it. us feed the number. hungry around precious Gifts made nothing but total sense. Tears streamed the world.

down my face; it was unforgettable! 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 How many How many Give $.25 for Do you have a How many Count your tea or "I've got my love • Holding small children, I felt their tiny wrists and every bone of computers do pictures do you each pair of piano or organ in erasers can you coffee cups and to keep me their backbone with my hands. you own? Give have on your contacts or your home? Give find in your deposit $.05 for warm," that's $.25 for each. walls? JustFood eyeglasses for you Hungry $.75 for each. Peoplehome? Donate 2014each. Our "cup true, but the • While sitting with a group of Turkana women on their mat one Let’s take a "picture" yourself have. This will This is a "key" to $.05 for each. runneth over,” so hungry have only “byte” out of without food & help us "see" sharing and Let's "erase" let's fill theirs. you. Give $.10 sunny afternoon, a woman took off one of her many colorful hunger! deposit $.10 for clearly the need thcaring. hunger from the for each blanket each picture. of caring40 for the Anniversaryworld. in your home. necklaces adorning her lovely, long neck and placed it on my hungry. head as a crown. I was told this particular necklace symbolizes 30 31 APRIL 1 2 3 4 5 beauty. How many cars "Day by day," from How many Pick up all the Count the How many How many towels are in your dawn till night, cameras do you loose change scissors you have members are in are in your

• Listening to the different tribes and watching them perform for Anniversary family? You hunger knows no have? Donate $.25 lying around the in your home and your family? home? If you give can't "Dodge" hour - nor if it's for each. This house. Put it in give $.25 for Donate $.10 for $.05 for each us in welcoming and closing ceremonies, I hear amazing voices, th the hungry, but day or night. Give will help us make your FFHP Box. each pair. Let's each. The hungry towel, this may you can af"Ford" $.20 for each all "negatives" This will help "cut-out" the have families to help us "wipe young and old. The heart of every old spiritual song most defi- to pay $.50 for lamp in your positives. make a "change" hunger in feed also; let's out" hunger for each car. home. in the world! hunger-y! make this a real all people. nitely originated there. We performed for them, too: “The Call,” "family affair!" “Oh When the Saints Go Marching In,” “In the Jungle,” Ortho- 40 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 dox hymns, and “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” "Hey, Big How many heads Count the cans in How many How many How many chairs How many Spender," drop a of lettuce are in your cupboard. postage stamps sweaters do you are in your cookbooks do you • I had many moments with my team – playing cards, laughing, coin in the slot your refrigerator? Donate $.02 for do you normally have? Donate home? Give $.05 own? Give $.20 - give unto Give $.20 for each. Don't let use in a week? $.05 for each. per chair. We for each. We will crying, de-briefing, singing Disney songs, performing puppet others what each. "Lettuce" their cupboards Give $.05 for Sweaters keep can't just "sit" be able to "cook shows, learning, teaching, sharing experiences together. they haven't show the hungry be like "Old each. This is a you warm. This is around when so up" a better got! Put in a that we care. Mother sure way to one time they many people are recipe for the • One incident stands out: being hugged and picked up off the coin or bill of Hubbard’s!" "stamp out" won't mind if we hungry. hungry to live by. your choice. hunger! "pull the wool ground by one of the Turkana women, Anna, at the close of the Hungry 2014 People for Food over their eyes."

adult sessions and her pointing to the sky and saying something 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 with firm conviction. Later I learned she was saying, “I’ll see How many eggs "Brother can you Count your C.D.’s. How many songs How many "A dream is a We pray you have are you going to spare a dime?" or Give $.02 for have you listened crosses do you wish your heart been generous in you in heaven!” color for maybe two? The each. Let's make to today? Give have? Give $.10 makes," and our your almsgiving. Pascha? Donate FFHP program this a "record- $.02 for each. for each. Crosses dream is for an "For inasmuch as $.05 for each. really depends on breaking" year Let's stay “in remind us of end to hunger. you have done it Karen Morrison Let's help you. Put your for FFHP!!! tune" with the Christ's suffering; For the wish that unto the least of Cross references: "color" their dimes in the box. hungry. let's not let the we are wishing, these my Matthew 28:16 : ver 7, 10; Mt 26:32 world with love! hungry suffer is for FFHP brethren, you anymore. program to go have done it unto Matthew 28:18 : Da 7:13, 14; Lk 10:22; Jn 3:35; S 13:13; 17:2; 1Co 15:27; Eph 1:20-22; over the top! ME!" Php 2:9, 10 Matthew 28:19 : Isa 49:6; Mk 16:15, 16; Lk 24:47; Ac 1:8; 14:21 20 Matthew 28:19 : Ac 1:8; 2:38; 8:16; Ro 6:3, 4; Gal 3:27; Col 2:12 Matthew 28:20 : Jn 14:26; Ac 2:42 PASCHA Matthew 28:20 : Dt 31:6; 1Ki 8:57; Hag 1:13; Mt 18:20; Ac 18:10 Matthew 28:20 : Mt 13:39; 24:3 Christ Is Risen!

The Word 17 Syrian Relief

Church Amount Estate of Helen Rebeck, Clifton, NJ 1,000.00 Patricia Milhem, Worcester, MA 100.00 The Living Hope Baptist Church, Geneva, NY 289.00 St. Paul Church, Estero, FL 420.00 St. Barnabas Church, Lexington, SC 50.00 Holy Cross Church, Linthicum, MD 20.00 All Saints Church, Maryland Heights, MO 194.00 St. Mary Church, Brooklyn, NY 4,547.00 Holy Ascension Church, West Chester, PA 50.00 St. Timothy Church, Fairfield, CA 200.00 John Church, Beaver Falls, PA 560.00 Prophet Elijah Mission, Ellensburg, WA 41.26 St. George Church, West Roxbury, MA 51,126.00 St. George Church, Fishers, IN 209.00 St. George Church, Norwood, MA 820.00 St. George Church, Canton, OH 693.00 St. George Church, Coral Gables, FL 1,560.00 Holy Cross Mission, Dorr, MI 1,688.00 St. Elias Church, Austin, TX 987.00 St. Mary Church, Cambridge, MA 1,925.00 Edward and Suzanne Ayoub, Pawtucket, RI 200.00 Philip and Betty Seekonk, MA 200.00 Naseem and Ann Ayoub, Naples, FL 200.00 Marc and Lisa Parent, Davenport, FL 200.00 Richard Michaels, Fort Wayne IN 1,000.00 St. George Church, Cicero IL 3,184.00 St. Gerge Church, Lowell, MA 653.00 Holy Spirit Church, Huntington, WV 333.00 Edward and Jane Arees, Sudbury, MA 100.00 Suzanne Mesalam, Indianapolis, IN 25.00 Michael and Joanne Hakim, Honorary Bp. NICHOLAS 50.00 Michael and Joanne Hakim, Honorary Mt. PHILIP 100.00 St. John Church, Memphis, TN 170.00 St. Mark Church, Youngstown, OH 120.00 St. Andrew Church, Lexington, KY 190.00 St. Michael Church, Greensburg, PA 1,000.00 St. George Church, Montreal, Quebec (Fr. Fadi’s Fund) 6,167.00

18 March 2014 some other end. It may make me a better person, but that doesn’t enter my thinking, and the person Worship: What’s the Point? who picks his or her friends for social or employ- “Vanity of vanities,” says the Preacher; ment advantage, and so forth, demeans friendship. “ Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.” Soon after I moved to the United States, I was What profi t has a man from all his labor On the other hand, someone who makes friends In which he toils under the sun? struck by the “can-do” mentality of its people. with another person for his or her good is follow- One generation passes away, and another generation ing in Jesus’ footsteps. comes; If, in Canada, the common unspoken question people. Who has not been in a rush and treated To convey the notion of what is beyond useless, But the earth abides forever. The sun also rises, and the sun goes down, before you did anything new was, “Should I someone (especially someone selling something I would draw two comic scenes before your mind. An audience is listening to a quartet playing beau- And hastens to the place where it arose. we need, like a ticket for a train) as less than an- The wind goes toward the south, do this?” the unspoken question in America other person, simply as a means to an end? Oc- tiful classical music. Part way through the piece, And turns around to the north; a member of the audience steps up on stage and seemed to be, “Can I do this?” The answer in casionally I have to remind myself that everyone I The wind whirls about continually, meet is someone, not just there to meet my needs. starts tapping his foot and looking decidedly im- And comes again on its circuit. my new country seemed to be, “I can.” Being We may like to serve others, but nobody likes to patient. One by one the players cease playing and All the rivers run into the sea, stare at him. After a pause, the interrupter scowls Yet the sea is not full; feel used, insignifi cant as a person, no matter how To the place from which the rivers come, naturally diffi dent, I found this “can-do” air I and says, “Your point? . . .” Now, let’s try the re- useful for somebody else’s purposes. No one likes There they return again. breathed personally very liberating. to be treated as a friend, and discover that the oth- verse: two venerable gentlemen are arguing a fi ne All things are full of labor; er person has some self-serving, ulterior motive. point of theology, when one suddenly stops and Man cannot express it. I became a Christian in the context of Prot- bursts out in song, with lines from John Denver’s The eye is not satisfi ed with seeing, Nor the ear fi lled with hearing. estant evangelicalism, where it was common to Perhaps Love: “Perhaps love is like the ocean/ Full of confl ict, full of pain . . . .” Music is not an argu- That which has been is what will be, speak of wanting to be “used by God.” There is That which is done is what will be done, ment, and such behavior is absurd because it im- This mentality is said to be a hallmark of some truth to this notion: we read that Assyria And there is nothing new under the sun. plies a complete misunderstanding of the nature of America: pragmatism – doing what works. It is the rod of God’s anger (Isaiah 10:5), and Je- Is there anything of which it may be said, the other behavior. Again, you might give up learn- “See, this is new”? has surfaced in political life recently, with a poli- sus says to His followers, “You are the salt of the ing to dance, complaining, “Oh, what’s the use!” It has already been in ancient times before us (1:2-10). tician’s claim that he wouldn’t be bound by par- earth; but if the salt loses its fl avor, how shall it There may be a use to dancing lessons – you learn tisan ideology, but would do “what works.” (The be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to to dance – but there is probably no use for dancing If the closest you have come to this way of problem with this, of course, is that everybody be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men” 1 in itself. Oh, you may please someone (who really thinking is wondering why you were making your doesn’t agree on the end or the goal of our action, (Matthew 5:13). These are rare examples, how- wants to dance with you) and it may be a good bed if you were just going to get back into it that let alone the means.) When I was young, I saw on ever, and they are negative examples; God relates cardio workout, and so forth, but it is one of those night, then this can be shocking stuff. The writer is the station identifi cation for Buffalo’s Channel to us as Person, and personally. The language of things that one should either enjoy, or not. Wor- impressed by the cycles of nature, their repetitive- 4 television station, the saying, “The family that use and tool when applied to us in our relation- ship is like dancing. ness, and the impermanence of human beings and prays together, stays together.” (How times have ship with God can be depersonalizing. There is a Worship is beyond useless in a second sense. anything natural (except perhaps the earth). There changed from forty-fi ve years ago!) This was that great deal of ferment in Protestant circles today in Many, if not most, of the things we do, we undertake seems to be no purpose to folly or madness – they same American pragmatism applied to religion: the area of worship, and much of it assumes that for some other purpose. What if there is no goal are vain. Yet there seems as well to be no point to religious practice is good for you, so practice your worship should be constructed, tweaked or modi- worthy of the effort? What if any goal is illusory? wisdom, as the fool and the wise man, the just and religion. As a scornful unbeliever, however, this fi ed to achieve some result – converting people to What if all our activity, our ambitions, strivings, the unjust, meet the same fate – or worse, the wise bothered me: as true as it might be, it seemed to Christ in the old days, more often now affecting long talks, vehement disagreements, confl icts, or just man suffers, and the fool or wicked man be unworthy of God – if He existed – to talk about the emotions or spirit of the congregants. This is hopes and fears are just “sound and fury, signify- prospers, and then both die. The author seems to how praying to him would benefi t me. In this little an inheritance of American Protestant revivalism, ing nothing”? Does life itself have a point? What if be trying out different formulae for living: if in one bit of conventional wisdom, the Creator of the uni- but it is often forgotten that our worship is not a life itself is, in the looser, popular sense, useless? portion it is “eat, drink and be merry” (8:15), in verse seemed to be made a means, to what was a tool, or a means to an end. If you often ask yourself questions like these, another it is to do labor – yet all lead to the grave: relatively banal end. Worship, I submit, is useless. Or perhaps I you are probably depressed and should seek help. “Whatever your hand fi nds to do, do it with your The Blessed Augustine of Hippo distinguished should say that worship is beyond useless. Proper- Yet the questions themselves cannot be written off might; for there is no work or device or knowl- between things that are meant to be used, or ly speaking, something is useless when it doesn’t as pathologically meaningless. They are authentic edge or wisdom in the grave where you are going” means, on the one hand, and things that are meant accomplish the end to which it is directed. If I try questions that serious people have asked (and no (9:10). “For the living know that they will die; / to be enjoyed, on the other. One could say that we to remove a nail from a piece of wood with den- doubt continue to ask) themselves. And they are But the dead know nothing, / And they have no are meant to use things, and enjoy people (and tal fl oss, I will be frustrated. Something is beyond the questions asked by the author of the Old Testa- more reward, / For the memory of them is forgot- God!), but instead we sometimes enjoy things useless when the categories of useful and useless ment Book of Ecclesiastes. ten” (9:5). The Preacher’s text is almost tragic, (as ends in themselves, apart from God), and use don’t apply. I mentioned friendship above: true friendship is its own reward, and not a means to asking questions to which his answers can only be

20 March 2014 The Word 21 What’s the Point?

unsatisfying.2 – but history itself has an end, as we are told in the The fi rst thing one wants to tell the Preacher of last book of the Bible. Ecclesiastes is – Christ is Risen! Glorify Him! The And he showed me a pure river of water of life, FOOD, SEX, AND SPORTS Preacher asks, “Is there anything of which it may be clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of said, / ‘See, this is new’?” The answer is Yes!, there God and of the Lamb. In the middle of its street, are new things under the sun, indeed, for “eye has and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, Idols or Pathways to Salvation? not seen, nor ear heard, / nor have entered into the which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit heart of man / the things which God has prepared every month. The leaves of the tree were for the for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:8–10). healing of the nations. And there shall be no more The Incarnation and Resurrection together are the curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall most novel, signifi cant, important, “world-histori- be in it, and His servants shall serve Him. They cal” events. The Preacher thinks that any attempt shall see His face, and His name shall be on their to make sense of life is vain, because he cannot tie foreheads. There shall be no night there: They together the justice of God who judges men, and need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord the apparent indifference of God towards the good God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and the evil in this life (cf. Psalm 73). In fact, the and ever (Revelation 22:1-5). judgment of God on humanity – that end to which The end of history as we know it is the vision our individual lives are pointed – has been brought of God. forward from the end of history to the middle, in If we are tempted to say about life as a whole, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ “What’s the use?!” God’s answer is our shout has triumphed over sin and death. to one another: “Glorify Him!” We are meant to Death does make life seem futile, as St. John glorify Him forever, beginning now, but continu- of Damascus reminds us in the funeral liturgy: ing into eternity. Worship is not the means to en- “Where is the pleasure in life which is unmixed ter eternity; it is itself the entering of us who are with sorrow? Where the glory which on earth has in time into eternity.3 Liturgy prefi gures heaven stood fi rm and unchanged? All things are weaker while participating in it. Worship never ceases to than shadow, all more illusive than dreams; comes be a human work (for us, if not for the angels), one fell stroke, and Death in turn, prevails over all with light moments, perhaps. Sometimes it is these vanities.” That is not the last word, of course: obviously weak, humanly speaking. And it has no use. Yet, like a dance (without triviality), it is “Wherefore in the Light, O Christ, of beyond useless. Your countenance, the sweetness of Thank God. Your beauty, to (him/her) whom You Chris Humphrey Putting words on a page often helps to have chosen grant repose, for You are St. George Orthodox Cathedral, Pittsburgh (Oakland) clarify our thinking. In writing The Forgot- the Friend of Mankind.” Again, “You Who 1. In the prophets the people of Israel are sometimes compared to a pot that is either well-made by the potter, God, or marred and shat- ten Faith: Ancient Insights for Contem- of old did fashion me out of nothing- tered by God (e.g., Jeremiah 18; 19:11). The pot is not presented as a tool for God’s use, but as a thing “for honor and another for porary Believers from Eastern Christian- ness, and with Your Image divine did dishonor” (Romans 9:21). 2. Someone has commented that this text displays the shock of some- ity, I attempted to present key Orthodox honor me; but because of transgression one who has grown up with an Hebraic, linear view of history – his- tory and human lives having a distinct beginning and going towards insights so that average Americans could of Your commandments did return me a goal – who now seriously entertains a cyclical view of history based on nature and the seasons, as one might fi nd in Eastern religions, appreciate them: not as exotic or abstract again to the earth where I was taken, for example. To over-simplify grossly, in the East human life has no real end, but beings (including human beings) are re-incarnated end- ideas, but as invitations to the abundant lead me back to be re-fashioned into lessly; there is no true novelty but only repetition of what has past; and suffering is basically an illusion of a life from which one must life found in Jesus Christ. To connect with that ancient beauty of Your Likeness.” detach oneself. The Preacher cannot let go of the justice of God, but apparently cannot reconcile it with what he sees. people today, we have to begin where So we pray for the deceased, “With the Saints give 3. We are tempted to think of eternity as simply timeless, but it is better to think of it as beyond the alternative of time, on the one hand, and they live, so to speak, which may require rest, O Christ, to the soul of Your servant where no-time or complete stasis, on the other. Perhaps we should think of it as having its own kind of time. Consider: the spatial qualities of the making some unusual connections. So there is no pain, nor sorrow, nor suffering, but life resurrected Christ seem to interact with our space in the resurrec- everlasting” (Funeral Service Kontakion). tion appearances in the Gospels without being constrained by that here we go. space; perhaps time in heaven or in the new age is similar. Not only do we as individuals have an end to which we are heading – resurrection and judgment

22 March 2014 Idols or Pathways

Food, sex, and athletics are probably more real struggle to discipline our desires that we become to most people in our society than is the Lord. In more fully the people God created human beings popular culture, Christianity may seem entirely to be in the first place. other-worldly. Contrary to this assumption, how- If fasting is not a sufficiently touchy topic, let’s ever, true Christianity is not an escape from the turn now to sex. As the lyrics of both country music world as we know it to an invisible and imaginary and rap demonstrate, the temptations in this area realm. Our Orthodox faith does not require us to of life are powerful even as the consequences of abandon or condemn any dimension of life, but our missteps in it are grave. Since contemporary possible – and it is impera- instead to offer all that we are and do for fulfill- American culture has lost all sense of chastity, it tive for Orthodox believers ment, blessing, and healing. There is no part of is imperative that Orthodox believers – especial- – to maintain the ancient Chris- our existence that is intrinsically evil or cut off ly our youth – be solidly grounded in traditional tian vision of sexuality and mar- from the good news of our salvation. We become Christian teaching and practice about holiness in riage without becoming like the more fully who God created us to be through the the relationship between man and woman. Pharisees. Both St. Photini (the i n practices of our Orthodox faith in the world as we Unfortunately, movies, music, the Internet, Samaritan woman at the well in and know it. and other forms of media celebrate corrupt ways John 4) and St. Mary of Egypt, of them- Take eating and drinking, for example. The of living that lead people very far from the paths for example, got off to a bad start selves, but biblical story of the corruption of humanity and to the Kingdom that Jesus Christ blessed and the in this regard, but ultimately became the excessive focus the entire creation begins with the abuse of food saints have exemplified. Though it is terribly un- great saints of the Church. Thank God, that so many place on it in the Garden of Eden. There was nothing wrong popular to say today, we must bear witness to the there is hope for us all to become more should serve as a reminder with the fruit of the tree, but Adam and Eve chose countercultural view that sexual intimacy should fully who God intends us to be. that the true race is not for the to use it to satisfy their self-centered desires, in- occur only within marriage between one man and Given the skimpy costumes and sugges- perishable crown of the praise of oth- stead of obeying God and growing closer to Him. one woman. Here two persons become one and, tive movements of some cheerleaders and dance ers, but for the imperishable crown that Jesus Christ set right the place of food by using in the normal course of things, bring a new per- teams today, there is at least some connection God gives to His true and faithful servants. In- bread and wine as the elements of Communion, son into the world from their embodied love for in popular culture between sex and athletics. stead of judging anyone, we should be reminded as the menu of the Heavenly Banquet. Almost all one another. Not simply a matter of morality or Though we rarely think of sports in relation to by the dedication of sports enthusiasts that it is of us struggle with passions related to overindul- biology, we encounter a profound image of the religion, there are also some similarities between human nature to sacrifice for what we love and to gence in food and drink of one form or another. Holy Trinity in the Christian family, for distinctive gatherings of fans and of worshippers. Both con- take joy even in daunting tasks that require disci- The Lord does not save us by condemning what persons share a common life and love. Our aim gregate as a community to take on a collective pline and steadfast commitment. If athletes and we tend to abuse, but instead by Himself becom- in sexual ethics is higher than enhancing public identity that they show by what they say and do. fans devote so much for what amounts to healthy ing our food and drink. He fulfills the original role health or securing consent between the parties in- Orthodox stand up, raise their voices, and make entertainment, how much more should Orthodox of the fruits of creation in giving life and strength- volved, for marriage and celibacy are both means distinctive hand gestures (for example, crossing Christians devote themselves to fighting their pas- ening our relationship with God and one another. of participating in the eternal life that Christ has themselves) in a familiar pattern, as do fans of sions, serving Christ in their neighbors, and par- Orthodox Christians fast, not because there brought to the world. We should not be surprised many sports. Where I live in West Texas, high ticipating in the collective worship of the Church is something wrong with food itself, but because that the One who created us as man and woman school football fans drive long distances, sit or as a foretaste of the Heavenly Banquet? there is something wrong with each of us per- also directs us how to use our sexuality for our stand in blazing heat or bitter cold, and then ar- Let’s be clear: To worship the food, sexual sonally and spiritually. In other words, we have salvation. To embrace anything less is to distort rive back home in the middle of the night. Truth attractions, and athletic abilities of human beings followed Adam and Eve in using these blessings what it means for human beings to be in the im- be told, many sports fans make a much greater is simply to commit idolatry and degrade our- for something other than their intended purposes age and likeness of God as male and female. offering of time, energy, and effort for their teams selves. In contrast, to offer them and every other and, consequently, have become slaves to our dis- Despite what the advocates of the sexual revo- than many Orthodox do for the worship of the dimension of our life and world to God is to em- torted desires. No wonder that so many people to- lution maintain, there is nothing new under the Church. There is no question that more families brace the calling to grow in the divine likeness. day are obese, have eating disorders, or develop sun. St. Paul dealt with just about every form of and kids make participation in athletics a higher That’s not an escape from reality; instead, it is diabetes due to an unhealthy diet. human decadence imaginable in Corinth, and Je- priority than participation in the worship of God. our pathway to real life in a universe created, re- By learning to discipline our appetites a bit on sus Christ taught a sexual ethic in the Sermon Some who cannot imagine making time for Ves- deemed, and sustained by God. All creation finds fast days, we gain some experience in controlling on the Mount that still challenges even the most pers or Matins, for example, think nothing of en- its proper place and fulfillment in Him, including other self-centered desires for pleasure or simply righteous to grow in purity of heart. Whether we during the hardships of sports practice for hours you and me. getting our own way. We can direct the money are married or celibate, we all have more than in very hot or cold temperatures. saved by eating a humble diet to serving Christ enough challenges to fight our own passions and It is all a matter of priorities, of course. Human Fr. Philip LeMasters St. Luke Orthodox Church, Abilene, Texas in the poor, even as we grow in humility when keep a close watch on our thoughts and desires. beings are going to worship something, and in our Fr. LeMasters is the author of The Forgotten Faith: Ancient Insights for Contemporary Believers we find it hard to be content with broccoli and Judgment of anyone else is simply not our con- culture athletics has become a god to many peo- from Eastern Christianity (Cascade Books, 2013). tofu instead of steak and eggs. It is through the cern. Again, contrary to popular opinion, it is ple. There is certainly nothing wrong with sports

24 March 2014 The Word 25 Communities in Action

Bakhos family, who recently On Tuesday, the Eve of the 150 people attended. It was a the church. We celebrated our arrived from Syria. Not only Nativity, the parish faithful gath- fun evening and a few people Feast Day with Liturgy, and the has our parish and our Syr- ered together at the church went home richer for the effort. clergy of our sister parishes and ian community in Allentown and were extremely blessed In September a “deli-night” was Bishop ALEXANDER concel- welcomed and assisted many to be joined by the nuns of St. held in the Church Fellowship ebrating This was followed by a new refugee families from Syr- Thekla’s Monastery, York, Penn- Hall. Montreal is known for its coffee hour with ilbee in honour ia, but they have also donated sylvania. It was a joy to worship smoked meat and we did not of the Feast of St. Barbara. On over $80,000 to our Patriarch- with Mother Justina, and with let the parish down – in fact, the Sunday, 220 people attended ate Syrian Relief Fund to be Sister Katerina, who assisted in we threw in cheesecake for a Feast Day lunch in the church used in Wadi-Al-Nasara. These beautifully chanting the Liturgy, dessert. You can always tell if hall. The event was completely funds were sent through our which joined the earthly to the people are enjoying themselves sold out, with tons of lenten Archdiocese to those in need heavenly. All in all, we had a by the level of conversation, food and many leftovers. What in our homeland. His Eminence lovely time celebrating the Na- and they were most definitely a crowd! Metropolitan PHILIP person- tivity of our Lord and God Jesus having a good time and eating Our very young people pre- ally added $30,000, over and Christ as one loving family at St. their fill of smoked meat (and, pared a Christmas concert, above what we have given to George, Allentown. of course, french fries). In Oc- along with some Arabic chants. the Patriarchate Syrian Relief As our parish continues to tober, we became more serious. On the Sunday of their presen- Bishop NICHOLAS end Father Anthony and Khouria and Frs. Anthony and Allentown Welcomes Fund. His Grace spoke about benefit from our Bishop NICH- On a lovely Saturday in Octo- tation the city was covered in Giuseppe in Allentown Bishop NICHOLAS Minerva Sabbagh and family at how to live the spirit of Christ- OLAS’s many blessings, we ea- ber, a bus load and two cars snow. While many adults did not their home for a delicious meal The Blessed Nativity of our mas in our daily lives. He also gerly look forward to Saturday, full made a trip to the Greek make it to church, the children and good conversation. Lord reminds us that God’s only informed the parishioners of the January 11, 2014, when he will Orthodox Monastery of the Vir- did and gave their concert. Be- On the following day, Sunday, Son came to earth through the actions the Archdiocese has tak- join us again with His Eminence gin Mary in Lachute, Quebec. cause of these circumstances we celebrated Matins and Divine young maiden who said “Yes!” en to help stop the war in Syria, Archbishop JOSEPH (Zihlawee) We learned how the nuns live, and two weeks of continuous Liturgy with His Grace. It was and followed the will of her Cre- and of the money that has been of Los Angeles, California, at work the land, and make , snow in Montreal, when our Se- a truly inspiring and prayerful ator. We at St. George Antiochi- collected by all our parishes and a fund-raising banquet for the and about their other crafts and nior Choir was to present their service because, along with Fr. an Church, Allentown, Pennsyl- has been sent to our Patriarch- Syrian orphans. The next day the food products they have for concert on Christmas Eve, the Anthony, we had Deacon Luke vania, on this blessed Nativity of ate through the Archdiocese. He will see our very own Deacon sale. Their site is now under children there were invited to Toumi and Deacon Giusepppe 2013 are so grateful and hum- also answered many questions Giuseppe Landino ordained by construction and in future will come forward and present their Landino. Also, guest chanters bled to have shared in this Feast regarding the situation in our both bishops to the rank of the allow for overnight guests and concert once again. Completely Rassem El Massih, Shamaseh with our humble and beloved beloved Syria. Holy Priesthood. retreats. We finished off the visit unprepared, they did a fantastic Razan Toumi and Amjad Khalil Sayidna NICHOLAS (Ozone). Our youth were again the St. George, Allentown, is very by joining together for lunch, job, and the entire parish joined added to our already talented His Grace Bishop NICHOLAS center of Sayidna’s attention grateful to God to have such and then returned home. The in with both choirs. It was a de- Marwan Sabbagh, Hwaida arrived on Saturday, December on Monday. As he always does, holy, hardworking and caring following day we hosted a Tur- lightful evening, followed by the Mousa, and others. Immediate- 21, in the late afternoon and His Grace held a retreat for hierarchs. We continue to pray key Lunch following the Divine usual reveillon. ly after the liturgy we enjoyed greeted the Sunday school chil- our Teen SOYO with the theme, that God sends faithful servants Liturgy. Again there was a full On February 2, the Antiochian a Nativity play called “Star of dren and their teachers for their “Living an Orthodox Christian to His Holy Church. house. This was coupled with Women will host a lunch entitled Wonder,” directed by Mary and Nativity Party. There were ap- Life in a Secular World.” His the Wine Raffle drawing held by Sitto’s Kitchen, serving kibbe Gabriella Landino and played proximately 150 people in atten- two-hour-long retreat included St. Nicholas, Montreal, the Antiochian Women. labaniye and shish-barak. This by our Sunday School children. dance. We also had another spe- a PowerPoint presentation, Having Busiest Year Ever In the beginning of Novem- is very popular with our parish- The bright songs of the children cial visitor, St. Nicholas of Myra, role-playing and discussions. St. Nicholas Church of Mon- ber we hosted a Hafli (in a party ioners. filled our hearts with joy! who brought the children gifts The approximately fifty young treal kick-started the new hall) with well over 200 people Another change takes place Later that evening we went and encouraged them all to re- people gave a very positive re- Church year a bit early, with a present. Both the mezza and the this year. Rather than have a back to the church to share a member the saints. Afterwards, sponse to the seminar. They also sit-down cocktail reception for music kept flowing and every- lenten supper preceding the Ma- Lenten dinner with all the or- we celebrated Great Vespers enjoyed their Christmas Party the raffle that was held through- one had a great evening. dayah Service, we will have one ganizations. The dinner was and then joined the Very Rever- the same evening. out the summer months. Over With the Fast of the Nativity pre-lenten lunch and then five expertly prepared by the lovely most activities remained within agape lenten meals (on a small-

26 March 2014 The Word 26 The Word 27 Communities in Action

Peter and Paul (Ukrainian) have grown accustomed to the beautiful practice of wor- shipping together on their patronal feast days as well as during Lent, at the of the Presanctified Gifts. Yet the outdoor bless- ing of the waters was a first. True, it was a day early, but the pastoral reasons behind choosing this day rather than the next are pretty obvious. Plus, God sent us a relatively mild day in the middle of the distance to join us. O Christ our of the Nativity followed by the famous “polar vortex,” which God, who hast revealed Thy- Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil on brought to the area some of self and hast enlightened the the morning of Christmas Eve. the coldest temperatures in world: glory to Thee! Later that evening, we held Mat- decades. ins and Divine Liturgy for the The lake was frozen, so that Bishop JOHN Visits Parish Feast of the Nativity of our Lord sinners and saints alike could He Served for 16 Years and Saviour Jesus Christ. It was literally walk on water. No- His Grace Bishop JOHN (Ab- a blessed service in which we body would have been able to dalah), Bishop of the Diocese ordained two men in our parish, dive and retrieve the blessing of Worcester and New England, Michael Janakis and John Nor- cross – not that many would presided over our Hierarchi- man, to the sub-diaconate. We have been eager to honor cal Liturgy at St. George, New listened to the words of Bishop this tradition. So it was that, Kensington, Pennsylvania, on THOMAS during the service as er scale) following the Sunday ners, our Priest and his family following the prayers, the Sunday, September 29th. It is he spoke to us about the signifi- Liturgy. and ask Him to help us to con- priests threw three large ice extra special for us when Bishop cance of the feast; it is impor- Other activities which now tinue to grow in wisdom, and in crosses into the lake, thus “bap- JOHN visits, since he was our tant, he said, for us to be spiritu- take place on a regular basis our spiritual life. tizing” the waters with the grace parish priest for sixteen years. ally awake and to keep Christ as are prayer meetings, catechism and power of the One who came We were blessed to have also the the true meaning of Christmas, classes and movie nights which Pan-Orthodox Blessing of to baptize all creation with fire Reverend Father George Kev- instead of other worldly ideas of are preceded by a light fast-food the Waters at and the Spirit. orkian and Deacon Luke Toumi this holiday. At the end of the meal. It is fun to eat and watch a Moraine State Park It was a great joy to see the join us. Additionally, Khouria service Bishop THOMAS induct- ed three very dedicated and in- movie at the same time. On Sunday, January 5, the nuns of the Holy Transfigura- Hend Kevorkian, the Youth Di- spired people into the Order of A full year of activity has been three Orthodox parishes in But- tion monastery in Ellwood City rector for the Eastern Dioceses, Fr. Bogdan of St. St. Ignatius. We broke the fast planned, both social and spiri- ler, Pennsylvania, got together joining the three parishes. The met with our SOYO teens and of- Anthony’s, Butler, together downstairs with a meal joins local clergy for tual. The various organizations and served the blessing of the sisters helped with the singing fered them some valuable tips. blessing of the waters and with much love and joy. take care of the social aspects waters outdoors, at Lake Arthur and brought generous amounts “We should follow the exam- and our priest, Fr. Mark, looks in the Moraine State Park. The of hot tea for all to enjoy. The Bishop THOMAS ple of the birds. They’re always after our spiritual needs in many event was covered by journalists only minor accident was that, Celebrates the Nativity joyful, whereas we’re always different and appreciated ways. from Butler and Ellwood City, despite repeated promises, the with St. George, Oakland It continues to be one of our undersigned forgot to bring bothered by something. What is and even made the first page of (Pittsburgh) Top left: Bishop busiest years ever. We thank foam cups. Thank God it was a it that bothers us? Nothing, re- the Butler Eagle! On December 24, 2013, we JOHN with choir God for an active parish and a milder winter day! ally.... Isn’t that right?” Top right: Bishop The parishioners of St. An- were graced with the presence JOHN with Clergy church that increases in atten- We are hoping to repeat this – Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica thony Orthodox Church (Antio- of Bishop THOMAS in the cel- and Servers dance every Sunday. venerable and beautiful tradi- chian), St. Andrew (Orthodox ebration of the feast of the Na- Above: Bishop We ask God to continue to tion in years to come, and to THOMAS with Clergy Church in America), and Ss. tivity. We celebrated the Hours and Altar Servers bless our parish, our parishio- invite all parishes within driving

28 March 2014 The Word 29 Communities in Action Archdiocesan Office DAILY DEVOTIONS APRIL 2014 St. Matthew, St. Matthew traces its history the bishop. Then there was a Ordained V. Rev. Fr. George Alberts to its founding as a mission ex- lovely banquet to celebrate our North Royalton, FARKOUH, Farid, to the diaconate by Bishop tension of St. George Church Anniversary. Nearly 175 mem- Celebrates 25th NICHOLAS on Sunday, January 5, 2014, at St. 1. ISAIAH 40:18-31; GENESIS 15:1-15; in Akron, Ohio, back in 1988. bers, guests, and friends were Anniversary Mary Church, Brooklyn, New York. He is attached PROVERBS 15:7-19 (FAST) With the blessing of Metropoli- there. Bishop ANTHONY gave Prayers, memories, and to that parish. 2. ISAIAH 41:4-14; GENESIS 17:1-19; tan PHILIP and the leadership his sincere congratulations on laughter echoed throughout PROVERBS 15:20-16:9 (FAST) and guidance of Father Lou our anniversary and our God- St. Matthew Orthodox Church, LANDINO, Deacon Joseph, to the holy priesthood 3. ISAIAH 42:5-16; GENESIS 18:20-33; Mahshie, Father James Meena given progress over the years. North Royalton, Ohio, and its by Archbishop JOSEPH on January 12, 2014, at PROVERBS 16:17-17:17 (FAST) (Memory Eternal), and Father He urged us to keep working social hall during a wonderful St. George Church, Allentown, Pennsylvania. 4. ISAIAH 45:11-17; GENESIS 22:1-18; Peter Gillquist (Memory Eter- hard for the Lord and the Faith, celebration of its 25th anniver- PROVERBS 17:17-18:5 (FAST) nal), and the work of the mis- and he read to us the recently SCHMALE, Lawrence, to the holy diaconate, by sary. Father Andrew Harmon 5. HEBREWS 9:24-28; MARK 8:27-31 (FAST) sion founders and many friends, received letter from Metropoli- Archbishop JOSEPH on January 26, 2014, at and the parish welcomed Bishop 6. HEBREWS 9:11-14; MARK 10:32-45 (FAST) the first liturgy was on Decem- tan PHILIP giving his blessing Holy Resurrection Church, Tucson, Arizona. He 7. ISAIAH 48:17-49; GENESIS 27:1-42; ber 17, 1988. Our beloved pas- to our planned future build- is assigned to that parish. PROVERBS 19:16-25 (FAST) tor, Father Andrew Harmon, was ing expansion project. Sayidna Elevated 8. ISAIAH 49:6-11; GENESIS 31:3-16; assigned to St. Matthew in Janu- PHILIP’s timing was perfect as PROVERBS 21:3-21 (FAST) ary, 1990, arriving with his wife, he sent his blessing just in time NIXON, Fr. Philip, to the dignity of Archpriest 9. ISAIAH 58:1-12; GENESIS 43:26-32; 45:1-18; Bonnie, and their four sons. for our anniversary weekend. by Archbishop JOSEPH on January 26, 2104, at PROVERBS 21:23-22:4 (FAST) (One more son and a daughter Sunday morning, November Holy Resurrection Church, Tucson, Arizona. 10. ISAIAH 65:8-17; GENESIS 46:1-7; have come along since then!) 17, was the highlight of the Bishop ANTOUN thanks those who sent name- PROVERBS 23:15-24:5 (FAST) On Friday, November 15, weekend as Sayidna ANTHONY day greetings and made donations in his name. 11. ISAIAH 66:10-24; GENESIS 49:33-50:26; Bishop ANTHONY began the led a beautiful and inspiring lit- PROVERBS 31:8-31 (FAST) celebration weekend by having urgy. The singing of the chant- 12. HEBREWS 12:28-13:8; JOHN 11:1-45 (FAST) a dinner and discussion with our ers and the congregation (yes, 13. PHILIPPIANS 4:4-9; JOHN 12:1-18 PALM SUNDAY and sub-deacons, Par- we all sing – the whole parish 14. EXODUS 1:1-20; JOB 1:1-12; MATTHEW 24:3-35 (FAST) ish Council, members of the Or- is our choir) never sounded 15. EXODUS 2:5-10; JOB 1:13-22; der of St. Ignatius, heads of our better as we all together raised MATTHEW 24:36-26:2 (FAST) various ministries, and the 25th our voices in praise of God. The 16. EXODUS 2:11-22; JOB 2:1-10; MATTHEW 26:6-16 Anniversary Committee. The Bishop’s homily was a fascinat- (FAST) Bishop answered many ques- ing and moving explanation of 17. I CORINTHIANS 11:23-32; MATTHEW 26:1-27:2 (FAST) tions and focused particularly the gospel reading from Luke 12 18. I CORINTHIANS 1:18-2:2; MATTHEW 27:1-61 on our special responsibility about the foolish rich man – and (STRICT FAST) as Orthodox believers to share an exhortation to us to keep our 19. ROMANS 6:3-11; MATTHEW 28:1-20 (FAST) the words and promises of our priorities straight and prepare 20. ACTS 1:1-8; JOHN 1:1-17 HOLY PASCHA Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to for the world to come by what 21. ACTS 1:12-17, 21-26; JOHN 1:18-28 serve those in need, and to dem- we do with our lives in “the here St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Church in San Francisco 22. ACTS 2:14-21; LUKE 24:12-35 onstrate good will to all. and now.” After the liturgy, two 23. ACTS 12:1-11; JOHN 15:17-16:2 On Saturday, November 16, of our parishioners, Scott and Is honored to host the 2014 Parish Life Conference 24. ACTS 2:38-43; JOHN 3:1-15 Bishop ANTHONY had brunch Simona Palmer, were inducted For the Diocese of Los Angeles and the West 25. PHILIPPIANS 2:5-11; LUKE 10:38-42, 11:27-28 with the Brotherhood of our into the Order of St. Ignatius. Wednesday, July 2 – Sunday, July 6, 2014 26. ACTS 3:11-16; JOHN 3:22-33 parish. Again, many questions To wrap up the busy weekend 27. ACTS 5:12-20; JOHN 20:19-31 and answers made for a great we all enjoyed together with His At the Hyatt Burlingame 1333 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame, CA 940110 - 650-347-1234 28. ACTS 3:19-26; JOHN 2:1-11 discussion time. The focus of Grace a wonderful potluck ex- Hotel group room rate of $125 available 3 days prior to the conference and 3 days after 29. ACTS 4:1-10; JOHN 3:16-21 Bishop ANTHONY at St. ANTHONY to town to preside the discussion ended up being travaganza meal hosted by our Matthew, North Royalton For more information, including making your Hotel Reservations and Online Registration, 30. ACTS 4:13-22; JOHN 5:17-24 on the role of Christian men in parish’s Sisterhood. Event Tickets, or purchasing a Souvenir Journal Entry, over the weekend celebration, go to www.LAPLC.org November 15–17. It was a dou- their families and how we can A wonderful weekend it cer- or email us [email protected]. bly important weekend, as No- deal with all the current chal- tainly turned out to be! Thanks vember 16 is both St. Matthew’s lenges to traditional moral- be to God for all of His blessings Day and the actual founding ity and family life. In the early upon us! Bishop ANTOUN thanks everyone for their prayers and messages on the occasion of his evening we had Vespers with date of the parish 25 years ago. Names Day. In his typical style, he sends prayers back for all who have sent him messages and for all of the clergy and faithful of the Archdiocese. 30 March 2014 The Word 31 ORATORICAL FESTIVAL

to us a hundredfold. me the value of service towards others. When I If we would concern ourselves with feeding was a child, my mother became very sick. I did not others, we would not need to hear politicians go know what was happening or how dangerous this The Righteous Judge on about the “social security dilemma” and there illness was, but I was well aware of how exceed- would have never been a “war on poverty” in the ingly difficult our lives were becoming. She was “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, 1960’s. Love through charity not only fills a man’s diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. With my stomach, but his heart. This will feed the material- and all the holy angels with Him, then He mother being too weak to be at work, my father ly poor man, while simultaneously filling the spiri- was the sole provider for our family, making our will sit on the throne of His Glory. All the tually empty man’s heart, with Christ’s message of financial situation tighter. To see my mother ailing love and hope. nations will be gathered before Him, and and my father working hard to pay the mortgage In the Gospel of John, Christ heals a blind He will separate them one from another, and feeding three children was heartbreaking. man, but there’s something different here. Unlike The saving grace? – the generosity and ser- worth spending all eternity in a lake of fire? Do we as a shepherd divides his sheep from the others, who were infirm in the Gospel and came vice of others. Old family grudges were cast aside really need an iPhone, iPad, and an iMac? Honest- to Christ for healing, the blind man did not seek goats. Then He will also say to those on so that others could help us by bringing over meals ly, who even needs an iPad? Isn’t it more impor- out Christ, but rather Christ saw his need and ap- the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed and offering assistance with our homework. What tant to give a starving child a full belly? What’s proached him. Likewise, when we see someone really struck a chord, however, was when our sad is that we could often do both, but simply ig- into the everlasting fire prepared for the who is hungry, or in worn-out clothes, or sick, or school teachers took it upon themselves to order nore the needy and worry only about feeding our depressed, why do we have to wait for them to beg devil and his angels: for I was hungry and food to give us before leaving school, or the neigh- own selfishness. At times, we even throw away our for help? Why can’t we just approach someone in bor who would take us to the local pool to give my old clothes because it’s easier than driving them to you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you need and offer them a helping hand? mom a few hours to relax and regain her strength. Goodwill. Meanwhile, people are sleeping on the Well, the honest truth is that we don’t have to gave Me no drink; I was a stranger and you This generosity is exactly what Christ outlines in streets, freezing. change the world by creating some great program did not take Me in, naked and you did not Matthew 25:35–37: “I was hungry and you gave If we simply have a heart and are generous with that will feed all of the starving children in Africa. me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something our neighbor, there is no need to fear His terrible clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did All we need to do is change one person’s world to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, judgment. St. Anthony the Great said, “I no lon- for one day. That is all Christ asks of us. When not visit Me.’ ” I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick ger fear God, but I love him.” Granted, I am no- someone is in need, we should not judge them, and you took care of me, I was in prison and you where near the level of holiness that St. Anthony but offer our help. Some may make the excuse, “I Your Eminences, your Graces, reverend clergy, visited me.” achieved in his life, and probably never will be, but shouldn’t give this man a few dollars! He will just brothers and sisters in Christ. Now, why does Christ take these kind actions, he was motivated by Christ’s love more than from go use it to buy alcohol!” If we truly believe that “The rich are here for the sake of the poor, but or lack thereof, personally? Well, I know from fear of condemnation. This is spiritual maturity. he will buy something harmful, then let us call to the poor are here for the salvation of the rich” watching my parents, that when someone does Giving out of love is greater than giving out of fear mind what the Apostles teach in the , “Let (John Chrysostom). something kind to me, my parents appreciate that of judgment. your alms sweat in your hands, until you know to Who is the poor man? Is it the man who is ask- person’s kindness even more than I do, which Finally, we remember the final judgment as we whom you should give.” We are responsible not to ing for money on the corner of the street to feed must mean Christ feels the same way when we prepare to begin fasting. We fast because, as we give carelessly to feed someone’s drug habit, but his family? Is it the man with all the riches in the serve one of His children. read in Luke 3:11: “He that has two coats, let him we do have to give; perhaps a bag of food in place world but no relationship with Christ? It is both! If a poor man steals in order to feed his family, impart to him that has none; and he that has meat, of cash, or a donation to a charity like the IOCC, Of all people, Christ was a materially poor man. has he sinned? Yes, because sin is never justified, let him do likewise.” We give up an item that we where we know where the money is going. Although all of creation belonged to Him, He had but the greater sin is on me for passing him by own or some food to help those who are less for- St. James writes in his universal letter: “For just no place to lay his head. What if Christ walked in and not offering him something to eat. It is our tunate and who may not be able to afford bare ne- as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith with- here right now with long hair, torn clothes, cov- lack of generosity that has pushed this man to cessities, such as food and clothing. We offer this out works is also dead.” There is no doubt that we ered in sand and dirt: Would we take him in with sin. God gave me more than enough in order that selflessly and without pride, in accord with what are unworthy of going to Heaven, and that it is open arms, or would we keep our distance, afraid I share with him who does not have enough. Dur- we read in the Gospel of Matthew: “Take heed that only through God’s grace, and the death and Res- of “catching” his poverty? Our selfishness and ing the Divine Liturgy our priest speaks to God you do not your alms before men, to be seen of urrection of Christ that we can be saved. Since we lack of care would deny the Son of God the same the Father directly, saying, “Thine own of Thine them: otherwise you have no reward of your Fa- are free, however, we will not be forced to go to mercy that HE shows us! own we offer unto Thee on behalf of all and for ther which is in heaven” (6:1). Heaven. We are only invited to attend the banquet; I pray that I have retained the values that my all.” This means that everything is God’s, and we we accept the invitation through living out God’s David Rayahin, St. George, Cicero, Illinois parents instilled in me while growing up, but I are simply giving back to God what was originally commandments. would never have imagined that I would be shaped His. If we realize this, giving becomes a whole lot Is having 12 pairs of shoes sitting in the closet David is the Judges’ Choice from the Diocese of by one particular event in my life that has taught easier, because when we give, God will return back T oledo and the Midwest.

32 FebruaryJanuaryMarch 2014 2014 2014 The Word 33 Antiochian Village www.avcamp.org

Summer Camp 2014 God Is With Us!

Friendships for a Worship lifetime “God is our shelter and strength, always ready The 23 gifts on the CD are chanted beautifully to help in times of trouble. So we will not be in the traditional Byzantine musicological style afraid, even if the earth is shaken and mountains with consistency and lovely detail. “Well done, HAVE YOU REGISTERED FOR fall into the ocean depths” (Psalm 48:1, GNT). good and faithful servants!” Arts & Crafts The Psalms of David are the foundation of our Every Orthodox Christian should welcome and liturgical tradition, whereby God inspires us to secure this CD for his or her personal journey to CAMP? the breadth and depth of holiness. God is always the Crucifi xion and Resurrection of our Lord and with us. We need to be with Him. Savior Jesus Christ. Horseback Ropes Course Riding Whenever the Boston Byzantine Choir, un- Rev. Professor Nicholas M. Kastanas der the masterful guidance of Maestro Charles/ Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Graduate School Avra’am Marge produces a CD of God-inspired of Theology, Brookline, Massachusetts hymns, we are anointed with yet another taste of Best “spiritual fragrance,” as the liturgical prayer af- two weeks Memories fi rms. “God Is With Us” is one of the chants re- of for a summer! lifetime corded from the Great Compline Service. It repre- Antiochian Village sents the refrain for the verses which are intoned Registration now online for in the plagal of the Second Mode. It is

To Register: Summer Camp, Chanting Camp & Iconography Camp prayerfully executed by Fun! Visit www.avcamp.org www.avcamp.org the choir. All Phone: 724 238 9565 the recordings Email: [email protected] follow this pat- tern. Glory Be to God! This fi fth CD Diocese of Worcester and New England offering (it is most Parish Life Conference defi nitely a pros- June 19-22, 2014 phoro) of Lenten Join us in Hymns, dubbed the Beautiful and Historic Plymouth, MA Lenten Journey, is a collage of spiritually at the acoustical hymns on Radisson Plymouth Harbor Inn the “Pilgrimage to Pas- $139.00/night 3URPR&RGHSOF cha,” as Fr. Alexander 'LVFRXQWHGUDWHLIERRNHGE\0D\ Schmemann, of blessed Hosted by memory, so proclaimed. St. George Church of Boston What a rich blessing V. Rev. Timothy Ferguson, Host Pastor Dr. Hani Al-Dayaa, PLC Chairperson for all of us that this gifted group of dedicated Ortho- Conference theme: dox Christians continues )RUFRPSOHWHLQIRUPDWLRQLQFOXGLQJVFKHGXOH the rich tradition of gath- UHJLVWUDWLRQDQGVSRQVRUVKLSRSSRUWXQLWLHVYLVLW ZZZVWJHRUJHRIERVWRQRUJSOF ering, praying, and record- ing the resounding hymns of Holy and Great Lent/Aghia Kai Megali Tessarakosti/ Quadrag- esima/ The Holy and Great 40- Day Period!

The Word 35 THE WORD 358 Mountain Road Periodical postage paid at PO Box 5238 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Englewood, NJ 07631-5238



Send a child to an Antiochian camp, where they will gain spiritual strength to stay connected to their faith not only for the entire school year, but forever. For more information call 201-871-1355, or e-mail: [email protected] or visit www.orderofstignatius.org.