UNITED ARCHITECTS OF THE The Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects UAP National Headquarters, 53 Scout Rallos Street, City, Philippines


Chapter BALANGA – MONTH OF JULY Chapter President AR. JOSE EMMANUEL C. PILAR Contact Numbers 09199026760 DATE August 2, 2018 Email Address [email protected] SUBMITTED

CHAPTER ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN DURING THE MONTH Indicate your chapter activities undertaken during the month such as Chapter GMM, Professional Development Seminars, Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives, etc

ACTIVITY NO.1 Title of Activity UAP BBC OFFICERS MEETING Date June 10, 2018

Total Attendees 4 Venue Dexter’s Pizza, Balanga City

Objective of the Activity To discuss the goals and strategies for the fiscal year of 2018-2019

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic x Others ______

Activity in line with 4Ps Profession Professional x Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the x Unity Ability Continuity of Service UAP corporate thrust

UAP BBC had its first meeting with officers last June 10, 2018 at Dexter’s Pizza on the City of Balanga Bataan.

Chapter President of UAP BBC Architect Jose Emmanuel C. Pilar had called for a meeting for the officers to discuss the goals and strategies for the fiscal year 2018 - 2019.

The meeting started with the suggested topic of appointing assistant/s for every officer of the chapter. Followed by the discussion regarding the rules and adjustments for the General Membership Meetings under the fiscal year 2018 – 2019. It has been decided to form an Audio-Video Technical (AVT) Team & Secretariat Team from members. The issue regarding the membership status (active or inactive) was discussed to formulate a way to encourage attendance from inactive members.

The topic of province-wide local government campaign for the issuance of the architectural Permit and how to establish local government awareness about Architects were tackled. It was also decided to form a CPD committee to plan out the year-long calendar for CPD Seminars.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.org Page 1 of 4

ACTIVITY NO.2 UAP BBC attends the UAP A2B Joint Induction Title of Activity Date July 6, 2018 FOR FY : 2018-2019 The Bella Plaza, 47 David Total Attendees 8 Venue Avenue, San Sebastian Gate 2, City, Tarlac Objective of the Activity UAP A2B Joint Induction

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic x Others ______

Activity in line with 4Ps Profession Professional x Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the x Unity Ability Continuity of Service UAP corporate thrust

The UAP BBC officers attended the UAP A2B Induction Ceremony “CO-LABORASYON” that was held last July 6, 2018 at The Bella Plaza,47 David Avenue, San Sebastian Gate 2, Tarlac City, Tarlac. Ar. Jose Emmanuel C. Pilar was tasked to introduce the guest speaker Mayor Maria Christina Cuello Angeles from City Government of Tarlac. Chapter Officers gave their oath to take the responsibility of their position and perform well in order to create a productive fiscal year. The event concluded with the inspirational speech about the goals of the incoming UAP National President for the fiscal year 2018 – 2019.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.org Page 2 of 4

ACTIVITY NO.3 Title of Activity UAP BBC OFFICERS MEETING Date July 12, 2018

Total Attendees 7 Venue Dexter’s Pizza, Balanga City

Objective of the Activity To organize the upcoming UAP BBC 1st GMM

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic x Others ______

Activity in line with 4Ps Profession Professional x Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the x Unity Ability Continuity of Service UAP corporate thrust

Chapter President of UAP BBC Architect Jose Emmanuel C. Pilar had called for a meeting for the officers and committee to discuss the upcoming 1st General Membership Meeting for the fiscal year 2018 - 2019.

The venue of the upcoming 1st General Membership Meeting has been decided.

The appointed members for the Audio-Video Technical (AVT) Team were tasked to make sure that the audio and projector are working before the start of GMM.

The agendas that will be presented on the 1st General Membership Meeting were finalized.

The topic about the awards 2017 – 2018 was also brought up on the meeting.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.org Page 3 of 4

ACTIVITY NO.4 UAP BBC FIRST GENERAL MEMBERSHIP Title of Activity Date July 21, 2018 MEETING FOR FY : 2018-2019 Lou-is Resort & Restaurant, Total Attendees 95 Venue Capitol Dr., Balanga City, Bataan Objective of the Activity To organize the upcoming UAP BBC 1st GMM

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic x Others ______

Activity in line with 4Ps Profession Professional x Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the x Unity Ability Continuity of Service UAP corporate thrust

UAP Balanga Bataan Chapter held its 1st General Membership Meeting for the fiscal year 2018 – 2019 last July 21, 2018 at the ¼ Ballroom of Lou-is Resort & Restaurant, Capitol Dr., Balanga City, Bataan. The meeting started with the opening prayer led by Ar. Roxette Sibal-Umerez. Followed by the introduction of the new set of officers by Ar. Shiela Marie Roxas-Buce. Ar. John Paul Austria performed the roll call of the present members and he introduced and recognized the new board passers of Bataan Peninsula State University from the June 2018 Architecture Licensure Exam (ALE). Past Chapter Presidents Ar. Ramon Lamira Jr, Ar. Virginia Sy and Ar. Sweetheart She-Cireel Maceda offered their inspirational message to the new board passers. The upcoming events for the fiscal 2018 - 2019 were discussed by Ar. Anna Katrina Pecson followed by the Financial Report by Ar. John Paul Austria. The Board Resolution No. 1 and No. 2 were rediscussed by Ar. Shiela Marie Roxas-Buce to further explain the said resolution. After the dinner proper Ar. Jose Emmanuel Pilar presented the goals and objectives of the UAP Balanga Bataan Chapter for the fiscal year 2018 – 2019 to the members.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.org Page 4 of 4