Divine Masters, Ancient Wisdom

Who Are the Masters? By Kyle Gray

About the book A new and fresh guide to the Ascended Masters and how to work with them for greater peace and connection. Discover new tools and wisdom to connect with the enlightened Ascended Masters, and receive their guidance, healing, protection and support on your spiritual path. Bestselling author Kyle Gray offers the first new guide in several years that looks at the Ascended Masters and explains how they can bring healing to the Earth, the cosmos and your life. The Ascended Masters are enlightened souls who once walked the Earth (or other planets) and continue to offer their emotional intel- ligence and spiritual teachings to the world. You may already know some of them - Mary Magdalene, Buddha and - but did you know there are many more, and that they are here to support you on your spiritual path? In this book, you will discover:

• Many Ascended Masters, from Quan Yin to Saint German and Gaia to DIVINE MASTERS, ANCIENT the Divine Director WISDOM: Activations To • A short history of the Masters and how they ascended for the greater Connect With Universal good of humanity Spiritual Guides by Kyle Gray • How to call upon the Masters for spiritual protection, to remove Publisher: Hay House blockages and to open up to powerful spiritual connections. $18.95, ISBN: 9781788175159 • What the Council of Light and Etheric Retreats are, and how you can access their wisdom for healing, guidance and connection Kyle shares many powerful exercises and tools - such as Sacred Geometry visualizations, affirmations and meditations - to help you increase your awareness and raise your consciousness.

An Excerpt... specific traditions and become more overcame these challenges that they universal in nature. are able to offer an “enlightened” Traditionally, the Ascended Mas- Personally, I feel that anyone who perspective from the higher realms. ters, or Mahatmas, as they were has made a remarkable difference originally called when they were to the planet, either through social Deities, Masters, and Light Beings first introduced in the Theosophi- activism, exceptional leadership, or Information about the masters cal teachings of the late 1800s, are sharing their gifts, is an Ascended differs slightly from teacher to teach- beings who have walked the Earth Master. Highly influential souls such er. It was never clear in the original before us and are now able to offer as Martin Luther King Jr., Bob Mar- writings, for example, if the masters divine intelligence and support on a ley, and Mother Teresa are all great were still on the Earth as enlightened spiritual level. Jesus and the Buddha examples. I genuinely believe that beings who were communicating are great examples. Although they we all have Ascended Masters in our telepathically or were spiritual guides are connected to two of the world’s own family lineage. We may have had who were connecting through some major religions, they go beyond the a great‑grandparent who did some- sort of spirit communication. I think limitations of religion, and many thing extremely brave or survived it’s important to acknowledge that all people the world over feel connected extraordinarily difficult conditions. spiritual matters are very personal in to their power,presence, and energy. Whoever they may be, we can con- nature and to find the path or idea The original masters in Theoso- nect with the spirit and intelligence that best resonates with your own phy didn’t include previously known of the Ascended Masters and benefit energy and truth. I’ve also come to spiritual figures such as Jesus and the from their wisdom and guidance. understand that every medium or Buddha, but over the years the ideas, Many of the Ascended Masters spiritual teacher shares their work connections, and experiences that in this book surmounted extremely through their perspective, or what have been added to the “Ascended challenging circumstances in a hu- I like to call “filter.” Which is fine, Master teachings” have transcended man life. It’s because of how they because it’s their truth. 11 EVOLVE!

This filter affected her teachings, time and space. They are universal which didn’t have an enlightened spiritual guides who can be called on perspective on women. My truth anytime and anywhere, by anybody. does. We can all have our very own personal This patriarchal energy con- experience of them. tinued into the “I AM” Activity, a Having said that, there are a few 20th‑century spiritual movement general points to bear in mind. It’s that was clearly influenced by Bla- important to approach all of these vatsky. Teachers in this movement beings with utmost respect, know- were, I guess, either Christians, ing that the spark of Source exists recovering Christians, or bringing within them all. Each deity or god Christian concepts into their teach- is ultimately an aspect of God. Then ings to make them more palatable there are the avatars of the Eastern for the Christian society that they traditions. Avatar means “descent,” so were living in. You can see this is basically another term for physical clearly in their texts, especially the incarnation. An avatar is a master or prayers to the masters. deity who has descended into a bodily I think it’s important to under- vehicle to bring an embodiment of stand that we all have the capacity Source to the world. About the author to share spiritual teachings and we’ll Kyle Gray is quickly becoming the world’s all do it through our own filters. This Sacred Embodiments of Source leading angel teacher. He dedicates his life is the beauty of being human—we As someone who has spent time to helping other people connect with the are all having our own experience and living on an ashram in India, I would angels through his workshops, talks and sharing from that space. also like to present a few physical his online Angel Team. He is the author of When I opened up on social guidelines for your consideration. seven books and co-creator of four oracle media about writing a book on the Again, respect is key. Never put an card decks. www.kylegray.co.uk masters, I asked which beings people image or statue of a deity on the floor, felt connected to and worked with, unless it is elevated in some way. For When I was doing research ahead and I wasn’t surprised that a lot of example, you’ll see statues of the of writing this book, my intention was those who replied included deities. Buddha sitting on a block of some to really go deep down the rabbit hole So, this book draws together god- description, so that he’s elevated. of the traditional desses, gods, holy figures, Also, always keep these sacred items teachings and the teachings of The- figures, and light beings. I have clean. Respect them as you would a osophy. After spending some time refrained from including archangels living deity who was in your home. in meditation and connection over simply because I have written about Another thing to keep in mind is this, though, I felt that I needed to angelic beings extensively elsewhere your use of a sacred image. If some- provide a broader range of Ascended and this creates more space for me one who is connected to that particu- Masters and include deities and other to cover some of the other amazing lar lineage gives you feedback that light beings. beings in the cosmos. your use is disrespectful or offensive, One major issue that came This book is a list of who’s who don’t be offended by the feedback, to light while I was refreshing my in heaven, but that doesn’t end here. just do all you can to improve the situ- knowledge of the traditional masters I’ve put together a collection of be- ation, because we both know offence in , such as El , ings I’ve learnt about and worked was never your intention. Kuthumi, Saint Germain, and Djwal with on my journey, but if there’s This brings us to another impor- Khul, was the extreme lack of femi- information that doesn’t resonate tant point: intention is everything. nine energy. I realized that although with you, or differs from what you’ve Our intention ultimately is what the Ascended Masters had brought heard or learnt elsewhere, or you feel we hold deep within our heart. It’s something new, something beyond someone important has been left what the universe is listening for and mainstream religion, their presenta- out, please know that this is okay. responding to. Aligning with the tion had been affected deeply by I encourage you to delve deep into highest intention will always support the patriarchal system of the time. your own heart and connect with the us in connecting to spiritual energy. There was a reason for this. Helena truth that works best for you. If connecting on a spiritual level is Blavatsky, who was one of the found- new territory for you, your intention ing teachers of Theosophy and the Universal Spiritual Guides is what will lead you on this expedi- Ascended Master movement, was It’s important to say that the tion, and it’s also what will keep you asexual, most likely because she was Divine Masters are for everyone. aligned and protect your energy. pressured into marriage at 17. Be- Individual masters may have once I think it’s important here to cause of this disconnection from her been connected to a particular path assure you right at the outset that feminine energy, she was apparently or tradition, but they are all now there’s nothing to be worried about in repulsed by women and sexuality. transcending all limitations, including making this connection. When I say 12 EVOLVE!

“protect your energy,” I’m not speaking about protecting yourself from things going wrong, just making you aware that when you open up on a spiritual level, it increases your sensitivity to the energies of the Earth and everything that’s going on down here. I have created a whole section on energy protection (p.71), so that your journeys, activa- tions, and connections with the divine realms are pleasurable. Here are some important points to know in the meantime: • You are powerful. • You have angels all around you, leading the way. • You are the keeper of your mind and body. • Your spirit is as loud as your willingness to listen. • Wherever love is present, fear is a stranger. Be willing to listen. • Love is within you. • You always have a choice. • You are love. • Nothing can enter your field uninvited. • Connecting on a spiritual level is an adventure. • You are safe. List of Masters Commander Ashtar Horus Lady Nada Mahavatar Babaji Ishtar Brigid Isis Lady Portia Master Buddha Jesus Quan Yin The Divine Director Joan of Arc Saint Germain Djwal Khul Kali‑Ma El Morya Kuthumi Gaia Ma’at Lord Shiva Green Tara Mary Magdalene Sopdet, Queen of Sirius Hathor and the Hathors Mother Mary Thoth Hilarion Melchizedek Lady Venus

Divine Masters, keepers of ancient wisdom. Thank you for shining your infinite light upon my being and for helping me access the teacher I have within. I am ready to unlock my gifts. I am willing to experience you. I open myself up to you. And so it is.

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Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards The Angel Guide Oracle A 44 - Card Deck & Guidebook A 44 - Card Deck & Guidebook $19.99, 9781781806968 $19.99, 9781788173612 Balances male and female energies, and includes traditional This powerful oracle invites you to connect with your very masters like Lord Buddha and Mother Mary, Earth-based own guardian angels, and shares 44 powerful messages of deities like Gaia and Cernunnos, and modern favorites like divine inspiration, love and positive action. Sanat Kumara, Lady Venus, and Saint Germain.