I ■ . , '

' ■ ' ' ' '

-r--'--77r— r-— ; w t h e r ^ * F i n a l * _G0ijdeiLlhmgh farm er Wednesednesday " J| E d i t i o n ■; ‘ ■ r- • ■ • ■ The T Magic Valley Newspaperspaper Dedicated to Serving jandand PrtPromoting the Growth of Nine Irrigated Idaho Countiesluhties , ^ . :i * > ____ n ___ '______~ ______.i; VOL. NO. 314 . ■ ^ 1 ^ . ; ' ' . ' ^TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, TUESDArUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 1965L965 ‘ ' V ■ ■ ^ - TEN CENTS~~^ I i ^ 5 i a SF ^ i r e R a z e P r o t e ss t t o n J M u s l i m[ n s s ’ ^ t ) s q u e

’A s N e g r r o t e s F e u d W a t e r• B' i l l . new YORK. Feb.b. 23 i(^>--Fire(/P) gutted the Blackla c k . Muslim mosque in Harlem early> tbaay, an apparent arson revenge for MalcolmWalcolm X,> the ousted and assassi- S lo w s SS( e n a t e 1 nated-former ministerter of the temple. Several witnessessses heajciexploaions beforefore flames flam shot intg. the sky. And ^ 1 BOISE, Feb. 2.*? (UPD—An-An enea.stern Idaho -logislator - « “ontiieTSO^Trf^buildingIding next dqoFTinv^tigators found ' dis.sati.sfied with a new water resources agency bill jl an empty five-gallonn tin whieh \vW< had contained kerosenelene stripped the gears of the work-lad•ork-laden senate with a slow- Ifl or gasoline. Police saidaid it waswa: possible to throw home-me- down today. Sen'.-AVV»yne TibbettTibbetts. D., Jefferson, used H * * * . * maden firebombs or fuelu e l _ .hia floor privilege.^ tjrT orcq_rearcq_reading at length of__all.. H from the roof through the sennto documents. He'said he wonwoiild-continue the tactics fl Clay Is in barredj fourth - floor win­ until n'Hew Vater re.sources-billCCS-bill introduced S aturday I’ dows of the mosque meet- -"gets out to the peoplei>'’-“They'i^“They’re------trying-- to push thia _ ^ a-ve ing hall, the heart of the w ater agency down the ' Danger, SaysJ spectacular blaze. peo lie’s thra(ita," Tibbetts ||||H| A Ifeerosene - soaked " also sait. The w attr agency leg- I Ex-MusTim1 was In the next door building. islation encompasses pro- 1 Pear thnt the slaying would visions of two earlier bllLs. ''It i b o s t o n . Peb. 23 fflPO’ — T f he j,touch off terrorism grew strongernger would Implement a constitutional I Boston Olotw today quotede I a for- afterj,, another fire todny, at tho am endm ent pos.sed at the last the geiH'rnl election th a t allows the ner member of the MusUmsu as g Muslim meeting placee In iujlng heavyweight cham pion g stnic 1 0 ' Issue revenue bonds to ®“n Francisco. Kerosene was build stale water projects, C«i!Jus Clay “Is In danger both thrown on the sidewalk and the dom liulde and outside®_ OI of methe ffontf, Ignited. Two i>a- In the house, a proposed con- jIiBllms." -----• tr fltltutlonal amendment designed trolllng policemen spotted the to make the state superintendent Aubrey Barnette. Boston,“ ^a blaze early and damage was , employe who waa beaten by of public liutructlon appointive , jroup of thugs when’^hl*"'ult he'qult - ln.stead of elective failed by one I the Muslim movement, discusseddlscusrad firemen were Injured, oneone vote. Tliere were 52 favorable ■ CUy'5 situation In the aftermathftermath of them critically, when part-t of of ' and 20 oppoijltlon votes but tt pt the assasslna-tlon of Malpnlm Malcolm r" front wall of the New York^ork ^ | 9 H H constitutional proposal takes T i, former Muslim leaderder who building on the corner of 118th two-thirds majority of all mem- B na expelled from the organlza-iriranlza- “ “nd Lenox avenue col- col- bors—S3 votes tp pass. " , lapsed. Bricks showered on fire 'nu*ee Republicans wers among I tlon. ” ■ ti fire HBSKbS!!VHHIIHiHli I After severing his own ties with the 26 ’ members who voted I ivrote an There were no reports of any-^ , T H IS IS A VIEW of th e Harlenllarlem beadqoartrrs of the Negrorro I «peclspectacular fire, preceded by one^ or m againstdis the proposed admentment ■ tht MusUms, B a rn ette w rote an Black Muslim sect Tuesday tnornlsmornlnr after It was wrecked by1 a I ruttcrutted top two floors of the four-story ! ■_HliclB for the Saturday Evening one ot injured inside tho building, ** Onostr of them. Rep. Elmer Leon- ILhit entitled, 'The Blackck Mua-Mus- but bi Fire Chief John T. O'Haganagan ardson,do\ R., Clark, said he may ; Jims are a fratid." said f® his men had hot been able i I seek reconsideration of the vote f _ by.h is which the proposal lost. The ~Tt»3r-la--ln_dangeiLte)th)th from tolsearclL,ihe^fhiirth-f1nnr t° Mus-- -J sei bilde and outaide of thehe Mus- M us- meeting hall. ^ S »• upport ShS h o w n —SkiersM we^ -----.oth er two Republicans votingff F FELIX I FRANKFURTER iteu,'' Barnette said In thehe OlotieGlobe The building was headquart- . againstuni tlie proposed—am end------r- Ttorj^by jp o r ts w riter Bud3ud Ool- ers er of Muhammad's Mosque No. % ment were Reps. Ellis Johnson,1, jusllcjusllcer died Monday o f ^ Hns. "I believe aomebody Import- 7. 7, New York headquarters for i R., Franklin, and Ward Mills. R.,., acute Iwact^Bttaek at the age I To R esort h r' Lincoln.wa of K (Dt will have to pay w henien Mtil-M U - the tl: Chicago-based black 1 na- School Mer'erger Plan 1 per of R2. Ile retired trom the Rep. Frank^ Hlrsyhl, R.. Bearr benchbenct tn 1D62 after a mild eolin X's fqllow era-or thele oothers thers tlonollst tli group headed by ElijahUJah Widespread support for th uiered by hla murder reclpro- Muhammad. M for the liroposed con.solidationion SUNSl VALLEY, Feb. 23 (Spei 'or sai< Lake, saved ?rom defeat by a atrokiairoke, after 23 yearn a* an ote (galn^ the Muslims. from schools ih Kimberly,r, HanHan.sen und Murtaugh wasvas $28,C$28,00JIwa3 handed to Dr. John I isl^iparliamentary maneuver a bill to0 aasocassociate Justice. (AP wlra- I. Malcolm X operated from ? rreflt^Vi.Si( wlv junior rnllrtfw jilalrlcJtlL ^pbote hack at -Mosque-Nor-T when-he-waa MMu-- u - indicated-in111 iwparato rneetingleetings hesW-at bofeh-4iimberlyrly SunSttn Valley medicnlTlBpirrtmcTitTii fl. _pboto)— ______the Muslims In som e way to hi . whenwou deBStO- Indicated It waa In" * * * * way to hammad's right-hand man. aiand Hansen Monday night,ight. Ati Kimberly n group of givengivei by the Sun Valley Ski club.* seriousan\c trouble, mike a big Impression,n, with It also housed the Shabazzbazx nearly 40 school patronsIS votedvoti unanimou.sly in favor main laneone the equal of Malcolm•IcoIm In restaurant,rc owned by the Black . vor main dining room" of the Stin \ ed geiH• Fpur representatives attacked "HT*— niUonal stature. Clay haa that m of a consolidated high schoolichool for the three Twin FalLsiilla with Dr.' Moritz were Dr. George D tt Sint the prCrpojal on grounds It wouldd J L j l ms that Muslims, and billed aa a shpw^ i- Jf, permit dlstr.\ct-wldB levies of Ex-Justice ststure. case ca for the Muslim belief th that a t county C( ea.st end towns. A vote taken at the end of the Earl(Earle nnd Dr. James Ball. In mal bull ’ eightIr mills at'a. time when the *Bst I think he Is InI danger NegroesNi should own and man-la n - HansenH meeting by secretret baballot showed a two-to-oneane Carl Gray, Fnrmingt.nn^ f^nnr|.. ] stIUratio of asse-ssment of propertyy JT Jl boa the Muallms, too. tMicause twcause ageag their own businesses. majority favors continued Frankfurter d lu n s a friend o f Malcolm’a. alcolm ’*. —There were several reports. In- . ued ValleValley Ski club, said, “there " tofor n JCax purposes varies from Vsleolm broUBht titm IntoInto theth e eludingcli one from Patrolmaninan study of the proposed 1 ,1_ is nothing like the.Siiii Val- :;...... ~Vj of county 1 to county.' ■ . T^S laion - ion*! “ ley}ey"h hospital at any ski re- :! H la s Hlrschi t moved after 40 mln- Diesm Jm at 82 i wnaent, and anyone who»ho was Jo John Waterman, of an explosion th tr ree wny consolidation. R€scne''Work utes of debate thnt the bill be tmUendly to Malcolmm Isla In precedingpr the fire. Bome nearby T U vole “rby Tlie vote was 36 to 18 w'ith ith ij , f sort in the world.’J—v'l ^ 1 and See PROTEST. Pg. 5, CoL S * WWAI ASHINGTON. .P«Sb. 23 W) ^ dmg,* B arn ette aald.______See MUS1.IM8, Pg. 2, Col. *^ fourfo votlflR for th e'tw o -d lstrlct ^ "It wns Dr. Moritz." fie snld. •[ ______R etire ____ ^ ^ ^ At Japanese com Retired Supreme Court Justice con.solldatlon of Just Kimberly "w ho. In 1939. co n v in c ed th e " tw o .E^x Frankfurter Is dead of a and Han.sen. It wa.s reported vlr- nTl/f*’ Union Pacific offlclnls thnt a l '. ^ , bors heart attack at 83 and President J l fIr.M clnvH lio.spltul n n d n o t Ju.st a tually no dl.^M-ntlni^ nplnlon.s r Results,ofT , " SJohnson In grief has praised him C ity M uills l l s B allot were voiced durliii? the Kimberlycrlv’ Yline Uoes' on first ^ fnld .slnllon wns n c rd e d a t jj B.S • Olio' of the great figures In meeting, condiicn'd -In the hishilRh TOKYO.1 P'eb. 23 Ul — Rescuecu e; S um VValley." one i or more exploiloni. The bUxe legnL history." achool auditorium by Dr. V, EIllsnils woworkers recovered 30 more bodie.sije.sl 'I'ho hn.spltal wn-s at that timeour-story building. (AP wirephoto) i; State Chess CTlcf Jtistlce Ettrl Warren In a K night, .srhool bonrd chnirmnn.mn, todaytod from a conl mine rtppedpcd In a wjng of llie lodge. Plve ' ardi .statement of mourning called O n W a t;er e r 1Project and | Robert Sherman, superln-rin- by a gas cxplaMon In northerncm Venrs njo It moved to Its new q Frankfurter "a great, man of the tendent of schools. JajJapan, pollcfe reported. Therhe bulldlrbuilding to which guests ^ S u n , Meet Lisfed law" nnd said "our -nation Is In all probability thothe city (of Twin Falls will hold1 a i Supt. William C. Barnard,3rd. knownkni death toll rose to 59 withrlth Valley RcnBTously contributed.v e ^ 2 8 J W 0 L3 ^ Twin Falla chcss players tookIj much richer bccause. of hla long general obligation bondond electionelect sometime in May to Hanaen.Ha pointed out nt the Han-an- twttwo other ■ miners missing andin d " I t *now h a s," G ra y s a id , “ fo u r ■ ■ their shore of+h-. 1060, killed nurses i Stin Valley lodge. Honored • p domestic w ater and " covercoSJ Waliter ' CallsS 5."they would stand, behind what- ^ nur.ses and technicians together, George I I g Savir.s, Dr. A. S cott took the flrat In the tournament by qpnflned qpniim to the family home and the existing five-million- g ever decLslon th e Ixinrd couldmid m in e rs. Into o,one great functioning unit." ' winning all his game.i. O th erf was "Informed of hts deaUi Iv come up with regarding schoollOol ------. Ho praised ^ttTD efficiency of. In IDAl making'"the presentation,1— winners In class A were LloydJ fam , i" ily doctors. The Prank- gallon reservoir, ^Charge by,., Sconsolidation. The group nl.so^Lso Tt t T ^ - n I - thek,cnthei.cntlre hospital staff, workingC^aaO;. j^pp j; president of the SunUe, Klmpton,, 'aU Twin Fall», secondj tnrtersfurters 4i«d no children. ■ The big bottleneck stillII to be O <•••7, votvoted to go ahead with n *225.000 I I ‘.^Wri. Id a B ro a d h u rs t, p rcd ict -g l « a d ---- girp>n« Cowen.' Drlggs,1, FranFrankfurter was bom In Vlen- ieclded Is the rate which would -Cj __ bond elerMnn-----acllCdulrtl-----fUl---- _LLSJiiid£Cts_^ ^adinlni.ntrator, and J6&n Hlggons,',e gniylle...... ■'’l •nt third. - - ^a,Tia, AuAuatrlai on Mov, Ig, leaai arnT ' Ji.». I., ,1- :; B ilVce th ^ S d h j i i ^ S i l l y ’ MarchMa "S' on canatrucUtin ofr a ^ I • 1 supervsupervisor of nurses. of ,l,c Placing In class B were Oenee was broughtbr to the east side of project. The Monday nightIt mmeet- eet- J new nev Klrot)er|y Junior high school. Space ^ Gilder* Tho pre.sentatlon of the' check, j picp( New Snow he | Rambo,ut" Murtaugh, first; Don1 New V Tfork City w hen he was 12. lo* disclosed that the city In "It'.^ silly on IU faceP so ItI was pointed cut during the ^ w hich will bc used to b u ild a. jd if; n h o Two to three Indies ofm- H Murphy, S' Twin Falls, second, andf His fatherfa wns a fur merchant. nany cases ta subsidizingI water,w ater, statedsts Democratic Chalrmnna n meeting me< thnt. If both the bondand ^ >-v rf^ . -pj -1 solarium solarlu at the hospital, was ’ merce - new snow fell at Magicu > t Normnn Dee. Bol.se, tliTrd. 'youngTfoung Frankfurter attended the Il costs thrf^clty 12 ccntsnts per LJ(Lloyd Walker In answer to an electionele< and school district con- Un • lest rathI made by Morris Newman, New meetlnimountain Sunday nlghl,me Tl Vlo W aterm an, Boise, won1 college of the city of New York thousand gallons to bringIng the assassertion made by Rep. Perrysrry solldation soil Issue were approved,'ed. . OrlennOrleans, chairman of tho com- fj-om" 'CU\ude E Joties. .ski area op- ' Cla.'s C. and Von Schmidt, T w in1 andan d continuedo< his edUtBUon at *«t«r to the tap for use.. Under Swisher,sw who charged the "Taxrax money mo xalsed by the tiond bal->nl- Cc A PE K EN N ED Y , F la . Feb. 23 mmltte^ llte< for the dinner. piepcenitor, roporled Tue.sday. ; Falls, was second, t Harvard Harvai university la^r school, the present rate many'j large AcAction for Growth" commlttcettee lotlng loti would be available for use yf)_|^_A "polka dot" spnqe glider Tho entertainment for the not mcIU‘ .said tho liftA will ru n T O ^------■ where he received his law degree tors of water aren't evenen pay- wnswn forming to support Wa.lker'ser's by by the-^nsoUdated school dLs-ll-’' ^ucce.'isfully rockeied over a hlaz- evenlnjevening was a skit, written I lltlc.il nnd the .ski cln.s-sc.s will be i' in 1906. ln« hajf of the cost. cai candidacy for state governor. trlct. trie Ing 13.300-mlle-on-hoiir .suborbi-° ■ by Mrs. Oatzert Spiegel. Chicago, tiringh<‘ld a.s .scheduled Wedne.s- '• Duke Enters "rHe retumed to Harvard In City Manager H. L. Derrick Walker^ said that for anyone! to Jl}r-fcr-propo.sed th a t a new four-ur- tal cour.se toddy to materials with j,guf.vts taking the part of» pre.slde day. of . ■]*/ 1B141914 ajas a law professor. Later, h e pointed out that Twin Pallsalls hash as EerEerlou.sly consider a large g roupoup roomrooi Junior high school be con-an- and technlcJUes for the future doctors ^ Good skiing conditions recommended many of his former up- s tr u c t^ In Klml>erly near the gpai doctors and nursos. Dancing was Idaho, •we of the lowest water:r rates of Twin Falls businessmen sup- stn the space.%hlps which will land like to the music of Hap Miller's® ed nre ns cxpected with the new » Clinic J With students = as "brain trusters” for to the nation for a city; o'f Its portingpo' any Dem ocratic cnndl->idl-< prepresent high .school. The pro-ro- airplanes. alrt orche-st “■ snow. A bus leaves Olson's B 3 T ___ PresidePresident Franklin D. Roosevelt's tter Se^cnoOLS. Page 2, Col. S ^ orche.stra, provided by the Jan.ss the sei «l«. There are some 7.0000 wwater ater daidacy—much less his—Is "utter Se As the sleek Project A.v^et plld-l^^~ Corp. Corp.. which was also ILsied^ Jordan,^ Wcdne.sday morning for thei New Deal. •onnecUons Itr the city. Of>f mmain ain non-senfie."noi er blasted skyward, It shed a among among me donors to the fund. PippoMnglc mountain ski area. K ann Frankfurter delfgh'te^ In re­ oncem to the commissionin were £Senator Swl-sher had earlier re- ^ Eye Trouble unlqu^ plastic *'ralncr>ol’' which ^------' U** x 1 bill -,______...... , J ship calling that he was In fils under- Uuw people on limited Income, mnmarked lhat the TAG commit-H IS had been placed ovrr it lo protect T ¥--. LONDON, Feb. 23 OR - LondonJ wear, dres.slng for dinner, when lall in- -tw was pu.shlng^ for enactmentent Tornado, ______Hits (V.f, Hwrlck said lhat a small Hi^+ee ---- U-fronva-o©e^H ooeevett-telephoned-hlm -on OTlfr"^ 5S?«__would„be--ln—WTiefetr~Tor for 'oT 'of tte saHrtairat-the-ejcperexr-of -gj the Duke of Wlnd.sor has a de- ^4, ,g-g1939, to t«ll him that the next bulk of unraveling the threads of senate A Thor-D cItA rocket propell<*d ¥ T Q tached retina in his left eye. The «W peo^e, b ut th e bulk of un: a te Section of ', L„; the crait Into a raln-#"arch glider,er. the naination’s spaceport was "fan- Tlie p ?*»»."• said Derrick. "It would leader George L. Bllck and that^at f p o r t LAUDERDALE. Fla, T n- ball. 1^1 iJiZ in apparent TAG was "nowo»' Feb. peh 23 (1:pi) — A tornado cut whose surface was speckled withUh tastlc. a; richly rewarding ejcpcrl- ference A spokesman at the London1 Khanh im Jl to Be “ simpie to gay th a t the In- , 'o f about 2.000 tiny do(.<> of mulU- ence." U of I Head clinic S said the 70-year-old duke 'fwse would t)e a dollar or„ so „ a ' “a 'front for Democratic guberna- -thnthrough a 30-block section of ab^i M- ence." tert^d”ID A H O F eb . 23 UV~ . ‘"'■lal candidate Lloyd Walker."” t^rt For Lauderdale today. Injuring colorcd heat-scnslfive p n 1 n1 t, He spent6 six houra yesterday sertlon had a good night and ls'**very ■»nth. but water rates Just don't !! aarted to an altitude of nbout 39 vlsltlnfi Rep. Don Pleper. D., Bonneville. Kim Walker added Uiat -In "ap-*P" at at leastI three persons, flattening 39 visiting launching pads, talking p re d ic te d |r,Hay n m i n»iiiPi> w -aocomfortable.'* d He said he couldS Viet T Nam’s that way. It depends on ^ miles a n d th en ma,de a fiery,ry. to specspace experts and looking over ut fonfirm the diagnosis re- much Is used a n d theh« rari^ te proachlngr the crUOlal days of thet^e a a house h and ripping down power ^ Smylie will be the next president thin legislative session, the crusadinging lines. unc ' screaming dash back through the•he ththe e B8.000-acreSi M e rritt island . ported by the papers. A „ “ flflcatlon—hom es, com m ercial se j5« n ato r Swisher of Bannock atmosphere, moon launching1 center. of the University of Idaho. ' A friend s*4d the duke's aU- iA .ll Police said the tornado touch- “ ______forPleper him sf5oke to members of the . Ambassador “ ■I Industrial." he pointed out. gjjurity han succumbed to the Jit- a small stabilizing parachute ment ts "serious but not cata­ Derrick noted Industry and ter ' ' ed down near state road 84 on " 5.- ARCHBISHOP VISITS U.S. ^ Idaho Falls Chamber of Com- Mur ry en d ters IndUced by the sUnd-uj>- the southwe.st limits of the cityj.y poppedP^l out at ai\ altitude of 75,- ARC strophic." 8AICSAIGON. Feb. 23 (WII ^ T h e commerel^ businessesslnesses an main*mains a/fafflicted the senator like the furled a t 25,000 feet to ea.se thehe arch^lsh^arch'Bls of Canterbury, h^d ican-bom duche.u arrived from, the apappointment of L1eut_i3a«. “ carry water. T he large In- pia age over a 30 block area. from Boise. rge in- plague." ______^ Pleper said Smylie, who has t Nmiven Khanh a-s South Viet ^■rtsl users only totalt about —" '"I'he senate can rest a«ured ^ ^ the A tlantic ocean about 2.750r50 rived hereh c^esterday for a'lhree visi the duke moved Into a suite att Nam's “roving ambassador"—a . " IlTOs. but to handle theirlelr de- the remarks were not bl-partl- hurt hur wtre not believed to ^ be miles southeast of Cape Kennedy,3y. day visit.vis le not made known his future po- . Job that would send tbe deposed J.------i -----n lltical W ASI plans, w ould rep lace r_ e - the *I~^ clinic. The clinic said he Job th« the city muat InstallII large san.”sar Walker said. **I suggest thatMat serio seri u sly In ju red , b u t they w ere ------~ probably would remain severalI military military strongman Into virtual I™™ and this boosts the cost of RejRepublican leadership get overver admitted adn t-o hospitals, j 3. tirin g Dr. D. R. T h e o p h ilu s as A J exile. )f pre.sldent of the University ‘ ^of days. exile. «*«ructlon. theth eir case of Jitters and WASHINGTON, Fteb. 23 tP—fl— TThe tornado apparently “split'lit inIn the 39 years since his birth-h- found c dead, his head caved In. flclaLs amlnatlon waa made today. public ni.. up" north of here and continued pjac, ?et! Speaking of hLs father. Mal-i Gennan senate. He jaiiLLho-Jd^ho-FarTn- public in a government coifi- sale or lease of S Snake nake seg^t n . Everett M. Dirksen, R., HI., up" <^d place In Omaha, Nebr . wa.*? set Speat JJ. The duchess stayed six hours mimlqt ^ » a tfr ,rlli bring In aome m- on. uprooting trees in Pompanono afire by Ku Klux Klan.«imenen colm X laid a reporter last year,J 151ireau amu propo-sal to Increa^ In- I mtmlque broadcast over Radio 1 aome ^as reported In satisfactory con- on. wjth- her hustjand at the clinic., Salmon.Salmon, The broadcast said tb* e mat- dltlon today at Walter Reed hos-US- BeaBeach, police said. The dlslnte- until Sunday when hi.s body layay "He was,wa like I say, a clergyman, rael.come taxes would fall. tach' a ,gratlng-^Kj5ter apparently causcd riadl , J then spent the night at Clar-• communiquecommu was signed yester­ WO per pitki where he Is undergoing a ,gral cd rlddled^lth assassln.s’ bulleus on a Christian,Chrij and It was ChrLs- The^In Boise, Smylie called the' idge's Dail; hotel. day by g s residents to report there wasas a rcrostrum. In Manhattan, Mal-ll- tlanstians wwho burned the homes In3 Eigypt’s s ta te m e n t ab o u t hi.^ becom ing sider day by Phan Rhac Suu, chief of , CoL 8 series of tests. resli ^ sta te . ------Dirksen entered the hospitaltal more mor than_p.ne, storm. colm LltUe'smre had been one of both places,p people who teach1. university _ president '‘another of haveThe duke will Iw .71 on June 3^, _ Sunday because of recurrentmt BoatsB tied up In several drain-n- biterbltemess tmd violence... ’ ___ —__reliclous.tolcrftnce r ellgiou *and brother--0 Mr, Pljfi^r’s pipe dreams.” — fbirmnnt retln In Houston. Tex., re- Ther moved a sirollen aectlon a c tio n S stomaarcfBnpir ------_ •««age—^nals-were" Sfeffumed'"TsrB7 TSTTO« W fernUy of the boy,>y, hood." ■ • ^ Tlie pSvernor told a news con- t»all. ~ot~Bn Raffic Deaths-S ______- the Bie violent winds. whoiwhose bitterness drove him to a The 1little family later lived in■ ference SHI2' he was '‘extremely flat-m artery ^ from his abdomen two> ed at a mountain retreat 300 2 . montha ago. He and-Uie duchess miles i 1 5 . . W o h o MeKAT nWPlUM^S “Ilie Tl flattened bouse was Io-o- prominentpron spot In the racialLal New YorkY( and Boston?* Malwlm —Twenttert'd” but he said Pieper's as- I miles north of Saigon. 24 SALT LAKE CITY.' Feb. 23 ca^edfa(e In the ioaOivM, secUon otof llmelUznellght as Malcolm X sawiw gained a r e p.u t.a.t 1 o n for uokasertlon .u was “entirely groundless."td returned from the United Hlates> The The goateed general "lit lOTD—President David O. McKayay the" the city. OfflclaU mill It was a nighnight-riding Ku, Kluxers burnm shrcwdrshrewdnc.ss In the Harlem ghet* yesterda cn to their home ta'PanjCisarly this* ped ned of power by the^rfaiM forces he them from their homes. Thehe to and vas a smalltime rack-J room-wl "I can understand his ambi-ed month. - ...... ; ■ • of It}ie LDS church was describedled guest guej hom e an d empty at the then tlons for me," Smylie said, “but ” V council Sunday after a serlea af - d i "In Improved condition andnd time. tlm* secoisecond home-burning occurrededlctejtr* l ctejtr* whIJewi still in his teens. In for 1 tie , .John tJttcr, the duke's private• coups'',coups'! and countercoups, .anas VoHey ig when the'fan^Uy liv^ in L-axi-a- H^adjnltted to serving two lockupII is not v going to be that easytie aed^taxy, said the Duke’s French council '■ _ . excelleftl spirits" at LDS hos-)s- "The only thing left standing wher for him to get ride of me." menl 1 councir replaced E3ianh with - ^ pltall He- was ho^ltallzed forror Is 1» th« t bathroom,'* a pbllgemAnin sing. M ich. StfUoD'1tAlson'terms' for larceny. It was school's r* doctors advlaed him to fly to> Mal.Ma]. ok at r. Ixindoas tro r for tlia ezamlnatloiu Roman 'CaUudia '* r * ‘ > 1 Harriman Plans I can- fc ^ Visit to Israel WASHINOTON. Feb. 23 Undersecretary of State W . P Averell Holrlman Is expected tp ^ ' go on a j^clal mission to Israel ^ for President Johnsoa this week. If'e ' Officials said Harriman Is ex- pected to meet with Israeli Pre- 5 mier Levi E'ihkol and other of- flclaLs on the effect of W est . Germany's recent cancellation of “ nn arms .supply program" Ior Is- .TJ ’ rael. wjth- The caijcellaUon followed I Egypt's objection to the deal. ^ I ______^ ______— ------Surgi TEXCHERS locked dp jaavt I SHIZUOKA. Japan. Peb. 23 IDPD «t«r 1 —Twenty-one professors at Shlz- n>onl r uoka uiiiierslty were released ■ ye.sterday from a confirenoe to ■ room-where they had been locked monl In for 18 hoin-s by *H»dept;S. .T he , Jol > lockup was In protest 'against the atcri I school's refusal, to hire an extrm doct< cxKdc at th( itudenti' donnlUiry. lond ' . , . . . . \V ^ •« '*------...... ^ \ ' ■ ' ' 7 : | — ^ e a l K ^ * ii^nal -fr " I . Colder TonigFronight, = I- Warmer W^ ednej d n e s d a y E d i t i o n * " ’■ . _ T h e Magic Valley New^spap

I « i B l a s t r FF i i r e i t a z e E r o t e ss i t i m — i p t t t s Em S s’ M osqite W a t er B i l l fAs Negrodle.s Tlio ho.spital was at that time. ^ j; vlState Chess ' ^Chief Justice Earl Warren In a Kfnlght, school board chairman,rm nn, todny| from a conl m ine rippedipped In a‘ wing of Uie lodge. Five (j w statement of mourning called ' O n W a tter e r !Project and Robert Sherman, superln->erln- \ by a gas explaslon lii northernthem yearsvear bro it moved to Its new j ai Frankfurter "a great man of tho tendent of schools. . Japan, p o 11 c e reported. The building to which guests at Bun „ •w- J R( Meet Listed Slaw" and said "our nation Is In ail probability the city of Twin Falls will hold5ld a Supt, Wllllam C. Barnard.•nard, Iknown death toll rose to 59 ^t,h vflth V’ail r I theirh\ share of the trophies at the and productive life." sen meeting that consolidationtatlon ipresumed dead. outstanding doctors, 15 full time : ‘ I. i annual state closed champion-[on- Prankfurler, who stepped down finance the constructionuction of a 2.5 million dollar im- * st ^ay because of poor health two and » IITI «htytrttJ'“be baaed solely uponn the Offlclala said the explosion waawas I® beds, an operating ; II ship held Saturday and Sunday provement to the city’sty’s water system. That was the? un- Po^ibllltyj of a better currlcu- ^ ,fT7o» room and delivery room." L.T^.' attc the Twin Palls ■yMCA. TheXhe one-one-half years ago after serving rrlcu- caused by an accumulation of-gaj Ol court for 23 years, official decision reachedched at a t an a: informal meeting of: the lunL,„jaanseni schools have ade- In^ the mine. I-gas _. ..Today." Gray said, "the Bun ^ tournament, which has been Twin Falls city commissionmmission Monday evening. It w was as cquate space and equipment,and VaUey 'VlUago hospital Is highly W , heldIn la Twin Falls for severalgfal suffered a heart attack at his th e ®^nce the enroUmcrtf staVa con- Hokkal(?p Colliery com-con'- accredited ahd It was John years,v< had 23 chess players fromPO,n •'“home Jl here Sunday. He was taken i more or less agreedd that ththe city should “^hoot the ® ror a Vubarl. 600 mllea north ai to Oeorge Washington university works” to im provee pressure,pressui furnish clean water,ntpr ' there Is no need for a * north Moritz who had the foresight ^ throughout the state. Results ^ building program, he said. ^of Tokyo, had 172 miners at work and diligence and perseverahae W i » werecc reported Tuesday. "°*jhospital, where he died late yes- sdequate water, abandonibandon ~ The Kimberly residents ex- when ' the explosion occurred. w An ” ^ ^ m ake it po.sslble In bringing ^ tv Richard Vandenburg, Boise,)lse, terday. Snake river as a source for ■■ pressed opinion as. a group that explosion ® In the company’s‘ No. this great team of doctors. j Idaho'sU only rated chess expert,,ert His“ ailing wife. Marlon, was domestic w ater andr'cSJ cover Walker Calls " they5 would stand‘behind what- 2 ^ mine \n February, I960, killedtilled ^ursnurses and technicians together I I took first In the tournament by(,y conflned'to the famjly home and ever decision the board could ^ miners. Into one great functioning unit." ^ winning all his game.s, O lher'her "'as informed of hla death by the existing five.-million-million- 1 ' y one or more explosions. The blare ^ b come, up with regarding schoolichool HeHo praised tho efficiency of ‘ tfV— winners In class A were Lloyd ‘fa m ily doctors. ■ The Prank- | I four-story building. (AP wirephoto) ^ Charffe by consolidation. The group also the enMre hospital staff, working :vllle, Klmpton,. Twin Falla, secondoJ;j fHrters had no children, The big bottlenMk stilltni toW be —------C J Vvoted to go ahead with a $225,000 C under Mrs. Ida Broadhurst, rt E and Eugene Cowen. E>rlggs,ggs, PrankifurtcrFi was bom In Vien­ decided Is the rate which would I ____bond election scheduled for U-S. Rockets gadministrator, and Joan Hlggons, Ident third. ^ na.na, Austria, on Nov, 15, 1882, and hire to b e tttls e ttt o ' ftm“ iTicg-~the r r -i ‘ ~ntafutery~'\ on"”Ton3>’truetTnn or*~v ^ ------'Btiper visor " Of n ursgy:------■ gfii ------Placin g in' eiasa'TS wrera Ognrwnr “wgy was bmught to-the eaat aide ot------project. The Monday night;h t mmeet- eet- J rnew t I ------PTi-ifintatlon of the c hi e c r k .— n p+ $ 2 8 , ( m-f IW. iRambo. Murtaugh, first; DonDon New Vork City when he was 12. ! disclosed that theI city In "It's silly on its face!"" so so It was pointed out during the which will be used lo build a jdnh -om- Murphy, 'i.wlll y'ulls, setund, andand- -H4»- Hla fnther wa.s a fiir m>rrhnnt— m»ny cases Is subsidizingng wwater, ater. stateds( Democratic C hairmm an an meetingn that. If both the bond solarium at the hospital, was nicrj kJast N orm an te e . Bol,se. third, Voung Vou Frankfurter attended the j It costs the city 12 cents:ents per LUoyd Walker In answer toto an eelection and school district con- ' made by Morris Newman. New Ihone Vlo W aterm an. Boise, wonwon collegecolk of the city of New York thousand gallons to bringirlng the a.assertion made by Rep. Perry ssolldatlon Issue were approved.= On Test Path , SOrleans, chairman of tho com-rt fromH ospital cla-'s'i C, and Von Schm idt, Twinwin and continued his education at i *tttr to the tap for use.>e. Under sSwisher, who charged the .‘Tax "Tax nmoney raised by the bond bal-*>ttl- CAPE KENNEDY, Fla . Feb.h ^b.23 23 mltti mlttee for tho dinner. pi, has Palls, was secAtod. Harvard H ar university law school, 23 (Special) — A -check ToF l the present rate manyny large AAction for Growth" committeenlttee lrain trusters" for In the nation for a cityty of Itsits portingpi any Democratic candi-andl- presentp high school. The pro- ^airplanes. orch, Jr. George Savir.s, Ur. A. Scott tl Prealdent Franklin D. Roosevelt's •utter See SCffOOLS, Paije 2, Col. 5 orchestra, provided by) the Ja n ss the n B. •ta. There a ie some 7,000WO water w ater dacy—muchdi less his—Is "utter As the sleek Project A.-i-wt gild- Corp.corp which was lilso ILstediill. I Jordin making the presentation, ^ - New Deal. Of main nonsense," eoniiectlons In the city. Of m ain n' , er blasted skyward, It shed ^ a among(jmoi the donart to the fund,1, Conn., pi, president of the ^ Sun ®,Eye Trouble^ FYankfurter delighted In re­ Bacem-io, the^ommlsslonlion were Senator Swisher had earlier re- I I I'C plastic "mlnconi" whichhlch ------^ calling that he was In his under- Jhoie people on il5ilt*d'r income,tneome. markedrr thal the TAG commit- h !and loW >ON, Peb, 23 W — London ^^'a m ent Tornado . HitsI I S ^had been placed owr It to protect t t o®” wear, dre.sslng for dinner, when wrrtck said th a t a smmaU all in-In- tee'Witste puslUng- fOL enactment it from a driving rain. XI1 b reported today that Roosevelt telephoned him on Jan, 0*s« would be In orderirder for olof the jales tax a t the exTJense-oI. Humphrey Tours ."" * *"■ the Duke of Windsor bty a de- 4. ^ 1939.jj to tell him th a t the next bulk of unraveling the threads of senate , A Thor-DelU rocket propelled JT r e - J New Snow I tached „ retina in his left eye. The ®“>e people, but the bulk of ui l^^e^etion of L----- tho ciult- Into a raln-Brt,-to. .succeed Jus.------average Be said there were repeated at 9:36 ajn. and the vehicle CAPE KENNEDY, Fla.. Peb. 23 • stale . new snow fell at Magicmlng sldered , certain that he would y* main u se n — th e average r quickly disappeared into low- tlce Benjamin N. Cardozo, fiomewTier. alattacks hurled at President Pt!) low- w>p:;.vi<»© President Hubert H. unlv«mounlaln Sunday nlRhl,!r of bave ] an operation to reflx the ______S Florida City hanging ; clouds. Hum CUude Jone.s, hkl area op- ^ater rates are ticklishI.h h.i.ibual- ?"Tem Jack Murphy and Majority Humphrey said his first visit to Mr. 1 '■ retina J to the Inside of his eye-•ye- __ r. Leader Oeorge L. Blick and that p]n, winged re.'^eirch gilder, the t t eruior,i rcporiod Tue.sdny. |- said Derrick. "It would that PORT LAUDERDAiE. Pla, Ider. the nation's spaceport was "fan- 1 con- ball. thZ In apparent TAG wai "now ppbp 23 OIPO — A tornado cutj„t,' ® who.sc surface was speckled wwith ith tastlc.tastU a richly rewarding experi-® f»rcn He .snld the llfus will runflat- ’ I A spokesman at the Londondon Khanh to Be * itmple to say that the„ In-‘ ■ a front for Democratic guberna- ^ „ o( about 2.000 tiny doi.s of miiltl- ulti- i^pce."|^ c e . \ and th e sk) cln-v-e.s uUl be {' . uke aould be a dollar or so a * through a 30-block section of i as- clinic said the 70-yeairPld 'duke r , torlal candidate Lloyd Walker."• k ^ ' Port p Lauderdale today. InjuringjrlnK colored heat-.scn.s)tive paint.int. He He spent sljt hours yesterday j^rtlch<‘ld tLs .scheduled Wedne.s-less •• I had a good nig h t and is "very ^ ®«nth. but water rates Just don’t darted to an altitude of nbout 39 visltl day. . : I mid Wrtt that way. It dependsvitrf. Lon Walker added that in "ap- at a least three persons, flattening It 39 visiting launching pads, talking comfortable," He said he could Viet T Nam’s ,5; proachlng the crucial days off the a a house and ripping down powerower miles and then made a fiery,iery. to spacesp experts and looking over2®^! Good skllns condUlon.'j"h>lt ; h°t confirm the diagnosis re- , m»ich Is used an d the rate legUUtlve sessloru.the crusadingiding „ne,. «.■screaming dash back through1 the th e the th e 88.000-acre Merritt Islandil? are expected with the new J ported by the papers. A “ ulllcation—homes, commercial Senator Swisher of Bannock uch- atmosphere. moon moot launching center. # . ; 1 snow. A-bus leaves OUon’s J A friend said the duke's au- all- /TlAmbassador ' •oil IndustHftl." he pointednted out. eounty“ has succumbed to the Jlt- Police said the tornado touch- “ ■ W ednesday* rriornlng f o r tli , ed down near state road 84^ on A small stabilizing parachutehuU* ------ment ts "serious but not cata- _ Derrick noted Industrytry and terst< Induced by the stand-up- Hj. popped out at an altitude of 75.- ARCHBISHOPAB VISITS C.S.time ‘ Magic mountain ski area, i strophlc." ar BJSAIGON. Peb, 23 (CPII — The 1 hM southwest limits of the city ^ ■ting - a h “*ny commercial businessesusinesses and-be-countedai fever which Jias “ 000 feet and a main chute un^ unj NEWNE YORK, F^b. 23 (DPft—The T J ICT The former king and his Amer-ier- government today announced I and drove north, spreading dam- ™ '.'■"-T'l* the appointment of Lieut. Oen. y for^^lar^^te roalMmains al afflicted the senator like _____ the age ^ over a 30 block a r e a . ______^furled a t 25j000 feet to ea.'ie th< archbishoparchl of Canterbury, head H c Is Ican-bom duchess arrived from ____ /•■<»,.frvvf 1 -few -ofrif M^e-tV Church—ofcJjnglandT^gr^ ‘iT*’ tntf Nf^iyen Khanlv os »w th .-Vl»t~------Jwrial users only totalal about •The senate_ arM- h u rt were not believed to^ tie^ mlle.5 southeast of Cape Kennedy,ledy. day visit.^ Solon Says he Job that would send the deposed were —______IT:------WA _ the clinic. The clinic said he Job i the city must InstallLall large san."so Walker said. "I suggest that seriouslysi injured." but They were — ------^ protjably would remain several•ral •nn''military strongman Into virtual over admitted to hospitals. and ihU boosts thele cost of Republicanr leadership get over a ^ ^ days. • ... exile. “ ytructlon. • ' J- a quit A Florida Poaer and Light [ £ Smylie to Be " their case of Jitters and quit Malcolm X’s Life srael A few’ hours a fter his arrival.fal' The move was apparently de- ®e afeo noted that smallmall In- lookinglo over their shouldersrs at -company-ct official. William Mc- Life Had Befen ceek the dUke was exafttfned by SirS(r' *lgnut 2,400 cus- ^ ^ U of I Head ■ S S tev rttt Duke-Elder, an old mandman^ for a graceful, face-saving ^e»se revenue. To buildulld the — tomersU wero without power and I JU" friend who Is specialistlist e*^t from the Vietnamese poUtl- It «ould require an In- “lines -are -clown all over the One of Bitternesirness. Violence' Of ' TDAHO PALLS. Feb. 23 UFV- an wl d also surgeoh-ocuUst to cal «scene, of *115,000 In revenueen“ ^ per Dirksen Is HI pplace." 1By Dnlted Prcn Internationalnal and black nationalist, too, was'^*^8 mler Rep. Don Pleper, D.. Bonneville. Queen K. Elizabeth H. Another ex- Th irst, predlcied today Oov. Robert E. ®-r ex- The appointment was made •WASHINaTON. Peb, 23 OTI—Wl— The tornado apparently “splitsP‘‘t In the 39 years sbice his birth-rth- found dead, his head caved In, ficlalj amlnatlon was made today, publ!public hi a government com- sale or. lease off Snake Sen. Everett M. Dirksen, R„,1 HI,,111., u] up" north of here and continuedlued placepi; In O m aha. Nebr . was ■set .set SiMakingS(>e of his father. Mal- GermSmvlle will be the next president th urs mtmlque broadcast over Radio ^ water will bring In aome con- on, uprooting trees in Pompano af bf the Unlvcmty of Id^o. r Ls- The duchess stayed sU/hours m«m In aome was reported In satisfactory con- oi ?ano afire by- Ku KIux KIan.smenmen colmcolm-X told a reporter last year, with her hustiand st the clinic,lie, SalgiSaigon. The broadcast said the- The crux-of thehe mat- ditlon today at Walter Reed hos- B Beach, police said. The dlsinte-nte- untilur Sunday when his body lay "He vwas. lift I say. a clergyman,iCClt*. facl,— p ieperapelte io memfeera of m the United States —•n |9 6 5 ..... “ 2 4 ....24 SALT 1.AKE cm r, Feb.I. 23 catedc« In th e southwest sectionn of limelightlln as Malcolm ' X. saw gainedgalno a rep u tatio n ago, for noka tlrlnff Dr. D.. R, Theophllus as J ~'33» goatwxJ general w srstrtp- ...... mt16 mH>—PresldOTt David O, McKayaCay thetl city. Officials said it wasas a night-ridingnil Ku Kluxers bumium shrewdnessshrew In the Harlem ghet-of yester pre.sldent of ‘the Universityence of to tMelr home in Parla early'this ped of power by the armed forces of the LDS church was describedrlbed gigiiest home and empty at the ththem from th eir home.s, TTheUo- h eU o - arand was a smalltime rack-was room Idaho. Smylle has been mention-eked month. i , council Sunday after a aeries of as "In improved condition aid aijd tlm^. tli • ' ■ ' SCI.second hom e-bum big occurredrred eteer while still In his teens. ler's In ed for ns a possible candidateThe for " John 'Otter, the duke's privaterate cftu]ctaps and* counteroSltps, The Volley c excellent« spirits" at LDS hos- "The only thing left standing,ding, whwhen the family lived In' Lan-*n- He admitted to serving twoin&s locku] the «eat held by Qen, Len. the B, secretary, said tbe Du&e'a F^nchnieh council coui r^Iaced Khanh with •— i PltaL He was ho^ltallzed for Ur the bathroom.'' a policeipanp a n sirKing. Mich. prlsoiiprison terms for larceny. It wassted schoolJordan. xtra doctors | advised htm to to MajMaj. Oen. Tran Van 'Mlnh, a - _ i .{1 Silu n c ^ongestlon treatm en t. sa 1 1Hl>. fah er, • m inisterste r Se*See H A L C p u t^ FX. .2. CoL 7 oookPUpor i aUo predicted th« jrj. sales Iiondon for th* TaTniti.H/vn Roman Catiudle. tax bill wx>uld pa-ss the house and > MO senate. He aald the Idaho Farm• ■ 7 ■ J . /- /...... '' U ^ O Bureau proposal to Increase In- ^ come taxes u'ould fall. . 11 C ------Tn“ 'Bot5C7 'S m yllr~ called—'th e £>f >. 23 statement about his becoming &lc H. university president "another of ha - to Mr. Plcper'a pipe dreams.” rei Tlie ffovernor told a news con- ba ference he was ’‘extremely flat­ tered” but he said Pleper's as- day s^rllon was •'entirely groundless.*' ivir understand his ambl- a.nd tlons for me.” Smylle aald. "but ” It Is not trolng to be that easy ^ for him to get ?Ide of me.” s tt ead Harriman Plans llcfl ^ Vi^ toT^el Sl* ----- WASHINGTON. Feb, 23 ^ Undersecretary of State rtJ Averei: Harriman Is expcctcd to “■ go on a .ipeciai mission to Israel ‘ for Pre.sldent Johnson this week. k Officials said Harriman Is ex- •” pected to meet with Israeli Pre- I" yas mler Levi Eshkol and other of- _ , , ficials on the effect of We.lm —Twentyirone professors at-Shlz^ ™9 for noka unlVeralty were released ret et- yesterday from a ■ conference to tk- room where they had been locked roo In for 18 hours by students. The J ,wo lockup was In protest a^lnst the sec ras school^ refusal to-hlre an ext» doc 7 oook at th* ftudents’ donnltoty. Loi

^ ‘ ; j l ■ X ______• . . -- ' ‘/A, r------^ ^ - *1 - j:iAf I D e a th % 4 g e s- TueiaSy, Feb; 23, 19^ [f^ T B lue, ■ 3 F a H s -^ I Seen Today ■ sr, T em peratures jonsored Mra. Lester li* . route ^ ....- Twiri ratfa -nroiy^NIl» •T froptN ew * W e a t h e r , FT U ■ ABnnal fS bmnqnet apoaapred M rs. ■' ia.--Falr f day;-tonight and - 1V«|ne«dl>y y» he First TRupert. :T'== ~ r MAGIC VALLET F»h^ hv the 4 m day fo r ,______■ ■ ^ e r Dr. ■ s Wedoesd^y. rooler tonight, warmer Wedr -Banquet Held r irii_»t ga^ia cilnTc hospital Monday tc -w ea anTEour today. HI«ha-«Htay S5 -4^ ^ e d r - ^S?M areh*ft^ the iUowshlp m«dl*avlngpo6toffi^ I If V rkT If*' to ZOi, Wedneaday in 30s;J0»; IonIowa tonlghtl) to —5. OniJoolt.for Tbi -____ Prahcis' Rider, club ptealdept. I windy with near normal temperatures. Tt and Gold special entertainment ii plannfed. son of Mr. and Mts. L l^d ^I D- W hi^, 81, died early..Monday B^odday Toatenson and diif.v,” I Visit Eiiropi1 4 * " r ‘•ay partly eloudT and windy 2 ^ “ " --rpgrk 65-held tSTBlue and Gold ^ Llngnaw, route 3. pa^ip^ ZO at Jerome, .31 at T. F. weather-bmr'ier- awards banquefTSIonaBy-*t-tlM.ay~*fc—tbe ------morning ta St. Benedlct'a'hogil,/.^hogiU .In drug store . , U omT' I f peraturM at * ojn.: M at In the retaliatory air . strU tol, Jerome, followlilg a longlo n g -m111- , ,CI.ate talking wlth^ ' H ildlty, M T it-r; F,’ ehtoroofogy laboratory w Christian church. Myron possetl riO P oiwratlonii Feb. 7, apalnjit Nort —©uring-JiHM fT21~SfTWI>ertrnS-B*-*ad(dJeld(-a*-»t-w ?«£JWCitfifa0lding_O "TOrTl£H~wfalle-8ervtgg-;*bMr Gooding; at.nopn, 35 at T. F. weatherher bunbureau J^jfT^Scbuung. ------"b'Mra. Whltq-waa Uuii -Mar-13r May-ia; ^ a lH S .-.OUt Of rT.stauraniiJli-M . LONDON. Feb. 23 IDPB — P) the a t t ^ k aircra ft earrter WS ildlty. Barometer: 30^15. • • •' Ctibmaster Wll'Uam Bclfres'pre- P . m Coral sea. dlperatlng ViS, With ththe 18®3- *” Mont., and ----- denW obPgon-i^-^^P^c^^-** Ithrhlna »“« married to OUbert ”'J. 5'White^ ■ ■ Europe In JtJne,-« at. the , su n Not, Serioiis Chapter 29 OES will meet i don and Parla asJ well a.i'Bas "Bonn. TOrmem pecori (-BWded cross also0 receiyedrecdyea as.©any people clata. , _ m g' betw een Johnaonson and Pr«fYench ern Idaho were very light. R Som« taxpayer® have written • B^ils CUntc hospital Monday,mday,'for fc the Catholic church, the Catho- President Charles! de Oaulle for .03 of *»»_lJuJj..^ad-Pocatello'xmtello'.02 of an Inch. Elsewhere onlyonly tra‘■■“ces ^ arrow. Hr-W«jnien‘s league, the Jirome clpltatlon were received during the post -presented In to complain that oil with- surgery Tuesday. a sweeping reviewew of strastrained to reports of no preclpitatlc So past 24 Denner awards were-presented Jieir tax ------DupIUfttte Bridge club, the Plo- to T6m Cole and Jonathan holding failed to cover their t« ’t h f p S! .^w rfrl?nT . “" t l r r l d l Franco-American relatlonrelations.1 and hours, llabiUty for last year. Some>me find Elka pinochle ehib willvill meemeet neer Bridge club, the Jerome of the future of thehe shaky We.st-W a northerly flow off witidwind aloft into the Intermountain reg Squires. led to Us- they owe the governmentnt more at 7:30 p.m. Wednesdayly inIn theth Country club and the Jerome em de.fenae-aHtance.ace. will continue to hold daytimdaytime temperatures down today/ olthoialthough yjuf pin, awarded to t*- tag com- Civic club. She also helped'-er- itiy sunny throughout the day. As1 the windw Courtney, Pat Day,iv. JimJimmy m y th an usual. Elks lodge room. Serving con: Prime Minister Harold WlWilson skies will remain mostly sun adequate mlttee consists of Mr. and MrMrs. gaS^ze the Jerome Hospital guild Is expected to discuss AnAnttlo- flow aloft backs more1 to thothe west on Wednesday, increasingaslng hhigh gymeU and Bruce Wilson.iLn. Gold Withholding w as Inadequate ftal g^ld. Mrs" S ‘ee1,'‘s .a m r ’' ; “i^,„, olong with an Influx of warmer oir.Ir. A stormste presented to Leland for some people in 1964 because beca^ steve L. Eisworth, Mr. and Mrs.Mr she Is survived by two-o sisters Bisters, uews-of p t a meetino American Issues, East-Weat re- cloudiness will result, along y arrows if ert rote the john Pastoor snd Mr. and Mrs.Mr NeUle M. Smilth and Mary C -hrttens and the explosive Far system now in thc OulfIlf of AlaskaAl wlli be held mainly to1 the northno (;ourtney and KevlrJ Sclfres.•Ifres Sll- of the way congress wrote the Mary C. overheard: "She sIoddm' when tho Pre.si- of the.se valleys with the outloutlookTcir Thursday being partlyrtly cloudycloi arrows went to Brucece Wilson, l l i billion dollar Income tax cut. Ruasell Hamm, Smith, and on; o«phew. DeWltl Eastern situation when tho Pi was c u t ------1 — Smith, Nevada ulty, Calif.lilK Be- -‘ teftT- • • • '‘P dent comes to London.adon. and near normal temperoturpcrotures. Strong winds iWlJt-CStemn ..to ththejB. feevin Sclfres, Tom Cole and The withholding rate was cut ■ ' Thew «M~lncTeasln»creasing -»\oubt,t\(i volleys on_ Thursday, Iran 18 per cent to 14 per cent I sides her husband, she was pre- _____:______Shawn surgeon, lister and the reports suggested,ested, that the Maximum temperaturestures todayte will show a continueded ccool o o l i n g ______In one fell swoop but to? liabili­ k .e s ^ death by one sister and P resident would visit MoscovMoscow In trend with readings ranginganging in tho mid 20s to' mid 40s, but Wi ties fell only-part of the Sway Slast Death Takes i the n ear future In the ll([hlight ol nesday will begin n)9vlng'Vlng ujupward again with readings rdostly IC year. . ^ „ Rosary wUl -be iSclted«r at-H at"! V JfPteSl — I latest friction over?er tho SoiSouth- the 30s to upper 40s.-MinimM inimum temperature.-tonight also.ris wlil Muslims Uablilties have been reduced I S O n P-“ - Wednesday at Hovee luneralfunera! (Contlnaed From Pare 1) east Asia developments.ments. lower as winds dlo down,lown, «with expected reading* rangingIglng frfrom (Continued From Page 11)) the rest of the way this year, Mrs. Jolinso* chapel, Jerome. Requiem masi ‘ than wltt>holdln* la againlh doing JEROME, Feb. 33 — Mrs. TeiTes- will Jbe celebrated at “ 10 am committee of the wholi The Soviets wereere said to be -around 0 In Camas prairieralrie totc the mid 20s elsewhere, residents reported more^Jbanore^jnan same Job as It used to. marking time- andd avoiding any , , i-'^ '^ u h ’’ »'« Johnson. 78. diedUed earlyear Thursday In St. Jerome’s’s Catho- Catho-' one. -H .»nir> For m ost people, under-wler-witn- lth- Tuesday morning at St.Bt. '^ene-'^em lie church with the Rev publlo com m itm entIt on a visit by ' TEMPERATUREATURE AND PRECIPITA'ftON . 1- "There was a muffled explo- thet President for thothe time bebeing, Hlghe.st temperature0 Monday,Mond lowest temperature lastt 13 hours, hoi top floorr^and^ev- and ev- holding In 1964 still does ^3^'* hospital of 'o-longig Ulnes*Ulnessr- -Bernard MqBrlde- as celebrant- h r r . at least until tho0 InternationalIntt^rnntic prvcipltatlon for 24 hoursours enending at Q aJn. CST. urth floor ® payment due to Uneie 14 1886, Concluding rites will be at thi jfy window ‘ qn the fourth floor Sam this spring, the treasury "She ‘was bom June 14. 18* crisis haa eased and their owni , mu».K. Mln. I*cp. StAtlon Max:.. ftfln. Mln. )Pci., ggemed to come down," said n out In Walden. Mo., and came to Jerome cemetery. Friends mai ted C hina are Aiii.ny^'Tt.-'T, ------Jt » 4 Sl 21 mlnSea Thafs because two out of relations with Red China Waterman. "About 10 minutes refunds *“ 1®“ ' “ ‘tllng[■ In 'TwTwin coU .Wednesday and untU tlm< clarified. Alttu7 Mpl«..Sl. P a u l__ a .0 . hn nnxBji- refund than usual. the slowdown )f (he senste Ie»!. 27 New O rlrana___ Bl ■«i 82 1 > was connccted with the assas-assas jio„ever, both the reducUonsBducUons north of Jerome In 19 „ ership would put the new nit* Europe will materializelailze and JJune j"'];;!",*!'-'"------‘J 1 ~J 7 l .o.n N .w -Y « rk __ 4&..- .J& -J» ' r sinatlon of Malpolm X. joym ents recently mov<»lov.’.i Intato Malcolm' was mentioned as the moat most likelylU 11,“ ^ 1. ,. s _ ~ 1- :: : .-w « » .Jfl Nurth I'latt* ______2H I irisfri " hi. and Increases In final payments 11 bill InjD the committee bt tht 6H ()ki«he treasury Survivors Include her husbani L . ^ !><*"<* the biu down for smrei. -12 .OS I'hilaHelphia ___r- , 42 1& put the fires out. We have our two aons, W illiam A. (BIU)1111) JohiJohn- during one of these that hi may set off In Its wake .n>“Jor me c “.';r~l..n-. s. C. - “ 65 ’4S4ft 1’h .M r n l i ------77 6H th a t h e m en t was expected In the Uto. 11 FMtubunih------14 “s S Tr Investigators workingIrig on It.it. j^^^uaiiy, there are manyany rea- son, Miami. Fla., and caiariesVaries M.1 learned of the movementlent jUmiih at -noon session. . Western diplomaticIc Initiativeinitiative for ch»ri..i...i. w, v.. _ -jt ii 6 .31 It's certainly suspicious." B ^ider EMropeanan settlemisettlement. (-h.ri..u., n; c. _ <7 ao ao Portland. M *.______27 ft tax cut Johnson. EUko, Nev.: twowo daugidaugh- was to catapult him to0 a postpos Tibbetts said the new wn- » Tr. r«»rtJ«nd. Or*. ..j____ ft« ti »& .OJ Black Muslima by the score besides the 1964 tax cut once Interallied differencesIfferences haveh ------~ meetinn -«hy a person's taxes maylay have ters, M rs. Doris Cutler,aer, Elko,Elh as the'"nation's leadingJ spokes-spokeS' bill did not include enough pm. llalelirh ______4:1 Itt had gathered for a meeting ist •Jiear. Nev.,- and Mrs. Laura. OrlfOriffith, fit man fdr black nationalism, been eased, diplomaticomatlo souiBOurcM (iuv.iU d ______' is ti^ ,D2 Ufrfild City — ______0 'ju -13 ■ earlier at the ^ Muhammand;h.^and under-withheld _Jast ^*ar. from SB34, a meffinw^. Indicated. ('olijmhiij, O . ------20 lU1 0 Iteno ______ftft 20 aue NO 7 treasury said. Jerome; one brother,r, InmiInman He-^' Jplned the Blackt MusUnMusUm fered by a group of southwesten ft .14 Klchmond______Stf 10 fO -" Temple of Islam, Mosque No. 7. Prior to ths visit,it. Aa numnumbei ber of . ------^ 1 , nacked " ‘ For example, a taxpayerer might Scott. Ft. I^yona, Colo.;; two sis-si movement, "gave my slaveaye namenami Idaho Irrigation districts • tin! H Tr. St. U.irta ______80 “ 24 "Man. the place was packed," at push- ters. Mrs. Bertha Larsonirson oiond back to the whlte-man^’ and be Important diplomaticmatic conlconfer- i,JIruii" 4 * Salt Lako C lly _____ fti jJ 24 • said a nearby resident, ' have had a pay raise that push­ ■ h®- wa.1 more restrictive t^«n a bC rang^ of-iuter- ouiuth ______r . 4 -10 -lo .San AntunJo ------fio 68 ‘ ward Or Mrs. Grace VanBusklrk.rk, botboth came Malcolm X. ~ Maicolin Maicoln draw n up bv Oov. Robert M . encea on a wide range c)UdI to Nobody was reporteded tnIn the hl^ax obligation upward. Or allied and InternationalhaUonal prob-pr ,------]!i hJi Han nicffi* ------■« rnintrri he-fltlght have lost an exemptionxem ptlon Creede, (3olo.. 13 grandchlldnidchildren claimed his conversionn helpedhelpei Smviie’s special water resourooVi n\»rm W orth------60 60 Tr. San FraneUco------ft2 buUdlng when the fire erupted. dren got and two great-grandchUdren.lUdren. tilm kick a six-year historyilstory oof committee. lema are to take place. Il.t.na . - ______21 -10-10 ,U5 Sl. St*. M arla_____ 0 - 6 1 a down- when one of his children got 62 SeallU ______4ft ~A 01 several persons in a down- She was preceded In death 1by dope addiction within 34 hours ------|{(Mi>l»n ------«'> R:2 41 ‘ .-itolrs bar were evacuated.lted married. 5?i’f K “T here is no right of sppeil‘ ■ IT 1 1 IndlftnatHiil*______21 IBIB Shreveport------65 41 •r control these reasons—ivhichIlch have glx children, It also gave him a Job as Elljal E lijah T ibbetts said. “They can do laj- H W5llltf^V J»ek.on. ::------24 24 Spokane ------8** 2'i 22 Tho fire was under control K#! heirt at Muhammad’s emissary. Magic VaUe]T CtJULC/ 7 7*ck*onvll»« ______46 4fl Tampa-Sl. P rb « .____74 R» j ’* atwut two hours after it waswaa re- nothing whateyer to do with the Puneral services wiU be held thlnft they want," 22 .0 4 T u fon ------77 6:1 revenue act of 1964—manyany tax-tax - j pjf„_ Friday, a t the Hove fu-f minister of Mosque!ue SeveiSeven T h e slowdown threslened ------iL---- Kmummm (M ty------a& 2t — ao ------.M itS i______, . search 'for'T»>yers-y^H-havq Inrgcr thFth an in.f^ j a m .1 rhapel hy BliihopID HerriHerrick New York. Malcolm began t(to delay action, in the upper houiS^M S2 W. Y*11ow.ton« ____I al 10 .• -OS Police pressed their search for t aervlces TOierge-«s-"a-personaUty:i--tha Funeralsrals Js62 Wlchhk -- - 4H .IA Tr. several men In tlie slayingslaylne of pected 'amounts of tax due fdr Drake. Concluding servic -on-one-of-the-more-impoft^-B Some temperature extreme;sxtremes from within the United States '«»>■," the tredsury satd. tery. Muslim, movement, according ti n u n ien ^ailar appropriation a spokesman for the^roupTTi Charles E. (Chick) Kelly»iTi wlU “t Yumo. Arlz. Tuesdayuesd^y morning ibws —23 at Internatioiernational . • ■ ■ '- ' ■ Officials said many taxpayers.axpayers groupTTn fEafe aid to public stniJolirirtii’^ B held at 3 pjn. Thursdayiraday with the HIbbIng, Minn.,inn., on and —21 at Broadus, Mont.. and ThiefTh Neirro. Talmadgege Hayer.Hayer Increased their wit,lihoidlngding last •------— 1963 an d 1964ro nimora th ere were rum providing or for the approprii. ■ Rev. Jamea Holt. Hajern of a powe* struggle between Moi ?i J*""''" Greatesteatest i snow depth, except at mountainntaln ata-sl 22 , waa being held on a charge spring after the IRS wa*Diiel. Jerome.-ome. RequRequiem c.ir»rr ______» i -•> -11 .01 Winnipe#______-1* ■JJ -26 ' In Harlem'a Audubon ballroom (Continued Frqm Pagoigo I) 1) t^ji ijy the state department Malcolm’s mocking of President Preslden com e U x plan. \ ■ masa will be celebratedebrated at 1 0 t:nnectlon5. The flamboyant personaiitlersonaiity by the Rev. Arvee W, 'Wooiliii. I ^ 211 l*re»t«.n______41 ^4 IH Vs ballroom stage. schoal could have morij qualified Vice* for Ellas PTeston reston. . _ ^ (Pw(Press) , - h airfield------4 JJ ' 4 Kenbur*______8® 4 , Several of the commissloncmissloners and domlnont stylo thal:hat werewer a ssiste d by the Ber. Jobn Oer- Durbin will be helda fttat a ppJn. jn . r] r l - tioodin* ’ • **2 2 K u p ert______87 24 ----- teachers, teaching only their, showed concern about increasincreased his hallmarks commandednded tho th rard. 2 020 Ml Salm on______87 24 IfJ „ "majqrs" instead of a variety of day In the Twin PalU FalU mortuary*mortu Onu»»*viiu------** 'arlety °i rates for industry and1 commer- comme mlmiration and respect:t of hihis Lavem Johnson an4 chapel, with the» Rev. ErrErnest ------19 Tr. Twin F«ll#____ ^____ _ 42 21 T in b subjects. a.s Is the case in a " Red Team Wins ise in a ^,,^1 fim,. Derrick noted■d thot thet followers. Capacity crowds greet C raven song two seiecUonj. T u ■ Haaaelblad officiating. Frle 1 smaller school. NORTH IDAHO — Mostly icloudy today, .tonight and Wednesd 3M corporation, whichIch ononce ed him at his every publicu. ap Moglo Valley Christian coUecaH may call at the mortuary fi Little temperature change.inge. A few snow low ers tonight andand" Wiw J d - In Rifle Shoot)0L However, at Hansen, some of showed interest in this area,ari pearahce. He once admittedmitted tto quartet, Albion, ssn* a aelecUotiM Wedneaday until ume time ofOf 'aeaerv pggjay. Highs 35-4^, lows 20- lembers of teachers noted thatlat In a located In Medford, Ore..re., and an d In studying evangelist BillyUy OOrah- rtth oorrard wu Icea. lows 20-30. HANSEN, Feb. 23—Members of the Red team won withth a .core score smaller school, teachers3-s have Medford they buy waterer from a am’s public speaking tech*«*'- ganlst. ■ t members "’o™ supervision over the stu- private concern, nlques. JEROME—Funeral aervicea ■m of 375 points wllh eight members h a t H onorary psUbearers wot q IQ present at the Woodmenimen rifle dents because of smallerr classes. ‘ This satoe private conceconcern B u t th e personality th a t oouli Mrs. Margaret Oletha Armer ’ night at Also discussed at the: HanscnHansen operates the water system In hold legions could arousearous V. EUU Knight, Oeorge Oaikr.B tiated for 3 pjn. Thursday In V alley H ospitals shoot held Wedne-iday night at S 3 i S Magic Val . I thc Woodman haU. The•he Oreen meeting, conducted by Barnard ^ Ise and no water Is soI3*T>elerg. Twin Palls; Randyndy MeiMeade, of 53 iiolnts. Earl Siiobee was sec- it was pointed out during the r lein. Robert E Denton. JW t larger rate to io or 1 2 .cents per thO _ ' Catherine Smith and PennyPenny CCris- Declo; F an n ie Jones ondUid .Johan-.Joh oncl with a score of- 50,, ond and Nor- jjansen meeting that larger [(gfl Alexander and Nathan Ross I. Abraham vllle -Reynolds was tlilrdird withw ith a schools would be able to0-partici- 'partici­ 5a;i(l_gaUons,'' said Derrl< Wendell Men JKROMS—Funeralsrol servicesaervlces for tobal, all Jerome; Oeorgeeorge DiUe,E na Jensen. Buhl; Mrs. Abral 2 o J Floral arrangements were us- ohnson wiU be Mrs. Harold Estes, Mrs,rs, Del NeU Hutchinson. Burley; Carl Irwin,In •''core of 49. pate hi vocational education Several of the commissioners f Mrs. Tessle B. Johnson will ugh the there-should be no suhsidlzatl der the direction of DarleiK conducted at a pjn.pm. Friday at Henslee and Mrs. CalvinIvin EdEckles, Kimberly; Elipore Turpin.•urpin and Ruth HUI and Mi's.Mi's. Mary fund.s available through the baldlzatlon Jailed for Theftlett tlWHOvwTUliiral cha^pelSiopeT by BUn-a: ■«ll”W endell.------—------j>»llln— OolUngs,- .lemma rerkins were high scorersers for the^ e Smlth-Hughes act, butut some oogCTmlng water, , . CALDWELL, Fcb, 23 UPl—.Tw(ifl—Two Richardson. , ------op HglllKk M. Diake.ake. OMu-ludIng OmuJuii —' Dtsuiissul------—— Robert Pfnlster. Rupert,rt. and t Mra, * c ^ *wllh 56 point.«>mTs eacn*eacHT tethers voiCtTfnie tJpliiluiirtton' that-—Formal that- action wUl bee taken..token.oL -w«ndall -men and a 25-year-ol aervloes will be heldield inIn the Je- Mary Catherine Smith,Imith, :Mrs~ ‘Wllilain D\igntfr, Hallovus,—..-.. r.vdla Pvron' Waa accondpond highhlghjlt rould I*'"" uxrnmfpt a fVHure meeting, Caldwell man a-ere beingig held I;In P leasan t View cemetery. tome cemetery, Robert Harris, Mrs.Irs. HaroldHa Dlamliuied with a score or 50 and MI'S, MI'S. llilcn'control^ Hulen ===------the Canvnn roiintv Iall vesterda ------Oreenawalt and Mrs. Joseph 1H'«- Coro Howell, ,Mrs. Will Reynolds waa second highigh wUhwith a Dr. Thomas Utterbach, super­ p|.Q In connection with the; burglarburglary --, J.I 1 ton, all Jerome; Mrs, Del H Hens- Wolverton, Edv^ardrt Skin intendent of the Valleyyy school Jersey JuicersC l a Sunday of a CaldweU beverogbeverage k i NO HILL. pet>- Mrs. WhitbreadIDreaQ lee, WendeH, and LawrenceTenoe Tew?,T baby boy Wright, MarlonMon“ Mo e Sh«beihgbe wsrewsr® dU trict, a consolidation of Eden Mrs. A rthur Oreer attended tl • A Shoahone. NeLi NeLson. Mrs. Chariea C ha ______and Hazelton schools, attendedBtlended Meet Marchi 14 l 4 'Sheriff's officers identifieditlfied ththe annual Elks G le a m a n conc^ •' Honored af^itdlw^ 0*1 ^ was bom to ■It.Mr. and and Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Buren John: 1 mented that while consolidationsolldatlon jersey Juicers 4-H club1 wUl mm< eet Lyle K iser, 25, both Wendell,hdell. and an Friday night. Their OOODINO, Feb. 33 — Fun m e Q lor tlie tno Jerome county com- senrtcea for Mrs. Lillian W a dauRht«r McLau«hlln. John.h n - Bla ^ B S s Agent Named nty com- |„ regular session at 2 p.m.p. Hoy TefertUler, Caldwell.■ell. TheyThe Oreer. Is a member of tne Whit- ^■■^'rn°to'M r«X,'’M‘rs"‘ii;;Vlrs. Delbert ^nd Darrell Howard. Tuln Pr I .munltles was liked there,rc. it wa.swns March 14 ot the liome; of TerTerry said the men have beenn chargecharged cert. They were Ruesus 0 ^ bread were conducted at a p Palls; PAUU Feb. 23—The^ appolnT^ dlftlcuit to give an opinion on Motiday at TrinityInlty BpiscopaiBptsa Jero^,^ ^ Lance Hendrix, Pocatello;itelJo; Ml- ment of Charles E. Thompson, jlnlon on cook. It was decided during[luring tthe with first degree burglaryry and orare son- and' Baughter-in- • , how It would work out for .Mur- ,500 bond and Mrs Oreer. yhlle m tio-^ church by tho Rev.V. John F. ^Tuik ri i »» , • i chael Davis and Mrs. Don SSn m ith pnul, aa an ag^nt w ith the J&ur- 1 monthly meetlnR.R, being held, in lieu of »2,500 bonr a rollerroll ------of the Christ *rplscopaljiscopai church, chu C assia M emtonal orial and son. FUer; Mrs.Ira. K(Keith ley office of Pnidenllal Insur- L.TSt week a Joint -school board . Shoshone. Adm itted 'Schlevve and Susani Hoplcins,Hopk ance company’s Pocatello dLstrlct sk»tln« party to be heldd on SSu un- :onlgomery. agenov was announced T Tue^ay ^^nv meeting of Hansen. Kimberly Kli?iberiy jay. Members will be contactcontacted Mrs. Harold Kloucherloucher was or- Mrs. Johll Nelwert, Mrs. Mrs Nile Buhl; Mrs. Harvey Montgom ITj and MurtaugW school twards was ' ganlst. Critchfleld. Mrs. JuliajUa FVayerFl HolUslcr; Mrs. Josephph Beard,Be by manxwRer, Harvey Wedcrspahn. wrda was for the time and meetingting place,pla euerspann. no'action wasM lakcnlaken ^ di.scii.-isloii aLr.nolda,:J>r. BK. K: Hejburh, aWf Jose EhamiChamcndl, Birth* Young university wherehere he proposal. Heard and RUey (Buck> Leeper.Let Paul, A daughter was bornom ta^ta , Mj . studied languages, ~ . era meetsno In March. A recent .survey of Klmberly-1 Mike Burbank, president,dent, gagave Last rites werere at Elm^Elmwood DismissedI and Mrs. Calvin Pinkston.:ston. 1 Twin ______------_ Hansen taxpayers Indicated that oetnetery, with graveside oom-c Otto Paulson. Jameses Walston.Wai: FalU. and a son was bom to a tea tnat a demon-stratlon and talkalk on tthe - . bom to Mr WLNGS AWARDEDDED about 80 per cent were Inin favor history of the Jersey cow. ^ mltment by the ReV. Mr. 'Tuik Mrs. J. C. Hubbard1 and Mrs. R^d Mrs. WllUam DuKger,Bger, Belie-B< f i l ER, F^b, 23 — Sccond of a Kimt>erly-Han.scn consollda- cow, Mr. I J and members of Maiguerlte Re- Floyd Stewart, aU Burley;urley; RickyH vue. »nsollda- and Mrs. Covey and Janicelanlce NNo- lieutenant Jamfs W. Herrett.lerrett, sonaon tton. vak were guests, Olenn Dugg bekah lodge No. 98. Steelm an and Mrs, J,J. A.A, Bauer.Bi ------of Mr. and NiVs. BUIII Herrett, ------n D uggan ------both Paul; Marlene Peten led the piedges. iigTeTTy- M inidoka M emorialYiorinl Filer, haa been awardedled his air WEEK-t.ND Gl-ESTS irten Haaelton. and Lee Hlgley, 1 force pllot'.s wJnM Upon’3H graduA-g rad u a­ KINO HI1>I>. Feb, 23 —Mr,-M r. and Kindergarten Dismissed tion froM the air trainingining com- Mrs. Niclc Robin>on and family CralR Aston, Rupert.^ raand flylnc school att William.'^ .spent the weekTcnd wllh;?th'“ CMr/i. G u a r a n t e eZd d Meeting Slated A son was twm to Mr,^Ir. and Mrs. ^ ------* - ftir force base. Art?-, H ls wife, Carrie Poster. Parnja. who Ls Ul. WENDELL. Feb.t> 23—A special spi Nelwert-. Busiey,ley, anand a G o o d i n g M e mTlOriHl o r i a Grace. Ls the daughter.er of Mr. Tliey were guests of Mrs.i. Foster’s F o ste r's R e t i r e m e nI t meeting _Jbas beensn arrangec!arranged by daughter was bom to Mr,Mr. and and Mrs, Carl* Leonard,■d. route 1. son and daughter-in-law.law . Dr, g aon, Pftul. . Admlited Hub city PTA kindergartenndergarten ccom- Mrs. William Thompson, Pa Filer. land Mrs. Thebo nnd family.t'n'liy.i___ I n c o m e mittee composed of_Mrs.of_Mrs.'joe Joe Roe, ------Herbert Mundt, TutUe.ttie. f ______PUinlssed ^______Serving^ everyeVi fam ily's k Howard Bean, Oo^lmr.o d u S T T H T t Club . j Adele Kirtland, Hacerman. Rlchlns, for 8 pjn. March B y B r i d g e Clul the high school study hall to Twin Falls Duplicate Bi S L ¥ E S TT I T O I r e l i gg i io o u u s b e l i e f s cuss arrangementsipielman, for kinder Boise, club played Mitcheu movei “ m o v e ! ^ Thorough Che(Check H ten. •mentary educa- Monday nl«ht at thele AmericanAmei -WORSLEY. Etiglond, Pe Mrs. Sara Splelman,the type of E ma- Legion haU. supervisor of elementary1 and to answer ed North and south w&iners-iv,n.T^ ' 23 ilTI — Police calledUled ion . YOU CAN tlon. will explain the type of Mrs, H_E. Ughl andi Mrs. H1 P busine«m «n Stanley Cropp terlal to be usedare and to to start an the Burgess, first: Mrs. DonaldU^d 1Ra^: question hi BUY questions. arch 23 for an som ahd Mrs. H. B, Hartruft. Harl th T tnl]Jk *" /HITE Present plans rse.are AUto start chUdren second, and Mr. and Mrs. RobertR< R ed-faced officers di-sco P I WH kindergarten M archthe -first' 23 foi grade Sasa. third. eight week course,I ellgmie. AU chllparents East and west winnerswKi-a Inci Uter the "body’' w " A n y w h eire re who WlU be In urged the fUrst't to attend. Mrs. A. P. Ru-«eU andH vf«Mrs. r*1 I? mechanic Bob>b Slddle Sldd „ Assured through n ex t fall wlH beend ellgUjle. the meeUng,pa: Adkins, first; Mrs. Stunteon w. listening for noises tn tl ,en'* » ^ "TheChapt^ Chape! by tha Park” tcMim^ ® colloaffue4Tue drovedro ^ Ormmftt c Modern Woodmen's Interested are urgedt one of to the at com- Coy oi^d Mrs. J. C. McMllim, ;lh AVt EAST-TWIN FAUS If . unable to attend the me< ond. and Mr, and Mrs, L m as part ^ rm*.I.Drvg* A. unique retirement plar they may contact one— of the------r-rr aulbirt, third. Or«a»*tt C*r* ‘ PHONE 733^600 m lttee. IECORATED ______«. 7—I; !. Feb. 23 — Re- GUILD TO MEETi E i r "= ' KINGSBURY .BALL REDECORAi^the LD6 ehureh KIMBERLY, Ftb,. 3323 — T he A D m rrZ J} TO HOSriXJ mf Gerald L lowe _ -______.SPRINODALE,ed Feb. this 23 week. - No Kimberly Readers gunffwta meiet l a s a 'm L U l^eb. 23—Ray3—Kay No- PrtacrlpUon Phirma. owe -----decoraUnc of the LD6clety el or Prtmary at 8. p. m. Wednesday at to tJie V e t- 117 M ain E ast sday at the ble has been admitted, to the ' in PEuLrmacj _ ^ ^ 3 273 NO. SUNRISERISE be completedscheduled this weel this home of Mrs, Robert*rt Sfradley.S&i exans ho«v|>lUI. Bot«;e., for trtreat- ipA . Relief societyof the or .cleaning Pil Mrs. Verieine Cherry? willwlU aact u ment of hU neck. The injury m TWIN FALtS, IDA. ^ . ■ ■ Bftetings are The scheduled ward gold co-hostess and Mrs. Helen TThom-; received Iff on automobile t MEDICAI, CENTER PrtAR ^ PHONE 733-5304304 ' week because ofIs- scIM the .cJe iiJrrl fe r a s wUI he In charge ot o t ihe pro- Uent last year. He willffUl undersoj und Shonp Ave. WestPrtARM ACY 0 NATIONAL SEUCTED MORTICWNS^ and painting.; The ward gram . surgery this week. MObllM WOODMIN orjAMUK •riHvn».T»o« A HATI - OLiid creen ban Is schedule W « t 733-9114 mmmgiii m m * oHk» • \mUe uftwUBMto - I'Mday evening.

I ' r . . - ; 'U r. ' . . ■’•■■■-' fi. -— 3 : ■ t ------—:------— ■■'■-■ . -](^ar^{u ses^+ r|||iH I I Smart Junior[> r the h Rev. fjpbcrt Harvey, Charlesrle s IUV.OUU,, I ^ |H H Allen anci Richard Conner fo for r fwliTwin Falls Timei-I^ows ^ ^ H ------subject, matter. 50 points; de^ _ _ 1lver>- and poise. 20 points; die- jiJBg£EsELl Hiffh Holds - TR-y’TTMES^NEWS’ WAJfr'imB^ ■ I — ~ Z II—-----t ^ ioji- and-enunciation, 20 polnta.- Of H is fax es I T Talk Contest!_ -ai»d li'MBth of speech. 10 points.teT’ f POH o r p a s t SELUNO TtESULTS ^ I “Reaijjqiusibllttles of Young^ung' _y<^ , tau reluMd to pay part I AmeAmerlcan.s." wivs th^ theme5 forfor .■ .• r — KHL'^.twu., fBriBral. lasm s-SaiL I the annual civic oration conieM __ ^ ; ^ ‘T the Dnlted S tate^ r at at Robert Stuart Juniorig g L high f f ‘’'I-f rW ib g ^iW nent In . the war n Viet I scho school. Ciithy Pond waa f l r .M i V c v M and the amu race In gen- I I’-c^ft'lnne|-; Pam Gdfriibnindt.andt. > . WkknII /I \a- I :_. ^coud. and Jiuie Reynolds, third. I jDhaii W. Eliot, an assUt- Drof«sor at the Divers ty , HK' I The conttvit Is rtu annilal nC*.— I .fallfair nnd' is sponsored the by the v _ - rf netroft*" of- I Modi Modern WiHKhnon of .\niencua In-. in-. • • V_— ^ S ’^Tthe internal revenue ser- I suranc<* conipany. T he pan.v company ^ | ~— ~prF57 pruM^nis i'll^ll■UTl'y WtUl plHquFirTtjnFJ^' — , nr'" ^ ^ Iji a letter accompanying ■ to to the winners und n pn'nuaneniineni ■". his Income tax retu rn . , I trophy to the schoi>l wUh the | ' -Ellotra Quaker and v. pacifist, I . wlnn wlnnens’ names en^;raved. | WWTOtf' I All ninth prade studenLs ' par- Sweet dreams of ' •'! am submlttbg my income . ' B tlclpa'tedticlpi in ilie I'onle.si through----- i.i 'torffl this year-under great ' ^^K^P^DnfluaRE^BflURHHI . their aocial studkvs class with ITel«hl ot conscience, aware that I their Instructor. JLe^s WHUamson, much or my tax money Is Aoing I aii school sponsor. M armaments which threaten ..^ rTCASHI I (he world and provide no secur- ■— r' sy/cx Ity (or this country o r ^ fam- 11;. r CUSTOM Tlioy'ro Ihp only kind you’lllu'Il g ^ 'when you go to sleep on HI am therefore refusing a full wallot. Kill yours %^itlv^ nay th at porCIDn of my personal LOAN at our II not already paid by deduc- I CLEAN ONLY! , ofliro, Thon. gt't rid of piltullltHl up h billii . . . o r use the ex tra H tlons from my salary, and ' cash for’ curront enpon.sf!i. ' f l not roluntarlly this sum to Just tell us how nuich MONEY MONE^ will do (ho job when U tbe goverrui?eKt." iu)u atop by. We ll try to) make yyour dreams come truel ll He said he stands face P.rteon o r w hatever 6ther —^liaities may come from this Biftiiflli i4 i 8 9 ' , EUot said he hoped his action COMMERCIALL CREDITCF PLAN* r would give some encouragement ' - r - . to those who'favor negotiation I I T ^ K a ta m a^ l^ ' TA serrice of Commvrciolrial CreoCredit Plan, Incorporated . ' of the Viet Nam problem. He •^.: 7 *rtt copies of his leter to Presl- Bn^ dent Johnson. Defense Secretary ANALYZINGJ mojuilma^uzlne markets al the meeting of the Twinruin Williamson. TW.tifant street,itreet, aecretary-treosurer,see! and Mm.^ lAVNMSSttMJ ^ 2 2 MAIN AVENiAVENUE, NOJRTH | Robert McNamara, Secretary of panj chapter, Idaho Wrltera1 leagrue, Suturduy arc. from left, Br>an llarrlH. Ilanaeril presidentesldent ThfTt: workshop was conducted yLtiftTiYfi&r ■ Btate Dean K usk an d M ichigan ju j,. o liv e Kelly.■Dy, 138136 ;Sbctb »veinie nortb, pant presldenrf Lc* Les ‘bjr Mrs. Woodrow Ash. (Tlmes-Newnimes'Newii photo) ______Phone; RE 3 - 7 5 7 0 ______I congressmen. - * * ' * •* ===^=!=!=-:======— “Washington” Is W orkshopshop Is No Go ■M- 1 P.^TERSON, N, J„ P’eb. ). 23 23 Toastmstress Held Here- |p |< p |-|-y WPD—MitRiilrale Charles Al- Al- ^ ^ ^ J fano said uirl-plnchlnB n may ia y Talk Topic Here ¥ T be a fine art In the O Old ld Members of the Twin Palls \y r i tlllfI Of f I U I t l l T ’Wi>rld but It doe.Mi’t bo> on } Toastmlstress club were asked to * ^ 5 “ -*-*-» ^ .strifU-i of Paier.son. i ipeak on "Washington," the ^ workshop1 on on analyzing i Alfano (Ined Rotne-bom[x>m min, -tJia-atata—or the nation's magazine markets;ets was was conduct- Oluieppe Bertolino, 25, $50 *50 capital, a t th e ir regular m eeting, ed S aturday byly Mrs. Mrs. Woodrow ' Ior pracllcliii; what Benollno>llno f ^8r Mrs. John Burkhart was table Ash at a meetingUng of of the t Twin called "the aiiclciu OJid hon-lon- V topics mistress. Fall.'i chapter, Idaho Idaho Writers' orable arl ’ I ^ home of R. Les "I Uiliik you’ve seen tootoo Mrs. Norman Herzlnger, vice leagiie, at the home o: 1 ^ ^^iyT^*®*Sp 2 president, presided and also of- Williamson. many luilian movieb," the tayocatloru . ....Mrs. A.-ih noteaed thatthaXJ too often _ Judge concluded Words D«glnimi^ with ^retro mnnuscrlpu arere referred referr to” a — VM ^the topic of tho lexicology publication for. which . which th.ey are lesson preaent«d by M r^ Carl tomlly -unsuited.d, and and described = , : ' y Orabert. the factors to notelote In In any ar m aga- Mra. Prank Nielsen was toaat- ^Ine before submitting:milting workw to It. VVt LUAN^ mlitress for the day and she In- puhi,colons were were reported rep by j troduced Mrs. K enneth Shew B urknartirkhart and « Mrs, M A D E M O M FY __jrii<^iqK»kfl m ^ l ^ a u bJec t. J Q E itn o r-y nn H oumten7-«t

Thursday,ly, VFebruary 25,25, 10 a.m. tofo ^ 4 p .m . r~ . ^ If you want it to look like $ 3 5 03 0 0, , ^ . « your Mercury-Cometet a t t h e n e3W w United Ui States; SteSteel Farm Servicrvice Center ’65 Com et: \ ■will cost about $2500. ® PAUL on 400 ^ e st Street, V2 mvile i l e east6 2 of Sugar FactoryiCtory_ Y* ^ \T ______N o m a t t e rL l l w W to“go like a $50000 0 — T------t 1 • sports job, add aroundid Prizes ForF o r Yo Y o u v '.v ; . , 1 $500 to Comet’s ba.sic priceQg One of theseese prizeiprizes will I ^ li 15 i ‘-I J be awardedI every htJtrr—- (O . . . 2 you w ant it, l'(j (Tirring th e oapen p e n hhouae o t — ® •’ J ...which is half what you'd JiluB many otherther valuablevali , 7 ,i prizc.«i. • N othing th in g to buy, for a m edium priccd car. So, considering’ ______»,j>o obligation. c f l l l svhat a-tow figure you have to startja ih , ------i l , — ------r ^ ~ ■ ■:] aI Cliclrlc Clockiicki Slilnlau SUil Coltn MikirtI Tru] TrutblM PtrltUa is^let SpMUl Wrtack S«t> m you always end up with a bargain-n-

I prictji Com et (That’s why you see | B Agronomic Factss FFor o r Y o u ...... i - _ e!^rn ^ r n j about EXTRA MEASUI:A S U R E SERVICE . • so m al^ running around the We.st.) 1 1 b a r g a i n ! : D r. Roy Q, Lipps, chief:hief agronomistagr for At the UU. S, Steel, Farm Serviceice CeiC enter, it’s not ju st 1^1 United Statesi Steel jn the We W est, will con- Hm duct a ‘‘Soil Fertility Corner"Corner" at the open , HH house to personally answermswer questionsq of (') the *1®new, modem equipment B B farmers about their spOPlficpoelfic soil5 fertility (2) swift, dependable service ^H problems. (3 ) totop p ququality fertilizers

B l Oc l«y C. Cblcl Airaamltt Wtittni*..„n.o D S.j. (4) a comcompany that backs Its productslets and services ( 5 ) the th e aassurance s of Inteerlty ( 6 )i^the - t f w fefertilizer know-how... B Meet the U.. S. steelStc personnel >

|H9 in charge of the1 8 new FFarm Service Center:r : All of these help, of course,;, and they’re available ^ aH p ^ at the IU nited States Steel Farm Service Center, f I t ’s8 not. n o t J u s t these advantageses thath at set U. S. Steel ' IT apart...a r t ... it’s the desire to serveve you as you’ve never ■ I -K B n ! ~ ' ' beenen serserved before ... to spendnd timd"tirr w ith you, find " y ~ „ ; i o ui t aba b o o i u t y o u r soil fertilityr problproblem s, and really ^ I ' ~ f ' A j givere you y o u help in solving themn. . No sale is as im por- ' M t a nit t aas s oour reputation, no profit3fit wow orthy of anything ! m kI tK W ' r J le ssi s t h h a a n o u r very best. T hislis is tthe heart of our eSSS Lniurd * Wmllf. It.f. ''— flobtn 0 . Ktrbi PhilPhit I. Mclntorl “ T?iXTRA Y'T*T? i MEASUiRE SERVICE.”ICE.” Ullt Mina|«r Sj Ii w i PtJBtPlant SSuptnrisor ^ -TW \H ______H___ ^ B knaud JSS h United StatesState Steel S f I Farm Servlci:ervice Center 1 ;u0 Soil Fertilityrtility Specfalists .

( 3 400 W est Straet. Vi mUe eastlast of uI » Satar Factoiy _j- THEISEN MOTCi O T O R S INC* Twin FaJIi. Idabs ______THK E&SnEBT Pl^ACK DJ THBine WOIWOEUD TO BUT A CAR rfs . . v , / ' [MAR<3UISaHIII ce Rest B e tw e e na RRo o u m l a PI-D S. WRItRS ON E T tm d a y ,'F 0 b,fc 23, 1964" 196S C-- n a t i o n a l ' N ic^ p R< w A S t t i i ' I ¥ H i R f c I G I[G G ~"wamHiNOToti. gwi.- a>—The i offlelal vtew ot *famI fromtrom c conviction I s ^ ^ _, BY ANDBEW TUIXY Washington is as tbc^igh» aeenm n ^ whole naUon li unit^ irhood ot I JQAPORE, peb. 2S—UI thU neighborhood < throucb tha wronit end ot a tele-te]^-, rresolMlie,,. course the war I the world,rarld, wherew only »'few miles pf dirty samlt „ . ■cose. It is nanoir, Ineieaalngly t ,.—.?■ ■ ■■Timii..il.>fi)i,M af n \ water sep arate the weanling weanllr constricted,t « ’>?*? ' nKi JHfltH M m v g u fium liarim ladow loiM ^ — ------nm m «aUbli«tMnu«r MMftOACios suclos Editeditor Xdvrtifing UaoAg«r J H American president ainCB!B FFranii rank- d a l e THOMPSON been tb e politl-eH H retaliate^ “S Roosevelt'looked HiUerler tnin Uie tl: - ^ , ' cal factor In the^K ^^H RHS EHh tf.tt^es In the,north, can H , ____ tVmnmllui Hoom VL„r * K S M Half the neople in this richric , ■; ^ a A ootlM. r.QU|r*d br Uw oi wai^tbe refusal n » |ih®tee wliole ''iJ* .effort ij m S a. lsoh,° n h S IM ■ I aoinp^nt Jurtaifletfoo w . M P“ suburb of Conununlst ChinaCKlna - i ------: :------t a - Bee -j nubtUhad la .«h» Thur. M B •' m ^ ^ In Indonesia and Qambodia—aiodlo—are ^ I t(^10l IiUbo Cod*. clvU war within , n-aw Taiir captives'bf antl-westem1 goverrgovern- fv * South Viet Nam IUr po*u>«lc« In Twin r«lU. Id - -Is at least aa Important as tne the ] coup proves. ■ V M«r<£^t. H7». a PekingUhg reiregime newly raised to the status t war waged with the help and Ofnelal CityIty aiulmad CouolCouoljr Naw,apa[>ar [ » nuclearcleor p ix)wer. ( I V J • • ’ • direction of BanoL One ■CWP cpuP i «8alnM-n,?«berMI BUB8C11IPT10NISCKirTION ILtTES .. has followed another taptlTnowir^ow ,S ^ ProPoslng'sltol^H" Bt CuiUc-^Qiw BU>m>> ,B and th re a ts o f w ar—Malaysia al ^lyes to the present dnu'g: ■ \ muntlu on» F»*r““®“‘a>VM‘“ tll.OO. ■■ W AB a n d i>r«> >1- J >V there. Is still one, m ore attem p t j *"a montha M.OOl onala iraar»a»r lU.oo.lu.oo. war Inn Viet ^Nam Is Jast around every comer. Re ' son 61 Internal dlvlsloh andId dls- ite ' iT- principal spoke^ O n u U a S la U a f Mlah»-Oi>a a h » -O n a moimonth fl lH thn, oiootbi c h in aI hlUl has ororganized a "liberation front" to crus crush nt w Everett McKinley tt.llO ^ »1» inunthi IM.8 P 0 i; ona >aar>«ar IH.OO. ------the pro-west con- ^ tension official Waablnxtonon hoshas |the minority leader in the senlS iro-western, regime In Thailand, and con never mastered ] tinuesI to pulpursue Its phony "civU war" In in LaaLaoe. . proclaims that no negollatlona^ lunist demonstrators and terroristss are oon ^ There U no mystery aboutu t ^why y ^I accepted in Viet Nam. viS? diculous "owfinrowl in the friendly Phlllpplna^,^ ------[ ttae view Is so constricted.i The Ihe is saying, therefore, is C Ridicul MBf* J - declslon-maUn({ process is do- i short, wherever Presl^KifPjohnsonon looks...... look Is do- northing short of surrender bJ Anyone Is welcome to speculate on there" ^trouiIs trouble. For ZQjvBgfa. Am erican InterestInterests mlnatea byTBecretary oMDefenseJeXense -the1 ’Vlet Cong la acceptable, the ridiculous statem en ts -Bumiiiusl'Utniasl A siah^e suffered from thele casui casual r f r ^ ' Robert a McNamara. At war- ■what’s behind the rldici r shallng facts and figures, at pre- ] the same position tint from Perry Swisher,wisher, ththe state senator ottentions:tons ofoi Washington’s dlploinatla! second secon f c ^ ^ j k i \ takes about tt and today's mess is the fruit dl ththa a t \ sentlng the military equatloni^^Q i from Bannock county whowh caTls him self a team, and t dt one excels McNamara. His ssteel- ^ l - ( “hort^ol :t. Ldolhff i -w ithdraw al ol Amerlaa KepubHcan. Pefhapsifhaps pnrtpar of th e Sunday "cgiect.____ _ • • • tr ^ n^d-—this IS a cliche doing ; atatement' waaI InspiredInspiredi by letrislators wkecksECKS COUNTRY,« NEXT THE WORLDORLD —- ■— - J^m an Injustice—bites down on { the'Sfhole problem of logistics,^ t l M , ’ J " - immovabi, who have f6undid themsethem selves under pres- From here, uthe situation often has a tragi-comliKl-comlc, / - WM,r s il?' meeting the Irrcsljtsbtr :ena and don’t like it. An- oimostt lunaticlunat aspect. That fat little Jerk.lerk, Su8u- fire power, targets, men and□a ma-ma­ /oroe. and the end result can onh flure from citizena and c t t ^ chines. j of the club, R. H. Young —who ihas dragged his rich countrytry dowdown . 1 . H t escalation of the Vletname» other meniber of the clu ’Irtual bankruptcy—Is now talking dreamlldream ily g y > f Understandably P re lsd en t , bombing in Chins um - Canyon countyr senator, previously had tho day "not so far off" when Indoneslndonesla wI w/ a- Johnson haa the highest regard { E m in e n t peril of World come galloping to the rtre.scue. win haveave nucnuclear weapons. And In India,k, usuallyusuall w W fJ S for his secretary of Defense,ise. He ,war m , land of rational calm, a debate_^s ragingragin comes- to cabinet and national But other partslarts of 5Sw iaher’B state- an island of security council meetings withw lth an " ^ Since alm ost everyone agreei hcther that professionally pacifict nationnatioi ^ saving Bouth Vlet Nam cannot b« ment, particularlyarly the Port'on shouTd1 produiproduce the bomb. ^ unerring preparation for saying th e Tax Action1 for GrowG row th (TAG) com- jndonesi what he wants to say. Asidele from P®"*'' «loM [ndonesla's case, the world Is learningng againagaii m S?“ President, if he Is nolTJ^' mittee ns a “thinlyhinly disRui.sed,disp pnrti.san- t^at theLho depdeparture of colonialism is hotit alwaysalway ______* the Prelsdent hlmjelf, McNa- -colonial ————— — — —^—j mara's is the dominant voice,ice Hla co'">nllled to the Dirksen Une Inspired" jyroupp could hnvehi been Swi.sh- a goodId thing,thtm SukarhlTs frenetic anll-colonlo ntlitarV “'*6ht put some hard ijuestlonj! lalism has produced more excesses:s In itIts ' ' conclusions based on mtlltarj* e r’s own idea. TAG mentmember.s m ust have nationalism 1 calculations from the PentagonX gon F ^ ,~ t would be: At wh« learn they "appear to be a “hort life thithan the Dutch colonists didi in 30300 i —'i C j point would you propose to com- been amazed to learn the; It seems incredible, but the feeling her are rarely challenged. front for Democraticocratic (fubernatonal (fu can- ^ ^ ing here T)/->v'T' ^ W o r lI d d C o r n e r s But aa has been shown on American ground tnwrnf t this unsavory, irresponsible dictatorItor may ma; h^f 1 I •t Nam Ah'* willing to accept didate Lloyd Walker.”'alker.” ThereTl nre two big be theB one whosen nervous finger triggersrs WorliWorld’ -1- W X g«iiig-.«i each of his visits to Viet Nam —part of tho gruelling ekercise'rcl« Inin tt"°‘h er K orea or will such a to 1 becnuse Walker isn’t even war mII- . surprises here, becnuse V • • • Ij By PHIL NEWSOMf VVlet Nam, the Chinese couldn’tcouldn t duty and discipline to whichlich hhq e become '’Johiuon'i. a member of TAG\G nndand althouRhall he’s been , . subjects himself—the secretary >TING PACT UNCONFIRMED—Those,nose, whowh Q h J / ^ ' T ' Q y 1^ ^ UPI Foreign News Analystilyst los®- rumored na a possible:>os.Hible ci candidate for the ; Other instances come to ™mind, ,i*- seems to leave o u t the politica)joiitical th°"*-hs became "Truman's »art'T ||r I this premise point out that Oreat B Britair ritain, O i l W i O If. in Vlet Nam. the* Russiansusslans Back In 1958, during th e M ld- jtimUm The fhrst question was one that, H ‘ U.S. senate in 1966, he ha.Mn’t1 been con- A ustraliailia aodand New Zealand already havee rusheirushed • ^ , he Mid- factor. His invariable optimism ______find themselves In. a squeezeze play east ei crisis, former Sovietlet Pre- —granted part ot It can be dis*dia* *" effect, Oen Nguyen Klianh pul ■ , nected with tho0 guberna ffubernatorial candidacy to Malaysia’stiaysla's defense with men and weapqniw e a p g n s .-----— ------. between the United Stateses and jpipj jj N 1 k 1 ttt Khrushchev first r~Pekln g Boea to l ndeBeBig:s--ald in s to lla 'ev first Roiintad—as_g morale factor;tor to(-toi- In a rem arkable interview Uton W - even by rumor. Ann~tr~PeMrv . AMEMT^ORE THUMBSAB* i the~ReH~CHInese. It Is n o t the proposed p a summit conferencewnce to in the South VletnamBSB^aiU-ta.(aiU-ta the lotest coup. Por those with ■ n, enough countries will bo lnvoivea” Im Shols.- first time. (Geneva 0 or "anywhere else" and This must be! SSwisher’ w isher’s cute little way ^edi'atliiy*toiy to give that war world-wide status, Deor Pot I Ise and tajj, account the willwUI to lairiy-long^emoilegJie soundeiU^*, Perhaps the adulta all grin to In Vlet Nam . ^ - then agreed to a counter-propos- ^*®ht ot the Vietnamese In the remarkably like Chlang KaRHell^^ of’trying to stirr uup p more trouble in ranks Therara is non confirmation of the report tha ^ nooer Ihemsolvcs when they see a bunch thet theory is al a by President Eisenhower that gouth and the Innumerablelie war- as that tragic figure itoof Pekliig'a announced determination to rli There followed a secretBt meet- dent has narrowed the view of his own people. The question H screams wili bc, loud antand W . ■ ^'oTth°e'as?^A‘Ii d power, the kljs but somehow or other ^ east As)a of Western lnfli\,enoe and powei “L 1 J cent visit to■ ■ { hIng i>etwen K hrushchev anand d Red Re<< the conflict and In so doinging ap- was; When are you coming lo ■ ' ------— e v e n1 __ mnrwm o r e am azing Tho spoilspolls st;still belong to the victors. someorie ran out of material;riai and j Vlet c Whftt^s ——J ^ '■ Chinese leader Mao ’Tfee-tung-tung inIn pears to have put himself!lf in a save me wlt^ the full force of’■ ' Swisher’s statement•ment iais the claim tfiat" ^dfSTIsave^ncragh^Dr-thfflxitttnti-rtottom^ ^W HS-ta-tTT-re-«^B|B^J^M - f In -which -th»-ghln«s.-ve.InMa-v.^ .dlfHoult- box. He jepnrtedirij»rt tnto . your land armies snd your naiy TAG activities hnve been,beer “blowinff valu- M rHIT a i T ISi s RIOIIT —But-the-tough, realistic realisti eight or 10 fnche.s. Sure, to adult "political settle-te-deeply resentful of the Demo- and air forced able salea^tnx votes■otes in theth senate.” Since :ians hereabouts. see Lyndon Johnsonnson aas jycs, lihey stand out likeIke sore ment" n of t h not n only would Includeide the cratlc senators who criticize MfTjohn.son inherited the boi H le of saving Asia from the reds—atrd fror communlst-sup-HH^V'.]B,^|HL H H Dnlted C States but the NatlonaUsIttionallst present policy, or lack of it, and ■^nnlB°u'd thum bs, ‘ it, and he is In. But for the moment thn when did persistent,itent, openopei and honest ac- drumum-bcatlng -beai nationalistic self. They appiaui , ported war In Chinese c as well. Khrushchetrushchev talk of the urgent need to cbn-con- Is Irrelevant, since finding a wir tiv ity on IjeTiaTrT o f nnyunjT leirlglation have Tns-conpeyEdtsra^eyEct, pragmatic approars Is a gnj gp,, j,qw many staress are di- e and the United Stales’ proinpt short-liveds friendly "s p 1 r 1 1 oi tion? dangerousrous gagame. rected your way. rresponse. CCamp'Davld." After It. Khrush- Swisher also pointed otout that Seti. Jack ..vvo) respecrespect power out'here." says'TinrJournal xrc\fot <^ev once more visited Peiping, on"r^’; 'l when you’re a1 Roman The subsequent swllt-march-of ^ Hs' The Docdoctor Says I Murphy, as presidentsident pro tem of the sen- 1st. c. w.W. Hwang.""SukarnoHw admits thot only th t of the events contained the dangerrer thotthat ' Mao Tze-tung trumpetet■umpeted ate. and Sen. Georgeleprge Blick,Bli as m a jo rity u .a seventhseventh fleet keeps him from grabbing>blng alall y°“ <1° lhe way the rest of liirn the 'Russltt, Bven though reluctantly.clantly. '■lh a t ’war Is (he ,"Jilgh“ve to give her-h ^ , ersW p of -world communism. .-im-rST sweats. The answer willill be either,eitl "You don’t Joe Kelly Isl the man who has kept his chUdre 'J?*- So it was famlllar-reTTdTnl intolerance to -,^ ^ R W 7 this? - ' ■ ‘ r ^ o o l since Christmas t>ecause theQe sch<)t. Braaditadtladitadt - any kind of IO(d trouble wouia ^ mula or a particul'afticul'af approachap th at has river. Kelly won’tv permit his children to cross tl: - USSR, tlon" end demanded "concreteconcrete cause Is a vitamin deficiency,ficiency, agree. c s. w hich Is dangerous, or to walk the 30 mill As the altuatlon developedoped Intn action."i ond some improvement can usu- ___ to be followed.. Okay, sso suppose there ^''^ f’^hich ■ were to Mr»a Earl Ston«Stop. ______an usu- -Whereas a hard corn ^due to , r which would be required if they were 1 :r-r: -- ally be expected from taking:lng vit­ v lt- pressure from Improperly J Is something spucial.pedal. lIowIio -at)Qut-SpiTie of meet the buibus on the next nearest road.. That Is •' " (Rt. I, Murtaugh)-taugh) amin tablets and a high lso''h?lp protein soft cora^ls^not_« the Great Mindsds up in Boise! explaininjr Teu3uw«i»ia_je.Mbla_jeilough, and the school districttrlct hihaa • • - ^ diet. Liver extract may also help. it simply and plainly to all the common, tried to acco accoiiiBiodat* tBB fmiily by uffeiluy-l 1 — ^Interp retinj » S In others. ~IH6 niei ve ehangea- paying, vote-casting citi- provi^ie livingiiviw expenses for the chUdren 50 the yfetn g th e N cw s-^ ordinary, tax-paying, v Krf»iiv Yinji D*ar Sir; ,. are the result ot not keepingolng the licyllc a d d In alcohol or applyW i lay in town during the ichool year. Kelly he ■« going ISESS—Jili— - ■'----- ^ at all h alf-stren g th Whltrield's ol«- , zen»,7 How aboutaut iBtting iBttinf everyone in on J^JcTtlTeo;d the offer, insisting that the school)1 dlstrlidistrict • haard «h*t Bo«lng »*a» goli^ diabetes well controlled at all th is big secret,, thia speispecial system that must buiid a Idren can to build ■ plant n«ar Twinlln FalU Falls By JAMES MARLOW»VV slon a or weakiiess amonKng theijtheir times. These patients usually ment two or three * J build a road to his house so his children ca ment in should clear this up Thera I haa to be followediwed in leilegislation. rido thethe bus as other children do. "My chlidrechUdren to a«»«mbU a n»w l*»lln«ru r Bo.- Bo«- Auoclated Press Newa AnalystAnalyst neighbors i oX g;\i«^Llla warfare show a marked improvement in milled to an education," he sai's. "and ththe tng will build. Tha way I I h.«rd h««rd WASHINGTON, Peb. 23 UTK-ii!V- th t a t ftvolds the iib ckar kind,kind their neuropathic symptomsms with several other ^ « While they'rere explaiiexplaining, the Great eniiUed Lratton's they cah hqpe to take'ove^^toi the un- effective. IF used m dlracted 07 ct is obliged lo pick them up." h, th* part* would b* ihlpp«liIdomI In Johnson adm lntstration’s t more coreful control ot the un- Minds might trytry explaiexplaining all the im- ‘“strict is ob willingness to bomb bosesases In nationsi around them. ^ derlying disease. your doctor. ^ portnnce that has been attachedno the t^e‘■iuuTorftiUy may be enjoying his little tugdjf-war•war witwith frtwn plant* loeatwl In ' ^ communist North Vlet Nam.m, rlsk-risk- That It is at the root of th^ lulhorltles, but ll is no^ doing his chU^n chlidre othar parts o« th.1. coon-coon- (jig Rusjia andnd Red Johnson; admlnbtratlon’s think so-called “boi-derler count!counties in the sales »ny good,rood. Withwi each passing day they fall farthi ba*maS try and amiamblad hara. China, seems Inff 1 comes through pretty well lr tax uproar. WhereWhere iH>eiw . these border behindid in In schoolworlcsc that will have to be mac ■IrMdy baaed on ttie as- statements g by Pi^sldent Johnsor \ cpuntiea and how comecoirx they carry so up later.ter. TheThere would be some point to thehe sacrl-sacr • umUratand Boeing alrMdy Injustice, has purehatad land on McMat- McMat- sumption ne and i Secretary of Defensee RRober obert O sw ald Jacer strikesTikes oron ...... de. He Is Insisting, 'unreasonably, thatth ftt tlthe rti« T-N had a story story oo oo reasoil HjBpK North3 Vlet Nam while! Russi]Bus.sla DUMMY'S-I-ONa Count tho borderorder coui countiea. You’ll find societyly dtschdischarge its. obligation on his terms 1 thli wondarfol dav.lopm.nt7n.nt7 human ' enough. A n il and i Red China howled,:d, saidsaid: SUIT PASSED BYI last trum p. He that 25 Idnho counties qqualify. Biit when atIt all,all. 11 It Is the father, not the district, wl player hand wllh the - to £o to R.ad.r .ad#r The Russians, . m ^m r l "We ■ must all understandmd thathat Almost every, bridge player •nytng Joe Kelly's kids the right to go PnlU) better than A we i will persist In the defense o you s ta rt •fookingking at tthe ones located >L—Lewl-ston I^w' Tribune, (Twin Falls) efen.se of knows enough to set up a long where there’s a significantsignifies population on _ Chinese. know ^H l^K ^ freedoml and our continuinglUlng ac-ac suit in his own h and. SurprLslng- both sidea of the bordejborder,’ you can boil it the danger once^^K^ajk Uons t will be those which1 are JusJus- ly few rememlier that a long suit ONE-lTP-MAN-SniP Pot ShoH not.: Apparently,parently ^ nuclear w a r|P ^ ^ .J ^ Ufledt and those th a t areire madM«r)o« necessary i by the continuinglUlng ag-ag S outh's tw o-cnro opening was Kootenai. Benewnh,swnh, LatiLatah and Nez Perce payingig psj-choloRlstJpsych In the piibllc’healthh depardei»rt- , uadatlng a rumor thaf'i. r 'l S.V-»av- m unlst em pire built up over3ver the gresslon | of othera. mads becau.se he played two in northern Idaho,laho, PayettePny and Canyon m em le.ssle.s.s thnthan tjfie going rate for parks caretake; er.l year* old and th.r..r. was pa^t 48 years might bc lost.»t. “These actions will be meamea- clubs as his only forcing bid and council found a' rather- clever way out of t nothing Iti It In th . Ilrtt(t pplac.I l.c .I And th e Chines*, .still1 manym any suredi and fitting and accurate.ccurate", -p-r-;------oyer in westernrn Idaho, and Flfftnkliti ^biem*'''em. fh until years behind the United States j should have made the sian* southern Idaho. The mo I ^And McNamara reporteded t« to thi^ - n o r t h 2S o. The most active of tho.se ' reciassijreclassified six psychologists as psychometichom etrlc D®"'' ' and Russia In lndu.itrlal and nu- nbus®. j armed services committee *S out any fo"*’' ' - n o t w counties opposingsing the sales tax is Nez technicians,ilclans, thereby raising their startingLB salorlsalaries Bo«ing buildt that planti I . clear development, know the fa- | [xnm lttee * 9 7 4 3 All he had to do • • • f that the Red Chinesee “have *‘hav( i ? th a t there was a six ou , i t ’s n o s e c r e t that Lewi.s- from **4.2314 .2 3 ! 1 to »5,829, ' lal disadvantage In an all-out , Perce. In fact, it’s no s< .‘k JI *hdwn great caption whenhen con- con , - su it in dummy and th®‘ tn ton, county seateat of NiNez Perce county, it has beenbeer obvious for many years thatit salar)salaries YOU MIGHT TRYlY war with a country Ukeice tnw.this, fronted j with a determined dU which has nuclear bomtxi . I way to make the ,b1 i. nncZear~BItsnM“gy3ttIHr"^TtoS™l--Tinn* «-♦ Pasa. PassB ass^ —2 ^ pasa 3 ^ other suggestionition is tlthat proponents of Har^tlniarv&tlng Is starting a month early, and *0.t 40.000 starlings moves in and cleans ftp bllng dabbllni threw caution to the wind and 1 rigl^ But there can be no .. axpafM- ets t)ecame one of the twoso great | ih ' rLsk ot Its o»h. It jhay b< t- . - doobt whatever of one ealdes. U takes a lot of the stuff io itCgar-a (Twin Falls) ;.jhay be leaped right to six. ver of one thing, namely, the- th toCastro ^ " leglme.s—Atlanta Constitution. 1 Falls) postwar pou-ers. In .short,. he fig- ’ wrong in assum'ihg T ftdsslasaia and anc South won the openingg hearth eart p c r l ^ ” rig h t of cachI and everjevery citizen to «press ured time was on Ruisla'sa 's side,slde^ ’ Red China w on't chance w a r 1 rom ptly d IanMwas- INE and he took his time. ' \ « war If leadjwltb his ace and promptly - s. i^hia opinion 01^0 1 ^ pendingp e n d in legislation. And SLSEPINO HABITS FAMOUS LASt LINE for sonjs reasons or^'ifielrielr ownown. tuffed a. second heart In dumdummy, m y. t ODA'TS QWSSTIOf ? legislator who trie »»• L.ap V can bc taken for grantednted the i even tHou{h now unlmaglnedmaglned. TTien he led a diamond and fi- a n y ir who tries to hes® off such Newew testslests sMow that if a person B resUess restless In • J I ewsr C^ilne-'e and his sutcewors In the I a n d .f l- '-V ou Bid t-wo ard as he '*a^ *o g.t rm- iMpIng ev.r tn. rs In the they ignore caution and try try their thcL ne.s.sed tb e queen. 5 . ' expresaions of opinion is out of order and J® sM p hhs m ay be -••worfctag" as hard as Kremlin, with all ihcy have at 1 luck, e are the tboogh# of'a proposaL" west’ won wltti tbe king and j f i ^ o o l d be toldId so inm teiterms he c a ^ t miat' I during the day. And then there are I IU -nic aloke. feel the same way. f f - » n s Wbo a rt not restless in th eir work a '■ ■ ' That’s why any extensionnslon oof led a trump which South won. _ta]Ma ■■--- work and GENTLEMAN IN THG THE If tim e Is on their sidede then 1 the-war to North Vlet Mam 1 m « r cto«l«*plii*^W lchIt* Ei«1«l ~ F o u r t h rtow o w iocoer or latex, through subver- j *tUl halr'-rpffi^ Mam nam^i Is South ruffed 'hU last heart',art', led . « ia«M ' a diamond to hi* ace andI ruffed Anlwer Btrtna- , ------I •

-rf - ' f " ' ' ------■ V . ■ I ■3*' •. . •

1 f; '■ . ■ '■■"'■■■ ■' I ■ ■ *■ ' •v ' ■ gescur^ W ^ N Paid OfMory^^lllll Ipt ? . ■ s. ■ , ' ;The; t i M« \lnaters »-H clublb Ralls T im es-N ew s S ' J U mel-MOndnymei- at the liome of Lori (Vinrinues-:^ | Contest Won W Eulph^Eulc The meoting wills called;d **ur(Purchasing a new! (lag holdeir ' J B -” to order6 by--the presldent;“Jace'- was «’•« (tnscu^d(« by -the tneinbers.— At Slide Arearea ] b'ub n W ills. •’ _TheI'he next meeting will be Mon- - By Girl, 16 Member.s-i)ractJccdMl ca.stlng off(( day aiat the home of Miss Eaton. ' 23 IDFS-. • nnd Mrs. Eaton showed themm ------pPAVU A Pek J3—Carol Hun- a relaya. k ' how to knit. TRY •:TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS .BH B ' Chett, _ _ _ the-clockle - clock | ■' ■ ^ r cneti, 16. diiughtt?r of Mr. and fc** IQ mUislliB »*i*Uen trapU'ftP------“ I MMrs. rs. AA, K. Hanchelt, Paul, was ^ B l at the . ■■ ■ ■ 6r !he aiinurtr^^atflncai - ^ r t : t com cont Itsc Fz‘ld 2>y evcnU^tr. sponsor- jNBR ed bV I °BSS“’that‘^om ^iy stmstill be ' I ed bV the Paul Amertcan Legion, tie "mlr-. RumRunner-up wius John Tarp, son arp en ter of Mrs.Mrs Jean TttrprT>aul. Other tbeen e e , dome ^ c e r being - - conicslanU^-werecontest Scott Cunning- » “ - -> ham. sson of Mr. and Mr.s. Roy / |6 * .„mh«l for 78 hours. m d two eCunntnRham. m m tr and Mary Ann As- made ‘ ------j« ■ Monday found two ; .sen, dl —^ ^ l ea undtr thB Snownow and _ ’ ■ * ' ■ • <<:en. daugh t«.'r o f Mr. a n d M rs. . to 1 6 ;theo-known known ^ . ' ------.-.-.-'i---- . - AlbtitAlbert- A.vicu. all nupci t.------burled In the slide. Each contestant pr^^nted an \^ e rescue teams werere being eight to 10 mlnu(e speech on the O N YOUR ^ ntued to the mln* fromm otew-3tew- ‘ SU.S. ConsiUutlon and then were ^ ______given P 30 mUes south. Lighting ...... ' ' given a subject on' one of the I ^/.nt was being usedjsed for - ' amendments ou whfcli they gavee • Xht operations. A tempoiarym porary ''i four-mlnuto extemporaneousIS 'C CAHOL IIA.\CHETT I talks. . , . "^S^e was set up at Stewart. , . . . 16-yeur-old dauchter n f \ %^cue officials said heavy MLss Hanchett received a giftt Mr. andai Mrn. A. K. Hancb^t. | ^dieater -. from Uk* Legion and Otha Mc- Taul,P a u l, ts winner of the annual . AE TAX I Zpmcnt. stoves ond-Jieater INCOME been moved to thhe e area Olll. communliy service chair-. ' Paul J Amerlcsan Legion orutorl-1- 1 Q cal contntl. ConteMluntn from BOTH A ^ ^h^re^e'wall of deatha th slid man. prc.'^^nted certificates to the ecdci o th e r tcmtesl4UU.s. P a u l ia n d K u p rrt co m p eted [JJ Iti The eaiy woy fo face the 6.0 0 0 -foot glacierr Thurs- « fnu&ic on your income tox Is to f e d e r a l « • H under tbe roDtetit l-Vlday nl^bt, flattening the campp under She hus taken three years of take it to BLOCK. While you ANiANO I P m Uii Ice and snow. H&j|r speech at Mmlco hlRh school andd ' p—,i.i» 1— — ...... nnnlsh - bom Elnar Myllyla, v' : llQHysynHjlx^V^ !Vi is a'mo mber of the Futuree ^ take it e a iy , they figure your STA „ was found under thele debris • TeachersTeaclu' of America. rvUure f^ g \g ' return quickly and accurately. ^day. Hp'-wat, semi-conscious:onscious V.5 vi ‘ ' ' . . . \ Nur.s<'sN ur.vs as.'kx-'lallon. P ep club.' Cooked^ v I V GarbageC Their nominal fee ^ tome- MINP guffei-lhg from shM kk, lacer- . ' Oerman(?erma club. Quill and ‘Scroll11 TRENTON.TR N. J. Feb. 23^ thing to »ing about^ too. HIfffR || 1 Ilion and frostbitten hands■nds and ,/ -r '-'t i.:" ■__ i’ , ^ club. Ski club and the Forensicc ■ (UPD—‘(UPD—Tlio menu Is improving llild■■HI nj (eet He was one of 27 persons I W I." V-.^,rs league. She“TSl»'^rH leader, meru- for t the pigs on two Cape when ’ ' V '* J'1 ber of Uie Jo b 's D aughl<‘rs an d Iss -, MMay ay farms. ’ ||-...... -■■■ = GUARA.NTilHA.NTil^ jl 'ijleep in four bunkhouses when I W« guoronia* occurot* praparalionip a ro iio n «ot «v«ry ta« rafurn. Iff jl |i .h. Rllde occurred. ^ ^ ____ I ncllveactive Jn the Paul Methodist-t Th©Th< state agrlcuture de- J church, partnp a r tin e n t fin e d Y art>ob -AllI w* mok« any «rrori thol cottco tt you co n y p « n o lry o r II | Mvllyla wBs in ted 157 heltcepc-—Ihettcsp:- . 1 5 P»t

    y r~inU««0,~ ______.- II ____ ter to a hospital at Ketchikan, I She nntJr«JTer“p iin n e r w ere list- a ‘“ n id d J c ^ t h n n M u rray $50 *Iaaka some 100 air miles south- I ^ ed as the ••top debaters” during;J. each for serving • tholr pigs « jt o( the m ine Bite, where I H the recrt'ciMU district speech contestI garbagegarbti which hadn't been Dr James Wilson describedIbed hU | HHIiiBHHKtiilM MflMaiSSBMI], j at PociPocateHo. . cookecooked.______condition os "fair." Judges were Uie Rev. Edwin ; "ft [3[Ili2X I — LEONARD A. WINKLE, managemanager of the new U. 8. Steel farm iservice center. Is explaining . jjubcr*' • Huber. Paul; Mrs. G. M. Me- BROTHKK-lN-LA\\'-niKS BR( ^ America's Largest Tax Servtcarvtca wiwith Over QOO Officas fertilization pamphlets to RobertRobert Kerbs,I Irll, and Phillip Mclnturf.Inturf. center, %oth employes. Open oiinUu'CllnttH'k a n d Nn*a. A.’ P a u l B row n.1. WWENDELL. EN Fob. 23- Mrs. Roy 17fk house for tbe center, located:d on 40 400 West; east of ^be Paul sugarlugar factory,ft la scheduled from 10 bolh Burley;j nJid the Rev. Mr.r. HaverhHaverland received word this Legislative I (Times-News photo) a.m. io 4 p.m. Thursday. (Times- ______Endera ESidera and -Jake Wall, both Ru-,- week oiof the death of her brother- 289 ADDISON A * * * * *--*** pert.peri. in-law. Claude Haverland. Bll- IN AVE. WEST I two years with the bureau,of e n - W.yr W. P aasch wtus g en eral lings, JMout. Mr. Hjiverland died“ ri TWIN FAILS,aLS, ID/IDAHO M - t o g . ||- tomolony .and plant quarantine. chairman of the event. of a In heiu-t a tta c k . S u rv iv o rs arc_;are^ Weekdaya 9 to 7 — Sal.Sat. 0 t to 5 — 733-OlM ■ Introduced In Senate Open H otisej SelSetTliiirsdajTat “jFor the past 13 years he was Mrs. Val 'lk>oUsoo. spt'och te a ch -_ h is w ife and two hou.s. D H NO AIM‘()|MTMKNTIKNT NK(NKCKSHARY ■ ■ ■ H H H M B I M BB196 (Education)—Authorlz-luthorlz- ■_ ^ employed n.s (leld man Ior AmnI-1^*” e r at Mlnlifco,, w ho In stru c te d th;e e ■■------I W i I ■■■.!■ w school dlstMcta to Issue re- I B nnialed Sugar com pany. H is contestants, (-onte.sl reported the . school3l lundlng bonds In advdnco ot re- ■"Jbarm servicee Plantr at Panl wife and sl.\ children have mov- had 86j students participate Inn idemptlon date of oustandln*standing- —pjrUL.~ Feb. 23 — Open houselouse andat product literature," he cd<>d to Paul where they hnve pur- tills year's ,, competition for Uiele ?bonda. Iofor the new U. S. Slleel fnrm form slated.sli chased the Floyd Clark resl- LeRlon Le„io„ honor. Signed by G overnor“*■ servicesc: plant located on 400 The plant l.s the first of Its MLs.MLss Hanchett will represent SB51 (State affairs)—Giving—Giving Wy, est, ea-st of the Pajul Slugar ugar kindkl to be erected by the U.S.S.S.S. \Winkle reported the Fnrm tho Paulp, American Legion at B idvisory councU a voice In nam - fafactory, wUl be h e ld , fromn 10 in th is area T he co m p an y rere- - ServiceSei cenler combines In ^ a ,p.ni. _ ^Wednesday at the Paul Le-:■ DD i sistinguishede d I -employ- ^ pm. Thur^ay. -an-an- cenllyce held its urand opening5 Qtat singlesin unit tire latest concepts glon hall during the district con-I- neht security ogency. nounces „o Leonard Wlnl^e, plantplant the th Nnmpa plant. In soil fertillly research Infor- test. k_flB45 (Public h e a lth andind w^l- wel- jjinnager. ; U.S.S, officials attending the niation. prSbessJng and appllcn-c a - —______1_J— ______Pj;„)_Permlttlng the wliving aiving^ or ^^^^XJ^tlFsaia-the-iatesli-adwince evevent will include Jam es Roonoyrnoyr -----fa cim ifia ‘ find— £ f f etlve c ^ on “one-package" scrvlce to ior- -hooted-—by—th e —eom pftfty—Tties*-: * - - hy y iexceptiena lUlng period for teachers'U retire- othpr In complete soil fertUltiy servicervice SailSi Lake, technical expert on ‘oi — day morning at the Ponderosa>a U nal— ____ I ment when dlsabUlty orjr ouierother jq farmers, will go on dla- mochinery m problems; Dr, Roy n>em^r^ -----. •. fInn n forf™ area persons associated<1 ' * ' . drcumatances Justify. pl,play here Thursday. Llpps. Ll Suit Lake City, north-n h - Ai full range of custom-made with „agriculture. HB3 (Burt)—Setting up ma­ma- event will feature ner- per- western states agronomist for bulkbu fertilizers, piu.i micro nu- ______chinery to aid In locatingIng par- s(3,al consultations with ' top U U.S. 3 U.S.S., and Allan Kindle. Salt Sail irlents,tri will be offered at the |Mj|H ents of deserted chUdren. gj Salt Lake City, area manager tor the- ceicenler lo meel every soil fer-e r- uncm derstanding '• ,, Steel agronoml.st.'i from Salt Li nrm tillty need, Winkle empliQSlzed.:ed, HB68 (Revenue and taxation)“ “,‘‘"1, Lake City, displays of the most U.S.S. u northwe.stern states farm till —-Btqiilting n map of th(! Isgtfj. service cgnterSj^ ____ jnc includliiK llie corporallon’B owniwn boundaries of newly organizedxganlzed ^ j and-/ree crop Assistinp Winkle with the opeffjpciT ■»"-ammonium- nitxate;— ammoniumum- =K=tn ------or altered taxing unlta l>ebe filed ______L______------hoii.seh< will be plant employes,lyes. sulfate and anhydrous ammonia.lla. ■ I Ulll I ■ n IIII jl| ■ wilh county recorder, countyunty as- niinir nRobf.'rt Kcrbs. nrea salesmatu...notCU... ,. 1LnrKCsl ofTi^o main buildingsngs V ■ lessor Ind sta te tax commission,imlsslon. prprovide that county prosecuting- * and Phllllp Mclnturf. plant s su- u - hoii.sc.sho a ccn tral ferllllzer a too r- Killed by Senate, atattorneys shall be elected for pervi.sor, agiage area modern, high capacity ring ap- four-j^ear terms Instead of two, W HB104 (Millar)—Requiring op- foi fXP.' winkle Ls a lifelong residentlenT'Bulk bu blending plant. Tho second)nd pUcints for driver's and1 chauf- 28-1028 (two-thirds, 30 voles,' '’®'re- of MaRlc Valley, born and raised.ised strstructure comprises the retailtail leui'j llcensea to be fingerprint-lerprlnt- ququired). - ' min FUer, He wns graduated fromrorti ofjofficc and mnlnlenance area. ed. 11-22. Previously passed,ised, but iSB156 (Judiciary and ru les)—— ti,the Unlver.slly of Idaho withh a )Refre.shments will be servedved HPHi ^— nconaldered. CrC reating position 'Of "admilnis- lnis- a3A degree In agriculture. He thethi public, and visitors will re- AT 'q OUR NEW -tOCATION Fused by SenateI tratortn of the courts" appointedIhted worked (or the US, departmentle n t oelcelve Kills, ' • * ■ — HB1S5 (Ways and means)^neans)-rr by the supreme court. 16-2S.I- of uRrlculture In Twla, Falls for Aj promotion breakfa-st will be 3rd St.Sl East & 2nd Ave. East UoWng JthB liability of 'the the ------craer or dtijSfctor of an aircraftabrcraft • /or Injury to a n o n ^ l nig g guest. ' flSllS (Counties and munlcl-m unlcl- V'unB J piJJtles)—Increasing fromn t w ^ o /Mr year* the terms of majfors roajfors d( cities of the first class.ia. 27-14. HB117 (Counties ana munici­munlcl- rTvB palities)—Kequlrlng citiesa of the J ' H b ucond class to fbc salariesea of Itsits / ' i jj j S k olficers at least 60 days prior to /- municipal election. 41-0. KBllS (Counties and munlcl- . / m * 4, - pslltles)—Removing salaryiry lim­11m- ■ 'r itations for mayor and council- council­ ■ I ' men of cities of the first class. ^ <1-0. HBllB ^Counties and munllcl- palitles) — Authorizing payment f i ot salaries ~=to-^=truitees of vll-vii- ^ Uge.i. 41-0. HBIOO (Monroe. Williamsims and ^ Bwank) — A m ending LewSXonLjewlston* ~ city charter to raise maximumloximum HH. . RR< obert Stradley,' CLU tax levy for current expenses from 38 to 45 mills. 41-fl. This Penncnn MuiMutual anderwritcr has earnedI a■ ppgjtlonppdtlc In______Passed In Senate ------thc-tpg rank of hifl1 i>» l» Imllip li»nnr»Jlonored I.tn tha | ~ ^ —8Jm - (JudlolOFy and ruU rul«»j «)------O la i i j li. ? 7 0 Ms lU m ff------1 ' " p Amending Id ah o constitutionutlon to Februaq^iruaq^ 2723 issue of The Saturday Ercnhignhi2 Post PosL I allow six-man Juries In all civilCivU V cases within the Jurisdictionctlon of ■ any court Inferior to the dis­d li- trict court and eIlitllTtate.site .1 the A UNIQUE DEPTHPTH oof understanding is the keykey to truet success for provLilon that all civil actions any life insurancee underunderwriter. H e m ust be "expertert and imaginative in under J500 be tried by a six-m an Jurj-. 36-0. _ .____ ) 0 o w n e r s the application ofif all thithe many forma of life d health healtt insurance. H* SJR7 (Judiciary and ruliis>—“ Why theke 5 7 2 0 C jrs ■ m uat be able to understand unders the needs of thosea who Ilook to him for Amending Idaho Constitutionutlon to ^ », . allow retired supreme court::ourt or « ^ m — advice, and able to d«»i(design their insurance program•ams s to fit thoae needs. illstrtct court Judges to perform limited service If opproved by ■ Th e P e n n MutualII “Top “ T o p Club” m em ber shown here haihas dem onstrated the chief Justice of the Idaho w h o Wll/ill sw itch:h Irom BuB u ic k , that depth of understaiiderstanding to a rem j^kable degree,degree. He haa helped njpreme court, 35.5. rZ SJRS (Judiciary and rules)— rules) — ___ hia clients to createate moremo than $1,000,000 in additionidditional security and Amending Idaho Con.stltutlon to provide tor four-year_-.staggered ■peace of m ind duringiring thetli past year. terms for state senator* Instead «f the present two-yearfs terms. Chevy,r, IF o rd , 01<>lds, Plymm c o u t h This com binationrr of skiskill and understanding is of greagreat value to you, W-3. your family and your businessh as you build forr your Ifuture security. _____ SB] 23 fJudiciary and rules)— rules) — _ _ _ Removing restrictions on the You will find thntnt your Penn M utuai underwriterriter hashaf dem onstrated Wount of property that can be these qualities —andand theytht are available to y o u . Wl to charitable uses In estates l i s w e e kc ChCharles R. Tyson “•*tng an aggregate appraisedisiHppralsed 3ncl P oon r— tiac thi< ’•lue nf 1100,000 or more.re. 36-0.38-0. President Defeated In Senate SJR8 (Judiciary and rules) — Amending Idaho Constitution to - > S Provldf that county sheriff*, s h o u ldI is e e R ani m b l e r usurers. a.ssesson and coroners i ™I1 be elected every fourur years .Mtead of two and elimllm!nat« inate THE L. G. G RICKARD) AGAGENCY probate Judge as a constltu-jonstltu- 117*^ “ unty officer. 26-9-9 (two- T his FREE car comrnpat^ison par book te lls you3u ththe reasons: ------“ Ws. 30 votes, required.) P . O. O . Box I P, 118 M ain NNorl o r th o ght." Exciting options include EERI (Judiciary and rules)— When. you really have the goods, you can on like an eight." E K i m b e r l y Amendlnc Idaho Constitution to e car owners to V-8s up to 32727 cu.cu. i in., floor shifts, buckct ------° < come right out and invite car o y - ■ *- compare against compeiition.ion. ThThat's why seats, console,:, wirewire w wheel covers, Power Disc II Rambler alone dares to ofTcr thisthi F R E E B r a k ^ . All theie famfamous o Rambler CxtrS'Value t M B K 1 •L Complexion '1963 X-RAY Book. 48 pages.jcs. 254 pictures. features like Double-Double-Safety Brakes (separate i Side-by-side comparisons of the popular systems frontt andand rear), standard at no ^6S93S9**^ I Steaming cars. Can save you hundredsds of dadolKirs, extra'cost—manylany oilothers shown in the 1965 I 3]* clean and freshen•" the See all the new 1965 Ramblers,amblers, like the Car X-RAV Book-Book—Gel your FREE copy I 'r*^!exiori. ease away crow* .Ijeautiful , aassic above, with:h l45-h|l45-hp Torque from your Ramblerimblcr idealer, ' ;*et and unwanted expression I 'ton— Dedicated to Exccllrnr-f and put more lifee tntoInto (Command 232 engine, "thee six thatth, comes American Motors— I skin, try complexion>lexion with a towel■1 over An R. L. Potk A Co. •na»y*»* »nd»c»t«i ^^■l in »nt avaras*avarBK* ww*lr"ST96« mak* tA*y own to m«k*. water In which a tea- _ * °f lemon JuJoe canam be t ‘ ■ — If available. Beforehand-eliand " ' ------ffacJk o f YYour our InIndepatdtnee StandM The P E N(V JVN M U . . . _ ^Int the skin with oU of MUTUAL J^SO when the hot ZS!. »t**m The SemSensible Spectaculs::ulars— R A M B LER.ER’65 ' » tnt«rm»ore» th e oil pene-pene* AMaAS^OOR:OR* uuart***. r f »« W«w Rambfr*^ » CLASSIC; W«w Inf rm»i^e({nes

    'T ______' - ■ ■ ' .J ■ . . ■ , ----y------^— ■ • ■ •. ’ ’ ' ' ' v: ■

    .-^’Tuesday, Feb. 23. |E (^^^*~^tt rnn|B -i t Twin Falls~TTm«-rijfis^^la-Newr s~Arourtd Idaho . jSlena mine' 3 (JIV-A nvro* rtlvajveto a U ^ 0 « « “ >| —L______._■ WAU^ACE, Feb. 23 (*—A obably lant H|||p^ngBBK3G^ ^ liitQ Panty ■ _ ^■aiff'c, west pf here In the"Coetir-rf^Alene-mlnlog-numct Coenr- pfow w ■ at current sliver prtoB, ""ioTtorblBT Bntain1 ^Cut U l.0 Of'Commercial value at cun Id Refining Vlsnes. northwest managerlaaager tor American Smelting and Hefti Raid in tliiali. I company. Crews wosscutJsscut tth i lOO-foot-long vein receflfjy^.at ines said. I t lies about 1.000 feet from ^P B O V Q , Feb. 23 UTO-i —Surcharges. level. Visnes sal te s t dem O iutration over S V OiRna'a main silver=~Wmr. V*in. ------—:------■ - etf elevjtors In a, woman’s I ® - SUaham Young B ^ On Importssorts IDAHO FAIXB, Feb.Feb. Ma Ijn—Ttifi chairman of "the ceaml ern 9 r.'» w atw 'proposai sayi. t ^ m easore w< -»to„Jast night turned. ^ LONDON. P'eb.b. .23 a Mt -— - T h e . ^ n u h o ■fn .»li^ Sironrest S lro n j nobble position to resisl w thwarted panty raid ^ * H * BrltUh govemihentent yeatertayyeaterd« cut Thb cbalman.rman, 1 W. B. Holden, told Snake river w Campiu-sec.urity wa.'< . H irom 15 to 10 peryet cent Its con- yesUrday thehe dan* dangers “are atlU creal‘* U»at. wa ater ic r wUwill peseret^han. a seven-sto"”^ ,'” ■ ® troverelal Importrt aurchugisurcharge, ef- j,j,„ n,e gnakeke rivei river basin. He spoke at a meeUng ol ibe tag which houses «W I'H '" fwjtlTi. April rJ. ------llnn>r , Wnake Klver W ater Waler Users Protective association.t, A se*second women, about 10 p.m I ^ Tlie announcementernent ,was mMr crtallonrn Tir-r- im 1 ■ . f -pf I. hacked Atr a nun number girls began a demomf"> ■ In the hou*e ot commoncommoM by ^ irrigation dlstrlctaa that criticise> Smylie’s as giving 'ih the e ago pUnplana IS — James Callagtikn, A almlla and^ *o*t In tho house of repr^ntatreaentatlvea Homing officials said, nouncement waar'made*‘S-ae^lv; made In'Q- ■“'’•‘^-•84= £~- t by Economlai Minister Georgea "" Wednesday.___ Bros-n to Brttaln’sn’s tradlhg part- b q i s e Feb. 23 i^^ExpeiL_Expendltures for public aajlstanca’Ine«’ ln;Idaf^o :M " ^ n several hundred ners In the Europeanjpean Free 'Trade ^oy„ted to $1,184,51111 during durli December, tha department of pu tttlm ated at close to i d f l l association. today. 'Thot compared w ith $ljI64.h.t assistance reported today, Dccem- "We have nirwr^i. decided n, October and $1.1«,24313 inin Novem^r.N< Biggest chunk of the Dcc ^ « '® ’'S r7 ^ r^ v berofenhe enough progressI ,1s Is being made noymcnt went foror aidaid tot dotendcnt children, a total of $J pjn. curfew. Some fiir7il!ut,»” H r io enable us to reduce the cl Mn olJfatlM^fS? depurtment said. Oi Old-age assistance cost J324J14, med thrown out of the lobbv^t^.B * sfter It has been iwh^nIn operatic assistance for the aged,^d. »30< *300.571; aid to the perm anently dlsat report^ B i six month.i," Callaghan sal the blind, 110,064. Capt. Bwen Nielson of The members orof thetfe ossoclus^Sllon “"1 P9»» >ald «ome of ^ ■ --Europe's "Outerw Seven 8even"- '—Jiave .rKFOOT Febb. zS il«—Ann lllldebrand, Blackfoot Ib iib BlrUi began waving panting ■ ti, complalned about the surch been named ,BIackfoot'« 1965 Betty*f:ro.tty‘~t;rocker bras-out the windows Thr f f Installed by the l.abor go irrow. She U the daughter of'-Mr. and 1 the cue and tried to btfe M S ment last fall to cutftmporL ackfoot. Ann scored highest In the Mhool reduce the trade deficit. by a half million gIrU tn'’more thonth a n 14.00014 or the natlo(i'« Hljth schoolsschools. The 50-minute written test covi - HamemMkInt linowledKedge andanc attltnde. Test papers of all sel aid the campusP°"“ security and aiZ to ■ « ^Afro-AsianiS ld ll h'omemaken of tomorrowirrow Ig In the state are currently being iud persed the crowd after a hn^/Hlr The sUte’» hlfhent-nnklnfranking girl will receive a 11.500 scholar jnow ball fight which rMult^Tb B T r r n ^ »ro“> G eneral MIIU, Inc..Inc., wlwith the state runner-ap to be awai th e apprehension of nbout a H Economic a >500 educational granC ‘The schpol of the state winnerarlnner en boys. Nielson said. No armti ■ receive a complete setel of theth Encyclopeilla:’ Brltannlca.''lJiter were made, however. t o V ' f a spring, the sUte winnerner anc and a school adviser wlll Join flrst-print-place Meet Starts1-ClX I'S winners front each of the 4B other stales and the District ^ ^ ^ ^ B 11.15 after w hat some cam ouH u o . ™ .1 < olumbla for a week-lonjc[-long Clour. The girls wlll visit colonialilonlal ^ WU- - officials termed as a A ia iz R S . FVb.■b. 23 i®W m -—AI- Va., IVashlngton,ilngton, D. C.. and New Vork .City. ■ H I I M te r steam valve spree." B i t Rertim Pre.ildeiitit Ahmed Ben ‘ ‘ heobrdlnc to their charts they are only » fei ----- m fla yesterday urited Afrleans A fri REXBima, Feb.. 23 GIV(jfl—A severe case of mistaken Iden e»plorefY(.pIoTCfyt, tn from left, FraneU E. BJIebey,ey. Hous- Bona- ot doUan Is bnrled. Aeobrdln inly » few 'sr.v . ■dv.nhim''of T hmM j B ■nd Aslans to help llb< D over the weik-end. Deputy Sheriff B Ini, Georfetown, and £L D. McCord,d, Dallas,DalUu, feet from m room where.where, aecordlnc to legettds, the-SpanJs► -S p ^ h Am.rle.ni .nd i.|,.n ... « B Latin-American 'nations ^i'’ „ *“» cleared up here over ton: Jame* l.*Perkln*. Georg* d gold bara, diamonds and oolaa. (AP wire nations froni g<.lpert reported. Mra.a. RebeccaRebe Bott reported that her" car all Tex..' stand at thebe end of a cave near Salado. Tex.,X., wherewbere eonqulstadorea stored gold b I*” Wire- by.p.tHd lil.nd l|L4K«-f■ “Imperialism" and>d "colonlall colonialism. from Its parlcinparking place on Main street In Rexbun Ish " treasure valued ai hundreds ofr miUlcns millions photo)______Ben Bella openedned a weelt-weeK-long sheriffriff Foi Ford Smith located tho ■Cehlclel^e ^ked pat “ 'y * Spanish treasui Afro-Aslan economic confer ■n where tho woman had left It. HeHe also re- * * * * ■ ■*“! ^ tlve child where no oertlfla by suggesting the establlahi ported that a Drlggs1 man had: reported he took the car. Seems 8e m T can be locate 73^. of an International fund ti his was the some makelake arand model. Mrs. Bott reported a i , Is Legislaislativie Log HB54 (Education)—Provldl—Providing nanca ‘‘liberation" moveraer of groceries was on the baback seat of fter car. The unldentlInfdenuf“ S Treasure Is ^ ^ tliat tenure of teachers■s shall nott GMN H Bra Bella. 47. spoke from thZ i m ' fo'" Drlggs toldId officersoffic he wondered where thele groceries groce o I . ’ • KUIed by Senateste land Is sold title to' such 1 bo Impaired because of consc consoll- perlenca as a leader^er of the IBM- 1 ^ brakeslkes wewere much tighter than mine,>e. too too," ' he b o u g h t^ m n 6B10S (Transportation)n and dede- shall not pass fromI thetho state,sl jauon or dlvlsloa of school ddls- 83 revolt against FYanoe. di irAre filed. fense)—Requiring trafficflo to stopsto| 68-5. trlota. 69-0. which his NationalJ ^ r S U Uberi r M l ™ for a halted school bus only'-onl; iKUled by pouse front movement ofler HB70 (Counties andid munimunlcl- BOISE. Feb. 23 Iflv-The—The board1 of regents of the Unlverslt]nivernlty of r e a when students must cross thethi HB174 (Countlea and mur perlenced financial dlfflctiltl Texas Area palltles)—Providing for.OT dayl S ^ h t palltles)-Allowing fireIre proUprot^- I the house education eommttee Thursda;hursday to highway. 18-22. du^R the districts with a populatlpopulation Het addressed 68 delegat eatoq of a nuclear sciences coursee at IdIdaho SALAEKJ, Tejcr; P'eb. 23 W- saving time In Idaho during 10 cf which were. sent.„n? by m »» »»«■ P'“"« f " ««>«»»•» 0 ',5; J® Passed by Senate r o i^ h W ° f O’" 2.600 to levy 12 m ills thT unlv«»uy. It WUIrill be tthe fourth hearing on a ^enate-painale-passed Treasure hunters armed wit >n and de- ruutfi ‘ocj) dollar for maintenance a ments combating the estoblt 8B146 (TransporUtlon and de -tS5benJ0-46^ inance and H* theS hoiJ^ Prorldlnr for eaUbllshmabllshment of the course which wouldould ntntlllze dynamita-and visions of lantasti /en«)-HequW iSrT>ort!r-of-^jr-of-^mtry ------operation. 48-20. daho Falls, riches probed deeply. today Int lands. ------— ------f«cllttles-at- tbe~n»tlonal-reamal-rettetor-testing~stlitlOn near Idaho F stations to be managedged Uyby ai IntroaHceaTn-Honse—Honse—- — ------HBloa (Jtidldary-iulddd rules: rules)— j H f The ^nposal haa led to a sharpsl exchange between Allenrn Janssen,Jans a legchd-shrouded pile of i^k . 0 . RB246 (Revenue and taxat^ 1 Providing that grandid larienylarie 1 dean of the universityty collegecollei of engineering and Lawrehce~Crehce~Oale, near this central TexasLL haSfa^ hamlehamlet, “tat* P°“« (Transportationjn and-deantMe------Requiring "TliatJiie cost be in- gjjall be committed whenien proper-prop( - _ - l - ne* Property Trra ranafei n s fe rs ! acting ISU president.. Janssen,Janssi In an appearance before■e the(he jSfi|u- T h e sm ajl band oIf f explorerexplorers (ense)—Authorizing stateate supersuper- eluded In legislation setting up J jj, yalue I u .1 cation committee lastL week, asserted creation of the course w ^ value is "N O H E BU T K Infarm atlan F urnished b] )ume would believe that deep within:iln the 250-250 m tendent to suspend stat<5state popo- new or enlargln^presentresent states involved. . ^mUhed by dniite the program ata t the unlverslt)!. He said also he belleveatielli foot-high limestone hummock-hummock— employe, with latterer grantedgrante< programs. Twin Falls Credit and HB225 (Education)—Provldl—Providing IP B B BV A IfV ^B^ Credit and 'creation of Ihe coursee woold cost approxim ately S690,000,K). 10 timestl called a mountain locally—liescally—lies a subseque?it hearing.arlng. 35-35-2 HB247 (State affairs)—Cl a new formula for distributiontrlbutlon of AU b AdjnaimentIt Burean ,more than the (69.000>0 ^Ignr.figure quoted In connection with the th the bllL room concealing diamonds,londs, coincoins SB138 (State affairs)—^Repeal)—Repeal- fylng statutes dealing^g^ with igar- to the publicjUo scbcxschools. _ _ _ ...... H i ______:______ilQale denied ISU wantainta to -corrfpcte wUh the universitynlty In (he apd bars ot gold Had aUver^auvet^ Ing section of law whichch'pnjhlb- pri^hlb baSffe aiid'refuse districts.trlcts. 8 3 . 1 , „ ...... Wsrrantrr D D«#d«miU engineering educationn field and said the S690.000 appropriaiprapriatlon ^hey contend'Uiat'dhiyH drily ronrron governor fro m-r.»tt«<)^lnisu««^lng - HBg4« (Btate affairs)—Prors)—Provid- “ ^ ______n. H. Bop«r to lUlphl.lph Schn.il,Bchnall. part figure would be adequateJate to establish a nuclear engineeringring ooicourse, „( rode now separates th ing a t ciacum«iQriiirfec BlCU 2B-U-16. parates the himself. ■11-0. TOY T O lira -^ B WANT Ai Loul* Yturb« «ka LouU Yturli adventurers from a BpanlsSpanish SB133 e U. e . treasury, TUESDAY-WEDNESDAN ESD A Y ■ »on, lut tl, bluck 4. N«w School 4 tlon)—Providing that when statstate to assume flctlclou? names it Dm L«bII« U ay«r to Ja y O. *»‘" 8 by C laudeJde A. .Ashby near the Oarlbou skating i nam e la filed in the coi ..K J toSintBRAD DEXTER‘TONY BU lot 10. Uolion Bub. I t Is also a lle g ^ th aat t Larry L a rr Briggs was neBllgent in hLs his dridrlvlna "You are standingg above a tte C»unty ' ~pAUL N EW M AN Joacpb C. Ryan toI Wtlllanwilil.ni L. IMorJ. and caused a collision betwe le sled T h e w hich contains 200 nillUon'*"*®" gouged sh a fts Into th e stubboristubborn where their principal offlo LVv f y SAMMY JACKSON .*TAT5(JWIWIiMi n between the pickup truclc ond the .-iled. located and stockholdersi L l r l are LAURENCE HARVEY loU 1. 2. S a n d p a tl—A,1-1. Uyo«k ock t>. . Klm- complaint says the accident accldeni caused young A.shby Injuriesirles to hla dollars In ?old bora,'*s,” anotheranothe cliffs without success. ## TAKESHI KWOE«ai«itai»iaMi»»™ fcarir TS. " Drama, plot and costIt rcsembiresemble listed. 37-1. Ralph II. Smith to RobertRoi>.tt E. W.1- hack, lost teeth, a n d1 lacerationslacert to his face. toJd a reporter. ’a a e MuadinjOndtdbiFIWIlSMa l*c». lot I, block 4, Crmwford AdnAdn. — ------^______With a »we«p of hiahis arm.arm, FH. an Incredible fairy tale.lie. PPrlncl rlncl- SB149 (Local governmrnment ent af- "The Outroge'“ SonnpliiliyJOHNIWSIinjMISAISSIsBj^H ------Roy Lattin to lltnn L.Mlb«tUr,L.adb«tt«r, lot1 a. ^ . D. McCord. Dallas,I, gesturedgesture pal characters are; fairs) — Allowing countyounty com-c ADULTS ONLY! t e r t lot I . b iofk S. L a tltn Sub. 1 declared: McCord, a liquor store anand mlssloners to enter into Into agree- ILY! pooMOPtN irUowNaying^M K o U ri K. £ddia R, OCf* ^Across a map and declared Be •on. |»art lot 3, bl(i«k 2. W llm or* 1 YMCA Progrogram Grows Fasi cto l^ ‘There la gold and1 metal alla restaurant owner whoo says heh ments with the federal!ral govgovern- ^ " '• k . D. L. Tac* to £. J. Uarv«a, i _ through here. Diamondsnds are ovtover personally has contributed)uted moremor menl for construction1 and m ain - DOORS OPfK 7:15 MEU U-tO-lT. there and In differentn l parts."parts,'* th an t-40,000 to the project,Droject. tenance of county roads. 40-( ’ 7 :1 5 **' B*a r . Loai«r to Cbarlw U Wl e^:0 0 F..tur«. MjUyUmUf ■£ pari lot 1/ Taafsun'a1;;rwZ. 2nd Sub. NewActivitjivities ScheduledCU , McCord, a big, affableiffable maman R. L. Weis. Dallas, a rotund,rolum hBIO-J (Millar) —— Requiring Requi One Performance.—8:0( Thomaa U. Kcndrlck fto Ruth H, with thick, bushy eyebrows,tfebrows, dldl- clgar-chewlng construction com T h» "S^OA Is growingBring ra:rapidly begthning March 1. Sessions ction com- fingerprinting of all1 applicantsappllc Mid. lot 12. block «0. KMttoas'j ^asions uni operation that reporl report- pany owner who says, "It's there,then [of dj-iver's lloenses. 20-5.26-5. [■ ------— Adn. With expanded programram activityact be held on Monday. Tuesdayr u c s ^ y and ^ j y $200,000 to blaJ u that or I by Donald A. S om anI to RobnR obn B. f ICO to blast U fnd—I'll tell you you that or Juse ____ mil. developlngr constantly,/, aaysaaya Rich- Friday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. with through more than 100 feet cof flbyldn’t be here." loU 16. f«. 27 and 28 28., itunUton-. llunUton’ Ith Conner, general secretarysecretai of Larry Smith as instructor.•uctor. - ,ni HB191 (Public healthith and wel- Adn. Texas A and -1 etaol od o .method of Uanri*rlt« Knull tou. J, L.L-T.nl..™!.,. T anka the Twin Falls -yMCA^:CA^ Cwner Co Saturday Fun Express■ess for boya According to local lore.lore, SparSpan- 1^exas A and M graduaterf...,. wh fare)—Providing a .method )el 7. Knulla VliU Oraad«\8ub.O r m a d ^ u b . listed the actlvltlea currently current! In g through 11 Is hcld- - Oie trrs - registering the birth of an adop- W11U ApU. to Va^nott & Ht progTCM and program fea i held- irom islf conigulstadores mined goldgol says he stumbled onto the treaa NWUNW^iNWV; 10-10.17. * wat'irea g ^ noon. Conner:r and Rich-T and silver along swift,Ift, troubletrouble- ure ch am b er In 1057, spent twtwo Lal^y D. Sou&a u> lo Chureh oiof thm in the Immediatedl&U fufuture, ^^d Mntthel.sen supervlaepervlse the some Salodo creek whichrhich wlhaswUlc days wandering through a maz Kaaar«n«. lota It. 14.4, 18IS and»nd la. It. bicwk Judo. Under the direction dlrectlo of recreational gameA, movlea Aothorlzed Bulova■ OaaliDealer •T. Buhl ra . movies and around this jagged1 heap of< of tunnels and barely escapet Uaxwall D. Ilamty u, to Harroh.,t<. P^► “ “y Matsuoka, bw grownrrown In Ir two crafU. Coming Marchch 6. Ll n rockJS. Reputedly theyly futUonedfashlone Francis E. Kichey, a sell «blofa JIuuiM. Inc.. p.rt part loilot I,1. block bU 4, years to. where thereB are nearlyn **drop-tn-basketbair* programprograr for the ore Into bara andd hid thenthem, styled soldier of fortune wh MIKE SAMACSACS AlbaVt Trart, 40 participants. The5 local .club junior nnd .seniors In high scschool. Tliere nre other stories thattht Joined the party_a month ag< Ua^Ewall D. Ita m ry to Harti*; *»" competed In several toi duatrlc*. Loe.. part lot B, all lota eral tourna- The program, whichh will end gold stolen from the ComanchiComanches He U superintendent for" o ra ^ HHous o r - WATCH REPAIR I, • . 10 a n d U . block 11 KinKimb.riv m ents. capturing{ two nmajor Aril 10. hoa activity periodsperiods from wivs burled tn these hills. ______*r«i r^ t» m la . a i _ ^ ^ tillls. ton-based firm nameda Intema In te rn a - :KY LICENSE I I, ts, hinck .trnnhlo. In the last two n lUCIH two meetJ. l to 4 pm. Saturday.j------— Brm.inin fnrtiin/. huntersunters hal have tional Kxplore^. n . K im berly TH. U-.f iu 1 an.nd d I.1. block The club meets on 'I'uesdayruSSS^STitt— rne V Uldmond &iunre d *2. K im U rly TH. qunre d a n c ------; :r :r ” - ■ - - — ^ ^ ------Uaa \VlUon t<> FImma:mm. J. TTr.nh.li.. rv r Thursday evenings, Ing group meets twice each lot 12. block S7 TFTS.rs. The VMOA BarbellBll club club. In- m onth on Tiie.sday aat t 8;'308*30 p.m. tira^a E. Lvinvn u» John F. I, iglebert, nn- with Wnlt WIU o-s caller,lller. ^ int. lot 21. Br«m*ri I'alrw&y by Jerry En*Ie|*rt 1 - W W W I ■I N ■ »V ^ » Ilarold D. C»uk to (^ord Uoyd a.G. Hann.I tlonally ranked weifththt lifterlifter, haa Thc^Y chcs.s club for all ages lot 1« and p a rt lol n 17. . >)o«k4»Jock 1 2.. E»Mt~ grown to 30 participants;>ant8 InIr tho meets each Friday night. The . law n fiuK. Ien and boys state tournnment•in waa U R3 held Rudolph P. I'lutt to Cdrnn Po . I&at three montha.'Men and i lot ». block 7, Mutualu.:.i Hulhtlniiiumnn”, 3 keep Individual chartsLrts of thetr Saturday and Sunday.y- . , . . , • I ‘"★REGISTERTER A L L WEEK B Loan A»«oc. Sub. of iiux-k lllock 7 TFTlTFTS. progress. Assisting with.•Ilh the club Soon t h o r e wtll be a blblc>’cle •. J*ann« Harrlcott Fo*Fo. Williamwiiii.m. .nd are W ajtie Kinney. WUUamVUUam Lew- club and muzxle loaderslers clutclub, led . Sam uel U. WilHama to Lym a ERS POSTED i £n«l«. ftKHNE^ ^10-1« and.n'S'hw^' >■» " 'd Richard Haines.les. The T he club by Cloyce E H Wednesdav *E. £uc*na Cbupp to WllliaiUJ...I __B One e be slArtedstj __ Law n E vt. received at the If. Men overov 30 thl.s spring for Juniorr and s LeRoy E. , Utah. April j holl A potluck dinnerier ULs sslated E SN Ek*N \V V . 14*10.17.l i ’i: ’ ' 24: fencing class for• hiuhhigh sschool Uor the program whichIch also will to C cird* lrd e Tbom**o.Tb. age atudenU and aduluidulti tboRln- feature a talk by thep Jack Roh- U -10-17.-i(H7. ning March 8. with Wilma fSmith 1 bltt research station PaulPnul N eg- I B A N K K N I G H T I w. It. Cooper to0 A, KeilhK«itb FnhcMi^, ^ inatmctor, and men s ph S E i^ S K ^ I»-10>17. len s physical I lan will present a talkIk and :show W. A. Schmalvnberwr to LeoL*o !linxxn, Htness wlll be held for six weeks!color slides. lot 18. R ancho V iat«[« 8ub.8«)b. RY WED. & FRI. I E. E. Clemana toUi JkclcJa ck M. CDod»on. ; i: e v e r y \ lots S an d 4. See. 17. N NE«^SEV, E \i S Z ' snrl * , 8K>;NK\« See. 18. PartP m lot 2.1, £s*<.. la ^ T S 10 R U . ______3 Bonks ^ f f H o ly'■ smoke!sm ok You m ean it?'? ~ , A ; MOTOR-V3 R .V U | ; C i'OF...;. [ NOW jpr A fu ll-sizize e 01cOlds 88? For less • * 5 0 ^ I .•OWEOfTWE--.:i^ P ^ ^>m-i»fcL Of m o n ey ththan a n th a t cai* w ith a I ON EAChACH DRAWING! I k o TY]"W lNl^lfTJGJ XS low-^ice’^e^'name? nan F - r r p j -t ------(N aP JUPJURCHASE* R C H NSC^SSARY) _ ■ ------— . < m l f c i r — ;, Hey, Gladys!adys! Grab< your cOat! M«Rm1 R w sm rs mmoiKTni ’ —------— ------i..:— ...— el of Fortune | C^ffi'ANPiiEws-DS ______■ ^X I ^ Wheel < drews-DoSgias 1l3 Now going on aat t youyour O ld s T )fe a l« ’B ,.7 : iirmiTafiin - IjBfe WINVIN UlUP TO 100.00 B ^ E i n i i : OLDSX !Z!L.. ;_UtmmnfwimH I T M E and DANCE ( • j r a ^ , DINE oi I Tro O THE THI MUSIC OF ■ Iv Km '• ^ J tt tu r tM... priees start b y w so medels — Your chancee to step ;30 Only ^ ^b ^ G5AS A FOR L^Sl ■ ------s a TTOUl o u iio 1 0 M ^ ^MTOOlto 81BS»0»1U PUAltn Bc m« U n t. ...wiii»tTiic*eTinMitt- . . I ______—_ C lu bb f 9 2 . C a M B . Aduha, 1.00,.0 0 , Child !Fr«« ^ ------^--- ^»0«a!«tfcTIII(Bni|WT m (BIS M B - .- m you» oim Duit* rot a u n t N *ivdiBLZ5«='5c, ia-l5 1yaart. S*- Soothh and i «th Ave.* So. Tw in FaHa ^o» A unnooEi VAtut u ru mnr’fffl, ------

    a iT S AND .f i ■ - Tuesday, Feb." 23, 1965 Twin Falls Times-News ______7 ' |i . ■ ■j" * .■ * * ■ X ,=^^s=s==g - A T , A GOiHCtR C E - - - . ^ ------1 r r J i r ^ c K e ...NEW'y o RK. Feb. 23 wH— stocks - - Stocka-^JJigher: active trading. Gram ] I TV'^SOAY,AY, FFEn. E n 23 13 ■ W — IKmda—Mlved ; nairuw cha.»ifw.BM. CHICAGO, Kiib, a ltra-Suyb».'5l}«anF ~ ■ | S p f ^ 5 * 0 . * an d co m cKi.i^l mUyil, v .-|y .t em.yly to ■I K 4 |v F Y ■ I rHullabaloo," (Color, 6:30 p.m.n. NBCI—Sammy NBCi Davis plays host ' ■ “J'l" “weak, o a u w«»L. i-y. ilt^ a y lo « a.y J I tonight. ^Ith guests, including Bud Bud and and Trnvls, Marilyn Michaels K ^ k et .to a substantialibstantlal wheat—Eu^ler,- liifht trade. on t^ie L'hjcafc’o Iward of trade today. % t 7>^HRM9RBR I and. from London.' the Searchers,j>rs. ■ ■ close, today. T rading -' t-om—Narrowly* mUed ; »KJcula-oi«- 'At thf fiual ^ 11. wheat wa* off ^ ' tlve si^eadintf. — to corn otf" to up ; wiu off' ■ • “The JournaU of Lewis and Clark," Clark.” (Color, ( News Specla], 9 p,m . H yata—Lower: tcattered aelUhg. to O'f up lo off aoybean*' ^ ' H NB( NBC)—Lorne Oreene n»tm\tesi ■ this this re-crcntlon n of tRe historic' **f^^*and LaughllnI gained Soybean*—Muatly lower; liqulda-Ida- utUDchHaged to off 3^^; * i-OT j -i[f 2. u. S. Steelteel well tion. • I expedition of 1804-0t>;that oponcdcd thethe wayw tp the Amerlcao Worth- ■ DOlnt. E«thlehem and Re- =5 *"<• iowlFi~ — - roKTtx^— ^ r;.' I wes west. , J’OR’f tA ’N'U. F«b. 23 Jp —. Coaras I I **1, Leonardo DaVlncl,'*' (Special.lal, 9 9 p.m. p.n and 0:30 p.m. fJBO —An ____ j i JjSlc Steel spurted a point or siauiihtcr — Steady: tup ci oar»« top K^ain %vhoie>a<«. pr\imi>t flcliveiy. bulk I I hour-long dcvumentary by John1 H.H. SecondiirlSecc on the gfeat Renala- ^ * - 5 . ' 5 . . . I ll . (on. fob tiaA-k .K .rt/a n d : - Oat* S o . 2, I 5 siince artist, filmed on locatUm InIn Italy Italy wtth Fredrlc March aa tha B *\i«.ord steel production:lo n ftnda n d ------38 lb, w h itr. 51,:>0-52.00. C orn No. 2 . I s e c o m - Vyellow, eastern Sii,7i-57.25. Uarley No. I 1 voice of the FlorentUie master. This Is the tlrst "SaRtt of Western "V ‘i. 45 lb. >»e-.trin 4^.75•4y.uo. U rain ■ l5 - . Mai M an " series episode tl'vis .sea,son.n. It It will wll b|. repented at 0:30 pJn. ^ ^_____ aortfbum. fi.fr market. 53.25-63.50.^3.60. •• . .G nitn tinTjhTrm^ #\-VcF; g Friday on KMVT nnd KID ^ Today’s clo.c, iVi;iland ' (iValn Ex- E»- | J— ----- uns I' ii'tN n.wY S'K'.Ilf sniiTn MOVIES ^ °^^rMt“ ot the marlcet was c h a n g e : 3|||Bfi^B I h i g h e r 0 (.d e n Olivier. Jimii fHintalne nnd ;Oeorge V considerably h U h e r • Uarley- ibidj t.. a rriv e m ark e t.o 5 fti I t ■ “llebeeca.’' (1040) Laurence Olivier. J X th e steels came to0 life We. OGDEN, Feb. 2:i iT> . L’SDA >—CattleCattle day di ahipm«-tit J.uvficU coast; *^«o.o .'i Z, : I P SandersSan u6:30 p.m. KSL'—Sheltered■Itered b glI i I iiiiirrle.s a broodlnn m a n k fV>Q« o oalitca— l.iu ii includtm r lOO calv*^*alv*r* ;; 45 4fi lb. wcsti-in 76. No. 2 . 2-ruw or I ^ whu is lirtiuut'd by his my.‘«lerlou.slyerlou.sly (leii'ii.s^'d first wife. F in e Knlth advanced more. thanumu 2, ,,,alauifhlcr aleem and hvtfrr* nloderaltly■ralcly 2>.-row weott-m I rSld Polaroid. Up moreore-than ■ than •< *i«aity to weak: cowtt muBtlynoslly Wheat 1 bid > u. siitve market. No. I I ddru ra mI a w ith b rillia n t dlrectJon by Alft-Airreil Iljtclicock, superb per- ' tt i Sat were United Alrcrart.Aircraft l>ulla.fiim: feeder cattle fairly bulk.hi 2 o-di.y ahii>iuiM>t, tlclivered cua*tt I <2 formance.s. ’ aclive. ■tnmir tu SO cenu hl«her. >VWhite l.ltf, Stil White 1.4V. Wblt*Vblt* I lelinv," (Fremh riivumentary, 1063) ■ ItinKOtt, Schenrlng. Slaujfhler »tr«n» few lots and In- Cl ^ “The Sky Above, lhe !>Iud lielnu." il d in- Club 1.4W. - J cture won me .\rademy Award aa ■ gamed a point , Amerl-A m erl- diviUual dl mixi.*«i hltfh-tfuixl and choicechoice H ard VSbite Hsart : O rd in ary | . 4 t)*v. I —An exceptional film. This plctvue wo An Telephone a fracMon.l o n Du “ lb. :*0.»y-2t.4U ;■ few lo ua and . recnpU : \S hi-at Iwi. b arlly 6 4 ; | 2 ^)e»t» foaiure-lengih dooumentary•y of 106:lOtiLV II chronicles an expedl- H , . individual good (*UU-l,l50 lb. 18.:;5-18.25- fl.flour 37. com II. Kiain sorghum, milo.milo, I J (ton Uito mountain and Junglele ^**cl}o|M-ctlon.s of New O u ln ea w h ich WW down neaW a1 point.pouii. -u.6(J: standard and low.«oi»d Hol.teinaIsteina I,1 ; mlllfeetl l^. I ■ voluine ‘for the day w was a s ees- s - l.uoo-l.auo i.( Ib. 17.;!U-ltf.26. one lot mo^t-mo4t------* ■ k - J '""until- I then had never before been•n fllnnnltllini'd or charted. A fasclnatlnn, B teuted at 5.8- m llllpn1 sshares h a r e s KoOd lN.t«& ; f«w sta n d a rd m lU.UU. oo- CASH i; h a i n I educational .study of a land whichlich comcompletely contrasts tho mod- T Spared with 8.58 mUllonHnn FFVi ri- f®16.50; alautfhter hei/era few lot*a aand n d OHICACU, Fvb. 23 (li'i*—L'aeb rra g ralo lo I cm clvUixatloivs which we know. l iu n J-M - Individual m ostly choice 20.i»l>-;Jl.4U2 1 .4U; ; aa aalea; I W-‘ < 0 most lota and individual good, aomesome W heat Unih*iitfi-d ; No. 2 red l.5l\N . I » PO*"t or so^werere Inter-tn ter- <^boK« iv.6 u .2 0 .5 u ; few luU and Indl- Corn umhanuva . No. I yellow l.JO^; 5 id Ana- n.ii-iw.bo. NN6 v 2 yelli.H l.jo'.j; No. i yellowellow * U TUESDAY, FEBRU*BIIUAUX 23, 1965 utlonal H arvester and A na- Siautfhter cow* ulillly and commer-tim er- !.: l.'.:6 *4 -I. 3 u , .S\,, * >»Uow l.2;i-l.26; I cial i;i.&0*l4.3U, few high>yieldingIg in- in- aa aam p.a grajU >r;iuw I. l.'i . 1.1 «>. I k Information below Is given the TirTlmen-News by stations ana il Motorola ran up moreI tht h ana n 3', 3; Jid w id u ali 14.4U-1&.UU; c an n er and cut. cut» Oau uni-httu^r>l. No. 2 heavy while I % queNtlonn nhould ,be d irected to tbeth e Mtulion concerned. (Notei || BlerWce Steel. Zenith andn d Jewel J e w ^ I 10.20-13.i'a. few ahelly c an n er U.25-W.25- .7 .71N. ' I ^BA** Lndlctttes program ka To0 Be Announced.) An j| ll lO.OU; aJaughtiT bulla uliJlty ^ an d comcom- ­ Ry* um bs«i{r»j; Wo. 2 Diumolum p * I ^uJ^HRSSLwJlHflfar^ ^ more than 2 each. ni.m ercial 16.&O-17.&0; cu ttcr and low- low« 1.: 1 .2 2 ‘yN . — - I KLM airlines rose .-nearlya r l y 2. uui tility 14.26-1&.&U; feciicr cattler few Harley, mahiii^, 1,2 0 - 1.SON; fce^I .9 7 - I a KMVT RHOIIOI : : KTVB RJoJr |1 ■pHces «-ere generally* higiierhigher *^^1 individual nioAtly choice 1. I .I 2 N. I , &OU-B: o Ib. m eem '^U.50>21 .UU ; nuuitIt lola lota Soybeans uiu-liitiikrcd High Low Clo^e -Close I ______s—. andan choice 17.20-IH.:10 : few loU• artdand Wheal I I t : 0» ('r., « ■, 1 ...... I-Sim.j l„-,u!^, _ I ■ jSO \N\K>.li»i'»'ker N.-W* NNfwt , I \Vt>vdpeck*r 3 • 24.OU: bulk mi\e«l tfmnl anil choii’ee 300- July _ l,4i> , I n ' . , 1.4.'»‘* l . 4.'.l^* I H l4S U tHxtiMfkrr U>w<>ier Ij N.»v»» I W .Hidpefker j___ Averages uOO lb. 111.25-22.^0; few lota andid in- Sept. — 1.4 7 , I4*‘* 1.4 7 ** 1.4H I NEW YORK. Feb* 23 (UPD■Q — Dow.Dow- a|,dividual montly choice 335*500 lb. heif-h .if ; t^< Dm:. i .i ii 'j i , . u ‘. 1 .6 1 '. • ]0« Klliilalonea VV.khJiliN^VrrVrr NfMt Fltp,MCt5ne« I j«M» eloains iluck • v « n n r« : rer r Ciilvot 10.75-20.75, one lot chtdpe.rh.df*. Corn “ THIS TEETEUING tnkotor-traileror*trailer JacknlfedJ and tore Into theie railing of a bridge spanning iheti0 ilS Fllnt4tune« \V ixMlivrt-WrrVrr Wrattifj V Fllnlatonea ID Indiu. KOI.06. up 6.3fi. enend prim e :iOG Ib. 22.UO; moat giKKl gixKl M M atch _ 1.27'j 1 27 I .2 7 'i 1.2:*-j27|j (Cuyahof^a river, ^eiween Akroncron and and Cuyaho|:aC Falls. <>. The accidentccident rcresulted In (he cab of the l30 Newa U4-,l .•-ik»Ji»>uliixa HultaU H loo Newa and choice l7.75-ltf.25. MMay ------l..tii‘, 1 :y\, i,;n) 1.30‘i, _ *® s4& _UVealhe^______Sh. h.»n lt.»n UulUlial.H> II I Weather ._ _ to *•»* 2M.8W. up 1-27. an ijpl* rIj hanging precariously over the rlvei 11 Ulil*. L8U.68. o ff O.KK Sheep nu: slaughter lambs moatlynoatly Ju ly ------l . ; u \ I . u i . : t i ‘s4 1.3 1 ' j ^ er the river uilh driver Tuul Crrckmore,kmore. 33,33 Pennington Gap, Y'a„n„ - ~ - ■■ tt Stocks VIS.66» up 1.60. Bl.ateady. not enough slaughter ewesH forfo r Sept. S« — 1.21<‘» 1 2h •» l,2U 1.2M’ k helpletis ^ to eHcnpe. Police cotot him out of the cab and he wa.s not seriouslyserloi hurt. The bridge will111 TT,00 My Three Sona Re,! SkeltonIton Hullabaloo 11 Mjr Three Boos Itun lltilUlialoo M>» Thn»* Sods __—'■ —■—- a■ mui-krt te»( ; sJautfhter lambs mostm ost D'D e c . ------l.2l\ 121 1.21‘* 1.21U•2 1 ** tbe closed Indefinitely becauseise of of structural strut damage. (AP wirephoto)ihoto) ilS My Three S*>na He«l Sk«Hun II 22.»0- OaU ______i3d Mfllale’a Navy IVltJruatt Jet. Jet. VVvek V That Waa Mcliale'a Navy HEW VORK STOCirlBXCllANGEH A N G S lota choice, end prim e 0U-120 Ib. 22.00- I MflUle'a Navy IVHlctiat 1 Jrt.Jet, VVrek V That Waa MrHale’a Navy_ NEW YORK. F«b. 23 (UPD—Lmat-L ait »a alet l « l 2:*-<0 ; few lots m o*tly choice H5-10000 lb. March M _ .«7'', .67'^ .fi7‘i .67% .67% j j ehoic* M a y ------.*>7 „ .hi> .67 .07 Ik^tl l> M«r»lhonI 60*'‘Vhm 22.00-22.60; ewee lont mostly choic* M IsOO Red Skriton I.ewU A I (Matk (Matk I'yrcxin1 Hed B kaltoa ie4i M*r»h FidId b 5 l \ yey earlin g ! Ul lb. 7.2o. J i u l y ------.h.s .65'‘h ' S e p t . ---- .lio ,, .*.« .liti .rtrt'-j IlB Ue«t HkeltonI.ewU A I'larkI f la r k 1 lycihni Ked Bkelt«ti Uninl 24 M artin Mla ar r 10‘* ------S« Hi' Business H I (Mark K»b liirp* Ited SkelC^o ^ Dec. ------.toB'i -.tih-H .6 h>s rSO itrd SkvltOD l>ewU A (Mark 1 im u ip 30^4 M aaonit* S8';j i PO R TLA N D T--. “ The^D•* ailylly I n v e s t o r t45 Kr.l Skflton _ l>wlw A 1 (.Mark (.Mark M«»bI H>g>* I Hed S kelton _ ____ yRtdue 68% Merck 62H PORTLAND. Feb. 23 ufl (USDAI— ^ n^h CP nu MGM 40% 3A>— March _1.20\ i20Va 1 .2 0 \ 1 .20» 4 By WILLIAM A. DAVLE from from Sinclair Oil corporation a , I Hob Htrp* r * ttle o s t J e t. ;* x-'i" Cattle 100; not enough any une claaa' May ------.2;!'., 123 J.23's 1.23'» JV Iirror ^ ^ lifift Pettlcnat Jet. Ctmibat IF iS rf CH «6'iT M id So V t 52U sold by 10 a. m. to establish trend; Q ,V!y dauKliter will be gradu-u- copy copy of c form 1099. sh o w in g thh a t 1)5 PetticoQt JcL rirnibat I IHob llia>« P attleo at JeC lE^Ch.l M MMM 6 'J‘a J u ly — i.;i'., i.a t- i. 1.2 4 '. 7 7 1 * few slaughter offering* ateady; atand-.la n d - 8 „p t, _ , , By S.^M DA\at ____ Cat hi|i|« Vincl O efendars ISiua 2»'Ji Mo r.c gg.-.^ ard an>—Pub->ub- the j.stock niiirkel and Inve.st-it- checks checks for $50 four times duringIng lo10:00 ('omliat Manual Dtllun ilie1 VinrI Defender* Am Altl ft4‘i Mont Pvr 44 * 44 alaughler bulls IM.OU; caivea 60; eariy * > T |I5 l*»n>tiat AiarWial DUloaOUIoa lide VIncl D efenderrf*'^-*' t e Brd P*r "SO '. ” Mc7ntr-W*f4-----3A.V|-J ^uii’ ■»sale* about steady; alaughtcr good 200- I riQ Uc spending Ls expected to top mcnU ments. She b very Interested Inin 1964, ifl04. But1 I sent $50 back. So, I ISO Newa Newa hNewi Newa. W«sth«t j S C*o 43 M otorola 1 113 1 3 ^ - m r—d andPotatoes, Onions 200 billion dollars Jor the flr.st flr.st Uils Ulls tfield. Wo\ild , .„ „^ actually actual: collected only $150 in^ .r - t4S Por tha People iHporta —-■_^ ^ N ^ e w > I Movie _ n Ctio 67% Ml Fuel ‘ 40^140‘A m.moatly choice 41>0 lo. Bt**n' 20.76. ------tn ttC A G O . time thl,i year. That will bringig It 11 you sayi tliu t n ' dividends. divldei i a Home ■ 72*,a N at t Hoira,.A*tt,*-‘'J.2 21U Ib. ba^ruw■ an * d and CH IC AUO, Feb. 2.i OJPD - P otatoe*» . JI jOO f'For the Peopl* Mort* / 1Tonlihl Movi* Aao M A F 18% Nat Can 19';, 19-, irllU steady l«.2j. Total Tt U. S. iliIjMnrras 1.0 H8 ; arrival*Iv” .' to u^out 29 per tent of the na- girlgirl (could have As you „ explained, the companyi^ny * ,is Kor Jhe Peopl* Movia/ * HTonlvht Movl* ‘ ia Motun U ‘4 N a t C h r 77 ’TT’h h Sheep 50 j no e a ily aalee. 176; n track 151. atjpiilln m>Klorate.. -de-•de­ . tlo n 's to ta l oout- u t- a a ,sii( siice.ssful c i i - '' j; >rm l30 For the Petipl* ^!vvly 1Tonlitht Movl* y 8'ji* ------mmand minieiutc, nisikMt aU'udy. also tient a copy of that form l a t f Smelt fi4% N u t D airy H‘J'* p u t of .goods reer ier- — I______—I___ ^ TonlKht I Movie - -^ Am SUJ 2151* N a t DUt 2K'j DKNVKR T ra ck s^ie> ; luu lU, D. 8 . lA unlm a 1099 to th o In te rn a l rev en u e ner- — ^ av __ otherw ia* liidu;steil; Idaho r^a»n«ta h.40J ; ■^ and »crvlce,s. biisliiib usiness — ^^Ire 'r ImtkT 67% Nat Gyparar“ * 41** } '’• m K«b. i a Ul (U SD A l — vice, rf I. report tliat I go^ onlyniy KfFl /KCPX•X RUTV RSL As Tob N a l lyeatl 71*% I _ M ain* rtuind whitcnt miMily katahdin*bdiii^ B T h e public•Uc haps haps even be-^ra^»^-.;^- $ 1 5 0 ,« Cattle HOO; calves none; at auction— Mlnne*..u: North DakoU Hei^ other claaaea scarce ;slaughl«r tteera J whoxuihe IRS feeds this Infor-or- NBC / Cable9 4 Cible 2 Cable 6 IBito Bll--- t C. 60i<, heifei-a high good U> average choice -'"Is ~cTtmTnTC"n-5wc»^Bj^E|lt^-^■ ^ilR?"' easing’syalcm? ...... ' - luhUon S.1*™ No P.c 601;, IJ' 'HO • p 1 a y 1 n K ever cessfu iJ 8./ i i 'i No Sl P «- 20.76-21.45; cutter and utility eowa Onions ; Shipnietils 75; arrivala 280; ccssful B , A.^ Y Yes, you c»uld be In troubleible ------*------T*— ------*------^ Ako Cp 2BVi N o rth rp > 2.1‘-iz:\*l is.mt-i4.au. . . . ._track -24. Supplinn m o d era te ; dem"■'») and Im Porlant t h e m e il» New^ jiuperman»n Movie ! N*w* - Hoga l.iUO ; barrow* and gilta ateady la n t (lie brokerugeHiBHIIIKiH" '„lth with theI revenooers. But some rker Movl# New* ^ v Bil4 L Hm !«% Nw.t Air . ,11aZ- markrl .lliclitly weaker. MH n "WlRflfcaa '■“le In deter-ter- tjuslnibuslne.s.s. Miiiiy BojU .simple , .30 NrVi W.H.Upecker S Bulc Infl N w .t B.n®i« 4h'4t* ^ ^ Weak; aowa rather acarce. ateady;i « 7 R* Track salca : l>ir«..n y«ll.»w Denver H , .simple precaution.s and an expla-►la- j! I {00 ll/lrm an \VtM..|peckerrk er New* i New* . 4 4 1-3 barrow a and gilta l9tK'24i)' lb. 16.75- . Ihcr vvomen hove nlrently done 5 0 . Al- B..1 FJ 10 Olln'M.lh , I l.bU; Colorado yrll.iw Spanish i.tlU ; ■^B n - «K' sIB '”’"*"® whether wome I' motion of your situation will keepeep i | 4» Jii lO ti O tl. El ■‘■’v ” '• idaho yeMow .Sj.snuh 2.00-2.lOj Wi*- ™HM S ' BMinncs me good;ood jiiouehmoue the brokerane buslnc.'.s 6 1 7 (v; sow* 300-350 lb. U.50-I5.00. - y u o u t of h o t w ater. . ’•rOO / Patty-0**ke----- J.Newi New(»<''f Hifleman h r* II 3:1 ootbd , . consln yelU»w eIoIkw tw o tru ck a lu. I.IO. Sam OawBon or bad. And in-hi- (like many othi;r buslnc5sc.st Is NnluNaturally, you ore only required J Wr«ther Ulflemao B.»du ■ 47 V. O w m i C FF 5 <>'y4 Sheep 6 0 O ; not enough wooledJ to S tre e t sale*: Idaho-O regon yell«)wellow c creasluRly r almost every major p ^ ^ Weather > Q lOfl ala u g h le r lam ba to t«»t pricaa. fete g “JO"' still pretty much a man's world, to report, os dividend Income, th(he e i>4i llMllabatfK>~- . . Hullabaloo ! Hlattery IMli El «9]i Owtn in Q 108 '■ i. Spanish 2.36-2,50. Midwest medium fi.fLscal dfcl.slon — w hether IL be • j I Htilltbaloo aUttery _____ &>UI. Brkl 20v> Oxford P.pkp «»% about "I* ateady: ahom alaughter lamba ^ ■ tie the ladles are breaklnK down dividends that were acU*<> T^'^nihat I > I . 85-N” ateady to atrong; not enough alau«b-Ia“u«h- ______jspapendlnff or lax cut-tJnK—Ls ba-sed niore l«lu 10% P.c ti El S6',- .U med more previously-closed doors all yours. So, when you file your In- / 7 , lAiIlibaTod' iSTstt*^ Bfltte 84% P . c I n t. 16'»1 5 t«lter ewea'ecrr'CWt ; feeder lamba ateady; PUTtllllia to fiome exloiu on ttj> unllclpalcd In- / TiM^ lliillahaloo Combat 1 wooled lam ba choice som e prim e .V5-125 ^led the time. . J.™", come tax return, report 4150 frorno n t ' Il51 Hullabaloo <'«mjUt HiillBbaloo I |Hlatt«ry taiW rnr t3 % P .c k 111 0'}» “ “ " * , Th* followlnir (|uot«ttons ar* pn>vi%id. inipactJjj- on the economy. you a Navy Wwk that Waa i Petticoat Jet. Biut^ 8^4 P.n AWr A ai’a lb. Ja.50-24.36 ; ahom l«mba moatly ^ You'll find loi.'s of, women In .. . / iSO • Wendy and Ma Mcllale'a Navy ' '/‘’•j ^ ed by E. W. SlcHol>erU and company,pany. Oovemiueni .spending crossed j "J that source. '/Qj.y t4S Wenily and Me 1 MrMale'a n Navy Navy w.»»k that Waa I petticoat Jet. Slinfc »4'>» P . r . m P 51V* SI Vi choice ch. 80-100 Ib. 23.00-28.60; feeder' r r ; . ^ w in FaJI*. the Jobs most p<^ople UUhk ®^-;.T"'And 'And attach an explanatory —^ Cd ?K» 2 «t{ P.rk. D.riv 84»4 lamb* I.i mixed cholc* and fancy bO-li5bO-85 P o t a to ^ tthe h 100-bllUon-dollar mark in ^ ^en 67 lb.-.i4.0tt-23.50. • when they use the word “broker.” ^lotenote t(to your tax return. T^i^ pco-e o - It >00 r3y* P.nn.7 S"^ 1^* High L.OW Close Car* Cara 1953.19 T hen f<*deroJ .spending wa.s By j^y this I mean rcKlstcred reprei- ilS l.ewU A Clark Tyc.»on I.ewla I A C lark D octoni-N uraas C u tu M P.no P I.Ii ------M.March _____ »4-45 4 .3 4 4 .4 5 .13fl pie at the IRS suggest ^ a t you i30 l,«wl« A ('lark Peyton Placa Placa I^wU I A Clark Doctore-Nurae* CmJl 1«% P.nn nn **W 44)1 O M A HA A p r i l ______4.63 4,52 4,60 5fil a b o u t 21 pet- r<*nL of th e Rros.sros.s genialgcntatlves of brokerage houses. OlmJI T 4Sl4 P.p.1 Cl» 12% national prociucf —the CJNP or gome staple the note to your return.*rn. >4.N l,ewln A (.'lark I IVvton Plarr Plarr l^wU I A Clark Doctora-Nur»ef_ * I , a OMAHA, r.b, 23 Ul (USDAI—Hoi.-H og* MMay ______4.t*l) 4.7W 4.h» l.HWfi Some women have gone on ^ to .so that It d o esn 't jrOt lost. Uua. SS Priur S4U ' Leady^ N o v e m b e r __ 2.4» 2.3H 2.41 148’iA8 U> to ta l n a tio n a l o utput, of goods t>eeon ( Mr. Novak Red Skelton Cm. Cp S»% Phil Mor 7 tttL 10.500; barrows, gilta and aows ateady,; N become of doors and partners ol The revenoo^ are well awarear* tiOO• Mr. Novak de Vlnrl f Oak Oh T»V{ Pltu P GlM 72M 12% 1-2 200-226 Ib. 17.65 { 1-8 100-24040 l lb. b . ------a r and servloe&—and .state und local brokerage broke firms. j lis Ml*. Novak rte Vinrtt Mr.^uvaki Red Skalton Imlor 58 Plou»h 40-C 40kt 16.76-17.50>» ; 325-600 lb. sowa 14.25-15.60. Q government fipcnding together that many^ many people have^'^e ,30 Mr. Novak d«* Vlnrl\ .Mr. •' Nov«k*- Hed Sk«ltop Ua 8» 78H Procter O 3 76^ Cattle 10.500 .' talvaa 26; ateers Itesteady a d y B ut th e re ’s ono th in g y o u r problems p^oijif. such os yours. This'h is _ I Mr. Novak .>«■ Vint'l1 ■ Mr. Nnvak I Red fitewlton lol 82'^ to atrong; heifer* at*day ; cowa gen- Unlisted Stocks^ \i^ about 6lx per cent daughter j should not aspire to. No Mt. X d 44li Pub S Col S2>(, to 7j*'b. OVEIl THE COUNTER ° slmptt!' precaution will save you Newi Naw* ^ •a Col» 76 1‘uMm.n 4 5 46 armlly iteady : muatly prime 1.175 lb. S ince 19^8 O N P hn.s lncrea.sed matter how successful she be- ^ lOiOO P.ylon Pl.c. Nc». T Ultu B 2» Pur. Oil 6»S6 HH .K *te«r* 24.00; high choica and prime j^* !.• Quotation* from NASD al approxi- 365 bUlion dollars a year to "““ J: from being flagged as a tax cheatleat ,15 p.yuin Pl.c. N . » . Newi ^ N*w* - - A I44 076-1,226 Jb. 22.90-23.26; highehoie* chole* »nat*ly 10 a. m. All l^IJi are inlerflleal- ■ " ^ 2 come.s. she really can't hope ^ to by. the new IRS data processingIng I JO N.w. . M-VI* ------______Tonlifbl1 Movl* iib F * I 12»4 RCA ------»I«4 OJ' choice bl^. Interdcaler quotation* do , not not th the 660 bJUIon dcUlars predicted becoir IS 4 7 1 4 lUl.ton Pur’ur »6*i »6i 950-1,026 Ib. heifeni 22.25; most choice f** become a member of the New cysicm l«5 Nrw. V MotI. Toniirht 1 iMovt* ------24*Vi 21.26-22.00; utility cows 12.25-13.25.2 5 ^ Include retail mark up, mark downn oro r fofo r 1065. A ctual federal cash v n r k system . — ol Gu S3 K.ytb»on 24^ 21 York stock exchange. All mem- ToDlKbt MotI# cm Credit . SH>^ K«p Avn l&Ta15T* 'Sheep 2.600; *)aught«r claasea steady;>ady ' <^ommlaaion. Hid Asked - n bll------11>1 lit TonlEhl Movl. 1 lamb* Albertaon’a 86,.’.0'nil"* 8 6,0 •■'pending 0 ho.-; , gone from 77 “li* ^ bers of c the NYSE are men. . pr.- |I5 Tunltfht Movl. 1T onlfbt “* Movl* iffl Sat »1% »ei> SU 4 44 4 ' ' choicecn with few prime wooled lambs [iQ Jion d o lla rs to a n e.stim ated 127 (Mr. n«yle will answer only repr*- 8 6 *^ 28.76-24.00 ; choice with few prime prim* *'• Piney ------.4 Uexalt 8A*/^ 23. 23.75 ; Hoise Caacad* 4l»,riO 60.25 bl Tonight______M ovU . jMw KA Rey Met 87^4 87*4 *bnm No. 1 and fall ahom pelta. 23.75 ; i.2i biUton dollars, and slate and v,„v<» th *>l* column. I|« cannol anawer phonetone _____ «45 ToBlahl Movt*______1 i-5 .75 ! Honan*a Airline* 7.f>0 8.00 iq, ^ , have a standing 25-cent bet with f«'' im EdU 84M, Rey Tob 89^ 83^4 “ utility «•' and good wooled ewca 6.00-5.75. j'* local o u tla y s fi'Trm 24 billion dol- a reader who swears that theh e ------r- Conxol. Freighlwaya _2h.ii(P 28.37 > j . :oDt Can B3U Uichfid . Delhi Taylor 24.75 lars to an estimate 76 billion unwritten “ rule against female Oil 74^;, Itonsn 20% 20% SIOUX CITY ■ KUjulty Oil ______._14.»i2‘.j J5,l2»-i dC loralna G JlB*Vi Royal D u t 4 7 ‘4 . ,i2 »i dollars this year. • ^ ,«,»mhmembership on Lhe NYSE will T ||| * i i i i . S IO U X CIXY... F eb. 18 (OTO—Live--Live- F, Fe5 \»nd p recen tag e Lj-'fy er* and aow* about steady. U. 1.8 . 1-3 1-3 Kl F irat Security l n v « t ______«.75 7 l2'-j , inv^ Ing that small wager. ^^lll TIREDED OF redbje 24 H SrhenJey . 27 190.240 lb. butcher* 16.76-17.26. near Fr [:,o * ot th e n a tio n 's <«;nnomy h ave ^ liuUhy Pk O's. ScherlniT «&la An near Fnmtier Refining 0.00 ».50 Ol u - * 200 head of 1-2'a 17.86-17.50. U. S. C„ G arrett Frelghtlihea _1 U 25 2 0.00 ,0 0 been b e at the state ahft'Joortl lfiVel.'i.Cel.'L ^ natural advice on-«urrlcu- Clumolds Play hirtjM W -20«, Seari Rb 130 r“ dy Junior Duplicate Bridge club «0 U. 800-660 Ib. sowa 14.50-16.36. (J>Green Giant . ______45 25 4f>,25 They»t' i are enpectecl tu -mke ^ on lum is ; for your daughter to study Junl W , 61>S, Shell O il ggiT 601-4 Cattle 6.000. Calvea 200. Tr»de fairly Id Idaho Power Pfd. ___ 80.00 RhHW bu.s1nc.ss adm lnl.stration. M anny y tnetn iet I Monday afternoon at the Drt* R O 21 SIrom n. 66Va ;„(i even la rg e r p ercentage of thQ )oQilM Aa 84% Sinclair ■ 64 < * active. , St««r« ateady to 25 centa high- In Jntermountain G aa __ 25.(»0 2fi Uil C'' 'hkle colleges and unJver.sJiie.g offer'er Epi.sropalEpLsro cliurch, Qta-fh 82*^ Smith K P*M 79ng •*;er. Heifer* lileady to atrons. Choice'hoice In Interstate Motorlinea _21.50 2 :t.00.0 0 ONP O ! thLs year and next. whiJe « R414. eteera 22.60-23.00, aeveral loads bigh M. McGregor ______L 6.00 7 .0 0 that type of stucfjv T .suggest shehe NortNorth nnd south wtnner.n were, KIAL TV! "J the federal outlays althuuKh in-' : COMMERCE Dap^nt ~Y?t«t--ee«iM_Mob 84»4 “Jfchoice 23.60. Choica heifer* 2l.76r22.25,22.25, M.Morri*on-Knudsen ___ 2tt.2.‘i 2«.76 ^ check with her Bchool’s guidancece Mrs. A. V. Williams and Mrs. K. E«t Air L &6H So Cal creasing In cash are exp»-cted to *^hecK A O re-Ida ______IH OO 1H25 co unselor. E. KnlKail, first; Mrs. H. M. WycSff’ E«:fli«n 551 “Vi Sothn Co 60 ° ,00 B AuU) L 36% S<> Pae ' Sheep 8,600. Market not oatAbllshed.ihed. lZ;nger-1»T»»thaTZT a Seed _ 1 5 .5 0 Ifi,00 be b e smaller In percenni^,’e llr and Mrs. C. Ks BrOum, second’ Paradox i^'^'n 1.12*»J 2 *i T ' ^e very grow th of the cei 67 ------— *’■ and Ml.s. A.- W . S c h ra n k and. 14 ST. P A U L K*Kesourre Venture* ____ .0 :i ~~rTTIom y— Itse lf lin.^ l.r».iKht— a iU ._Oil 2 1 L stock ^ late In October. So. ;I and J E»*ni P 4fli4 SpeTtr R 14 , Silver Star Queens ___ .24 .28 ATiitHerf 1.0. thp filviriepdId Mr.s.Mrs ^M Ci. B lorni. th ird . | riaitl N{ I2S Std Brand rl 82>482‘4 IRT. PAUL. Feb. 23 (tIP1)-Liva«U>ck:iu>ck: sierra„ ' L if* ______1.1 ,0 0 J 4.:.0;.;ii about. a t As the poiiulntliin Rrew. ^ 'met FM 8 2 S S td O r . l i 3 72“ IIi>Ka n,, 11.0 0 0 ; moderately active, bsrniws , of of 50 ccnt.*? a share w htch was ETDTTE?i.st Him wi-H i»liinci'i> Ineltitle------■Imtone 44% S td O In d 42 S tia ia - ______3.75 4.;i7>.i.HT'i and a r the sta n d ard s of living of ^ an d gilta ateady t 4> 25 centa higher ;• L Surety L i f * ------„ 1 2 .5 0 l-l.OO•JJ,, Lhe ,w .people lncrea.sed, state and stockholders of recordrd Mrs. F It. R. Williams and Mrs.-Ki~-£ '• V ■ond F.ir 26^ Std O N JJ 81 all,n other claj«»cn steady ; barrow* and VSLast CoaJit A irline* ___‘‘'4.B7«/j 6.12V-i he J. Aler, flr.st; Mrs. A. C. Victor kC Cp eft^M S td P ack lOT-^ gilta ^ 1) U. 8 . -i-2 200-230 lha- 17.25il7.76; ^ local governments were increa-s-ea-s- Nov. 10. But I did rccelve the J. Ate [oo-j-45‘* ; rhe4| alaughter Tu »wr» wc»oled,gi»*d, ,|» |,|« | 43'.j-45'« ; lo n g h o rn s 4 .1 S -4‘jr* 4 '* ; tax and sp«*ndlnR puluies thnt A.s ANIMAL HEALTH r.«rl- 82 Tex In*t _ 1U0% 7,00-8.00. shiim utility and bo.kI fi.OO-6 .‘>^* 404,, Ih. block* 4(i''«-42>.« ; .*»w4iui. wheei*. aa f ffe c t th e ir loc'al rin n o n iles.lies, .sucli j a.s this. I sent th a t d iv id en d , ^ Mot/.i, 9/5^4 Tex P L » x ro ^ fi'fi fi 50 . f^^fer Iambs choice and fancy i,.,, i,„ rep o rt; SwUs «ri(V-I0O Ib. Xl" that check fo my broker. I assume htf' « P I m 21 Textron 68 ’ •f'- They tend to favor (uxfs (hat check 6 IKH0 IU. 2:1.00-24.00. bl.block'll: Gxada A 40'-j-52. grade H* 47- attract new Industries 'or keep;eep|.sent .sent 1it to the person who bought- PRODUaS Tfl t Thiokol 1 3 ^ ,t'allle fi.noo. ralvf* 2 .0 0 0 ; slaughterg h ter 550 0 y rad e C 45-4R. 1» Pic «4'% Tidew O a a v 8r.'« ate^^n* ch o irs ^>.^0-l.200 Ihs. 22.75-2:t.25!1-25. . Wholesale pricp* *• reported hy Chi-Chl- OKold ones fro m m oving. T h ey p)ush ush the 1001( shares I SQld^ So far, so- ^/"I /NDC seed a * 5 Tim k R B^ . 86% * sJauffhtrr heifers hltfh choice aroundid I.-1,- e»g» MercanllJe Esrhange: SD'spending program m make lo- good,good. I ^V jLv/D C feed CO. "^rtrh 4Ul4 Tr«n»am 47-S» 075^71 lb». 22.75. alauK hter cow< utility |Butter: Steady. VA score 67 \ : »2 calties attractive and conipeti-)eti- Here'sHer my problem. I received r^Trur 60 T™nlf W A^ &6 U and commercial 13.00-13.60; slairghter■ghter score 57**i ; VO score Se". ; 89 score k >«■ P«n 61 »i Tri Cont « 60»^ hulU1,^ utnity and commer?TaT nr.5f>-l7.60:17.60: Jft. carlot* : 00 score 6 T'^ ; «0 acoree*^R^ 67, live with other rcpion.s * U/ fc7', 20tb Klent ^F ,?Ia 27'* fh-^lce vealers 26.00-30,00 u fholre•holre ]Eggs: Stwidler. White larg* eilrasrlt-a» The federal govrrnnu-iU in re- ' •‘•■ig .Ift-'ti lln <'«rbide J.UN . slaiiBh ralvr. 1T.00 - 1 0 .0 0 ; f,^l«.r* atand-land- 22fi'.j;« ' mi«ed large extras 21>*t ; m ediumdium rCl cent years Increa.sinpiy has eyed 'nh.nm.l :si^ Un El »0'i• " .* ar.1 snd g.H>d 600-SO0 Ih. ateer* 14.50- 24'241-,; standard 24; checks 21. ^ oil fcSi, U n O Cal 8 «% econom ic g ro w th as a roa.*;nn S fo r The Amaziiazing Bird ” '• IR.OO. ^ r«d Un P.f • 41 cutting some taxes, nianipulatlnRting ^If^ir 7 ‘, U td Alrr ««*4 • tntcre.^t rates. keepjnK the doi-d o l - ______it RO lUd Air L ' " • r r A t A f ; o Trust F^nda_ I. P <-p ' j|.\ 8% CH' Il AfrO; leU. 2 .t fUSDA) - ■■'■---- lar sound in International mon> 17 H or* &.O0 0 . btitchera ateady 25 r.nu renta INVESTMENT TRUSTS ''' i WmBSB ^ P - 4 .1S U td F ru it 17 »* J7 60- Hid Aaked.,Ve^ eGtl ta ry m a rk e ts, Rpendln^^ to com-l o m -; kit'-Jj W- J C«t ^ 2 ?, Utd Cm Imp[mo 5&»425*4 low^r; 1-2 lh. butchers 17.50- m «0»i 190-240 Ih*. A Af ffiliated Fund* _ j______0.14 tt.«5 tt.«9 plement pli and encourage private *f 48** IT 8 Gypam «0»i I'. .7.00; Commonwealth In v . ------10.69 11.fi.** “M'l Sl 45.»4 U a P l r » dA A44>i A il 1 7,7 .0 0 - 1 7 .5 0 ; 2-3 240-270 Iba. 16.25-17.00; Co ]* outlays. ••«s2 1*8 150-4«0 lb. aow* 14.76-16 25;• 1-8* .3 Eaton >-• A Howard Stock__ 16.17 17.47 149 U S Rob -«5>? Fidelity Trend ______20.51 22.29 B*r» «3 \ ; U S 8 m .ltt 117^I17»4 500-6505®' Iba. 13.50-14.00. ru I 6 2 V C attle .^.000 . slau g h ter ateer* ite*dy Inc. *»»' Investors ______7.64 8.:i5 ^ " Nl,k.I 7»H V S St«l 62»4 ' I 2H3 Lir* In*. J n v . ------9.fc7 10,79 fiM r t 2 \ U td U tlU • «»■>. tot" 25 cent* h ig h er, load prim e I.2^t3 }-j' « T » T BOV Ul.h P L 4.%4 5 Ih-lh. slauffhter ateers 2.’i.75 ; rhoic*,’ 1.-. «.Mass. • ( I r o w t h ______9.fi4 10i:i 54 Wall Streetr -ood Maj>«. Inr. Trust _____ :__ 17.44 l ‘J.n« S l l '■‘x M.n (Sl., V.n.dlum 212 1 1>;; «'>'000.1,.ISO lha. 2:t./VO-24,75 . m iied rood Mi ’"••‘ l.Bll B» W.tn n PioPie !»’,IB 's •" choire 1.0«i-l.300 lb*. 2.1.0(V2n.sn*“sn- ; N*tl. liniwlh ______9.M 10 10 r 2«U ?n.00-22 7.^ .' choJre «0l)-},n.'>0■0 Jb.Jb’ Stork Senea , __ 9,17 in o2 *1 .in'-i w.»h w r 2 K '. it* PtjJnsm Gmwth ___ 10.4S 11 4.\ C hatter FOR A WELCOMICOME CHAN^ ;'a»m,,i W.ln-Alr I, »<1]K; slau g h ter heifer* 22.50-2.1 5 0 , ro<*d }J7 10,50-22.f>0 ; - u tilitv and i*omm«*rrialerrial Tetevi«ion Elecir^inic* — P :>0 9 2fi NKW YORK. Fob 23 m — ^ A'y X'li 4»'. W.tn B.nrp »T '» r»w* 12.50-14.(>0. cutter lo ommerrialerrial ^elue Line Income _ 6 7 21 SOI. w.tn l.'n Kli^i ™' V.loe Line Spec. S lU __3 *i7 4 ioi01 i €<■ Colby and company. Bo-'toti .says; , B <0 *^ •bulla 16.U0.I9.0U. . t , l 55% W .t Jktr B 4**^ Ker^TTTTT^-W----- 1.------^ IU.C6 j tij. “RlKHfC U ie-best a c cun fqr<’-n r e - ; I 1 ; i .^JTP * Mr M ., w „t, El 4S'; Sheep 200; slaughlrr lamli^ “ TRY'O t ) u r , T.mco 251, W.vrrh.u 4:.4 :, atea.ly . f*w loU rh*>Ke and prim»e »■:>-mV jKry.lone '/ R4 ______11 14 12!“J5 1 «> .«ee for the broad trend of the j it 30«i 105 Ib. wtN>led •la u g h te r lamM 2 2.^00-.«iOO- K r,,i..n e K l ------9.'.•6 M.hfi • / t‘“'I s « \ . V , Whll. M.ll SOS 6 0 0 Kry^tone K2 ______6 U9 fi.65fi - £^ t o c.k m a r.lc c t near term Is a Mj 4 Ji.« 25 50; cull Jo giK>d slau g h ter e^M 6.00- K.^»lone R2 ______1 4 . 1 5 . ‘»2 fufurtlvr period of hqjawtiI per^per- 26 7-SO. J ' W S ' t u W oolw th 26 7-S Ke>*sfone S S ______U»..10 19.96®JJ formance./ q , or, If you ^ further U5 * 7J'. V ^ l n St 4.^>^| K er'to n e S4 ______6.60 6.12 £*”■ ««S Vnln SU D »8S» » S c a t t l e f u t u r e s (fotemalional ' F und _____15.46 16 71 16.71 price Irregularity it^- '-he ft05 00- 'Iducationallal Channel J7 V 3:»nlth 70% Tha following quotation* ar* provid-rovid- ______SSS.OOO'Oow g a Jo n c5 In d u stria l A v­ —______ed by R W. AfcRoberta and rompmnr. / IS CHILEANS KILLED enerage price area, a break oulB- “ k I ______Tifc<» J-.IU • Bu^ xUhfir. side of tliU ranee to in- ^ <>ft- VUUH'ITJ ■ MU.STIT , Chile, Feib. - “ Did Offere.1 traVta ‘^^I'dicatc Intci^edlate term trrnd. 23 ijP>—Twenty-five Chileans m e A p r i l ______121 J 'l 21 ?*7 .^ 1 w f But fong t^rm, th« outlook ha?.n t ...... If^Wool-Wool f fu- u - j j u n e ______2.1.^' 2 1 .^*0 u 14 belle\'ed'-dead b e In an avalanche^ ® chanprt.^ “tts objective rcmaln.siln.S SJ ijpiiwr" ■■■■i ~ MORE THAW— :her to .5 A u g u .t ______24.12 24 17 M that {.u burled the hamlet of Ca- ^.vt" b' r^?”4D..40. May ^ October ______24.27 24 12 2 w , 925.00-950.00 for the Jone.svne.s j - ' r i:o on. D re 1 2 1 .,4.4 . MU arch. r r h D^ * c , m h e r ______24.05 24.20 ; brera. 2 In southern ChUe. Indu.urlal Average. Rtill a pros-ros- ( S S f 1 IEVER THERE'S . . IN. ------' ----- 1 p e e l c t for first, h a lf 1965 " top, future* eloMd quiet, bo Alexander Hamilton In 5 tltut.e. f Inc.. In Its Investment bulletin. I Twin Fallsills• ' • — Markets------• .. . . ssaidi"; a l the pending steel-wage ne­ gotiations pose the major un- GRAIN BEANS certainty for kmslnes.s and theth e B art*» J ______ti Sft.roo^1.00 Plr Pints* ______, - ^ f 8 . « 0 - Sugar g: ______Li?^fUl--gS>-2,-25 GnGreat Northern - LA 25 niJlmarket on the domestic .scene OT* ^ MUed Ormln ------12.00-2,15)-2,l5 Sm Sm all R e d * ------I8.2S-S.668.65 "H oiitU ities in -so u th e ast A.sla. PHONE 9 5 -I>o(n«atIe {{i Hard Red Wheat proteiD I-Sl-28*1-2® S G C S h05however, will Vemain a dominajit » S*W »r* 4 lower ia,0 1I hhigh- l« h - Hn»nj a Red Wheat pr6iain>—tl.32 « t i l i l *»’ **«• -4fte tinfluence n l on j*tock prices in com- -UN e / ‘“•'ntraeu. May C.62B.«B. July SolSoft Whit* Wheat------*ee1-34 nn Egv* in trade, medium — ing ino month.s. Experience has TODAY! n ^ • ^ 7 : N ot. «.65N.,N. Ry.R y * ____ I______tZ.OO I :.0£D<^.<^C R O W * ‘0- Con* Coi n s per cent] moi*ture) t2.2V*-*? e ^ s * "■ ,ih?,«ihown t h a t w ar-.scare-in d u cedced i . ^ ‘*l‘»«ed 8 ta II11 Iow*r.Iow«r. ( ■ , LIVESTOCK . price prii decUhes have usually been Fajjnous. Smooth. POTATOES ro------nooth. Mellow 733-6230 “ 4S. S ept. U. 8 . S o . I — ------»s.00-«.501-J.SO Choir.HO-Z20 CJii Ib______JU«.7S .1 5 o only n l ‘temporary and. in retro- ^^OrC\*V'‘« 2.44.4S. Sept. li. L l.h t S o W .-.._ ------SIO.OO S i N V M•y ay 1.78B, 1.78B. UtilityU tl Sjmd* J b Jj*« 2*25 spect, hav

    “ 4 N . » ' ■ I , . ’ * ' ___- r - , ■ --V______, . ^ ^ r - ■ . . jiw d a y . Fob. 33, H D I 1 1 ^ ^ M d g i d y'alley a l l i 23rT9SS~|HMHHR€T im e v N e w i a Twin Fflll* TImnvNev Suppec-Heicir : ■ ■ ■ H H tRS. G . L. KERLEY K le«H( 1,'JiroiM ~HF' M»^s! R. Rtibyjby- ' HlAOERB^iL-JEIeb. 23B — Tbe Hagerman ward of „tb*OM -Ujb-U3S Cblncse Cbewa Gives Area Unit attmdi held • ward par^y-(y at a t thetba ,^ed ‘ c ^ . toe” [oUo?ln^^ EJBIlfr" church. A poUuek supperoper waa U cup butter ' Demonstratronatfon served-.un(!«r' tbe directionBctiOD ot 2 tablespoons sugar' WENDELL. Ji'eb. 23—Mra. Ray- Ra f v H 3 ^ Bendorf. R cU^ ^ac^tya c ^ t y jB B B B ' Mix and press into a 9- by fr-e- 2 eggs ■ Wiihv gav< »a demdemohstra- o ftjtr Inch pan. Balce In 3HS,-degre preeentleent 4nd^ Ufjtt'^ogram~~ M arch 22. Oooding county coun- cou) l Ttist bishop* of tbe ward,rd, 8t^>8 t ^ - Petersen Th* r*c{p« b«eun«> tv. *■ *•? , aU-club - yr ^ . ley Penfold, b. B. Gold,3ld, Jaek u d E B l ' Vtrsr' Christina B. Petersen cll meeting; March 3*. all-cli program chairman, introduce!.^uced rr.rLiSv ■' day a t the W endell>U Civic cliclub ' I f , - Allen and Jamea Mecbam,uun, and sd bar to be p their wivea. Mr*. Roy .KenitcerKenitcer llK£Jiya Lisa -Rae . Gerber and.i.’Klmmy Klmm; , ~ in charge ot Uams, the invpcation. dance numbers at the America! Hom em akers ar.e , In charge ewwFj'JS Legion auxiliary meetingiTaf'tbe at th J e w e l P in ■ > the regOatratlon. ' „ . Mr*. Lynn Wood )edid group The dlatrlct South CentrCentral ' alnglng, Mrs. Ed Laraona read • aB w »if Amerl&an Legion tiall. Home Demonatrallonlllon counicouncU, tribute to blatiopa, paat«*t and 3B |K T Lynn Summerfleld presentepresented Ceremony Held I I meeting will be heldId at'af Jerore Jerom e. I , ’w ' present) written 1by Mr*.It*. Jaek V dance number. ’The girls ar ■_ The hoste.ss. aanlstedlisted by h er . i ' Allen. Douglas Wood waaus maiter maater Q H iW from the- Anita MlUerJ'^Da^e Danc By Sorority I ’ daughter!, served refreehmenti-efreshments. >ji i ' of ceremonies for tbe program,program. studio. The BalntSi. Larry Larsot Danny Omstead and Steve Om The next meeting( willwin be wHwith . -M I , . ] : ■ p p which was fumUlied by eacheacb or- -r-t^E barn l ’ Luther Perry. j^- ■ ganlzatlon in the Ward. 7. steadi sang several numb«».—- ^ It 1^ * " A skit wa* presented by Mrs.Mr*. ;JU'/V.3 Mrs.. Esther Noblo_ .reporteir^rted •>***' P‘" "“ monylSi , Mecham, Mr*. O. W. Choula*oulea and '•ffi that the—gtrls^ from th tho e highhlgl I DinnerPIans Mrs. Chet Low. LynnaI Roaen-Rosen- t.,n L < - schocl-wiU-Tje chosen for 'th cranti gave a reading. A playlet Syrinrfa Girls-’- atate try-outry-^u^^^a? s t ^ P * X h y and* l M ade by Area^rea Waa pieesented by members of 2 pjn. Sunday at the American Americai iol**'^s OSf I • the Relief society, wltb Mrs.Sta. Ken- Legion hall. The pubUc IsU Invltainvited - a , ^ e I j itaer, Mrs. Ed Larson. Mrs.n . ’Theo- .3 to attend. Rebdkah Lodge_odge . ^ dore G ardner, Mra. WUberUber El-El> The auxiliary 1* planning RUPEaiT, Feb. 23 —Plans'we: llott, Mrs. Ralph Hulme,me, Mr*. I cooked fdaSl'sale for, April. ’Th I i m ade for o March 29 dinner 1 ' Thelma DeCoria, Mr*.I. Arden -'7;^y3 y ‘^|p*»w Legion’s -blt^h^y annlversarm l v e r S Barclay, Mrs. WUllam Lott. I , honor of Mra. Icel9l WeyitondWeygandt, - A Laurltzen, Mr*. Carl Udy,rdy, Mra.Mr*, |MEgCTi party is set for March at “>e th “ohn Stap^n.““'" I | Caldwell, o s » e m b I y preslden Ernest 'ToUey and M n. RexRex Bar* B ar- during the regular meeting of tr logl and Bd Laraon takingn g parta. During the social hourour IzetaIzet / ^ pledge ceremony was hell I i Evening Star Rebekah lodge lods Karen Low gave a twtrUngtrling ex-ex> ^ B H H McCoy poured from a tiiblBtixble cov-cov Mrs. W illiam Wall who f^u t No. 28. hlbltlon. The- Blaxer elaaaaa of tbe ered with lace and'centered;ered witwith unable to attend the reguUi ■ i Mrs. Weygandt will111 make heher r<^ Primary, under the directionectlon of a patrlbtlc centerpiece.. Mrs. ,1 L. pledgB r.KVP.m nny hon8rlnff:.giy.W official visit to the Rupert chap i-JB their teacher, Mrs. -Roberta t Clem- ' James Koutnlk was chairman chalrma Norman Hutton and Mrs. John ■ , ter at thot time. ents, sang, accompaniedI by Na* of the serving committee,ee, assistassist- Falen. ■ , Installotlon ceremonlei wer than Cline. Val Christensenmaen re* -'-'Vi ed by Mrs. Bose Sinclair,ilalr, MMr rs. Concluding the', evening, Uu i held'ond Mrs. LeRoyy Fenton wa . clte4 a poem. Mr. andmd Mrs.Mr*. HjPjHH C. W. Bmlth and Mrs.a. H^olHarold group enjoyed a dinner at Uu H .-J Installed as colorbearer; Mr Oetirard Luttmer and Mr. and g T ■ Ponderosa. ' ; Lloyd Olllesple. left supporter i Mrs. Mechalii' sang a German fi:'*. Alpha Eta. members were hosU B the 'noble grand; Mrs. Vermi ^ folk song and did a dance.ince. The ' -J J to the Burley chapter, Alphi H Jones, right supporter>rter to tli Jo hn- benediction was given by R. K. Girls Initiated'“ CJ _ psl, recently at the Rupert Elb H Tlce grand; Mrs, Deward John Bendorf. . , lodge. During the bu«lnesa db- H Bton. lodge deputy; Mrs. Floy fm- ) I ( russlon, a skating party wu H Clevenger, grand marshal, an For Filer Unit Mra. ^ohn Wise, grandmd chaplolichaplain. FIL E R , Feb. 23—Pamnela ela Moi-Moi Planned for -t^e next social. ' jp L Mra. Florence Monnlng.inning, noblenobl ^ Mrs. N.*Miller.ler H ^^^B denhauer and Roberta. MolderM olden- M rs. M euleman, Mrs. M a r ld E j grand, appointed committeesimmlttees forfc hauer were^ Initiated Into thet^ and M rf, L ott were In charge of V T the 1065 term. They Includeinclude MrMrs, MM . ■.;1 G i^ s Church:h Order~of~Ralnbow for Olrls iat decorations. ■ Delbert Thrall and M-Mr*,' n : Lorallel.oral! the Masonic temple. FoUowlng the luncheon, Rob. H Reynolds, -niembershlplip captalrucaptains; J J Y/omen's Lesson'S S O n Plans were made for a box so-sc ert Bruschke, Mlnlco psyobol. B Mrs'. K a te -P a tte rsom n and MMrs. r M :' ■' KINO HILL, Feb. 23—"Women- “Women clal for fathers and membersembers toI ogy teacher, spoke on the ku* B Ann Duston, courte.“!ysy girls, andan i 'l In changing culture" waa the be held at 8 p^m. Thursday.ursday. A m an mind. Mrs. neorge Pratt, Mrs. Al Rai:Rails -, f •*■ X *'»'' j ‘- T l y program presented by Mrs. ; ^^B ^B K^Iar meeting wUl followtollow tlthe * # ------^ ^ 5 - nnd Mrs. Edwin Nenl,ll, ThetaT h eU Bh Rho Nathan MlUer when thele United Girls’ representatives. Refreshments were . serve iT^ Presbyterian Women met at the Iv o iS I m e Mrs. Rails. Mrs. Jo John h n WUW ise ...J.S. . homo of Mrs. R. I. Bamee, pre- Decorations featured a v^entli Lesson Given I •nd Mra. Cecil D. Jolinson,hnson, audit-audit MATCHING BBOAO-BKIM)-BKIMMEO hata of straw-and neckllnei■eckllnes motif. CAREY. Feb. 23 - Llteritun ■ lesson, "Exploring this right ud H InR coihm lttee; Mrs.•s JamJame* es /A. modest in thetie front,froni but low and trieky In the.. back .f _ - Mrs. MUier representedted India DEKP PLUNGE POLOO BBIRT neckline, rimmed wltbI roehin ro eb ln g , .______" LawSbn^-Mrs. Ann Duston anand charaoterlatlo featureslures olof the apr.lnf and summer coUecttoiouection progran^«nd Mrs.Mrs. Jack la a feature of ihl* two-pleee>wo-pleoe black cocktalt dicaa In- basket ba*k i ~ ~ ~ ~ n wrong 'attitude through Utm- H M « . M. ^ WUlls. finance;In^co; Mrs. M r nhown In New9 YorkYork by the .fashion house of GalanosG alan^ Oralg represented HawaU.aU. Mem- weave, ot satin ribbon and atritatrips of lace. ’The waiat la ribboi ,,,..1.—-- ture," was given tor the LU H Loralle Reynolds. Mrs. Iv sre another feature'in the collection.on. (Al(Ar assisting with iEer^ program g fam Wrappear-Tliia-la-»-«reatloBeatien of-of-ttae-Prine«*a Oalitilnetiliri-rSodaj faahli Events.l lio R ille f society by Mr*. Mai Bi/. M to n a t the” Carey cnifrcn. ScheupbaCh-^tod Mra.«rs. DewardDewar ^,,,photo) ______tacluded Mrs. Oerald Bybee,ybee, Mrs. Mr*, boos* -of Borne- In tla IMS apringaprli •ni anmmer colleotion.ion. (A(AP ______I Johnson, examining[ commltte*committee; ------Karl Carnahan. Mrs. Karl ,An- An- wirephoto) ______Boots and B ustless Squa:Square mS^SSS^SSSl^SSSm Mra. Alfred. Zoerb, Mrs. LeRoy LeRo . del-son, Mrs. Addle Smithmlth anda n d [' Dance club wUl dance at 8 pr T’enton'’imd Mrs. K. F. Mofflt irdltorlum: j M r , “ i Phi ^ o u p l e Wed in Mrs. Arthur Oreer. _ J Mrs. Oene Sweat. Wednesday at the Balrdltorlur <>\\. TREATED ■ delinquent dues, and Mrs. Jami Beta Sigma Phi Mrsi Craig presented1 the de- jy e O Wlnneja for the eveningvening in- Round dance Instructionon wuiwill be;1 UTAH STOKER SLACK ■ Brady, Mrs. Oeorge Pratt. Mr Pinochle Played | votlonol lesson, ’’Live as free tablea of elude Mrs. Jack Oreen and FnFrank jrom 8 to 9 pjn. Club dancli | | 5 James Lewson and Mrs.M « “ DonalD o ^ id Unit Program-m - Home Ceremon-nOny CAREY, reb. 23,-Slx tablea of b dancing DellverW ■ KINO HILL, l-'ob. 'J3—Patrlc—Patricia men.” taken from the Bible study pinochle were played at- the McOlogchlln, high, Mrs.Jrs. FrankFri „m follow. Emle Davis>avla wUlw ^ Accord, dinner jjlotmlng. Qj Mr cloas. Mrs. Carnahan spoke on irv com- McOlogchlln and Joseph«ph Bx Rush, call. Bring sandwichess or des-de Inf-ennountajn Fuel C e , Mrs. Neal, Mrs. Marjorie^S rie Bow- Bon ,|s PresentedI Copenbarger, daughter of N spoae on American Legion auxUlary com- rb IntroduC'* _ and Mrs. Raymond Copenliargi>enbarger; ‘he •'If" game. She gavet a re- blned potluck dinner andm d card low. “ d Mrs. RondaIda Hunt,Hi gert. All square dancerss aare rs wewel- 733-6621 — ’Twin Fkllt ^ B man and Mrs. Zoerb, Introdut klontgom^ on the book audit commlt- tlon_cp,mmlttee; Mrs.I Edith Cle\Clev- '• 'ENDELL, Feb. 23—The•The prpro- jjm Willard Montgor I. commit- party, at the home of Mr. and traveling.______com e.______■ d Mra Willis-, gram . "Hou.se and home—entele—enter- Marie SolomcSolomon, ***• „ . __. enger. l ^ s . Wise and Mra. WIUI 1 In mar- Comahan gave reportareporta on by-laws; Mrs. Ivo ScheupbacScheupbach, lalnlng 'aHa^hobbles." was pre-pr ^Ing HUI, were united In mo funeral wreoths andd funeral aida! sented al-tho-meeting ot the rlage j i t their home, with thet fellowship dinner, and an- dinners; Mra. Bradydy andond MiMrs. Alpha Epsilon choRter No. No, 2W2OT2. J Barnes offjslallngclallng at nounced the World Dayf'S'^pAV- of Pray- ■■■I Hi HH 1 jtwsoii.-- meworJol decoration(lecoratlon.s B>-la SlKnia Phi. by Mrs.s. QordGordon double ring ceremony. , er observance Is set forfor MMarch arch Mra. VerrhaJ Hopson. MrSf«cimelii ^iiilth »ma l |-bpde cbt)se fl vOjiio-ijlia- *«Un * "t the King Kill church. i Mrs. Reynolds and Mra. Vernfi e g re etin g Jonea. refreshmentI committee,commltte Mrs. Oonald LowmanI ftt al theI fK)or-l(niKlli dre.vs *ni*i-L avoi wore;c a Barne.-i g&ve th c greeting McClain, pro- homo of Mrs. Ilopioii. cro.vi ncckhice, a gilt from thet curd report. Mrs. Arthurh u r OreerO re e r and Mrs. Florence McClain, prc ks. "Hand gram. It was noted thni Mrs.rs. DonDarryl bridegroom, and carrieded a 1 red reviewed two new books, "Hand All eJectlvB ond appointiveippolntlve of-o Bmlth hos changed hertr addressaddr< rose on a white Bible. on My Shoulder” and "Take "Tako My H ^Bfl fleers aftt memberss of the aat- to 613 East avenue D. Cards Cords of Their attendants weree Mr.Mr anda Hand." tendance temmlttee;>; Mrs.Mra. Brady,Brad thank* were received from Mra,M Mrs. Oerald Portlock, KfhgRfhg HHIU. "■ Mrs.-Carnahan gave the least Mrs. Paturson andI Mra. OUles. Ollle John Oeorge and Mrs.Irs. PredFr The bride's mother ^ ^hose h o se a <^°'n lessoln. Mrs. Charlesarles Fln-Hn- ^B I pie, cordV committee,ee. and -Mr*»~Mi ciubb. The music "festival,val, apon- spo navy blue afternoon 4resaIress wwith l»yson distributed prayerayer slips ^B H ^^B I ■ Iioren Chratlanson, Mrs. JohnsonJohnst sored by the Olrl Scouts,outs* wasw black accessories. ------t«-aIl-m em ber*-for- th«_inDnth_DlL-mnnth^Dl______I •nd Mrs. Aa^rd, publicity.;>ubllclty. TTl h e announced. Tho bride is a graduateate of thet February and March, refresh- , I condolence committee wUIwill be ap- a] committee reports Include a Bliss high school. Thehe brlibride- Hames served refresh- pointed when needed. , . special meeting for the husbands’husban groom served In the arm army y for ^ r n s SIM A cooked food salelie is Is p planni lim ^ p^rty set for Feb. Vi. Trhe he groupgro six years and four ol thosehose yearsye . . . to purchase regalia for the The will meet In Jerome between 7 were spent In Oermany. He 1; Kho girls. Refre.shmentshm ente wew ere ^ .jp jpQve! ot 8 pp.m. ifraduote of the Bruneau» e a u 'iS h: g 5 Ideal Rebekahc.ah aerved by Mra. Reynoldsfteynolds aiand dinner ol the Sljxler.tzler. TheT school. Mrs. Jones. remainder of the eveningng will be The newlyweds wUl reside In Lodge Convenes'enes , * * spent dancing. Those planninglanning to Mountain Home, where the bride-brl' EDEN. F'eb. 23—The Ideal R®-Re- I J _ ^ . attend aro to caU Mrs.VIrs PaulPi groom Is employed withwlth 1the bekah lodge met at the lOOFTOOF Elba Unit HasnC Io Barks. Three cars are availob;ovailobie. Highway 30 Salvage yard,rd, west of holl with Mrs. Ronaldd Metcalf,Metc&lf. noble grand, presiding. KAiao-h Hopson was electedled chochoir. Mouhtoln Home^ 'V ititJl mon of the nomlnotlngft comm com m it- _ , , . R etw rts were given frb, 23—Member.llembers of the t tee. Olher members on the co - tlve members^ Elba ward rm rmilff •ru'Utw inrlf rolttee nrc Mrs. Marvin^rM^: Me Golden Age M l... Donyl BmUh pi— ------r.f fhm Adelaide Adelaide held their monlhly literature 1< lodge. Hazelton, an d "tlie UIJ rtoeai a n t ------aon at the Relief societylocleiy hall.- Refreshments were served fr Dinn('inner ______red ond Oolden Age clyb membersmfvr, n lodge, Eden. wlU be held March T he le.ison. "Exploringorlng right a:and a table decorated tn red o hall; w ith wrong attitudes throughhrough Ute:Utera- white valentine mollf. at lhe DAV holl for lhelr t nual turkey dinner. The Dolennlden Helen Anderson, district deputy ture.” was presented!d by Mrs. Lo-I * * * •d bv ^ e P'-esldent. Albion, conducting[ducting a - Tina T^ittlc. cla.ii.s lender.ender. She was « ^ i . r" I I. Age club U .sponsored,a. by oy iuie Instruction. PJQQI Soroptlml-st club, / assisted by Mrs, Arlorio Lloyd, whow CooKIno-ochooI k/roDtlmlsl Everett Hughes, Mrs. Har- told the story at "Therhe PardontPardoner’* _ ^ . » / 11 Oue.Tt.s from thc Soroptlrr Tale.” by Geoffrey Chaucer; N cUib Include Mrs, Annm SteTneStce Bllesner. Mrs, Alvava Pickett w ”o'J^*f^Set in Valley Mrs. Laura Doss and Mrs.Mm U.U N Oeorge Lattlmertimer pri­ prk- Molbourn Barker rcad'”Oiymi son ted the program on the blrth- birth- dlo-1.” by Percy. Bysshelysshe ShellShelley, SHOSHONE, Feb. 23—A c» i—A cook- Terr>-. and Mrs. Arthui' Ward^ard read "I"The Ing school will be heldId ata t 1 :30 _ Tlie tables were decofiSleiniiSCT>?TTn“« anniversary of Thomasomas WU-Wll- — ynew Bop- 'patriotic theme. Petete EhllerEhl fther notable*!S bom In World Is Too Muchich Wllh Us,’*B pm . M arch 19 a t the new Bi bv William WoKj-TOorth,worth, list church, sporuored^d by the president, carved the turkey. V — T”"' ■ Mrs. Tuttle toldId the atory.ato Homemakers’-, council, Mfs, VVera Dewey JuUan and Mrs.'Ted Stisterv. Refreshments were furnished .. •Throe Arshins of Land," by Houghtallng, north Sho-shoneloshone, is per each roasted onele lurkturkev lOOF lodge membersmbers and . The objective publicity chairman. Dancing and cards wero rt(v,r. div P'^epored by Mrs. Jerryry Boden* Courrt Leo Tolsto!. The object hamer arid Mrs. Lester McNelL of these literary' stories and■ Mrs. Helen Walker, TwinTwin Falls,Fr slons of the evenlns. ■ McNelL 7r7'' — — poemfc was to j how>w how UteUtera- representing Idaho Powerower com-cc Anniversary greetlnRss were ex-t ^ r'l* r* I I ture di-amtttlze,< thee evil of mate-m a pany. will give Instruction,tlon at tha tended to Mr. and Mr.<. War rlallsm and affirm*I higher values,vali school; Skinner In honor of T lhelr h e r ^4 t h Area Club-HasHas Mu.\lc for the meeting iwas Merchants of Shoshoneshone are wedding anniversary. Mr-t. P h under the directionn of Mta.Mt*. TTut- furnishing needed equipmentIlpment tor ble SnodgriUs wa.s giveniren speispcclal All-Day’Meet2et" • tie. with Mrs, Arlo0 Lloyd as or- the school. recoRnltlon on her birthday-Uiday an-i r i c HFIELX), Feb, sS^Burmah^ B u rm a h ganlst. Prayers wero«rere given by a recipe book wlU be>e given to nlversary. club members quilted for Mr*Mr*. B H | Mrs. Donald Chandleradler and Mrs.V those attending the school.ichool. The' * ¥ Hal Ross. Jr„ at the aU-day-day meet- John Nye, book will be made up ot reel ||_ Ing at the home of Mrs. Ha]Hal *M . submllted by- county women. o ^ r ri d Fydelia Club Roa*. sr. Mrs. O len Ross watwas — you don't have to carry tosh _ _ I men. ’These must be In by Ti co-hosless. 1 ^ PAY BILLS BY MAIL — you Unit Devotioncv jllv jn c jr day ond may be givenren*’^ at Has Speaker—' Mrs. William Bpown1 and MrsMrs. * and travel all over townjwn to pay your tnonthly bills. '. county extension agent's ofl ,'ffin “Rho'’ HAOERMAN. Peb. 23-ChaS —Charles **“ 1 R®ss. -sr— jasceivedred specialspecla: Service Given31 ven to Mrs. L. L. .Magoffin. S Vreeland spoke on naturallatural re- B'fts. Mrs. Clinton Easton,iston, PaulPaul, FILER, Fteb.- 231 — Mrs, KKlica shone, Mrs. Houghtallnghn^hnnp or S .sources and work In1 steward-slews »as"‘a guest, WE DO YOUR BOOKKEEPIhKEEPING. You receive a stato- ProUKh presented the devotionaldevotlo Louise Couch, north Shoshonehoshone. Fydelia club m. ' ' ■ ■ © club meet- - Mrs, Brown and Mr*.s. J,J. S. Me­Me- 3 ur canceled checks, giving - mirvlce - ^ thlt .- NaomL . .circle ______* ^ * * _ . ' ing at the Heorganlzcdllzcd LDSX Ititosh. will entertain atlt the Sun.Sun- ment monthly with your car meeting of the First Bap _ J church. day mesting at the BrownIrown resi- an occurate record ofF experexpenditures. cliurch at the home of Mrs, Lend-A-Hcnd' I'-J Mrs. WllJlom Hendrl<;kson1<;kson was aence. .\»-ard Sharp. In charge of-the meeting.etlng. Mrs. I » « j» Memljers spent the aftemaftemoon Club Convenes“OeS Nellie McIntyre gove! the wor- v p. i i i i PURCHASE BY CHECKECK —- FOR W E RECORD. making lap robekek for nunnursing eDE>". r>eb. — The DlDlTon -'^'P service' on sUwards ■ © homes, Tlie hostesstea* served re- tend-A-Hond club metnet at the Prayer was given by“v?^i^— Vrpeli Party-Heldeld No more hOnting for ppaid a id I bills a t in » m e tax ’time; freshments, home of Mrs. Frank Orant,g ra n t, t w ith N ettle DennLs gave the HAOERSIAN. Feb. 23 — Mari'Marl- sceipt to prove payment or on Mrs. Pred WUsonMl Is hostess for Mrs. Ed Louder presiding.Idlng scripture and Mrs, Ednana HanHarmon eta O llm ore held a surprisesurprisi or searching for a receipt t ------^—the— Pabruniy----•m—tirgm—ting ,----Me*-: ---MI3---nnr^o«L< nrnn »». \ - o . Ir. (?ave th e theme talk. talk, Mrs.I birthday anniversary party forloi ■ - ^ .th rae 12 Tear'/»M« «t.I tlMi.t h<» hftiTHh«mi ______account in question. S harp Is In chargese of ot devotlon&l devoUi charge of the program and d >}*«» ■ ^ ------—.*.------^------C2». service, omtrated making ribbonson flowers, floti ^reeliVreeland. of her parent*. Mr. and Str*.Str* ------1=!».______, ______« ¥ ^ ¥ assLstcd by Mrs. Dean1 LegauLe^uH meeting U set for Lyle OUmore, ^'^rge&s and Mira. nu LegL eg»-ut ^ ^ Those honored were ClariClara ' Club Desserti S G l T ' guesi5.’" T he nextixt ‘mee‘meeting ^ ^ Qrldley. Christie Elliott ani; I I I I ~ wUl be at 1:30 p.m. Thurs da Susan Turner. Oames werewerVVa^^ play, Wir«/orjro„» for JOU at the Bank & Trust; n M 0 ICI S n S Oi ^ a n " Fellowship ed and refreshments served bj Lyncheon Heic *^e hostess and her parents. . Cbeekifig AmMmtr—TMmfr---- • --- Thrifticheck Accounts CAsrrLEPORD,>. Peb, .- 232 — It It It H ow er OompanlonaIona elub heldh« a . . * Meeting Held - 1 . Saving] Accountsints e Farm atul Ranchh LoansLoans- ome qf iin. Cbarlea i: ,l»«a been completednpleted and charge of the program,. "Churi"Churches N K E DD Correspomientt Banking • Safe Deposit Boxes PUer. to aee aatlqoe fumlfuraS ^’ •“ “’*» ***** chabmanrman of ed- In new naUons.” She WSLSwaa aassist- s M n o e cut glaia. china and altrer. St-Anthony.forly.for J,Judg^ ed by Mrs. BTOer and1 Mrs. Mal-J W H B H nWO K R fc E . Drive-ln Bantingt«uU» .'- 'M W a i t Uta. O ten a a m . UIOO. - CHtaOD. ------ArtEMBER FEDERAL5ERAL 0DEPOSIT- INSURANCE CORP...... V . ’ < I------^ ■ < , - T • ^ A " ; .1 1 ^ ^ J

    ...... , — *■ jjllljjjjjjjjjjjH — cjjb S<"Quts . p Tue5cl;iy,.Febr2T, 19657“ ■-}£den Americann i ■' Give Prpgram ■ Fo>^€xchari^ : B I' WarlMiothers -fejt^uxiliciry .Wedding Vows-- M I Hove Meeting , . 1 ^ Fancy prharnent H _.0 U W»JSrTCfub:Scout paeic a OTWuttd th a . progmm HAQERMAN. Feb. 23 —- Mrs. H H EDEN. Feb. 23—Mrs. b.anche 2 ^ 'ttie regulur m«etlng of ■Joyoe ^ o w n lngr-daughCer-of- Mn ■ ’ Sheridan waa acting chaplainlln Inin Ji P^fehsT rdt and Mrs. William Coontz. Twin.Twin ^ ■ m T the^nbsei’i^ftthe of , Mra.. Williffr^Illll llll ^ I .Mpiul A m erican,I^n aux- ■ W Whittington hl when the’ Eden L O Sfr^Tbe- cub Scout **ye tibe Falls, and Dal; Fox, Hagerman,-'-H I Given for Club L nf the • American flag, son tof Mr. and Mri..Reubenn Fox, H ■ American War Mothers met at ^il I- WEfmELL, t£^b. - 33 — Mrs. direction ol Mrs. Leona Lodi. Calif., were united InI mar-m ar- ■ m - the home of Mrs. George Lat- r F Leonard Fleming and MrsMTed WH . riage In a double rlng~cer£'moriy6 ■ H tim er. S S n r ^ . den mother. 'moriy ' >- KIsiKiser, members of the Hobby ' gJ|i Boyd Eirl school Jan. 23 by the Rev. James) Holt, ■ H Plons^ir an AmerlcanUmU es- clubclub, were guest demonstratbra , BVo Baptist minister, Hagerman. H ■ ' sAy and poster conteat bc ' at st the meeting of the Home Im -; ' was read, thanking H - sponsored by the Eden and Haz- ffSSuT- tor their support with The evening ceremony waa per- H iirovement club at the Clvlo olilb . '-v'- formed before a fireplace setting H H elton chapters were discussed. It| rooms. They demonstrated th* ' • S; ^ool carnival. >,eii;hth grade.s may.n'.*v. ^ i m denI S r^eeler. »lce chalrmofl; ', /— — ■ ri- ■ ■ an d cathedral “"BasRtS' uf pliik. -t J___ dent. Sh„‘ opened the meeting' by ■/ I'-'-'V’• v: V roses. cnleenter. All interested studentsis re- re-' j gH reading read "A Creed to Uve By. B f riShM* Looslle, secretary-treaa- ■: siding sid'ii: in Edt*n are to call Mrs. I ■ Mrs. Wahler gave a demonstra- ' Olnger McCarty, historian; ■' ■ 'iJfwB'i. - * ' K,y 'y ' Given In iparrlage by Owsley,iwsley. :,-r- ^ ow e m Owen Hamnipml. and those re- I H Uon tlon 011 bathroom tiling. jl i£^ir« Paasch, chaplain; Dena th e bride wore a navy blue wool • ■ .IS ° , . ■ biding sidir In Hazelton shuuld call I H Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. Arthur— •SSw, sergeant-at-arms, and “ suit wnh white aCcessorl.cs -en*-br^ H Mrs. Mrs. Clark Brooks “ for furtherinlu-r * ■ - . Byce Bye. nad Mrs.; Robert S lm erly, H P Sihhto paasch, group reporter. ” baaced with « white cafnatlqn Intormatlon. _ ,V« ■ eorsage, lyiatron of honor. Mrs.M?s" CAROL LV.NN RUSSELL 1"*°' Sa S'DY MdCALL were wert appointed ■as a committee HK Auxiliary advisers for the Jun­ n als- (Dunfay-Tusnry photo) The nyloivrtparty aprons have - * ------lo m bbo In charge of a project tor ■fli ior unit aw Mrs. Jake Benz. Mrs. Raymond Hancock, Hansen, sls- arrlvc(i,.Ji*«lif t-he n a tio n a l lH5ad- {UjHI t^ of (he bride, wore an.’aqua aqua '* * * the beautification of Wendell. HB Webster and Mrs. Le- ouartera In /Washington. D. C . v Mrs. Wahler read “I Am Proud |H | ROT Lebsack. " , ^ , B m blue knit suit w ith black, access- — ond wlll be told. The local chap-^;3 Sandy McCall, sorles and a pink carnation cor- of My Town." The club Is in |H ' i coUectlott w as received t a n ‘co?- Carol Russell, rpr will keeV one-third of the, A charge ot the Red Cross blood- P l jurchsse bedspreads for the _ . proceeds ‘-frcrnt th ese sttlejs ' aand n d •M a xwe 11 SI a te mobile canteen March I. Ui.' Vsterans home, Boise. ^m | Best man was Hancock. lEIEld red Reveal ~ the balance will go to the na- k Mrs. Richard Jasper an Mra. Hji A work'meetlng will be held jjpM A wedding dinner was held .. . tional chapter. ’ /May Wedding ca”Caldwell were hostesses. The next Mrs. Rose Stiiclalr. Tw. ln Falls. tM, week to m ake puppeUs for |9 S after (he cereniony at the t^Circle c ie yy Falls. KIMBERLY. Feb. 23 — The meemeeting Is set for March 8 at the tll» Mlnldo(ai^county_ Memorial aaM Bar. Bliss. The'couple will reside Wedding Plans* .‘itate president, haa asked each Rev.r and Mrs. Riley McCall.>11, CivlCivic club rooms. in Hagerman, where Fox isU em- JlJEROME. Feb. 23 — Mr. and chaj:chapter, to present some special[lecial Ktinberly. announce the engage-i«e- * * * ■ Otha McQUl and Mrs. ployed. Mrs. W ilbur L. Rus.seU, Olen*Icn* prograjnprop during the year»■ In meat^ij of their daughter. Sandy, i i r/mJIe general co-chairmen for ! ! [ ■ If. ¥ ¥ daledale. Crtllf, announce the en- recognitionrecoi of” the 40th annlver-"v*'r- t„ noi;e, K. Maxwell and JaS late LUnit / Profects U the department convention to be gagement of tholr dauslUer. Ca- sary of the American War Moth-'loth- Harryh .Maxwell. Ooodlng. ""A heU July 9 through H at Burley, roi Lynn, lo Richard E, Eldrod.Ired. ers.crs». MLss McCall Is a senior at / \ msde a report on arrangements. H Shoshone Unit 50n of Mr.. {ind Mr:». Melvth^ C- - T.Tl h e n ex t m eetin g Is M archch 12 KlmUTlyk hlfih school. Maxwell■‘‘"Are „ Discussed Ip I'l^l MIIJ^ER, FVb. 23—Members of ' Mrs, Arthur Chrlch.■chf poppy t• je Eldred. Jeiome. The enK«i;i»nenlnent at at the t! home of Mrs. \V. D. Ulck-Dick- Is ^ J900 Brudunt* of Qown by tonitended college and Is a graduateunlc Reports in ( Meet Calif.C charge of the entertainment. It was announced that the Momiti\ln Home air force("Base, Hbase. study of four famous worksrts »iul of the University mf California gj OK A May wedding is planned. « ^ "rs^ o m ! . •rnla SH O SH O N E. FVb, 23 — £).K Mrs. EOrl Sears and Mrs. Far- I lUxUlary had five m em bers com- Jade-Essary, The bridegroom attended, Ash- the LDS Relief society mecUnn.eelln'i, i^hijjchool for dental i^s|.stant«. jj^idBridge club met at the homene""of of ^ “num u” Warr won the game prizes. Ig fltte the recent civil defense , ton schools, Presented were Leo—Tol.stol'»oLstol'B EEldred was graduated from1 Je- Mrs. Mrs. nioma.s BelUa for on 8 p m ;he county. ' *urse sponsored by the county. iBainbridge Saytjy A pre-nuprml kitchen shower^ower “Three Arshins of Land." Geof-Qeof- ronirome high Rchodi and IdaiioIttiio deiw deivsert. Quests were Mrs.*^ttui Paul Lesson Given* wWorry of H Mcelvlng Instruction were Mrs. was given for the bride l)yby the Chaucer's "The Pardoner'sloner's sin Slate imlverslty. He U a membernber Jacc; Jacob.sen and Mrs. Miuc^Coffman.fman. VIEW. Feb. 23 —-The golden ' Ins Eeese. Mrs. Elmi rer ^ F Fetzer, e u ^ ? : Nuptial VowsS Better GlrU club_of lhe church.:hurch. Tale," Shelley's "Ozymandias,"ndlas," of i Alpha Kappl PM. He Ls study-Lidy- Prlze.s Pr w ere w on by M rs. RR ic ich- h - sr spike.*' a history of w estern rail- , Mrs. McOlU, Mrs. liooslleooslle - and Bethel Temple Apostolic,1 The women of"the church' hon- and Wordsworth's •'The Worldorld Is Inuing Jaw nt the' Universityr of ard Baumann, Mra. James BarT roads, rc was the lesson for »i; the FALSE " ^ TEETH D Ur». Renz. posioiic yygjj ^ personal w ith Surah-Emma camp. Daughters Jf ra will he church wa* the setting for the srsonal xoo Much With Us." SouSouthern California, and is af- aincaalnc and Mrs. Fioyd Silva, with Si ters Slipping or Irritating? H Auxiliary membie-rs wlll be 7 ' shower. . _ , 5 pres- filiated with Phi Alpha Delta.Ita. MrsMrs. Baumann and Mrs. Joe of UUih, Pioneers given at the ^ hostesses for the Americanerlcan Le- ** evening candlelight cere- Out-of-town guests attendedtPnHf'rf P anlcipatlng in tho class pres- flll» Don't ^ •mb»rr%Bs«d by loot* falM V , on when mony uniting in marriage Jade ni.ri.u entation were Mrs. F. N. Stowell,Itowell, AnA Aug. 21 wedding is M*t. Pagrizo.s. hihome of Mrs. Leo Banner. teetteeth altbptng. dropping or wobbltns fton members March 20 when ?, from Ashton, Pocatello, Burley, Wes- V ^ ¥ MMrs. R. H. Kelley and Mrs. Tho subject, was presented, by whewhen you eat, talk or laugh. Juat ♦j they celebrate tho organization’san^tion's ^von Essary, daughter of Mr. __ ^rs. Douglas Hansen, Mrs. Wes­ rnrv •Prlnkle a little PA8TBETH on yout------ond Mrs. John Essary, Jr.,° 1 Twin ^ n . ley Monson, Mrs. Ira Davisla and PARTY HELD A. ED. Silva were guest-s at DLMO»LMO Mrs.M Leland Woodbury. A hUtory-li Thu p;«aaaat powd«rghriia fc birthday annlversafy. Falls,~ and William Bainbrldge,ibridge, ^ Mrs. John Thorne. The classAS waswn* Tan-e-ha-weT Camp Fire Qlrls31rls BridgeBrld club at the home of Mrs. of Heamon AlLnon Hill, an emi- r^markablfr-Mna# or addad eomforfe U ¥ * * 'borne, a Valentine party at theth e W. W . I E. OronLO.... gtgrant pioneer, Mra.■ilra. and Mcurlty by holding plataa mor* mM son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben1 Bain­Bain- -py^Q directed by Mra. Harrell Thorne, hel< Ormly. No Kumnvf. gooay. pasty taate brldge, Ashton. Couples literature leader. ■'o"home of Mrs. We.sley Stewvart. art. PrizeaPr were won by Mra. E. L. Jaold>. . H Child Care The Rev. J. L. Tankersley per- a The group discussed the beada•eada GonGomes. Mra. Prank Dice and Mra. FT^d Oaaperaon won.n . ft o«tOat PABTSXTU at any d i ^ oountw* bH Mrs. Stowell conducted the p r i z e . ------> ______.______Advert Uwaant. n • l__ J formed the double ringrc ^ cere- e ^ r. Honored at business meeting and announcedaunced . ______Mrs. Kelley. pi Course FinishedloH cC I mony under an arch of greenery a special work m ating to bese held I, BH03H0NE, Feb. 23—MembersI__Members and lavender bows, flankediked by Farewell Party so members may work on grape Fire airls lorge gold and white baskets>lcet.s of World Lrf the Odako Camp Fire Qlrls IS and HAZELTON, I=^b. 23—A fare- I fare clusters and quilting. The World pmip have~Tlnlah»d—theirtheir cchild h ild lovender chrysanthomums and y )r and Prayer and Primary pen- annotmcedj- JtiiUepom pons, white taperstaners party In honor -of Dr. and csra course It was annoOhcedi' . Mrs. Simeon Hopper andid Mr Mr. parade were announced. Tliere were 11 girls whoho received lnspI?ffl~caTKlelabra.----- 3 given •*>(■* Idditional organ weddingddlns ®md Mrs. Carl Murphy was given bsbysltter certificates. Beams by the Adelaide Rebekah lodge They Include Doniuiit MMabbutt, abbutt. music was played by Roy Beams, mds a t ,le Hanaen. uncle of the bride. He accom- members and llieir husbands at Royal Neighbors! Cindlce Conner. K atie Hanaen. 'Udman home of Mrs, Bertha BH- UHUnx Manning, Vickyflcky Boz- panied Mrs. Norval Wlldman. ms. L inda soloist. E yerett A lldritt s«ing.-ing- aac- c- mont. Hazelton. Lodge Installs Mtfl. cyanne Williams. Unda The evening was spent playing ■ ’SMiSBrMnT^aaylBTteta;-Rfau*-[lata;--Iifau»- eompanleA^-Mrs^JSaul-BSbcrts. Lowery end The hrid£^,given ’In marriagelarrlage plnocTiTeTwUh Mrs. L ester^7 a^^'New^ iffl- O fftcers—j p T i r w i reen Murphy. Bonnie Lowery and floor- tiers and Ma.\ McCaslIn winning Siuin Johnson. by 'her" lather, wore a floor- !ral- Mrs. Velina Treadwell,, pastpaat ^mrs! and length gown of rose patterneditterned high: Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Tal- ing of- : •nifWUrse.iook/'Ta' hours, and fitted Elmer Pyne, travel-travel- difiixlct deputy. WM inatalllng of­ ftcJiided Instructions InIn dressing, lace, fashioned with a fitted ficer for tho Royal Neighbor‘Ighbor '. .ertalnment basque >end long Illy pointint lace ^g-' O D I1 7 5 - - I L O T ■feedteg. first aid. entertainment formed JDr. and Mrs. Hopper aree leav-leav- Installation at the ICX>PlOOF lUd safety measufes. Sleeves. The neckline was formed -----of hand clipped lade, enhancedihanced ' " 8 '“r P°rl Orchard, W Wash., ash.. » » ¥ ----- was full where they will reside. Dr.r. Hop- Hop- Mrs. Grant Kunkle. Kimberly,nberly, ■ __With sequins. The skirt was full In the was ceremonial marshal for the -jn p i* ” and cascaded into a brushh train.train Per has been In practice In lhe [or the Potluck Dinner'” veil of Eden-Hareiton area since:e 1929 1929 formal installation, assisted by Her short bouffontr-veil of ■esldent Mrs. Fred Britt, r^l IP, sheer bcldal illusion was>s held ‘^'hd has been the only resident Held by Group by a crown of unique spiralslirols of physician during thisle. time, Officers Include Mrs. Earl rOjER, P it. 23 —- Mr.Mr, and out crystals, fihe carried a white Mr. and Mrs. Murphy recentlyecently Shobe, oracle; Mr*. Evelyn Al- t n r u n < l u l e ! I ICooskla wood, vice oracle; M rs Frieds C l e o i c e S o Jbi Arnold Oler weree hosts for Bible and lace handkerchief,-hlef a purchased a farm near Kooskla W«r Hill Social club:lub mem- gift from Mrs. B. M. David.!ld Her “nd plan to Uke possessionisesslon Evans, past ‘oraole: Mrs. Chris' tos nnd husbands al. a poUuckpotluck bouquet was a lacge lavenderavender Match 1. Tin y have farmedmed in In Sims, chancellor; Myrtle Andcr- dinner. catleya orchid witii white, fcath-icalh- this area for nearly 28 years. years, son, recorder, .Mr.s Van Bur«‘uBumi; ; Pinochle was played1 following ered chrysanthemums andd satin Their .son and his family,ly, Mr. Mr. with Mrs. Laura Klndor pro tom.; Ihe dinner. High score prizes - and Mrs. Carl H. Murphy.hy. Jr.. Jr.. receiver; Mrs. Groce Samplesamplcs ior Plywood ■ Table Tops>ps StandardS »re prizes streamers. s move with Mrs. Ted Samples as asslst- Exterior P fere awarded to Mrs.ars. Ruby Tokens of sentiment includedncluded Las 'Vegas, will make the move ^ IO 24" Wide ;er and with them and assist his father father ont, mamhal; Mrs. Lilliani*Har- Har­ 33 H—4x8 Primed Insid*Inside A AC /• Blakeslee and Reuben1 Llerman,Llerman. the traditional blue garter and ided snd low score prizes to0 Mrs. Ouy a two-and-one-haif-doUorir gold In farmint. mon. inner sentinel and Wlckle 22 Vi—4* 8 A-C G raded 25 28" Wide 10 Indl- A gift was presented to eacheach ot of Lee Atwood, outer sentmel. Kimball and Julius Jasper.taper. piece and a borrowed 1B80 Indl- w n Plyform UtilityUtility C Grade 24 30" Wid* Mrs. Hex LancasterT received anhead penny, both loanedinetf to the honored couples. Managers include Mrs. W. D. Shop traveling prize. her by Robert Heldemann.,n. » » » ! S tearn s for two years andd Mrs.Mra! 3 V4-4xS Crazon Shop 20 32" Wid#.. lI_ j, L. Steams, three years, Shop ------Marlene Essary, sister of the 8 Vi—4x 6 Crezon Shop 3 3 6 " W ide . . bride, waa. maid of honor.» r.'s“ She e Ormond Smithrn Mrs. Gertrude Biswell is faith; Shop Mrs. OUie H osard. courage;faith; Mrs. 25 H—4x6 Crezon Sliop Marian MartinQ T 'fin wore a floor-length gown of lav- 4 4 8 2 Sides Graded ....ender brocade taffeta. Sheh°e'iwi car- Is Speaker Donald Treadwell, modesty; Mrs. 36 >/ - x Crezon 2 Sidei rj rled a nosegay of lavenderler and BUHL. Peb. 23 — Hlghllghta Mrs. W. D. Steams. unseUlsh-leUish- 'Table Tops,s. Heavy H< Dufy Pattern white chrysanthemums^ „,i_n ness; Mra. Anna Branson, endur- . • < of the presidential InaugurationP ance; Mrs. WlUlam Armga, sUff Bridesmaids were Karen1 Stan- ccremonlea at Washington. D C. I. SUff E x t e rrior i o r ;Sfding 8 3 ? " W ide ■» cap tain ; Mrs. Laural Buswell,luswell, 9 2 0 5 SIZES 10-2010—20 sell, Ann Holladay and Sherri ^g^e outlined by Ormond Smith, tched 8 " Channel 9 3 6 " W ide Williams. They wore gowns Buhl, during the Pairview» K«n-K e n - flagbearer, and Mrs. Elva Olson,Olson. 7 0 H —4x 9 C edar Etched 8" fashioned Identically to that of fiington meeting at the homenrtifj ot of m usician. 50 ^i-4x9 Cedar Sawnaw n 8 "" Channel ,1 the maid of honor. Each carried John Wagner. During the businefs meeting a awa_J_2" Channel « a wand of large lavender chrys­ Smith, who rode In theh In- letter was read from ^Mrs* Mrs 5 0 ^ 4 - 4 x 9 C edar S a w a J H " izontal t*rTmed Pre-Finishediied IPaneling j anthemums wilh white satinsatln augural parade with the Idaho Gladys Sanderson, dl.strlctCt re-rc- 200 ft. Vi-12" Horizontal I* l, JU. corder, Hansen, regarding the ny V Grooved stems apd leaves. natJoniU fruaf^ cavalry unit, dis* ig lhe 3 7 H - 4 x8 Mahogany V Gr 33 '/4- 4 xB Birch Red Lina 1 zelman, played wearing apparel• 1 nndand board m eeting. Thl.s meetingtig was 37 Vi—4x8 Birch Cap*I CodC o d ______=»— j------slated to m ake plans for the dls- :e base, equipment used by unit, lie dls- ■ 9 V i-4x8 Bir'cH t Las- It ^gJ^ anxKninced a handk^rr.inHitpr- trlct conyentlnn-jo he held thia _ r - - 7^ spr'lng^n;.OH»naen, rorH H yw ooH '”” 12 %-4x7 Birch i- Jarry chief giffc exUiaiiijU »TH be fe«‘, Mrs. Shobe presented “ Mrs. ------rfnterroiHf^ turdi at the_next meeting set 40 3/16-4x7 Lauan G.C.C.B.C.C. / . Evani ^ past oracle s pin and 4 4 0 id Shop laureen for 2 p.m. March 3 at the home n "^n'd >13 '/ - x I Sanded Shop 19 V4—4x8 Ribbon Strip*■ip* Lau Lauan / ' „ Mrs. Armga. president of3f the 14 '/4—4x9 Sandijd*r Shop Shop sters of of ^rs. Harold Atkina. Mrs. Rob- 29 ' V4—4x8 Rad Mahogany ire lav- C handler is program UhWir chalr- Oracles club, pre.wnteded her 3 4 H - A x 9 SandedI Shop Shop o « n y / . esses. man. “ “ a gift from th e cluB' OlfUs were I Shop 8 ’/4—4x8 Charry Chevseterevseter Grain / AUdritt if i/i presented by Mrs. Shobe toto’'t"e the ’ ~n-4x7 Sanded Shop 13 Vi-4x8 Walnut Vinylnyi 7 , Installing officers, ^ ------~ 2 H—3x8 SandedI Shop Shop 2 V4- 4 x8 Elm Rustic hride- I f-pH ThanX>9 0 u notes wereI read 1 '/i—4'/ix5 Sandeded Shop Shop Husbands Feted from the Idaho Youth Ranch. — 3 i.^_4 x7^ |lo e k M ap(a. I^rinlv Ler an d ^ _ 2 >/i-4x7 Sanded1 Shop Shop ---- ^ • l«,?rlntv / Boise Children's home and the 21 '/4—4x7' *joncJ' WalnutInut PritPrint ' j - Supreme camp for donations I Shop ’ f l u L^a^n At Club Dinner latlons 10 Vi—4x8 Sanded Shop 44 ine Pine It Ule. Pro tem-wfflcers include Mrs 5 Vi—4x8 Walnut Printinl Darli Dark / ,0.se an meml>ers were gucsLs a t U»e e 1 H—4Vix5 Sandeded ShopShop Best man was Lee Helnzelman.3l'e with Maroa Woman’s club YatoU*'®'Ientine- ■Oraie Laubenhelm , .Mrs Sim's, Shop 5 8 parlor.bride. Mrs. LouU Couch ffavere the the atten d an ce to Mrs. Beeson.r Mrs. r APPLY"*PlV ^ ALL THE-IE ABOVE/ PLVWOOI:OOD ti.1. ' aummer’a favoilt* The parlor was decoratedRobert In program on convenient arranfe^-Tanftf- 'WUaon and M rs. Pastoor.•. Mrs. »ew It with-' or without tones ot lavender and white.t the menu for' kitchens, Beeson received a secret palal gilt, gift. ^ e s. wear it with or without The bride's lable was covered/^llllams hostess aerved refrcah-efresh- T he next m eeting will be 0 t a, , Make it in Unen,1 <*\ cotton. with lace over lavender and;t book,cen- nr ents. the home of Mrs. Roy.______tered with a four-tiered:ter cakc p i ------— Dacron. . • Tl ^ — JS A L E ENDS>S MARCH 1st Valterii 65M: Uisse* decorated m white, accented with ■■-■■I...... ■■— III...... ^ >0. 12. U. 19. 18. 10. Size tiny lavender rosea and g topped -^ r ^Science Shj *lMTeleas dress 1 take«_— — —« 3'.4 with miniature bride and bride­ 35-lnch fabric, groom. ■WhlM upers tn crystal "fty cents In colna- for thU candelabra. Vjn-eenery. flowers New Way WitiVithout Surgery " for The Best In Wood9od C Get Plywood from S f ^ g —^ d 15 centa fo r each and lavender baaaflanked the ry lor first class maOlng------and- cake. -----• hsjidling, 3«jd rr to Marian Mrs. B. M. David' and Mrs. StopsJLtcIfcJtrLRdieyesJPain^ ^ jwf^In. TUiies-News Pattern CHfton Blrcheat. aunt of the N>. T..I1. N. T. - Foror the *o tbofoo£h that m«d« bride, served the cake, a.sslsted W S t , New nrehld tima.acienc« haa ifoajifl an new astonuhinir «tat«nicDts Hit* "Pile* Y. jfioil. P rin___ t nam e by John. Danner and M rs. Aston*' hiT« eeas«d to b« a problem!"' HIFT Roy Beams, aunt of the bride, haaliruc anb«tanc« with tha aaton-' with jdp, ate and atyJe I «.n l»h»nr ^n fry -to abiijik heroor-• mor- Th* Mcr«t i« ^ncw healing= tab- ~ D m 'a farorlt* u n . TankenUey and Mrs. Robert, ♦tr thoWa. ■top Itching, and ralieva•lieT* •tan^ (Blo-Dyn*^) — di»corery of . YWM deal*n* ir plua without one Heldemann presided at the^ pain - withoot annr^ry; » world'famoos renearch institute, m t CO. any one youbr withoutchoose punch table. Mrs. John Williams* In case after cat*. whHa gentlyrentir Thii lubstanc* is now •vaiUbleliUble C tt/^ oprlng-summeren, Pattern cotton. , ^ 3 cbane pUhe guest book. ralieTlnr pain, actna! Tadaclion]ctio n In tu p p ^ titty or form Send now for -blBgest Karen Balnbridge, slateriduated fit (shrinkafr*) took placa. ~ ondcr t&« «aca« Prsparation I 124 Blue LakiLakes Blvd. Sp. ^ 733r0553r0550 book ■baiifalu arerlX: iXiaaH Only the bddegrOdm.—GinT" 7ijlt>°* high MottamasinKof all—resolta■ wera 1 At all dm^ coantart. C 8 , 10. Size nuuin and Mark Beams. linIcousiii her ____ A4r«rttowsS.MMMta _^^|^m m pn|||||||pm |||||||gpp|^g||g|g|| take«_ 3'.4 of the bride, t^elved thA gifts and Elver* .Norrls. Mrs. Robert * * ■ for thia Laaslter. Mra. Jonathan Alldritt

    I tar .each «n»i Mm. H arry G ibson opened — 7 . nailing and and- displayed the gifts, to Marian For. traveling, the bride select- rs Pattern cd a fuchala-colored mohair St, New suit with pink and beige accM- rlnt name lorlei accented with the orchid an d atyJe trom her bridal bouquet. The couple was honored at an plua on« open house reception at the you clKjose home of the bridegroom’s par- er Pattern enta, Ashtdo. . or-hl«est The bride wUl be graduated rveTl Onlj this spring from-Twin Falls high KfaooL Sha will then join her

    -V « ' ! a..------• ...... ------,"■■■------^— ------r r ~ — __■ ' ' ______? __ ’ * , ■■ . > ■ ■ , .■------f— ------

    ^ ' — I — - —‘ ...... ------

    ■■ ’— “TlFarreHrGrotIrotH ers B ack in JA ction"^' I s 1 0 T u e id a y , FFeb. e b . 223/-196$ ; ■TW rt/n es’WetHrteU, who set , v ’ r . but bl may flud their thunder stol- h o se t WhUe. were scattered around ill - ■ ^ —^ ^ en' by a Massachusetts school- an indoor half mile 'm ark of ( C l a y --Liston L i i Boui - ——------ei 1:49.8 two weeka ago, .wUl m n. ln , preparing for the hea„ ^-wi Art Dulgng, «' Randolph,d o lp h , the K of 0 1.000 metirs ‘T whUe t i n e , sb. 23 (/P) — W hen Cas.siu.*! Clay final Mass, high school Student,•nt has Crothers. who won his first six BOSTON, Feb. 23 (/P) L o o p ^ S e o r i n g » I at the 'races, then loet three in a jo row ^. , Rus.slans. headed by hleh eavvweight title-affnin.st Sonny Lisf e R egains Loo] 'C 9 entered the two-mUe run at the “ ^ ■ Ju m p e r Valery Brur:,el and defends hi.s heavyweigh r Ers M eG lree I Thursday Kalghts of Columbusolumbus will ruh In th e 600. , , ( May 25 cach_willivill recenreceive around $800,000. .They'hey c;can ___ Garden, Young Dulong, however,, coHld ‘>roadJumper Igor Ter-Ovane“l meet In Madison Square Garden, yan. headed for^allfornla and tnank Huyil Pattcrnon—f* nnticinatcd fatter port and me«t director Artie O'Con- be'the attraction. /. , yhe: datq for thebe rescheduledrc«che( match at Boston (j&rcf fter^teap’s^A b b s e n c e ------neU j aaid ; ------— —~ "7 I------"H e's done a 'B:OS agigilnat ain st Jtltattonal . Frldgv • Gate S' In- . ------:■ ■; wa.s announced Mondonday. a ■orlnjf "We re hoping he mayrb (be T th the e scKooUSoy eompetltluii.'* O'Cuu^ i'’ Leo McGhee regained the acorlng diffl- ' Also scheduled., on the lonu rtr— OriKihall.v'set fo r la.sta.st NcNov. ■ A fter an ao.sienQe( of a ;year, Glenos Fefry’s Leo McGl ! -nn eastern equivalent ot'thatt young- nell said. "We had some diffl- ij.stpohed title he held a.s a sophdnnophdmore a.s he popped throughough 16,7i points in Little Six■ con- ster Irom out West wholO made culty about him running inn open 'week-end are“ tWe Heptagonii Ussery Firi^r i ll C l l^ If), the'fiijht wa.s po.stpohi ast season due to a hip injury?'M■j-'MC- e- Olympics. G etry Llndgren."adgren." «>m|»<‘tltlnn,-but ttint'a beenien ^1 games in Ithaca, N. Y., satur- - ._ when Clay underwentntemer- eme ference action this; seasoseason.. A fter m issing all last seasoi > he used to win the title he wonon as Farrell, from St. John's.s N. N Y., Y straightened out now andnd hehe'J “‘‘J W*? Jaycee-'liivluiilbnal L I hernia.' Ghee’.i poijit total wa.sI'a.s up 22 points over th e 145 he used srseasl- may be ready to do better ^ ' Memphis Friday. ^ r|r»|'f gency surgery for a herni rge Trenkle as the district A-S scor- aiand the Canadian Crothers easl- Suspended HBi'old Coiiriid of intercon- Ihterco a so»hTnTK)rS>ilcGheelee replacesrei Shoshone’s George Trenk ------ly were the!top attractloiuIS of the against the open runners, • 1 I ilnental Proinotlnii.s, Inc.. Inc., misaid. ------\ ------■— ------ing cham p, an in ju ry pre- H4~Ma season untU they ran themselvesgmaelves “We hope he may be the* next 1 TRy TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS II benefit '' fW v .i„ , From Hialeali n l f ^ i l l l tJie delay nftiiiilly will bcnc venting Trenkle fromom de- J ______11 8 i ii2»2» io«9 io«9 - 2 = = = = 5 = g g g ^ ——I——e-i-g™ the boxofflcr, ndcllng: "We ex-e Tourney Slat^IO.IC 'fending his title thisi<» year, vonr j ___’ n »»» 1107 _ Hialeah I pect th» tight to no over/er 5 m - ' W^d __6 IS S4»94» #34 ] MIAMI, F»b 23 lifi — HlnlP >uld be a th i-,ch o av Final ijtallstlcs compiledled by the J ' ______o « Jio«ios »u DU I utewnrds fined ' Jockeyii[K-key.i BobRobert lion riolliirs, which would be Tlmes-News sports depflrtm^nt■partment ——------^------UMery and Jaclnlo0 Va-squczVa.squez anda I record. Our thlnkUiK la.stsl NOVem'-Never i»t hUi>sKt>nr) KO a COU'- r.lnini F«rry * i. WtH)d Riv»r, Rlv*r, 1:30 t: shpw coach Gordon B'rottn's Brottn'a , SIGN PACTS, jiispenrted ITKery fortor 10 didays ber wni. th at It would go a co onference cHICAaO, Peb. 23 , iW—Pltch- behnvlor dur- pie of hundred thou.sand und Pilots dominated the conference M onday (o r th e ir behnvlor di nd under w,.„.i.ii. . p.m.^ "■■ well In posting a 9-1 record.cord. The er e Gary Peters, who had aa 20-8 20-8 FARMI irday'a Widen- jive mllUon dollars. I at Hurlry ^ Ing and after Saturday's Wldf p,m. PUots averaged 613 pointsolnts per rrecord with an earned run aver- er handicap. All coniriict .sti|)ulat(oai>nji agrraff reed v»ui-y \» .O. league game while allowingwlng 45.8 age a of 250 last season, and UtKsery was suapencled and held all IB opponenUU to 41.9. catcher c Gerry McNertneyy have have rough rldlnu. VnjMjue*iue* was finedfir forc^ Includliii! the . fact eaeach Di.trlri Sox , *200 for striking Ushcry duringdurl contc?tiint will receivee 30 pI>cr ist )Uir<‘imMn> Shoshone took the overallall offen-of/en- signed s their Chicago 'White Sox MAl«ir«rm*n. (» p.m. EAch was afisejvied -$100$100 for fight-fig! luted to the fight ThusITiUb tithe iti,jhfJrl.l> » pm. game averaging three-tenthstenths of Monday. J Jng In the Jockey quartera ofafter $800,000 figure Conrad m entioention- Dtrtrich vt. otvj T>n,^ r ^ The nnnouii.niiciit u'u.i mu domination of leam statistics by bnldo and w“*wua lU1 UhT!r"^nio.sl h a year to the "•“y duy aft .Sl.lh-DL.rlct posting the best seasonal free tJie field. of “Vi aboardboard ValiantValla Liston ylelded-Uut-chiimplon.shnplon.shlp Murt«u*rhi throw record. VaUey took the FARMr ^ Locotect 2 milesi South 2 m iles W est and 13/i ■ _ Man. J4allon picturesre.s of the racero clay Aca^d bn a .sioolCK)1 inIn hl.s1’ H*u»rn v«. 7:30.lli pm.111. Conference free throw title vlthy/lth miles South of South PPark, Twin Foils, Idaho, (tCh The M'litmmh vm, li.K-kUnit. 0 p.m. showed U»-iery'» horselorse bumpedbump corner In Miami Beach. Tl an 814 m ark, six pointsJl off off-the -the aa _ # on Highway 74 oor r 13/4 mile South of ConSum- VaAquez’ mount atnt Ica-ntlca.nt fourfo rea.’son given wa.s a bhouldermldei In-I ______league record set by Kimberly ers Market. (Imes and Va.«)uczlez retallatretaliated jju-y but the le.nult wiMi114 I.i. Ulow JKIDAV five years ago. » Auction with a fist to the faceace of U.ssery.U.ssei jijij f^r boxing, A-l i with 411 n a d u n d e r -T>*u» F»lb v». Mmlco At •t Rup«i nup«ti Kimberly was charged wllh «1 T^e suspension means. U.vseiU.vsery, ^ lio renaU.saiu e Conrad unde fouls for the year, missing the -.second leading riderler aat t HHla lah- scre.s .since lii-M fall Is,s center- cente ’ ' conference m arkJ^ three, and leah wltli 0 winners,ers, will mlsam (,„ 1),^ recent P*atter.V>n- atterioi ■» Jerome) the Bulldogs alsgf^ad 22SE confer- r CALENDAR rhyrsday, Februii r u o r y 2 5 four stake races In the closl: In New v,, iiuhi : p.m. Th^ n the closing oeorge Chuvalo Hur In Nt Jeituns V*. r llrr. n:30 p.m. ence fouls, missing by four.our. daya of the meetlnK.tng. IncludliIncluding York. _ f T . SALE TIME:IME: 10:301 A.M. LUNCH>«>tb Sho«hun«. at J punch In Individual scoring ss lion wlU be But» ex-choniplon Pattersortt-tlerson'S Burley. 7:.iO p.m. ^ 6-foot. 1-lnch senior Terry 81ms Ussery's suspension will backed teammate McOhee's 167 TRACTORSs effective Feb. 4 throughirough Mar(March victory, nnd the manner'®r of ‘t. Klfih Dl.irln gave the heavyweight dlvl.slonjlvlhlOn a Av«.______ference totals. Includes: Sales Listed H eeie i e 1956 Case 400 tractor,'actor, r motor completely overhauled thi M cQ hee 308 and 167; Sima 351 runs good, has Farmhand mountednted wiwith 2 forks. 'Durtag this period,od, the sieislew- '*’*£• flATlfRDAY Ulg**VoU Contact the Ttme*-New»-News Oliver 70 tractor, runs g will be de- winner here mu.-itiu.st popost A-l and 140; Lawrence Huetllg, Vol- — Case wide front end, comfori ^^abscabs forfo 800-400-SC and IHC. ^ ■rds said. Cardlle will be d will sign Wlnn«T .Mliuco-Twm F*Ui■ v*.*•. BuBur- ley. 233 and 137; Pred Trenkle Trenkle. Pann Salej departmentt for Case VAC tractor — Case nied privileges of the groungrounds *50.000 gunranlet'lng he will sif Mike Me- complete advertising c o vrerage e rs * horses In his to defend within sl.'t mlonths onths ot^ '« “ “‘■f'”''- Shoshone, 231 and 130; Mike Mc­ I «nd entry ot all horses In 1: Graw. Wood River. 179 and 123-123; ' bUl«. { care will be refusedosed pendingpendli 25 and fight wllhlnIn fla yearyei AdvKnrrmml. at J«rom«. 166 and coverage (over 70.- ed tralnar ac- that date. Tlie opponeiopponent a -s Larry Eller. Kimberly, 166 and I transfer to * licensed tri^lnar a V»nr /'hol Lo»«r bi«rkrl. til at Sho*non*, 209 and *><’<’ readers In Maglo Valley^ i ceptable to the stewards.vards. must bc one of the top four cha 121 ;■ NelLson, Wendell, 209 and ' B spe- _____ lengers aa rank6d by Rif byK KlnK ' Lo*er br»ckn »t t;tHMll.na...... , State.3 i.,^. 115; Taylor, 273 and 110;0- WebbWebb, 'advance billing. AU a t one spe- ^ magazine, explained ConraConrad. ■ ---- Valley. 193 and 107; RaymondRavmond ' '“ w ™*'*- Evem Bale listedll«ted '•tJJJittg ' iW O f" 1 ^ | i I ' local prom oter Sum"' Sllvcniin311vcniian ' siah dUtrirt McOraw.-Woo.,n7.TIDA177-Bnd .' Ulls F'ami Caljsijdar fortor lo ID ^ D / m T le boxlnK ^ Mun*u«h) 103'; Larry Haddock. Shoshdne.S ho^X i: ' ■'»*»»■ ■“ ** « ! . — ■ ^ T J Might and Massiichu.sett.% slate boxh . K«>rkl«nt! v*. H«n«rn ^ commlsAloners Tom Raw.sonw.son ar an d v., ic»n itiv*r 202 and 103, and AT^Snder,der, Sho-Sho­ F e b .2 4 Murtautch byp. shone, 178 and 102. LEM UTTER Move Mjeeteet tcto “ fight Is not recognizedRHlzed nsi — Kimberly's Jim Dentonon aver­aver- A dvertlseinenl. Feb. *1 *Sl 22 age 13.7 and 14.3 In season and a title match by the Worldorld Bo:Box- »S0 IJ and Ailctioi»er«: Harold Kiaaalaaa Ing association, Scores league play but he missedssed five Eldon Handy 1963 Case 850 l?-foot12-foot swather, canvas drapers,, large motor. games due to ulcers and his Albiiqu^’qiicT T he fight will be on aI TueJtdtTue3?day c o l l e g e , . 1.—— 2 wheel adapter, for rearrei of swather. onday jus rur.lu* t».Uai.« 70 ■*"' . totals placed him 17th. F eb .2 4 NKW YORK. FVJb,ij, 23 0T>—The«V-T1 night Instead of a Monday. i , TrnfiM»r«* flC. AuLiirn S* LITTLK BIX CONFKHKNCEKN<1! MAX S M IT H A^ssey-Harris No.I. 5 PTOPTC string tie baler. jnlon Is con- Indicated originally. Conrad e: h C»rolln* w on lo»l for afit. A m ateur A thletic union U coi >nrad ex- OurBi* Smjlh»*i-n Soulh Carollr ‘ 'e’l 3 ■'M Advei^menl, Fell, i l a, t l '■ .______■ _____ Id be a t 0.1 fi)enn« F erry ------» I 613 J M * ** ' rr^rnI nror hav chopper, PTO operated. aldering moving Its1 national liIn- Plained a circus would be (7«'(1-2 Auctioneers; Wert, Eilera. . IOU8 S u n - W.k. F..r«t 7i. Virjrinia1 7J .Sht>»boi:^------». ^ S 678 612 ■ 1954 Chevrolel IVj-fonVj-ton truck, good all the way, h has a s 14-ft. 14- beet bed. door track championshipslOtuhlpa frofrom Boston Garden the previous Sui lovertlmri V a l l e y ______7 S «00 4»8 >00 mn WaU and Mesaeramlth Uielr long-time home,ome inIn N«New flay that the extra limtime e WaAwi Sl, 101. Mlfhlsan St.t. 8f> V^#nd#ll______» « , 60S 60S 6*S“ 1941 Chevrolet 1’/i-tonI Vj-ton truck, fair condition, withh Farmhand Farmf power box and York's Madison Square5uare OardenQardc needed to prepare for the /}ght.flgt li.twlinir Crt-fn 114, Mar»bal))«ll (iS Wood RJv.r ______8 7 &04&04 619 619 Ca U o c L.iynla. Ohtcajro 7« Kimberly ______0 10 48S«8S 657 (57 , WENDElx'CRANNET spreader attachmentiment anda chopped hay sides. to Albuquerque In 1969.969. LAston, already workingnR lightURhtly (jrambhnB HU. WUey 7l S«»M»n * 1 3 1938 Chevrolet I'/j-tonVj-ton Itruck, good motor and flatat rack. rack, ‘ '' But It's a long shot, A long.ior *nd down to aii pounds,d.\ Uis e e: x - MU.>-.Jppl St, iU. TtiUn# 72 G lrn n i F e rry . . - \ i i, lOMiiies js 755 s Advertisement, Peb. 22 A Z3 pected. to return to hts\ prevlo'Drevloilfl Sl. 60, MiaalaatpplIppl it Aoetloneer, G eneX u^n«n 1951 Ford 2-door sedan, runs good. high shot, at that. Ql ,M>i r\.. f Vl V«mJ«Tbtll H',1. Crorffia 7U It's all tied up with altitude.altUud White Otlffs camp at PlymoutPlymouth. Al.I.am. 7^. KmlucWy 7l - ■ SERVICEMASTERER Fob. 2 5 •thletes. how one, effects thetl Mass., by the middle ofif MMarc arch. MiaM>url 8i>, t’*>loi-a«1o 76 l'l*h .'>1. 7 1. r^aliU l»7 CARFtrr and OPHOLSTERIfSTERY CECIL BOYD ESTATE CASE MACHIlACHINERY OTKEIOTHER MACHINERY olher, the Mexican. OlymplcClymplc.i.1 In Clay, who wllL.box two,0 exhlbl-exhlb Ani.ina Sl. Toll. 8i). Navad*. fronts, trailer,ller. “A proposal has been present- presen and then come Into Bastonaston 'for'f. A-I Toomay hi*- mrrn o to r. Feed ditch cl cleaner, move." Case Beet and beanjean cucultivator, VAC Scraperer with 3-point hitch. Does thl* meann money, a ''The IRA I. WALKEB Adv,wtisement: Feb. Z4 * 2523 mount. healthy miarantee?' m 1 • Boom wifh with 3-point3 hitch, ------that's not It." HuU aald.sal NelSOIl S Auttloneer: Lyle Maatera Case 4 row bean planter, planter with 3-point Tool bar withwitl 3-point hitch. — “You see. tney naVe:Vb intn iiu spRspRce ------:------______' F eb. 2 7 hitch.______------___ — ______Tool bar, 2'/i-inch,2 ’A with 3-piont hitch. ccnter In Albuquerque?rque 'wllh'with a gltE^TI)rA-PARM.S. INC.------— : "■ Ca5o~Potato or Cornorn cultlator,cul 400 or ■> Crowner,ner,~wilh wif J-puiiil liitehr—------— vast emount of equipment,equipment. It Dodoe Polata 500)00?j ?j "wilh lhe Advertlaement. Feb. 24 A 25 (the national champlon.ihlvhamplon.’ihlpa) ^ Auctioneer: J. J. McLawa 800 mount. Offsett disc, vwith depth control and 3- could be tied In withth rrtsearch rftsearch i poj.'ilble' itIT cm could Tne middle ol padded dash and •■No... 3-pointoint hitch.hit( Blve us sogje.useful Informatlo: F eb. 2 4 Albuquerque I* nlL .T nbnin b ^rv .'S.c ^ ■ , .their dnveway... shiny center console?ole? 1 flidn't notice.'’ J. A. de BLAQUIREe; Internationalal Mi Machinery weedI sprayesprayer ,Wlth 3 J^Q-gal. barrels, leet altitude. Mexlo— Auger,r, 4-incH 4-inch, 16-ft. long ,with motor f ------% ft ANDERSON and back bars, 230 or C mount. - mount.unt. ' ' A l P - /ti AdTertlsement: Feb. Z3 Si* 24 International manureluro loaloader to fit 230 io coilil sprincspring sh a n k s, Auctioneer: Gaylord Phillips Murakamiinii W or C tractors. • 2 3-sectionection hharrow drawbars rfiW Feb. 27 In te rn a tio n a l 2 roDW w poUpotato planter. sjde boardsxjards f for stacking chopped hay, I Wants to A ' OEORGE WACHAL r u b b e r trucks. AdTertbiement: Feb. 25 A 2% fcTJ ^octloneers: Wert. E11rr«»L ? JOHN DEEREE MACHINERYMA neid "uUiJ.cultivator, cattle oiler, wood j I Stay in^itpai Wall and Mesjienimlth'*•* John Deere 4 section:tion spspring tine har- leveler,eler, bbeet harvester running irs with 2 crazy wheels, TOKYO. FVb i-?* -Mn.ianNta.^anorl M a rc h 1 row, with foldingling dree’!t p u lle rs, 2 8 0 -g4 llon tank with m a jo r le.i(riie.»r.-MXi3..U3.. MondayM onday hr Aoetloneer: Harold KUa i id, 100 gallon tank. ^ wani.^ to remain In JapantnstendJapdn-liute ' 1964 John Deere cans aand plates for stand, 100 o t rrJolnlnE th e San S an FVancl.ncoFVancl.- M a rc h 1 precision planting(ing (n«(new Individual MIS' 01ant.». Japnn's Kyoloyolo NeiraJJnra aer-s( LILA BROWN ^ units mount). MISCELLANEOUS “ - ^'lCe reptirted. AdTertlsem ent: Feb. 26 & 27 | ow. 2 rotaryiry lawrlawn mowers, house jack, 2 The 20-vrar-oldJ left-h.indloft-h.inded Aoctloneera: Iverson andd*BM Roe Oliver 21 trail plow. p itc h e r called o n Jap.in’s J a p .in 's ajlmaaJli ______— Champion 2-row potato digger, PTO rolls of>f snowisnowfence, steel posts, loft of . bawliall romm1.vlnnfmnfT. T, TunhtYu ^ M a rc h 1 operated. scrap iron, tintires, ladder, shovels, forks, ■Uchlmura. In a Tokvo'okvo ho.«;pubo.«ipual. _ EARL Dl'NTIAIl Champion 10 fooft phospphosphate spreader log chains,hains, ssaws, grease guns, drill Theh he told newsmen; and NEIGHBORS (W "E^*en If th e comnmlA5toner m l.vtoner ^had Adrertlsemcnt. Feb. M-Mar.,M.r. I rubber, bits, hydraulhydraulic jacks, shop stove, 2 urired me to play In the United Unl '' Auctioneer: Delbert Alexanderxander , Chattin 5 foot ditcher.fher. '/j-ton chain hoists, barrels, essentia State.'! for a year, I trouldwould noti wrecking bars, anvil, weldng have rhanscd my m mind. ind. I wiwant , Gramehome type field cultivatorc with lube, wreckii M a rc h 1 3 point .hitch. 3 electric fencers, w renc^. ♦o remain here and play in FRANK COOK table, 3 elei J a p a n ." AdTertiaement: Feb. 26 A 272 7 K ren g el 3 sectionI woodw ood Ttarrow, wifh tank, 3 balebales of baler tvj'ine, bwf 1 Murakami deniedled reportarejxjrts he Auctioneer: John EdlnboroofhnroDgh folding drawbar. corn seed, 2 grease gun fi ler been-preszured!d to remain rem atn In ar. seed, corn se ~ Ja p an oy ine~N4M&Iikal hawlu.HkWSa. ITie ^ " — ' Mayrflth chopped hay gtevator,gt on ______pails, track TO operated.lerated. ^ miscellaneoushaneous greaseS, wire netlinO _ •ent. him to the 'unitei'’8t^"I United VOU haven'i seenen iheIhe IPolara 5 0 0 ...it’s probably becausibecause there was a crowd aroundI jfit. GEORGE MtGREGOR SU ; ,nd Dixie thinner wilh 3-poi , w heels, 2 sets of whee last season to gainIn basebalt^x-basebitt' ------——------^ A drerth ie^ en t: Feb. 28 and h 3-point hitch. g auge whee perlence. Herc s t^e Ime ci Pcfara 50a M arch 1 Olson Roto beater,r, PTO operated. weights,Its, Wises for m ------^ s a K £ 5 k a I ^ the Olant* Ute Ust^ t season and S Oadge Palm l . i h a d m t-0 'w6n-16«t recoM. ■ AacUoneer: Harold Klaaa I I OUnti say ha signedgned a cont contract * - t w i n f a l l ^ l a r 19«S. FALLS - BOB REESE MMOTOR OI COMPANY, M a r c h '4 ^ T E , O w n e r ______, • I PAUL PITRDT CECILL BOYDB ESTATE 500 Second A venueu e SSc o u t h Adrertfcietilent; March I A 2 ■ r ^ : SWEEPS SERIES Auction Serrice H SARPSBORO. Norway.tjorway. FetFeb. 23 BURLEY AacUoneer: Cene LarsenLt * ' V Solele Moi Monoged by Metcertmith Auctie ^ — ^4 ( 1—Korway troimicd the u GOODING ■ RUPERT .JOHN WERT ItIRVIN EllERS, KAYErE WAtWAtr, ilM. - - n«M«Tial ice fiocEsj—team - Moroi? CO.,:0., n< Iqe- HARBAUGH'MOrOR CO., tn — M a r c h 4 Jerom*-324-513B CO., tne. RUPERT AUTO SERVICEiVICE . r o t HOLLOWAY Wendah-536-26481* KimtKimb«rty-423-S043 Burley-678-9 ■ itoaOMJ Uld swept■pt its two-g two-game Overland AvenueAvenue 5 0 0 Main Street,:et, . 701 F Sf'feef- Advertisement: Much 2 * »' H terlat. le i, Sol* Clerked by J. ' ------1------— ^------WATCH W / ■"THE BOB HOPE SHOW," ' AtKttommz. .Wert, Eilera, * I by J. W. Mestersmitli of Gemm State Rfalty/ Twin Fells a o w , - NBC-TV ------^______---- :------W an u d Mcaseraialtta

    t - ’ ' ' ■ . V ...... ------: • J■> ■ "T ' CISCO SIQNS ■ (jy,- 1 1 C J • H ^ T H £ “-'“"’'Tuesday. F ^. 23. 1965.5 IJ11 Nuxhall SignsS NEW -YOKK. Feb, 23 W —Tb(B J jW F i v e ©D i istrict s ToiVr '|i^ " 'V•V -/■!- ' • « -, n ' York Mets slgtKd rla;hCr..ni| —- For21st^ear~f^| r ~ ---- - ^aiKled T^l^p^l»r' Monday, bringing 33-o( _____ ^ players on their ' rosted under M M f- ; 0 p e n T l CINCINNATI, Feb. 23I . ’UP> | ^ ;r-__ contract for 1965. ^ -"IIH T h i s W e e k ■ M / ' Pilcher Joe Nuxhall hasi .flghed..agh^d. r~ tt I ; ^ lu his 1965 contract for hisils blst. tng shutouts, but he Injured hill. w yeac hi -, the Cincinnatiiclnnail shoulder In June and was ham e-.i'lnji, W i i l B e j RT-ds aimounced today. erel the rest of the year. |HB B e gin on T h u r s d a y " Nuxhall. a southpaw, has>s spent ------^— j W | 9 m J most of his carcer wltli thele Reds. TRY TIMES-NBWS WANT ADS Fiv? district tournamenournatnents, opening OH-sefen fronts,fronts, push into the Vfagic Valle Hetzel Gets 3t > r i d u On June 10. 1944. Just beforefore his FOB FAST SELLINO RESULTS IA ' ( ■ jiroeliight this week -V-ith-V’ith three beginning Thursdayirsday night and the ether twoz f ' o z Lobos, VV ai anderbilt mth birthday. Nauxhall pitched tliday. Four of, the toumament.stourr ha.ve clear favoritei•voritea while the fifth should,be"' . Straight Title!c two-thirds of an Inning for Cln- fight between severaleveral clubs.clu The tournaments will run through Satui-dav nigh ^ RICHMOND. Va.. ?Vb.j 23 LIVliT)_clnrtjtti—to become the youngest, «hd-then suspend operatic II Fred Hetzel of Davidson,J. liasha^ be be- Plaj'er ever to appear ta a m ajor' i operation until,.the following week-eweek-end. Twin Falls, holding;:s a 12- M ove Intonto Top Ten ;come, lhe fln^t player inI modorm odern l<;ague game. > I record, i.s favored in theth | ~ ...... — ■ ■ r ------By j T rjif. lir .\ Aniioc .viiii-laleil Pri.»« ______^ ba.skt‘(bu:loski'ibull Nuxhall. 38. won nine and lost meet and will me« nnferiM'iV elcht Inal vear. H e apoearedZ J tot WARBERG'S ' li ■c Conference leaders■rs \'an(Vanderbilt' anil 'l^Jew Mexico s Ralston Has'“■■•-M® Minico at Rupert Friday Frida I C a r te r KOs Vlexico scorluK champtonsliip threeirec youryt'ur^ be headed tpr a good Kt-ason with' ^733-7371 Quolitv. ______night. In th e A-2 a ffaffair ir sat Tr» ... . . m o v e d into the Top) Ten wl while Michinan’a W'olverinese r in e s 1 in a row. 1 four (xf hts first six victories bc- , tJTTS Jerome, aoodlng lakes ^on Buhl Bul I llii lyi ------V ~ ■ rem ainil slrnng leadersers in ThThe As.’^ociated Press’ ma[Tiajor- ior- ' t Suggestions^ at 7:30 p.m. Friday whilele Jeron J e n m e i i i colle}jre pollioll M Monday.oik V’and.v, NTo^ the*th T ” ~ ------T^------^ • I hosts Filer In tfie nightcap, , J Soutseastern conference,ference, ' ~ f> 10lS Thursday's action In the A id took over ninth place in For Officials meet 1« divided Into two site lOtl, Round the weekly balldtitnrtr while' B outon andi d ~ f BAUSBORY. Md.., Feb. 23 (j(JP Glenns Perry and Wood^ mverBlvi PARIS. Feb. 23 W — Rubl ^ Dennis Ralston haaas some sugsug- meet at 7:30 p.tn. at ShoshoiBho^one (Hurricane i Carter, the“ mlddh New Mexico, pace-setter', of the Western Athletic coiifeV-1 MStlons for O. 8. D)avls avis cup at of- while .Shoshone entertainsInfi Wen-Wei weight contender from Pateraoj Y a n k s C o mne e ^ flclals It they’re reallylly Intent on o dell in the nightcap. On thetl N. J.. fJoored Pablo BcttinitH 1 fhfl ■ ®noe. advanced to 10th. In other; getting the big trophyly back Iroifrom eastern end at Burley,V. ValleyValli times .and finally kK?K:£etl hlihi™ changes, St. Joseph's Pn.. re-, rr» nn gained thU-d place from1 unbcat-unbeat- I I fkt'iriC i o f t W h i sskey.- b > ■ |yi » AustrallA. takes on Oakley at 7:30:30 withwll out at 2:20 of the last round i oved into X Cl IIIS Hie suggestions arere these: . Declo meeting Kimberly In tl roima oi Provldcnce, Duke moved uito ly in tho their lO-rounder at the« Sporsporta ahead of David.son. 1, Name a DavU cup captain captal second battle. Palace Monday night. Davld.son, fiBrw YORK. F\?b. 23 I.TI—Jim jnunedlately — preferablyBfCTably BlBill Magic Valley IncludesI tw two o A A -4 I t wa.s on easy c o n q u est f< Minnesota climbed one po-Ipo-, Bouton. a bulldog oil the mound | districts. The fifth district' i-and in salar>’ n-ogollatlons.jms.jha^l'.ijs ha-*» | ... . H o w dodow esQ fteiiita it w ithout It Tslbert. "v Istrlct Is Carter who waa outpointedUd on?^on !■ J. Return Pancho ponzales asa divided between Hagermanman andax ]0 da.vs ago by Cuban Luis RtRO- M ichigan collected n 17 ffirst ir s r come to terma with the“»e NewNe\r T| coach. Richfield. At Hagerman,n. Orandarai drlguez st New York's MadlsoMadison Pl«* ''otes and sai"SiolntsIts In the York Yankees for a salary in Z 3. Persuade the seml-retlreiseml-retlred 'View meets Bliss-at 7 pr-nr,r-nr, .-wtth;.-wt! amior Garden, lates balloting by a special:lal panel the neighborhood of $29,000.s , ; - - lO W I Chuck McKinley to stay, stay , on ththe Bruneau testing Hagerman•rman rint Bettlril weighed 180Vi nnunds pound regional eiperU. UCLA held » plu.sh nelBhborhoixl,01x 1 for )w ering th e prp r o o f ? — I I •- team as a doubles player. the nightcap. Oh the other)ther ender Carter 157^, ■ the runner-up spot with . -80280 25-yeiir-old rlght-haiMt?*dbdfd apenee ••Something shouldid be donedon a t Richfield, Camas County Coum , Bettlnl7 on Italian living ini points on a basts of 10 polnia>oin(A for Qf American league chnm^-- right away — we shotildlotild have a draws a bye while DietrichIch meets mee Paris, went inlo the ringIng witw ith * )r second I only two years aKOa ^ “ ho A lot oT peoplesle wouldwoL like to know id and start with Richfield, captain, get a squad and slar two^iliior claims to fame:ne — t he I worked for $10,000 a year. I' x Tj L the answer to thai organizing,” Am erica'sca's Nd. 1 The sixth district willvill hha< a v e nufer hod been knocked, out andan The Wolverines, who lead thCj Last March H he signed re-i ranking player from BakersflelcBakersfield, all Its action at Murtaughugh withwll he had fougiu Sugar Rayy RoblrRobin- Bl|r Ten with » 9-0 mark, ollfled V for $18,500 after"^oen-! Oen-' Distillers (anijd we're no exception) Calif , said. "The longeringer we slisit, the tournament being leclded decided In son lo draw s in 1963 a nid d 1964. Ihelr over-all record to 17-2r Jl la.si ernl, M anager Ralph Houk^- have been trying to con the worse ari our chances."lances." . a round-rbbln schedule. The firstfir He tried to go thejroutelute withwit week with victories over Indlann.r‘"°‘an"..TWarned him he would beI penal-penal-’| ' i • ji • . ■ ito come up with a Soft Ralston was In anin expanslvexpansive night Hansen meetj CostlefoiCastleford Carter, and almost madeIe It.It, aal- 96-99 In double ,ime, andana, j ^ day hej i W hiskey sifice theie year year one. . mood In the Salisbury clvlo c«n ry civic cen- while Murtaugh hosts RocklanElockland. though he was Hoored1 In thetl O hio S tate 100-61. downed I spring training, ter after losing thf mitlDnalJRttlnnal Inln« R&ft River draws5 . a bye. Ilrst round, second, fifthIfth anand 8t; Joseph’.s. Pa.. 23-1, downed 1 Some thoughtht lowi lowering the proof door cham pionshiponstilp llniifinal The llghest battle loomsms In thetl early In the 10th. He also bledble 'BiMknell 9t-&7 an d VUlanovainova 69- 60- | Boulon had rtefiianded S20.000 1 Ml would do the trick,:k. NoNo good!g The result; Suaday to Jan-ErlkI LundqulslLundqulsl, Tlfth district^ A-4 meetBt wherewhe: from the ijose and fromI a smasmaU 61 while 4(covldence fell bgcijback (,a a year for hl.n 21-7 won-lo.sl rec- the Swedish Davla cu star,star. 4-(4-6, Hagerman and Camas1 County Coun cut under Hrts right eye. notch to fourth despite an 88-721'88-7'’ I and 2.53 earned run average Weaker whiskey.. ButBut notn( Soft Whiskey. ■ 13-11, e-«. 11-D. tied for the Northside confereniDnference After o left sent BettlnlII spraw-spraw conquest of Rhode Island.ind. The'Thi'fO'" >»03. On the match Itself,If, the crewcrew- and Bruneau was ratedd In thetl ling for Lhe fourth tlinole In thetl victory was the 19lh for thelhe| I This time the husky fiust-ball-ust-baii- And we're nott soso perfectpe either We cut Californian had no excusesexcuses, gtote AP poll. Added tn Is thetl 10th, he Jumped Itip without'Ithout a Friars, the only u n b eatenen mii'JoFmaJoF ier .said he wanted $30,000 a year. failed miserably/ withwith SoftS Whiskey ex- "Jan simply played1 better.'’better," hhe fast,Improvement of Bliss,^s. which whl< count. Apparently he stillItlll waw a s college. He sold Houk offered him *28,- ,, explained. "HI* serve> was a^'full:awfully lo-st by one point to> CamasCami dazed for he went afterr Carter.Carte Duke defeated South CarolinaC arollna 500.I a tlO.OOO ral,se, ™ *^®'‘ periments. Finallylly afterafter over 22:000 of 1 1 J. J tough and he kept the th e pressm-epreasur County and two to Hagermanerman In The American met him1 vfllh\ifllh a 87-59 and N otre D amle e 101-88 The Yankees didn't announceinouncc them, Bingo! Away way ofof Softening whis- on me from the start.tart. Still, I their final meetings. left-rlRht-leti flurry to the'the headhea for an 18-3 record andid a one Hilary terms, per custom, but Uiought I m ight haveve won If ItI On top of that Merce-ce fouifour- and Bettlnl went down for ttitho place Jump In the standings.landings, there wos a atrong posslbhltyMibhuy leen for a line caUcall inli some, the Dietrich Blueje DeviDevils count. Davidson, fifth a week,;. slipped Houk mair have boosted his of- An 8'6 proof that couldcoi do anything the fourth aet.” and Carey Panthers both area Bettlnl didn't win a staglatagle to sixth although It beat8at Wof­W of- (er *500 or $1,000. Ralston, with a serviceirvlce breakbreak, ca[»ble clutu and If theyley dordon't round. ford and The Citadel fpror a 23-1 Yanks, In annouclngling the 86 p roDof o f coucould do. Only do it Calvert/ert ExtiExtra swallows easy. It's gen- U h >, was leading B-3 whenin he serveiserved win the war, they could)Uld wn.lie PlloUHots InInto the teajns advance to the statesta 7. Indiana (16-3) ...... IK114 . Kansas, Miami of Florida^1, MMiajju l^ ll 8:00 Ll game. * Rest classifications on thet h e sides i d e - _ ment. Located fromTom H(Hansen, 4 miles East to Subiub StatStation and 1 mile North. K- Unes untM'FYlday. TRACTOf The regional championplon will b<^ meet leaves consider A C T O R S PICK-lICK-UP & TRUCK decided Friday nlghl In lhe Ida­ con.ilder- : ) u.ciortf»ctof with liva power, ho Falla game. Secondi placeJ.oL wll desired tn the wny c .id, Iran, .nd .od ..ngl. '’ftO f'OOF'lOO FedFord V-0 pickup with small carnpar, rH ^ seasonal marks. Twin Palls^ n r ^ t th h e ' itc?rina. w id. Iron ip e e d , 700jrr3'6-ply tira», real iharp, axtra ■be up fo r grab.'i Solurday night. fo « I whael, 3 point hitchtch and.nd n.w rubb.r, < tp.-.'d, 700jrl raay nignt. above ^00 a t 12-a. good>d ccondition o n d itio n F E B . 2 5 ” i cellent condition T HU tll R SD A Y , Fl ------B r^nti hnnril drill w 4 TRACTORS^o r s ^ T t r u c k ^ ARCADIA. Calif., Feb.FH?b. 23 to win both games/on theSit roar ^ S Ground Workingrking E q u i p m e n t new JacJiito- raced to his fifthIfth straight strolghi to Rct home for the finalslls TheTTiey i960 Everimah land levelef'-wIfvelef'-with 3 polrit -tarrier, M>l*on-I 4-fow beet drill with 3 point IHC Super "C" tractortractor with\ 3 pt. hitch, lote and most Impressive victory'Ictory Mon-Mon­ ■ , 10 foot, autornatic Be«n drill with for fertllirer attachmont. 3 potnf day In Uie $574>00 San Ban F^tlp«Pel Ipe I International No. 39' tumbletumbU plow, ,^-bottom, MC 2-fOw-row potato jplanter I 1957 Fi:rguson tractorracto r handicap and reaiflrmcd hU po­ ______h e a v y b a r , 3 p o in t,, 2 ’*'* '* inchin« bar and"»K«nk» ‘ , HAYI^HAYING EQUIPMENT " tractor . M ‘P . InternaNo, J / TriTTtraif pplow lo ^ ^ ;—rm 1952 Oliver "77" tractc sition as Git finest 3-year-oJd - on» plow ----- Inrc'n.tiw,!latlonal Ray balar, wifa' Ha, good " troctor I running in Callfornta lat S anta WEBB P ilW c ‘ T a n d e m d is c , ff-fo o l - OTtt* p idition • 1948 Moline "U " tractc Icher on rubber with »ub- , Anita park. I Ac6«5S5_rHE 8 RIOGE IN so.D PARK John Deere Kibler ditcher on Infrrnafipn^llafipn^l No. '45 hay balar, good condition ] 1956 V-8. Ford 2-ton:-ton trttruck , I The deep brown son of Bold •O 'Jer MC »fa>lall mower,mower. 7-fl7 cut V WB* " F 6 0 0 " w itV(i-beisFfced b e e rt Ruler hooked up In a head to • ^1______—■— __ • ction »teel h«rrow r>nt' windfowefwindrower — MC dump raka ' ~ 1942 V-8 Ford Coupeloupe „ . ' ' head battle In the stretchstretch with "SEl^VICE 5-S«ction tieel harrow* J(5^n D<>«>re »ideude rirake with dual*. No. 859 hLs mofft feared rival Lucky D eb­ Milken (craper .^“b^a^'k! WfTH SALES" Haurr corrugate o p e n e r/, . ]2-h.,t2-h., l»li* new HARVES'HARVESTING EQUIPMENT onair and beat him out by a neck MC Ml, I beet toppetopper, extrj good condition In a thrilling stretch duel. . W EU DRIUING ) 5-Foot beef harrow MACHINERYR Y : ^ Field cultivator. 7 looi Intcfnafionallational beet «nd b«an cutter for Supar C Jacinto, who madql(^ thtsthis hishL<^ CE, VVHAT YOU PAY FO« fivfttor, 2-row Be«n fu*»erruvter^o# C-i»row beej puHer IHC bean cutter and cucultivQtol' HeavyY duty landI leveler • I Alarch 6. 3-S<*f»'Cn w ood hj*f/ow I Sub loiler — 3 point bladelade I 'OW potato d< dt ar ~ Beet loader Massey-Fergusonn cu^livcultivator with All metalletal 2 wheelv stock trailer i HI^HI 2 Camel packer* with hitch Cor>veri'cniri.cn ktr krr fo for toppar from John D«ar« to 3-point hitch ,' WogonDn andond rocki on rubber . , i Phosphate tpreader International• rn a tio n a l LEMHLJ»UREBREDRED BEEF BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Ferguson corrugator,ator, 3 pt'Viitch HorseI drawndrawn manure spreader mp rake, mower 13 Annum]Annt Sprinc OTHES3THER EQUIPMENT «m«1 MISCELLAJSCELLANIOUS Ferguson cultivator,Itor, 3 ppt. hitch dump rok< _ Farmhand F15 loader with' dii dirt scoop Harneiit* andand collar 200 tube*, I Vj in c h ' Weed sprayer withith 3 pt pt. hitch U RANGE5E BBULL S A L E0 Wagon and hay rack withwith 4 rv rubb«r tired wheala I09 tfia^n>»in and and for* fork* — 2 tubei, 6*ber 60 Top> p H Hei ereford Bulls Poit hoi* driller, 2 h.p3 motor Ford frontront ««el M>el am and 600x20 16-ply tirai m outh))uth) 70 ft. tandem disc PolleiJPolled aiand Horned lota of electric cord — Shov*liShoveli and< forlti *>,oe thre*d*»rhreader — — It lott of imall tools I 2 saddlesdies—— Child'sC and stock (both Cement mi*er, PTO 2 headgaheadgatet, 10-inch Depth wheol*wheol* S Scrap iron — 1500 fiald sack* 6 section wooden;n honharrow gtjod ^ condition) _ ■ ^R T T E BECMTTARY-'ntiEa^iIRY-'ntiEatSPRER FOR SALE CATALOO Potato cutter bo» wilh b^ll, belt, dipp«r,dip for 4 p«opla 4 H«»adp«lc»,dp A tc* , 12 1 7 m inch — 2 water tanks Oliver spud and corn cucultivator. Tits -T >«,_ 4 — JOO I in c h Ine ton rolled mixed grain Field tpr.Aycr vviih boom,m. on rm'lcrtrt TO tube*. 4 >nchinch -- , "77'llroctor One ton ^inck''M ayrath »Ofler »nd and itjItand, 22-ft., 1 hp. PwMACHINERYERY Chottin drtcfiSiT^7 ft. shovels(Is ond forks. Lots of good an- _ and Lawrenc* Br«dbury, Br#dbory, John and Nor* Teehick Arco Deef^ No, 8 mower, 7-foot cut gle andnd flat iron. ^ fnternational 350 dietellel tractor,tracn torque ampH- Joi'n Dee^fr No, 8 . ^/i turn plow, 16" R*v C. T.bbilf*. Moor# Deere No^ 658A aidp < rak«, v^ith d u a l /ier, rvew rubber, complete!'ompfetely overh«ulecf last • Jof>n Deere No^ ••■V Pe*f»oo. Moor* ld«Ko Rocky Moont«tn RancK l> *' AUTIONEERS NOTE:lOTE: There will be very littlee miscellaneous.miscc Plan \o corne « .io n wK^el^,‘el^, cchariot h a rio t 1 ty p a and Wilm* FiiK«r,tr, Salmon Morgan Williamt. Obsidian m bi. plo~ Jo’'" O..'.I>aare h*/ hay .balar,bi in axcellant condition early and we oree sure that you will be pleased"d" with this auction. MocTiinery H*fold Gilpin, Salmon> GUEST CONSIGNORS I International No. 39 tumble pl^- . jn^rt DMff*Dwra pho»p phosphata t p r a a d « r is good. ^ L H*r>«sn, Stanley leo D. Murdoch t> Sons. tn f e r n a tio n a l &>ro'wv c O ftivt.v.to,. a to f. 33*.r . •cker and gss rrator' . Potter. Garland.id. Utah Blackfoot Inr^national tpringtooth(h h«rrowharroA g lyphpnipn tulset,t u b e s , 4d incK- Y O F S A L E ncK ' • A i r o ------Wayr>» Kaw^U I. Son^am p*. . ete line of r-H im er ' b a rb e c ^ wirm ^ ' ---- - r .International 3 point fa«h««h h«tch ' ’ Vol7'<^ JUDGE — G GIBPS IB p S REHMT^AUSPni. REHM, MO^^rANA Aucaof4ca( ^ si;i w WIllIAMS, ih ia m s. WAtiA WAILA, WASHINGTON „ 1 M A fT W ARD, OwnerOwn, ■ ------I ». JO. H N BUi U S C H E R ^ " ' B3AI.E A L E SPSKW90RED O t BY UMHI PUREBI^ED^ED BlEEF IBRGEOEBS ASSQCIATigNM .. ~ ; !TERMS: CASH DAY OF5r SALE - AUCTIOKETIOKEERS: HAROLD KLAASj ond,.ond,JOE DUFFEK ' _ HAROID OnriN. rmid««t rm id«at fAui ryto-OM thi .v' . *■'■.-■ .V. - : 1 . . s ■V ‘ *• * i. ■ ' • ' , • ■ •■'i" ' » . . . .., • ______: I. ' ■ *' ______V. • ''—tr » *>«»«» - Y ^ \4 tm w !lO y 0 * A lM S iO l e a s e " LDAK ME ^-A H IS. ■ — f —Tu«»day>-ft»b^23,J9^V _ I" \ y ' plEASE.T' L ■ BRAIM A DEFENSE!^) BRAIN A 23.J9A5' V, MAT MONKEY p ] ^ ^ , MEART, ”J SSu-eE{iiiiU y> J i m e s - N■News e ^ C om ics;;s for the E nt V-; OM B.— T SM* 0U«4M

    n t « ■ ■ Time and M usic n S C T < V J ~ •aca . • HO* ACROSS sa M»l<> pm n t

    f 1 4? Blihopric »e»t llOpcraUciolo 42 ApprMChcf^ 0 Period ot Uma I 12 Noun «u

    miuldani M Keitored 17 Unit of wire confidence - meuurement MAlllne ,^Cap«aUria»» __- •18 Chemical 67 Appointm ent WKMAilEWR HAP MO r o U t g i W J f H l J ■ ■ T ^ l ppo?ntment « Colophonlea SOSkln op*nlJi« - - | VVM^N WB HMP W \ AND that W l M paratlon ^11) (cnll.) 7 MoUl 3* Gaelle 1 0 Mu»tlo fugar BBThln $1X569'KIDi WBU TEUA «T WR HEK-l I @ l S W i K E £ ' 1“ 3 . OKablelrt ,.lS r •EK SHES IM LIME TO ICOMTRACTW TRA TO CTTO ^^ ANVi 1 /WHERGl^P (varl 5»nird's«ingIrd s tons o Abode* 35 Expert* w fi aiComiicopla eoMeatdlih lODESSSnted .^pu5d;:d INHERIT 50MB POUGM I^TWIMS SHE.WHI 'v m m - 23Mocca»in « 1 Womaa’i;omaa* name name jiM ounUinin pcfiperty FROM A SOURCE VVE 24 ElM-nhower nnivw nickname DOWN the Kockif* 4 3 Chalc^onlM cAV r pkclqse vsr>® *eBHB 27 MounUln defile 1 nduUeeUndulale Ifl Ideal Pl*ce J ! S®S!i»* * ■ 2 0 Klnd„of dream 2 GeralnHeralnlswifa wife, 2 0 PaUUU« iS r ^ r - L m * 32 Keep In 1 Arthurian ' 2 2 Western catU® JjG lrl a n*m* 34 Kail horrlnc cend leRe^ tarm . .._ 30 Crceplng,plant 3 Unbleachednbleached 24 J-lower 5? ot Soulh 4 Niullcal•ullcal veuel v eu e l 25 Military cap- J I B<><*‘«* America- ■ ■ 8 Cam.merooni erooni 28 Evejlaatmglr “ “• 87 KralU , Netrold1-rold 2B Kl«ed look Stitch T— [i ■ 15 'K "|==> (5~|6 |6 |7 p'l p

    i l ------ra ' ^

    ' i t - — i e ------— ’I Z Z U k W-: ^ ««K Moroali.-«fc Dr...... ------" “q B P I <.I ■ 4 4 ^*0^-^W5T b e MISTAKEN/ ) 1 - I~WH — — — ^ — b i j ^ ^ 1 hat/ h e w ^ m h »^^ AD ON THERE WERE NO SEAT ^ - " _ ta th e V^mEH-...YET HE < MY^EAT SEAT BELTS IN THATCAI^^^ F H !■ »«»» W NIA. 1^ TM !.» ux Ni ow______f-^3 -the POLICE WOULD LIKE TO \ OH OGER.'' Wfl5 THROWN FROW I BOT/ , 2 4 b s p T M g ? ------question AMS5 DONATELL^ M . ^ THE CAR AND rrr-fC^:^ar-^ / “Juet because it w eldedr^« d you) correctly doesn't m eant a n it) ' MAY THEY COWE IN -.r—r C ^ B _____ w e i ghed h e d MME correctlyl” 36 I C arnival 35

    _ 4 T " P 4 8 “ g r ] 55 ■ 5*5? 55 ' “ ’ z zx 5S“ ------57 S7------55 OatoUna Allay T By th e m ay,I ran in to <;ome o t V ■ 59------55------V T it doeen t T 1 "i LuTiiing inthemoneg!smoneg.'T Good to see you. ^ A By thi «zzz zzlzt ed^ ^eem fair, Buck can get himselfmself a ) UJallet! 1 hear uouVe ■ the tte old alumni up at the gama! ■ ■ Almost »200 lueVe scraped ] e e e n 3c U . ' / - n been hittingjth^oLj^l, Parsed the hat) Here's *250fb r^ ■ up,Nina,u)hile Buck and Ma|er Hoopla ^15 pate gotraipsincj o f f ^ — to basketball g am esj/^^v ., («VAWD RUSUT -TOEW&, M A 3 0 R . AMD ^ KKEEPe -SMILlNS''K 6 M 6 M B EPf,O U R W 6 MA30R WILU R -lPWWSM iM »1 V.V .tELEVlSlOM AUDieNCe U1KB3 A , f e d upV £ ^ \ . ( w -V r 6L06H Hl»A WITH T H «’P'*'* PiC, -~7\ S ] JeOOD ^ SPO«T WHEIsl 1TVOT6S BY BUT WBVl pick U(> i s CLAM6/ / / p,PW0M6 FOR THE PEKSONALrry— FOB QUICK DOOQrt LIKE-■ y * c>(^ _ THE W E E K /A N O ^ f------^ THAt HE 6HOOL13H'T MiMO J TMAff _ PAYS-?— ------. B 6 IN6 46HT-r01M&^'5<5L THiMt^oFrr—/TP /awvoroA o N a < J — t>iow,f J

    ■ I 7 I______i

    l i p K liby

    K r,l { 11 (7 WEIL,SHAWEIL,SHALL • '^ B ------I y J \ ' r " ^ v Y I ASSUME AM-/ fy(XJ PREFERe f e r TOto l W|fc«agiiMk ^ L* W r t \ X GRADUATIO^raduatiom f gguevE vouVOUHAVE, havi \ \ y / ISS DOUBTDOUBTFI FUU, Eu.fXPOSfOME ^R.IAMIE^ SO BE^ ______» >W W XIA. W TM t«» t>i N> e

    fwaatia Pi« OBBIT! an d I DOM'T \ "^ ■ i\- r i I vSmm^'A even CARE^RE IF THETH t>y=dSURE J B ? MY BENEFIT, - ^ I IS FOR MY BEI SAV t h a t ^ » PAY, PR.LAW ieR!y®|^ ^1H •' ilD^ ^ [ j H | I’ j SOMETIMES THINGSNGS ARENAREN'T l l \ y m / ---- I j j Out Ouf Way / H H I' IVlL ^ precise as THEVthev seekSEEM... j [ciw '■« Tm / <:^30Pl>il^HT NtAKT—\ 7/ VIAUSB TM gSTTI)>l*TTRCC> T B 9 Sh o r t naw ______I WHAT’^T H E IPiA ^ OP f J~f l OF VOU OIEWIM' ME OUT FEK ] n l-TME CHANeiNSOflWE&UA^ / tferriKj^i our *THBtwb J l ^ HACKIM> rrO F P C R O O K E P ^ : I OKAV,-n-IA-T P0£5 \ 1^ r CLECTKIC CAJCVIKJO WrrH A RE&ULAR KMIFE/ \ W/ll I •> /rf.MXTREKEUEVED.) ) '’• -WOUL.D BE A UOT SMPl£R « i | V ICKJIFB J U S T 'T D SSUCB U C a K K S 1 CAW AIM BETTBR WHCM I | ' V OFp A p ie c e OP'P I COWT have TO 130 ^ ^ 3AW^ — ^ ^ j jl

    ' r

    ______u i r i ^ ^ U


    _ ^ TM. W UL M. PV^S(cr?sjiz^ ______y ' THE WORBY WAKT .V yjW ' ^ r - .... ■‘TTit*-thmi w«'U •••• theth« i sor*«n even if girow n-ups do • i t; iin n ffront r of u*I” i M m * ^....,___ r Em Catcy i-la J «- mi w HIA.W w T.1. T>*. >«» Ul- p*« -----^ V u ^ l ^ HP73|||^|Fl4^Vn7AN€e n V VLKi MtLI >1 1.L* I I Irn __ M U1 //•//A>L.Li‘“ 1 DON'T Fceu ttava Rapar I'M ‘■Ef 'e | ^ ' W Jt - " n ... - ^ I. ^u< J„

    I / p f s l 5 By p MW. , \ w - i


    •» Bv«« Bew rv W r ^ _ _ ^ Tw tv aitJ * • P lr» » « ' V{ CAI c'MON, i<:jD/\3 ^ C3ET VER ^ IM A \ '^>oy IWIWO O ttOOK LIKE VOUVEBEEnI foH,OH/-)OlKOH!'tOUy (5ENEIWL WW55AK5''| |AW ^Af A FEW MOwExny* unn?— ■ " N A j I th irs t,r , IX < <30f 3 0 T T A ^ i^-i*™ >======^=gjp AU. Nist / NOSEn o s e OC/rc O'T.^AT I MiOi i-rc . A------M J B m I H £ U P "TH.'■m.' SWJSWEEIFP \ . ___ . UPAU.NISHT_JU5TPRDPPEPIN ' CAN'T—T* tvE'p b e tte r • ’* . . ^ " T » f OHrHaiQ-TE E u jg g ;^ / ^ Tf;;^ f i , \ y * H P i t n * < 7 ' ‘ fI ~'*’ TbLtVtelOKTASre c e \ ~\^B ijG Srr/y ' Hfflr V GET ridRIDOPTH' OP ) ,1 gRigF HIM OM o ir : M Ak5Trr/...«oK 5 T r r / . . i^, \ I V ✓/V7>4 VE5 V _ - _ _ i - / AD GUVs T ^ ' „ i M r i i r S rTtn^^f^o^ ~ ^^^^^am r-fiesHseKs,^ _ ^ektumeH/- J I I ^ L ,>-6^ S Q ^O 0 0C - BOO

    v f l U i H '' fiB5B5™ ^s5 - T '' " J-TS TM.7 ,B ^ * . i==s; ' ^ , ■• 'fcl ------. - ■ . • ^ I ■- , ’ " v•^ '• • ’ . ____ J s ' ’ ^ ^ ^ , stw .'’y. _ **? p

    * , ' \ r ... '■ -

    Patriotisma - . - ; [ .... y ShO P tlM E$- rE$-NEW SCLALASSIFIEDADyDVERTISING | b ie a i: VbuCBigTMb ^ Death Apology ^ jiessonC iv e ^ I/' Enrf^m-d;----- ■ 1___ Peb. 23 (CPC—Muriel Armltage ^ llsfHelp^MT 5 [h ^Ip ile~rn9 Female JO H .*y tb t official___ ilA I UCU i t i n g , hair ttylLl^j tintitttr*inti. - :: : ------— Twin Falls Tlmes-Now» 1 3 ' ! letter'sue received' from the . s.uSalim?" u i' .! ^We^l^^phona^TiJ- ^ TW ^ BEDROOM Living, room. umy...«Usald^her ministert e r ic - - ______For Casino ?,home. flreplac*. dining' room. .... I your l- AnriltaBe: “It was all tjo .U i'l.K T K ll^Auly « rv ic « .by ai^- kiichcn and iuvcly living room . >vhy siae ygj.y lujiny, reuUy. I received/ed vanretjv«n »;u(lent» al redutred M u s t b e 2 1 years old. prefer-»r- *'ullt' baienifiit, gaa furn»Ce, -faneedI yuur iim* and «ak* at laaat ^600 T lay after- you latch onto la seldom in \ian- 3 lovely bedrooma. on main floor* ■ > dan- track you Jrom pre-arrangedId ac- un apology." r«rniunit)ta. li. llrmuty Art* Ar«d>rad- abljably not over 30. yard. I11.51K). '<*' JSJii S tlie gri^e aiihool«l audltp- jger of being dropped throughirough tlvltlea. Avoid panic, 1 _ e m >. 135 M ain W«-»l. phune 733^tfA42. One ia 15'xld’, large family kitehaa e-v l \ n u i ACKKS — J nice home*, i,y**lby family riMim plua 3 bedrooms* whim of yours, for youiu are 'VIRGO lAug. 24-Sept. 23)—33)— - J ' * APPLV TO: Dick SwueuetorQ{> c«>rrala^ anil' barna. L a rg e r, hotn*' dyn. recreation rutim and, bath in > '‘Sichew. M rt.\ m '. H atm aker I B»by SItters-Chlld Cere 16 k baa 3 be«lr\Hima, I S balha, fire* full*full' fhUahjMl' baaem ent fo r living . follow through to thele end The best bargains are away Irom I® Ci uy Keep'at \X place, evtra lanre )l«4jtg aiul dining J mts. D orothr^yton. were ; kf.L lAbLl:: chilt( caiv. Lar«« fenced dr luvcly apartment. 10 yeara old Kw regardless of obstacles. One home today. Avoid unnecessary ^ CACTUS PETE'S \\ r.rLHini. large eat*in kitchen, utility hut haa all new aluminum aiding. riw rge of the pJewntiitlon. . •whose greatest energy seem* to yarti. »ut>«rvi*e^1 play, Muur. day^ or \ atarid pou-h. Muat ae« tu appreciate. F>e« :ms to arguments with spouse or ■S chll- Winner o f M Phoqg 7ak1.t»50H. ______Kxcelleni location, im m adlata pot-* . placed oln signing of be supplied thx»ugh the exclte-Bxclte- dren. ------»il<.S».l, avaaiun. flU.K:>U. Owner must aell all| 4lpe^»nc» -nieiit of wiirklng-tny - CffiTLrr~VAitK in my bomr. 533ar Farm Fartn "Work—W s flte S—^ ^ ^ 1 —^ * nMniNATlQN Itving and btial-■ now. now. i>eat of ifcrma. tofLvolutlo^ cSHsF' — tIBRAr-tSeiJtr-24=Octr-JS»“ = “ ■■ "f«nnrnnd~wmt ttlOf Llike* Shopping?ing ------. ------:,,■■■______I____ 1 neaa.n, (jood lovatlon. Newly re- olutlonary yo^^ to take careire to Great care Is required In makingS^h'atroTriB— ' , 31 modeled. lovely carpel, larga living. J*OVJ.OVEL^ 3 bodroom brick* near rtahnio choose your causes with care.care, decisions today. Your Judgnjenttnsenj - . ^ jA i'K aitil J I LL.'S Nui-aery.‘ H our. «l*y. . CUSTOM •'area. l*rlred at |10,5OO. nighnigh t>chiMil. Curb, gutter and oil VI] *?/r*tlclpating In February's tJjes_ato- worthyJiy of may be Judged, , - . i*r w»rW. Lircnaatl. 20i lOth A venueMtue JJ atreet. Heautlful full baaempnt ^Iwhdav cake w ere M ichele Le- Ka»t. T.1S-»iti47. ^ I Down Pixyment and closlnR> compietolyJilm flniabe>|, into recreatio n - ^ HM • y°“'' talentsr SCORPIO (Oct. j! 4 :^Nov. aa,_2 2 ) — A niiounced MANURK HAULINGI COi,tct U.H' low o i $6 7 . - . r\>4)m. 2ntl bath and 4th bedroom. o e rlty . Shirley E d- Employment Agenciet 17 . A rereal ecoiki>niy buy. /^ H j fnd'D^te power ,of persuasionlon la You would be wise to" cease h e y b u RN. Peb. 33 — S.ill,v patty Taylor and ix Denta iia ,perhaps your greatest aaset.t. On*;One branching out. Allow your al- , ____ L e o 5 ^ tjheney. daughter of - INtiS al rer« le girls fairs to remain static for a while. 1 ,on* Custom Farming- .. »; MAGIC VALLEY R recited a poem. .those who, can charm the girls , j!r®' Mrs. Harlow Cheney, won tV.« the M«lrlf Vfclley. 2-‘« Sho.hone -• tllu.- l.akt-a Nuirth 733-5:i.{« -a . . ' from the trees with nothingS more SAGITTARIUS (Nov- 23-Dec. ^ Ir^ .t. ph.*ne 7.H3.5562. R. (5. McaaeramHh 733-tf06» REALTY , | | Washington," and Vera • oration contest at the Heyburnb u r n ------_-- -. F l ie r obably M) — Take the optimistic ap- J im .Mi-aarianiiih,-Jeronw 324-M.''ll 7»3-5^S0 M n«hro than worlds, you will probably < _____ J . W. .Mcaaeramilh. B roker 7 3 3 -4 5 4 6 EvEvenlngn: 733.MA:il nr 738-6110 H Terry Forbes, Debra me In proach ti any problems f.hiiH which .J"”*®*" school sponsored by fj.i-Help W anted—Fomalo 18IS ------J SSS Cindy Stlmpson and ZadaZ ada ^ " h l ^ the M odern W oodmen i t Amor- ^ ' Member Multiple Llatlng Meniber Multlpl* Llatlng in lonir al»ut contact with others,others, may arise as a result of your j, AVO.S I’A lX lM ; y.Ki I H xcelkm -nj: CUSTOM joined her ta a songwng aboutaooui Individually or In a group.group, erw. ' 3'°“'^ ,Ica lodge. She Is a sixth grader.a a e r . iK>rt»mUy for anibltioua wom an Co . , \ J Runner-up was Helen Q r^t,t , an a i j .< *ervii.'«t ' ratabllahed Avon territo ry . MANURE HAULING ttf>€hiagton. *' true CAPRI(X>Rn (Dec. 24-Jan. 20 * OUTSTANDING ACREAOt; Sort members for thee D playlet. iavlet ' i be particularly’ true eljrhth grade student. a rr M*UlnK Kain..in. V .n io ti 0 1 . 11.1,T. Huhl. ^lJ-;.Hiil ^ ng to —Quick, decisive action, once *- hourly. l‘*ll or A|>jMoximate}> on* acr* with beau- . KJMBERLY > rere Larre attempting to , T he girls w'ere eafjt} presented *"j *, *’/ Vs A .s'rh U : i'uat.'iii init, J*iun iT 11 'll ^ Keren and I." were Larry you’ve decided on the direction, ,nted .,r write ThvUu Mclnuirf. I* tlfvit 2 t>e«lr«Kn .i : Kunl.erly. ______^ lha tim e 40 aiart^ gettlm r linealI up >1 blofk Morkahop. double g arag e. Kr(,-l w»hl); OBry M cDonald.d BeverWB everS — for aiuintf pl.twing. Arthur Peteraou. at brick. Haa bullt-ln am>iUncea. EClm E'Omewhat Inclined towardward Is the key to your success today, j raou. atable, t’hli’V^n and brooder hoii»e. ki,...!birch rabhieta, !*•, baina, full* - ftSSn. Kathy Heath, Kim Ofitf- K 101 *^°yd Schrenk. Junior high AUlllAuiii i Hl.siAl. omei ~ne«HlS ai ime#.>'»ce i t.iA .22U , W .n.iell.______y KuH ahare water, lot* of ahatle and K*aei e Guthrie" ®"’°tlonallsm, especially whenuen In- AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Peb,, 10) ,ichool teacher. A permanenti n c n t •** K«iul!» liu'i‘ra«e WANTED; ' u’uik potato hauling. Phonehone * «.*iil axiiiething to du. llv* In one binahination living riHim aod dining ^ '* ■ ly. Thla Is especially true In theth e goal In your Ufe. ____ J'''!'’ ru..nrotmi and furnac* 15,300. ‘V* used for sim ilar contests forrthp' th e [ l U f e r e n c ^ 7J3-84SU ^ ; . J i l : ■^oe___ j; ‘ make money for you. Vrty fmat- ixongfel- other people and theirt h e i r ------^ f u " 0 ^ MMAM»U>. A M HAI l-lNi;. I'hone '^ e “c}eAri. (ifft-etl ritfht a n d in a c^oli'e Owynhe Eailot reclted-LongfeU next two years, lUair. Jerome JJ 4-4 4 &U. j"' r r T>oni n» tittltudesT you cannot expect T| . . W AilUc.a/N v a 'J. I-EI). mukl -wy^Udnlght H.Irir nf Pmil R,f- . Other students talcing part In^ be^atiUj,, 1.1 >».»ik evenlnK* aii>l TAYLOR AGENCY J*., {ire,- and Jay OasklUI did Pat-P a t- ~BveryoH8 -to iin im aa you-do=rm>-^and~ d- •-!■ P Q C lll'f ltl - "t -Watk Warrted ~ 242 4 '‘“ 'gLORE TlTrSLTY Kimberly^ 423.52S9 to become emotional over!r theth e v a a QgflSt ftpn.-lntn»em , 7.1-t-TS::t.______------Tl ~ rmTTCltdTa-oW K i n - - 73a-t«-3 - ~ KvanlngB H£k Henry’s speech. Norma Weber. Mary Arbogast ____ Hruce Merbam 1.13-5457 ng of th e *'hey do not will get you ntest K.\ I'KHJKNi'KD Momsn fry rtiik for Ron Taylor 423.540.t Presenting the signing of the 1 and L arry Jensen. T he contest KXI'> DORMANT SPRAY TIME!IE ! Hialf » Oatrrhout, 73.1-5045 l.’r«iiFrank ilorah . 423-50ti0 ^ Declsratlon of Independence were X wa supervised by Mra. F ern ‘■vc.ui.c J;,': -hlft. Apply In retain lied L. Uarda PaaVrlt 733-5740 denoewere . . .u , .. .::: Party Slated : Fern cnfr. . pon|)ormant oil apraya help control aA rt Ireland 7a3o234U Member Multlpl* Listing All Hiurlc* Canchola. Leroy■roy Pen- Among those born on thla date Crandall and wns the 18th sucha u c h 1I — ------acaUacale, inaecta an«l kitU ovrr-w inler-cr- jilngton. B ryant Perron.Jl. Ronnie “ 'e Samuel pepys. famed English annual event held on a nation-1tlon-1 HelpHeli Wanted—Male 191 9 * '''1 larvae of many otherI .r ------— TTl.KTTI.Kil J Slre*i location: Thla h o,m a Wl Eoblnson. AUan Stowell,'eil, Lerry 17th-Century diarist; Emma n'ldo basis. — ____b«>lher»<'m* inaecta. Get yuur order ler Waawaa made for a family. 9 larg* j| At Hollister : iu no%« ( TAKE YOUR PICK bedriMtma. udr. fam iiy room. ah arp i a . Ubb. Mark Spencer,', Ronald Hart Willard, pioneer American Judg'es were Mra. Lazelle i I'1500 down OU LESS will buV . . . kliclikitchen, fully carpeletl living room B l TounR, Allen Helsley. Deebee Pratt, woman educator; George Prede- HOLLISTER. Peb. 23—Annualnnual Oreenhalgh.c Mrs. Wayne Rogers^ e ! : -*AMBITIOUS . . . Oo eE" M 8 PRAYINO SERVICE--B______andand dining rmtin. If you have a H I nald Scott Handel, noted German com-» com- HoUlster Grange party for grad- anda W alter L. Durfee. D ial 7JJ-42U6 2 HKDItOOM with carport and1 amal aniall^dojvt) payment and deaIr* to |H Kenneth Struchen. Ronald Scott . . . »«>te«l and dUsu«t«>j »lth y*'»»r ______b. baarnu'Dt.’ Top locatUm 17.000I own own your own home, come In and md Mike O uthrie, while■hlle MMike ike ^ Poser. uates In the community Is plan- The students' speeches were p'.- Itrln.l 7 .Advemur.ui* enoutfh ------lel'a talk ak>out it. 112.000. Lyn- |U Outhrie. Jay Oasklll. TerryYrry Wol-W oi- w hat Is In store forire for ned for April 28, Mrs, Elva oon "Responsibilities of YoungDUnc **’ •“ • profraliloii whrrere C U S T O M 8 IIAi{l^nenl and dean, all large wo,uwt>«ul R eally. 733-U211. Jam ea ■ *» you .-ouiitU yt>ur own inrom eT \N hy'V D I R T o r O U A V E L H a u lin g r»»«ima. (iaiage. . Irt.OOO l)«m ton and Gary McDonaldlid held a ■ tomorrow, select your blrth-birth- Loughmiller announces. tAmericans." f,"“!>>>t li'Uiii ihlx p|-ofn>nloi> nrtil ruitt ' D anner. lA.i.jHO . ■ bua session on the constitution.natltuUon. '<*®y and read the correapondlngDndlng A special booster night pro- The flag presentation- wasts by •' "«ti)«> time? ir yog b«ve |>rr. DT CAT WOtlK t:i).MKUIirAJILK 1 bch.M .m . »'lVffr RO.^KiVo.'lK M tevi location: Yuu can'i H Jav Gas Paragraph. Let your birthday,rthday, gram with Paul Heglan, of>f the BoyI Scout troop No, 37 consist- *«'li«luy an.l like t>eoplr. iraio loto 8 am ychuvlri, Wen.iell ft.lg.g2B0mo frncedf‘ yaid. milet neighb«>rhood. afft.taffiird to paaa up an opportunity HI Debra Chapman and Jay Oas- »eJJ aik) e*rn while you l«-(»>n.'*• bKSKWT W JN ii. A lli-ratlon* liiui* qulrkJy t like thla I Very clean 8 bedrooms, * Jackrabbit Re.search center,sr. as Ingli of Del Ray Jensen, Jam es *n. T7ki7 - ■ full finiahed haaemeiX. larg* kUl did a choral readingng on the ‘*““ 5' K''*'**- aines 'I'lmn wtlh rkrf*rlence«t. qiiaUr|e<|*^l aiid pn)fea*Utnally. Mi». t! hti.d a d rAYMENTa I.OWEK’ THAN iV.'v Wednceday. Feb. 24 speaker, Ls planned for theI next 1 Lee and Dee Yeaman, Randy•andy i.-«' taood •«lary, riitnmUaluit*.>*. ThoThom paon 7H3 Kl.\Thnta 73S-60:ia'■61123 fj";kitchan. loU of atorage. Very w*ll institution. 1 L he b.inii»e«. Munt have ra r. al>l«'le *fi* a fte r ft p ih______landnra|ted. tlS.250. Lynwood RaaU “*iSl fcl "When Lincoln was aI boy" was PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20)2 0 —) _ meeting. Color slides wtllII - "be 1)6 Stlmpsonfi led the pledge to the !■""ti» tiavrl durlQit the wrrk and b« -,,,. ty. 7^3-0211, Jam ca D annitr. TSS- ft] ^ CUh'rOM tr)^ falling and cutting. U(tTCD by Kay Saras, Cindyidy S.tlmp- Success In fam ily and IjusliwiMjsliwiM sh^n, \ .. . *Hag. of Irjfal atie or »»lder. ^ REAL ESTATE 2240.______abUlty Parm safetv was stressedI dur-dur­ Lund Christensen, principal, Good aaW. EAperirnretl operator. SICCUNU. Avrnu. North i Dallxbtrul ■ Bn, Debra D\njt> JUVdd another affairs depends upon '^Our ability ‘=1?“ ': a p p l y T O : Reantmable piicee. Walt 'hhetler,r n .r: . SERVICE 733-RH74.______• Jj ....family. hom*. 3 bedn>oms, full fln« \ H poem on Lincoln' was efvenBfven by to keep (t secWt, ing a meeting at the Orangerange ggave a few rem arks and waa pre-P " Vt-in^ I.indtrren al the------^ ^ 290 Blue Lakea N o rth 73a*l4l«I ’ lahedUhe« baaement. Aa a bonua amall H Kenneth Struchnn. DeeJee Pratt, ARIES (March 21-Aprll 30)—A hall. Mrs. Lyle Schnltker. home sented» with a certificate of recog-eCOg« Kkuwaya i- Motel In Tw tn Falla. Clb^ENT CKMK atrvTrturea t*f all kind*. FreeFrr* Karl Freman, 753-4551 very aharp Income property gt tha ■ K»thy Heath and Tina, Proscher. trying day which may call1 foiVafoA.a economics chairman, readd an nnitlon for proficiency in* Ameri-m e r l - W nlnenday. F ebruary J l. fi»»m eallmatca. ealli Reaaonable. Call 733.733- Don MilUin, 733-10A5 backback. Tt«>lh homea ar* fully carp*t*d« nood article on subject andJ dls- ccan history by Desmond Welch, —'12:50 ’ to a :$U and 6 - 7 ;30 p.m . .■<777. 3777 very clcan. tll.500. Lynwood Realty* H Ed Chess recited Lincoln'sxjln'a Get-O et- greater display of your good the ------.. ------WU51AN WOM, w anta ligtTt iiouaework, canr .n [ ------7J.1-I73.1-9211. Jam e* D anner, 73»-i240. to Klv- trib u ted pam phlets on <(afetySafety Diana Oreen presented a piano ^J|j>burg addr,ess. graces than y.u are used to ^Iv- . ccH>k, will live-in or not. 23Q VanV.n T^o ON ONE t w o " 7 checks. solo11 alid three musical selections•tlons A^ANAOEMENT“ t r a i n e e■* Puren. TWO llKnUOO.«.S. cumbin.tlon llvinc puticipatlng In thee playlet. Ing. ■ ■ I Buyer can live In nice S bedroomI and dining riH>m. Eat-in kitchen, ton," were TAURUS (April 21-May , 21) j j )—_ Eileen Lanting played severaleveral « werB by the Junior high schoolchool Centuty old eompany will hire a JiOHMDOHMANT OIL TIMEI II A H Bpray. home J,, on the fn*nl of large 77*215i utiii utility purch and bath. fS&.OO rental ■Lincoln and Washington," were - m an ov«T Zl In the T w in Falla'I* 733-tl4A7.7 3 3 . m trrninga anU evening*.Ing*. #, out at |50 ntonth- onon i rear of kit- All for fS.500. B19 •WnHritui, It'a wise to know which sMele vouryour P 'ano soJoo. Mrs. Loughmillermiller b band under the direction^ of ar«'» {.) t«aln f«»r mariairement. Jerti tnam - Welch.------__jdu 't* Jero ip r .124-3050, . uly a -neat two bedrtKjm furniahedI 5lh 5(h Avenue Eaat. llAl/RICG KLAAS Jam Jones, Dale Blair,lair, John bread Is buttered on. Confine the Tiraa y eleometh>»a-Ora»ge-»««m- V ------—-JdUAi.hayr charRctej and work-__ SK W W i;— — Uiu -.iilv .l.. m .ll.a--, Inin. hiiiiaa In th » hack. Excellent lothI RE^ REAL ESTATE. 793-5619, ber and the obligation was given - - ■■ — rcr«ml atid he willing to r^»rate. Johnson, Louis Albright,ht. Chuck present situation to family, Abovr avrrajfe Inronie «.hlle iraln- my kJli bume. 60K Tnylor direct. Kim- AvemieA Kai»t iivcatlon. Total prica* FO r.T.: U R bo». ______110,500. Mountain fitatea Rvalty. ^ tett, Sandra Oonun, SheVrleeVrleJ3av- J3av- opinion ‘'\irttfi facts and .figures = C l a s s i f i e d J ------WILL. DO Ironing in my home Phont■W; AGENCY 733-5074. 'Hi idaonr^lcheHe OWford,I, Mary Jo stand* the beat chance of JTBCOK-jrecpg- organization of a degree team to 7X.1-73.1.71*fi. t:230 Main North Phone 7SS-««55‘ TWO fW o UEDUOOM home, oil furnae«~ J| Htran, Debt»l».>'F%lmer.r. MMichele ichele nitlon. be composed of members from ______WANTKD i C'«rt>.nl.r »nrh. Inqulr. *re »lway* •vallable for •ft*'*f part part baaement. waaher-dryer hook* , 2 3 )_ BCnull. Mountain Rock, Twin UUNLIMITED : ^ 413 M.uiro. ..r ph.in. 1n-al63. “Ilnur .nuwliiu.. p].«a. call b.tur,' up, up good location. Reasonabla dowo ,Hi«rW*' 'a n d Ja n e t Pearson. CANCER (June 22-July 33)— ------S p.m. paym p.j, ent, balan*** IH»e r*nt. 733-5684. y Charlene Race recited Plander's Aftcmooji and evening activitiestivltles f^"s and HoUlster Qrangea. U s e These‘Phoneie OPPORTUNITYY Bu»JiBuilrieti Opportunities 303 0 ------NOUTHEA>rNOHr location. 3 bSdroomaT |l| Htld and Bonnie ScottI tt did dlme la in per- loan Twin Palls CUnlc hospital,ll, was day with two tables being play- -iTiilJjEE STj* loan. Call after 6 p.m., 738-7037. In theae areaa. you can GUARANTEED 6 % U> 7% deben- f,fact eondithm — Inaide and out. _ If p c dismissed this week and Isla con- ed. High score went to Mrs. Pred Fifr poiilli>n of aaaiatant lo theatrere turea,ture 3 -to |0 yeara. InloreaC pay.■y* ■11«,750 01) on good lerm a. B UYy OWNlAtJ-l I 'Iwirooni. flrtpUc. . Western States‘ “ valesclng at her home InI King K ing R lngert and low score to'i Mrs.Mra now telephone the rimes- ^i.imanager. On Jub training, caiaryry atn*aBle aeml'annuatJy. built-inbuil VpiHlaAcc^. aiidtng tiasa News free pf charge. opcopen, aubjecl tu Iranafer, opp*ir-ir- door*, patio. fannTy VotJm. 1764 Alfred Kramer. I tunily for advancemeni. Contactcl OfferedOf by prospectus only)y JOHN J. WOLFE Harmon j‘ark Avrnue, 753-2030. Meat Packersrs ______------If you live In Dial Manager Orpheiim Theatre.______^ 5 •% Buhl. Castleford ...M3-4648 ------to bona-fide residents of REALTOR SAVfc: ^ TIMEI See phuto^allery oi* V IMMKDIATK (H*KNIN(; for I.DH man'"•I the State of Idaho. •2f5 Snd .St. Eaat 733-25055 TwiTwin Falla fincat hom ^ R^al Eatata Spkct Chairman Wendell. Goading, ovc-c «'v .16 yt-Mi* I'f au* fui pttfiMeiif.lle ^ h•Suaan .Sbaw . 7 .t3 .U4733 Kentiei-vice. 2.40 Blue [..akW N orth, Hagerm an. M'lmiuoa woik raliioK on ortfantma.V**"* Wijte ^y,| or rail fonaoll.lale.l Cl'rdlt.,tjt • . ^ilum ber trf M uitipia Llatlng Servicei ------, ,'.'l’'’"------' tU»n>>. :• to 4 •■\fnhi»c« l»cr w.*ck. C ar , ,, SAN FRAJJCISCO. Calif., Feb. * ( .,i i»..t *1 U.n offiiM- ut-Bi.--t vtro. — Out of Town Home* 51 J e r o m e ______5 3 6 -2 5 3 5 ntir*«ut>. \%uiU y.'Ui ow n a i« a. u,,^Home offua _ Hov AHJ. T««ln:r„ ------^ S-Otto Florence, jr.. vice presi- Wilt* to A. lamp. I'Jaho Ul*. M»r-. p.n ioit and general manager, In- F i l e r . Holltster, vvi 4gr.. Falla, Idahti. Offlcca al Amei lean llURUV I 2 betlroom modern hom*. Rogenwn, "f®.U0 6 E. llayUen. ri»cateUo. Idaho,laho, Falla, Ilonnera Ferry. Buhl. Hur-uV. PAPA LEFT MAMA pai tiy furnlahed. good« eloa*-lD loea* dtpendent Meat company, was ■ Ivlnf deairee and qualiflcjitlona. ^ Ap* P ' ley, .Mountain iioma and balmon, •, I tlon. Only $3,000, Terms, ffnako Jackpot = = _ _ 3 2 6 -6 3 175 5 poinimentaJ..i, wi» b* arr«n*ed for'“f Id.ho. ‘Jiler* lo icII their.luyn? and ahe'a _**?!* nelected to a second term as thoae quajlfyinu. priced It for quick aale. Vou*nTr --Rtv»r-Kealty,>i>Mb> 643-4686.______| thalrman of the Western States Burley. Eftrpert, ■ - ha aniiuua to move Into thla■ BlJllL BURLEY—Four Bedroom m^enp hbraa | Declor^’aul, ____W _ _w an A N T E D : Confm natio n L lnotypa Qp- aparkling 3 bedroom home wlfH - *"^ik•"■'oik VA acrea. Nlc* yard, paatura* Ueat Packers association;^ board RM •. a ra tu r >Cu mpoa I to f Fiir rf~qU«Uiy eOW- : “ Tb e e l i i ^ e^"-^ birch kIteh«J7”btimi7B oven andI bafa.'^j^iitbaiM to city limiu. Wrltai of directon. The group met Tues­ ' ' ~ z ~ N orland ______678-3SS3 • tncrclai-printing plant •^U llslnvsin g -----Prvaently Pr« haa for le«ae in Twin f,range,^ pa\lo. and Urg* lot. Low' Pp. . (Q. Box 1602. Qgflen. U tah. In bualneaa forma. Machlna and aomelome----- Falla Fall a aervlre atatlon wilh luba ji 8 day. In \ iba down payment — o d o n 't w all I! TTTTi” aAJL.EY: 6 room home, wall-to-wall * * * * h h*n a n d oom poaltion. F e rm an an t .poal*cMial------and anti wash facillllra. Profitable ^ Imba-----operation «nd higher potential ------carpeting, partial bas*m«nt, pVi lota. Western livestock producers tlon for qualified man. Geo. Prlmba opei I6.B00, 788-4220. ______' will be major beneficiariesarles of a A Sona, Inc. 7 4 U Weat Center Street:reel -----with an aggreaaive peraon. Inveat­ ||* V I ’o<-*teli<». Jdmho. menment re<]uir<*d. Some financial aid:fj HAM LETT REALTY ^fTBo-WIDOW has Impfuved 40. eloa*-lnT new drive to adjust freightIght rates. ______C lassified Directory . V„c ------availal>lr. fefclk. BuU.Un« • D l.l 733-4l)7«I Trad* T r .i for hom*. tralltr homa« any According to L. B latnele ULlljen- lje n - S5Q ^ ■ • WAN'WANTED: French fry pouto proeeaa- *''* Ann Hoffmaater 7S3^blO» -.jvhere. - .jyhe 100 0 North Lincoln. Jarome. ANNOUNCEMEnrrS Ing ln« plant managei-; Quality eontroln“; Contact: H, W. Kerr ^ quist. president, the packersickera will H ll Tll 1 ______F KILEI I L E R : ~4 bedroom hom*.. t Iota, Claaalflcatlon i through 151 3 aupervlaor; Plant engineer. Califor­Ifor- 733-3140 — natural gas heat, amall orchard, »e«k "In every possibleB way" to I I nianla plant neetia men experiencedd Inin ■...... ------8 SPA CIO U S 1 b.drooni 5?“ •djust westbound rates,a, on llve-live- I I freah and froien potato produeU.LicLa. , f rmnmn n brick, bis Ill.MO► ^ , 926-4709.______Send renume and aalary cxi>««tad SOLID 2 b^drmim. fuR baaement. 2 a;, . • •tock. meat, meat productsducts and [_JI| I JS EMPLorMCMX ^ f r o n t i e r « i Fanni for Sala S2 ClaasUlcatlon 18 through 24 to Box UK c/o TImeo-Newa.______Clcar garag*. fireplace 115.300 VartT ff*d grains to assure continuanceintlnuance ■ A(iKNCV .MANA»;KU. IIR.OOO per year F „r DUPLKX, Brick. top location, ------U l A(iK^ year For leaae in Hurley. Good loea- Pbaaem ent. Good value. .1111,000 of healthy western meatIt packing anil up cd gallonage. A real cn»- » : . ' 6 0 0 FINANCIAL , appliralion. Muat have .minimum 2 p,,rt HIUCK 3 ixnlroom, 2 bath, finlah- lor the producers. '** * portunily. Itivealment required. ed basement. 2 r a r irarag<>. f25.000I Back* B ad of potaUkea. 40 ton baeta, ■^31 ClasslO catlon 30 through 38 ye«r« auereeful life tnxura^nce aelllng.lln«. .Flni Flnanrial h«lp available ** FELDTMAN REALTORS world reco^ wheat (167 bu.). etc. The packers explored their S 3 ^ 6 3 BiWpi 6 3 SmSend reaunje of evperianee t^ Contaet-^ Hf-W-- 1 CERR ■ Theae a re l>elng ralaed In th a problems and heard experts dls- 2119 Norcrevl Drive, iJolae. phone mr, Filer Ave.______7a3-H>8» - Columbia Baaln, Waahington. Wa ^ 8 CHOOLS-INSTRUCTION‘j Jl'l .T4.U7H7n. ______Twin Falla - 733-3140 '***1011,T '’•^voted to hav«have aome of the** farma avallabl*. / Classification 40 through 48-, EXI'KUlfclNClOi Irrigator and trVctor ------Th*r* ar* many Idaho farmera frozen foods, beef boning. e3r=" “ Z'uh KKI.I)TMAN_UKAl,TOIl.S ------. ' FHA BARGAIN Th. opt'rator. All Irrigatlnif done with Ity A new a bedrut>m bum* with double (her* w^[ now and mor* ar* needed. port-lmports, accounting,, meat a ______R E A L E S T A T E »>ph«;> lubca. Muat h«v« refcrenrra,icra CommercialCo^n Propertlea a Hpecialty A : W rite: .r*rd i'hone 733-lWHM carport, InU of aU>raga, gaa fur- ^ Jobbers, beef and grading, saus- Ip *j ------lafl *T "flT-^i *' *T-1ritir”* >«■■■■■»» H ow ard ------nar*. Immedlala poaaeaalon, $400 _ Q1 ^ "'CUmlficatlon 60 thrnnph 4M------^H rothera. .MurtaUKK— «7U ua I .QUINCY FARM REALTY . We and processed meats,ea^. *hw hllle' l - AKMUCA S MOST MAOMIFiaiNTFiCENT H a ig h t bo urbo n w h is k y TOR JALO- ui"L ISA'nB, l^ i7aM~lTi^♦wiai*" —S w i'i tian]«(■black-topped lot. 2 offlceo, 2 atall .i_iAer(Ma froma Kearal . ' 300 HEAD per Abeggien 7.-)3-5532 : King 73S-74A7 ------. MMarchai and April. No evening or garage.gari Pieaenl incoma I24S per A B CATTLE SET-UP AORICUI.TURE Sunday work. Refereneea required.Ired. monthir.mon potential I42A-'|4;>0. I ^ Knudaon K 733-8580 ; Waltera 7S3-4S7I W rite fioK wK c/o Tim ea-N ew a. hlocblock from city eent*r on mainm ain ______'Well'W el located .in Magle Valley — C lasalficatlo 90 through M MAIUUKD IIIRIGATOK. tract^ 5^^;; man atrr.atreet. I'hone Burley. 678.2662.2562. NKW fTE Lialing I & lM»drt>om aimoat new*w witlwith atock cowa and machinery and ealtle feeder. Year around Job daya erated car waahra fnr Idaho baaement. ” fireplace. Home la fully P hone 733-600H. 934-5171; C huck Olaaslflcatlon 100 through 116 wej bual- carpeted. You muat aee to appraclate. p . MILKMILKER fpr (irade A dairy. Herring-ing- NevadaNev and Cftrgon, llotteat bual- O ‘‘f* Pei*r»on. 739-9638 ; Cilft Peteraon, inoa neaa in naUon t*>dav. W rite T w in , flU.VOO. • Lynw ood R ealty, 733-9211. 824-5460. «24 n C H T P RROTECTIOH O I MISCELLANEOUS bonbone barn, good working eondltlona neaa 7 3 3 . ' Jamea Danner. 733-2240. 1 ftft p erm a n e n t poaltioo. 532*2!04.1104. Fa}}Fa}}i, P.O. Ik>K 730 nr phone 733- J ( 130 through 160 R upert.______5241. Or cotjT*ct M anufacturer. 1715 fill TjrTT Kh Urge bedroomal cat peted __North 42nd Htret. Omaha. Nebr. ^ ' z z z z Q ri.’l.l. time worlT Earn 1120 firat _-rr^ I I _ throughout.^ b u I I t - I n diabwaaher. NICE PtlACEl AIRCRAFT AND BOATS , week or we pay difference. MuatVIuai DlJPLKXDUl I 4 yearn'old. 2 bedrt»oma^a'^each range, ri diapoaal. flreplac*. a»parale__ _ p m. »ith attached garage. Cloae In, jferytery viitility vu room, alidlng glaaa door "t5 tJT----- J*® *8 * ACRE farm with ampi* wa- / All N ightght Long Clasamcatlon 165 through *'3 173 qualify.gjj^ Interviewa 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. •'itk liua axceilent milk barn and cor> ThuThunuiay aC 302 Sotfth 3rd. Rupert.[>«rt Dice. Rocky M ounU ln Realty.' '733- 733- covee> ed patlo. I00'xl50’ lot piua ' m any extraa. F*HA appralaed. »S rai*. 3 bed^oora m o d T it bom a. AUTOMOTIVE iN.iUIN.iUKANCK adjuater. trainee “ acac^ ■ /KOft- ' . " /all Will conaider auitable bualneaa In Iting Nil.K rtiipJe^. 2 Nedr.Him « n l U ‘ '»^iih ilh yearn> old. Oulal or weekenda. trade. gUigiving reaume of ejiperlence and. ed- garagea. Ceramic til* balh _ and ^ ucation to Iio« HK. e/o Tlm*a-N^wa. ''kitchen. kite »2 1 .S0 0 . Hackney Ageney. —~ 7.^3.4■^59.______TU'O * Y l>edr«K>m home, adM. near STSTOCKMEN’S REALTY / ------ZZ---- - bIMCtflMOKMMITH *ad7~or experienced —lill —-— Harmon Park. olJ furnarej >4 baae- fOl Soath U n co ln , Jerome, 934-4841 1 Lo*t ancf r o u n d..,.. ______*I welderw.i needed ImmedtgtrTy.— Mnaf5 ",. tJllNllailMCUlU-Aa. .l.ajy!).-And oiul»-« ^ mmt—w^t'l^-iwd -ll&lahcd__roomi.m s. __ — _-__------. have' reference*. Inquire UO Sntiona. Write for free^ro^uret Ken- ,laundry and fruit «l«ael area. One>ne ------—------— '» rOUND; J£ze«U«nt p»*r» for fun.■ f6«d ath. ' nuhl. or 543-4246 after 6 p.m» . ^ ^hllChllla; -470 Quincy. Twin FalU. 733- ear garage, on corner lot,. 18.500.>00. For the Beat in Farma 74H*»,______, I a n d d « n e ln s. Good tMnrl F rid a r*[, and*” EXPERIENCED■ ^ ' Irrigator. (efirence —llllH _____ 1^00 down, term a. I*h*me 733-83933®’ See-3ARNES ftt _ S a tu rd a y n icb U . Townhou** i»upt>*f * 423- 14 t.>lT apartment building. Conaider.aider oro 733-0323, eVeninga^ re«ji;ired. modern homa. Pbona 423* 1* ^ ___ C- LOONEY. Realtor ^ Club. Kimberly. ______------B0I2. lla n ^ en . l»'»dtrad* OD home aa down payment.n en t...... iwff...... —• & mUNDj Al Timea-N«wB Offic*. raen *^771 ----- « Cl.«ie-ln. The l.*nd Office of Idabo.dabo, FOURFO ACRES piua 3 bednwm home,f"*- 117 Shoahone N o ith 73J-4081 , EXPERIENCED Irrigator capable of 731-07lfi. ______AAway from the huatle and bualle uf of Earl Barnea. bome phone. 423-6659 or btjy'* black rim M*yafne« b* ***** handling 300 acrea, bouae farr.i.b- ■ TS" the city. .Only 112,500. Mmintain -rr-—j piek*d up at Tim««-N«wi Bu*in««t ' " " ITa IIHKK SHOP for aale. 4 chalra. o •*" llu AcHr: (uw ciop tarm Tn Rupert ed. Ph^^e 423.5778. Hanaen. Rtatea Realty. 733-6#74, Verna" * area. ^ Larg* fielda wllh gentle Slope. Offle*. - T l- ■' ' Ing good bualneaa. I’hona 436-6920, pCiouler, 733-2436. ■------P AI»AH1 R T -T IM E w ork, d a ^ o ff o r eve- Kuperl^______no rocka. 9 bedroom home, apud Personal»~SpecUI Notices 9 nin-plex. 4 gaa furnaces. 4 cellicellar, milk bam. atael granary, 2 J7 f ----- — 4.lft-4««0. K tipen NORTNORTHSIDE Wrecking Yard by own- batha. Beat of loeatiorw — ahopping,ng, car garage. ToIaI price 641,500. Will C b s ik O N ~ n 6 w j I f . irojna torou'^ “ b« EXPERIENCED irrigator and allgtll er, Reaaon —Health Som* trade * eon* * achoola and ehurchea. Double gar-ar. tradetrac for home or farm eloa* to •prins b«.'or» you kno** ii and rou’r* ** * aidered. F*hnne J«*rt-me. ;i24-4781. ^ iv*. Twin Falla. Mountain Statea Realty. •tin voins ti> b« an old f**hk.n»nd«nt on Mr. Rrtl. Mr. 2-p'»r 4M5. Twin Fall..______^ ------— phnphone 7a.1-5?>74. Radio haa all th* rfeiail* ttrr being b^ing WANWANTKD ; Cab urivera, 25 yeara W ~ — LO.*>r YOUR t;i. ri*hi to a low inter-T7‘'j TrrrrrrCliOICE 160 acrf*. northweat of PauL a "modem." 713-7324. age or older. A pply in peraonk 103 v-* 31 eat home loan T Bet you haven'll „ Main Avenue We*t. Yellow Ca|j. inVeiInvestm ents ______31 * * Haa own Irrigation ayatem and a ter- SKVVlKW >nd .M . i. o r .; **** Call ua today for correc*—informa- rifle production record. Even grand- a n t Fullj «ccrtdil«d conr»»«f^trf“trtir*lnt |J I “ijT i W . . a.T dlviderid check KVEftY"E K 'r tlf»n.ti M ountain S talea R eally. 731- m a could irrigate thla beautiful lay- k------AS LOW AS hom **. 24 hour* tta m n g •♦rvica. H^p-M nwtp ale and i^ale 20^ -mmitht"m or ^emt*rt B. W. M«4UWcU A fr ------T w in FalU . phone 733-^013.^^ ^ ______:______Ingrei Tinn CjrT»»ent term* to riyh» — RatM rvaaonabU and r>rmp«titiv«.litlv*. — ------Co. ------EQlvlTY in tw o bedroum hom e, de- de- party. p a r Call Globe Really, 798-262* Locat<4 North of Hwpii*l ..n Filer lae- o r Vic E n g k raf, 4.18-4904. , 3 ^ Aynuc. VUUon welfomo JoiV. J P rH E R SO N N E L SER V IC E insuiI n s u r a n c e ______333 3 ■ alrable neighborhood* full baae- or ------ment. addiUonal bath, flreplaca, new FO57777 R " Sa LE: Good 160 acr* farm, C ^ uUA3TKH DETKCTIVE: lnLrrnati..naItionai of Magic Valley wW eE iHAVE apeclal low ratea onI car ^ earpeUng. Call 7»»-3*47 after 8 !30 V S^rrlca. Any invwiJaallHp*. K a d 1 o Inaurmr.ce for young married eouplea. ^ ombia Baain. 652.500. AU row crop. «quipp«d ear*. Worldwida rrprr*»n- EVELYN WILi50N df Lloyd Roheraoji Agency, 733'£A55. ______Very“vTJ good for poUtoes, corn and ^ Nightguard lightingting d discourages thieves, tativM. All eonnd5Tt??iT: T!Jr: 22« Shoahone Eaat . 733-65«t L'or ------PAUST FOR Do-n P.irm.nt 1 FHAHA .UI augar beela. Box 12. Ephrmta. _ A MONTH rrth Waahlnrton. Phon* SK4-3841, aak for o r . Ik»* R«6 . FEM ALE: ^ lii^ M oney to loan , — ______~'3 ? 5 5 ' j appralaed at |12,<2&, (A4 par otorrth Wa troa ble maKcrsi—It halpt-----^ -if • _ ir.TiLitjn iitrTr3 ?:^ __ i«i I > » Dignified womatr '•fcH*—xatAil^ ■ " total payment lake* thia family al»edMd Rai Raipb, after aix. SK4-267I. • ------—vgrrdi^is dud otiier troubl ---- H IM k ti iOM«.—Ww- ariink^ .— --- -RBA* - h om«. Ma«ia>aU B4a»aa Ba a Up. r.l U availahl* by phoning 7SI-«»«4 or in will purehaae qualified eontracta ^ N o other wrjla WaUlna, Box T-T-^ ^ in Unencumbered woman aa live-in will 5974, ^M or ^m or*' that ^»^uld TOnalder Twlo houxr-kMrprr. M*»»t ha»e nice ap-p- and and truXt deeda. Wrica P. 0« •.B Bogdz r ■- --- - P«l ^ prevent after-dark accidericridents. You can stretch BY OWNER; Foar badroom. one a«r*.;zr FalU'»* rcatdcntiai proparty aa part investment ------p earan ce. N o t T/f-^Effin Fa^U. AgaK« 111. 111. T w in Falla.______W ,1^ payment. Call th* action offlc* for ftPfuNCtiU SpirclU r^Utrrvd firur*igure ao-40. Room, board "%n4l aalary. ------Newly rem odeled. 110,500. Inqulr* more detAlU: Jaroma Baalty. 924* required. the hours for work or>r play when you brighten . ^ c o iu u lta n t: Lyai* G ardner. 301I 7th ^3 ,) G«ineral office, typing, ten keyry MusI Music Lessons 40 •at 371 Monit>e. __ 1 ^ ^4988.______Awnue NoHh. p^ong 7a.v700l, *t adding machine'. . nice telephrrna[jJ ACCORDION. Guitar^ Plano! Privateivaie JHj NEED liatlnga on newer i tedroom 80 go ACRESA northside. Spacioua S bad* Call yoor your profserty with your own< private Night- CiCillKOFRACTIC n«rr« IV.Dr. * * voir# and ability to me^ people)y AL.t,ti leaaon* with groub aetivftias. Iri' In' hhome*, in good location*. Joba J . room bome. .rood outbuildltif - T ra d a A lm ^ H a rd in . 1ST N o rth W a iljinihing- i- wellwell. (4) AttraeUve young ladyr* »«•< airumenta available. Wynkoop Muaielluale \ Wolfe, Realtor. 7S3*250S. for for good hom* In Jerome or S6.000 loG«f- Idahoo ton, phone 7^-4741'.______for retail aalea. Muat have amartr. Sludioa, M4 Sunrlae. 733-7265. win handle- Stockmen'a Re*v.y. 601 EDTXER BkOsH Co. I quality appearance. Age 22-35. (5) E*per- _____ FO R a LL yoor needa In reir~eetaV* . South Lincoln, Jerome 3t24-4«*46. ' Power otfice.:e. guard hghting. ■ - _____ B rwie*.. lenced a«f»tarlea and general of- ^ . MMand optlona. contact Gem StaU I, , r .-«xcv- dueU. prompt courteous . '■ S c h o o l * ______« ; 40 ACREii. top localifm with acenla Pi£f>n» c r a * n . 7 > J > M 5 3 . ______ficai Vlrla alway* needed. . ScHo ^ Realty 713-S336. 40 A COMPLETE ryour b i^ achool vduca- ---- vi^. .Good aoiU modern 7 room TiiJu BAROAINS *r* here and *^>~ar* MALE: COMI' LET U3 find the home of ,yoar dreamST home, Joj wall built corrala mud bam. fl Hnwn < 1 • Young man e»periejiced in re-•- Utm Utm at hntpe in apare lime. |«,00 o n dovrn. . -ra - Bwmthlr- parniaot 4BchxdM-AlL_zisw™ T ' aylor A geney. KimberTy, 42S-&28S.<89. S27.600 j27 with amall down' payment. __ and »— Ua. Tli* RmpoHuni. “ ...... ^tarr-i*!ea—thairfe^.----- m ---- Bilker. mtm -- smTfirM ietrv*Tf»yr ------^ —f g ; —J---- ien«p Salesman foror atan ataodaH textbMka. all foora to k«*p, ^ J ^ m~1Uanyr Huhl. 812-4S50.~^------■ jL iSaD it; j p oO'WEJK-' ' ’ atmAanLlCa. Anonrmou. For tur- .• • . jHagie ,,, Vallay area. Opportunity foror aupt aupplie*. «xama. diploaaa. «te. WriUWHti ’gyBY OWNER: Lov^ 4 bedrooca. S^2 H Al^EX ALE: COLKUAN aarg **Sm ma for' ther tn/ormation, pbow 73^010->v- - Advancement. forfor fra* .information, Am^rieanrriean |Mtha. Ck)M Harriaoa School., gbop'lop- tha tht fla«ai tarm and raneb liatlar*:.. OPENINGS FOR . SfhooJ, Sfhr P.O. Box SSI, Boiae. Idaho.daho. p(„..- «5 « T a y lo r, 7S1*704B. Or'tt.ir«>a O r want yoor Cana and ranch _ Bif u t y 5»lon» ______.• 1 5 q u a l i f i e d P E O P L E ' Reg: R^iatervd with Idaho S t^ BoardBoard __ ■■■— ■- - - > ■ - r m •ot old ? Twin Falb Raahr and Inaor* of ^ u e a tK m .------He.Rc^,^liu&..NTiAL ap « cialiat aince 104i, ance. 739-9662. ~______-----J 3trictJy*^«rjdenHal ^ * ------of I ------——— '• HaxclI Oatrander and Cordon Crock- jsr r ^ Does So Much...ch...Costs So LITTLE SPECIAL- | t& partnanentj »Wen' by Noj; Reglatration Fee Charged ' ^ A . INCHES, one headratc^ mil* aoUlk e ■ __ Mary Spae«k and Jody Van Huren ____ OSE THE TIMES - NEWSS •ett. Magic Valley Realty. 733-5S80. ------. ' f a r r y . U p to w n B«auty Nook.’To", 401 ------______O' * Ftlar Fairvronnda. Modern ' home, Snd StTMi £*at« aeroaa from Bl«ck>lacko BUHL-lCimbrrUrBUHI routca avalUble. fallfull BlBUSINESS > DIRECTORYy aUAAP»M elaan 9 bedroom briek, at-ato Mtreral outha&ldiara. SaMll dowa coctOMHT p a rk ia c . P^boB* bona or o r part time. Pbon* FulUr Brmb, „ taehed enrage, birch kitch«ti. SOO. pa;^lyiaatit. Bom«f Frw r, B o o t* t« W-4M0. 7aS-»5iS. Wl. «vcaings. pJQNL3T $630. PER MONTHB 1\ year old. Ac* Raalty. 7SJ>&tlT. .TU -w' ■ > • ' ■—* » ___ ;__ ■ -

    0,'^ --ll> ■ ' » . ■ . f - ^ • j "‘ v'';. . nfV ifithaFo U s e d F a m r Fast-Action» n W a n t i ^ l H F e b r u o0f^s4;lie3j^ r j ^ im e to Sell Ui ■ — ft ■ ea* C a H la i a 4 | M llM H a neus for A ; ^.. .—— —I ■'— I * ____ , ,. . g, p..p. : . 90,90,» HeayV EqwlpWww?^ I ------5*tW»wtBd^^o-*ant- - 8) ------piil'V bud bis '^'liol.uio SpringerSpring^ AS8UMJ5 »m«ll Buum»!y pajrmentnent on ~ ------sc:—- 19^5 lols jind Acreana * 5' b .lfm trum l.OOO-UOO ounds. A splD«c piano to b« plektd ap In thU :Feb. 23-24. 1965 bMUtlful fcX i-tm t.SC i;D Kimberly TTTlnTr’.. fT T S iT 1 ■ ' ' ■ — =ctn55nN8 •. Pou°<>*- * ‘ ' *-2fl0< Dieatl. Kxr.*ll#ni ------^l»5» ■ lot .rtlHeUI. cIom^p, lU 10 b«»iJ bead gr«a. For infortasUoD 'write: CredU Twin Falls Times-Newirim.es-News c iio o . eCurved your want* ut rent~~’BTI lii :iJO' H50 acrr*. acrei . * • * -- Gu«niuy $prin*« b*U«ra! abo»J«> aom* Managgr, 188 North Maln.<'iP^t«llo.■ i c t . 110. d o o r s _ ■ > ------pav*d’ *tr**U and sp«iou*iOU* loU, loU ' Phone 423-4*J30 after S p.m. . •’^THE BESTr ^ - • »7 >u« J .' helfOT tpr “J ni«.’«»v« Idaho. • ^ tS'is ■ -fralUTlng deep and gut- WAKTKD t.r~ir*nx~m Twin >gUit 'Hrr** 2 fio»nc« conuwnlM tnm‘ 1* to * NEW ifAmaha pUnoa. UmkI pUnu«rpUnu*. -‘ A.h • F«rm/Fef S»U S:5 2 natural ga*. WondWul■Jul view vi*' bedroom biim* by March l.u 1st. 67».67a U s e d F a r m E q u i pm e n t ^*‘*'**°Bo^~rQa«.; 7a » -m 7______------T- y«»r. to p«y. Ku*«b» Hu«bc»ighM Admlntl lU rto racorti player*. - r - --- 'TZ------and 40 aerea. In sixe for ihaxlmum ihaxImuB 7 3 4 H. Burley. 9 4 roin«. 324-^415. ~______- W arnT Mmlc, 131 SboahoBO North. ■ BUYER'S BPECIALS>^A1.>S protection/ Lynwood lUalty.ly. phun* phon ------Is Always At Gemem JHay, Grain and Fard ______. 9 4 _ An»u* re«Uwr«dre^T^ulU. buiu. j;(£VV aelection of tuwd orsana:a: Lour*Lovr. - _ *or tb*.be3i m ' B50 Stofk r»nrh ------___ }Suo°0|66.00a 7'<3-1»2LL^ ■------—^ • - Farm lm pt«m ants 9 0 2-4 ye.m. Buy or tr»de. Al»o .0D arya. Thomaa, HamuoDd and1 Wurlit-Wurlit. , ,G f t plywood fr.r« ^ a4> s.b.«»Oer,WDer, iifc.L ...-1,1 ,f,|, . __,.i_, ,------gygRSMAN LHnd Lflveler'e le r,—__ -_------a t t e n t i o n . — i« young Angu* grad* cowt.»• Jr »'• aer. TVrm* available. WhlU Music. . 1-4 Blua Lakea Soutb i<0 firadi^'A ..t-iip ____ — _ llagrrmanJIU.OOO V*]lry. goo^l view. ^ v » i w. -Wvliy —: ^ JOHN DEPRP 825A 2-way ' _ Sill, phone S37>4166. Caitleford. loa^HfJW troi*. nk* hom*lom* I«6.i>u08«6.ou0 apring watrr. "CgJah^or -tarjn^m»iO. O. fcS. -.. f a r m e r s -STOCKM^I _ -—nr" ORGKN for *al* due to Illness.' As- 160 DAIHY .*l-up. SPECIAL 2 & 3 bottom Plows. , ui:l>cJ.W*r» «Dd at—l » u ■ »REGlriTKUED Angu* bulU’, IHIg «Qontlx*«Qont^, .jwm* paymenu, aaerUie* equUy, : I^O.OOO .U. , lu c e d ■ Calf Cr*rp F**d*r» and Hog F*«d*r*r^er* or oW*r. Enuugfa to cfaoo** at**r66T pr***nt Sr - a t y»2 Madison. •______wHLtrs.i*------.!» QUO CHIIICE .;i »T!T»|C ate*l guitar on atand. Iik* l'*0 CU>SB-lf» ______|5&.o*»01 5 6 ,0.10 ll.g.rm.n V.lley, Jv.n Dunham. Dunh.n ' ' •v..,, prices. ' 42:t-4014. after T ^.m .______------_ n*w. »160. Phune 934*4426 or se* ____f!! NV-Alfj Wrndrli .. . $;t4,1in0 ..le.m.11 ^■'r Schmidt A Muffley. Muffle] For a *hori tlm* onfy.‘ ,\tj» ar* Truck lane______TaS-tail aKc^lsfEHKD ^ Angua bulU, California Street, Gooding. HO NirETjorrirr^tr'ir«n*^ , - I.r,'-4IIC . ------—.a.ffarltie-«>>a f<*IU.>hl»g Ifrmjt mX ■ itotMl im- ducount : * . . ------b e t t e r ------— y, ---- • 4U I.KVr.l. cutuvatril .ore., go.Ml in, i f s on* 423- iVj nouth of Klmb*rly. Irvin, In EiUr*Eller. Jy, S e t* 1 2 5 life of elr. 40 2-llr«lrfxim, D>«J*t>y ^, , ■ prov.me,.!., raU K.ll. C.n.lial W*trr W.l.i * B«l«l Hay l..«Adera TRACTOR BUYS and Son*. . Agrncy, * Alfalfa Cruwn.r* FARMALL SMTA i»;j4. * ______— ;:z:515:'-"o • .S1.><1 i'orrug*tora, Wa s t e d to b u y : Good qualitylily hay. hay. IBO It HKAD apringer heifer*. 100 bead AM PEX & ROfefeRTS*--' SO NiVrhmn. '; ::z: JOHN DEERE 620 11. pbutj* Artgui. 76 bead whlUfac*. K^d al»* balrd. .M«rlln A«k*w. pbutl*brlfers. 805 llth'North, Le*Ji““whlt.. Whlt*» TAPE RECORDERS — i ’1! .r'A' IlK.S f'.r h.rr..-. .n.l kl-1.. • *pi\^7a FARMALL C with cuKlvatora.Ivators. t>gH-2j 1 1-______• — r •■■e.n... , .Sn.W River Uy. l.uhlluhl • PotJito planter middl* buatrr 1^—. Buhl 543-5HHH. ' -THE CHOICE OF SEtW Nt; m.ohlnes, Th^«* f»rm» all h»v« - bara FARMALL 350D , vWANTKD TO BUY: Bal*d^*y.Id.ho Me- or KfcGISTEUEU Hol.t.ln iS o lJ c*l'oTf PROFESSIONALS" Mnger me»h.nl„ k1i,„ i i' ? ^ S » | w«t^r. Hvr«bl» •a n d‘1 »C‘»*>Ug.»-d l,,t'«.“FaIU ^»«nur"EaTi FARMALL 300 Kllrlck. «'■» 83, B«ll*vue, Idaho or K (rly, 423^ Many used tap* recorder*, iru.r.nie„l. F,„ „i.L rnur Eaat. • All mrtal brrt beda l»h->nr 7w.*>-22Bl. ______Iwtttr^v.joB T»ylar. KItnberly. t-3^j T * M I* '^T ll.i'Mf rach. Jfeima. Photie 733-2till733-2«)ll. D.m't delay—uider now arul1.) aavel...rl FARMALL 860 diesel ^ ^ Reconditioned Jk- Guaranteed T, mUHKLXND Milling 8 *rylc*; F**hJ ‘ h e i s s i n v e s t m k n t ” r^n. arilU .^' Kf.lthy wblte-r.c. InJand Lower -Level — N*w Lucatlon.tlon ■’■North .\1.1„, Twl,, k.,“. i-\"'!'v«B V»c»*ion Property ______51 r, JOHM DEERE Model R . ' grinding or molaaa** ml*. Phone b COMPANY ” 58 PAUL EQUIPMENT &“ JOHN DEERE 4010 withth cab, filer .»J«-4 U 7 or 326 -ifl9 S.______^ HoUtein bull ealvea. all age*. J*- MUSIC BOX — LYNWOOD barliy rumr 324-2147. ______v ^ li 'nu tTiV i’ViHI-Kl T. .etllng fur fun ...d ... WELDING SHOPJl JOHN DEERE A-B-60 &d mU*d grain. bari*y _ iH Le wis HON E a r to guodneta g«>vd buy*ly. I Ke«Ke. »•>“ ."•Ith .J mo. J.r.-n S>nf hton.. or wheat. » tou loO* up. Call;al| 733- POLLKDI beef ahorthorn bulls. Lewia JOHN DEERE. 50 — Dvan. 6 mile* *outh, on* eaal *aat oT bullt TV’* aa low aa »39.5p. M A* Y rl.U.' Hume „ Uir.Tiiiati'^."ph“oe or writ* 4::6 Mali .VU>!^. ______• —______- ______EJectrlc.^ 4^41 Main ~iS»tr ope». Fri- ^ -N.>rtl\. 7.l.l-u71rt. —— f-^5— CASE 630 I Caseomatic) n .triW Motcn^V^------12.^------^ rivr th* krjt ---- . _ . . ------— MlUrTTTXi plow, 7’ m.mrr. t.";l "I'a rr^ ffALhU Clovrr bay, baled bean straw _ Miscellaneous W«nted jjjl WK AltK »»l “D l*» th* WA and c-arrb-i. foiir John Drt-rrJ',". fir,fir: ALLIS CHALMERS WDD “ .nf b.l»d .U.W tor «U. C.ll:*11 934- Q U ^n'l^G mllklng. hav* good apring'- THE BEST TV. radio, ■tereo, tran*'- ’ llral ScrMrr Jn T*»JnT*.in K*IU.Kalla. A p a rtm e n ts * -F u rn U h e dI rU7i planter iiiiitH. dual whrrl h.y hay ti.ii. tiail F O R D (2) 901 d leiel &IM. C.ood^ir.______— er cowa, vaccinated, coming ''ito rtovw '*ith “ . ~ at ravT^ 2nd ami 3rd cnive*. Phon* 7 7.13-2147. i3-'’l47. •- Utur *ervlee; AUtflftreck iubea~/iee ------■ TOP-GASH-r5r Ms f »Mh u«. lUIV ihiMiitfhhiMinrh un nj- ^ HkIVIuTum" carprirtf.1 ■ ' nicrl; rr. 4-srfti«»n llUi Woo«l ha.rttjw »itl pCJlt IY Wli hay^ 600 balra atraw ; Tu. . t J o .'. TV. 733-6278.______Cupper, B r... Alu.nl.ium, 1. nicrly ...... foi.ling drawbar, L.-t four. rv**m houa*. mov* or wr*ck.wrack! UKGISTKRKDH Hereford ^bulU. Torn . . . Uailiat. «>« HOLLAND REAL, ESTAESTATE TE f.iini»br«l I liiiu«*a m rrpt rlrctrKMyrieolrlri.y, , , ir.in.irr. ^I.-l-44fi‘J. J r ..,nir, _ G E M .Metslrr, 12'~j mil** *a*t of Jeroui«* 7.i;j.lV".0 in _ Kra.oi.ablr, Phonrlone 733 i33- — ...——...------Phone 7.t.V«2HH.______' J"”"** Qood Things to Eal 13313 3 H, KOPPEL CO. ■ 611 M.li> W ..I IjAIEU a.uniiiiuln plp». » and I'» MAtilC VALLbY Milling SefvlcT^ iJ«rvic«: _ Phonr 626-5643. Eden.______"■M' ■'<" ;iu’ lr«»*lhaj al^u- John iW t e q u i p m e n t C O . j >tt. Klm^ 44 BLACK Angua cow*. 60‘^c- calvedcaUed " _■ * . •---.'Miiih A If‘>n*nfC H»rtjW ...eh, lin- , 1, >„.| j„l,„ l),,r feed grinding. Walt*r Lar*ott. Klm* 44 I »r Mryiilrr. rt^H^n 3 «4 .. |u. I>cy. ^ Ka,iJa»d Dnv* 733-72i2, brrly. 4J:t-^.H»4.______oul. Dick Howard. Bubl 643-4916. - F R E S H ' WANTED to uuy; L»f.l ,K,rub]rn^H f, 'V Itr.lty lnvr*«»nrt.l hrat a»i«j lr»ader. Hubatanlial' aavinua John Hill, 423-61S1 r Wiitor in go^J fpi).jju.,n /or Vr«*«. Nrv.ri*,J " .!;;’ -!."'.'.'.! V .ll 7,.'3-8U«l»« e,enr>rn- Krrba, Ruperl. 43ii-4{*Ji o --- FKKD grinding and mixing. MuUaasra. S w in e ______103 ^ 0 3 WHObE MILK sonablo pilor. Call 7:i;i..lo70, Co. Ilf S.L.'’. tiiif aii-l •** r«-k»»ll«>«. _____ -- 4.I«-30(m.or th a a lrr tihrrrrl* 733-6260733-6.60 ^ Lank. Daffln Mill. Tbeltt*a 5 Jnlar'Hlal* I.I.irr* nf S.I-' . ______Milling Scrvlcc. 73S-B276.______THIKTY.ONEX Weanem, Hamp.mp *nd.nd 59c gallon W« C(M>pcral* t^uh all broker* .s Ma I.I.. r«*mi>lrl^. f«»r on**• adult FOR RENT with option t.. buy. buy. £>6010 ( 1 ------_ Bike bhop. 2 block, .South of ? * ■ (Votral to l.uainraa crntrra. < lean Al-IMtOXI.MATELY 160 tonn h.y.hay. York croaa. Phan* BunI, 643-4166.43-4156. “ _O fflcr. 3:tB 4th Av..,.ue U>.t, J/rl?: MBlhjn ...tar bulk lank. *1RO-*- rt « clay eia; / 324-4714. ------:------I’rivalr rntrancr. 733-63na.a. aftrr walk itir.iiigh atalla with aut..niati ^ atring tlrd. Itobcrt Bacon, 3i4-47l4, 104 HARTMAN DAIRY WANTED: Fumitu... sw.lianc-STsH; ' >»■» » » > « ______. fr«-«lrra. I'honr 32*1-4HU|, Fllrr. M E R S ' J^run.>.______H H o r s e i ______1 0 4 RY kXV"’*"*’ a t t e n t i o n F A R M E R S ' ■; ZrTTT Hour* 8 a.m.-ll a'.fca.’ 6 p.m.-tt-8 p.m. thing of valur. CalJ 7.1J.7T54. 4^n KTTARESP'Q- ' Mil-: -Z hodrmm eiHartmrtHi—^ - c »>rwM n ^ n - r i K T r r - i i i . r of atuflmyrtr—rTBttanu ...... —..... -...... - fKOU SALE: 20 U»a »lwda.cl‘»Yrr- r cllp;^ xin- -fOH-SALE; „ & y*ae i»ld.£aaumiiiu j..prr«l and rlcan. .MIddlr-ag*ig« couplec.upl. fi.«.drr wagona. One to fu fit rvrry. evrry JHC M tTiretor ping* and 10 ton mixed grain.kin. 4 433-J»- 2 ycBr* for ridingrUi^g loio AddUon Ava.Ea*t Pbone 738-1939 Fuel and Wood ~~ JJOimiSIDE CANAL--ANA1-* No fhll'lirn or prta. CallLall fofor onr'a need*. Twin Falla Tractoractor ^nd fin front Murtaugh. —M... poaaea and Jamboree*. KidId broke,broke. ______——---- COMPANY WATERATER drlall". 7t.U4n:i» ^ ______Implrmrnt. 733-H.IH7.______" WXTJ lHiHL Harley, oaU, wbeateat and 5 old Pinto ShetlandI Gelding. F R E S H W H O L E M IL K ' aUo mljird w<*>d. ONK and r»M.uia, private rntrancr OLIVER 770. dlcsel ,''' mixrd graTt'i*. Phuna J*rftttt^^;ijl-&2'-'J.>l;ijl-5222. <> yenr old Palomino Gelding. W. R. for hale USEI> faim r-niv Jin Nnrth Waahintft.maahintft.m. 4.{d-3 ll)l. lamrrun Camrrui JOHN DEERE 202 plow lan'*. .Irromi'. Phon* :124-T677.'77._____ 'pTl(Al»NlNCi: Colta a t a r t e dd . hoiaeahuiaea open from 7 a.m. —m. 9 p.m. FIREPLACE «u*>d.Tirri7nuJi;3*^^B'! rl.»«r-iii. SaJra. Hiiprrt. tb’le ralea, 432 Highland. Avenue 13-6391 733-6391 stacked. Sl& ton. Ph.jna JEROME^ REALTY;A L T Y AI-Altl.Hr.M I". U.lv, rl...r-ii. — .. allis'^GHLALMERS rolloverH over CDVKitk-UZ hav foV *al* b} bal*bale or trained for roping. Reasonable ratea, P anythne. . ,. . I.I'' n<*. dlihra furnlahrd. trlr^oiietriruhone. Maaary Krrgua.in Mf. dirirl*. ton, l.loar In. Call 733-806^.-- - Kxcellent facilities. Tom Webh.ebb. Wen- LOW HEAT pow^e’red aklm milk; '324-4388 2877 lift 733.MIU ..r 73.i-82J6,___ .... Thr.^ 111^.460 dirarl tracL.r*. El CASE tumble t «J dell 636-2146. Location 2 mile*tnlle* eaat Sunflower *«ed*: fresh groundmd pea- pea- DRY rjreplace WoihI fur laU^ KI>•*■ ALLIS-CHAI-MEIIS WD, re.dr to go - ^ Quality bal*3 bay, dellv*r*d. ^ ’uhlV v ;j Building M«ted«l» ~ i i l B n e w & r o t aATED t e d Uh Avrnur E*at.______■■ - new palnl, alngle front.• . D«ib*rt Delber a l l i s c h a l m e r s fl' hang- ^ W.ndrM 4 year old gr:een brokr*miy.ly. 2 y<>krj^kr FHEhH Apple Cider. Nice doubl* red . n a n g - t^>«d lot*. Phon* 68ft-26ll. - Wrndell.------old Morgan fllly^ X y**r oldd Morgan Dellcloua and Rome*. Irvin Bod«n- Prtl»U» urooncl. br*t *nd»nd gral-n-si. K4TE. ..nr or two b*da.beda. AllAl Clampitt 2 south of Kimberly.------on disc r Bod*n. GOOD kiln drIM euT T acm S C i^B ^ruiiiM. Uiiprrt-.MMililnWiI 111 Jj waCf-liwrr utilltlra furniahed. atram hrat...t. cleancle.n. VS>. TIVKIIHAIJI. .11 m .kr. ..f tr.c iO TON 1-1 and 2nd cOtting h*ybay furfor horae coll. Phone 733-2681.______stab Orchard, 2 north, I we*t we*t of of any kind of iruilHliitf tuniber. |lr*t •UolmrfH. 21-0 •<-r«;(•rra; whratwh^ •Erhuntaln Stateara‘ Imp*^ Imple O L IV E R 668 In d u stria l lo a d e r ’ rall :i24-4«4ftr-^J*romr. -WANTED : .General aaddl* borae SftO *crrM.• ^ N«. pria. 3>;i fttii...Av»nur I-:**!. iiTdCK HACKS fur wl.le b..x Kon PAlJOillNO. ride! work or packpack”; ; Buhl on Clover Road. Aircraft for Sai; lu l Cuitlcct I Ilarold Wllion TimEE“ rtwirn furnlahrd'"' Apartmentpartment. pickup (2 new) CJp*«-Out, 8110 each MOUNTAIN STATES— ^ Palomino filly, gr*en broke;uke; rld-rid- WHOLESALE beef for aale. Cu*tom I**w»i ld«bn\ rth m‘.°K REEDER KLYINO SERyidH' 4JW.4676. iJaiAt-** ^ walrr and aanitation also hotbut waleiwaler FiIiTVV' Farm-'^iT^Jlom* Supply,‘ ply, » 643 « ; I M P L E M E N T b - i - g ■"_ • I ....jing saddle. ' Box 731. Hailey.?y. cutting, doubl* wrapped. North Main 44l8v63.» ^ rurnUhed. i»hon* 113-1986.______463D. Duhi. ______Buhl Phun. <43-4414 I and aaddJ**. bits andmd spun^spurs. Locker, phone 783-4982.. for th. be>l dr.l In Alrtr.f.,^1 ~ JOHN DEERE 26A plow. Hi” 2-way 2-wa; ResulU for low C06t, “ skddl* btankeU aiid pada.da. Ked'sJted’a CARROTS, and carrot Juice. 60S,g Jack- For low ro,l Fllghl In.tnmluM ■ ORES Aparlmenfs—Unfurnishedo d 717 1 2 bottom rollov*r hang cm with with trip trl| ______P f i O N E Trading Poat, ______aon, 733-3607. No Sunday *al**._____ GOOD 520 ACRES ______*hank*, lik* n*>»^. Call 824-6403,-6403, J«- J* f------— —------'«*■ Boats for Sale iM v n*n**n *r**. d**p h**vyravy •oil.*ol!, XI CHOOSE mie of theae four newi*w b*au-beatT rome. eveninga. 733-093,1 *=CHILD'S saddl* for pony, good con­ •*U of lmpruv*in*nu• IneiualntIncluding bedroom aparim enu. Au dition. Phon* S16 T*rrae*ca Drive.Drive, F e r ll llie r a n d S e e d ______1 3 5 »nu. Au- ii'OR SALEi IniernatloAl Farmallrmall cub cul „ WE ______733-9638.______SPRING SPECIAL I I marhln* *h*d. 2 •»**»I ar«n»rl«. tomalle gas hrat. ground fli>or,*‘>or. »•**wal tractor, partial cultivator part* In ------HEYl Now'* tb* time. Pulverlxed • nd gBrkt*. 1160.00(1 with K>H>dg»»od carpeting, bulll-ln range ant ulverlsed New 15‘ HYDRO-SWITr ■ang* anrt eluded. Contact Kimberly tichoo Farm Seed 96 5 1 flA sheep, eow fertiliser. Specially pr*- t*rm*. rrfrigt'rator. air conilltlonlng, gar »» 8c R E P A I R F ____ S h e e p ______1* 0 6 pared fin* lawns, flowers. We‘.“^or^'S apread Flbergla-sa Boat ■ ______bage diapoaal. automatic gaa!.7 '.n incin ‘cTn; ______bKKD POTATOtSI N o w booking ah HEKF, 3,500 young *we*I lo lo th* the itl AUo n*w lawn* planted. Johnny Johnny ^*ydro-.Swifi trailer sd e n c y erator. water furnl*hr«l. CaJ) Call '739- 733 CASE, 1958 *•300'* tractor,. Trlp-t^ Trlp-L All .Sl.lir. 753 70 hap Mercury, electric aun t u ^ ^ ^ TAYLOR AGENCY from Aflnnraota — Ce/^JfJrded Red*Brd* wool, tame Jambed oul. rest rest lamb Jamb Mever’s Landscaping. ... 738-8758. ‘ ■ motor. Compirtr f.rr ► _J «423-6269 a - 6 2 ll» 1449. daya; or 738-2081. enings. evenings. Rang* gear*. Ilv* powrr, nrw new rub- rub TiacLnra -- Farm lmplem*nt* i■ and Kennrb*ck. Alao Idaho RusseU. Ruas*t*. March. April. Buy any ainounl. amount. pQTATO seed for sale. First year out. ______deluxe small apartment,■~l^tai lot* ^o ber. Good condition. |HOO. Clifford Cllffori MOLYNEUX MACHINERYN E R Y Glob* Srrd and F**d Company.*ny. J,«k Gogglns, 6»a.-i778, Laurel Laurel of aagebrush land.'."p,ho“„‘; Phone ONLY *1695 ' I f I, 160 acre*, ' bullt-lna. Heat. WaUr. range,sngeT r*- re Hill. 1 North. 1 Eaat. Jrrtmi*.--- ;--- • 7»a-7647 TwinIn FalU riNBSTf ■election of acep farm.I ISO headgat*. aer**. frlgerator aanitation furnlahadn I * h * d. FOR SALE: 2 tractora. 2 [ilow plow *ia*. sisa . . ------BUD & MARK’S ■ f»lr lmprov*m*ht». I h*«dtr*t*. working Phon* 733-4748 befor* 7’ :B0:B0 a.m. a.m — ■■ ------______■ - wheat and barley now booking at l*r»* pTiH\uctly* rt*Jd.. liafi.OOO,iianooo. Cloae-ln. adulu. Idral for worklni _ Cilob* Srrd and F*ed Company.*ny.* BBaby Chlcki______^ TRY A WANT ADp 847 Main. KmtfT' Twin Ftb FELD'rMAN REALTORS propl*. Phon* 788-4170 after*r I p.m.p.m or after______7 p.m. . Farm Suppllat JW - 16- bORSETT with 76"5;rT3SH 783-1988 LYNWOOD MANOR i N«>w;— i...|„Uaai^i x C-Il KgUIl-MENT CO.. Illshwrhway .y 27.27 ■—■' ■ • ------...... — a 1 /\n ' Babcock whlta leghorns, Au.t~- Austra- PHONE 733-0931)JL *eahQnie motor and trailrr. OiW^H »7» KIkr Av». ______7aa-l m apart- South of Paul. J.I. Caaa- farm ma-ma —S P R IN O S P E C IAL __ — ^Animal Breeding 100I W White* and N*w HampshlresIres for ------’ . acceaanrlcfl. l*hnnr 73-1-34H1. •r------;---- ntw ort* and two betlroom apart “ ' A n R *ggs. Alfco Vantre** croaa for meat. (8< ACIIKS. 110 mcnm rlg*ted. 1S JUd- mrnt*. 343 Blue I^ke* boulevard Boulevan rhlnery aale* and______aervice. 6* WcMHlrn Elcctrlc F*nc*. -PoaU-PO.U 5 AllTIFICIALu BBBEDINO to A B S Miscellaneous for Sal* 1 140 4 0 14’ ALUM1NU,M boat. traiTTTT^b^^H room m4)d*rn home. *11II wellwall fajtc»tl. North. Contactl Vern Smith,llth, 733- 733 HARVEST K*t»g or Pacific balertwina■ Ivrtwin*, and Inaulatoxa 19c £ACUEIACU ~ ——grrat pioveii *{re*, th*- nation'* hlirh- high- SO N N Y C H IX H A T C H E R Y rr*- mnmn —l»«wer-- Vol>n*4»H - 917.000 iprtnkllnK *«iulpm*ntulpment withw|ih .i«5«n. 8H.60 per bale. Save now-l-I ModeriModern Fullrr'i Farm A Ifom* Supplylupply e*t type production aire*. AlsoAl.o all.11 ______Filer, pbon. 326^247______7 GRADiyA^E from Kid s'^tuff**'eamvra *nap' Avrnur Nurth. Puhl. 543-figtf7. 1-0017. 17UI Wrat Main, Buhl 643-4639 ------shooting. Com* to a r*al camvr* pl*ntv of walvr lo trrifat*y l , . t . *ntlr*entlr. fi.KA.-lANl-r" .round 6*U; uAedi conc7*T*concrat* 643-6102: J*roma S24-2662i2_4-2«_62 ;: f Pets and Pel Supplies ______110 Camera CenUr, you'll b* I proud proud Marin* linr )-»iril find al Bu4 p*ym*nt and T*»» *<>od t*rm*. Lyn­ gl* lady. chain U beat. Ruy il and *av*.av*. Mad* Mad mixrr. Call aft*r 6 p.ra. or brfor* Ha»*lton H59.6SS4 ; Burl*y «78-93a». 678-9369. pi>ooDLK I'OI’l’IES; S«ver.lI newn.w lit-Ilt- you did. Mark’a. 347 Main Ka*l. wood H*«lty. 7aS-u:il. '..‘.x-M lUrUy Math­ v,?; 7:30 a.m. .J. Roy Hairy, phon* 637- p er*. 733-H473. L** Malh*r*. 4iS- by Acme, Fllrr. >hon* 637- F o u largrat aelection of A-1 provrnproven While, black or allver atuds. PUMPS J irrigation and dom**tic. Any ft042. • ------Uatber*. 423 ctnTv^nlflnl three ^ m sIS. . Adulu, AdulU CONTROL weetU with a Juhn,hn Dr*rr Deer 2»«?0. Caatlrford.______•Irm. call your Cach* Valley^ teeh-lech- ,r|m ,„ d b.th. Cherlfri Milleratlller Power pole*. Quick ln*talla-'Vn'iuV.' Molor«ycle* 1 « | 100 ACUKi<. ISO aer** eolllv*t«l.—r-7--- rrT— All rrr Mo«leratrly prlcr«l. Inquire 663 8 8nrd Herbicide Incorporator. Kr*» thrm them at a FARMALL M tractor. M * W linfttormfttor ...^**** Cwartiyy, 763-2914. Kennela, U mile weat R*m ITRICK duple*. 2 bedr«x>m. light,rht. clean.clean FORD 1961 Tractor m.idri NIII. Nrtl. v*ry ver Or wHi trad* fur eaCtir. Pbon*‘boo* 324-32<5- Cjttia V 102• 0 2 C (JOOD Regiat«red Toy and MJnlaluraMlnlaiur* SAVE BIGI Do you own rug and equity and tak* over paynwou Ja^^B Twtn FalU. 20 h*4uL-lil-*U>cknf atoclT-cowa cow* Hrat. wat*r. *anltaLlon, refrigeratorfrlgeratorr goo.1 condition. ZItlau Motor.lor. W*n- Wen 4«tHR. Fllrr.______JjDAIKV COWS and heifer*, freab or Poodle and Toy Pekinge** and Brit-Brlt- uphoUtery cleaning with Bluelue Lua- Lua- n>me 324-4fiH«). • nd full Un* of marhin*ry.Iniry. All for . rang* furnlahe«f. Adult*. 33-7746. 733-7746. drll. phonr R36-'\H1.______HKK US fur cold w*athrr farm aup-*up- aprltigera. 10Q% guaranieetl.‘<1. WillWlll t*ny Bpanlel *tud service.. Puppie*Puppiea Rent Electric Shampooer, |l . »l. YAMAHA. U.S.A., 180.000. Lynwtwd lUally.lily, 733-0211. V>:»Y NIt>: 2 bnlro«»m ^ p fee« * apart- apart' 1&’ IIEET k>e«i plua IH’ hay brd bed and an> pix nmia — gooil variety, lowow prlcr*. buy or trad* for all kind* ll'vmtock llvmloek available. Jeannle** Pet Sbop,Shop. Krengel-., ______aka. Repair Centtr for all tua^^H Harley Malhar*. 733-8473.73. L**L*e Math- ment. Inquire 286 W**t B>rah. o ra h .__ bar Itiadcr. Phone 32A-4AA3.I. Fllrr. Flier. D A II Supply Co., 250 MainIn Avenua and iprlngrr* for California.. Phon** WVndrll. 636-2548. ______Sise* lo cycle*. Frr* pick-up. krickaoo ------North. Tv»ln FalU. r-,------=— WINDOW »IIAbE!i: UKc up. Slie. to *r». 42H-ftU4i.______Hap or Clydr Hugbva. Uuhl.Ihl. 643- T oy Terrier puppie*, whll*V , ■T"’' T ^ •“><< 'f " - AllIII M.H. 733-4U00. 80 ACHt.a. W*nd*h ar*a.I. ;6ti aer*aaer** Ir- H o u M S —F u m l t h e d 7[ » r,c! P a i IHC ITT sicou b k a n d 6437 or 543-6826. PoodI* and Pug *tud servlc*.•f* El-R*y King Store* and King'* in Lynwood TRADE gui.a,~ cai-a,~IlM »toeP^^H rma pllt* good ______------■>__ LET THE WANT AADS U O twli.e, M«H. In l-.>rtu».l, »8.;S orr 7 ■;------KennrJa, on Truck Lanr. Buhl.»“>>>■ 643- Shopping Center.______rtiat^. S b*dro<>m boma pKv tood ARK your c*tll* louay T Cali ui“5 tu 6446.______thing of valur for moloreyelaa. outbulldlns*. Prlc* 121,600 withwlih CLEAN, quiet. functUmal hiMna fo h .l., V A Firu: BAli CO. 731.31142.733-3642. nr*dlc*a walght loaaI from - —r— 100% CONTINUOUS flUmentIt nylon Lakra Cycle Shop, llll Blu* 13.000 down or wlH trad*red* /i>rfor bom«home 1 or I adult*, no prt*. ‘‘I’oTr 1071 M 2n ■' H E L E _ - Y O U (iOOD 4-unJt Aurg* milkar, complrt*; Jiea and ticka. W* go anywb*r* In EXTRA nice amall mlhlature, Plbaeberrujjeb.r jjIi, djij. rxixt. fo.mH b.ck.I. ..ri«laerged North. _ In W*nd*U or J*rom«.m*, LynwwxiLynwo»>d Avenue We*t. 78S-61»lh-^---- - I alao 6 can eooUr. C a l l 487-2947. Magle Vallry. Gem Spraying,ng 73S- pupplaa ; aUo very amall Chihuahuaa.ilhu.hu... ,11 128.1)6. B.nn.r Furnltur..umltur*. HONDA Ha^k, lOS e.c. CxMJCnj^H R*«)ty, 733-0211. II a r■ 1I * JTy Math*r«,Math*rs. —------■■■' P H O ?fE 733-0931^ Rlchflrld. 4206. Reaaonable. 1238 6lh Avenuenu. EaaUtMU 733-1421.______7S3>«47S; L*« Math*ra. 42S-A942. 733-4400. ______condition. braullful cbron* Houses-Unfumlshed 7-7 4 ______^ ■--- FOR SALE: 110 amp arc w*ld*r;welder ; black. Must sell. Pboaa •U-tiij-_ fDtlAL locationa to buildi on.an. 72 acrc* acre* - , , ------I1 BEAGLEB puppie* I Aflio atudd s*rvlce.s*rvic*. alrctrie Impact wrench. Both. •outh -of J*rom*. JU.OOO.,000. 40 acre*acr« William Heard. 100 G r a nn d d v il* e w JJJ,, ,50 51^1.' p.ujp.ul. Accessories and-lt^pi'r Drive. ______south of J*rofa*. all la paatur*, ; I N G 7 • f " ' - - Idaho. . 112.500. Dryd*n A«*ner.)nct? srrl-m”J*rom*. ; M O V I N G OF S T O R I N G 7 ^ WINTER Sal* I Mlnlatur* Poodl** and ______Hep«lra Jf.I »ervlcr^ii~mit^^H lalesroan. 824- _ _ DRAPERIES; CompleU dr.ping>lng de- cars, outboard molora. thain »««*. •34'AI32. Kd Pvtltt, aalMraan. 824- Schnausrr*. Wholeaal* price*,ice*. ir»*frv* pmrtmcnt. Larg* *eleetlon.- WeW* in- DEAN MOTOR CO___ ■ 6 2 3 4 . ______I trima. 886-2207. 8 ho*hotia>_..■ — ■ atall. Call us for fre* c*llm*lea.atlmstea. - —— ^ —» -AOHE8, DWtlek—u:«.= T «8 4 r - s p = : ------f e A R B E R G ’S ___------Quick‘k Actioni SiServices----- WWm: .- Tiny ^ftJT— —mmirr—male," ^■? Cgtn*)l—TS3^Tt f I. ------FOB Bi (;N - Car >itepetrr C«Ptw. .fcgM « watar, 0M>d*m *xc*pt oTr^ n*at *3 b*di - Agent* for wrrka, AKC rrgi*tei'ed, Phon*hon. 738-733- di^ o RATING problem. T L.t T L'Herla- pickup. General wtldln*. room home, sood outbuilding*.lUlldlng*. 112.- Allied Van Lln*. 6327. ■I I aon’* balp you brighten a problemnrohlem Motor. 620 .Main South. 7»-4&M: ■ 100. Would tak* good tr^ikrtrailer houa*bouai Jlatlmat** Use this13 harhandy Directoi*y as a guidejuide totq dependable WANTED: pJrty to n l .I* i — O.ch-Oach- room. Free etmaullalion: L'Heria- L’Heria- FAST and deprndabU ” " H •r bom* tn Ooodlnc on- down4*^281.^*^ pay< 733-k-up, larg*irg* yard yar P(H>dlea. Rrasonablr. 606 Buchanan. a South arrvlc* by f«‘'t«r7. prov*m*nta. A. top producinguduclng farm. gard*n. fenced back yard,•ard. yardyar Bucb.n.n. PT.YWAY CO.. 124 Blue L .he., ^South l^ n r.n ^ Huick-Ol.la. 733->.:1. ■ * |llft,000. Lynwood R*alty. 7SS-9211. water free. 1646 2nd Avenuenu* Ea*l.Eaat . 1 .4 LIFETIME gu.r.nteed muffler.. In- Harl*y Uath*r«. 733-9471.178. L*«Lee Math- or phone 733-46l». «• U^stoclc N^led 1• J A aUlled wht;« you wait. .Abbott’*‘Abbott"; TAKE your l-;..rd Uaclj.bo«. for MrrB 24 H oerI T ■ \ lie Weat. Ic*. Union Motora. loc-______JH *r*. 423-6942.______REl’OSSt^SED 4 bewn. 5‘-i'';p loan. Ac " " $300 prr ahare. Writ* Box \ 6K ^ o e/o C » '" p e r . ______nir* moflerri bom*. Call 733*0411,733-041 1. ReaUy. 733-621T.______R E x M O V A L Tlmra-Nrwa. 1..»a Thomp«nn. Rral E E*tat* .t.1. S.rv-S«rv< Kl.MHKIlI.V; Three lM^lr.~.m«Him miHi-m.Ml A\osweriog o ! Ser^Service SPLIT pickup tank I 120 gallonii*in and.nd 1966 KAMP-AWAY Irr. rrn home. Ullllty ixKim. «lrri>Irrp wrll.wrl Of Dead And Useless 30 gallonl and on^-jaump. |70.'0. Num. Num- p ic k u p Coachcs io ACUKS^ BO cultiv*t*4l.rtl, BO ahareaaharr* |'.j acrra of ground, fr\ili „ a/|d d i.er- bei T e l e p h o n e ol LIVESTOCK hrr 19 Pibnrrr Trailer Court.______water. Larg* mixIrrny 8t brttroombetlroom rir«. Call 4;!.t-6»>H7,______tone of Any Advertiser in Thi** DirectoDirectory Is N ot Answered, VAU.MINT riflra and sciupra. Keloadlnguio.illng NOW ON displa y hnm*. Cloae-tn to Wrndrli."drll. IK^.OOO,118,000. k ILER : T^^T^ bedrtxtmI mtnlrrn minlrr Oiol 733-23841-2384, Telephone A'nsw^ingI Service, Day or Night. rp eouipment. W» irade for anything.nythln, ' Snrln. D .l^ ^ |«,000 down. Clyd* Pitrrtrntrrtrn Ag*ncy,Agency. home, gardrn spot. 130. Call- 733 PHONE COLLECT•“ . of valur. Rr«ra Trading Poat.______Twin I'.il. T33-li8.14—67».mil Bucley "■J ! ,---- Cuatom buildin* on all . &3>a**ir./^*T.’.n---bMlU-An* frn.^d v.rd, Weil Inaiilatet IDAHO HIDE, Tral|i«trr frotn McVrya. Inc. Bank Finaodni ' forrrd air hrat. hrautlful?ful *; Sano DirgeD lrg o ______—______Phone 733-2009. ^ ^ ^ -fc yxl2’ Tuun.-ri.v ll^^^^----- nig>i ^>t arra. 7S3-9&90. iJ^RCiE flv* bedroom homr. Rraarm- Rraanr ------tSi T A L L O W C O ;------—JWrn*r Furniture. 73 733-J------▼Irw, on NiTTth«Ul* farm. 7SS-»&ttO ______1421.______i6& ACRKS n*ar Twin Fall*.M l..' 2 **U ol 19 or 7 33. Accountipg-1 ncomee Tax Gravel Improrrmrnu. b**t acr*agr. layi ____ Septic Tonk Service ~ W A N T K l FOR SALE: (hkkJ alngl* garag* with good. t2 wal*r. Unusualal*opi^>rlunlty opp«>rtunHy TWO br«lrtH>m modrrn homr,ir. atokrratokr FEDERAL cSf STATE, $5 u p CruahM pit run ^ravrl T5r7Krrr»J. Drl)\rrr»J. } }U>l<>-n 4>olcr arwrr arrvirr for ?J?r any ^’.>ur drad amJ worthleaa animals,I ovrrhrad dckor, lo b* mov*d."* Callcllil MANUFA^CTURING for H20.000. M/mlrll Rralty, Rralty. 733- furnacr. No prta. Adulla preferred. preferre< HAR BLOCK CO.^ t'all 733-2VI99 brfora S a.m,I, or aftrr drainage fallur*. Alao arpticlie tank PKOMlT HE.MOVAL — CALL Haxrlton B29-&24R. ______p.ul. Id.ho rhone 1079, An>»^i>»rfma (». .l^ k rn . 7,1■'•-54'•t.::5 T: MAGIC VAT.U;Y-S leading farm dla- bt)U rHtilDK »0. norlh tl.»r*al»i>* flrlda.flrld« THREE rtH*m houar. 611 4thh Avenu*Avenu Addiaon Wral 733-0106's.*i* »-s M o b i l e H o m e T r a f^SPiOrt ts R o r t 5 SrpUr Tanka cU-anrd. rrpairrd^ - n arf n d Chandler Buhl. S43-4769 643-4769 count att>rra. Farm City DiatributlngtHbuting CHKVROI-ET ' g«Ml Improyvmrnla. t47,&00.47,600. |l2,.%y0 Wrrt. t2.^. (^all Murtaugh 432-2361. 432-236 Weekd*ya 9 *.m.-T p.m. Sat. 9-6 ------inatallrd. Frrr Inaprcllon.L lo L y lo d y d Virw Tri>ul'FaTm &43-4604643-4604 Inc.. Twin FalU. — Barley. 733-21M. down i»t tradrabl*. Ae*Ace Rralty.Rralty MODERN thrrr hrfl CLEARANCE; Laat yrar** prrmlum Aluminum Service'ICC Natii>ri« Kv«.|-,.ft MiiBhea.»ea. Kdcn. ------———______/ Appliances & HH Equip. 12G 7.13-ftIlT.______M«^in.-\Vrat. ttfO. Phonr 733-3981. I HJ.VAUO. Tank clr«ninB. tali Chratrr - P» * tlrr, AU aitr*. .Icrweal pHcr* evar. VOK SALirt 40 thar** of BigSTg W’^Wooi d UNE bedriH»m. 174 SAUiih Parkk Avenue.Avenu< Aluminum *idLng, *torm and,nJ~,orc.n *crc« Tcrmln.l »J.V-'UI1.------Tallry, Dial T.1.1-.!104, GK C» Flltrt-Flo automatic W* a a h * r. W'ratrrn Aut4i. Twin FalU. water, Dietrich arra: 120 aharr* DI|Big - phone 733-6704. wlndowa, door*. awnlnga. plKio to9 .SO, fully guarantrr\. day* ‘Ul ninr. morr. rntranrr Fllrr *e .Id.! sId*.■ . . ovrrrab camprr. o>r " . ... • h™» *00 ACRhiS. largr fl*l«U,da, canal anmlrr. 733-2<^Sl,i-2«Sl, Ing pair. Vrry gtxxl condlUon.ton. guar- buy a car. Tbrlaea MoCOra, I, phon* phone •4.[| arparatrly. paprr on dd-G^M>d clean, private y>1.19,U.S. trrmn. WlUon-Balra,aon-Batra. 73.1-7700. ______Avrntir._____ —------^ 'Ing. 934-A154. conditionr^l in. Avrwtwur North. Nortl _ . ______r._ ___ OrnamentaJ Iron ^ Protfct^^ yt^ur trrra and drcjdlouacldloua ENJOYK thr luxury of living In a r*- rialt The COME IN and compare, y^ ^ I private Carprntrr: Patii»a. rrmi>drUngrn-»-irigTT^^^C. - - - J -- - — —- —r- ahruba frorti acalr. Spray now with In a r»- IT’S Exciting I lt‘* fun I Te vl*lt Th* MAUIIICE K l. * A S R n «• » li K.1.1.felatata i Cl.EA.N. tTulrt. c-omfortabl^.iA lv»nii«privai work. cabinrU. crmrnt flnlahin;finiabing. Wj-oughi and eaai. colgmna. p-irch • with la«rd itirnt^pbrre with furnltur*Ilur* from Emporium ______find a brttrr ‘J mjj4 ••Farm* a Sprelalty.”” PhonrPhone 733-733 entrance. c:o.rJ.>. :.\2 2ndId AvenueAvenu „ ,|m .te ., 73.1-»<0o, ralU. cuatom madr otir ah«>p.hop ^ Any* n y . Dormant Oil. For Informationn callcallt t TfTr Emttt^rium.______ELECTRIC Vf.nce p e u . lOe up. 31.a u Slmpaon's MobiU Home*. 6.119. Randla Rrlstol. aaleaman. aalraman. 733-733 N^^’^Vhr phonr . .l.t.fu.VA. , ------thing in Irv.n. IrtO'i, financing. C.U TES WHIRLPOOL (Vaa dryrr. t49.60».S0 fully mile. we.t of South P .rk. 711-1414.13.J6U. Rnr>rrt. ^ LARGE ruoma. ftid per month. Exce Corritan. 7.U-9422. *12 Main'Ih ‘'KIMBERLY Avr- NURSERIES’ ^ gtraranlrd. M 4 Y ElrclHe.rtrie. 441 ------’ ’ ----- 240 ACRl^S. 160 tharra w.a.t*r.”falw .a te r. falr meaU. JAi monlh. Av. Chain Sows ____ nur ,^mh. ______* " Sl’KAVING StnVICK .>taln Eaal. Oprn Fridays 'HI ninr. ------1--- 433-*01S or *23-5<61 f Bv Morty LIfib homr and mrraU. Good.od aiockalock barn.barr nue North.______------Wright Saw Dealrr. Ser\ica all.m all makr akra. . n • • FOH .SALE: Kirby vacuum el^nrr. EMMY LOU® ■ __ _ 632.000: 13.000 down. Wendell Wrndrli RraRral- CLEAN comfortable rxxima downtown. downtowi Uaed aawa. Machin* •harpenlmharprnTKi.”*^ Pointing ’ - ______t:\0. Srr at 442 Mnnn*. ty. f.!%A.:-:74 or 4^ ______|30 per month. M.«.1rrn ahowrraowrr* andan Hamraond’a Impair Crntrr,ntrr, 699 <1 ______Z______i;:0 ROW I ROl\ el«»«r-ln.In. outbuilding.outbuilding h«th.. l .mer. IVnl.r'*trl. Hi.t.l._____ ^W^ajilngton fl^jret North. 7i3-60t>9. 733-6009 Dattlrtt Hn.*. t ommcrcia] and.nd Tiral-R«i- Telephone Answer Serviceervice Fornlturaf * HH Goods T TM M ' and 30 acr* b*rt allolmrnt.i>tmrnt. 148.000I4A.0Q , ------drnttal Painting. Quality workman- \ good trrrna. 1l*Ua InvMtmant Con ahlp. 733-3ySS or 7.W-i02i. Frra Vour T.I.phnn.' ta n.-v.r .Inn*. 24-hour “ pany. 324-33^8. Jrrore*.ivaatment Com- B u sin « ts> -O ffic e R e n taIs lt 808 ‘Chflin link Fence ..r.lc«, Phon. 24-bour SN A K ^R IV T O ~A U C Tn IO o N N r \] . -r— r -TT TWO R^)M OrriCK .nd fmced yai —------Sair Evrry Saturday U a.m, GKADfc: A Dairy ram\. bratbMt Inin atatatate, availablr f.-r j-lnt t>rcupanc'VJ* R ~ ld.ntl.l! Oommercl.l, 3«i totn 7.72” Karl t.rumm nt, h.«jr arrvlcr, com* jr CALL 7.1.'\-77S4 Quota. cowa. macblovry and * Kimberly r^«d W tio n Hrat. IlghiTrsf; frl.* fy fence. UW~r fln.neln.'>clng. C.Ca)J rnerrial a n d rratdrntlal '''pl'i/uZ: painling. Television Repoir______Frr* Pirkup of SalabI* It#m« *QUlpmmt. tlRO.OOO. Trrm«. Snak furni.h^l. fall1 Vsj 733-32! j ’ s l CorTl..n 7M-D4:-.:. 7 >2 M.intin A.en.Arm or ■ < a ’l : ______I ltri>air j; all makra and nDodrlala TVa.TVs. •*’** Klmbrrly Rtvad' Rivrr Rralty. Buhl ______for Informan.tt S«>uth. Sluart nnith*-rs: Inirrtur andi rn. 643- —SEWING~MACHINEa^^^ Rralty. 733-70tlnga. KaaidenilalI or corcom- - - - - ______rrpajr of your TV Malbrra Radio A ______terma. |6 monthly. Singrr rrn hou.r. Puhl. R41-39rr—(,'a■nl>rr—(.'all 11 TV Srrvlcr. 733-T94.S^ Srwlng t'rntrr^ 120 Main North.' ~~ ■ ‘ Rim Rork I’lumbinanbina anil anil ...... _ ...... ---I______call fol|4^ t, 733-33*4. ACHKS. irri«atr*i>atrd row cr»>cr»>p- wrat rnd, J, R.-r Hairy, t (,'aatlrfor ..ti.ford. Custom Upholsteryt e r y H«»atirnf TZ40 fiUir l.akr^i ..N;..rih, - Iwmt. Rrx*k ^rrrfc Araa-I.U.- S-^ moduli- —rh"ne ______' homra. InqulT-* 4l2»27n;:n .Murtan*.\lyl...,h, 14J ,.Al Rl-.<. h...,v .„ ______llilfa Plumbing SrrvTcr. 24-hour »*rr- ______S P O T CASH and ranch liat- good watrr. n\.-i<»rn h.-mr and Ir Roger Thompaon’a W’ratrrn L'phoUtrrL'phctUtrry. krr. Ail work guarantrrtl,tl, .Milton .Milton Sligar S Wrrckrr .Srrvlcr. Addiaonion Arr- For Furniture^— Appllanea* WE NKKD go»*d farm and ranch W* p ana im- frr* aalimatra. budgrt terma.rma. g\jag\jar- Srrfrir.J. 7.1.’»-.^0l•n,1^______7t3.fif»,%«. nur Wrat. Phonr 73.1-12.14. ibinga of Valua inga. Wr*t Coaat arra.aa. SixaX*Snake RivBivrr provrnirntj. ______»ntr«d workmanahlp. 210 North LLo- ~ - Rralty. Buhl 643-4.>ma.hr»lrtK>n P»icr: PO aljarra N>'rth«idelide CanalCan ---- ' ^ ------t«-«n, lii'ifjitora r>crr bu*i-bu.i- T R E E T JIO U B L E S ? ^ BUY^-T’sElir^^^lrRADE 4tb la baarmvnt. 2 flrrplacra,firepUcra, cicar- C..mpany »at jfan )fara f'jnd u.« far* in ihr Yrii..>k ' Paer^ » Anviii.ne ..f V.inr ----— *. ^ ------WLI..... - -Tanlnira* male t hinrhUlaa. |.^l> rach1 .1at wr*w .,„ . ______WEST SIDE FURNTrURE doubl* garav*. WmildVmjld con«i>lcon.idrr 20.SHAKK> I ..,,,- 11 I'll1,1, lllire Tc' ' i ""i! ifw h ■ « ll* . TlliI'F-'uii »nn ____ BOB’S TREE^^ERVrCE - . ' “i" prx»iurl...n. fo n t.et : W. M.H. Trlfrr,T.lfe hr.U^.rrM cr. 7nl Main W>si. Phona _ trad* for towD prop«rty.perty. IKinDun MMil- 1?*5S ■ra.-i.jtj. Makr offrr. Writ*Vlrit. BoxB< . J , e . m . ld.ha. Phon. 32 ------CAnH and carry babv crib sprclal. < •tan, 713-10r ~moontrd radio dldis- ***■ fnomh. Smgrr mg'.n. Crntrr,' * yrara training .nd r*- F OUTSTANDING.NDING HOLSTEIN SALE patcbrd; trenching, back■k filling.flllin 5-'^ North Mam. T»in Falla.aiia. 73-1- p#ri*ncr. I^ a l-in a u r^ . 733-2818, l-^tEEZER. lari^r upright Amana ; an- baarmrni digging. complri#:n» arpticarpt ______3-2SI8. tiqiir round dining lable, Lawnbny mowrr. Firmhn* brJi maaaager; lOP RegisUredUrrd and rr«I.»rr,L Gitil.iiL______aU . .‘cca.ior. . »i.., traah haullhfc.haullhfc Shrubbery trimming. Frrr ratimatea..T i^ a i^ ABS HoJ.«!tcin.Hol.steln.dahT dt cattle at auction -R»ckh«i* work. Specialising in SrptSrptk- lotrrmoiinratn ifi-7 ^, Wood-a Tryr .-lcr. 7rt-r.940. - -general » ' ' • -‘^KIJ-. or TRADH Caah fo> TUESDAY.3DA-Y^. FEBJP E ^ U A R V 23 a t 11 a j n , . . , lank and' drain firld InatalJalionatalJaliona. looi. f.rr rrnu -Kent-AiLa” La” Com-Qyia.' Trrr f|»rding._ pr^jning and grneral . HaWm L’»ewri -t*ervtc..r.- ??l.%-^»tt-:- - ~ --p»nr. icrr.«, TTr’i TSipartmrnt,Fpartmrnu SrtroertFd"md Trmtn??r"tnatn*]r''«ii •■'U.^ctLXiroilureav ftDDhan***—Iftr ftnr- L<<»«»Wd H «'f.f C<^llrgr Cfilleg, M 'l.Uho.1 .1 C.ldw.n, Id.ho on C.Mw.ll- ~ ^ pSon# : .1 ______trr* carr. Lrr'a Srrvicr. 733-lSOO.t-l&OO thing of vatur. Htihl Bargain Crn* trr. 119 iv.uth rinvadw.v. S43-4S221. Namp* highway to Linden Str ’ T " " ■'" I-I'fien- Sl ______F u e l O il I'^riwb and milkingL AH51 .f crwa. a, Je-’ur d.utht.r. .Uo. Hen) .... '^ANTLU; Llaed furniturr, appllancM, S T*«r* * yrar* old. Fat av ^ agra Furnare Oti. call Ge:' e.iro„. ______- Rg^lfing Service:e ^ Upholstery •"ducrr ...... — 1_ .______’ T J All work guaranlrrd aatiafactory.itiafactory. ©f farnlturr. ItecoTerlng. rebuild- _—.V1>4(Mr>.______• ^______. ------2S.«1» mllV'.' In VllTt.^ . ‘.T*™ ’• '>'»>• P'^lueer ' ’ — t. Ph^-'n* 7.>.^.;i;m. > I«,770 J day*, au »■, <* ] .? d.u.hi.r, SU'u r.t,r»i, Gordeninq ______Inr. rrflnjahfnr. rw!#itrnfng.Ig. Frr* CCAHPt-lTINf; guaiant**^ 10 yV^ra. h./r f. ! heifer. hr.d .nJ It agr t - - — --- • eatlm at^ Cain'a. Inc.., phon*on* 733- IJ^mmrrrial typr. Buy from factory ritch channela, Daddy^.* • 4 jr*«rliRC ABS 1i#lfrr«. 1* and 22 t.r^ n lra f_ t^ardrning; Yard.Z fK»v..rK ...r ______R o to Tiling______7 1 1 1 . ______gh.».r»«lyr. Tall Fllrr. atavr*. Owb*i^ Paul. Schwan* * bed carr, planting, Irantpjantifi; Fiie"*°'^ “B ut we c a n ' t a w i t c h d ; • ^klTK OR CALL.L AtrCnONE AtrcnoN EERS ! .. pruning, ahaping. fe^ergrrrna. fru 0*rdm. '.ffd rtwn Acraagaa. Acr.«gm. ~ y-., CGKAY fhri.tnr- dinritr ' art with 4 jratm ga to go dovrnl -V rv.t Bo4 Grant, St04 & Indl* Ornamrntal t rre*. "^31-4 431.7"'- ROTO-nLLUJOI _____ Vacuum Cleaners s i r '" c . u ~ ^ aUto AJbrtiln, > Olt «r TTMES-NKWS WANT- j = 7 --r-=^W For InforTnation calls^ T v o Repair c all make*: anppll**; Uoov*r n * ^ k i m b e r l y n u r s e j o e s " S*l«« *"4 S*nrie*. •• Com*r Rto* b e HAPPY-T-.-Luekr. B. dlff.r«.tldlff*rentl - ~ ' F O R PAST SELUNO REStlLTC£SULTS 431-4041 e r 42S-4491 Lakaa. 3»i| A**«a* Ea*t« 7U-1037.M 0J7. .. S W tl|« h » t bay, . t T h. Eo.|>orio».Cnc^rlom.

    "*' •.

    , _ i i- . ~ ^ _ ;------^ — —.------1 . ■ V ''' "______■ ------1 ■ - • ■ ' •' .1 " * * ■ ' • •»< .■______;______. . :

    if t Time to i€ /K < 3 jls K o w Ij t^iojiielpfulI Ad^TdkerrlA ------i-p*---..' — ;------^— — Autei tw 5>le -800 aoo AutewwbtwrTorsite aoo200 Autos for SaU . »^'30QlAuJ^ aoo iAuhM lof S«to , 790 Fob. 2 3 -2 4 ; 1 9 6 5 -_____--'TwinTwin Falls Times-News 18 1 ...... ------,,— , ,. ■------m T R Y iUi e&b-ovar * J. Autei Tor Sll* ______gOOAutoilOOAutot for Salb ' 20(1 " U sed Car W O R K M A N - . A i» S :- V , ,— ------—-SAVE’:-^ ' -FEBRUARY'-r —- ^BROTHERS 194 ^ ' - L ( . )) (Q . L i e — l e t w ----- HOUSE AFIRE PONTIAC—CADU-LACp CLASSIFIED IE Up To $1000 .. — FAVORITES^I t - „ C M C feiatcm BOtIt ' . Rupert, Idaho 436-^78, W H E N iBlLB HOMES THIS WEEK ONLYV ----- ’63 CHRYSL’R $2795 ’(’63 CHRYSL’R $2695 - If ^ S A L E !! • ’6 2 B I S C A Y N E — N.w Yorkrr iMliwr. Po«ar 800 4*door Hardtpp Powar- W A r e B e t t e rf ...... ■. /J • twdoor. 6>cyilnder* overdrive., , . FRONK MOTOR CO. — “ YOU NEED Steering and brakes. 6’Way steering, brakea and windowa, ” - Uagnollk ^ radio, hraler. A raal aconi>-e o n i CMC DeiUar 'seat. iiTW mileage. Sharp” tu'r»-i •'automatic transmlaalon. BaaukU J™??!*. 1981 V O LK SW A O EN, A Tew Examples' ". . . , ,• my car, — Burier — «7S^78f quolse finlmh. tica this one. ful sand .btlgt flnlih. wlib* _|L Sharp « d with white w»U tinw, - i! L - H E L P ! — mmatching* interior* Just Uka H ■ ~ :------»12 fl3 _r “ ~ n ...... ■ ______= new and with low j^|Jaas«. V CLEHS ' radio, heater. Good Uttla gaa ” ’6 0 C H E V 4 -d o o r MAGIC VALLKI '63 CHEV $1695 ------..i.X:QOtalt^!dlh llltit .hUl. Run. TRADING DKALER- AwrrfllMlln«^.Th»t ,. Th»t ■ NOW $945— ------; r.H F V 'p a r k w o o dI - ______PHONE 733.0981 Blsi;a>uc 2*daor. fi eyllniltra* '62 ^ CHEV $2295 | Station w«non 4'door.^ - 8------RiCie3-iiL^Uroa»------rad*D. hiater- standard » aas------^-Intnei* Hnnmr' Brtort awlftne ■ Sin-t E lt ur BI)« J » '----- ^---- ____ SPECI AT. !j>863------r p u w itfer. Riaw: bwnei, vpi— - = = . ----- ^ e«y Car ______a ___H Hardtop. V8. automatic' traoa* ■ 1960 P O R D G A L a XIEE ^ Pv>>v»r A local . oneona . — .....w>isstuh, " •an ‘ ^ E R Fordor sedan. Radio, heatei. auto* owner rar. .R nl clean.I ^ blbrakes, factorjL air condltloao ' . V lA iar'RivER matic. powtr steering and brakea,“k - - ’6 J C A D IL L A C tlnUb , ...... »>64» In^. bucket seats. A ahary d i n g c e nJ ^ t T e E r R ***^‘ ***“' WAS Coupe O.VIU* m .oft rose flnUh >■"* SALES5 TATAX???? • '63 CAD itLAC $3995 Trumpet ^ gold finish. igi f with mstching interior. Fully enditii»iitng. l-htlra clean 'one ’63 BUICK $3395 i rwln »^U. bo * perfect con.Utu;n. '■ *“ - S..UI1 l-.TSTF'TOtioinneBir. ow.n«T suloniobile. — _ ^ 195a PORD FAIRLANE 8>c>-llnd*r Engine, overdriv* ______Rlvsria i-door Hardtop. lK>ll }*| transmliilon, radio, liaater. Buy Now —- Be ' Guaranteed :■ Towrr—~and^ like na*. -‘Wlth W •500* furdur eetJan. Aadiu, heater, ONLY $2492 y>BS'lSfiEV ‘ $1«9^ Tstriking silver mtft rinish and flj aT TT70 automatU, power steering and ^ ^ bluv snd white Cutone.'tone. . ^ * sharp red interior with bucket M TS — SUPPLIESrX jlC iO brake*,, new white wall 4tir«s,atires, Bh^rp ' ) Sales Tax BelAir 4-il4Mir se«lsn. VM. auto* *|sests. Bee it now. VM UI>«—BooHn* compound WAS t6U& . . . ^ ...... $1095U 0 9 5 •- ^ of No Sale! matlv transmtsaiun. K«al clcan cturM G u •quipm«nt N '63 BUICK artff ■ilW« nrw. yoo^ M^U>.ffte! bom«. NOW $595 i Blvlera Coup«. Full power and all ’60 CHRYSL'R $1295 ] tha comfort and safety acce«sortcs.‘1:" '60 CHEV Parkwood Windsor 4 d4>or sedan. j ------1958- OLDS 68 '60 MERCURY $995 j; o'ur New ’65 ' This is espvciaity etvan and - nice*ntcel atatlon T>ailUD. »-«,Un4?r. . , s p e c i a i T c l eE a A r k a A N C ; ^ R J ful ivory ovar rose 2-tona M ru^M Hardlop coupe. Radio. heater. Pow.r Glide, radio, heater. , Uo^terex 4»dot»r Hardtop, f|finish^ Towsf- at earing and CAN - N EWV ■7^7!!?''^m o o n automiitle, power iteering and ...... *1195H195 •r steering and brskes. Onee bi brakes. o l -w i d e —• Kk t IT t brakes. mot<7r aad transmission JUST $2967 T owner. Very clean. I aomplelely overhauled. W.AS IMS B A K E R ’S '59 OLDS Super «8 aSor 4-door ...... $100 '62-LINCOLN MES i^OW $445 .'59 DOD&E_: ■ 1952 NASH Amb'ftMaSor 4-d ’6 1 I M P E R I A L $ 2 4 9 5 '!■ (BILE HOMES , 4.4l«^r •tatlon watrun. Radio.ladlo. t'nnlinenlal 4>door ,JjArdtop, ' V8 pickup. loni{ box snd 4-speed• pecd^ hcaicr. Hydramatic. power >5 Custom 4>'il^vtr Hai'illviit. A (Mean as new with a aharp Prlc«l — F*tr Dealings D «.llnn \ ate«rlns. power brakea. 2- ,, . 195-1 NASH State.sniunlan 4-door4-do ...... T...... l.. $ 1 9 5 really ricsn car. S»ild new and beige finish and maleblng M.nillT S.rv)e.;a ...... • ' NOW $688 tnne paint. ■ ^ aervice«l hy us. factory sir -. **leather Interior. Kull power, ion Wt«t 7S3-lS6i ...... IIH198 IBS 1955 CHEV V8 4-dooro r ...... $ 2 9'O 5 condiliMiilng, p o w • r jaeats. factory atr conditioning and D & S SleerlnK, biakeai auil—whtdnwa. only 38.000 miles. A new car 1959. 40x8-. two b«lroom l5 4;<.00y actual miles. New nylon trade in. •lao »•• m . to “r„vr.a~T buj. !<•>• or , FORD SALESIS —SAVE ------= * A V E5 — ’5 9 C H E V I m p a la 1 9 ^ CADILLAC Coupeu p e DDeV e V ille ...... $5 9 5 rcbu> mobllo motels, mot.l. of-ot- —'— ' Coup*. Ksilto. bestrr, power ik bouae* and w u« h ahack*.ahacka Jcrom . Phon. »2i-23U4-2311 slMfintf. Tuwer Glide trans«ra“" 1956 CADILLAC Coupeu p e ...... $ 5 9,r, 5 ’£’58 CHEV $4S5 * .ardtr, Bob.rt E. l^ee.L~. 62062H color.' ’61 CHRYSLTt $1795 4Mloor 4. Uelrap with sharp black . South. (S lt.t.eata Mot.l).Motel). — Evenings Phon* — - -.■c-n .1-— mU»ion. ».>lld black color.* flnUh, radio, heater and autw white tid* wsll liras. -door H ardtop ...... $1 9l5 5 New Yorker 4-dot^ Bctian. Ua- JJ .11 i4a-4a«4. . ______J. ffbyd. 73S-8840 W. Ellis 824.4620 CARLESON’S;.7'3 ^ 9 5 1956 PLYMOUTH 2-door Ha dlo, heater, aulomsllc trans* matie tranamlsalon. jg Tr»ll«™ — ■ CamtMraCanpara —^ Vince lOfiham S24-4208 ...... $995 #\ mi«slon. t>ower steering. A omM. SllT.r Str«kraak -— T.rirTernr 'e Open till 7 P.M,^ ______1056 CHEV 4-door SedanS ed n n ...... $ 3 5 0 aharp whit* finish. ^, *68 C CADILLAC! ? 1060 I New—Uaed. We» trmd*.trade. H * ______601 Main Ea.t Phone 733-1823 r Salaa. J»» OrerUnd.rarlaod. Bur- 1-182S ------4 -door tia d a n OaVille. VI I 1957 FORD V8 Fordorlo r FFairl a i r l a n e 5 0 0 ...... $ 4 9 5 engine, automatle transmls* T Salesmen*! Hums Pnonea '5 ’60 FORD $895 ;jslon. Miwsr steering, brakaa. SJS. Arlatocral, K«dnlnn.r I Henry Jonrs ______73.1..'\037 A Z * dtmr. A ryl ntlers. stsndsrii sieeaL Radio, h«alar. Sharp I frailer.. Marietta famlbr FORD ’63 XLL-« Larry Crippen______73.'1-D428,..,037 ’61 C H E V P ic k u p 19S7 PLYMOUTH V8'8 4-doo4 - d o o r ...... $ 3 5‘U 0 tran.ml»t.».l4lO. 4-Door Hardtop l-8fl83 ‘ ...... $1295 1957 RAMBLER Stationitio n WWi a g o n ...... $59i5 5 ‘llardttip C oupe, VS engine, iL IMI>. 1 0 .lt', d~LiJiTilm a r LookliTK for a llke-pew spiporty o rty ’60 PLYM $995 automatic 11 .ransmlsslon. radio, 1 (umlabed, waaher,waahar. pro- g a ra g e -k c p t h a rd to p ? T hhla is Is Id ------1957 MERCURY Stationitio n WWi aaron ...... $49 5^ Sta(h>n Wago/i. VA, automalic. ^heater. '.Knwer steering and ------'60 FORD Pickup peed, brskes. ^ rnace and waterater heater.heater, the Car lor YOU. Immaculato:ulat« L4.ng Hh.-*JbMc, VH. 4>specd, radio, heater, lleai clean. **' rome. »t4-t<2».______-___rosQ finish with matching In- J1 1 B5 - 1958 MERCURY 2-doorloor HaHardtop ...... $ 5 9 5 E or TRADE:Bl 1»«2 ForJ Especially equipped A REAL JEWELE L i'-iL l,.".-.'.’:....'!:.":,,.. *1195 " ,5 '59 OLDS 98 $995. '62^ CHEVY II ?1495 IM power. J»«l Plwtwpod l o o r ...... $ 5 9 5 CUNVKUTIBLK In beautiful n trailer house, I 10x600 x6~. . Call with 300 V8 engine, powerpower 1958 RAMBLER 4-door ...... 4-dour. Full power. Very clean. r«r*. 783^2507 ♦vaningi, ♦vanlngi. steering, jjower brakes. Cruise-'-rulse- 1064 FORD .f. Drivs Ul tftop. bucket seats. A cylinder tl| 1959 CHEV V8 Impalamla 4-door4-d( Hardtop ...... $ 1 0 9 5'0 SIengine. 3-speed floor ahifU g OMK lOxBS'. newew furniture, furniture. omatlc, and many otherr XL XL RICE •lr-«ontlltk>ninK. Bwninff*. accessories. Priced Right!ntl Oalaxie "500" equipped with Av.»nue. Jerome. 8t4-Za24. all the accessories' Including ;nc. 1959 RAMBLER 4-doorioor (Sharp)(Sl ...... $ 8 9 5 ^ : or trade: 1965 completely O D C I>ower steerlnn and brakes,.C CHEVROLET, Inc. 1 MagicI ValValley’s .r-" ~ Ined !«• mobile Seout irall- akes, .♦ 78S-2021.______YOUREE MOTORS white wall tires, etc. This Li a 195^ PLYMOUTH 4-door- d o o r 66-^ - c y lin d e r ...... $ 5 9 5 ------664 Main Ave. South 788-6811i8-««ii car you will be proud to I own.Ll a Jerome -48II TRIICff'H EA D C IJ. 1«, 18. to* — AmericaAmerica’t s own. 800 South Lincoln Phone 934>4813 lADQUARTERS «Mt »elHng travel traUtni..railsrs. Blue — ■ ------Just like Newi ______1960 RAMBLER 4-doorioor Sta Station Wagon .... $995 Jm Trailer Park ______1063 FORD F-700 Lonff ------TODAY’S SPECIAL! L 1961 FORD Falcon Fordor Wagon ...... $ 1 0 0•0 0 302 VB engine, completely!toly rcbv rebuilt, 8-sl>eed transm ission, lly Tr«iler»______TW YOUREE MOTORSD R S T O D A Y ’S S P E C I A L 2-speOd rear axle. Elxtrara good.sood. 8.25x35 tires. ,VY duty 2 wheel trailer 10' lon*. 664 Main Ave. South 788-6M11 1962 MERCURY Meteorite o r 44-d - d o o r ...... $ 1 3 9>5 5 'wid^e 4’ eidea. equipped ‘eifh with 1961 FORD 1-6M1 FORD Vj-ton 1963 DODOE 3 S e a lc r'^ 'J ^T o on n 1 hu. tlftO. Northalde Body Shop. iO V8, 4-spccd, 6' box. Seeiee Ihls this ] p ic k u p ______t339S | reme. Fordor Country sedan. 9 passenger*lenger. . _ . 1963 CHEV V8 Impalaala 4-do4-door ...... $ 2 4 5 0 ------fully squipped. Red pickup. A-cylinder, 8*apeed _ station wagon, 1 8 ,0.0 0 0 miles.miles 1963 CHEVROLET Long 2-TonJ-Ton cki______1 ^ 6 tranamk«aion. JC Big 6 292 engine, 4-8peed,led, 2-spe3-speed axle, radio and heater. ------. $1199 $1099 , J. 1963 FALCON Futurar a HHard a r d t o p ...... $ 1 6 9 5 Clean as new. A PRIZE!! 4-speed transmission. Radio, heater and 4-speed ( 1962 FORD Long 2-T(fn ~ Buick' MILRANY Olds $15 down on approved credit .-■ ^5 . . Big 6 engine, 4>6pced, 3>speed3-speed axle. [ i n s 20* North* rhone 7S3-8721 $55 per month 1963-RAMBLER 4-doorlo o r ...... $1696 Glen Jenkins Brand New Radio, heater and overdrlvioverdrive. I960 FORD F-600 Long 2-Ton-Ton 383 V8 eiigUie, 5-t>pcedid and 2-speed2 axle. Nearly new | D I S C O U N T ^ Chevrolet (Never been registered) 1963 OLDS Jetfire 2-tloor2-tloor H ardtop ...... $ 2 395)5 - tlrca. Radio. heat«r, powerwer steering.steerl Sharp I 1959 CHEVROLET Long 3-Ton-Ton 1964 PONTIAC AUTO SALES3-a«»i ^ ^ -SPECIAL—T , 1965 T-BIRD 2fl6 A!sln Avrniis West 7.13.d4»l 283 VB ^-spced and 3-spced-speed axle.aj £:xlra Good. ■*-' Botmevllle Sport Coupe fln- O bl.>ck from Pi»at Offlcs) 1959 PORD P-600 Loiig 2-Ton-Ton .'oT-tr-c'd Ished In Arctic white w with ith The m<*st beautiful car made flnlsh-) 292 VB. 4-speed and 2-speed•-speed ■axler-Ar aharp truck. I^T-W HEEL DlRIVESIKlVlLb _ black Interior. This luxuriousLirloua vd in Cameo ivory with soft Inlsh- fawn ------H------; T ~ WV I I L L L L ! S prestige car Is showroom1 new all leather Interior, acst belts, white 1956 DODOE Heavy Duty Long 2<3-Ton ...... •••' tlrsa, power steering and CHECK THIS! ed and 3-speed axle. Very good. throughout. Fully equipped.ippca, brakes, plus lots and Itnji of other 318 VB engine, ft-speed and m WILLYS $395$ 3 9 5 . Must be Seen I comfort features. Hurry down for ' 19C2 P O N T IA C U s e d C a r " D e p t . 1947 CHteVROLET Long 2-TonI-Ton drive. the buy of tha -raar . . Someone's 4-spee(Land 3>speed axle.xle. 16*16' fliflat bed. A good older truck. llttlM wacoB, 4'Wbe«l drive. ^ ^ wood fortvnm can also ba youps.eone'e Station Wagon I ORS Window sticker price . . . 14,698n. ^ wo W I L L Y S $S 3S 9 5 YOUREE MOTORS Hydramatie IrsnBmUilon. powcf 254 4th Avenue Weat—Trucklaneicklane (ai(aerou from Sopen Trailers)ir»> ...... 18 2-Ton Tru«ka «64 Main Ava. South 718-6811 ■teerinc and brskn, . P474T7M-4741 Knr SlMk — N « Ptl<«. (dl HHintaat 7JJ-084I B o b R e e e e l s e ’s 1 9 6 6 baiwaan 9:80 a.m. and 8 :80 p.m., Good S«lMtion m TH EISENI’S ’S FIFIN E CARS ask for Sun. 788-086t after•r S-.BO 8:30 CABS — PICKUPS - TRUCKS __ — Bank Plaanclng —'®“ SHARPEST D O D GG^E E CITY C . . GMC Vs-Ton'on l|i*ORD, 1B54 V8 ludor. Kxeellent con^«f“,’ MILLER BALES Uaed Cars In Town Tdlt laa. Take over paymenU of bal­ 6 ’6 2 F O R D X L $ 1 995 600 Block Second:cond AvenueAvi South anca of 1198 or 8178 eaah. Calli^all 788- Hanaan Phona 428-6179 ’6 1 L I N C O L N $ 2 6 9 5 ^ KENNY MOON)N — JC JOB BUTLER 8-4178 YOUREE MOTOR CO. ______Continental finished In Beau­i. Hardtop Coupe. Black cheery Pickup 4»01 err 788-4086 betw««n B) a.ma.m.— ,^ , tiful uaberry pink with aon*t- finish l with a white top, beltsrs • p.m. or aaa at 1711 KimberirCimbarlr irastlnc Intarior. All tha flnaatit bucket 1 seaU. power staaringIg — —------—-----—------' —" aocMsorlea fcrr your coostortrt and i brakea. Spotlcas Immacu- ONLY $19877 0 I |*ORD, 1984 V8 tudor. Excellent=r™. eon> BUY WITH C and safely. Really a flna ear.r. late 1 Interior and exterior. dittOD. Take over payments of bal- H CONFIDENCE “ GLEN JENKINSNS CHEVROLET''-^C .p , ance of 8198 or 8178 eaah. Call:al] 733- N ^ * 4901, between • a.m. - 8 p.m. or see '64 FORD $24955 '59 MERCURY $995 CARLESON’S, ■ at 17U KImbarly Itoad.______I, klonUrey 4 - door finished In EC Reconditioned MI MaiB Xaei Pboaa 7SS-183t a l t 'Z . door Hardtop Coupe with tu ^ o ise with a whlU top. Home of OK Re< I. CHKVROUJT iges lm p.l., 2-door tiffany blue and matchlac |n> Radio, heater, automatic. hardtcrp, 40* engine. 4 -^ p ^ . low terlor. VB en*ine. autotnatla U sed ^ ars•s and Trucks ------mileag*. Phona 886.^461 ; after « Cransmlaslon. powsr ataerin#. ^ radio and wblta wall Uraa. '■ >58 R U IC K $ 4 9&—Ifi — -Bii IMPALA. Hardtop ’83•63 DODQE 440 p m. Sa«-2m or B3fi-2ftfl7. Wendell.^ Unioni o n ] M o t o r s t------H ar d top eoiipe.—*am' v a ______LEO RICE MOTOR CO.. G o 0o d Il wnri i ______f i li a l S-door HarJtop In 2 2-^-t. S port coupe. Ueiiioiisti a .------1963 GMC Home of the famous OK used cars Do T T T F O R D $ 2 5 9 5 tone bronse and white finish**' tor. Pull power and fac-:- motor, 3-speed floor trans­ BUICK Estatee WajW a g o n ______.?60o ' 'with matching interior. Very mission, all alum inum , V6 U-.TDM -WBKWP— eKBP ----- ...... A 4-door naracop witn 9 psM»#ni«r S t a t i o n Wa»onS ," tl.an. tory air conditioning. >p W itnfull power. Chetrlr oitr fin)*he4l/-in beautiful bronsaa »800 DISCOUNT front fenders, hood and 4 vbeel drive. Daloxa model. 8* CORVAIR Mona* «»rvertlble. 19^4.1964. T 4- low p rice\ . with all -vinyl seaU. Radio, » fWuide box. BI* eofflne, 4>ep«ed finish. >: '58 CHEV $69515 'J3 IMPALA -aOO' bumper, 6 new Urea. Very truuaisaion. fraa roUiDfLa. front bucdiet aeau. whIU finish. power stearlnff and brakea. £m- Impala Hardton Coupa. Ni«e I- sharp, 5 ™ ^ aoft fawn vinyl interior. Call Irv 1962 FORD Galaxie Fon ccllent condifion. j •« Convertible. V8 motor. 4- kaba. Krensel hiteb. Onee ownar..ovaar.. Mabe, 738-8721. Ie F o r d o r bronsa and whits two. tonel** apeed transmission, powerur SPECIAL $1895 Priced Rlglit — Might Trmd* — VS, Crulseomatlc. radlc . finish with mauhing Interior, It Trm d* MERCURV kJttantarey, 1966 l-door e. radio. A real beajnfur gleaming '61 MERCURY ^995d Radio,1 heaUr and automatle. steering and brakes, PosI-i; .gj'63 IMPALA Coupe 733-3460, B^renlng■n g a Polar Whita ^ For white car with spotlesspotless tturquoise Interior. See thlJTin*.. ______aale or trade for older ear. ass'Utna. today. Comet Custom. Beautiful mid* traction axle...... $2695’ Super aport. ‘380’ V8' nisht blue with matcblns in- i 15 MERCURY 4-door QMO TRUCKS—IN JE JEROM R O Me E ” paymenU. 643-8002. Buhl. t«rior. Blv « cylinder en«lne. '57 CHEV $395 motor. Power OUde trans- A(~. SELL OR trad, lii* C.dlll.e, ili a SO Station wa«on. Matae andid Station wagon. V8 motor, mission,, pow e r-ii«|^sJng LEE PONTIAC StTS! 1958 BUICK 2-doorr ' ' ■ • $.300 standard transmission with a 1wbllc rfnIsfc-*-sHth contrasting.^. , Dower and air. for panel truckIts, or Here’s another examplt on. STICK .‘»HIFT. ' ’ ---- - Cnilseomatlc transmission. —.^md brakes, bucket seats. CmkvIroLCT, lOlB H-ton lo®* w h J trailer house. Phone 788-6660 or example of low cost transportation. all vinyl Intarior. V8 engine. Dont wait on thLi buy. ^ radio and haater. power steering and brakes, ■ ______$3495 Um, 7.18 t-p ^ Uraa, top>v eoadlUoa.eoadltloa. I«ll 4th.. A .rnu. E»«U iLi buy. factory air conditioning. Trade for abort whealbaaala or 4-wbael4-whael JFa Eco FT 1964 Ranehera. UkeZsT'”5iwT tiaw, ’61 F O lftD $ 9 9 5 9 5 '63 RAM BLER 3-door drir« DBi^ PboB* T»»-44SI1488 after 68 mllea, new ear guarantee,• 81.490. 1957 PONTIAC ChiefUir (TOa Falcon 4-door In sultana whita; i'56 PLYM $150iO ...... »»995 ’®2 . Mn. J t a J ^ o o n . ______1001 8rd Avvnua Weet, Phone 788* lieftain ■ $200, '• wllh contrasting intarior. ra­ ■«! CHEVROLET 4-door Sedan. 6 - cylinder motor, "* Believe It or not. ours dio. h e a t e r and automatla« &avuyI 4-door. Blue and white ’^*VHOLBT 1948 Cabovarir Irue^Tiruek. a*- *- *9^. ______;______t, otira la priced a t thla low price. • transmission. Vary Clean. 1t-tone. V8 engine, radio, auto*o- v.___ Sedan, a - cylinder motor,ir, standard transmUslon. A «ell«t rubber, aseelleBt0 ...... HOBS “ Sedan, e-cyllnder motor, ».^OhevrbT^ PONTIAC, l»8t(. 9 p a i^ g e r atatlon 9 5 tl^ul pacific blu* wfih a wHita.\ * Caiailna Hardtop Coupa. Ra*^ »T59 OLDS M X H-4oa pickup. Bullalila for aaleeala w^goa. Power ataering, brakea, air 1958 DODGE 4-door,r S.S95,i„ top. V8 «nsine. radio, heaurr « dio' heaUr, automatla and at&ndard transm ission, rm- w^Wad. DamU Lyon.B, 8«Y-mS,84Y-mS, eondltio'nlng, radio, baatar. Clealtantareaiiaot C heck thls^ one o u t and and autotaatie tranamiaalon. 1goc^ Uraa. 4-door hardtop sedan. V8 olo and heater.____ $795 • eondition. 733>6687. ______«it and youTl agree, too. we are silly motor, Hydramatlc trans- ‘ ______tor cutting the price.?r1ce. “■ •57 IMPERIAL 4-door &IVROUCT, 1M8 plekup with PONTIAC^ 196^. automatle tranamla-■anamla- mission, pow er rteerlng. Sedan. Full power. Very ■•writy Travalar aaapar.■r. bcalleBtb callan t sion. power brakaa and ataaring. Ex- HA Motorcycle $295 ______»S95 •M ^n. 8aa at Cvrl Jianofaetur-ICanufaetur- eelleni*Hmd*Uoii. Phone 428>49f4.JlUm. 1963 FORD GalaxieB .^$179595 1964 YAMAHA Moi Sharp. ------$595, ______. Pordor. V8, Cnilseo'matl( Ion Fully Equipped.Ipped. LoLow mileage, ■M OLDS 88 Kimberly. teo'matic, radio. In top A-l condition ,r, 'S6 PLYMOUTH 3-door *^to?iTnyRic™rn47nri35r"73TRi7^00 POR SALE or T R A I* ; 19^21 rordJ^ord and best of all compare * Excellentllent conditioncond I ^ 4 - door sedan. V8 motor, "M eatra baavy 4nty.. Lika eew.new. Galaxie. full power. 1961 Fleetwoodeetwood ompare the price. $300 Hydramtattc transmission,n. Station wagon. V8 motor, ^ 1 1 eell cheap. Ul-8040>» BobL_____BuhL. s bedroom trailer boose, lOx&O*.0-^ Callc.u J 9 6 3 FORD Galaxie 500 power steering, power seat. stan d ard transmission SenlngTTor 781-79»0 days. 788-2807 rrenlnga. e 500 fordor ' truck-frame l«Bjr^mluc~For M Forf A oae-ow ner car and yc Heai sh a rp ...... *4959 5 with overdrive. One owner. 25®lat»*Bt call Twla Falla Eculp>E« Easiest place In the W Buick. Make offer, ItS Main Awnue 701 M ato E ast ------Phone 733-7700 TRUCK TRADES on our ii.ji priced TS3nSTg"BHt and hleliMt East. 733-1066.______^ USED: d t T^ r u c k s on our NUMBER 2 LOT pickups. — 9 Andr[r and Bob'sBob'* fq R the best in servie«. sm•e"™E7s Ed's ____ Across from SearsSears oi on Main Street ______Used ears. 842 Miln North.h. 733-7J3- 1963 KORD 4x4 pickup [)5 ______— ckup — ?249.'>a-b, — •63 PORD H-ton 'S3•63 CHEVROLET V4-ton ®^ATKnaL IBM t>nOO.OllOO. lon,k>ng 6382. ______VB engine, 5 excellent-iiclient-traction ^rlp tirea, custom ca.b, pickup. 6-cyllnder motor,jr. Pickup. VB motor, 4-speed new. Joe H a OIC v XLLE? "Mo TORS. at*‘iow«t your fresh-alr heater, radio.^ m TlTL' Fil^r..^______. service with highest quality. lowest radio, ~n««w--pftlnt. ^ 3 - speed transmission.m, tra n s m is s io n .______$1495 u h ’ B R I N G y o u r C A R t*«00 tmck, rood1 “condition^ eondition^ prices in <« 1 cars. Buhl S4.1 4-^S2...... *1495 '81 CHEVROLET 2-ton • XT »*®0- NorthaldeLhslda Body VOLKSWAGEN^ 19«S Se^dan Deluxe. 1962 FORD I 'o-ton Pickup Picku] $1505 •63 CHEVROLET 2-ton Jfr o T n » . ______one owner, axeellent eondition. 810^ Iio i V8. 4-«peed transm lssloi \&h Long wheelbase truck. 6- T S n r^T to n below book. PW ie 848-4109. Buhr.* ismlsslon. hitch, beautiful red flnl.'ih Long wheelbase tm c^ VB cylinder m otor. 3-speed - *nd ^ « v r a i r t ~ l^ . U-tiiJn ■ y with cuitom cab. A real motor, 5 - speed transmis­ Pho»> 7>«?a«a7.^ SALE: 198& 4-door. gt>od . A real nice pickup for any purpo&t.r ; B R I N G y o u r r W I F E axle. ------$1895 t,, with cabover>v«r camper^eamoarT condiUon. good -Klres, runs gtwd. jggjj INTERNATIONAL' Jo sion, 2-speed axle. .. $2393 .^a— *«S 3rd Avenua Eatt.East. 8180. Phone 733-7676. )NAL‘'Pickup $1695dy •61 DODOE 2-ton '61 CHEVROLET « - to n — _ ~ -TBUJMPH__1156., eieellenl condition.^diuo^C V8, 4-speerf. lonfti wheelwheelbase, heavy duty unit ready Long w heelbase truck. V8V8 Pickup. V8 moto^ 3-speed :*SWrroT5ili 50020(1 haa naw paint and expensTvar. Wlr*•!» for rugged work. a- transm ission, r iTS 1 o a n d p - y ' I'r * wbeala. Pbona T88-680ft.______B R I N G y o u r r T I T L E motor. 5 - speed transmis­ ■toet-■ P rlo J "Vrom M . sion. 3-«peed axle. .. $1895as heatia-. white wlOl tlrw. 11*1 n approredapproved PONTIAC. 1959 Catalina. I6S0 7V or ean " 1952 FORD F-600 2-ton H Fill, '?* Main A.enue West. Weat. Twin flnanea full amount. 948 ^ 2nd Ave-* ” ■ V8. 2-specd axle,2-ton 6.25 tlTruck •59 CHEVROLEX-2i>-ton. Very sh a rp ------*1199 < W orr m»»E«at lU t^ E ast noa Waat. , a.25 tires, grain bed. r Truck. V8 motor. 5-speed o r PPAYMENT A Y ] BOOK T9 CHEVROLET H-ton V o u DON'T hava to gueas at ^ D *i i S 1951 CHEV 2-ton Truck *- ' transra>lulon, 2-speed axle, Pickup. 6-cyllnder motor, ■w “ ~«*i T -ifiTti'-li^on)' f tS T Ford Sales. Jart,me. Be*t buya aaed P ru c k $ 4 9 5 9.00x30 tO-eS, has 16' O m a­ reatored. phona EdenKden eara, plfkn fi. tnicfcs. _ ------____ 6-cyllnder with 2-speed : nd * . ' j' T* 4 - apeed transmission. H north of FOR SALE; 196S Chevelle. 4-d2«r 6 ' !-spe«d axle, long wheelbaset cab and ha standard stock rack. Cp>'"er, north of HansenIlaneen cylinder, standard. 6.000 mllea."Th'nn! Phone ' ALL PO R ______*1995^5 ------•«“ Jeroma. 824-23P9.______liSSS ...MANY MANY. MORE ■56 FORD WM ffTODE H-ton ' OLDSMOBILE 1956 2-d«»r h a r d ^ ,IORE TO CHOOSE FROM... (Glen Jenkins CJievro"Jievrolet has the Fi- Pickup. 6-cyllnder motor.Dr, Pickup. New ret^dltlooed ■ B ■ i V e^ eT«w Inside; mot«*r ma*s -good> -good. '' - _ Tefr~12tb Avenue. Buhl.______I 3 - S p £ 6 d t ransTniaftlnnjn. „ motor, 3 - cpeed transmU- fc 1PLYMOUTH 1»S6 sedan Just overhaul­rerbaul- Union ^ nance Plan a^d CC ar totoTttT Touf N eeds.IS. ______$495195 (ion. new U ioL ______S39S ed and new batUry. Ph<»e 733«S9«833-49«8 on __Rotors_ r or sa» »35 8th Avenue North. G L E N JJENKIN& E I N " iFOR SALE: 1959 Corratte. good5 -7 ron-^ . 150'3rd Avenue East P hone 733-1019—733-1993*«’ No Monkeyr BusiB usiness a t. . . dltina, new tires. Phon* Filer.r. i«» 116* —Home P Home Phones— >87 _CHEVROLILOLET, ING. . T 421?. ______Byron Moyes. 733-7479- Dick OlUenwater. 733-1587 l>on*rd JTacherH>9yT284 OLDSMOBILE. M. 14 BUI Beasley, 7 3 3 - 2 0 1 8 / T ■ (Closeded Sun Sundays) Best W ay to S eUell ^ ' good eondition. fUO.-Pbona 7U-2899 Ralpli^lllette. 43i-*3a4 |1L„ . GLEN JM K ININS S (CHTEVROLET - ^ a&l£SMEH!S_HQME PHONES:[ONES: Charles Hatch, 733-6017— ’ Anything la with' or T38-4247.- , ______- Ken McNew. 733t59i«V ______' _ . OLEN JENKINS C h a ^ le ^ Inc.. tha Boy Hopper. 733-2376 V D on W elch. 733-756ft—Wooe*-Wobay Turley, sas^sojs------^ A w>ot Ad ' oaad car eaeU r for Uagia Vallay.•II.T.

    A • ’ y • I, r--, ------cy— , / a . -

    t ------• - ...... — a, - * e^lattemoBtfrlghteBi^ I pect of'tho nrobi«m H ' ■ Tvpsday, Fob.ob. 23, 196519< T T . Q Y tI 1 6 Twtn Fall*all> TImes-Nawi TIm«»- JJj.Tuvenile DelinquencE p c y l E r p bi l l e e n t i s ^ E x I Kger»l~bu^lahd~wlth--iPor>-rPn>tltahltt,ifnhiii' jf re-.to t get somethlM' for.•. pothlng..nothin that Is concerned. The other 4! BGUSON' are lurested e;^ch yearSM lor steal- cent reports oi7 'tlMrr«lentf-bu By HABBV FEBGUSO 1 ahow that tuma. ' ®» ‘TtK^r^tKtaticsrr~------betwoeii-BtSO-Bnd 9 ,aV ni. u wm National BeportcBeporter' Ing‘kutomobllefl. SIxty-threcty-three per reau of . Investigation ahow ths VFU irested for there la not a crime Jula the-boollthe. books . who Is the jurenlle^dSlnqumt^llnauent? —Persona under agee 18 are ntr ah'wag^ ^aped in im'aiitomot WAiBHINOTON, Feb.Peb. 23 niPO— cent, o f all pe>3Ql!» arieste WOTia sponslble-for 34-per cent-of-tb6cent-of- here to Washington. Bh«i «. 7,000 persons , ^ t o th e ft are im derr 18.18 So:Some of for "which teen-agersa havo notnc in a strict' senatf^oTnlie worli aii^moblte vlctlinTln ■■ j-i- Theips are some 217,000 p< ird«r_ rape, almost all of us hawrSeJp been at a aggravatedd assau) assault, ihe had scrMim^ for help In V ' conflfied In stale and ’ fifederal the offenses arA compcompletely been arrested — murder- rapi _ ^ ^ s ^ teerlag.xam^^i^ii5«:niSLB 0 1 mbst Im- one time or another. PubUoublic nud h u d - —^They are respooslbtoilble forfoz 18 passing motorists who Igiuu prisons and reformatories,atorles. Out- sis’nseless. The children'sIren's bbureau burglary, forgery ^( , m bst Im Its for rape her. About a year ago helpKatherl Irom This Is. an att^k on ut a million tells abou( i teen-agerger In Baltl-1 probably of aU,- oount^eltlng.'it^eltlng.' Ity Is widely held to be an of-of per cent of the arrests for i Ho 1® !^ gangsters, many of H i side there are about a ir , at some (pei^ns under 21 are1 rest>onireobonslble Genovese was attacked near 1 teen-agers who. unless they more who got a new■w sports sport car W hat” makes thee teeri-agteen-age fense, but most boys at som< I R a th e r ^ been caught trying ^ ™ lous Is that time have plunged unclothecunclothed for 41 p er home In Kew Gardens, N. change, their ways, are golgoing to as~ a birthday present.nt. He drove criAxe problem * 0 serious Is ths are respon- About 38 perioiu heardarked In1 an steadily to It. We are! not mark- mark Both boys and girls on Hallo watcHM a man s£ab herrd ns- seve cry- IBM was JOO per “a ■ ney forma a abindoned driveway.'. He gogot out Ing tim e, because InIn ththe e laalast ween have committed acts thattha rests for robbery, >0 o f4 ^m In the-p4vlo?l3^^‘ *’‘«*^Uuj B ' ~^uveaile delinquency for iquency has consptuted defacemeritit -or de- , Persons under 18 are... resp tlm*, Nobody came_to _her i vast recruiting pool for the crlm- his new sports car:ar and stole decade Juvenile delinquency ha slstant and nobody telephoii popuJatioQ of the tJU n l^ ‘■he Jalopy. ' ' Increased twice as fastfast asaa ththe structlon of property. slble for 24 per cent rt of the police untU Miss Oer 5 oya nu liito3 erlmo aa i> —Bome peninni try_f toIn rxoralnex chili, popul^op.. ______Law enforcement officerscers woulcwould rests for aggravate assai -thnt time Qne form of this U mum P “ «ue to cariir BS enTly as M -yeofsy.eafa 0 ot aga. -ii—a.niav hv «avlng automobiles autom, shoveling snw andt)d roowmmbwlhg -pB »lad to »em «-for t.hnt tiT»« ^ . muratag. The V. S. thlldren's bureau says have a natural fascinatioiiclnaHon -tor^iavfns once wer*' popUllir''memilUlttT' tneuiia ttf— offetiWi— W hat— rilsTniirngfin.foiirnoeii an offense wHieiri5~growtng- < if child cun pass age 15 wllh- teen-agers, BUt theyy IgnoreIgnon the for boys to -cam pocket:ket money:mohej them Is that moro childrenIren even every., which Is frightening "em sew ave learned day deliberately choose>■ crime ai as" jhany cities off the streetsitreets aftera «"ed or callfilis Is a question ' out gettInK Into troublejuble It ts a- fact th a t boyfi and1 girls work xoo many of them have leame. shall leave ^ the psychologls triumph for d order:order; their way through Uie

    ELIAS PBESTOJJITOri DUBIDUBBIN . . . bean dealer•r In Twin Palto J . for the PM,t « ?years, '» « • who died M Monday, will be honorftl honor«( ar ■ final ritniTit *S p.m. Friday Frtdj In ■ the Twin FSnr-mortuairj.r-mortuairj cchap- ■ el. wllh the Re»..ev. Emeat Has- ^ aelblad otflclatlnt.ling.______' • w A rea Legioir e g i o n f T ] T alk C! ontes o n . t e s t Is Schedulei d u l e d ^ IRD DElEALERRANIINUAL ■ PAUU J>Vb.-23—Arrnrujet13—Arrangeitlents a/e beln* completedeted for thothe fifth ( iL I dfttrict oratoricalal contest ito bo held 8 p m . Wednesday ednesday atal the __ . ' Paul Legion postt and auxiliary.auxllli participant* will•111 be high »schofll .. aludents from Burley. RiRupert, Klmberiy. PUer.. Eden-HazeltonEdcn-Haj and Paul. - Con tea tan t« will deliverde) i n n n ^ cpeechea from thehe theme, ’"Con- atltutlon of the United BUtes—Bt« Your* to Defend."d." and * four- minute extemporaneouairaneoua talktnl on an amendment to tho comconstltu- tlon. According to Rex Ra-smi:Rasmus.-ien. contest chairman,nn, this Is the first time tho annual dldistrict contcst haa been;n held In this urea. The fifth dlstrlot-Includes dlstrlot -Uuj , 10 toiwiu throughouthout the easternea part of Maglo Valley.alley. I The winner of thothe contealcontest will j compete with theis fourth fo urth districtdt ] 3 f winner. Roamuasenlen said a Magic^ Valley contestantIt may vie for honors which mightlight take them -----to- ttts —lUkttoinU.-.c o n te st...... Special,Sc.savings onn thistl brand- All participantsIts will rereceive ]d-new’655 FFord,speci certificates from the Legion, and Bcial- I k apeclal gtft will111 be pres

    S oviet U iiio]

    A ide B lastsl a s t s f.. h II v ' K h r u s h c h e v UOSCX>W, Peb. 33 ttm)—Soviet mw>—a defense minister Marshal RodionRc Malinovsky yesterday«rday Indirect-Indli ly accused his formerorm €r ootnfnAn*rcomn der-ln-chlef, Nlkltaklta 8 S.. Khru-K • ahohev, of being' Impetuous, su- ^ perflcl^ and a hare-brained hare-bra 'vS •chem er. It waa tha firstrst public t ^ ment that Mallnovs)^lovs)^ has i!Aode . 1^ on the ouster of B:hruahchevB^hruahchev last October. Speaking at aI red army an- \ I'V' niversary meetingng Malinovsky, Malino' V I \ iii-n"''n‘"iTn- dearly and can causcause lr- reparable damase." Malinovsky wasu repeating words of the Indictment communist partyJ Secretary Mil- hnll Suslov had u.ied on Oc when he crltlclaeded KhrushcKhrushchev's leadership and forcedforced his rreslg- nation. Mallno\-!5Sy 'jpnce was an Klirushchev's cioaeato a ^ t frlendjfriends. He owed his appointmenttm ent to thethi de-' posed pretnler, who"who~Ht»de nlade him defen.ie nimlsterr In-ln_ 1957 after , ‘“Marshal Oeorge;b Zhukov had- J been remiJfVrd. \ TeGAL XDVERTISEMiE^TISEMENTS SPECECIAL EQUIPME NOTICK TO0 BIDDERS ^ MENTINCLUDESDES: Th»- Purvhwlnchaslnc A AcrntkttiI will I T l I IC r»rriv* hJfU Klat hU offlr*.€>t(lr*. Ronta W I U I q C Z2!>. Stat* Hous*. Botsa. 4 •▼anabl* t^a Stata riare ud luxury with alhvinyl■vinyl pQ , Av«nt*a Offlf*. ■ . Tha Stata r^aerraa tha na\t interior FOR HIS^PECI/^ i«ct aar .or all hid*. trior'^(see inset) • Cut-pile door-to-dr-to-door carpeting • TED CRAXfRTl ng • CIAL LOW Stata Purt“K**inrf*"X Pnhll^hr FfK Sl. 12. Specialcially low-priced power po\ steering.optior NbtlCK TO'BtDOElU^ Dption • Specially low- SELLING PRI Tha St*^< FurfhaJihf Ar*n) f^eive btda atmt hU offJc# Offjca. lu.,awin KD *r li U cG C U d Cc - _ 225. Stala Hooar. Boi»a, Idaho until; ^ ed air-conditioningg optionop (onl>Twi!frV-8 P R IC ^ ^ ll AM — March 12. 1941 f.i ft V-8) • See your Ford ______following: TB 417 — f •dairy prodUeta for th« Toban - Dealer hoapital au Goodin*.w Um Idaho. Tob.rti.wu AI ler for his low, lowm sellings price. But hu ba fuMlely »». I^bo. and All r* hiJt ut hurry-offer limited!lited I I th» abow^tlfl^aod»i pUeaw Pl«ct I ■ Forma imfHr «on