5.1 The Origins of

Judaism  Developed more than 3000 years ago. First religion based on 1 God (right and wrong).  Helped shape other religions and Islam The Early  practiced , Israelites and the people were created in God’s image. Worship of One Based on ethics. God  Teaching became Judaism, (one of the world’s oldest religions) Sources  Origins of religion came from the ’s  The story of Abraham, God told him to leave his home and travel to (promised land) The Patriarchs  Abraham, Isaac and Founders  Jacob (renamed Israel) had 12 sons. They became known as the Israelites.  The story of the patriarchs was passed down for hundreds of years before finally being written in the Torah. The Exodus Famine in Canaan, so Israelites moved to Egypt. (great supplies of Grain) Pharaoh didn’t like the Israelites because they become so numerous. He enslaved them and made to do harsh work (farming/construction)

Moses  Adopted by the Pharaoh’s family.  God appeared to Moses and told him to rescue his people from slavery, but the Pharaoh refused  Terrible hardships that God put on Egyptians included sickness and swarms of insects, but the Pharaoh refused.  Last punishment the death of every firstborn son. Israelites son would survive if they marked doorway with lamb’s blood, finally, Pharaoh said yes.  The escape from slavery is called the Exodus. Each year celebrate Passover to commemorate God freeing them.

The Desert  Around 1200BC Experience  Israelites lived in the desert for 40 years.  God preparing them for life in the promised land, (instructions, worship, objects)  It was a hard life and they questioned Moses and God however if they obeyed Gods command they would be provided for. (water/food)

The 10  During the Israelites journey they commandments stopped at Mount Sinai. Moses met with God and he gave him 10 commandments.

Laws for Living  Told them how to behave toward God and one another

The Impact  Believe that each person is created in the image of god. People should do what is right. (ethics) Return to the  Moses died before reaching the Promised Land Promised Land. Joshua took his place as leader.  They conquered and took over areas of Canaan. (including Jericho) The tribes settled in different areas of Canaan. They kept their identity and believed in the teaching of the Torah.

Vocabulary Words: Monotheism, Ethics, Torah, Covenant, Exodus, Commandment