THE HALIFAX FIELD NATURALIST No. 130 March to Ma y, 2008 In Thi s Issue 2 HFN Field Trips 12 News & Anno unce me nts 3 Alma nac 17 Special Reports 5 Hfx Tid e Ta ble: April to June 19 HFN Talks 9 Nature Notes 20 Return add ress:HF N, c/o NS Museum of Natural History, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax, NS, B3H 3A6 Is incorporate d und er the Nova Scotia HFN ADDRESS Societies Act and holds Halifax Field Natura li sts, c/o N.S. Museum of Natu ral H F N Registere d Charity status with History, 1747 Summer St., Halifax,N.S., B3H 3A6 Canada Revenue Agency. Ta x-credita ble receipts will be Em ail :
[email protected] a iss ued for individual and corporate gifts. HFN is an affi liate of Webs ite: ch ebuct o.o rg Nature Canada and an organisational mem ber of Nature NS NNSADDRESS (Fede ration of Nova Scotia Naturalists), the provincial umbrella Nat ure Nova Scotia, c/o N.S. Museum of Natural History, 1747 association for naturalist groups in Nova Scotia. Ob jectiv es Summer St., Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3A6 are to encourage a greater app reciation and understand ing of Email: doug (Doug Linzey, FNSN secretary Nova Scotia 's natural history, both with in the membership of and Newsletter Editor) HFN and in the public at large, and to represent the interests of Website: naturens.c a naturalists by encour aging the conservatio n of Nova Sco tia's natural resources.