Published OnlineFirst December 18, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-2291 Review Research

New Perspectives, Opportunities, and Challenges in Exploring the Human Kinome Leah J. Wilson1, Adam Linley2, Dean E. Hammond1, Fiona E. Hood1, Judy M. Coulson1, David J. MacEwan3, Sarah J. Ross4, Joseph R. Slupsky2, Paul D. Smith4, Patrick A. Eyers5, and Ian A. Prior1


The human protein kinome comprises 535 that, with physiologic and pathologic mechanisms remain at least par- the exception of approximately 50 pseudokinases, control intra- tially obscure. By curating and annotating data from the liter- cellular signaling networks by catalyzing the ature and major public databases of phosphorylation sites, of multiple protein substrates. While a major research focus of , and disease associations, we generate an unbiased the last 30 years has been cancer-associated Tyr and Ser/Thr resource that highlights areas of unmet need within the kinases, over 85% of the kinome has been identified to be kinome. We discuss strategies and challenges associated with dysregulated in at least one disease or developmental disorder. characterizing catalytic and noncatalytic outputs in cells, and Despite this remarkable statistic, for the majority of protein describe successes and new frontiers that will support more kinases and pseudokinases, there are currently no inhibitors comprehensive cancer-targeting and therapeutic evaluation in progressing toward the clinic, and in most cases, details of their the future. Cancer Res; 78(1); 1–15. 2017 AACR.

Introduction families based on statistical sequence analysis (2). Since publi- cation of this groundbreaking census, further kinome-wide Protein kinases, which are nearly all members of the eukaryotic appraisal has been undertaken from a variety of research angles protein (ePK) superfamily, represent a large and diverse (3–6). With recent estimates suggesting that phosphorylation family of that catalyze the context-dependent transfer of occurs on approximately 90% of proteins expressed in cultured the g-phosphate of ATP onto specific protein substrates. Modu- human cells (7), the contemporary relevance of kinome-wide lation of protein function by kinase-mediated phosphorylation of analysis remains extremely high. Furthermore, a recent wide- alcoholic side chains (Ser, Thr, and Tyr) underpins ranging protein phosphatase census confirms the presence of much of biological signaling, and kinase dysregulation is fre- 189 distinct human protein phosphatase (8). Together, quently associated with disease. Consequently, this protein super- protein kinases and phosphatases constitute an important regu- family has been the subject of increasingly intensive scrutiny ever latory force in signaling whose unequivocal medical relevance has since the first protein kinase activity () was now led to decades of successful pharmacologic intervention (9). characterized by Krebs and Fischer in 1955 (1). Important recent data also reveal widespread histidine phosphor- The first comprehensive survey of the human kinase comple- ylation in human cells, likely catalyzed by NME1 and 2 at ment by Manning and colleagues identified and classified 518 chemically distinct 1 and 3 positions of the imidazole ring to protein kinases, by grouping them into evolutionary related form chemically labile phosphoramidate bonds (10–12). This development implies the need for further technological inno-

1 vation to more comprehensively evaluate nonclassical cellular Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Institute of Translational phosphorylation, while providing a timely reminder of the Medicine, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom. 2Department of Clinical Cancer Medicine, Institute of Translational Medicine, University of - need for an unbiased analysis of poorly studied members of pool, Liverpool, United Kingdom. 3Department of Molecular and Clinical Phar- the human kinome to be prioritized. This will be important to macology, Institute of Translational Medicine, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, evaluate whether some of the newly annotated members of the United Kingdom. 4AstraZeneca, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge, kinome, for example, NME3-9 are bona fide protein kinases or 5 United Kingdom. Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Integrative Biology, pseudokinases. University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom. To support kinome analysis, several databases and online tools Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Cancer Research have been designed to take advantage of the significant develop- Online ( ments in mass spectrometry–based technology and technical Corresponding Author: Ian A. Prior, Institute of Translational Medicine, Univer- advances in kinase–substrate identification (13, 14). Together, sity of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, United Kingdom. Phone: 4415-1794-5332; these now permit deeper knowledge of various aspects of kinase Fax: 4415-1794-4434; E-mail: [email protected] biology to be compiled and connected. However, a key issue for doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-17-2291 both expert and nonexpert users of such databases is a general 2017 American Association for Cancer Research. lack of kinase naming conformity, which does not permit easy OF1

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Wilson et al.

L A TLK GC A t y K p T

C 2000 4000

Kinases A


CK1 1000 3000 5000 T






e Figure 1.

M h t


O C An overview of the protein kinome knowledgebase. The activity, cellular requirement, disease association, availability of protein structures and drugs, and research publications associated with each of the 535 members of the human protein kinome are displayed. Details and citations for sources of data are described in Supplementary Table S1.

Activity pseudokinase pST pSH pTY pY Essential 1–5 cell lines ≥6 cell lines Disease Cancer Cancer & other Other 3D structure Structure(s) available Drugs FDA approved Ph. 3 Ph. 2 Ph. 1 Ro5 experimental Knowledge base Publications

© 2017 American Association for Cancer Research

comparative kinome analysis. Up-to-date information on kinome be further subclassified on the basis of primary sequence into physiology, disease association, and progress in therapeutic tar- seven major ePK families: TK, TKL, STE, CK1, AGC, CAMK, and geting can readily be obtained from public databases (Fig. 1; CMGC (2). Eighty-one of the ePK superfamily represent sub- Table 1; Supplementary Table S1). Such resources can also be branches of the kinome dendrogram that do not fit within the mined to evaluate specialized "niche" kinome data that might seven major groups and are classified as "Other" (2). The RGC be important for rarer , a recent example being the complex kinase family, included in Fig. 1 and our datasets, has recently cellular landscape of -specific phospho-tyrosine (15). In been reclassified as a subgroup within the "Other" family this resource-based review, we have curated major insights from (KinBase: The remaining 56 non-ePK kinases these sources to provide a current, readily accessible, overview of within the kinome possess an atypical that important aspects of human kinome biology. has little sequence similarity to the main kinase superfamily, and their classification into distinct kinase subfamilies is probably more appropriate (16). However, proteins within this atypical Kinome Biology group have verified, or are predicted to maintain, kinase activity The human kinome consists of 535 distinct protein kinases based on biochemical experiments and/or structural analysis (2). (Supplementary Table S1; KinBase: A total of Intriguingly, both the atypical and other kinase families have an 479 kinases contain a recognized ePK catalytic domain, which can over-representation of kinases shown to be essential in at least 6 of

OF2 Cancer Res; 78(1) January 1, 2018 Cancer Research

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Human Protein Kinome Knowledgebase

Table 1. Kinase databases and resources Kinome ontology/overview KinBASE KinaseNET ProKinO Phosphorylation/kinase-substrate resources GPS 3.0 HPRD Phospho.ELM PHOSIDA PhoshoNET PhosphoNetworks PhosphoSitePlus RegPhos 2.0 Kinase drug sensitivity and affinity measurements canSAR 3.0 ChEMBL Drugbank DrugKiNET Kinase SARfari International centre for kinase profiling Disease associations COSMIC DECIPHER DISEASES TCGA UniProtKB NOTE: Links to currently available web resources are relevant to kinome and kinase biology.

the 11 cell lines used across three genome-wide studies of essential The 90 tyrosine kinases are particularly well served by FDA- genes (Fig. 1; refs. 17–19), in broad agreement with earlier approved inhibitors (Fig. 1). However, many of these compounds unbiased pioneering studies comparing siRNA-based near exhibit very broad specificity, including frequent nmol/L inhib- kinome-wide knockdown across human cell lines (20). Finally, itory potencies for "off-target" kinases lying outside of the TK some 52 kinase family members are believed to lack the appro- family (Fig. 1; Supplementary Tables S1 and S2). Among the non- priate catalytic machinery to efficiently phosphorylate standard TK families, only BRAF, MEK1, MEK2, CDK4/CDK6, and mTOR substrates. These pseudokinases are distributed across all of the have (knowingly) had drugs specifically developed toward them families of the kinome (Fig. 1), suggesting that an absence of that received FDA approval as of July 2017 (Table 1). An overt catalysis is not a formal barrier to the evolution of unique or focus on the kinases known to play critical roles in cancer etiology irreplaceable biological roles, nor the acquisition of cancer-asso- suggests that it is likely that the development of drugs (or even ciated signaling functions. Moreover, the existence of pseudoki- specific tool compounds) for the majority of the kinome still lie at nases within the kinomes of all eukaryotic organisms analyzed an early stage in development. Although this issue has been argues for increasingly nuanced evaluation procedures when the discussed previously (4), some 300 members of the kinome still biological roles of kinase-dependent and independent functions do not have any inhibitors that have entered a clinical trial and of all kinome members are assessed experimentally. >200 do not have any publicly available structural information Deep proteomic analysis of 23 different mammalian cell available to assist in drug design (Fig. 1; Supplementary Table S1). lines has revealed that cells often contain at least 300 different This is an important area of unmet need, because the availability kinases (21–25). However, the overview of published data of selective inhibitors has a significant impact on understanding (Fig. 1) illustrates that the major research focus has been on the function of the target kinase. Integration of text mining, tyrosine kinases (TK) and a select few other kinases that manually curated disease– association databases, cancer are critical for promoting cell proliferation and survival. mutation data, and genome-wide association studies reveals that For example, the 12 principle kinase nodes within the >85% of the kinome is associated with at least one disease or EGFR/ERBB2-MAP kinase signaling network together with AKT developmental disorder that can arguably only be best addressed family members account for almost 20% of the approximately or validated by the use of selective inhibitors (Supplementary 120,000 kinome publications. In contrast, half of the kinome Table S1;; refs. 26, 27). still only accounts for only approximately 5% of research publications (Supplementary Table S1). The kinases that have been most studied nearly all have conserved, rate-limiting, Active Kinases and Pseudokinases roles in normal vertebrate cell biology and exhibit significant Protein kinase domains consist of a small N-terminal lobe that associations with diseases and/or developmental disorders, is predominantly responsible for coordinating ATP binding and a which has helped prioritize their pharmaceutical evaluation. large C-terminal lobe that makes a major contribution to protein Consequently, most have now been successfully targeted by substrate binding and catalysis of phosphorylation (28). The chemical inhibitors that have secured FDA approval or reached mechanistic basis for the process of phosphorylation by kinases an advanced stage of clinical trial. is described in detail elsewhere (29). Regulation of protein kinase Cancer Res; 78(1) January 1, 2018 OF3

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Wilson et al.

activity occurs via multiple posttranslational modifications (PTM; interpret this information in terms of cell physiology. Advances in most notably phosphorylation), autoinhibition, binding to a quantitative experimental strategies, sample methodologies, and regulatory partner, which can include both activator and inhibitor targeted mass spectrometric sensitivity mean that in a typical proteins and/or changes in expression (29, 30). One or more of experiment, >10,000 phospho-sites can routinely be identified these mechanisms are employed by most kinases to promote or from low milligram quantities of starting material (46). The most stabilize an active conformation and support ATP and substrate- commonly used enrichment strategies use metal oxides such as binding capabilities of the protein kinase domain (28). TiO2, which are highly specific for most phosphopeptides (47). Nonenzymatic members of the human kinome, exemplified by However, such approaches can result in relatively poor sampling the pseudokinases, have now emerged as important areas of of the phospho-tyrosine (pTyr) pool; therefore, anti-pTyr anti- fundamental research. Approximately 50 human pseudokinases body-based enrichment is typically employed to evaluate this less (31) have been cataloged and assigned to the pseudokinase abundant modification (47). Effective sampling of this subset is group, consistently representing approximately 10% of genes particularly important given the dominant role of tyrosine kinases found in vertebrate kinomes (Supplementary Table S1; refs. 2, in controlling early events in signaling that are frequently dysre- 32). Despite exhibiting low or zero levels of catalytic output when gulated in diseases such as cancer (48, 49). An important technical assayed biochemically, pseudokinases can sometimes still bind challenge will be the development of advanced analytic physiologic concentrations of and so retain the ability approaches to sample the extent and positional distribution of to act as molecular signaling switches functioning in cells through acid-labile, rare, substoichiometric and combinatorial phosphor- druggable -induced transitions that are of particular interest ylation in human cells. For example, site-specific His phosphor- for pharmaceutical design approaches (33, 34). Pseudokinases ylation in human cells has only recently been recognized exper- can also actively control the catalytic output of enzymes by either imentally (12). Analogous to the importance of pTyr antibodies in allosteric modulation, competition for substrate binding, reloca- the race to decode the biological role of pTyr, the availability of lization of active partner enzymes, or via scaffolding and integra- high-affinity mAbs targeting 1 and 3-phosphorylated His (11) tion of distinct signaling pathways (32). Prominent examples are and improved mass spectrometry workflows (50) have signif- HER3/ERBB3, which is a major HER2 signaling partner in tumor icant potential to simplify this challenge. Further targeted and cells, and a central modulator of cancer cell drug resistance that discovery-based proteomics approaches will also be critical to acts as a scaffold to induce and maintain PtdIns-3-kinase (PI3K) understand how combinations of PTMs together make up activity (35, 36) and KSR1 and KSR2 in the EGFR-Ras-MAP kinase signaling codes and can be successfully targeted for therapeutic pathway that act as scaffolds to regulate the signaling activity, intervention. through allosteric interactions, of their respective catalytically Five percent to 20% of phospho-sites exhibit regulated changes active RAF relatives (37, 38). Data mining has confirmed that in large-scale experiments (51–53), while fewer than 2% (5330 mutated or overexpressed pseudokinases are associated with phospho-sites) have known regulatory consequences for their many human diseases, including cancers (32, 39). A major target proteins (44). This primitive understanding about the challenge in the future will be to harness the insights from the functional consequences, or stoichiometry, of >98% of phosphor- development of clinical kinase inhibitors to target the wide range ylation extends to challenging questions about whether low level of atypical conformations that define disease-associated variants "noise" in signaling is unimportant for systems-level analysis of pseudokinases and signaling active, but enzymatically inactive, because it is driven by inefficient protein kinase enzymology. canonical kinases. This illustrates the scale of the challenge for generating broad The nonenzymatic mechanisms of pseudokinase regulation of mechanistic insight from phospho-proteomic datasets. Indeed, kinase partner protein function are also exhibited by catalytically an important regulatory target of kinase activity is other protein active kinases, such as RAF and AURKA (40), and this should be kinases; 993 of the curated regulatory phospho-sites are found on borne in mind when seeking to understand responses to targeted kinases and there is a clear enrichment for pTyr in regulating therapies. For example, RAF inhibitors can in certain cellular activity (Fig. 2). Details of known regulatory kinase contexts promote transactivation of RAF dimers and explain phosphorylation sites are provided in Supplementary Table S1. paradoxical activation of RAF signaling in cells (41, 42). It remains Other major regulatory functions of phosphorylation are in likely that nonenzymatic mechanisms of signaling are often modulation of localization, interactions, and protein stability to unknowingly being drugged with clinical agents; a further key influence the dynamics and context of protein function (Fig. 2) goal for the future will be to establish the contribution of inactive and all are suitable for therapeutic manipulation (54–56). and nonenzyme mechanisms to signaling, and to target them more appropriately in patients. Kinase–Substrate Relationships Figure 2 and Supplementary Table S3 curate 301 experimen- Protein Phosphorylation tally determined protein kinase consensus sequences highlighting The expansion of the "basic" cellular proteome configuration the five broad categories of kinase recognition motifs utilizing (43) through reversible multisite protein phosphorylation con- combinations of acidic, basic, hydrophobic, pro, and prepho- stitutes an enormous challenge for the rapidly maturing phospho- sphorylated Ser or Thr residues adjacent to the target residue proteomics field. Almost 250,000 human Ser/Thr/Tyr phospho- (57, 58). In general, many tyrosine kinases prefer adjacent acidic sites have now been experimentally identified and curated from and hydrophobic residues while Ser/Thr kinases typically phos- the available proteomic literature and in-house phospho-prote- phorylate residues adjacent to basic motifs or pro residues. omic datasets by PhosphoSitePlus (Fig. 2;; However, it is important to note that not all substrates contain ref. 44). A typical cell might in fact contain twice this number of linear consensus sequences and instead rely on noncontiguous modified residues (7, 45) and we are now in a strong position to sequence being brought together during protein folding or after

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Human Protein Kinome Knowledgebase

Phosphosite census Kinase consensus motifs Human phosphosites Gene name Group –7–6–5–4–3–2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 total AKT1 AGC PDPK1 AGC PRKACA AGC 17% PRKCA AGC PRKCD AGC PRKG1 AGC 25% 58% CAMK2A CAMK CHEK2 CAMK PIM1 CAMK PRKAA1 CAMK 223,902 sites STK11 CAMK CSNK1D CK1 pSer pThr pTyr CDK1 CMGC Figure 2. CDK5 CMGC Phosphorylation and kinase GSK3B CMGC consensus motifs. Almost 250,000 MAPK1 CMGC phospho-sites have been Regulatory phosphosites AURKB Other experimentally detected within the total IKBKB Other human proteome, although less than Other 3% have a known functional effect on Other the target protein (data curated from MAP2K2 STE PAK1 STE; ref. 44). RAF1 TKL Curation of 301 experimentally RIPK2 TKL determined kinases consensus motifs TGFBR2 TKL (Supplementary Table S2; refs. 57, 58) highlight the differences in adjacent WEE1 Other MAP2K2 STE charged, bulky, and hydrophobic 5,330 sites ABL2 TK residue requirements for tyrosine BTK TK versus serine/threonine CSK TK phosphorylation. Motifs are indicated EGFR TK  Kinase phosphosites if they represent 30% of the types of FGFR2 TK amino acids observed in that position FYN TK on the substrates phosphorylated by IGF1R TK the indicated kinase. Amino acids are JAK2 TK indicated if they were specifically LCK TK observed 20% of the time (small LYN TK letter) or 50% of the time (large MET TK letter). PDGFRB TK PTK2 TK RET TK 993 sites SRC TK SYK TK YES1 TK Altered activity ZAP70 TK Altered localisation Protein interactions Protein stability Acidic Basic Neutral Other Ser/Thr Kink Hydrophobic

© 2017 American Association for Cancer Research

conformational changes (59). The extent to which different (Supplementary File S1). For example, included within the phos- combinations of PTMs might change kinase or phosphatase pho-proteome profiler are 20,266 experimentally verified kinase– substrate specificity is also unclear and concerted effort to under- substrate relationships curated from major studies (44, 58, stand the coexistence and combinatorial regulation of PTMs in 62–65). Interestingly, 80% of kinases within the dataset cells remains a high priority for the kinome field (60, 61). phosphorylate 50 substrates and 90% of phospho-sites are Phospho-proteomic analysis will be a key driver of knowledge targets of 6 kinases. While some kinases, such as the dual in this area. To support rapid "first pass" analysis of phospho- specificity kinases MAP2K1/MAP2K2, are believed to have a very proteomic datasets we have generated an instructive phospho- restricted substrate pool, in general these numbers are certainly proteome profiler that provides an overview of potential kinase significant underestimates of cellular kinase activity as <5% of regulators of specific phospho-sites and highlights all known known phospho-sites and <80% of kinases are included within regulatory and disease associated sites within a submitted dataset the dataset. This reflects the sampling bias due to the focus of most Cancer Res; 78(1) January 1, 2018 OF5

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studies on particular members of the kinome (highlighted linked to various genetic and signaling cancer hallmarks, while in Fig. 1). An example of how extensive the substrate pool 230 potentially play a role in the development of other diseases could be for many kinases is seen with the very well-studied and developmental disorders (Supplementary Table S1). Exam- MAPK1 for which over 850 substrates have already been iden- ples where gain or loss of kinase function might underlie "non- tified (Supplementary File S1). cancer" diseases include PINK1 and LRRK2, which function in To circumvent the paucity of coverage of kinase–substrate mitophagy pathways associated with Parkinson disease (95). relationships, researchers have focused on predictive tools based DYRK1A catalytic activity is required for neuronal development on kinase consensus motifs and other contextual information to and overexpression is associated with Down syndrome while infer putative kinase regulators of phospho-sites (65–75). Cellu- haplo-insufficiency causes microcephaly (96). Truncating and lar context is particularly important when predicting signaling missense mutations of TTN cause cardiomyopathy (97), while interactions, yet this is rarely included in database annotations deletion of the FAM20C gene (the bona-fide "casein kinase" with the notable exception of the PHOSIDA database (76). This is responsible for generating the phosphorylated secretome) results now starting to change and the latest iterations of predictive tools in bone dysplasia due to loss of phosphorylation of extracellular integrate dynamic changes in phospho-proteome or interactome proteins required for biomineralization (98). However, the causal data with kinase consensus motif information to improve pre- role of the majority of kinases in specific diseases is unclear even dictions of likely kinase regulators (66, 77). when considering the roles of human kinases in cancer, where Characterizing dynamic changes in kinome activity is necessary most attention has been focused. For example, while the Sanger to understand network contributions to normal cell activity or Cancer Gene Census (CGC) identified the kinase domain as the rewiring in response to therapeutic interventions. The occupancy most frequently encoded domain in "cancer genes" (99), the CGC of phosphorylation often changes markedly and rapidly when database currently identifies only 58 kinases where mutations are unstimulated and stimulated cells are compared side-by-side causally associated with cancer. (7, 78). While in vitro kinome profiling is extensively used The role of mutations or copy number changes as drivers or for assessing drug specificity and sensitivity (79), the capacity for passengers in disease can be hard to discern particularly when cellular kinome profiling remains much more challenging at the mutated at low frequency. The advent of widespread cancer proteomic level. Most studies utilize combinations of gene expres- genome sequencing has provided large datasets that, together sion profiling, gene set enrichment analysis, kinome-wide chemo- with statistical analysis that accounts for mutational heterogene- genetic screens, reverse-phase protein arrays or kinase antibody ity, means cancer drivers can be more accurately identified arrays to infer changes in kinase activity and network responses. (100, 101). MutSigCV analysis measures whether the observed Recently developed proteomic approaches offer some interesting mutation frequency for a given gene differs from background rates complementary alternatives. Quantotypic peptides have been for the cancer type and the local sequence context (100). These identified that allow accurate quantitation of the relative protein data together with measurements of copy number alterations expression levels of approximately 20% of the kinome (80). (CNA) are collated on The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA; Broad-spectrum kinase inhibitors immobilized on beads can be and the kinome subset is curated used to enrich kinases from cell lysates for proteomic analysis and in Supplementary Table S4. relative profiling of protein expression levels or drug sensitivity Kinases (122) out of a total pool of 3,341 genes exhibit (81–86). This approach has been claimed to be sensitive to kinase significant mutation rates (q  0.1, Benjamini–Hochberg; activation state across at least 75% of kinome and tyrosine kinases MutSigCV) and/or copy number changes (5% patients) in mediating drug resistance in cancer have been identified using this at least one of the 25 TCGA cancer datasets studied. Tyrosine method (87–90). However, while it is likely able to report the kinases and TKL family members are over-represented among protein expression levels of many kinases, the ability to differen- the significantly mutated subset comprising 67 kinases that tially enrich for active versus inactive kinases is likely to be highly contribute half of all of the observations across the tumor types context dependent and has not yet been formally verified beyond (Fig. 3; Supplementary Table S4). Importantly, due to the a small number of well-studied tyrosine kinases (91). incomplete understanding of kinome biology, we have not Finally, the integration of proteomics and large-scale kinase been able to comprehensively discriminate between gain- or activity screening approaches with genomic and transcriptomic loss-of-function mutations or silent mutations and therefore datasets is essential for systems-level understanding of kinome present the gross rates rather than values adjusted for known networks and their contributions to normal biology and diseases functional effects. such as cancer (92–94). The need for improved computational A selection of the most mutated or copy number altered methods for integrating and deciphering the multi-omic cancer kinases are depicted in Fig. 3. The heterogeneous mutational/ datasets has been recognized by recent proteogenomics funding CNA landscape across tumor types becomes apparent with, for initiatives from the National Cancer Institute and others. While example, kidney cancers (KIRC and KIRP) harboring very few the paucity of understanding of node regulation and biological mutations, whereas lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) exhibits consequences across kinome networks described above illustrates high rates of mutation and copy number variations. With the the scale of the challenge, multiomics analysis and systems-level exception of a few well-known such as BRAF, KIT, understanding will be critical for developing personalized med- EGFR, and FLT3, kinases are typically significantly mutated at icine approaches. low frequencies. However, tumors can contain combinations from a selection of up to 58 different kinases exhibiting fi Kinome Disease Association signi cant rates of mutation compared with background. Nota- bly, important kinase effectors of oncogenic pathways such Over 450 kinases have been implicated in the development or as AKT2, MAP2K1, MAPK1, and MAPK3 are rarely mutated progression of diseases (26). Notably, 448 of these have been above background levels despite central rate-limiting roles in

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Human Protein Kinome Knowledgebase


16 13 20 3 13 19 13 2 3 36 54 17 47 43 54 9 51 62 34 26

Unchanged Significantly mutated and/or copy number alterations (CNA)

Tumor type (TCGA provisional)

Figure 3. ACC BLCA BRCA CESC CHOL COAD DLBC ESCA GBM HNSC KIRC KIRP LAML LIHC LUAD OV PAAD PRAD SKCM STAD TGCT THCA UCEC UVM LUSC Mutation and copy number alteration ACC adrenocortical adenocarcinoma ABL2 BLCA bladder urothelial carcinoma frequencies of kinases in selected ACVR2A BRCA breast invasive carcinoma human cancers. Tyrosine kinases and AKT1 CESC cervical squamous and endocervical AKT2 CHOL cholangiocarcinoma -like (TKL) family AKT3 COAD colon adenocarcinoma members disproportionately exhibit ATM DLBC ESCA esophageal carcinoma copy number alterations (CNA) ATR GBM glioblastoma multiforme representing amplifications (dark blue) AURKA HNSC head and neck squamous carcinoma BRAF KIRC kidney renal clear cell carcinoma or deletions (light blue) and/or CDK4 KIRP kidney renal papillary cell carcinoma significant mutation rates (red) CDK6 LAML acute myeloid LIHC liver hepatocellular carcinoma compared with other major kinome CDK12 DDR2 LUAD lung adenocarcinoma families. Circle size indicates the LUSC lung squamous cell carcinoma EGFR OV ovarian cystadenocarcinoma percentage of patients exhibiting CNA EPHA2 PAAD pancreatic adenocarcinoma or mutations. Values at the bottom of EPHA6 PRAD prostate adenocarcinoma EPHB3 SKCM skin cutaneous melanoma the table indicate the number of kinases ERBB2 STAD stomach adenomcarcinoma showing 5% CNA and/or significant ERBB3 TGCT testicular germ cell tumors mutation rates (MutSigCV v0.9, q  0.1; FGFR1 THCA thyroid carcinoma FGFR2 UCEC uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma false discovery rate, Benjamini– UVM uveal melanoma FGFR3 Hochberg procedure; ref. 100) in at least FLT3 % of patients one TCGA cancer type. The bubble plot IKBKB CNA or mutated highlights a subset of cancer relevant IKBKE INSRR 2–5 kinases, including many of the most JAK2 5–10 mutated and/or copy number–altered KDR 10–15 kinases within the kinome. The results KIT here are in part based upon data MAP2K1 MAP2K4 15–25 generated by the TCGA Research MAP3K1 Network (http://cancergenome.nih. MAP3K13 >25 gov/) and available via http://fire MET MTOR Deleted Log q PDGFRA 10 PIM1 80:20 >–1 PRKCI PRKDC 50:50 –3 PTK2 STK11 20:80 <–5 TGFBR2 WNK1 Amplified kinome 4201116 615 170 44 11 42 1 6 Sig. mut. and/or ≥5% CNA 23 8 20 21 20 0 12 23 25 25 3 13

© 2017 American Association for Cancer Research

proliferation and , illustrating the focus of most genes such as and PIK3CA rather than a direct cancer role. perturbations on kinases initiating network responses. Despite these challenges, potentially intriguing patterns of copy The role of copy number alterations as cancer drivers or number change are observed. For example, the specific amplifica- passengers is even more challenging to ascertain. Confounding tions of WNK1 in testicular cancer (TGCT) and PIM1 in uveal factors include the focal nature of the amplicon and heterogeneity melanoma (UVM) are observed against backgrounds of excep- of the amplification, that is, not all regions of the tumor are tionally low rates of genetic alterations (Fig. 3). These are anal- amplified (102). This means that amplification as biomarkers for ogous to the patterns of mutation seen with driver oncogenes such patient selection are not binary like point mutations. A bona fide as FLT3 in acute myeloid leukemia (LAML; ref. 104), and may example of cancer-driving amplification is observed with ERBB2, indicate a specific driver contribution in these cancer types. which contributes to an aggressive phenotype in To summarize, while 122 kinases exhibit significant rates of (103). However, there are 11 other kinases that show equivalent mutation and 78 kinases exhibit appreciable levels of copy or greater levels of amplification in the BRCA dataset that have not number alterations (5% of patients) in at least one of the broad been evaluated for their contribution to breast cancer. Similarly, cross-section of cancer types in our dataset, only a subset of these MAP3K13, PRKCI, and PTK2 show high frequencies of amplifi- are likely to reflect a direct "driver" contribution. The lack of cation in a broad cross-section of cancers that most likely reflects certainty even when considering something as intensively studied their genomic positions adjacent to frequently amplified onco- as human cancer signaling, most likely reflects the relentless focus Cancer Res; 78(1) January 1, 2018 OF7

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Wilson et al.

Chemical inhibitors Approved Target(s) mAb inhibitors Approved Target(s) Sirolimus 1999 MTOR 1998 anti-ERBB2 Gefitinib 2002 EGFR 2006 anti-EGFR 2002 BCR-ABL, KIT, DDR1 2009 anti-EGFR 2005 EGFR, GAK 2012 anti-ERBB2 2005 many inc, RAF kinases 2014 anti-KDR 2006 SRC family and others 2015 anti-EGFR 2006 tyrosine kinases and others 2016 anti-PDGFR 2007 EGFR, ERBB2 Agonists Approved Target(s) 2007 BCR-ABL, DDR1 1920s, 1982 INSR 2007 MTOR 1997 PDGFR 2009 MTOR 2004 FGFR2 2009 PDGFR, KIT, VEGFR 2005 IGF1R Figure 4. 2011 VEGFR, MET, RET, KIT Linaclotide 2012 GUCY2C 2011 ALK, ROS1, MET, LCK, etc FDA-approved kinome therapeutics. Ligand modulators Approved Target(s) Icotinib 2011 EGFR Generic names of kinase inhibitors or 2011 JAKs, TYK2 2004 anti-VEGF modulators, the year of FDA approval 2004 anti-VEGF 2011 EGFR, VEGFR for therapeutic use, and their major 2006 anti-VEGF 2011 BRAF mutant, RAF1 kinase targets are described. The Aflibercept 2011 anti-VEGF 2012 VEGFR, PDGFR, KIT, etc majority of chemical inhibitors are 2012 VEGFR, PDGFR FDA approved chemical inhibitors thought to be relatively promiscuous 2012 RTKs, SRC family kinases etc 1–3 targets ≥10 targets at therapeutic doses, permitting the 2012 VEGFR, TIE2, KIT, RET, etc same drugs to be used in distinct Tofacitinib 2012 JAK2, JAK3 Bafetinib kinase-driven disease indications, but Afatinib 2013 EGFR, ERBB2, ERBB4 Erlotinib Bosutinib 2013 tyrosine kinases and others Crizotinib enhancing the risk of "off-target" Gefitnib 28% 2013 BRAF, RAF1 34% Dasatinib effects such as kinase (or nonkinase)- Icotinib 2013 BTK, EGFR associated cell cytotoxicity. Lapatinib 2013 MAP2K1, MAP2K2 Ponatinib Tofacitinib Bafetinib 2014 BCR-ABL, LYN, FYN 38% Sunitinib Ceritinib 2014 ALK, INSR, IGF1R Nintedanib 2014 tyrosine kinases and others 4–9 targets 2015 ALK Cabozantinib Lenvatinib 2015 MAP2K1 Ibrutinib Regorenib 2015 mutant RGFR Imatinib Ruxolitinib 2015 CDK4, CDK6 (≤50nM IC /K ) 2017 FLT3, KIT 50 D

© 2017 American Association for Cancer Research

on only a subset of commonly mutated or studied kinases and the fewer than 5% of the almost 1,600 drugs that have received FDA general lack of understanding of the full consequences of gain or approval to date (3, 107, 108). Interestingly, 235 kinases are loss of canonical functions of a kinase. The challenge here is established primary targets of inhibitors that have entered phase I exemplified by recent studies that showed that kinase-dead BRAF clinical trials. A further 127 kinases are known targets of exper- and loss of function mutations in PKC are both oncogenic imental compounds that broadly satisfy Lipinski principles, that (105, 106). Although we may well have identified many of the some, but not all, kinase-directed small molecules obey (Supple- major kinase players in human primary cancers, to fully devel- mentary Table S2; ref. 109). The first to be op personalized medicine approaches, the contributory role of approved for treatment was the ROCK inhibitor Fasudil in 1995 in all kinases in patient subpopulations will have to be fully Japan and China; however, it was a further 4 years before the characterized. This will include improved focus on kinases that mechanistically unique mMTORC1 complex inhibitor sirolimus, currently lack good chemical biology tools, and on validating also known as rapamycin (110), became the first kinase inhibitor and modulating protein kinases that drive metastatic program- to receive FDA approval. Since 1999, and spurred-on by the ming. Similarly, there are many key regulators of kinase biology breakthrough efficacy of imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia (e.g., KRAS, PTEN, PIK3CB, GNAQ, NF1) that represent chal- (CML) and then gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) patients, a lenging but important contemporary targets or biomarkers for further 35 small-molecule kinase inhibitors have received FDA therapeutic development. The importance of targeting dysre- approval as of August 2017 (Fig. 4). The majority target tyrosine gulated or mutated protein kinases in diseases with the highest kinases and are prescribed for cancer therapeutics, although oral levels of human morbidity, such as heart disease, chronic dual JAK1/2 inhibitors bucked this trend, following approval of obstructive pulmonary disorder, acute infection, and dementia, ruxolitinib for myelofibrosis in 2015 and tofacitinib for rheuma- should also not be forgotten. toid arthritis in 2016 (111). A second group of agents targeting kinases are represented by humanized mAbs, which target the extracellular domains of tyrosine kinases to prevent Kinome Therapeutics ligand binding and/or promote antibody-dependent immune Although kinases are targets for approximately 15% of the cell-mediated toxicity (112). Antibody-mediated approaches to compounds collated in ChEMBL v.21, they currently represent kinome therapeutics are likely to define the continuing marriage

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of technology with biologics, encompassing combination anti- polypharmacology is very important. A case in point is that body therapies with small-molecule kinase inhibitors (113). The many kinase inhibitors exhibit cardiotoxicity through induc- final group of current kinome therapeutics comprises the ligands tion of long QT syndrome (124). The publicly available data to and ligand modulators. The only member of this group that does assess target specificity of chemical inhibitors is not compre- not target a is linaclotide, a peptide ligand hensive. For example, nine of the inhibitors have available test of the pseudokinase-containing guanylate cyclase GUCY2C, data against fewer than twenty kinases (Supplementary Table which is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome (114). Ligand S2). Consequently, some of the drugs that appear to be selective modulators exclusively consist of VEGF antagonists that oppose may target a wider range of kinase conformations than indi- the angiogenesis-promoting activity of the VEGFR pathway (115). cated (Fig. 5), especially given that structurally distinct kinase These RNA-aptamer and protein-based antagonists of VEGF have and pseudokinase families are usually absent from screening successfully been used since 2004 for treating cancer and ocular platforms, despite their potentially druggable links to various vascular disease. cancer phenotypes. An important feature of many chemical inhibitors of kinases is their relative lack of single kinase selectivity. A total of 170 Acquired Resistance and Adaptive Kinome members of the kinome have sub-100 nanomolar sensitivity to Reprogramming at least one FDA-approved drug (Figs. 1, 4, 5; Supplementary Table S2), and this is particularly evident with respect to the SRC Despite the successes in small-molecule kinase inhibitor devel- family kinase inhibitors dasatinib, bosutinib, and nintedanib that opment, resistance to therapy frequently occurs and most patients possess an inhibitory spectrum far beyond their "target" kinases eventually relapse. The mechanisms by which tumors can acquire (Fig. 5). One reason for this lack of selectivity is that the ATP- resistance to kinase inhibitors is complex. Two broad mechanisms is highly conserved between kinases and therefore can are responsible for the development of resistance following represent a promiscuous target especially for ATP-competitive response to therapy: an adaptive phase where signaling pathways type I inhibitors (comprising many FDA-approved small-mole- can be remodeled to mitigate the effects of kinase inhibition and a cule kinase inhibitors) that bind the active kinase. These "off- longer-term process where mutations or gene copy number altera- target" effects are not limited to protein kinases, and include tions may be acquired that confer a selective advantage by resist- interesting targets such as bromodomain and extra-terminal ing the effects of the treatment. The relative contribution of these domain (BET) family proteins (116), the heme biosynthetic mechanisms to resistance varies greatly between different kinase enzyme ferrochelatase (86, 117) and a variety of other ATP- drug targets. binding proteins (86, 118). In contrast, although type II inhibitors Adaptive resistance makes use of existing homeostatic feed- (e.g., imatinib, sorafenib, regorafenib) that stabilize the inactive forward and feedback loops to rapidly rewire networks around the kinase conformation are still somewhat promiscuous as a class inhibited node. Negative feedback typically results in downregu- (119), the potential to select for fewer "inactive" conformations lation of the signaling pathway; however, inhibitors can result in among their intracellular targets does exist (3). Improvements in reactivation of a pathway via relief of negative feedback. This has medicinal chemistry, understanding of structure–activity relation- been seen in the PI3K–AKT–mTOR pathway where the mTORC1 ships, and selectivity screening mean that much more selective inhibitor rapamycin caused increased AKT signaling in myeloma ATP-competitive kinase inhibitors are being developed. These cells through loss of feedback from MTOR (125). Similarly, AKT include approved EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors and many more inhibition results in pathway reactivation within hours, in this drugs in clinical development. The highest levels of cellular case via induced expression of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK) specificity are observed with type III inhibitors that target signal- such as ERBB3 and IGF1R and INSR (126, 127). The rapid ing via allosteric mechanisms (120). Examples of type III inhibi- transcriptional upregulation of SGK1 (128, 129) and/or SGK3 tors include the MEK1/2 inhibitors trametinib, cobimetinib, and (130, 131) in tumors suggests a central node of resistance in (granted FDA orphan drug designation in 2016 for experimental models challenged with PI3K or AKT inhibitors. treatment of advanced ; ref. 121). The availability of This is due to the ability of SGK family members, which encode allosteric and catalytic site kinase inhibitors presents the oppor- similar substrate phosphorylation consensus specificity to AKT, to tunity for dual hit inhibition where the distinct modes of drug functionally replace this kinase in cells. The EGFR–RAS–RAF– action are thought to enhance target coverage and reduce the MEK–ERK pathway is dysregulated in many cancers and inhibi- emergence of drug resistance. A successful application of this tors have been approved for many of these protein kinase nodes strategy has been seen with BCR-ABL inhibitor nilotinib in com- (Fig. 4). However, the presence of feedback loops can lead to bination with the allosteric inhibitor ABL001 where stereotypical complex, and undesirable phenotypes in cells. Vemurafenib spe- drug resistance in the BCR-ABL target failed to emerge in preclin- cifically inhibits the oncogenic V600E-mutant form of BRAF ical leukemia models (122). The potential benefits of allosteric (132). Rapid adaptation occurs within hours of vemurafenib inhibitors mean that their discovery and development should treatment via loss of ERK (MAPK1/MAPK3)-dependent negative remain a major focus for research efforts. feedback that results in the restoration of RTK signaling and The extent of specificity among the kinase inhibitors obvi- promotes the generation of inhibitor-resistant RAF dimers ously has implications for treatment and personalized medi- (133). A similar relief of feedback resistance mechanism that is cine. Many tyrosine kinase inhibitors potentially have broad dependent upon CRAF occurs in RAS-mutant tumors when MEK specificity at clinical doses (Fig. 5), which means that multiple (MAP2K1/MAP2K2) or ERK is inhibited (134). MEK inhibition kinase nodes within an oncogenic pathway may be beneficially also induces rapid rewiring of kinome networks via loss of ERK- targeted through intentional "polypharmacology" (123). How- dependent c-MYC expression, resulting in increased expression of ever, the ability to inhibit the desired, disease driving, kinase multiple RTKs and their ligands (90). Together, these responses target optimally without being limited by toxicity due to are important for allowing the development of a subpopulation Cancer Res; 78(1) January 1, 2018 OF9

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Afatinib Alectinib Axitinib Bafetinib Bosutinib

Cabozantinib Ceritinib Cobimetinib Crizotinib Dabrafenib

Dasatinib Erlotinib Gefitinib Ibrutinib Icotinib

Figure 5. Kinome responses to FDA-approved chemical inhibitors of kinases. The selectivity and potency of approved kinase inhibitors is highly variable. The K Imatinib Lapatinib Lenvatinib Nilotinib Nitedanib IC50 and d values indicated represent the lowest experimentally determined value that is publicly available and are biased toward well-studied canonical kinases. No single protocol, enzyme source, or substrate has been used to generate these values and therefore they should be only used as an approximation of potency or Osimertinib Palbociclib Pazopanib Ponatinib Regorafenib selectivity, especially as the set concentration of competing ATP is usually orders of magnitude lower than that found in human cells. See Supplementary Table S2 for data. Kinome drug sensitivities were plotted using TREEspot v5.0 and reprinted with permission from KINOMEscan,a division of DiscoveRx Corporation. Ruxolitinib Sorafenib Sunitinib Tofacitinib Trametinib

Vandetanib Vemurafenib IC50/KD TK ≤ TKL 10 nM STE 10–50nM CK1 50–250 nM AGC 250–1250 nM CAMK ≥1250 nM CMGC OTHER

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of cells, sometimes called drug-resistant persistors (135) to sur- Acquired resistance typically takes time to emerge via the vive the initial therapeutic assault before reemerging and being acquisition of new mutations. The mechanism most classically reinforced by acquired resistance mechanisms. apparent upon genome analysis is via mutations that interfere

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with inhibitor binding, typically inducing occlusion of the drug, posing and refinement efforts for the human kinome within the loss of a favorable physiochemical interaction, or a change in an reach of worldwide research communities. enzymatic property in the target. One of the first examples was revealed in the blood and bone marrow of CML patients treated Discussion with the ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib (136, 137). We have presented a comprehensive overview of the human Importantly, BCR-ABL signaling was re-activated in patients that protein kinome highlighting the current state of knowledge, drug acquired a mutation resulting in a single amino acid substitution development and disease associations, and have made this data of a critical threonine residue in the ABL kinase domain (T315I) freely available for each human kinase. It is striking that over half required for imatinib binding. Moreover, similar observations of the kinome remains very poorly understood despite this were made in experimental models of imatinib resistance, pro- being one of the most intensively studied over viding a convenient cell-based model for the evaluation of addi- the last 50 years. While generic features of kinase structure and tional mutations (138) and establishing one of a suite of exper- biology can be extrapolated to many less well-studied kinase imental cell and mass spectrometry–based approaches for the family members, the specific contributions of most kinases to analysis of new allosteric BCR-ABL inhibitors developed to over- cell biology and disease remain to be discovered. Similarly, the come drug-resistant CML (122, 139). For the EGFR inhibitors increasingly widespread use of phospho-proteomic analysis over gefitinib and erlotinib, resistance in is associated with the last 15 years has generated approximately 250,000 phospho- a T790M point mutation of the gatekeeper residue that markedly sites in human cells, yet <7% of these sites have a known kinase increases EGFR affinity for ATP, thereby competitively blocking "writer" and/or a known biological consequence for a phosphor- the binding of type I EGFR inhibitors (140). To overcome this, ylated protein substrate. This means that our ability to interpret irreversible (covalent) EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as complex datasets in the biological sense, and to understand infor- osimertinib (and others in clinical development), were designed mation flow in kinase-regulated networks to develop mechanistic that are active against the mutated gatekeeper residue while understanding is still at a preliminary stage. Endeavors in the next exhibiting reduced potency toward wild-type EGFR (141). How- few years are likely to yield much more comprehensive information ever, resistance to these third-generation EGFR inhibitors has on regulatory phospho-sites, kinase–substrate relationships, and already been documented, in some cases due to mutation of the the context dependence of interactions. Effective assays of cellular critical covalent cysteine target (142, 143). Alternative resistance kinome activity will also be necessary to more efficiently infer likely mechanisms to EGFR therapies include genetic amplification of network activity fromphospho-proteomic datasets. Proteogenomic other RTKs such as MET (144), and the acquisition of activating data from technological drivers such as genomics, transcriptomics, mutations in downstream components that result in a bypass of mass spectrometry, chemical proteomics, and high-level mapping the need for EGFR-mediated signaling (145). of intracellular substrates and complexes needs to be more effective An even greater variety of acquired resistance mechanisms have integrated so that more rapid traction can be made towards a whole been characterized for BRAF and MEK inhibitors. In both cases, kinome-level understanding of signaling. acquired resistance to these drugs results in reactivation, which in Kinase dysregulation in disease is very well established and has most cases is due to RAF dimer–mediated activation of ERK and been a major focus of biopharma efforts for decades. However, we indicates the critical dependence on MAPK signaling for tumor are struck by the lack of concordance in major research reviews, maintenance. Resistance mechanisms involving switching of sig- articles and databases for assignment of a driver role to many naling to parallel nodes (146, 147), the emergence of gain-of- individual kinases, even in intensively studied areas such as function mutations (148, 149), de novo expression of other acti- cancer. This likely reflects the significant context dependence of vators (150), and the emergence of activating mutations or kinase activity and illustrates the challenge for effective therapeu- amplifications of upstream and downstream components includ- tic intervention in individual patients. The excellent progress in ing BRAF, MEK, and RTKs have all been identified in patients developing kinase modulators for the clinic has significantly (151–157). Given the importance of ERK signaling and the rapid improved the outcomes for many patients. The new frontier in development of resistance within months of initiating treatment, finding effective drug combinations and dosing regimens for new strategies involve more extensive personalized monitoring of enhanced efficacy, while at the same time offsetting the emergence biomarkers/genetic signatures of resistance to tailor therapy (158– of resistance will benefit from the large number of -omic tech- 160), the development of drugs that also limit oncogenic feedback nologies and personalized treatment approaches that will be mechanisms (161), and the concurrent targeting of multiple exploited over the coming years. nodes within the same pathway to try to reduce the capacity of – the system to survive via adaptive and acquired routes (162 165). Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest Technological innovations in detecting cellular drug target bind- fl S.J. Ross is a team leader and has ownership interest (including patents) ing, including the use of biophysical (166, 167) and uorescent in Astrazeneca. P.D. Smith has ownership interest (including patents) in drug tracking approaches (168) will increasingly be adopted to AstraZeneca PLC. No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed by the other help evaluate target engagement and drug resistance. Finally, the authors. existence and availability of curated, chemically diverse sets of cell permeable small molecules (169), perhaps most notably dem- Acknowledgments onstrated by pioneering, open-access approaches to resource This work was supported by a BBSRC-AstraZeneca CASE studentship (BB/ N504208/1), an MRC-AstraZeneca DiMeN CASE studentship, North West sharing to build a comprehensive kinase chemogenomic set – fi Cancer Research (NWCR) endowment, and NWCR project grants (CR1037, (170 172) might permit small-scale research ndings to be more CR1041 and CR1088). rapidly translated into defined patient populations. Finally, and most crucially, the availability of collaborative datasets and val- Received July 28, 2017; revised September 22, 2017; accepted October 31, idated chemical material firmly places control over drug repur- 2017; published OnlineFirst December 18, 2017. Cancer Res; 78(1) January 1, 2018 OF11

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