SRI 1, Jalan SS15/7A, 47500 , Darul Ehsan. | T: 03-56343491/3 | F: 03-56343489 | W:

OMEDB/SKL/21-01 Monday, 4th January 2021

Dear Parents & Guardians,



On the 30th December 2020 a circular was sent to parents informing you that Sri KL would remain closed until after Chinese New Year.

However, a day later in his New Year’s Eve speech, the Prime Minister of announced that private schools would now be allowed to physically reopen according to their own calendars. This was later confirmed by the Ministry of Education.

In the light of this announcement and queries from parents, the Board of Management of Sri KL has re-examined our decision to remain closed to see whether this approach is correct or needs amending.

In doing so, we have established the following relevant factors (in no particular order of importance) on which we should be basing our policy towards restarting school:

Factors put forward for opening earlier • Many students are bored at home and are eager to get back to school. Even if co-co and group activities are still prohibited, the need for a more normal school experience is more important to their mental health than the chance of infection. • Online classes are not as effective as physical classes and add a significant amount of mental stress to students (and parents) of all age groups. • 2021 is an important year for Year 11 students who will be better prepared for the October/November IGCSE and SPM exams by physically attending classes in school. • Furthermore, oral exams for IGCSE Mandarin and Bahasa Melayu begin in March and the written exams begin in May. Students will better prepare themselves by being tested in school. • “The cure should not be worse than the illness” – ie. economic activity cannot be allowed to fall to a point where working families are financially distressed. Returning to school will help rejuvenate the national economy. • A number of Sri KL working parents do require childcare so that they can return to work. • Students (other than very young children) are considered a low-risk group meaning they will experience only mild symptoms if infected. This is a risk worth taking. • Other private schools have welcomed the relaxation on attending school and appear to be opening physically for all year groups. • There will be a backlash from Sri KL parents who feel they are not getting full value from on-line classes only, particularly as other schools are opening.

Factors put forward for NOT opening earlier • Notwithstanding the government’s announcement on the return to school, the risk of Covid-19 infection has risen and not receded over the last few months. Hospitals

are perilously close to being overwhelmed by the numbers of patients seeking treatment. • It should be kept firmly in mind that Covid-19 is not just a case of the flu and has a much higher chance of leading to serious and long-term health consequences for all sections of the population. • A significant proportion of Sri KL’s teaching staff are over the age of 50 placing them at greater risk of a more serious reaction to the virus. • As a school we have a duty of care to all our stakeholders (parents, students and staff) regarding their health and safety. • In terms of online classes, teachers are capable of delivering an acceptable level of teaching and learning for the 18 affected school days until school resumes in February. • The national roll out of a vaccination programme will begin in February. However, there are still no details and it may be inferred that so-called low risk groups such as students are unlikely to be vaccinated until March or later. As such, asymptomatic patients (very likely to be students) are still able to infect others who may fall seriously ill. • Any reduction in the number of days students do not come to school will reduce the wider community’s risk of infection.

The Board has carefully considered these factors and other related points (including the implementation of various proposed “hybrid” systems of teaching and learning) in coming to a decision. As such, we have concluded that the previous decision not to reopen before Chinese New Year shall remain, but with the following amendments:

• Physical classes at school will begin again for Year 11 students starting from 14th January 2021. Details of the required SOP and time-table will be sent to students over the next few days. Kindly note, an online option will not be available and Y11 students who do not attend school will need to access materials from their respective class teachers at the end of each school day.

• Year 7 & Year 10 students are required to attend a one-day physical orientation at school on Monday 11th January and Tuesday 12th January, respectively. Regrettably, parents will not be allowed to attend. After this orientation, these students will resume online classes until school physically reopens in February. Details will be forwarded to parents in the next few days.

• Year 1 students will receive a virtual orientation on the 12th January but will not attend school until after Chinese New Year. Two days of orientation at school will be conducted before lessons begin in earnest.

• All other Year Groups will not physically return to school until after Chinese New Year and will continue with online classes.

We understand that these arrangements will not please everyone in the Sri KL community. However, we sincerely believe that they are a sensible compromise over the 18 days of school affected by the School’s physical closure and are in the best interests of all our staff and students.

Your understanding and co-operation are greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

The Board of Management of Sri KL