TV-MOVIES · TV-SERIES 2-D Technology 2D FORMATS 3-D Technology 3D KIDS Surround Sound 5.1 MUSIC German Subtitles (Untertitel) UT INDEX

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TV-MOVIES · TV-SERIES 2-D Technology 2D FORMATS 3-D Technology 3D KIDS Surround Sound 5.1 MUSIC German Subtitles (Untertitel) UT INDEX SELECTION 2016/17 4K Ultra High Definition 4K UNIVERSUM · AVAILABLE NOW High Definition HD COMING SOON · IN PRODUCTION English Voice-Over EV FUTURE PROJECTS · HISTORY English Subtitles ES FACTUAL · HISTORY & BIOGRAPHY · French Voice-Over FV SOCIAL ISSUES & RELIGION · French Subtitles FS WORLD JOURNAL · SCIENCE · NEWTON · Italian Voice-Over IV WILDLIFE & NATURE · PEOPLE & PLACES · Spanish Voice-Over SV LEISURE & LIFESTYLE · CULTURE & ART Portuguese Voice-Over PV FICTION · TV-MOVIES · TV-SERIES 2-D Technology 2D FORMATS 3-D Technology 3D KIDS Surround Sound 5.1 MUSIC German Subtitles (Untertitel) UT INDEX Awards 1 ORF Headquarters ORF-Enterprise GmbH & Co KG Content Sales International Wuerzburggasse 30 1136 Vienna, Austria BEATRICE MARION COX-RIESENFELDER CAMUS-OBERDORFER Phone: +43 (1) 87878 – 13030 Managing Director Head of Content Sales International Fax: +43 (1) 87878 – 12757 E-Mail: ASIA ITALY Pikfilm SDN BHD Filmedia s.r.l. No. 30, Lorong Bukit Pantai Via Ripamonti 89 59000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 20141 Milano, Italy ARMIN LUTTENBERGER MONIKA KOSSITS E-Mail: E-Mail: Sales Director TV Sales Manager TV AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND LATIN AMERICA DEVISED Coproduction and Distribution Magnatel Ltda Rio de Janeiro Llull 47, 5–7 Contact: Magnatel GmbH 08005 Barcelona, Spain Grabenstrasse 25 JOHANNES STANEK ALEXANDRA HOPF E-Mail: 76534 Baden-Baden, Germany Sales Manager TV Sales Manager TV E-Mail: CANADA (English) ESH Intermedia Inc. SOUTH AFRICA 1524 West 6th Avenue Indigenius Vancouver BC V6J 1R2 4 Queens Park Studios FRANKA GIESEMANN E-Mail: 24 Queens Park Road, Salt River Sales Manager HERBERT SCHMITT Cape Town, South Africa Home Entertainment/New Media Digital Distribution Manager E-Mail: CANADA (French) DPI Denise Prezeau International SPAIN Chemin Jordan 537 Indigenius Sutton QC J0E 2K0 Via Laietana 11, 4–3 E-Mail: 08002 Barcelona, Spain STEFANIE HÜBEL ALEXANDER LÖFFLER E-Mail: Account Manager VoD Technical Coordinator FRANCE Rosnay International SA 6 rue Robert Estienne 75008 Paris, France E-Mail: DOMINIK NIKOLAUS E-Mail: KOWARSCH DAGMAR FLEISCHHACKER Sales Manager Footage Sales Executive Footage 2 3 TELEVISION ONLINE – Catch up Service ONLINE CATALOG ORF eins and ORF 2 – News, entertainment, culture, – Austria’s leading online portal provides science, economy, education, sport, information, daily news and information as well as numerous children’s programs as well as fi lms and series services and back ground information. from and for Austria and in addition numerous Screen all our programs online and create international top movies and series. your individual selection any time! ORF TVthek – ORF’s catch-up service featuring TV and ORF HD – The entire ORF eins & ORF 2-channel also content available seven days after broadcast. in high defi nition. TVTHEK Screening has never been so easy! Find all of our programs online and create your own selection. ORF TELETEXT – Comprehensive news and services. No matter if you are looking for Fiction, Music, Documentaries or would simply like to get an overview ORF 2 EUROPE – The “free to air” ORF 2-channel Provision for people with disabilities: subtitling of 60 of our whole stock, you can choose your personal selection. for vacationers, business travelers, expats and inter- % of TV programmes, “ZiB” at 7.30pm interpreted ested Europeans across Europe. into sign language, fi lm soundtracks for the visually impaired etc. 3sat – The joint project of ORF, ZDF, ARD and SRF Search, screen or order focusing on culture and news. screening material online. Subtitles for the hearing impaired in German ORF SPORT PLUS – ORF’s sports channel with a language are available for re-sale: total of 2,600 hours of sport every year from all domains. Content Sales International off ers top-quality subti- tles for the following categories: “Films & Series” ORF III – ORF’s channel “Documentaries” for culture and infor mation. Contact: ORF-Enterprise GmbH & Co KG Content Sales International Würzburggasse 30 RADIO 1136 Vienna, Austria Sign up for our newsletter and be the fi rst to be informed about the newest productions ÖSTERREICH 1 – The most successful for (pre)sale. radio station in Europe – with more than 700,000 daily listeners. HITRADIO Ö3 – ORF’s national hit, news and information radio and market leader in the Austrian radio market. FM4 – ORF’s predominantly foreign- language, alternative and youth radio station. ORF-REGIONAL RADIO STATIONS – Regional channels in the federal states with 24 hours of news and entertainment every day. More than 3,000 hours with synopses, photos, trailers. 4 5 UNIVERSUM UNIVERSUM Picture: © ORF Universum / ScienceVision, M. & R. Schlamberger The Canary Islands Die Kanarischen Inseln HIGHLIGHT Part I: Currents of Life UNIVERSUM Part II: Life on the Edge UNIVERSUM These are the Canary Islands – isolated in the At- lantic Ocean off the North-west coast of Africa. Each island is unique with a diversity of terrain and climate – temperate coastlines, scorching deserts, tropical rainforests and frozen, snowcapped moun- tains. With features of a small continent, supporting one of the richest and most diverse ranges of native species on the planet. Part I: Currents of Life – Wind and Water transport- ed pioneer seeds, insects and animals to the iso- lated landmasses, defined the diversity and distri- Picture: © ORF Universum / ScienceVision, M. & R. Schlamberger bution of life and created microclimates to which many species adapted, some evolving unique fea- tures to survive in these lands. Part II: Life on the Edge highlights the ability to survive under the impacts of the modern world, and explores the islands’ natural history, focusing on the fragile balance of life on the edge of extinction. Picture: © ORF Universum / ScienceVision, John Dutton Duration: 2 x 52 min. 2016 Directed by Rita & Michael Schlamberger Produced by ScienceVision for ORF and NDR in association with ORF-Enterprise and SVT Available worldwide except for Germany and Sweden 4K HD EV UT 5.1 813908 AVAILABLE NOW AVAILABLE 8 Picture: © ORF Universum / ScienceVision, M. Schlamberger 9 HIGHLIGHT UNIVERSUM UNIVERSUM Picture: © ORF Universum /, Lukas Kogler Turtle Hero – A Cold Blooded Passion Turtle Hero – Ein Leben für die Schildkröten Like any young boy Peter Praschag loved animals between land and water, and their evolutionary his- and wanted a pet, but not a cat or a dog. His pas- tory stretches back over two hundred million years. sion was for cold-blooded reptiles, his interest was They have outlived the dinosaurs. Today some are turtles. Today he is a world expert on freshwater tur- amongst the most endangered vertebrates on earth. tles. One species especially has become an obses- sion: not only is it the largest freshwater turtle on Duration: 1 x 52 min. 2016 the planet, it is also probably the rarest animal on Directed by Jeremy Hogarth Earth. Only two Yangtze Soft-shell turtles are pos- A co-production by ORF, ARTE, BR and in association itively known to exist. A male and a female in Chi- with ORF-Enterprise, supported by Cinestyria, Stadt Graz and BMB na and very probably a third in a lake in Vietnam. Available worldwide except for Germany and France With assistance from experts Peter hopes to capture that individual, and he may yet help to save another 4K HD EV FV UT 5.1 813887 species from extinction! Turtles live in a half-world 10 Picture: © ORF Universum / 11 Giants of the Atlantic – Azores Azoren – Tanz um den Vulkan HIGHLIGHT UNIVERSUM UNIVERSUM It’s a gigantic underwater mountain range, rising in mid-Atlantic. Only a few peaks near the surface, or reach still higher to build nine green gems, the is- lands of the Azores. These volcanic rocks, the only toehold between Europe and America, are of extra- ordinary beauty. The steep shelf of the Azores is playground and mating ground for several kinds of whale. Here, groups of males on their never-ending migration from the Arctic to the Antarctic, meet females. Humpback whales and grey whales break the surface – and blue whales come here too, to feed from the vast biomass produced in the ocean’s depths. Drifting up from the deep, plankton and krill attract huge schools of fish and squid. And now the dancers of the deep are on their way. Fast and ele- gant, curious but cautious, blue sharks follow cur- rent and prey to join the hunt. Duration: 1 x 52 min. 2016 Directed by Erich Proell A co-production by ORF, National Geographic Channels, ARTE, NDR and Proell Film in association with ORF-Enterprise Available worldwide except for Germany and France 4K HD EV FV UT 5.1 813883 12 Pictures: © ORF Universum / Proell Film 13 Vanishing Kings – Lions of the Namib Wüstenkönige – Die Löwen der Namib UNIVERSUM UNIVERSUM A lioness and her daughters hold the key to the sur- vival of Namibia’s rare desert lions: two years ago they gave birth to five male cubs, and through the hardships of the desert and without a pride male, they are raising them to independence, showing them how to hunt both the smallest and the larg- est prey – including even giraffes. When the elderly matriarch dies her two daughters must finish the education of the five sons before they grow too big to be fed. Filming over more than two years, we see the secret lives of desert lions as they roam the rugged mountains, majestic sand dunes, grav- el plains, scrublands, and even the beaches of Namibia’s Skeleton coast.
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