The Proposed Project would result in significant unavoidable environmental impacts for the following environmental issue areas:

• Regional Construction Air Quality: Construction related NOx and ROG emissions would still exceed the established SCAQMD thresholds and regional construction air quality impacts would remain significant and unavoidable.

• Regional Operational Air Quality: Operational NOx and ROG emissions would still exceed the established SCAQMD thresholds and regional construction air quality impacts would remain significant and unavoidable.

• Operational Land Use/Noise Compatibility: The proposed residential, hotel and educational uses could be exposed to noise levels that exceed 70.0 dBA CNEL, which falls within the City of Noise Element’ normally unacceptable category for such uses. Thus, the Proposed Project would result in generally unacceptable exterior noise levels for the proposed residential, hotel and educational uses. As such, operational exterior noise impacts for the placement of proposed sensitive uses fronting San Pedro Street and 9th Street would be considered significant and unavoidable.

• Transportation/Traffic: With the proposed mitigation program, there would be three remaining significant impacts in the A.M. peak hour (with the impacted intersections all operating at LOS ), and seven remaining significant impacts in the P.M. peak hour (with one operating at LOS C, three operating at LOS D and three operating at LOS E). The remaining significant intersection impacts in the AM peak hour would be at the following locations:

• San Pedro Street & 12th Street • San Pedro Street & 16th Street • San Pedro Street & Washington Boulevard The remaining significant intersection impacts in the PM peak hour would be at the following locations:

• Main Street & Olympic Boulevard • Main Street & • San Pedro Street & 9th Street • San Pedro Street & 12th Street • San Pedro Street & Pico Boulevard • San Pedro Street & 16th Street • San Pedro Street & Washington Blvd.

City Market of Los Angeles Draft EIR VI. General Impact Categories State Clearinghouse No. 2013021046 Page VI.A-1

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Section 15126.2(d) of the State CEQA Guidelines requires a discussion of the ways in which a proposed project could be growth-inducing. This would include ways in which the project would foster economic or population growth, or the construction of additional housing, either directly or indirectly, in the surrounding environment. Section 15126.2(d) requires an EIR to:

“Discuss the ways in which the proposed project could foster economic or population growth or the construction of additional housing, either directly or indirectly, in the surrounding environment. Included in this are projects that would remove obstacles to population growth (a major expansion of a wastewater treatment plant might, for example, allow for more construction in service areas). Increases in the population may further tax existing community service facilities so consideration must be given to this impact. Also discuss the characteristic of some projects which may encourage and facilitate other activities that could significantly affect the environment, either individually or cumulatively. It must not be assumed growth in any area is beneficial, detrimental, or of little significance to the environment.”

The Project is anticipated to generate approximately 945 multi-family housing units and 1,446 new residents within the Central City planning area over a 30-year period. The Project’s population growth represents approximately 0.4 percent of the total population growth anticipated to occur within the City of Los Angeles between 2020 and 2035. On a regional scale, the Project represents only 0.06 percent of the growth that is expected to occur in the SCAG region between 2020 and 2035. The 1,446 new residents anticipated to be generated by the Project would result in a negligible increase in the City’s population growth forecast, and is within SCAG’s regional population growth projection. Therefore, the Project’s population growth is accounted for in the citywide and regional population projections.

The Project Site is located in an infill property and is adequately supported by existing roadways and is already served by existing infrastructure associated with sewer systems, potable water delivery systems, electricity, natural gas. Additionally the Project Site is adequately served by public services including fire, police, schools and parks and would not generate the need for additional services or service provider infrastructure to serve the Project Site. Based on the environmental findings presented in Sections IV.J. Public Services and Section IV.L, Public Utilities, the Project would result in a less than significant impact with respect to growth inducing impacts.

City Market of Los Angeles Draft EIR VI. General Impact Categories State Clearinghouse No. 2013021046 Page VI.B-1

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Section 15126.2(c) of the State CEQA Guidelines states:

Uses of nonrenewable resources during the initial and continued phases of the project may be irreversible since a large commitment of such resources makes removal or nonuse thereafter unlikely. Primary impacts and, particularly, secondary impacts (such as highway improvement which provides access to a previously inaccessible area) generally commit future generations to similar uses…Irretrievable commitments of resources should be evaluated to assure that such current consumption is justified.

The Project would necessarily consume limited, slowly renewable and non-renewable resources. This consumption would occur during construction of the Project and would continue throughout its operational lifetime. The development of the Project would require a commitment of resources that would include: (1) building materials; (2) fuel and operational materials/resources; and (3) the transportation of goods and people to and from the Project Site.

Construction of the Project would require consumption of resources that are not replenishable or which may renew so slowly as to be considered non-renewable. These resources would include certain types of lumber and other forest products, aggregate materials used in concrete and asphalt (e.g., sand, gravel and stone), metals (e.g., steel, copper and lead), petrochemical construction materials (e.g., plastics), and water. Fossil fuels, such as diesel, gasoline and oil, would also be consumed in the use of construction vehicles and equipment.

The commitment of resources required for the type and level of proposed development would limit the availability of these resources for future generations for other uses during the operation of the Project. However, the consumption of natural resources associated with the Project would be of a relatively small scale and would be consistent with regional and local growth forecasts in the City of Los Angeles and the Southern California region as a whole.

Construction and operation of the Proposed Project would result in the irretrievable commitment of limited, slowly renewable, and non-renewable resources, which would limit the availability of these resources in the future. However, as discussed in Section IV, Environmental Impact Analysis, of this Draft EIR, while the commitment of such resources could potentially result in both primary and secondary impacts, the Proposed Project’s use of nonrenewable resources would be on a relatively small scale and consistent with regional and local growth forecasts and development goals for the area. The loss of such resources would not be highly accelerated when compared to existing conditions. Therefore, although irreversible environmental changes would result from the Project, such changes would be considered less than significant.

City Market of Los Angeles Draft EIR VI. General Impact Categories State Clearinghouse No. 2013021046 Page VI.C-1