PRESENT: Councillors Andrew Foyle (in the Chair), Graham Duffield, Peter Castle, Ann Thomas, County Councillor Rhodri Traherne and Colin Evans (as member of the public and was absent for ITEM 6a).


ITEM 2 (62) RECEIVE APOLOGIES from Natalie Bosworth, Louise O’Shea, PC Matt Smith and Bill Fawcett


nd ITEM 4 (64) The minutes of the meeting on 2 ​ October were approved and signed ​

ITEM 5 (65) POLICE MATTERS There were no crimes recorded in the area during October

ITEM 6 (66) MATTERS ARISING a) It was agreed that Colin Evans should be co­opted on to the Council to fill the final vacancy. The Chairman informed him and welcomed him on to the Council b) Ann Thomas presented an outline for discussion on publicity issues. The following points were agreed:­ ­ the names of all Councillors should appear on the website ­ the names and contact details (of their choice) of all Councillors should appear in the Parish Council update which appears in the Parish Magazine and is displayed on the notice boards in the Parish ­ the time, date and venue of meetings should appear on the website, notice boards and Parish Magazine ­ the website should be an agenda item at every meeting. ­ it was agreed queries coming through the website should be forwarded by Graham Duffield to the Clerk and dealt with accordingly. The Chairman and those Councillors present thanked Ann Thomas for instigating the discussion and thanked Graham Duffield for managing the website on behalf of the Community Council.

ITEM 7 (67) HIGHWAY MATTERS The Clerk would forward areas of Japanese Knotweed to the Vale Council as requested and arrange a site meeting between Vale Highways and Peter Castle to examine the run off from the A48 eroding a Forest track. Clerk to request cleaning of the culvert on the A48 by the Christmas Tree site and report grass growing in the middle of the lanes around Hendrewenol.

ITEM 8 (68) REPORT FROM RHODRI TRAHERNE Rhodri requested the Vale Charter should be circulated to all Councillor for their consideration and requested an audit of grit bins in the Parish. He also reported that the LDP was currently under review and summarised the situation with the traveller site in . Clerk to write to Jane Hutt AM about some confusion as to which A & E Hospital people in the Parish should go to.

ITEM 9 (69) REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES Ann Thomas had been to a meeting of the Charity Trust where had awarded three grants to four applicants. She would request a review of the principles and suggested publicising the grants available to students in . The Chairman had attended the One Voice Conference and a CLC meeting at which the Vale Charter had been circulated. The matter of CRB checks was raised in a presentation and the success of the Eisteddfod was noted. The Vale Council were to start a ward by ward Big Fill over the year. Training sessions had been attended by the following: Understanding Law – Andrew Foyle Code of Conduct – Louise O’Shea, Graham Duffield and Andrew Foyle Finance – Andrew Foyle and Victoria Pearce

ITEM 10 (70) CHAIRMAN’S CORRESPONDENCE None The Chairman had updated the WSDCC Guide for Councillors and distributed copies to all those present.

ITEM 11 (71) CORRESPONDENCE : Christmas Cash Grant – Clerk to apply Vale Events – circulated Electoral Register 12/13 ­ filed One Voice Wales: Requests for applicants for Chair on Advisory Panel on Substance Misuse ­ circulated Fair Trade survey – n/a Keep Tidy Wales – petition against use of balloons and Chinese lanterns ­ circulated Area Committee meeting – agenda The Voice Invoice for three training session with bursary (£45) ­ payment approved Boundary Commission revised proposals for changes to Political Constituencies www.bcomm­wales.gov.uk. ​ ​ NHS Wales – engagement with the public for service delivery – Councillors will respond individually Trevor Morgan – invoice for installing noticeboard at Highgrove £120 – payment approved Sully and CC – new name ­ noted Rhodri Traherne – information regarding changes to Sycamore Cross ­ circulated Ombudsman’s Casebook online ­ www.ombudsman­wales.org.uk ​ CRC Autumn Newsletter Western Power Distribution – stakeholder workshop invitation CPRW magazine – passed to Andrew Foyle Advertising material: Play for Wales Peter Beddoes – grass cutting

ITEM 12 (72) FINANCE MATTERS Payment was approved for:­ a) payments to Taylor Total Weed Control for grass cutting (£224.40) TT1364 (final cut) b) it was agreed that the Grant for Churchyard maintenance should remain the same as the previous year £1,000. The PCC was invoiced for 11 cuts during 2012 (£1,562). It was agreed that travel expenses should be paid to Councillors and Clerk representing the Community Council at committees and attending training courses.

ITEM 13 (73) CURRENT AND FUTURE PROJECTS Log book for the pond was signed for October. The Cash Grant Application would be submitted when all the necessary documentation had been completed.


ITEM 15 (75) DOCUMENTS FOR DISCUSSION a) South Wales Fire and Rescue Service Strategic Improvement Plan 12/13 – it was agreed that individual comments should be made by Councillors if they wished and the website link should be put in the CC update so residents could comment

ITEM 16 (76) PLANNING MATTERS Applications: 12/01042/FUL Penffordd Court, Welsh St Donats – car port – no comments 12/01103/FUL Welsh St Donats Church, Welsh St Donats ­ 5 year retention of Ark – no comments (following comments by a Councillor, it would be suggested to the PCC that some sort of screen, possibly trees or shrubs, should be planted so the Ark was not visible from the road)

There being no other business the Chairman thanked those present for attending and closed the meeting.