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' '-J-'' . '' - '',"- ''- ',.' - ' Bos~roN, .MASS., MONDAY, N(OVEMBER 23, 1908 3

I - I - I _ - - ' _J - S L__I· I . * L I I . . _~-s~--- I - I - ~ 1_1 *1 I Lsl _, J--- , I ' k- :STONIE &WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORAITION CONSTRUCTING ENGINEERS I ~T~

DWIGIGT P. ROBINSON...... Presid'entand Gcneral lfanager HOWARD L. RERS ...... Vice-Presidenx and Treasucrer GEBRGU O. AUHLFPLD ...... -...... Constracdion Manager WIIIIAM N. PATTEN ...... ,n Engineering Afanager THORNDIKE N. ENDICOTT ...... Awcsing Agent I



SKATES N IfTEGH BOWLING HEAiOUARTERS" THE NEW STORE TRINITY COURT-BOWLING ALLEYS 222 CLAIRENIDON ST. Established 1898 175 Dartmouth Street Opp. Pierce Bldg. No sport like skating. Look up your Two minutes walk from all Tech Buildings. unexcelled facilities for ladies and the most A, BUILT IESPECIALLY FOR YOU X skates and be ready for the first ice. fastidious bowler to enjoy this fascinating and healthy pastime. Alleys reserved and Learn to do fancy stunts. If interested screened for private . Come in and enjoy a little fun and exercise between periods. in I I L -Y- = -- r IP- - - - 1 5· 1111 --· ---. 1 L d Hockey use- our Safety Edge or Can- _ Drafting Instruments, Papers, adian patterns. Best tempered Ice I L1I I · I L - - - i -- L I - II -r II rL _s L- LI , LIL 5kates Tracling Cloth, triangles, T Squares, in the world. Your dealer will TECH GETS SpECOND " 13I P. A. R.oss, Syracuse ...... 35 28 Slide lules, Pencils, supply your demand. 14'LM. H. Wb7itney, Harvard .. 35 29 Etc.; Paints, Varnishes, llardware Send for our FREE CATALOGUE (Colitinued from 15iR. E. Dole, Iilrvard ...... 35 44 pagoe 1.) 16 M -P. Vilas, Y7ale ...... 35 51 AT LOWEIST PRICES 17 rR. A. Spitzer, Yale ...... 35 513-5 the completion of the first lap, or half 18 J. L. Chapman, Princeton . 36 00 9ARNEY & BERRY the total distance, I-owland still held 19 C. S. De Collyer, Cornell .. 36 09 the leading position, fifteen yards in 214 Broad St, . 20 H. MI. Hitchner, Syracule .. 3621 ALSO AT Springfleld, Mass. front of Jaques. Up to this tinie only 21 A. nI. Hlaskell, Yale ...... 36 27 L- -L - · I - I - -·---- _ a I 82 and 84 Washington Street a few of the runners showed any bad 22 WV. J. Stube, Syracuse .... 36 30 3-5 / effeets of t;he struggle, but it was a 23 E. S. Cullings, SYlaclSe .. 36 39 CATALOOUES FREE different story on tle second lap. Wiftn 24 Don MAy, 3Miebign ...... 3645 i tlle umen again reached tle roug-h part 25 IG. IUrphb, HarVard ...... 3G54 -of theil joul'ney Illost of thlelll were 26 L. Dean, Yale ...... 37 02 Wadsworth, Howland & Cos stuml ling along uncertainly, while 27 R. N. Dise, Q.0 PennSyilanla .. 37 0 | several Mho were apparently not in the 28 W~. Balbatch~et, MAichigan .. 37 11 | INCORPORATED best of condition were stat gering, b~ut 29 F. WA.K£ennedyF, Co1lunibia .37 15 1 II # CS W/v piuckily continued in tle hope of aid- 30 L. D. M~arble, Syrracuse ...... 37 18 | IL I st L 4 '" ,0 amftft inc, their team score by finishing as °,1I N. N. GUnn, Pennsylvania . 37 28 1 near the front as possible. 32 IX .-Y. Masten, Harvard .. 37 35 Swell Button IThe much-vauntedE delegation from 33 W. L. Mc~Gee, PrinCetOn ...... 37 37 the University of Michigan entering the 134*' S. Y.33raChlman, Penn ...... 37 381 r ace for the first tilne, niade a iniser- j35 E. C. WrNood, Yale ...... 37 A9~ able showing, getting sixtl place with 36 T. G. KiStler, COlUnmbia . . . 38 02 KNICKERBOGKER 125 points. Pennsylvania was also a 37 C. H. Kohln, Pennsylvania . 38 04 1 (iisappointment, coming next with 158. 38 L. FrantZ, PrinCetOn ...... 38 13 1 This may be partially accounted for by 039 H. T. Kudlick. COlUrnbia .. 38 16 | the hard luck the Qualkers hwae had 4° B. SanderS, Columb~ia ...... 8 17 this . The team has had three 41 E. Par.son, Harvard ...... 38 18 captains, Quigley, who was elected first, 142 H. D. GrifiEth1, Pennsylv7ania 38 19 3-5 hlad to quit running because of a weak 43 J. S. See, IXe~higan ...... 38 36 lheart. Then Gunln, the next choice, de- |44 G. P. Guntlher, Columbia . . 385 cided to give over the leadership be- 45 W.tj p. Rogers. Halvard ... 39 09 caulse of stress $S.OO Is C- -- r eb p I I - m of college warkz. The 46 L. L. 'W'alle, Penn1sylvania . 39273-5' lhird man elected to the place was 47 TNI. 1). Smitli, Columb1ia . ... 39 39f P3aul], the former 1INercersbourg Academyr I I 4841GE. L. Van Auken, Sytracuse. 40 01 runner. Ile plac>ed fifth in the race to- 149 J. B. Sax7on, -Alichigran . . +~..4021 5;0 R. H. V alenltine, Pi~ineeton. 4024 (>lumlbia was eighth with 223 points. 51 A. C. Conev, Yale ...... 40 42 Princeeton enteredl a tea m, but only 5A2 T. P. Counselmlan, Columb~ia. 41 48 t our oyf the men finished, an inexcus- 593 F. 1-. Chapin, Mbichli'an . .. 41 52 '---'e: --- I ,'-- lble perfol llance, andl as five mheir are The"Il te9lsoe-teaa score.-- .!. necessary to s'to6e. thle Tigers as a, College 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Wtl. team had no tallv at all to their cred- Colneli ...... 1 4 6 7 11- 29 it. Haverford, Qn and of like a . a-ldioughl entered, did not Syracuse ...... 9 13 20 22 23- 87 I start. Harvard ...... 3 14 15 25 32- 89 Fine Patent Colt I In fast colors and e-x- The fight for tlle individual claim- Yale ...... 10 1617 21 26-- 90 pion sblip w Tight Soles, clusive as one of great interest. Alilch'ian ...... 2 8 24 28 43-150 Close Edges styles. $1.so up. TJhle willner, Capt'ain P. C. Young, ran Peninsvi vania ...... 5 27 31 34 37-134 . CLUETT, PEABBODY & ' o., Makers 'Il~beautiful race, evexre attellplting to ColuI li)ia, ...... 2 36 39 40 44--188 set th'e pae. and -yet,, always holding Princeton ...... 18 33 38 5 - -0 E. W.BURT & CO., 40 West St. ----r r Li------·- - - -- hlimself master of the situation. - L ------;---Y - - - - l b l l l - tain CQayle A. Dull, of 2%ichia~an, put lTl'hen tle Technology men are in- r I I re I I -r 0 :m llp al fine struggrle and was lelading 150 serted in their proper phices ,ind the yafrds from the finishs. Young's reserve .sq 01re I colrrespondingly colrrected, , the re- GENTLEMEN8 I strengtll was too much for hlimi, how- of the race ap-peatrs as follows:- The Techoology Review WHO FOR STYLE evrer. and tlle Cornell leader wvon by I College 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th1 'T'tl. NEATNESS, AND COMFORT sevel al . ards act the end of a terriffc |C(ornellI . ... ,...... 1 4 6 7 12- 30 A QUARTERILY MAGAZINE; WEAR THE IMPROVED i sprint for the tape. 'I'ec hnolog- ...... S 1f 22 24 27-100 DEVOTED TO THIIE INTERESTS OP Jalques, the Hanrar~x1d flyer, could nlot I SyrIaeus1e ...... 19) 14 23 26 28-101 stand tlle pa ce. H:e finished t~hird, IHarvard ...... 315 16 30 39-103 THE M{ASSACHUSESTT INSTITUTS3 I wralking acr'oss the line. Yale ...... 11 17 18 25 31-116 Alicihigan ...... 21 9 29) 3.5 ;50-125. OF TECHNOLOGY BOSTQN The summary;- Pennsylvania ...... 51 34 38 39 42-158 AND Pos. Name and Collere. Time. Colulmbia ...... 36 43 46 47 51-223 I 1 P. C. Younc, Colnel1 ... .. 3414 II PUBLISHED BY 'THE ASSOCIATION _ Gi. A. Dulll, Alichig-i . .. 34 16 3-5 'rlle summarlvy of I tile Teelinology fin- .3 Ir. .Tflques, Jr., Harvard.. .. 34 20 ishers giving the positions they would OF CLASS SECRETARIES 7HE RECOGNIZED SSTANDARD) 4 1'. J. Tlaylor, Cornell .. .. 34 39 leave taken if scored, follows: I_-4MThe Name isi I 5 11T. E. -Pttill, Pzenn~sylvania -. 34 40 8 11. Hf. Hohland 1903 ...... 3510' 83 NEWBURY STRAFTR, BosToN stamped Otl every 6 AV.C. Bean, Cornell ...... 34 40 I!> l, 0. --Nlills 1')10 ...... 35 54 7 L. R. Brown, .34 55 loop - el Cornell .... 22 T. N. fStelplenson 19309 ..... 36 20 The Review aims to devrelop closer relations 8 (". 1,. Towar, n1ililici-an .. .. 3511 24 Elmer Jacobs 1910 ...... 3626 among Institute men and to stimulate their in. 9 T. C. Nolrton, Syracuse .. .. 35 13 27 C. P. Eldrled 1!911 ...... 3630 terest in the work of the College. It is in no sense an engineering magazine, but deals 10 MI. C. Licylltner, Yale ...... 35 16 32 WY.T. AlacCrecadie 191...... 38 03 broadly with the problems of Technological 11 L. education i R. 13o3(teat. Cornell .. 35 25 .)3 R. Ellis 1,909 ...... 38 04 and the responsibilities of the pro n2N . CUSH1 N 12 :A. C:. Jenes, Cornell . 35 26 fessional man. I I I -BUBTTON· I rt31Pgll THE RVlE W i8s pubiashed during Janu- i CM--- r- I -- "s 1 II r - Il I -1 CLASP 1- ary, Aprtl, July, and October. CommuniCe- i tions should be addressed to The TECH- LiES FLAT raO TrE LEG-NEVIER YOLOGYBREYIE W,.83 Newbury St., Boston. SLIPS, TEARS NOR UNFASTERS I I SUBSCRIPTION, ONE Sample pair, SIlk50c., Coitte )e- DIorLAR A Y3KAR S lilailed on receip' of price. I0as ELEVATOR GOMPANY- SINGrE COPIES, THIRTY-FIVU CENTS 53 State Street, _IS GEO.FROSO.,Make BOSTON Volumes I., III., IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., and I _ _ B~n, Mzu., V. S.A. IX., finely bound in half morocco, are ready for - -- Electric and Hydraulic Elevators delivery at $2.25 each, or will be exchanged for unbound sets, provided they are in good mmoALWAYS EASY_, ESCALATORS condition. at S1.25 each. (If Asnt by mail, 30 I (Moving Stairways) cents extra.)