JO > >■ —* , , J 1 H -O Z) O CO —■— z X AJ \ O 3 •• — 0 z 3 < ^ o 0 > • 2 : 3 “ “ 0 XD -- < Z \ J > z < ■'O t -J ►—4 > O CO < -O m O 3 3 3 z 3 L- U O X 3 O 1—• -J O > S) * CO * Linden Leader 1 ■Nl “Your Com m unity Leader" VOL 31 NO 7? l i n d e n , n j , T h u r s d a y J a n u a r y 17 i» « s Administrator post may be created By P H IL IP HARTMAN committee headed by 1st Ward a business administrator might as well as direct control, out of the "It's not that it takes away the The often-discussed idea to create Councilman Malvin Eckel savings gained would merit the infringe upon roles now served by- hands of councilmen and others, power or administration of anyone. expense of paying a business ad­ a business administrator's post to Adding that at present he is not other employees and the elected council members said Conor also Motley insisted. "It just helps ministrator. his staff, and furnishing handle the everyday finances of sure whether the position is needed. officials themselves questioned. "How would it affect the streamline the spending of tax another office 5th Ward Councilman Linden has again come before the Conor expressed reservations that Under the current system, mayor's role" as chief ad payer's dollars " council and apparently will receive James lozzi estimated the price tag the post could become a political councilmen who head various ministrator Others were not as sure any serious consideration at $100,(XX). football “ My question would be how committees fire, recreation or Fourth Ward Councilman William do you arrive at an apolitical public works, for example — are Motley suggested at Monday's business administrator without responsible for overseeing depart caucus that Linden once again study creating another level of mental spending and reviewing a Newest BOE m em ber the possibility in order to bureaucracy’ " department head's recom "streamline" the city's finances It The appointment of a business mendations for annual funding w hen The Linden Board of Education The board was to accept the introduce its tentative budget for the would offer "greater control." he administrator would the respon the city budget is prepared from was expected to appoint a former resignation of Kress, a member of 1985-86 school year said, and would be a "check and sibility of the 10-member council and January through March "W e as board president to a two-month the board since 1980, during the Villano said the tab represents a balance system to help watch over vacancy on the panel at its regular council president. Conor said Nine chairman examine these areas meeting Although Kress's in­ $900,000 increase over last year with the city's tax dollar " monthly meeting last night at of those It votes are held by explained 8th Ward Councilman tentions to resign have been known a 5 5 percent increase in current Calling a city administrator an Linden High School Democrats Ceorge Milkosky City Treasurer since last month, he arrived at the expense Capital outlay has been idea "that merits looking into," City For the ward councilman, whether Louis Hasbrouck. her staff and the Board President Michael Villano December board meeting too late to earmarked at $407,000 he said Council President Robert Conor said an administrator will actually council finance committee also said Tuesday he would recommend hand in his official resignation he will either assign the proposal for streamline spending was a contested expedite much of the everyday the appointment of Roger Barron, Kress, who has a law practice in A public hearing on the budget has review by a special council com­ subject finances who served on the board for almost Linden, has moved to Mountainside been scheduled for March 18 with mittee or move it to a standing A major concern expressed by- A business administrator would 10 years, to the vacancy created by In other action at last night's final reading and adoption slated for committee, possibly the personnel council members is how the dukes of take some of these responsibilities. the resignation of Richard Kress meeting, the board was expected to March 20 Flood control work may start by spring for Morses Creek By PHILIP HARTMAN Engineers, which will oversee and Work could begin by this spring in issue permits for the work "All the first phase of flood control work these other agencies have to give on West Brook after Linden and their opinion in this The only one several environmental agencies that objected 1 originally) was Fish reached a tentative agreement Jan and Wildlife," said Ziemian 7 for construction changes designed "The general tenure of the Jan 7 to benefit aquatic life in the brook. meeting was that the corps would City Engineer John Ziemian said grant approval. he added The * Monday DEP also gave approval for the "(Federal) Fish and Wildlife original plans and is expected to agreed the changes were sufficient" reapprove them now. said the city and all modifications to accomodate engineer fishlife would be made in the Although flood control measures "earthen sections," said Ziemian. were to begin last year, the entire explaining that construction in the project hit a snag in May when Fish concrete flume sections will not be and Wildlife authorities examined altered for kilties that inhabit the the plans and called for stream modifications that would protect fish Tentative plans call for natural and other aquatic life in West Brook, screening to "provide a habitat and protect banks, more trees for shade, a tributary of Morses Creek that boulders along the bottom of the extends into Roselle and Roselle stream to interrupt the flow of water Park and a bend at the stream section It is planned tlial construction w ill near the Delaire Nursing Home, progress in three stages: (he first where the stream must also be will cost approximately $2 3 million slowed Construction of V-shaped and the second approximately $3 channels in the concrete sections of million. Ziemian said A third stage the brook will not be required of work will take care of West Brook Although Fish and Wildlife has through Roselle and Roselle Park CABARET! —During rehearsal, members.of the Linden James Parham kneeling, Mike Dooley, Khayan Garner and approved that plan, before bids for he said Linden has secured a $1 Summer Playhouse make a dry run through one of the many Brian Taylor ham it up. At left, some of the younger cast construction can be taken approvals million federal grant for the first skits from famous Broadway shows that were presented members try out a scene From left are Pat Vella, Brian are also necessary from the state stage and has applied for the same Saturday during the annual 'Cabaret Night,' the major fund Tighe and Eric Hafl Department of Environmental amount for the second stage of raiser for the group. At right, clockwise, Jonathon Parham, (Photos by John Boutsikaris) Protection and the Army Corps of construction. Ziemian said ^ r Planning study backs Rickel Recreation has classes for seniors Ballropm/social dancing classes for all Linden "Communications' is a course dealing with the U> MAR V BEDNARCZYK Oros's report states It should be As for the Rickel site plan. Oros senior citizens, age 60 or older, will be offered at the psychology of communicating with parents, children and P H IL IP HARTMAN noted that the applicant has argued, notes that Supermarkets General John T Gregorio Recreation Center beginning grandchildren and peers. The course will explore . A report from the Linden Zoning and logically, that under (city has redesigned the Stiles Street tomorrow and continuing for 10 weeks such techniques as problem solving and active Board of Adjustment's planning ordinance for) Building material entrance to include a traffic light The classes will be held weekly from 10:30 to 11 30 listening Various trips have been planned to visit consultant concludes that approval wholesale and retail sgles and opposite Curtis Street a m . free of charge, and are sponsored by the Sandy Hook and the Newark Museum The course is of construction of a Rickel Home storage yards' The operation of recreation department Felicia Lee Banks of the offered at the Wilson Park Recreation Center 1100 Center off North Stiles Street "will the Rickel Home Center is similar to "O f special significance is that the Continental Dance Club, Bloomfield, will instruct the Summit Terrace. Wednesday sat 1 pm not be detrimental to the com these permitted uses " site will be less intensively seniors in such dances as the Cha-Cha, Rhumba, all Courses are free to seniors and w ill run Ihrough prehensive master plan and zoning Oros cites testimony that developed than what the zoning variations of the Polka. Fox Trot. Tango. Mamba May Registration will take place on the day of class of the City of Linden ’’ describes Rickel as primarily a actually permits For example, the Salsa. Disco/Hustle. Freestyle. Peabody. Quick Step. More informaton may be obtained by calling the Planning Consultant Eugene Oros building material store with related zoning of the site permits 50 percent Merengue, Paso Doble. and Line Dances Gregorio Recreation Center at 862 0545 entered the report into evidence supplies while other uses, such as of the parcel to be covered by a Further information is available from the Gregorio Monday, the board’s last hearing on home furnishings and linens, "could building while only 21.5 percent of Center at 862 0545 Pre-registration is not necessarv W INTER DANCE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS the use variance application made be considered accessory uses to the the site actually will be covered by SEN IOR COLLEGE COURSES by Supermarkets General of principal use ” Rickel.'' Oros states The Linden Recreation Department has announced A winter dance, sponsored by the Recreation Woodbridge. parent company of the spring college courses for senior citizens Department will be held Wednesday Irom 7 to 10 Rickel Painting and Drawing" is an art course em­ p m at the Gregorio Recreation Center. 330 Helen St A final decision on the application phasizing individual creative processes through All Linden senior citizens are invited to attend, could come Feb 4, the next meeting different art mediums such as acrylics, oils, water whether they belong to any club or not There is no of the zoning board colors and pastels The class is for the beginner or admission charge to the dance, but refreshment In support of his recommendation advanced artist and will include slide presentations tickets may be obtained for 50 cents through for approval. Oro6 cited several and possible tripe to museums and artist studios The Recreation Department sponsored clubs, at the areas of evidence which favor course will be offered at the Greater Mount Moriah Gregorio Recreation Center or at the door Persons Supermarkets General Chief Baptist Church, 24 E 14th SI . Linden The course is interested in having fun. dancing and socializing are among them was the Rickel Home offered on Wednesdays from 9 30 a m lo noon, urged to attend For further information, please call Center's adaptability to beginning Jan 23 the Gregorio Center at 862-0545 requirements of the Linden Master Plan Police seeking Kay Foods robbers Inside story Linden police are looking for two The two then ordered the Knitwears. Inc , on East Linden Editorial ...... Page 4 men, one of them armed, who secretary into the bathroom, police Avenue sometime during the Social...... Pages robbed the office of Kay Foods on said She waited about five minutes previous weekend, getting away Obituaries...... Page 8 Tremley Point Road Friday mor before calling authorities with between $250.00 and $300.00 ning and escaped with between ttoo worth of clothing, city police said Sporta Page 7 Police asked anyone with in Student Writes'...... Page 5 and M00 in cash formation to call the Detective Police laid Um two alto took tome Bureau at 474-8537 All information Entry was gained by knocking a checks, but several of these were four-by four foot hole in a cin- will be kept confidential later found on South Wood Avenue, derbiock wall, police said. A 1978 I n F o c u s where they had apparently been In another incident reported by Ford van. owned by the company, discarded police, vandals spray-painted the was then apparently backed up in Peter Shields, who Is retiring According to police, the pair came bock of the two monuments and the the hole and loaded with between M8 as director of ths (JaiM Owoty into the office Mortly after t JO a m bos shelter in front of City Hall and 300 beses of tank-tope and Division on Aging, is the subject A'yrtNTERTEED ING — Downs of aMgtHIa taka to this tone and ordered the secretary to show sometime between $ p m Saturday sweaters The company msnagar of this wosk's Focus feature. woman ag alia dotot out placas of broad naxt to tho Wilson than the company safe When she andf :45a.m. Sunday Red point waa placed an estimated value of $1,880 Park pond. A variety of birds. Including Canadian goose, aaid there waa no safe, the armed need to write obscenities on the on each boa of merchandise and have used the pondMtls winter as a favorite rest slop. robbor rifled her desk and look the monuments and bua shelter M.000 on the stoiae van. according le ( Photo by Jbhn BouHifcer is) cook Thieves broke into De Rotchiid police 1 - Thursday January 17, 19S5 SERVIHc, LINDEN -Recreation schedule Today—senior crafts, * 30 a m., Recreation Center; Tremley Point indoor soccer program, 8:30 p.m,, Gregorio Recreation Center, senior Seniors meeting, 1 p.m., 7th Ward School 1. bowling, 10 a.m., Linden Lanes; Recreation Center; wrestling Ice skating areas ate; Manorial, nutrition program, noon, Gregorio program, 6 p.m., Beriont Field Tremley Point Road; Knosky, n . Recreation Center; senior billiards House; community center evening Stiles Street; 8th Ward, BetUe Place, and cards, 12:30 p.m., Gregorio program. Schools 2,5, (, 8. off Park Avenue; Mimsell, W Recreation Center; volunteer in ­ Tuesday-Retirees Band M unsell Avenue; and Wilson, come tax assistance class, 9 a m. to rehearsal, 9 a.m., Gregorio Summit Terrace, off St. George 3:30 pm . Gregorio Recreation Recreation Center; senior crafts, Avenue (under supervision). Center, Senior Friendship Club 9:30 a.m., 7th Ward Recreation GREGORIO CENTER meeting, I pm., Gregorio Center; woodcarving class, 10a.m., ' NUTRITION PROGRAM Recreation Center, Thursday Social Gregorio Recreation Center; Week of Jan. 21-2S Club, 12 45 p.m , Community Center Retired Men’s Club business Monday-pineapple Juke, veal Building; 8th Ward Women's Club. meeting, l pm., Gregorio cutlet, wax beans, spaghetti sauce, 7:30 p.m , 8th Ward Recreation Recreation Center; senior ceramics, ice cream; Tuesday—pea soup, Center; Linden Art Association, 8 130 p.m., 7th Ward Recreation country ham with mustard, boiied p m , Sunnyside Recreation Center; Center, 8th Ward Recreation Cen­ potatoes, cabbage, plums; Wed­ wrestling program, 6 p.m , Beriont ter; Progressive Mothers Club, 8 nesday—potato soup, bfted Field House; adult basketball p.m , 8th Ward Recreation Center; chicken, herbed stuffing, spinach, league " A " division. 7 p m , Soehl Linden Art Association business cranberry sauce, pineapple tidbits; Middle School; community center meeting. 8 p.m, Sunnyside Thursday—vegetable soup, roast evening program. 6:30 p m . Schools Recreation Center, community beef, mashed potatoes, diced beets, 3,5 center evening program, 6:30 p m , butterscotch pudding; Friday— Friday—social dancing, 10:30- Schools 3, 5, McManus, Gregorio cream of mushroom soup, baked 1130 a m , Gregorio Recreation Recreation Center; community ziti, green beans, tossed salad with Center, nutrition program, noon, center adult program, 6:30 p.m . dressing, peaches. Gregorio Recreation Center; senior School 1; nutrition program, noon. billiards and cards. 12:30 p.m, Gregorio Recreation Center; senior St. John sets Gregorio Recreation Center, billiards and cards, 12:30 pm . Greater Mt Moriah Senior Citizens Gregorio Recreation Center meeting, 1 p.m , Greater Mt. Moriah Wednesday—senior citizen art pupil sign-up Baptist Church; senior ceramics, 1 course, 9:30 am ., Greater Mt. LIN D E N -St. John the Apostle Moriah Baptist Church; senior School of Clark/Linden will hold EXXON PROMOTES RESEARCH—Checks from Exxon employees totalling more p.m, Gregorio Recreation Center; registration for new students in pre- than SS0.000 have been presented to the American Lung Association of Central special ed children indoor games crafts, 9:30 a m ., Gregorio Jersey, United Way of Union County, American Heart Association and the program, 3 p m . Community Center Recreation Center; senior crafts, kindergarten through grade eight American Cancer Society. The funds represent a now discontinued program of Building. community center 9:30 a m ., Edward Murawski during Catholic Schools Week, collections from vending machines at the Bayway Refinery and Chemical Plant in evening program, 6:30 p.m , 8th Towers; senior citizen com­ starting Feb. 4 Linden. Presenting the checks are, clockwise, John Dunn, employee relations Ward Recreation Center, Gregorio munication course, 10 a.m , Wilson Registration will be held on manager at the Bayway Refinery; Ronald Posyton, chairman of tne American Recreation Center; indoor soccer Park Recreation Center; Golden Monday, Feb. 4, from 9 to it a m ; Cancer Society; Bruce Moehler, director of allocations, United Way of Union program, 6 30p m , School 1 Age Club meeting, 1 p.m, Gregorio Wednesday, Feb 6, from 9 to 11 County, Willia Goodhart, president of the Bayway Employees Salary Union, Saturday—junior basketball Recreation Center; senior aerobics. a m ; and Thursday, Feb 7, from 1 Stanley Nowicki, president of Teamsters Union Local 877; Howard Goldberger, league, 8:30 a m ., School 6; 2:30 p.m , Gregorio Recreation to2p.m past immediate chairman of the board, American Heart Association, N.J. affiliate; wrestling program, 9 a m , Beriont Center, nutrition program, noon. There will be an open house for Michael Schmidt, employee relations manager, Bayway Chemical of Central Field House; community center Gregorio Recreation Center; senior pre-kindergarten on Wednesday, Jersey; Alex Wysession, managing director of the American Lung Associaton of informal basketball program, 8:30 billiards and cards, 12:30 p m . Feb 6, from 1 to 2 p.m Central Jersey, and Patricia Eichele, president of the American Lung Association a m . Schools 2, 3, 5; children's art Gregorio Recreation Center; adult Those registering should bring of Central Jersey. classes, lOand 11:30a m , Sunnyside basketball league “ B'' division, 7 birth certificate, baptismal papers Recreation Center, special ed p m , Soehl Middle School; in­ and immunization records Ad­ children bowling program. 1 p m , termediate basketball league. 7 ditional information may be ob­ PUBLIC NOT ICE Meetings for '85 CITY OF LINDEN Bazaar to be held Jersey Lanes PuO'C notice L> Section 1 That the schedules referred to and ^ GARAGE » 486-4155 made a part of the ordinance entitled, AN OR M i l LINDEN FNKK OILIVINY SL R V IC I AVAIl AIM I DINANCE ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF Mtn Fr* rNAMHIl PM TITLES CLASSIFICATION OF DUTIES U/tn ‘GARDEN SALARY RANGES AND REGULATIONS FOR g i n d o o r s kl 0 »AMI«4 FM MAINTAINING THE CLASSIFICATION AND Ws IN8li4«rtl KAMNtFM ALL STATE FULL SALARY STANDARDIZATION PLAN OF ALL Chinese & Am erican ISTUYVESANT • O m m H S te v tr EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF LINDEN 688 1300 • 688 liOi U N D E R C i v i l SERVICE approved R e s t a u r a n t . Film Dvvttef •«* • December 20 >944 ang as ammenaed shall be IAIRCUTTING Um Y*wr Mttlt' CKg»f« and the same hereby are further amended ana n od'fied by Schedule 3 k k 5 ana said Schedule 3 K K 5 is hereby made a part of this ordinance as Q uality Hair Cuts though specifically ana a' length set forth her.n, *• LUNCHEON and sa>d Schedule 3 KK 5 being on file with the a t A f f o r d a b l e P r i c e s ! C‘ty Clerkof the City of Linden is hereby approv • DINNER & FAMILY DINNER ea ana adopted as a change of the salary schedule w ith respect to the positions therein set • TAKE-OUT ORDERS • Painted •Aluminum •Fiberglass f o r t h S e nio r Sec t io n 2 A ll o r d in a n c e s o r p a r ts o f o rm n a n c - s • S teel • N a tural F ir W o o d • N o Finger WATCH FOR THE ana schedules form ing a part therof inconsistent C itiz e n ° Monday to Thursday it a n. 9 30p.m. Joints • AA Fir & Redwood Panels herwnth sha11 be ana the same hereby are repeat F r id a y to S u n d a y 11 a m 10 00 p m • Sunburst/Arch • Parts •Springs ed *o the extent of such inconsistent / ana this ordinance shad take offer' n me n anner S p e cia l MON. thru FRI. • Elec Operators • Radio Controls prescribed by law 25 W ELIZABETH AVE , LINDEN OPENING OF Section 3 The prov s ons of this ordinam • Call Toll From 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 7 2 - 4 9 8 0 (Neil to'Sears Robuckl shall be effective as set forth on the Scheci jii- at New Rd.. Monmouth Je t, NJ 'ached hereto |0 PEN M ON. thru SAT. FREE PARKING IN FRONT 8 6 2 3 4 4 4 Section 4 All ordinances ann schedules not n Open: 6 till 4:30 - Sat till 12 i-onsistent herewith sha" continue n i u ii t o e . ana effec t 1654 Stuyvcsanl h t . , U n io n 005602 L'naen Leader Jan 17 1985 F.-« S2I00' THE NEW LOOKING For Comfort in Mon.-Fi-i. 8 AM-6 PM Bed or Ctiair GLASS LOUNGE Sat. 8 AM 4 PM OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST S IL IC O N SU PREM E - MUFFLERS EXHAUST SYSTEMS WHEELCHAI^PADDING

xntafiatMfl (»«■»' m*ro*u Turns any wheelchair i*>'»***4 aM taMptete eikMtt in'emt Did you miss out on an IRA in to a lu xu rio u sly REMEMBER Ch£CK OUR LOW PRICES* comfortable sitting , GMLOPIhG surface Coveted on AMALFE BROS. TIRE SERVICE one side with warrg tax break last year? synthetic sheepskin r - H i i t 335 RAHWAY AVE . ELIZABETH ELJ47** and on reverse side with cool cotton pofyestei [specially UNION • 687 6 ? 4 ? nice for cold weather ot patients with cir culatory problems SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS ALL HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECTS Down Outerwear The Union County Regional High School District for the entire family needs the services of substitute teachers Ladies Down coats D O N 'T PUT IT Full Length Paym ent is as follows: X % OFF SS?iuJ' OFF AGAIN!!! *35 per day substitute teachers who Hold a county certificate only 5 0 Invest up to S2 000 or t00°i> ot youi earned income (wtnchevei is less) and i60 college credos) deduct that amount on vom 1984 tax return' Earn 9.58*/« EFFECTIVE ANNUAL YIELD. 9.2S>lt ANNUAL INTEREST RATE on Individual Retirement Account s45 per day tor substitute Teachers who are fully certified deposits thtnuqh March 31 1985 Plus tnese special features i SKI WEAR I Tax deterred interest I No minimum deposit requirement S81.50 per day lot long ten* substitutes mho ser*e in lb* same position \T/ 4 I Variable interest rate adinsted I Deposits anytime at your convenience Ini mme than 10 consetu'rtre days p»i diem rale nt JACKETS (|u.ulerly to reflect money market II ' —weekly monthly, o' annually ‘81 SO begins with the 11th day Must be a fully certified VESTS conditions teacher I Interest compounded and credited I Statements issued quarterly BIB PANTS ilii.ii terly CLOVES y I Deposits insured under FDIC regulations mU'H’sl jvn.iltv i: tHiwred lot early withdrawal Substitute nurses (RN or Certified) Also needed SOCKS-HATS SWEATERS The Union County Regional District has four com Please tend me additional information on United Counties' prehensive Senior High Schools with grades 9 12 Individual Retirement Accounts. Substitute teachers are needed in all subiecfs on a day /'r l. lf ll,m,l to day and long-term basis as temporary s iv */ In Nank' rer lacements for regular stall members who are United Counties ab sen t. STOREWIDE SAVINGS iiust Company Address Maiki'lnni Dctkiilinetil EVERY ITEM DISCOUNTED City State Zip For further mlormalion and an application contact i mil Commoiee Dtrxe la.mkHd NJ 07016 Daytime Pttonp Charles Bauman, assistant superintendent union The largest selection in tfte tri state area.. County Regional High School district no 1, Jonathan Dayton Regional High School, Mountain Avo. Spr UNITED COUNTIES ingfield N.J. 07081 376-6300 Clinton Factory © TRUST COMPANY Outlet i MEMBER UNITED COUNTIES BANCORPORATCN , L J . • MEMBER FMC Ae EgMl Oeeorteeity Afliimitut Action tmplayei Mon -Frl 10-5:30Thurs til 8:30 p.m. Dark • bank Sat til 5 p.m Sun 12-5 kivrtdiru • KaMmxti • Lrerotl • Lnan • _ _ _ OWiusl • Rail Monmouei • SOrnrttury . SpngfcM t SmmM SERVI L IN D E N - Thursday, January 17, 1985 — 3 Drug charges lead Payroll; purchases to fines for 3 men LINDEN—Three men were fined $233 million at G M vehicle and $85 for ignoring a traffic on drug possession charges when signal; and George N. Snell Jr., 22, LINDEN—The General Motors man Roger B Smith’s prediction assembly plant in Linden con­ they appeared before Municipal of Verona Avenue was fined $90 and that industry car and truck sales for tributed more than $233 3 million to Court Judge Richard Kochanski last lost his license for 30 days for 1985 should exceed 15 million units the local economy during 1984 in the Thursday. leaving the scene of an accident "This would mark only the second In court on Jan 7. Joseph P form of payrolls to employees and time that the 15 million vehicle mark One of them. Philip Farless. 30, of payments to area suppliers, ac Campion. 46, of Bayview Drive, has been reached and would be the Forest Avenue, Staten Island, was cording to a year end report from J Toms River, was ordered held in third consecutive year of increased fined $125 for possession of less than Russel McCarthy, plant manager Union County Jail, Elizabeth, in new car and truck sales since the 25 grams of marijuana as well as default of $50,000 bail on charges of This figure represents an increase of downturn of 1980-82," McCarthy $115, with a six-month loss of license, more than $22 7 million over last possession of a firearm with intent to said for having no insurance; $515. with a year use unlawfully and making threats He added. "At GM, 1985 sales 30-day loss of license, for driving to kill. The case was sent to the McCarthy reported 1984 payrolls momentum is fueled by a total of six while on the revoked list , and $90 for totalled $178 5 million, compared to new vehicle lines which GM has or speeding Union County prosecutor's office. Abraham Smiley, 28, of Me $162.9 million in the previous year will introduce during the 1985 model Employment for the year averaged Also fined $125 each for possession Candless Street, charged with year.” 5,112, up from 5,061 in 1983 of less than 25 grams of marijuana unlawful possession of cocaine, was They include three new sub Another $54 8 million was paid to were John P.Holup, 20. of W. 20th held under $325 bail while the case compacts from Chevrolet — the 808 area suppliers for goods and Street and Alphonso P Ferrandino, was referred to the prosecutor s Sprint, currently available in nine services during the year, up from 21, of 9th Street. Brooklyn, N Y office Western states: the Spectrum $47 7 million in 1983 Robert L Ruscus, 21, of S. Second recently introduced in 16 Eastern GM’s Linden plant, located on Diane Schneider of Miner Terrace Street, Elizabeth, was charged with states, and the Nova, due to debut in Route 1, is part of the recently the spring of 1985 was fined $125 on each of two unlawful possession of less than 25 organized Chevrolet Pontiac-Cana Other new lines are the front charges of obtaining gasoline with a grams of marijuana, unlawful use of da Group In 1984, the plant credit card that was no longer a controlled dangerous substance, wheel-drive luxury models from negotiable assembled a total of 212.024 cars, unlawful posession of drug Cadillac. Buick and Oldsmobile; compared with 202,505 the previous another all new line of compacts Two persons were fined $200 each paraphernalia and possession of a year the Pontiac Grand Am. Oldsmobile on charges of shoplifting at the controlled dangerous substance He McCarthy pointed to GM Chair Calais and Buick Somerset Regal Pathmark store on W St George was held under $250 bail and the and the compact vans offered by charges referred to the prosecutor's Avenue They were Puiu Diaconu. WAITING FOR A HOME — Boo, a four year old female dog, 'Nostalgia Dance' Chevrolet and GMC. 41, of Cricket Lane, Woodbridge. office has been waiting since August to find a home Boo is charged with taking merchandise Ariel Alberto Sanchez of West available for adoption at Kindness Kennels, 90 St George will be held Feb. 2 minister Avenue. Elizabeth, also valued at $3 24. and Lenny Pills of Ave , Rahway. She is housetrained, loves children and the LINDEN —The Home-School Saturday hours charged with unlawful possession of W Grand Street, charged with outdoors, and is loyal and obedient. Also awaiting adoption Association of St. Elizabeth's School LINDEN—The East Branch taking $81.81 worth of merchandise a controlled dangerous subastance, are Pebbles, a nine month old white and brown female akita will hold a "Nostalgia Dance" of the Linden Public Library, Robert J Gorczyca, 20, of Dennis was held under $250 bail and the case mix, and Lady, a tri color female collie, about four years old Saturday, Eeb. 2. from 8 p m to I 1425 Dill Ave., is now open from Place was fined $100 for damaging was referred to the prosecutor's Those interested in adopting any of these pets can call 382 a m .in Father Meinrad Hall 9 a. m to noon on Sa turdays. office Police Department property — the 6100 Monday through Friday from 9 a m. to 4 p.m.. Visitors The program will feature the a The. Sunnyside Branch. 100 Patrick Allen Walsh, 23, of W wood panelling in the holding area at are welcome Monday through Saturday from 9 a m to 4 p m capella singers. Solia Gold, as well Edgewood Road, is open on First Avenue. Roselle, was charged police headquarters as continuous disc jockey music, a Saturdays from 1:30 to 5 p m with unlawful possession of a con In traffic cases, Thomas J Kopik. hot and cold buffet and special The Saturday hours at the Main trolled dangerous substance and 58, of W Henry Street was fined $265 ABC hearings set on Feb. 12 prizes. Tickets are available by Library, 31 E Henry St., and lost his license for six months unlawful possession of less than 25 remain at 9 am . to5p.m. LIND EN—The Linden Board of Dec 25, allowing alcoholic calling 486-2853, 352-2107 or 925-7855 for refusing to take a breathalyzer grams of marijuana He was held Alcoholic Beverage Control will hold beverages to be served after legal test; Giuseppe Perrone, 19. of Evans under $250 bail and the case was hearings at 8 p m Feb 12 on hours and allowing service to and Street, Rahway, was fined $515 for referred to the prosecutor's office. charges against two licensed consumption by 17 year-old. also on driving while on the revoked list, $30 Warren C Suydam Jr , 19, of establishments involving incidents Dec 25 for operating an unregistered Grove Street, Elizabeth, was fined $125 for unlawful possession of less which allegedly occurred on Christmas Day than 25 grams of marijuana / ‘letn h if/ lrw The two licensees, Sm ittys Nathaniel Thompson of E Henry FUEL OIL Guidelines noted Steet was fined $125 for assault and Tavern & Lounge. 812 E St George for lunch program threatening bodily harm Ave and Midtown Tavern and Louise M Loffa of Woodlawn Liquor Store. 9-11 W Price St , were given until Feb 1 to enter pleas LIND E N—The Linden Day Care Avenue was fined $225 for issuing a Smitty's is accused of allowing Center will receive federal funds for bogus $50 check to Shors Drugs, N about 40 persons on licensed BIGGER free or reduced price meals during Wood Avenue 700 G al M in C O D 1985 for children of eligible families In traffic cases, Juan A Samite. 30 premises during excluded hours of PRICES SUBJECT TO Eligibility guidelines under the of Worth Avenue, was fined $765, had sale on Dec 25 and allowing CHANGE Divison of Mental Retardation his license revoked for six months alcoholic beverages to be served THAN EVER after legal hours on the same date (D M R) and Division of Youth and and was sentenced to five days in Midtown is accused of allowing Family Serv.ices (DYFS) jail for driving while on the UNION FUELOIL regulations are: suspended list; Jairo H Forero, 29, aboul 50 persons on licensed 6 8 8 - 0 0 0 3 premises during excluded hours on of Morris Avenue, Elizabeth, was For a family of one, $6,475 for the fined $515 and had his license DMR and $9,213 for DYFS; family of JANUARY revoked for 30 days for driving w'hile two, $8,737 and $12,432; family of on the revoked list; and Howard Miki three, $10,997 and $15,651; family of Zanardski. 25. of B W 66th Avenue. e Formerly of Roselle Park four, $13,261 and $18,870, ior each Margate. Fla , was fined $115 and additional family member, add lost "his license TOr 30 days for Sheill is now at Linden Shell $3,291 leaving the scene of an accident WINTER-TUNE-UP SPECIAL FUR SALE ■ ■ I D E I S $ 7 0 0 P K E E with every tune-up Enroll Noun! value Spring Semester with this ad • Snap on computer balancing only • Full line of radial snow and regular snow tires nion ^ LIN D EN SHELL AUTO CARE INC. COUNTY COUfO€ R o u te 1 & Wood Ave. 8 6 2 - 0 2 6 1 C lass** begin sneii L in d e n

January 21,J^85 Dty ind Evtninj Credit Courses in tbs following areas Liberal Art* • Human Services Cranford Health Busin***, inglneertng, Heatttt Technologies * Criminal Justice Extended Care Center Engineering • Business Announces... Blologloal A Physloal Sciences in-par»on registration

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P h ilip H artm an Managing Editor • , Linden Leader Joseph Farina 218 North Wood Ave Linden, N J 07036 Advertising Manager

Published every Thursday by Suburban Publishing Business O ffice Corp Annual mail 1291 Sfuyvesant Ave Union, N J 07083 subscription SI I 00 in c oun 686-7700 ty , S17 00 o ut Of c o u n ty , per copy Mailed and entered as second class m at W ALTER WORRALL. Publ isher ter at the Linden, N J Post Office Postmaster Send Timothy Owens/Philip address chancjus to the E d ito rs L in d e n L e a d e r. 17^1 S tu y v e s a n t A v e . U n io n . N J 0708.1

Laudable, but... Two bills passed by the Assembly last week have laudable aims for improving the quality of public education, but don’t show clear thinking in their present forms. One bill, A-635, would set a minimum salary for all public school teachers that would increase each year by the rate at which state wide per capita income increases. Under the companion measure, A-634, the state would reimburse local districts for the cost of bringing salaries up to the state minimum. The concept of raising teacher salaries has been offered as a solution to the present woes of American education, most notably by a federal commission in a 1983 report, “ A Nation at Risk.” Its argument was that qualified teachers are difficult to find because of the low salaries offered DUCKS DELUXE—Michael Herkalo of Linden placed 'F*hoto Forum' at this newspaper, P.O. Box 3109, Union 07083, second in the Turtle Back Zoo's recent photography contest with complete identification of the subject Stamped, self in the profession. According to the New Jersey in the bird category for this photo. If you have a favorite addressed envelope must be enclosed if the picture is to be Education Association, the largest teachers’ union, photo which you would like to submit for this page, send it to re tu rn e d the median salary for starting teachers this year is On the bright side $14,880. Gov. Tom Kean proposed that the Legislature raise starting teacher salaries to $18,500, however, Clutter reveals m any success stories the Democratic majority in the Assembly went By G E RR Y Di GESl perhaps they don't have the right home by my teen-age son from a In the center of the table rests a further. Under the bill’s formula, tied to the rise in Clutter can tell a lot about life idea Crossroads weekend religious painting of daisies, done in delicate Yesterday, I started to scoop up retreat I will never forget the joy water colors It arrived in the mail A thank you note — thanks from a per-capita income, starting teacher salaries for the mess on my dining room table friend to whom we had sent a gift and exuberance of the 40 boys and today, a gift from a friend from high wondering how it piled up so fast and 1985-86 would range from $19,795 to $20,200. We when he opened his own beauty their families as we said welcome to school days A sensitive, caring how to prevent it from accumulating salon last month I can remember them in the church hall One after person who wanted more than aren’t about to split hairs in a discussion of what a overnight Then I stopped to take a him growing up, always talking the other they rose to share their anything to become a successful closer look and discovered a mar starting teacher is worth. That is a topic we will about owning his own business He deepest feelings about God with us artist. We lost touch over the years velous collection of success stories deal with another time. We have other problems had worked long, grueling hours for and say, "Thanks mom and dad I and I learned she had been assaulted by divorce, the death of a.child and a A letter and photographs from years to save the money Now his love you." I wonder how many with the legislation. drinking problem ( friends who moved to Maine last dream had come true parents heard those words for the first time that night Teachers currently receiving less than the fall They had hated living here The The letter that accompanied her My son’s homework and test Copies of minutes from a learning rat race, pollution, noise and going painting announced her one-woman proposed state minimum would not get a papers for the ast few weeks All disabilities organization meeting — to work each day So they sold their show at a prestigious California with excellent grades We had en­ the untiring, selfless years spent by retroactive raise. A teacher who started work in home and off they went with their gallery and left no doubt my friend couraged. nagged and punished the founder of the group to help the two young children, little money, no had won a long, hard battle the Linden school district in 1984-85, receives during the months and now here was children and their families job prospects and joyous hearts $15,670 annually. After a year, this same teacher proof that he is starting to realize his Professionals I've dealt with over My answering note will offer could end up earning less than a teacher who starts I still think they're crazy, but potential a.nd grow in self- the years who were trying to help congratulations on her upcoming when I read their lettew describing contideqfC {Ujnbw he's on his way my son; all of them caring people exhibit, but more than that will teaching in the district in 1985-86. A year’s ex­ how happy they are out in the woods, A Bible. w a te r and huge, hand- He’s cornel million miles because of share her joy in becoming one of perience would become a liability. Moreover, there 1 envy their free spirit and wonder if drawn poster of St Matthew brought them life's survivors may be teachers receiving far less than $18,500 who have seven or eight years’ experience. No State we’re in doubt that they would seek increases as well. There is no plan for the state to reimburse local Som e D D T still in use despite U.S. ban districts for this type of increase. It would have to By F. MOORE our still using DDT in this country, the logic of those who make their American bald eagles were feeling be borne by local taxpayers. Executive director despite the ban we all counted on. If living crawling through loopholes better when persistent poisons like The bills contain no provision for tying com­ N.J. Conservation Foundation the article is correct, the system Others keep them in business by DDT were banned Little did they petency testing of teachers with the salary in­ Just when one might think all is which somebody beat is the making sure the loopholes are there! know that they would have con­ well with DDT. the persistent pesticide-labeling requirement Among common trade names for tinuing trouble with their eggshells creases. The state’s taxpayers will be footing the pesticide which became the symbol which allows the DDT content of a dicofel are Kelthane. which is used because of "inert" ingredients (One bill for the increases to the tune of $80 million next of environmental activism in the pesticide called dicofel, under its by orchardists for control of apple of the big clues about DDT was the year, if the legislation is approved, and up to $110 1960 s. and which was banned from generic name, to be listed as an pests; Acarln and Mitigan are other coorelation between its presence in use in this country a dozen years "inert" ingredient brand names According to the the bodies of eagles and other million five years later. The state has to make sure ago, things seem to fall apart at the Dicofel, under its various brand Maine Times, they've been sold in raptors and the increasing thinness that the taxpayers are getting their money’s worth seams. names, contains from 1 to 15 percent the U .S. for 25 yeara or so of their shells' walls, causing the DDT isomers, according the Aside from apples, it seem>> that eggs to break beneath the weight of Although still made in this country — qualified and quality teachers. aforementioned article You have to the greatest usage of the 2 million the incubating parents l. and shipped abroad for use. so that undersand doublespeak to know why pounds of dicofel made and sold per We hope that before the Senate acts on these we are undoubtedly getting DDT It makes one wonder what other an ingredient which is far from inert year is for cotton and citrus crops back in airborne specks and in much inert" things are loose out there, bills, iUaddresses these issues. It has an incentive. is so listed But it’s really simple But here's a late flash; The U S of the food we eat it ceased being an and how many more times we will It’s because the pesticide with which Environmental Protection Agency Kean has promised to veto the bills if they are Amlrican problem when it couldn't have to get DDT banned this DDT is flavored is destined to be l E P A ) last Oct 1 moved to take this be sold here anymore That’s an approved in their present form. There is too much used only for certain bugs. latest incarnation of DDT out of While DDT (and dicofeli are not admittedly chauvinistic attitude we at stake — the future of the state’s education DDT doesn't happen to work circulation At least that's when directly toxic to humans, it's surely all tend toshare system — to waste too much time. against the bugs dicofel is designed EPA proposed an end to dicofel's not a recommended dietary sup­ But now, an article I saw recently to kill, and therefore it can be listed usage Judging from the speed at plement, but we are continuing to in the Maine Times proves that as "inert It's hard to understand which bureaucratic wheels turn, get more than our fair portion all the there's always a way to beat the why DDT is in there at all, if that that could give another year or two same Somebody has to come up Your news is good news system, which in this case results in rationale is to be followed Such is of use for "inert" DDT with a better definition of inert! lusl fill in the information and we ll publish it fur \ t A guest column Who i Person or dub lor whom event is.bemn hold i Sports lovers m ust bew are w inter chill Bv DR KAREN E. SCHULIIAFER the body tissues that can lead to The signs of frostbite are not rules that can be of immediate help Surgeon Podiatrist serious problems if not recognized difficult to recognize once you know First, get out of the cold and into a W hat______With the winter season upon us. early and treated properly The skin what to look for The hands and feet warm room Remove all con the lure of sleds, skis and ice skates temperature can fall quite rapidly, are most susceptible to fall prey to strictive clothing from affected m eehnMPehnK anniversary, ehnsleni.g.. may be calling many to the cold reaching dangerous subfreezing this cold injury, and become stiff parts and wrap them instead in outdoors Bui before you put on your temperatures within a minute when and cold in the early stages. The loose, bulky dressings Avoid rup snowshoes, a word of caution about the wind chill factor is -7 degrees F, extremities then usually become lure of any blisters that form, as W here______winter's worst enemy frostbite! taking a little longer with higher white and pain-free, which can mask they can become infected Do not ( Place address) Frostbite is an actual freezing of temperatures the effects of impending damage tt apply any salves or ointments to the frostbite is not recognized quickly skin. Keep blankets on the body and enough, the winter sports lover is drink hot liquids to raise body Legislative addresses likley to continue the outdoor ac­ temperature Elevation of the feet When______Summer St ., Elizabeth 07208. tivity, leading to irreversible tissue and legs is important to keep (T im e and date) The U.S. Senate State Assem bly and blood vessel damage swelling to a minimum. Cigarettes Kill Bradley. Democrat of Denville, When planning a day outdoors in and alcohol are prohibited, as they 315 Russell Senate Office Building, Thomas J. Deverln. Democrat. 28 cold weather, be sure to keep the constrict blood vessels and impair Details Washington, D C 20510 (telephone Cypress St , Carteret 07008. Thomas hands and feet warm in clothing that circulation further. If there is no 202-224-3224), or 1609 Vauxhail Road. Democrat, 219 Gesner St.. does not restrict circulation. It is immediate help on the way, you may (Or other important information i_ Union 07083 ( telephone: 688-0960) Linden 07036 important to plan a periodic break in submerge the parts in 95 to 99 Sen. Frank lautenberg. Hart Senate activity to go outdoors. This will degrees F water for 20 to 30 minutes. Office Building, Room 717, In Linden raise tissue temperature and give This temperature is critical, so you a chance to check the ex­ maintain it carefully Above all, do Washington, D C 20510; District Mayor George Iludak. City Hall, tremities for signs of frostbite: stiff not rely on home care to treat this office: Gateway 1, Gateway Center, Wood Avenue. joints, white color and numbness. problem — it is a medical Newark07012, (telephone: 645 3030) City Council President Robert Your name and address and daytime phone- It you do become a victim oi emergency. Seek professional at­ (ionor, City Hall. Wood Avenue. frostbite, there are several first sid tention as soon as poaalble U.S. Congress Couacllmen Malvia M. Eckel. First Bernard J Dwyer. Democrat of Ward; Virginia Gratia no. Second | Edison, 404 Cannon House Office Ward; Myles J. Hergert. Third Ward; William Motley. Fourth Trivia teasers | IT'S FKEE. Just fill in this information news sheet Building. Washington. D C. 1051S. District offices at 628 N. Wood Ave , Ward; James leeil. Fifth Ward 1 In what movie did Bob Hope first sing "Thanks for the Memories"? Linden, phone 486-4600. District Richard T. Brsestekl. Sixth Ward 2 What nation coven an entire continent? ■ CLIP and M AIL TO: Jeeepa SuUga. Seventh Ward includes LindenL and Winfield. 3 What is the inscription on the tablet held by the Statue of Liberty? P.O. Box 31 oy Geerge N. MlMceky. Eighth Ward • Union, N.J.07U83 Cf Alvla Capita, Ninth Ward; City If you have any questions, please call 686-7700 State Senate Hall, Wood Avenue; Walter ANSWER* Raymead Lasaiak, Democrat, 661 Cy merman, loth Ward. %U\ > Xptr S tllu iM V l MSI jo tssppaojg «ig eqj., I Ol JRaymead SERVING l iNDEN Ihursday, 'anusry 17, 1985 - School 6 students writeite ‘about me’ Student* from School 6, Mr* Ann always play with him. We wrestle Senrey’s Grade $ cl***, compiled the good time* too. I want her to be my we have to wear warmer clothes We and play soccer. When I have a WHEN I GROW CP l,ove following writing project* in class. friend forever and ever. see the different color leaves and ■problem with my homework he By BONNIE CACGHLIN is for all they look pretty. In autumn we have When I grow up I want to be a lelps me and shows me how to do it the people in a world By SHERI WARVEL Halloween Autumn is nice if you secretary because 1 like to type

Solitaire Submitted by an unidentified But this place tolerates not the Linden High School student Halloween Ball It sings its own dank song of gloom Any path but this 1 fain would have chosen My heart and brains, they tell me Except this unlit, dank, hallowed I'm childish hall As I click my heels thrice to be But I had stayed out too late dancing home In red heels at the Halloween Ball I know my courage surpasses that of the king of the beasts Had I glanced at the time I would not But the courage deserts me when 1 be here now am alone Desperation drove me to this frightful sight By my being late I had presealed my No sense of logic makes less of my fate ways My curse is my creative flair. Doomed to meander alone on All For my mind makes me envision Hallow’s night things Logic dictates exist nowhere To this foggy place we all ow n a plot It’s here we inevitably wend My sojourn here was but for a bit Tonight is the night you pray not to Unlike my neighbors my present the Lord stay here would end. You beg the good fairy witch’ for a boon Trembling, I would urge myself Providence has no bearing on ac faster tivities this eve. But I trip in my shiny red shoes Good witch, let this nightmare end In my anxious state I'd overlooked a soon! stone The tree's leaves now resemble my bruise The moon hangs aloofly suspended in space Where did that great stone come A circle full-formed in the air from’’ And far, far away I hear a wild dog Now what am I to do? say Because of my haste 1 need now take The wicked witch is lurking hesitant pace. somewhere And T have barely come half-way through The wind brushes back my hair from my face 1 ease my foot down on the fall And whistles its pitch audibly muralled ground I see flying monkeys descend from »U jump up in fright and glance all the trees around Is my imagination once more I laugh at myself for my foolhardy besting me1 ways My laugh breaks the silence — not a I long to slumber in a rich, floppy comforting sound field But my cheeks, windswept, are pale If my ankle wasn't sore 1 would run Was my trek unaided - I could flee! predestinated’7 Am I Home to family, warm dinner, my living myb own fairy tale? dog, my bed But I ’ve abused, overused it, and My ears keenly pick yp every sound these shiny red shoes I see all for wide are my eyes Won't separate from my feet in this I spy a mischievios kid — hind a llquseof the Dead mask he hid But for my fear there lacks a A flickering orange face mocks me disquise Silently grinning at my expense Sure he can smile —- why shouldn't My farm house, I know, is all aglow he’ Rosy and warm, through far from He's secure on the opposite side of pretty this fence! A typical house on the Kansas prarie, I follow the trail of yellowish leaves. Yet. more inviting than ail Emerald Having beeen told that they always City! lead home In life we all hear spooky stories by SHYER But all I can see as far as 1 see Is yellowish leaves too abundant to fires roam, Rumors from an elder to a child and pup I attempt to think of a popular tune As we grow up we laugh at our credulity — ROSE To which I danced to ail night in costume But who of us ever grows up’’ 5 5 a w m e/ i. T h is pa$e o f . . f . . - i itli School Hew* :u,.J| tli. .1. mu I .mil < ..II. . 1 is sponsored by A NIGHTCLUB

COMMERCIAL ART—Adeile Dapkus's commercial arts students from the Vocational School produced this month's UNITED COUNTIES school page art. Gary Belcher used his first name as a logo during a lettering exercise, and also made the Japan travel poster on this page, Kim Eldridge also contributed her let t r u s t c o m p a n y taring exercise, as seen above, emerge Scoles produced the Silver Rose advertisement, as seen above, and me Stallion of L A. Menu cover was the work of Larry D'Auria. 6 Thursday, January 17, 1985 SERVING oncFt LE. POSELl F PARK AND LINDEN Clubs in the news ■Obituaries- The Roeary Society of the topic of "being a servant and patients in the greater Essex JESSIE ROSS two daughters, Mildred Macmillan Brother* Hospital, Elizabeth Church of the Assumption. having a servant heart” Sunday Union counties area. The LINDEN—Service* for Jessie and Rose Tucka, nine grandchildren Born in Virginia, she lived in Roselle Park, installed its of­ at the 9:30 a m. service at organization also supports the Ross, 76, of Linden were held and two great-grandchildren. Roselle many years bafore moving ficers for the 1985 year Jan 8 at Calvary Chapel, Jefferson Flo Okin Oncologic Center at Saturday. Mrs Ross died Jan. 8 in to Elizabeth five years ago. She was a Mass celebrated by Msgr House. Martin Luther King the Newark Beth Israel Medical the Elizabeth General Medical THADDEUS KOZA a domestic engineer for the former Joseph Loreti, who also serves Plaza, Elizabeth At the 6:30 Center. Center LIND EN—A Mass for Thaddeus Jersey Central Railroad, Jersey as moderator The theme for p m service he will teach from THE LINDEN LODGE of Born in Douglas, Ga , she lived in Koza, 76, of Linden was offered City, the year is 'Peace Around the the Sixth Chapter of Revelation B'nai B’rith will hold a brunch New York before moving to Linden Saturday in St. Elizabeth Church, Surviving are her husband, World.'1 The officers installed Jan 27 at 10 a m at the Anshe in 1966 She was employed as a Linden, following funeral services. Clifton; a son, Clifton Jr.; two are Joan Carville, president; Kl.O OKIN CanCt* Relief will Chesed synagogue in Linden. presser with the Shirley Lee Dress Mr. Koza died Jan. 9 in the Elizabeth daughters, Gladys Sizemore- Angela Bordne, vice president; meet Wednesday at l p m in Featured guest will be Joe Manufacturing Co , Elizabeth General Medical Center Frieson and Vivian Sizemore Agnes Tolkacz, secretary, and Temple Shaarey Shalom, Gooter, humorist, author and Surviving are her husband, He was a clerk in the research and Stuckey, six grandchildren and 10 Jane Flannagan. treasurer Springfield Ina Herman, a columnist, whose work has Quillie; two sons, James and Er­ development department of the great-grandchildren. appeared in national specialized accessory con nest. two daughters. Laura Abrams Singer- Manufacturing Co., ROSE FOERI magazines Gooter also has THE SERMON TOPIC by Dr sultant. will be guest speaker and Anna, and 10 grandchildren Elizabeth He was the financial ROSELLE—Services for Rose Charles A Jones III, interim She will present a program on written comedy material for secretary and member of the Legion Eoeri, 95, of Roselle were held pastor, at Sunday's worship creating art groupings and stars and has appeared on radio ELVIRA MARCIIESKI of Honor of the Polish Falcons of yesterday. Mrs. Foeri died Saturday service at 10 a m in Osceola arranging patterns and colors and television and was featured LINDEN -Services for Elvira America, Nest 126, Elizabeth at the Elizabeth Nursing Home. Presbyterian Church, 1689 Members are invited to bring on the NBC "Monitor” Marcheski, 76, of Linden were held Surviving are his wife, Jean; a Bom in New York City, she lived Raritan Road, Clark, will be floor plans and swatches Adele program Gooter also has ap­ Sunday Mrs Marcheski died son, Rodney; a brother, Walter, and in Bayonne before moving to Roselle The Essential Ingredients in Harris is chairman Flo Okin peared as a guest for Friday at home two sisters, Sophie Rog and Wanda in 1927 Marriage Cancer Relief, Inc . is a non organizations A B'nai B rith Born in Lithuania, she was Surviving are a son, Walter; a speaker will address the group profit organization which helps brought to this country and HELEN WHITE daughter, Gladys Tallman; five on "current issues and PASTOR JAMES TATE will provide funds for the care and Elizabeth at the age of three She L IN D E N -A Mass for Helen grandchildren, 13 great problems " continue his teaching on the treatment of individual cancer lived in Linden this past year White, 83, of Linden was offered grandchildren, and a great-great Surviving are a son, Robert, a Friday in St Elizabeth’s Church, grandchild daughter, Florence Stefanick; a Linden, following funeral services School lunches Annual unity sister, Melanie Neveris; two Mrs White died Jan 8 in Rahway DEL NERO-John J , of Roselle; ROSELLE PARK ELEM ENTARY SCHOOLS brothers, Chester and Joseph Hospital on Jan ll MIDDLE SCHOOL FRID AY, pizza bagel, peanut Trachimowicz, three grandchildren Born in Trenton, she moved to ERKELENZ-Dorothy D., of FRIDAY, pizza, coleslaw, fruit, butter and jelly sandwich, fruit, is scheduled and two great grandsons Linden 13 years ago She was a Roselle Park; on Jan. 10 homemade cookie, turkey salad juice, chocolate pudding, milk; Christians throughout the world supervisor for N J Bell Telephone FO ERI—Rose, of Roselle; on Jan sandwich, milk; MONDAY, MONDAY, frankfurter on hot dog will observe tomorrow through Jan FRANK MLRACII in Newark 12 frankfurter on roll potatoes roll, peanut butter and jelly sand 25 as a week when they pray that the LIND EN—Services for Frank Surviving are a son, Clarence, a KNOSKY—William P Jr., of Murach, 63, of Linden were held vegetable, fruit, tuna salad sand­ wich. juice, fruit, cookie, milk; words of Jesus may be fulfilled. brother, Frank Roznoy, a sister, Rahway, formerly of Linden; on Saturday Mr Murach died Jan 9 at wich. milk; TUESDAY, tacos with TUESDAY, beef barbecue on bun, That All May Be One,” as part of Elizabeth Lesko, and six grand­ Jan 9 shredded lettuce, steamed rice, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, tThe annual observance of the week Rahway Hospital children KOZA—Thaddeus, of Linden; on Born in Carteret, he moved to fruit, salami sandwich, milk; tossed salad with dressing, fresh of Christian Unity. Jan 9 WEDNESDAY, oven-baked chicken, Linden 40 years ago He was a W ILLIAM KNOSKY JR. KUBE—Albert R . of Linden; on fruit, corn chips, milk, WED­ On Saturday people from the dinner roll, buttered whole kernel NESDAY, oven-roast chicken, soft maintenance man for Standard L IN D E N -A Mass for William Jan 12 congregations of Roselle and Roselle Electric corn, vegetable, juice, cold sub­ roll, peanut butter and jelly sand­ Knosky Jr , 66, of Rahway, formerly MARCHESKI—Elvira, of Linden, Park will commemorate the week at marine sandw ich with lettuce, fruit, wich, fruit, juice, cookie, milk, Surviving are his wife, Julia; a of Linden, was offered Saturday at on Jan ll. a breakfast to be held at the Com­ son, Robert; a daughter, Jo-Ann milk, THURSDAY, baked lasagna. THURSDAY, hamburger on soft the St Agnes Church, Clark, munity United Methodist Church, MURACH—Frank P , of Linden, bread and butter, carrot and celery roll, peanut butter and jelly sand Heiss; three sisters, Helen Hayko, following funeral services Mr on Jan 9 Roselle Park sticks, fruit, cold sliced turkey wich, fruited gelatin, fruit, potato Florence Silagyi and Ann Mako, and Knosky died Jan 9 at home ROSS—Jessie, of Linden; on Jan sandwich, milk chips, milk The theme for the 1985 year will be six grandchildren Born in Trenton, he lived in 8 Prom Death to Life With Christ ” Elizabeth and Linden before moving RUEMM LER—Edna Marie, of ALBERT KUBE to Rahway in 1969 He was employed Guest speaker will be Msgr Forked River, formerly of Roselle; LINDEN—A Mass for Albert R as a pipefitter with the GAF Corp , Party is held for Archinaco Joseph F Loreti, pastor of the on Jan. 13. Kube, 81. of Linden was offered Linden A bon voyage party was given pointed general manager of Church of the Assumption, Roselle SAFFER—Kathryn, of Winter yesterday in St Theresa's Church. Surviving are his wife, Laura, and recently in Middletown for Frank A Park Msgr Loreti is president of Park, Fla , formerly of Linden; on European operations based in Paris, Linden, following funeral services Archinaco, son of Mr. and Mrs. the Roselle-Roselle Park Interfaith a daughter, Karen Lindow Jan, 7 France, by PPG Industries. He is an Mr Kube died Saturday at Rahway Albert Archinaco of Maple St.. Council, which annually sponsors MARION SIZEMORE S IZ E M O R E — Ma r i o n , of Hospital Koselle Park Hostesses were his alumnus of Villanova University and the celebration Msgr. Loreti also ROSELLE—Services for Marion Elizabeth, formerly of Roselle, on Born in Brooklyn, N Y . he lived sister. Nancy Villani. and his cousin. Seton Hall University Mr Ar will conduct an installation Sizemore, 72, of Elizabeth, formerly Jan 10. in Linden for 76 years Terri Pirrotte chinaco has two sons. Jason and ceremony for the newly-elected of Roselle, were held Tuesday Mrs W HITE—Helen A . of Linden; on Surviving are a son, Albert Jr . Mr Archinaco recently was ap- Christopher officers of the Interfaith Council Sizemore died Jan 10 in Alexian Jan 8

Death Notices ACQUINA On Jon 9 1985 Helen F of Guinevere and Cosmir Jagiello Funeral Margaret Killian Michael John R and Union, N J beloved wife of Anthony from the MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME Bernard, also survived by 14 grond­ lirADCUTD TITD V G devoted mother of Carol A Rosoto 1500 Morris Ave Union. Funeral Moss children ond 13 great-grandchildren . W JRLi^XXXJfc lSAXVfiVs X grandmother of Kan Ann Lara and Judi was offered in Little Flower Church. Relatives and friends attended the Elizabeth Ann Rosato. The funeral was Berkeley Heights, Interment St, Mary’s funeral from The KENILWORTH FUNERAL conducted from The MC CRACKEN Cemetery Berkeley Heights. In lieu of HOME 511 Kenilworth Ave FUNERAL HOME 500 Morris Ave flowers, contributions to the Hospice Kenilworth. Thence to St. Theresa s R.C Union, N.J.. with a Funeral Mass at St. Fund care of Overlook Hospitol. Church, Kenilworth, where a Funeral TRUE JESUS CHURCH ^ Michael the Archongel Church Summit, N.J. 07901 or the Center for Mass will be offered Interment Holy CONGREGATIONAL ALLIANCE1 339 Elmora Avenue, EUzabeth, Cross Cemetery, North Arlington Hope 1397 Morris Ave Union, N.J FIRST CONGREGATIONAL 352 7990. Service Hours: Friday 07083 would be appreciated THE ORCHARD PARK CHURCH CHRISTIAN U.C.C. 8 30 to 9 30 p m , Saturday 11:00 SHANAHAN- entered into eternal rest BAER- On Jan 13 '985 Miss Zell, of 1264 Victor Avenue, Union, 687 a.m . to 12:30 p.m . and 2:00 p.m . to Mrs Catherine (Howe) of Kenilworth on Union N.J. sister of Vera Steley, Letha UNDSTROM August W, (Sandy), on Jan, 0364. Service Hours: Sunday M orn 3 p.m, Shyh Kuang Yang Jan. 8, 1085; loving wife of the late Petermaster. Nellie Bittenbender. Iris 12, 1985, of Irvington, beloved husband Tng TT: 00 a m., Sunday Evening Civic Square and Clinton Avenue, Van Alstyne Bessie Van Blarcom, Glen of the lote Edna (nee Pab«t) also sur William beloved mother of Thomas, 7 :0 0 p.m Mid week Prayer, Irvington Rev. John- P. Herrick, LUTHERAN and Dona Baer. A memorio! funeral vived by a son and a daughter in Finlond Joseph and Mary and the late Patrick Wednesday 7:30 p.m Youth Minister. SUNDAY: 9:00 am . s e rv ic e w a s h e ld o f THE MC CRACKEN and 3 grandchildren Relatives and and William Jr also survived by nine Meeting, Friday 7:00 p.m. Rev Confirmation and Choir Rehear REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH sal, 10:00 a.m Worship and FUNERAL HOME 1500 Morris Ave friends attended the service ot The grandchildren Relatives and friends Scott R. Borderud, Pastor. 134 Prospect Avenue, Irvington. Union, N.J. In lieu of flowers those so CHARLES F HAUSMANN & SON ottended the funeral from the Church School, 1100 a m. Coffee Church Ofice 374 9377. Pastor's desiring may make contributions to the FUNERAL HOME 1057 Sanford Ave KENILW O RTH FUNERAL HO M E 511 Hour. MONDAY: 9:00 a m Food Home 371-4084. Sunday School American Cancer Society or the First Irvington Interment Hollywood Washington Ave Kenilworth AME-METHODIST Pantry, 7:00 pm Girl Scout 9:15. W orship Service 10:30. F ri­ Congregational Church of UNion Memoriol Park, Union N.J.thence to St. Theresa s R.C. Church Troops 587, 602, 613. TU E S D A Y: 12 day morning at 10 a.m., Prayer Kenilworth where a Funeral Mass wos MT. MORIAH A.M.E. Noon beginnings Group A.A., 1-30 Service and Bible Study. Rev. MATERA* Jan. 7. 1985, Balnche offered Interment: St Gertrudes 43 Washington Avenue, Irv pm I.M.H.C WEDNESDAY Peter Holmes. 6:30 p.m Cub Pack 216, 7:00 p.m. GENTILE- Angelina (D Amico). of (Carracino) of Hillside N.J wife of the Cemetery, Colonio In lieu of flowers ington, 538 2018. W orship Service Boy Scouts 216, 8 00 p.m Cranford N.J on Jan 10 1985 wife of late Peter Motero devoted mother of Mass Intentions would be oppreoafed is held on Sunday at 9 00 a m PENTECOSTAL the late Vincent Gentile Jr mother of Peter Jr. and John Matero and R e v N a t t. Diaconate THURSDAY 9:00 a m Mrs Magherita Gentile Vaccaro, Mrs Marguerite Bailey, sister of Mary SMIALKOWSKI- On Friday, Jan 1 1 1985 Food Pantry, 8 00 p.m Irvington DELIVERANCE Veronica Gentile Wronski and the late Messano, Milton Carrocino. and Lena Marcela (nee Himiok). beloved wife of Historical Society. FRIDAY 3:45 Vincent I Gentile, 3rd, also survived by Carrocino, also survived by his grand the late Ludwik, devoted mother of ASSEMBLES OF GOD p.m . Brownie Troop 589. EVANGELIST CENTER 10 grandchildren and 4 greot sons, John and Peter Matera. Funeral Thaddeus, Henry, Richard and Irene CHRIST GOSPEL CHURCH grandchildren. Funeral was conducted conducted from The MC CRACKEN dear grandmother of Stephen Robert 621 C lin to n A v e n u e , N e w a r k , 824 from MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME FUNERAL HOME 1500 Morris Ave and Patricia. Relatives and friends at­ (Pentecostal) METHODIST 7300. Sunday Worship Service, I 500 Morris Ave Union. Mass in Church Union N.J. with a Funeral Mass at Christ tended the funeral from the EDWARD P 644 Lyons Avenue, Irvington. 372 3:00; Sunday School, J2 :0 0 n o o n . o> lh « Assumption, Rosede Park In­ The K in g C K urch LASKOWSKI FUNERAL NOME 1405 0T92. PTL Center located at Chur COMMUNITY UNITED Supernatural Blessing Service, terment Stt John's Cemetary Middle Clinton Ave., above Sanford Avenue ch Bible Sflidy Wed. and Fri rev Dr Ralph G. Nichol, Pastor. Village Long Isaland. In lieu of flowers, MC KINNEY- Anno (nee List) on Jan 14 Irvington then to St. Stanislaus Church Evenings at 7:30 p.m. Sunday METHODIST CHURCH fgmily fequests contributions to 1985 of Barnegat formerly of Irvington, Interment Gate of Heaven Cemetery School at 9:^0 p m Sunday W or­ Chestnut Street and Grand Ave , Cranford First Aid Squod or Cranford beloved wife of the late Francis, mother ship at ll a m. and 7 30 p.m Rev Roselle Park. Sunday Service 9 30 PRESBYTERIAN Dennis W Cassidy, Sr. P B A of Mrs. Geraldine Broidy and Mrs WEISS- Hazel (Cort) of UNion, on Jan. 1 1, and 1100 A M between services Audrey Kostrzewski. also survived by 1985 beloved mother of Hazel Bront. coffee hoc; at 10:30, Sunday TOWNLEY PRESBYTERIAN CALVARY ASSEMBLY OF GOD three grondchildren Relatives and Eleonor Torr. Georgeme Kupfer and School 10 45, child care available CHURCH GILLES- Max O of Elizabeth N J on friends attended the service at The Arnold Weiss, also survived by 1 1 great 953 West Chestnut Street, Union, The sermon tor Sunday. January Salem Road at Huguenot Avenue, Jon 11. 1985 b e lo v e d b ro th e r o f K a rla CHARLES F HAUSMANN & SON grandchildren. Funeral services held at 964-1 133 (C hurch), 687 6192 (Par 20, 1985, w ill be ' New Lives tor Union, 686 1020 W orship Service M Koerner of THE MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME 1057 Sanford Ave The MC CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME 1500 sonaqel Sunday 9 10 a m S un Old ' Dr Alan D Yeo preaching Sundays at 1030 a.m , Church FUNERAL HOME 1500 Morris Ave Irvington. Interment Fairmount Morris Ave Union Entombment day School, 10:45 a m worship School at ii:00 a.m , Youth and Union Interment Grahomsville Cemetery, Newark In lieu of flowres Hollywood Memorial Park, Union. Service, 7 00 p m Evening Ser NAZARENE Parents are urged to come Cemetary, Grahomsville N Y the family suggests donations to the vice. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m Praver together and children are dismiss Deborah Heart and Lung Center Browns WILDECK- On Jan 10 1985 Paul of a n d B ib le S tu d y F r i d a y . 7 30 SPRINGFIELD CHURCH ed at 11:00 a.m. The Rev. Sally L Mills, N.J. Union, N.J beloved husband of Audrey p.m Youth Night Rev. Paul A. Carr.pbpll, Interim Pastor GRANTZOW- Andrew D formerly of MocPeek devoted fother nf Paul L Tye. Pastor OF THE NAZARENE Irvington N J. beloved brother of L NOCK- On Jan 10 1985 WiNiom H of Wildeck and Ellen A Wgldeck A Marion Ramsey ond George W Union. N.J beloved husband of Eva memorial service was held at the BAPTIST 36 Evergreen Avenue, Spr FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Grontzow uncle of Barbara J (Kowalczuk) dear son of Eleonor Nock Townley Presbyterian Churc, Solem ingfield, 379 7222. Rev. Richard CHURCH M o n a g h a n , F u n e ra l fro m THE MC brother of Eileen Steffey The Funerol Road Union N.J Arrangements by MC EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH A. Miller. Sunday: Sunday M orris Ave and Church M all, Spr CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME 1500 Morns was conducted form The MC CRACKEN CRACKEN FUNERAL HOME. 1500 Morris School 9:30, Morning Worship 242 Shunpike Road, Springfield, mglield, 379 4320 Church School Ave Union Funeral Mass will be of FUNERAL HOME. 1500 Morris Ave , A v e N .J, and Children's Church-10:45. 379 4351. Wednesday: 7:15 p.m. 9 00 a m Worship Service 10:15 fered in Holy Spirit Church. Interment Union, with a Funeral Mass in Holy Spirit Evening Service 7:00. Wednes Prayer Meeting, Choir, P.G.'s am Rev Jeflrev A. Curtis. Gate of Heaven Cemetery Church Interment Hollywood Memorial YERKOVICH- On Jan 12 1985 Joseph day: Prayer Meeting and Bible and Battalion Sunday 9:45 a.m. P ark formerly of Carteret beloved husbond S tu d y 7 :0 0 Sunday School; ll a m Worship, OSCEOLA PRESBYTERIAN HAWIK- On Monday Jan 7 1985 Bosil of G lorio (Pendick) son of Nicholas and 6 p.m. Evening Service. Friday. beloved husband of Helen (nee PLONNER A nton W . Sr of Union, N.J. the "late Ethel Yerkovich. The funeral CHURCH 7:15 p.m Pioneer Girls, Jakubczyk) deor brother of two on Jan 8 1985 beloved husband of the wos conducted from The MC CRACKEN 1689 Raritan Road, Clark 276 Stockade; 7:30 p.m Youth NON- brothers and two sisters in Europe FUNERAL HOME 1500 Morris Ave 5300 Worship Service is every late Ruth H (Donner) Plonner father of Group. Rev. Ronald J Peri. Relatives and friends are invited to Carol Savona ond Anton W Plonner 2d Union, N.J with a Funeral Mass at Holy DENOMINATIONAL Sunday al 10:00 a.m. Charles A attend the funeral from The EDWARD P brother of Augusto Schneider grand Spirit Church Union. Interment St J o n e s 111 LASKOWSKI FUNERAL HOME 1405 father of Gian and Anthony Sovona Gertrude s Cemetery CATHOLIC KENILWORTH GOSPEL CHAPEL Clinton Ave above Sanford Avenue Kristen and Christophei Plonner Corner of Newark Ave. & So 23rd Irvington then to Sacred Heart of Jesus Funerol from The MC CRACKEN ZEHNER- On Jan 8.1985 Paul of Union ST. JOSEPH’S POLISH St., Kenilw orth, 276 8911 Sunday PRESBYTERIAN Church,Irvington for a Funeral Moss FUNERAL HOME 1500 Morris Ave N.J. devoted husband of Flora (Mead) Communion 9:15 a.m ., Bible Hour, OF THE P.C.A. Interment Gate of Heaven Cemetery Union The Funeral Mass was offered in Zehner, devoted (other of Paul, Jr NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday School 11 00 a.m ., Even Gory Craig and Glenn Zehner brother ing Service 7:00 p.m ., Wednesday St There sos Church. Kenih NO! th In 258 Easten Parkway (at 18th FELLOWSHIP CHAPEL CHURCH JAGIELIO- Chester J , Sr., of Berkeley te r m e rit Hollywood Memor i a 1 P ork of Catherine Hippensteel also survived Ave.) 373 0460 (R ectory) and 373 Night Bible Study 7:30 p.m. For Further information on Classes Heights, N.J on Jan 10, 1985. beloved 1 n 11ieu o l flowers contributions to the by 8 grondchildren The funeral service 0609 (Parish Auditorium ). Sun 188 U n io n A v e n u e , I r v in g t o n 373 and Clubs please call Richard Ar husband of Barbara (nee Sofka) Jagiello A rrje ric a n Cancer Society \(would be were conducted at The MC CRACKEN day Holy Masses at 9 00 a m .0147, Ed Brown Pastor, Worship t h u r a t 276 0911 o r 241 0684. and fother of Deborah Notarnicola appreciated FUNERAL HOME 1500 Morns Ave (English) and 11 00 am Services on Sunday 10 a.m. A l l Susan Peter John Paul Michael and Union, N.J. In lieu of flowers those (Polish). Rev. Fr. Bogdan K. a.m , Wednesday night bible study Chester J Jogiello Jr son of Wanda SELNICK- Entered into eternal rest. Mrs desiring moy moke contributions to Czywczynki, Ph D. 7:30 8 30 p m., Youth M inistry & (nee Wawrzyn) Jagiello and brother of Mory (Zboyo) C , age 84, of Petersburg. the Townley Presbyterion Churph CHURCH OF CHRIST Women's Fellowship. True to the Wanda Potulski Roseonn Philippakis Ind on Friday Jon 11, 1985 loving Memorial Fund or the Union Collmen s CHRISTIAN SCIENCE bible the Reformed Faith Great and Joseph Jagiello grandfother of mother of Mrs Mory Zimmerman, Mrs. Emergency Unit 7859 Vauxhall Road and Smith Commission. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST Street, Union 761 0871. Sunday SCIENTIST M orning 10 a.m Bible Study, 11:00 am Worship Service, 6 p.m. ROMAN CATHOLIC 941 C a ld w e ll A v e n u e , u n io n , -,64 Evening Service, Wednesday 7:30 3454. Church Calender Sunday Bible Study, Evangelist Harry Service'll am ., Wednesday P e r s a u d ST. LEO’S CHURCH Service 8 IS a.m . Sunday School 11 103 Myrtle Avenue, Irvington,372 a .m . 1272. Sunday 7:30, 9 A 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 1:00 p.m. Spanish. Dr's Lukenda & Sufficool D.M.D. W eekdays 7:00 A 1:00 a.m ., 12 EPISCOPAL REFORMED noon. Saturday 5:30 p.m., Rev. Announce Dennis R. McKenna, Pastor ST. LUKE EPISCOPAL CHURCH association of Dr. George F. Bork D.M.D. into their Practice of East Fourth Ave. and walnut St., ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE R osalia 245-0*15. H oly E u ch a rist Tiit REFORMED CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 7:10 a.m. Holy Euchariit or Mor­ OF LINDEN GENERAL DENTISTRY ning Prayar 10:00 a.m. Sunday 105 N tfb it Tarract, Irvington, 175- 1561 Rev. W iiiia m S m s llty , School and N u ria ry »: 45 a .m Tha Civic Square and Clinton Avenue, • P ro m p t T rea tm e n t Pastor. Schodulo ol Mottos: • Cosmetic Bonding Ra». Kannath Gorman. irvmqtoo, Rev. John R. Herrick, Saturday Eva. 5:10 p.m., Sunday • Nitrons Oxide • Complete Dentistry M in is te r, S U N D A Y : 10:00 a.m . 7:10, 9:00, 10:10, 12 noon, • sometimes possible in one visit Family Warihip, 11:0* a.m. Cat- Wookdayt Mon.-Pri. 7:00 and t:00 • Emergency Treatment tae Hour MONDAY: t:M a.m. ST. LUKE I. ALL SAINTS a.m., Saturdays(:*tand9:g*a.m. • Convenient appointment hours • Easy access from Garden State Parkway Food Pantry WEDNESDAY: EPISCOPAL CHURCH 6 JO a.m. Cub Scaut Pack Sit, Holyday Eva. 7:0* p.m., Holyday t oo p.m. Eay Scouts lit. 7:00, l:M , 9:00 a.m., S:M A 7:M }*i Chestnut Street, Union, 601 p m., Rita ot Reconciliation, Satur­ . Sunday Worship Service! THURSDAY: 7:00 p.m. 715 1 M.S.R.P.A.. 0:00 p.m. Trine Cir day 5:00 to 5:M p.m.;.m .! Havana to 929 North Wood Ave., Linden, N.J. 925-8110 are held at I a.m. and 10 a.m cle. 9:00a.m.. Paad Pantry Miraculous Modal Every Monday Raw Michael I. Wheeler E ve n in g a t 7 :M p .rt.m . h i C hurch.

c - ■ ■ " ' - - \ SERVING JlNDEN Thursday, January 17,19*5— 7 Tigers host Plainfield, seek fourth win in row By PETER SALMON Greene finished with 17 points, through the motions. This time, we with the Blue Devils, 72-69, on Dec Linden junior varsity has won nine Coached by Steve Yesinko, the Tlie Linden High boys basketball Walker 13 and Kenny McCloud came came to play . " 21 of its first It games, and are coming little Tigers have been led by Shawn team scored victories over Scotch off the bench to add nine points and Greene, a junior center, and And while the play of the varsity off wins over Union Catholic (58-38) Worthy, Curtis Wilson, Pat Lewis, Plains and Union Catholic to run its strong defense, including three Walker, a senior guard, have been has continued to improve, the and Scotch Plains (83-37) last week LeRoy Brown and Steve Roper winning streak to three games and blocked shots the Tigers' most consistent players now stand 6-4 on the season "We played a fair game, well so far And Aikins is high on his Sports calendar The Tigers opened by knocking off enough to win." said Tiger coach praise of both of them BOYS BASKETBALL the Vikings, 53-44, at the UC gym Wilbur Aikms UCC teams busy this week "Durain played well and has given Today—Plainfield at Linden, 3:45 LHS jumped out to a 19-14 first Union County College will com fine play of John Gardner and Steve Last Saturday. Linden hosted us two solid efforts in a row,” said pm quarter lead, aided by Dell Walker s Scotch Plains in a rematch of a Aikins " Dell is our best all-around pete in a pair of basketball Collins, while the women are leg by nine points, then remained on top at doubleheaders this week featuring Laurie McDonough and Tracey Saturday—Linden at Rahway, 2 game played Jan 2, in which the pm halftime by a score of 29-20 Haiders won on a last second shot both the men's and women's teams Young Jan 22—Westfield at Linden, 3:45 Linden opened up a 14-point ad­ 70-68 The action begins on Saturday UCC will then return home this p m vantage at 44-30 through three But this time, the Tigers made ( S p o r t s when both play at Northeastern Tuesday as both teams meet Mid­ GIRLS BASKETBALL periods before Union Catholic- sure that no last second shot would Christian College in Villanova, Pa dlesex County College The men's L ___ *** - this w eek Today—Linden at Plainfield, 3 45 mounted a comeback, pulling within The men will play at 2 p m and the game is at 6 p m and the women s at beat them as they rolled to a 74-47 player. He has been stable for us all p m five points late in the game But two women at 4 8 at the Campus Center gym in victory Linden led 17-10 after the year, giving us ballhandling, Saturday—Rahway at Linden. 2 The Owl men is being paced by the Cranford Durain Greene dunks iced the game first period and 39-20 at halftime defense, the outside shot and even p m for the Tigers Then by scoring 14 unanswered -rebounding " Jan 22—Linden at Westfield, 3:45 Soccer awards points to make it 59-26. Linden Today, the Tigers will be put to the Banner night set p m coasted home test as the Cardinals of Plainfield SWIMMING dinner planned Greene again led the Tigers with come to Linden for a 3:45 game The New Jersey Nets will hold its banners wrll have the opportunity to Tomorrow—Linden at Irvington, 20 points and 10 rebounds, while Plainfield won the team's previous first Elementary School Banner parade them on the court at half 3:45 pm An awards dinner for members of Walker added 15 points and Corey meeting, 65-55, in the season opener Night April 13 when the Nets host time Jan 21—Linden at Union, 3:45 the youth soccer league sponsored Lloyd 13 Jim Wieworski added 10 last month rookie sensation Michael Jordan and That evening is also the Nets' p m by the Linden Recreation Depart rebounds. William McCoy, who hurt LHS then travels to Rahway this the Chicago Bulls at the annual Fan Appreciation Night and WRESTLING ment will be held Saturday. Jan 26. LHS with 30 points in the earlier Saturday for a 2 p m contest in a Meadowlands Arena banners should reflect that theme Tomorrow—Cranford at Linden. at 7 p m. at the Gregorio Recreation game, was held to 18 this time rematch of the Dec 18 game won by Any first through fifth grade class Discount tickets are available for 3:45 pm Center on Helen Street "This and the Cranford games the Indians, 61-56 The week con may participate by design and participating classes Further in­ Jan. 23—Linden at Union Catholic, Any boy who registered for the were our best so far We rebounded eludes this Tuesday with a home constructing a mural-type banner formation may be obtained by 3:45 pm league, conducted this past fall at Al better and had a lot of intensity." game against Westfield at 3 45 which will be judged for awards The contacting Randy Weisberg at the TRACK Kalla Park, is inivited to attend said Aikins "The last time, we went Linden won the previous meeting classes with the most creative Nets' office, 935-8888 Today—Linden at Union, 3 45 p.m

CHIROPRACTIC Feet Hurt??7 THE NATURAL WAY TO HEALTH BERNARD FELDMAN, D.D.S., P.A. Reynald PAUL R. FELDMAN, D.M.D. Foot Care Center Altema, M.D. of Irvington VARGAS CHIROPRACTIC 22 Ball Street HEALTH CENTER General & Cosmetic Dentistry Robert A. Wortzel Internal 375-0505 minimum office fee Allan S. Vargas, D.C. D.M.D Medicine • 2 0 CHIROPRACTOR Most Insurance Accepted Com fortable Dentistry 964 Sanford Avenue You walk on our Reputation Preven ve & Restorative Se Habla Espanol OFFICE: 374 1840 201-373-1073 dentistry Corner of Clinton Ave 1064 CLINTON AVENUE, SUITE 185 1 146 Stuyvesant Avenue Office hours by appointment Drs. Berger IRVINGTON. NEW JERSEY 07111 Irvington Union-lrvington, N.J. Evening hours available 213 Summit Road Bloom & CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 071 11 Mountainside Notari 3 9 9 -1 0 0 2 654-5151 SE HABLA ESPANOL

CALL Michael J. Bianco D.D.S. F A.E.S. F O O T S P E C IA L IS T KEIN, P0LLATSCHEK & GREENSTEIN 6 8 8 2 1 1 1 w Daniel J. DiCiacomo D.D.S m .a .g .d . COUNSELLORS AT LAW Dr. Robert I. N eufeld SERVING THE UNION-ESfKX AREA FOR OVER SO YEARS FAM ILY DENTISTRY PERSONALIZED LEGAL REPRESENTATION Podia trie Medicine & Foot Surgery PERSONAL INJURY(ACCIDENT CASES) NO FEE WITHOUT RECOVERY 2626 Morris Ave., Union * CORPORATIONS 4 PARTNERSHIPS • REAL ESTATE • WORKER S COMPENSATION •WILLS 4 ESTATES • MATRIMONIAL • CRIMINAL 4 MUNICIPAL COURT (across Ironi CVS Pharmacy 2801 Morris Ave. (1st Level) union •ZONING LAND USE • EMPLOYMENT PROBLEMS I.U 'llll'd FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION Arch and Heel Pain Diabetic I eel and 688-4400 C orns Callouses Ingrow n 1 ocnails Saturday 6 8 7 - 0 8 0 0 Hours By 1000 STUYVESANT AVENUE UNION. N J 07083 Bunions Hammertoi W arts i iour.s A vadabJc Appointment Only

WOMEN’S HEALTH ASSOCIATES We Pamper Your Feet CRAIG H. WILSON D.D.S. P.A. OF IRVINGTON 964 Sanford Avenue 4 8 6 -3 3 3 8 Irvington, N.J. T Dr. Eric M. Deutchman 374-7100 50 Union Ave. Suite 104 Podiatric Medicine & Foot Surgery Cosmetic Bonding & Family Irvington (2019 372-1441 706 W St George Avenue Linden Dentistry OBSTETRICS 4 GYN0C0L0GY (Across from St. George Diner) By Appointment Complimentary consultation welcomed Arch i Heel Pom Diabetic feet Evenings & If vour smile is not becoming you, Bunions 8 Hammertoes Ingiown Toenails Satuidays you should be coming to us! Kenneth Tieadwell Ji M D Manlyn 0 Me Aithui M D Coins i Callouses Warts Available

CERTIFIED Dr. Marshall R. Feldman ■ ^ £ ^ 7 - a professional corporation C IV IL TRIAL m SHFVICKSHEVICK • RAVICH » ^ 4 3 * Dr. Sandra L. Cold K STER • TOBIN • OLECKNA & REITMAN ' Podiatric Physicians and Surqpnns 0 ATTORNEYS A p ro fe s s io n a l c o rp o ra tio n

Personal Injury Practice Including WE WOULD LIKE TO • ALL INJURIES • AUTO & ALL VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Claim. Involving Deaths & Injuries WELCOME YOU TO OUR & DEATH CLAIMS • FALLS & UNSAFE PROPERTY C a u s ed by: NEW LOCATION AT: • MEDICAL MALPRACTICE • M otor Vehicle* • Falls & Unsafe Property Conditions THE PARKSIDE PLAZA • UNSAFE PRODUCTS & TOOLS No Fees Without • Unsafe A Defective Product* 1600 ST. GEORGES AVE. • WORKERS COMPENSATION • Recreational Accidents Recovery • SOCIAL SECURITY • N|edical or Dental M alpractice RAHWAY — SUITE 114 No Charge For Initial DISABILITY APPEALS • Exposure to Toxic Substance* FOR APPOINTMENT CALL Visit Javerbaum Sc W u rgaft 388-2375 MEMBER Of NEW 1ERSEY ( FLORID* B»« EVENING AND SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS ARE WELCOME Id Av. i.i! Hi .Vl Spun* ...... Id 1743 ST. GEORGES AVENUE 3 8 8 -5 4 5 4 379-4200 FOR TOTAL FOOT CARE FOR YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY , .irui :f no m *< <>v , i v

ATTORNEY AT LAW Dr. Nicholas A. Rizzitello MIROPRACTOR * M ost insurances TO ADVERTISE YOUR LAWOFFICE r o v i d e c o v e r a g e , N E D K I R S C H w e will file vour claim OR MEDICALOFFICE EXPERIENCED IN ALL TYPES OF nd await paym ent iiowthg m inim al cost to CALL DISPLAY ADVERTISING DU. PERSONAL INJURY W i t h s a t i s f i e d e d u c t l b l e AND RESERVE CLAIMS ertm ed in scoliosis including; creenlna, Diplom at YOUR SPACE TODAY • 686-7700 A U T O M O B IL E A C C H X N T S JO B U L A T D ACdDlim W ULUU 4MBMCA8. M ALHACTKI atlonal Board of hlropractlc Examiners. t Clinton A ve

« Thursday, January 17, 1985— SERVING LINDEN, ROSELLE A ^D ROSELLE PARK

S H E R IFF 'S SALE SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION UNION COUNTY DOCKET NO F 3035 84 MARGARETTEN l COMPANY. INC . 4 N e w Jersey Corp , asslgnee o4 Ensign Bank formerly k n o w n as Washington Heights FeOerai Savings a n d L o a n Association, a corp . Plaintiff VS JAMES B COLLINS, et al . Defendants CIVIL ACTION WRIT OF EXECUTION FOR SALE OF MORTGAGED PREMISES By virtue of the above stated w rit of execution to me directed l shall expose for sale by public venoue. in Room 207. in the Court House, in the City of Elizabeth. N J on WEDNESDAY, the 23rd day of January a D 1985 a t tw o o 'c lo c k in the afternoon of said day The property to be sold is located in the Borough of Roselle in the County of Union, and State of New Jersey Commonly known as 14? West Ninth Avenue. Roselle. New Jersey Tax Lot No &c and 27 in Block No 41 Dimensions of Lot l Approximately) (ir r e g u la r ) 50 fe e t w id e b v 200 fe e t lo n g Nearest Cross Street Situate on the North side of Ninth Avenue 250 teet from the East side of Locust Street T h e re is d u e a p p r o x im a te ly $24 405 99 to g e th e r with interest at the contract rate ot 7' .•°o on $22,816 49 being the principal sum in default Ir o m A u g u s t 20. 1984 to N o v e m b e r )4. 1984 an d lawful interest thereafter and costs There is a full legal description on file in the Union County Sheriffs Offic£ The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sale RALPH FROEHLICH SHERIFF ZUCKER GOLDBERG BECKER & WEISS. ATTYS that rate with C X 203 03 (D J & SI 005403 S p e c ta to r. D e c e m b e r 28, 1984. J a n u a r y 3, 10 17 1985 ______(F e e $68 001

BOROUGH OF ROSELLE PARK Union County. N J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the follow mg proposed ordinance was introduced and pass ed on first reading by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Roselle Park, m the County of Union N J at a public meeting held on January 14 1985 a n d th a t s a id o r d in a n c e w ill be ta k e n up fo r p a ssa g e on M o n d a y e v e n in g , J a n u a ry 28, 1985 at 7 00 pm , prevailing time, or as soon thereafter as said m atter can be reached, at the the Best. regular meeting of said M ayor and Council to be held at the Borough Hall, HO E Westfield Avenue. Roselle Park N J and that all persons interested therein w ill be given an opportunity to be heard concerning same By order of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Roselle Park JEAN KEENAN Borough Clerk O R D IN A N C E N O 1312 AN ORDINANCE FIXING SALARIES OF RECREATION DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF ROSELLE PARK. IN THE COUNTY OF UNION AND STATE OF N E W J E R S E Y BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Roselle Park as follows SECTION 1 The follow ng persons w ith.r the Roselle Park Recreation Department shall be entitled to the salaries as hereinafter set forth opposite each respective classification Secretary Clerk (52weeks> $750 00 M a x $825 00 Playground Leaders $125 00 p e r w e e k Teen Club Supervisors 10 00 per n.ght Universal Gym instructor 10 00 p e r n ig h t Gymnastics Assistant 5 00 per night Recreation Night Director 3 75 p e r h o u r or designated alternate SECTION 2 The salaries herem fixed shall be r e t r a c t iv e a n d e f fe c t iv e as o f J a n u a ry 1, 1984 SECTION 3 All ordinances or parts of or d in a n c e s in c lu d in g O rd in a n c e N os 1212 a n d 1217 inconsistent w ith the provision of this ordinance are hereby repealed SECTION 4 This ordinance shall take effect at the tim e and >n the manner prescribed by law in tro d u c e d J a n u a r y ’ 4 1985 005498 S p e c ta to r J a n u a ry 17 1985 i F e e S’ 8 40i

SHERIFF'S SALE SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION UNION COUNTY D O C K fc I N O F 4308 81 UNITED JERSEY BANK'CENTRAL A Cor poration of the State of New Jersey Plaintiff VS W ALTERS JACKSON Single e» ai Defendant CIVIL ACTION WR IT OF EXECUTION FORSALEOF MORTGAGED PREMISES By virtue ot the above stated w rit of execution to me directed I shall expose tor sale by public vendue, in ROOM 207, in the Court House, in the City of Elizabeth, N J on W EDNESDAY, the 13th day of February A D 1985 a t tw o o 'c lo c k in th e a fte rn o o n o f s a id d a y M unicipality Borough of Roselie Tax Lot and Block Lot 21B Block 32 Street and Number 143 East Seventh Avenue Roselle, New Jersey Dimensions 30 feet x 200 feet Number ot feet to nearest cross street 220 te^t westerly from the westerly side of W alnut Street The full legal description can be found in the Union County Sheriff's Office and Union County Register's Office in Mortgage Book 3259. Page 485 T h e re is d u e a p p r o x im a te ly $9 692 70 to g e th e r w th interest a* ’he contract ra’e of 10' : percent on the principal sum in default of $7,189 21 from O c to b e r 4. 1984 to N o v e m b e r 29 1984 a n d la w fu l interest thereafter and costs The Sheriff reserves the right to adjourn this sa le Get TV’s Computers and other Great Gifts KREVSKY & SILBER. ATTYS. C X 214 03 (D J 8 S) RALPH FROEHLICH SHERIFF 005491 S p e c ta to r J a n u a r y 17. 24. 31. F e b ru a r y 7, plus interest...when you invest 1985 i F f $6? 00)

NOTICE TO BIDDERS in our high-earning Certificates! C ity o f L in d e n Union County, New Jersey SEALED BIDS will be received by the PUR CHASING AGENT of the City of Linden at the In ony cose, you receive the free gift now, lock in a good City Han Council Meeting Room 301 North Get a free gift to enjoy now, plus your money bock w o o d A v e n u e . L in d e n , N J on J a n u a ry 29, 1985 sotid rate and earn guaranteed interest over the term of al 10.0C am. prevawmg time for me foffowmg described work la te r w ith fu ll in te re s t!______your certificate Unbeatable1 1 installation of two (2) exhaust fans including ducts at the John T Gregorio Recreation C e n te r. 303 H e le n S tre e t What's more, this special gift otter includes free delivery 2 Contract No 2 Site Electrical Construction at All you have to d o is open a 3, 4 or 5-year certificate at Memorial Park to your home, office or whom ever you nam e anywhere Specifications are on file al the office of the Pur­ Queen City Savings Depending upon the amount c h a s in g A g e n t, R o o m 103. C ity H a ll, 301 N o r th Wood Avenue. Lihden. N J 07036 in the United States, with Saturday delivery requests A fee of $15 00 w ill be charged for each set of deposited and the term selected, one of these super specifications picked up plus postage if request honored in most cases tor specifications to be m ailed brand-nam e gifts is yours absolutely free with interest to Bids must be submitted m a sealed envelope clearly marked BIO IN ITEM NO 1 and or NO b o o t Rem em ber, these gifts are not in lieu of interest, but in 2. etc and bearing the name ano address of the bidder on outside addressed to the Purchasing addition to it. So don t wait take full advantage ot this Agent, City of Linden, City Hall, 301 North Wood Obviously, the m ore you deposit, the better class gift. But Avenue. Linden, N J 07036, and be accompanied limited tim e offer now! by a BID BOND or CERTIFIED CHECK made the longer the term, the less you need invest to qualify for payable to the City of Linden, in the amount of ten per cent ( 10°o> of the total bid to secure per the sam e gift item. Choose the amount and maturity Each of these items m ake excellent gifts for yourself or fo rm a n c e ALL BIDDERS shall conform to the intention som ebody special and provisions ot affirm ative action m Public com bination that suits your financial needs best Contracts laws of State of New Jersey R S to 2 i of 7 /2 3 /7 5 . A s s e m b ly 6 II N o 2227 BIDDERS are required to comply with the re q u ire m e n ts o f P L 1975. c 127 Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids should it be m the interest of the City to do Great Rates and Great Free Gifts! so C O U N C IL CITY OF LINDEN r.y p a * r ’r-x-st 1' '• ■'.* * • By L SEYMOUR LUB'N PURCHASING AGENT 3 vo,;r-. 4 m a rs 1 ■■■■ 005493 Lmden Leader. January 17 1985 Fee $16 501 $ 4 ,5 00 $ 3 ,0 0 0 $ 2 .0 0 0 Sony Portable AM/FM Stereo Cassette %

"OFFICIAL NOT ICE" 7,000 4 ,5 0 0 3 ,5 00 RCA 5" AC/DC TV with AM/FM Radio g&iffl in 3 0 The linden Planning Board has approved the Earns fo llo w in g s ite p la n a t its J a n u a ry 8. 1985 11,500 m e e tin g 7.500 5 .5 00 RCA 13" Portable Color TV No 373A Guys & Dolls 520 E St G e o rg e A ve 15.000 10.000 7,000 Litton Family Size Deluxe M icrowave Oven M a r ily n C o p la n Our 4-Year ^ a h a u S e c re ta ry 005484 L in d e n L e a d e r. J a n u a r y 17 1985 16,000 11.000 7.500 RCA 19" Portable Color TV (Fee $3 50) 21,000 14.000 10.000 RCA 19" Portable Color TV w/Remote & C able Certificate 1 0 .5 0 % R e a d y Earns 21,000 14.000 10.000 RCA Video Cassette Recorder 2 4,00 0 16.000 11,500 Sony Stereo Hom e Entertainment System Our 5-Year 4 ^ . looking \ \ 26,50 0 17.500 ^2 .5 00 RCA 25" Color Console TV w/Remote Control % 50,00 0 3 i . o o o 2 3 .5 0 0 Apple lie Computer Certificate 1 0 .7 0 fora 54,00 0 3 5 .0 0 0 2 5 ,0 0 0 Sharp Portable VC?R Plus Color Video C am era Earns

loveable (Gift offer available ot all offices and limited to one qualifying gift pei account (interest rates shown are as of publication dote and ore subtect to change with while supply lasts Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery Value of m erchandise is market conditions however the rate in effect at the tim# you open your occount pet? reportable for federal to* purposes federal regulations require a substantial ■s guaranteed for the tun term selected interest is com pounded and credited interest penally lot early withdrawal the value of merchandise received will be a n n u a lly ) token into consideration when calculating such early withdrawal penalty All So many pets need items ore covered solely by Manufacturer’s guaranty or warranty This gift ofte* Act now, this special gift offer a h o m e and are may be withdrawn at any time ) looking for you! is for a limifed time onlyl ■QUEEN O TY SAVINGS PLAINFIELD • BACKING RIDGE • CALIFON VALLEY • CRANFORD • DUNELLEN • FANWOOD • LINDEN-ROSELLE NORTH PLAINFIELD • ORANGE • PISCA1AWAY • SCOTCH PLAINS • SOUTH PLAINFIELD • WARREN . WESTFIELD • WHITE HOUSE look in our ■Kill bee to your money. F lu e ! CLASSIFIEDS o c u s on Union County

J a n u a r y 17, 1985 Section Two Of ttw Union Loader, SpringyfieM Leader, Mountainside Echo. Linden Leader, The Spectator, Kenilworth Leader O ver 70,000 Readers

Nothing 'retiring' about Peter Shields By ADA BRUNNER concept. No one really knew When the Union County what the division should be Division on Aging was for­ doing. Shields recalled med 13 years ago, its As a matter of fact, he director, Peter Shields, said, the new division didn't didn't know quite what it was even have an office — just a supposed to do tiny storeroom in the former But he did know one thing: county administration “ I was so anxious to get the building and a secretary, job, 1 would have done it for Ann Lipke, who was as eager nothing.” to get down to work as Shields, who w ill be Shields himself honored at a retirement But nothing came of the party at the John T. Gregorio first project that he tackled Center in Linden Sunday — an investigation into a afternoon, looked back on possible rental assistance that start as he began to program. adjust to a new-found leisure Evelyn Frank of Union, at his home in Winfield Park. who was then and still is He came to the then-new president of the Senior position with plenty of ex­ Citizens Council of Union perience in working with the County, knew that such a elderly. program was in effect in A 30-year veteran of the Bergen County and was Social Security... Ad "demanding" that Union ministration, he had worked County look into it. Shields as field representative for said. the E liz a M h office and He did so, and discovered visited the tomes of hun that the Bergen program was dreds and hoaftreds of people being conducted as a pilot WALL FULL OF HONORS—Peter Shields examines some of the plaques and project with a federal grant citations that decorate the walls of his home in Winfield Park More tributes will be who needed help in filing added Sunday, when friends and co workers honor him on his retirement as disability claims. No other funds were director of the Union County Division cm Aging The party for him will be held from During those years, he available 2 to 7 p.m at the John T. Gregorio Center in Linden (Photo by John Boutsikaris) developed what he describes There were, however, as his "empathy” with the other things that the new agencies concerned with the Where necessary, the The course provided a old. Division on Aging could — needs of the eldery, Shields meals on wheels program forum for an exchange of It was this empathy which and did — do. started a county nutrition delivers not only a hot lunch ideas and information was the driving force that led “ I knew all I would have to program that served 40 but also a cold supper, he We d all be learning from him to join the county staff do would be to use the meals per day added each other. Shields said following his retirement common sense that God gave Today, the meals on Second only to food was the Coordination of govern from Social Security. m e,” Shields said wheels program is serving need for home health care, ment and private non-profit That was ie 1070 The Using this common sense, 1,500 meals a day, five days a Shields said agencies that work with Division on Aging had not yet and the recollection of what week, to senior citizens While visiting nurses, senior citizens remains a been established. But, acting he had seen in the homes of throughout Union County It homemakers organizations prime function of the at the urging of the state, the old and the disabled has its own headquarters, at and hospital social workers Division on Aging, Shields which provided an initial during his years as a Social 1025 Pennsylvania Ave . provided some of this ser pointed oul $20,000 for adiiunistatlon, the Security field represen­ Linden, where the food is vice, it was Shields who Under his leadership, county had agreed to set up tative, he came to the con­ prepared, and it has a fleet began to coordinate their monthly meetings were held the office. clusion that the 'prim e of vans which deliver 600 work for representatives of these The division was formally need " was for food m eals - a day to the One of the things he did organizations established in 1971 And To meet this need, he homebound and the rest to was establish an in­ The meetings were a lime though another man served developed the county 's meals nutrition centers in all parts formational program at just to sit down and talk to as director temporarily, it on wheels program of the county Union County College each other, he said One was Shields who came out in There was at the time a The program has become He invited welfare result was a pooling of in the number one spot on the meals program operating out so sophisticated that it can workers, social service formation that led to ad Civil Service test for the job of St Elizabeth's Hospital in serve all kinds of specialized workers from hospitals and ditional funding from federal and was soon appointed to Elizabeth, run by a private, diets. Shield reported For everyone else who had and state agencies the position non-profit organization example, he said. "You can anything to do with the As a result of plans drafted An office on aging was, at Building on this and calling have a hot, kosher, diabetic elderly to attend this series at these discussions, the the time, a completely new on the cooperation of other meal delivered " of lectures t ( iH itin u e d «m i p a g r 2 > FOCUSON UNION COUNTY - January 17, 1985- Page 2 chaircouple Barbara Curran, president of the New Jersey Board of Public Public of Board Jersey New the of president Curran, Barbara chaircouple close to fail conj spinal the of base the theof and legs at results inusually paralysis properly nerves the which in disorder the during prevention defects birth 31run which will until Jan campaign promoting pamphlets educational 250,000 afflict which defects, year each newborns Utilities, is the evens chairperson for the North Jersey chapter chapter the Jersey North for is the chairperson evens Utilities, SchoolWashington in Westfield a Bifida, Spina with afflicted is child The County Union for child poster birth to fight raised Funds are volunteers. Dimes of March are who munity fund-raising*campaign March the during the Mothers’ two next weeks M arch of Dimes poster child for Union County, and and County, Union for child poster Dimes of arch M P Cabbage Patch Doll. Patch Cabbage Mothers" March under way under Mothers"March Gov Thomas Kean and hi wife, Debby. are the Mothers' March honorary honorary March Mothers' the are Debby. andhi wife, Kean Thomas Gov h duhe o Tm n Mre ekwk, eis i a is-rdr at first-grader a is Melissa Betkowski, Marie and Tom of daughter The Dimes of March is this year's Westfield of Betkowski Melissa Six-year-old Further information on the drive is available by caling 882-0700 by caling ison available the information drive Further distribute and tags March Mothers’ official wear will Volunteers com­ the of residents by solicitation to-door door a is March Mothers' Unionfor in County on doors knocking be will volunteers Dimes of March OSTER G IR L—Melissa Betkowski of of Betkowski L—Melissa IR G OSTER ------D CAL RS LDI G IN D IL U B ARTS L A IC D E M R. FREDERICK D. R0SENCRANTZ R0SENCRANTZ D. FREDERICK R. R WYE AE CAPUT0 JAMES WAYNE DR. SURGERY & ORTHOPEDICS ORTHOPEDICS & SURGERY Telephone: Telephone: Day & Eveni s By nt t n e tm in o p p A y B rs u o H g in n e v E & y a D * 318 CHESTNUT STREET STREET 318 CHESTNUT ROSELLE PARK, N.J. PARK, ROSELLE 0ITI MEDICINE P0DIATRIC Proudly Announces the Announces Proudly for the p ractice of ractice p the for Association of Association • • • • P.A. 7 5 7 5 - 7 8 6 2 7 2 7 - 1 4 2 : ------Westfield, this year's this Westfield,


social work department might "tap departmentwork "tap socialmight thatneed theynot andservices yet andelderly the disabled in the state our funds," Shields said hospital's the case, that In week. need a homemaker to come in for from once dischargeda qualify to enough old or poor enoughMedicaid tofor qualify health the for pay to poor too are only the still is what established thecounty'sDepartmentHuman of said. notdepartmentgranted hestatus," frustrations1 had wasthat were we has he which on subject another guilt a have feeling about he "I retiring," said that law become limited basis statewide a on thoughstill available Medicaid, under care of type this make would which legislation Medicare program does aid some of those who thefor program needy" "medically Aging on Division CountyUnion regrets. “ One of the biggest biggest the of One “ regrets. honored be to Shields Peter I Curt tipped from page 11 Plough ithas limited Plough funding,the lhuh ts o git tee is there guilt, not it's Although on eye an keeping now is He person a said, he example, FOr eas i fiei divisionBecauseisaof his office yet has not bill this because It's ♦Continental ★ C h ris tin e V alm y y alm V e tin ris h C ★ r i Compl e e- p -u ke a M te le p m o C ★ r i Massage ody B ★ edicure P ★ European ★ and t u irc a H ★ C o m p lim e n ta ry Lunch ry ta n e lim p m o C r e n itio d n o C cure u ic n a M Facial tyling S Breakfast A AH CT& TL j STYLE & CUT WASH, •Tone on Tone on •Tone Highlighting " n u •-S • Highlights • Consultation Complimentary n e m o W Complete Complete HAIR HAIR COLORING 1 couponreiCUSTOMS* vounort tip 2 is as 2is tip vounort couponreiCUSTOMS* a No Appointm ent Necessary ent Appointm No SA IS R A M y B optl mighthospital

y a D ofBeautv u a e B f o one more goal in the senior citizen citizen senior the in goal more one the Aging il: e sseig ponmn to appointment seeking is he field: have does he years, past the this over serving has he be that extent the to population longer no will he gone had population citizen senior 1970 the census, the since percent the of 7by haddropped whole population a as county the while that, of age County with 90,000 the over residents out warrant but to he pointed county a of department, creation the , s in tu ta s elderly s s la c d n co se freeholders and manager county said he work, of isduplication result The ae en rwe ot f i life his of out crowded been have to thatthings plans many the for time he make however, pointment, the up 15 he percent, said. meant 500.000, about This noted he Shields said recognition," not aging the give andup wise will noted he department, the through Resources, everthing has to go go to has everthing Resources, Though his retirement maqnsthat hisretirement Though enough than more are There h 18 cnu soe Union showed 1980 census The soonthe that day one hoping ’m I " Even if he does get this aR aR this get does he if Even 15 mme Ntoa Cucl on Council National member 60

out of a total population of of population total a outof at discover 14k and18k gold specialty, consultation. Inour popularprices. Remodeling jewelry oU your M compute JEWELRY R L E W E J L L A 20% OFF I with complimentary, with boutique 5 POINTS SHOPPING CENTS* 5 SHOPPING POINTS 326 STREETCHESTNUT FNDYAWIBl W OFCN7DAYSA vn wl g t te lel blind elderly the to go will event rga amnsee b the by Catholic administered Community Services program that from proceeds his the At Sunday.request, p.m. 7 to 2 from not even as he plansthe first place take to him spurred that empathy UNIO N * N UNIO party toattend retirement his own in Aging on Division the at the job which he hopes to devote more time ting, scupltura to stainedglass and pain of hobbies his are thereand Hospital, Rahway administrator at this of end the at retire will who classics and other books at his home ot fo hr o a admitting as job her month from Eunice,himbyandhismade wife, being plans travel thereare time; whichhehopes thefirstto open for imported of fine jewelry, you will also of will jewelry,you fine tdig" e said he studying," York UniversityYork New at workgraduate doto half a degree at night Then schoolhe went earned he work Depression, to the during go to school high of out to night schoolanotherfor and year bachelors University Fordhamhis bothhis high school diplomaand as until now. fcus, esntfretn thenotcourse, forgetting Of he's There are volumes of history,volumes the are of There I ee hd cac t enjoy to chance a had never "I A Brooklyn boy who had to drophad to who Brooklyn boy A no obligation efudns and necklaces 686 -$*#©

is mtris

Courses, scholarships being offered 1985 17, ry a u n a J - Y T N U O C N IO N U N O S U C O F 3 e g a P

Women Helping Women < WHW) of register at the door study or career in engineering, a standard IQ test. New Jersey Mensa, 277 Anthony Union County will sponsor its first Further information on the mathematics, medicine or the Further information and ap­ Ave , Middlesex 08846 A stamped, monthly educational workshop College Symposium may be ob­ physical sciences, and requires that plications forms can be obtained by self addressed envelope must ac tonight 7:30 at the Westfield Y, 138 tained by calling the Metropilitan the recipient score in the top 2 contacting Ellene Pfromm, company the request for an ap Ferris Place, Westfield. New Jersey Y at 736-3200, or the percent of the general population on scholarship chair. North Central plication Nora Brayshaw. M D , Ph:D , Northwest Y at 584-1851 The Y's are Director of the Biopsychiatnc both regions of United Jewish Center in Summit will speak on “ A Centers of MetroWest, a member Biological Psychiatrist’s View of and beneficiary of the United Jewish Premenstrual Syndrome—PMS ’ Federation of MetroWest and its Women Helping Women of Union United Jewish Appeal, and the County offers a variety of services United Way of Essex and West including educational programs, Hudson peer support groups and low cost * * * professional, one-to-one counseling. MENSA, THE HIGH IQ CLUB has The communities in Union County set a March 1, 1985, deadline for its are invited to attend the program A 1984-85 scholarship essay contest snow date is scheduled for Thur Awards of $1,000, $500, $200 and $150 sday, Jan. 24 will be presented Applicants need not be members of MENSA, but recipients must be enrolled, for the It’s Academ ic year following the award, in a degree program in an accredited American institution of post- secondary education THE COLLEGE SYMPOSIUM, an In addition to the essay awards, annual event to help teens and their two special awards will be given parents explore the full range of The Rita Levine Memorial issues involved in the college Scholarship will award $500 to a B iggest rebate ever on... selection process, including female returning to school after an financial planning, will be held at absence of seven or more years The “Energy Saver" the YM-YWHA,of Metropolitan New Howard M Turney Financial Aid Jersey, 760 Northfield Avenue, West Program will provide $1,000 for Orange, on Sunday from l-4:30p.m jUrConlBRliigrt 6as Furnace Registration for the College SHOP LOCAL Symposium is now being accepted at ANDSAVEGAS the Y, at $5 for a student, $10 for a SHOP OUR ADV ERTISERS family Participants may also AND SAVE MONEY Get a rebate of up to ^ § ^ 0 .

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Not responsible tor typeographical errors We reserve tti riytit to lim it quantities. aka a 83 am r OO at HOJO or State m a 8:30 Garden at of Parkway Plaza Toll Essex FOCUS ON UNION COUNTY - January 17, 1985 Page 4 5ml rml nie so or snowlunch ice, Trail in mud ramble 5-mile , m 10a Center, Meyersville at We—Meet Swamp Bring lunch. Bring Great Swamp the of section southernmost :0 m 6ml, ee, long level, the 6-mile, of perimeter the A around ramble m a 9:30 vironmental Education Center- Center- Mall, Livingston Herman’s, at Education Meet vironmental for calendar The person outdoors geared to the more experienced experienced thetheof rest monthis as follows more the to geared should note that some events are are hikers events but some that welcome, note should always are weekend of the year New members members New theyear of weekend nature-oriented treks every every treks nature-oriented and ski other trips rides, bike walks, schedules winter D ep artm en t of P a rk s and and s rk a P of t en artm ep D Recreation, have announced their their announced have Recreation, Club, Ski CountyUnionthe by both sponsored Amateur Watchung the ou 66267bonus — bonus— 31886 bonus — 89202 bonus— 10234 4 e 3124, 7: andDec Jan at Palisades—Meet Sunday—The o te ek o Dc 17, Dec Dec of weeks the for Ram Swamp Saturday—Great e Jre Ltey numbers Lottery Jersey New oa—oest ony En County Today—Somerset C h cu cnut hks nature hikes, conducts club The The Union CdUnty The ClubHiking and t y nners e n in w ry tte o L a 10— 13, 16,9, 27, 30, 34 Jan a 3 11, 3— 26 Jan 31, , 32, 33 39, 27— 13, 24 Dec , 32 33,, 37 38, e 20— 10, 14, Dec 18, Following are the winning winning the are Following pi SJ. Desi d r a w A r e n ig s e D . .D J .S A f o t n ie ip c e R PICK-IT PICK-IT Jan 12- 814, 12- 3413. Jan 11— 640, Jan 4601 Jan 10- 000,8963 10- Jan a.9-390, - 1196Jan. 9 a.8- Jan. 8 Jan. 5— 751,9457. a 7— 838,Jan 9696 Jan. 4—181, 9927 3—121,8896 Jan a 2— 558,Jan 5875 1—117, Jan 4254 e 3—176, 31— Dec 761,0458 29- Dec Dec 28 - 966, - 28 1158 Dec ‘D e c o ra te A R o o m Q u e s tio n a l re l a n tio s e u Q m o o R A te ra o c e ‘D Dec 27- 058,8767 27- Dec 26— 316,6543Dec e 2—531, 24— 1404 Dec 489, 22- 3192 Dec Dec 21-250, 6039 21-250, Dec 20—158, Dec 3137 19— 549,0334 Dec Dec 18- 305,3096 18- Dec e 17— 109, Dec 7978 ounty recreational clubslistevents recreational ounty NG B U L C G IN K I H CK6 K IC P fitrse al 0 4 7 2 - 7 6 4 call interested if with complete instructions complete with N I K-4 PIC AND 288 will be sent upon request be upon sent will , 9925 8168 8168 NINA NINA LEE 20 ,32, 34 O T W O H mnmm f he cu business club three of minimum a eurmns nld tedne at attendance include requirements anyone to open is it Parks County Department, Union the by sored interested in skiing Membership Membership skiing in interested on area parking at Tour—Meet Ski 25 About $3.50 miles. breakfast for s eertn is 7h er Spon year 47th its celebrating is Bring tour ski lunch moderate A Arena theon is Hill Mayapple to entrance about and lock bike Bring Somerset 30 m.9 a at Ride—Meet cake v fo te ot Mountain South the from Ave The onNorthfield west as myou drive right a 9:30 at Hill Mayapple North 28, Rt. College, County rnh suhet ekn ae at area perking southwest Branch, circular along old unmarked roads old unmarked along circular and meeting place Intermediate Intermediate 10-mile a select will leader The place level meeting and snowconditions for Touring—Phone tto,R 299, with Joint 10 at Rt Station, m a AMC and meet cars 8 Consolidate :15m a edra Nw at riwy Bus TraiJways PaJtz New at leader at Barrier Toll Essex at Hike—Meet Bring 5 of to 6Cmiles Class ramble lunch to eat after lunchhike to after eat m 10 a at , Avenue Orange South inc ra Cer Ln, ot of north Lane, Cherry Area, Picnic on trail. Ramble Meet at Tulip Spring Spring Tulip at Meet Ramble Lunch choice leader's is 30 mLocation 8 a at Wayne, Packanack, at rm o T n ^ 9:15 a m An easy 6 to 8 miles, miles, 8 to 6 easy ondepending the An weather m a 9:15 e Jre Trpk ad t 46at Rt and Turnpike Jersey New h Wthn Aaer k Club Ski Amateur Watchung The 27—South Mountain Jan Sunday, Sunday, Jan 27—Hillcrest Pan Pan 27—Hillcrest Jan Sunday, a , a 2—armn Ski 26—Harriman Jan , Sat a , a 2—Aotn Photo^ 26— Awosting Jan ,Sat ATMTC •COMMERCIAL •AUTOMATIC RPIS •RESIDENTIAL MM)E. l •REPAIRS -PARTS •INSTALLATION Mountain 26—South Jan ,Sat Sunday—Intermediate XC—Meet XC—Meet Sunday—Intermediate PNR •INDUSTRIAL OPENERS JAEGER OVERHEADJAEGER JAEGER LUMBER JAEGER GARAGEDOOR vi n o i is iv D B U L C I K S .6864)074

5 486-8790, evenings Mountain, New York contact contact York 457-7167Royston, New Mountain, lodging, transportation, for $133 meals, lift tickets; contact KAtby KAtby contact 335-4342, Ference, Bednar, tickets; Diane or lift meals, 30 22, 8 at month Royte each of Thursdays of lane eastbound ekn rpt t Snow,Vermont, to Mt trip Weekend Plattekill Mountain, New York ;costYork New Mountain, Plattekill pm third and first the on Mountainside, members club active with days New York; contact Jean Marie Marie Jean contact 2410281Krahnert, York; New lodging, transportation, lor t lis cost the on located La Lodge, Elks inside residents three least at skiing and meetings lift tickets, meals; contact Alice Alice contact meals; Hoys ton, <57 tickets, 7167 lift to county isnot limited Membership Feb 17 -One-day trip Windhamto 17 trip -One-day Feb The isschedule The as follows: Tomorrow through Sunday Sunday through Tomorrow Feb 9-10-Weekend trip to to trip 9-10-Weekend Feb Moun the at held are Meetings Feb 3—One-day trip to Deer Run, Deer to 3—One-daytrip Feb J ************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * lilC * H * $ * * t)*U * r * ** SUgURIAN CALL PLEASE * F O R N FLJ EN S WEEN YOUOF LAJT ONE ARE IF * * » S REI O UNI N IO N U N OE IO N R U E F O IN E V O R L S L E O C N M A S R A F M O H T RS M * * * M S S JO S E P H M A R T IN O O F U N I I ON N U F O O IN T R A M H P E S JO S S M * LAST WEEK'S WIWWEKS ME * s r o o d t u O - A R I A P A N I W andar deck 2pl ng ad Cicet e th ircle C cards g in y la p 52 f o k c e d rd a d n ta s pes pri ) c os on car fom t e th m fro rd a c ne o se oo ch d n a t) in r p (please ou uni Count wi publsh ac po on up co a h lis b u p in w ty n u o C n io n u n o Focus as s h o w n b e lo w ) ) w lo e b n w o h s as & D R A C A Win a pair of tickets to see a New Jersey Devils Hockev ram*.. H ere s h o w th e c o n te s t w o rk s Each w e ek ek e w Each s rk o w t s te n o c e th w o h s ere H LUCKY WINNERS LUCKY AT M* ______7>f _ _ K C I P l T K K i f U A "O' ahweek number HOCkeV ™ 3 C V e k C O H . . . r e b m u n k e e w Each * '* O " « « " “ phi t ou n on up co e th t u o

see you at the Mead&wlands! eia ws ed t h Hershey the at Podiatric held was Seminar Pennsylvania the of eia n ese, a Sponsored Pa Hershey, in Seminar Medical Association, the Hershey Hershey the Association, Medical Committee Seminar Surgical the by oel Pr rcnl atne the attended recently Park Roselle 14th Annual Hershey Surgical Surgical Hershey Annual 14th ___ Dr. Dr. call 241-3262,call a days week seven hold a birding trip Sunday for for Sunday trip specialties and/or winter birding waterfowl a hold as well as skating at the Warinanco Warinanco the at skating as well as noe neetd n attending in interested Anyone Park Skating Center Residents can Residents Center Skating Park andRecreation Charles the to of director assistant according Sigmund, skating, issued have a warning County Police information on natural ice skating skating ice natural on information Union County Department of Parks Parks of Department ice County Union for enough frozen is or river pond lake, county the if posted thatmay on skating lakes and rivers ice of danger the about residents to look frozen, butlook frozen, unsafe are and theUnion Recreation and Parks Dr Frederick D Rosencrantz of of Rosencrantz D Frederick Dr The Watchung Nature Club will will Club Nature Watchung The A 24-hour hotline is available for for available is 24-hour hotline A The Union County Department of of Department County Union The Saig oa" in wl be will signs Today" "Skating

oecat ae ti emi r a in m se in rt a p takes Rosencrantz S NATURKCLUB KATINt. SAFKTY SAFKTY KATINt. —* « anTti «* iT t T n "a W«k at at 318 Park. Chestnut St., Roselle Columbus Hospital, St Barnabas Barnabas St Hospital, Columbus Hospital He has a private practice practice private a has He Hospital General Essex West and Hospitals M em orial General Hospital, Hospital, General orial em M Milton S Hershey Medical Center Center Medical Hershey SMilton the and Center Convention & Lodge 25-mile made at the 232-5930 center by be calling a can Arrangements within radius groups county ony rus n $5 o out-of­ for $35 and Union $25 groups for is County fee The schedule long depending en the group’s group’s the en depending long and Prey Birds of speaker programs for adult com com adult for programs speaker facility Recreation and Parks of Department UnionCounty a Center, New Jersey, Indians of New Jersey Jersey New of Indians Jersey, New of Species Endangered Jersey, New munitymeetings. group in located Reservation, he Watchung Mountainside provides special special provides Mountainside SS5-7985by calling Fan- the at wood station. m a 7 at meet should Dr Rosencrantz is on the staffs of of is staffs on the Rosencrantz Dr All programs are 30 y>are 60minutes programs All Among the topics are Snakes of of Snakes are topics the Among Science and Mature Trailside The Further information is available available is information Further TRAILSIDE CENTER CENTER TRAILSIDE ntr[ y ry e [v ter en iio^ng week Party, talk for astronomers Ballet school plans tryouts Jan. 26 1985 17, ry a u n a J Y T N U O C N IO N U N O S U C O F - 5 e g a P A "Star Party" and a talk by a representative from NASA are on tap The Newark School of the Garden Tryouts will be held Jan 26 at the toward supporting the training of this weekend for members of the Amateur Astronomers Inc. at Union State Ballet C9 . will expand its Newark School of the Garden State children in the community “ who County College scholarship program to provide Ballet, 45 Academy St, Newark would not otherwise have the op Dr Anthony Dei Genio of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space children in the Newark area with Students who are selected will be portunity to study ” The program Studies will lecture at the monthly meeting of AAI tomorrow at 8 p m in intensive training in ballet, jazz and awarded scholarships to study also “ aims to seek out gifted the UCC Theater on the Cranford campus modern dance Boys and girls in the ballet, jazz and modern dance children who, upon completion of the On Saturday evening at 7:30 p m . the AAI will sponsor its first star fourth through eighth grades may Students who have had adequate spring session, will be offered an party of the year at the Sperry Observatory at UCC. apply No previous dance training is previous training also are eligible accelerated program of study needed However all applicants are James Chenard of Union, party chairman, said there's a possibility of for apprenticeships with the per Interested applicants can call the required to be of average height and "very good observations" Saturday if the sky is clear, because the forming company < NYDE) Newark School at 623-1033 Ap weight moon will not be so bright and the darker sky will reveal several of the The scholarship program is aimed plication deadline is Saturday more spectacular sky sights. Observations will begin at 7:30 and continue until 10:39 p m The star party will feature viewing through the 24-inch reflector and 10-inch refractor telescopes located in the twin domes of the Sperry Ob­ servatory Smaller telescopes will be set up around the oversized sundial adjacent to the Observatory by AAI members who will explain to viewers what they are viewing Individuals attending may bring their own telescopes if they prefer. All functions of AAI are open to the public free of charge Around the clock reports on astronomical events are available by calling the hot ■ u o r s line. 270-STAK. ______P E R B O W L E C l A L S i SCHMIDTS OLD BALLANTINE HOME or H OLLYWOOD BRIDAL FASHIONS LIGHT MILWAUKEE ALE HOME LIGHT U m ► ------PRESENTS------i p A Imported Their 1st Bridal Show From ■ Featoring: Spring & Summer Lines £§3 For The Bride To Be & Her Party w O N : M o n day Jan. 21st 7:30 P .M . S 9 9 9 Refreshments will b e s e rv e d ” 5” 13" 4 8 Caee of Bottles Case ol Cans C a m of Bottles C a ll f o r Reservations 687-8676 1700 Stuy v e s a n t A v e Union [ C—a of Cane CROMWELL » B JACK OINor H DANIELS >4 VOOKA80 <3 , 97 f 71 75 m e * a 9817 5 0 ML I r o n k l l l ASTOR a SOUTHERN LORD ASTOR FUNOADOR U PEPPERMINT SCHOOL OF COSMETOLOGY & HAIR DESIGN COMFORT SCOTCH BRANDY SCHNAPPS M 5 9 4 $ 97 * 9 B M P 7 5 0 M L 14 8 47 5 0 M L L A . BEER CALIFORNIA LEMON X 1985 IS THE YEAR! I from Anh»uM ( Busch SUNSHINE WINE BLOODY R MARY MIX \ YOU ARE GOING TO DO m l l 69


There’s No Place Like

4 w Hr»wi« All STORES OFFN MOM THORS Hi *PW M l * SAT 4 To y a w Home 11210-1212 E. GRAND ST. 61-63 SIP AVE. UNION ELIZABETH JERSEY CITY 1850 MORRIS AVENUE (EASTBOUND) • 68^9717 L i q u o r s Just before Rt 22 and Garden State Parkway Overpass CALL NOW EST CALL NOW » U;Mil11 ■ HACKENSACK e W1MT0N • KEAIMY e NENAIK • (HUUKE • FASSAIC 1925 FATE ISON • SOUTM HACKENSACK • SOVTM (HUME • UNION e VE ASHA NEW JERSEY’S LARGEST Open Sunday* I 2 lo 5 LIQUOR RETAILER 965-0888 9 6 3 -1114 Visa and Mastercard (Fully Accredited) I Fully Accredited) •w F O C U S O N U N IO N C O U N T Y J a n u a ry 17, 1905 P a g e 6 Israel 696-7524 Works Montclair State College. College. 893-5112 State 8pm Montclair Upper Montclair Works ofeos, 190 Road, Coffeehouse, Stirling Lord writer Folk Project Ministrel Show Ministrel Project Folk 544 writer Stage. Main pm 9 to 30 21,7 Jan house. open faculty School akn Rde :0 766 2489,m p 8:30 Ridge Basking 744 2996 , Monclair Ave Theater Bloomfield Whole 30) Jan begin Musical Auditions for (Classes 29) Cooper begin Jan Montclair Church, Upper Avenue. Congregational for Adult Dance Performance Performance (Classes Dance 2330and Jan Ensemble, Adult 24 22. for Jan Ensemble. Theater Union Ensemble Performance 889 1830, 232-0651.233 0799, 654 4994 eertn 0t brhas f Bach 300th of birthdays celebrating arvle p 7273000 35, 9pm Rt Sayreville Theater, Dinner Bene Club ie oRa 74 762 7:45 m 8486p Rigew oodRoad and Handel John Harms Englewood Englewood John Harms and Handel Orchestra, Chamber State Garden estra rch O 9400 phony Sym ld fie 696 7524 Brooklyn Bridge and the Rainbows Rainbows the and Bridge Brooklyn ‘ Classes begin March 5) Auditions Auditions 5) March begin Classes ‘ Morrow- 600 Church. Methodist concert, Memorial Maplewood Plaza. 8 pm .; Jan 19. Morris Morris 19. Jan .; pm 8 Plaza. 232- m p 8 Avenue Mountain and West- concert Spring" palachian 488-2168mp 3 Academy, Kimberly 20, Montclair Broad East Church. Presbyterian Folk dancers jugglers, musicians, 276 2600. Cranford 239 College. ext 1920 Cliffwood St., Scotch Plains Plains Scotch St., 1920 Cliffwood uem Mritw, pm, Jan , m p 8 Morristown, Museum. 7662489, m 30 p 8 Road. Ridge Basking Stirling 190 Lord feehouse. County Union m p 30 7 concerts. C a lv a ry E p iscop a l Church. Church. l a 4 m.p 763 iscop Summit p 8312. E ry a lv a C AUTO PARTS AUTO odad n Dfrs avenues. Deforest and Woodland House. Parish Living. Center Holistic for Interweave Dance. Sacred 624 18)3713 casunna(Jan oet iite So Cof­ Show Ministrel roject P Roosevelt Orchestra Symphony uirHg col Wsfed i Jan Westfield School, High Junior Peoples Concert. New Jersey Jersey New Concert. Peoples 7. obr Hg Sho. Sue School. High Roxbury 17). endar a d n le a c Jan. 26—£1 Revue, Avranj a 2—enfr ulr n the and Muller 25—Jennifer Jan Jan 25—Royce Anderson, song song Anderson, 25—Royce Jan Jan. Jan. Jan. 24—Auditions for Teen Dance Dance Jan.24—Auditions Teen for Jan Jan. a. 9Jhn Metoad the and 19—Johnny Maestro Jan. folk for 18—Opennight Jan. stage Now to March 24—Five Nitecap Nitecap 24—Five March to Now Y U B o truh e. #Cus in l#—Course Feb. through Now a Now to Jan. IK—Free Young Young IK—Free Jan. to Now O of Scotch Plains-Fanwood, Plains-Fanwood, Scotch of 18 18 WISE ic s u M 0 2 Slirs ae' Ap^ Tale.' s Soldier — —Arts Musica Chorale, Chorale, Musica —Arts t e th n e n o Moty ui in Music ostly -M SATUA0ATS C L O S E D W E DEH5: 1 5 M E NEEADAVS

WHOLESALE O T U A L»nm hardto items. tet 7091 SFAINGf 1EID AVE VAUiHAil suaoatia Wc Caiiy»U the T O T H EP U B L I C M O S TL I K E L Y HE HAVE IT" A U T O M O T I V E t i l IMAM " if irs if " A.M S AS l M PARTS PARTS lumoA) . i i Ttmpie 5 7 Ml A

4 A A.).

Singers invited to rehearsal to invited Singers hottest box office draws Need we more'’ say we Need draws hottestbox office ytm n h oi’ eurn hm,teuba Ae " F the "Axel theme, upbeat recurring and the movie’s System, rock of "Rock & Roll Me Again" from the New York club hitmakers. The The hitmakers. club York New the from Again" Me Roll & "Rock of rock funk "D o You Really (Want My Love).” That is. not to mention, the melodic is.the melodic notto mention, That synthLove).” My slithery (Want Junior's and Really You Hills." o funk"D Beverly In Stopped t tongue^Get Don semi serious onthesemi as ever in-cheek scintillating as Shalamar Dance. "Gratitude rocker ahead College. Union College. ItUp." "Stir tempo mid the simmering Forsey. byKeith produced Wilkins Theater Building at Kean Kean the at 143 of Building Room Theater in Wilkins m p 9 at 30 Jan rehearsal open an with season and. Attitude" "New of rocking R&B happy the MCA, for recordings inaugurate its spring rehearsal rehearsal spring its inaugurate Glenn is Idol album best knownhis the Forsey. "Billy' for production of Keith by from and co-written co-produced romp, single guitar-driven sax funky first The talent recording of array star a Detroit cop who takes a leave to come to Beverly Hills to track down the down track to Hills Beverly to come to leave a takes who cop Detroit a Frey's "The Heat Is On (Theme From Beverly Hills Cop ) The song is ais song The ) Cop Hills Beverly From (Theme On Is Heat "The Frey's murderer of friend a murderer Hills Cop. starring Eddie Murphy < Murphy Eddie Records) MCA starring Cop.Hills This is an all-star hit collection from a movie starring one of today’s today’s of one starring movie a from collection hit all-star an is This JEWELERS R E L E W E J S N R E B There also are the ultra modern R&B popof the Pointer Sisters Neutron Neutron Sisters the Pointer popof R&B modern the ultra also are There h Coa Scey a invited has Society Choral The will Society Choral Kean The straight strong the contributes Elfman, Danny mate. label new Patti's first her LaBelle. Patti theintimitable by tracks wonderful two are There The music from the movie is suitably hot and rambunctious, with an all- an with rambunctious, hotand suitably is movie the from music The Pick Of The LPs. Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack Beverly Beverly Soundtrack Picture Motion The From Music LPs. The Of Pick Beverly Hills Cop" is a feisty comedy and action picture with Murphy as Murphy with picture and action comedy is feisty a Cop" Hills Beverly E L A S T N E M E R I T E R merchandise s s e l e s i d n a h c r e m l l A K • gnsThur J y 17 1 ry a u n Ja y a d rs u h T s egin B ng of ness s e in s u B f o t u o g in o G ohn ed ak Everything Go Must BackHeldNothing N Wood , nden N.J. n e d in L ., e v A d o o W N. 8 1 3 regular prices e c i r p w o l r a l u g e r r u o ic ri Disc ALL SALES FINAL ALL SALES HAMMER E M M A H T L I M y B 687-0296 232at Indick 2348 Sue or calling Judith Asch Goodkin at Goodkin Asch Judith calling of Professor James Cullen Further Further Cullen James Professor of nomto cn e btmd by ob tamed be can information will be provided for everyone everyone for provided be will Scores attend to singers interested The society is under the direction direction the under is society The Data % 0 5 f f o

0 0 7 7 - 6 8 6 part job d e b ld u o c b o j e m i t t r a p A whenever you need it, you need whenever Classifieds.the y Whatever you need, Whatever al bil ! ills b e s o h t ll a o t ust answer r e w s n a e h t t s ju o paea a call: ad an place to EDDIE MURPHY EDDIE

FOCUS ON COUNT Januar 7 1985 17, ry a u n a J V T N U O C N IO N U N O S U C O F 7 e g a P Song by song, it's delightful By B E A SMITH indeed a show, and more than an ( W it h music by Stynei. and the It's truly amazing what four ordinary musical revue Yet. it hilarious show stopping "You Gotta highly-talented people and two manages to hold its audience in a Have a Gimmick" I also with music pianists can create onstage when state of enjoyable fascination by Styne i as Gallagher. Kert and provided with three high stools, two Robert Johanson is responsible for Kaye simulate the strippers Irom pianos, a background o f electric the direction and musical staging, as the show lights signifying the names of Kert (most recently seen in "Guys The three, plus Rose, offer such Broadway shows and the delightful and Dolls" at the Paper Mill). numbers from "A U tile Night music of Stephen Sondheim If you Gallagher and Kaye, in stunning Music” as "You Must Meet My like music (and who doesn't’ ), then costumes, perform each number Wife,' and the memorable "Send in ‘Side by Side by Sondheim" is yours with such perfection, that an the Clowns.” "l>ove is in the Air.” for the asking, and the Paper Mill audience can visualize scenery that from A Funny Thing Happened on Playhouse in Millbum is the place to isn’t there the Way to the Forum; and among be ’ With Jim Coleman and Terry the numbers from “ Company,” Larry Kert, Helen Gallagher, La Bolt at the pianos, and an oc­ The Little Things You Do Judy Kaye and George Rose, in their casional appearance by Rose, the Together.” 'Getting Mamed own inimitable style, take their three sing and dance together, with Today," Another Hundred audience on a tour de force through one or the other or alone And they People ", and the title the Broadway musicals of Son­ bring back memories of scenes from song There are many effective numbers from "Follies, including dheim, with additional music by favorite musicals, some of which Leonard Bernstein, Richard date back 30 years Each number is "Can That Boy Foxtrot.” "Bring on Rodgers, Mary Rodgers and Jule a performance in itself comedy, the Girls." "Ah Paree. " Broadway Styne The show also features music, drama and one is tran Baby." which nearly brought the musical continuity by Ned Sherrin sformed into the period of each house down, "‘Losing My Mind.” What makes the Sondheim number When scenes are staged “ Could I Leave You"7” and "T m Still vehicle, written in 1976, so unique, is with music from "West Side Story" Here Also highlighting the the style In which the performers (a natural for Kert. who is very production are numbers from " The 7 manage to captivate their audience much at home with the nurpbers; he Percent Solution* Anyone Can with clever narration, a continual starred in the Broadway musical Whistle," Do 1 Hear a Waltz"’ , flow of singing and dancing upon a many years ago), one is mesmorized (with music by Richard Rodgers). practically bare stage, no orchestra, by "Something s Coming" and "A The Mad Show” (with music by Mary Rodgers i. and "Pacific with only stools to sit on and pianos Boy Like That/ I Have a Love" (both Overtures " to lean on As Rose, the narrator with music by Bernstein». There are When Kert, Gallagher and Kaye with the impeccable voice, explains, the delightful scenes from "Gypsy, do an imitation of the Andrews "This is a show, not a play." It is such as " If Momma Was Married Sisters, they are at their funniest "Side by Side by Sondheim" at the Paper Mill is a real treat for anyone SIDE BY SIDE BY SON DHEIM—Musical production On the calendar who likes music and musicals It will which opened Jan 9 at the Paper M ill Playhouse, Millburn, show in "Thursday at Eight, continue at the theater through Feb has four characters. Left to right, top steps, are George Rose Theater Perfect Circle, Tri-County Arts 10 It's a wonderful experience and Larry Kert; bottom, Helen Gallagher and Judy Kaye Center, 116 Watchung Ave , Don't miss it! Show w ill run through Feb 10 Now through Jan. 27-Stage Two Plainfield 757 7070 productions. "Happy Days,” "Act Jan. 17—previews (Runs Jan. 18 to Without Words I ” Theater Intime, Feb. 10 ). Ibsen's "Ghosts ” Whole Princeton University’s Murray Theater. 544 Bloomfield Ave . Dodge Hall 91 University Place Montclair (609 ) 452-5200 Jan. 18 through Feb. 2 Now through Feb. 2— "Death of a (weekends)—"G o Back For Mur Salesman," New Jersey Public der," Cranford Dramatic Club, 78 Theater, 118 South Avenue Est, Winans Ave . Cranford 8 p m 276 Cranford 8:30 p.m. 272-5704 7611 Now through Feb. t —"Crimes of Jan. 18 to 20- "The Lady From the Heart " Actors Cafe Theater. Dubuque Ironbound Theater Co Bloomfield College. Franklin and Wolff Memorial Church. Ann Street Fremont streets 429-7662 and Wilson Avenue, Newark 8 p m Jan. 17—"Longfellow, one man 792 3524 DINING ROOM iHAwmsTOiuca l B41 Restaurant

OP 1%2« S«u9h Wuod Ave Lm.t-n 86/ 48SS Fratunng delicious lood without a lincy p*>cc Daily Blackboard Great food & spirits Open Monday thru Thursday Specials Open seven days for lunch and d«nne» J u m b o 11: X) to f* 30 Weekends 11 30 to 12 30 Serving Lun One free ROYAt WORCESTER sandwiches, homemade soups Also, featuring ethnic ch, Dinner A Sunday Brunch dishes for all Inquire about our catering Banquet 1021 E . R t 77 M ountainside *54-8777 service for 8 setting (value to lacilttes available lor weddmqs showers, private par $895.*) for parties of 150 people ties, business mectinq etc o r m o re s P r\ n 9 p u T The party must be booked and h e ld d u r in q 1985 Th«s offer is good only on CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS DELUXE PACKAGE no ? •TIFFANY GARDENS — W e d d m q s i-T A R D I’S RESTAURANT ------1 Bar M itivahs • F or N ibs Anniversaries Cocktail Parties 24 No 70th SI Kenilworth*?;* 6104 Business Meetings P a r tie s o f 50 500 We are open for Lunch T i n s ., W e d . T h u rs . A F r i Continental Cuisine Serving business Lunch dai from 11 to 1. Dinner Mon., Tues. Wed , A Thurs ly 11 10 3 30 D in n e r S e rv e d n ig h tly u n til 11pm fr o m 5 to 11. F r i. A S a t S to 12, S un 2 to 10 O p e n 7 See our bulletin board toi our daily specials days Our concern is your enioyment Happy Hour 4 p m 7pm House brands M 00 Bar open til 2 a m M aior Credit Cards honored rw A /y/ 1437 Vauxhall Rd union, 60S 44*4 / MANOR Kosher Style Available Dining m the true Iberian tradi lion Lunches Tues Fr» ll 30 687 4?00 • 7800 Spmtgtield *«e Union to 3 00 Dinners Tues Thurs Intimate dining anytime Daily lunch A dinner catering jltaii must be paid in lull to receive tree grtt S 00 to 10 00 Weekends S 00 to specials representing the finest Continental l l 00. L iv e e n te r ta in m e n t on Cuisine Join us for a special evening concluding W e e k e n d s 1664 S fu y v e s a n t with entertainment in Poe s Lounge with it’s Ave , Union 9 *4 0490/72 sunken bar Dancing Fri. A Sat Maior credit cards welcome Behind the Union Motor Lodge R te 22. U n io n 6*7 8*00 P O C U S O N U N IO N C O U N T Y J a n u a r y 17, 198$ P a g e 8 From 10a.m From Orange West Road. 760 Northfield Women's committee YM-YWHA, YM-YWHA, committee Women's Brandeis University National National University Brandeis 342-7388,743-5073m p ac Hldy n. eiwrh 8 Kenilworth Inn. Holiday lance Club Singles Catholic Jersey. North ere vne Ws. idn 8 Linden 92S-1616 West. m p Avenue. George 618 St Tweed. Boss at party dance lz.Scuu 968-2959 Secaucus Plaza. dls meeting single and adults) 'tall Moonrakers Jersey Meadowlands Hilton. 2 Harmon Harmon 2 Hilton. Meadowlands 528-6343 Again. Inc . dance in lounge of of m lounge 30 9p in Kenilworth Inn. dance Holiday . Inc Again. Jan. 18—Mid-winter meeting of of meeting 18—Mid-winter Jan. Jan. 18—Catholic Alumni Club of of Club 18—CatholicAlumni Jan. vr Sna ngt-S Sports -USA night Sunday Every vr scn TedyNe ew Tuesday-N second Every E very Friday night—Singles night—Singles Friday very E PLACE” E C A L P S ’ E F I W Y M " oe tRuby’ SufdS s d u Sp you Stuffed ’s d y n b A u R ot ope d d A Dinner P ick a lev or try them all them try or lev a ick P rebm Pt t . ood l t d tte Slu d o fo e e S s. e stn a P Putt rOetbam d n a e g a s u a S Tease your appetite with six mouthwatering choices mouthwatering six with appetite your Tease . 1 t. R DANCERS OSPHERE • ATM FRIENDLY DAILY • SPECIALS LUNCH • O re ozrla tcs Cikn igr. Italian Fingers. Chicken Sticks. Mozzarella Fried “APPETEASERS” IT'S ALLNEW A eaerDi '' r e n in D r ase te e p p A Ve Ve r a d n e l a c e h t n a ltes available Platters Bar uhoms adCcntSn p Shnm Coconut and s, Mushroom UYS INTRODUCES RUBY’S OT BOUND NORTH & got a got COURSE DINNERS? COURSE 8


no 8 68^2576 Avenue. m 8p Jeanette Union Club. Girls and lwrarneetwrso Boys workshop arrangement flower lb f onciu Frs silk Farms Connecticut of Club 3pm 249-1111m 30p 7 r679-7491 o Plainfield and Avenue. Grant Street vr3.cfe os ac Seventh 35.Over bouse dance coffee adel 15 575-6050 to noon 7 m a Caldwell aps l edro Die West Drive, Henderson l campus, Education JEA of MetroWest JEA JEA MetroWest of JEA Education 763-8312m p rve Itrev Cne. 31 Center. 30 30 l to 4 Interweave .Summit Ave Woodland Preview West 499-0714 of 30pm 8 Center Jewish dance Orange. 300 Pleasant Valley Way Way Valley 300 Pleasant Orange. Jan. 21—GFWC Junior Woman’s Woman’s Junior 21—GFWC Jan. Jan. 2t—Temple Sholom Singles Singles Sholom 2t—Temple Jan. Jan. 2t—Symposium on Jewish Jewish on 2t—Symposium Jan.

Jan. a.if— f 28 Lites, i Chai Jan. plus singles TOUCH A "

2 itr pn os and House Open Winter t

3200. 511 ext 523 or otfed v Ws Oag 736- Orange West . Ave Northfield Art G allery. YM -YW H A of of 760 A H -YW Jersey. YM New allery. G Metropolitan Art Y members of exhibit photographic olg. pe Mncar Rosanne Montclair State Upper Montclair College. Hall. Life Gallery. Martin. 893Martin. 5113 Art Montclair Gallery. Art College members in fine arts department. department. arts fine in members 745-4489den xiiin Exn o. S. Lin USA. . Co Exxon exhibitions League of Central New Jersey Jersey New Central of League to 746-55559 m p 3 EVENING—Montclair Art Museum Art EVENING—Montclair South Mountain Ave . Montclair Montclair . Ave SouthMountain Jan. 17—“ Find Yourself at the at Yourself 17—“ Find Jan. a. 1733by Jan. exhibits faculty - Art Now through Feb. 27 -Artists 27 -Artists Feb. through Now VRV TIIIRSDAV EVER V AL DNE 23 - :0 .. Mna tr Stra) $4.95** Saturday) thru (Monday p.m. 5:00 - 2:30 DINNER EARLY UC SRE 1 No. :0 .. o. a. rm$.5 «■$3.95c*1* from Sat. Mon. p.m. 2:30 Noon. 12 SERVED LUNCH DAILY SPECIALS & MUCH M ORE! ORE! M MUCH & SPECIALS DAILY 3 DAYS. 2 NIGHTS ON A FANTASY FANTASY A ON NIGHTS 2 DAYS. 3 THE ON CRUISE LUXURIOUS A WIN RIET NOWHERE! TO CRUISE Y JO EN GALILEO! S.S. BEAUTIFUL V Art einn a. • o ucae eesr • rwn Fb 28 Feb. Drawing purchase necessary • No • 9beginning Jan. Cui ne "L-WrerChotesTerol•LowerSodnm"Lower Catones Fit *Lower e in is u .C Creative tep' otn eu eetos s . g ssm a selections menu often tretpi's . 624 Westfield Avenue Avenue Westfield 624 " Y S E K A T S P E E W S Elizabeth 352 2022 352 Elizabeth 2

in conjunction with The American Heart An o aebon aebon o An Heart American The with conjunction in TUESDAY BUFFET NIGHT crisp salads and delectable desserts. delectable and salads crisp chicken, veal, prime ribs, steaks, fresh lobsters, lobsters, fresh steaks, ribs, prime veal, chicken, l»*b%ter tails, and nun h more - includiigt several several includiigt - more h nun and tails, l»*b%ter An .irr.iv of clams, shrimp, oysters, steamers, steamers, oysters, shrimp, clams, of .irr.iv An t ant l e g n u o L il a t k c o C t n ra u sta e R 0 4 1 3 ^ 6 7 3 WY acceptreservations until ac o te a Dinners Day the ofCatch M orris A ve. Springfield Springfield ve. A orris M AAIN EXPERIENCE VACATION • Mayor • (.ards redit l A VERY UNIQUE UNIQUE VERY A 7 IV M. rdt CardsCredit AlMajor $7.95 Cant ON UNI Y y 1. 1985 17. ry a u n a J Y T N U O C N IO N U N O S U C O F 9 e o a P

For Union County Classified Call: 686-7700

Reaching over 1 75,000 readers m the Union Leader. Springfield Leader. Mountainside Echo. Kenilworth Leader, The Spectator m Roselle & Roselle Park and the Linden Leader also the News Record ol Maplewood and Sooth Orange. West Orange Chronicle. East Orange Record Orange Transcnpt The in dependent Press. Glen Ridge Paper. Irvington Herald and Vailsburg Leader


20 words (commissionable) (m inim um ) ...... $5.25 4 tim e s or m ore $4 50 Classified Display open rate (commissionable) $9 38 per inch E ach additional 10 words or less ...... $1.50 E a ch a d d itio n a l 10 w ords $1 00 Contract rates for ads that run on consecutive weeks IF SET IN ALL CAPITALS 4 tim e s ... S8 54 per inch net 10 words or less (com m issionable)...... $5.25 4 times or m ore. $4 50 Over 4 tim es . . ... $7 70 p e r m c h n e t Each additional 10 words or less ...... $2.00 E a ch a d d itio n a l 10 w ords $1 50 C la ssifie d Box N u m be rs a va ila b le — $5.00 Bordered Ads — Add S4.00 Classified Ads are payable within 7 days. COMBO RATES COMBO RATES CLASSIFIED DISPLAY TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED RATES Classified Display open rate (comm issionable) $19.04 per mch 4 to 6 weeks $17 00 p e r m c h 20 words (commissionable) (minimum) .. ... $10 00 7 to 52 weeks $14 98 p e r m c h Additional 10 words or less ...... $2.00 C lassifie d Box N u m be r ...... $5 00 DEADLINE FOR UNION COUNTY PAPERS IS 1 00 P M TUESDAY BORDERED ADS ...... $7 00 DEADLINE FOR ADS RUNNING IN COMBO I S 5 00 PM MONDAY



lEJUniFT T0U CM L A T E M O D E L S 1977 BLAZER hydromahe 4 1978 LOTUS-Etlat blue. 2 1972 VOLKWAGON Beetle LOST bag containing tap Simoniiing, Pinstripping, '81 & 82 m o d e ls a t w h o le s a le wheel drive, air, AM FM year old Paint, new interior Runs well Body and interior shoes. ballet slippers, Body side m oldings. Vinyl roof prices Call for details stereo. Power steering/ fabric 32,000 miles Asking in fair condition Good gas eyeglasses and makeup Call cleaning Also Expert Body C U S T O M L E A S E 007 7000 b ra k e s . C a ll a fte r 5 P M 087 $12,000 Call weekends994 3322 mileage Just passed in 484 4897, o r 748 1148 Work For information call 3855 o r o th e r 407 8583 spection Two new snow tires, M U L T I P L Y Fred 904 1205 after 5 as well as many extra parts LOST Bankbook First fidelity YOUR SAVINGS 1970 BUICK Century, loaded $500, or best offer M ust see to Bank Irvington branch 1974 M U S T A N G 2 4 c y l MULTI CHEVROLET original owner garage kept b e lie v e ' C a ll S c o tt, 241 3485. automatic transmission, Please return to bank NEW USED LEASES like new Asking $2195 087 a fte r 6 p m 1904 C M E V Y C a rg o V a n radial fires, digital clock. 2277 M O R R IS A V E 2510 Power steering, brakes, A M ' FM cassette stereo, 54.000 PERSONALS______2 U N IO N automatic transm ission, 3.800 1983 C R Y S L E R F if t h A v e n u e . miles, new engine, power 1974 vw Beetle, automatic miles Business Terminated 080 2800 Fully loaded, warraty. 21,000 S te e rin g . $1800 C a ll 030 549? stick shift, excellent running C EMETERY PLOTS must sell Asking $8,000 or m ile s 272 7055 weekends or Mon Wed 5 8 condition and body Only H O L L Y W O O D b ^ s t o ffe r C a ll 564 8098 OLDSMOBILE pm. 15,000 m iles on rebuilt engine, MEMORIAL PARK Oldest & Largest A M / F M c a s e tte S t. 100 C a ll Gefhhesmane Gardens. PEP'S E x c lu s iv e 1957 CHEVROLET Belair ? 4l 0979 Mausoleums Office 1500 TRANSMISSION Olds Dealer in Sports Coupe Runs well, good 1904 M O N T E C a rlo V S e n g in e Stuyvesant Ave . Union Fluid Leaks Repaired Union County condition Many extra parts bucket scats glass T roof a*r 088 4J0U SPECIAL $59 95 E L I Z A B E T H Call scott. 241 3485. after 0 pm conditioning AM FM stereo 1972 V O L K S W A G O N re b u it Labor & Repairs MOTORS, INC 4.000 miles Reasonable Must engine with approximately FREE room and board for o n M o s t 00 000 mite5 on it Make offer value Rated used Cars i960 Laontac, wmte, coupe, 2 sell oecause ot m arriage call female in exchange tor occa Call Scott, 241 3485, after 0 pm American cars 58^ M orris Ave , door, orogma! owner AM /FM a lt4 e r 0 30, 353 2084 Sional light housekeeping E liz a b e th 354 1050 087 8344 radio, power doors and win duties Total freedom to work 1980 P O N T IA C J u n b ird , h a t 959 Monroe St Union (East off dows 802 2200. after 4 pm AUTOS WANTED 1 e ls e w h e re C a ll 889 0789 R o u te 22) SMYTHE VOLVO chback. 4 speed manual Exclusive Volvo steering & brakes AM FM AUTOS WATED ALL JUNK THANKSGIVING D e a le r 1971 C H E V R O L E T im p a la . 4 cassette 4 new tires. 00 000 CARS AND TRUCKS TO S A iN T J U D E UJUR0YAL door power steering, brakes m iles Asking$5,500 Must sell WANTED Top dollar paid ?4 O Holy St Jude Apostle anc 326 M o r r is A v e air 54.000 miles, garage kept C a n 087 3087 h o u r p ic k u p 40S 7581 o r 272 Martyr, qreat in virtue and DUNLOP SUMMIT S u m m it Excellent transportation Ask 3519 rich in miracles. near m g $950 088 7025, after 4 PM kinsman of Jesus Christ, TIRES 1970 P O N T IA C L e M a n s S p o rt, 273 4200 WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR faithful intercessor of all who • Computer Balance bucket , power steering, JUNK CAR OR TRUCK 375 invoke your special patronage • Used Tires 1974 C A D IL L A C E ld o ra d o brakes, air, AM /FM radio, ex Authorized 1253 IR V IN G T O N H IG H E S T in tim e of need, to your l have • T ir e s C h a n g e d convertible, fully loaded. cellent condition Alter 3 PM Factory Service PRICES PAID* recourse from the depth of my A t ir e for any b u d g e t 40.000 original miles, perfect 904 0358 Long Term Leasing heart and humbly beg to condition, garage kept White We Buy Junk Cars whom God has given such with red inferior Call Mike ALFORD AUT0MTIVE TOP $$ PAID great power to come to my d a y s 353 1150. e v e s 904 8525 1970 S A A B M o d e l 99E . 2 d o o r 24 h r s e rv 088 7420 WAREHOUSE AUTOS FOR SALE 1 white, 49,207 m iles, one owner assistance Help me in my dealer m aintained, stick, 4 ex petition in return I promise to TOW Springfield A n 1904 AMC four wheel drive 1977 C H E V R O L E T N O V A 2 t r a s te e l b e lte d ra d ia ls , 24 ENTERTAINMENT make your name known and Union (Vauihall) Eagle station wagon, NEW Good condition, automatic, MPG city, front wheel drive cause you to be invoked Say OVERSTOCK sell out Six power steering, AM/FM ACCORDIONIST three Our Fathers, three Hail 6M-1090 cylinder, power steering, $2,950 731 0429 TO PLAY AT YOUR HOME 01 radio Call after 0 p m , Mary'ss and Glorias S* Jude power brakes, air condition Monday Friday, all day Sun OR HALL PARTY eray for us and all who invoke John Lenard 6U4040 mg, automatic. 2 tone and d a y 370 4480 1982 T O Y O T A C o ro lla 25.000 your aid Amen This novena 353 0841 many other options Stock miles, sun roof, automata has never been knowmn to ’8410 List $13,539. reduced to 1900 C H E V Y M O N Z A S p id e r transmission, am /fm stereo, tad l have had my request AUTO ACCESSOtlES I $1 1,540 Many others Power steering/brakes air, new radials power brakes LOST AND FOUND 2 granted, publication promis a v a ila b le AM/FM 0 track, sunroof. re a r d e fo g q e r $0000 087 4030, ed My prayers have been B U Y W ISE 27,000 miles Asking $4,500 a fte r 0 p m all day weekends Lost & Found ads w ill run lor answered K N A u to P a rts C a ll 748 0074 A fte r 5 p m COLONIAL MOTORS two weeks FREE as a service WHOLESALE 1980 T O Y O T A T e rc e l l.ftb a c k to residents in our 9 Com CHILD CARE 3 To The Public U S Houle 22 Writ 1982 D a fs u n 200 SX b lu e . Excellent running condition 33,000 miles Air AM FM Somme mile Ml Air condition 1 owner well m u n itie s BABYSITTING In my home Open 7 Days n e w fire s one o w n e r $5 500 maintained $2500 Cal* 087 FOUND Lovely Siamese Cat Reasonable rates Non S un 0 a m to 12 p m 722 2700 f ir m 080 5704 9181 a M e r 0 pm . Monday near tradSidc Museum Moun smokers Responsible Potty W e d S. Sat Friday, anytim e Saturday and trained only Please cr»11 851 1978 D O D G E O M N I 50,000 tamside. Inendly Please call 7 30 to 5 45 p m 1 9 7 7 AMC HOR NET ?099 d a y s miles, 4 cylinder, 4 speed, 4 S u n d a y 480 8103 Weekdays 7 30 Sportabout, 74,000 miles, door, excellent conditio^, runs a m to 7 p m automatic transmission, 6 1979 T R A N S A m . 30,000 m ile s , FOUND Large tan doo. well EXPERIENCED Woman cylinder, air, body in good qreat Only $1,200 087 2219 Seeks position carm q lor new a lt e r 5 p m excellent condition. 403 . • | ■ a ith wti Ilea < olta» 0005440 condition New ah weather enqrne, aut o. m a t»c vicinity ot West , Chestnut born infant Excelleni Vauxhall Section radials Original owner Ask 970 FOUR door Dodge Sedan transm ission $0 500 or'best of Street'*. Union Call between 8 references Your home mine 2091 S p r in g fie ld .ng $1 300 379 3172 d a y tim e Cali 904 0314 anytim e te r C a ll a fte r 4 p n 088 09S5 a. 5 080 osos C a ll 96J 1 745 Ave . Union 688 7255 e v e n in g s lT F O C U S O N U N IO N C O U N T Y J a n u a r y 17, 1985 P a g e 10 .c re a tiv e o w n e r C a ll A rle n e a t t a e n rle A ll a C r e n w o e tiv a re .c -167 omer te the r e d n u r e m to s u c h c a e o wel known n w o n k ll e w of t n e m e g a n a m ty a re w E x te n d in g s e rv ic e s to to s e ic rv e s li a g u q in d in n p te o x h s E n a w rb re u a b u ty s ly e v lo al ed, efned, son i in n o rs e p , d e fin re , d te n le ta ef ences 47 1251 467 s e c n re fe re CI ng f r fo g in n e p O N IA IC T U A E B d n a e c t n s u e M i r e . p ld le x ib fie e x g in fle r p S rs r u u o e o H v a in h e , k m e o e h w r e p TTER Want 3days s y a d 3 , d te n a W R E T IT S Y B A B 0548 n e c e s s a ry C a ll 450 0087 o r 689 689 r o 0087 450 ll a C ry a s s e c e n e c n e i r e p x e t f a r C o N h c r a e p te $15 S10 e g ra r e v u a to o , p h o h s rk o w le p o e p c a ll Ire n e , 241 5883 E q u a l op op r. l e a y u q lo E p m e 5883 ity 241 n , tu r e n o p Ire ll a c B U S Y H o m e m a k e r s ! I nee d 6 d nee I ! s r e k a m e m o H Y S U B in . d e rr e c fe n re rie p e is p x e e ffic o s s n u ia io v ic s re y p h p r o r or n nt ew w ie v r te in an r fo g illin e b g n rra d l a a te ic la d o T e re M ts n u o c c a t se g n hou e in illin tm r r b a u p o e r d fo rk g o in w s s e c ro p ng, s r vabl d n a p le b ty a iv e , c e n re o h osi p s P n le ts te n itio u s o o c p c rth e o a lv ilw o e v rT , e g in K in tim in s n ll le tio u f b ila a t v n a lle e c x E l e i ON. x E ll o T e 0850 c 242 . n a N 800 h 1 c IO a N r U o nd a 4222, s 877 g in n in r a e t n lle e le c b ila a v a t a t n e tm in o p p a 205 w t x ie e v r 6400, 352 te in an to w in p riz e s a n d tr ip s . C a ll ll a C . s e r ip tr a d n a s e s riz e p t u o in r w to r e p a p s w e n r u o t a , f f a t s d e c a p t s a f Fee g n F rm / o M M 17 11 p S m L E IR /G S Y O B ty p p O l a u q E r fo n n a tio m a ld c e lo F a , d t ly in n d L ie n n ll e ie v a r f n c o e c s a of le P rn t e r d a o p m as e g a k c a p J. 8 0 2 7 0 . J N , h t e b a z i l E fits e n e b d a n a rn a e m te s ill y y r s w la u a h o c s Y u to l y b tia n e good s s e g re tin a la u lc a c o aptt or i d nd t a n e s m e y r a u p fig r fo r fo e d titu p d e a s tc s e e c ood ro G p , s lie p p be u s , e g a rtg o m es, 07083 tio n fo r a p p ro v a l of in v o ic e s to to s e ic o v in of l a v ro p p a x r ta fo t n n tio re , s ld u o h s ipe tilitie u , ex d s n e u s ' n T ro e rs p R g a x k C e e c y a of B d n a 2 le e b c a n y a rie ith p e w p r e p ts u n s u o d l c a ase u b id J iv d N g in w ro g t s fa st o Jack Bal c/ /o c , s u lk a B k c a J to y r to is h u wil evi a ta n e m u c o d w ie v re ill w s a re a ou Y ll a of e g d le w o n k e d lu c in |in n a g in k e e s is in a h c t e rk a m 5 25 6 e s u o y h r e la r a a s W l fu lp e d n h a r e t x e a d n m B u u s ro g re k c a b Send r te u p eheadquart s fce t s is th f o e ffic o rs te r a u q d a e h he T WANTED HELP R a h w a y A v e n u e , U n io n , N J. J. N , n io n U , e u n e v A y a w h a R 18 or 6 1543 763 r o 3158, l erk, ul tme Com m o C e tim ll fu , k r le c ll o r y a P 9275 688 ll a C d n 688 a , e tim y n a ll G a C N I W O l a L v o P m W re O N S o ld r e tir e d b u s in e s s m a n lo ok ok lo n a m s s e in s u b d e tir e r ld o in q to r f u ll tim e e m p lo y m e n t t n e m y lo p m e e tim ll u f d r goo to q in ry e V 4690 674 ll a ly C r e ld s e e c n re r fe o re k ic s R E L IA B L E e n e rg e tic 57 y e a r r a e y 57 tic e rg e n e E L B IA L r E to R g 's e rin rs u a n c n le b itio s lia o e p R s k e D d se E n I a e F I id a T R E C e l b a y a p s t n u o c s n o i t c e l y l m o in c e n o d s e x 9524 ta 851 d n , e a rn e o l b ll, b o r a y a v i p e c e r E vi ac s e ic rv e S R E P E E K K O O B

MPLOYMENT WANTED MPLOYMENT 0446 ACCOUNTSPAYABLE SUPERMARKETS 681 N e w a i k A v e . . e v A k i a w e N 681 JJV S M E O SJUJJVC F00DT0WN ACCOUNTS MAYFAIR EXPENSE PAYABLE ih figureswith o o like youDo CLERK dealing 3 3 HELP WANTED HELP 3 6 70 Equal uniy ity n tu r, r e o g p a p n o a m F / M l e a r u e ffic q y o E lo p m ll a e C 7800 964 y r la a s u r h t y a d n o M , r e i h s a c T h u r s d a y , 5 9 p m . G ood ood G . m p 9 5 e tim t r a , y p a d r s r fo u h T g in n e p o n a s a h ncol cal nstt e te titu s in l a ic n h c e T ln o c in L . ld fie g in r p S 22, te u o R d te n a w b dependabl Fl bl le ib lp x e h le F . le b a d n E e L p e Y d T S be t s u M IA R E T E F A C s. l or nt ew. 379 . w ie v r te in r fo ll a 5257 C . rs u o h il a r t n e tm in o p p a w ie v r te in r lo oom, r c educa a c u d e ic s a b g in d d a r ire tr e u w q s d ac c n n o a a b , ll in g , a t m itin is s o s o e s v ro p a o b , a do s e n to o h d p n , A te ra s u u c tio n in ie c s e ffic o d n o b l a ip ic n u m y s u b tio n in th e in v e s tm e n t m a r k e t t e k r a m 6000 t 379 n e n o tm L s e v in n e o th c in n tio , h s ig r H e b m u n t h ig r b g lin r d fo n a h , n r u illb M S chool g ra d , c o m fo r ta b le in in le b ta r fo m o c , a d ra g h it w chool g S in n e p o l a u s u n u ry e V c ia l b u ild in g s Id e a l fo r R e a l l a e R r 0088 fo l a e Id s g in ild u b l ia c © rg an vzed C a l! M r s G a t 675 675 t a G s r M l! a C vzed an rg © day, 851 M P 6 4 , y a id r F y a d r n e o m M m o s c g in v d a n s a $25,000 $10 d ts re n a e h s n rtm r a a p y E a rg e r n E fo k . e s e lu w p r e p be eWci and d n r a e y lo p t n m e ie c W e e b t s u M at nsur s ts n e g A e c n ra u s In d n a te ta s E rs u o h 2 n a th s s e L e lim t r a P F o r in fo r m a tio n c a ll B a r b a ra , , ra a b r a B ll a c n tio a m r fo in r o F 87 opportuni y it n u t r o p p o l a u q E l fu lp e h ls a 3817 n e r c u n jo rie e p r x e e th o r te , u ts p ip m e o c C re h s a c T y p in g , ca sh d is b u rs e m e n t, t, n e m e rs u b is d sh ca , g in p y T i 3days week k e e w n r e itio p s s o y p a d 3 t n . e d n e a c n rm e rie p e p e x E tim t r a P i mnqs Cal 778 ll a C s q n rm a e 5551 e r u fig oser l is 5 fits e n e b ll u f rs e s lo c s a le s C a r n e c e s s a ry . F u ll ll u e F id . ts u ry o a s s e c e e n r tim a y C a D s le a s le p o e p ni enced d e c n ie r e p x E g s in le a in s a r t l fu s s e c c u s of ff ta s t s e W 22 te u o R 222 i i e ai te the t a d e in ta b o be y a m s n tio a lic p p A s e h y c a n d s ra e b n d e e v o W b a y a d n o M W o m e n a n d m e n J o in o u r r u o in o J n e m d n a n e m o W ly te ia d e m im le b ila a v a re a s n itio s o p g in w llo fo e h T s lu p A p p lic a n ts s h o u ld a p p ly to th e P e rs o n n e l D e p t 10am 3 p m , , m p 3 10am t p e D l e n n o rs e P e th to ly p p a ld u o h s ts n a lic p p A oa ll n, or casher experence a e c n in rie e p x to e g y rm e liit h s b a c a r e io th r p , n a in a r e t d l il titu p w a e W e r u k n a fig b an d lo o o g d n a ith w . ls a u id iv d eract t omer of l ge savi s g in in v a s e d e rg d la in r m u o f o e r t r tu a a p m e m o c e r B fo rs g e in m n e to p s o u c te ith w ia d t e c a m r im te e v a h e W nt ew ie v r te in n a Conveni Umon/ y l i n tio a c lo ty n u o C x e s s /E n o m U t n ie n e v n o •C essi aut deal i t ar a re a e th in r le a e d to u a e iv s s re g g a ease cal Mi e at 6 71 bet & 6 o schedul le u d e h c s to ff 6 ta s & 4 g n in e e in tw a e tr b 7610 e 564 tim t a ll u f le n e w h o ic r u M o ll m a o c fr e s g a le in P in a r t g in o g n •O An opport t o wor t he most of onal d n a l a n io s s fe ro p t s o m e th ith w rk o w to ity n s tu g r in o p rn p a o e d e n te •A n ra a u G • • A lm o s t u n lim ite d e a r n in g p o te n tia l ($6 00 $19 00 p e r r e p 00 $19 00 ($6 l tia n te o p g in n r a e d ite e c lim n n ta u is s ) s H a t R n s F o tio lm rip A c • s e r p d n a • A n e x c e lle n t b e n e fits p a c k a g e in c lu d in g m e d ic a l, d e n ta l l ta n e d l, a ic d e m g in d lu c in e g a k c a p fits e n e b t n lle e c x e n A • i ted advancement uniy i udi e g a n a m g in d lu c in in r le ity a e n d tu r e o p tiv p o o m t to n u e a m e g c in n a w v d ro a g t s d te ! e n s it e fa m d lim n n a U t • s e rg la e th ith w sey. f desie: ire s e d u o y If . y e rs e J w e N s i no i a ob openi i i a eer uniy ity n tu r o p p o r e re a c a is it , g in n e p o b jo a t s iu ot n is is h T OPPORTUNITY ADVERTISING CASHIER BOOKKEEPER CAREER ASSISTANT s 4Mi perweek us ur s y a rd tu a S s lu p k e e w r e p s y a d id M 4 rs u o H rfs FINDER E A BE AUTO MECHANICS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY NEEDED MECHANICS AUTO Crestmont Federal Savings Federal Crestmont W e s tf ie ld /M o u n ta in s id e /E d is o n / / n o is d /E e id s in ta n u o /M ld ie tf s e W OEC ENTERPRISES TORESCO ^ equalopport t empl r e y lo p m e ity n tu r o p p o l a u q e n A 1886 Springfield Avenue Avenue 1886 Springfield Maplewood, NJ 07040 Maplewood, ai de/ i i ld fie g rin p /S e id s in ta n u o M i Cl k rk la /C e g rid b d o o W tyu ai Oppc'tumf* Emplo»f' Oppc'tumf* ai tyu AK TELLERS BANK sonnel pt e D l e n n o rs e P S G N V A S T N O M T S E H C M LA A**OC«AT»OM LOAM AMO L A R E D E F ME IM T L L U F ME IM T T R A P t) e w

3 HELP WANTED HELP 3 C a ll R ic h T o r c lli, 964 5000 5000 964 rk o lli, c w r t o n T a s h a ic le R P ll a C l a u id iv d in le b r fo k s A , e n u io n e n v U A is . r y r , r e o o c M a flo T r 1525 , 2nd P R O C w o 11 o rg a n iz e d a n d a re s p o n s i i s n o p s re a d n a d e iz n a 11 o rg w o tc e , g of in p ty l ra , e n g e G filin , rk s o e w ffic o e lic g in d n e p in q c o n d itio n s q o o d b e n e fits . . fits e n e b d o o q s be n itio d n t o s c u M y q n in a p r. m e o c n n of a m t n e e c e n n o h tm ra p r u le a s te p in e d g e rq itin r la w r e d n u S T , N n o A rs T e L p U S N O in C ly p L p a E T A P e s a le P ous cl cal a ic r le c s u io v e r p e m o s ng, lng, and good d o o g d n a , g ilin f , g in p y T ex r u o r to n o rs e p e tim t r a P son needed t k i in rk o w to d e d e e n n o rs e P e t e l p m in o c ly p p A g tin r n d ta la n s p a n tio n o a rs ood e liz G p ita p y s r o h a l d a n u s ro g k c a b Requies ire u q e R . n o h n o o t n e n a m r e P 8 85 St i f nt ew ie v r te in r fo in t p h to S lig 8052 688 , y c a rm a h p r fo K R E L C uyvesant Uni n io n U . e u n e v A e tim ll u t f n a r s o e / v s y g tu S in n r o m , g in p ty oyer e y lo p m E ocki macy, 1214 , y c a rm a h P i k c ro w a N tme wor l fs ifts h s 11 7 it ll m A m u S , ly p rk p o A w le b e ila tim a v a t r a p s Summit m m u S , e u n e v A is r v ir o n m e n t h a n d lin g to o lin g . . g lin o to : ly g p lin p d A n a . h fits e n e b t n ll e A m n o ir v or cor Br r o M d n a d a ro B r e rn o c , re to S To w o rk m a m a c h in e s h op en en op h s e in h c a m a m rk o w To In d iv id u a ls n e e d e d fo r f u ll o r r o ll u f r fo d e d e e n ls a u id iv d In G R E E T IN G C A R D CO CO D R A C G IN T E E R G LAMONT T N O M A L I S S E V A R F S p r in g fie ld , N .J . 07081 . .J N , ld fie g in r p S y emp m e ty p p o l a u q E CLERK/CASHIER Opporuniy ity n rtu o p p O l a u q E CLERK TYPIST CLERK S ales D e p a rtm e n t t n e rtm a p e D ales S Roa ad o R e c n e r w a L 2 11 E d is o n P la c e , , e c la P n o is d 11 E CLERK/TYPIST

Opporuniy ity n rtu o p p O l a u q E n A LR TYPIST CLERK CORPORATION LR TYPIST CLERK ENGINEERING ngfel ld fie g in r p S oyer e y lo p m E ngfel N J N , ld fie g in r p S VALCOR

3 KELP WANTED KELP 3 Appl n per 504 , n 376 o . rs e p ills H a rt in o e h c S n ra a ly e e p p v 3166 p p A a A t n *TlbuYn M lle e t c s x u E m p o h s fo r e x c lu s iv e S h o rt H ill flo w e r r e w flo ill H rt o h S e iv s lu c x e r fo D R IV E R a n d g e n e ra l w o rk e r r e rk o w l ra e n e g d n a R E d IV e rr R D fe re p 0800 687 e ll c a n C rie e p x e e om S oy lo p m e ti l i Pl s ase le P . e tim ll u F / e im t t r a P re a a v a ila b le T h u r s d a y , F r id a y o r r o y a id r F , y a d s r u h re T to s in le b in s e nd ila a g a ra v e a v e g b n a lin d p n a m a s d o s fo a r, g to llin e tra s s $$ n o m e d a tr x e ur Cal Re69 0468 679 Roe ll a to C 5 . y a size rd tu a m S r ifo n U . re to s il ta e r nd a le b lia e r re a d n a e p ty n a c e w y sc n a If p m y o a c d rk o le w b M ta P 5 t/s to n e M m A 9 n o ir v n e a nd e n jo y d e a lin g w it n pfeopte, pfeopte, n n tio a it c w u d g e lin l a o e o h d sc y jo h n e ig h nd a a / m e v a r a h g o r p e c n ra u s in id a p 44 5160 464 s y a d n o M ank 67 1000 687 k n ra F 12 C a r n e c e s s a r y Be Be y r a s s e c e n r a C 12 rn a e rs to tra s n o m e d e tim t r a P you if t n a s u o a y le r P fo g in k o lo be g y in a r m a h s y n a p m t o i c f a o r r fo p g in k o lo u yo re A l 6 16, ngs an nd a s g in n e v e 1161, 763 ll a C a n d s ta ff n ee ds F u ll a n d p a r t t r a p d n a rs u ll o u h F 's it ds g ee n in d n ff a ta p x s e d n is a p u ro G 2778 686 me posi ons avaiabl s n le o b rs e p ila a v a t h ig r s n r io fo it s o p fits e n e B e im t lic b u P n r u llb i M , r o t c e ir d , e c n rie e p x e rs a e y 5 d te n a w , n o rs e p in ly 2931 p p 687 A . d e d e e n o ls a T he S ou th O ra n g e D e n ta l l ta n e D e g n ra O th ou S he T g in n a e le c im t d n a l l e u c n F a n l te a in r N a e A m I n D e O G T S U r C e k a M t e in b a C n io n M U O T S U , e C u n n e v a A m e c a z n iz d is p e rie r d r e e p e o x n e E M tim t 3193 r a le lp P a e H m fe l. fu lp r e o h le R a E M T N U O C ot n e c n rie e p x E s tie u d e ffic o F r i n g e , b e n e f it s . C o n ta c t t c ta n o C 1006 . 376 s y it f r e a r n e ib b L , e g n i r F Cal op sh n io n U fits e n e b ll u F m co ith w ry la a S n g o in rs k e r o p e o n L n a le m b t a in n d a a l n r s e ra t a p e e le n d p e ill g w e r , to ry tim a s s ll e c u e F n L A IC R E L C at t i e c n rie e p x e ith w te ra u s n e m r h c irs rt K ta S r lp M e H R E T N U O C 5800 762 ll a C fits e n e B U n io n C a ll 686 7328, a s k fo r r fo r k e s n a a le C 7328, 686 y ll r a D C n io n ly U te ia d e m Uni n io n U , e u n e v A ll u F . n o rs e p ales S L A IC R E L C y m person: Wi s r e t in W t n a s e v y tu S : n o s r e 1000 p il ta , rs re m le e w e e J tin r ly fo , s y a d 5 , e tim ewel i e le b lia e R p p A . le b a n o . rs e e r p o t s , y th r o tw s y u tr lr e w je t n e tm in o p p a r fo 1100 687 i i y t n ry a e s s tm e c in e o n p p e a c n r rie fo e 6382 p 687 x ll E a C s tie u d el i l on n io n U ll a m s in , e n o h p le te e ic f f o s u io r a V L A C I R E L C e w s n C a r M l a C , . e g , g ffic n o i filin y p e e rs y e t J tim w e N t r a t P h L A g i l IC R E L C deraton. ease y. ly p p a e s a le p . n tio a r e id s ti e n iv co it t te e p ia d m e o m c m im r o d F n a y r la a e s g a k c a p fic e W e o ffe r e x c e lle n t b e n e fit fit e n e b t n lle e c x to e r ffe g o e tin W la e r e d fic s tie u d e v a h l il w lo c a te d in b u r W e s tfie ld o ff ff o ld tfie s e W n itio s r o u P b g in in s s ou e Y c d te ro a p c d e lo e g d a in rtg m o r m e re a c be ld u o h s s io n a l te le p h o n e m a n n e r, r, e n n a m e n o h p le te rt a p l e a D n io s e g a rtg o M g in d n a p x e o cl cal ls, of s fe ro p , ills k s rk le C l n a tio ic r a le in c ig r O n a ood G r fo t n e m E n t r y le v e l o p p o r tu n ity in o u r r u o in ity n tu r o p p o l e v le y r t n E CUSTOMER SERVICE CUSTOMER DENTAL ASSISTANT DENTAL DEMONSTRATIONS okn 4r og term tong 4or looking s d DENTAL ASSISTANT DENTAL 86 ngfel Ave e v A ld fie g in r p S 1886 , r e ewood, J N , d o o w le p a M LR TYPIST CLERK H / V / F / M p m E c o n ta c t N a n c y o r r o y c n a N t c ta n o c y ty p p o l a u q E 07040 g n i d l i u b

3 H U P WANTED P U H 3 l tam Cal 76 24 e ven G e K E 3234 736 ll . a re C tu c n u ip m n e tra V ill W ly k e e w os i 5or pm. 8 s rs u o h 18 . m p 6 r o 5 til n u oons n tim e M illb u r n F o u r a fte r r fte a t r a r p u o F t n n ta r is u s s illb a M 276 L e A ll tim C a I C D E M t rk h o lig w o d d e n c a n a n ace p te s in e a m ffic o n a le c 4500 lo o k m q fo r a n in d iv id u a l to to l a u is id iv d in y n a p n m a o C r fo rd fo n q a r m k C o lo l a c o L 5770 464 L L A C E M O H T A o w n tra n s p o rta tio n a m u s t t s u m , g in k a a e p s , le n b a tio d n e rta h p e o lis D p g s n n E tra d n e w , ir o u le q ib re x fle r e v o Y E N O M C N N IE R R A E E P X E Y L N O ! S R D E E T IT N K e ks ful tme Sl ng g in p e le S 9661 371 e tim ll u f of s e rk rg o a w h c e k he ta to n a m o w eks se s l en. 2 1 9 whie ile h w 9, d n 10a 12, . n re ild h c is h l 2166 o c 686 r ll a fo C ir la in F a r t t ill r a W t s to r o r u o h r e p IR IS H A m e ric a n m a le p a re n t t n re a p le a m n a ric e m A H IS IR $20 to $15 rs u o h le ib x fle , e tim 12, 30 9 $225 t, n e y r tm la in a o s p p g a 4363 rtin r 654 ta fo S t h ll a ig C L ry a . s s rk e o c w e ffic o L A R E N E G j. s d n e k e e w r o tjs. n IN T E R IO R D e c o r a to r P a r t t r a P r to a r o c e D R IO R E T IN g in p ty d n a g in p e e k g in rd o c re e x p e rie n c e a nd a b ilit y C a ll ll a C nd y a ilit b a y tr nd n a e e c n ta rie a e d p x e r te u p m o c GUY Fri s ts ry n a u sk s o s A c e c c 4111, e A n 467 n 30, y lle 12 g a E in r id r re p to F fo ty e b , ll a le C b a iv e Y c U re /G L A G l l 7 10 Rut th u R 1100 379 C M A ll a C ily a d p re p a ra tio n , s a la r y o ase d on on d ase o y r g la a in s p ty , n g tio in d ra a lu c p in re p s tie u d d ifte s b u s in e s s w o rld T y p in g , filin g , , g filin , g in p n y a T w n o rld rs o e p w s s e r in s fo u b ity n rtu o p p O l at94 0051 994 t a n lle E r e iv d , re e h p s o tm a l ia n e g n o C i bookkeepi 5 s rs u o h the 5 4 to in t. g rre in a p e J e k k c k a o b o b t t e h g lig to g tin tme cl cal ton n itio s o p l a ic r le c e tim t r a P w it h n e w m a n a g e m e n t. If you you If t. n e m e g a n a m w e n h it w a re g o o d a n d re a d y to p ro v e it. it. e w v r ro a ro g p to y d to 0284 a 763 re ilk ll d n a s a C ity d o n o g tu r re o a p d n p a o t n h lle s e c fre h it w ra n y e m e n ts T h is is a n ex ex n a is is h T d te n le e ta ic ts e n rv be e e tiv s m t a e s y re u n c ll M u ra f , p o d le h d s te n a a h r tiv e o w to m flo n o lf rs e e s p r fo ke. it m m u S . e ik p ng. on ea fl st, l ng g in open k o lo , t te is ia r d lo e f m a re im a n io n U rn . u g T T in IS R is ap O r r L e o F s a M le P 42 n o rs e d p e ir u in q re ly p e c n rte e p m e n t, s e rv ic e s ta tio n N o e x x e o N n tio ta s e ic rv e s t, n e m me/part tme oy y lo p m e e tim t r a p / e im f L L U F 3113 233 ills M s, fel Mrs s r M g , itin ld is tfie V s e W , id a rs p e k a e m g e m ila o m H , d e d e e n ra is e s , fle x ib le h o u rs C a r r a C rs u o h le ib x fle , n s e e M is ra y c n e g a g in d n ta ts u o ni Regul r la u g ve o e b a R . ry e la g a a S w in s e m o h m a u in re a im in rk o m w r u to o y n e m o W t a n ad o rs r e p fo in n id ly a p itio p b A m t. a n e m e c n ith e a s w v u ne o o h q e r in a /w R E V I R O C L E R K T h re e y e a rs e x x e rs a e y 4221 486 ill B e re ll h a T C e c n rie e p K R E L C th ai n in e id a r h e c lt a a e e h B G IN IN d A e R i T f i t E E R F ll, a h x u a V , e u n e y v e A pr rs S e 2091 J , w e rts N a td P ifie to q u A in e is W Seek y u B rk o w d n u ro r a e y y d a te S 03 8383 t x E 8003 r M ll a C R A H P e id ills R H E T N E C , Y C A s M tic e m s o c E R A W D R A H , E M I T L L U F , r e t is g e r 3169 in 354 , p h s ro a ales, c K S d e c , rie y r e p o x t E n e v s y a d tim e h o m e a s s e m b ly w o rk . 641 . 504 rk o w ll a C ly b n t r m e a tio s a p s r a m r o f fo e m in e o c m o In h r o F T N e E L tim L E C X E e tim ll u F rk le C E R O T S G U R D 30 5. N on s m o k e r C a r nec nec r a C r e k o m s on N 5. 30 MAINTENANCE PERSON PERSON MAINTENANCE GAL/GUY FRIDAY GAL/GUY A/U FRIDAY GAl/GUY Name Yout Own Yout Name AT TIME PART Hours 3 H O P WANTED P O H 3 "ponse n e c e s s a ry C a ll M r Ro Ro r M ll a C ry a s s e c e n "ponse m a in e a t 564 8850, 10 A M to to M A x e 10 no 8850, 564 M , t P a d 30 e peech 4 S id v e ro in p a m r u o h s d a r le e p 00 d $4 n a k e e w in g fie ld o ffic e 10 h o u rs p e r r e p rs u pr S o h 10 in e r a s ffic s a o v n a C ld fie g r in M E N O H ll a P C d e ir u q re d n a rth o h s schedul ng an nd a g in p y T in le u d e e h c ffic s o t n r e u o m y e g a n a m te ta s e or t 245 2807 5 4 t2 a itz r o M s r M r o r M i1c ewwvfg h e and ne* pho vrfng* w eiw 4if1ncr U n io n D a y s a n d h o u rs to s u it it u s to rs u o h d n a s y a D n io n U Afer 3 , an n ra C 5, 3 , s n o o rn fte A r o s s e c P A R T T im e S e c re ta ry fo r re a l l a re r fo ry ta re c e S e im T T R A P or 26 6631 276 , rd fo P ro d u c ts E a rn e x tr a $S C a ll ll e a m C o H $S a tr y x le e n ta S rn a E e ts c tim u d ro P ? R A P r 66 4040 686 , rro u b m a T 3969 me t stWord Pr ro P d r o t/W is p ty e im 757 T 1157 757 T R A P ee L M A y n 7 a p m 4:30 o c y r e liv e d r e p a p s w e n ONS God s y a d k e e W C E L y L a p O C ood G NO S M N A 8 IO 5 T ay d un S Clerk e Tim T R A P P A R T ti m e d r iv e r w it h c a r r a c h it w r e iv r d e m ti T R A 7800 P 379 ll a C t u p in ta a d T R C opport t empl r. e y lo p m e ity n tu r o p p o l a u q E 9 E O E y 1, 5 16 4097 15, 334 201 ll a c 14, e s a le p ry ), a y u a r d b e F d n a (T h u rs d a y , F r id a y , S a tu r r tu a S , y a id ,9 r 7,8 F re a , y y r a d a rs u d r u n r h a b e e (T p u F s le b lia e r n l e le v a io a b c t n h o a lo p ila t u u r o a o c y o v a p If s n te is in a u r t ib ts tr e is rk y a d n a m ts p le m k o to c o o b le p g o e in p rtis e v d a ed (T h u rs d a y , F r id a y , S a tu rd a y ) ) y a rd tu a S , y a id r F , y a d rs u h (T ooki o hie dependabl le b a d n e p e d ire h to g in k o lo di si o l est i h lis b ta s e g n lo of n io is iv d w e N ement pr i in t n e s lp re e p h ill r u w o y t a th t n s e g m in le rn p a p e u s t n lle e c c o m e . C a ll 877 4222 o r 1 800 800 1 r o e 4222 re F 877 x ll E o ll T a 0850 C 242 N . e IO s m N te o u c U ro in r e le g a b p w ila e a n v a d re e a h lis b ta s e ence needed Car r , e a u n C e y v a A d n o M 4, e b p to lo A ex 8 G , e d id e 1157 o s fits d N in e e n ta e e n b n u t o a M ood G ift h s ly p ry a s e s e c c rd 3 e n n ie r d e n a p 2nd 3 82 1828 862 30 4 y mor ng g in rn o m ly r a E E M I T T R A P 4770 232 y a id r F g in ld o M n tio c je in - IC T S A L P m e n s u ra te w ith a b ilit y 688 688 y ilit b a m , o d c e rr ry ith la fe w a re S p te d ra u ire e s u c n u n e q m rie re e p ot x n e t u b rs a e y m o re C a ll b e tw e e n 10:30 & & 10:30 n e e r o tw e b r u o m h ll ra a r g C e p ro p $10 to e n re $8 o o h m p e le g te ra e v A on e m o h t n 7 e tm in o p d p a ie r if t fo r 2337 e 372 c d n a d e c n rie e p x e ne oper or or fo d e d e e n rs to ra e p o e in h c a m r to 2 m u ry im ta in re M c e . s e ffic o e w la tim n io n U T R A P e x c e lle n t f r in g e b e n e fits C a ll ll a C fits e n e b 763 e i g in c in r n f a t M n lle e c x e ME Wor rom m o fr rk o W E IM r T u o h r e T p R A P 00 $5 r, e M h P c a 1 te chool S M A Y R E S R U N 1645 s t ni ogr t ith w m 2 ra g ro n e p p o e g r m o o in p c p in o in a tr r g e e tin r r rs a a a c t e s y t n e ify m n e u g t a n a M A ton avaiabl 1. y r a u r b e F le b ila a v a n itio s o P ess r , nden. n e d in L t, e tre S s s le d n a C S P E C IA L T IE S C O , 1 M e e M 1 , ly O n C o n o rs S e p IE T L IA in C E P ly S p te p ra A e p o d n a e p u tim Set . e c n rie e p T L O B S S O R C r e v o e om S L L A H fits e S n e b r fo l y a r r la e a ib s L t n lle e c x E r to ra e p O in d iv id u a l w it h s o m e ex ex e m o s e h t a h it L w t l e a r u r id u iv T - d T in S I N I H C A M o 6 to M A 686 7700 fo r in t e r v ie w ap ap w t. ie n v r e e t tm in in o p r fo 7700 686 p u o r g r e p a p s w e n l a c o l g in r iv r o f d d o o g , w d e N r o a c e e v a r h e v a t h s u M . k e e w R e tire e w e lc o m e d C a ll ll a C d e m o lc e w e tire e R sey dri i d n a r e e s p n e lic s r y a e d iv r d 3 y e rs e J , e tim t r a P n st e re to s in Y R E C O R G MANAGEMENT MESSENGER

PART TIME PART 7 18 & 17 y r a u n a J M P ng in n o p u o c

6559 E O E E fyp#*f,tor l U ON ON COUNTY January!; 1985 ; ! y r a u n a J Y T N U O C N IO N U N O CUS O F ll e g a P h e l p m m o h e l p w a n t ed HELP WANTED 3 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED

PART TIME JOBS ORDER ENTRY CLERK SALES A job that pays TRAINEE ADVERTISING Career opportunity for mate/female fo jo.n newspaper Fast growing Summit manufacturer has an immediate advertising staff Must enjoy people and have some sales in many ways. opening for a trainee Typing is essential A bility to work bac kground Typing and art helpful with numbers a plus Small office, attractive working en vironment, oood starting salary and convenient location Png Cal|d pOSI,ion w,,h benifi,s Car required for local sell for public transportation CALL:273 7577 686-7700 For Appointment to arrange an interview appointment

SALES person Full and part RECEPTIONIST/ time in retail bakery Call Bob at 376 4393 SUBURBAN SECRETARIES SECRETARY DESSER T SHOPPE Celanese. a Fortune 200 corporation, has the following Liberty Travel Short Hills. SECRETARY/ secretarial positions available at its Summit Technical Good typing required Part C e n te r lime, nights and weekends ADMINISTRATIVE Call M argo at 376 9060 ASSISTANT FULLTIME TO S20.000 POSIT ION ONE w ill involve coordinating meetings/ con RECEPTIONIST Grapnics terences, drafting routine correspondence, interacting Large New York insurance company looking for mature, with consultants, word processing, phone coverage, company opening group sales mmded person with pleasant telecommunications, etc. Some dictaphone Must have office in Springfield Can telephone voice interested in pleasant, personable manner diversified responsibilities. didate must possess good Good typing skills a must organizational skills, math ap PART TIME titude helpful. typing CRT experience helpful Will This IS 20 25 hours per week (5 day) position involving tram on Dimension PBX 4000 necessary Heavy phone, word processing and other general secretarial duties system Excellent benefits. diversifed. responsible duties, pleasant informal at Apply ,n person Monday. 9 11 A ll the above positions require excellent typing skills (50 a m /2 4 p m . 1023 C o m m e rc e mosphere. good benfits. Call T in a H a r r is , 212 432 7034. 55WPM), word processing experience preferably on a Dec Avenue, Union Mate and good communication skills RECEPTIONIST Exper.enc SECRETARY Medical Office To be considered please send resume with salary history ed Pleasant personality in Union, duties include typ to Dept DW or stop by and fill out and application Telephone, light hookkeeping •no. answering phones, die bwefween 9 a m 3 PM Gelenese Summit Technical and typing 5 days. Summit taphone CRT experience Center. 86 MORRIS AVENUE. SUMMIT NJ 07901 Equal 277 6886 helpful Please send resume to Classfied Box 4533 Suburban Oppty Employer M /F RECEPTIONIST Typist, Gal Publishing, 1291 Stuyvesant Friday One man accounting Ave. Union, 07083 office in Mountainside, look ing (or a sharp mature minded SECRETARY person to manage his office ELANESE C a ll 763 1144 The Legal Dept ot our e A>e you' kKls growing up7 Do you r>eed something ic prestigious savings and loan So7 O' some extra money :« neip Balance youf budget7 association has an im mediate Put youf spare time to work at McDoha'd s one of the SALES opening tor a professional in SENIOR D0A tr.endiiest restaurants >n town Now interviewing for full or dividual with excellent typing CLERK We probably have hours tnat are conven ent 'o ' you part time experienced sales and^steno skills.This career Work as many o> as tew as you ke You ke me peo personnel Apply in person opportunity is located in Crestmont Federal Savings is offering a career opportum pie the hours and the pay as Westfield You must possess ty for a bright, ambitious individual with knowledge of much as you 1 i«e McDonald s FENOI ROMA strong organizational skills T5EMAN DEPOSIT ACCOUNT functions As a member ot tood Just stop by your neigh and be a self starter Legal ex our DDA team you w ill assist our department manager in The M all at borhood McDona'd s perience preferred but not re the daily functions of our DDA departm ent specifically by Short H ills > quired Exposure to real taking the lead in problem solving, customer assistance Short Hills. estate law a plus For im and nter relating with branch personnel to interpret N J 07078 mediate consideration please NOW policies and procedures Qualified candidate will send resume/apply in person have had experience in accounting adjustments, return Monday Wednesday item processing and statement rendering procedures Ex SALES cellent communication and problem solving skills a must Women and men Now in Knowledge of feller terminal and CRT preferred This terviewing for full time AT KHN> •"W O W position is located in our Springfield office We offer an ex outside sales 5 davts, 9 cfc rellenf benefits package and commensurate salary For 100 iq t * «k»thH4 Hm . Aw*W* P»». N.l J"? « « « l a m 5 p m C a r Crestmonl immediate attention Please apply to the Personnel necessary Full training Federal Savings Department, 10 a m 3p m., Monday Friday te w MMaaOtPIlHOMlMl Experienced closers 5 figure earnings full 1886 Springfield benefits For appoint Mapleaqgd, Nl 07040 PART TIME Work at home m e n t c a ll M r S c h o r, 778 763 4700 PART TIME Looking for additional income 5551 tM 4 Spring***** Avenue Working from your home? If Equal oppty emp M«pl*wood Hew J ,rm tw o Telephone you can spend up to 1 hour per Equal Opportunity Employer Interntwing day on the phone you could SWITCHBOARD EOUAt ONPOUFUN-TV EMPlOVE# M F M , Earn money to pay tor earn up to $100 per week For SALES HELP RECEPTIONIST holiday bills No selling details call 376 3328 or 822 1303 We train' Work in DRESS AND SPORTS Distr in Union looking for per Typists Clerical W estfield in a pleasant at SHOP 4 OR 5 DAYS son pleasant personality to PART TIME C A L L 7 3 6 3 2 2 9 m o s p h e re , b e tw e e n 20 25 handle electronic switchboard FREE BETWCEN II & 5 PM hours per week Morning, Diversified position in prin & varied office duties Perma afternoon and evening tin g c o m p a n y in U n io n 20 25 nent position, all benefits. Call WORD PROCESSING openings Call 654 4010 hours/week Bookkeeping M r O re f ice. 964 3333 customer service and oHice SECRETORY TRAINING duties Flexible hours PRIN SCHOOL Teacher /Nursery PART Time Dental assistant Full or Part time Steno. NOW! TING PLUS. 964 6422 Experienced and certified 7 Experienced X-Ray license typing and diversified duties Small friendly a m 1 p m $5.00 per hour FOR UNEMPLOYED Hours flexible M illburn/Shor t PRINTING- Busy qualify Position available February l commercial printer seeks ex real estate finance office H ills a re a . 376 1500 37? 2337 for appointm ent. UNION COUNTY p e rie n c e d p re s s m a n fo r 360 in Springfield Immediate opening For interview, PAR Time Clerk and record and 375 W/T 51 Call Sayle & RESIDENTS c a ll 564 8080 keeper Dental office Hours W im m er. 761 6696 P a r t T im e Job training given on Word Processing Equipment ( i BM flexible Own ca' Pleasant Displaywriter. Wang. Vydec. Etc.) to qualified County PART TIME Clerical tlexi s u rro u n d in g s C a ll 376 1500. SECRETARY T y p is t residents 4 months training Placement assistance pro ble hours. Light typing, To work tor w e e k ly vided Call now for free demonstration and interview PART TIME Take inventory telephone work Salary com Experience required for modern Springfield law office. newspaper. Call R a n d y in Springfield stores Daytime mensurate with experience (Wang Word Processor), C o he n a t 686 7700 hours. Car necessary Write Kenilworth, 272 9510, Miss UNION COUNTY salary commensurate with phone number and experience G o ld ability, experience and will to ICC, 518. Box 527 Param us, T Y PIST/Bookkeeper part CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • ngness to accept responsibili New Jersey 07653 PART TIME office work time afternoons Dictaphone, BUSINESS SCIENCE CENTER available in union Good op ty Convenient location on good typing required able to PART TIME Clerical in p o r tu n ity C a ll 688 4896 Morris avenue Free on site do bank reconcillations. Spr Call 289-0865 for information classified advertising depart parking An equal opportunity ■ ngtield law office No legal M ust meet income guidelines ment of M illburn newspaper REAL ESTATE employer Please call Mr experience neccessary 467 Monday thru Thursday, 9 AM SALES C h .n a t 467 1776 2250 to 5 PM Good typing skills TEMPORARY Office Help, 3 TYPIST Clerk tor real estate and pleasant phone manner month positions available PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY Medical Assis TYPISTS management office in Union essential. Mr Bennett 376 C a ll 822 0288 Must be accurate typist flexi Distinctive Properties, one ot tanf Some experience with 1200 Earn extra money typinq b l e person w illing to learn A R New Jersey's most unique and contact lenses typinq in envelopes at home, must be a procedures Call 964 1930 tor PART TIME High school or prestigious real estate surance reception Full time good typist and own machine TYPIST part time Small law firm Any four hours before in te r v ie w college student Apply Kinney organizations has an opening with M illburn opthaimoloqist C all 276 4500 Shoes. M orris Avenue, Union tor motivated sales C a ll 467 1810 2 30 P M M o n d a y t h r u F rd a y associates We re interested in total of 20 hours per week TANNING SALON NEW TYPIST Some bookkeeping both experienced and mex Must have speed and ac PART TIME driver 5 even background helptul Light typ perienced applicants A strong SECRETARY Mature mind curacy and be quick learner mgs a week 5 p m 10 p m mg To operate small com desire to learn and willingness ed, full/part tim e for Union in Full and part time employees Wanq experinece a plus Company car benefits Valid puter We will Tram Call Mr to work hard is the foundation surance agency Knowledgoof needed Must be responsible Salary commensurate with N J driver's license required C 687 1100 f o r a p p o in tm e n t tor large earnings and success small computer- helpful Op attractive and have ability to experience and ability Call Mature work attitude. SKBL ta n w e ll C a ll 467 7891 a s k fo r m the real estate business For portunity to advance and P h y llis 467 0080 Labs Call 674 4808 tor appoint K if f y o r R o b in confidential interview Call le a r n th e b u s in e s s C a ll 687 m e n t R o n K la u s n e r . 964 7200 3377 F O C U S QN U N IO N C O U N T Y J a n u a r y 17, 1985 P a g e 12 8 0954 789 tzen Di 68 4406 688 t n u o c is D n e itiz C fe e 10 a m 10 p m , , m p 10 y m b y a a id 10 r F G IN L e E fe S N U O C L o c k s F re e E s tim a te S e n io r r io n e S te a tim s E e re F rs o s is k v c d o A L rity u c e S d tifie r e C B u r q u la r y R e p a ir s Howpe . Howpe l ia s t ir n a e p id e s R e R d e ir a y A p r re la u d n q a r u s d s B e lle in ta s s u in B s k c o L AN IA R U T N E C l nsur endl ee re F ly d n ie r F d re u s In lly u F R e p a i r s s r i a p and fs o o R e t la F te la S R s ie q in h S SERVICES OFFERED SERVICES r to tu r fo le b 9213 ila a v a f, a e d e th of ng, n your or ne 964 e in m r r o e e h c m a o h te r u d o y ie if in t r , g e in c y e rs e J W e E N ic ry a v G r th e 3956, a M S 687 ll l a ra C e n e s G te d ra r n a o t , u try T e m o e G H T A M C T E • le b a n o s a . e R a r b e lg . e A m o h r in u o y in g in liz ia c e p S ngfel N 081 8 /0 0 j N , ld fie g in r p S INSTRUCTIONS t. n e tm in o p p a PSTI S K IC T S IP L • S N IO T O L • ts c u d ick, W ll a C e re g e d ic 6653 s u 289 m of ehouse I on. w ew N r fo 1100 . 687 n io C n U r M ll In a C y e rs e e s J u o h re a w S M A E R C • kin S l a n itio tr u N a n d o p e r a t io n o f s m a ll ll a m s f o n io t a r e p o d n a ed or ochure u h c ro b E E R F r to Send r lo e h c a B s sson e le c n rie s e s p a x b e of d n rs a a e y R A IT U G TH H IT M S K C O L A r e g n a io n is a rv e M p u s ith w d e c n E S rie U e p O x H E E R A W nner hru advanced. 15 . d e c n a v d a u r th rs e n in g e B . s o iy d e c n rie e p x e 6489 a c 964 u d E M P 3 d r e d ra fte rtifie g a e d ll C a ir C h T y e to n rs e t tio J s ir w F e N . g in d a e R nt f n e tm r in o M p ll a C * * a S * s m u r D » s s a B » r a t i o G F lu te *O b o e « C la r in e t * V i o li n»- n»- li i o V * t e t in e r p la m C « ru e T o b *O te lu F n Uni New Jer y e rs e J r , fo e w e im N t g in k c , a n p io n U , n t a r m a in o p w S P E r U o S U O n a H m E R A W P r iv a te L e s s o n s a t h o m e b y y b e m o h t a s n o s s e L te a iv r P H t n e l l e c x E n 6161 564 tio a ll c a e lo C c n e fits i e o n r n t rn te e n s e b e d ie o n p e m v x n w d o e e n c N a ry a q s e s in e p c ffic e ty n o ills k t s n lle e c x e ar at t ith w te ra u s n l e a m q m o le c ith ry w la e a S m i t d e c n rie e p x e l l u , f ry ta re c e s s k e e s ON COUNTY Law fi m ir f w a L Y T N U O C N IO N U s h ifts . C a ll M r B a r te l fo r r fo l te r 0100 a 277 B t. n e r tm e M in o tim ll p a p C ll a u f . ifts it, h s m m u S in b lu c ng and eveni g in n e v e d n a g in n r o m Math and d n a h t a M l o o h c S R E T F enced Pri e t a iv r P s s e r t i a d e W c / n ie R r e p E x T E I A W L WANTED ELP 6uN Bil i i g fin o o R e ric P ill B N u ‘6 l trai ght per n o rs e p t u t b h ig x r E 5600 d e 688 r r in fe a r e t r ly p te ia d ill e w e m c n im rie e p rt ta S U n io n a re a C a ll C a th y , , y th a C ll a C a re a n io n U FT WORLD D L R O W T IF G T E I L U J AEOS HELP WAREHOUSE L A R U T A N L L A ALL GUTTERS GUTTERS ALL ANY HOUSE HOUSE ANY AREA O 186 X O B O P 3 I C 7 S S 7 TAMI S IN M A IT V CE IC V R E S m a m i $24.00 8 7764 686 c ______8 10 f ap r fo 1100 687 A A TY Y IT R U C E S e Pro P re a C ni . y r t is in M p h o n e no no e n o h p y a d n o M f 4 2 Uni 67 2250 687 , n io n U 22, $100 fo r f ir s f 4 m o n th s r e n ta l l ta n e r s as th w n lo o s a m t 4 r a f t s s ts ir s f o C r fo s k $100 is r l ia c C 19 Hi y a w h ig H 1597 IC S U M O D N O R chance wih mi mal i n a fin l a im in m ith w e c n a h c a ri pi st n your amiy ily m fa e r th u o y e in iv g t is u n o y ia p lp g e h in ir to p s a d e n ig s e d nnovat ano rent pl s n la p l ta n e r o n .a p d te a v o n in r e h t o Cor ess on s ne ho p s s le rd s o n a •C m lk s k a c e W D • s s a •C St eo' 's o re te •S 'S V •T dorifer* dorifer* and d Cal 7I 5620 7?I ll a C ld o s d n a t h g u o b P IA N O S tu n e d , m o v e d , , d e v o m , d e n tu S O N IA P fo r S c o tc h q u a rd a n d D e o r r o e D d n a rd a u q h tc o c S r fo M o s t a d v a n c e d p o w e rfu l ex ex l rfu used e d w o o th p e d m e c n n a tio v d c a a r t t s o M r or e No ge e rg a h c o N re o m r o s m o ro o T w e nur exi e hour rs u o h le ib x le F e rs u n le a m nd a d e s n e ic L ll. a m S r o e g r a L censed and experenced d e c n rie e p x s e te ra le b a n d o n s a a e R d e s n e ic L . s te a R le b a n o s a e R d re u s in S E K A M L L A F O 7 99 "Servi w e N g 74 in v r e . S s " re to S • 9094 e s 27? u o h re a W • d te ra e O p N O G N I T T E W R E V O " y e s r e J ites. S n tio c tru s n o C d n a In d e n w O 95 $69 ly R t O 3 n e d n E e N p O y e n d S A IN R /K 0 O 0 D $49 Y O R D , E G A K W IN R E H S D L I M CE PHONE E N O H P E IC V R E S • e g ra e v o R U C O H e trik S • rity u c e S s m o ro 2 y n A y a p 't n o d u o y NO M A E . W T E S N O O O N P M n A a le H e rc c o S n K re iffe D ith w ts r ta s ift G d n A its K . s rn a Y 9339 RI G IN IR A P R E in d u s t r ia l & c o m m e r c ia l l ia c r e m m o c & l ia r t s u d in r o n tio c fa tis a S 100°o R U O H t e rp a c n a le C , ts e rp a C n a le C ! s r o v a F T E C H N O L O G Y T h e re Is A A Is re e h T Y G O ith L O w N H rts C ta y E S b T a B G IN N A E & L C L L A F g in d d e W 687 t u tn s 07083 e h C . J s 475 m N Ite . n io n U IC T T t. e A tre S S Y A D CARPET & UPHOLSTERY UPHOLSTERY & CARPET 6 3776 464 tio n & W a te r p ro o fin g Con Con g fin o ra ro to p s e R r te a . . W g rs in to n c a a & tr le C n tio ry n o s a M NG IN H S A W NG IN F O O m R o P ro R E T A d W n o c se t e g , d r a u g h c GUARD DOG RENTALS" S L A T N E R G O D D R A U "G A H S A W R E W O P E G U L E D R E P 95 $19 g in n a le c t e rp a c 8 1078 381 m E a te E S R F re a C t e rp a C K R A L C R O O M B u y o ne ro o m sco t t sco m o ro ne o y u B M O O R CE CARPET T E P S R A E C 8774 IC 388 R P N E A M IC V S T R F E W S A O R L C L A N O S S IM A L C MATES. R E P E C . N S A E T R A T U IM E T S P S R N E I A C E E R W F E N S E l A g S in n a le C R e s tre tc h e s . S teps. R e la y s , , s y la e R teps. S . s e h tc tre s e R SERVICES OTTERED SERVICES 4 7949 241 Y R R E J L L A C REE OF E G R A H C F O E E R F TA CLEANING STEAM MATES S E T A IM T S E E E R F $10 00 o ff a n y C o lo r r lo o C y n a ff o 00 $10 PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL OS S L O O P A S IO T A P • S T N O R F E R O T S • 8 1425 687 F M O H STUDENT PIANO PIANO STUDENT 5 0of any n a n o ff o 00 $5 Wilpi A i r e liv e d A p u k ic p ill W I 9 003CT 991 S U B l i e tim y n A ll a C ALUMINUM SI NG G IN ID S M U N I M U L A • epai s ir a p re V T NG IN K C U R T 9254932 l Mi e ik M ll: a C NURSE RENTALS 5 0096 558 9 5166 494 REPAIRS CARPET R A M A A CI G IN IC V R E S A A S L E D O M s m e t i O N i i and vi chanqi g in q n a h c e ic rv e s d n a g tin h lig alzi n Recessed d e s s e c e R in g in liz ia c e p S l8? 8160 86? ll a C i l ai e g a in ra d d n a lls a w d g a o lin ilr i a T a R t e r s A y a w e iv r R d te re c n o c L L A C K R O W in q , s te p s p a tio s , s id e w a lk s , , s ELECTRICIANS lk a w e id s , s tio a p s p te s , q in i and Bel um bl cur rb u c , s d k n c a lo b lt a m h p iu s lg A e B d n a G s IN tie V A P M T J C u rb in g F re e E s tim a te s F u l l u F s , te g a 0614 in c 687 tim rfa s u E s d e e re R u re s F In , g ly g lin a in e S rb u C , s a re A 4743 245 r o 9392 G 8865 N I 27? K R E CO T A E E P R S C IE N L O G C U P & S B R S U C Y A , S T W O L E V I R D k, veways, ng g in k r a P , s y a w e iv r D , rk o W 0678 851 t ia l & C o m m e rc ia l A s p h a lt lt a h p s A l ia rc e m m o C & l ia t DRIVEWAYS e re F g in r ffe o r e m o ro G l a n io s r u t o n e m see ip u q e d n a ly p p u us s e W ry T lts u s e r le k r a p s HI ng Resi n e id s e R g in v a P H T IR H B ll A No . d y e r m e o liv ro e g d tly r e p d x n a e s d e re p B U k ic P GROOMING DOG lzer Cal Lynn ?41 n n y L ll a C ! rs e s iliz fe u ro q P n a r T G IN M O O R G G O D ill w e ffic o r o e m o h r u o y S T! i sh h is fin e w T E L n e h E W G IC V IN R N ! E A S IT E L C O D D I R O A M US D E R I E L T K R A P S mpr s. 964 e g r r a o L 8364 964 s ir . a ts p to s n b s e re jo e m lv e e v h ll 3575 s o d a ro p m m s im e fro W A g in e th m y o n h a IL G 2984 ild u b 688 H IT W n e iv g s te a tim s e MPROVE YOUR HOME E M O H R U O Y E , V d re O u R s in P IM lly u F s ttic a , rs lla e c NDOWS/ S R O O /D S W O D IN W k itc h e n , p o rc h e s , e n c lo s u re s , , s s b re jo u s ll a lo c m n S e , s e h rc o p , n e h itc k lly u F te a tim s E 4635 e re F ll a m S CARPENTRY LA U SERVICE UP CLEAN d e iz m to s u C S T E IN B A C E O J , g lin e d o m re , s ir a p re e p ly 688 ll A e ik • M r o F k s S A N O I d F re T O u I O s R In D • S rk D o K C W A E D - try S n R e E rp M a R C O D e f O n o e D 1yp ll A NG/SHEETROCK. . K C O R T E E H S , / S G A E IN R L A L E E N G A / A P S R T S O E T R S A/WOOD I O /S FORMIC L A S C E P L E B A d R / T e S rg la N n O E I r T o A w e R N E T L A I N G A N D S ID IN G N o J o b Too Too b o J o N G IN ID S D N A G N I S CONSTRUCTI N IO T C U R T S N O C IS L L E B ' h a c c e r " 1 " r e l c i t c n a h C ' 1 t ls ( t h the ite s o . p e p v (o A ills H ills rt o H h S 15 rt o h S S T R A P R SERVI S E L A S R C E I E E C IC N V N V R O O IA E L O S S P H A P N A A E P IR R A A P E W R A R E K B A E F E R C I U V E R E S APPLIANCES D E Z I R O H T U A Y R O T C A F 4157 756 im J ll a C ormaton o t vi s e ic rv e S in e s r e o th F r fo on d e n a 756 n le C tio D s a O m O r ttic x a W A fo T E A f IR n F e m o ls A te le p m 4157 o C 77 $77 S ate. $130 a c o rd A ls o B ase ase B o ls A rd o c a $130 ate. S ALARMS arms I aled d lle ta s In s m r la A R A L G R U B PR ELECTRIC SPURR pent r ors to c tra n o C r te n e rp a C ALTERATION WORK ALTERATION licensed ( lnuied lnuied ( licensed ee i es te a tim s E e re F * GREENWALD D L A W N E E R G G o o TooSmell lob No l nsur d re u s In lly u F • C o m m e rc ia l l ia rc e m m o C • O O M A N 686 3824 3824 686 N A M O O i alaton n tio lla ta s in • • R e s id e n tia l l tia n e id s e R • NETWORK r rs s ir a p re d n a ELECTRIC • I n d u s tr ia l l ia tr s u d n I • SSI-9614 LICENSE NEW AND NEW 381 0450 0450 381 7331 7 3335 379 3 658 23 61 ee e re F 2651 233 r o 6 588 232 A i te a tim s E A o m e D y o u r s id in q lo o k lik e new * * ll a new C g e in h lik s a W k o re lo u s s re P q G in IN h id ID s iq S H r M u U o y IN M U L A IMPROVEMENTS HOME 9PM LEADERS R E D A E L A S R E T T U G S te v e n s 226 7379 S even d a y s 5 s y a d even S 7379 226 s n e v te S T r im m in g C lip n S ave N ed ed N ave S n lip C g in m im r T T h o ro u g h ly c le a n e d , flu s h e d , , d e h s flu , d e n a le c ly h g u ro o h T e im T t s e B M P 8 - 5 0655. d nor Tr mmi I In , n g e K in m ll im a r C T e re T d r re o u s in M ed LEADERS & GUTTERS S R E T T U G oughl eaned and fush h s flu d n a d e n a le c ly h g u ro o h T 0749 241 . R O O D D & A E H s R ir E a p V O re , s n io s n te x e e g ra a g DOORS GARAGE o contol S 'S N E V E T S A rs to ls ra e tro n p o o c , d ic lle tr c ta s le io in e d a r , e S ic R O rv O e D s E G A R A G c o s ts Q u ic k c lo s in g C a ll, ask ask ll, a C g 1012 in 763 s lo , c y r r k e J ic u r Q fo ts s o c ed $0 o 5 Mi Tr e re T r o in M $50 to $30 d re u s n i i n nt no osi g in s lo c o n , ts in o p no , n tio a lic p FINANCIAL s n a o L ap o N y t i $50,000 n a u lo q m E u im E im M M O H aled. es and t nal ls a in m r te d n a e s te ric a p G le a s . d lle ta s FENCES een vi chai i n in k lin in a h c l y in v n e re G ddlng nspecton tio c e p s In A g lin d id m • n g m a ll a s p e c ts of E x te r r te x E of liz ts c ja e c p e s p a S ll e a ic rv e m s d e • g te n n ra a u g i a ri y ly d n ie fr a & s e ric p w o L c o n tr a c t re q u ir e d A p p o in t t in o p p A No e c n ie ts v d n n e o la c ir p r u u q o y re A t a t n e ts t e m c p a tr n o , c n re ild h c . 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T M E M T R A P A NS IN A R D D N U O R G R E D N U e for r o f fe a S T S I L A I C E P S EXTERMINATING R O A C H C L E A N O U T , , T U O N A E L C H C A O R EIECTR01TSIS Conventonal ect ysis s ly o tr c le E l a n tio n e v n o C s A LEADERS S R E D A E -L S R E T T U G l hg The Remar e le b a rk a m e R e h T g 'h ilU t U n Fr i ofThe Ti e im T e h T f o n tio c ra F a In PROMPT SERVI E IC V R E S T P M O R •P MATES S E T A IM T S E E E R F • NSURED E R U S IN Y L L U F • l nsect lr s ts n e d ro ll a , ts c e s in ll A mmi nsur d re u s In g in m im r T oughl eaned d e n a le C ly h g u ro h T mmi nsur d re u s In g in m im r T NATI G IN T A IN M R E T X E LTRITE FENCE C N E F E T I R T IL B 3 66 2 0010 826 r o 6565 635 H S U L F N A E L C 4Hr l lt ility b ila a v A r H 24 6Mil Avenue e u n e v A n r u illb M 26 H S U L F N A E L C l r irs a p e R ll a m S CONTROL O R T N O C T S E P CK KOSH H S O K K IC N PERMANENT * E L A S E C N E F M a rk Meise rk a M S R E T T U G l s y a D 7 ll a C nsul ed Pr e b ro P d te la u s in nor ee e re T r o in M CK KOSH H S O K K IC N 7 1318 374 L L A C S R E D A E L PERMANENT S R E T T U G l s y a D 7 ll a C i A Save A lip C nor ee e re T r o in M S R E D A E L Fl d e h s lu F A EUT * RESULTS 9 S FT F SO 69C E E B Y S U B 2 3322 228 ngfel ld fie g in r p S REMOVAL 2 32 ^ 3322 224 7 5544 276 ARLENE 7 2425 379 ANTON HAIR A A S K A S R E D A E L 226 e i M e k a M vacy of own home e m o h the n w o in r u s o n y r tu re f o x y c ta a iv r p re a p re p ntment l so o ls a ll i W ts n e m t in o p p a i e t 4 M P 4 r fte a te a tim s e P le a s e c a ll 325 8889 325 ll a c g e in s a k le ta P w o n t n ta n u o c c A X A T RETURN TAX INCOME ant l or tee e tre r to ll a C d e te n ra a u g JEWELERS e, All Work k r o W l l A , le b a n o s a e R ee i e 22 8768 272 te a tim s E e re F 5 65 6 4080 964 r o 6655 756 O C C U T S E C A F d n K a IC 2761 R 851 B E L L C A A O F S C L E A N O T S s g ilin e C NG A PATCHI G IN H C T A P A G IN R E T S A L P P a tc h o r R e fin is h O ld W a lls A A lls a W ld O h is fin e R r o h tc a P WI S W O D IN W T N E M E C A L P E R A lu m in u m A w n in g s • D o o r r o o D • s g in n w A m u in m lu A For ca Speci i s , ts s w 8980 lis o ia d 686 c in ll e a W p C S s te a A a ic tim rm s o E F e rs re o o F D . s k c e D rm to S l y n i V , s w o d in W , g n i d & i , S s t m n u e in m m e lu c A la p e l , R rs y e n rm i o D V . s n lio K itc h e n s , B a th ro o m s , A d d i i d d A M I Y N , s A P m o M ro O th C E a B M O H , s T n N e h E M itc K E N V I L O R O P G R A M penty, ast and pai in a p M d P n 6 a r r fte a te s ll a la C P , try n e rp a C i et 5 s experence e c n rie e p x e rs a t e n y e 25 m e s a b tc e r , o g m tin o ro re a p s t a th s L in lly u F p x E N IO T C U TR S N O C IMPROVEMENTS HOMt SKI SETTING CO. SETTING SKI l n o s a M rs Y .20 e p e y n o T D ly t r M e O T p ll S x A U E C rk o W S K s C n E D io it d d A IM P R O V E M E N T S F in is h o ff ff o h is in F S T N E M E V O R P IM O N A & V I A C T L I H U T B E N N E K M O T S U C • • S E S C T N S E N F E IR A M P D E O E S O R A W -B • S K IL C G E D H IT W MPROVE Y E M O H R U YO E V O R P IM ry vi e ic rv e s y tr n e p r a c or and ext or Compl e te le p m o C in r , io n r te tio x a e n r d lte n a a r e m io o r h e t m to s u C nqfel New sey y e rs e J w e N . ld fie q in r p S di • t s s rs e d a e L • rs tte u G • g in id S ON IO T C E T O R P E L B U O D MPROVEMENTS T N E M E V O R P IM E M O H NTENANCE FREE E R F E C M N U A N IN E M T U IN L A A M OR L Y IN V C TA ORS TO NTRAC CO M A T AMOND NG IN T T E S D N O M IA O NG IN R U T C A F U N A M AL DERS R E RD O L IA C E P S NAI E IR A IN D O A R T X E t i g lin e d o m e R n e h itc K • Al Car r rk o W try n e rp a C ll A • 0 ai Ave e v A in ta n u o M 905 CI G.l.A G L IA IC F F O A M e » 5 M r 6 8 7 -4 1 6 3 ch osur s re u s lo c n E h rc o P • MAKE OLD MAKE ..Speci«

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ON N IO N U 00102 W E d g a r R o a d . L in d e n PC PC n e d in L . d a o R r a g d E W nes 26 00 1601 2070 276 s e in L n a V Y 1 ce t to I e S ic R v E r IV e s N U t n e rs g e A v t o e m p r A a ID e C R id O w L F rld o w d e R A Loc«f1 STORAGE A MOVING 2 P X E S R A E Y 25 • • Q u a lity W o rk • R e as as 9099 e R 379 ld fie g in r • p S rk o W lity a u Q • d e y lo p m rk e o W elf S g g rin fin o te s ro p la p d e r te te n , a s ra w lk a a u w g e r id s lla e c , s p te s CES • FULLY I D E R U S IN Y L L U F • S E IC R P 8773 373 ll a C io r f u N Y R N O S A M L L A MASONRY al 5 ns. ev ve te S . s In p x E T U G G N s I a r k , Y N v G la A 25 H IN E N L A l. E C ia L t C T E P R W A O C D IN W denti / l/ ia t n e id s e R l ia rc e G m le N b m I a o n N o C s a A e E R L C t A rk o W lity a u Q K R A L C den n e id s e R D E N A E L C S R E T NGWI W O D IN W G IN X A W R O O L F MAINTENANCE i NG G IN N A E L C T E P R A C s e ric P 0232 964 te a tim s e tiliz in g G e n e ra l C le a n U p s s p U 8030 754 n ll a a le C C s Sod l te ra a e n e tim G s E . e e c re g n e F a ic g tin n rv n in e e t la S P in tiliz a g in b M • n ru e h e S rd e r a n F G w a te L le p m o C y r e V s e t a r sod d n a le b a s n b o s ru h a s e r il, o s i s d, lzer, lme, o top , e lim , r e iliz t r e f , ed se , n tio nt l enova a v ly o n th re n o m n w la , p u , n e a c le n c a n te in a m g in r p S LANDSCAPING .KITCHEN CMmCTS .KITCHEN n s 35 y e a rs e x p e rie n c e A A e c n rie e p x e rs a e y 35 s n Rtt. th ca ic m r o f h it w erops r f d e c rfa u s re s p rto te n u o c d n a w o od od o w ave S l and i aled Ol cabi s ts e in b a c ld O d lle ta is d n a old S c e p t v F e a tu rin g th e * D o r r o D * e th g rin tu a e F v t p e c rect ory and d n a y r to c a F m o r F t c e ir D y u B ee n Fstmate a tim s F e m o H in e re F a r o F opean n a e p ro u E CAN L L A B D E R N A IC R E M A TC NET PRI S E IC R P T E IN B A C STOCK STANCE MOVI G IN V O M E C N A T IS D CU STO M K IT C H E N S AT S N E H C IT K M STO CU 4 1493. 6PM P 6 R E T F .A 3 9 4 1 241 JOB T SMALL L L A M S O TO B O J O N RS??? ? ? S IR A P E R D E E N The Recommended d e d n e m e m g o c ra e to R S e d h n a (T g in v o M i • Dri s y a w e iv r D • s tio a P • AN' KI I . C IN S N E H C IT K 'S N JA MATES S E T A IM T S E E E R F r to c tra n o C ry n o s a M e Hil de e id ills H , e v A le a Y 375 Rose land Place land 375Rose MATES S E T A IM T S E E E R F S T E IN B A C N E H C IT K 22 I9?5 V a u x h a li R d d R li a h x u a V I9?5 eps• dewal s lk a w e id S • s p te S • al r ors to c tra n o C l ra e n e G L L E W O H Y R R E T M L A C O L 5hYEAR R A E Y 25th R U O I MASONRY AIL om netLi * e in L t e in b a C m to s u C C a ll J a n a t 647 6556 6556 647 t a n a J ll a C

E L B A N O S A E R !L DEUISCH !L ANDSCAPI G IN P A C S D N LA A A SIDEWALKS SIDEWALKS A A f o r m e r ly of of ly r e m r o f E R I EE S T I M A T E S CO E C N A N E T N I A M 00U.Y HAW $0K HAW 00U.Y Y R N O S A M M P c a ll STAN ll a c 3627 925 Son, 608 7780 608 'S L U A P MOVERS S R E V O M M 00019 PC r) e v o M 6 8425 964 ON'S DO L L E B W. on io n U S E T A R STEPS 379-6070 8 1028 381 KITCHENS A A 486 0777 486 D A V 08177 A A T r a d it io n a l Con Con l a n io it d a r T G N O L A A B r ic k sto n e , , e n sto k ic r B

C a re F e r r e F re a C

687-003S SpiRffictd


2 men in a frock Prompt, dresser with m irror and chest TRAINS Y COUNT N IO N U ON FOCUS PAINTING New Roofinq A Repairs • Gut BROUNELL A KRAMER courteous Service Excellent condition Call 964 T op p ric e s p a id Interior Exterior ters A Leaders All Work 241 9791 P M 0 0 112 7175 a fte r 4 P M 635 2058 HAVE BEEN AMONG THE Sheet Rock. Plasterino Guaranteed In W ritinq Fully MOST ACTIVE RESIDEN 105 W . W e s tfie ld A v e R o s e lle 334 8709 All work Guaranteed Insured, Free Estim ates TIAL REALTORS IN UNION P a rk COMPLETE Twin bod. 40 3815145 in c h d e s k , 50 m c h d re s s e r a n d BOOKS AND UNION COUNTY FREE ESTIMATE m irror, antique colonial We Buy and Sell Books HOMES 1435 MORRIS SOUTH SIOE MOVING CALL 925 *172 W ILLIAM H. VEIT qreen, super condition 376 321 P A R K A V E , P L F D AVENUE, CORNER COL Weekdays. Weekends, Low 3904, a fte r 5 p m P L 4 3900 O N I A L 686 1800 SPRING SPECIAL I f a m ily Roofing Seamless Gutters rates. G reat Service Fr*ee Estimates Own work Call A nytim e 684 4449 exterior or interior, $375 2 CABBY'S CLOTHES PATCH BUYING UNION fam ily, $475 6 fam ily, $675 In s u re d S in ce 1932 373 1153 OLDER FURNITURE relyonarealtor 1157 G ru b e r A v e n u e , U n io n Custom Made Clothes For and up Rooms, hallways, of Glass • China • Dolls For Buying Or Sellinq P M 00368 Cabbage Patch Kids Durable. fices, $35 and up Also carpen SNOW REMOVAL 5 STAMPS A COINS CENTURY 21 Wearable, Adorable AND at try, leaders and gutters Very Jvist about anything RAY BELL A ASSOC fo rd a b je ooojors s reasonable Free estimate SNOWPLOWING removal OLD 688 6000 ____ Fot The Best Dressed Fully insured 374 5436/761 Also Truck For Hire Call Contents Purchased KIDS In Town h a n d y m a n / 5511 A n y tim e 688 3158 o r 763 1 543 C a ll L iz 687 3365 HOUSf FOR SALE 8 1985 17, y r a u n a J LANDSCAPER P a in t in g , Boutique hours 9 5 daily By a p p t 467 8590 H o m e p a r tie s Orig. Recyclers Scrap Electrical, Carpentry, G u tte r . TOM S CUSTOM PAINTING TILE WORK 5 UNION Lawn work. Etc Free Interior A Exterior available for groups of 10 or M e ta l Estimate Reas Rates Free Estimates DeNICOLO TILE CONTRAC m o re MAX WEINSTEIN BRAND NEW ON C A LL 289 2471 C a ll 925 7221 T O R S , E S T A B L IS H E D 1935 A n d Sons THE MARKET KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • 14 200 F T . le n g th s fu s e d S IN C E 1920 plastic decorative beads, Ihis Cape Cod m the h o m e h a n d y m a n REPAIRS • GROUTING • 2426 M orns Ave . Union W ashington School section has Painting, paperhanging, VOLK assorted colors. $275 or best TILE FLOORS • TUB # D a ily 8 5 S at so much to offer 3 bedrooms, ENCLOSURES • SHOWER offer. Call 4*7 0104 carpentry 8i odd jobs, clean Painting/ Repairs 8 30 12 686 8236 1 full and 2 halt baths Plea ups No job too sm all. 944 8809 STALLS • FREE sant neighborhood, m int con Interior & Exterior OLD CLOCKS A ESTIMATES FULLY IN FIREWOOD dition home has a burgular O DDS JOBS Sheetrocking SURED No Job Too Small Or POCKET WATCHES SPLIT, SEASONED system, central air working Eledfrical work. Ceiling fans C a rp e n try Highest cash paid, also parts Too Large! 686 5550 2213 F U L L C O R D fireplace and so much more hung A/C lines, plumbing, Gutters A Roofing U n io n , 964 1224 VAUXHALLRD UNION CALL Asking $129,500 painting. Etc Call 964 6045 or 636-0278 or 5*3 5*85 687 5529 Four Seasons Solar FRANK T V. SETS WANTED Work CALL 353 4200 Greenhouses ing or not Color portables on HILBRANDT LOVELY SALE PAINTING Friendly, very reasonable Specializing in all type ly. Days call 753 7333, eves . 223 Lexington Blvd, 464 7496. C a sh p a id A WALLPAPERING ra te s ceram ic tile and stall showers Apt. 21, Clark Block or Drop Ceilings, panel C all 7*1-0550 Repairs • Remodeling F r i, S at, J a n 18 19, 10 4 Wanted For Cash tng & general handy man Fully Insured R e g ro u tin g Free Estimates Magnif walnut breakfront. OLD BOOKS A STAMPS R S A R G E N T 964 5688 Free Estimate ORIENTAL RUGS 540 NORTH AVE Fully insured lovely sofa A chairs, pr of eleg UNION/ELIZ LINE W IL L IA M E glass cocktail tbis, cust made A N T IQ U E S Rubbish Removed 272 5611 BAUER mrbl hanging tbl. goldleaf P rivate Buyer 224 6205 All furniture wood & metals RENTALS 9 taken away Attics, PROFESSIONAL mirror, chand, DR tbl A PAINTING TREE SERVICE 5 chairs, comp BR suite, TV, basements 8. garages cleaned WANT to buy stove, dishes, stereo, clothes, drapes, kit Reasonable rates. • Interior Painting AL P BOYEA TREE furniture and other household IRVINGTON Three nice chen items, linens, hum idifier, 325 2713 SERVICE Low rates. Free ite m s . 374 4432 rooms near transportation • Paperhanging brie a brae No checks. See estimates Fully insured 24 Taking applications See you there1 Dir From ■ Home 4 Offices hour emergency service 626 superintendent after 3 PM at 3 PAINTING 5 W estfield east on Central Ave, PETS 7 Summit Avenue, Kenilworth, E lm w o o d T e rra c e 371 6864 • Insured rt on Raritan Rd (Shop Rite), N J. 07033 (201) 245 1919 A B S O LU T E SATISFACTION U N IO N 964 *94? left on Lexington Blvd, rt at DEE S DOG DEN MAPLEWOOD Approximate Residential, commercial, in TIGHE & COMPANY In 1st d riv e w a y Professional grooming at ly pannelled. Suitable for of dustrial. cutting, trimming, terior & Exterior Painting, reasonable prices. No Iran fice or store Excellent loca PIMOSMUCANS 5 pruning, feeding, cavity work, Harriet Greenhollr Plasterinq Sheetrock, Light quilizers used Open Monday tion Available immediately elevation, topping, chipping, Stucco, Ceramic Tile Repair PIANO TUNING Repairing, M G SALE UNLIMITED thru Saturday, 9am 6pm $495 month plus utilities Call splitting, complete removal, FULLY INSURED Local restoring Used pianos, 761 1980 Aerial Bucket truck for hire 762 6191 ______References Booking now for bought, sold and rented Quali « MOVING! 1731 Springfield Avenue exteriors in Spring/Summer. with operator day half day Maplewood N J ty work, weekend and evening Everything Must Go Call now for no obligaton appointments References rates, contracting APARTMENTS FOR RENT 9 e s tim a te s R ic h a rd Z is s 6 8 6 1237 House and garage sale, 2 days PIT bull, champion blood line 522 8780 TV RADIO SERVICE______5 only Saturday and Sunday. puppies $175 Papers are ALL Apartment Seekers PIANOS TuneJ, moved, January 19 and 20, 9 a m 4 available. 375 4360 BURDI'S PAINTING BY EX b o u g h t a n d s o ld C a ll 721 5620 R EPAIRING /SERVICING p m , 30 Wychwood Road, Liv ingston, (oft Hobart Gap Save time A money avoiding P E R TS C le a n 8. P ro fe s s io n a l. O F A L L REAL ESTATE 8 I N S U R E D FREE Road, near Livingston M all). rental fees H F P has apart PLUMBING ft HEATING 5 MAKES AMODELS ments, homes A rooms and no ESTIMATES. CALL FRANK MANY Contents of apart GROSSMAN Management rental tees Call lor informa 851 9475 DARTA EUROPEAN TV's, Stereo's, Cass., Decks, ment Furniture, pictures, Company, Real Estate tio n 299 7999 P L U M B IN G A HEATING Walkmans, Port Radios, Cor lamps, antique hutch, etc , M a n a g e r . C a ll 372 5452 E X P E R T HOUSE ALL HEATING A PLUMB dless phones I W ill pick up A PAINTING S75 per room a ls o b o a t 467 2843. e v e n in g s ING REPAIRS, NEW GAS deliver FREE OF CHARGE IRVINGTON. DYNAMITE IRBINGTON/Union Line four $350 per house. Also plaster and weekends CON VE RSIONS. NEW C a ll A n y tim e 687 1425 Site, franchised seafood rooms in 4 fam ily house Liv ing and repairs. Residential, BATHROOMS A KITCHENS, PORTABLE DISHWASHER, restaurant going up Share ingroom, diningroom , kitchen, office and banks Call 925 9208 HOT WATER HEATERS, TYPEWRITER SERVICES 5 WESTINGHOUSE SOFA large frontagae with fast food 1 bedroom S360/month, in TILE WORK Fully insured convenience store bank eludes heat Pay own gas and I A J BED BOTH EXCELLENT free estimate 24 hour service PROFESSIONAL CONDITION CALL 762 080? drugs auto repair any retail electric Available February • P A IN T IN G Sale Build Lease F Rocchi, • INTERIOR A EXTERIOR 354 7693 TYPIST l C a ll 870 8184 L ie 2390 Resumes, Dissertations, T387 S p r in g fie ld A v e n u e . I r v • PAPER HANGING • n g to n 374 208? • HOME IMPROVEMENTS Statistical Tables, Letters, THREE Piece kmq size DARTA EUROPEAN AND Theses, Term Papers, Legal bedroom set, good condition, MAPLEWOOD Modern 6 Professional Job SON PLUMB ING A and Medical Transcripts b e s t o ffe r C a ll 382 3574 SUSSEX County 5 Acre rooms. 1 1/2 baths, wall wall L o w R a te s HEATING, Remodeling Kit Reasonable Rates. Call Eileen building site with view carpeted, newly decorated, Free Estimate chens. Bathrooms, Installing 964 1793 YORKSHIRE Puppies AKC Guaranteed building permit air conditioned, parking, In s u re d Gas Heaters and Furnaces. Registered 1 Male and 4 Sussex county's lowest taxes references $700 a month plus CALL ANYTIME 354 7693 TYPING done at home Females left 6 weeks old Call Good accessibility Only utilities 1 1/2 months securi 375 2264 N J State License Reports, Resume, Term after 5 15 PM 482 9219 $24,500 with term s Call owner ty No pets 763 6502 after 5 '2390 papers, etc. O livetti Word Pro fo r in fo r m a tio n 201 293 7321 o r p m c e s s o r. Very professional Cali 1117 INTERIORS EXTEJUOR e v e n in g s 964 1785 o r 687 7071 Warrt to loose Painting. Leaders S Gutters' DRRTR EUROPEAN UNION Free estimates Insured Those Holiday UNION Single white female S tephen D e o 233 3561 AND SON MISCELLANEOUS______6 BUY OR SELL CALL Pounds? wishes to share full furnished PLUMBING & PANDORA S BOX a p a rtm e n t w ith s a m e (22 to 30 JOHN SCOTT C U S T O M RESALE AN0 CONSIGNMENT Here is a sensational of WHITE years) References Call 687 HEATING ter to Woman's World 6618, evenings COVERINGS Inerior/ Chilren's Resale Clothing Exterior Painti ng, • Remodeling Kitchens Health Spa A 2 year Realty Realtors 688 4flX) Shop Clothing in perfect con Paperhanging, Residential A • Bathrooms membership plus 6 mon • installing Gas Heaters dition Monday Saturday, ths free Health Spa. Paid BUSINESS PNOPERTY _____ 8 BUSINESS PROPERTY 8 commercial Fully insured 30 am 6 pm 408 Central and furnaces 10 $280 00 Will Sell for ROSELLE PARK Line Strip Avenue, East Orange ing and Parking Lot 354 7693 $150 00 Contract started S p e c ia lis t 241 7405 N J State License J u ly , 84 C a ll 382 4924 TWO EXCELLENT UNION COUNTY '2390 (201) *7 *4 12 3 a fte r 6 p m K. SCHREIMOFER P a in tin g E M E R G E N C Y S E W E R FOR SALE 6 OFFICE LOCATIONS interior, exterior. Free CLEANING Plumbing & estimates, insured 687 9268, Healing Repairs. Hoi Water SPRINGFIELD HILLSIDE CONTENTS of house sale 3 NANTED TO BUT i 687 3713, eves, weekends Heater, Sump Pumps Free Bedrooms, kitchen set, dinmg 3050 Square Feet 4000 Square Feet Estim ate State License ’6249 P A IN T IN G BY First class room set. miscellaneous Lenny Grieco On Site Parking On Site Parking tradesman. Home or commer chairs, tables and other items, A A P PAPER STOCK, INC 574 0480 cial. Advice on your home 10 5, S a tu rd a y , J a n u a r y 19, 759 R E C Y C L IN G P L A N T 48 54 Salem Road, Union SOUTH 20th STREET IRV painting problems. 30 years HOT WATER HEATERS Commercial A Retail Ideal Professional INGTON, NEW JERSEY experience in the trade Phone IN S T A L L E D Both air conditioned 07111. PUT CASH IN YOUR Nick. 245 4835, A nytim e VANITIES • FAUCETS Immediate Availabilty UNION Tickets 2022 Morris POCKET!" BUYER OF REPAIRS, ETC Avenue Union. New Jersey SCRAP 931 **3 0 PAINTING Reasonable Rates IN T E R IO R A IN T E R IO R 851 2880 B ru c e S p rin g s te e n , NEWSPAPERS $1 00 PER PETE'S PLUMBING johnny Mathis, Liberachi, 100 LBS GLASS NOT •LANDSCAPING S E R V IC E •FREE ESTIMATE Iron Maiden. Hall A Oates. T L E S ...S 1 00 P E R 100 L B S N J Lie '4688 Pro W restling. N Y ALUMINUM CANS 21 e s tim a te s 687 7172 bathrooms, repairs, etc 376 Call after S PM 777 1197 8742 (Lie NO 354) | | FOCUS ON UNION COUNTY - January 17, 1985 - P a g e U / O YA ROUND YEAR OR 2/f ve your obl m le b ro p r u o y e lv o s n a c e w vi e ic rv e . s r rd u o ffo y a t a n ca you e ric p a t a relabl ves te s a e iv tim w e s s e u o e h fre r o le F b lia e r t s e n o H f k has n w o d u o y s a h rk o w e s u o h If OE IMPROVEMENTHOME e f dabl le b a rd ffo A re o M r e w o L A R e s id e n tia l* C o m m e rc ia l l ia rc e m m o C l* tia n e id s e R AM*# 5 P M - - M P 5 AM*# D L O E K A M dental alst t* lis ia c e p S l tia n e id s e R • ON,66 2800 686 , N IO N U LI S G IN IL E C FOR THE HOLIDAYS HOLIDAYS THE FOR OR SAVINGS YOUR nanci Avaiable b ila a v A g in c n a in F K C O P T E E H S • 2277 M O RRIS RRIS O 2277M . 84 7600 o.p 824 I I • S U S P E N D E D E D N E P S U S • Friendly-FreeEstimates IES No.7331 LICENSE AL 81 0099 851 CALL. AU ESTIMATE FREE Price RoofingCALL Co BILL PRICE NEW USED USED NEW NG IN H C T A P • • C o m m e rc ia l l ia rc e m m o C • NEED HELP NEED ALL GUTTERS ALL S m o k e » H o ld U p p U ld o H » e k o m S 686-7764 nst l i n tio lla ta s In • RoofsAnd Repairs Shmgios StateTlat l a i t n e d i s e R • MULTIPLY MULTIPLY "NETWORK" C i tts a lim s E N r F ndust al ia tr s u d In • d r irs a p re nd a R E T S A L P LEASES LEASES FULLY INSURED MOUNTAIN ar«Fi e ir F « r la g r u B AnyHouse l Murtd t r u iM lly u F SECURITY W E N 381 0450 CLEANED CLEANED T0 ELECTRIC lean gutters 525.00 AVE 6861799 DEALERS 687-4163 i e ric P


L Services hese s e th n o n o i t a m r o f n i r o F tcs Cleaned C s ttic A A lso B a se m e n ts & ts n e m se a B lso A s FI or Sale r fo D O O W E IR F lso A TR1 ... 1 TTIR U 9 BURGLAR BURGLAR L ALARAAS SIDING SIDING ALUNIMUM ROOFING HOME IMPROVEMENT WHOLESALE WHOLESALE i' / / * ll*d ta s In INSURID UO toUO$50 Licensed 8, Insured Insured 8, Licensed ect cal rk o w l a ic tr c le e se rvice changing rvice se ali in and g tin h g lig n i iz l K Recessed ia R O c W e N p IO T S A R E T L A ^ 1 t n xet o it! do expert an et WOO* *07 m rrt dkyV )0 p7* »J S» 7 0* 5 1 m 41 p 5 10*0 7 Sr»* A W»

et ax ta + te le p m o C rh Mrs 7 orth $19.9S One Room Scotchgard YMiHall $ Buy-Wise d f ' * A 4 t 754-4157 381-1028 851-9614 D N A W E N CARE M N f J y S 4

Ktron TSmSi C IC L B U P _


al t e Fi ng Specalists* cia e p S g in c n a in F te sta E l ea H HOME An purpose LOANS easy Low terms rates BUSINESS CARPET CARPET MATES S E T A IM T S E E E R F eitractinn method used A I I A method eitractinn used H IG H E S T PR IC E S S E IC PR T S E H IG H Mostadvanced powerful OE IMPROVEMENTS HOME FIDELIS FINANCIAL FINANCIAL FIDELIS No chargefor Scotchguard mmi nsur d re u s In g in m im r T carpet WE PAY WE STEAM CLEANING CLEANING STEAM K N U J R U O Y R O F CLEAN-FLUSH t di m* lm o d o m e R kdri rtE K • Any purpose Easy Imms l rpont Work W y tr n o p tr C ll A • TRUCK C U R T R O R A C IK K0SH NICK 1253 5 2 -1 5 7 3 AUTOS ACNTED PROFESSIONAL PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING tworooms ormote TAX SERVICE TAX Al num Si * m id S m u in m lu A • RVI N O T G IN V IR 64-7112 96 1.0 10'10.000mill,o» 226-3322 l Days y a D 7 ll a C (EfRmnft/WeHtMlsI R»wo Oe

D! ID A P r rv « *rm D C0RP t mf tm o fto k



JJT1 a f ELCMN WINDOWS REPLACEMENT ng your 94t et . n r tu re x ta 1984 r u o y g in d fo r a n a p p o in tm e n t re g a r r a g re t n e tm in o p p a n a r fo s h ip s , a n d in d iv id u a ls . C a li li a C . ls a r u e id tn r iv a d p in , d s n e a s s , e s in ip s h u s b ll a m s ax pl ng pr ded f r fo d e id v ro p g in n n la p x ta et i d n a g tin n u o c c a te le p m o C Mark APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE SERVICE REPAIR APPLIANCE fni home e m o h r u o y h is fin e w n e h W ACCOUNTANT PUBLIC CERTIFIED T ry us a n d See o u r re s u lts . . lts u s re r u o See d n a us ry T di t rs e d a e L * s r tte u G * g in id S hove FACTORY AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED FACTORY F l u o r S a n d i n g & & g n i d n a S g in h is f in e R r o u l F HARDWOOD & R & R U N D E R G R O U N DD R A I N S opst h " t il r") ficle n tto "C th« (opposite y pment n e m ip u q e ■ ly p p u s e le W k r a p s l il w e ffic o r o 15 ShortShort A*eHittsHilh 7566655 or 964 4080 or 964 7566655 . ^ g j g GUTTERS umi ngs* s g in n w A m u in m lu A NNASOHIC • FARBERMRE • NNASOHIC ANEAC FREE MAINTENANCE ch Encl es re u s lo c n E h rc o P T h o r o t r g t i t yd a r t e d IY R ALUMINUM OR VINYL TIRED OF CLEANING? OF TIRED s Wi s w o d in W & rs o o D Doors Windows Windows Doors M & P a tio H oods oods H tio a P & • PROURT • SERVICE ( ESTIMATE i E •(K • EULEY • HtSURfD AE • PARTS • SALES HOOVER EUREKA •

i g lin e d o m e R om al 5 2414 851 Call: SPARKLE MAID MAID SPARKLE Saudi i,i.'! H Rs 7 3335 379 6 SERVICE rovevent o pr v i e te a tim s E W a x in g • • g in x a W Fr e re F r o F 851 0678 352-0274 ai ng g in in ta S


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- S I c a a P OU N ON COUNT J y 7 1985 17, ry a u n Ja TY N U O C N IO N U ON FOCUS


NEW JERSEY • T ts e NEW YORK-ANTWERP JAN'S KITCHENS, INC. D IAM O ND SETTING DOLLY CUSTOM KITCHEN KITCHENS EXTRAORDINARY MANUFACTURING MADISON KITCHENS SPECIAL ORDERS KITCHENS AT STOCK Counter tops "Sii i l Teachers To GRAOUATE CABINET CABINETS m mm O FFIC IA L G I A B u y Direct TT M PRICES Formica facing A loUly mm ^ proirti It Im m m w IMPORTER From Factory StM Mid istaHd OM instrvrtMi! Ow teachers n Uw*4 M APPRAISER European & Traditional Concepts utontb Mid cmnttrteps New kitchens Cad h tt i A tM m e t^Mcoto) M a Featuring the SKI SETTING CO murtKtd aitti Jewel. Reas Price* Free Esf SfSttfll VblCh MW FREE ESTIMATES ‘Dorwood Custom Cabinet Line’ H5 Mountain Ave Bob Costello. 24 hrs. Springtwid. New Jersey Rte. 22 Springfield CaR Jan at 647-6556 2 4 5 -5 0 6 0 736-7(33 3 7M U 0 3 79 -6 0 70 For a Fra# In-Honw Eatknata 486-0777 376-8*81 Mfi: ’ ! W, MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE VANTENANCE MASONRY S4vrot WW» f t t f+mdnws# CLARK Touch AftEN RU JON'S 00MESTIC RAH MASONRY LADY G’ MAINTENANCE JANITORIAL / MAINTENANCE CO. SERVICE MAINTENANCE AND LIM OUBIM C b m v i c e ENTERin TNT CO Equipped wwi Colof TV • SERVICE 4 Quality Work At LANDSCAPING Seasonable Prices • Quality Work • F lo. Quality Work •CARPET CLEANING • AlUtOUT! • Mens i 4 * • Reasonable Rates •'BUtWtiSS T9H#t • VhRdoN OeaiNRf ^ J z Reasonable Rates •FLOOR WAXING • Free Estim ate « ALIrftPCCIAL OCCASIONS • Carpel Cleaning •Apartment Cleaning Office Buildings •WINDOW CLEANING Stores Etc CaH Tom AUffl — — las alien or as little) 964-3107 Union. MJ. •Laundenni Sheets l Towels Free Estimates Residential /Commercirf A L L J O H N 124 Hours) 353 2652 C all 667 3075 W d y (QigODoncy PO Box 680 Union, N.J 3 P.M . 10 P.M . 381 1078 2 4 5 -5 10 7 241 9762 0 7 0 6 3 VO. NG 4 STORAGE VOw’NC 4 STORAGE N jTR T ON PA NT NG PAINTING /• ABSOLUTE AL GARFIELD'S DON’S PAUL’S mSvVSs j j i SATISFACTION FORMERLY OF PAINTING VALEAVE HILLSIDE TIGHE * COMPANY • P A TIO S f 0 0 1 1 7 • BRICK STEPS g f O P ® LOSE WEIGHT!!! •WALKWAYS FORA Plastering A Exterior Pointing i f n Pis 4 ter mg SMectrocfc. Light "• do m» m»n wo»» •GARAGES LEAN LIME Stucco. Cerim ic Til* Repair MOVING & CUSS IN md guarantee it” • R E T A IN IN G W A LL S FULLY INSURED □ INTERIOR/EXTERIOR • HOME IMPROVEMENTS STORAGE YOUR AREA Quality W ork/Quality Material fr t Litm aWl LO C A L A M g CALL COLLECT lor exteriors m Spring/Summer 687-0035 O lSTANCS MOVING Best References Fm* Im w rt Call now lor no obligation '* call: FatRJchichr 375 Roidand PIk c Call 688-7768 (201) 757 7677 e s tim a te s Call Anytim e: 5 2 2 8 7 6 0 541 4 4 1 9 nr 541 9105 862 5424 U N I O N P C 0 0 0 1 9 i*lt VAUXHALL RO UNION PLUMBING PA S ’ NG ’AiNT'NG plumbing & heating PAINTING BY WILLIAM L OARTA EUROPEAN F i r s t class BAUER tradesman. Home £ john scon AND SON EMERGENCY SEWER or commercial. Ad BURDI’S CUSTOM PROFESSIONAL PLUMBING 8 CLEANING vice on your home COVERINGS HEATING PAINTING PAINTING • Plumbing & Heating Repairs painting problems. interior/Extenor Pam • Remodeling Kitchens » Hot W ater Heater BY EXPERTS • Interior Painting 30 years ex­ Paperhanging •Bolhrooms » Sump Pumps Clean t PiofesMonal perience in the R E S ID E N T IA L & • Paperhanging • Instolling Gas Heateri • F re e E s tim a te INSURED State License No 6249 trade. Phone Nick. COMMERCIAL and furnaces FREE ESTIMATES • Home 8 Offices Fully insured 354 7693 Lenny Grieco 245-4835 CALL FR A N K ROSELLE PARK • Insured N J State License 2390 5740480 Anytime 851 9475 24 1-7 40 $ U N IO N *64-4942 TILE A0RK FRANK jfillrl SNOWPLOWING HILBRANDT ] g | . : WE STOP LEAKS AND o TIRES <§> Specializing in all type . Clark Builders, Inc. • ComputAf Balance REMOVAL ceramic tile and stall Sennng Union County • Used lues a Also Truck Foe Hue" s h o w e rs For 0 w 15 Years. • Teas Changed Specializing in Fine Raised Printing R e p a irs • • New Roofing & Repairs Call Anytim e A Tire for any Budget ON R e m o d e lin g • G utters A Leaders ALFORD AUTOMOTIVE • Business Cards letterheads R e g r o u tin g WEEKLY M Wort Guaranteed m W n lin , - r TIRE WAREHOUSE • Vedding Invitations S ta tio n a ry Free Estim ate SPECIALS ?OT9 Springfield Aw Fully Insured Fiee Estimates Fully Insured i • Announcements Etc Union IVauifialll 24S M o r r is A v e . 272 5611 i 181 S I4S 688 1090 oi 688 0040 Springfield. N.J. 4 6 7-14 3 4 ■VAN ft SERUCE UPHOLSTERING U Tu B u y " I f (VODp A 6 P PAPER STOCK. INC DENIC0L0 S & L TREE SERVICE WESTWOOD TILE CONTRACTORS RECYCLING PLANT Residential/Commercial CUSTOM UPHOLSTERS dS U SOUTH STREET ESTABLISHED 1935 Now is the time to prepare your trees and shrubs for • RviM crON n e w j ERSE v o n ii PU» CASH IN * O u eOCKi f IUYEROI SCRAP KITCHENS • BATHROOMS s p rin g 8 REPAIRS • GROUTING NEWSFARERS IIRPERW l RIP l OS TILEF100RS Kitchen Choirs G l ASSROM l CS I 1 RPE 8 IRH 5 Dining room Choirs ALUMINUMCAN J U P I R l R TUB ENCLOSURES • CUTTING • CHIPPING COMPUtER FRlNT OUTS AHO TAR CAROS SHOWER STALLS • TRIMMING • PRUNNING BAT TE R<€ S • C AROR OARO t E AD • OL O AL UAAINUM FREE ESTIMATES FULLY Rocosorod at offordobls pricos INSURED m COFFER -ERASSCAST IRON F ro * H om o S orvico N s M T b s S m a ll O r T so L a rg e (F r .<* TsCI*Sd»#*1 N o job too big or too sm all Prow pick-up 6 dotivory 2213 VAUXHALL RD FREE ESTIMATE O W * j 4 j O 9JS-1703 201 374 T 750 UNION 666 5550 FOCUS ON UNION COUNT Y J a n u a ry 17, 1985 Paue 16 e te ol fo a rs nw perspective new fresh a from world the see riig ad oe yu expenses. your cover and training, exchange students throughout the year You’ll You’ll year the throughout students exchange ok ih oa hg shos ad uevs te ^ the supervise families, and host schools, find high You’ll local with hometown work your in program n mk fins o wl nvr forget. never will you friends make and W e’ll help you launch our high school foreign student exchange exchange student foreign school high our launch you help e’ll W ersnaie n or omnt. on u wrdie team worldwide our Join community. your in Representative frau t all mfirmatum i fr lw rfl fr h bs avnae ae i te ek be week, the in Later secuntv advantage financial vour best Boost the for ontoo strong ofcoming profile careful low a for aim h we uepce hl my ac yu f gad n pol from people and guard off in you Later again catch once importance may help y friendships assume past our conservative unexpected certain be of to go let to Continue week have the run may you 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689-7915 those those ih< ( hu ih s t m on the on week r e



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