WTG Achievers

Vol. 1, No. 12 July 2001 The Tuition Grant: About WTG Strengthening Wisconsin The 21 private, or By Dr. Rolf Wegenke, President, Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities independent, colleges and universities of Wisconsin Each year Wisconsin’s 21 voluntary service instilled in eligible students to be funded. operate without taxpayer private colleges and their students, faculty, and Legislators can rest assured support, but provide an universities educate more than staff. that students who do receive invaluable public service to 50,000 students and confer grants are extremely thankful Wisconsin, educating over 50,000 students a year. approximately 10,000 degrees. The Wisconsin Tuition Grant for the help. And Wisconsin’s Many of Wisconsin’s best Although these nonprofit (WTG) was created in 1965 private colleges and and brightest need help to institutions receive no direct because legislators wanted universities are also grateful attend the college of their monetary support from the needy Wisconsin citizens to be on their students’ behalf. choice. taxpayers, they nevertheless able to attend the college of serve an important public their choice. Each year Wisconsin students receiving The State of Wisconsin purpose. They undergird the approximately 20,000 students WTG are proving to be created the Wisconsin Tuition Grant (WTG) in state’s economic vitality apply for WTG grants. These leaders in their colleges and 1965. Its goal is to help through the billions in are Wisconsin students universities and in their financially needy Wisconsin earnings of their alumni looking to the future at communities. The first year’s citizens to succeed. There employed all across Wisconsin colleges and issues of WTG Achievers are only enough funds Wisconsin, and they contribute universities. However, the provide an sampling of their allocated to WTG to cover to an enhanced quality of civic current appropriation for WTG stories. about half of the needy life through the ethic of allows only one-half of ONTINUED ON AGE students who apply every C P 2 year. Each month WTG Achievers brings you Mount Mary Student Ready to Share Global success stories of Wisconsinites for whom WTG has made a Outlook difference. ––––––––––––––––––––– month we feature a she speaks Spanish, Italian, WTG Achievers is multilingual student who and English fluently. published monthly by the chose Wisconsin as her home, Wisconsin Association of who is highly motivated to Fio left her native Peru seven Independent Colleges and work on international issues, years ago and arrived in Universities (WAICU) 16 N. Carroll St., Suite 200 and who has benefited from a Wisconsin shortly thereafter. Madison, WI 53703 state investment through the “I’m a rule breaker,” she said. 608-256-7761 Wisconsin Tuition Grant. This “In our culture, it is not Fax 608-256-7065 investment will pay dividends customary for women to leave [email protected] for years to come. their families, but I wanted to better myself, so I did.” She Dr. Rolf Wegenke Fioralba Giacomantonio, married and had a daughter. President Dr. Mari McCarty Fioralba Giacomantonio nicknamed “Fio,” has just The marriage failed, and Fio VP for Research and of Milwaukee, a senior at finished her junior year at had to send her little girl, who Information, Editor Mount Mary College Mount Mary College, is now five years old, back to Mr. David Dies majoring in business her family in Peru. “I could VP for Public Policy Wisconsin’s economic future administration with a specialty not take care of her and go to Ms. Carol Hart is closely tied to the degree to in international commerce. school and work at the same Executive Assistant which we reach out to other Her ethnic background is half time,” she explained with tears cultures and other lands. This Hispanic and half Italian, and CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 WTG Achievers Page 2 • July 2001

STRENGTHENING WISCONSIN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ______FACT The 21 private colleges and universities of educational opportunity – so that all qualified Wisconsin are so committed to providing high- students can attend the college or university OF THE quality education for the citizens of the state that best fits their needs. To that end, the that they devote a growing share of their own private colleges and universities of Wisconsin MONTH resources to aiding students. In 1998-99, for build financial-aid packages for each individual instance, Wisconsin’s 21 private colleges and student. Almost one-quarter of the grant aid Private colleges and universities gave $138.7 million in grant aid to given to students comes from the state and universities their students. In that same year, the Wisconsin federal governments – but more than three- nationwide are Tuition Grant distributed $18 million to quarters of the grant aid comes from the expected to grow at a students attending those institutions. In other colleges themselves. faster rate than public words, these colleges and universities raised institutions. The over $7 for each $1 received by students in The Wisconsin Tuition Grant helps state National Center for WTG funds. This ratio of more than 7 to 1 citizens remain in Wisconsin by allowing them Education Statistics shows that Wisconsin’s nonprofit higher to attend the college or university that will best reports that private educational sector leads by example. prepare them for future success. The college enrollments Legislature can help ensure this opportunity by should rise 16 The mission of these nonprofit institutions is to strengthening the Wisconsin Tuition Grant percent by 2010, educate and to make higher education program so that all eligible applicants can be compared to 15 affordable. The funds they raise come from accommodated. When all students in the state percent at public private sources – from people who believe in are able to fulfill their educational promise, institutions. small class sizes, individual attention, and Wisconsin will be strong indeed.

FIO GIACOMANTONIO CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ______in her eyes, “so I had to send her to teachers are wonderful. This is a great global ties, so she can use her languages people who could care for her. I am very environment for serious students.” and her business degree. She is currently anxious to bring her back as soon as I watching several companies that seem to can.” In addition to carrying a heavy load of 18 offer those opportunities, keeping track of academic credits, Fio works nights at a those where she might like to work. Mount Mary College was Fio’s choice for restaurant in Brookfield. She also tutors higher education because friends advised other students in Spanish and is a member Fio depends on every bit of financial aid her that single-sex education would be of OLAW, the Organization for Latin she gets, and is grateful for the Wisconsin right for her. She does not regret her American Women. She was instrumental Tuition Grant that is included in her choice. “I have never been as happy any in OLAW’s decision to direct its Mount Mary aid package. If she could place as I am at Mount Mary,” she said. fundraising efforts toward a Mount Mary talk with a Wisconsin legislator, she “Here I am getting education for life. I Scholarship for Hispanic women. would say, “Please don’t deny help to am learning not only academic subjects people who really want to do something but also skills like time management and Her goal after graduation, besides with their lives in the best way possible – how to focus my energies. I am bringing her little girl home, is to find a through education. You’re nobody becoming an educated person. The job at a growing Wisconsin company with without an education.” Wisconsin’s Private Colleges and Universities Milwaukee Lakeland College Sheboygan Ladysmith Beloit Appleton Northland College Ashland Cardinal Stritch University Milwaukee Marian College Fond du Lac Ripon College Ripon Carroll College Waukesha Milwaukee St. Norbert College De Pere Kenosha Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design Milwaukee Silver Lake College Manitowoc Concordia University Mequon Milwaukee School of Engineering Milwaukee La Crosse Madison Mount Mary College Milwaukee Wisconsin Lutheran College Milwaukee