Copyright© 2004 30,000BP 17,500BP 8000 7,000 6500 Howard J. Pomerantz, Ph.D. EuropeLate Paleolithic Mesolithic

Abri Blanchard Lascaux Britain Mesolithic

Stonehenge Interior Phases Exterior Phases

Three post holes

Mesopotamia Babylonia Assyria


Greece & Mediterranean

Mesoamerica Paleoindian Cultures

Bible Lands 5000 - 4500 4500 4000 ~3750 3500

Earliest megalithic tombs Early Neolithic Middle Neolithic

Round bottom pottery First stone circles Long barrows

Neolithic Bronze Age 4500-3100 Invention of the plow sail pottery wheel ~3400 3100 3000 2900 2800

Newgrange (Ireland) Robin Hood's Ball

Phase 1

Ditch and bank Lesser Cursus

Late Uruk Period Archaic Ur

Earliest written documents

Archaic Egyptian writing hyroglyphics

Archaic Cultures 2750 ~2630 2,600 ~2550 2500

Durrington Walls

Phase 2 Phase 3i Phase 3a & b

Post holes at Heel stone "gate" Stone 97 Circle NE Entrance and causeway/bank Heelstone ~2600-~2500 and central area Bluestones arrive


Cuneiform writing continues into 1st century CE

Earliest step pyramid built at Saqqara Great pyramids built 2400 2300 2200 2100 2000 1900


Beaker Culture

Phase 3ii Phase 3iv

Remodelled Sarsen Bluestone Circle ~2280 - ~2030 ~2440 - ~2100 Horseshoe ~2270 - ~1930

Uru'inimgina Gudea of Lagash Isin -Larsa Sargon of Akkad Naram-Sin of Akkad of Lagash Ur III 2112 - 2004 Period Babylonian's @ Assur Ebla archives

First Intermediate Middle Kingdo

Abraham Leaves Ur 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200

Phase 3v

Last major Bluestone Modifications Horseshoe Y & Z Holes & Circle ~1640 - ~1520 Kassite Period Hittites take Babylon Hammurabi

Earliest astonomical text copy of earlier Enuma Elish Enuma Anu Enlil tablet Venus observations om Second Intermediate New Kingdom


Trojan War

Pre-Olmec Cultures Souther

Exodus 1100 `1000 900 800 700 600 500 400

Alex Sele Sargon II Nabonassar Chaldaeans

Equal sign zodiac Oldest MUL.APIN Earliest 7 intercalary rectangula Eclipse observation astro months r records reports diaries in 19 yrs astrolabe 19 yrs = 235 mos. Late Dynastic

Meton Plato Aristotle

First olympic games Battle of Marathon Geometry Hesiod Alexander

Olmec Cultures rn Maya Cultures Preclassic Cultures

Jerusalem David Sele Destroyed 300 250 200 100 ~4 BCE 1 CE 50 CE

xander eucids Babylonian mathematical astronomy

Planetary theory

Ptolemaic (Greek) R

Hipparchus Julius Caesar Calendar reform Meton - Metonic Trigonometry cycle

Late Preclassic Cultures ~300 BCE - 250 CE

Hasmoneans Jesus born Jewish eucids Romans Herod the Great Revolt 100 CE 200 CE 250 CE 600 CE 900 CE 1000 CE

Last known use of cuneiform


Cladius Ptolemy Almagest

Chichén Maya Itzá Dynastic City-states 250 - 900 height