Marketing Moves: 2018

To better understand current trends in the appointment and turnover of marketing officers, Russell Reynolds Associates tracked and analyzed 396 notable, publicly-disclosed marketing leadership moves in 2018. 2

The 80-20 Rule of CMO Promotions Helps Explain Why Marketers Are Seen As Being Too “Jumpy” Non-marketers often think that CMOs change jobs too much. Though there are several factors that come into play, at Russell Reynolds we’ve uncovered one possible reason for this “ jumpiness.” We’ve found that marketing leaders have only a 20 percent chance of moving into the CMO role at their existing company. Once appointed as CMO, s/he has only a 20 percent chance of being internally promoted to a broader role within that company, such as GM or President. This means that 80 percent of all marketing moves happen only by moving to a different company – basically, implying the need to “ jump” jobs to get ahead.


ɳɳ CMO succession crisis persists. Nearly 80 percent of publicly- % EXTERNAL reported chief marketing officer appointments in 2018 were 79% 79% external hires, consistent with the previous year. Just one of 75% 74% every five new CMOs came from within the ranks, which paints a grim picture of internal development processes for marketing talent. ɳɳ Among sitting CMOs, nearly 80 percent have left their respective company to advance their career. There is little chance of sitting CMOs being internally promoted into a 2015 2016 2017 2018 broader role. ɳɳ Record turnover continues. In 2018, we tracked 396 publicly-reported CMO moves in the United States & Canada. This is the highest number we have observed since we began tracking this data in 2014. In 2017, there were 377 CMO moves and 350 in 2016. ɳɳ Gender diversity growth is stagnant. 42 percent of 2018 CMO % FEMALE appointments were female, which is relatively constant over the last three years. 43% 43% 42% 37% ɳɳ Healthcare companies go external almost exclusively. 90 percent of healthcare CMO appointments were external hires in 2018. While healthcare organizations have historically steep rates of appointing outside CMOs – 79 percent in 2017, 76 percent in 2016 and 71 percent in 2015 – this was a new high. 2015 2016 2017 2018 ɳɳ Inter-industry mobility showing mixed results. Last year, 31 percent of external CMOs came from a different industry, up from 27 percent in 2017, but down from 33 percent in 2016 and 35 percent in 2015. The consumer and technology industries remain most likely to hire marketing leaders from within their respective industries. Industrial & natural resources organizations are increasingly following their leads. Within healthcare, despite an overwhelming proportion of external CMO appointments, only a slight majority came from a different industry (58 percent). ɳɳ Marketers moving up. Sitting CMOs are moving into general manager, president and CEO roles at higher rates than ever before, suggesting the CMO has increasingly gained commercial and strategic impact. Though a slightly greater proportion of CMOs stepped into the aforementioned P&L roles at a new company rather than at the same company in 2018 – 19 versus 17 percent – the overall number of CMOs moving into these larger roles (36 percent) is up from 32 percent in 2017 and 19 percent in 2016. 3

GENERAL TRENDS Industry Breakdown of Marketing Moves The consumer industry accounted for 54 percent of the marketing-leadership turnover in 2018, up from 52 percent in 2017 and 51 percent in 2016. In 2015, the consumer digital & media sector had over twice as many moves as the retail sector, but three years later, retail has surpassed consumer digital & media in CMO turnover. This demonstrates the increased volatility among retail marketing leaders in the past couple of years, as the industry seeks to redefine itself. The consumer products & services sector had the largest year-over-year increase from 9 percent in 2017 to 13 percent in 2018.

Since 2015 the technology industry has fallen 5 percentage points in terms of marketing move-share, while the healthcare industry has gained 4 percentage points.


9% 13% 14% 15% Apparel/Retail

19% 14% Consumer Digital & Media 16% 14% Consumer Products & Services 9% 12% 11% 13% Leisure & Hospitality

11% 15% Financial Services 16% 12% 11% Healthcare 13% 11% 11% 5% Industrial & Natural Resources 3% 4% 5% 7% 6% 4% 7% Education/Nonprofit 2% 5% 6% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% Professional Services 20% 20% 17% 15% Technology

2015 2016 2017 2018

Internal vs. External Hires The trend of externally hiring top marketers continued strongly last year as external appointments accounted for 74 percent of all marketing moves (and 79 percent of all marketing leader appointments). This mirrored 2017 levels and increased from 2015 and 2016. With just one of every five CMOs appointed from within the organization over the last two years, there is a clear CMO succession crisis across industries.


External Internal 68% 69% 74% 74% Open/Eliminated

22% 24% 20% 19%

9% 7% 6% 7% 2015 2016 2017 2018 4

Since 2015, healthcare companies have been increasingly looking for marketing leadership outside of the organization. Last year, they did so 90 percent of the time, a sizeable increase from 79 percent in 2017. Looking over the last four years, the healthcare industry has an 82 percent external appointment rate for CMOs. Contrarily, the industrial & natural resources industry saw a sizeable decrease in external marketing-leader appointments from 2017 to 2018 – 81 percent to 63 percent – which is consistent with the number in 2016 (60 percent).


100% 100% 90% 91% 90% 88% 88% 87% 82% 86% 86% 85% 81% 82% 79% 81% 81% 77% 82% 77% 79% 80% 76% 76% 74% 74% 73% 73% 70% 72% 69% 71% 64% 63% 63% 60% 60% 57% 58%


Apparel/ Consumer Consumer Leisure & Financial Healthcare Industrial Nonprofit/ Professional Technology Retail Digital & Products & Hospitality Services & Natural Education Services Media Services Resources

2015 2016 2017 2018

Regarding internal appointments, the average tenure within TENURE PRIOR TO PROMOTION TO CMO an organization prior to promotion to the CMO role increased (Average Years) in 2018 following several years of decline. Across all industries, 10.7 9.1 the average internally-appointed CMO spent 9.1 years at their 8.2 7.4 respective company prior being promoted into the role. This is up from 7.4 years in 2017 and 8.2 years in 2016, but down from 10.7 years in 2015. Later in this report, we at the average tenure in the CMO role prior to promotion or departure. 2015 2016 2017 2018

Inside of Industry vs. Outside of Industry Appointments In today’s age of disruption and transformation, it is reasonable to expect that more companies would be open to hiring marketing leaders with different perspectives from other industries. Though the overall numbers demonstrate a slight increase in this tactic – 31 percent in 2018 versus 27 percent in 2017 – few industries have made a significant shift in this direction and some are moving in reverse.

When looking outside of the organization, consumer and technology businesses have maintained a strong tendency to appoint CMOs from companies within their respective industries. Consumer companies hired marketing leaders from outside the industry 22 percent of the time in 2018 and 19 percent over the last four years. Technology organizations did so 29 percent of the time in 2018 and 28 percent over the last four years.

The industrial & natural resources industry has seen a massive decrease in appointing CMOs from outside of the industry over the last four years. In 2015, 83 percent of new CMOs came from outside the industry and it has decreased every year since, down to just 40 percent in 2018. 5

CROSS-INDUSTRY MOVES (% refers to share of hires that came from a different industry) Overall 100% 35% 33% 27% 31% 83% 77% 2015 2016 2017 2018 73% 73% 67% 64% 60% 58% 55% 53% 50% 47% 50% 45% 41% 44% 40% 40% 40% 31%32% 29% 21% 18%22% 17% 19%

Consumer Financial Healthcare Industrial & Nonprofit/ Professional Technology Services Natural Resources Education Services

2015 2016 2017 2018

There was a slight decrease in healthcare marketing leaders coming from different industries, as well. In 2018, 58 percent of healthcare companies appointed CMOs from outside of the industry, down from 73 percent in 2017, 77 percent in 2016 and 60 percent in 2015. However, in the last four years, the healthcare industry has the highest rate of cross-industry CMO appointments at 64 percent.

Inside of Sector vs. Outside of Sector Appointments within Consumer Consumer-facing companies have continuously had a majority in overall marketing moves. Taking into account the individual sectors – apparel / retail, consumer digital & media, consumer products & services and leisure & hospitality – 54 percent of external marketing-leader appointments within the consumer industry came from a different sector. This is the highest proportion we have recorded since 2015.

CROSS-SECTOR APPOINTMENTS: CONSUMER (% refers to share of hires that came from a different sector)

62% 58% 57% 53% 54% 47% 51% 52% 50% 45% 44% 46% 44% 39% 39% 42% 37% 29% 24% 27%

Apparel/ Consumer Consumer Products Leisure & Consumer Retail Digital & Media & Services Hospitality (Total)

2015 2016 2017 2018

The apparel / retail sector is the only one in which the majority of new CMOs did not come from another sector – yet the 47 percent posted in 2018 shows a steady increase from 2016. One of the most surprising trends was among consumer products & services organizations. Though they are known for grooming marketers into future CMOs, 58 percent of their external CMO appointments came from a different sector in 2018, a large increase from 27 percent in 2017 and 24 percent in 2016. The result of CPG companies needing to quickly reinvent themselves is being seen in the non-CPG talent they are aggressively hiring into marketing leadership roles. 6

Where Do Sitting Chief Marketing Officers Go? Marketing leadership appointments show one side of the story for chief marketing officers, but it is also interesting to see where siting CMOs go after they leave their role (i.e., joining a new company, being internally promoted, retiring, consulting/advising or undisclosed). To gain more insight into next steps for marketing leaders, we tracked and analyzed the career paths of 82 outgoing CMOs in 2018, for a grand total of 314 since 2016.


New Company 43% 51% 54% Internal Promotion 65% Retired Consulting/Advising 22% 20% Undisclosed 6% 19% 15% 8% 15% 7% 7% 17% 13% 10% 15% 2% 4% 6% 2016 2017 2018 Overall

Over the last three years, 54 percent of those CMOs are now at a new company, while 19 percent were promoted within their respective companies. In 2018, however, 22 percent were promoted, which is an increase from 20 percent in 2017 and 15 percent in 2016.

In general, a marketing leader has approximately a 20 percent chance of getting the CMO role at their company and once appointed as CMO, s/he has around a 20 percent chance of being internally promoted to a broader role. Overall, 80 percent of marketing moves happen externally.

Tenure for CMOs dipped in 2018, both TENURE OF SITTING CMOs PRIOR TO PROMOTION for those who left their company (Average Years) and for those who were promoted. Overall, the average tenure for 3.4 4.0 4.0 4.1 4.0 outgoing CMOs last year was 3.2 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.2 3.2 3.2 years, down from 4 years in both 2016 2.9 3.0 2.9 and 2017. For those who joined a new company, the average CMO tenure was slightly lower: 2.9 years in 2018 – down from 3.2 years in 2017 and 3.7 years in 2016. Promoted CMOs have Overall New Company Promotion Left Company* a higher average tenure but saw a 2016 2017 2018 Total (Last 3 Years) similar year-over-year decrease to *CMO joined a new company, is consulting/advising or next role is undisclosed. 3.6 years in 2018 from 41 years in 2017 and 4.4 years in 2016.

Among the outgoing CMOs who joined a new company, the majority continue to take another marketing job. This demonstrates the “repetitive CMO cycle” of marketers getting stuck in the top marketing role at different companies. 7


Marketing Pres/GM 64% 63% 64% 65% CEO Digital Revenue/Commercial Operating 7% 11% 10% 17% Strategy/Innovation 7% 16% 11% Other 2% 11% 6% 5% 4% 2% 4% 6% 6% 2% 2% 4% 1% 1% 2% 3% 1% 1% 2015 2016 2017 Total (Last 3 Years)

As noted previously, however, bright spots include a relatively big increase in those being appointed to a general manager, president or chief executive officer role at their new companies – 28 percent in 2018, up from 23 percent in 2017 and 17 percent in 2016. We also observed a slight increase in those stepping into a digital role – 6 percent in 2018, up from 5 percent in 2017 and 2 percent in 2016.

Among the CMOs who were internally promoted, half of them were promoted to a president or general manager role in the last two years. Additionally, both digital roles and strategy & innovation roles have been an increasingly common next step for CMOs, as each consisted of 17 percent of CMOs who were promoted in 2018.


9% 16% 11% 12% Marketing 21% Pres/GM 50% 50% 41% 5% CEO 11% Digital 3% Revenue/Commercial 21% 5% 8% 7% 14% 17% Operating 8% 11% Strategy/Innovation 14% 17% 14% 11% Other 5% 9% 6% 7% 2016 2017 2018 Total (Last 3 Years)

Given that most organizations need customer-centric leadership to help them stay ahead of the rapid pace of change, marketers seem to be emerging as more attractive candidates for broader roles. Both through internal promotion and external appointment, outgoing CMOs were appointed to general manager, president and chief executive officer roles more than ever before in 2018, suggesting the CMO has increasingly gained commercial and strategic relevance. 8


56% 53% 51% 48% 48% 45% 45% 42%

36% 32% 28% 27%

19% 19% 19% 18% 17% 16% 17% 17% 16% 14% 14% 12% 13% 12% 11% 11% 10% 9% 8% 8% 8% 8% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 5% 3% 3% 4% 3% 1% 1% 0% 1% Overall New Via Overall New Via Overall New Via Overall New Via Company Promo Company Promo Company Promo Company Promo

2016 2017 2018 Total (Last 3 Years)

Odds of another marketing role Odds of P&L role (President, GM or CEO) Odds of President or GM Odds of CEO

In 2018, 36 percent of sitting CMOs’ next job was a general manager, president and chief executive officer role – up from 32 percent in 2017 and 19 percent in 2016. Although a slightly higher percentage of CMOs stepped into the aforementioned P&L roles at a new company rather than at the same company, – 19 versus 17 percent in 2018; 16 percent versus 11 percent over the last three years – the year-over-year increases suggest that the odds of breaking out of the “repetitive CMO cycle” are trending in the right direction for marketers. 9

See below for details on the full list of marketing moves from Q3-Q4 2018. For details on the moves from Q1-Q2 2018, see our previous report from August 2018: Want to be a CMO? Odds are you’ll need to change companies, as the “CMO Succession Crisis” continues. CONSUMER


Ace Hardware has appointed Kim Lefko as senior vice president and chief marketing officer. Lefko is responsible for global marketing & advertising efforts, digital initiatives and the development of innovative strategies. She most recently was chief marketing officer & general manager, iGrill, at Weber-Stephen Products.

Ascena Retail Group has appointed Susan Rodgers as senior vice president, marketing. Rodgers most recently was vice president, marketing, customer relationship management & analytics, at Pier 1 Imports.

Bluemercury has appointed Michele Dowling Johnson as senior vice president, marketing, digital & eCommerce. Johnson most recently was senior vice president, sales & marketing, at Dean & DeLuca.

Bluestem Brands has appointed Paul Lazorisak as senior vice president, marketing. Lazorisak most recently was vice president, customer relationship management & analytics, at Talbots.

Bottega Veneta saw the departure of its chief marketing officer,Lisa Pomerantz.

Burberry has appointed Rod Manley as chief marketing officer. Manley is responsible for marketing, communications and creative media. He most recently was executive vice president, influence marketing & communications, at Calvin Klein.

Cardenas Markets has appointed Adam Salgado as chief marketing officer. Salgado most recently was vice president, multicultural & field marketing, at McDonald’s.

Charming Charlie has appointed Joy Garcia as senior vice president and chief marketing officer. Garcia most recently was group vice president, customer & brand marketing, at Stage Stores.

DXL Group has appointed Jim Davey as executive vice president and chief marketing officer. Davey most recently was vice president, marketing, at Timberland.

Ethan Allen Global has appointed Holly Tedesco as senior vice president, global marketing. Tedesco is responsible for leading digital, brand marketing, and communications strategies. She most recently was vice president, of marketing, at Ann Taylor.

For Eyes by GrandVision has appointed Lauren Macleod as chief marketing officer. Macleod most recently was vice president, digital experience & head of the Retail Lab, at Starboard Cruise Services.

J. Crew saw the departure of its chief marketing officer,Vanessa Holden.

Keds saw the departure of its chief marketing officer,Emily Culp, who is now president at CoverFX Skincare.

Kroger has appointed Gil Phipps as vice president, branding, marketing & Our Brands. Phipps most recently was vice president, Our Brands, at the Company.

Lacoste USA has appointed Lisa Marie Pillette as senior vice president, marketing, customer relationship management & analytics. Pillette previously was vice president, direct-to-consumer marketing – Americas, at Ralph Lauren. 10

Levi Strauss & Co. has appointed Jen Sey as senior vice president and chief marketing officer. Sey most recently was chief marketing officer, global brands, at the Company.

MedMen has appointed David Dancer as chief marketing officer. Dancer most recently was executive vice president, head of marketing, at Teleflora.

Michael Kors has appointed Johanna Murphy as senior vice president, consumer marketing & global digital commerce. Murphy most recently was global chief marketing officer at Rag & Bone.

Monro has appointed Deborah Brundage as senior vice president and chief marketing officer. Brundage is responsible for marketing & merchandising strategies, comprising of brand management, advertising, customer relationship management, in-store merchandising and category management. She most recently was associate brand director, Always Discreet – North America, at Procter & Gamble.

Petco has appointed Tariq Hassan as executive vice president and chief marketing officer. Hassan most recently was senior vice president, enterprise brand strategy & insights and head of marketing, Wealth Management, at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

REI has appointed Ben Steele as executive vice president and chief customer officer. Steele is responsible for all digital, marketing, brand and customer insights capabilities. He most recently was chief creative officer at the Company.

Saucony has appointed Don Lane as chief marketing officer. Lane most recently was senior vice president, brand & creative, at DraftKings.

Sorel has appointed Natalie Hayes as vice president, global brand marketing & eCommerce marketing – North America. Hayes most recently was global brand director at the Company.

Vitamin Shoppe has appointed David Mock as executive vice president and chief merchandising & marketing officer. Mock previously was chief merchandising & marketing officer at Earth Fare.

Wakefern Food Corporation has appointed Erik Keptner as senior vice president, marketing. Keptner most recently was senior vice president, marketing & merchandising, at Giant Food Stores.

Walgreens Boots Alliance has appointed Vineet Mehra as global chief marketing officer. Mehra is responsible for all marketing activities, fostering global marketing collaboration across business and geographies, overseeing the design & execution of the Company’s global brand image, messaging & positioning and developing the customer value proposition. He most recently was executive vice president and global chief marketing officer at Ancestry.

Under Armour has appointed Alessandro de Pestel as chief marketing officer. De Pestel most recently was vice president, global marketing, communications & consumer insights, at Tommy Hilfiger.


Airbnb has appointed Geoff Seeleyas global marketing director. Seeley most recently was director, global marketing, connections & media activation, at the Company. Additionally, Airbnb has appointed Musa Tariq as global head of marketing, Airbnb Experiences. Tariq most recently was chief brand officer at Ford Motor Company.

Blue Nile has appointed Alexandra Wheeler as chief marketing officer. Wheeler most recently was vice president, global digital marketing & Starbucks Rewards marketing, at Starbucks.

Bonobos has appointed Eric Solomon as chief marketing officer. Solomon most recently was global head of business marketing at Instagram. 11

Boxed saw the departure of its chief marketing officer,Jackson Jeyanayagam, who is now vice president and general manager, Nutranext, at Clorox.

Chef’d has appointed JR Badian as chief marketing officer. Badian most recently was vice president, digital marketing, social media & customer relationship management, at Mastercard.

Elite SEM has appointed Dalton Dorné as chief marketing officer. Dorné is responsible for building out a newly formed marketing department and launching a customer-centric program to drive new customer acquisition, demand generation, account-based marketing and client growth. She most recently was senior vice president, marketing – Americas, at Merkle.

ESPN has appointed Laura Gentile as senior vice president, marketing. Gentile most recently was senior vice president, business operations & content strategy – ESPNW, at the Company.

Facebook has appointed Antonio Lucio as global chief marketing officer. Lucio most recently was global chief marketing & communications officer at HP.

Fox Entertainment has appointed Steve Fowler as chief marketing officer, FoxNext Games. Fowler is responsible for leading the overall marketing strategy, product & lifecycle marketing, creative services, user acquisition, customer service and communications. He most recently was vice president, global publishing – Hearthstone, at Blizzard Entertainment.

Ketchum has appointed Chris Ditner as senior vice president, marketing. Ditner most recently was senior vice president, director of content marketing – Global Practices, at the Company.

Lyft has appointed Joy Howard as chief marketing officer. Howard most recently was chief marketing officer at Sonos.

New York Public Radio has appointed Lisa Baird as chief marketing officer. Baird is responsible for leading marketing & audience development, data, membership, sponsorship and communications. She most recently was chief marketing officer at the United States Olympic Committee.

NYC & Company has appointed Nancy Mammana as senior vice president, marketing. Mammana is responsible for overseeing the global marketing strategy, branding, promotions, advertising, creative services and eCommerce. She most recently was vice president, marketing, at Patina Restaurant Group. has appointed Catherine Borda as chief customer officer. Borda is responsible for customer care, consumer insights, brand strategy, customer relationship management and the Club O Loyalty program. She most recently was assistant vice president, audience strategy & planning, at AT&T.

Pinterest has appointed Andréa Mallard as chief marketing officer. Mallard is responsible for overseeing integrated marketing, consisting of vertical partner strategy, consumer partner marketing and creative teams. She most recently was chief marketing officer at Athleta.

Poshmark has appointed Steven Tristan Young as chief marketing officer. Young is responsible for leading growth, product and brand marketing. He most recently was vice president, growth, at Grubhub.

Questex has appointed Kate Spellman as chief marketing officer. Spellman is responsible for further building out shared-services resources and capabilities to ensure growth in both digital audience and marketing-related revenues. She most recently was president, Informa Engage, at Informa. 12

Shutterfly has appointed Mickey Mericle as senior vice president and chief marketing officer. Mericle is responsible for all facets of marketing, including customer acquisition & retention, business development, brand marketing, creative services and corporate communications. She most recently was vice president, global marketing, customer insights, analytics, operations, at Adobe.

Spotify saw the departure of its chief marketing officer,Seth Farbman.

Tinder has appointed Jenny Campbell as chief marketing officer. Campbell is responsible for defining a sustainable global framework focusing on brand strategy, public relations, creative and campaign activation. She most recently was managing director, Los Angeles, at 72andSunny.

Uber has appointed Rebecca Messina as global chief marketing officer. Messina most recently was senior vice president and global chief marketing officer at Beam Suntory.

Universal Music Group has appointed Jaime Weston as executive vice president, consumer marketing. Weston most recently was senior vice president, marketing, at the National Football League.

Vivid Seats has appointed Rich Lesperance as chief marketing officer. Lesperance most recently was chief marketing officer at

Wag Labs has appointed Kevin Frisch as chief marketing officer. Frisch most recently was head of performance marketing & customer relationship management, North America, at Uber.

WeAre8 has appointed Danny Tawiah as chief marketing officer. Tawiah is responsible for managing the proprietary platform that builds brand-consumer relationships by paying individuals who create and share content on social media. He most recently was vice president, global brand innovation, at Nike.

Weber Shandwick has appointed Jill Tannenbaum as chief communications & marketing officer. Tannenbaum previously was chief marketing officer at Cohn & Wolfe.

WPP has appointed Laurent Ezekiel as chief marketing & growth officer. Ezekiel most recently was president, Digitas – North America & International, at Publicis Groupe.

Zillow Group has appointed Aimee Johnson as chief marketing officer. Johnson most recently was senior vice president, digital customer experiences, at Starbucks.


Anheuser-Busch InBev has appointed Pedro Earp as global chief marketing officer. Earp most recently was chief distributive growth officer and head of ZX Ventures at the Company.

Burton Snowboards has appointed Sarah Crockettas chief marketing officer. Crockett is responsible for global marketing, consumer engagement, creative, public relations, event marketing, athlete management and marketing partnerships. She most recently was vice president, integrated marketing & community engagement, at REI.

Campbell’s has appointed Diego Palmieri as vice president and chief marketing officer, Meals & Beverages – United States. Palmieri is responsible for all aspects of marketing and consumer connection in the United States across the division’s portfolio of brands. He most recently was vice president and general manager, Greater China, at SC Johnson.

Celsius Holdings has appointed Matt Kahn as executive vice president, marketing. Kahn most recently was vice president, marketing, at Save-a-Lot. 13

Clorox has appointed Stacey Grier as chief marketing officer. Grier most recently was vice president, brand engagement & enhanced wellness marketing, at the Company.

Coca-Cola has appointed Javier Meza as global chief marketing officer, Sparkling. Meza most recently was vice president, marketing – Asia Pacific, at the Company.

Coty has appointed Erin Cast as senior vice president, marketing – U.S. Luxury. Cast is responsible for overseeing brand strategy vision & implementation, brand portfolio management, new product development, marketing forecast, budget, P&L oversight, retailer relations and all aspects of marketing channels. She most recently was senior vice president, marketing, media, innovation & consumer insights, at KIND Snacks.

FTD Companies has appointed Jay as executive vice president and chief digital officer. Topper is responsible for brand, acquisition & partnership marketing along with merchandising, technology, customer relationship management & retention, creative services, customer service and customer experience. He most recently was chief information officer and executive vice president, technology, at the Company.

GODIVA Chocolatier has appointed John Galloway as chief marketing & innovation officer. Galloway most recently was chief marketing officer at Hard Rock International.

Groupe SEB has appointed Shivanthi Vannan as vice president and chief marketing officer, U.S. Vannan is responsible for building & implementing long-term brand, product, merchandising, distribution and consumer experience strategies across the U.S. portfolio of brands. She previously was head of marketing, Healthcare, at Reckitt Benckiser.

The Honest Company has appointed Shannon Pruittas chief marketing officer. Pruitt is responsible for overseeing brand marketing, creative, content and marketing communications. She most recently was chief content officer, Carat USA and president, The Story Lab, at Dentsu Aegis Network.

Kellogg Company has appointed Monica McGurk as chief growth officer. McGurk most recently was global chief revenue & eCommerce officer at the Company.

Kopari Beauty has appointed Jeremy Lowenstein as chief marketing officer. Lowenstein is responsible for global brand strategy, marketing and innovation. He most recently was vice president, global marketing – Sally Hansen, at Coty.

Kraft Heinzhas appointed Eduardo Luz as global brand officer & chief marketing officer, U.S. Luz most recently was president, U.S. Grocery & Springboard, at the Company.

Medifast has appointed Tony Tyree as chief marketing officer. Tyree most recently was vice president, Global Snacks, at The Hershey Company.

Milani Cosmetics has appointed Evelyn Wang as chief marketing officer. Wang most recently was senior vice president, marketing – Wet ‘N Wild Beauty, at Markwins Beauty Brands Global.

MillerCoors saw the departure of its chief marketing officer,David Kroll, who is now chief executive officer at COCO5.

Moet Hennessy USA has appointed Andrea Sengara as senior vice president, consumer marketing & innovation. Sengara most recently was senior vice president, marketing, at Combs Enterprises.

Monster Energy has appointed Dan McHugh as chief marketing officer. McHugh most recently was chief marketing officer at Pabst Brewing Company. 14

Nestle Waters has appointed Yumi Clevenger-Lee as vice president and chief marketing officer. Clevenger-Lee most recently was regional director, marketing – Latin America, at Cereal Partners Worldwide, which is a joint venture between General Mills and Nestle.

Newell Brands has appointed Rich Matthews as chief marketing officer. Matthews is responsible for strengthening the portfolio of brands and overseeing design, consumer marketing insights and marketing operations functions. He most recently was senior vice president, marketing – Home Fragrances, at the Company.

Perfetti Van Melle has appointed Rachel Finke Chambers as vice president, marketing – USA & Canada. Chambers most recently was senior brand director, Airheads & enterprise corporate communications, at the Company.

Sanrio has appointed Maureen Bergmueller as senior vice president, marketing & brand management. Bergmueller most recently was vice president, marketing – Executive Education, at UC Berkeley.

WineSociety has appointed Lisa Perlmutter Kueffelas chief marketing officer. Kueffel is responsible for revenue growth, including the eCommerce channel, and supporting the wholesale channel through creative sales enablement, events and brand marketing. She most recently was vice president, digital client experience, at Sephora.


Avis Budget has appointed Maurice Herrera as senior vice president, marketing. Herrera previously was chief marketing officer, U.S., at Weight Watchers.

Buffalo Wild Wings has appointed Seth Freeman as chief marketing officer. Freeman is responsible for leading brand experience, culinary, advertising and digital. He most recently was head of global marketing, Holiday Inn, at InterContinental Hotels Group.

Captain D’s has appointed Chris Kuehn as chief marketing officer. Kuehn most recently was chief marketing officer at Golden Corral.

Choice Hotels International has appointed Abhijit Patelas vice president, marketing, distribution strategy & operations. Patel is responsible for the marketing and distribution functions, including property management systems, third-party distribution channels, and vendor relationships. He most recently was senior director, product management & operations planning, at the Company.

Del Frisco’s Restaurant Group has appointed Mia Meachem as chief marketing officer. Meachem is responsible for overall marketing, innovation and consumer engagement strategy. She most recently was chief marketing officer at Highland Park Village.

Diamond Resorts has appointed Jeffrey Solomonas chief marketing officer. Solomon previously was senior vice president, marketing strategy, at Caesars Entertainment.

Drybar has appointed Sarah Hoffmann as chief marketing officer. Hoffman most recently was senior vice president, strategy & performance marketing, at J.Crew.

Edge Fitness Clubs has appointed Jeffrey Stoneas chief marketing & administrative officer. Stone previously was vice president, merchandising sourcing & product development – Private Brands, at Cabela’s.

El Pollo Loco has appointed Hector Muñoz as chief marketing officer. Muñoz most recently was executive vice president and global chief marketing officer at Church’s Chicken.

Golden Corral Corporation has appointed Tim Schroder as senior vice president, marketing. Schroder most recently was senior vice president, marketing & shared services, at Firebird Restaurant Group. 15

The Habit Restaurants has appointed Iwona Alter as chief brand officer. Alter most recently was vice president and chief marketing officer at Jack in the Box.

Houlihan’s Restaurants has appointed Bill Leibengood as chief marketing officer. Leibengood is responsible for marketing, advertising and menu strategy. He most recently was vice president, marketing, at Wingstop Restaurants.

Insomnia Cookies has appointed Tom Carusona as chief marketing officer. Carusona most recently was vice president, brand & digital, at Aramark.

KemperSports Management has appointed Lucino Sotelo as chief marketing officer. Sotelo most recently was vice president, marketing, at Grainger.

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts has appointed David Skena as chief marketing officer, U.S. & global brand director. Skena is responsible for leading the marketing organization, specifically brand strategy, product/menu strategy, calendar, communications, merchandising, and pricing, as well as furthering the expansion into consumer products and new categories. He most recently was chief marketing officer at Ruby Tuesday.

The Madison Square Garden Company has appointed Geraldine Calpin as executive vice president and chief marketing officer. Calpin is responsible for setting the overall marketing and digital vision that helps drive growth across the portfolio of sports and entertainment assets. She most recently was chief marketing officer, Europe & Australia, at WeWork.

The Miami Marlins have appointed Elisa Padilla as senior vice president, marketing & community relations. Padilla most recently was vice president, marketing, at The Howard Hughes Corporation.

National Football League has appointed Tim Ellis as executive vice president and chief marketing officer. Ellis is responsible for leading the marketing organization, including research, content development, consumer engagement, advertising, promotions, marketing operations and branding. He most recently was executive vice president and chief marketing officer at ActivisionBlizzard.

The Orlando Magic saw the departure of its chief marketing officer,Anthony Perez, who is now chief executive officer at VenueNext.

The Ottawa Senators have appointed Aimee Deziel as chief marketing officer. Deziel most recently was chief operating officer at Momentus.

Radisson Hotel Group has appointed Catherine Higgins Whiteside as vice president, marketing – Americas. Whiteside is responsible for leading marketing strategy, creative services, brand marketing, digital marketing, field marketing and social media. She most recently was chief marketing & communication officer at Anchor Bank.

SoulCycle has appointed Veronica Gontier as senior vice president, marketing. Gontier most recently was global vice president, customer relationship management & intelligence, at Tory Burch.

Torchy’s Tacos has appointed Scott Hudleras chief marketing officer. Hudler most recently was senior vice president and chief marketing officer at DICK’S Sporting Goods.

William Hill US has appointed Sharon Otterman as chief marketing officer. Otterman most recently was executive vice president and chief marketing officer at Madison Square Garden Company.

Wynn Resorts has appointed Scott Moore as chief marketing officer. Moore most recently was chief operating officer at Augeo. 16


Allstate has appointed Elizabeth Brady as executive vice president and chief marketing, innovation & corporate relations officer. Brady is responsible for leading marketing, enterprise innovation efforts, internal & external communications and corporate philanthropy. She most recently was senior vice president, global brand management, at Kohler.

Bank Leumi USA has appointed Maya Eisen Zafrir as chief marketing officer. Zafrir is responsible for marketing efforts across all channels. She most recently was director, marketing & strategy – Israel, at Kimberly-Clark.

BNY Mellon has appointed Brenda Tsai as chief marketing officer. Tsai is responsible for driving marketing and brand strategy globally. She most recently was global head of marketing & communications at FactSet.

The Brink’s Company has appointed George Neill as chief marketing officer. Neil is responsible for leading global commercialization efforts including new product launches, marketing communications, branding and licensing. He most recently was senior vice president, marketing & digital, at Keurig Green Mountain.

Century 21 has appointed Michael Kustermann as chief marketing officer. Kustermann is responsible for leading all marketing, creative and digital efforts, including the online marketplace. He most recently was chief digital experience officer at Bose Corporation.

Chemical Bank has appointed Tom Wennerberg as chief marketing officer. Wennerberg is responsible for developing the consumer, commercial, and wealth management marketing strategies. He most recently was executive vice president, data, client insights & marketing, at KeyCorp.

The Co-operators Group has appointed Emmie Fukuchi as executive vice president and chief digital & marketing officer. Fukuchi most recently was senior vice president, customer experience, marketing & digital, at Great-West Lifeco.

CUNA Mutual Group has appointed Steve Danco as senior vice president, marketing & media. Danco is responsible for developing and managing the consumer marketing strategy, including brand, creative services, consumer public relations and social media. He most recently was vice president, marketing, at New York Life Insurance.

Eaton Vance has appointed Elaine Sullivan as chief marketing officer. Sullivan is responsible for overseeing global marketing of investment products and services across the retail and institutional businesses. She most recently was director, retail marketing at the Company.

First Horizon National has appointed Dawn Morris as executive vice president, chief digital banking & marketing officer. Morris is responsible for leading digital banking, marketing and customer experience initiatives. She most recently was executive vice president and chief marketing officer at Webster Bank.

JPMorgan Chase has appointed Leanne Fremar as chief brand officer. Fremar most recently was senior vice president and executive creative director at Starbucks.

Lighter Capital has appointed Anthea Louie as chief marketing officer. Louie is responsible for leading the marketing organization, including elevating the brand and strategic vision in the marketplace by developing compelling customer-centric marketing and communication strategies to deliver on brand and sales objectives across all channels. She previously was vice president, digital business & marketing, at Symantec. 17

Metromile has appointed Bhanu Pullela as chief marketing officer. Pullela is responsible for leading marketing strategy, customer acquisition, brand, marketing analytics, business development, marketing partnerships, cross- selling & lead monetization, customer relationship management, internal creative team, public relations and internal communications. He most recently was senior vice president, marketing – Credit Cards, at Wells Fargo.

NRT has appointed Michael as senior vice president, marketing – Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. Fischer most recently was chief operating officer, Coldwell Banker Real Estate, at the Company.

Producers Ag Insurance has appointed Scott Schaefers as senior vice president, marketing & innovation. Schaefers most recently was vice president, strategic marketing, at The Travelers Companies.

Protective Life has appointed Chris Moschner as senior vice president and chief marketing officer. Moschner most recently was vice president, product marketing, at Brighthouse Financial.

Rewards Network has appointed Andrei Utkin as chief marketing officer. Utkin is responsible for the strategy, development, and implementation of all marketing programs impacting new member enrollment, member engagement, and restaurant acquisition & retention. He most recently was chief marketing officer at Insureon.

Roostify has appointed Courtney Keating Chakarun as chief marketing officer. Chakarun most recently was senior vice president, marketing & innovation, at CoreLogic.

Savills Studley has appointed Carol McNerney as chief marketing officer. McNerney most recently was senior vice president, business development, at the Company.

Scotiabank has appointed Clinton Braganza as chief marketing officer. Braganza most recently was senior vice president, marketing – Canadian Banking, at the Company.

TIAA has appointed Mark Elliot as senior vice president and chief marketing officer. Elliot most recently was chief marketing officer, corporate marketing, at the Company.

TMX Group has appointed Sanjay Kulkarni as chief marketing officer & head of digital solutions. Kulkarni is responsible for leading the vision, strategy and execution of integrated marketing initiatives across digital platforms. He most recently was senior vice president, digital media solutions, at West Corporation.

U.S. Bank has appointed Sarah Peterson Post as senior vice president, customer experience. Post most recently was senior director, loyalty marketing, at Target.

Vanguard has appointed Colin Kelton as principal and chief marketing officer. Kelton most recently was principal and head of Vanguard Australia at the Company.


Abbott has appointed Melissa Brotz as chief marketing & communications officer. Brotz most recently was divisional vice president and head of public affairs at the Company

Affordable Care has appointed Matt Stringer as chief marketing officer. Stringer most recently was executive vice president, marketing, at Tailored Brands.

American Addiction Centers has appointed Stephen Ebbett as chief digital & marketing officer. Ebbett most recently was chief digital officer at Assurant.

ATI Physical Therapy has appointed Brett Groom as chief marketing officer. Groom most recently was vice president, marketing & brand, at Great Wolf Lodge. 18

Genexa has appointed Matt Repicky as chief marketing officer. Genexa most recently was global head of brand marketing, Barbie, at Mattel.

Health Alliance Plan has appointed Margaret Anderson as senior vice president, chief sales & marketing officer. Anderson most recently was vice president and general manager, Senior Markets, at BlueShield of California.

IngenioRx has appointed Chris Burns as chief marketing officer. Burns most recently was head of commercial product marketing at Aetna.

Intarcia Therapeutics has appointed Thane Wettigas chief marketing officer & head of the Metabolic Franchise. Wettig most recently was vice president, global marketing, business unit strategy & alliance management – Lilly Diabetes, at Eli Lilly and Company.

Intermountain has appointed Kevan Mabbuttas senior vice president and chief consumer officer. Mabbutt is responsible for evolving the organization’s capability to create and deliver consumer-centric, digitally enabled experiences, as well as all communications, marketing, and branding activities. He most recently was global head of consumer insights at The Walt Disney Company. meQuilibrium has appointed Pam Boiros as chief marketing officer. Boiros is responsible for responsible for all aspects of the marketing function including thought leadership, customer acquisition, product messaging and revenue building efforts. She most recently was vice president, global corporate marketing, at Skillsoft.

Merck has appointed Michael Nally as chief marketing officer. Nally is responsible for global marketing and long- term franchise strategy across the portfolio. He most recently was president, Merck Vaccines, at the Company.

Mount Sinai Health System has appointed David Feinberg as senior vice president and chief marketing & communications officer. Feinberg most recently was vice president and chief marketing officer at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

UnitedHealth Group has appointed Renee Brown as senior vice president, marketing – OptumCare. Brown most recently was chief marketing officer, Retail Financial Services, at TIAA. INDUSTRIAL & NATURAL RESOURCES

Chevrolet saw the departure of its global chief marketing officer, Tim Mahoney, who retired after over 35 years working in the automotive industry.

CTB has appointed Jack Stambaugh as chief marketing officer. Stambaugh is responsible for all marketing-related activities, sales optimization and close collaboration with the business units on marketing strategies. He most recently was vice president and general manager, Crane Composites, at Crane Co.

FedEx has appointed Brie Carere as executive vice president, chief marketing & communications officer. Carere most recently was senior vice president, global portfolio marketing, at the Company.

Kansas City Southern has appointed Michael Naatz as executive vice president and chief marketing officer. Naatz most recently was senior vice president and chief information officer at the Company.

Marathon Petroleum Corporation has appointed Brian Partee as senior vice president, marketing. Partee most recently was vice president, business development, at the Company.

NOVA Chemicals Corporation has appointed Greg DeKunder as vice president, marketing – Polyethylene. DeKunder most recently was vice president, BASF TOTAL Petrochemicals and senior general manager, Base Chemicals, at TOTAL. 19

Porsche has appointed Pedro Mota as vice president, marketing – North America. Mota most recently was president, North America, at Rolls-Royce.

REHAU has appointed Thomas Troeger as chief marketing officer. Troeger most recently was division vice president, Americas, at the Company.

Southern Company Gas has appointed John Hudson as executive vice president and chief external & public affairs officer. Hudson is responsible for external affairs, corporate communications, marketing, community relations, economic development and environmental affairs. He most recently was senior vice president, marketing & business development, at Alabama Power.

Suffolk Construction has appointed Lea Stendahl as chief marketing officer. Stendahl most recently was chief marketing officer at E*TRADE Financial.

U.S. Xpress Enterprises has appointed Justin Harness as chief marketing officer. Harness most recently was senior vice president, dedicated operations, at the Company. NON-PROFIT / EDUCATION

American College of Education has appointed Jill Geer as chief marketing officer. Geer is responsible for overseeing integrated marketing operations and driving organizational & enrollment growth. She most recently was chief marketing officer at USA Track & Field.

Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation has appointed Judy Hoffstein as chief marketing officer. Hoffstein previously was executive vice president, marketing – Global Direct Banking, at Citigroup.

DeVry University has appointed Remberto Del Real as chief marketing officer. Del Real is responsible for overseeing brand strategy, creative, media, and analytics. He most recently was managing director, marketing – U.S. Personal & Business Banking, at BMO Harris Bank.

Northwestern University has appointed Jeri Ward as vice president, global marketing & communications. Ward most recently was senior vice president and chief communication officer at Audi of America.

Strategic Education has appointed Jen Towns as chief marketing officer. Towns most recently was head of consumer marketing at Verizon Media.

The University of Missouri has appointed Kamrhan Farwell as chief marketing & communications officer. Farwell is responsible for centralizing strategic communications efforts including media relations, marketing, branding, social media, university news distribution, website communications and public relations. She most recently was assistant vice chancellor, communications, at The University of Pittsburgh.


Alight Solutions has appointed Leslie Gall as chief marketing officer. Gall most recently was senior vice president, marketing – Americas, at CBRE.

DHI Group has appointed Michelle Marian as chief marketing officer. Marian is responsible for leading the digital marketing strategy, demand generation and branding. She most recently was head of global digital marketing at Crocs.

Hogan Lovells has appointed David McClune as chief marketing officer. McClune most recently was global chief marketing officer at Shearman & Sterling. 20

Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison has appointed Luke Ferrandino as chief marketing officer. Ferrandino most recently was global director, marketing & business development, at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson. TECHNOLOGY

ADT has appointed Jochen Koedijk as chief marketing officer. Koedijk is responsible for delivering innovative digital and brand marketing strategies & initiatives. He previously was head of worldwide social & new channel advertising at Amazon.

Albert has appointed Mark Kirschner as chief marketing officer. Kirschner is responsible for building and refining the global marketing infrastructure, driving adoption across global consumer brands and expanding the partnership program. He most recently was chief marketing officer at The Trade Desk.

BigCommerce has appointed Lisa Pearson as chief marketing officer. Person most recently was chief executive officer at Umbel.

BlackLine has appointed Andres Botero as chief marketing officer. Botero most recently was chief marketing officer and senior vice president, alliances, channels & marketing, at CallidusCloud.

Brightcove has appointed Sara Larsen as chief marketing officer. Larsen is responsible for overseeing lead & demand generation, product marketing, client marketing, branding & messaging and marketing communication. She most recently was vice president, marketing & communications – Americas, at Dassault Systèmes.

Charter Communications has appointed Kelly Atkinson as head of marketing, Consumer & SMB. Atkinson is responsible for overseeing digital, creative and marketing efforts, with a focus on increasing penetration of all residential & SMB services. She most recently was executive vice president, Consumer Cable, at Rogers Communications.

Docker has appointed Neil Charney as chief marketing officer. Charney most recently was senior vice president, marketing, at SAP.

Dolby Laboratories has appointed Todd Pendleton as chief marketing officer. Pendleton most recently was chief marketing officer at Samsung North America.

Dynatrace has appointed Mike Maciag as chief marketing officer. Maciag most recently was senior vice president and general manager, Big Data Services, at SAP.

Five9 has appointed Ryan Kam as chief marketing officer. Kam is responsible for leading the overall marketing team, evolving & elevating the brand and driving demand for its cloud contact center solutions & services. He previously was vice president, digital marketing, at Salesforce.

Highspot has appointed Jon Perera as chief marketing officer. Perera most recently was vice president, product management, at Adobe Systems.

HP has appointed Vikrant Batra as chief marketing officer. Batra most recently was global head of marketing, Printing, at the Company.

JumpCrew has appointed Lavall Chichester as chief marketing officer. Chichester most recently was senior vice president, global search & content marketing, at MullenLowe Profero.

Medallia has appointed Sophie Chesters as chief marketing officer. Chesters is responsible for accelerating the global demand function as well as creating awareness for new Public Sector, vertical solutions and AI-powered product innovations. She most recently was vice president, marketing – EMEA, at the Company. 21

Microsoft has appointed Valerie Beaulieu as chief marketing officer, U.S. Beaulieu is responsible for demand generation, customer acquisition & lifetime value for the commercial business in the United States. She most recently was general manager, Asia Pacific, at the Company.

MicroStrategy has appointed Marge Breya as senior executive vice president and chief marketing officer. Breya most recently was chief operating officer at Ionic Security.

MobileIron has appointed Rhonda Shantz as chief marketing officer. Shantz most recently was chief marketing officer at Centrify Corporation.

Motorola Solutions has appointed Shamik Mukherjee as chief marketing officer. Mukherjee most recently was vice president, solutions & services – Asia Pacific, at the Company.

Omnicell has appointed Niloy Sanyal as chief marketing officer. Sanyal most recently was chief marketing officer at GE Digital.

Oracle has appointed Rupal Shah Hollenbeck as senior vice president and chief marketing officer. Hollenbeck most recently was corporate vice president and general manager, Data Center Sales, at Intel.

Premiere Global Services has appointed Mark Roberts as chief marketing officer. Roberts most recently was chief marketing officer at ShoreTel.

Resideo has appointed Michael Flink as executive vice president and chief marketing & sales officer. Flink is responsible for all aspects of the corporate marketing and sales organization, including customer experience, commercial excellence, marketing, portfolio management, digital experience and partnership development. He most recently was president, Honeywell Homes, at Honeywell.

Robin Systems has appointed Radhesh Menon as chief marketing officer. Menon most recently was general manager, OpenStack, at Red .

Salesforce has appointed Julie Liegl as executive vice president, global marketing. Liegl most recently was senior vice president, strategic events, at the Company.

Samsung Electronics has appointed David Allard as chief marketing officer, Canada. Allard most recently was vice president, integrated marketing communications – Canada, at Coca-Cola.

SendGrid has appointed Carrie Palin as chief marketing officer. Palin is responsible for corporate & product marketing, demand generation, corporate communications and community development. She most recently was senior vice president and chief marketing officer at Box.

SonicWall has appointed David Chamberlin as senior vice president and chief marketing officer. Chamberlin most recently was senior vice president and chief communications officer at PNC.

UserTesting has appointed Michelle Huff as chief marketing officer. Huff previously was vice president and general manager,, at Salesforce.

Vonage has appointed Rishi Dave as chief marketing officer. Dave most recently was chief marketing officer at Dun & Bradstreet.

Zscaler has appointed Micheline Nijmehas chief marketing officer. Nijmeh is responsible for global marketing with a focus on driving revenue and brand recognition. She most recently was chief marketing officer at Xactly Corporation. Russell Reynolds Associates is a global search and leadership advisory firm. Our 425+ consultants in 46 offices work with public, private and nonprofit organizations across all industries and regions. We help our clients build teams of transformational leaders who can meet today’s challenges and anticipate the digital, economic and political trends that are reshaping the global business environment. From helping boards with their structure, culture and effectiveness to identifying, assessing and defining the best leadership for organizations – our teams bring their decades of expertise to help clients solve their most complex leadership issues. Follow us on Twitter: @RRAonLeadership

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