Development of Footwear Industry in , East Case study : The footwear industry in the district of Sooko, Puri and Mojoanyar Name : Andini Okky Novitasari NRP : 3609100024 Department : Urban and Regional Planning Faculty : Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning - Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Advisor : Dian Rahmawati ST,. MT.

ABSTRACT Mojokerto Regency is an area that has the potential of superior products such as footwear industry. This product has a chance to develop the economy of local communities. However, this condition has not been maximized by the government and local communities, it is necessary for the existence of a strategic solution. The purpose of the research is to formulate strategies to increase competitive advantage using local economic development approach in the study area district of Sooko, Puri, and Mojoanyar.

The research was conducted in three stages, first stage analyzing variables that affect the increase in the footwear industry a competitive advantage by using descriptive analysis of the results of the mean value for each variable; second stage analyzes on priority weighting variables that affect the implementation of local economic development in the region in the footwear industry each study area using analitycal hierarchy process (AHP); and thirt stage formulation strategies using triagulation analysis to determine local economic development strategies appropriate footwear industry in that is study area district of Sooko, Puri, and Mojoanyar.

vii The results of this study are formulation of local economic development strategies appropriate footwear industry in district of Sooko, Puri, and Mojoanyar. The result show that the strategies should be focused to indicator of skilled labor necessary to increase training of sewing and design techniques; marketing indicators required for the provisioning of media technology-based marketing training social, while the indicators of physical resources necessary to repair the road network and road environment on a regular basis; indicator of capital required to support subsidies from central or local government in the procurement of production equipment.

Keyword: footwear industry, competitive advantage, local economic development
