CHAIR’S LETTER | SERVICE PROVIDERS | PERSONAL VIEW | INDUSTRY NEWS INFORMED PROMOTING EXCELLENCE IN INVESTOR RELATIONS ISSUE 101 WINTER 2018/19 BEST PRACTICE INVESTOR RELATIONS A 14-PAGE SPECIAL FEATURE AND FULL COVERAGE OF THE 2018 BEST PRACTICE AWARDS PLUS PREPARING FOR AGM SEASON LETTERS FROM OVERSEAS CONFERENCE 2019 UPDATE NEW YEAR COURSES ADVANCED EARLY BIRD OFFER ENDS 31ST DECEMBER 2018! THE INVESTOR RELATIONS SOCIETY 33rd ANNUAL CONFERENCE IR: Leading change; driving value TUESDAY 18TH JUNE 2019 KINGS PLACE, LONDON N1 9AG After a year of considerable political, market professionals gather to meet with peers, and regulatory change, the Annual Conference compare notes and hear from some will explore ways in which IR can adapt and wonderful speakers and panellists. overcome these challenges to fully exploit the value of the public markets and help lead our For all exhibition and sponsorship enquiries, companies to win the competition for capital. please contact Robert Dann at
[email protected]. For general At the 2018 IR Society Annual Conference enquiries, please contact Nicolle Oliver at (pictured) we saw almost 400 IR
[email protected]. Book your tickets now at or call +44 (0) 20 7379 1763 Thank you to our 2018 annual sponsors INVESTOR ANALYTICS INFORMED WINTER 2018/19 CONTENTS 21 4 CHAIR’S LETTER IR Congratulations all round ACTICE David Lloyd-Seed, chair, IR Society BEST PR 5 NEWS FROM THE SOCIETY Evan Davis to host conference in 2019 New IR Society members, October to December (p8) Event report: IR Society visits Dublin (p9) A new addition to the Society team (p9) A SPECIAL FEATURE CIR and ICIR passes – October and November (p9) 6 A PERSONAL VIEW Welcome to issue 101 of Informed..