History from our Archives

Our own church cat, Ben, will be 17 years about Heifer and which animal their class is old on February 13. Although he has been collecting money to sponsor when you see rather out of sight at church services of late, them at coffee hour or around town. Also, he has ministered to so many of us here at everyone is welcome to sign up to partici‐ St. Andrew’s in his own particular way, that pate in the parish‐wide trip to the Heifer I have suggested this Evensong be sung in Demonstration farm on April 10. If we beat his honor. 2011 last year’s total, Rev. Chris Wendell has ______agreed to kiss a cow! 2011 ______We did it! Thanks to you and the generosity of fellow parishioners, we have reached our There will be two eight‐week sessions focus‐ Fire and Heat campaign goal of $1.3 million. ing on age‐appropriate musical exploration, So let’s celebrate! The vestry and clergy of St. social interaction, and of course, fun! St. Andrew’s are hosting the entire adult parish Andrew’s Song Birds (ages four and five in to a Celebration Party. This special event is pre‐K and kindergarten) will have an oppor‐ being funded personally by the vestry and tunity to share what they have learned with the clergy to show our heartfelt thanks for the congregation at the end of the eight all your support of this very important cam‐ weeks period during the 10am service. 2011 ______paign. The party will be April 1, from 7 to Celebrating the 400th birthday of the King 9pm in the parish hall. Hors d’oeuvres and James Bible. At the olive oil table at coffee dessert will be served. 2011 ______hour today and next week there will be CDs During church school, all young people of selections from the King James Bible, re‐ have received their Heifer Coin boxes and cordings made by Richard Bradley in the learned about the various ways that Heifer 1980s for use by students at the Rivers International helps to transform impover‐ School. The authorized (King James) version ished communities around the world. Please of the Bible was a translation four years in ask your children (or others in the parish) preparation, initiated by King James I, and finally made available for use in 1611. Its games, special entertainment, dancing, majestic phrases still ring in our ears, and its spontaneous prizes, and “Raise the Paddle influence upon great writers and politicians for the Girls of El Hogar”. Everyone can en‐ (Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill) was ter to win amazing prizes: a reserved park‐ profound. ing spot at St. Andrews; a cruise and lunch Included are the stories of creation, of for six on Bill Eddy’s gorgeous handcrafted David and Goliath, passages from the boat; or a gourmet Mexican feast for eight at , the prophets, the Gospels (Jesus’ Luisa Hunnewell’s lovely home! 2012 birth), and a gorgeous concluding passage ______from the Revelation to John. A bonus feature Our friends in Hagley Gap, Jamaica (a desti‐ is an introductory set of guidelines for public nation of two youth mission trips) need our reading. The cost of production has been un‐ help. Hurricane Sandy slammed into their derwritten by a generous parishioner, and town, devastating their coffee crop, destroy‐ all proceeds from the sale of the CD will ing homes and causing severe damage to benefit St. Andrew’s. Suggested donation: houses, roads, and the water supply. Please $20. 2011 support them in this desperate time. Your ______contributions will make a difference. 2012 At Vacation Bible school, we had 51 kids, 45 ______volunteers and a week full of singing, danc‐ San Pedro Sula, Honduras, recently received ing, playing, acting, crafting and inventing, the dubious honor from the United Nations marching and hiding, and reading and pray‐ as the most dangerous city in the world, ing. It was an awesome week. Thank you to based on its murder rate in excess of 170 per everyone who supported this effort to pro‐ 100,000 in 2011. Gangs have an almost un‐ duce our third year of Vacation Bible. We challenged reign of extortion, murder, and are especially grateful to our brave and drug trafficking. Our Little Roses, the home hearty crew of volunteers. “Up, up, and for girls which we have supported for many away we go, into the great beyond. Wher‐ years, is suffering as donations and visitors ever we go and whatever we do, we’re trust‐ are down, and the girls’ needs are great. St. ing God all along.” (from VBS 2012 Song‐ Andrew’s was able to send an extra $1,000 book) 2012 contribution to help out, because parishion‐ ______ers contributed toward the youth mission Chips For Charity. Please send in your RSVP trip in the summer—donations that other‐ for the St. Andrew’s fall fundraiser Friday, wise would have come from the outreach November 16! It’s going to be a celebration budget. Thanks to our generous parish, and of community and charity. There will be fab‐ please keep OLR in your prayers. 2012 ______ulous food and beverages, fun casino‐style

All Saints’ Sunday November 3, 2019

Prelude Schmücke dich J.S. Bach (1685‐1750) Processional 287 “For all the saints, who from their labors rest” Sine Nomine The Word of God Opening Acclamation Book of Common Prayer p. 355 Celebrant Blessed be God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. People And blessed be God’s kingdom, now and for ever. Amen. Collect for Purity BCP p. 355 Benedictus es, Domine S 236 (front section of hymnal) John Rutter Glory to you, Lord God of our fathers; you are worthy of praise; glory to you. Glory to you for the radiance of your holy Name; we will praise you and highly exalt you for ever. Glory to you in the splendor of your temple; on the throne of your majesty, glory to you. Glory to you, seated between the Cherubim; we will praise you and highly exalt you for ever. Glory to you, beholding the depths; in the high vault of heaven, glory to you. Glory to you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; we will praise you and highly exalt you for ever. Collect of the Day Celebrant Together we pray. People Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen. First Lesson: Daniel 7:1‐3,15‐18 In the first year of King Belshazzar of great beasts came up out of the sea, dif‐ Babylon, Daniel had a dream and visions ferent from one another. of his head as he lay in bed. Then he As for me, Daniel, my spirit was trou‐ wrote down the dream: I, Daniel, saw in bled within me, and the visions of my my vision by night the four winds of head terrified me. I approached one of heaven stirring up the great sea, and four the attendants to ask him the truth concerning all this. So he said that he earth. But the holy ones of the Most High would disclose to me the interpretation of shall receive the kingdom and possess the matter: “As for these four great the kingdom for ever—for ever and beasts, four kings shall arise out of the ever.” Reader The Word of the Lord. People Thanks be to God. William Crotch The congregation is encouraged to sing the psalm. Second Lesson: Ephesians 1:11‐23 In Christ we have also obtained an inher‐ you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as itance, having been destined according to you come to know him, so that, with the the purpose of him who accomplishes all eyes of your heart enlightened, you may things according to his counsel and will, know what is the hope to which he has so that we, who were the first to set our called you, what are the riches of his glo‐ hope on Christ, might live for the praise rious inheritance among the saints, and of his glory. In him you also, when you what is the immeasurable greatness of his had heard the word of truth, the gospel power for us who believe, according to of your salvation, and had believed in the working of his great power. God put him, were marked with the seal of the this power to work in Christ when he promised Holy Spirit; this is the pledge of raised him from the dead and seated him our inheritance toward redemption as at his right hand in the heavenly places, God’s own people, to the praise of his far above all rule and authority and glory. power and dominion, and above every I have heard of your faith in the Lord name that is named, not only in this age Jesus and your love toward all the saints, but also in the age to come. And he has and for this reason I do not cease to give put all things under his feet and has thanks for you as I remember you in my made him the head over all things for the prayers. I pray that the God of our Lord church, which is his body, the fullness of Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give him who fills all in all. Reader The Word of the Lord. People Thanks be to God. Gradual Hymn 231 “By all your saints still striving” King’s Lynn Gospel: Luke 6:20‐31 Clergy The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to Luke. People Glory to you, Lord Christ. Jesus looked up at his disciples and said: reward is great in heaven; for that is what “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours their ancestors did to the prophets. But is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you woe to you who are rich, for you have re‐ who are hungry now, for you will be ceived your consolation. Woe to you who filled. “Blessed are you who weep now, are full now, for you will be hungry. Woe for you will laugh. Blessed are you when to you who are laughing now, for you people hate you, and when they exclude will mourn and weep. Woe to you when you, revile you, and defame you on ac‐ all speak well of you, for that is what count of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that their ancestors did to the false prophets. day and leap for joy, for surely your But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, withhold even your shirt. Give to every‐ bless those who curse you, pray for those one who begs from you; and if anyone who abuse you. If anyone strikes you on takes away your goods, do not ask for the cheek, offer the other also; and from them again. Do to others as you would anyone who takes away your coat do not have them do to you. Clergy The Gospel of the Lord. People Praise to you, Lord Christ. Sermon Rev. Mia Kano Nicene Creed BCP p. 358 Prayers of the People After each bidding the Reader says, Lord, in your mercy. The People reply, Hear our prayer. Confession of Sin BCP p. 360 Peace Announcements The Holy Communion Presentation of Bread and Wine Offertory Anthem They are at rest Edward Elgar (1857‐1934) text John Henry Newman (1801‐1890) They are at rest. Blending with the neighb’ring waters as We may not stir the heav’n of their repose they glide; By rude invoking voice, or prayer address Posted along the haunted garden’s bounds, In waywardness to those Angelic forms abide, Who in the mountain grots of Eden lie, Echoing, as words of watch, o’er lawn and And hear the fourfold river as it murmurs grove by. The verses of that hymn which Seraphs And soothing sounds chant above. Hymn 380 v. 3 “Praise God from whom all blessings flow” Old 100th Eucharistic Prayer A BCP p. 361 Sanctus S 127 (front section of hymnal) Calvin Hampton Fraction S 151 (front section of hymnal) David Hurd

Breaking of the Bread Ushers will direct the congregation to communion stations, starting from the rear of the church and moving forward. Gluten‐free wafers are available. All are welcome to receive communion. Healing prayer is offered, if you desire, at the transept rail after you take communion. Communion Anthem Pie Jesu Gabriel Fauré (1845‐1924) Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them rest, eternal rest. Communion Hymn 620 “Jerusalem, my happy home” Land of Rest Junior Choir Music, Hymn 293 “I sing a song of the Saints of God” Grand Isle The children will sing the first verse alone; please join us for verses 2 and 3. Thanksgiving after Communion BCP p. 365 Recessional Hymn 286 “Who are these like stars appearing” Zeuch mich, zeuch mich Dismissal Clergy Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. People Thanks be to God. Postlude

On All Saints’ Sunday, we remember those from St. Andrew’s who have died within the past year: Vinnie R. Copeland, Helen Hagopian, Marina Markos Kluter, Sara P. Lane, Ann Jackson O’Sullivan, and Sue Wright.

Healing Prayers The offering of healing prayers is a widespread and ancient tradition within the Episcopal Church, and one that has long been part of the Wednesday morning Eucharist at St. Andrew’s. We are eager to extend the reach of these prayers by making them available at our 8am, 10am, and 5pm Sunday services. The way healing prayers will be offered is as follows. During the time people are receiving communion at the front altar rail, one of the clergy will be on duty at the transept altar to offer healing prayers for anyone who wishes to be prayed with. If you want to have healing prayers, go to the communion rail at the transept altar after you have received communion at the front rail. You are welcome to kneel or stand at the rail. The clergy person will ask you quietly and discreetly what you wish to pray for. To be clear, requests for healing prayers are not just for health is‐ sues. In fact, they are usually for non‐physical challenges that an individual may be facing: family, work, relationship difficulties, etc. You can request a prayer for yourself or for someone else. For example, someone might say, “please pray for my husband facing a difficult time at work,” or “please pray for my mother facing an operation,” or “please pray for my son hav‐ ing a tough time at college.” In response, the clergy will quietly and dis‐ creetly offer a healing prayer for the situation. One point I do wish to make is that the introduction of healing prayers will not add any time to the length of the service. Once everyone has received communion the service will continue as normal even if there are still people receiving healing prayer at the Transept Chapel. Again, healing prayer is an ancient Episcopal tradition, and by making it more widely available at St. Andrew’s we will be joining Christians down through the ages who have prayed in this way for God’s healing pres‐ ence to be with them. If you have any questions about healing prayer please do not hesitate to speak with me or one of the other clergy. Rev. Adrian Robbins‐Cole

Please join us for fellowship after the 10am service.

Flowers today are given to the Glory of God and in celebration of the lives of Herbert G. Hill, Danton Winslow Sawyer, Margaret Craven Sawyer, and Ruth Tyler & Everett Ware Smith

Serving St. Andrew’s this week Altar Guild Margaret Blackwell, Judith Boland, Kim Carlson, Elsie Deane, Heidi Harper, Ann Johnson, Margarethe Kulke, and Elizabeth Parsons Flower Guild Frances Antonelli and Anne Manners Serving at 8am Lay Reader/Chalice Bearer Margaret Blackwell Ushers Jane Givens and Mark Housel Serving at 10am Acolytes Crucifer, Elizabeth Martin; Torch, John Breedis; Torch, Annika Svedlund; Gospel, Eloise Svedlund; and Banner, Caroline Martin Chalice Bearers Al Bornemann, Joe Hamilton, Meg Harris, and Paige Manning Lay Readers Paul Merry, Madison Reily, and Nora Tracy Phillips Ushers Frank Hunnewell, Bob Prensner, Terri Rawson, Kris Vanin, and Michael Vanin

Intercessions from the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer Parishes of the South Shore Deanery Trinity Church, Rockland St. Luke’s Church, Scituate Church of the Holy Nativity, South Weymouth All Saints’ Church, Whitman The Diocesan Convention

Notices & Announcements Today is Commitment Sunday! Confirmation Class If you haven’t sent in your pledge yet, you Confirmation Class will meet in the Chil‐ will notice pledge cards in the pews that you dren’s Chapel for worship tonight at 5pm. can fill out and return in the plate. If you’d Families are welcome to worship with us be‐ prefer to pledge online, please go to our fore class begins at 5:30pm. – Rev. Mia Kano website and look under the Give tab for • [email protected] Online Giving. Thanks for pledging. — Rev. Adrian Robbins‐Cole Game Night @ Youth Group! • [email protected] Youth Group’s first night of pure chaos is tonight, November 3, at 6:45pm! Come Anna Page Visit November 3 ready to run, seek, hide, and totally goof off. Join us today, November 3 from 11:30‐ — Rev. Mia Kano 12:15pm in the Harvey Room; our seminar‐ • [email protected] ian, Anna Page, will talk about her senior year in the ordination process and lead a Turkey Trot class on pastoral care. Her class, A Journey The Wellesley Turkey Trot is filling up and into the Wounded Soul: Moral Injury and Soul we want you on our team! Last year over 70 Repair will help us think about moral injury, of us, ages 7‐70, signed up to run this 5K on its treatments, and the budding literature on the early morning of Thanksgiving Day. this newly named yet historic injury to the Look for the link to register on the home soul. — Rev. Margaret Schwarzer page of our website then “Click to Register.” • [email protected] Scroll down to “Join a Team,” click the radio button “Register for a Team,” accept the 9am Christian Learning waiver, and then scroll down to find “Team The New York Times, Forbes, and Adrian all St. Andrew’s.” Ask me for help if you need agree that Essentialism is essential reading. more details on the sign‐up. I can’t wait to Less is better. Join us on Sunday, November run with you. — Rev. Margaret Schwarzer 10 at 9am in Room 2. Adrian will lead a class • [email protected] on the book Essentialism. Come discover how to live a simplified life rich in “real life.” Books are $21 from me. — Rev. Margaret Schwarzer • [email protected] Rite-13 Pie Baking Bible Circle: Gospel of Matthew All Rite‐13 (grades 6‐7) youth are invited to Bible Circle will meet Tuesday, November bake apple pies for the Wellesley Food Pan‐ 12, at 10:30am in the Harvey Room and try on Sunday, November 10, from 3 to Wednesday, November 13, at 7pm in Room 5pm in the parish hall. Please bring a bag of 2. Our topic is the Gospel of Matthew: A Wit‐ apples, a package of two pie crusts, a dispos‐ ness to Jewish Christians. At our November able aluminum pan, and corers, peelers, or meeting, we will read and discuss Chapter 2. paring knives to share. — Rev. Mia Kano All are welcome. Please bring your Bible. • [email protected] (We have Oxford Annotated Bibles to share.) — Margarethe Kulke Lock-In @ Youth Group! • [email protected] Youth Group lock‐in is scheduled for Friday, November 22! We need men and women Advent Calendar Making chaperones to pull it off. Sign up to partici‐ Children and adults are invited to make felt pate or help out: contact me. Advent calendars on Sunday, November 24, — Rev. Mia Kano at 11:30am in Room 2. All materials will be • [email protected] provided by the church school committee. – Rev. Mia Kano Online Church Directory • [email protected] Did you know that we have a directory for church members that you can access from Nametags our website? Your email address will need Get to know folks and help everyone feel to be in our database for you to get a user‐ welcome by wearing a nametag. The mem‐ name and password. Click on “Directory” in bership committee offers reusable magnetic the upper right‐hand corner of our website. nametags for all members. If you would like There is also a mobile app called “Church a new or replacement nametag, contact Life” you can use once you have a username Becky Hamlin • [email protected] and password. Pictures are included— Check it out! — Katharine Clark • [email protected]

Gratitude All Hallows’ Eve Thank you to our dedicated church school committee team for their creative work to make the All Hallows’ Eve Vigil and potluck a success! Thank you to all the parents who helped out and to all the kids for their awesome costumes.


Adult Formation Peter Fergusson Property Jim Blackwell Clerk Sarah Harris Stewardship Allen Jones Communications Terri Rawson Treasurer Arnout Eikeboom Fellowship Linda Lull Wardens David Hamlin Paige Manning Finance David Osborn Worship Cynthia Scott Human Resources Frank Hunnewell Youth Formation Jen Martin Membership D.D. Alexander

Outreach Heidi Harper

Staff • In an emergency, please contact Adrian on his cell phone: 603/831‐4938. • The clergy are available to assist you if you email or call them if you or a member of your family expects to be in the hospital and wishes to be visited. • Please let us know of names that should be added to our prayer list. Rector Rev. Adrian Robbins‐Cole [email protected] Associate Rector for Adult Formation and Membership Rev. Margaret Schwarzer [email protected] Assistant Rector for Youth and Families Rev. Mia Kano [email protected] Pastoral Associate Rev. Karen Vickers Budney [email protected] Parish Administrator Katharine L. Clark [email protected] Music Minister Helen Ward Mannix [email protected] Financial Secretary Ruth Hubert [email protected] Christian Learning Coordinator Susan Jackson [email protected] Director of Youth Choirs Amanda Kern [email protected] Sexton Steve Killeen [email protected] Assistant Sextons Bill Clover and Matthew Killeen Weekly Calendar  The Holy Eucharist is celebrated on Sundays at 8am, 10am and 5pm, and every Wednesday at 7:30am—we offer healing prayer at these services; Silent Contem‐ plative Prayer is also offered weekdays at 8:50am, unless otherwise noted.  Senior Choir rehearsal is on Thursdays at 7:30pm, and Sundays at 9am beginning; Junior Choir rehearsal is on Sundays at 9am.  Parish Office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9am to 5pm, and Friday, 9am to 12pm.  12‐Step Programs Al‐Anon, Tuesdays, 7:30pm; Men’s AA, Wednesdays, 8pm; Women’s AA, Thursdays, 7pm; Emotions Anonymous, Saturdays, 9:30am; Step Sisters, Saturdays, 10:30am.

Sunday, November 3 Thursday, November 7 Daylight Saving Time ends 9:30am Altar Guld 9am Coffee Hour for 8am Worshipers 9:45am Church School Meeting 9:45am Kids’ Place, Church School, 7pm Altar Guild & Rite‐13 7:30pm Stewardship Meeting 11:30am Property Meeting 11:30am Anna Page Talk Sunday, November 10 5pm Confirmation Class 9am Christian Learning 6:45am High School Youth Group 9:45am Kids’ Place, Church School, & Rite‐13 Wednesday, November 6 3pm Rite‐13 Pie Baking 7:30pm Men’s Book Club Monday, November 11 Parish Office Closed