The Sinai Messenger

July 2021 Temple Sinai August 2021

713 Hodges St. Lake Charles, LA 70601 Tamuz/AV 5781 / T: 337-439-2866 Av/ 5781

Worship Service Schedule

July 2021 /Av 5781 August 2021 Av/Elul 5781 Friday, July 2, 2021 23 Tammuz 5781 Friday, August 6, 2021* 29 Av 5781 6 PM 6 PM : Pinchas: Numbers 25:10−30:1 Torah: R'eih: Deuteronomy 11:26–16:17 Haftarah: Jeremiah 1:1-2:3 Haftarah: Isaiah 54:11-55:5

Friday, July 9, 2021* 1 Av 5781 Friday, August 13, 2021 6 Elul 5781 6 PM 6 PM Torah: - Mas-ei: Numbers 30:2–36:13 Torah: Shof'tim: Deuteronomy 16:18–21:9 Haftarah: Jeremiah 2:4-28; 3:4; 4:1-2 Haftarah: Isaiah 51:12-52:12 or Isaiah 66:1-13, 23 Friday, July 16, 2021 8 Av 5781 Friday, August 20, 2021* 13 Elul 5781 6 PM 6 PM Torah: D'varim: Deuteronomy 1:1−3:22 Torah: : Deuteronomy 21:10–25:19 Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1-27 Haftarah: Isaiah 54:1-10 Chazon

Friday, July 23, 2021*_ 15 Av 5781 Friday, August 27, 2021 20 Elul 5781 6 PM 6 PM Torah: Va-et'chanan: Deuteronomy 3:23–7:11 Leil (Selichot is observed) Haftarah: Isaiah 40:1-26 Torah: : Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8 Shabbat Nachamu Tu B’Av Haftarah: Isaiah 60:1-22

Friday, July 30, 2021 22 Av 5781 *Congregational worship returns in-person 6 PM on these dates, thanks to the Episcopal Torah: : Deuteronomy 7:12–11:25 Church of the Good Shepherd! Haftarah: Isaiah 49:14-51:3

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July & August Service Schedule

July 2: YouTube Live Stream

July 9: Shabbes Eve at Good Shepherd July 10: Shabbes Morning at Good Shepherd Temple Directory: July 16: No Services We are aware that our directory is in dire need of updating. Due July 23: Shabbes Eve at Good Shepherd to many of our congregants still July 24: Shabbes Morning Minyan at Good Shepherd being out of their homes, we will wait a little longer to do a formal July 30: YouTube Live Stream update.

Aug. 6: Shabbes Eve at Good Shepherd A sheet of updates will be mailed Aug. 7: Shabbes Morning Minyan at Good Shepherd to you with the annual Memorial Booklet letter, going out on Aug. Aug. 13: YouTube Live Stream 1st. It is also included at the end of this bulletin for your reference. Aug. 20: Shabbes Eve at Good Shepherd Aug. 21: Shabbes Morning Minyan at Good Shepherd If you need an “old” directory to correct with these updates, there Aug. 27: YouTube Live Stream are a few left. Please let Sandy know, and she will mail or deliver You may watch past services and events on our YouTube one to you. Channel at -OR- [email protected] or 337-540-9993

Kroger Reward Program

If you have not already renewed your Kroger rewards Mi’she’bei’rach card, please go to Wishing a refuah shleimah, a complete and speedy log in, and renew your card recovery, to: with:

Diane McCarthy Tony DiBartolo Organization Name: Barbara DiBartolo Brenda Bachrack Temple Sinai Anita Fields-Gold Organization Number: IE298

as the recipient of your rewards.

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Message from the Rabbi:

A True Shabbat Shuvah!

As I write these words before our first in-person gathering since March 2020, I believe this evening will in many ways be our Shabbat Shuvah, our Sabbath of Return!

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd has graciously opened its doors to our congregation so that we can resume worship together. This truly blesses our temple and illustrates most precious interfaith love and compassion.

Over one hundred years ago, after the 1918 Hurricane, temple hosted the church in our building. The circle of mutual helpfulness continues!

Elsewhere in this newsletter is the cover of the special guest book that Gail Johnson and Cathy Gold have completed. I “volunteered" Cathy and Gail for this project because our evening together with members of Good Shepherd will surely be an evening to remember for a long time. I also want to express my appreciation to Pat Seamons and Barbara Maxey for organizing the “Pre Oneg”, Susan and Bill Battestin for greeting guests, and Sandy Desadier for the .

We are in the process of completing a biweekly schedule of services at the church and will let you know the calendar very soon.

In Malachi 2:10 we are taught, “Have we not all one Father? Has not one G-d created us?” In these words we find the loving nature of our community and a reminder of ’s view of spiritual Brotherhood and Sisterhood.

May our special Shabbes of Return and Restoration be an evening we shall cherish for and years to come.

Rabbi Barry

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Rabbi Barry’s Word of the : Temple Birthdays: July Birthdays This is the prayerbook! 2 Judy Davidson Katz Its Hebrew consonants are Samech - Dalet - Resh. In English 2 Jody Davidson these are S-D-R. These three consonants remind us of the 4 Scott Michel Hebrew word SEDER. 6 Marissa Liebman 9 Barry Holtzman Seder in English is to “set in order, arrange.”* 13 Brenda Goldman 13 Lisa Garcia The Siddur IS an arrangement, an order, a certain order of 14 Maurice Gold the prayers and blessings that are in the worship service. Thus 16 Tony Kushner 17 Debbie Gold we have the special “arrangement” for prayers for Shabbes, 18 Elizabeth Battestin Holy Days, and Weekdays. 21 Rachel Fuerst 22 Kathy Steirman On our Seder Meal has its special “order” of the 25 Joseph Garcia events of the Passover narrative from Torah, the book of 26 Todd Riff Sh’mot, or Exodus. 26 Lisa Green 27 Mindy Desadier Barkat On Shabbes when we read a special section of Torah, the 29 Chris Blevins Parasha, this portion is called the “Sidrah”. Here again we have the special consonants S - D - R. August Birthdays

A favorite Hebrew expression is “Ha-Kol Be-Seder!“ Everything 2 Leah Holtzman Eisen 2 Rhoda Gorin is “in order,” i.e. “Everything is OK!“ 3 Joseph Davidson 4 Terry Hodnett And a wonderful Hebrew expression is “Be-seder gamur!” This 6 Patrick Steirman tells us that “All is in complete, absolute, perfect order!” 7 Kim Davidson Ruby 11 Deborah Darbonne As Edith Samuel teaches in Your Jewish Lexicon, “We’ve 15 Jill Greenberg come a long way from siddur, seder, and sidrah, but it is 17 Stanley Levy III fascinating to see how an ancient language can 19 Scott Levy 19 Stephen Michel accommodate modern idioms.” 19 David Katz 23 Jacob Ecker *Your Jewish Lexicon, pg. 6, Union of American Hebrew 24 Joseph Gall Congregations, New York, 1982. 27 Brenda Bachrack 27 Benjamin Holtzman 29 Daniel Wygoda Rabbi Barry 29 Skylar Lacomb

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A Message from the President

June 2021

To all Congregants and Friends of Temple Sinai of Lake Charles:

As Summer Solstice occurred yesterday, June 21, we had our June Board Meeting. As I shared with the Board, the day and the coming months seem so positive and refreshing. We are planning to have our historic 1904 Sanctuary open in time for evening service on September 6. Our High Holiday schedule will be coming out soon and we look forward to seeing each other and catching up from an incredibly hard time in our lives. We will persevere.

The kitchen and social hall will not be available, yet the bathrooms will be accessible. Our Board is looking at options for a special Oneg after Rosh Hashanah evening service and a Break the Fast event after our concluding service for . As everything, this is a fluid situation, and we will communicate what we are able to put together.

Our legal counsel continues to work hard in our behalf. Even though it has been a long haul, I know they are working hard in our behalf. As we hear more news we will communicate. The Board voted to prioritize the rebuild work based on our needs and available funds. Phase 1 is the Sanctuary with Phase 2 being the Social Hall / Kitchen and Phase 3 being the religious wing. These phases could join together at times, yet timing and monies come into play.

As you all know, Rabbi, Linda and Amy are staying in Baton Rouge for the foreseeable time. The events of 2020, along with 2021, just made it very hard to pull off this effort as planned. We will have the Rabbi join us in Lake Charles every other Shabbat. He will continue to You- Tube the services from his home on the alternating Shabbat’s. In addition, we plan to You- Tube the services from Lake Charles so that our out-of-town members and friends can continue to join us and support Temple Sinai. Please wish our Rabbi and his family the best in their decisions as this has been very time consuming, costly and emotional for all.

I continue to remind you of the creation of our “dedicated fund” for Tzedakah, thereby making a olam difference! We continue to have donations coming in, thank all who are so generous. As an example, your Board voted to send a thank you donation to Toura in New Orleans. They have been so kind to house our beautiful during these many months. Please consider giving to the Tikkun Olam Fund or any other fund supporting Temple Sinai. We need your support.

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We have set up committees that we review at each of our Board Meetings. These committees are open to all members to participate. I encourage all to consider getting involved as today is so important to our future for the Jew’s of SWLA. Please let any of the Board Members know of your interest. The committee chairs follow:

Membership – Sandy; Construction – Randy; Contents – Pat; Courtyard / Grounds – Nathan; Religious Services / Events – George; Communications – Dan; Cemetery – Jody; Library – Charlene

As always, I ask all of you to stay positive, stay focused on your needs and please communicate if you need to talk or require any financial support. We are a community, not individuals alone.


Joel Davidson July & August Anniversaries: Temple Sinai President 337-529-6710 July 11 Leslie & David Katz 20 Karen & Harry Kleinman 24 Linda & Mark Wygoda 28 Anne & David Reinauer

Aug 12 Simone & Stan Levy 23 Sandy & Ron Desadier

Mazel Tov!

Kiwanis’s International's District Louisiana - Mississippi-West Tennessee elected Joel Davidson as the incoming Lt Governor for Division 12 for the 2021- 2022 year. He will be responsible for helping grow members and service for the region which today includes 8 clubs in our Southwestern Louisiana communities of DeRidder, Jennings, Sulphur, Westlake, and Lake Charles. Kiwanis is a civic club dedicated to helping our children out in our communities. Their motto is One Child, One Community at a time. They raise monies to give to local charities in addition to serving as Partners in Education for our public schools. Their challenge is to re-access our children’s needs every so many years to determine their focus of giving and serving.

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Community corner

Grandparents’ Brag Board

Joel Davidson’s Cook & Davidson Grandkids:

• Adaline Cook survived her first day of Mother’s Day out on the 15th. • Eloise Cook graduated kindergarten on May 25th and got the “Miss Personality” award. • Joseph & Chelsey’s children are on their second week of school. Charley is doing 3rd grade. Olla is in 2nd grade. • All three Davidson boys have read over 10 hours for the Summer Reading Challenge at their local library.

Sandy Desadier’s Kagan & Singer Grandkids:

• Shira graduated from 5th grade and earned the prestigious Jennie Katherine Kolter award for integrity, kindness, and character. This award was voted on by all of the school’s teachers and staff. Shira will be a going to Jacob’s Camp second session and is starting middle school in the fall! • Eli completed 3rd grade with high academic achievement and earned the “Big Cheese” award by his teachers. He finished up a great spring baseball season playing short stop and catcher, coached by his dad, in the Westbury Little League Minors. Ryan was voted Manager (Coach) of the Year by all of the league managers, and the team placed 2nd in the playoffs. Eli then went on to play in the league’s 9U All Star team. He’s excited to be going to Jacob’s Camp in July! • Lilah had a great year in kindergarten, and she is excited to head to first grade in the fall! She received her first Torah and was consecrated via a zoom ceremony through Congregation Beth Yeshurun. She is looking forward to a summer filled with friends, swimming, and fun. She will attend day camp at the JCC during July. • Skylar Lacomb and the Barbe High School Softball team won the State Championship. • Taylee Lacomb made the Barbe High School Softball team for her freshman year, 2021-2022.

If you would like to update the congregation with news about your family, please send the information to Sandy Desadier: [email protected] prior to the next bulletin.

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Zichronam Livracha May their memories be a blessing

July 2 Benjamin Reinauer (1) Uncle of David Reinauer Lily Kushner (2) Ida Schwartzberg (2) Grandmother of Michael Schwartzberg

July 9 Dot Edelstein (3) Esther Levy (3) Meyer Schwartzberg (3) Grandmother of Michael Schwartzberg Charles S. Petrova (4) Julie Ann Marx Strauss (5) Mother of Susan Battestin Rabbi Leo R. Wolkow (5) Maurice Muller (7) Patricia Brown (8) Henry Greenwood (8)

July 16 Kayleen Feldman (11) Cousin of Corene Davidson Samuel Lipsey (11) Pearl Muller (13) Aunt of David Reinauer Mamie Burnett (14) Grandmother of Brenda Goldman Donald Benjamin Levy (14) Uncle of Stan Levy, Jr. Harold Goldberg (15) Lillie Frank Abercrombie (16) Walter J. Armentor, Sr. (16) Grandfather of Gail Johnson

July 23 Max Altman (17) Grandfather of Tootsie Fournet Susanna Amara (17) Freda Fannie Paymar (17) Aunt of Corene Davidsion Stanley Levy (18) Father of Stan Levy, Jr. Barbara Deborah Levy (20) Aunt of Stan Levy, Jr. Joseph Raley (22) Father of Scott Raley M. Gerald Edelstein (23) Fannie Goldberg (23)

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Morris Helman (23) Uncle of Tootsie Fournet Sydney David Kay (23) Grandfather of Karen Kleinman Barry M. Kleinman (23) Cousin of Harry Kleinman Abe L. Kushner (23) Julie Reims (23)

July 30 Simon Goldsmith (24) Elias Raas Kaufman (24) Bonnye Godchaux Levy (24) Ruth Nelson Chozen (July 27) Michael Gold (28) Son of Maurice Gold Eddie Rikess (28) Cousin of Corene Davidson Florian Levy (29) Father of Bill Levy Jennie Moss (29) Joseph Paymar (30) Uncle of Corene Davidson Morele Kay Rosenfeld (30) Mother of Karen Kleinman Minnie Sternberg (30)

August 6 Raymond Holtzman (July 31) Father of Todd Holtzman Bernard Levy (31) Samuel Sternberg (31) Sarah Holtzman (August 2) Irving Gorin (3) Husband of Rhoda Gorin Albert Prater (4) Hana Sukiennik (4) Jack Rosenthal (6)

August 13 Louis Samuel Brewer (7) Thelma Seamons (8) Louis Lipsey (9) Kate Milstein (9) Grandmother of Corene Davidson Sara Gordon (11) Grandmother of Leslie Katz Mike Hutkin (12) Vera Levy (12) Grandmother of Stan Levy, Jr. Bernard Loftin (12)

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August 20 Alice Fiellse Farrar (14) John Runte (14) Grandfather of Carol St. Dizier Earl Eugene Toerner (14) Grandfather of Barbara Peck Samuel Beilin (18)

August 27 Hattie T. Berther (22) Giles Cowen (23) Bernice Goldberg (24) Selma Abelman (25) Sylvia D. Kushner (27)

September 3 Harold Bachrack (August 29) Husband of Brenda Bachrack Jennie Shavzin (29) Andrew Kenneth Strauss (29) Brother of Susan Battestin Jackie Jaffe Smith (31) Mother-in-Law of Anna Silverstein Louis Holtzman (31) Grandfather of Todd Holtzman

We have changed the format of our Yahrzeit list to include our congregate relationships to the remembered. We have filled in the list as best as we could with the current documentation on file. If you have information that would help us complete this list, please send it to Sandy Desadier at [email protected].

As always, if you have any corrections or additions that need to be made to our Yahrzeit list, please send this information to Sandy as well.

Yom Kippur Memorial

(Yizkor) Booklets Our heartfelt condolences go out to Letters for our Yom Kippur Memorial George Bodin and his family in the passing Book donations will be mailed August of his father, Roland Bodin, on May 11, first. If you want to take care of your 2021. May his memory be a blessing. donation before that time, a copy of the letter is attached at the end of this bulletin.

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Temple Contributions Funds:

Sisterhood: Send Checks to: Decorating Fund Ellen Raley General Fund 4270 Indigo Place Meal of Consolation Lake Charles, LA 70605

Temple: Temple Sinai Building Fund 713 Hodges St. Cemetery Fund Lake Charles, LA 70601 Courtyard Fund General Fund Music Fund Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Tikkun Olam Fund Tree of Life Fund Youth Fund


Name: ______

Address: ______

City, State: ______Zip: ______

Fund Designation: ______

In Honor of: ______

In Memory of: ______

In Celebration of: ______

Other: ______

(Please print, clip, and submit this form with your contribution to avoid any confusion during the acknowledging process.)

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Building Fund General Fund From: Charlene & Tim Blevins From: Karen & Harry Kleinman In Memory of: Roland Bodin From: Tevya & Matt Turner In Loving Memory of: Aunt Reve Greenberg Library Fund From: ML Desadier From: Charlene & Tim Blevins In Memory of: Rose Katz & Reve Greenberg

From: Susan & Paul Hart Miller Tikkun Olam Fund In Memory of: I.T. Hart & Aunt Rosa Hart From: Charlene & Tim Blevins

From: Pat Seamons From: Tevya & Matt Turner In Memory of: Roland Bodin In Celebration of: Ghee’s 95th Birthday

& Our Wedding From: Sallie Dondis & Family

In Memory of: Reve Ann Greenberg From: Carol & Charlie St. Dizier

In Memory of: Reve Greenberg From: George Bodin & Siblings

In Memory of: Roland Bodin From: Anna Silverstein

Cemetery Fund From: Judy & Bruce Katz

From: Leslie & David Katz

Courtyard Fund From: Karen & Harry Kleinman In Honor of: Tevya & Matt’s Wedding & Corene Davidson’s 95th Birthday

From: Barbara & Tony DiBartolo In Honor of: Corene Davidson’s 95th Birthday

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Temple Sinai Sisterhood 713 Hodges Street Lake Charles, Louisiana 70601 (337) 439-2866

June 30, 2021

Dear Friends:

With the approach of the , we call your attention to the Temple Memorial Book. It has always been customary to remember those who are departed, to make contributions in their memory, and to hand their names down to posterity.

The Bible speaks of a “Seifer Zikaron”, a Book of Remembrance, which has come down in Jewish history as a “memor buch”. The earliest such book in existence has been traced to the community of Nuremberg, Germany in 1926. Thus, the Memorial Book of our Temple follows a time-honored Jewish tradition.

For a number of years now, we have been grateful for your generous support. And so, once again, we ask you to fill in the forms below. Your donation, as always, will be a great help to the living, and a heartfelt memorial to those whom we dearly miss.

It is our custom to provide each worshipper with a copy of the Temple Memorial Book prior to the beginning of our Yom Kippur Yizkor (Memorial) Service.

On behalf of Sisterhood, it’s officers and members; we wish you a very happy and heartfelt New Year 5781/5782: 2021-2022.

Most Sincerely, Ellen Raley, Treasurer

Please make checks payable to TEMPLE SINAI SISTERHOOD and mail it, along with names to be listed in the Booklet, to Sandy Desadier, 908 Henrietta Ln. Lake Charles, LA. 70605. Attached are names you listed last year (if applicable). You only need to list names added to your listing. (These names will be sent in the letter mailed to you in August.)

Please mail no later than September 1, 2021

New Listings Only: Name Date of Death Name Date of Death

Remembered By:

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