ISSN: 2580 -0728 http://ojs.umb Vol 2, No 1 (2017)

Altruism in film of “the battle of five armies”

Ade Indarto 1, Sulaiman 2, Sufiyandi 3

English Literature Program Faculty of Language Muara Bungo University

[email protected]

ABSTRACT This research analyzes about altruism found in the Hobbit film “The Batlle of Five Armies”. The Hobbit “The Battle of Five Armies”film is the last film from the Hobbit trilogy which is firstly published in 2012, then 2013 for next series and 2014 the last published. The Hobbit is one of film adapted from the novel John Ronald Reul Tolkien. The Batlle of Five Armies tells about few of human group trying to stay alive from the enemies of life with help each other. The aims of this research is explain type of altruism as found in in the Hobbit film “ The Battle of Five Armies”. This research uses descriptive method, because the datum of this research written on narrative, paragraphs, and descriptive. The writer finds out altruism consist of nepotisti, reiprocal and group. Furthermore, this research uses sociological approach. Sociological approaches help the writer to analyze in social side.Based on the result, the writer concludes that altruism can happen in each human relationship. There are relationships in family, friends, and groups. Finally, the writer knows that altruism can happened both by act and oral speech.

I. INTRODUCTION book of Altruism in Human (2011: 20) states The Hobbit “The Battle of Five that “a motivational state with the ultimate Armies” this film is last of the hobbit trilogy. goal of increasinganother’s welfare”. Besides The condition of Erebore kingdoms was not that according to Margollis(1982) in safe after the dragon was dead. The Altruism: A Review of Recent Theory and problem began from Erebore kingdoms itself, Research (1990) by Jane AllynPiliavin and the king wanted to look for the Arkenston as a Hong-Wen Charng states that “what defines symbol of Erebore crown find it between gold altruistic behavior is that the actor could have of stack. Every person was looking for the done better for himself had he chosen to crown, but the Arkenston never find because ignore the effect of his choice on other”. In Arkenston had found before by Billbo addition, the individual of altruism thinking Baggins. Billbo Baggins had hidden to other about the effect that’s individual done for especially for kingdom, because the kingdom other better. Generally, individual altruism will be crazy and egoism to society of Lake has benefit to society and showing the social Town. responsibility. Therefore, the writer focuses on The Furthermore, the writer chooses this film “The Battle of Five Armies” film as the object because, The Battle of Five Armies has researcher, because altruism is the issue and performance and cost index different than altruism as central of the story.The altruismis before. The Battle of Five Armies activities to help each other without retains. performance gets the best of fantasy film and Altruism behaviors have a wide meaning nine award nomination. With index including the all of aspect in altruism. production is about US$ 250 million and total Although altruism has a meaning as the act profit is about US$956.019.788. The Hobbit for help each other without cares about the “The Battle of Five Armies” this film is motif helper. In this occasion, the writer produced by New Line Cinema comp, Metro- discussed altruism and giving the form of Goldwyn-Mayer and time Warner Company. altruism. They are the biggest as production film in Altruism is the act of human voluntary Hollywood. by group of human or individual to help each In the end, the writer believes the other without retains.Accorrding Batson in reflection of altruism in The Hobbit “The Battle of Five Armies” film is able to give a Bain : Dad… lesson to spectator The writer believes that Bard : Bain..! What are you this research about altruism give of new mind doing?Youwere supposed to leave! set, because altruism often out of awareness Bard: I came to help you in human thinking. The writer wants to Bain : No..! explore altruism side by this research that Bard : Nothing can stop it now. discussed about altruism Bain : This might (show at the black II. Methods arrow) In this research, the writer just limits Bard : Bain, you go back.You gets out on the type of altruism onthree types. They here now are nepotistic altruism, reciprocal altruism, Datum2: 1.14.30-01.14.41 , as follows: and group based altruism. The writer uses Bard : My children? Where are my children? descriptive method. Descriptive method aims Women: I saw them! They were down in the to get all data in this film more detail and try old market to correct more helper about the data needed. Bard :Market? Where are they now! Tilda! Descriptive methods can use if the writer Sigrid! found some of the theories and hypothesis Man:Bard! Orcs are storming over the about problem and phenomena is enough causeway! Descriptive method purpose is giving Bard :Get the bowman to the easternparapet. the detail of the writer method for analysing Hold them off as long as you can. object of research. So, this method is Archers! This way! explained the social issues or phenomenon Man :TheOrcs have taken Stone Street. that is happening in film. In this occasion, the Bard:The rest of you follow me object the writer in the hobbit film Tilda and Sigrid : Da! phenomenon. Moreover, the writer uses Tilda : We’re down here! descriptive method because the writer Bard:Bain..! Sidrid..! Get down! explains the content of research in dialogue and scene on paragraph form that has the B. Reciprocal relation between the character and scene. Datum 15: 01.00.04 - 01.00.42 Furthermore, it’s has no numbers or statistics Situation: The condition was bad after as tools of collecting data.Thewriter would negotiation among Thorin and Bard failed. explain the cases or problem that exists in the Thorin still egoism with his opinion if the film by identify, classify, interpret, describe, wealth could not share with others whereas and then made conclusion. Finally, People of Lake Town need it. Furthermore, descriptive method makes the reader Bard felt treason by Thorin whereas Thorin understands the research easily. had promised gave some gold. Finally, the III. Result war could not avoid. Bilbo knew the 1. The Type of Altruism condition could repair re-negotiation with a. Nepotistic Bard and the Arkenstone as assurance. He Datum1: 00.07.48-00.07.58 thought that impossible Thorin could win in Situation: While Bain ran off with his young the battle. Bilbo hopes he could avoid the brother and friends drove a boat he saw Bard, battle and saved his friends from the death. Bain’s father. Bain saw Bard shot the dragon Bard : Why would you do this? with arrows but the arrows did not gave the Bilbo : I know that Dwarves can obstinate effect because the skin of dragon was soupy and nigheaded and difficult. They are made from gold and silver. Every Bard shot suspicious and secretive with the worst the dragon was always flung away, but the manners imaginable, but they are also dragon can killed by black arrows. So, Bard brave and kind and loyal to a fact. We brought the black arrows from the boat which grown very fond of them and I would had hidden by him before. save them if a can now. Thorin values this stone above all else. In exchange is my good self. Now give me that for its return, he will give you what blanket you are owned. There will be no need Woman I : Master Deputy? Don’t make me for war. laugh, you are sneak-thief. I’ll be dead before I answer to you Datum 16: 01.37.10 - 01.37.32, as follows: Alfrid : Maybe that can be arranged Bilbo :Thorin Bard : I wouldn’t go turning on your own Thorin : Bilbo! Alfrid. Not now. Bilbo : You have to leave here, now! Azog Man I : It was Bard! He kills the dragon! I has an army attacking from the saw it with me own eyes. north.This watchtower will s Hebrought the beast down! Shot surrounded, with no way out him dead with a black arrow. Dwalin: We are so close. That Orcs scum is in All people : Thank you, Bard! Good man! there. I saw we push on Thank you. You’ve saved us all. Thori : No, that’s what he want. He wants to Bard : Enough! Let him go! Let him go! draw us in. this is a trap. Look around you! Have you not Thorin :Fili,no…! Fili….. ( theAzog’s sword had your fill of death? Winter is has pricking Fili ) upon, we must look to our own. Datum 17: 01.43.12 - 01.44.40 To the sick and helpless. Those Situation: Their relationship was very who can stand, tend to the special, because they were falling in love. wounded. Those who have They were different clan but they have the Strength, follow me. We must same felt. Tauriel came help Kili because Kili salvage what we can. fought Bolg stronger than him. So Tauriel Woman I : What then? What I’ll do then? came to help but she could not saved and Kili Bard : we find shelter. killed in front of her eyes. Datum 24: 01.25.10 – 01.25.50, as follows: Tauriel : No..! kili..! ( Bolg’s sword has Fili : I will not hide behind a wall of pricking Kili ) stone whole others fight our battles for us! It’s not in my blood C. Group-Based thorin. Datum 18: 00.15.25 – 00.18.29 Thorin : No, it is not. We are son of Durin Situation: The crying of people after they and Durins folk do not flee a fight had attacked by dragon. They were loss of Datum 25: 01.26.05 – 01.26.26, as follows: family and the leader. They angered to vice of Thorin : I have no right to ask this of any of governor because they decamp with gold and you.But will you follow me on last didn’t fought the dragon. The governor was time? die and deputy still alive, but not a leader. The All people : ….. (just silent and stand up leader person of Lake Town was Bard, the with their guns as sign to accepted dragon slayer. help other) Woman I : These are dry, you’ll need them Woman II : Thank you IV. Discussion Woman I : Here… 1. The Type of Altruism Alfrid : Oii…! Give me of them. I’ll a. Nepotistic catch my dead in this cold Nepotistic altruism is one of type Woman I : Find your own! You’re not in altruism. Nepotistic happens several times. change Alfrid Lickspittle.. The writer finds out five data in the Hobbit Alfrid : You are wrong in the absence of film,but the writer only discussed some of the master, the power cedes to his them. Nepotistic shows like escape and care. deputy. Which is in this instance Care is the act of someone based of condition recipient in danger or need a help. The human Bilbo rebuild of new negotiations although who is gives help care is always in family. his act illegal because negotiation between Based on conversation in Datum1: 00.07.48- Thorin and Bard had failed. The cares of 00.07.58 it shows that the boldness of Bard’s Bilbo is determined because just himself can children. Bain tries helping his brother be solved the problem. Determined by Bilbo although that’s dangerous and risking of also happen in Datum 16: 01.37.10 - safety for his lives. Bain know that he is the 01.37.32 Bilbo went to watchtower warn best and last opportunity for his father. The Thorin if that was a trap to killed him. Bilbo writer guess act is an escape for emergency knew the information from Gandalf and situation, because he gives black arrows as , so the information is credible. The the escape of the problem. Escape is the act position Thorin, Fili, Kili and Dwalinwas helper give something as the solved the very dangerous, they must leave that place. problem. On the hand, failure of the helper The writer assumes that determined by Bilbo can be regret in next time.. The writer found gave effect of recipient. It shows Thorin act to reduce regret of someone especially for statement. Thorin had conscious about after family. warn by Bilbo. The Billbowarn is a reciprocal The situation in Datum2: 1.14.30- altruism, because gives effect for goodness 01.14.41 about a town near Erebore kingdom for all people especially for Thorin safety. had attacked by the enemies of Orcs. The The writer’s assume strengthen by Thorin town was very chaotic, the Orcs could pierce said “No, that’s what he want. He wants to of the town hall and the people being panic. draw us in. this is a trap”. The writer thinks On the other hand, enemies of Orcs made that his statement can gives an effect to other Bard felt concerned about his children. He to leaving that place. It is mean reciprocal looking for his children in everywhere, but he altruism because safe people from die. Robert didn’t find them. Finally, he got the (1971: 39) states that “Reciprocal altruism information from a woman told about his can also be viewed as a symbiosis, each children location. The writer assumes that the partner helping the other while he helps emergency conditions someone must be help, himself. The symbiosis has a time lag, because the father is impossible ignore his however; one partner helps the other and must children safety. Someone cares about the then wait a period of time before he is helped safety of family especially children is in turn” nepotistic altruism, because that has related Based on explanation in Datum 17: with parents, family or descent. 01.43.12 - 01.44.40 , that’s the failures B. Reciprocal of altruism. The writer guesses that the ending Reciprocal altruism is one of type of recipient cannot to save, because every altruism. Reciprocal happens several times. action of human care also has a failure. The The writer finds out twelve data in the Hobbit situation that’s reciprocal happen because film, but the writer only discussed some of between Tauriel and Kili has a special them. The factors of Reciprocal shown like relationship, so Tauriel tries everything to empathic concern, condition and empathic save Kili from the die, but she had failure. produce altruism.. Empathic concern also has Nevertheless, Tauriel action is altruism related reciprocal because altruism comes although failed. Feeney and Collins (2001, from emphatic of someone, so that impossible 2003) in Altruism in human claims that if someone help each other without feeling of people who report that the help and support empathic they provide to their romantic partner is Based on conversation in Datum 15: altruistically rather than egoistically 01.00.04 - 01.00.42 above, the writer guess motivated also report that their care is more that Bilbo act is reciprocal altruism because sensitive and responsive. he doesn’t save one people but he will save all people in Erebore kingdom. The writer sees C. Group-Based possibility is destruction, people of Lake Based Group altruism is one of type Town has experienced for that altruism. Based Group happens several times. The conversation in Datum 24: The writer finds out eight data in the Hobbit 01.25.10 – 01.25.50, betweenFili and Thorin film, but the writer only discussed some of shows that Fili had angry with his king them. The factor of group altruism shown like because, Thorin give the command to stay in juxtaposed to egoism. Egoism in this side is the hall and save the wealth of the mountain. the activity of someone who thinking about Fili feels that is not fair, there are much her/his opinion for the goodness of group. soldier consist of and human help him but Someone can be egoism because some motive Thorin just silent and do not anything. Then, that’s goal of group. Goal of group can make Fili’s suggestion can accept. Based on act the group has aims for goodness together. above, the writer guess someone also gives Moreover the goal of group in The Hobbit reprimand before Dwalin’s reprimand. So “The Battle of Five Armies” film is stay a there are two of reprimands and that’s lives and safe the people. reprimand into the king’s heart. The king Based on the conversation and accepted reprimand by Fili and Dwalin explanation in Datum 18:00.15.25 – because, the true king is understands the 00.18.29 above, the type of altruism is based condition of fate and the importance together on group because they are care with people in is absolute. The writer concludes that the king people of Lake Town. The writer also found and members has the same goal in their lives. out that altruism can be happen if the helper The war condition in Datum 25: 01.26.05 – feels empathy to other. The helper sees on the 01.26.26 above cannot predict and the soldier act of woman care to other, but she doesn’t begins to die because the enemies much. care with people who someone just thinking Thorin gets much of suggestion to fight and about himself. That’s mean altruism happen gives help to others. He has aware that his when someone has a feels of compassion. The lives not behind the walls and silent. The writer thinks that conversation between Alfrid writers see that’s Thorin make out his egoism and woman that a woman doesn’t care with confidently. Then, the king can solve the war Alfrid, because Alfrid a man doesn’t care to for all people. Finally, he asks to his group to people lake town and an egoism man. fight the enemies. The writer thinks that Moreover, people can feels empathy if Thorin as the king of Erebore has change of someone feels sad. The sadness shows from his mind about war condition because the explanation above, because that is member influence of Dwarves. From that impossible someone cannot sad after they are result, the writer assumes altruism. lost home or their town. Emphatic is one of 2. Altruism in Character the element the altruism create, because In this journal, the writer finds out empathy is the first of basic someone do some character acts of altruism in the hobbit altruism. According to Batson (2011:11) say the Battle of Five Armies Film.In this film that “as defined, empathic concern is not a that have some character include protagonist single, discrete emotion but includes a whole and antagonist, but in this part the writer constellation. It includes feelings of concludes some character who act altruism in sympathy, compassion, soft heartedness, this film. The writer finds out 16 charaters. tenderness, Sorrow, sadness, upset, distress, The characters are: , concern, and grief”. The writer concludes ThorinOakenshield, , Bard, Bain, that emphatic is the important basic of Balin, Fili, Kili, Bofur, Dain, Legolas, altruism because all people cannot be a social Tauriel, Gandalf, , Saruman, and human without emphatic. The writer also Radagast The writer finds out 16 characters found the result the condition above, the but, the writer only discussed some of writer sees the condition of awareness people them,They are: of Lake Town in past. The condition a. Bilbo Baggins Bilbo Baggins is the main character in While negotiation with Thorin as the king of this film. He is the only one as the hobbit Erebore, suddenly the enemies comes and he character and protagonist character in the command to his soldiers destroyed. Thranduil Hobbit film. Bilbo chooses by Gandalf to be does altruism in several times. fourteenth the member of group to journey e. Gandalf . He has wisdom and Gandalf is the wizard in this film. He bravery that rescues the Dwarves on multiple is the character who doesn’t care about the occasions and makes possible for them to the treasure of Erebore kingdom. He also cares end of their journey. Moreover, Bilbo gets a about the next of lives all people and stopped magic ring so that makes him invisible. This the darkness. He always gives the idea to ability makes him brave and to give help solve the problem and gives reprimand. others. In this film, Bilbo does altruism in Gandalf does altruism several in several several times. times. b. ThorinOakenshield V. Conlusion Thorin is the leadership of Dwarves The knowledges of social aspect in and heir to the title king under mountain. The literatures about film, like The Hobbit “The king under mountain or called Erebore was Battle of Five Armies” film. The writer hopes dying on the hand of orcs, so he is the only of that the other writers will interest and heirs Erebore Kingdom. When he gets the continue the research in this film, with mountain, he becomes greedy and obsessed different paradigm. The writer believes that, with health. He ignored to share of the The Hobbit “The Battle of Five Armies” film treasure of Erebore kingdom to build Lake has many literature aspects can be analysed, Town. The rejection to give help of Lake especially in psychological and biographical People makes him arrogant, it is as the bad terms. The writer realizes that this researh still character or antagonist. But, everything has need a correction to be better because has changed after the enemies comes and threaten many mistaken in written. The writer also all people include man, dwarves, Elves. need suggestion relates to this topic. So that, Suddenly, he becomes a hero to give help in this journalcan helps other writer to other occasions. So, the character has changed understand about altruism and to be reference from antagonist to protagonist or called as for the next research. round character. Thorin give help in several The writer suggests to the reader, to time. imitate type of altruism in reader lives. c. Bard Altruism is best acts in relationship between In this film, Bard is the protagonist other. Moreover, altruism can build up the character and he has three kids. Bard is the happiness in family, friends or group. Firstly, people of Lake Town. After the master of the altruism doing in family is a family as town was die because the dragon burned the friendship and gets a pleasure in your family town. So he becomes a hero to save people then ignore. Then, altruism doing in other lake town with his ability of shot with bow people or friends, be a partner for other and and black arrow and he called as the dragon gets the new worlds. Last, doing altruism in slayer. Afterwards, the people want to make group is a new family in group and gets the him king, but Bard doest begin with trouble. new family who is always caring. As human He leads army of men and leads all people of social, the writer suggests to the reader for Lake Town to Erebore kingdom to ask a help. don’t ignore someone help to other. Each Brad does altruism in several times. person was born with social status and they d. Thranduil cannot leave of the status as social human Thranduil is the king of Elves. He because human cannot live alone. The little comes to Erebore kingdom for two reason, things act the altruism is care the member of first to give help people of Lake Town and family. That is called as nepotistic altruism, then claim the treasure of Erebore kingdom. and the individual can do altruistic in your relation with other, such as your friends, etc. hand, altruism does sincere and be social Moreover, the individual also do altruism human. When individual can not to sincere, widely in your group. When the individual on disorder feeling comes. Individual is always the group and the activities more interested thinking and hopes the benefit get, whereas because has more people do, just not alone. that is creates restless and make unhappy in The atmosphere feeling creates the individual their life. In the end, the individual had not more confident and enjoyed the lives. choice can be a social human and acceptance Furthermore, do altruism in group makes the in society. The individual must to do altruism recipient infected by altruism behavior, and and begins with nepotistic, reciprocal, and then do the same thing as interrelationship based on group between human in social life. On the other

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