18 I 7.



01!' THB




liy l!utbort!1J :

JOHN FP:RRVS, I~OVF:IlNJifEN'l' PRlNTJ!tR, MELBOURNE. No 2. Al'PROXUfA.TB COST Oi' REPORTS. ;/!, •• d. Preparation ~bout 12 10 () l'rilltillg (1,600 copies) 97 0 0 Total £109 10 0


Summary.-Gold Mining Statistics for the Quarter ended 31st December 1876. ' . Table showing the Yiefd of Gold from certain parcels of Quartz raised during the Quarter in some of the Deepest Mines in ; with Depth of the deepest Shafts, J,evels, (]ross-cuts, &e. Estimated Yield of Gold and Quantity of Gold Exported during the Quarter ended 31st December 1876, p. 5. Gold received at and issued from the Royal Mint during the quarter ended 31st December 1876, p. 5. Summary of Yield of Gold from Quartz, Quartz Tailings, &c., crushed dm:ing the Quarter ended 31st December 1876, 6 SummJ>;y ~f Yield of Gold from Washdirt and Cement washed and crushed during the Quarter ended 31st December 1876, p. 16. Number and Distribution of Miners on the Goldfields of the Colony, 31st December 1876, p. 19. BALLARAT MINING DISTRICT. Ballarat Central Division Mr, D. Christy, Mining Registrar... •.. 7, 14, 15, 16, IS, 19,23 Ballarat Southern Division Mr. George Perry, Mining Registrar ... 7, 18, 19, 23 Buninyong Division Mr. Robert M. Harvey, Mining Surveyor and Registrar ... 7, 14, 19, 23 Smythesdale Division Mr. John Lynch, Mining Surveyor and Registrar · ••• 7, 18, 19, 24 Creswick Division ..• Mr. James Stevenson, Mining Surveyor and.Hegistrar 7, 14, 15, 19, 24 Gordon Subdivision 'Mr. Thomas Cowan, Mining Surveyor and Registrar . 8, 19, 25 Steiglitz Subdivision Mr. 0. W. Collins, Mining Registrar ••• . .. S, 15, 19, 25 Blackwood Division and Blue Mountain ~outh Mr. John F. Hansen, Mining Registrar s, 15, 18, 19, 26 Subdivision Ballan Subdivision ..• Mr. S. Cooper, Mining Registrar 8, 19, 26

·· BEECHWORTH MINING DIS~rRICT. Beech worth Division ~h. Alexander Alderdice, Mining Registrar s, 15, 16, 19, 26 Yackandandah Division Mr. P. Wright, Mining Surveyor and Registrar s, 19, 27 Indigo Division Mr. R. Arrowsmith, Mining Registrar ••. 8, 16, 20, 27 Buckland Division .•. Mr. Lewis C. Kinchela, Mining Hegistrar 9, 15, 20,27 Alexandra Subdivision Mr. R. W. S. Greig, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 9, 14, 20, 27 Dry Creek Subdivision Mr. J. Pemberton, Mining Registrar ...... 20,27 Gaffney's Creek Subdivision ... Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 9, 20,28 Wood's Point Subdivision Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, Mining Surveyor and Registrar ••• 10, 15, 20, 28 Big River Subdivision Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 10, 20, 28 Mitta Mitta Division Mr. W. H. Cochrane, Mining Registrar 10, 20, 28 Jamieson Subdivision Mr. W. H. Edwarus, Mining Registrar 10, 20, 28 SANDHURST MINING DISTRICT. Sandhurst Division ... Mr. N. G. Stephens, Mining Registrar 10, 14,' 15, 16, 20, 29 Kilmore Division Mr. James W. Os born, Mining Registrar ••• 20,30 Heatheote Division and Waranga South Sub- Mr. J. T. Strong, Mining Surveyor and Registrar ... 10, 14, 20, 30 division Waranga North Subdivision ... Mr. Henry Hicks, Mining Registrar ... 10, 14, 20, 30 :r.IARYBOROUGH MINING DISTRICT. Maryborough Division Mr. P. Virtue, Jun., Mining Registrar . 11, 16, 18, 20,30 Majorca Subdivision Mr. John M. Murphy, Mining Registrar ... 11, 21, 31 Amherst Division .. . Mr. Joseph Smith, Mining Surveyor and Registrar ll, 14, 16, 21, 31 Avoca Subdivision .. . Mr. D. O'Leary, Mining.Surveyor and Registrar ... 11, 14, 21,31 M· W G C h M' . S d R • t { ll, 14, 16• Dunolly and Tarnagnlla Division r.. . . ouc man,~ mmg urveyor an eg1s rar ... 18 ·•21 31 Inglewood Division ••• Mr. W. H. Cofi'ey, Mining Registrar ... 12, 16, 18; 21: 32 Wedderburn Division· Mr. J. Reo.ch, Mining Registrar ... ••. 21, 32 Hedbank Subdivision Mr. D. O'Leary, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 21, 32 St. Arnaud South Subdivision Mr. W. G. Couchman, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 12, 14, 15, 21, 32 St. Arnaud North Subdivision Mr. W. G. Couchman, Mining Surveyor and .Registrar ... 12, 14, 21, 32 CA$TLEMAINE MINING DISTRICT. Castlemaine Di~ision Mr. T. L. Brown, Mining Surveyor and Registrar ·12, 14, 15, 17, 21, 32 Fryer's Creek Division Mr. Mark Amos, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 12, 17, 18, 21, 33 IIepburn Division ...... M:t:. Thos. Hale, Mining Registrar 12,17, 18, 21, 33 Taradale and Kyneton Subdivision Mr. Thomas Orwin, Mining Registrar ••. ... 12, 21, 34 Tarrangower Division Mr. Robt. Nankivell,Mining Surveyor and Registrar 13, 14, 17, 21, 34 St. Andrew's Division Mr. Alfred Arm strong, Mining Surveyor and Registrar... 13, 22, 34 Blue Mountain North Subdivision Mr. Graham McPherson, Mining Registrar 22, 34 ARARAT MINING DISTRICT. Ararat Division Mr. Thos. Foyster, Mining Registrar...... 13, IS, 22, 35 Pleasant Creek Division Mr. H .C. Bate, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 13, 14, 18, 22, 35 Barkly Division Mr. H. C. Bate, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 22,35 Raglan Division Mr. C;W. Minchin, Mining Registrar ... li, 22, 35 GIPPSLAND MINING DISTRICT. Omen Subdivision ... Mr. W. Phipps, Mining Registrar ... , .. 13, 22,86 Mitchell River Subdivision Mr. John Grimns Peers, Mining Surveyor and Hegistrar 22,36 Boggy Creek Subdivision Mr. J. Smith, Mining Hegistrar .. . ••• ... 22,36 Division Mr. Jn,mes Travis. ~dining Re!!iStTa.r ... 13, 22, 36 Jericho Division Mr. R. J. Donaldson, Min'ing Registrar ... 22,36 Donnelly's Creek Division Mr. 0. P. Whitelaw, Mining Surveyor and Registrar 13, 22, 36 Stringer's Creek Division Mr. E. S. Gutteridge, Mining Registrar ... •.. 13, }5, 22, 3! Aberfeldy Subdivision Mr. J. McCann, Mining liegistrar ... 22,31 Russell's Creek Division Mr. C. H. William~. :Mining Registrar .•. 17, 22,37 Bendoc Subdivision Mr .•Tohn Nichol, Mining Registrar ... 13, 22, 37 Tarwin Subdivision Mr. G. R. Murphy, Mining- Hegistrar ... 13, 22, 37 Traralgon Subdivision ~h. C. Denis, Mining Registrar ... 22, 37 APPENDix.-Table showing the Number of Miners ot.her than Gold employed d11ring t.hc Qu:trter 38 A2 ,'!'i SUMMARY.


TABLE SHOWING APPROXIMATELY THE NUMBER OF MINERS EMPLOYED, THE MACHINERY IN USE AND ITS VALUE, ON THE SEVERAL GOLDFIELDS IN THE COLONY OF VICTORIA.. . ( Oompilerlfrom t!te Mining Surveyors and Registrars~ Repo1'ts for fhe Quartet' enrlell 31st IJecember 1876.)


'Number Number of ·of Price of Gold DISTRICT, DIVISION, Approxima.te Square distjnct per ounce. Value Miles of Qu&rtz AND or Auriferous Reefs ~Iiniug Gro.und ""tually RUBDIVISION. Plant. actually proved worked to be upon. AuriferoUil. ----;----

From 'To

------~·-----1·------~------DALLARAT, £ £ s. d, £ •. d. Centra.! Division • • • .. • • 524 160 1,472 10 49 2,695 52 26 21 -I 24 52 1,189 - 429 4 - 18 - 119,900 39 24 4 2 0 4 3 0 Southern Division • • • • • . 547 330 lOO z,M¥ 2 . 35 1 18 3 11 40 6 1 8 144 - 46 - 4 3 - 20,000 11 17 4 1 6 4 2 9 Buninyong Division . • • • • •. 260 100 250 30 640 16 320 9 1 19 7 14 11 10 210 - 68 2 - 6 - 32,000 16 13 4 0 0 4 2 0 Bmythes


'{ DISl'RlOT, DIVISION, :llip of the Reef Dip of the Strike of the Depth of AND Width the NAME OF COMPANY. NAME OF REEF. of the Ileef. from Shoot Reef NAME OF COMPANY, REMARKS. the Horizon. of Quartz. (Bearing). deepest SUBDIVISION. Cross-cut.

EALLARAT. Tons. Oz. dwt. gr. Ft. in. Feet. Feet. Feet. Central Division, New Kohinoor 0 6 H lOto 15 0 E.20' N.IO'E. New V ictorta 71 Southern Division Hopewcll Tribute W.-70' 0 2 5 8 O" N.ll'W. Hope well 52~ 500 500 * A well-defined lode, nuninyoug Division Imperial 0 3 2 Sto 35 0 W.64' Varies N.5'W. Imperial 406 400 320 Smythesdale Division •• Consols .. 0 3 3 ·. f 4 reef~ ·E. 30' 4 reefs N. E. Port Phlllip Clunes ,. 7,949 0 5 15* 2 N. s• Port Philllp .. 1,041 990 990 to 30 0 l2 reefs w. 30' N. I reef N. 8' W. { 1\00 "' Including pyrites. Crcswick Division 1,100 VIctoria shaft J · { New North ·cluncs Clunes 320to 1,000 4,265 0 7 14• lltoS o N. N. a' E. { New North Clunes ClnJ;les 1,012 1,005 1,005 Pumping shalt * Includlng:J>yrites. ;J,oo:; Winding shaft Gordon Subdivision f MincrvtJ •• lllincrva 266 0 11 0 3 f Millerva ll!inhva 265 Steiglitz Subdivision { 265 265 The shaft of the A.lbipn Company is· 875ft. ~eep, but it is not now In work. Elaine Lindsay aoo 0 9 5 1 0 [Eln!ne .. Lindsay 300 300 aoo Blackwood Division nnd Blue Monntnln Sultan .. Sultan and others 165 to 700 0 Ill 17 From·6in. Varies Varies N.ll'W. Sultan .. Sultan and others 715 700 700 Not sinking. South Subdivision to 6 11. Baliau Subdivision I.. BEECTIWORTB. I Beech worth Division .,. Reform •• Iteform, Myrtleford 260 1,422 0 12 12 10 0 w. s. ·N. Dalennd Co. Excelslo:r, Woomgee •• 310 310 Yaclumd:mdo.h Division· Bigelow and Clingan Homeward-bound 400 642 0 6 6 Bigelow and Clingan Horjleward-bolllld 450 400 Indigo Division lllagenta 1\fa.gcuta 180 to 200 ISO o 9 o• 9 0 N.W,4o' N.23'W. lfagenta Magenta 320' 22() 220 * Sometimes as great a width as 18ft: Is taken-9ft. is tlle average. Buckland Division navis, Breen, and Co. Ti 0 2 14 6 () North Old Chum Ne'y Chum 1,908 Not sinking) K!lmorc Division l ,.. Heathcote Division and ·Waranga -South Costei'field Costerfield 180 to 240 340 0 10 (} E,4()" s. Costerfteld CoS\crJiclct 620 Subdivision Waranga North Subdivision Alison •• Alison 200 240 o ·1o o 0> Variable N. 20' W. Alison Alishn 280 265

MARYBOIWUGH. Bristol Hill •• ::l!aryborough Division •. Cambriau Jlfosquito 300 297 0 9 15 f Western 403 396 l Great Extended •• Biucher•s 4ijl) 450 :Majorca SuM! vision •• Prince Allreil l'Tince Al!rcd 374 lOll 1 1 Amherst Division Prince of Wales Prince o~ 'Vales· 140 263 0 5 6 w. 70° Croydon 200 200 200 Avoca Subdiv!siim Queen's Birthday Beallbn !) 40° Dunolly nud Tarnngulla Divisions { 335 to 400 1,068 7 23 w. f Queen's Birthday Bcaliba 400 stopped nt present. Welcome Advance Be~>liba 210. 114 1 4 10 w. ( \Velcome •• Advance Bealiba 2.20 Inglewood and Wedderburn Divisions •• /, Foncs' •. Liliiputian •• 520 Greenock Reef Greenock 320 246 0 11 0 Samllmrst and St. Arnaud \Vilson's Hi11 600 U97 0 13 2 6 0· w. s. Sandhurst and St. Arnaud Willlon'sllill 600 600 Sinking. ::~d~:::~ :~~;~~:::d~:::::u.~divisions{ Chrysolite Tribul'l_ Chrysolite Tribute { St. Arnaud Cross Reef Bell Rock 370 452 0 3 20 6 0 w. s. St. Amaud Cross Reef .. Beliuock 400 400 Sinking stopped. CA$TLEMAINE. Little ::

ARAIIAT. Ararat Division Newington 1,!1'.!() 1,511) Oriental •• Scotchman's •• 1,060 219 2 9 0 Magdala • 1,106 1,685 1,685 • 1 10 12 Crown Cross Reef United .. }'!at 800 613 rPrin cc Patriek •• 1,500 1,350 I,JSO 1 Pleasant Creek DiviSion 800 912 1 8 6 ~ South Scotchman's •. 1,262 1,252 1,2!)2 1 15 0 J~·or additional information respectilJg deep mlning at Stawell see page 3o7· Pleasant Crook Cross Cross and Flat 800 1,885 Oricntnl .. •• l·· 1,141 l,OOO 1,060 800 1,998 1 3 21 West S{.,'Qtchman's • 4 ,.. 1,050 l · Urown Cross Reef United ~00 l :·· 1,045 900 Barkly Division Raglan Division ,,

QIPPSLAND. i Subdivision ll!ltchell mvcr and visions t Crooked River Division Gond Hope 520 102 0 11 s 1 W.7f1' N.W.70' N.W, Good llope Goof! Hope 100 500 700 Jericho Djvision 11 •• Donnelly's Creek Divialon 12 0 w. so• N. 30' 30' N.19'W. Long Tunnel ...· CohEm's 623 623 Cohcn's *243 to 523. 3,949 1 15 8 Walhn.Ua ., Stringer's Creek Division Cohen's •32.'> 3,901 0 16 22 5 6 \V. 76• to sa• N. 32" N.l9'W, Cohen's 485 485 * Below adlt. fNew North G!ppsland Co~cn's 324 324 • Below adit. AOOrfeldy Subdivision Rusl!ell's Creek Division Bendoc Subdivision I" f No. 1 South .. Golden Bar G

.NoTE.-Informatlon has been received l!howinst.hat the .Ncw!ngton ~haft, at Fleasant Creek, wns 1,030 feet in depth on:;the 17th January 1B77. Office of Mines, Melbourne, 19th January 1877. THOS. COUCHM.AN, No.2. for Mines.


FRolf information obtained from Gold Buyers and others by the Mining Surveyors and Mining Registrar& . the ToTAL QuANTITIES OF GoLD got respectively from ALLUVIUMS and QuARTZ REEFS are as follow:-·

' Alluvial. Quartz. Total.

dwt. oz. dwt. oz. dwt. Qua.rter ended 31st December 1876 ...... 79,274""· 17 149,365 8 228,640 5 "

THE QuANTITY OF GOLD, the produce of this Colony, ExPORTED, according to Returns furnished by order of the Honorable the. Commissioner of Trade and Customs, is as follows :-

oz. dwt. Quarter ended 3l~t December 1876 122,759 8

Nou.-In addition to the above, gold epeele from alli!Outcel was aported to the. value of £30lt,001.


STATEMENT of the Gross Weight of GoLll received at and issued from•t.he Melbourne Branch of the ROYAL MINT during the Quarter ended 31st December 1876.


Gross Weight of Rough Gross Weight of Gold Gross Weight of Coin. Gross Weight of Gold Gold. Bul11on. Bnlllon,

oz. oz. oz. oz. 24,669'07 133,563'53 153,833•502 709•891

Royal Mint, ROBERT HUNT, Aielbourne, 8th January 1877. Acting Deputy Master.

STATEMENT of VICTORIAN Gou.i received at the :Melboume Branch of the RoYAL MINT during the Quarter ended 31st December 1876.

Gross Weight of Rough Gold. Gross Weight of Gold Bullion,

oz. oz. 6,766•98 112,709'62

N<>'I'L-Tbe Mint has no evldenee beyond the statement oftbe depositors that the above is VIctorian gold.

Royal Mint, ROBERT HUNT, Melbourne, 8th Jaimary 1877. .Acting Deputy Maste1·, QUARTZ, QUARTZ TAILINGS, PYRITES, ETC.

•' l .SUMMARY.

,J! '· 1. "j · I "Jl I THE following information has been obtained relati.ve to the QuAN!I.TY OF QuA~T_z, QuA~T~ TAILINGS and MuLLOCK ·Crushed, and PYRITES and BLANKETINGS operated on, during the Quarter,· and the:· GoLD obtained therefrom :-

: ' ' ~~. : MINING DISTRICTS. .. Qu!uim:r o;,sheu! Total Yield of Gold from ,, I;\ Quart.£, &c.', Crus~~d. ' .. ; ' ' . . ,.. , r.:h- .. :; ·.

Quartz. tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr, oz. dwt. gr. Ba!la.rat r ...... 85,469 5 0 0 6 5•03 26,536 18 8 j~ ·~~·•• .. ,,, Beech worth ...... 22,959" 7 :o ·o. '12': 11•46 .14,320.- 15 14 Sandhurst_ .. , 0 10 13'27 44,929 2 21 ... - - ... ·"k".'!- -· '-. 1-·- 85,150 lO 0 Maryborough ••• ...... -· ... 7,6oC o· 0 •0 10 9•56 3,955 -I- 5 Castlemaine ...... ' ...... n 30,837 •· • o· o· .o '-7 1'57 10,894 4 23 Ararat ...... 21,775 0 0 0 17 2'75 18,633 6 I Gippsland ...... 8,768 0 0 l 4 7·50 10,659 18 0

Totals ...... 262,56~ __:_ 0 0 9 21'53 129,929 7 0 I ------Quartz Tailings and. Mullock. Ballarat ...... 405 0 0 0 3 20'27 77 17 0 Beechworth ...... II5 0 0 0 2 10'33 14 0 0 Sandhurst ...... 4,716 0 0 0 0 13'88 136 7 0 1\Iaryborough ..• ...... 2, J.i 7 0 0 0 :. 4 ,5'78 ·448, 17 18 Castlemaine ...... 872 0 0 0· ·1 ·7'70 ~· 57 ll 18 Ararat ...... 603 0 0 0 1 7'01 38 19 6 Gippsland ...... ' 0 1 18'06 773 12 18 Totals ...... ' ~ *. 8,828 0 0 -- Pyrlt~ 'and Blanketings operat~d on. Ballarat' ...... 314 10 '0 2 17' 18"96 908 15 0 Beech worth ...... 116 0 0 l 16 18'83 213 7 0 Sandhurst ... f ...... 989 0 0 2 9 o·I8 2,423 8 7 Maryborough ...... 10 0 0 4 0 0 40 0 0 Castlemaine ...... 108 0 0 2 I 9•37. 223 10 4 Ararat ...... Gippsland ...... 54 10 0 2 9 21•36 135 19 0 1- Totals ...... 1,592 0 0 2 9 13'44 3,944 19 ll

No1::s+-This Summary does nOt show the total qun.ntities of quartz, &c., crushed or-operated \on, but on1y 1he- yield of certain crushings;--&c., respecting which the ~fining Surveyors and Regi~trnrs have been able to obtain iniormation. Owing to the circumstance that many of thel machine .. owners are unable to give;or are precluded from giving, information, it ig impossihllJ: to get complete returns from every dis.trict; and in consideri11g the relative importance of euch distdct, as rcgnrds qnnrt.7. mining, &c. 1 the tables relating to machinery should be examiuetl and compared.

THOS. COUCHMAN, Of1ice of Mines, Secrebny for Mines. Melbourne, 19th January J 877. MINING· SURVEYORS AND REGISTRARS' RETURNSD

QUARTZ. THE following information has been obtained from Returns made by the Mining Surveyors and Registrars · relative to the QuANTITY OF QuARTZ Crushed in the several Divisions and Subdivisions of eaeh Mining District during the Quarter, and the GoLD obtained therefrom.

Divllllon and Subdivision, Average Remarks relative to the and Where Quartz was obtained. Quartz Crushed. Yield ol Gold Total Yield of Depth at which the Name of Company. per Ton. Gold. Quartz was obtained, &c.

tons cwt. qr, oz. dwt, gr, oz. dwt. gr. BALLARAT .MINING DISTRICT.

CENTRA.f, DIVISION. Temperance ...... ·Little Bendigo 1,400 0 0 0 5 15'34 394 15 6 400,650,7 50, &850feet New Welcome .•• .. . Dead-horse ... 2.270 0 0 0 3 5'84 368 3 0 250 feet New· Dimmock'a .•• •.. Little Bendigo 1,457 0 0 0 3 7'41 241 I 0 250 feet North Dimmock's .. . Little Bendigo 795 0 0 0 2, 7•42 91 16 0 200 feet Red, White, and Blue .. . Little Bendigo 312 0 () 0 2 10'91 a& 6 6 70 to 200 feet . Black Hill ... ••• .Black Hill ... 2,823 0 0 0 5 21•65 833 2 12 200 feet United Black Hill ••• Black Hill Flat 1,743 0 0 0 6 6•53 546 12 6 200 feet Parade ..• ... •.. Black Hill Flat 450 0 0 1 5 6"52 568 12 6 200 to 380 feet Black Hill South Extended Black Hill Jj'Jat 143 0 0 0 3 19•75 27 6 17 200 feet Countess ••• .. . Black Hill Flat 725 0 0 0 8 0'18 290 5 12 50 to 300 feet Duchess ...... Black Hill Flat 518 0 0 0 8 9'54 217 10 1 200 feet Llanberris ••• . .. Gum-tree Flat 3,708 0 0 0 2 6'02 417 7 12 90 to 300 feet Don ...... Gum-tree Flat 1,012 0 0 0 2 14 130 14 8 200 feet Britannia .•• ••• Specimen Gully 438 0 0 0 3 0'15 65 16 21 230 feet Endeavor ...... Specimen Gully 270 0 0 0 5 12'51 74,1018 40 to 140 feet Manners' Lease .. • •.. Canadian ... 805 0 0 0 8 16•32 349 7 11 20 to 1oo feet Sovereign ...... Golden Point ... 1,890 0 0 0 1 23•77 188 2 6 400 to 650 feet New Koh-i-noor ... •.. Ballarat West... 3,711 0 0 0 6 14•30 1,223 18 0 275 feet Speedwell ...... Poverty Point 420 0 0 0 1 10•28 30 0 0 13o'feet Crushed (on hire) by seven 4,762 0 0 0 &'22'97 2,132 13' 13 different batteries Crushed (on hire) by tile 55 0 0 0 15 21•38 • 43 14 0 Britannia battery Totals ... 29,707 0 0 0 5 !3·69 8,273 15 11 I . SouTBERN DIVlSION.

Hopewell Tribute .. . Staffordshire Reef 1,140 0 I) 0 2 5'69 127 10 4 1 120 to 200 feet, 8 feet wide Speedwell Tribute ... Staffordshire Reef 184 0 0 0 1 16"43 15 10 o· 180feet(trialcruslling) Crushed (on hire) by the Hooper's Hill ... 28 0 0 0 3 16'28 5 3 0 30 feet (trial crushing) New Kangaroo battery Turner and party ... · Break-o'-Day .•• 2,096 0 0 0 3 14'86 379 6 0 20 to 60 feet, 8 feet thick Grant and party ...... Break-o'-Day ... 340 0 0 0 2 17'14 i 46 2 21 30 to 40 feet, 2 feet thick 1----~----~--~----!------Totals ... '3,788 0 0 0 3 0•68 573 12 1 BUNINYONG DIVISION. Imperial ••• Hiscock's Reef ... 2,091 0 0 0 3 2:92 326 7 12 2oo, 260, and 320 feet ,~ Hiscock's Reef ... 681 o o o 3 4"83 Hl9 o o One-and-All West Reef ...... 104 o 0 3 7•56 17 4 18 { o 80 feet . Fairweather Reef ... 424 o o o 6 2'85 129 14 9 so feet Various parties ...... Hiscock's and Scotchma.n's · 537 0 0 0 6 19'94 183 8 6 20 to 100 feet line of reefs ~------· _' ______------

Totals ...... i 3,837 0 0 ! 0 3 23'79 765 14 21 SMYTHESD..lLB DIVISION. 1------Smythesdale Consols ... German Reef, Smythesdale ·320 0 0 0 3 3 50 l 0 100 and 150 feet Eclipse ...... Lancashire Reef, Newlown 1GO 0 0 0 1 18•67 14 4 11 120 feet Linton ...... Argyle, Lint

QU.Al'iTITY of QuARTZ Crushed in each Division and Subdivision during the Quarter, &c.-continued.

Average Remarks relative to the Division and Subdivision, of Where Qll&rh was obtained. Quartz Crushed. Yield of Gold Total Yield Depth a.t whicb the and Gold. Kame of Compa~y. per Ton. Quartz wa.s obtained, &c.

GORDON SUBDIVISION. tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. Parker's United '...... Gordon 1,685 0 0 1,1601912 385to420feet United Miners ... Gordon 32 0 0 0 7 0 ll. 4; o From surface to 18 feet Argyle ... • .• Moorabool 56 0 0 0 4 6'86 12 o 0 Surface Sundry lots* 4,653 •0 0 0 7 3'52 1,6ti2 .15 2

Totals .•. 6,426 0 0 0 8 20'66 2,846 18 14 STEIGLITZ SUBDIVISION. 1·-----~-----1------! ' Nimrod .•• ...... Steiglitz 35 0 0 1 0 '15"08 36 2 0 Fielding :tnd Co. .•. ... Steiglitz 14 0 0 I 12 12 22 15 0 Shields a.nd Co. .. • .• • itz . 20 15 0 1 2 o·57 22 17 0 Cole ...... Jitz l lO 0. 4 0 0 6 0 0 Minerva ...... Elaine 655 0 0 0 11 4"28 366 2 0 265 feet Elaine .. . •• • Elaine 78 0 0 0 9 4 35 15 0 300 feet Golden Gate ...... Elaine 44 0 0 I 3 15'27 52 0 o. Great Western .• . .. . Elaine 27 0 0 0 18 12'44 25 0 0 Morning Star· ...... J<:taine 126 IO 0 0 10 14'22 67 0 0 Wee Speck .. . .•. Elaine 39 10 0 1 5 7'59 50 0 0 Mortimer and Co. ... Elaine 10 0 0 0 15 19•20 7 18 0 The Plimsoll ...... Elaine 6 0 0 0 10 0 3 0 0 Old Triumph ... .. • , Elaine 3 0 0 1 5 0 .3 15 0 Juno ...... i Elaine 208 10 0 0 6 8•51 66 5 0 ---'------·--1----·- BLACKWOOD DIVISION ! Totals ... 15 0 0 12 1'21 764 9 0 AND BLUE MouNTAIN SOUTH j • SUBDIVISION. ' Sultan ...... 1, Barry's Reef .. . 3,325 0 0 0 12 17'77 2,118 3 0 165 to 700 feet Mounter Bros. .•• ... Barry's Reef .. . 52 0 0 1 18 17•54 100 14 0 250 feet Mounter Bros. Tributers ... , Barry's Reef ... 103 0 0 () 3 5'59 16 13 () 200 feet Annie Lauric ...... i Barry's Reef ... 144 0 0 0 3 3'82 22 14 22 75 feet Big Hill ... •.. I Simmons' Reef' 2,310 0 0 0 1 2"88 129 7 0 200 feet Imperial ... : Simmons' Reef 200 0 0 0 0 14"58 6 l 12 100 feet Crown ...... •. ·1Simmons' Reef 750 0 0 0 3 8'54 125 17 0 140 feet Cornish •...... Simmons' Reef 50 0 0 0 6 8'04 I 5 16 IS 140 feet Victoria...... •. Yankee Reef ... 228 0 0 0 5 13•89 63 12 0 90 feet Morning Star ••. •. • Bald Hill .•. 270 0 0 0 5. 8'53 72 6 0 30 feet North'Brita.in ...... Wright's Reef 187 0 0 0 2 14'34 24 5 18 50 feet North Star ...... Union Reef •.• 61 lO 0 0 13. 15'41 41 19 0 50 feet

Totals •.• 7,680 10 o 1 3·os 2,737 9 22 BALI,AN SUBDIVISION. Ashton's .. Freehold (private) Blakeville road 27 0 :I 2 0 0 54 o o About 140 feet • }j'romlesseos' retu1·n~ received in the Office of J\.lines. BEECHWORTH MINING DIS'fRIQT.

BEECJIWORTH DIVISION. Reform ...... Myrtleford ...... 1,422 0 0 0 12 12•11 889 2 o 1260 feet Condy and Co...... Myrtleford ...... 12 0 0 0 11 0 6 12 0 Surface Matthews and Co. ... Bufialo ...... 2<1 0 () 0 13. 8 16 0 0 so feet Rath's Reef • ...... Palmerston ...... 12 0 () 0 14 8 8 12 () 50 feet Washington Reef ... Stony Creek ... 26 0 0 1 15 14•76 46 6 0 70 feet Waterloo ...... Barwidgee ...... 150 0 o· 0 10 0 75 0 0 120.feet . Wallaby ...... Hurdle Flat ...... 358 0 0 0 5 0 89 10 0 140 feet Rose of Denmark ... Hurdle Flat ...... 4 0 0 0 6 0 I 4 0 50 feet Sunday Heef ...... Three-mile Creek .. . 12 0 0 I 1 0 !2 12 0 90 feet Stonewall ...... Hurdle Flat ...... 3 0 0 1 5 0 3 15 0 30 feet Juvenile ...... Stony Creek ...... 130 0 0 1 0 0 130 0 0 90 feet Totals ...... 2,153 ·o 0 0 11 21'06 1,278 13 0 YAC:S:ANDAND.UI DIVISION. Bigelow 11.nd Clingan ... Homeward-bound Reef, 642 0 0 0 6 6'06 200 14 0 400 feet Hillsborough Str' 470 0 0 0 5 7•15 .124 10 0 150 feet No. l' Prospecting ••• ! ...... ( Pride·R~ef ...... lO 0 0 3 4 0 32 0 0 40 feet Keep-it-Dark Reef ... ll 10 0 0 12 4'17 7 0 0 Near surface Iron Hand Reef ... 34 0 0 () 3 12•71 6 0 0 Near surface All on Twist's Creek-J Perseverance Reef ... 21 0 0 \) 10 11'43 11 0 0 Near surface Crushed at Bolam's mill, l. Independent Reef ... 29 10 0 0 6 19•52 10 l 0 Near surface Twist's Creek .•• Petty Reef ...... 13 0 0 0 4 14•77 3 0 0 Near surface Try Again Reef ... 23 10 0 3 10 12'25 '82 17 0 Near surface Totals ...... 1,254 10 0 0 7 14•55 477 2 0 INDIGO DIVISION. Ru therglen Reef&. Harris and Hollow ... Great Eastern Reef ... 626 0 0 2 7 1•87 1,473 11 0 50 to 100 feet Edwards and Co ...... Two-to·One Reef ... 23 0 0 2 10 10'43 58 0 0 lOO to 120 feet. Various (trial crusbings) ... Various reefs ...... 80 0 0 0 15 18"60 63 2 0 Surface to 100 feet Chiltern Reifs, Chinese·...... Indigo Lead ...... 24 10 0 I 7 17'14 33 19 0 2uo feet from surface Magenta· ...... Magenta• Heefs .. . ISO 0 0 0 9 0'26 SI 2 0 I so to 200 feet Magenta. (public crushings) Various reefs ...... 94 0 0 0 7 2'80 33 9 0 Surface to 120 feet 1- Totals ...... 1,027 10.0 l 13 22'31 l,i43 3 0 9

QuANTITY of QUARTZ Crushed in each Division and Subdivision during the Quarter, &c.-continued,

Division and Subdivision, I Average· Remarks relative to the Total Yield or Depth at w h!ch the and Where Quartz was obtained. Quartz Crushed. Yield of Gold Gold. Name of Company. per Ton. Quartz was obtained, &c. ------i----·------BuCKLAND DIVISION. Buchland. tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. John Butler ...... Keating's Creek Reef ... 20 0 0 0 18 7•20 18 6 0 40 feet Douglas and Co...... West Briton Reef 20 0 0 4 17 I2 97 10 o SO feet Maguire and Co. ..• ... Never-too-late Reef ... 15 0 0 I 9 8 22 0 0 Surface H. Traulsen •. . ••. Doubtful Reef 4 0 0 2 17 I2 ll I 0 0 Surface Red Jacket ...... Vietorian Reef .•. 10 0 0 I I7 0 IS IO o 40 feet Keane and Co...... , Lady Bow en Reef ... 27 0 0 0 16 7•11 22 0 0 50 feet Sheppen and Co...... Mary Anne Reef ... 4 0 0 3 I7 I2 15 10 o 25 feet Anderson and Co. .•• Miner's Right Reef .•. 28 0 0 2 16 10'28 79 0 0 Surface Hall and Co. ... ••• Robin Reef ...... 8 0 0 0 I5 0 6 o o 70 feet P. Radcliffe .• . ... Reliance Reef... . •• 9 0 0 0 17 I3'33 7 IS 0 Surface Grant and Co. ... .•• Leinster Reef...... 10 0 0 2 5 I4•40 22 I6 o 75 feet 0. Anderson and Co. ... Lady Darling Reef •.• 77 0 0 1 0 16'21 79 I2 0 40 feet Nuttall and Co. ... United Cockatoo Heef .•. 10 0 0 0 8 I4 40 4 6 0 Surface Paulassey and Co. · .•. Harp of Erin Reef ... 45 0 0 2 2 5•33 95 o o 60 feet Brogan and Co. .. • • . . . Hibernian Reef ..• 90 0 0 0 18 18•13 84 8 o 30 feet J. Thorp ••• . ... Eclipse Reef .•. . •• 17 0 0 0 12 11•29 10 12 0 Surface Ho ward and Co. •• . ... : Perseverance Reef .. . 4-0 0 0 0 10 3 20 5 o Surface O'Connell and Co. .•. Rip-and-Tear Reef .. . 8 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 o Surface R. Anderson ...... Little Wonder Reef .•• 24 0 0 I 6 16 32 0 0 85 feet Running Creek. Hope ..• New Happy Valley Reef 276 0 0 o. 12 9•39 171 0 0 Surface to 140 feet . Osborne and Co. .. . . •• Magpie Reef ...... 374 0 0 0 i2 4'36 227 16 0 200 to 300 feet Walden, Newton, and Co .... Homeward-bound Reef••• 500 0 0 0 6 21'12 172 0 0 100 to 300 feet E. M. Gill ..• . .• Stackey Gully Reef ••• 70 0 0 0 ll 10'28 40 o 0 I30 feet · Noone and Co. ••• . .• Stackey Gully Reef ••. 8 0 0 2 16 6 22 10 o Not stated Johnston Stephens ... Good Ternplar Reef ... 62 0 0 0 8 9•29 26 0 0 100 feet Harrietville. Robins and Co. .. . .•• Revival Reef ... 76 0 0 I 2 8•84 85 0 0 Surface to 70 feet Davis and Co. •...... Tiddledeeadle Reef 10 0 0 12 16 0 128 0 o 250 feet Sloan and Co. (tribute) ... Never-too-late Reef ..• IIO 0 0 0 6 0 33 o o 40 to 50 feet W andiligong. J. Rawlings ...... Oriental Reef ... •.• 9 0 0 1 7 0 12 3 0 Not stated Naunce and others •.. Three small lots, var. reefs 30 0 0 0 6 I3•60 9 17 0 Not stated Mills and Willllims ... 26 0 0 0 6 'JO·H:i 8 7 0 Not stated J. Gregory .•• . •• Victoria. Reef... •.. I4 0 0 0 9 0 6 6 o Not stated J. La:ffer ...... Northumberland Reef .•• I4 0 0 0 9 15•43 6 15 0 Not stated Murray and Boyle .•• Grace Darling Reef ... 3 0 0 4 6 0 12 18 0 Surface R. Rowe and Co...... Esse.x: Reef ••. . .• 62 0 0 1 2 12 69 15 0 50 feet Smith and Lidston ... Home Reef ...... 143 0 0 0 3 13•59 25 10 0 Not stated Michaeles and Co. .. . Strokes' Reef •. . •• . 4 0 0 1 I o 4 4_ 0 Not stated S. Kinkade, Ist lot ... South Pioneer Reef ... IO 0 0 0 16 0 8 0 0 'surface S. Kinkade, 2nd lot ... South Pioneer Reef •.. 12 0 0 0 8 8 5 0 0 Surface S. Richards ...... Bulldog Reef...... 8 0 0 1 ·6· 6 lO 10 o Not stated Rickards and Co...... Gunnie's Lake Reef ... 39 0 0 0 4 14•77 9 0 0 lOO feet Halvey and Co. ... Ebenezer Reef(?) ... 26 0 0 0 IO 0 13 0 0 Surface Barnett, Cook, and Co. . •. Nil Desperandurn Reef... 9 0 0 0 14 10'66 6 lO 0 40 feet Herrnan and Co...... Goldsborough Ueef ... 52 0 o 1 0 0 52 0 o 60 feet Ca.tbcart, Dunphy, and Co. South Myrtle Reef ... 689 0 0 0 6 2'30 210 0 0 200 feet Jones, Fraser, and Co. . .. Albion Reef ... 123 0 0 0 7 15'41 47 0 0 170 feet James, Green, and Lazonby London Reef ...... 1,445 0 0 0 16' 21'26 1,220 0 0 300 feet Sundry small lots ... Fraser's Mill Reef ... 36 0 0 0 10 0 18 0 0 McLean, Bruce, and Co. .. . Eng!ishand.WelshReef 188 o o o I4 16.·85 138 4 o 200 feet Hood and Coutts...... Try Again Reef .•. 209 o o 1 I9 0·23 40-7 13 -o ISO to 240 feet Oxenham and Co. .. . Kangaroo Reef ... 11 0 0 0 18 13'71 IS o 0 Surface Orchard and Co...... • Old Wallaby Reef ... 9 o 0 2 16 5·33 25 6 o Surface Attridge and Co...... • Tama.r Reef ••• . . . 5 0 0 I I 0 5 5 o lOO feet Fletcher, Clingan, and Co ... . Hillsborough Reef ... 550 o o o 12 3·49 334 o o Surfaee to 60 feet Moore and Co. ••• .. . Break-of-Day Reef ... 120 0 0 I -5 0 150 0 0 1 ISO feet ~. Dwyer and Co...... Shamrock Reef .•. 12 0 o 0 11 2 , 6 13 o 40 feet Gill and Taylor ... Golden Bar Reef 40 0 o 0 6 0 I I2 0 o 20 feet Johnston Stephens. North White Star Reef... 60 0 o 0 H 8 34 o o 150 feet Totals... --5,--9-08--0-0-I·-O-l-5--0-.4-3- 4,4365----;;- ALEX.A.NimA SuBDIVISION. Lenney and party 150 0 0 I 9 11'52 221 2 0 50 feet Perseverance Tribute 40 0 0 0 5 9•75 IO 16 6 160 feet Norton and party 6 0 0 I 6 0 7 I6 0 25 feet Merton Gold and Antimony Merton 76 0 0 0 I2 5•45 46 9 6 90 feet Tea-tree Welcome Reef IOl 0 0 0 11 7•84 57 4 0 210 feet Kean and party ... Emu Reef 12 0 0 0 15 21 9 10 12 so feet Selby and party .•• Emu Reef 51 0 0 0 10 5·I8 26 I 0 100 feet Know les and party Emu Reef 12 0 0 2 L 10 24 I7 0 60 feet Chaffe, Haley, and party Emu Reef 35 0 0 0 7 l9'89 13 I4 0 50 feet Chaffe and party ... Emu Reef 2 0 0 0 18 0 I 16 0 SO feet .Tohnson and party Emu Reef 15 0 0 0 7 9•60 5 11 0 70 feet .Harris and party••• Emu Reef 7 0 0 0 2 I•7I 0 H 12 40 feet McColl and party Fiery Reef 8 0 0 0 10 9 4 3 0 130 feet

GAFFNET's CREEK Sua- Totals ... 5I5 0 0 0 16 16'52 429 14 1'2 DIVISION. The A I Castle Heef 200 o o 1 13 17·64 337 7 o About 60 feet Victoria Homeward-bound Reef... 1,000 o o o I 4·04 58 8 16 About 250 feet Hunt's ... Homeward-bound Reef... 1,100 o o o 3 3·18 172 5 20 About SO feet_ Royal WallabyReef...... 1 600 o o o 2 1·58 61 19 12 About 90 feet Wallaby ·Wallaby Reef...... 1 400 0 o o 4 18 i 95 o o About 90 feet Rose of Denmark EurekaHeef ...... ,~~-0-~ I1'94~~~ About 300 feet

Totals ...... 3,700 0 o 0 4 7'13 1 795 0 o 10

QUANTITY of QuARTZ Crushed in each Division Subdivision

~Division and Subdivision, I , Average Total Yield of i Remarks relative to the Nan;e o~C~~p~y. I.. ;~~re ~u~;~ ::a: o:~lned. I-Qua-rt_z_c_ru_s_h_ed_. I-Y-~-!~_o_Jo_~-~-ld_, ___a_o,_ld_. __ ,._,Q_u,_:?r_"~_\_h".._";_; __bh-~-~~-·-~-~_':!._e_.

. . • ~on~· cwt.. qr. oz. dwt. g!': . • oz. dwt. gr. Woon's PoiNT ~tml>IVISioN: .,_ . : !lorning Star Prospectors Morning Star Reef 1,300 o; ·0 0 4 .}:14 263· 2 ·0 Surfacing .. - •· · Thwaites and party Gooley's Creek Reef 30 o· .o 0 '8 '•0 - 12 0 0 About 30 feet Hope .,. ... ·' ' .•. Morning Star Reef 478 0 0 Q 5 ll•72 131 3 12 About 350 feet Prince of Wales .. . All Nations Reef ~ ... 500 0 0 0 l ·11·52 37 0'0 About 150 feet Never Mind ... l ... Never Mind Reef 450 0, 0 0. 0 9'60 9 0 0 Surface · I ~- I ' 2,758 d 0 0 ·3 6'71 452 5 .12 BIG RIVER SUBDIVISION. .• ',rotals .• : I ••• --· ------Unknown ...... Unknown Reef 170 0 0 0 5 0 42 10 0 About lOO feet Londonderry Tribute .•• I Rmlway Re:ef · . 200 ·o. o o 3 .7·20 33 0 ·0 About 300 feet . . I . ' .

MITTA MITTA Drnszox. Totals •.• 370 0 0 0 4· 1•94 ' 75 10 .. o 1------,- ___:__ ----· Smith and Salsberg (public) Bethanga · 1,040 0 0 0 18 19•78 978 17 '0 20 to 60 ·feet Redelin and Davies (public)· Bethanga ·· i,ooo o· o 1 o o ·. , ·1,ooo- o o 60 feet Wm. Rhodes, &c. (public) .•. Bethanga 921 ci 0 0 17 17•28 816 0 0 25 to SO feet Empress (public) · • ... Bethan.ga ... 5oo o ·o 1 o ·o · 5oo o o 60 feet I ' \__;_~--·--·-· --- JAJIUlllSQN SUB:PI'VISION·. ~otals ".'. 3,461 c o . o· 19 o·9~ 3,294 17 o Alabama ...... Flume ,Creek ... 123 U 0 I 6 3 6·98 762 17 6 200 feet Mack's Creek · ... •.• MaCk:'s:creek .;; 24 ( 0 1 9 8 35 4 0 200 feet Gleeson's Lease .. • . .. Sailor Bill's Creeli 1,584 ( 0 0 5 22'14 469 1 12 350 feet Venture ••• . •. Mack's' Creek.!. 50 ( ' 0 0 19 14•40 49 0 0 100 feet Sailor Bill's :.. ... Sailor ~ill's 'Creek· . 80 1 0 '0 14 11·~2 22 2 20 150 feet I I . . . ~~tal.s ••• 1,812 0


SANDHURST DIVIsioN. ) ' - ~ . ,.' ·. i A be Lincoln ·...... N~w-chum Guily 2;622 0 0 o lr o 786 12 o Beehive ••• . ... Eaglehawk ·: .'.'. '. 5,116 0 0 o 8 u·56 2,169. 12 o Bendigo and Melbourne ... Kangaroo Flat . ... , 2,ino o· o o 10 17'!!3. 1,o~o !r o Catherine Reef United: .•..Eaglehawk- .:. 2,770 0 0 0 12' ll·70 1,729 19 0 Fortuna. and Thanet . .. Sandhurst · ... 10,691 0 0 0 11' 15'68 6,229 4 0 Garden Gully Uriited ... Garden Gully Reef 4;269 0 0 I . 4,. 6:69 5,182 6' .0 G. G. Consolidated' . ... Golden Gully.:. · 1;047 0 0 0 9 1!t63 494 .7 4 Great Extended Hustler's... Hustler's Reef.' , ,4,016 0 0 I) 12 o·o1 2,409 14 o Great Hustler's ••• ... Hustler's Reef· 224 0 0 0 '5 18·21. 64 1,0' 0 Great Britain ... •••. Golden square ~,729 0 0 0 7 12'49 1,026 3 0 Hustler's Reef ... 'Hustler's Reef 1,222 0 0 0 12 4·7'9 745 7 20 Johnson's Reef ... , ••• Johnson's H.eef' '3,746 0 0 0 '4 8·31 814 1 0 Koch's Pioneer .•• ·i' Long Gully' ... 8,283 0 0 0 i 1•84 2,930 15 0 Lazarus New-chum ... ! New-chum ... 2,218 0 0 o 4 22·43 547 5 ·o Mixed lots from Louisa ••• . ... •.. ' Eaglehawk 4,696 0 0 o i1 o·74 2,590 o o various reefs Metropolitan ...... Golden square ' 3,640 0 0 o 13 o·12 2,366 19 o (See page 29.) Morning Light ...... Golden Gully ... .1,235 0 0 0 8 '2•21 499 14 0 New-chum and'Yictoria ... Ironbark .•• 2,983 0 0 0 9' . 6•50 . 1,382 15 0 New-chum United ... New-chum ... ~,894 0 0 0 5 18·56 546 15 0 New Nelson ...... California Gully 1,875 0 0· o 9 ·6.36 s68 12 ·o Old Tom . ..-·~ .... Whipstick ... ,; 698 0 0 0 6 14·89 231 ;l ' 0 Pioneer •• : .. ,...... Eagleha1vk ... 2,440 0 0 0 '6 21·34 840 I'O" 0 Boyd and James ...... Specimen Hill · 278 0 0 b 19 13'64 272 ,0 0 Shenandoah ...... New-chum Reef 3,671 0 0 0 12 22•88 2,377 l'l .. 0 Shellback ... " ... Shellback Reef ' 2,282 0 0 0 ll A·5S 1,276 18 0 Victoria Consols·...... Happy Va_iley ...... 4,421 o ··o o 14 2o·6o 3,284 9 o Victoria Reef ... .•• Happy V alley 2,565 0 0 0 7 22'48 1,017 17 12 Wilson's Reef ... •.. Jylarong :· ••• 84 0 0 0 . 8 2•86 34 ·2 0 r-.---· Totals·~· 83,725 0 0 0 1.0 ll•lO ~3,7,9~ ~2 12 liEATUCOTE DIVrSTON AND ------.------. WARANGA SOUTH SL~- DIVISIOX. Costerfield ...... Coster:field ••• 340 0 0 ·0 4 10-.~7 ,. 75 .7 o 180 to 240 feet · -- Alison .. . , ... Costerfield ... .·240 0 0 o io o 120 :o 0 . 200 feet · J'ohn Collins , .... , , . .. Redcas.tle 136 0 0 1 . I 18 147 18 0 ·~· Various depths S. H. Mitehell and Co. .. • Staffordshire Flat., .,. 140 0 0 .1 4 6'86 17~ 0 o Varisms depths ------To~als .,. 856 0 0 ~rP .,; 0 lVARANGA NoRTH Sun------·-:--1-~c.,.--'-·--1 DIVISION, ··:~~ Randolph and eo: ... Ru,~hwortlt.' 4 0 0 0 3 IS 0 15' '0 100 feet Boyd l!Jld Cobbledick Rushworth ... 5 0 0 i 17 o. ' ' 9 '5 0 . 30 fe"t . . . , Ahern and Wall ... · Rush worth ' 7 0 0 0 7 8•57 2 11 12 Hicks and Clausen ... · Rushworth~ 13 0 0 1 3 22"15 Ul,l1 o 132 f'e~t. KeUyand Co...... Rushworth · ... ~21 0 0 3 15 22·85 .79 15 0 40 feet Boyd and Cobbledick ... Rushworth 6 o ·o 1 'i 2o ;s 1-1 o 3o feet Milleay and Co...... R'ushworth 43 0 0 0 IS 2'42 38 18 18 120 feet Forlorn Hope ...... Rushworth 10 0 0 2 18 12 29 .5 0 130 feet Walton.and Co. ... Rushworth 15 0 0 I 19 3'20 29 7 0 20 feet 'Mouseley and Co. ... Rushworth 7 0 0 1 2 19'28 7 19 15 QuANTITY of QUARTZ Crushed .. each Division and Subdivision durh~g the Quarter, &e.-continued• -- ,. -. Dlv!s!on and Subdivision, Average Remarks relative to the and Where Quartz was obtained. Quartz Crushed. Yield of Gold Total Yield of Depth at wh!eh the per Ton. Gold. QuartZ was obtained, &o. ------Name of Company. ------tons -ewt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. lVA.RANGA NoRTH Su!l- ...... DIVISION-COntinued. Manuel and Co. ... Whroo ...... 4 0 0 0 11 12 2 6 0 . ' .. Darroch anp. Co .... ." Whroo ... ' 8 0 o. 4 0 10•50 32 3 12 230 feet Hudson and Co. .. , ... Whroo ...... 2 0 0 0 4 6 0 8 12 Uren and Co...... Whroo ...... 310 .o I 0 .0 ·3 10 0 Darroch and Co .••• ... Whroo ~. - ··~ ... --· ... 8 0 0 2 11 9 20 ll 0 236 feet Balaclava-Ma.ry·vein ... Whroo ...... 95 0 0 0 6 21'09 32 13 12 120 feet South vein ... Whroo ...... 16 0 0 1 3 4'12 18 10 18 50 feet Hodge" Bros...... Whroo ...... 5 0 0 1 17 19•20 9 9 0 20 feet Hodge Bros...... Whroo ...... 9 0 ·o 0 13 8 6 0 0 20 feet lrvine and Co. ... Whroo ...... :3 0 ·o 0 6 0 0 18 ·o Surface Cameron Bros...... Whroo ...... 4 0 0 0 5 0 I 0 0 Surface Augustine and Co. ... White Hills ... 78 0 0 1 6. 9•46 102 18 18 Balstrup and Co ...... White Hills ...... 72 .0 0 0 8 9'50 30 4 12. Cameron Bros...... White Hills ...... 48 0 ·o· Oil 19'50 28 7 0 24 fept Cameron Bros. ... White Hills ... 22 0 0 I I 19'63 '24 0 0 24 feet Grumbridge and Co. ... Coy's Diggings ... 21 0 0. I 9 2'28 30 ll 0 50 feet"' Murray and Co. ... · ... Coy's Diggings ... '"'5 0 .o 011 14'40 2 18 0 50 feet Mason and Bailey ... Coy's Diggings ... 9 0 0 2 0 0 18 0 0 70 feet Corbet and O'Brien .. ... Coy's Diggings ... ''6 0 0 3 5 12 19 13 0 Feypel and Co...... Coy's Diggings ... '14 0 0 0 15 22•29 11 3 0 Bock and Co...... Nine-mile · · ... ' 2 I 0 70 feet .. ------., 0 0 I 0 G 20 ---- - • 7 ···Totals ...... 569 10 0 1 ~ 16'26 617 li 9

NOTE-All above water-level exeept Darroeh and Co., Whroo,

1\iARYBOROUGH MINING DISTRICT. . . .. M..I:RYBOROUGH DIVISION. Cambrian ...... Mosquito ...... 297 0 0 0 9 15'83 143 9 0 300 feet. James Kay Rea.de (public Chinaman's Flat ... 254 0 0. 0 18 13'62 235 16 6 Various crushings) Penny and Claus'en (public ...... 770 o· 0 0 12 6'20 471 19 0 Various crushings) ...... J ohnston and Sons (public ...... 311 0 0 0 3 14'74 56 4 2 Various crushings) ----·---- Tot!l-ls ...... 1,632 0 0 Oil 2•88 907 8 8 ' MAJORCA SUBDIVISION. Prince Alfred Reef ... German Gully ... 102 0 0 I l 1'41 107 8 0 374-foot level; water ----.---,---- .. ---- level at 150 feet ; ree f AMHERBT DIVISION, I ft. 6 in. wide Union ...... Specimen Reef ... 34 0 0 6 12 23'29 226 1 0 60 to 70 feet Croydon ...... Laura Reef ...... 125 0 0 0 6 ll'86 40 11 19 60 to lOO feet Usher and Co...... Pack-horse Reef ... 12 0 0 0 12 16 7 12 0 60 feet

Dunstan and Co .... North-Western Reef ••• I 0 0 0 10 feet ... ' 30 7 9-60 11 2 0 Bush and Co...... Prince of Wales Reef ... 290 0 0 0 16 21'02 244 14 0 100 feet Loule and Co...... Prince of Wales Reef ... 226 0 0 0 6 1•91 68 14 0 100 feet Prince of Wales ...... Prince of Wales Reef ... 263 0 0 0 5 6'96 69 ll 6 140 feet Miller and Co...... Jew's Reef ...... 25 0 .o 3 2 0 77 10 0 60 feet Biel and Co...... Holstein Reef...... 23 0 0 3 I J•04 70 4 0 20 feet Warrior Companies ... Near Lexton ... lOO 0 0 0 I 0 5 0 0 lOO feet Trickey and Co .• ~. ... John Bull Reef ... 16 0 0 0 17 12 14 0 0 20 feet Sundries ...... Various small lots ... 58 0 0 0 5 14'17 16 4 6 ------Totals ...... 1,202 0 0 0 14 3'92 851 4 7 AvoCA SUBDIVISION, ------·----- Monte Christo ...... Tributers' claims ... 407 0 0 0 4 18'04 96 14 0 50 feet; water-level 100 feet Fish and party ... •••' Glenmona Reef ... I 185 o o 0 3 8'17 : 30 18 0 30 feet .------·---- Totals ... . 592 0 0 0 4 7'46 i DUNOI-r.Y AND TARNAGnLLA ... ,_.__ 1 ___ - 127 12 0 DIVISIONS. ---- Queen's Birthday ... Bealiba Reef, Goldsboro' 1,068 0 0 0 7 23'51 426 2 12 335 to 400 feet Welcome ...... Advance Bealiba Heef ... 114 0 0 I 4 10'47 139 5 ·Is 210 feet .J. Watkins ...... Star Heef ...... 200 0 0 0 10 0•27 lOO 2 6 80 feet Thomsen and Co. ... Star Reef ... 120 0 0 0 13 8 so 0 0 60 feet Ryan and Co...... Bet Bet Reef ...... I a 0 0 2 14 0 35 2 0 40 feet Crook and Co. Bet Bet Heef' ...... ~ ... ' 36 0 0 0 16 23'50 30 ll 6 Surface to 35 feet Blair and Co...... Specimen Reef ... IS 0 0 0.10 21•33 9 16 0 20 feet Scorer and Co...... Wilson's Hill Reef ... 17 0 0 0 8 12•70 7 5 0 40 feet Clouston and Co ...... Ironbark Reef...... 50 0 0 0 8 0 20 0 0 100 feet Straker and Co, ...... Greek's Hill Reef ... 18 0 0 0 19 20•66 17 17 12 120 feet Kern and Co...... Break-o'-Day Heef ... 17 0 0 0 2 21•18 2 9 0 120 feet Sayers and Co. ... Mo.rning Star Ueef ... 16 0 0 0 4 4'50 3 7 0 20 feet W atson and Co. .. • ... Bealiba ...... 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 60 feet Baxter and Co...... Bealiba...... 9 0 0 0 3 0 1 7 0 20 feet Deason and Co...... Wayman's Reef ... 31 0 0 0 4 15'23 7 3 16 80 feet Rogers and Co...... Arrandale Reef ... 6 0 0 0 10 o· 3 0 0 ,------Totals .•. ... ' l,i35 0 0 0 10 4'55 883 18 22

0 12

QUANTITY of QUARTZ c;ushed in each Di~ision and Subdivision during the Quarter, &c.-continued.

Division and Subdivision, Average Toto.! Yield Remarks relative to the and Where Quartz was obtained. Quart• Crushed. Yield of Gold ot Depth at which the Name otCompany. per Ton. Gold. . Quart• was obtained. 1-· tons cwt. qr. o•. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. !NGLEWOOD DIVISION. Fones' ...... Burke's .Flat ...... 860 0 0 0 7 21•77 340 0 0 416, 52o feet; depth of water-level 100 feet Trial of new reef ... Inglewood ...... 4 0 0 0 10 0 -2 0 0 ' Totals ...... 864 0 0 0 7 22 342 0 0 REDBA!>"K AND ST. ARNAUD I ---- SOUTH SUBDIVISIONS. Harvey and Smith ... Rose and Thistle Reef ... 39 0 0 0 7 16'62 15 0 0 50 to I 00 feet Kewley and Co...... Eureka Reef •.. ... 9 0 0 0 6 0 2 14 0 50 feet Greenock Reef ...... Greenock Ueef ... 246 0 0 0 11 0 135 6 0 320 feet Totals ...... 294 0 0 0 7 0'16 153 0 0 ST. ARNAUii NoRTH SuB- DIVISION. Sandhurst and St. Arnaud Wilson's Hill Reef ... 697 0 0 0 13 2•99 457 8 0 600 feet Chrysolite Tribute St. Arnaud Cross Reef ... Bell Rock Reef ... .452 0 0 0 .3 20'61 87 4 6 370 feet ' Perry Bros...... Armenian Reef ... 18 0 0 I 5 18'66 23 4 0 30 feet Gilbert and Cadzow ... Eastern Reef ...... 11 0 0 0 ll 16•91 6 8 18 lOO feet Tucker Bros. Warwickshire Reef ... 8 0 0 I 0 14 8 4 16 100 feet Totals ...... I 1,186 0 0 0 9 19"74 582 9 16 1


0ASTLEMAINE DIVISION. f Wattle Gully, No. I ... Wattle Gully Reef 568 0 0 I 16 22·27 I ,048 15 0 235 feet Walker and Co...... Wattle Gully Reef 741 0 0 0 11 19'66 437 18 3 280 to 350 feei Nuggety Tribute...... Little Nuggety Reef ... 52 0 0 3 14 14•77 194 0 0 230 feet Bennett's ... .•. Old Specimen 20 0 0 I 10 12 :10 I 0 0 10 to surface Eureka Consols ...... Eureka Reef .. . 294 0 0 () 5 16"98 83 18 o 360 feet Ajax Tribute ...... Bolivia Reef .. . 1,445 0 0 0 5 12 397 7 12 300 feet Cardwell and Archer . •• Town Heef ... 247 0 0 0 5 19"41 71 14 18 Sebastopol Crushing Co. ... Various ... 201 0 0 0 6 0 60 6 0 Various Miehell and others . .. Barker's Creek 257 0 0 0 4 4"53 53 16 12 Various Callander and Co. ... Forest Creek ... 413 0 0 0 5 16"88 ll~ 15 12 Various Chewtou United...... Chewton Reef 324 0 0 0 2 19"52 45 ll 12 231 feet

Tot.als ... 4,562 0 0 0 11 3•42 2,541 12 21

FitYER's CaEJm: DlV!SION. Brydges and Dal~ ... Bulloek Reef ...... 28 0 0 0 6 14'57 !l 5 o Various Sorensen and Co. ... Specimen Hill ... is o o I 14 0. 30 1:1 0 80 feet Ferron's Reef Company ... l<'erron's Reef...... 3,897 o o· 0 3 22•02 763 . 8 o roo to :180 feet Rowe Brothers...... Ferron s Reef...... 390 0 0 0 3 7·01 64 4 o so to 170 feet Rowe Brothers ...... Cattle'a Reef .. :· ... 850 0 0 0 10 2 428 11 o : 80 to 1 iO feet Rowe Brothers ... Cattle's Reef (road claim) 170 0 0 0 1 21'17 16 o o ' 80 to 170 feet Duke of Cornwall . .. Cattle's Reef ...... 765 0 0 0 3 3'16 119 16 o 180 feet Mills and Co...... Cattle's Reef ...... 15.0 0 0 0 3 1'60 23 o o lOO feet Anglo Mine ... 92 0 0 0 3 5'30 i4 16 8 50 to 320 feet

Totals ... 6,360 0 0 0 4 14'92 : 1,469 12 8 HEPBURN DIVISION. Glcngower ..• ... Glengower ...... 1,30;;-;;-:- ~~~~~ 300 feet Specimen Hill ...... Specimen Hill 5,173 0 0 0 4 6"49 i l,f04 12 0 463 feet Freeman's ...... J;'ear-not Reef... 110 0 0 0 5 0 27 10 0 100 feet IveRon and Co. .. . .•. Keep-it-Dark ... 37 o· o a i2 19·78 134 14,12 60 feet , King and Willard ... Willard's Reef 27 o o o 13 o·ss 11 12 o 5o feet Nankervis ...... Doctor's Gullv 45 0 0 0 4 0 9 0 0 30 feet Cugley ...... Jlern Hill ·.. . 6 0 0 2 10 0 15 () 0 25 feet Walker...... Keep-it .. Dark .. . 24 0 0 1 2 0 26 8 0 40 feet Prospectors ...... Hepburn .. . 320 0 0 0 6 3 98 0 0 Shallow P!trties, Yandoit ... Various 525 0 0 0 6 lfl 175 0 0 Shallow . Cornish ... Cornish Reef ... 3,512 0 0 0 :1 :!·21 630 15 12 520 and upwards North Cornish Cot·nish Reef ... 424 0 0 0 2 8•33 49 15 6 90 to 360 feet Argus Cornish Reef ... 1,097 0 0 0 I 18'51 97 :3 6 To 150 feet Ajax Willard's Reef 1,150 0 0 I 0 10 0 575 0 0 70 to 140 feet

Totals ... 3,617 0 12 TARADALE AND KYNETON SUBDIVISION. United Kingdom ... Tnradale 1,740 0 0 415 15 ·o 150 feet Fenton Tribute Ta.nulale !184 0 0 91 0 0 ISO feet McAIIister's 'Iaradale :!02 0 0 11.~ 3 13 70 feet Humboldt New Belltopper 11 0 0 25 11 0 180 feet' Morton's l~i berty Flat ... 7 0 0 ;l 0 0 Near the surface Rubber's Reil topper 11 0 0 2 6 12 100 feet Singleton's Victoria Heef ... 10 0 0 2 4 0 50 feet Totals. ... ::!,065 0 0 (i5:J 0 13

QuANTIT"': of QuARTZ Crushed in each Division and Subdivision during the Quarter, &c.-continued.

Division and Bubdlvlslon, 1. Average Total Yield of Remarks relative to tbo and I Where Quartz was obtained. Quartz Crnshed. Yield of Gold Gold. Depth at which the -per Ton. Quartz was obtained, &c. ------Name ot Company. tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. TARRANGOWER DIVISION. Caledonian mills ... Parkins, Eaglehawk, Bee- 818 0 0 0 16 22'61 692 18 12 90 to 500 feet hive,Manton's and Nug-

1 gety Reefs . Linscott's mills .. • I Charcoal, . Eaglchawk, 422 0 0 I 0 14 5'09 299 17 12 120 to 400 feet Wattle Gully ,Manton's, and Victoria Reefs Phrenix mills Charcoal, Nuggety, Bee- 51 I 0 0 0 13 22'42 356 0 12 hive, Eaglehawk, and ,Victoria Reefs Great Western ... Beehive Reef ... Ill 0 0 0 12 8"64 68 12 0 Dunn's Reef Dunn's Reef ... 160 0 0 0 5 0 40 0 0 Eaglehawk Union Eaglehawk Reef 618 0 .0 0 16 17•12 516 9 0 I Bell's Reef Bell's Reef 30 0 0 0 7 12 ll 5 0 I ----1 I ------I Totals ... 2,670 0 0 0 14 20'89 1,985 2 12 1 ST. ANDREW'S DIVISION. ! ------Freehold Anderson's Creek 65 0 0 1' 3 7·01 ~~I Holloway and Co. Anderson's Creek 12 0 0 0 10 20 6 10 o: Grant and Co. Anderson's Creek 2 0 0 2 I .12 4 3 0 I' Apted and Co. Pioneer Reef .;. 51 0 0 I 4 16 62 18 0 160 feet Allandale Alien's Reef ... 26 0 0 I 4 15"69 32 I 0 60 feet Bradley and Co .... Diamond Heef 22 0 0 I I 0 23 2 0 75 feet Lanz and Cb. Diamond Reef 14 0 () I 6 0 18 4 0 120 feet Butler and Co. ... Diamond Reef 15 0 0 0 14 21•73 11 3 14 120 fee~ Day and Co. Diamond Reef 16 0 0 2 2 9'75 33 18 12 200 feei Rosa and Co. Diamond Reef -~ 0 0 114 0 810 0 Longley and Co .... Oram's Reef 48 0 0 3 19 5"21 190 210 300 feet Candwell and Co. Oram'a Reef 3 0 0 0 10 16•66 I 12 2 Hirt You You I 0 0 I 12 0 I 12 0 Central Mining ... Reefton 150 0 0 I I 2"58 158 6 3 100 feet Totals ... ---[----430 0 0 I 9 4"84 627 . 16 17 I


ARARAT DIVISION . I I Rochell's party ••• j Moyston 26 10 0 I 18 20•83 51 10 0 Leaders to about !iO {t. Rochell's party ...... Moyston :::I ll. 10 0 0 9 17•74 5 12 0

1 I Totals ... - 38 0 0 I lO 1'261 57 2 0 PLEASANT CBBEK DIVISION. I Wimmera ...... I Stawell Reefs 6,152 o o o 16 19·59 5,197 14 20 280 to 850 feet Pioneer and Galatea Stawell Reefs 5,331 0 o o 17 J4·9o 4,67 I 17 15 100 to 1,060 feet New St. George's... Stawell Reefs 3,068 o o o 17 13·24 2,G92 9 , o 480 to 850 fee' Scotchman's Stawell Reefs 2,790 o o o 17 5'69 2,404 11 14 300 to 850 feet Moonlight Stawell Reefs ·--~~~~ ~~~~ 3,609 ~ 410 to 1,060 feet.

Tot~ls ...... 21,737 0 0 0 17. 2'20 18,576 4. I I


OliiEO SUBDIVISION. Forsyth and Lucas Swift's·Creek .. . 45 0 0 5 0 56 5 0 lOO feet Shaw and Cummins Swift's Creek .. . 26 .0 0 012 0 15 12 0 45 feet Sampson and Co. Swift's Creek .. . 10 0 0 2 2 0 21 0 0 30 feet Rnssell and Hillyer Swift's Creek .. . 14 o· 0 2 0 0 28 0 0 25 feet Sampson and others Swift's Creek .. . 25 0 0 0 12 0 15 0 0 75 feet ------Totals ... 120 0 0 I 2 15"40 135 17 0 CROOKED RIVER DIVISION, ------Good Hope Good Hope Reef ... , 102 o · o o u 8·23 1 57 11 o 520 feet W alsh and Co. Republic Reef 80 feet ••• 1 __4_2_~~~~--31-~ Totals ... 144 0 0 0 12 10•ll 89 9 0 DONNELLY'SCBEEKDIVISION. Florence ~~-0 -0--;-;3-;;-l~~l

Stratford and Avon 50 0 0 0 2 0 1 5 0 0 Gippsland Consols __ 13o o_o_ ~-o-~-2~-o- Totals ... 480 0 0 0 3 3•75 75 15 0 STRINGER'S CREEK DIVISION. Long Tunnel · .•• Cohen's Reef .. . 3,949 0 0 I 14 21 ·66 6,891 10 0 Walhalla Cohen's Reef .. . 3,901 0 0 0 16 22•40 3,302 17 0 New North Gippsland Cohen's Reef .. . lOO 0 0 I ,4 9·60 122 0 0

Total~ ... 7,950 o_o ~~ 22·81 I0,3~ BENDOC SUBDIVISIO!f. Venus ... Venus quartz claim at 20 o o . o 6 o I 6 o o Surface to 40 feet Bonang Union Jack Union Jack quartz claim 13 o o / o 8 u·o8 1 5 10 o Surface to 20 feet at Bonang I I Totals... --3~0 ~~ 23·77 ~--ll-WO TARwm SuBDIVISioN. Golden Bar Golden Bar claim, Foster I 41 0 o ]-;;-;-;;-2·93 • I ·:--3~-o-I 30 ft., leader 2 in. thick 14 .·: , .. ' •tl ' ; . ;;•· ·:: ,_ . _QU4RT-~,TAILINGS~· MULLOCK, ETU. ' ~: . v'"' ' ' ' ' ...... 1 .... ·' :' ' ' . . .• ' ., THE following 'information has been<> obtained from Returns I~ade by tli.e Mi~in'g Hurvey,ors ana ~egistrars relative to the Q~_al'!-tity' of Qii;Ait~T.Z TAIJ,.iNGS ari~ MlJnocK, &c., Crushed in the several Divisions and Sub,~~~i~,~qns. of E?_ach.l\f_iniug ,P,,i.~_trict du~frig; th_e: Qriai·tef ~ and t~e. Go~I! ob~ained· therefr~m~ ..: · ,.; .. "

I : ' I ! • ' •• I I Division and Subdivision, : Where Quartz Tailings and Quartz •raillngs : ·A.;,er~Je· .. : ''T~tal Yield of Remarkarelativetothe : ,. Mullo.~k, ~c., were and M:nllock, ~c,., Yield of. Go.Jd l: · Gold Depth at wl1ich the. No.me ·o~C~ln:P&ny* 1 1· ·· obtamed. · -""ernshedo '' · .per-Ton..... ·; _ -~k... :. . Mullock,&c.,,were opuun~ed. ~------1--::-cwt.~ oz. ~;~; ~r.' . ~·.::z. dwt. gr. 'I i_f,. ·~~.~~.; > ~ ' • ~Jf 6! ·•;d~~ ··~~:·:: ~.' /'•(; •

CENTRAL DIVISioN.' ' ~ ~ . Crushed at Mercer's battery , ... i·. ,.. , 0 ;.;,, ..... 'li-0 \,l Crushed at Pearce's battery· White-horse Ranges 0 • .• ., ; :~ ~~. . r • < •• ' ' 0 BUNINYONG DIVISION •. , Totals ... John Bunyan Devonslrlre 0 Tailings and mullock surface. STEIGLITZ SuBDIVISION, on I(< j:, Al Steiglitz '180 0 ..0 0' 0 Morris and Co. 20 0. 0 1-0-'----'---'::_f--"'---'--0- '200 0 "0 0 0

to ; •• '

StN'DHURS',i' :rtlJNING DISTRICT:·" t ••.. • "~:.:-.,. ,,..._,.,..·, ! I "' , • .._.,.. ·•- ···.---'''-'---''7--'''-'''---r-:.:._.....,.--"'---;__-'-''"--'-'-'.,:;''"';;:,.,_, SANDHURST DIVISION. 1 1 Johnson'sReef ... ~·.:.~· JOhns~~t~(Reif ' 75 o··o o .l:I'I·2o .5 10 0 New-chum United New-chum Reef 296 o 0 0 2 6'57 33 13 0 Koch's Pioneer ... Long Gully .•. . .• 169 o 0 . o l 2'59 u 7 6 HEATHOOTE DIVISION .AND .'J'OIZT()J::1 · · · · -·· l~i:-:i:-;~ci-7------WAR.ANGA- ··socili Sri:------Totals .... -----.. ·---540.. 0 .o LI9:12.. 48 10 __6_ . -·----·-- __ ---~--!------~' DIVISION, • 1 John Colliris ~,~,;~·,"- , Redcastle '- '120 0 ·0 o --o 23·8o ·~.) 5 19 o , 1 t.; •\'l W ARANGA NORTH Sun-. ... _. ! -·-

DIVISION. ' t\ \'~,~} I • ~ Balaclava r '\~hroo --- Victoria mach~ue "'· -~ ...... ·Coy~~ Djggings Victoria.machine ' 'f... ·I Cpy:'s Diggings: Victoria machine ., . .. .. , Coy:s Diggings£ . :.. . t ~'1•,.; : ',' 1 · ,., ... ,MARY:BOROUGH-· MINING DISTRICT.


• ;rJ.--_· 'REDII.ANK AND SoUTH Srmr•Tvr•T.f>l'" Douglas and R. McNicol Greenock Reef ,.

DIVISION St. Aruaud Pyrites

CASTLEl\lAINE DIVISION, .. Lamb and Co. Wattle Tribute .. ;

· TARRANGOWER DIVISION .... Phamix mills · Phamix mills Phceni:icmills ·; :·:.;:: , .. ,

.,r.... ,-;'l' · ·PLEASANT CREEK DIVISION. Scotchman's Stawcll Reefs 15


THE following information has been obtained frofu Returns made by the Mining Surveyors and Registrars relative to the Quant.ity of PYRITES and BLANICET~NGS operated on in the several Divisions and Subdivisions of each Mining District during the Quarter, aud the Gor~n obtained therefi:om.

Division and Subllivisionj WJ . :P. ··t · d m nk t' , I'yrites Avct'age Remarks relative to the and • Jet,e, yu es n.n a. e mgs and BU;mketings Yield ·of Goltl Total Yield of Depth at wllich the were obtained: ~ d · 'Goltl, liame of ~Cqmpo.ny. w-· .. op.erate._~n .... Pyrites, &c., were obtained. 1 · ~~r To~ .. tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr.


CENTRAL DIVISION. Black Hill , ...... I4 10 0 2 11 ~9·03 37 ll 0 Llanb.erris ' ...... 24 10 0 I 8 4•90 34 ll 0 I I Totals ...... 39 0 0 I I6 23·38 72 2 0 CRESWICK DIVISION. Port Phillip i ... · ... Clunes Reefs ...... 61 5 0 4 5 23'02 263 .5 0 New North qlunes , .•• Clunes Reefs ...... 58 15 0 4 1 8•27 238' 19 0 New North Clunes Tributers Clunes Reefs ...... 310 0 2 8 13•71 810 0 South Clunes .... • ... Clunes Reefs ...... 26 0 0 4 6 12'92 112 10 0 ,, T,otals ...... 149. 10 0 4 3. 8•90 623 4 0 8TEIGUTZ SUBDIVISION. .Anonymous ...... Etaine ...... lOO 0 0 1 10 0 150 0 0 BLACKWOOD DIVISION A.ND Br.uE MouN'l'AIN SouTH SUBDIVISION. Sultan ...... Barry'a neef .•• 26 0 0 2 8 19'38 I


·' • . .. . BEECHWORTH DIVISION. .. - - ~ -- . I o · · -1 Juvenile I••••' ... _St9py Creek ...... 310 0 2 0 7 jo 0 Reform ...... Myrtleford, ...... 13 b 0 2 3 0 27 19 0 Waterloo ...... Biuwidgee .. · ...... 3 0 0 Q 19 8 2 18 0 ... . . Totals .... ••. 19 10 0 1 IS 19·69 37 r 0 BucKLA.ND DivisiON. Hope (old Happy Valley) ... Happy Valley & Christ- 15· 0 0. 2 4 0 311 0 0 .mas Reefs .. . ·-·- . - E. M. Gill ...... Various reefs ... 50 0 0 1 8 0 70 0 0 '• Totals ...... 65 0 0 l J.l 16'61 103 0 0 WooD'S POINT SUBDIVISION. i 1\k,;.,.,;;,.,:Star.:. ·- Hope ... ••...... in ti:l 0 2 6 0•76 72 10 0 350 feet ,· f· . . .. i ••• T~ . - - S-4-NDHURST MINING DISTRICT . .. .. : ... SANDHURST .DIV·ISION. United Pyrites G. E. ' ... Specimenllill,LongG1Jlly 468 0 0 2 7 5"15 1,104 16 12 Sandhurst and Eaglebawk- -Jackass Flat ... · ... 229 0 0 1 I8 6"30 438 2 3 P.E. l:t : j Koch's Pioneer ...... Long Gully ; .. · ... 135 0 0 0 16 20•09 113 13 0 R. J. Liddell and Co. ... Derwent·'Gully ...... 92 0 0 3 0 9'13 277 15 0 Morning Light Golden Gully 60 0 0 7 19 1•60 477 4 0 . . ... - ... Beehive ...... Eaglehawk· ...... 5 0 0 2 7 12'80 11 17 16 Totais- ...... 0 0 2 9 if18 2,42.3 8 7


REDBANK AND. ST. 1\,RN'AUD SouTll SUBDIVISIONS. Greenock Reef 10 0 4 Greenock Reef ...... 0 0 0 ·-40· 0 0 ., J . • ... CASTLEMAINE MINING DISTRICT. .: CASTLEMAINE ~!VISION. Yates and .. Co .. ... Ca,stlemaine ...... 101 0 0 2 0 0'04 ' . 10•28 Wattle Gully, No. l ... Cbewton,., ...... 7 0 0 3 1 2.~t ~g ~ . Totals .•• 108 0 ·o 2 1 223 10 - ~~-- 41·

·~· ' .~ I ' ~ i .. , G~PPSLAND MINING DISTRIC~ .

STRINGER'S -~•••o•vn Long Tunnel ...... Coben's Reef ...... 22 0 0 2 I9 I0'91 8 0 Walhalla ...... Cohen's Reef ...... 32 10 0 2 3 9'97 70 l1 0 Totals ...... 54 10 0 2 9 21•36 135 19 0 16


SUMMARY. Ta:E following information has been obtained relative to the QuANTITY of W ASBDJRT Puddled and Sluieed and CEMENT Crushed during the Quarter, and the GOLD obtained therefrom.

i Quantity I Average ' Total Yield o! 11 Quantity Average Totai·Yleld of Mining Districts. I Puddled and Yield of Gold I Gold from Mining Districts. Puddled and Yield of Gold Gold from Crushed. per_Ton. ~ash.dirt. i Crushed. per Ton. Cement. 1 ~~~-----~· ·-~--·-~-·· Washdirt. tons cwt.qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. Cement. tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. oz. dwt. gr. Ballarat ... ·1,879 0 0 0. 0 12 46 19 12 · Ballarat ... 1,216 0 0 0 3 11•74 212 2 23 Beech worth ... 14,144 0 0 0 0 18'44: 543 5 0 Beech worth ...... Sandhurst .... ; 3,700 0 0 0 2 11•77 460 16 0 Sandhurst ...... Maryborough ... 14,324 0 0 0 2 15'52 1,895 13 0 Maryborough ... 1,589 0 0 0 9 17'54 773 2 12 Caatlemaine ... 137,257 0 0 0 0 .l0'44 2,984 3 8 Castlemaine ... 880 0 0 0 2 18•82 122 lO 0 Ararat .· .. 2,000 0 0 0 2 9'35 238 18 18 Ararat ... 8,390 0 0 0 4 6'66 1,794 9 13 Gippsland ... 38 0 0 0 1 12 2 17 0 Gippsland ...... -- .~- ···- -· Totals .:. 1173,342 0 0 0 0 17•09 6,172 12 14 Totals ... 12,075 0 0 0 .( 19'37 2,902 5 0

Non.-This Summary does not show the total quantities o! washdirt puddled and ·sluleed and cement cr11shed, but only the yield of certain cruahlngs, &e., respecting which the Mining Surveyors· and Registrars have been able to obtain inlol'lllatlon. Owing to the circumstance that many of the machine .. owners are unable to give or are precluded from" giving information, it is impossible to get complete returns from every district; and in con~ otaerfng the relative Importance of eaeb dl•trlct, 1\l! regard• alluvial mining, &e., the tables relating to machinery should be examined and compo.red. Office of Mines, THOS. COUCHMAN, Melbourne, 19th January 1877. Secretary for Mines.

\VASHDIRT. THE following information has been obtained from Returns made by. the Mining Surveyors and Registrars relative to the QuANTITY of WASBDIRT Puddled· or Sluiced in the several Divisions and Subdivisions of each Mining District during the Quarter, and the GoLD obtained therefrom.

Division and Subdivision, Average Remarks relative to the and· Where Washdlrt was obtained. Yield of Gold Total Yield Deptb ot which the Name of Company. per Ton. ______of Gold. ,__ Washdirt was obtained, &e. tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt." gr. ! oz. dwt. gr. BALLARAT MINING DISTRICT.

CENTRAL DiviSION. Koli-i-noor ...... Ballarat· West ... ···I 1,879 0 0 0 0 12 46 19 12 370 feet BEECHWORTH MINING DISTRICT.

BEECHWORTH DIVISION. Red Rover Eldorado I 0 78 0 0 40 feet McEvoy Eldorado 0 12 200 0 0 90-foot floor 'l'revillian and Co. Spring Creek .. . 0 18 46 17 12 35 feet Osborne and Co .... Spring Creek .. . I 0 ll5 0 0 35 feet Totals .. . 13,110 0 0 0 16·10 439 17 12 INDIGO DIVISION. Barrass and Co. Durham and Caledonian 1,034 0 0 0 I 23•99 103 12 250 feet Leads


SANDHURST DIVISION. Lane's Tribute, No. 2 Bagshot 1,920 0 oi 0 2 16•55 258 4 0 Depth 1l0 ft. ; wa.ter- level 92ft. Ballaxat and Bendigo Huntly 1,780 0 ol 0 2 6·63 I 202 12 0 Depth 125ft.; water- · level 120 ft. Totals 3,700 0 ol 0 2 11·77 i -- 4So 16 0

MARYBOROUGH MINING DISTRICT. r MARYBOROUGH DIVISION. Seaham ...... Alma ...... 416 0 gj 0 5 23•97 124 15 12 100 feet Gladstone ...... Alma ...... 2,250 0 0 3 0·74 1 341 ~ 0 80 to 1 oo feet Totals 2,666 0 or 0 3 11·86 I 465 15 12 AMHERST 'DIVISION...... Ho:ll'nung ...... Mount Greenock South 0 o' 0 5 0'71 289 4 0 lOO feet Union ...... Mount Greenock ... 3,908 0 o I 0 1 7•90 260 0 0 250 feet DUNOLLY AND TARNAGOLLA Totals ...... 5;058 0 01 0 2 4•12 549 4 0 DIVISIONS. Prince of Wales Tribute ... Pottery Hill, Dunolly ... 4,500 0 ·oJ 0· 2 10'05 544 5 0 60 to so .feet lNGLEWOOD DIVISION. Watson's Inglewood claim Daly Lead ...... 2,100 0 0 I 0 3 4'90 336 8 12 QUANTI1'Y of WASHDIRT Puddled or Sluiced in the seveml Divisiono and Subdivisions, &c.-continued.

Remarks relative to the Division and Subdivision, Average , Total Yield and Wa•Mirt Puddle{] Yield u! Gold Depth at which the Where Washdirt was of Go!~. Nameo! Company. per 1'on. \Vashdirt was obtained, &e~

tons cwt. qr. oz. dwt. gr. CASTLEl\IAINE MINING DISTRICT.

~--~~ ---.~~·--~- ·~~·~~-----~---~~--~------CASTLEM.AlNE DIVISION . ! .Ah Wan and Co .••. ... Wesley Flat ...... 1,950 0 0' 0 0 6'40 26 0 0 Is feet Grant and Co...... Wattle Flat ...... 850 0 0 1 0 42 10 0 12 feet .AhHung ...... Steel's Flat ...... 1,500 0 ~I 0 0 6 18 15 0 6 to ll feet Niesen .•...... Sailors ...... 250 0 ol 0 I 21·22 23 ll 0 l4 feet Totals ...... 4,550 0 0 0 0 11'69 llO 16 0 FRYER'S CREEK DIVISION. ------Mein's Freehold ...... Guildford ...... 1,100 0 0 0 1 6•32 69 10 0 160 feet Ellis and Co...... Horseshoe Bend ... lOO 0 0 0 0 7'20 1 10 0 10 tu 12 feet Parsons and Co ...... Horseshoe Bend ... 3,000 0 0 0 0 12'80 80 0 0 12 to 14 feet Thomas and Co...... Spring Gully ...... 850 0 0 0 I 0 42 10 0 IOtol2feet Roberts and Co...... Spring Gully ...... 1,400 0 0 0 0 4 11 13 8 11 to 14 feet Fox and Co...... Pennyweight ...... 1,200 0 0 0 I 6 75 0 0 Various T. Pearson ...... Pennyweight ...... 600 0 0 0 0 12 15 0 0 8 to 10 feet .Ah Chong and Co. ... Pennyweight ...... 1,600 0 0 0 0 4'80 16 0 0 10 to 12 feet J. Scott and Co ..•. ... Penny,veight ..• ... 600 0 0 0 0 12 15 0 0 12 feet Thomas and Co..•• ... Bald Hill ...... 600 0 0 0 0 12 15 0 0 lOO feet Gurr and Co...... Butcher's Hill ... 1,000 (l 0 0 0 12 25 0 0 120 feet Riddle and Co...... New Year's Flat ... 800 0 0 0 0 6 10 0 0 15 feet Brewer and Co...... New Year's Flat ... 2,000 0 0 0 0 2'64 11 0 0 15 feet Vosti and Co...... German Gully ... 3,000 0 0 0 0 4'16 26 0 0 20 feet Stephens a.nd Co. ... New Year's Flat ... 2,600 0 0 0 0 4'80 26 0 0 16 to 18 feet 2,600 0 0 0 0 6 32 10 0 16 to IS feet Williams and Co. ... New Year's Flat ... ' Tretnewey and Co. ... New Year's Flat ... 2,000 0 0 0 0. 5'76 24 0 0 17 feet Houston and Co ...... Table Bill ... 260 0 0 0 2 0 26 0 0 70 to 80 feet '"I 0 12 7 10 0 80 to 90 feet Hines and Co...... Bald Hill /"' ••• ! 300 0 0 0 Totals ...... I 25,610 0 0 I 0 529 3 8 HEPBURN DIVISION. Corinella ...... Eganstown ...... 1,300 0 0 0 0 15•32 41 10 0 10 to 70 feet Jackson's ...... Whisky Gully ... 340 0 0 0 0 9'88 7 0 0 10 feet Calanchine, He wit, and Elevated Plains ... 1,635 0 () 0 0 16;99 ~7 18 0 75 to 110 feet Bollas' parties Rolberi and Davia ... Lanky Gully ...... 1,935 0 0 0 0 9'0.5 ' 36 10 0 90 feet Gladstone party ...... Lanky Gully ...... 510 0 0 0 0 21•88 I 23 5 0 85 feet Rotheram,Foletti,Matheson, Stony Creek ...... 5,662 0 () 0 0 12'38 I 146 I 0 5, 8, 30, and 70 feet and Maldron Federal and Brew ... Italian Hill ...... 1,660 0 0 0 I 2•76 92 11 I) 95 and 130 !eet Twining and Young ... Table Hill ...... 525 0 0 0 I 5•39 32 3 0 50 feet Tellang, Putt, Smith, Pear- Yandoit ...... 2,20.5 () 0 0 0 21'59 99 4 0 40 to 60 feet son, Bennett, and Thomas ' Campbell, Cameron, Good, Sailor's Creek ... 9,070 0 0 0 0 4'65 87 17 0 6 to 18 feet and Antonine .•. . .. Ev11ns, Thompson, and Brandy Hot ...... 1,835 0 0 0 0 7'45 28 10 0 13 feet Winter Baker and Merritt ... Kidd's Gully ...... 1,050 0 0 0 0 9'23 20 4 0 4 feet McQueen, Nugent, a.nd Wombat Flat ...... 1.240 0 0 0 0 8'94 23 2 0 8 feet Bloski . 'l'horpe : ...... Welshman's Gully ... 3,570 0 0 0 0 2'66 19 16 0 28 feet Foletti and Leathers ... Cameron's Gully ... .6,220 0 0 ·O 0 6'31 81 15 0 8 feet Eutrop and Pitcher ... Spring Creek .. ; ... 555 0 0 0 0 1'20 .33 5 0 13 feet Fuseo ...... Doctor's Gully ... 250 () 0 0 2 0'96 25 10 0 13 feet w. Johnson, Kidd, and 7 Middleton Creek ... 8,000 0 0 0 0 3'84 M 0 0 4 feet Chinese Priec and Camp bell ... Sawpit Gully ...... 7,270 0 0 0 () 8'29 127 0 0 8 feet Jas. Hunt ...... Elevated Plains ... 7,000 0 0 0 0 5'76 84 () 0 30 feet Wm. Hunt ...... Woman's Gully . .. 5,000 0 0 0 0 3 07 32 0 0 30 feet 340 Chinese ...... Hepburn division ... 38,000 0 o, 0 0 13•89 11,100 0 0 Shallow --~-· Totals ...... 104,832 0 0 0 10'34 2,263 1 0 TARRANGOWER DIV'ISION. --~------~·---~-- .Abram Grigg and Co. ... Pegleg Gully ...... 850 0 0 0 0 12 21 5 0 10 feet Robt. Grigg and Co. ... Forty-foot Lead ... 260 0 0 0 0 12 6 10 0 50 feet Knight and Co...... Porcupine Flat ... :!25 0 0 0 0 15•36 10 8' 0 20 feet Hetherington and Co. ... Muckleford ...... 180 0 0 0 1 2l'S3 17 0 0 12 feet James Kent and Co. - ... Porcupine Flat ... 650 0 0 0 0 19•20 26 0 0 40 feet 1--- ~ .. --· Totals ...... 2,265 0 0 0 () 17'19 tn 3 0


RAGLAN DIVISION. : New Victoria ···I Waterloo ~lat ... , 2,000 0 0 l 0 2 9'35 238 18 18 About 160 feet


RussELL's CREEK DIVISION.~· Success .•. .•• ••• Short Point, Tanjil ... \ 38 0 0 0 I 12 217 0 16fcet

No 2. B 18


TBE following information has been obtained from Returns made by the Mining Surveyors n,nd Rcgistrn,rs relal.ive to the QuANTITY of CEMENT Crushed in. the se,'eral Divisions and l:inbdivi~ions of each Miniug District dul'ing the Qua~·ter, and the GoLD obtained. therefrom.

Division and Subdivision, Avcmge UCmarks relative to the 'l'ota I Yield of and Wllere Cement was obtained. Cement Uruslle~. Yield (Jf Gold I Det)th nt -..vhich the Name of Company. I per 'rou. : Gold. Cement wus obtained. ." tons cwt: qr. / oz.


CE~TRAI~ DIVISION. Crushed on-hire ...... -Whit'e-horse Hnnges ... 58 0 0 0 I 9•10• ·4 0 0 SOUTHERN DIVISION. Crushed (on hire) by tho Kangaroo Flat ... 465 0· 0 0 5 18'63 134 5·21 50 to 65 feet from sur New Kangaroo battery .•. . , face . McClelland ...... Ho.rd Hills ~ .. ... 25 0 0 0 2 19·20 3 10 0 20 feet from surface .. ·- 1 to 2 feet thick Totals ..• ... . 490 0 0 0 5 14•98 137 1521 SnY.TRESDAr~E DrvrsioN.. Howcroft o.nd po,rty Dreamer's. Hill, Happy 31 0 0 0 8 4 12 13 4 Valiey· O'Sullivan and party ... Dreamer's HJU, Happy 6 0 0 0 7 0 2 2 0 Valley Piper and party ...... Dreamer's Hill, Happy fj 0 0 {} 4 2 I 0 ·10 Valley 1------1------!~~-·----· BLACKwoon DrVIsroN Totals ...... I 42 0 0 0 7 12"33 15 15 14 A.,."D 13LUE MoUNTAIN SouTH 1------·--1------1------1 SunmvrsroN. All Nati<.ins · ... · ... Yankee-Hill ... 626 0 0 0 1 17'85 . 54! 11 12


'' MARYnOROUGH DIVISION. Jo,mes Kay Heade (public Alma ...... 987 0 0. 0 2 12 123 7 12 Vo.rious·• crushings) .. DUNOLLY AND TARNAGULLA DIVISIO.KS, Simmons and Co. ... No 2 Hill, Bealiba ... 41 0 0 0 3 5'85 6 13 0 30 feet Newbert nnd Co. ... Puzzle Flat, Bealiba ... 9 0 0 0 5 13'33 2 10 0 70 feet Appleton and Co. ... Tinpot Hill, Bealiba ... 18 0 0 0 .3 8 ·3 0 0 70 feet Davies and Co...... No. 9'Hill, Bealiba ... 12 0 0 0 5 0 3 0 0 40 feet Iioundry and eo: ... No. 2 Hill. Bealibn. ... 8 0 0 0 5 18 2 6 0 30 feet ...... Lang and Co...... :Forty-foot Hill, Bealiba 14 0 0 0 10 10•28 7 6 0 50 feet . Totals ...... 102 0 0 0 4 21h7 24 15 0 !NGLEWOOD DIVISION. 1-- Crushed at Mount Moliagul Opossum Hill ... 0 0 1 5 0 625 0 0


]'RYER's CREEK DIVISioN. I Homeward-bound ...... 650 0 0 0 2 18'46 90 0 0 lOO to ll 0 feet Thomas and Co .... I.~:~JeHill Hill ·-·· ... 30 0 0 0 10 0 15 0 0 100 feet Totals ... 2•12 105 0 H:li:PBURN DIVISION. ... .680 0 0 0 3 0 Freeman ... Fear-not ...... 200 0 0 1 18 0 17 10 0 75 fee~


ARARAT DIVISION. Londonderry Londonderry ... 746 0 0· 0 2,21'761 108 8 14 70 feet. The reef io the laot ...... shaft sunk is deemed un- payable, and has eonse~ ------qoently been abeodoned PLEASk~T CREEK DIVISION. ' Band of Hope ...... Deep Lead ...... 2,284 0 0 0 4 0'04. . 456 19 18 lOO feet North and South Wales ... Deep Lead ...... 1,249 0 0 0 6 13'42 409 12 13 North and South Wales Deep Lead ...... 944 0 0 0 0 18'01 35 8 12 (tailings) North-Western (Dawes) ... Deep Le:id ...... 649 0 0 0 6 2'25 197 15 0 North and South Wales ... Deep Lead_ ... ' ... 1,765 0 0 0 4 15•90 411 9 4 North and South Wales Deep Lead ...... lOO ·o 0 0 3 6 16 5 0 (tailings) North-Western (Dawes) •... Deep Lead·· ...... 653 0 0 0 4 20'54 158 ll 0 ----- Totals...... 7,644 0 0 0 4 9'87 .1,686 0 23 19


(From Returns made. by the Mining Su1•veyors and Registrars.)

Name of Place. N::; ' Total. ] l, Name of Place. No. Total. ------··------~-----··----~------1--- : BA.LLAR.A:r DISTRICT .. Brought forward ... 11,463 Central Division: Creswick ·Division-continued. Ballarat West .•• 250 Slaty Creek ... 40 Ballarat East ... 930 Mopoke ••• 80 Ballarat North .•• lOO I Humbug Hill .. . 40 · Sebastopol .. . 85 Portuguese Flat .. . 45 Little Bendigo - ... . 380 BackCreek .. . 10 Dead-horse .. . 155 Bullarook .. . 70 Sago Hill and the Springs .• 45 Gorion Subdivision : White-horse Ranges 221 196 2,166 Egerton ... Gordon ... 64 Southern Division: Moorabool 9 Long Gully ... 10 Sleiglitz ·Subdivision: Staffordshire Reef i5 Steiglitz ... 35 Italian Gully ... 15 Morrison's 70 SpUtters' Gully ... 6 Dolly's Creek 20 Kangaroo ... so Elaine ... lOO Moonlight .. . -10 Mount Doran 85 Bulldog .. . 60 Little :Forest 8 Rokewood Junction 50 268· Mount Misery Creek 310. Blackwood Division and Blue Mountain - Jackson's Gully ••• 10 Soutll Subdivision : Yankee Hill ... 15 Golden Point .. .' ••• 110 Grassy Gully ... .80' Ued Hill ...... 60 Spring Creek ... 14' Barry's Reef and Split-tree .•• 860 Sawpit Gully ... ,12 Yankee Reef and Creek ••• 65• Whim Holes ... 2.5 Simmons' Reef and Baek Creek 65 Hard'Hills ... 30 Sebastopol and Lower Lerderderg ... lOO l<'renchman's ... 30 Blakeville ... •.. 30 Pinchgut .. : ... 35 Snake Gully ...... 14 Break-a'-Day. . .. 80 Goodman's Creek • .. .. • 20 Western Creek ... 80 Ballan Flat ... •.. 40 9i7 Garibaldi and vicinity .. . 20 Wright's Reef ...... 10 Buninyong Division: Bacphus Marsh and vicinity 40 Durham and tributaries ... lOO · Maher's Hill ...... 16 Green Hills and Devonshire 30 : __ 950 Scotchroan's and Hard Hills 9o Ballan Sitbdivision: Buninyong and Union Jack . '10 Between Ballan and Blakeville 4 Hiscock's and Fairweather Reefs !Hi Winter's Flat, Cobbler's, and 1\fagpie too Total for Ballarat District Black Lead and Gum-tree ...... 85 Napoleon, Kitty's Ranges, and Gympie ·50 Prospecting and isolated parties .•. 55 BEECHWORTH DISTRICT. Mount Helen ...... I'o 640 Beechworth Division: Spring Creek ... 105 Smylhesdale Division : Silver Creek .. . 25 Smythesdale ...... 140 Deep Creek .. . 22 Scarsdale and Newtown ...... 200 Hurdle Creek ... 44 Cape Clear ...... •.. '40 Pennyweight Flat .. . 52 Brown's ...... 80 Two-mile Creek .. . 60 Italian Gully . . • .. • . .. 5 Three-mile Creek .. . 180 Derwent Jack's ...... 60 Six-mile Creek ... 50 Piggoreet ...... 70 Stony Creek 80 Bottle Hill ...... •.. 40 Myrtleford, &c. ... 110 Snake Valley and Hard Hills · .. . 50 W ooragee, &c. .. • 110 Happy Valley and Lucky Woman's .. . 140 Reid's Creek .. . as Haddon ...... 610 140 '1o Woolshed .. . Golden Lake .. • ...... Sebastopol. .. . 100 Madden's Flat ... .:: .. . 10 Eldorado . .. . 280 Linton's ..• ... ·.. . 170 Stanley a~d neighborbood ... 380 Monkey Gully ... .:. · .. 15 Moordight Creek ...... 10 Y ackandandah 'Division: Preston Hill ...... so; Clear Creek ... 60 ! -- 1,680 Brilarong ...... 18 C1·eswick Division : ' .. Kirby's Flat .. . 57 . Creswick .. . .~~ . ~~~~. Rowdy Flat· .. . 38 Clunes .. . .9.~0 Osbome's Flat .. . "60 Springhill .400 Allan's Flat .. . 8 Broomfield Gully ... io Staghorn Flat .. . 52 Red Streak · I9o Twist's Creek .. . 76 Union Hill '10 Muddy Creek .. . 40 Longpoint '25 Hillsborough • .. . 40 Diamond Gully 15 ... so Cobbler's Gully 15 Township ... 70 Bald Hills 10 Ha.yes' Point ... 21 Sulkl Gully 620 Carri.ed forward ::: I .. ~5 5,463 Carried forward 2,396

B2 20

NUMBER ·and DISTRIBUTION of MINERS on the Goldfields, &c.-continued. : Same ofi'lnee. No. Total. Name of Place. No. Total.

:-~~ ··-·-- Brought forward ...... ·.. 2,396 . Brought forward ...... 5,357 Indigo Division.: Chiltern and New Ballarat Leads ... I 60 Jamieson Subdivision: Suffolk Lead ...... 12 and tributaries ... 5 Indigo Lead ...... l 214 , from Howqua to Jamieson ...... 35 Lancashire Lead ...... I 1l ... All England Lead ...... 10 Mack's Creek ...... 60 Caledonian and Durham 1.-eads 40 Goulburn River, from Jamieson to ...... J Swampy Creek 70 ·Wahgunyah ...... 8 ...... Clydesdale ...... 4 Sailor ~ll's Creek ••...... lOO Lanarkshire ...... I 6 Flume reek ...... 30 : I Baker's Creek ... 30 ' Rutherglen Reefs : •. ... ' ... i 33 ...... Chiltern Reefs ...... I 15 --- 33 0 413 --- Buck land Division: :- Total for Beechworth District ...... 5,687 Harrietv ille · ...... 127 Harrietville' to Bright ...... 347 . --- Bright to Boundary ,including· Running --- Creek •• :·· ...... 146 SANDHURST DISTRICT. Wandiligong· ...... 282 . Buckland to Upper Bridge ...... 131 Sandhurst DirJision : Upper _to Lo)ver Bridge ...... 184 Back Creek and Spring Gully ... 120 Lower Bridge to Ovens Junction ... 165 Sheepshead and Golden Gully ... 340 1- 1,382. Golden Square and l{angaroo Flat ... 480 Ale.randra S u.bdivision : Crusoe Gully and neighborhood ... 80 Alexandra and vicinity ...... 50 Marong and Bullock Creek ... 90 Godfrey.'s Cr~ek and vicinity ... 10 Victoria and New-chum Reefs ' ... 560 Devil's River and tributaries ... 20 Long, Maiden, and Derwent Gullies ... 525 Johnson's Creek and tributaries ... 8 Ironbark ...... 510 Head of U T Creek ...... 10 Bendigo Flat ...... 515 Goulb.urn Riyer ...... 20 White Hills and Epsom ...... 40 Doogalook ...... 9 Huntly ...... 190 Spring Cree,k and tributaries ... 15 Flat and Whipstick ... 170 Higinbotham .•...... 2 !:lpecimen Hill and Sailors' Gully ... 290 Merton and vicinity · ...... 20 Devonshire Gully aml Dead-horse Flat 250 Tea-trbe Creek and vicinity ... 10 Windmill Hill and California Gully ... 430 Scattered population ...... 19 Eaglehawk Gully and Flat ...... 295 ...... 20 Snob's Hill and Pegleg Gully ... 395 Maindample and Doon ...... I 10 Raywood ...... 70 Yea ...... es•, 10 Elysian Flat ...... 40 230 Sebastian ...... 40 Dry C~eek Subdivision : . Kamarooka ...... 40 Brankeet Creek ...... 22 Scattered and prospecting 250 ... ···~ Dry Creek ...... 50 --- 5,720 Hell's Hole ...... ?9 Kilmore Division: ... Reedy Creek ID -- 131 ...... Gajjney's Creek Subdivision: Sunday Creek ' ...... 4 Goulburn River ...... 4 Prospectors ...... 2 Gaffney's Creek ...... 52 Heathcote Division and Waranga South -- I 6 ··' Cannon's Creek ...... 12 Subdivision : Raspberry Qreek and branches ... 40 Graytown ...... 15 LyrE:bird Creek ...... "••• 6 Redcastle ...... 90 Wallaby Reef ...... 20 Heathcote ...... 140 Moving population ...... 7 Costerfield ...... 220 -Moonlight Creek ...... ·3 Tooborac ...... 40 -- 144 Kimbolton and Campaspe ...... 20 Wood's Point Subdivision: Coli ban and Myrtle Creek ...... 40 Wood's Point and Morning Star ... 50 Wild-duck ...... 30 Lower Goulburn ...... 16 \ 59 Right •tnd left branches ...... 40 WaJ:anga North Subdivision: Gooley's Creek ... 10 Rush worth ...... Whroo ... 4 Harp<>r's and Pheasant Creeks ... 8 ...... 11;1 Coy's Diggings 31 Perkins' Creek and Waverley ... 6 ...... ' All Nations and Creek ...... 12 White Hills, &c...... 25 ...... 10 --- 24 Moving population ...... 8 · Total for Sandhurst District· Maori Creek ...... 4 ...... 6,57 2 Never-mind Spur ...... 16 ------ISO Big River Subdivision : MARYBOROUGH DISTRICT. I Frenchman's Creek ...... 3 M aryborough Division ; Warner's Creek ...... l .Alrna ...... 450 Eno~h's Point ...... H Waterloo ...... 50' Railway Creek ...... 11 Inkerman •.• ...... ' .... 50 ! Jim Thomas' Creek ...... 4 Moonlight Flat ...... 50 Big River North ...... 20 Adelaide Lead ...... 150 Big River South ...... 16 ' Golden Point ...... lOO Fry's Creek ...... 8 Craigie ...... lOO Wilson's Creek 2 ...... ' Four-mile Flat ...... lOO Moving population ...... 4 Carisbrook ...... 200 Goulburn River ...... 4 Mosquito ...... ' .... fso 1-- 87 Blucher's ...... 250 Mitta. Mitta Division: Newtown ...... 150 Lightning Creek ...... 25 Ha.velock ...... 150 Granite Flat ... 58 Chinaman's ... 800 ... • ... ~·· ' ... ...... 27 Blackman's Lead ...... 50 Junction, Snowy Creek ...... 14 Maryborough ...... :ioo Bethanga ...... 270 394 1-1 3,100 ----'- ' -- Carried fon.vard ...... 5,357 Carried forward ...... 3,10 0


~~····--- ~····------21

I NUMBER and DISTRIBUTION of MINERs on the Goldfields, &c.-continued.

Name of Place. / No. Total. Name of Place. No. Total.

Brought forward 3,100 Brought forward 8,810 Majorca Subdivision: St. Amaud North Subdivision-continued. Majorca Lead 64 Carapooe, &c. 15 View Point Lead .•. 6 Bell Rock, &c. 20 England's Hill Lead 14 Blink Bonnie, &c .... 15 }fount Greenock ... 8 Duchess of Edinburgh 20 Gibraltar Lead ... 17 Jerejaw, &c. .. . 10 Scandinavian Lead ... 20 Victoria Reef, &c ... . 20 Gladstone Co., McCallum's Creek 6 426 German Gully 9 Amherst Division: 144 ·Total for Maryborough District 9,236 About Taloot ... 40 Scandinavian Lead 20 Mount Greenock ... . •• CAsTLEM.UNE DrsTl!lCT. · 90 Castlemaine Division: Mount Glasgow ...... 4 Nuggety and Long Gullies .•. 50 Eureka Reef 42 Kangaroo Flat and Gully 50 Guildford 102 Mia Mia and tributaries 50 Campbell's Creek 110 Daisy Hill and tributaries 144 Sailor's Gully 29 Adelaide Lead South 90 Castlemaine 82 Blacksmith's Gully 36 Barker's Creek 92 Emu and Cockatoo ... 50 Myrtle Creek 36 Drown's Gully ...... 20 Moonlight Flat 58 Norfolk and Shellback Gullies 20 Chewton lSO 664 Wattle Gully 103 Avoca Subdivision:· Golden Point 60 Amphitheatre 50 Diamond Hill 78 Avoca Lead lOO Bolivia Reef 24 Green Hill Creek 72 996 Percydale 180 Pryer's Creeh Division: Home bush lOO Golden Gully to Fryerstown !50 Lamplough 152 Spring Gully and Specimen Hill 120 Monte Christo 20 Chok'em Flat to Vaughan ... 230 .Mountain Hut 25 Butcher's and Kangaroo Hills 80 No. 1 Creek 45 German and Mopoke Gullies 130 No. 2 Creek ... 150 Loddon: Vaughan to Pennyweight 100 Kimberley and Sardine 15 Table Hill and Tarilta lOO Donkey Hill ... 10 Guildford Hills ...... 220 Loddon: Vaughan to Holcombe Middle Creek, &c .... ' 25 220 Gullies east of A voca 20 Nuggety Gully and Irishtown 130 New Reef, Avoca road 8 Green and Sailors' Gullies .. . 40 972 Pickpocket and Hard Hills .. . 40 Dunolly and TarnaguUa. Divisions: Strathloddon and Hit-or-Miss Dunolly ... 120 1,710 Burnt Creek 50 Hepburn Division: ' ·:: Goldsbrough so Dry Diggings Section I Inkerman ... 40 Y andoit Section ... ' 1 ;8 Moliagul, &c. 90 Boots Gully Section I 56 Bealiba ... 90 Italian Gully Section i 73 Murphy's Flat, &c. 20 Spring Creek Section ! 77 Doctor's Gully Section .Tones' Creek, &c. 80 I i (j l Brandy-hot Section 33 Tarnagulla I Half-way ... 30so I I Deep Creek Section ' . 105 Llanelly 40 Blind Creek Section 125 11 Stony Creek Section Wild-dog, &c. 90 i I 74 Wombat Creek Section 102 1 lnglewood and Wedderburn Divisions·, Davlesfor\l Section ' 270 Berlin and Hard Hills 90 ,., !I Co~nel's Gully Section 83 Whela ... 40 I 1,262 Kingower 30 Taradale and Kyneton Suf,lir:isivu; -,-- Mclntyre's 45 \I Taradale ...... 1 185 Synnott's .• : 25 Liberty Flat 12 Burke's Flat 30 Redesdale 28 Inglewood 198 Yankee Point 25 Wedderburn 159 Malmsburv 27 Garibaldi ...... 26 Coliban ~ .. 10 A voca Forest ...... 23 Belltopper 33 W oolshed and Y orkshlre Flat 54 Lauriston 53 Opossum Hill and Orville ... 2,010 Scattered Quartz Mines 9 Tarrangower Division: 418 Redbank and St. Arnaud Sortth Subdivisions: 2,739 North Maldon Stuartmill, &c. . .• 45 Beehive Hill 56 Redbank ... G6 Eaglehawk IS~ Fowler's Lead :~o Long Gully 55 Hinds 30 Porcupine Flat 30 Moonambel, &c. 60 Fiddler's Flat ... 1 Darling Flat 30 Mount Tarrangower 16 .Emerald Flat so Sandy Creek · ... 70 Sandy Creek 20 Nuggety .. . 16 Canterbury 20 Mia Mia .. . 6 381 Green Valley 14 St. Arnaud Nortlt Subdivision : Muckleford New Bendigo IS 25 C:lydesdale 17 St. Arnaud 190 River Loddon Stuartmill, &c. 26 40 Parkin's Reef 22 Silver Mines, &c. . .. 30 German Reef 38 : Rostron's and Wattle Flat 25 Chapman's Gully Emu, &c .... 15 1-- Hell's Heef Carried forward !_i!~ 8,810 Carried forward ... 1 4,981 Nmlf.BEIC u.ud DISTRIBUTION of MINERS on the Goldfields; &c.-continued.

·Name of Place.· No: Total. · Nnmo of Place. No;

-----~------~---,.'-~·~·------Brought forward ... 4,981 Brought forward ... 655 St. A~drew's Divisio": Crooked River Division: Anderson's Creek .. . 76 Grant ... •.. 15 Long Gully· .. . 23 Crooked River ... 26~ .. Smith's 'Gully ... .. ·. 18 Jungle Creek· ...... 6 You You ...... 13. '· Twelve.:mile Creek ... 6 Wild-dog , .. ]2 Twenty-five-mile Creek 12 \Valsh ·and Armstrong's 13 Thirty-inile Creek ... 2 1 Warburton ... 19 Wentworth .. . .. ,, 25" Cherry;-tree ... 15 Upper Dargo· ...... 18 Cobbler's Gully ... 6 Middle'Dargo ...... 14·' · · Watery Gully .. . 9' Lower Dargo ... •.. 16, Reefton ...... 40 Upper,;l\'1itchell ...... 27 Pioneer 12 Good Hope ...... 12· Queenstown · 38 Good Luck Creek .. . ••• 19 Kingstown 26 Swamp and Morris' Creeks ... 26 One-tree Hill 9 "..:....-·. 224 Jericho Division: McMahon's 15· 22 •. Emerald .. : 12 Dry Cr!)ek ... Lower Jordan H" .. 30 Starvation Creek ... 6. 7'···· Hoddle's Creek ... Upper·Jordao· ... 36 Red .racket• Creek ... 22·' Diamond Reefs ... 10 B B·.Creek .. . : 20 Muddy Creek 4 ... :-,c: .. . 24· -- 412 Aberfeldy lUver ...... 12 Blue Moun'tain North Subdivision: I 3· Trentliam ... •.. Loch Fjne • .•. i4 Prospecting ... ,3 Newbury ...... 17 143 ·Garlicli's ...... 22 Donnell/s 'Creek Division: -'---- 53 Donnelly's Creek ... 51 :Abe~feldy, Fulton's, &c. 20 Total for Castlemaine Distri~t Freest'one Creek ... 10. . I . Gladstone ... ' 3 --·-· 84 ARABAT DISTRICT. Stringer.'s Creek Division: Walhalfa ...... Ararat Division: Neilson's Creek ...... 2 Ararat Proper .. . ••• 16!l \ 60. 75. •.. .. . Armstrong's ...... Thomson River ...... ' 54 Philip's Flat and Cathcart ... 65 Stringer's Creek ... .. • Rhymney Reef and Shea's Flat 45 " 4 Prosp~~ting on Pleiad~s Range~ 4 Opossum Gully and Port Curtis 95 -- 622 Moyston and Londonderry ... "70. Aberfeldu Subdivision: Pleasant-Creek Division: 510 · \. 82 . Js· · Aberfeldy River ...... Silver Shilling ••. .•• ... Tbomson River ... 14 Deep Lead,Forty-foot, and Welshman's Wilson and Barthold's 8.' Flat,...... 535 .Tames Rice .. . 7 Great Western ...... • 38 Star and Thomson .. . 4 Stawell ... 1,042 Moving population 3 Seventy-foot 34 ' 118 Germania 21 I Russell's Creek Division: Welcome ... 9 Crossover Creek ... 8 Darlington 15 Tanjil ... •.. 26 Iron bark 58 Russell's Creek .. . 4 Barkly Division: 1,765 Hawtlicrn Creek .. . 15 Landsborough and Malako:lf. 125 Wombat Creek ... 6 Bar~ly ...... 60 Charity Creek ... 2 Frenchman's .•. ••• 250 Lady Manners Button 1 Glenpatrick ... •.. 50 --- 62 Ra.glan Diviswn: 485 Bendoc Subdivision: · Beaufort and surrounding gullies llS Bendoc· .. : ... 10 Sailors' Gully .. • .. • 81 Bonang ••• 2.6 Charlton ... ••• . .. 6o Delega~e River ...... ;. 29 Waterloo...... 96 J3og and Queensborough 14 355 Prospecting ... 4 -- 83 Total for Ararat District 3,115 Tarwin Subdivision: Foster ... 95 Turton's Creek 8 GIPPSLAND DISTRICT. --·- !03 Omeo Subdivision: '· Trara.lgon :Subdit·ision: Livingstone Creek ...... 130 . Morewell .. . 4 Mitta )fitta River, from Cobungra to Naracan Creek .. . 6 ., WombatCreek ...... ••• 19 Traralgon '-1 .. . 6 Wombat Creek •.. .. • ... 25 I· Flinn's Creek .. . '2 ...... 21 and Creek 9 Swift's Creek ...... 157. Merriman's Creek ... 3 River Tambo •. . ..• ... 8 ~foe · ...... 4 MitcheliRiverandBogg!/ Creek Subdivisions: 1-- 360 La Trobe... •.. 6 4 Nicholson and Tambo Rivers ... · i 11.0 Eaglehawk Creek ...... I 3 Boggy Qreek ...... 1 102 Haunted Hill ... . Merrijig Creek ...... 43 47 Sandy's Creek ...... - ... 28 Total for Gippslnnd District ... 2,141 Mitchell River ...... --~~ 295 Carried forward ... ···I ... -~655 GRAND TOTAL ___ ...:._.______;__ _:,__~-----,..-,------~-·~·------1 ~rHOS. COUCHMAN, Office .of Mines, Seeretarr for Mines. ?vf..:l!Journr, 19th San nary 1877, 23 ..



CENTRAL DIVISION. Mr. David Christy~ Mining Registrar. The only fact worth naming which has cropped up during the last quarter is the sinking of a shaft o~ the ground of the Band and Albion Consols Company, with a view to test the reef wash, and, as far as yet known, With a good prospect of success. Wash was found considerably above the water-level, . . The amount of water supplied to mining companies by the Ballarat and Ballarat East Water CommiSSIOn for mining purposes amounts to 19,409,000 gallons, at 4d. per 1,000 gallons. GoLD obtained from the principal Alluvial Claims for Quarter ending 31st December 1876. oz. dwt. gr. I oz. dwt. gr. The Koh-i-noor ... 46 19 12 The New Koh-i-noor 16 13 0 The Eastern Star lliO 0 0 Puddlers, &c. ... 1,200 0 0 Winter's Freehold 94416 0 ---- Bushby and party 66 0 0 .Total ... 3,301 8 6 The Nil Desperandum 52114 0 ---- The St. George ... 295 5 18 DIVIDENDS, £ s. d. · The Temperance 880 0 0 The Britannia .. . 118 10 0 The Endeavor .. . 166 15 0 The Parade .. . 400 0 0

'rhe New Dimmock's ... ••• a 48 0 0 The Band and Albion Consols l,ll2 0 0 Total £2,725 5 0

SOUTHERN DIVISION. 1llr. George Per171, blining Registrar. QUARTZ MINING. Very little work of a productive nature has been carried on in our quartz mines during the past quarter. :M:ost of the time has been taken up in erecting machinery, and prosecuting other work of a progressive character, therefore the· yield of gold from this source is necessarily small. Staffordshire Reef.-The Hopewell Tribute Company have been crushing very poor stone lately, but are daily expecting a.change for the better. • The Speedwell. Tribute Company have erected their winding engine, which is a vertical one, of seven horse­ power, or (as it is commonly called} a donkey engine. It is fixed in a chamber situated 375 feet from the mouth of the tunnel, where it winds from a shaft sunk 65 feet below the tunnel-level. The engine takes very little water, and only a small quantity of firewood; it does its work efficiently, and gives the greatest satisfaction to the enterprising shareholders. They have just struck the lode 65 feet below their old workings, and its appearance is in favor of good returns for some time to come. The Hopewell Company have driven their 315-foot level 631 feet, and went through 14 feet of quartz, from which payable prospects were obtained. They are now constructing an air-drive to connect their workings with the tributers' workings before opening out on the lode. Kangaroo.-The New Kangaroo Company have completed the erection of their winding engine, and have sunk 30 feet-total depth 170 feet. It is proposed to sink a further depth of 70 feet before opening for the lode. · The Nil Desperandum Company have erected a twelve horse-power winding engine,·and sunk a new shaft to t,he depth of 86 feet. They opened out at 81 feet, and went through 10 feet of payable stone. It will take them a week to get the mine in good working order, when stone will he raioed for crnshing (on hire) by the New Kangaroo Company's battery. ' . Frenchman's,-The Hope Company have sold their claim and plant, .but the machinery is still on the ground.

ALLUVIAL MINING. The mining operations in the cement and alluvial workings at Kangaroo Flat still continue highly remunera­ tive to those engaged in them. In other parts of the division this branch of mining is exceedingly dull. Pitfield Plains.-The Welcome Company have bottomed their shaft, and· are driving for the gutter. McMullen's Bridge.-The Goldsbrough Company are still prospecting. .

BUNINYONG DIVISION. Mr. Robert M. Harveg, :bfining $urvegor and Registrar. AuuviAr, MINING. In this branch of mining I have nothing new to report during the quarter. The yield of gold has not decreased; my estimate being I,IOO·oz. as against 1,05U 07:, last qtlarter. 24

QUARTZ MINING, Quartz mining continues to improve; an increased number of small parties are at work, from the Tower Hill on the north to the Homeward-bound on the south, along the course of Hiscock's and Fairweather's Reefs. From the fact that gold-bearing,quartz ·has been found at intervals for miles south of the present workings, there is doubtless a field open for many more miners along this distance. . The total yield of gold from this source shows an improvement on last quarter, being 765 oz. as compared with 714 oz.; while the average yield per ton has increased by 7 grs. · A new battery for public cl'llshing has been erected at Scotchman's, and commences crushing forthwith.

LIGNITE. · None has been raised during the quarter. Of the quantity of water sold during .the quarter from Government rQservoir, unde1· charge o( Buninyong Borough Council, the To;vn Clerk supplies the following return :-10,000,000 gallons, sold at J::3 l9s, 6d, (=about 1d. per 10,500 gallons,) ·

SMYTHESDALE DIVISION. Mr·. John Lynclt, 111ining Surveyor and Registrar. A considerable diminution in the proceeds ef the mines for the quarter, as compared with th.at of the last, has taken place, the difference being 898 ozs. 18 dwts. Haddon, Lintons, and Scarsdale maintain, with very little fluctuation, their usual status as the chief producers, w.hilst in_ other parts of the division alluvial mining is rapidly deteriorating from its past conditio'n as a rerouneraLive industry. A few efforts have been recently made. towards the development of quartz reef;;, but, with the exception of the Linton Reef at Argyle, with no very beneficial cvnsequences. The Smythesdale Consols Oorilpany have had a trial. crushing lately, which those i111mediately concerned are said to regard as satisfactory,_and as a prelude to. better results. O.wing to the continued dryness of the season, no hill sluicing has been done, nor is it now likely that there will be any before the advent of winter. Nothing in the way of fresh discoveries, or outside. the usual routine of operations,has occurred during the quarter. The total yield of gold is 11,477 ozs. 16 dwts, , 1'he following are the yields from some of the princjpal mines:-Reform, 2,273 ozs;.; Racecourse, 1,100 ozs.; Trunk Lead, 871 ozs. 11 dwts. ; Preston Hill, 142 ozs.; Smythesdale Cons9ls (quartz), 50 ozs. l dwt.


Mr. James Stevenson, Nirti11g Sun·eyot· aud Registrar. There is an increase .in the quantity of quartz gold of about 1, lOO ozs. during· the quarter; this increase is partly owi.ng to a greater quantity of quartz having be.en reduced, and also to the average being 3 grs. per tqn (nearly) h1gher. · · The yield from alluvial miues is also slightly greater than the previous quarter; it is feared, however there will be a great falling off in the yield in this division during the ensuing year, as most of the rich claims a;e now worked out, and the progressive ones are gradu,ally getting into deeper and more difficult ground for working, and are ~onsequently much slower in giving returns. The following are the yields and dividends from·the principal mines:-

YIELDS. oz. d'vt. gr. Tributers, Port Phillip Company, Clunes 162 2 12 Cunnings' Freehold Company, Springhill - 1,423 1i 0 Oameron's Preehold Company, Springhill 1,703 1 0 J{,yrie's Freehold Company, Springhill ... 1,068 7 0 Kingston Park ]'reehold Company, Springhill 1,427 9 0 Bunyan's Freehold Company, Springhill , .. . .. IH8 11 0 Australasian Gold Mining Company, Red Streak, Creswick 504 17 0 Approximate yield of small mines ...... 1,500 0 0

8,307 18 12

DIVIDENDS AND RoYALTY. £ s. d. Port Philli£ Company, Clunes . ... 4,594 14 6 New Nort. Clunes Company, Clunes 4,112 0 0 South Clunes Company, Clunes ... 4,500 0 0 Cameron's Freehold Company, Springhill 4,015 5 0 Cunnings' Freehold Company,'Springhill .... 3,794 18 4 Ryrie's Freehold Company, Springhill ... 1,966 4 6 Kingston Park Freehold Company, Springhill 1,595 19 6 Bunyan's Freehold Company, Springhill 216 9 0 Lewers' Freehold Company. Spring hill ... 66 13 4 Try Again Quartz Mining Company, Bullarook 250 0 0

£25,112 4 2

· The quantity of water used- by the quartz companies at Clunes has been 102,250,480 gallons,-at ljd, per 1,000 gallons. 25

GORDON SUBDIVISION. lllr. Thomas Cowan,.Mining Sttrveyor and Registrar.

ALLUVIAL MINING. The company prospecting the alluvial ground in Cobbler's Gully, Egerton, have ceased operati~ns. Altho~gh they have done a deal of work, their prospecting proved valueless, as they hav~ ceased ope~atlons Without p:ovmg . the existence or non-existence of a gutter, or the value of the ground. No alluv1al prospectmg has been earned on in All Nations Gully, Egerton, during th? quarter., . . Two men are engaged prospecting m Parker s Gully, Gordon, but as yet have been unsuccessful m developmg any ground of a payable nat_ure. . . The alluvial gold obtamed for the quarter has been 4 ozs. 3 dwts. 16 grs.-obtamed, I beheve, by two men who occasionally fossick in the old alluvial gullies.

QUARTZ MINING. Egerton.-Black-horse United Company.-As reported last quarter, pumping was commenced on· the 23rd September last and although it has been vigorously prosecuted since then, the water has only been reduced to the 800-foot or low~r level this week. At the time of commencing pumping operations the water had reached the 400-foot level. As the water was gradually lowered, the shaft was carefully overhauled and repaired, and it would afpear that every precaution has been taken to have the works in a safe condition before commencing operations. n a. short time men will be below breaking quartz, '~hen crushing operations will be again resumed. The number of men employed is 13. 'rhe Egerton Company.-This company are still engaged in raising stone from their new shaft at a depth of from 400 to 700 feet. They are now erecting a new engine, and a battery of 20 head of stampers, which will soon be ready for reducing quartz. The number of men employed is 143. South Learmonth and Egerton Amalgamated Company.-Since my last report, the company have constructed a drive at their 500-foot le,·el west to a distance of 231 feet. At 221 feet from the shaft, it is stated that the Rose lode, 2~ feet in width, was cut, and on driving 20 feet along .its course it was found to be much broken up, in consequence of its proximity to a large slide. 'l'he number of men employed is 13. Argyle Company.-This company's ground is now let on tribute to a party of six men, who during the quarter ilunk a new shaft to a depth of 70 feet, opened out at that depth, and found a lode 2 feet in width about 13 feet west from the shaft A drive has been constructed 20 feet along the lode, and, although the stone has not yet been tested, it is expected from its appearance that it will yield about 8 dwts. to the ton. Fifty-six tous of stone, which had been left lying on the surface by a previous party, were crushed, and yielded 12 ozs. North Argyle Company.-This company have been prospecting their ground at a depth of lOO feet. A drive has been constructed to the west to a distance of 70 feet, at which point it cut the cap of the lode, and in consequence of this the company uow intend to sink their shaft deeper. The Chinese compan nsisting of 12 men, and registered under the name of Ah Jack and Co., are still engaged in washing the t a from the Egerton Company's battery. They state that they have obtained an average yield of 4 ozs. per wee , or 52 ozs. of gold for the quarter. The other Chinese party washing the tailings from the same battery, about half-a-mile further down'the gully, ceased operations at the end of the first six weeks in the quarter, in consequence of the insufficiency of the yield of gold; only 6 ozs., as I am informed, having been obtain{\d during that time. · The Chinese company of 11 men engn,ged in washing the tailings from the Black-horse Company's battery have obtained, as they state, 26 ozs. of gold during the quarter. Gordon.-Parker's United Company.-The company during the quarter have crushed quartz obtained from their underlay shaft on lease block No. 1,023, the said shaft having been sunk a further depth of 35 feet, making a total depth of 420 feet. The lode is from 7 to 8 feet in width, and the whole of the stone obtained from this width, 1,685 tons, has been· crushed, and yielded 1,160 ozs. 19 dwts. 12 grs., or '13 dwts. 18•72 grs. to the ton. Prospecting operations are being. carried on at the 400-foot· level from the engine-shaft in lease block No. 863, The drive now extends to 1,970 feet, and a few more feet driving will connect it with the workings from the underlay shaft. The number of men employed is 55. United Miners' Company, mentioned in my last report as prospecting in quartz reefs situated a short distance north of Gordon, have continued mining operations during the quarter, and have raised 100 tons of stone, taken from a surface lode. 32 tons of this were crushed, and yielded 7 dwts to the ton ; the other 68 tons remain on the surface. A contract is let for sinking a shaft 9 feet by 3 feet 6 inches to the water-level ; should the stone found at that depth be equal in value to the 32 tons crushed, a battery will be erected . .Mars Company, another new venture, have been prospecting at a short distance north of the Parker's United Company's ground the same lode now worked by that company. A shaft has been sunk to a deoth of 30 feet, and the company are now calling for tenders for sinking it to a further depth. Stone has been found. in the shaft, and from this indication the company have every hope of their Tenture proving SUCCessful. No work has been done by the Hot.neward-bound Company during the quarter, but the machinery is still on the ground. .

IRON. ·Lal Lal Iron Company, Lal Lal.-With a view to future operations, four men have been engaged during the latter month of 'the quarter in excavating a site on which to erect machinery. The company state that they have purchased an engine and boiler, which will be erected during the present quarter. l!'ive tons of ore have been raised.

STEIGLITZ SUBDIVISION. Mr. 0. W. Collins, J1ining Registrar. Very little has been done on Steiglitz during the past quarter, but the yield of gold from the stone crushed is good. There is next to no prospecting being done. Elaine, it is hoped, will soon become more active in mining matters. The Minerva Company are intending to erect a battery of their own, which will enable them to crush a good deal of stone that would not pay to cart. . ~t Mount Doran, the Ballarat Tunnel Company continue to prospect for Davidson's Reef. They have now dnven m 893 feet · It is reported that the bank of the dam formerly held by the Lal Lal Water Supply Cowpauy is not very safe and it would be a matter for regret that so good a supply of water should be lost. ' No water has been sold during the quarter. No minerals other than gnld are beiug worked in this division. BLACKWOOD DIVISION AND BLUE MOUNTAIN SOUTH SUBDIVISION. Mr. John F. Hansen, Mining Registrar:

QUARTZ MINING. · _A small increase in the average yields ,of gold per ton of quartz crushed has been obtained. The quantity of quartz crushed during the last three ~onths has, however, been less by nearly 2,000 toils, in consequence of which the' de~rease of'the' total yield· from 'this 'sourc_c of mining 'is about 600 OZFless tlian·that 'Of·the pre\iloU's-'quart~r. The Sultan Company's mine still continues to give remunerative' returns ; the average yields from' this ;'mine have been getting less for some time back ; but, as several lodes of quartz have increased in width to upwards of 6 feet, a less number of men employed in the mine ·can keep the battery fully at work, and effect a saving in_ the w:orking expenses. The. dividends declared by this company amount to £1,875, equal to 5s. per month for each share. - The North Cornish Company, o\vners of a powerful winding and pumping engine, ·have made arrangements with the Crown and Cornish Companies (co-operative parties) to drain their mines by allowing the first-named company to work the lower levels of the areas held by the two latter companies. The anangement is likely to prove beneficial to the whole of Simmons' Reef, and may be the means of again bringing the place prominently before the public. An·antimony lode, from two to four inches in width, situated at the left bank of the Uiver Lerderderg, about a mile below Golden Point, has been .opened up, the assay of which, fr'om a sample forwarded. to your depat1ment, gave a result of 60 per cent. of metallic antimony. The lode, at a depth of 6 feet, however;is fouud to pe, cut out; and it is not likely that any permanent reef will be struck until sunk to a greater depth. The Victoria Extended Company, Yankee Reef, have finished the erection of a 12 horse-power steam-engine, with ten-head battery attached, and as the company'have a large body of presumed payable stone opened up in their mine, ernshing operation will be commenced immediately. . · · . · Nothing of importance to report has reached me from any other part of the district. A copious fall of rain at several periods during the quarter has enabled the owners of, batteries crushing with water power to be in full w.ork up to the holidays. • ALLUVIAL i\fiNING. · The All Nations Company's cement crushing, at Yankee Hill, continues payable. The South Extended Sultan Quartz 'Mining Company, whilst driving a tunnel to intersect a reef, have come across a run of alluvial gold, at a depth of about 40 feet, presumed to pay for working, and whieh they intend to put through the battery after machinery has been erected. · There are two men employed prospecting the antimony reef, the area of whicli is held under miners' rights as a qua.rtz claim. • . · The average quantity of wate,r sold was six sluice-heads, at 10s. per week per sluice.head.

BALLAN SUBDIVISION. Mr. S. Coop~r, Mining Registrar. 'Ashton~s~-Freehold mine is the only place ,it). this subdivision at which mining operatiQn~ !tre .being -~arried on. A marked improvement has been seen in the quality of the stone crushed during this quarter, as from !!> small pa.rcel of about,27 tons (perh~ps less) a yield of 54 ozs. has been obtained. This speaks well for the future of this mine. Only' four men are at work at it', Mr. Ashton has some. more quartz stacked, which looks quite as good as that already crushed. . , . " . No metals or minerals other than gold are searched for in· this subdivisioq. ' .. No water was sold during the quarter. ·


BEECHWORTH DIVISION. .ftfr. Alexander Aiilerdii:e, Mining Registrar,. Mining has never been duller than at present in 'this division, and the unprecedented dryness of the season has again told upon the quantity of gold produced during the past quarter. A few of the sluicing claim~ in the .neighbor­ hood of Beech worth and Stanley have washed down with very poor results, Many of the small partws of mmers have left their claims for the purpose of obtaining work at harvesting, &c. 1 Eldorado is still in a 'progressive state. A new company has been formed to work the Wellington claim, and th'ey are making vigorous p~eparations for pumping the water out of the workings, in order to. get ~o work aga!n ~n the 90-foot floor. The McEvoy Company are at work on the 90~foot floor, and a second shaft 1s bemg put down, m order that more. men may be able to get to work. 'l'he prospecting drives put. in by the company show that there is payable gold in every dire~ti01: from. the s~aft,. and that _it ~x_tends u~der .what is now th~ township. The Ovei.lS Gold and Tin Company are puttmg m thmr mam dnve, and, m consequence, httle or no washmg has been done durmg the quarter. . · . Quartz mining is as dull as alluviaL At Stony Creek both the mills are idle for want of water. A third mill is being put up near the Nonpareil Reef, but it is feared that this also will have to stand idle until the winter rain sets in. At Myrtleford, the Reform Reef still continues to give splendid returns. The Nil Desperandum Reef has been purchased by Mr.. Jno. A. yY allace, who. intends !)ringing the stone fr:om it to his ~ill (t~e Reform) at l\iyrtle~ord by means of. a railway and eng1lle, as there 1s no good place for the erectiOn of a crushmg mill near the reef:: If this pla:n succeeds, doubtless many other reefs about the same neighborhood may prove ·payl!>ble which have been left in con~ sequence of the high rates for ca1·tage. . .. : A party named Muller and Co. are sinking a shaft at Stony Creek, just above the Bucldand road; it is now down 170 feet, and may possibly reach 200 feet. '.!'here must be a considerable dip or fall in the lead, as the nearest shaft above it was only 95 feet deep. It has always been thought that, if the deep ground 011 Stony Creek could be worked it would be found to be rich, as there are three or four leads running into it. If l\:Tuller and Co. are successful, there w'm be ground for a good many claims below them, as it is over a mile to the junction of Stony Creek with the Ovens River. 27

YACKANDANDAH DIVISION. Mr. Peter Wrigltt, lJfining Surveyor a~d Registrar• .Alluvial mining is dull but . ; work is hindered by scarcity of water, b.ut that is usu!ll at this se3:son. The Perseverance Company (Knee bone an o.), on Staghorn, have had to get an engrne for pumpmg, ~ot havmg water sufficient for the wheel. Bolam and Co., on Allan's Fla~, have commenced with steam power for dramage ; the sh~ft is not bottomed yet, but the work is progressing favorably. In quartz mining there is but little stir. Bigelow and Clingan are still sinking; the shaft is now 450 feet in depth, with quartz from the surface. Johnson and Marshallsea have moved the Berdan mill from Twist's Creek t.o Bruarong, using a waterwheel for power. They are treating the pyrites obtained from the tailings from the Homeward-bound mill. A large qua~tity of tailings from this miil were allowed to flow down the creek. Several parties are now sluicing them for the pyrrtes, and are doing fairly well.

INDIGO DIVISION. Mr. R. A1·rows1nith, .jlfining Surveyor and Registrar. The yield from quartz mining is far in excess of any quarterly return hitherto recorded in this division, 626 tons of stone from Harris and Hollow's claim having produced 1,473 ozs. 11 dwts. of gold-an average of 2 ozs. 7 dwts.l·87 grs. to the ton. About lOO tons of stone are on the surface, and it is calculated as much of the reef is opened out as will keep the machine constantly employed· for the next twelve months, at a yield fully equal to that already crushed. On the north side of Harris and Hollow's claim the .ground is occupied by Whittaker and Co., who report having struck payable stone; and the next ground is held by the applicants for a. mining lease, who have not yet commenced operations. On the south side are the Great Eastern Extended Quartz Mining Company and Messrs. Thorne, Price, and Co.; the latter, applicants for a mining lease, are the holders of the ground. The prospects of both companies are said to be favorable. With perseverance and practical knowledge, they can hardly fail to obtain good payable, if not rich returns, equal to those obtained on any other portion of the Great Eastern Reef. The splendid results from Messrs. Harris and Hollow's claim have caused increased activity in this branch of mining; several abandoned reefs have been taken up, some of whi9h in the hands of .investors, who now have confidence in the neighborhood, will no doubt receive a fair trial. The quartz workings at Rutherglen have hitherto been confined to shallow levels, where considerable quantities of gold from time to time have been obtained ; but it is only by extending these workings to deeper levels that well defined permanent reefs may be confidently looked for, and the wealth and pr,osperity of the district firmly established. That Harris and Hollow's is a rich invaluable reef is now unmistakably proved. No practical miner who examines its configuration, consisting exclusively of quartz hills forming the sources of numerous and once valuable leads, can .fail to arrive at any other conclusion. Sooner or later Rutherglen will probably form one of the most important mining centres in the colony, hut this will reqnire time, capital, and perseverance. At Chiltern quartz mining is unprecedently dull, '!ith little or no prospects of immediate improvement; In alluvial mining very little is being done. Tlie works of the Chiltern Valley Gold 1\-fining Company are being vigorously pushed forward by Mr. Ilott, the contractor, and very litUe time will suffice to put the mine in full working order. No water was sold during the quarter.

BUCKLAND DIVISION. Mr. Lewis C. Kinchela, Mining Registrar. During the past quarter quartz mining has afforded satisfactory results in this division, both as regards the quantity of stone raised and the high average yield of 15 dwts. per ton. Notwithstanding the large amount of prospecting for reefs which engages the attention of many of our miners, the past quarter has been singularly barren of new discoveries, and a disposition is now evinced rather to try some of the reefs previously abandoned than to seek for new ones. Consequent upon the slow nature of the non-productive works now being carried on by two of our most important mines, viz., the London Company and the Myrtle Company, combined with other circumstances, it is to be feared that a. considerable period may elapse before such favorable returns will be obtained from the Wandiligong mines as have characterized the reports for the past three years. 'l'he Buckland quartz mines are in a prosperous condition, being held entirely by small parties of working men, thirty-two of whom divided between them 650 ozs. of gold for the quarter. Alluvial mining o:ffers no point of particular interest. T~e following is the quantity of water sold during the quarter :-Buckland, 18 heads, 2s. 6d. to 20s., average, 10s. ; Br1ght, &c., 11 heads, 7s. 6d. to l2s. 6d., average, lOa.

ALEXANDRA SUBDIVISION. Mr. Rohert W. S. Greig, .Mining Surveyor and Registrar. ALLUVIAL MINING. The Working Miners' Lead, Godfrcy's Creek.-The Albion Company, wh~ at the close of last quarter had just removed their machinery to another site, were again overcome by the water, and have now·been compelled to finally abandon the lead ; the workings for the time being on this lead have therefore been closed. The machinery of the Triumph Company was commenced to be removed, but has not been completed and the Gobur Company's plant is still on the ground. · ' Nothing has to be reported as regards new discoveries, and alluvial mining is much. depressed. QuARTZ MINING. The re-occupation of the Lucky line of reefs has caused a slight stir to be felt in the immediate vicinity o£ Alexandra, but generally there is little improvement to be noted. No new discoveries have been found and the Acheron diggings have fallen o:ff very much, resulting in the steam crushing mill which was erected there being removed to Alexandra. The steam-engine of the Albion Company has been removed from Gobur and re-erected at Durham G~lly; the dyke reefs there will, therefore, have another trial. A small battery has b~n again erected at the Murchison Reef, Doogalook.

DRY CREEK SUBDIVISION. Jlh. J. Pemberton, Mining Regi:Jt7·m·. Alluvial mining is on the dec!'ease: Quartz prospecting more vigorous: 28

GAFFNEY'S CREEK SUBDIVISION. Mr. A. B. Ainsworth, lrfining Surveyor and Registrar. . The energy and enterprise of tributers, and the cordial co-operation-of middlemen with producers, in this purely m1_ning community, continue, despite occasional serious drawbacks and disappointments, to keep matters moving, and so stave off a possible collapse. Thus, at the present, the A 1, Hunt's, and the Wallaby-tribute parties are doing :vel!, the first two mentioned markedly so. 't'he A l will not wash up till water compels them, and the yield given ~s therefore only partly what they will put to their credit for the past quarter. The last crushing for a fortnight gave the six men in Hunt's tribute (paying 15 per cent.) 64 ozs. . The Golden Belt tribute party has been but a fortnight iu existence, and the result of their washing up, which Is not expected to be much, will not reach me in time to be included in this return. 'rhe tribute is understood to be 37 per cent. 'l'he .Rose of Denmark Company have not yet completed arrangements for a new tribute, but these are in progress, as also similar arrangements for the Danabrog mine . . The Happy-go-Lucky Reef is idle for the present, owing to the cost of landing the ore at the nearest available machme. The past quarter has shown encouraging signs in mining business, but scarcity of water during the summer will impede operations for a time. In alluvial there is nothing particular to repQrt; the average results of washing operations have been low. No water has as yet been sold here. No miners are employed mining for other metal or mineral than gold.

WOOD'S POINT SUBDIVISION. · M1·. A. B. Ainswo1·tlt, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. The alluvial claims have been quite up to late yields during the past quarter, and in a few instances very good washings have been obtained.' A party of four sluicers have made £50 a man for five weeks' work, and a party of two men have averaged about £12 a man for the past six weeks ; both in bank claims on the Goulburn River. As regards our quartz mines, the table will show that but poor results have been obtained; The Lady Franklin Company are putting in a low level, and have stopped raising quartz. · . The Moming Star Prospectors' Tribute Company have obtained excellent yields, and continue to sluice away the western face of the dyke at a very low cost, leaving sufficient available for excellent wages after all expenses are met. 'l.'he method consists in saving what loose gold there may be by the usual sluice-box with false bottom, running all solid rock into li paddock of which the fence acts as a grill, screening in pebbles and stones exceeding three. inches; these are forked and hand-picked roughly; so as to exclude barren blocks of granite, &c., and the residue, chiefly made up of quartz and veined granite stones, is trucked to the battery and crushed. This process, which has made the tribute a valuable one, and afforded data likely to assist in determining the applicability of the process to other similar dyke lodes, is due to the enterprise and ingenuity of 1\'Ir. John Stackpole of this to":n, and is an important innovation in the usual mo!le of working our soft granite and sandstone dykes. No water is being sold at the present in this subdivision. · No men are employed in mining for other metal or for minerals t.han gold.

BIG RIVER SUBDIVIHION. 1111·. A. B. Ainswortlt, jlfining Surveyor and Registmr. There is bn.t one mine at work-the Unknown. The small average of yield given from this mine is the result of' a much mixed lot of lode stuff put through their newly erected machine as a trial for it; the mine continues to look well. · The Londondeny tribt1ters finished early in the quarter, the party breaking up ; they have not succeeded in re-forming it up to this time. In alluvial the average have been £1 per man per week. I hear of rio water having as yet been sold ; price, when sold, 4s. 6d. per sluice-head. Everything is exceedingly dull. For November there were no registrations at all in this subdivision; for December only two. . · No miners are employed mining for other 1netals or minerals than gold.

MIT'l'A MITTA DIVISION. 1!11·. W. H. Cockrane, llfi1dng R,egistrar. The old alluvial diggings ou the Snowy Creek and Mitta :Vlitta are without change. The Bethan~a Reefs continue to improve; the number of payable reefs has increased, and the returns from the old ones show Improve­ ment. The produce for last quarter is ~bove 3,000 ozs., which will no doubt compare favorably with m~st of the fields •

.JAMIESON SUBDIVISION. lrfr. W. H. Edwards, ilfining Registm1·. 1'he Sailor Bill's Company during the past quarter have sunk a winzt> in the main tunnel 30 feet deep, in order to strike the eastern reef. Upon striking it they fonnd it split into two leaders, the western only carrying gold. For the present they have suspended operati.ous at this spot. The reef has been cross.cut to the eastward 18 feet; it consists of quartz leaders intermixed with slate, carrying a large quantity of pyrites, &c., but showing no gold. They are now drivin(J' to the west, where a little gold is to be seen in the stone. The trial crushings this quarter have been sufficient to w:rrant the company a mill of their own, to be driven by water-power, and to be erected about 1,200 yards from the mouth of tunnel...... M:ack's Creek Company are still stopm~ the reef to the soutn ; the contractor for the tramway havmg fimshed, the company will now be able to commence crushiug, and,.from the previous trials, a good return is anticip;t~ed. . '!'he Venture Company, having connected the shaft and tunnel, :tre now opening out from the shaft gomg south. The reef is about 18 inches wide, carrying good gold. · Gleeson's J,ease Company are breaking stone from the south and intermediate stopes; the leader cutting west is carrying fair gold, and the mine and plant are in good working order. The Just-in-Time Company are driving to cnt the eastem reef at a greate1· depth, and as soon as the surface shaft is connected will begin crushiug. 29


SANDHURST DIVISION. JJ1r. N. G. Stephens, Mining Registrm·. There has not been so much rich quartz crushed during the past quarter, consequently the yield of gold is less, but a greater number of claims have contributed to what has been produced,. which, according to my returns, is 83,725 tons, averaging 10 dwts. 11 grs. per ton. Sinking is being carried on in the deepest shafts, a list of which is forwarded ; and in another table will be seen good yields from considerable depths. There is no reason at the present time for expecting any decline in quartz mining in this division, although less gold was forthcoming at the end, of the year than was hoped for. A movement is on foot with the view of introducing from California a more perfect system of treating quartz

and pyrTitehe s. tot a1 quanttty· of water so Id for mmmg . . purposes m' th'ts d'1ns1on . . d urmg . th e past quarter ts. 14, 737 ,000 gallons. Additional information respecting some of the quartz, &c., crushed during the past quarter:-

Total Average /. Depth at which ". 'I Name of Company. Where Quartz, &c., Yield of Yield the Quartz ~~.;: Width of Reef, &c. were obtained. \lll~ ..... cZ > I Gold. per Ton. . wn.s obtained~ o;::~ ~~-·---·--- --·· tons. oz. dwt.gr. oz. dwt.gr. feet. Garden Gully United .. Garden GuUy Reef .. 4,269 5,182 6 0 1 4 6•69 aoo to 700 feet .. .. From 1 to 4 feet.. Bottom reef being opened out, nearly 30 feet thick Golden Stream Tribute .. Garden Gully Reef .. 373 47~ 0 0 1 5 7'40 300 feet •• .. 280 8 inches Burrowes' Freehold .. Garden Gully Reef .. 554 832 0 0 1 IQ o·sa 430 feet .. About 1 foot Victory ...... Garden Gully Reef .. 3,494 4,043 10 0 J a 3•48 677'feet & upwards .. 2 feet to 20 feet Gordon 1s Tribute .. Garden Gully Reef .. 915 812 17 0 0 17 18'41 312 to 330 feet .. .. G inches to 3 feet Pandora .. .. Garden Gully Reef .. 4,4~2 2,895 12 0 0 12 22•10 Between600&700ft. .. From 18 Inches to 12 feet l\filler's •• .. .. Garden Gully Reef .. 67 38 16 0 !) 11 13•97 360 feet ...... About 2 feet Horwood's Freehold .. Garden Gully Reef .. 1.703 1,473 5 8 0 17 7•24 4W feet ...... 18 inches 6 10'49 Koch's Pioneer .. .. Garden Gully Reef .. 1;258 404 18 0 0 812 feet .. .. 47 Succession of spurs1 worked about I 15 feet wide Unity .. .. Garden Gully Reel .. 1,275 395 1 0 0 6 4•72 710 feet .. . . 150 From 3 feet to 16 feet Garden Gully Railway Re- Garden Gully ~leef .. 473 137 (I 0 0 6 19•02 250 le et .. .. 50 About IS inches serve North Old-chum .. New~chum Reef .. 312 288 9 0 0 18 11•77 948 feet & upwards .. From 2 feet to 10 feet New'-chum Consolidated .• New-chum Heel .. 280 199 .7 18 014 5·so Surface to 400 feet .. From 1 foot to 12 feet Shenandoah .. .. New·chum llcef .. 3,671 2,377 ll 0 0 12 22'87 Above 450 feet .. 70 Various Young-chum .. .. New-chum ltMf .. 1,079 6!3 a 12 011 8•77 Various New-chum and Victoria ... New-chum Ueef .. 890 467 9 .0 0 10 12'10 100 to 900 feet .. From 6 Inches to a feet Ellesmere No. 1 •• .. New ... chum Reef .. 280 136 11 0 0 9 18'60 300 feet •• .. .. Average 2 feet 6 inches Lazar us .. .. New-chum Iteef . . 1,149 462 2 12 0 8 1·o;; Surface to 760 feet 140 From 3 Inches to 46 feet New-chum United .. New~chum Ueef .. 7~1 311 17 0 0 8. 4•70 Shamroclr. .. .. New-chum nee! .. . 392 139 0 0 0 7 2"20 350 feet .. .. 4 feet North Shenandonb .. ~ew-chum Reef .. 2,4·21) 757 1 0 0 6 5•84 Above 450 leet .. 70 Various Koch and Hlldebrandt .. New-chum Heef .. 279 81 12 0 0 5 2o·as Lazarus No. l .. .. New-clmm Reef .. 1,857 470 9 0 0 5 1•60 Surface to 800 feet 140 1 inch to 50 feet Hercules and Energetic .. Victoria Reef .. 209 172 6 0 0 16 11•71 350 and s;;o feet 72 From 2 Inches to ' feet Humboldt Tribute .. Victoria Reef .. 26 32 0 0 1 4 14'77 250 feet Adventure and Advance • 4 Victoria lteef .. 180 72 2 0 0 8 0•27 Above 300 feet 160 Spurs Victoria Reef G. M. .. Victoria Reef .. 2,565 1,017 17 12. 0 7 22'48 430, 5r>0,620,&916 .ft • 160 From I inch to 12 feet Victoria. Consols .. Victoria. Reef .. 1,813 392 12 16 0 5 23'53 Surface to 500 feet .. Principally spurs Victoria Reef Q. llf. .. Victoria Reef .. 295 as 14 4 0 2 14•98 1,100 feet .. 600 61eet Johnson's Reef Ext. Trlb. Johnson's necf .. 129 438 2 0 s 7 22•14 450 feet .. 18lnches to 2 feet Rose of Denmark .. Johnson's Reef .. 1,201 S97 14 0 0 14 22'78 North Johnson's •• .. Jobnson'~ Reef .. 221 !17 9 0 10 16•11 540 feet ...... From 4 inches to I 0 Inches. Sink· !ng through quartz showing gold ' at 620 feet Princess Dagmar .. Johnson's Reef .. 250 101 10 0 0 8 2'88 200 feet ...... IS inches J ohnson's Reef G. JIL .. Johnson's Reef .. 4,141 88:\ 19 0 0 4 6'69 300 to 600 feet . . .. Chiefly spurs New Hustler's and Redtm Hustler's !\eel .. 18 59 3 2 3 5 17•44 20 feet ...... About 12 inches Hustler's Reef .. Hustler's Reef .. 368 56~ 14 0 1 10 19•17 500,725, & 1,000 feet 70 About 16 inches Great Ext. Hustler's Trlb. Hustler's Heef .. 371 125 8 IS 0 6 18•29 WO feet .. 90 From I foot to 8 feet Great Extended Hustler's •• Hustler1S Reef .. 2,HO 622 15 0 0 5 19'68 600, 680, & HO feet 90 East reef, from I foot to 3 feet; west reef, average 20 feet Great Hustler's .. .. Hustler's Reef ., 224 64 10 0 0 fj 18•21 900 to 9!i0 feet .. 18lnches United Pioneer .. Hu•tler's lleef .. 65 16 1 ta 0 4 22•72 Above 300 feet .. 11i0 ~purs Central Catherine .. Catherine Reel .. 7fi5 603 0 0 0 13· :J•6! 5t0 and 640 feet .. 180 Average 3 feet Catherlne Reef U. C. .. Catherlne lleef .. 2,770 1,729 lO 0 01211•69 Surface to 680 feet 130 From 2 Inches to 2 feet York and Durham .. CMherine Reef .. 503 124 5 0 0 4 22•67 440, 600, & 670 !eet 300 ~'rom 6 inches to a feet. New reef strucl< at 500 feet; width 2 feet; very rich Bendlgo and ll!elbourne .. llird's Reef •. .. 1,fi89 955 9 0 0 12 0'62 350 feet .. .. 60 16 feet Blrd's Reef .. .. Bird's Reef •. .. 233 ~8 15 0 0 7 l4"S3 200 feet .. .. 50 l<'rom 1 loot to 8 feet Albert Tribute .. .. Diamond Hill .. 178 149 9 () 0 16 19'01 260 feet .. .. 260 From 1 foot to 4 feet Boyd and Jame• .. Specimen Hill, l~ng .278 272 0 0 0 19 13'64 75 feet .. .. 150 Spurs, from 6 lnche~ to ~ feet Gully Empire •• .. .. Derwent Reef .. 121 98 8 0 0 15 10•.')1 216 and 270 feet Golden Pike .. .. Comet Reef .. 31 3S 12 0 1 4 21·67 200 feet Great Britain .. .. 'Prinee Alfred Reef .. 1,352 61\l 6 0 0 9 1•38 225 feet .. .. so SpUTS Golden Crown .. .. Carshu.lton Heef .. 620 278 18 0 0 8 23•92 80 feet .. .. IS inches White Star .. .. Carshalton Reel .. 117 29 13 12 0 6 !•74 Between 50 & 7 4 feet .. From 3 feet to 4. feet North Whip .. .. Whip Reef .. .. 4S3 120 10 0 0 4 23•75 360 feet •. .. 80 Spurs, from a Inches to 2 feet, be· tweeu sandstone walls about I 00 feet apart New J\foon .. .. Moon Reef •. .. 204 63 15 0 0 6 6 200 to 360 feet .. 110 From 2 Inches to 2 feet • Princess Alexandm .. Devonshire nee! .. 2,3~7 1,057 13 0 0 8 20•68 '244 to 344 feet .. 150 Principally spurs, of various sizes United DevoMhlre I .. Devonshire Reef .. 628 422 15 11 0 13 11•14 327 feet .. .. 150 Flat spurs from 6 Inches to 9 feet South Catherlne .. .. St. Mnngo Reef .. 396 375 10 6 0 18 22•17 870 to 640 feet .. .. J\1ass of spurs Windmill Hill .. Windmill Ueef .. 51 40 19 0 0 16 Nl United Windmill .. Windmill Reef .. na 49 I 6 0 8 16•40 160 feet .. .. 40 Spurs Wllson's Reel .. .. Marong Reef .. s• 38 8 0. 0 9 3"48 280 feet •• .. 220 Atiout 2! feet United Perseverance .. Perseverance Reef .. 54 BR 18 12 0 14 10· 312 feet •• .. .. Average 1 foot Morning Light .. .. Trevillian Reef .. 1,235 I 499 14 0 0 8 2'21 250 to 450 feet .. 150 A veragc 2 feet. New and Improved machinery erected for treatlnr pyrites Pnun:s. Garden Gully United .. Garden Gully Reef .. 44 193 10 0 4 7 22"91 ) Horwood's Freehold .. Garden Gully Reef .. 10 40 19 0 4 I 21•60 Garden Gully Railway Res. Garden Gully Reel .. I~ 5 1 0 311 8 Pandora .. .. Garden Gully Reef .. 49 ll4 19 3 2 6 22•10 Vletory.. •• Garden Gully Reef 117 18 2'57 .. .. 56 0 2 2 •rreatment, rever- Burrowes• Freehold .. Garden Gully ~eef lfj 29 19 0 l 19 22•40 I .. batory furnace Unity .. .. Garden Gully Reef .. 27 48 1~ 0 1 16 2'66 r North Shenandoah .. New-chum Reef .. 10 29 12 0 2 19 4•80 Sberumdoah New-chum Ueef .. 40 no 12 0 2 1~ 7'20 J ~

List of Shafts over 900 feet deep. ---··---~----r------,------;---,--...,.------· · • · Du lh uf I Depth of IDepth of I Name of Company. 1 • Name of Reef. S~aft .the deepestj.the deepest! Remark.s. -----.______i_.__ .______.- --·-·-j~==--1~ ------· . , · . · feet. feet. feet.

Victoria Reef Q. M. .. • . .. Victoria Reef ... I, 15~ 11 I 00 1 lOO Sinking Great Extended Hustler's ... Hustler's Reef 1,100 ' 8il 1'009 Sinking Great Extended Hustler's Tribute Hustler's Reef 1,09:3 1,000 1:000 Sinking Hustler's Reef Q. M. and D. Hustler's Ree.t 1 059 985 1 0:35 Sinking J::ansell's ISO claim Victoria Hee.t. 1;010 955 '955 Sinking ' North Old-chum ... New-chum Reef .. , r··:· , 1,008., 1,000. Not sinking H~rcul.es ...... , ..: _ Victoria Reef · " 996 820 .986 Sinking' V1etona Reef G. M. Victoria Ree.f 992 916 976 Not sinking Koch's Pioneer Garden Gully Heef 986 812 906 Sinking Old-chum . Ne\v-chum Reef· 970 860 860. New-chum and Victoria New-chum Reef %8 925 925 Sinking Carlisle, North Garden Gully, and Garden Gully Reef. 953 Sinking, .Passby Great Hustler's Hustler's Reef 950 950 950 Not sinking Windmill Hill Windmill.Hill Reef .... '927 740 780.' Sinking Lazarus No. 1 New-Chum Reef ·901. 800 800 Not sinking -

KIL:MORE DIVISION. )fr. icunes W:. Osborn, )fining Registrar. There is nothing of im'portance to report as to mining in this division for the last quarter. No water was· sold during the quarter. . . . · . ·

HEA'J,'HCOTE DIVISIO~ .AND W4RANGA SOUTH SUBDIVISION. · .. . , . .Llfr. J. T ..Strong, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. There are .no .sp~cial rernarli:s to nialie with regard to ~inmg operations during the quarter ended 31st December 1876. The Costerfield (}old and Antimoqy_.Minirig Compapy, the South Costerfield: Gold and Antimony Mining Company, the Alison ·and 0entral Gold aild Antimony 'Mining Company, :and the Butler.'s ·Reef United Quartz Mining Company ar~ pu,rsuin~ 'their operations steadily, but without apy results requiring to be 'particularized. No water was._sold durjng the quarter. ' ·

.: I ' ··-­'. '

WARANGA :NORTH SUBDIVISION. . ·' ; ~ Mr. ife;I-ry Hicks, 1Jfini1ig Registrar. ·But little ~hange h~s taken place in the number of'alluvial miners during the qua.rter, and. the majority of those named have been erripl'oyed during the month· of ·December in the surrounding harvest-fields, the prevailing high wages having caused their temporary withdrawal from the mines. · . . The quantity ·of quartZ crushed shows u falling off from the previous quarter of 163 tons, while the average of gold per ton is nearly 3! dwts. higher. The amount paid for crushing and carting has altogether 'prech;~ded the· miners fr.om sending pqor or doubtfuJ stliff, to the. !lJill. T~e present prospects of the subdivision thro~ghout are encouragmg...... , , .. . · . · . The Balach~va Company,.. Whroo, believe· they .have discovered; at a depth of 50. feet, at the south . . e~d of the cutting; the original vein, 16 tons from which, raisecl by four men in four .days,. gave the return of · 18 ozs: 10 dwts. 18 grs .. of smelted gold. . Au~ustine and Co·., New Belle Allianqe, White Hills, crushed from the new vein 30 tons for 59 ozs. 18 dwts.- three men s labor for seven weeks. · . . . . · · · Kelly and Co., Hit-or.l\t!iss, Rusliworth; while sinking a new shaft, struck a new vein at ·40 feet, 21 .tons from which, crushed during the past week, yielded 79 02is.l5 dwts. of gpld. The Rushworth U. G. M. Company have let their claim .on tribute, work being no;w actively carried on. . Messrs. Cameron Brothers, White Hills, 'have been compelled to cease work at their claim, the expense of keeping the water dow:n being too much for the amount of'go,ld obtained. The Mongolian ~ompauy, Rushworth, have also ceased woik ...... :. "

.... :' I • ,, ,, , ( • ;••·,'; ol


.. I MARYBOROUGH-' DIVISION. '' ' ,.: . 1lfr. P. Virtue,jun.? ])fining Registrar . . ALLUVI:A.L MINING. In my last report it was stated that the m'ine.of,the Duk~ and 'rimor,Company had been)et on tribute for one month. I now regret to state the tributers were obliged to suspend operations at the close of the~r term, in con­ sequence of the return of gold not proving suffici.entiy remunerative. ,The mine, under the new na;me of th~ Duchess of Timor, has. been again let on .tribute to a nev'fr~arty, on ~avorable terms •. This party ar~ now.m P?ssess1on j .t~ey have made a good start, and are hkely to make tlie:n· enterpnse a success. The other alluvtal mmes m the diVISIOn call for no special remarks. ;JI

The following is a statement of the gold obtained from the principal alluvial mines in this division during the quarter:- oz. dwt. gr. Band of Hope, Chinaman's 473 0 0 Duke and Timor, Timor 1,0i0 10 o Count Bismarck,-Alma . 1,437 2 0 Seaham, Alma 124 ]5 12 Gladstone, Alma 341 0 0 New Magnum Bonum, Alma 308. 0 0 Queen, Alma 198 3 0 Total ... 3,952 10 12

A dividend as under has been paid during the quarter by the company named :­ £ $. d. Gladstone, Alma. 600 0 0 QuARTZ MINING. There is nothing of any importance to report in this class of mining.

MAJORCA SUBDIVISION. Jl!r. Jol~n Afr JJ[urphy, ]}fining Surveyor and Registrar. During the past quarter, in this subdivision, ·mining matters have been very quiet, with the exception of two or three 9laims at Rocky Flat, which are worked by co-operative parties. The machinery from the Sadowa Company and from the Greenock Park Company, valued at £5,000,. has been removed to the neighborhood of Creswick. The Golden Gate Company have erected machinery, and are now ·sinking with some hopes of success. In the immediate neighborhood of Majorca very little. is doing in mining. The Prince Alfred Reef Company, Deed's Reef, is looking somewhat better than it was last quarter, the quartz yielding 1 oz. 1 dwt. to the ton. They are now raising quartz from a depth of 374 feet.

AMHERS'l' DIVISION. Mr. Joseplt Smith, llfining Surveyor a?td Registrar. An ·improvement iu the quartz mining in the division has taken place. In the Prince of Wales Reef, Bush and Co. crushed a lot of what they considered refuse stone, which gave above an ounce to the ton. The Specimen Reef, Amherst, gave upwards of 6iJ ozs. to the ton; and two other small lots gave about 3 ozs. to the ton, which has increased the yield of gold 168 ozs. over the previous quarter. . In alluvial mining, the Nichol's Freehold and Golden Gate have each completed their plants, and are now in a position to proceed, so that the quarter will show a more favorable return. The. small claims are doing as much as usual.

. A VOCA SUBDIVISION. Mr. D. O'Leary, Mining .S~ttrveyor and Registrar. The resumption of operations at the Homebush has resulted in proving in a satisfactory manner the payable character of the deep ground. At a distance westerly of 810 feet in the principal drive from the main shaft prospects have been found, by means of bores, in a width of 100 feet, estimated at half an ounce to the truck; and efforts are being made to secure an extension north-westerly of the leases on the supposed course of the lead. In quartz mining there is an unusual depression. Several of the mines in the Pyrenees, including the Perse­ verance Company, have suspended operations ; but the Monte Cristo continues to pay its tributers good wages, and the Glenmona Reef in the same line also pays well. · · No water was sold during th~ quarter.

· DUNOLLY AND TARNAGULLA DIVISIONS. JJfr. W. G. Couchman, .ltfining Surveyor. ana Registrar. JJunolly JJivision. There has been a little improvement in quartz mining operations during the quarter, and the average yield for the division is higher than previously. . . Bealiba Reef.-The Queen's Birthday Company have been driving Nos. a .and 4 levels, and stoping the backs therefrom. No. 3 has been driven 673 feet, and No. 4, 869 feet south from the shaft, and it is intended to drive No. 3 still further south. The mine presents very favorable appearances for permanency. Two pairs of Chilian mills for treatina the tailings are now on the ground, and will be erected forthwith; and it is also contemplated to erect other machirfery for the treatment of the tailings and pyrites, which it is believed will yield well. Advance Bealiba Reef.-The Welcome Company have been driving and stoping the 210-foot level and backs, and also sinking the shaft, which is 230 feet in depth ; and sinking is still proceeding. The stone under foot looks very favorable. Bet Bet Reef.-RJ.an and Co. and Crook and Co. have had good yields from the shallow workings; the stone crushed by the first-namea party averaging 2 ozs. 14 dwt-s. per ton. Tliey are now sinking the shaft deeper. Caledonia Reef, Windmill Hill.-Calder and Co. have sunk their shaft 66 feet during the quarter, making a. total of 17 4 feet. They have .opened out for the reef, and are now sinking a well, and will afterwards cross-cut for the reef.. Wayman's Reef.-Deason and Co.'s last crushing gave an average of over 6 dwts. per ton, and the stone under foot is looking better; but· the water is troublesome, and will necessitate the erection of machinery for keeping it under. · · 32

. · . Chinaman's Reef! Old f;ead.-Murray aud Go. had a crushing, which gave a very poor yield, and are now smkmg another shaft, w1th a v1ew to test the reef nearer the old workings. . · A3:hivial mining is very dull, and very little new ground is being opened up. A 43-oz. nugget has been found m the ne1ghborhood of Jones' Creek, but the precise locality is not known; . Tarna,qulla Division. In quartz mining, the reefs at the Halfway Diggings, about 2 miles from Tarnagulla, are receiving more ' attention. Mr. J. W atkins has completed the re-erection of his crushing plant, and had a crushing from his lease on . the ~tar Reef, which gave a retum Of ~ oz. per ton, from 200 tons. This is a very excellent yield indeed, when it is cons1dered that the reef is at present 35 feet in width. Thomsen and Co. are working a horizontal lode, 4 feet in depth, with a return of 13 dwts. per ton. , · Nlost :of the other reefs, with the exception of those at Iron bark Gully, are idle at present; and in alluvial mi~ing there is nothing of importance to note.

INGLEWOOD DIVISION. 1J1r. W. ll. Coffey, Mining Registrar. During the past quarter mining has. been generally iu a depressed condition, very little improvement havin~ tak' en place.

WEDDERBURN DIVISION. Mr. John Reach, Mining Registrar. There is nothing new to report in mining matters since my last. Quartz mining is at a. cpmplete standatill, and no fresh alluvial ground opened during the past quarter. No water was sold during the quarter.

REDBANK SUBDIVISION. .Mr. D. 0' Leary, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. At Emerald Flat, in 20 feet sinking, a small party of miners have been getting satisfactory yields.; and in shallow ground, near the dividing range between Redbank and Moonambel, some payable returns have .also been obtained. . · No water was ~old during the quarter.

ST. ARNAUD SOUTH SUBDIVISION. Mr. W. G. Couchman, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. Both alluvial and quartz mining operations have been in a very depressed condition indeed during the quarter, and there seems little indication of a revival. The whole of the plant of the New Ieis Company has been sold; the crushing engine and batteries have been purchased by the Sandhurst and St. Arnaud Tribute Company, and are now in course of erection at their mine, St. Arnaud. . Beyond this there is nothing of importance to note.

ST. ARNAUD NORTH SUBDIVISION . .Atlr. W. (}. Couchman, j'l:fining Surveyor and Registrar. No change for the better has taken place in mining operations during the quarter. Wilson's HilL-The Sandhurst and St. Arnaud Chrysolite Tribute Company have driven the 600-foot level north to the boundary of their lease, and sunk a winze to connect it with the upper level. Sinking the main shaft has been carried on, the present depth being 657 feet; and it is intended to sink it deeper before cross-cutting. A new company, the Lord Raglan and St. Arnaud Company, has been formed to work the lease formerly mined by the Wilson's Hill Tribute Company. During the quarter the 300 and 400 foot levels have been put in order, and winzes sunk to connect the same ; crushing operations were resumed on the 27th ultimo. · Silver ·l'11ines.-The London and St. Arnaud Company have suspended operations, except by tribute parties, pending the receipt of instructions from England. Bell Rock Reef.-The St. Arnaud Cross Reef Company have stopped operations for the present. The Sandhurst and St. Arnaud Company have.purchased the crushing plant of the New'Isis Company, Stua.rt­ mill, and are erecting the same on their ground. • In alluvial mining there is nothing noteworthy to record.


CASTLEMAINE DIVISION. Mr. Thomas L. Brown, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. POPULATION. The population has been temporarily diminished by many of the miners not constantly or remuner~~otively employed in mining having gone harvesting, the high wage of l2s. 6d. to 15s. per diem forming a special inducement for thein to leave their homes; consequently very little prospecting has been done. One new claim north of the Specimen Gully Reef yielded 30! ozs. of gold from 20 tons of stone easily obtained within 10 feet of the surfa.?e· J 33

QUAB.TZ. The Wattle Gully continues the premier reef in this division, McGregor and Co. having obtained 1,048£ ozs. of gold from 568 tons quartz, and 21~ ozs. from 7 tons of pyrites. The adjoining claim, Walker and Co., yielded 438 ozs. from 741 tons of quartz. The Little Nuggety .;ontinues good in deeper gr?und, 52 ton~ givi!lg 194 ozs. of gold ~or the quarter. '!'he rich claim once held by the New Caledoma Company IS bemg worked by a pr1vate company of twenty shareholders. The ground so long held by the Old Wattle Gully Company is in the hands of fifty shareholders, who are prospecting for the lost secre_is. Other similar private companies are working or about to work the South Eureka, Sebastopol, Dan O'Connell, Burns, and other of our old reefs. . .. The Eureka ·Consols have completed their 460-foot cross-cut 130 feet to reef, and driven thence north 250 feet, having about 200 feet yet to·drive to cut the rich shoot of gold 'worked at the 360-foot level. The Chewton United. continue both sinking and cross-cutting for continuation of the rich ·'stone worked at 160-foot level. Both these companies have good prospects, and deserve success, being the only two registered companies remaining in this division. Private or co-operative companies have superseded public or registered companies.

ALLUVIAL. In alluvial mining the four small parties of miners privileged to obtain water from the Coliban supply continue to make very good wages. The private property at Guildford, abandoned by the late Defiance Company, has been taken up by a co-operative company, who have· re-erected· steam machinery, and are likely to be rewarded for their enterprise. Otherwise alluvial mining is in a very depressed condition.

FRYER'S CREEK DIVISION. Afr. Afark Amos, lJfining Surveyor a,nd Registrat·,

PoPULATION. The mining population during the past qul!-rter has evinced less disposition for migration, as new fields have ofttimes proved but uprofitable allurements. PUDDLJNG. The puddlers have been as active and energetic as usnal,.but I believe the profits resulting from their labors are not so satisfactory generally as ~ight 'be desired; yet i.t cannot be said the old ground is altogether exhausted.

QuARTZ MINING, Although there hf\S l,leen no great. improvement in the general yield of our quartz mines during the past three months, itis satisfactory to know that ther.e is some probability of an increased impetus being given to this branch of mining, and that active steps and amingement<: are being taken and made whereby very shortly something satisfactory may be recorded. Several of our compan.ies have been languishing for the past/ear or so, but there are now signs of activity and progress, which must ultimntely prove beneficial tc the district an give rise to a more healthy tone in mining pursuits. · The new rush at Blacksmith's Gully referred to in previous report has not been so energetically followed up as anticipated ; but there are still some grounds D)!' presuming that a series of reefs of a remunerative character will yet be discovered running on the western side of the main road between Golden Gully and Chewton. Companies.-l'towe Brothers, Ferron's Reef, ate now driving at the 233-foot level, on the same lode as the Ferron's Company. 'l'he crushing averages ahout 8 dwts. per ton. The reef is 5 or 6 feet wide, but not auriferous throughout. The company contemplate sinking about 60 feet deeper in their main shaft. Rowe Brothers, Cattle's Reef, are working on a new lode 120 feet west from any previous workings. The reef or lode is 7 feet wide ; gold is visible, but the value of the lode is not yet determined. Black Hawk, F1·yer's, Small and Co. are all engaged in pumping preparatory to a more extended system of operations. It is intended to sink the main shaft of the Black Hawk about 60 feet deeper to cut the lode already worked within the Ji'ryer's Company's ground. '.l'he Ferron's Reef Company are working at the 280-foot level, in payable stone, which is likely to continue in a northerly direction, intersecting the Duke and Duchess and Anglo claims.

SLUICING. This branch of mining is as well represE,nted as can possibly b'e, considering the comparative scarcity of water and ground operated on. No doubt the introduction of the Coli ban wate1-s will be highly approved of by many miners who look forward to profitable labor from a rea.sonable supply of water at a cheap rate.

HEPBURN DIVISION. )fr. Thomas Hale, Mining Registrar. Specimen Hill Company are at work in lower level at a depth of 545 feet. They drove west from shaft llO feet; they are now driving in the cross-cut southerly, and are in 30 feet. Dividends are paid regularly the tributers- getting gold on upper levels. ' The Argus Company have set three tribute parties to work lower levels. The North Comish are getting gold from the different levels. The Cornish get gold from 520 foot ana upper levels. The K.eep-it-Dark claim got gold averaging 3~ ozs. from 60-foot level. The AJax Company average half an ounee per ton, as do the Glengower companies. Union Tunnel are in 665 feet south-east, driving for the Mauritius Reef. Seventy-five heads of water were used, at. from 10s. to 25s. The running has now ceased for want of supply •. Thirty tons of mundic were sold by the Cornish Company at £2 per ton. I am not aware that any miners are working for other than gold. No.2, c 84

TARADALE AND KYNETON SUBDIVISIONS. Mr. Thomas Orwin, Mining Registrar. The signs of a progressive improvement in mining here still continue, as referred to in my last quarter's report.

QUARTZ. The large and valuable claim situate at the south end of Taradale, called th~ Extended United Kingdom Company (south of and adjoining the rich United Kingdom Company's ground), has resumed operations under a new and greatly improved management. The shareholders are now cheerfully paying their calls, and vigorously working the mine at a depth of nearly 400 feet, hopeful of returns similar to those of the above-named adjoining claim, which has been yielaing dividends for many years. The last crushing for a fortnight gave each shareholder £20 per man, after paying current expenses. The celebrated Belltopper Reef is again being prospect~d, a crushing during the quarter having yielded over 4 dwts. per ton. · In the same locality, and on the same ranges, is a claim recently taken up, from which there have been two crushings in the same period, yielding 2 ozs. 6 dwts. per ton, at a depth of 180 feet from the surface. 'l'he ~fcAllister claim, although a small one, is yielding results highly satisfactory. The Victoria Company are about erecting an engine and crushing plant on the. old Achilles ground, at the north end of Taradale.

.ALLUVIAL, In alluvial mining I have nothing new to report. The Lord Malmsbury Company are still sinking their shaft. The Glengonner Company at Lauriston have stopped the claim for a while. . The Italians' Tunnel Tribute Company have at length struck gold on the west bank of the Coli ban, near the Italians' garden.

TARRANGOWER DIVISION. Mr. Robert Nankivell, Mining Su.rveyor and Registrar. The past quarter shows an improvement in the Charcoal and Parkin's Reef mines. In all the other mines no change has taken place. The Hawk Union Company have just completed the contract for their deep shaft,· which is now 920 feet in depth, and have started a cross-cut west at the 600-foot level, to test the ground west of the shaft. The Central Company's mine is still idle for the want of funds. The United Central Company are sinking a winze on the course of the reef below the 400-foot level; the prospects in the winze are favorable, showing at present good golden stone on the east face. The Eagle Hawk Limited Company have suspended operations in the deep gromid, and have called for tenders to Jet the mine on tribute. The Great Southern Company have sold their engine and plant ; th·e water is now being pumped out, for the purpose of drawing the pumps. The old Beehive mine is still at a standstill (except the shallow ground, which is let on tribute). At present no work is being done in the deep ground in any of our mines, although the prospects in some of them-the old Beehive and limited companies especially-are sufficient to warrant a further outlay of capital. One great obstacle to the proper working of our mines appears to be the number of small companies in possession of the ground: The cost of sinking shafts and erecting small engines on each mine is very heavy, a great portion of which would be saved if the mines were amalgamated. One good main shaft and one engine would suffice to work the ground properly where now several shafts and engines are used. ' In alluvial mining there is nothing of importance to report. A party of men has recently started to pick up the

ST. ANDREW'S DIVISION. :Afr. Alfred Armstrong, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. :Mining, both alluvial and quartz, has been remarkably dull during the last quarter, and little or no change has taken 'place since my last report. The reefs at Muddy Creek will shortly be fully tested, as the machinery for crushing by water power is on the eve of completion. The reefs at R~efton will soon be tested at·a greater depth by tunnels now being driven at lower levels. 'l'he mining population has slightly decreased. The tin mines at McCrae's Creek are suspended at present, pending the formation of a company. The coal workings at Kilcunda have been lately resumed, and a considerable quantity of coal is now being raised and sent to port; but a great drawback to the enterprise is the very defective nature of the permanent way of the tramway. · No water has been sold during the quarter.

BLUE MOUNTAIN NORTH SUBDIVISION: !Jfr. Gralta.m jJfcPlterson, .Dfining Registrar. There is no improvement to report regarding miningin this subdivision. The All Nations Alluvial is the only company at work,· and they are frequently suspending operations for want of funds and from other causes. The unu~;ual drought has caused a cessation of sluicing, and at present there is virtually nothing doing. T}le great majority of the miners have availed themselves of the high prices offered for hal'Vest labor, and are temporanly out of the district. · 35



Mr. Thomas Foyster, ~fining Registrar, During the quarter just ended the most noticeable feature of alluvial mining has been the tracing of a lost lead known years back as "Page's." About six. shafts are being worked with payable results, the average yield being about 15 dwts. per load. The depth is from 40 to liO feet, and there now appears a likelihood of the run of good ground being followed iuto new country, about a mile north of .A.rarat. . , . At Geimering's le:cse, to the west of the ranges, good returns have been obtamed, and as the depth and vndth of the payable dirt is considerable, this claim will, in all probability, prove of great value, and suitably reward the enterprise of those engaged in these now extensive O:£!erations: . . . . . In the neighborhood of Londonderry two parties are g1vmg the cement a tnal, but at present w1thout stnkmg anything able to pay wages. , The quartz prospecting company have abandoned their holding at the Canton Lead, and are now breaking out a trial crushing from a reef at Bridle Hill, about 70 feet from the surface. That portion of A'Ioore's Reef formerly k!lown as the Noah's Ark, and adjoininj:$ ~!aims, h~ve again been taken up by a co-operative company. Work is, however, suspended for the purpose of obtammg machmery.

PLEASANT CREEK DIVISION. llfr. H. c_. Bate, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. The yield of gold for the quarter is both absolutely and comparatively greater than that shown by the last returns. There is nothing of importance to note of the mining events of the past quarter. Work has been steadily ~arried on both in the dividend-paying and the prospecting mines, but therQ have been no new or important finds. The following are particulars respecting some of the. de~pest shafts which are now being sunk, or the sinking Qf which has recently been stopped for the purpose of puttmg m levels or cross-cuts :-

Depth of Deepest Depth of Deepest Name of Company. Depth of Shaft. I Level. Cross-cut.

feet. feet. , feet. Newington ...... 1,920 1,510 - Magdala ...... 1,706 1,685 1,685 Prince Patrick ...... 1,500 1,350 1,350 South Scotchman's ...... 1,262 1,252 1,252 Oriental ...... 1,141 1,060 1,060 ·west Scotchman's ...... 1,050 - - Crown Cross Reef United ... 1,045 900 900 Pleasant Creek Cross Reef ... 960 850 850 Extended Cross Reef ...... 930 870 870 Prince Alfred ...... 840 - - Carolina ...... 803 - - Great Northern ...... 780 780 780

BARKLY DIVISION. Mr. H. C. Bate, JJfining Surveyor and Registrar. There is nothing of importance to note relating to this division. The principal locality of mining operations is Frenchman's, where gold is being obtained at the average rate of from 3 to 4 dwts. to the load. , The ground of the late Kara Kara Company at Landsborough was worked for about six. weeks by a co-operative company of Chinese, who used a whim, which, however, was found quite inadequate to reduce the large body of water in the ground. No new prospecting claims have been registered during the quarter,, No water was s,old during the quarter for mining purposes.

RAGLAN DIVISION. Mr. C. W. Minchin, JJfining Registrar. In the Waterloo district the New Victoria Gold lVfining Company, the principal claim there, have been <>bstructed from driving and blocking operations for about five or six. weeks, on account of a heavy rush of water into the underground works. They have, since put in fresh pumps of larger dimensions (12 inches in diameter) which they consider will be sufficient to keep the water under in the future. Notwithstanding this misfortune and loss of time, they obtained a fair yield of gold, and have much confidence in the future success of the mirie. Lately some miners from other quarters have been taking up new claims, under the bye-laws, in this locality. ' Manners and party, near the township of Beaufort, have principally been washing their outside ground which is comparatively poor; when they return to that nearer their shaft they anticipate doing much better, as portions of it thereabouts have proved very rich. The Try Again Gold Mining Company have since abandoned their claim as referred to in my last report, and I believe the party is now broken up. ' 36



,. }fr. W. f>hfPP.s, Jr!ining Regi~.trar. A. slight improvement has taken. place in quartz mi~ing at Swift's Creek. There is no improvement in alluvial mil:ing;·;' T•v? -p~,ities ;~re o;ufri,rosp~ct:ing in the ~_istrict 1 but, as' yet have_ .'made no 'discoyery·':"ott~ ··r~p/n;tiiit to, the Nglstrar. · · · · · · . , l ., ',' I ,r • .~


Hr~ John Grimes Peers, Mining Surveuor and Registrar. . · Mining ~~tters in thi~· s~h(livisi~n are i~ th;·~a;~a, d;pre~sed state•a~ prev;ioWlly':rep~tted~· ·~~~::ew-;dis~o'vei:ie&· have;.been· made;·_,: In:.fact;.n.othing:has.occ\med,worthy·•Of special mention since·tlie date ·or my last reportf · .r


• , '· .·;< Mr. James· Smith; /1-fining IJ.egistrar. ·

• •. • ·· " "· QU.A.RTZ MINING, . •. The Son~ ,of freedo,m, Quar~.z Mii!-jng Co.mpany, have not :res~me? work ,as yet, but are still pumping and keepiug the mine clear of water. , · · · . , . . .. · .The Cas~an,dra' (la~e (}~llowll'y; _q~artz' mine) is s~~U-inoperative, ,a~?t~er party having disputed the present lessee's ownership. · . . . Other than gold, there are no minerals searched for in this divi~ion. · · " · · ·

ALLUVIAL. The condition of alluvial mining' is much thil same as reported last quarter. There is a decrease in the number of diggers, a considerable number having gone to the har;esf-.. . ..

CROOKED RI.VER DIVISION. Mr. Jarnes Tra~is, 111ining Registrc:_r. There is little change, either as regards quartz or alluvial mining, in this division to report. 'rhere has been a slight increase in the number of alluvial miners at work; but the return of gold has not been· so good •. Quartz mining has been confined principally to the Good Hope and Republic Reefs, so far at least as crushing stone is concerned. · The reef has been cut in the Jeweller's Shop tunnel, and a few tons of stone brought to the surface, showing a fair amount of gold. c A company has been formed to put the Palmerston tunnel in, and work will be resumed after the holidays. No stone has yet been crushed from the Sons of Freedom Reef, but about lOO tons are now ready for tht7 stampers.

'·' JERICHO DIVISION. ~fr. R. J. Donaldson, Mining Registrar. Du;·ing the last three months there has been very little done in quartz mining in this division. , A crushing by the tributers in the Harbinger Company's claim yielded 56 ozs. retorted gold, and from tw() small parcels of stone raised by the tributers in the Loch Fyne 18 ozs. 10 dwts. of gold were obtained. · Better results from both mines are confidently expected. In alluvial mining there is no improvement, and the yield of gold from that source is gradually falling off, There has been no new ground discovered of late, but the old creeks and gullies are not yet entirely worked out. 'rhere was no water sold during the quarter. _

DONNELLY'S CREEK DIVISION. Mr. 0. P: Wltit.e.law, Mining Surveyor and Registrar. . rThe yield of• 'go!d· for,this· 'quarter has been _s~all.: This is owing chiefly-to the. Bis!Darc~·Jinitie~ Comp~~y having worked· out then £rst level. . They are now dnvmg a tunnel at a lower level, and It wdl be1 ~~me t1me before· they reach the line of reef. ' · ' . t', The Florenc~e 'and. the Gippsland Consols cOntinue· to take out stone~ . _ ·: · -~·:\ · · • '.rhe;~tmtford and Avon, ;tfter another crushing of 50 ~on~, ·hav.e discontinued work f?rJh!l pf~/i~n~.--, ... Gold JS the only metal searched for at present. _ . , , . . , , No .water was sold during the quarter. · 37

STRINGER'S CREEK DIVISION. Mr. E. S. Gutteridge, Mining Registrar. The principal event that has taken place in this division· during the l~st qua~ter has .been the fact ?f tiW Fear-not Company. striking gold •. After driving the tun.nel a ?istance of 498 feet, and mt?rsectmg. the reef Without finding gold, they commenced to drive north. After haVIng drtven 30 feet, gold was found m the vem-stone, and men. are now employed driving along the lode. . · . . . . . The Walhalla and Long Tunnel Companies continue stead1ly cru~hmg, and paymg h1gh dlVlde~ds m~nth~y. The Lon"' Tunnel Extended Company have finished the excavat10n of the chamber, and the t~m?ermg IS also­ nearly completed. This would have been finished two months ago had it not been necessary to leave 1t I? order to_ do­ other work. The flue and air shaft rise is now up 250 feet from roof of chamber, about one-half the dis~nce bemg now completed. It is contemplated to commence sinking the main shaft immediately after the holidays, and machinery will then be procured for pumping and windi_n~ purposes. . . . The South Cohen's Tribute Company are now driVIng north at the 155-foot level, and, from IndicatiOns, expect. to strike gold daily. - _ . . The Thomson River Copper Mining Company are now en~~:aged construetmg a bridge across the Thomson R1ver,... which will be completed early in January, when smelting _operations will at once be commenced, and employment. given to a large nu mher of men. The Great Extended Walhalla Company have driven their tunnel a distance of 649 feet.

ABERFELDY SUBDIVISION. Mr. John Me Cann; Mining Registrar. There is little to report in mining matters for the last quarter. The alluvial miners, after being washed out. three times by floods, are now settled to their work, but so far have got but very little; their average wages for the last quarter would not exceed 20s. per week. · Wilson and Barthold Company are still pushing ahead the lower tunnel, _and sinking a shaft to cut it. AU, other work is suspended for a time. I hear of a tribute being let at about 75 per cent., expenses of washing included.. Mr. James Rice's mine, is, I am told, looking JVell; he has started a shaft from the present level on the reef. The Star and 'rhomson Company have driven the lower tunnel a good distance during the quarter, but so far· have not got a payable body of stone. There was no water sold during the quarter, and no mining for any other mineral than gold.

RUSSELL'S CREEK DIVISION. Mr. C. H. Williams, Mining Registrar. Work in this division has been about ·the same as usual during the quarter; the most of the mining may be­ put under the head of fossicking. Hawthorn Creek seems to be drawing more attention of late; the ground worked pays very well, but miners suffer there, as in the other places around us, (or want of water. Gold to be had in payable· quantities if water was brought on. No new finds. No water sold in this division.

BENDOC SUBDIVISION. lJfr. John Nichol, Mining Registrar. In this subdivision there has been very little done in quartz mining, only 33 tone having been crushed thi~J. quarter, yielding very unsatisfactory results; 20 tons from the Venus and 13 tons from the Union Jack yielded 11 ozs. 10 dwts. The alluvial portion of miners appear satisfied with their earnings. The lead of gold found by the M arriotts, !n Blackfellow's Gully1 at Bonang, and which they lost, has again been struck in two of the aqjoining claims below;: 1t appears good, and gtves employment to about twenty men. · Several parties are prospecting. No water sold in this district.

TARWIN SUBDIVISION. Mr. G. Read Murphy, Mining Registrar. Great depression in mining exists throughout the district: No. 1 South have left their new quartz shaft an&. taken to the alluvial, which is known to be rich, to obtain funds to re-commence, which they expect to do about. February. 'rhe Caffirs' trib1,1te tunnel is in 420 feet; it passed through several gold-bearing leaders, one of whicll they have commenced to open out on ; they have ohtained 5 ozs. of gold from specimens. · The Prospectors' Extended conLinue to get a little ·gold, but as yet hardly pay working expenses. . The Prospectoro' Extended partJ: ?ontinue as usual; on the 8th of November they got a specimen whiclh. yielded 20·2 dwts. of gold. A small d1V1dend has been made during the month. The Prussians' tributers ar~ I ?elieve, doing well; their wash is very nuggety. A new claim-the North Extended-has bottomed on wash sho'w­ mg gold at a depth of 53 feet. A few fossickers are making wages. Turton's Creek is yielding a livelihood to several men.

TRARALGON SUBDIVISION. llfr. Charles Denis, Mining Registrar. . Gold minin~ in this division. has bee? gradually progressing during the quarter. Gold in payable quantities. IS repo:ted as h~nng be7n found m the ne1ghborhood of the Morewell River, on McDonald's track. There is a shah also bemg sunk Ill the neighborhood of the Traralgon Creek, on the west side about six miles south from the town­ ship of Traralgon, with good indications of gold. '-';'he. shaft is now down abo~t 20 feet, and the party sinking the shaft expect to get bottom a:t about 40 f~e~. Th~ smk~ng IS through grey clay with red or brown patcl1es, as if it;. had been exposed to the act10n of fire ; 1t IS also mterspersed with small_ quartz pebbles, pieces of decomposed wood and other vegetable matter, · ,., No.ll. D 38

APPENDIX. 'J.'P.e Numbers of Miners· Employed· during the Quarter ended ·31st Deeember 1876 in Mining for, Metals• and Minerals other than Gold were as follows:-

llllning Surveyors and Registrars' District. Divisions and RubdiVIslons.

4 Ballarat Gordon .•...... 4 { Black wood 2 2 Kilmore ... 4 4 Sandhurst ... Heathcote 140 HO { Waranga North .•• 4 4 Castlemaine 26 Castlemaine { St. .Andrews 27 51 108 .Ararat Pleasant Creek 2 2 Mitchell River 10 Stringer's Creek ...... I ••. '•. ~ '43 Gippsland ... Russell's Creek :i4 1 ~.~ · 34 { Tarwin ...... · 12 2 ••• 14 Traralgon .. . 8 ... ~ --;;--:j-~-~-:·-2-~-:-·~.-~·-~---3-:-·--~·-~- 399 ------

Dy .Authority : JoHN FERBES, Government Printer,. Melbourne.