VOL P. 3009 THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2020 THE LEGAL INTELLIGENCER • 13 PUBLIC NOTICES Brian Harris 215.557.2496
[email protected] ESTATE NOTICES CITY COUNCIL CORPORATE NOTICES Notice is hereby given that an ap- City of Philadelphia Delmarc Enterprises Inc. has been plication will be made to the De- NOTICE TO COUNSEL Public Hearing Notice incorporated under the provisions partment of State of the Common- Your attention is directed to The Committee on Housing, Neighborhood Development and The Home- of the Pennsylvania Business wealth of Pennsylvania, on or af- Section 3162 of the Probate, less of the Council of the City of Philadelphia will hold a Public Hearing Corporation Law of 1988. ter May 19, 2020, for the purpose Estates and Fiduciaries Code on Friday, May 29, 2020, at 9:30 AM, in a remote manner using Lauletta Birnbaum, LLC of obtaining a charter of a pro- of June 30, 1972 (Act No. Microsoft® Teams. This remote hearing may be viewed on Xfinity 591 Mantua Blvd. posed nonprofit corporation to be 164) which requires advertise- Channel 64, Fios Channel 40 or http://phlcouncil.com/watchcitycouncil/, Suite 200 organized under the 1988 Non- ment of grant of letters to con- to hear testimony on the following items: Sewell, NJ 08080 profit Corporation Law of the tain the name and address of 5-21-1* Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the personal representatives. 200294 An Ordinance amending various sections of The Philadelphia effective October 1, 1989, as ORPHANS’ COURT OF Code to address matters related to the landlord and tenant relationship NON-PROFIT CHARTER amended.