June Privacy Office Congressional Report Opened between 6/1/2018 - 6/30/2018

WF # Receive Date Congressman Name Subject of Reciuest 1164088 6/1/2018 Congressman Sherrod Brown Senator Brown writes on behalf of (b)(6) regarding the recent suspension of his security clearance.

1164159 6/4/2018 Congressman William R. Keating Writes with concern regarding H-2B visas

1164118 6/4/2018 Congressman Jerrold Nadler Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee write to express their disappointment in regards to the hearing being cancelled. They also are requesting answers on several humanitarian issues at the border.

1164122 6/4/2018 Congressman Writes regarding the May 23 killing of Guatemalan national (b)(6) (b)(6)

1164110 6/4/2018 Congressman Trey Gowdy On May 11, FLETC received a letter from Chairman Gowdy regarding allegations of misconduct involving senior leadership. Attached is (b)(6) draft interim response to Chairman Gowdy. FLETC requests review and comments/clearance on the attached draft interim response from OCG, OLA, and MGMT.

1164120 6/4/2018 Senator Johnny Isakson Georgia Senator Isakson requests USSS review and reply to the victim of an internet bank scam.

1164181 6/5/2018 Senator Charles E. Grassley Writes regarding the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program.

1164224 6/5/2018 Senator Robert Menendez Writes regarding a request made by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to visit CBP facilities to review its procedures and operations at the Southern Border which was denied.

1164205 6/5/2018 Senator Bill Nelson Writes 51 with concerns and questions regarding hurricane/disaster recovery plans and positions within FEMA.

1164217 6/5/2018 Congressman Lucille Roybal-Allard Writes thanking Si for answers to questions from an April 25, 2018 meeting and for support of the Blue Campaign.

1164256 6/6/2018 Congressman Anthony G. Brown Writes regarding the detention status of his constituent, -(b)(6) (b)(6) who has been in ICE custody since April 19, 2018

1164242 6/6/2018 Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez Write regarding a recent immigration enforcement operation conducted in Bean Station, Tennessee

1164821 6/6/2018 Congressman Michael McCaul U.S. Representative McCaul writes to AD Homan requesting approval to extend the detail of l())(6)

1164260 6/6/2018 Congressman Writes to express support to Chabda Lubavitch Community Center of Northeast Queen's application for the the NSGP through the Urban Area Security Initiative.

1164247 6/6/2018 Congressman Lloyd Smucker Writes regarding the impact of Hurricane Maria's devastation in Puerto Rico.

1164321 6/7/2018 Senator Richard Blumenthal Write to express concern regarding the DHS decision to provide additional H-2B temporary nonagricultural visas

1164333 6/7/2018 Congressman Anthony Brown Writes regarding a constituent matter

1164323 6/7/2018 Congressman Alcee L. Hastings Writes regarding border control between Dominican Republic and Haiti

1164325 6/7/2018 Congressman Bennie G. Thompson Requests information about the DHS Cybersecurity Strategy

June 1, 2018- June 30, 2018 FY 2018 - Congressional Logs June Privacy Office Congressional Report Opened between 6/1/2018 - 6/30/2018

1164300 6/7/2018 Congressman Thomas J. Walters Response to Chairman Gowdy's May 11 letter concerning past misconduct involving senior leadership at FLETC.

1164359 6/8/2018 Congressman Bennie G. Thompson FLETC violation of Federal Travel Policy

1164422 6/11/2018 Congressman J. Luis Correa Writes to follow up on a May 17, 2018 meeting where international travel to the United States was discussed

1164420 6/11/2018 Congressman Joseph Crowley Writes regarding recently announced decision to prosecute migrants and asylum-seekers

1164430 6/11/2018 Congressman Peter T. King Writes regarding the issuance of an immigrant visa to :b)(6) .1_3)(6) IWhO is married to a U.S. citizen.

1164424 6/11/2018 Congressman Writes with concern regarding immigration detention protocol.

1164465 6/11/2018 Congressman Bennie G. Thompson Requests data about diversity among political appointees at the Department.

1164418 6/11/2018 Senator Chris Van Hollen Writes regarding a constituents mother who has been detained

1164419 6/11/2018 Congressman Writes regarding an asylum seeker who passed away while being held in detention

1164576 6/12/2018 Congressman Sam Johnson Write inquiring about the status of the report required by Public Law No. 115-59, the Social Security Number Fraud Prevention Act of 2017.

1164555 6/12/2018 Senator Claire McCaskill Writes regarding the seizure of 60 pounds of fentanyl in April 2017, in Missouri by DEA agents, and asks what actions the Department has taken to address the opioid epidemic and to address staffmg shortages at the ports of entry.

1164687 6/13/2018 Congressman Ralph Abraham Hearing invite by the Committee on Science, Space and Technology - Subcommittee on Oversight for Wednesday, June 12th at 2pm in the Rayburn House Office Building.

1164995 6/13/2018 Congressman Michael McCaul Writes regarding the threat posed by the ZTE and Huawei Corporations products and services

1164636 6/13/2018 Congressman Tim Ryan Writes with concern regarding recently detained individuals.

1164644 6/13/2018 Senator Ron Wyden Writes regarding an DIG whistleblower retaliation investigation related to USCG personnel

1164749 6/14/2018 Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith Writes in support of an application for funding through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program submitted by the Biloxi Fire Department in Biloxi, MS.

1164716 6/14/2018 Congressman Michael McCaul Requests an update on current per day average of know or suspected terrorists (KST) attempting to travel to the U.S.

1164747 6/14/2018 Senator Charles E. Schumer Writes in support of the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grant (EMW-2017-FH-00234) submitted by the City of Newburg Fire Department.

1164748 6/14/2018 Senator Charles E. Schumer Writes in support of the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grant submitted by Nassau County, NY.

June 1, 2018- June 30, 2018 FY 2018 - Congressional Logs June Privacy Office Congressional Report Opened between 6/1/2018 - 6/30/2018

1164827 6/15/2018 Congressman Writes regarding recent letter to alert the Administration to the views of Congress on a Jones Act matter

1164801 6/15/2018 Congressman Alcee L. Hastings A Delegation from the State of Florida write a follow-up letter to their February 27, 2018 regarding conditions at an ICE branch office located in Miramar, Florida.

1164745 6/15/2018 Congressman Write regarding an incident involving CBP agent's questioning of a report to inquire about her confidential sources.

1164764 6/15/2018 Senator Jeanne Shaheen Writes regarding recent actions taken by the ICE Boston Field Office

1164836 6/18/2018 Congressman Rep. Barletta cc's the Secretary on a letter introducing new education legislation to Department of Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos.

1164846 6/18/2018 Senator Susan M. Collins Writes with concerns and questions regarding the safety of children immigrating to the United States.

1164852 6/18/2018 Congressman Writes regarding TPS for Guatemala

1164869 6/18/2018 Senator Ron Johnson Writes regarding Russian Government attempts to interfere in the 2016 election

1164842 6/18/2018 Senator Maria Cantwell And Patty Writes urging the Department to keep allowing certain H-4 dependents to Murray apply for work authorization in the U.S.

1164943 6/18/2018 Congressman Jamie Raskin Writes requesting the Department end separation of children from families.

1164835 6/18/2018 Congressman Writes inquiring about the role of foreign vessles operating under Jones Act waivers issued by DHS in regards to Hurricane relief last year.

1164844 6/18/2018 Senator Debbie Stabenow Writes concerning separating children from their families at the border.

1164868 6/18/2018 Congressman Bennie G. Thompson Writes regarding recent transfer of 1,600 detainees to five federal prisons under POTUS's zero tolerance policy.

1164856 6/18/2018 Senator Ron Wyden Write regarding the separation of children from parents

1164936 6/19/2018 Senator Jon Tester Writes to express concerns with children being separated from their parents.

1165005 6/20/2018 Congressman Writes regarding Huawei Technologies' series of research partnerships with universities in the US that threaten national security.

1165054 6/20/2018 Senator Roy Blunt Writes encouraging the Secretary to accept her invite to the Securing America's Election Summit in St. Louis, Missour on September 10th and 11th.

1165123 6/20/2018 Congressman Susan Brooks Rep. Brooks writes on behalf of (b)(6) who is seeking to appeal DHS actions with respect to his immigration status in Panama.

1165027 6/20/2018 Senator Sherrod Brown Writes with questions regarding the separation of children and parents

June 1, 2018- June 30, 2018 FY 2018 - Congressional Logs June Privacy Office Congressional Report Opened between 6/1/2018 - 6/30/2018

1165033 6/20/2018 Congressman J. Luis Correa Writes with questions regarding the separation of children from parents

1165004 6/20/2018 Congressman Daniel Donovan Writes regarding window of time for Liberians currently under DED in the U.S. to apply for legal status

1164996 6/20/2018 Senator Charles E. Grassley Writes regarding the EB-5 program

1164989 6/20/2018 Congressman Orrin Hatch Write regarding reports of children being separated from their parents at the southern border

1165034 6/20/2018 Senator John Hoeven Requests that DHS work closely with the City of Williston in North Dakota to ensure the airport is granted an "International Airport" designation

1164992 6/20/2018 Senator Mark R. Warner Writes regarding Si comments made at a White House press briefing

1165037 6/20/2018 Senator Ron Wyden Write regarding the treatment of asylum seekers detained in federal prisons across the United States

1165064 6/21/2018 Congressman Michael Bennet Writes with questions related to the "zero tolerance" policy following the recently signed executive order

1165151 6/21/2018 Senator Catherine Cortez Masto Writes with questions about families being separated at the border.

1165117 6/21/2018 Congressman Writes regarding the separation of children from their parents at the border.

1165059 6/21/2018 Congressman Vincente Gonzalez Writes regarding a draft rule from DHS that would allow immigration officers to weigh the use of public benefits by immigrants and their family members in the determination of applications for visas or green cards.

1165118 6/21/2018 Congressman Shirley Gordon Writes regarding the policy of separating children from parents

1165063 6/21/2018 Congressman Carolyn B. Maloney Writes urging the U.S. to resume the processing of expedited applications for refugee status for Iranian Jewish refugees under the Lautenberg program.

1165134 6/21/2018 Senator Jeff Merkley Writes to invite Si to meet with Congressional delegation who visited facilities relation to immigration.

1165098 6/21/2018 Congressman Writes urging the Secretary to resign.

1165133 6/21/2018 Congressman Scott Tipton Writes regarding zero tolerance policy on illegal immigration and separating children from their parents

1165210 6/22/2018 Congressman Debbie Dingell Writes regarding TPS for Yemeni nationals.

1165141 6/22/2018 Congressman Kirsten Gillibrand Write with concern regarding DoD's decision to send uniformed Judge Advocates (JAGs) to the border on temporary orders to prosecute immigration cases

1165148 6/22/2018 Congressman Nita Lowey Writes with questions regarding previously separated children following the Executive Order

1165146 6/22/2018 Congressman David Purdue Security clearance

June 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018 FY 2018 - Congressional Logs June Privacy Office Congressional Report Opened between 6/1/2018 - 6/30/2018

1165236 6/22/2018 Congressman Lloyd Smucker Writes with specific questions regarding family separation, care for minors, and operational costs of detention facilities.

1165319 6/25/2018 Congressman Yvette D. Clarke A cohort of Congressional leaders write regarding the location of 1,475 unaccompanied children. Further, they request information regarding the trafficking of children absent DHS and HHS' joint plan following a 2016 Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations hearing.

1165271 6/25/2018 Senator John Cornyn Writing to express support for the Fiscal Year 2018 Port Security Grant Program for the City of Beaumont, Texas.

1165297 6/25/2018 Congressman Writes regarding the separation of children from their families at the U.S.- Mexico border, and invites POTUS and FLOTUS to join him on a tour of one the detention facilities.

1165312 6/25/2018 Congressman Elijah E. Cummings A cohort of Congressional leaders requests information regarding how the Department intends to reunify immigrant children to their parents.

1165242 6/25/2018 Congressman Writes expressing concerns regarding family separation and poses specific questions regarding transportation of children.

1165229 6/25/2018 Congressman John Larson Writes with concern regarding the approaching termination of FEMA's Transitional Sheltering Assistance Program

1165237 6/25/2018 Congressman Edward Markey Writes with questions regarding the zero tolerance policy following the Executive Order

1165233 6/25/2018 Congressman Claire McCaskill Writes to request information regarding the zero tolerance policy following the Executive Order

1165285 6/25/2018 Congressman Grace Meng Writes thanking POTUS for the Executive Order (EO) ending the practice of separating immigrant children from their parents, and asks that the reunification process be included in the EO.

1165231 6/25/2018 Senator Rand Paul Writes regarding concerns about the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program Modernization

1165317 6/25/2018 Congressman John Ratcliffe Writes regarding a "stand down" order given by former national security advisor Susan Rice regarding Russian cyber-attacks during the 2016 presidential campaign.

1165232 6/25/2018 Congressman Tim Ryan Writes to seek assurances that recently detained individuals in Ohio facilities are afforded full due process

1165358 6/26/2018 Congressman Michael C. Burgess Requests a meeting with 51 to discuss H-2B Temporary Non- Agricultural Worker program.

1165375 6/26/2018 Congressman Andy P. Harris A cohort of Congressional leaders urge the Department to allocate additional visas pursuant to the authority provided through FY 2018 Omnibus Appropriations Act.

1165337 6/26/2018 Congressman Steny H. Hoyer A cohort of Congressional leaders requests detailed family reunification plans from the Department, HHS, and DOJ by June 27, 2018. Further, they request that a federal official be designated as the overseer of the reunification process and serve as the point of contact to Congress.

June 1, 2018- June 30, 2018 FY 2018 - Congressional Logs June Privacy Office Congressional Report Opened between 6/1/2018 - 6/30/2018

1165328 6/26/2018 Congressman Sheila Jackson Lee Writes requesting certification of Shiloh Treatment Center be revoked as an approved site to house migrants and their children

1165327 6/26/2018 Congressman Tim Kaine Writes regarding the timing of the FRN canceling Honduras TPS

1165357 6/26/2018 Congressman Bennie G. Thompson Requests that I&A produce an intelligence assessment regarding the "white civil rights rally" to be held in the Washington, DC area from August 11-12, 2018.

1165378 6/27/2018 Congressman Writes requesting financial information regarding the costs of separating children from family.

1165509 6/28/2018 Congressman Bradley Byrne A cohort of Congressional leaders write expressing their opposition to the use of Naval Air Station Whiting Field's Naval Outlying Field in Alabama, and NOLF Wolf in Florida as detention facilities used to house illegal immigrants.

1165499 6/28/2018 Senator Tammy Duckworth Writes to request information regarding the "zero tolerance" policy and urges more coordination between DHS and HHS to develop interagency initiatives

1165557 6/28/2018 Senator Charles E. Grassley Writes regarding the Steele dossier and requests the A-File for (b)(6) (b)(6)

1165569 6/28/2018 Congressman Martha McSally Writes regarding the H-2A agricultural guestworker program

1165551 6/28/2018 Congressman Jared Polis Requests briefing regarding family separation policy of the Trump Administration

1165501 6/28/2018 Senator Ron Wyden Write requesting details about DHS and HHS's plans to work with Oregon agencies to reunite children who were separated from their parents.

1165548 6/28/2018 Congressman Michael Doyle Writes regarding extreme floods and landslides in and requests a major disaster declaration

1165624 6/29/2018 Congressman Write with questions regarding family reunification

1165591 6/29/2018 Congressman Anthony Brown A delegation of Maryland representatives write regarding the use of Maryland's Department of Human Services facilities to help handle the overflow of separated families from facilities in 11 other states.

1165617 6/29/2018 Congressman Kirsten Gillibrand Writes requesting TPS for Guatemalans

1165595 6/29/2018 Senator Kamala D. Harris Writes with concerns regarding the Presidents Executive Order involving family separation.

1165611 6/29/2018 Senator Mazie K. Hirono Writes with questions regarding the "zero tolerance" policy

1165627 6/29/2018 Congressman Coast Guard electronic health records (EHR) system

1165588 6/29/2018 Congressman Bennie G. Thompson A cohort of Congressional leaders request information about how the Department will comply with federal court order requiring the an end to the separation of immigrant children from their family.

1165615 6/29/2018 Senator Elizabeth Warren Writes regarding reunification of children separated from their parents.

June 1, 2018- June 30, 2018 FY 2018 - Congressional Logs