Life History Data on the Alewife and Blueback Herring of the Saint John River, New Brunswick ,1973
Canada. Fisheries and Marine Service. Maritimes Region. Resource Development Branch. DATA RECORD SERIES MAR/D 1411 Environment Canada Environnement Canada Fisheries Service des peches and Marine Service et des sciences de la mer Life History Data on the Alewife and Blueback Herring of the Saint John River, New Brunswick ,1973 by B.M. Jessop Data Record Series No. MAR/ D-77-2 Freshwater and Anadromous Division Resource Branch Maritimes Region LIFE HISTORY DATA ON THE ALEWIFE AND BLUEBACK HERRING OF THE SAINT JOHN RIVER, NEW BRUNSWICK, 1973 S.M. JESSOP FEBRUARY, 1973 DATA RECORD SERIES NO. MAR/D-77-2 FRESHWATER AND ANADROMOUS DIVISION RESOURCE BRANCH. FISHERIES AND MARINE SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND THE' ENVIRONMENT HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA iii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ix INTRODUCTION 1 METHODS 1 RUN TIMING 2 RESULTS 2 DISCUSSION 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 47 REFERENCES 49 V LIST OF. TABLES TABLE 1. Mean fork lengths (mm), by sample date and location, for gaspereau from the Saint John River, 1973 5 TABLE 2. Mean fork lengths (mm), by sample date and location, for alewives from the Saint John River, 1973 6 TABLE 3. Length-frequency distributions of mature alewives, by sex and location, Saint John River, 1973 7 TABLE 4. Length-frequency distributions of immature alewives, by location, Saint John River, 1973 8 TABLE 5. Observed length-frequency of alewives, by age-groups, sexes and locations combined, Saint John River, 1973 8 TABLE 6. Mean fork lengths (mm) of alewives, by sex and age, by location, 1973. 1. Washademoak Lake 9 2. Grand Lake 9 3.
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