Teechain: A Secure Payment Network with Asynchronous Access

Joshua Lind Oded Naor Ittay Eyal Imperial College London Technion - Israel Institute of Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and IC3 Technology and IC3 Florian Kelbert Emin Gün Sirer Peter Pietzuch Imperial College London Cornell University and IC3 Imperial College London

This is an extended version of the SOSP 2019 paper [55].

Abstract Payment networks, such as Lightning [73] and Raiden [91], such as and execute payment have been proposed as a more performant second layer on transactions securely, but their performance is limited by the top of a blockchain. They allow parties to move fund deposits payment channels need for global consensus. Payment networks overcome this from the blockchain into point-to-point . off-chain limitation through off-chain transactions. Instead of writing Parties then exchange payment transactions directly to the blockchain for each transaction, they only settle the via these channels, without having to involve the blockchain. settled final payment balances with the underlying blockchain. When Before a channel is terminated, it is by writing its executing off-chain transactions in current payment networks, final balance as a transaction back to the blockchain. Pay- parties must access the blockchain within bounded time to ment networks can therefore operate with higher transaction detect misbehaving parties that deviate from the protocol. This throughput and lower latency than blockchains [22]. opens a window for attacks in which a malicious party can Protocols for payment channels must ensure that parties steal funds by deliberately delaying other parties’ blockchain cannot steal funds. In particular, only the most recent chan- access and prevents parties from using payment networks nel balance must be settled on the blockchain; otherwise a when disconnected from the blockchain. malicious party can settle a channel at a previous balance. monitor We present Teechain, the first layer-two payment network Existing protocols thus require parties to the under- that executes off-chain transactions asynchronously with re- lying blockchain [73]: if a party observes that a stale balance reaction spect to the underlying blockchain. To prevent parties from is settled on the blockchain, they have a bounded time syn- misbehaving, Teechain uses treasuries, protected by hardware ∆ to invalidate the settlement. This requirement for chronous blockchain access trusted execution environments (TEEs), to establish off-chain , i.e., parties must read blockchain payment channels between parties. Treasuries maintain col- transactions and write them within ∆, has drawbacks: (i) it lateral funds and can exchange transactions efficiently and makes payment networks vulnerable to attacks in which an securely, without interacting with the underlying blockchain. adversary deliberately delays writes to [9, 24, 41–43, 76, 83] To mitigate against treasury failures and to avoid having to or reads from the blockchain [57] beyond ∆ to steal funds; trust all TEEs, Teechain replicates the state of treasuries using (ii) it prevents parties from using payment networks with- committee chains, a new variant of chain replication with out connectivity to the blockchain; and (iii) it complicates the cryptographic protocols and the number of messages ex-

arXiv:1707.05454v4 [cs.CR] 26 Oct 2019 threshold secret sharing. Teechain achieves at least a 33× higher transaction throughput than the state-of-the-art Light- changed because parties must provide each other with means ning payment network. A 30-machine Teechain deployment to cancel stale settlements [73]. can handle over 1 million Bitcoin transactions per second. Our key idea is that, rather than requiring parties to rely on the underlying blockchain to detect misbehaviour dur- ing off-chain transactions, we explore a design for a pay- 1 Introduction ment network in which parties use trusted execution environ- ments (TEEs) [19, 67] as a root-of-trust to enforce faithful , such as Bitcoin [65] and Ethereum [97], protocol execution. TEEs are a hardware security feature in offer secure payments between distrusting parties using modern CPUs [5, 37] that ensures the confidentiality and blockchains. Existing blockchains have limited performance integrity of code and data. At the same time, we want our due to their need for consensus across all transactions: global design to be resilient against TEE failures and attacks that throughput is capped at a handful of transactions per second; compromise a subset of the TEEs [12, 64, 66, 94]. transactions take minutes to hours to be processed and parties must maintain a history of every transaction executed. We describe Teechain, a new payment network that against compromised TEEs [94], the committee chain uses supports secure and performant payments on existing the multi-signature support [88] of the underlying blockchain: blockchains. Teechain only requires asynchronous blockchain a threshold number of signatures by treasuries from the com- access, i.e., parties are not assumed to read and write transac- mittee chain are necessary to settle a payment channel. tions on the blockchain within bounded time. Teechain uses We implement Teechain using Intel’s SGX TEEs [36] and trusted treasuries, which are protected by TEEs, to maintain deploy it on Bitcoin.1 Teechain achieves substantially higher fund deposits for off-chain payment channels. By relying on throughput due to its more efficient off-chain payment pro- TEEs, treasuries can employ a new efficient off-chain pay- tocol between treasuries: compared to the Lightning Net- ment protocol that simplifies both payment and settlement. work [52], Teechain handles 33×–145× more payment trans- To mitigate against TEE failures or compromises, treasuries actions depending on the size of committee chains. Chan- replicate their state among a committee of treasuries. Within nel establishment takes seconds, as opposed to minutes or each committee, a treasury must have approval from a subset hours [20, 73]. Teechain also reduces the number of transac- of other committee treasuries to make an off-chain transac- tions stored on the blockchain by at least 25% compared to tion or settle a payment channel. TEEs therefore improve the the . efficiency of payment channels but the security of Teechain does not depend on that of individual TEEs. 2 Secure Payment Networks for Blockchains Overall the design of Teechain makes three contributions: 2.1 Blockchain protocols (C1) Dynamic deposits with treasuries. Due to their bind- ing with a blockchain, existing payment networks only sup- In cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin [65], Ethereum [89] and port a fixed assignment of deposits to channels: parties cannot Zerocash [74], a set of nodes connect over a peer-to-peer add or remove deposits after a payment channel is established. network to operate as a replicated state machine. This state Instead, Teechain separates the ownership of fund deposits machine maintains an append-only that contains the and channel assignment using treasuries. It only requires history of all transactions in the system. Each transaction is a blockchain interaction during the initial creation of a fund payment from one system user, a party, to another, secured deposit, whereby a treasury exclusively owns each deposit cryptographically. The ledger is a chain of blocks, or block- by storing the private keys for that deposit in a TEE. Parties chain, such that each block contains a list of transactions. can assign deposits to channels upon establishment using the Each transaction is a list of instructions that update the treasuries, and move them in and out of channels at runtime. state of the blockchain. Different cryptocurrencies implement Since deposit assignment does not require blockchain access, transactions that move funds differently: Bitcoin [65] fol- new payment channels are established within seconds. lows an unspent-transaction-output (UTXO) model in which (C2) Payments with asynchronous blockchain access. Af- transactions consume, or use as input, a set of previously un- ter associating a fund deposit with a channel, a party makes spent transactions, where the output of those transactions are a payment through a single integrity-protected message ex- owned by the sender. A payment transaction therefore con- change. A payment message decrements the channel balance sumes unspent input transactions and generates new output of its treasury and increments the balance of the recipient’s transactions that recipients can spend; Ethereum [89] uses treasury. This is done by duplicating the pair of balances an account model in which a user’s account balance is repre- across both treasuries, and updating them atomically. To set- sented as an integer stored on the blockchain and updated by tle the channel, a party requests a settlement transaction from transactions. the treasury, which is a blockchain transaction with the final Users are represented by cryptographic public keys. A balance. Settlement transactions can be written to the block- user’s transaction is validated with a cryptographic signature chain in unbounded time because the treasuries ensure that produced by the matching private key. To prevent users from only a single transaction can be generated for a channel. double-spending, i.e., signing multiple transactions that spend the same funds, blockchains enforce that funds can only be (C3) Committee chains. As private keys maintained by trea- spent once by making double-spending transactions conflict: suries to spend fund deposits are stored inside TEEs, acci- only one transaction in a set of conflicting transactions can be dental TEE failures or malicious TEE compromises could written to the blockchain. Transactions may also support more result in fund loss or theft. Teechain therefore uses committee elaborate conditions such as m-out-of-n multi-signatures that chains, which are committees of treasuries responsible for require signing by multiple users: such transactions must be managing deposits. To replicate deposit balances in a commit- signed by any m keys from a set of n keys. tee chain, Teechain employs a new force-freeze replication protocol that prevents roll-back attacks. If a treasury in the chain fails to update its balance after a payment or tries to roll-back to a stale balance, the state of all treasuries is frozen, and they can only settle their balances safely. To mitigate 1An initial release of Teechain can be found at: https://teechain.network. 2 In blockchains, nodes must agree on the order of transac- Blockchain tions, i.e., they must reach consensus. The details of block- ... chain consensus are immaterial to this work—we treat con- Write Send $100: tx1 Write sensus as a black box. Consensus, however, limits transaction deposit: d 1 A: $900 4 settle: tx2 $1000 2 A: $950 B: $50 throughput [96] and incurs high storage costs. In Bitcoin, B: $100 global throughput is limited to 7 transactions per second [65], Send $50: tx2 A: $950 3 and the total size of the blockchain is 100s of GBs [20]. Due A B: $50 B to consensus, transactions may also take arbitrarily long to be written to the blockchain—minutes or even days [9]. Figure 1. Payment channel in operation 2.2 Payment networks and channels along the path can unilaterally settle its channels. The added Payment networks guarantee is atomicity: either all channels c1 to cn are settled [56], such as Lightning [73] and Send $50: tx2 at the state after the multi-hop A: $950 payment, or all settle before it. Raiden [91], try to overcome the performance limitations B: $50 of blockchains by allowing parties to exchange funds directly, off-chain. To execute a transaction, they establish a point-to- 2.3 Limitations of payment networks point payment channel [20, 54, 62, 72, 73]. A payment chan- nel is a protocol between two parties, A and B, that updates To avoid fund theft or loss, payment networks must only settle their balances directly through message exchange. When a channels with the most recent payment transaction; otherwise payment channel is closed, the payment network settles the a malicious party can launch a roll-back attack in which they channel by writing the final balances of A and B back to the settle the channel at a previous payment transaction with a blockchain using a settlement transaction. Since payment net- stale balance. For example, in Fig. 1, step 4 , if B settled c works do not write to the blockchain for each transaction, using tx1 instead of tx2 it would allow B to steal $50 from A. their transaction throughput is higher and latencies lower Existing payment networks [20, 72, 73] overcome this compared to on-chain payments [73]. Payment networks also problem by requiring parties to detect misbehaviour using in- reduce the number of transactions stored on the blockchain formation available on the blockchain: when using a payment because only final balances are recorded [73, 91]. channel, each party monitors the blockchain for a settlement To establish a payment channel c, as shown in Fig. 1, one or transaction written by its counterparty to settle the channel. If both of A and B write fund deposit transactions to the block- an old settlement transaction is written, the party negates its chain. These place funds into a 2-out-of-2 multi-signature effect by writing the most up-to-date settlement transaction account [88] owned by both parties, and requires both A and to the blockchain within a bounded reaction time ∆. B to cryptographically sign any transaction in order to spend For this mechanism to work, the payment network must the funds. A creates a fund deposit d of $1000 for c (step 1 ). assume that parties can read and write transactions on the Using the fund deposits, A and B can then execute payment blockchain within the fixed upper bound ∆. We refer to this transactions: a new payment transaction is generated and assumption as synchronous blockchain access. signed by both parties, spending from the channel deposits In practice, it is not always possible to ensure synchronous and reflecting the new balances. For example, A pays B $100 blockchain access during payment channel operation. The using tx1 signed by both A and B (step 2 ), and B, whose load on the blockchain may result in long queues to write balance is now $100, sends A $50 using tx2, also signed by transactions [9]. Moreover, an attacker may delay transac- both parties (step 3 ). Note that tx1 and tx2 do not require tion writes deliberately, such as by controlling the order in interaction with the blockchain and that each payment takes which transactions are written [41, 42, 83], or censoring trans- into account all previous payments and updates the current actions [24, 43, 76]. Attackers may also partition victims state of the payment channel. At any time, either A or B may from the network [57], preventing them from accessing the close the channel by writing the most recent payment transac- blockchain at all. Current payment networks therefore face a tion to the blockchain: B settles the channel by writing tx2 to trade-off when selecting the reaction time ∆: a short ∆ allows the blockchain with their final balances (step 4 ). for quick settlement but facilitates the above attacks. Payment networks also support multi-hop payments [56, The requirement for synchronous blockchain access also 62, 73] in which multiple payment channels, c1 to cn, are con- prevents parties from using payment channels when they are catenated to form a payment path. This allows for payments disconnected from the blockchain. This negates one of the between parties that do not have a direct payment channel. benefits of payment networks: parties can no longer exchange This makes payment networks useful in practice, because it payments directly with only point-to-point network connec- allows payments between parties without long-lived financial tions. For example, it becomes impossible to use a payment relationships, e.g., e-commerce buyers and sellers who con- channel between two devices that are directly connected, but duct transactions via intermediaries [1] such as Amazon [2] do not have connectivity to the Internet and thus the rest of and eBay [27]. Similar to a single payment channel, any party the blockchain [23]. 3 A B C

Blockchain Treasury Blockchain Blockchain Interface 1 Interface Interface Blockchain Deposit: d API Deposit: d TreasuryBlockchain 1 2 Interface API Treasury API Treasury pay_multihop(50, {c , c }) 2-out-of-3 1 2 API TreasuryTEEInterface Payment Channel: c1 Payment Channel: c2 TEE Amount: 1000 Amount: 500

API TEE TTreasuryreasury Teechain node: nA Assigned: c1 Assigned: c2 2 Treasury Teechain node: nB Teechain node: nC Teechain node: nD Send $50 Send $50 A: 950, B: 50 B: 450, C: 50 Teechain node: nE 3 A: $950 4 B: $450 B: $50 C: $50 Teechain committee: CA

Figure 2. Teechain overview (Teechain nodes operate treasuries to store and manage funds. Users construct payment channels between nodes to exchange funds directly, and execute multi-hop payments along concatenated payment channels. Committee chains with multiple treasuries replicate and protect state.)

3 Teechain Design Our design must ensure balance security regardless of how long transaction reads and writes may take. Next we introduce how Teechain uses trusted execution (§3.1), state the threat model (§3.2), give an overview of its de- 3.2 Threat model sign (§3.3), describe treasuries (§3.4) and committees (§3.5), and analyse how the design handles different threats (§3.6). We assume that mutually distrusting parties use a blockchain to exchange funds and that their machines have TEEs. Parties 3.1 Trusted execution as a root-of-trust trust their own machines, including the hardware and soft- The requirement for synchronous blockchain access in exist- ware, but distrust the machines of others [31]. We assume ing payment networks comes from the fact that their protocols that TEEs on machines are normally trustworthy, but a sub- use the blockchain as a root-of-trust: parties executing the pay- set of TEEs may suffer arbitrary integrity and confidentiality ment protocol monitor the blockchain to discover when other compromises. They may be compromised by other parties or parties deviate from the protocol, and react appropriately. external attackers who want to violate balance security (§3.1). We explore a design that introduces a separate root-of-trust Parties are rational, selfish and potentially malicious, i.e., that, independently of the blockchain, ensures the faithful they may attempt to steal funds and deviate from the pay- execution of a payment protocol. Our idea is for the payment ment protocol, if it benefits them. We also assume that parties network to use trusted execution environments (TEEs) [37, may collude with one another. Parties are connected via a 44] during the execution of a payment protocol. TEEs are network, with some behind firewalls or network address trans- encrypted and integrity-protected memory regions, which are lation (NAT). Parties may drop, modify and replay messages. isolated by the CPU hardware from the rest of the software An attacker may delay or prevent others from accessing the stack, including higher privileged system software. Multiple blockchain for an unbounded amount of time, but we assume TEE implementations are commercially available, including this cannot occur indefinitely. Intel SGX [37], ARM TrustZone [5] and AMD SEV [44], 3.3 Design overview with several others currently under way, such as KeyStone Enclave [45], Multizone [34] and OP-TEE [53]. Intel CPUs Fig. 2 shows the design of Teechain. Teechain constructs from the Skylake generation onwards support Software Guard a peer-to-peer payment network in which parties operate Extensions (SGX) [35], a set of new instructions that permit Teechain nodes, e.g., node nA is operated by party A. Each applications to create TEEs called SGX enclaves. node comprises: (i) an API for parties to interact with the By using TEEs as an independent root-of-trust, we want payment network; (ii) an interface through which to read our design to only require asynchronous blockchain access, and write blockchain transactions; and (iii) a TEE-protected i.e., the payment protocol must not assume that transaction treasury that securely holds and manages parties’ funds. reads and writes to the blockchain complete within a fixed Treasuries ensure the faithful execution of the payment upper bound, but only complete eventually. To achieve asyn- protocol. They are external to the blockchain and manage pay- chronous blockchain access, a payment network must protect ment channels, execute payment transactions and control the the security of funds, regardless of blockchain access times. access to funds. To avoid blindly trusting treasuries to behave We define the security of funds in terms of balance secu- honestly, Teechain uses TEEs to ensure the confidentiality rity: at any time during the payment protocol execution, each and integrity of treasuries. By using TEEs, Teechain achieves party should be able to perform a finite set of actions that asynchronous blockchain access because treasuries operate eventually results in them receiving their perceived balance correctly, autonomously and protect against misbehaviour by on the underlying blockchain. A party’s perceived balance parties without having to interact with the blockchain. is their initial balance on the blockchain plus any payments As TEE implementations may suffer from confidentiality, received in the payment network, minus any payments made. integrity and availability failures [12, 64, 94], Teechain avoids 4 Table 1. Teechain API Teechain API Inputs Outputs API Description Deposits (§4.1) new_deposit tx, pub1 ... pubn d_id Creates a new fund deposit (d_id) using a transaction (tx) and a set of treasury public keys release_deposit d_id tx Refunds an unassociated fund deposit (d_id) by generating and returning a transaction (tx) approve_deposit d_id, pub ⊤∣⊥ Requests approval for a deposit (d_id) from a specific treasurypub ( ) Payment channels (§4.2) new_pay_channel pub c_id Creates a new payment channel (c_id) with a given treasury (pub) associate_deposit d_id, c_id ⊤∣⊥ Associates an approved fund deposit (d_id) with an existing payment channel (c_id) dissociate_deposit d_id, c_id ⊤∣⊥ Dissociates a previously associated fund deposit (d_id) from a payment channel (c_id) Payments (§4.2) pay_channel val, c_id ⊤∣⊥ Pays an amount (val) to the other user in a payment channel (c_id) pay_multihop val, c_id1 ... c_idn ⊤∣⊥ Executes a multi-hop payment of an amount (val) along a given path of payment channels Settlement (§4.2) settle_channel c_id tx Settles a payment channel (c_id) by generating a settlement transaction (tx) eject_multihop c_id tx Settles a payment channel (c_id) during the execution of a multi-hop payment eject_multihop popt c_id, popt tx Settles a payment channel (c_id) using a PoPT (popt) during a multi-hop payment Chain replication (§5) assign_comm_chain pub ⊤∣⊥ Assigns this treasury to a committee chain by joining the last treasury (pub) in the chain trusting individual TEEs for security. Instead, Teechain oper- deposit. It requires a deposit transaction tx, which sends funds ates committees of treasuries: these are groups of treasuries to a set of treasury addresses, identified by the treasury public that manage a single collection of funds together. Fig. 2 shows keys, pub1 ... pubn . In Fig. 2, deposit d2 sends $500 to the a committee CA that constitutes of the treasures at nodes nA, treasury at node nB . Deposits can be associated by a treasury nD and nE . Within each committee, a treasury must have ap- with a payment channel, thus incrementing the balance of that proval from a subset of other treasuries to make an off-chain party in the channel. Fig. 2 shows two deposits registered with transaction or settle a payment channel. the treasury of node nB : d1 of $1000 assigned to channel c1; Tab. 1 shows the API that Teechain provides to parties. d2 of $500 assigned to channel c2. It supports (i) creating deposits (§4.1), (ii) operating pay- Parties must verify the integrity of treasuries before trust- ment channels (§4.2) and (iii) constructing committees (§5). ing them with funds; Teechain uses the remote attestation Teechain generates unique identifiers for each deposit and support of TEEs for verification [38, 40]. A TEE (i) measures channel, e.g., when a deposit is created (new_deposit), a unique the treasury code; (ii) cryptographically signs the measure- identifier is returned as a handle to be used in subsequent API ment and the treasury’s public key; and (iii) provides the calls. Treasuries are identified through unique public keys. signed measurement and public key to the remote party. The To execute payments, Teechain forms payment channels remote party then verifies the attestation, i.e., the remote party between nodes with network connectivity. Treasuries commu- ensures that the attestation is correctly signed by the TEE nicate via these channels to update payment balances. Fig. 2 hardware and that the measurement corresponds to a known shows channel c1 between A and B; and c2 between B and C. treasury implementation. Parties can thus verify that a spe- Multi-hop payments can be executed along payment chan- cific treasury, identified by its public key, is operating genuine nel paths. In Fig. 2, a payment from A to C is executed: A TEE hardware. invokes the API to execute a multi-hop payment of $50 along Users without a TEE-enabled node of their own can use a path c1–c2 to C (step 1 ); node nA notifies the treasuries of remote node to manage their funds through treasury outsourc- its committee of the upcoming balance update (step 2 ); the ing. For this, the party attests a remote treasury and provisions treasuries for nodes nA and nB update the balances of A and it with a secret key, giving it the same abilities as a local party. B in c1 (step 3 ); and the treasuries for nodes nB and nC up- To avoid having to trust a single remote treasury, Teechain date the balances of B and C in c2 (step 4 ). The final state constructs committees with multiple remote treasuries (§3.5). is that A’s balance has been deducted $50 in c1, B’s balance incremented by $50 in c1 and decremented by $50 in c2, and C’s balance incremented by $50 in c2. 3.5 Committee chains 3.4 Treasuries Committees are groups of treasuries that jointly manage fund Treasuries generate public/private key pairs for treasury ad- deposits. For each deposit owned by a committee, a minimum dresses, which are addresses owned exclu- number of committee members are required to sign transac- sively by a treasury. They are generated securely inside each tions before that deposit can be spent, thus tolerating a fixed TEE, and their private keys are stored in TEE memory. number of TEE failures. For this, Teechain uses the multi- Parties can send funds to these addresses in the form of signature support of the blockchain [88]: each fund deposit fund deposits. A call to new_deposit from Tab. 1 creates a is paid into an m-out-of-n treasury address, where m treasury 5 signatures are required to spend the deposit. The n commit- when an API call returns a blockchain transaction, which only tee members correspond to the n public keys provided to requires m signatures. If TL fails to coordinate correctly with new_deposit in Tab. 1, when the deposit is created. the committee, A settles channels and returns deposits. All committee members must agree on the proportion of Mitigating a compromised remote treasury TR is similar each deposit owned by the parties in a payment channel. To to the local case above: committees protect deposits, and achieve agreement, Teechain uses a variant of chain replica- thus TR needs to compromise m − 1 other treasuries. Note tion [95], which offers strong consistency without requiring that, although the requirement for n signatures on API calls all nodes to communicate directly. This is beneficial because means that TR can force channel settlements, it does not gain parties may not have direct connectivity due to network ad- financially from this. Similar to prior13 work[ ], Teechain dress translation (NAT) and firewalls. assumes committee members are paid fees for participation. With chain replication, Teechain must prevent roll-back Global TEE compromises. To mitigate global TEE compro- and state forking attacks [11] in which an attacker partitions mises, in which many treasuries are compromised simultane- the committee members into disjoint subgroups that can settle ously, Teechain is designed to be TEE-agnostic, thus avoiding a channel at different balances using different deposit states. dependencies on a single TEE implementation. This allows Forking a committee chain in this way would allow attackers parties in the network to protect deposits using committees of to roll-back to old payment states to steal funds. heterogeneous TEEs. Under global TEE compromises, e.g., Teechain achieves this with a new variant of chain replica- when a specific TEE vendor leaks hardware private keys ora tion called force-freeze replication: if any committee member batch of TEEs are found to be faulty, parties can lower their fails or refuses to update to the latest agreed upon state, the risk by including sufficiently heterogeneous TEEs in their replication chain is broken, freezing all nodes at the current committee chains. state. This prevents future state updates and requires that Compromises to the attestation mechanism of a particular all channels are settled and unused deposits released. We TEE implementation, e.g., as done by the Foreshadow [94] describe force-freeze replication in more detail in §5. attack against the Intel attestation service, do not affect funds held by committees. As described in §3.4, remote attestation 3.6 Threat analysis ensures that a specific treasury, identified by its public key, op- erates genuine TEE hardware. Even if remote attestation has Malicious parties. Teechain assumes parties are rational and been compromised, an attacker can only create new malicious selfish, i.e., parties behave in their best financial interest (§3.2). treasuries, but cannot spoof other treasuries or committee We consider two possible cases: (i) A is a malicious local members in the network. To steal funds, an attacker would party; and (ii) B is a malicious remote party. In the case need to bias the selection of future committee members. We of a local malicious party A, Teechain requires parties to discuss committee member selection in §5.2. encrypt and sign all API calls made to a local (or outsourced) treasury (Tab. 1). A only has access to their own funds but 4 Payment Protocol cannot affect other funds, as enforced by the local treasury. This section describes Teechain’s deposit allocation (§4.1), B In the case of a malicious remote party who wishes to its payment channel protocol (§4.2), its multi-hop payment A B steal ’s funds, must either interact with the Teechain API to protocol (§4.3), and sketches their security proofs (§4.4). force a protocol deviation or drop/replay/modify messages on the network. Teechain secures funds with treasuries and uses 4.1 Allocating dynamic deposits TEEs to ensure faithful protocol execution. Treasuries use Deposits can be created at any time and associated/dissoci- encrypted, authenticated and freshness-protected messages. ated with payment channels dynamically. Alg. 1 shows the Compromised treasuries. Current TEE implementations are protocol executed by treasuries for the API calls from Tab. 1. vulnerable to attacks, e.g., through side-channels [12, 64, To construct a new deposit d, parties invoke new_deposit 94], and Teechain assumes that treasury compromises are (Alg. 1, line 1) and present a deposit transaction tx and the list possible (§3.2). We consider two cases of a compromised of treasury public keys forming the committee that tx sends treasury T , which wishes to attack A: (i) TL is a local treasury funds to. The treasury then verifies that tx sends funds to an that A interacts with directly (i.e., the treasury at node nA in m-out-of-n multi-signature address using the committee mem- Fig. 2); and (ii) TR is a remote treasury on another node in the bers’ public keys, pub1 ... pubn , and notifies the committee of Teechain network. the new tx (see §5). The treasury then constructs a new de- A compromised local treasury TL cannot steal A’s funds posit d, forwards tx to the blockchain, and returns d’s unique due to Teechain’s m-out-of-n committees for deposits. To identifier to the requester (line 6), signed by all committee steal a deposit, TL would need to compromise m − 1 treasuries members—we omit signature collection for brevity. in the committee. To prevent TL from deceiving A when inter- A payment channel c may contain zero or more deposits acting with the Teechain API, Teechain requires the results of through deposit association. The sum of the deposits asso- API calls to be signed by all n committee treasuries, except ciated with c must be equal to the sum of the balances of A 6 Algorithm 1: Teechain payment protocol executed by the treasury at each node (Based on the API shown in Table 1. For brevity, we omit the collection of committee member signatures at the end of each API call (see §3.6).)

1 on new_deposit(tx, 19 on new_pay_channel(pub): 39 on pay_channel(val, c_id): 59 on pay_multihop(val, 20 c ← create_channel_with(pub) 40 c ← channels[c_id] pub1...pubn ): c_id1...c_idn ): 21 (c.my_bal, c.rem_bal) ← (0, 0) 41 assert(c.my_bal ≥ val) 2 verify_tx(tx, pub1...pubn ) 60 c1 ← channels[c_id1] ← ← 3 d ← create_new_deposit(tx) 22 channels[c.id] c 42 c.my_bal c.my_bal − val 61 ... 23 return c.id /* return channel id */ 43 c.rem_bal ← c.rem_bal + val 4 deposits[d.id] ← d /* store dep */ 62 cn ← channels[c_idn ] 5 write_to_blockchain(tx) 44 send_pay_to_remote(c, val) 63 lock(val, c ,..., c ) /* Alg.2 */ 24 on associate_deposit(d_id, 1 n 6 return d.id /* return deposit id */ 64 wait_for_unlock() c_id): 45 on settle_channel(c_id): ← 65 return ⊤ /* payment done */ 7 on release_deposit(d_id): 25 d ← deposits[d_id] 46 c channels[c_id] 8 d ← deposits[d_id] 26 c ← channels[c_id] 47 if neutral_balance(c) then 66 on eject_multihop(c_id): 48 /* terminate off-chain */ 9 assert(d.chan = ∅) /* unassoc */ 27 assert(d.chan = ∅) /* unassoc */ 67 c ← channels[c_id] 49 dissociate_all_deposits(c); 68 s ← c.state 50 channels[c.id] ← ∅ 10 tx ← gen_deposit_refund(d) 28 assert(d.apprv[c.pub]) 69 if s = lock ∨ s = sign ∨ 51 return ∅ 11 deposits[d.id] ← ∅ /* clear dep */ 29 d.chan ← c /* add assoc */ s = postpayment ∨ 52 else 12 write_to_blockchain(tx) 30 c.my_bal ← c.my_bal + d.val s = unlock then 53 /* terminate on-chain */ 70 return settle_channel (c_id) 13 return tx /* return refund */ 31 send_assoc_to_remote(d, c) 54 tx ← get_settle_for_bals(c) 71 return c.τ /* settle all */ 14 on approve_deposit(d_id, pub): 32 on dissociate_deposit(d_id, 55 send_settle_to_remote(c, tx) 72 on eject_multihop(c_id, popt): 15 d ← deposits[d_id] c_id): 56 channels[c.id] ← ∅ ← 73 s ← popt.state 16 apprv ask_approve_remote(d, 33 d ← deposits[d_id] 57 write_to_blockchain(tx) 74 if s = lock ∨ s = sign then pub) 34 c ← channels[c_id] 58 return tx ← 75 return settle_prepay(c_id) 17 d.apprv[pub] apprv 35 assert(d.chan = c) 76 if s = postpayment ∨ 18 return apprv /* return approval */ 36 send_dissoc_to_remote(d, c) s = unlock then ← 37 d.chan ∅ /* remove assoc */ 77 return settle_postpay(c_id) 38 c.my_bal ← c.my_bal − d.val and B in c, i.e., deposits are distributed to A and B. Before To execute a payment along a channel, the sender calls a deposit d can be associated with c, it must be approved by pay_channel (Alg. 6), which specifies the amount to send the remote party in c (e.g., B if A requests approval) using and the channel identifier. The sender’s treasury first ensures approve_deposit (line 14). Approval contacts the remote party that the sender has sufficient funds before decrementing the via its treasury and queries if the deposit is eligible for asso- sender’s balance and incrementing the recipient’s balance ciation with c. Deposit approval therefore allows A and B to locally (lines 42 and 43). It then forwards the payment to define which deposits can be associated with c. Due to our the recipient’s treasury to update balances. If the payment is assumption of asynchronous blockchain access, this may take not received by the recipient, e.g., due to a network failure, unbounded time. Deposits need to be approved only once. the sender settles the channel and writes the balances to the Approved deposits can be associated with a single blockchain to allow the remote party to see the final state of channel using associate_deposit, and dissociated using the channel. This prevents balance inconsistencies. dissociate_deposit (lines 24 and 32). When deposit d is associ- As deposits can only be associated with a single channel, ated with c by A, the treasuries increase A’s balance by the participants may suffer from deposit lock-in: when a large deposit amount (lines 30 and 31); dissociation decrements A’s deposit is added to a channel but only a small fraction is balance (lines 36 and 38). Disassociation can only be done if spent, it leaves the remaining locked-in until the channel is the participant’s balance is greater than or equal to the deposit settled. In a channel c with deposit dx of amount ax , after amount. Unassociated deposits are deposits not associated payments of value px have been made, the locked-in funds fx with any channel. They can be returned upon request through are ax − px . If fx is large, there is a high fund lock-in. To release_deposit (line 7): a new transaction tx is generated and avoid this, participants can perform deposit rebalancing: they signed by the appropriate committee treasuries, and written associate another deposit dy of value vy , where vx > vy ≥ px , to the blockchain; d is then removed from the treasury. with c and dissociate dx from c. This reduces the lock-in. At any time, either party may settle the channel using 4.2 Using payment channels settle_channel (line 45). If the balances of the parties are neu- To create payment channels between treasuries without block- tral, i.e., equivalent to their deposits as if no payments were chain interaction, participants call new_pay_channel and pro- made, the treasuries can terminate the channel off-chain by vide the public key of the treasury with which to create the simply disassociating all deposits from the channel. Off-chain channel (Alg. 1, line 19). The two treasuries then establish termination avoids writing a settlement transaction to the a secure communication channel using authenticated Diffie- blockchain (see §6.4); otherwise, the local treasury generates Hellman [49] for key provisioning and remote attestation. a blockchain transaction tx using the deposits and balances in Using the secure channel, the treasuries assign a unique chan- the channel, collects signatures from the committee members, nel identifier to the channel c, initialize both participant’s and writes tx to the blockchain. balances to 0, and return the channel identifier. 7 Algorithm 2: Teechain multi-hop payment protocol (For brevity, we omit the messages exchanged between treasuries after

each step, i.e., the messages in Fig. 3. Payment channels in the path are denoted: c1 ... cn . Treasuries in the path are numbered 1 ... n + 1. pos denotes a treasuries’ position. )

1 on 1 lock(val, c1,..., cn): 14 on sign_channel(c, τ ): 25 on 4 inter(c1,..., cn): 38 on 5 post(c1,..., cn): 2 if pos ≤ n then 15 τ ← add_chan_settle_post(τ , c) 26 if pos > 1 then 39 if pos ≤ n then 3 assert(cpos .my_bal ≥ val) 16 c.state ← sign 27 increase_my_bal(cpos−1) 40 post_channel(cpos) 4 lock_channel(cpos, val) 28 if pos ≤ n then 41 if pos > 1 then 17 on 3 pre(τ , c ,..., c ): 5 if pos > 1 then 1 n 29 decrease_my_bal(cpos) 42 post_channel(cpos−1) 18 if pos ≤ n then 6 lock_channel(cpos−1, val) 19 pre_channel(cpos, τ ) 30 on increase_my_bal(c): 43 on post_channel(c): 7 on lock_channel(c, val): 20 if i > 1 then 31 c.my_bal ← c.my_bal + c.val 44 c.τ ← ∅ /* not needed */ 8 (c.state, c.val) ← (lock, val) 21 pre_channel(cpos−1, τ ) 32 c.rem_bal ← c.rem_bal − c.val 45 c.state ← postpayment 33 c.state ← inter 9 on 2 sign(τ , c1,..., cn): 22 on pre_channel(c, τ ): 46 on 6 unlock(c1,..., cn): 10 if pos > 1 then 23 c.τ ← τ /* store τ for if settle */ 34 on decrease_my_bal(c): 47 if pos > 1 then 11 sign_channel(cpos−1, τ ) 24 c.state ← prepayment 35 c.my_bal ← c.my_bal − c.val 48 cpos−1 .state ← idle 12 if pos ≤ n then 36 c.rem_bal ← c.rem_bal + c.val 49 if pos ≤ n then ← 13 sign_channel(cpos, τ ) 37 c.state ← inter 50 cpos .state idle

TreasuryA TreasuryB TreasuryC path is terminated prematurely using eject_multihop (Alg. 1, 1 t lock lock line 66), the first settlement transaction tx to be written to 1 t2 sign (construct ) 2 sign (construct ) the blockchain determines the state at which all channels are pre settled. If a channel in a different state tries to settle after- 3 pre wards, the transaction is rejected by the blockchain. The party inter (only settle with ) inter (only settle with ) 4 can present tx to its treasuries as PoPT through eject_multihop post 5 post (Alg. 1, line 72), which generates a settlement transaction unlock without conflict. Conflicts prevent Teechain from assuming 6 unlock t4 t3 how long settlements take to be written to the blockchain. For blockchains with expressive transactions [89], smart Figure 3. Protocol for multi-hop payments contracts can be used to ensure conflicts between settlement 4.3 Executing multi-hop payments transactions in different states. Channels in a multi-hop pay- ment can simply transition from pre to post in a single step. To do a multi-hop payment across multiple payment channels, For other blockchains, e.g., Bitcoin, Teechain must enforce parties invoke pay_multihop (Alg. 1, line 59) with the payment 2 transaction conflicts manually. Teechain constructs an inter- amount and the channel identifiers of the path. All channels mediate path settlement transaction τ that settles all channels in the path must update their balances atomically otherwise in state post using a single blockchain transaction. τ conflicts B intermediaries could lose funds. For example, in Fig. 2 with individual settlement transactions in pre and post because retains the same total funds post-payment, i.e., their balance it spends the same deposits. Teechain uses τ to transition is incremented by $50 in c1 and decremented by $50 in c2; if channels from state pre to post by moving to an intermediate B C c1 is not updated and only c2 updates, pays personally. state inter between the transition first. Channels in state inter One approach to ensure atomic channel updates is to freeze can only settle using τ . If a party decides to settle a channel channels by preventing parties from settling them until the while it is in state inter, they settle all channels in the path. multi-hop payment completes. This has the problem that if a Therefore, during the transition from pre to inter, either the first failure occurs along the path, channels are frozen indefinitely. channel settlement transaction tx written to the blockchain is To overcome this, Teechain allows parties to settle channels in pre, in which case τ cannot be written to the blockchain even if a multi-hop payment is being executed. Teechain and all channels settle at pre by presenting tx as PoPT; or tx is proof of premature termination achieves this using a (PoPT). τ , in which case all channels are settled in post using τ . The When a party prematurely settles a channel c during a multi- transition from inter to post is analogous. hop payment, the settlement transaction tx can be used by Payment execution. Fig. 3 shows the messages exchanged other parties in the path to determine the state s of settlement: by the treasuries when A executes a multi-hop payment to C c was either settled pre-payment (s = pre), i.e., before the via B. Alg. 2 shows the corresponding protocol steps. payment has occurred, or post-payment (s = post), i.e., after Teechain requires three network round trips to complete the payment has occurred. The parties can present tx to their the payment: step 1 locks the channel and ensures sufficient treasuries as a PoPT to settle all channels in the same state s. balances (Alg. 2, line 1); step 2 constructs τ with all trea- Teechain enforces that settlement transactions in state pre suries writing their channel balances and signatures (line 9); will conflict (§2.1) with those in state post. If a channel in the Teechain then updates the channel balances from pre ( 3 ,

2We assume that participants determine paths in Teechain out-of-band. 8 line 17) to inter ( 4 , line 25) to post ( 5 , line 38) payment state; FTEE and FB, respectively (defined in [68, 71]). In H1 and and finally, step 6 unlocks the channels (line 46). H2, S simulates FTEE and FB, respectively, and in H3 and H4, As multi-hop payments lock channels, this prevents con- incorrectly signed messages to FTEE and FB, are dropped, to current payments. Teechain therefore dynamically constructs tolerate attacks on the signing schemes. Finally, in H5, we new channels for concurrent payments using unassociated prove equivalence between πTeechain and FTeechain to E. Next, deposits, as needed. This is feasible because Teechain can cre- we prove that FTeechain achieves balance security by showing ate channels and assign deposits with low latency. Teechain that a party can always eventually place transactions on the coalesces no longer needed payment channels by: (i) execut- blockchain that grant it an amount equal to its perceived bal- ing multi-hop payments in a cycle along the channels until ance. This is done by ordering FTeechain to create transactions they are at a neutral balance; and (ii) terminating the channels that close all open channels, remove all unassociated deposits, off-chain through deposit dissociation (see §4.2). We evaluate and place them on the blockchain. Since Teechain does not dynamic channel construction in §6.3. make blockchain timing assumptions, denial-of-service at- 4.4 Payment protocol security tacks [33, 57]), do not violate balance security. Multi-hop payment security. We show that the multi-hop Teechain’s payment protocol (Algs. 1 and 2) achieves balance protocol also maintains balance security. As shown in Fig. 3, security (§3.1) under asynchronous blockchain access, i.e., consider a payment from A to C via B of amount val at the parties can always receive their funds on the blockchain, re- following times: A begins step lock of the protocol at t ; at gardless of blockchain access times or other parties’ actions. 1 t > t , C begins step lock; at t > t : C completes step unlock; We sketch a proof below, and the full details are in Appen- 2 1 3 2 and, at t > t , A completes the protocol with unlock. dix A. We first show that Teechain achieves asynchronous 4 3 For A, the perceived balance for the channel is: before t blockchain access, and then prove balance security. 1 as if val was not paid; after t , as if val was paid; between t When Teechain writes to (new_deposit, release_deposit, 4 1 and t either is acceptable. For C, the same as A but t replaced settle_channel, eject_multihop) or reads from the blockchain 4 1 with t , and t with t . The perceived balance of the interme- (approve_deposit), the protocol makes no assumption about the 2 4 3 diate B is not affected. A considers the payment complete iff duration of these operations. For example, when ejecting from C considers it complete; funds are not lost or created. a multi-hop payment prematurely (eject_multihop), Teechain We show that A and C can unilaterally reclaim their per- uses the first settlement transaction written to the blockchain ceived balance. Note that single channel payments do not to determine the state at which all channels in a payment interfere with multi-hop payments, because all channels are path are settled (§4.3). By considering all blockchain inter- locked (§4.3). At any point, A and C can settle the channels actions on a case-by-case basis (Algs. 1 and 2), we can see in either the pre- or post-payment states, either with single Teechain operates with asynchronous blockchain access. Pay- settlement transactions or using τ (see Alg. 2). For example, ment channel security. We now prove that Teechain achieves if a node is in state lock, the others are either in unlock or lock balance security using the Universal Composability (UC) or in lock or sign. In all cases, if a node settles, the rest of the framework [14]. Our definition of balance security (§3.1) nodes can only settle in the same state (pre- or post-payment), under UC is similar to prior work [26, 56, 62]. We model in accordance with balance security. committees as a single treasury executing the protocol. Under UC, we consider a real world, in which parties run 5 Committee Chains the Teechain protocol πTeechain (Alg. 1), and an ideal world, This section describes force-freeze replication in committee in which parties interact with an ideal functionality, FTeechain, chains (§5.1), committee configurations (§5.2), and persistent a trusted third party that implements Teechain’s API (Alg. 1). storage for committee members (§5.3). Adversarial behavior is introduced in the ideal world by a simulator S with appropriate adversarial abilities (§3.2). 5.1 Force-freeze replication To prove that Teechain achieves balance security, we show To maintain consensus among committee members, Teechain that (i) the real and ideal worlds are indistinguishable to an uses force-freeze replication, a new variant of chain replica- external observer E. This implies that any attack violating bal- tion [95]. The nodes form a chain, with the primary at the ance security in the real world is also possible in the ideal one; head, and the last backup at the tail. On an update, the primary and (ii) FTeechain achieves balance security in the ideal world. propagates the update down the chain. Each node forwards This proves that πTeechain also achieves balance security. the update to its backup, and waits for an acknowledgement We prove indistinguishability between the real and ideal before executing the update. When the primary receives an worlds through a series of five hybrid steps, starting at the real acknowledgement, the entire chain has updated. This provides world H0, and ending in the ideal world H5. In each step, a strong consistency among the nodes. key element is changed and indistinguishability is proven. As Traditional chain replication [95] continues to execute state commonly done [7, 92], in H0, the desired behavior of TEEs updates even after nodes have failed to update. Applying this and the blockchain are replaced by two ideal functionalities, naively to treasuries in a committee, would make Teechain 9 Algorithm 3: Force-freeze chain replication (For brevity, fault tolerance for treasuries but do not tolerate their com- we omit message encryption, authentication and fresh- promises; and (iii) in the general case, as m increases, more ness.) signatures are appended to each transaction, impacting their 1 on assign_comm_chain(pub): 13 on receive(update, s) from size. We explore this trade-off in §6.4. 2 assert(pred = ∅) /* no chain */ (pub): As deposits must be approved before association with pay- 3 attest_and_auth_DH(pub) 14 assert(pred = pub) ← ment channels (§3.4), parties can choose the values of n and 4 pred pub /* set chain pred */ 15 if succ = ∅ then 5 send(addTail) to (pub) 16 update_state_to(s) m for their deposits and channels. For small deposits, a 1-out- 6 wait_for(update, s) from (pub) 17 ack ← create_signed_ack() of-1 committee chain may be sufficient as there is little loss ⊤ 7 return 18 else if a failure occurs; for medium deposits, 1-out-of-n may be 19 ack ← send(update, s) to 8 on receive(addTail) from (pub): (succ) desirable to tolerate crash failures; and for large deposits, e.g., 9 assert(succ = ∅) /* current tail */ 20 if fail_or_invalid(ack) then 2-out-of-3 committee chains are required to tolerate attacks. 10 attest_and_auth_DH(pub) 21 freeze() /* can’t update */ 11 succ ← pub Larger committees, e.g., with more than five members, may 22 else 12 send(update, curr_state) to 23 update_state_to(s) only be required for high-value deposits. (pub) 24 ack ← sign_ack(ack) To prevent an attacker from biasing the selection of com- 25 send(ack) to pub mittee members, parties select the committee treasuries them- selves on deposit creation (new_deposit, Tab. 1). Selection vulnerable to roll-back and state forking attacks (§3.5). In- criteria may include treasury reputation, trusted TEE vendors stead, in force-freeze replication (Alg. 3), if a node receives and implementations, blacklisted treasuries, and TEE hetero- an update request (line 13) and it or its successor fails to geneity. To avoid Sybil attacks [21], Teechain can leverage update, the chain is frozen at its current state (line 21). All several techniques, such as requiring treasuries to provide a channels must now settle and release unused deposits. proof-of-stake [8], operate in a permissioned setting [4], or Parties construct force-freeze replication chains using use a reputation system. assign_comm_chain (line 1), which assigns a treasury to the end Payment channels may contain multiple deposits, each of the chain: a party provides the public key of the node at the with a separate committee chain. These chains do not have tail of the chain. To secure state updates along the chain, nodes to be updated atomically: for payments that span multiple construct secure communication channels (lines 3 and 10). deposits, the committee chains must be identical, and thus To prevent malicious treasuries from executing denial-of- the state updates can be batched. If a large payment spans service attacks by freezing committee chains through forced deposits of multiple committee chains, the payment is broken failures, Teechain employs incentives for committee mem- down into smaller payments, only affecting one deposit at a bers: parties are assumed to be financially rational (§3.6), time. Having many deposits, each with distinct committee and committee members are paid fees for participation. If a members, affects performance (see §6.1). committee member forces a freeze, it loses any participation fees that it has accumulated in that committee. 5.3 Committee chains with secure persistent storage Unlike other replication protocols, e.g., Paxos [50] and In addition to committee chains, Teechain also supports the PBFT [16], force-freeze replication uses a chain communica- optional use of secure persistent storage for crash fault tol- tion topology and therefore does not not require full network erance. After a failure, a treasury can reload its state, settle connectivity, which is impractical in peer-to-peer networks. channels and return deposits. To overcome roll-back attacks, Other consensus protocols may enhance liveness, but this state freshness must be guaranteed by the TEE hardware [3], comes at the cost of increased network communication. It e.g., through hardware monotonic counters [39]. also increases protocol complexity—a benefit of force-freeze Current Intel SGX implementations throttle accesses to replication is that it is simple to implement and reason about. hardware monotonic counters to tens of increments per sec- ond [58, 82], which limits performance. As a mitigation, 5.2 Committee chain configurations Teechain batches transactions at the client side, similar to other payment networks [73] that merge payments from the To ensure balance security (§3.1) despite compromised trea- same sender/recipient pairs. Current SGX implementations suries, Teechain uses committees chains of size n for each also limit the number of writes for hardware counters to 1 mil- deposit, and requires at least m treasuries in a committee to lion [58]. For the majority of parties in Teechain, this should sign a blockchain transaction before that deposit can be spent. be high enough. When the limit is reached, Teechain forces To violate balance security, an attacker must compromise treasuries to settle channels and return deposits. at least m treasuries in a committee, or cause (n − m) + 1 treasuries to fail, e.g., crash or stop responding. 6 Evaluation The values of m and n affect security: (i) 1-out-of-1 de- We explore the performance of payment channels (§6.1), posits provide no fault tolerance against crash failures or multi-hop payments (§6.2), payment networks (§6.3), and compromises; (ii) 1-out-of-n committee chains provide crash blockchain storage costs (§6.4). 10 Table 2. Channel performance Table 3. API performance Payment Throughput Latency [99th %] Latency (ms) [99th %] channel (tx/sec) (ms) API operation Local Outsourced Lightning Network 1,000 387 [420] Lightning Network new_pay_channel 60 min. [N/A] Teechain n = 1 130,311 86 [93] Teechain n = 2 (IL) 34,115 292 [301] new_pay_channel 2,810 [4,205] 4,322 [5,201] assign_comm_chain 2,765 [3,910] 2,852 [3,993] n = 3 (IL, UK) 33,180 415 [432] associate_deposit n = 4 (IL, US, UK) 33,178 672 [691] n = 1 101 [110] = n 1 (batching) 150,311 191 [196] n = 2 (IL) 289 [297] = n 3 (batching) 135,331 516 [530] n = 3 (IL & UK) 422 [429] 489 [514] n = 3 (outsourced) 33,178 483 [494] n = 4 (IL, US & UK) 677 [681] Persistent storage Persistent storage 302 [309] n = 1 10 288 [294] n = 1 (batching) 145,786 401 [408]

We implement Teechain using Intel SGX for the Bitcoin UK RTT: 60 ms blockchain. We use the Linux Intel SGX SDK version 2.1 [36] Intel Xeon E3-1280 v5 Bandwidth: 180 Mb/s and a subset of Bitcoin core [87]. A release of our imple- 64GB RAM : 150 Mb/s mentation is available at: https://teechain.network. Teechain UK1 UK2 UK3 IL consists of 20,000 lines of C/C++ code inside the TEE, and : 90 ms Intel i7-7567U RTT IL 65,000 lines of untrusted code. As the Linux SGX SDK does Bandwidth 1 16GB RAM not support monotonic counters on all hardware [36], we US UK.. UK.. UK30 emulate them with a delay of 100 ms [58, 82]. Intel Xeon US RTT: 0.5 ms IL2 E3-1275 v6 Our implementation is hardened against side-channel at- Bandwidth: 1 Gb/s 64GB RAM tacks. Although TEE compromises are mitigated by commit- Intel i7-6700K RTT: 0.5 ms tee chains (§5), Teechain uses timing and memory-access side- 32GB RAM RTT: 140 ms Bandwidth: 100 Mb/s channel resistant libraries for sensitive data: (i) secp256k1, Bandwidth: 90 Mb/s a constant time and memory library for elliptic curve oper- Figure 4. Evaluation setup ations [86]; (ii) a side-channel resistant implementation of Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellman [90]; and (iii) AES-GCM using replicate the state regardless. When batching transactions, AES-NI [90], immune to software side channels [36]. we batch for 100 ms before sending a transaction. Teechain To measure performance, we define throughput as the num- requires one round-trip for a payment, while LN requires ber of transactions sent per second, and latency as the time two [73]. Teechain can pipeline payments but LN only sup- from when a payment is issued until an acknowledgement ports sequential transactions and must batch by default. is received. At the time of writing, the only payment net- Tab. 2 shows the observed throughput and latency. LN work with a public implementation is the Lightning Net- achieves a maximum throughput of 1,000 tx/sec with a la- work (LN) [73]. We compare Teechain against the Lightning tency of 387 ms (99th percentile at 420 ms). With a committee Network Daemon (LND) [52]. Both Teechain and LN can op- chain of n=1, Teechain has two orders of magnitude higher tionally batch transactions at the client side, merging multiple throughput with a latency of 86 ms (no batching). With n=2 payments into a single payment with increased latency. (i.e., an extra committee member in Israel), the throughput of Teechain is 34× compared to LN, with similar latencies. 6.1 Performance of payment channels Adding more members to each party’s committee chain only We want to answer three questions: (i) what is the throughput increases latency, and throughput remains unchanged. Us- of a payment channel? (ii) how do committee chains affect ing persistent storage, performance is capped by the TEE performance? (iii) what is the benefit of transaction batching? hardware counters, resulting in 10 tx/sec, which can be over- We deploy Teechain on 33 SGX-capable machines in the come by transaction batching. Teechain achieves between UK, the US and Israel. Fig. 4 shows the network topology and 135–150× better performance than LN when batching. hardware set-up. We construct a payment channel between Tab. 3 shows the performance of different API calls. LN US and UK1. To evaluate treasury outsourcing, IL1 acts as a channel creation takes approx. 60 mins, as a transaction must non-SGX client using US as a remote treasury. be placed onto the blockchain and confirmation takes 6 Bit- In all experiments, committee chains have the same length, coin blocks. Since Teechain decouples channels and deposits, as the performance is bound by the slowest party. We vary n channel creation takes only 2.8 secs; we assume deposits are for m-out-of-n committee chains. Note that m does not affect already on the blockchain. Creation of an outsourced payment channel throughput because all n committee members must channel takes 4.3 secs, as the client (IL1) must also verify the 11 To update all channels in a multi-hop payment consistently, both Teechain and LN do not pipeline payments. Therefore, throughput is 1/latency. Teechain and LN batch transactions: throughput becomes the batch size divided by the latency to complete the payment. We compare the throughput for Teechain and LN, with each Teechain node using committee chains of n=3. Teechain batches 135,000 tx/sec; LN batches 1,000 tx/sec (see §6.1). With this, the throughput of Teechain for 2 hops is 14,062 tx/sec, and for 11 hops is 3,649 tx/sec. For LN, throughput for 2 hops is 862 tx/sec, and 139 tx/sec for 11 hops. Teechain thus outperforms LN by 16–26×. In summary, Teechain requires three network round trips Figure 5. Multi-hop performance to complete a payment, while LN requires only 1.5. Teechain integrity of the outsourced treasury (US). Adding new mem- must synchronize nodes off-chain with extra messages to sup- bers to a committee chain incurs similar latencies as channel port asynchronous blockchain access. In addition, Teechain creation. The latency for associating deposits depends on the is network-bound: chain replication increases latency. committee length n, and dissociation is similar. In summary, channel throughput is affected by commit- 6.3 Performance of payment networks tee chains: (i) without batching, committee chains with n=1 achieve the best performance, and persistent storage performs We evaluate the performance of a complete Teechain payment worst due to hardware counters; (ii) with batching, Teechain network and investigate how its throughput is affected by achieves higher throughput for committee chains and persis- (i) the network topology and (ii) the committee chains. tent storage hides the delay for counters. The latency depends We use 30 machines located in the UK (see Fig. 4). As there on the network, committee length and batching delay. exist no public micro-payment datasets, we use the transac- tions from the Bitcoin blockchain. We filter out transactions that we cannot replay, such as those that spend to/from multi- 6.2 Performance of multi-hop payments signature addresses. For transactions with multiple inputs and outputs, we choose only one. The resulting dataset has over Next we evaluate the performance of multi-hop payments and 150 million payments from a source to a recipient address. investigate: (i) how does latency increase with the number of We construct two payment network topologies: (i) a com- hops in a payment path? and (ii) how do committee chains plete graph, in which all node pairs have direct payment affect multi-hop performance? channels; and (ii) a hub-and-spoke topology (see Fig. 6), in For our experiments, we limit the maximum number of which the nodes are connected with 3 tiers of connectivity: hops in a payment path to 11, as longer payment paths are tier 1 nodes have the highest connectivity and tier 3 nodes unlikely to be seen in practice. Recent work [77] studying LN the lowest. We emulate wide-area network links by adding shows that the average number of hops between two parties 100 ms latency between machines. is approximately 3. To execute payments, we assign Bitcoin addresses to the We construct the 11 payment channels, all of which are machines. For the complete graph, we randomly and evenly transatlantic in the topology from Fig. 4. We send transactions assign Bitcoin addresses; for the hub-and-spoke graph, we along the path UK → US → IL → UK. For UK and IL, we split distribute the addresses in a skewed fashion, with larger nodes the payment channels equally between the machines to spread being assigned more addresses than smaller nodes (50% of load. All experiments use the same payment channels and addresses to tier 1 nodes, 35% to tier 2, and 15% to tier 3). committee chains of the same length. Committee members For each graph deployment, we compare the throughput with are deployed in different failure domains. differently-sized committee chains, for n=1 to n=3 committee We measure the latency of multi-hop payments. We vary members per deposit. We vary the number of nodes in the the number of hops and the number of committee members deployment from 5 to 30 machines. per committee chain for each node. Fig. 5 shows that LN Fig. 7 shows the throughput for the complete graph topol- scales linearly with chain length, taking 1 sec to complete a ogy. For all committee chain lengths, throughput scales lin- payment across 2 hops (2 channels) and 6 secs for 11 hops. early with the node number. Committee chains of length n = 1 Teechain also scales linearly but with a different slope: with perform best (2.2 million tx/sec with 30 machines); commit- n=1, the latency is about 2× that of LN; using n=3, pay- tee chains with n > 1 limit throughput (1 million tx/sec). ments across 2 hops take 5 secs; payments across 11 hops There is little difference (9%) between n = 2 committee mem- take 26 secs. The 3–4× overhead compared to LN is a due to bers and n = 3; throughput is bottlenecked by the time to the extra network round trips for multi-hop payments. replicate state. 12 Tier 1 nodes Tier 2 nodes Tier 3 nodes

Inter-node RTT: 100ms

Figure 6. Hub-and-spoke Figure 7. Throughput for Figure 8. Throughput for network topology complete topology hub-and-spoke topology

Next we consider the hub-and-spoke graph topology. Multi- hop payments use the shortest path—if there are multiple Table 4. Number of transactions and blockchain costs paths, only one is chosen. As multi-hop payments lock chan- Payment Bilateral Unilateral nels during execution, payments compete with one another. channel No. txs Cost No. txs Cost To overcome this, Teechain uses dynamic channel creation to LN [73] 4 6 4 6 allow concurrent payments between endpoints (see §4.3). Fig. 8 shows how the throughput increases as intermediate DMC [20] 2 4 3 + d 2(3 + d) nodes (i.e., tier 1 and 2) are permitted to create more dynamic SFMC [13] 2/n 2p/n (1 + i)/n (1 + i)(p/n) + 3 + d +2 3 + d channels. Without dynamic channels, i.e., G = 1, with n = ( ) ( ) 3 committee chains, the network achieves around 210 tx/sec, Teechain 1 1 + (n/2) 3 2 + (n1/2) + (n2/2) +m + m with an average latency of 720 ms. With G > 1, throughput 1 2 scales almost linearly with the number of channels, for both party unilaterally closes the channel. For DMC, the number of = = n 1 and n 3. We obtain diminishing returns as G increases transactions required ranges from 2 to 3 + d, where d ≥ 1 de- further because tier 3 nodes become congested. fines the DMC transaction chain length. In LN, 4 transactions In summary, payment throughput is lower in the hub-and- must be placed onto the blockchain, which result in a cost of spoke topology compared to the complete topology by several 6 across bilateral and unilateral termination. For SFMC, the orders of magnitude. This is a result of locking channels for number of transactions ranges from 2/n to (1 + i)/n + (3 + d), multi-hop payments: while dynamic channel creation allevi- where n is the total number of constructed payment chan- ates contention, best performance requires high connectivity. nels and i and d define the funding and transaction chain’s Given that Teechain and LN exhibit different performance lengths. respectively. Since each SFMC transaction requires for single and multi-hop payments, any in-depth comparison p signatures and is shared between the n payment channels, requires careful treatment of many aspects, including the em- the blockchain cost is 2p/n if all parties collaboratively close ployed payment routing algorithm, the choice of transaction payment channels; (1 +i)(p/n) + 2(3 +d) if closed unilaterally. batching interval in LN, the number of dynamic channels Teechain constructs funding deposits using m-out-of-n created in Teechain, and the used contention avoidance algo- transactions. If the channel has a single deposit and is settled rithm [56]. We defer more experiments to future work. off-chain, only one transaction is required, with a cost of 6.4 Blockchain cost 1 + (n/2), i.e., the cost of a signature and public key to spend funds into the treasury address, and n public keys for commit- We evaluate and compare: (i) the number of transactions tee members; otherwise, with 2 deposits assigned to a channel, placed on the blockchain; and (ii) the blockchain cost. We Teechain requires 3 transactions, with the cost including the define the blockchain cost as the amount of data placed two funding deposits and the settlement transaction. on the blockchain to open and close a payment chan- We observe that, with a 2-out-of-3 multi-signature for each nel. Unlike existing solutions, Teechain can assign multi- funding deposit, Teechain places 25%–75% fewer transac- ple deposits to a single channel. For a fair comparison, tions on the blockchain than LN, and is up to 58% more we assume at most 2 deposits per channel, and we ab- efficient for bilateral termination. For DMC and bilateral stract from particular blockchains by counting the pairs closures, Teechain places 50% fewer transactions and 37% of public keys and signatures [13]. We compare with the less data on the blockchain than DMC. While Teechain out- Lightning Network (LN) [73], Duplex Micropayment Chan- performs SMFC when closing channels unilaterally, SMFC nels (DMC) [20] and Scalable Funding of Micropayment uses fewer transactions under bilateral closure if n = 1 and Channels (SFMC) [13]. p n > 1. SFMC amortises transactions across multiple parties Tab. 4 shows the number of transactions and the block- / chain cost. For all solutions but LN, the cost is higher if one 13 and channels at the cost of having to trust all involved parties. TEEChan [54] uses TEEs to realize single-hop payment Teechain does not make this assumption. channels with limited lifetimes. It provides limited fault tol- erance, requires synchronous blockchain access, does not support multi-hop payments, and cannot create payment chan- 7 Related Work nels instantly or dynamically assign deposits. TownCrier [98] enables a secure data-feed for blockchain contracts; Tesser- Payment channels and networks. Unilateral payment chan- act [7] is a secure multi-blockchain ; nels were first discussed in [32]. Duplex Micropayment Chan- Ekiden [17] offers a platform for privacy-preserving smart nels [20] use time-locked transactions to prevent old channel contracts; Obscuro [93] constructs a Bitcoin privacy mecha- states from being published. Lightning Network (LN) [73] nism; and Paralysis Proofs [99] allows consensus reconfig- supports multi-hop payments but requires users to monitor the uration with a blockchain. Apart from the different goals, blockchain. Pisa [60] builds on LN and allows third parties to Teechain uses a more refined security model: clients usea monitor the blockchain on behalf of other users. REVIVE [46] remote TEE to prevent fraud and a local TEE for availability. rebalances payment channels, but locks the funds during the rebalancing process. Sprites [62] can add and remove funds to 8 Conclusion channels dynamically, but requires smart-contracts [84]. State Teechain is the first payment network to operate with asyn- channels [26, 61] is a generalization of payment networks, but chronous blockchain access and offer dynamic deposits. also requires smart-contracts. Fulgor and Rayo [56] attempt Teechain mitigates against TEE compromises through a novel to add concurrency and privacy to existing payment networks. combination of force-freeze replication and m-out-of-n sig- All of these proposals assume synchronous blockchain natures to construct committee chains. We evaluate Teechain access. To the best of our knowledge, Teechain is the first using Intel SGX on Bitcoin; our results show orders of mag- system to avoid this assumption. nitude performance gains compared to the state of the art. Blockchain layer scaling. Prior work addresses the scalabil- ity and performance limitations of blockchains by departing 9 Acknowledgements from chain structures [51, 80, 89], changing block genera- We thank the anonymous reviewers and our shepherd, David tion [28, 69, 72], operating in a permissioned setting [4, 30] Andersen, for their feedback and suggestions. This project and using classical consensus [16, 59, 63]. Other approaches received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 operate global committees [29, 70, 85] or shard transactions research and innovation programme under the SecureCloud to concurrent blockchains [47, 48] in order to scale. 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17 A Teechain Protocol Correctness observes the outputs. The framework also includes honest par- ties which follow the protocol, and a byzantine adversary A, We first intuitively define the security guarantees a payment that can corrupt users at will. Our model deals with an adap- network should provide (Appendix A.1) and describe the tive adversary, i.e., once a user is corrupted by A, it cannot framework we use to construct our proofs (Appendix A.2 be uncorrupted again until the end of the execution. We only and Appendix A.3). We then formally prove that Teechain define the security guarantees of honest users who follow the achieves the desired security properties for both channels (Ap- Teechain protocol. pendix A.4) and multi-hop payments (Appendix A.5). The model also includes ideal functionalities, which act as A.1 Security Guarantees idealized third parties, and implement some target specifica- tions. We describe the behavior of such ideal functionalities Teechain protects the funds of all participants in the network; based on an exposed API. This API exhibits the desired prop- despite what others may do, funds cannot be stolen or double erties of the protocol. Ideal functionalities are also used in the spent. We define balance security to express intuitively: at real-world in order to represent network primitives and setup any point during an execution, any party can unilaterally assumptions, and we use them to also model TEEs and the reclaim the channels’ balances and unassociated deposits on blockchain. the underlying blockchain, correctly reflecting all payments. The proof that some protocol captures a specific property Participants must be able to do so despite other’s actions. in the UC framework consists of the following stages: To formalize balance security, we first define an execution trace σ as a time-ordered series of events, where each event represents an operation and its return value; σt denotes the prefix of σ until time t. For execution trace σ, user u, and 1. Showing that any real-world execution is indistinguish- able to the external environment E from an equivalent time t, denote by Lt (u) the balance of u in σ at time t on the blockchain, i.e., the sum of all the funds u has access to ideal-world execution. The proof is based on describ- ing a simulator S in the ideal-world, which translates on the blockchain. In particular, L0 (u) is the initial balance of u in σ. Denote by paid (u) the accumulated sum of all every adversary A in the real-world into a simulated t attacker, which is indistinguishable to the environment. payments made by u in σt using Teechain channels; and by We do so in hybrid steps, and in each step we prove in- rcvdt (u) the accumulated sum of payments received by u in σt . We thus define the perceived balance of u in σ at time t as distinguishability to the environment from the previous hybrid step. perceivedBalt (u) = L0 (u) + rcvdt (u) − paidt (u). We therefore define balance security as: 2. Proving that the desired property of the protocol is Definition A.1 (Balance security). A protocol satisfies bal- maintained by the ideal functionality in the ideal-world. ance security if for any prefix σt , any well-behaved user u can unilaterally perform a series of operations, possibly in- terleaved with operations of other users, that will complete Since the real-world and ideal-world are indistinguishable, at finite time t ′ ≥ t, after which at any time t ′′ ≥ t ′ ∶ if an attacker breaks a security guarantee in the real-world, Lt ′′ (u) ≥ perceivedBalt (u). then it will also break in the ideal-one. Thus, to prove a A well-behaved user, is one that faithfully follows the security guarantee holds in the real-world, it is sufficient to Teechain protocol, stores private keys used to communicate show it holds in the ideal one. with the ledger securly, and does not leak them to other users Real-World Execution. The real-world Teechain channel in the system. protocol is identical to the one described in §4, except that we model the TEE and the ledger as ideal functionalities in A.2 Ideal Functionalities and Simulation Based Secu- the UC framework. This model is based on previous works rity that formalized the model, such as [6, 56, 75, 79, 98].

Simulation Based Proofs in the Universal-Composability Ideal functionality FTEE. FTEE is an ideal functionality that Framework. Our formal proof for Teechain’s channel pro- models a TEE. This model is based on a version of the ideal tocol is based on the simulation based security framework functionality of Shi et al. [79]. User U is a Teechain user Universal Composability (UC) [14], which is a general pur- equipped with a TEE; prog is some program to run in an en- pose framework for modeling and constructing secure proto- clave; inp, outp, mem are the prog input, output and memory cols. The model is based on a system of interactive Turing tape respectively. We further let sid as the session identifier machines (ITMs), which are described based upon how they and id is the enclave identifier. λ is a security parameter, and behave when receiving messages from other ITMs. Σ, KGen are a signature scheme and its key generation al- The UC framework includes several ITMs: an environ- gorithm respectively. Lastly, let PKTEE, SKTEE be a TEE’s ment E, which represents the external world. The environ- public-key and secret-key generated on the TEE’s initializa- ment chooses the inputs given to each party in the system, and tion. 18 An enclave is an isolated software container loaded with software and hardware. A can fully observe all the calls made some program, in our case the Teechain protocol. FTEE ab- to FTEE, but cannot tamper with the hardware’s confidentiality, stracts an enclave as a third party trusted for execution, con- integrity and authenticity guarantees. fidentiality and authenticity, with respect to any user thatis Ideal functionality FB. An ideal functionality that represents part of the system, and in particular U that owns the TEE. the ledger, i.e., the underlying blockchain. It maintains a We now describe the API of FTEE. When initialized, FTEE single list, B, that represents the balances of all the users in the generates a public secret key pair, and publicizes the public system. Each entry has a public key PK and any instruction key, i.e., other users or TEEs can verify messages signed by to edit an entry requires the message to be signed by the other FTEE. This corresponds to an attestation service pro- corresponding private key, SK. Entries in B are in the form of vided in the real-world execution. In addition, FTEE includes (PK, val), where valis the current balance associated with the two calls, one for the installation of a new program prog, and public key. the other one is a resume call for prog with some input. At the beginning of the execution, i.e., at t = 0, B contains The full API of FTEE is: initial entries with balances for the different public keys in the system. Also, some of the users also have the corresponding Algorithm 4: FTEE’s API secret keys matching to the above public keys. FB exposes λ two types of API calls, one is designed to transfer money Input: (PKTEE, SKTEE) ← KGen (1 ) from one entry in B to another, and one is designed to query 1 on receive (sid, idx, install, inp) from U : i F 2 if (idx, Ui, _, _) is not stored then B on existing entries. 3 store (idx, Ui, prog, inp) 4 else Algorithm 5: FB’s API 5 return Input: The initial balances of all the public keys are stored in B 6 end 1 on receive (transfer, PKu, val, σ, PKv ) from u: 7 on receive (sid, idx, resume, inp) from Ui : 2 if Σ.verify(PKu, σ ) ∧ ∃bal ∶ B(PKu ) = bal ∧ bal ≥ val then 8 if (idx, Ui, prog, mem) is stored then 3 B(PKv ) ← B(PKv ) + val 9 outp, mem ← prog inp, mem ( ) 4 B(PKu ) ← B(PKu ) − val 10 store (idx, Ui, prog, mem) 5 else 11 σ ← Σ.Sign (SKTEE, (prog, outp)) 6 return ⊥ 12 return (sid, idx, outp, σ ) to Ui 7 end 13 else 8 on receive (getLedgerBalance, PKu ) 14 return ⊥ 9 if ∃bal ∶ B(PKu ) = bal) then 15 end 10 return bal 11 else 12 return ⊥ FTEE is a setup assumption [14] that models the functional- 13 end ity offered by real-world TEEs, and in particular Intel’s SGX. Due to this, FTEE uses a "real" signature scheme Σ, rather than an ideal version of it [15]. We assume that the signature We model the real-world execution of Teechain in the scheme Σ used by FTEE is unforgeable under chosen attacks, (FTEE, FB) hybrid-model. and that all parties Ui know PKTEE of all the other TEEs at We are now ready to formally define balance security and the start of the execution. We note that in order to deal with perceived balance of any user using Teechain. real-world SGX vulnerabilities, we use different methods to Ideal-World Model. We define the ideal functional- mitigate such attacks (see §4.4). ity FTeechain which captures Teechain’s protocol. FTeechain is Each user U is identified by unique id (simply denoted defined by an internal state of its internal variables, andbyan by U, or Alice and Bob), and a session id sid, obtained from API, which users can invoke. An invocation of an API call the environment E [15]. Parties send messages to each other call by user u with arguments (arg1, arg2,... ) is denoted by: A via authenticated channels, and the adversary observes all callu (arg1, arg2,... ). messages sent over the network. We use the standard "delayed The internal variables FTeechain maintains are described messages" terminology [15]: when a message msg is sent in Fig. 9, a description of each call is described in Fig. 10, between users, msg is first sent to A (the simulator S), and and the complete algorithm is described in Alg. 6. forwarded to the intended user U, after the acknowledgment A.3 Indistinguishability of the real-world and ideal- by S. Furthermore, S can delay messages between parties (i.e., asynchronous network), but eventually delivers them. world Note that FTEE is a local ideal functionality: a user U can We now move to show that the real-world execution is indis- talk to its FTEE without the messages being leaked to A. How- tinguishable to the external environment from the ideal-world ever, when A corrupts a user it gets full access to the user’s one. 19 FTeechain maintains the following internal variables: (deposit_id, val,u,cid, isSymmetric). PendingDeposits This is a set of deposits in the process of disso- L Set of funds for the users using FTeechain. L captures the same ciation from a channel, i.e., a user u who initiated a deposit functionality as FB in the real-world. dissociation and the dissociation is not approved yet by the Entries are in the form of (u, val), where valis u’s amount other party of the channel. on the ledger. Entries in PendingDeposits: are in the format of C Set of all open channels. We denote as u and v as two users (deposit_id,u, isSymmetric). who have an open channel between them, amountU and PendingPayments Set of pending payments, i.e., if user u sent a amountV as u’s and v’s balances on the channel, cid as a payment to v, and v did not accept the payment yet. unique channel identifier agreed between u and v prior to Entries in PendingPayments: are in the form of (cid,v, val). the opening, and isSymmetric as a boolean variable indi- cid is the channel id where the payment with amount valis cating the two different states a channel between two users pending. can be in, i.e., whether the channel is open for both users PendingChannels Set of channels in the process of being set- or just the channel opening initiator. tled. In order to fully settle a channel both of its users need Entries in C are in the form of to settle it separately. If only one of the users settled the (cid,u,v, amountU, amountV, isSymmetric). channel and other user did not, then this set will reflect it. D Set of deposits associated with an open channel. We denote Entries in PendingChannels: are in the form of (cid,v), deposit_id as a unique identifier given to each new deposit were cid is the channel identifier and v is the party that did by FTeechain, valas the amount of the deposit, u as the user not settle the channel yet. who added the deposit, cid as the channel identifier the de- PendingLedgerPayments Set of pending payments waiting to posit is associated to (or ⊥ if the deposit is not associated be added to the ledger L. with any channel), and isSymmetric as a boolean variable Entries in PendingLedgerPayments are in the form of indicating if the deposit is associated to a channel, and both (ledger_payment_id,u, val), where ledger_payment_id is users are aware of this association. a unique id of the payment given by FTeechain, u is the Entries in D are in the form of recipient of the payment of amount val.

Figure 9. FTeechain’s Internal Variables

Lemma 1. The Teechain channel protocol in the (FTEE, FB) view in H2 are perfectly emulated for him when interact- hybrid model UC-realizes the ideal functionality FTeechain. ing with the ledger, no environment E can distinguish between H2 and H1. Proof. Let A be an adversary against the Teechain protocol. • Hybrid H3 behaves the same as H2 except for the following We construct an ideal-world adversary (the simulator) S, such difference: If A invoked its FTEE with a correct install that any environment E cannot distinguish between interact- message with program prog, then for every correct re- ing with the adversary A and the Teechain protocol or with sume message S records the tuple (msg,σ) from FTEE, where msg is the output of running prog in FTEE, and the simulator S and the ideal functionality FTeechain. We do so by a series of hybrid steps starting at the real- σ is the signature generated inside the FTEE, using the SK generated in H1. world execution of the protocol in the (FTEE, FB) hybrid - Let Ω denote all such possible tuples. If (msg, σ) ∉ Ω H0, and eventually reaching the ideal world. At each step we prove indistinguishability. then S aborts, otherwise, S delivers the message to Bob (the party in the protocol that is not controlled by A). We can argue that H is indistinguishable from H by • Hybrid H0 is the real-world execution in the (FTEE, FB) 2 1 hybrid model. reducing the problem to the EU-CMA of the signing scheme. If A does not send one of the correct tuples • Hybrid H1 behaves the same as H0 except that S gener- ates a secret-public key pair (SK, PK) for the signing to the other party, then the other party’s attestation scheme Σ and publishes the public key PK. When A (verification mechanism) will fail (but with negligi- ble probability). Otherwise, E and A can be leveraged wants to communicate with its FTEE, S faithfully emu- to construct an adversary that succeeds in a signature lates FTEE’s behavior, and records A’s messages. As S’s simulation of the real-world protocol is done per- forgery. fectly, the environment E cannot distinguish between • Hybrid H4 is the same as H3 except that for the following difference: Whenever A delivers a signed message (by H0 (the real-world execution) and H1. himself or from his F ) to other users in the system • Hybrid H2 behaves the same as H1 except for the follow- TEE ing difference: whenever A wants to communicate with signed by a secret key of Teechain’s protocol, S be- haves as in H , i.e., S records the tuple msg, σ , and FB, S faithfully emulates FB’s behavior for A. As A’s 3 ( ) 20 The following calls are for user interaction with the ledger: acceptAssociateDeposit v invokes this call to complete the process of associating the deposit deposit_id. In the real- getLedgerBalance Upon receiving getLedgerBalancev (u) from any user v in the system, FTeechain returns the current world execution v needs to make sure at this stage that the entry in L indicating u’s balance on the ledger. deposit is on the ledger. acceptLedgerPayment Upon receiving this call from a dissociateDeposit Invoked by u to start dissociating deposit user u in the system, FTeechain checks if u has a pend- deposit_id from a channel it is associated to. ing payment waiting to be reflected on the ledger L. If so, acceptDissociate The second phase of dissociating a deposit FTeechain changes L to reflect the payment. from a channel, indicating that the other party in the chan- nel accepted the dissociation. The following calls capture the unilateral deposit handling of ackDissociate Completes the dissociation of a deposit from a users: channel. addDeposit When receiving this call FTeechain adds a new de- After the call ends successfully the deposit can be removed posit for user u. or associated again with another channel by u. removeDeposit User u can call this function to remove an pay User u invokes this function to pay valon channel cid to unassociated deposit from the system and add the deposit’s user v. When the call ends, FTeechain returns to u a pay- amount back on the ledger. ment id pending_payment_id. The last set of calls captures the logic of user interaction with receivePayment v invokes this function to accept a payment other users and handle channels in the system: with payment id pending_payment_id made by another openChannel u invokes this call in order to initiate a channel user on a channel. After the call ends, v’s balance on the opening between her and another user in the system. channel is increased by val. acceptChannelOpen v can invoke this call to complete the settleChannel u invokes this call to settle channel cid, i.e., re- channel opening process. This call can be invoked by the ceive his current balance from the channel on the ledger. v after openChannel is invoked. When invoked, FTeechain generates a pending payment associateDeposit u can invoke this call in order to start the pending_payment_id which reflects u’s balance on the process of associating a deposit with a specific channel. channel and returns it to u.

Figure 10. FTeechain’s Calls

as in H4, S aborts if msg is not signed correctly by the pending_payment_id, and when the user calls corresponding secret key. transfer to FB in order to place the tx on the H4 is indistinguishable from H3 for the same reasons ledger, S calls acceptLedgerPayment with the H3 is indistinguishable from H2, i.e., otherwise E and A corresponding pending_payment_id. will be able to construct an adversary that can succeed ◦ associate_deposit Whenever a user sends in signature forgery. associate_deposit to another user in the system, S • Hybrid H5 is the ideal world execution, i.e., we map sends associateDeposit to FTeechain on that user’s the calls in the simulated real-world to calls of S to behalf. FTeechain. ◦ approve_deposit Whenever a user invokes FTEE ◦ new_pay_channel Whenever a user sends with approve_deposit, the simulator S calls new_pay_channel to FTEE to create a new channel, acceptAssociateDeposit with the corresponding S sends a openChannel message to FTeechain in the deposit id deposit_id. ideal world. ◦ dissociate_deposit When a user correctly in- ◦ newChannelAck Whenever newChannelAck is de- vokes his FTEE with dissociate_deposit, S calls livered to the recipient in the real-world, S invokes dissociateDeposit. acceptChannelOpen to FTeechain. newChannelAck ◦ dissociatedDeposit When a user passes is delivered when new_pay_channel arrives to the to his FTEE dissociatedDeposit message, S counterpart’s FTEE. invokes dissociateDeposit to FTeechain. The ◦ new_deposit Whenever a user invokes his FTEE dissociatedDeposit is the message send to with new_deposit after correctly transferring money FTEE by the counterpart upon receiving the on the ledger by invoking transfer to FB, S invokes dissociate_deposit. FTeechain with addDeposit, and records the returned ◦ dissociatedDepositAck When a user invokes his deposit_id. FTEE with the message dissociatedDepositAck, ◦ release_deposit Whenever a user in- S invokes ackDissociate in the ideal world. vokes release_deposit to his FTEE, S calls dissociatedDepositAck is delivered to FTEE upon removeDeposit to FTeechain with the corresponding receiving the ack from dissociatedDeposit. 21 Algorithm 6: FTeechain’s API

1 ∀u ∶ L(u) ← ⊥ 50 on associateDepositu (cid, deposit_id) 88 on payu (cid, amount) ⊥ ⊥ 2 ∀cid ∶ C(cid) ← ⊥ 51 if ∃val ∶ D(deposit_id) = (amount, u, , ) ∧ 89 if ∃x,y, amountX, amountY, isSymmetric ∶ C(cid) = 3 ∀deposit_id ∶ D(deposit_id) ← ⊥ ∃x, y, amountX, amountY, isSymmetric ∶ C(cid) = (x, y, amountX, amountY, isSymmetric) ∧ = = ⊤ = ⊥ = 4 ∀deposit_id ∶ PendingDeposits(deposit_id) ← ⊥ (x, y, amountU, amountV, isSymmetric) ∧ (x ((isSymmetric ) ∨ (isSymmetric ∧ x u)) = 5 ∀pending_payment_id ∶ u ∨ y u) then then 52 if y = u ∧ isSymmetric = ⊥ /* the channel is not 90 if x = u ∧ val ≤ amountX then PendingPayments(pending_payment_id) ← ⊥ accepted by both parties */ then 91 C(cid) ← 6 ∀cid ∶ PendingChannels(cid) ← ⊥ 53 return (fail) (x, y, amountX - amount, amountY, isSymmetric) 7 ∀ledger_payment_id ∶ 54 D deposit_id ← amount, u, c , ⊥ /* assign the 92 PendingPayments(pending_payment_id) ← PendingLedgerPayments(ledger_payment_id) ← ⊥ ( ) ( id ) deposit to channel cid */ if x = u then (y, cid, amount) 8 on getLedgerBalancev (u) /* The Ledger is public, ← 93 if = ∧ val ≤ amountY then any user can get the balance of any other user in the 55 C(cid) y u 94 C c ← system */ (x, y, amountX + amount, amountY, isSymmetric) ( id) x, y, amountX, amountY - amount, isSymmetric 9 if L(u) ≠ ⊥ then 56 else ( ) ← 95 PendingPayments pending_payment_id ← 10 return (success, L(u)) 57 C(cid) ( ) x, , amount 11 else (x, y, amountX, amountY + amount, isSymmetric) ( cid ) 96 pending_payment_id ← pending_payment_id + 12 return (fail) 58 return (success) 1 59 else 97 return (success, pending_payment_id) 13 on acceptLedgerPayment (ledger_payment_id) u 60 return (fail) 98 else 14 if ∃val ∶ 99 return (fail) PendingLedgerPayments(ledger_payment_id) = 61 on acceptAssociateDepositv (cid, deposit_id) = ⊥ (u, amount) then 62 if ∃val ∶ D(deposit_id) (amount, u, cid, ) then 100 on receivePaymentv (pending_payment_id) ← ⊤ 15 L(u) ← L(u) + val 63 D(deposit_id) (amount, u, cid, ) 101 if ∃cid, amount ∶ = 16 PendingLedgerPayments(ledger_payment_id) ← 64 return (success) PendingPayments(pending_payment_id) ⊥ 65 else (v, cid, val) then ← 17 return (success) 66 return (fail) 102 C(cid) (u, v, amountV + val, isSymmetric) 18 else 103 return (success) 67 on dissociateDepositu (deposit_id) 19 return fail 104 PendingPayments(pending_payment_id) ← ⊥ ( ) 68 if ∃val, cid, isSymmetric ∶ D(deposit_id) = 105 else 20 on addDeposit (amount) (amount, u, cid, isSymmetric) ∧ u 106 return (fail) 21 if L(u) ≥ amount /* If u has enough money on the ∃v, amountU, amountV, isSymmetric ∶ C(cid) = ledger to create the deposit */ (cid, u, v, amountU, amountV, isSymmetric) ∧ 107 on settleChannelu (cid) 22 then val ≤ amountU /* The deposit is accepted by both 108 if ∃v, amountU, amountV, isSymmetric ∶ C(cid) = 23 deposit_id ← textitdeposit_counter sides, and u has enough capacity in the channel (u, v, amountU, amountV, isSymmetric) then 24 deposit_counter ← deposit_counter + 1 to dissociate */ 109 pendingDeposits ← {deposit_id∣ 69 then 25 D(deposit_id) ← (amount, u, ⊥, ⊥) PendingDeposits(deposit_id) = (u, ⊥) ∨ (u, ⊤)} 70 C(cid) ← 26 L(u) ← L(u) − val (cid, u, v, amountU − val, amountV, isSymmetric) 110 pendingDepositsSum ← x /* 27 return (success, deposit_id) ∑x∈pendingDeposits /* deduct the deposit’s amount from u’s Need to remove all the deposits that their 28 else capacity in the channel */ 29 return fail dissociation is not completed */ ( ) 71 PendingDeposits deposit_id ← u, ⊥ /* entry ( ) ( ) 111 PendingLedgerPayments(ledger_payment_id) ← 30 on deposit_id indicating deposit_id is about to be dissociated removeDepositu ( ) (u, amountU + pendingDepositsSum) 31 if ∃val, isSymmetric ∶ D deposit_id = */ ( ) 112 ledger_payment_id ← ledger_payment_id + 1 (amount, u, ⊥, isSymmetric) /* deposit entry is 72 return (success) 113 foreach (deposit_id ∈ pendingDeposits): not associated with any channel */ 73 else PendingDeposits deposit_id = ⊥ then 74 return (fail) ( ) 114 foreach (deposit_id ∈ pendingDeposits) ∶ 32 PendingLedgerPayments(ledger_payment_id) ← 75 on acceptDissociatev (deposit_id) D deposit_id ← ⊥ u,amount ( ) ( ) 76 if ∃u s.t. PendingDeposits(deposit_id) = (u, ⊥) ← ← 115 C(cid) (u, v, 0, amountV, isSymmetric) 33 ledger_payment_id ledger_payment_id + 1 then 116 if PendingChannels(cid) = ⊥ /* If this is the first 34 D(deposit_id) ← ⊥ 77 PendingDeposits(deposit_id) ← (u, ⊤) settle message */ 35 return success, ledger_payment_id ( ) 78 return (success) then 36 else 79 else 117 PendingChannels(cid) ← v 37 return fail ( ) 80 return (fail) 118 else 119 deposits ← 38 on openChannelu (cid, v) 81 on ackDissociate (deposit_id) = ⊥ u 39 if C(cid) /* there is not a channel entry with cid 82 if PendingDeposits(deposit_id) = (u, ⊤) then {deposit_id∣∃amount, isSymmetric, x ∶ = */ 83 PendingDeposits(deposit_id) ← ⊥ D(deposit_id) (amount, x, cid, isSymmetric)} then ∈ 84 D deposit_id ← deposit id, amount, u, ⊥, ⊥ 120 foreach (deposit_id deposits): ← ⊥ ( ) ( ) 40 C(cid) (u, v, 0, 0, ) /* initialize an entry for //change third argument of the entry to indicate D(deposit_id) ← ⊥ /* remove all the deposits the channel with capacity 0 for both sides */ the dissociation is completed associated with the channel */ 41 return success ← ⊥ ( ) 85 return (success) 121 C(cid) 42 else 86 else 122 PendingChannels(cid) ← ⊥ 43 return fail ( ) 87 return (fail) 123 return (success, ledger_payment_id) 44 on acceptChannelOpenv (cid) 124 else 45 if ∃amountU, amountV ∶ C(cid) = 125 return (fail) (u, v, amountU, amountV, ⊥) then 46 C(cid) ← (u, v, amountU, amountV, ⊤) 47 return (success) 48 else 49 return (fail)

◦ pay_channel When a user invokes pay_channel ◦ paid Whenever a user passes paid to his FTEE, then to FTEE, S invokes pay to FTeechain. S calls receivePayment. This message is delivered 22 when the counterpart receives the pay_channel and during σt : passes it to his F . TEE payments (u) = {val∣ ◦ settle_channel Whenever a user invokes t ∃ , , , val, pending_payment_id ∶ settle_channel to his FTEE, S invokes i cid v settleChannel commands on behalf of the evi ∈ σt , opi = payu (cid,v, val), user of the channel, i.e., for a channel between u reti = (success, pending_payment_id)} and v them S will invoke settleChannelu and Let paid (u) be the sum of all payments in payments (u), settleChannelv with the channel id cid. t t i.e., In H4, S can faithfully interact with FTeechain, while paid u = val faithfully emulating A’s view of the real-world. S can t ( ) ∑ ∈ then output to E exactly A’s output in the real-world. val paymentst (u) Thus, there does not exist any environment E that We denote receivedPaymentst (u) to be a set of all the can distinguish between interaction with A and the amounts of successful receivePayment calls to FTeechain Teechain channel protocol, from interaction with S and from u that returned success during σt : FTeechain. receivedPaymentst (u) = {val∣ □ ∃i, pending_payment_id,cid, val ∶

evi ∈ σt , opi = receivePaymentu (pending_payment_id), Next, we define balance security in the ideal-world, and ∃j < i, val ∶ evj ∈ σt , opj = payu (cid, val), prove that FTeechain captures it. retj = (success, pending_payment_id)} A.4 Balance security in the Ideal-World Let receivedPaymentst (u) be the sum of all such received We proved that for any environment E the ideal-world and payments in receivedPaymentst (u) , i.e. the real-world executions are indistinguishable. Therefore, rcvd u = val we can define the security interest of a payment channel in t ( ) ∑ ∈ the ideal-world, and prove that the ideal-world execution val receivedPaymentst (u) achieves this desired property. Since both the ideal and the We are now ready to define the perceived balance in the real world are indistinguishable to any environment, then ideal-world of user u. both the definition of balance security, and the proof thatit Definition A.2 (Perceived Balance in the Ideal-World). The holds in the ideal-world will also hold in the real-world, thus perceived balance of user u at time t is defined as concluding the proof. perceivedBalt (u) = L0 (u) + rcvdt (u) − paidt (u) Notations and Definitions. We define our security goal tobe We are now ready to formally define balance security. balance security. Intuitively, this means that at any point in Definition A.3 (Balance Security). We say an algorithm sat- time, an honest user u can choose to settle a channel cid with isfies balance security if for any prefix σt for t ≥ 0, and for another user v, even if v is corrupt or crashes arbitrarily, and any well-behaved user u in the system, u can preform a series receive her balance on the ledger without the ability of v or of operations, possibly interleaved with operations of other ′ any other user w to affect the outcome. users, that will be completed in a finite time t , after which at ′′ ′ To formally discuss balance security we first define a few any time t ≥ t : Lt ′′ (u) ≥ perceivedBalt (u). notations and definitions: A user u is honest or well-behaved if she follows the series An execution σ = (ev1, ev2,..., evn) = of operations of the algorithm. We note that definitions defini- ((op1, ret1), (op2, ret2),..., (opn, retn)) is a series of events ev, tion A.3 and definition A.1 are equal to the environment E as each consists of a call op to FTeechain and its return value from the ideal-world and the real-world are indistinguishable to it. FTeechain, ret. Each event might also result in the change of Theorem A.1. [Balance Security Theorem] The ideal func- the state, i.e., the internal variables maintained by FTeechain. tionality FTeechain achieves balance security. Lt (u) is the balance on the Ledger for user u at time t, i.e., In order to show that FTeechain achieves balance security we if any user v calls getLedgerBalancev (u) at time t, then need to show an algorithm, i.e., a series of operations that an Lt (u) is the returned value. honest user u has to preform in order to receive her perceived The initial time 0 is a time in an execution in the ideal- balance perceivedBalt (u). world prior to any calls to FTeechain, with some initial value We define the following sets, based on the internal variables on the Ledger for the users in the run, e.g. users u,v,w with of FTeechain: some initial values L0(u), L0(v), L0(w) respectively. σt is the prefix of the execution σ from time 0 to t. We denote paymentst (u) be the set of all the amounts of successful pay calls to FTeechain from u that returned success 23 1. All the deposit ids in D that are not currently associated already has all the deposit ids she needs in order to with any channel at time t: invoke the removeDeposit calls in OPS1. □ 2. u places a set of settle operations for each channel id innerDepositst (u) = {deposit_id∣ c ∈ innerChannels (u): ∃deposit_id, isSymmetric ∶ id t OPS2 = {settleu (cid) ∣cid ∈ innerChannelst (u)} D(deposit_id) = (val,u, ⊥, isSymmetric)} 2. All the channel ids that have not been settled yet until time t. i.e.: Lemma 4. If u places the calls to FTeechain described in OPS , then the return value of each call is success innerChannels u = 2 t ( ) with some ledger payment id value ledger_payment_id. = {cid∣∃cid,v, amountV, isSymmetric ∶ Proof. The if statement of the settleChannel algo- C(cid) = (u,v, amountU, amountV, isSymmetric) rithm (Alg. 6, Line 108) will be true for any cid in ∨ C(cid) = (v,u, amountV, amountU, isSymmetric), innerChannelst (u), thus FTeechain will return success with a ledger id ledger_payment_id (Line 123). PendingChannels(cid) ≠ u} □ 3. All the ledger payment ids ledger_payment_id that are Lemma 5. User u has all the channel ids associated with u and have not been placed on the cid ∈ innerChannelst (u) such that she can invoke all ledger yet: the settleChannel calls in OPS2. = innerPendingLedgerPaymentt (u) Proof. OPS2 is defined as settleChannel calls for = {ledger_payment_id∣∃ledger_payment_id ∶ channel ids cid such that C(cid) exists with user u. The only option for such an entry to be generated PendingLedgerPayments(ledger_payment_id) = is if u invoked openChannelu (cid) during σt or in- u, val ( )} voked acceptChannelOpenu (cid). Thus, at time t, u In order for u to receive her perceived balance has all the channels ids she needs in order to invoke the perceivedBalt (u), we describe an algorithm, i.e., a series of settleChannel calls as defined in OPS2. □ calls to FTeechain. We proved that if u places the calls to FTeechain de- 1. u places a set of remove operations for each scribed in OPS1 and in OPS2, then the return value of all these calls is success, ledger_payment_id . deposit_id ∈ innerDepositst (u): ( ) We denote by t1 the time in which all the calls in OPS1∪ OPS1 = {removeDeposit (deposit_id) ∣ u OPS2 return successfully. deposit_id ∈ innerDepositst (u)} Let us define a set of the return values for each opera- tion in OPS1 ∪ OPS2 at t1: Lemma 2. If u places the calls to FTeechain described RET = ledger_payment_id in OPS1, then the return value of each call is success { ∣ with some ledger payment id value ledger_payment_id. = ∈ ∈ ∃i ∶ evi (opi , reti ) σt1 , opi OPS1 ∪ OPS2, Proof. The if statement in the removeDeposit al- reti = (success, ledger_payment_id)} gorithm (Alg. 6, Line 31) will be true for any 3. u places a set of acceptLedgerPayment oper- deposit id deposit_id ∈ innerDepositst (u), which ations for each ledger_payment_id ∈ RET ∪ means that FTeechain will create a new ledger pay- innerPendingLedgerPaymentt (u): ment id ledger_payment_id and return success with OPS = {acceptLedgerPayment (ledger_payment_id)∣ ledger_payment_id (Line 35). □ 3 u ledger_payment_id ∈ RET∪ Lemma 3. User u has all the deposit ids innerPendingLedgerPaymentt (u)} deposit_id ∈ innerDepositst (u), such that she has the ability to invoke all the calls in OPS1. Lemma 6. If u places the calls described in OPS then Proof. OPS is defined on a set of deposit 3 1 F returns success for each of them. ids deposit_id such that there exists the entry Teechain D(deposit_id) = (val,u, ⊥, isSymmetric). The only Proof. All the pending payment ids of the calls option for such an entry to be generated, is if described in OPS3 are in PendingPayments as during σt addDepositu (val) was invoked by u. proved in Lemma 2 and Lemma 4, thus when u When the call returns successfully, FTeechain returns places acceptLedgerPayment with those pending (success, ledger_payment_id) to u. Thus, at time t, u pending_payment_id, FTeechain will return success. □ 24 Definition A.4 (balance security algorithm). The suffix for u Let innerPendingDepositsSumt (u) be the sum of all the in order to receive perceivedBalt (u) in the prefix σt is: amounts of pending deposits in innerPendingDepositst (u): OPSu ≜ (OPS1, OPS2, OPS3) innerPendingDepositsSum u = val t ( ) ∑ We now move to show that by invoking the calls in Defi- val∈innerPendingDepositsSumt (u) nition A.4, any user can receive her perceived balance, thus Definition A.5. Let stateBalancet (u) be the balance of u, as proving Theorem A.1. defined by the internal state of FTeechain at a given time t, i.e.: Let innerChannelBalance (u) be the set of all the capaci- t stateBalance = L +innerChannelBalanceSum + ties of all the open channels user u has with other users in the t (u) t (u) t (u) system at a given time t: + innerDepositBalanceSumt (u)+ + innerPendingLedgerOpsSum (u)+ innerChannelBalancet (u) = {amountU∣ t innerPendingDepositsSum ∃cid,v, amountV, isSymmetric ∶ + t (u) We begin by showing, that at any given time t the state (C(cid) = (u,v, amountU, amountV, isSymmetric) balance of u is the same as the perceived balance as defined C = amountV amountU isSymmetric ∨ (cid) (v,u, , , )), in Definition A.2. PendingChannels(c ) ≠ u} id Proposition 1. At any execution σ the inner balance of u and Let innerChannelBalanceSumt (u) be the sum of all the the perceived balances are equal, i.e.: capacities in innerChannelBalancet (u): perceivedBalt (u) = stateBalancet (u) innerChannelBalanceSum (u) = val t ∑ Proof. We will prove this by induction on the execution σ. val∈innerChannelBalancet (u) Inductive base. In the beginning of the execution σ at t = 0 Let innerDepositBalance (u) be the set of the amounts of t all the internal variables of F are ⊥, i.e., for any internal deposits that user u added and not removed, and are not Teechain variable of F , and for any : = ⊥. Thus: associated with any channel at a given time t, i.e.: f Teechain x f (x) innerChannelBalance0(u) = ∅ innerDepositBalancet (u) = {val∣ innerDepositBalance (u) = ∅ ∃deposit_id, isSymmetric ∶ 0 innerPendingLedgerOpsSum (u) = ∅ D(deposit_id) = (val,u, ⊥, isSymmetric)} 0 innerPendingDepositsSum (u) = ∅ Let innerDepositBalanceSum (u) be the sum of all 0 t Which means that: amounts in innerDepositBalancet (u): innerChannelBalanceSum0(u) = 0 innerDepositBalanceSumt (u) = val ∑ innerDepositBalanceSum u = 0 val∈innerDepositBalancet (u) 0( ) = Let innerPendingLedgerOpsSumt (u) be a set of all pending innerPendingLedgerOpsSum0(u) 0 ledger operations from user u at a given time t, i.e.: innerPendingDepositsSum0(u) = 0 = innerPendingLedgerOpsSumt (u) And: stateBalance0(u) = perceivedBal0(u) = {val∣∃ledger_payment_id ∶ Inductive step. Let us assume that in step i < t: = PendingLedgerPayments(ledger_payment_id) = (u, val)} stateBalancei (u) perceivedBali (u). We show that af- ter the next event at step i + 1: stateBalancei+1(u) = Let innerPendingLedgerOpsSumt (u) be the sum of perceivedBali+1(u). all the amount of the ledger payment operations in First we note that the inner balance as defined above does innerPendingLedgerOpsSum (u): t not change if FTeechain returns fail for any call, as the if state- innerPendingLedgerOpsSum u = val ment in the beginning of each of its calls will cause it to return t ( ) ∑ val∈innerPendingLedgerOpsSumt (u) fail and change nothing, and in particular, not change Li (u). We go over all the event types, each of them a result of a Let innerPendingDepositst (u) be a set of all amounts of deposits in the process of being dissociated from a channel, call to FTeechain, and show that for each of them, under the i.e., all deposits in PendingDeposits: induction assumption for step i, it also holds for step i + 1, i.e.: innerPendingDeposits (u) = t stateBalancei+1(u) = perceivedBali+1(u) = {val∣∃deposit_id,cid, isSymmetric ∶ • getLedgerBalance This algorithm does not affect any PendingDeposits(deposit_id) = (u, isSymmetric), variable of FTeechain. • acceptLedgerPayment This algorithm takes D(deposit_id) = (val,u,c , isSymmetric)} id valfrom PendingLedgerPayments at time 25 i and adds it to Li+1 (u), then it removes • acceptAssociateDeposit This algorithm does not af- PendingLedgerPayments(ledger_payment_id), i.e.: fect the inner balance and therefore at step i + 1 the inner and perceived balances are the same as in step i. innerPendingLedgerOpsSum (u) = i+1 • dissociateDeposit This algorithm deducts valfrom the innerPendingLedgerOpsSumi (u) − amount balance of u at time i in channel cid and adds it to PendingDeposits deposit_id at i + 1, i.e.: Li+1 (u) = Li (u) + val ( ) innerChannelBalanceSum (u) = stateBalancei (u) = stateBalancei+1(u) = i+1 = innerChannelBalanceSumi (u) − val = perceivedBali (u) = perceivedBali+1(u) • addDeposit This algorithm deducts valfrom L u and i ( ) innerPendingDepositsSumi+1(u) = adds an entry D(depositEntry) with val, i.e.: = innerPendingDepositsSumi (u) + val innerDepositBalanceSumi+1(u) = stateBalancei (u) = stateBalancei+1(u) = = innerDepositBalanceSumi (u) + val = perceivedBali (u) = perceivedBali+1(u) Li+1 (u) = Li (u) − val • acceptDissociate This algorithm does not affect the in- stateBalancei (u) = stateBalancei+1(u) = ner balance and therefore at step i + 1 the inner and perceived balances are the same as in step i. = perceivedBali (u) = perceivedBali+1(u) • ackDissociate This algorithm removes the entry • removeDeposit This algorithm removes PendingDeposits(deposit_id) and changes the third D(deposit_id) and adds amount to argument of D(deposit_id) to ⊥, which logically means PendingLedgerPayments(ledger_payment_id), i.e.: that the deposit is not associated with any channel: innerPendingLedgerOpsSumi+1(u) = innerPendingDepositsSumi+1(u) = = innerPendingLedgerOpsSumi (u) + val = innerPendingDepositsSumi (u) − val

innerDepositBalanceSumi+1(u) = innerDepositBalanceSumi+1(u) = = innerDepositBalanceSumi (u) − val = innerDepositBalanceSumi (u) + val

stateBalancei (u) = stateBalancei+1(u) = stateBalancei (u) = stateBalancei+1(u) = = perceivedBali (u) = perceivedBali+1(u) = perceivedBali (u) = perceivedBali+1(u) • openChannel This algorithm does not affect the inner • pay This algorithm deducts valfrom the balance of u in balance and therefore at step i + 1 the inner and per- channel c at time i, thus changing stateBalance u , ceived balances are the same as in step i. id i ( ) but it also deducts valfrom perceivedBal u , i.e.: • acceptChannelOpen This algorithm does not affect the i ( ) inner balance and therefore at step i + 1 the inner and innerChannelBalanceSumi+1(u) = perceived balances are the same as in step i. = innerChannelBalanceSumi (u) − val • associateDeposit This algorithm changes the third ar- paid u = paid u − val gument of D(deposit_id) to cid, which logically means i+1( ) i ( ) that the deposit deposit_id is now associated with chan- stateBalancei (u) = stateBalancei+1(u) = nel c . id = = By doing so, it moves valfrom perceivedBali (u) perceivedBali+1(u) innerDepositBalanceSumi (u) to • receivePayment This algorithm adds valto the innerChannelBalanceSumi+1(u), i.e.: balance of u in channel cid at time i, thus changing stateBalancei (u), but it also adds valto innerDepositBalanceSumi+1(u) = perceivedBali (u), i.e.: = innerDepositBalanceSumi (u) − val innerChannelBalanceSumi+1(u) = = innerChannelBalanceSumi+1(u) = innerChannelBalanceSumi (u) + val = innerChannelBalanceSum i (u) + val rcvdi+1(u) = rcvdi (u) + val

stateBalancei (u) = stateBalancei+1(u) = stateBalancei (u) = stateBalancei+1(u) = = = = perceivedBali (u) = perceivedBali+1(u) perceivedBali (u) perceivedBali+1(u)

26 • settleChannel This algorithm takes the current balance Let us look at all the operations in FTeechain. We note that of u in channel cid, and the sum of the deposits in the the channel balance as defined above does not change if process of dissociation and deducts the total amount FTeechain returns fail for any call, as the if statement in the from u ands it as a pending ledger operation, i.e.: beginning of each of its calls will cause it to return fail does not change any internal variable of F . Thus, we go over innerChannelBalancei+1(u) = 0 Teechain all operations that return success: innerPendingDepositsSumi+1(u) = 0 • getLedgerBalance This call does not affect the balance innerPendingLedgerOpsSumi+1(u) = of any channel in C. = innerPendingLedgerOpsSum (u)+ i • acceptLedgerPayment This call does not affect the bal- + innerChannelBalanceSumi (u)+ ance of any channel in C.

+ innerPendingDepositsSumi (u) • acceptLedgerPayment This call does not affect the bal- ance of any channel in C. stateBalancei (u) = stateBalancei+1(u) = • addDeposit This call does not affect the balance of any channel in C. = perceivedBali (u) = perceivedBali+1(u) • removeDeposit This call does not affect the balance of This concludes the inductive step, we proved that any channel in C. stateBalance (u) = perceivedBal (u) for any time t during t t • openChannel In this call a new channel entry in C(c ) is the execution σ. □ id generated in the form of (u,v, 0, 0, ⊥). Thus, no deposit is associated at step i with channel c , which means that Next we show that for any open channel c the sum of the id id depositsSum c = channelCapacity c = 0. balances on both sides of the channel is less or equal to the i+1( id) i+1( id) • acceptChannelOpen The only effect of this call on sum of the deposits associated with the channel. C(c ) is that it changes the last argument of the en- We first denote by deposits (u) all the deposits that at a id t try C c from ⊥ to ⊤. This means that if at step i given time t are associated with a given channel c : ( id) id Equation (1) holds then it also holds at step i + 1. depositst (u) = {val∣∃deposit_id, isSymmetric,u ∶ • associateDeposit In any successful call associateDeposit c , deposit_id , F adds the D(deposit_id) = (val,u,cid, isSymetric), ( id ) Teechain deposit valto either amountU or amountV, and changes PendingDeposits(deposit_id) = ⊥} the third argument of D(deposit_id) to cid, i.e., at step We denote by depositsSumt (cid) the sum of the amounts of i + 1: the valof deposit_id will be in depositsi+1(u) , the deposits that are associated at a given time t with channel and depositsSumi+1(cid) = depositsSumi (cid) + val and cid: channelCapacityi+1(cid) = channelCapacityi (cid) + depositsSum c = val val ⇒ channelCapacity (cid) ≤ depositsSum (cid). t ( id) ∑ i+1 i+1 val∈depositst (u) • acceptAssociateDeposit This call does not affect the We denote by channelCapacityt (cid) the sum of the capaci- balance of any channel in C as it only changes the last ties of the two users u and v which have a channel between argument of D(deposit_id) from ⊥ to ⊤. them with channel id cid at time t, i.e., for channel entry • dissociateDeposit In this case valis deducted C(cid) = (u,v, amountU, amountV, isSymmetric) we denote: from either amountU or amountV, and PendingDeposits(deposit_id) entry is generated, channelCapacityt (cid) = amountU + amountV i.e., depositsSumi+1(cid) = depositsSumi (cid) − val and Proposition 2. At any given time t during the execution σ channelCapacityi+1(cid) = channelCapacityi (cid) − the sum of the deposits associated with a given channel cid is val ⇒ channelCapacityi+1(cid) ≤ depositsSumi+1(cid). always greater or equal to the balances of both users of the • acceptDissociate This algorithm only changes channel u and v, i.e.,: PendingDeposits(deposit_id) = (u, ⊥) to (u, ⊤) and does not affect the balance of any channel in C. channelCapacityt (cid) ≤ depositsSumt (cid) (1) • ackDissociate This algorithm removes Proof. We will prove this by induction on the execution σ: PendingDeposits(deposit_id) and also changes the third argument of D deposit_id to ⊥, thus the Inductive base. At the initial step 0: ∀cid ∶ C(cid) = ⊥. There- ( ) fore, there are no open channels in system at all. deposit was not in depositsi (u) at step i and is not in deposits (u) at step i + 1. Inductive step. We assume that at step i the induction as- i+1 • pay This call deducts valfrom either amountU or sumption holds for all entries in C, i.e., amountV in C(cid). In addition, in this call channelCapacity c ≤ depositsSum c . 0( id) 0( id) FTeechain adds a new entry to PendingPayments We will prove that at step i + 1 the proposition holds as well. with a new generated pending_payment_id, i.e., 27 PendingPayments(pending_payment_id) = (v,cid, val. Proof. Let us look at the for sets of operations con- This means that channelCapacityi+1(cid) = sisting the balance security algorithm (definition A.4): channelCapacityi (cid) − val, depositsi+1(u) = OPSu = (OPS1, OPS2, OPS3). depositsi (u) ⇒ channelCapacityi+1(cid) < depositsi+1(u) • receivePayment In this call, FTeechain adds the valin PendingPayments(pending_payment_id) to amountU or amountV in C(cid), and then removes PendingPayments(pending_payment_id). In order for the call receivePayment to return • innerDepositBalance (u) Let us look at OPS . success, there has to be at step i an entry t 1 This set consists of removeDepositu calls to PendingPayments(pending_payment_id) in the form of FTeechain for each deposit_id ∈ innerDeposits (u). v,c , val . The only call in which F adds a new t ( id ) Teechain innerDepositBalanceSum (u) is defined as the sum of entry to PendingPayments is pay. This pay call needs t all those deposits. We proved in Lemma 2 that FTeechain to be called by either one of the parties in channel returns (success, ledger_payment_id) for all these cid and valis deducted in that call from amountU or calls, and for each call adds the deposit amount valto amountV. PendingLedgerPayments(deposit_id). This means that In addition, no other call deducts valonly from at time t when all calls in OPS have been called then: the right hand side of Equation (1), which means 1 1 ≤ innerDepositBalanceSum u = 0 that, channelCapacityi (cid) + val depositsSumi (cid), t1 ( ) channelCapacityi+1(cid) = channelCapacityi (cid) + innerPendingLedgerOpsSum = t1 (u) val ⇒ channelCapacityi+1(cid) ≤ depositsSumi+1(cid). = innerPendingLedgerOpsSumt (u)+ • settleChannel This calls settles the channel cid, and can be called twice: + innerDepositBalanceSumt (u)

• If this is the second time settleChannel is called, • innerChannelBalancet (u), innerPendingDepositst (u) then C(cid) is removed, thus channelCapacityi+1(cid) Let us look at OPS2. This set consists of is undefined at i + 1. settleChannelu (cid) calls for each channel cid ∈ • If this is the first call to settleChannel, then af- innerChannelst (u). innerChannelBalanceSumt (u) ter the calls ends at step i + 1, C(cid) is updated s.t. is defined as the sum of all u’s open channels’ amountU = 0. balances, and innerPendingDepositst (u) is defined as In addition, all the deposits all the deposits in the process of dissociation from a s.t. ∃deposit_id, isSymmetric ∶ channel. We proved in Lemma 4 that FTeechain returns PendingDeposits(deposit_id) = (u, isSymmetric) are (success, ledger_payment_id) for all these calls, and removed from D. The only deposits which have for each call adds u’s channel balance amountU to an entry in PendingDeposits are deposits with PendingPayments(deposit_id). deposit_id s.t. dissociateDepositu (deposit_id) was In addition OPS2 does not change any existing en- called during σi , i.e., valwas already deducted from tries in PendingLedgerPayments, therefore not chang- channelCapacity i (cid) . ing innerPendingLedgerOpsSumt (u). Thus, at time t2 = 1 This means that channelCapacityi+1(cid) when all calls in OPS2 have been completed: channelCapacityi (cid) − amountU = amountV, innerChannelBalanceSumt (u) = depositsSumi+1(cid) = depositsSumi (cid), thus, 2 ≤ = innerPendingDepositsSum = channelCapacityi+1(cid) depositsSumi+1(cid). t2 (u) 0 □ innerPendingLedgerOpsSum = t2 (u) = innerPendingLedgerOpsSum + t1 (u) Finally, we prove that at any given time t, any user u has + innerChannelBalanceSumt (u)+ the ability to receive stateBalancet (u) by preforming the op- erations of the balance algorithm A.4. + innerPendingDepositsSumt (u) • innerPendingLedgerOpsSumt (u) This set consists of Proposition 3. If a user u preforms the operations described acceptLedgerPaymentu for each ledger payment ids in balance security algorithm A.4 as a suffix to the prefix ledger_payment_id that were the return values of the σt , interleaved with operation of other users, then for any operations in OPS1 ∪ OPS2 in addition to all pending ′′ ′ time t ≥ t such that opt ′′ = getLedgerBalance(u) and ledger operatios in innerPendingLedgerPaymentt (u). rett ′′ = (success, amount), then val = stateBalancet (u). This means that at a time t3 when the calls in OPS3 28 finish successfully (as proved in lemma 6): We prove Theorem A.1 by showing that every node p in a multi-hop payment (including u and v) can unilaterally re- innerPendingLedgerOpsSum (u) = t3 claim their perceived balance at any point in time. We further = innerPendingLedgerOpsSum − t2 (u) show that if p settles, then all the channels of the multi-hop − innerChannelBalanceSumt (u)− payment will always consistently settle the in either the pre- payment or post-payment state. Note that single channel pay- − innerDepositBalanceSum (u) = 0 t ments do not interfere with multi-hop payments, as all the = channels in the multi-hop payment are locked (§4.3). Lt3 (u) Lt (u) + Stage: idle. If p is in stage idle, then all other nodes of the + innerChannelBalanceSumt (u)+ payment are either in stage idle or lock. Node p and all other + innerDepositBalanceSumt (u)+ nodes can only obtain the pre-payment settlement transaction + innerPendingDepositsSumt (u)+ and subsequently stop the protocol. In this stage, the perceived balance of both u and v reflects the pre-payment state, thus + innerPendingLedgerOpsSumt (u) satisfying balance security. We note that t3 is the time after all the operations in Stage: lock. If p is in stage lock, all other nodes are either OPSu have been invoked and returned successfully, and (i) in stage idle and in stage lock, or (ii) in stage lock and that Lt (u) = stateBalancet (u). Therefore, if any user calls 3 in stage sign. All nodes can only settle their channels at the getLedgerBalance(u), FTeechain will return (success, val) pre-payment state. such that val = stateBalancet (u). □ Stage: sign. If p is in stage sign, all nodes are either (i) in We proved that at any point in time a user u can preform a stage lock and in stage sign, or (ii) in stage sign and in stage prepayment. Case (i): If any node ejects, it settles its series of calls to FTeechain and receive her inner balance. Since the inner balance is always equal to u’s perceived balance and channels in the pre-payment state. This prevents progress and we showed that the ability of u to preform these operations fo no node will reach the prepayment stage. Node p can then not affect the perceived balance of other users in the system similarly eject and settle its channels in the pre-payment state. then any user can choose to preform these operations and Case (ii): Any node in the prepayment stage might eject with receive their balance. τ . In this case, all channels will be settled in post-payment We recall Theorem A.1: state. [Balance Security Theorem] The ideal functionality Stage: prepayment. If p is in stage prepayment, all nodes FTeechain achieves balance security. are either (i) in stage sign and in stage prepayment, or (ii) in This concludes our proof to the theorem, and since the stage prepayment and in stage update. Case (i): Any node ideal-world and the real-world are indistinguishable to any in stage sign may eject and settle its channels in the pre- external environment E then Teechain achieves balance secu- payment state. Node p can then present this settlement trans- rity. action to its TEE as PoPT and obtain pre-payment settlement transactions for its channels. Node p can also voluntarily eject A.5 Multi-hop payments and obtain τ . Placing τ onto the blockchain fails if one of Here we show that multi-hop payments satisfy balance secu- the channels was already settled, in which case p can obtain rity. As long as a multi-hop payment is not completed, the settlement transactions for its channels as above. Case (ii): perceived balance of a user might be either post-payment Any node can eject and settle the multi-hop payment with τ . or pre-payment (see §4.3). Thus, we define the perceived If nodes have reached update, then all nodes passed stage balance of a user in a multi-hop payment between u and v, sign, therefore none can generate local settlements. where u is routing a payment of valto v. For execution trace σ Stage: update. If p is in stage update, all nodes are either let: t1 be the time in σ at which u enters stage lock of the (i) in stage prepayment and in stage update, or (ii) in stage protocol; t2 > t1 be the time in σ at which v enters stage lock; update and in stage postUpdate. Case (i): All nodes can t3 > t2 the time in σ at which v enters stage idle; and t4 > t3 eject and settle the multi-hop payment with τ . None can gen- the time in σ at which u ends the protocol and enters stage erate individual settlements. Case (ii): Nodes in postUpdate idle. See Fig. 3. can only settle their channels individually at post-payment The users’ perceived balances are as follows: For u, the state. Node p can present its TEE with single-channel settling perceived balance is: before t1 as if valwas not paid; after t4 as transactions as PoPT and obtain settlement transactions to if valwas paid; between t1 and t4 either option is acceptable. terminate in post-update state. For v, the perceived balance is: before t as if valwas not paid; 2 Stage: postUpdate. If p is in stage postUpdate, all nodes after t as if valwas paid; between t and t either option is 3 2 3 are either (i) in stage update and in stage postUpdate, or acceptable. The perceived balance of any intermediate party (ii) in stage postUpdate and in stage idle. Case (i): Nodes in in the multi-hop payment does not change. 29 the update stage can voluntarily settle the entire multi-hop their channels in either pre-payment or post-payment state. payment with τ . Nodes in stage postUpdate can settle their However, they will always consistently settle the same state; local channels at post-payment, and provide node p with PoPT (iii) once reaching stage unlock, both u and v will settle the to do the same. Case (ii): All nodes can only settle their local post-payment state. The balance for any intermediate nodes channels at post-payment. does not change during the course of the payment routing. Stage: unlock. When p returns to the unlock stage, other Thus, all participants in the multi-hop payment protocol are nodes are either in unlock, or some are in stage update; all always able to reclaim their perceived balance. nodes can only settle their channels at the post-payment state. This concludes our proof. We proved theorem A.1 and With this, we conclude that Teechains multi-hop payment sat- showed that the Teechain protocol (both channel and multi- isfy balance security: (i) if either u or v are in the initial idle hop payments) guarantee balance security. stage, they are both only able to settle pre-payment; (ii) be- tween stage lock and postUpdate, both u and v may settle