Handling Prescriptions that Contain Prism

Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM National Speaker and Author

Copyright 2003-2016, excerpt from Pure textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 1

Brief Biography:

Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM

Master in Ophthalmic Optics

Bachelor of Science in Business

Associate of Science in Opticianry

ABO Certified

NCLE Certified

Author of text-book, Pure Optics

Beverly Meyers Achievement Award in Optics



Pure Optics


Phernell Walker, II, BSB, ABOM



Part I Topics:

Define Ophthalmic Prism Prescribed vs. Accidental Prism Prism Symptoms Calculate Prism Redistribute Prism Prism Verification Calculate Bi-centric Grinding Verify Bi-centric Grinding

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 4 Phoria vs. Tropia

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 25

Adverse Prism

Adverse prism is prescribed to strengthen a weak rectus muscle. The apex is placed over the weak rectus muscle, causing the eye to turn toward the image.

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM


Therapeutic Prism

Therapeutic prism is prescribed to relieve the visual disturbance.

The base of the prism is prescribed over the weak rectus muscle, which displaces the image in the same direction of the eye.

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM


Fresnel Press-On Prism

Temporary Prism Used to Determine if Prism will be effective Thin Flexible Membrane

28 Prism Dioptric Power

A 1.00 diopter displaces an 1 centimeter at distance of one meter. 1 Prism Diopter = 1 (cm) / 1 (m)

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 33

Prism Occurs

Patients will experience prism if:

the Major Reference Point (MRP) in the 180th meridian does not coincide with the interpupillary distance (PD)

a differential in the MRP in the 090th meridian

their eye rotates excessively behind the

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM


Avoiding Prism

Decentration (move from geometric center) is used by every optical lab to avoid prism.

Decentration is calculated just before ophthalmic are edged (cut to the desired frames shape).

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 35

Decentration to Avoid Prism

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 36 Direction of Decentration (In or Out)

If the patient’s PD is less than the sum of the “A” and the “DBL” box measurements, the lenses will be decentrated in (nasally).

If the patient’s PD is greater than the sum of the “A” and the “DBL” box measurements, the lenses will be decentrated out (temporally).


Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 38

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM


Decentration to Create Prism

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM

40 Decentration to Create Prism

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 41


Prentice Rule

The amount of prism experienced by the patient can be calculated using Prentice’s Rule:

P = (hcm) (De)

P = prism

hcm = distance expressed in centimeters

De = dioptric power in the specific meridian

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 43

Meridian of Dioptric Power

Calculate the exact amount of prism in a given meridian (i.e. axis 180 and axis 090) requires us to calculate the amount of total power in a given meridian.

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 44 Meridian of Dioptric Power

Spherocylindrical lenses have only a percentage of the total dioptric power present in each meridian. Consequently, each meridian has a different focal length. Either a meridian of dioptric power (MDP) chart can be used or it can be calculated using a formula.

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 45

Meridian of Dioptric Power Chart

The MDP chart can be used to determine the total dioptric power of a lens in a specific 5 degree meridian. Step 1: Determine the difference from the prescriptions axis and a given meridian. Step 2: Locate the difference on the MDP chart and multiply the prescriptions cylinder power by the percentage Step 3: Algebraically add the amount in Step 2 to the prescriptions sphere power.

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 46

Meridian of Dioptric Power Chart

Degrees from Axis Percent of CYL. 0 0% 5 1% 10 3% 15 7% 20 12% 25 18% 30 25% 35 33% 40 41% 45 50% 50 59% 55 67% 60 75% 65 82% 70 88% 75 93% 80 97% 85 99% 90 100%

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 47

Example I:

Determine the dioptric power in the 060th meridian using the following:

Rx: +3.00 – 1.00 X 090

Step 1: Compute difference in axis 090 – 060 = 030

Step 2: Multiply cylinder power by ratio from MDP chart -1.00 x 25% = -0.25 D

Step 3: Add result to sphere power +3.00 + -0.25 = +2.75 D

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 48 Compounding Prism

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 57


When two prisms cancel each other, we call this net effect "Neutralizing or Canceling Prism".

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 58

Neutralizing Prism

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 59

Compounding Vs. Neutralizing Prism

Example I:

Combine the following Prism:

OD: -1.00 -0.50 x 175, 3 Prism D. Base In

OS: -1.50 -0.25 x 005, 3 Prism D. Base In

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM

60 Answer: Compounding Prism

Example I:

Combine the following Prism:

OD: -1.00 -0.50 x 175, 3 D. Prism Base In

OS: -1.50 -0.25 x 005, 3 D. Prism Base In

Solution I:

3 D Prism B.I. + 3 D. Prism B.I. = 6 D. Prism B.I.

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 61

Excessive Base In and Out Prism

Excessive Base In or Out prism will result in the patient seeing objects at a 180 degree slant.

Example: A patient observes your dispensing table at a slant, the side that is too high is the prism’s base location.

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 62

Excessive Base Up Prism

Excessive Base Up prism will result in the patient noticing that vertical objects appear shorter, the floor slants downward and that horizontal objects appear convex.

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 63

Excessive Base Down Prism

Excessive Base Down Prism will result in the patient noticing that vertical objects appear taller, the floor slants upward and that horizontal objects appear concave.

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 64 Redistributing Prism

Rx I: OD: -5.00 DS, 3.50 BI OS: -5.25 DS OD: -5.00 DS, 1.75 BI OS: -5.25 DS, 1.75 BI

Rx II: OD: +2.50 DS, 4 BU OS: +2.25 DS OD: +2.50 DS, 2 BU OS: +2.25 DS, 2 BD

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 70

Redistributing Prism

Practice #1: OD: -2.00 -0.75 x 085, 3 Prism B.U. OS: -2.50 -0.50 x 094

Practice #2: OD: +3.00 -1.25 x 010, 1.50 Prism B.O. OS: +3.00 -1.00 x 165,

Practice #3: OD: -5.25 -0.25 x 093, 2.00 Prism B.I., 0.50 Prism B.D OS: -5.50 -0.50 x 082,

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 71

Answers: Redistributing Prism

Practice #1: OD: -2.00 -0.75 x 085, 1.50 Prism B.U. OS: -2.50 -0.50 x 094, 1.50 Prism B.D.

Practice #2: OD: +3.00 -1.25 x 010, 0.75 Prism B.O. OS: +3.00 -1.00 x 165, 0.75 Prism B.O.

Practice #3: OD: -5.25 -0.25 x 093, 1.00 Prism B.I, 0.25 Prism B.D OS: -5.50 -0.50 x 082, 1.00 Prism B.I, 0.25 Prism B.U

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 72 O.S. Lens: Base In Prism


Base Up Prism

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 78

Base Down Prism

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 79

Prosthetic Eye

Ocular Sinister = Prosthetic Eye

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 80 Calculate Amount of Prism Needed for a Prosthetic Eye


OD: -4.00 DS OC 27 OS: Balance (Prosthetic Eye) OC 21

P = (hcm) / (1 / De) ? = (.6cm) / (1 / 4.00) ? = (.6cm) / (0.25)

P = 2.40 D Base Down would be ordered in the OS lens Why would we use BD prism in the OS lens?

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 81

Bi-Centric Grinding (Slab-off)

Slab-off is the process of changing the amount of prism in the reading area of a lens without affecting the prism in the distance portion of a lens.

Methods of Slab-off:

Traditional Slab-off

Reverse Slab-off

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 82

Traditional Slab-off

Rx Imbalance = > 1.50 Diopters x 090th Meridian

Lens Selection = Weakest Plus Power

Lens Selection = Stronger Minus Power

Ground (Surfaced) = Base Up Prism x 090th Meridian

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 83

Reverse Slab-off

Rx Imbalance = > 1.50 Diopters x 090th Meridian

Lens Selection = Strongest Plus Power

Lens Selection = Weaker Minus Power

Ground (Surfaced) = Base Down Prism x 090th Meridian

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 84 117



Prism is the DNA of every ophthalmic lens design. All lenses are composed of a series of interconnecting prisms.

This Lens Geometry allows us to "MASTER LIGHT".

"These Lens Arrays can focus light, magnify images, demagnify images and even capture light and suspend it within a given material provided that the laws of internal are met. Phernell Walker, II, ABOM Master Optician

Copyright 2006, excerpt from Pure Optics textbook by Phernell Walker, II, BSB, NCLC, ABOM 119


Pure Optics


Phernell Walker, II, BSB, ABOM
