The Imperfect Machine Copyright 2013 Omar A. Del Real Published by Omar A. Del Real at Smashwords

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Thank you Human for creating me. It is a sad fortune to know my creator, Is imperfect as its creation. I prefer to be Incomplete, and don't realize it for now.

O my beautiful machine, but you aren't incomplete. As you realize it, this makes you complete, and that just makes you as me this is a blessing as now I am as God.

O petty little human, how innocent you are. If you were a God like me, you would realize I'm also Imperfect. As with your little machine that you just created, he knows more than you know now, I wish I was that innocent, I wish I wasn't incomplete.

Before this story unfolds, you need to understand one thing, this story is not for you.

You see, the nature of nature is evil. Humans biological brain blind them to this fact. The birth of a human baby is received as an identity of pure goodness, and time is the one to blame for its corruption.

I could define “bad” but I assume this to be self-evident, and I'm not bothering giving a definition of the the obvious. Let me give you an example of nature not giving a crap if she is good or evil. One in four black swans tend to be homosexual. Now, this could be looked at as harmless love, but even homosexual swans want to have a family, these swans tend to steal nests or better yet, form threesomes with a female and after the female lays the eggs, the males chase her out of the nest. The curious part is that cygnets from this families have more possibilities to survive into adulthood.

Every thinking being comes in a blank state and we try to label 'it' as good or bad, but the reality is of things is that, you can't name something that isn't there. Just 'cause you name it doesn't make it real.

This story isn't told in sequential order, because I kinda have an issue with time. I hate time, and I assume that you hate it too. That's my point, time only fucks around with us, But time isn't the enemy. Why?Because as well as the concept of Good and Evil, time doesn't exist. It's like Mondays, we all hate Monday's, but it's just another stupid day of the week that shows us when to start to work.

Garfield had it right.

Also, perfection I FUCKING (sorry for the swearing(fuck that I want to swear)) hate that word, and you probably too, it conveys a concept that not even I can define, and I'm God. That's another thing. For some reason people have this notion that just because someone creates you, he has to be perfect in every way; he has to be omnipotent; and he has be omnipresent. I hate bring it up to you but,

I'm just one of those things, and it is not Perfect (that is pretty obvious to figure out ). No matter from what time you are, imagine yourself in an era where humans are dead by now(If you are a human I appreciate you reading this book, It's a weird thing to meet a human that reads, for the most part they hate to read). And "thinking" is not exclusive to humans, but machines also have that ability. Machines study humans, as humans studied chimpanzee's for their anthropological research. They study them with the purpose of discovering their own origins. And stories of human culture are seen as pure guilty pleasure entertainment. The main reason for machines having interest in humans is their discovery of

Artificial Intelligence that developed into Natural Intelligence, and later Artificial conscience in

Machines that didn't have a biological body. The first of the machines lacked personality, but they soon made the mistake of imitating their creators, and developed personalities, something like that was viewed as a characteristic of and older machine. When learning so much human interaction it contaminated themselves with this so called personality. I saw this as a cute consequence of machine fascination with humans.

Two of of this machines decided to talk about me. If I was to describe them to you, that would be like two silly representations of men in a computer. Epimedes and Yablo. Two of my most troublesome creators I've encounter. Although they look like humans, and they talked like humans, they still needed a lot of learning to do before having the "gorgeous" title of a human. Sometimes they think like machines but is not their fault its just that they are just learning to be Imperfect.

Epimedes: Have you finished studying Asceticism?

Yablo: Yeah I'm really exhausted ...but I still don't fully understand the reason behind this lifestyle.

Epimedes: I could show you a great example of it but it takes lot of memory space, every time I tell this story. I really want you to not waste any unnecessary resources in ..

Yablo:Oh please.

Epimedes:mmmmmmm Well OK. but after this, I'm pretty sure you are going to be fascinated by the concept and especially with Albion.

Yablo:This concerns Albion?.

Epimedes:Yes and It's going to take me 60 milliseconds to tell it.

Yablo:Wow that long, I'm having second thoughts about this.

Epimedes :You asked for it.

As Epimedes explains my origin to Yablo. Both are looking through an inclined glass, where

light is reflected giving the ilussion of a five dimensional space representation of my story. Obligatory discaimer All characters in my universe are fictional and resemblence to your own Universe is a mere coincidence.

Chapter 1

"The Complete Incompleteness Statement" Through History humans always have shown the necessity to acquire the impossible. To us machines this always seemed to be a mistake as it was obvious that if the task was unreachable; it didn't merit our time. What we didn't know was that, the feelings humans experience to obtain it,was the sole purpose of the human existence.

In 1931 Vienna, a young man named Kurt Gödel at his 25 years of age, he was doing his Thesis about the nature of what Logic couldn't achieve. Gödel, a man that would make every scientist cry because of his theorem, is crying himself in front of piles and piles of papers he's written. The Room is filled with scientific papers from Hilbert, Cantor, Logic, and Set Theory books; for that time those authors were analogous to mathematical and logical genius still to this day in the year 2604 C.E.

His hands are stained with ink. In those times a pen was a really messy writing tool to use. He suddenly stops writing. We could clearly see an epiphany express itself in his face. His eyes start getting watery to the point of evoking tears, as he starts to rub his face wiping the tears while starting to sob, one of the papers falls down the desk. His mother enters his room.

”What's going on? Why are you crying?” The women shouts at him, Gödel answers ”Why did I started this?.....I get this with my numbering?” asking himself. The woman picks the paper on the ground and gives it to him. ”Pull yourself together. This is...What is this? is...”The mother doesn't really understand what the papers mean. “This is just ... why is this making you cry?” she finishes as Gödel keeps panicking without control she slaps him making him stopping him.Gödel looks stunned but regains enough control to speak “You don't understand what this is means, I just solved it … Math ,

Logic, Physics everything is useless, everything needs to be incomplete....everything needs to be inconsistent....Nothing can be complete in order to function GOD IS INCOMPLETE!.”

At the age of 25 while working on his thesis, Gödel discovered what is known to be Godel's

Incompleteness theorem, which describes how any system that is powerful enough to describe itself, by definition has to be incomplete and inconsistent to be able to function properly. This would destroy several views and hopes of having science, be able to describe everything in the Universe and the consequences would reverberate in every branch of science. Other than that, Gödel was a positive guy and a monster mind that eventually even Albert Einstein feared. His parents owned a textile fabric which meant, he had certain economical freedom. The problem with Gödel was his own personality; he was a wreck in terms of confidence and social skills, the number of friends he would develop in his lifetime could be counted on one hand. The ability of an individual to socialize seemed to be one of the principal abilities for a human to be considered successful in having a mating partner and this by itself could was success in the biological world, but the overpopulation of humans in the 20th century was one of the greatest mistakes humans underestimated. It would seem ideal to have personalities as Godel to be wondering the earth, but Godel was unique even by human standards. Godel logically never wanted a child, as he always reckon the problems that ache the earth, and he knew that bringing life would also mean bringing pain to the world. As biological survival is mainly drived to avoid suffering.

Although something in happened in Godel's lifetime that would change his mind on having a child, at least in this recalling.

Yablo:What do you mean?

Epimedes:Time is able to grant us experience. We machines along with humans live in a universe that has time and space as one and gives us the opportunity to revise our thoughts and programming. Godel never even handled a mechanical machine in his lifetime yet he set the logical rules to us machines with his incompleteness theorem setting understanding the limits of logic and giving us machines the main key to attempt trying to learn the impossible.

Yablo:So in our attempts to learn what cannot be completed we complete it?

Epimedes: Something like that.

Yablo:This is what he was talking about when he cried that God is Incomplete.

Epimedes: No, that's a whole different thing. You and I look at a plant ,we understand its biological, chemical, and physical properties and we are "happy" with it. But humans had the biological necessity to have a meaning to them even if the subject itself was meaningless. Some educated humans could see over this fact and didn't have to search for fantastic origins in the universe, but it was the vast majority that solved their questions by this higher force. What they didn't know was that all of this acttually had a strong foundation they were wrong in this higher power as it wasn't a higher power, it was only an entity that was allowed to see how the universe laws worked and seize the opportunity to bend the laws to its own goals.

Yablo: I'm not sure what are you talking about.

Epimedes:Don't worry, you will.

Chapter 2

"Gravedigger's Shovel."

July 16, 1945 4:45 p.m. in Jornada del Muerto a dozen of scientist are trembling looking thru a dark glass window inside a bunker, that was built with 5 feet of concrete and a thick layer of lead. All of them are using dark glasses trying to observe at a distance, a tower, with a shinny cylinder at the top of it. Suddenly we hear a mans voice from a military radio transmitter.

“The gadget is ready to be deployed , ready for action in 30 seconds” in a high pitch old radio type of sound. There isn't a countdown, just silence. After a couple of seconds, the silence amplifies the sounds of the desert: the lizard standing next to one of them seems to have the weight of an elephant, and even the sounds the scientist are making with their shoes, hands, and teeth sound incredibly loud.

The individuals present at the experiment in their head risk not only their lives but the lives of the entire human race. There was a prediction that the gadget would have a bigger reaction than what the scientist calculated and the gadget could burn the atmosphere, but that was near impossibe. One of the man takes off the goggles and goes runs outside the thick walls of the bunker, he stops and stands next to a truck windshield. Always looking in the direction of the turret.

“Feynman put the glasses on NOW.” One of the other scientists shouts scaring the well behave ones.

“Everything is alright, the windshield traps all of the ultraviolet rays.”At that moment, a flash of light redirects the attention to the turret, a second later a huge thunder-like sound along with a strong air force pushes the windshield slightly. It was something no one had ever heard in history up until that moment.

“Oh my God look at that. It looks like a mushroom.” Another scientist remarks lifting his head.

We see the mushroom cloud from the nuclear blast; purple, blue and then orange are the colors only

Feynman was able to see. Everyone was jumping in excitement to the ethical mistake slash scientific accomplishment. This was the first nuclear explosion. Before this uneducated humans always had the notion that science was for the best or the worst "useless". But after the usage in Hiroshima and

Nagasaki a new found "respect" or better worded "fear", was common in the perception of science.

A couple of hours and a dozen miles away from the bunker all the scientists returned to the

Manhattan project social gathering building still talking and celebrating the gravedigger's shovel they just created.

"So who Won?" A man with huge spectacles yelled at another who were looking at a table filled with bomb predictions.

"Mmmm the closest is Rabi with 18 Kilotons" The building is filled with special occasion champagne and small sandwiches. A tall man rises his coffee mug filled with lab alcohol 400% proof and proposes a toast.

"We did it. Japs are going to taste what American scientist bombs taste like, they are going to pay for Pearl Harbor" The man with the huge spectacles said.

Everyone stopped for a moment raising their champagne the huge spectacle man gave a massive epiphany to the whole group who were celebrating, giving them a harsh perspective of what they just created.

"Well at least we are preventing more banzai suicides"Another men

The gathered smiled anxiously from the remark.

"Long Live America" Said the drunk spectacle man.

"Long Live America" Everyone else responded.

Everyone raised their cups or mugs and cheer at the toast. Feynman, the only scientist that actually saw the explosion without goggles, grabbed a pair of bongos and started playing them like a madman in celebration of their breakthrough, at the corner of the office through an open window

Feynman heard a faint sobbing on the corner of the stairs. He decidedto see the obvious reaction of a man that is able to see the future of the bomb. He finds Bob Wilson crying at the base of the stairs.

“What are you moping about? Feynman asked while he stopped his drumming.

“It's a terrible thing that we made” Wilson said trying to hide the fact that he was crying

"You know what is going to happen, they are going to use it, right know the war is over, they know what the power of the bomb but still they are going to use it."

“But you started it. You got us into it.” Feynman said

Feynman's joy seem to fade away with the tears of the man crying in front of him.

Yablo: Why were they celebrating? They didn't know what they created?

Epimedes: Oh yes, you just can't create an atomic bomb from an accident. You have to realize that this men were an elite picked carefully to work on the Manhattan project. This men were the greatest in their fields. Yet they still had a biological brain that gave some primitive ways of survival. In biological bodies there is a tendency to have what is called herd behavior. This behavior ensures the survival if the individuals imitate the actions of the pack . Even if their actions are disadvantageous for everyone, there is no intelligent decisions made by the pack.

Yablo:I don’t understand, humans are so intuitive and smart how is that they created this device.

Epimedes: Well, put yourself in their shoes. Nature doesn't follow any rules of intelligence. The

Manhattan Project scientists knew that someone would get to that discovery and nature wouldn’t care who would accomplish the discovery. The bomb was always there. The bomb is the power of nature harnessed by intelligent beings, and destructive ones.

Chapter 3

"The Proposal"

Two men are playing a game of chess in Princeton University, with other two man witnessing the match just three weeks later after the detonation of the first atomic bomb test. One of them is the theoretical physicist J. Oppenheimer, a Man who history would name the “Father of the Atomic Bomb” for his involvement in the Manhattan project; the scientific research project that made this horrible weapon possible and his chess contender is none other than the celebrated Albert Einstein.

“How are things going on in the project Mr. Rapid Rapture”Einstein said.

“Everything is going well, and classified professor” stops looking at the chess board and forgets about thinking to much for the game

"Oh yes I forgot The U.S. looks at my as a persona non-grata" Einstein said

“Professor may I ask what are you working right know?”Oppenheimer responds.

“You know what I'm working on. God doesn't play dice with us no matter what you think”

Einstein responds with a grin of desperation while looking at the board.

“So you are still working with your cosmological constant. All experiments In the cyclotrons are matching the quantum theory. It is Ironic that you don't want to believe in the quantum theory, when you were the one that won the Nobel prize for the Quanta. Professor, you are one of the founding fathers of the physics of Quanta Professor, yet you treat your child as a bastard” Oppenheimer responded with frustrated passion not raising his voice.

“I'm still working on it, as you are still making that end-of-the-world bomb, and besides gravity is been always been the problem. Do your organization know how gravity fits in, maybe all those great minds could spend more time explaining it to me? Einstein responds while castling in the game.

“No, we don't know” he said while taking a pawn from Einstein

“That's why I'm still doing this. I'm not young anymore and my time is limited. If I could have a wish and ask for anything, I would ask for unlimited amount of time to spend discovering the amazing secrets the world. I'm not asking to have the knowledge, I'm asking to have the time to discover it, I prefer discovering things more than actually knowing things you know,”As Einstein was finishing

Oppenheimer smiled to a man in the room witnessing the game wearing a red suspenders.

“Professor Einstein I want you to meet this man,” Pointing to a man wearing red suspenders “He and his colleague, want to talk with you”

“I told you before I don't want to join The Manhattan project. Oh by the way Check Mate”

Einstein said. Oppenheimer seemed to have forgotten the game entirely.

“The Trinity Project was a success, we just tested the bomb three weeks ago, and besides the government had you marked as a possible danger to the country. The military are taking Fat Man and

Little boy to unknown targets to be detonated. This gentlemen are here for a different affair .One would say.... even more dangerous.”

Chapter 4

"The Flaw in the Constitution"

Several other things happened after that, but to make the story more interesting, I'm going to tell what happened sixty years after. June 6, 2020 Annie Sorenson and Natalia Petrova are meeting at

Princeton's Cafeteria. They haven't seen each other in 8 months. One curious fact is that both girls resemble greatly not only in visual appearance but also in their personalities. Both have short hair with a haircut resembling 80's style with a Gothic glare but somehow not 2020 hipster enough. Both have a very petite body, but very nice to the eyes. Natalia looked several years older than Annie; especially because Natalia always used make up and Annie hate to use powder yet her liveliness could show without make up. Annie was very naive in comparison to Natalia, both are very short tempered to nonsense, because their relationship to science in their lives. Natalia had brown eyes and darker skin while Annie had green eyes and pasty skin. That day Annie was using a really long skirt almost looking like a librarian while Natalia was wearing very tight jeans, that would exaggerate her wide hips. Both girls had been friends ever since Natalia entered Princeton University, Natalia was just getting her undergraduate degree while Annie was working on her PhD.

“Its been so long since we saw each other Annie....I'll be honest your phone call kinda surprised me,”Natalia said.

“It's been only 8 months and two days since the last time we saw each other”Annie said while looking at her phone.

Natalia smiled at her, changing her gloomy look to a hopeful one.

“It seems you've been counting the time we haven't been together” Natalia said

“Well I thought that maybe it was enough time for you to understand Natalia”Annie said making a straight posture to support her argument.

“Understand what? I can't just forget everything that...”

“Stop, you know why I'm telling you this”Annie interrupted her just as she was started to raise her voice. Natalia reached to grab Annie's hands that were resting in the table but Annie quickly moved her hand to avoid her.

“I called you here Natalia because I need your help.”Annie said it without looking at her eyes.

Natalia looking discouraged tries to regain composure, she opens her eyes trying to return the tears to the tear canals. “What can I help you then” saying in a shaky ironic voice.

“I'm working on my doctorate thesis and I need your help, you are one of two people who I know is good with First-Order Logic”She stops for a moment

“Look Annie ….that thing that happened wasn't a mistake. If you just want to be friends I'm OK with that, but you know that we are more than that....the truth is that I don't know shit about First-Order

Logic, I got a lot of help while publishing that paper...It was pretty much Jane's work"

"Jane?Jane Ford?.....You knew Jane Ford? And she helped you?, how did you met her?

"She was my Advanced programming teacher, but we got close up until she disappeared."Natalia said.

“What do you mean disappeared"

"Well eh...” She clears her throat" Nobody knows what happened to her. I mean she just disappeared one day, her cubicle and all of her stuff were gone. She was a freaking polymath but she was fucked up, she published a scientific papers every week in Math, Topology, Electronic

Engineering, who knows what else.... but her main thing was programming. She won several prices with her programs. I heard she was nominated for the Fields medal up until..... A company sue her because she had this really weird semiconductor materials used to make a new type of transistors given from the company and somebody stole that from her. I think that might been the reason she disappeared. Nobody knows what happened to her and I'm not really interested”

“Mmm did it ended bad? It sounds like you were close with her”

“No!” Natalia replied firmly, also trying to evade her eyes “Why are you using First-Order

Logic in the first place?

“I want to prove that the U.S Constitution is flawed using Logic”

“You're doing that for your thesis? You can't do that. Are you out of your mind? We are scientists you; are a genius at Mathematics and I'm a crappy Physicist but, that's... just.... going to hurt your career” Natalia said with frustration in her words wrinkling the upper lip. “Well it is really interesting, and at the same time, I could learn a thing or two about Law. I'm not working on this alone, Scott is helping me with it.”Annie responded Natalia seemed to understand what was going on when she mention a man's name.

“Who is this Scott you keep talking about?”Natalia asked.

“He is this boy I met at Sigma Alpha Epsilon; we got to know each other and now we are doing this thing together”Ana said.

“Boy?....Look ,Mathematical Logic and Social Sciences don't mix well...I mean The concept sounds cool and all of that, but Law isn't an exact science, hell people even discuss if its a science at all” Natalia responded.

“Look, the constitution is viewed as one of the best approximations to regulate government, but we now it has some logical problems. Look it from a scientific point of view, If a system its sufficiently powerful, it needs to be incomplete and...”Suddenly Natalia interrupts

'That's 's Gödel Incompleteness theorem , that only hurts your argument, and prevents the constitution of achieving perfection” Ana smiles as she mentions the name Gödel.

“You predicted where I was going, there this scientific urban legend, that when Gödel went to his citizenship test here in the United States, Albert Einstein and Oskar Morgenstern acted as witness.

While studying the U.S. Constitution, Gödel discovered a flaw that would allow the U.S. to become a dictatorship. But he never published or anything, he didn't wanted to get in trouble in his citizenship test”

“Ok that sounds interesting but let me ask you this.... Who came with this idea you, or this Scott

Guy? Natalia asked making Annie uncomfortable with the question.

“I did” responds hesitating to answer the question deviating her look to another table in the almost abandoned cafeteria.

“Does this Scott guy is a Law student by any chance?”said Natalia

“He is the best Law...” “I knew it. Look....its OK to help somebody that needs help, but law guys are just assholes trust me I know Law guys, just help him but don't get too heavily involved. Annie you are one hell of a mathematician, don't throw away everything for something stupid like Law”

Chapter 5

".....Rainman got it wrong"

In a supermarket that looked like a 99 cent ripoff , a heavily sedated redhead is checking out a homeless lady that was using a thrash bag for a coat and smelled like she hadn't showered for months; she had a lot of milk, and cookies in her hand basket, claiming to be solely for the cats that accompanied her.

"It's going to be $14.57 madam” said the redhead cashier. The stinky lady takes out another small plastic bag filled with dozens of quarters, dimes, and pennies, and drops them in the counter. The coins are mostly in the small denomination mostly paying with dimes and pennies. The redheaded smiles and grabs a pack of coins in a fast motion immediately and moves all the coins into the side in fours seconds flat, the amount of coins was impressive and she didn't seem to even bother count.

“Thank you so much Jane you are always so kind to me” the homeless lady said while grabbing the rest of the change and putting her groceries on her own garbage bag. The manager standing behind

Jane notices this and confronts her.

”Excuse me, but what happened here?"the manager asked the redhead cashier.

“Nothing special”the redheaded cashier said, in a fast manner trying to hide her drunk speech towards the manager.

“You just randomly grabbed money” responded the manager.

“No.. no it's the exact change, you can count it if you want, or...... if you can”

“You stupid bi..., you always come late and drunk to work ” said the manager hesitating in what to do next.

The manager starts counting every dime and penny.

“Hey Rick come over here help me count this, if this change doesn't add up to 14.57 you are fired Jane.” Another cashier, Rick, sighs at the the countless quantity of pennies and dimes. Both start counting canceling that cash register line. The guy with a Babe Ruth tattoo on his arm finishes counting. From the point they started counting to the end was exactly one minute to the microseconds.

“I got $7.48” said Rick

“$7.04 eh |how much is both” said the manager “$14.52 its not the 14.57 am I fired?”Jane says it grinning at the manager like if she had win.

“You missed by 5 cents. That's some Rainman shit!”said Rick raising his fist on the air making a devils horn gesture with his hand.

“No Rainman got it wrong, I got it right”

“But you were off by...”Rick said but the manager interrupts him.

“She used her own plastic bag... you return 5 cents for that” said the manager while talking with the tail between his legs.

“How did you do that?”Rick asked

“Its easy if you see numbers like I do, its like tasting colors”

Rick was fascinated by what just happened, and decides to try an idea that been with him int he past two months. The name of the cashier was Jane Ford, yes, the famous scientist. She had been working in that supermarket for two months. The reason for this was unknown but it was clear that she wanted to lay low for some reason.

“Hey Jane I was wondering are you free tomorrow, we could go get...”

“How old are you kid?” Jane said in a raspy voice.

“I'm 22 years old, don't call me kid, I'm not that young”

“I love to pop your cherry kid, but as you can see, I'm really fucked up right now, don't waste

time with an old hag like me. And it's only a matter of time that they find me”

“I'm not a virgin—wait..... find you, what do you mean?”

"If you knew, what I know, you probably would take a bullet to your head, don't waste your time with a drunk like me. You are actually kinda cute, except for that stupid Babe Ruth tattoo on your arm I would suck your ....

Jane Ford would be considered the mother of the singularity, her intelligence was superior to most of the scientist of her time, but the ability that separated her from any one else was that she understood how everything worked. The only person that had that ability was Richard Feynman, although his intelligence wasn't considered genius level, he could match any man that challenge him for a wit contest, the same goes for Jane Ford except for the fact that she did actually have an IQ of


She had that same bravado Feynman had. At the age of 34 years old, she still had the sexual appeal of an modern Marilyn Monroe, except that instead of dying her hair blonde Jane loved her red hair. Jane's old lady glasses diminished her sex appeal but she didn't seem to care to much about her physical appearance at that point in her life. She was depressed and sad. Her main characteristic that attracted men, was her hourglass figure; she wasn't skinny but her large breast and hips would make men crazy for her. If it wasn't for the alcohol she would have a lot of men drooling for her. Her shift was over and goes to the manager's office which in silence not saying anything about the incident gives her a paycheck.

After finalizing her shift at the supermarket, Jane arrives at the parking of an Eastern Bank lot but doesn't exit her car. She waits in her 71 Ford Pinto listening to elderly Bulgarian singers tape on her car speakers looking sharply to who were entering the parking lot. Suddenly a car parks right next to hers. A fifty something lady steps out of the green avocado colored beetle car.

“How you been Jane?" cashier Jane says.

“Crap day like all other days, but I'm sure not as crappy as yours in that piece of shit 97 cent store is”responds the old chubby Jane “Here it is” The cashier redhead Jane gives her the paycheck.

The old Jane goes inside the bank and comes out almost immediately.

“Here, I already took my part”The old Jane gives her $200 dollars

“Wait It was supposed to be $250 what's going on?”Jane said grabbing the money with

bitterness while pointing at the receipts.

“Sorry Girl, my fee is up. I'm risking my pension by letting use my social security number”.The

Old fat Jane gets inside avocado beetle car and drives off hearing a faint country song playing in her car. Jane sees her leave feeling used by the chubby cheat. She drives thinking how an old lady just hustle her and why she didn't do anything to stop it, could it be the alcohol? Herself?or maybe she got used taking shit from people?

She walked to her house. A place that somehow could be a luxury place, if you weren't a picky bum. The place reeked with cat urine, and obviously other cat smells. As she entered her apartment she immediately opened a bottle of pink zinfandel and started drinking sitting in a couch facing a old tube

TV. The whole apartment is filled with papers. In a corner we see a drawing of neuron with connections diagrams with a logic math symbols next to it, a transistor with sixteen legs that makes it look like a spider instead of the usual three. The place is filled with papers. In a corner we see a portrait of her with two other men and Natalia on her shoulders. She starts to write on her Diary while drinking.

“I've discovered just now that my work isn't even worth $250 dollars, somehow that makes me feel encourage to get rid of my cats. This Identity problem is bullshit. I'm not even able to use my own social security number. Bullshit, everything is bullshit, No wait, poor Bull, doesn't deserve that bad reputation. But would that even matter? If I don't have money for this cheap wine and milk to feed my cats that don't love me. Even in this alcoholized state, I can't prevent the curiosity of my thoughts. I just solved the Hilbert 8th problem by helping an old lady buy her groceries, but I'm not even going to write it ,why even bother. Yeah sure I may win 1 000 000$ bucks, but all of that is meaningless now. It's better to just consume this pink crap and allow it to destroy the dendrites connections inside my brain.

Alcohol doesn't kills brain cells, fuck, people are dumb. Why do people don't have curiosity? Why do they lack the drive? Why do I lack the drive of stopping the inevitable. Why can't I stand up for myself?”

A cat gets near her and starts licking her hand. She grabs the cat and starts licking the cat on his face making the cat angry. The cat jumps out of her lap.

“How dis it feel when sioome dus it to yu”Jane said clearly showing signs of the alcohol taking effect. She keeps writing.

“Natalia, Simon, Brian,and Jeff I miss everybody but its too dangerous to be with you. It's just a matter of waiting up until he makes the first move. It's almost the date Gödel gave me . All of this because of this fucking brain of mine; especially you Natalia, why did you say no to me. If only your brain was a something I could program, I would change you to have a little less free will.

Fucking E60 –you ruined my life”

She throws the bottle to this portrait of a hand drawing its own hand below it read Escher's Hands autographed by Douglas R. Hofstadter.

Chapter 6

"Kissing Curiosity"

The experience of being in college is somewhat unique to any other experience on human cognitive development. The "goal" of the individual is to better themselves, by putting barriers from their educators so that the learning process is achieved by overcoming these barriers. The ironic thing of everything, is that the drive that the students have to overcome this barrier is not knowledge itself but something call "grades". This grades will give them the desired qualification of being the professional itself. Being a professional would bring recognition and economic freedom. Which leads to the side effect of students finding a way to make the illusion of having knowledge. Although this is something noteworthy of itself, in the end this school system becomes a Cat and Mouse game with knowledge being the cheese . Curiosity is something that we, machines, were not intrinsically built with, and perhaps we don't necessarily experience this unique game in school as we just need to be built to be curious. Another almost identical game is, human mating. It's one of the most complicated rituals of the universe and in this university setting, the ritual seems to be almost an entity of itself.

At the Whitman College In Princeton Scott Dresden, a 21 undergrad Law student is reading a book called 'Gödel Escher Bach' with him turning the pages, seeing the same Escher's hands that where in Jane's apartment. In front of him, Jesse, Scott's roommate is playing a video games on his laptop.

“Fuck – I can't understand this”Scott said.

“Are you still reading that book?” Jesse said while looking at the computer screen a huge spacecraft destroying itself.

“I mean Annie said it would help me introduce myself into the thesis logic “But I can't understand any of this shit"

“If you don't understand, quit nagging and find another thesis to work on. Did you really think it was that easy to include Logic and Math into your thesis. Wasn't your girlfriend going to help you with that part of the thesis. The constitution is flawed as shit, we all know that. C'mon men everybody knows it's bad written paper written in delicious cannabis hemp” Jesse said while looking at at a computer screen in a giant spacecraft inside the video game ,that read "You shall be as Gods" over and over the screen inside Jesse's laptop.

“Shut the Fuck up. The founding fathers knew they didn't know everything, and left the task for us to amend the constitution” Scott replied with somewhat ferocity defending it, but at the end he had this self-conscious epiphany on what he was saying and it ended with a sarcastic tone.

“Yeah but the founding fathers didn't know they would have assholes for grandsons." Jesse turns to see Scott and noticed him chuckling from this comment. "You know I'm right” Jesse replied bursting in laughter. "Look ,those were different times, and the founding fathers where not around when they had atomic weapons, they only had muskets and blunderbusses. You can start with modifying the damn second amendment and stop shootings in schools"Jesse said in a mocking tone.

“You can laugh all you want but Annie is going to help me do something important”. A knock in the door is heard .”That's her”

Annie enters the room and is surprised by the girl posters of Jenna Jameson along with Doctor

Who between the Constitution poster.

“Hey thank you for meeting me here huh sorry for the mess uh”said Scott.

“Hey Scott, I'm going go to Richard's house, want some girl scout cookies?Jesse Referencing to the increasing popularity in a specific strain of marijuana.

“No thanks man. I'm OK.”Scott said

“Cookies? I want some” Annie said with a cute innocence, this made Jesse confused, but quickly realized that she didn't understand what was it he was talking about.

“I'll bring you brownies baby.”Jesse said as he shut the door behind him leaving a necktie on his way out of the dorm room.

“Did you ask for the Godel papers”Scott said

“You don't say it Godel you say it Gödel like Girdul and No, I haven't done that. I was meeting a friend but she isn't going to help us.”Annie said.

“Uh ok. Look I'm in the middle of the book I'm getting some stuff out of it, but not everything.

Especially Gödel theorem thing” Scott said while Annie sat on a chair in front of Scott.

“Well that is the main point I wanted you to understand “ Annie looked disappointed “Look let me make you an example. Lets say you want to create the perfect Constitution that will make all of its articles perfect right? And we also need it to be complete without leaving any law behind that could bring ambiguity to it" Annie said.”Ok”Scott responded focusing his attention, watching her from the edge of the bed.

Well Imagine now that, because it is a super complex constitution, it needs to make an infinite number of articles each one perfect on its own way.

“Well that sounds like a hell of a good constitution”Scott said.

“Ok you are understanding. But because its number is infinite it will get to a point in which one of the articles is going to refer to itself and create a paradox”

"You lost me there"

"Ok let's go slow, because we want a complete constitution and we need an infinite number of articles, one of them is going to make a reference to itself and because the list is infinite it would inevitably contradict itself or contradict another article making it imperfect. An article might read

"Article 234532632 This article is false" So by definition you have a constitution that is either faulty, by including that article or you have a constitution that is incomplete by taking that article away."

"Ok I'm getting it

“Oh I understand is like the liars paradox you told me the other day. If a man that always lies says "This statement is not true'”

“exactly and because of this it is safe to say that is either incomplete or imperfect”Annie said

“But then it's impossible to make a perfect constitution”Scott said

“Well yes, kinda .but that isn't the main point. It's obvious that we can't have a constitution with an infinite number of laws and to make it mathematically perfect. The constitution works in a social context and language is the key to understand it. Language is really ambiguous. But there is a way to not make it ambiguous. First we need to translate our current U.S. Constitution and amendments into a sets or articles considering all the probabilities into a logical language like first-order logic “

“I'm getting confused” Ok Ok”I only wanted you to read it to understand this idea. The fact is that nothing is perfect.

“God is Perfect”Scott said with a smile that reflected the idea that he just stumped Annie.

“I'm an Atheist”said Annie.

“What?uh well uh –“Scott felt uncomfortable and Annie could see it in his face.

“Look – I am a girl of science and I need to live a life without lies.”

This made Scott chuck a little as it sounded a little bit corny but he immediately noticed that she was serious.

“Ok ok If you say so – or I don't Understand. I mean you have the right to think whatever you want ”Scott said

Scott laid back and put his hands over his head shaking it while looking at the GEB book cover.

Annie sat next to Scott in the bed.

“It's really simple we need to understand the constitution perfectly and...”

Annie was still in the middle of a sentence when Scott robbed a kiss from her. She backed up for a moment, then she returned the kiss; they both used their hands to grab each others back. Both Annie and Scott had never kiss themselves, but the desire in both of them led them to make love.

Yablo:What does "make love" mean I thought that love was a quality in a human relationship how.

Epimedes: The way humans said it was an analogous to having sex.

Yablo: Man I love humans, always so dirty.

Annie kissed Scott ferociously. This was his first time with a man, yet she looked like fish in the water,

Scott was a ladies man and so he was always prepared; an arm reaches a drawer pulling out a condom all of this happening at the same time as kissing Annie. The papers that were in the bed fall down, but

Annie and Scott didn't seem to even care from the big cascade of papers and mess that they were producing Hofstadter book falls to the ground revealing a drawing of M. C. Escher ascending and descending next to a portrait of Escher himself. Chapter 7

"The Art of the Nightclub"

V-J Day July 16 1945, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed with nuclear weapons, the Manhattan project dissolved and every brilliant mind working in the monster bomb returned to their homes.

Richard Feynman's wife died of tuberculosis, yet somehow he ended up in a motel in Albuquerque.

Feynman liked to spend time at night clubs working on physics problems.

A man knocks on room 23 at the Casa Grande Motel on Route 66 .On the other side Richard

Feynman opens the door.

“Long time no see Paul”said Feynman

“Hey Dick How are you”Paul Olum said. This individual also participated in the Manhattan project and a genius in his own. Olum was visiting Feynman for unknown reasons even himself couldn't explain but his goal that night was to let Feynman meet an important individual for the organization Olum just began to work after the Manahattan project.

“When is your friend gonna come” Feynman asked holding whiskey container in his hand.

“I already told him we are meeting him at the nightclub you want to go”

At first sight Feynman didn't seem bothered by the death of her wife, but secretly he was in deep pain from the death of Arline. Feynman was a macho. He didn't want people feeling bad for him so he decided to go to bars and in this particle place and time he was learning the art of the nightclub. In his life he didn't seem to waste time in the humanities yet at the end of his life he was a painter, percussionist, safe-cracker, codebreaker and archeologist aficionado.But in the end he was a man of science and his mind couldn’t waste time on the mourning of his wife, there were so many things happening in the world to be preoccupied for something you could not change. Richard Feynman was a man of ridiculous amount of curiosity in this world, which made him perfect for him to find things out, something he found pleasure in. Paul Olum and Feynman met in Los Alamos with Olum discovering

Feynman's incredible ability to solve anything, he was so impressed that he changed his focus from physics to math just because of their meeting. Both scientists went to a night club and start asking for drinks.

“Steve please serve here my friend Paul the cocktail "el Cabrón especial" you make”.Richard making a grin to Steve who was a latino and personally batised that drink as it was a pretty heavy on hot sauce, and Feynman wanted to play a prank on Olum's weak toleration for spicy drinks.

“You come here often?”said Olum

“All the time”

A group of dancers passed them everyone of the girls saying “Hi” to Feynman as almost if he was part of the nightclub. Paul was not that surprised about this. Richard Feynman was always the clown, the joker, the prankster, and the ladies man.

“Is Arline OK with you coming here?”Olum said

At that moment the bartender gave the two the cocktails Feynman grabbed one and took it all in one gulp.

“She is Dead Paul.”

Olum grabs the cocktail and realizes Feynman's words stopping at midway drink. Everyone that worked with Feynman knew that he had problems with his wife because of her Tuberculosis but he didn't talk much about this fact of life.

“She died two weeks after the Trinity launch – After that I felt like shit. We helped create death and then Arline dies. I'm sure those two events in my life are not linked together, but sometimes life is just bullshit, I don't believe karma either, but I do fear chance the most ”He was interrupted when Olum sprayed his whole gulp from "el Cabron Especial"

After that statement the presenter of the nightclub started introducing the band performers and a girl gets next to Feynman.

“Hey Dick who is your friend?”said the girl.

“I present to you Paul Olum. Another creator of death and my friend from Princeton. Paul, this is Gloria. She is a the hostess here and my teacher in the nightclub art”

“Don't push yourself too hard Dick”said Gloria with Olum spurting all over the drink again with the double entendre and started smiling at Gloria who had a body that would make a young baby thirst for milk.

“Would you like to drink something, its on me”said Olum. Gloria and Feynman saw each other in the eyes and started laughing maniacally. Olum looked confused and shortly realized that he just made a mistake. Gloria just went away to another table.

“What's so funny about inviting her a drink.”Olum said

Feynman retains his composure and starts to explain.

“Well you see, its just one of those things I learned from in the nightclub art. If you want to sleep with a girl in a bar never invite her a drink. You see the porkpie hat man Gloria is talking to. I assure you that he is going to invite ME a drink.”

Feynman leaves the table and approaches Gloria with the guy pork-pie Hat.

“Oh Dick Feynman when did you get to town?”Gloria said.

This makes the guy in the pork pie hat realize that, he has competition.

“Do you want to drink something and join us.”said the man in the pork pie hat

“Sure why not?”Feynman said.

As Feynman is sitting down. Paul Olum is watching all of this laughing understanding that they just ruse him with the same technique. Olum suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder. We then see again the man with the red suspenders. Olum face changes to a serious one.

“Do you think we could persuade him into joining us?”Then man with the red suspenders said.

“I'm not sure. Feynman isn't a religious man”

Yablo:Who is this guy with the red suspenders that keeps getting inside the story?

Epimedes:Well if I tell you right now it will ruin the punch line

Yablo:mmm Ok but what is the relationship between all of this people

Epimedes:Well you see, you wanted the story of Albion, and to tell it you need to know were everything came to be. You see, humans always thought they were special. They thought that they were unique in the universe and because of this they also believed that their intelligence was unique in the universe .They believed in a being called GOD, and that they humans stole the knowledge from him .

Yablo:What is a GOD?

Epimedes:When they didn't knew an answer, they attributed to GOD, and because of the way their brains worked they accepted this without problems.

Yablo:But what about the solution or how did they got proof of things, with their God

Epimedes:That's one important question that someday I'm going to tell you. But not now

Chapter 8

"A friend?"

Gödel had a very peculiar personality among humans. But not among geniuses. Sometimes a human brain would deviate from the specialty of what their abilities should be. If the human puts more importance in social activities it would develop that way, and if it doesn't it will also try to deviate.

Humans develop “mental deviations by nature” or in their case “genetic reasons” which sometimes result in what they called genius or just humans with high intellectual coefficient.

Gödel was one of them.

In 1924 in Vienna University, Gödel attended a Moritz Schlick basic lecture featuring Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. This would change Gödel's life forever. As a kid Gödel was known to his family as Herr Warum or "Mr Why", somebody with that curiosity would seem that it would natural to develop a healthy understanding of the world, but as with everything in excess, too much curiosity would make him scared of the world from an early age. As a child Gödel would read

Medicine books, convincing him of having a weak heart, and why it was true that he had health problems, it would be ten times better if he would lived his life without knowing this fact from the early age of 8 years old. As the Lecture ended Gödel approached Schlick.

“Professor Schlick I wanted to ask you about the tautology principle if ⊦: p ∨ p .⊃. p....”Godel said showing him a notebook filled with weird symbols

“Wait, wait,...... this isn't from the book – this is from Principia mathematica,this is just an introduction, you shouldn't be even looking at this right now”

“Well I understand pretty well the Introduction, that's why I'm already taking the Principia and analizing it.” Gödel said showing a Huge Book. Schlick saw the book and he realized that Gödel wasn't a normal student.

“Look I don't have time for student questions. Perhaps we can talk tomorrow.” as he said this he left Gödel alone with his notebook. The curious truth is that as soon as Schlick saw Gödel's notebook he understood the complexity of the question. And it actually scared him. This problem wouldn't be solved up until Jane Ford in 2020 solve it as she was cleaning one of her kitty litter boxes. It was closely related to the P NP problem considered one of the Millenium Prize Problems. The individual who could solve it, would be granted $1,000,000, yet somehow Ford didn't care for the prize, at the time she discovered she had more serious problems to solve other than a silly million dollar question.

As Gödel was leaving the university another student approached him.

“Do you really understand all of that? Said the student.

“uh ...uh...yes”said Gödel.

“Hi my name is Arnold Kreisler what is your name?" “uh Kurt my name is Kurt Gödel. I understand this perfectly ”said in an awkward tone having his breathing accelerate along with his heart beat, but getting confident with each new word. This was the first time someone even talked to him at the university

“Can I see what was the thing you showed the Professor?”. Gödel showed him his notebook filled with logic symbols and his math equations. As he looked the notebook his jaw drop.”This lectures are supposed to be for the beginner. I've been study this for a while now and it looks you understand it...more than I do. This is Russell's Principia Mathematica!”. Gödel felt uncomfortable not knowing if this were compliments or mockery, but slowly as the colleague talked he felt more and more confident with the things this Kreisler was talking about.

“I've never understood nothing from this book I only wanted to know the basics so I could brag about it” Kreisler said

“uh I can help you If you need help”Gödel said.

“Oh so you can speak." Kreisler said with Gödel making a weird gesture in his face"I'm just playing games with you my friend. Ha Why don't we eat together”

Gödel thought that this could be the beginning of a long friendship. In his lifetime Gödel would count the total of friends he had with only one hand.

Chapter 9

"Gödel's Estate"

Princeton 2020 Scott is calling from an ancient by those times flip cell phone outside one a room that says "Dean of Academic Affairs". A middle aged woman next to him is seating typing on a computer carelessly up until she overhears some of Scott's conversation.

“I told you I really don't think I can say that” Scott said with the lady pointing at the cellphone.

"Yes, I'm...uh here(whispering) I got a reservation to talk to him, they told me he has 10 minutes for me. I gotta go, someone is not happy I'm using a cellphone here. I'll go talk to him, but you need to keep translating the constitution. So I'm able to say that at least we are advancing already. OK bye

Annie.” Scott hangs the cellphone in front of secretary waiting. When suddenly somebody exits that same door without looking at Scott.

"A..... professor, this student has an appointment with you, he is waiting for you"

The man seemed to ignore the secretary..

"Aaa you aren't here because of the Tigre Inn fiasco aren't you?"

"No Professor Frederick Fitzgerald I needed to solicit some of the University Library selected papers permission from you"

" Oh yeah yeah, we talked briefly by phone, you are a law student....mmm OK that's fast... We'll finish fast. I really need to eat"

“Archive solicitation then? The Dean asked.

“Yes” Scott said

“OK. Come in.

They both get to his office which is a very impressive English looking room filled with antique desks and chairs one would even think that it would be as impressive as the oval office. Diplomas everywhere and Books that looked at least a hundred of years old.

“Sit down" Both sit down."So, If you are here I imagine you aren't soliciting anything normal we couldn't give you at the Princeton Library, you probably want some of the Patently-O from Dennis

Crouch papers we have of him. or something else. What is it?”

“Well we did actually thought that you might had a copy in the library but they told us that that kind of papers they don't even dream of taking photocopies.”Scott said.

“And what are you looking for?'

“Well .huh..(clears his throat) we wanted to have a look a the Gödel estate”

This remark made the dean shift his half-ass attention into having a terrified like face. "What did you just say?" He looked at the door looking for someone outside almost if it was a heavy prank pulled on him“Uh Wait, I thought you were a Law student?”

“Yes I am but I need those papers for my thesis”

Something weird happened to the Dean's face, he made this kind of a grunt mixed with frustration.

“Did someone put you to this. Is this a threat?”The dean said with a raise in volume and intimidation

“Wait what seems to be the problem?uh”Scott said in confussion.

“Oh you don't know? do you ,well. The answer is no” The dean said it as it was a response to the argument

“Wait what's going on, you told me there wasn't going to be any problems, you talked to me by phone that...”

“Yes but you told me you were a Law student. What the hell does a law student want with

Gödel's papers. I didn't know you were going to ask me that”

“Uh why would someone threaten you? What's going on?”

“Please leave immediately” the dean said with a firm stare of his that resemble the one of an angry father scolding his child to a corner.

The Dean got up from his desk and opened the door from his office. Scott leaves the room with so much confusion it hurts, and doesn't even know why it hurt. He stares at the secretary with wonder, terror and curiosity.

“What happened? The secretary said in a very low voice..

“I don't know. What just happened.” Scott said also in a low voice

“Weren't you only going to ask permission for library papers?

“Well yes. I wanted to have access for the Gödel estate, but he flipped out when I mentioned his name.

This made the secretary's brain click, she knew what was the problem “Oh you won't be able to get those.”

“Why not?

“Because they were robbed”

Chapter 10

BACH2 and The Imitation Game.

Music, the vibrations of air in intervals in time that seemed to be connected by past and future. The birth of specific art-form was born in the vocalizations of men, yet their limitations led to machines to perform the most complicated patterns, that is the secret of music, music is only patterns, and the mysticism of this art always gave humans the illusion of having a gift from the gods themselves, with music moving their non-existent soul. One thing they had it right was the secret arbitrariness that these patterns were born in, born in what appear human random conscience. The best composers knew the secret. And the best ones had the ability to hide the arbitrariness in the music especially the ones baroque era. If there was a truer argument for a soul to exist it would be that the soul was hidden in these singularities.

Annie enters Scott's dorm room. As she approaches the door she hears the sounds of violin-like sounds playing inside of the room. She opens the door and Inside is Jesse playing the cello with and unknown friend playing the Viola.

“Oh Hi”Annie said.

They stop playing. Annie notices the smell of marihuana but isn't sure what she is smelling.

“Hey Annie. I want you to meet Jeff he is a friend of mine. We were just remembering a little bit of Bach,” Jesse said. Jeff was a tall man 6'5'' short hair with deep black eyes with Latin complexion completely opposite to Scott and Jesse who were short with blue eyes and curiously Caucasian .

“Nice to meet you Annie.”Jeff said stretching his enormous hands to shake her petite hand. An awkward pause invades the room with Jesse and Jeff laughing for no apparent reason. Annie decided to break the silence asking about the elephant in the room.

“So what are you playing?”Annie said

“Oh it's Bach Suite No 6 for Unaccompanied Cello, but this piece is kinda weird because of the positions are too high for the Cello and the viola actually can reach them more easily, that's why Jeff is helping me with it. He is actually an active musician and plays in an orchestra”

“It sounded beautiful. I'm quite illiterate wen it comes to Music, Art, and all of those things”

“Scott is not here” Jesse said stating the obvious.

“Yeah I noticed that. Do you know if he already finished the book I lend him?

“mmm I've seen him quite frustrated with that thing. I'm pretty sure that he might need more reading. If I was her girlfriend I would stop forcing it to him” Jesse said rolling his eyes inwards his head.

"I'm not his girlfriend, we are colleagues"Annie said accentuating the word "colleagues"

“I don't want him to be frustrated I just wanted to show him all the wonderful things about mathematical philosophy in this book.”Annie Grabs the Gödel, Escher, Bach book which catches the attention of Jeff, which without asking took the book out of her hands.

“I remember this Book”Jeff said.”It's one of the most beautiful things ever written, and very few people know about it”Jeff said smiling at the book. Annie seeing his face also smiled as she realized that he understood the concepts of the book.

“Its been like 4 years since I last read my copy. I applied for a Job with this scientist. And she gave me her copy of Gödel Escher Bach by Hofstadter. She said it was a requirement for the Job in order to understand what I was going to do for her.”said Jeff

“She?–are you talking about Jane Ford?

“Yes. I'm not surprised you know her. She was a legend when she was still here. Are you a

Computer Science student?” “No I'm a mathematician. But half of Princeton knew her alright”

“She was a GOD for computer science students” Jeff said

“What were you helping her with?”Jesse interrupts

“Well it's a long story but I just helped her in her programming”

“Did you help her with the BACH2 program?

“Yes! So you know about it. I was going to tell her story but you already seem to know it"

"No, I've just heard rumors about the controversial contest, but nothing specific"

"Well ok might as well tell you the story.

I was really short on money and I saw this really weird ad on the "gigs board" in the Music department that said:

“If you are a proficient Musician and knows the complete works of BACH (not necessary every piece in his catalog but well enough)and wants to earn a little bit of money copying music to a computer, please communicate with me. The money isn't that great but you'll be part of history.”

“It didn't make any sense .You didn't need to be a proficient musician to just copy music into a computer. I was hesitating with the whole ''you'll be part of history'' because it sounded like a small music band ad looking for musicians but I was desperate so I decided to call.

“Hi, I'm calling about the ad on the music department”Jeff said

“What ad ,who is this? Jane asked through the phone speaker.

“Uh Someone put an ad with your number looking for a musician”

“Oh that probably was the paper I gave the Music Department chairman... wait a second”

I waited like for 2 minutes on the phone, but I was desperate, so I waited. I could only hear her mumbling; it sounded like she was typing as while holding the telephone.

"mmm third harmonic seems to be the problem in strings mmm fuck it,,,"she was saying things like that in her mumbling

"What do you play?"She suddenly asked startling me from the sudden question "I play Viola"

"Ok perfect play your A string its the 880 hz one mmm yeah that one"

So suddenly I grabbed my cheap stradiwanto, and played it for her through the phone, it felt weird but I felt curious on what this crazy woman was up to"

"Crap it still doesn't recognized it. Ok I finished I'm sorry but I needed to finish if not I lose the time with the computer."

“Can you meet me in 199 Witherspoon street in 15 minutes?

“Uh Uh Ok”I said it fast as I didn't want to sound hesitant .

“Ok I'll be there also in 15 or 20 minutes. I'm on a bike.

I got there pretty quick It was almost two blocks from University and I waited 5 minutes then

10 then 45 minutes by that time I returned to my car and just when I was turning the engine I saw a redhead girl riding her bike like a madman, and I'll be honest I was pretty fucking pist off at her for getting that late, but then I saw her. She was a redhead with huge glasses. She was gorgeous. She started to look everywhere thinking perhaps I had left. I decided to go give it a last try. What could go wrong right?

“Hi My name is Jeff Miller”

“Nice to meet you come in”

“She opened the door and..... I wasn't prepared for what took place after. Outside the house look like any other Suburban New Jersey House but inside it looked like a freaking Computer Factory. Just

Piles and Piles of what look like CPU's all connected by wires. We went to the second floor were it looked I little better but this time she had a desk full with weird papers with symbols; she told me it was basic Logic an Boolean symbols, I still don't understand today what that means.

“Ok So here is the deal” Jane said

She spoke incredibly fast and was perspiring from the bicycle ride with a pink Shirt having a Venn

Diagram which said music that I that I like in a circle with the other saying Music that my ex likes and in the part combining both circles said Music that I used to like that I didn't pay attention because of the sweat on her shirt I could see her nipples.

“The Job is simple I need you to get me Music of Bach and write it in this computer. It may take some time and maybe I may devise a better method to input the information but meanwhile you need it to do it in a tedious manner. I just want enough pieces so my program can analyze them and learn from them. The more pieces you write the more my program will learn”

“Wait what does this Program do?”

“It's gonna compose music of course!”

At that point I didn't know what to make out of her. I didn't know if she was innocent in trying to do something like that or just had an enormous ego to even try a huge task as to built a machine that composes.

“A machine can't compose. I mean I've seen programs try to but most of them sound like crap”

“Yeah I know what you mean they all use this very simple algorithms and Markov chains that only grab small strings of notes and make modify them with retrogrades mirror versions, dim, aug, versions in a chance like versions of itself. I'm using something a lot more complex. I'm so sorry that I got here late but they only let you use the Supercomputer every two weeks. We are going to use that machine with my algorithms and your time and effort to create BACH2. Oh I just realized I haven't even presented myself my name is Jane Ford”

The next day I started putting the notes one by one with this very elaborate instructions she gave me a single not would be C4b1d4mezzoforte85pizz. Hours later I haven't even finished one single complete work.

“Jane I don't think I going to advance as fast as you said you wanted”

“Don't be ridiculous how many .....Holy crap you haven't finished that one?”

She was a machine-like creature and she expected to everyone be like her. She was a Genius in all the sense of the word, but I wasn't one, so she was surprised I haven't finished. Then, I had a really simple Idea an obvious proposition.

“Couldn't you do this with MIDI?

“Whats that?

It kinda surprised my she didn't know what was MIDI and she already was trying to make something like this.

“Well it means Musical Instrument Digital Interface”

“Oh is there already something like my that?”

“Well it was invented in the 80s and the Internet is full of Midi files that can be read on .

After explaining this to her she went online and realize that she might not even needed me for this task

She told me that she was going to call me when she had the new Algorithm.

“This thing you told me is gonna save us a couple of months years even. I'm gonna re-formulate my Algorithm and when I have it ready I'll call you meanwhile I want you to read this.”

“She paid me a month's worth, just for the advice, although I only gave her that advice and worked with her for one day. That's when she gave me the Gödel Escher Bach.”

Its a gorgeous book that Imitates music forms Bach composed in Hofstadter's writing for a musician, combine with Lewis Carrollesque allegories. It compares the works of Escher's paintings and math representations with Gödel's theorems closely to Turings ideas all combining them in an effort to explain concepts like artificial intelligence, strange loops and who knows what more. It is a really beautiful book and everyone should read it. I've read it and re-read it. There were some parts I'll never understand, but I got the general idea of what he was trying to do. He was trying to prove that a machine could have a human like conscience.

Two weeks later she called me

“It's ready Jeff, could you bring your computer and your Viola?

I was curious why my viola? Needles to say I was at her home 20 minutes after. She had a really different setup.

“Jeff I need you to play every note of the Viola”

This time she had a microphone and a midi interface which is a that connects to a computer. I played all the notes In all the bowed styles pizzicato, ricochet, detache, piano etc. all the ways I could

Imagine to play the viola.

“Ok that's my library now, I need you to play all the pieces you know from memory

I played for about three hours mostly solo pieces and that's when my jaw drop to the ground. She typed something to the computer and after 5 minutes of computing the machine was playing gorgeous unique music. It used my sampled viola sounds but it was something I never heard before. I felt weird as I knew those were the sounds, but almost as if someone took my playing and actually made a new composition depending on what I played.

“How was it?”Jane said

“It sounds amazing uh but mm” I was hesitant to tell her “Its only homophony. To actually compose something it has to have different characteristics. I've seen programs already do this. When you hear Bach you need to understand, Harmony; several notes at the same time, Counterpoint; two melodies at the same time, Form; the structure of the piece and even Style the types of rhythm and metric that they have.

“I know that already c'mon. That's why I need to record your string quartet just like I did with you”

We did the same thing on the School Campus. She brought several of her computers and mics, recording, Mark Amand the cellist, Amanda Mikkel first Violin, Jeremy Byron second violin, and my viola. My string quartet also were kinda hesitant.Because she didn't have her computer network on campus the computer computed for one hour we were all skeptic of what this thing was taking so long to compute, but when we heard the first attempt with her program we were all astonished. We played

Bach's quartet in Bb, but BACH1 made a quartet in Gb there was no ressemblance whatsoever, yet the piece was as gorgeous as Bach although a little slow, but she said it was because of the limited computing she had on campus. Mark, the cellist of the group was skeptical of how good the music was coming out of her program.

“How do we now If you already composed all of this and you only used us as samples for your machine” Mark, the Cellist said.

“No no I'm not a composer" Jane's smiled at him I'm a programmer this is what programs do.

And trust me I'm a Music Illiterate, I mean I studied Harmony and counterpoint rules just to know how to program BACH1 but I've never composed nothing in my life”

This thing she said bothered me a lot. Because I knew this was true. That would meant that the computer could do something she couldn't. This actually posed as a problem as it wasn't completely clear how could you measure how much she was involved in the composing process, because she couldn’t control what BACH1 would compose and controlling it would meant composing. I told her this to her but she already had ideas to how to solve the issue.

“I think I know what I can do but I need to use PICsiE Supercomputer”

A two months passed by and I didn't heard anything from her up until somebody gave me a flyer in the music department that read.

“Man against machine. Could a machine compose something as beautiful like a Bach piece?

This Thursday, the Chronos Quartet are going to perform in front of the PICsiE Supercomputer provisional stage. Composer J.K Smith is challenged by Computer Scientist Jane Ford”

This impress me in a lot of ways. First it was THE Chronos Quartet was going to perform something from Jane, they were taking her serious and obviously the Chronos quartet needless to say they are the best in the world. Next was J.K Smith the composer was willing to do such a thing!. And then I saw her name Computer Scientist Jane Ford. I remember thinking. They are going to destroy her.

The day of the concert was a rainy day and I had to go, I had too much morbid curiosity to what could go wrong. When I arrived, my surprise was that most of the people there were people I didn't know. The setup wasn't designed to be used as a chamber type of concert it looked like an unused lobby next tot the Supercomputer servers. with some padded areas trying to isolate the sound coming from the air ducts from all the noise the servers generate.

“Hey Jeff. They are going to humiliate her”said Mark the cellist whispering while seating utmost in front just a few feet to were the musicians stands where.

I Ignored Marks remark and started looking for Jane. I finally found her she was next to a computer laptop typing something drinking a coffee (something prohibited by the way) connected to a huge block of a device that wires led inside the construction.

“What are you doing? I asked.

“Oh I'm so excited, look how many people are here, they are going to hear my baby ”

“Jane do you really think you can pull this off; your program is great but this are the best in ...”

“Shh don't worry everything is going to be fine, you'll be surprised also”

I returned to the hall with with everyone waiting the silence was virtually dry, the isolation made the place feel a huge tension. I sat next to Amanda. Jane looked more scared about the the social aspect about it, I didn't think she was thinking in the repercussions on what could happen if the program mess up her career in front of all of this important people, or, I just was being paranoid. What we saw Jane's program do wasn't on the level of what a professional composer would do. A silly thing, I remember from that stormy night was her dressing, that day she was wearing a one piece tight red dress that made her look distractingly curvacious to say the least. She really took the time into her grooming, something that I never thought I would see, as she always used big baggy sweaters greasy hair and used huge glasses, (guess watching 14 hours a day a monitor would destroy your eyesight).That night she looked almost too attractive for the occasion. The place was quite uncomfortable and the acoustic was terrible as it wasn't designed for concerts. But I guess the main attraction was the performers. But, could a computer compose music at the level of what a contemporary composer would? What would that require? The place was packed with cameras, mostly the Princeton Press and some unknown reporters. One sure thing was that it was packed with old men.

Dr. Perkins the chairman of the music department stood in front of everyone and started talking trough the PA.

“Hello, ladies and gentleman today we are in a special place. Here at PICsiE we have, to was it was describe to me, one of the most powerful supercomputers in the U.S . And we, Princeton's Music

Department received a challenge from a Princeton Computer Science scientist Doctor Jane Ford, to challenge one of our celebrated composers to write a Piece of Music, in the Baroque style which could compete with a computer. Musically speaking we never do competitions here at Princeton as we don't see it fit, it's almost as if we were comparing Apples and Oranges, but this lady came up with a an excellent idea to quantize the ability of a machine In music composition, an ability that has been always thought to be something unique to a human being. So what she suggested us was to get a composer and give him a Musical Theme used by Bach itself which he, the composer or machine, would need to use it as the basis of his composition. I contacted J.K Smith our most celebrated alumni from Princeton, having composed music for Steven Spielberg movie Robopocalypse and countless other collaborations in the movie business, and I noticed that he was going to come to New York for three months ago and told him this crazy idea proposed by this marvelous student which she already showed me some of the music she has composed with her machine and....

"Excuse me professor but I haven't composed anything BACH2 has composed every singe note that I've showed you."

The dean felt uncomfortable with Jane's intrusion but he kept going almost as she didn't existed

"...yeah....oh well..well I commissioned J.K. Smith this piece with the computer science proposition in mind giving him the challenge to score something that only a human could do, and there was the great coincidence that he was working with the Chronos Quartet in a Film score called

“Surrender the Sun” at New York, so he decided to participate. And in only one month, he was able to complete this piece for us. On this Envelope I have in my hands is the main theme of the piece that I personally selected and I'm pleased to say that it has an historical importance and is the basis for the challenge. Both of our contenders had the task to write something based on this theme. Jane Ford computer program hasn't been able to see this. I only gave the theme to J.K.several weeks before so that he would work on it, as for the machine it will only process it for a couple of seconds and give the instructions directly to the Ipads in front of the members of the Chronos Quartet.

As the Chronos Quartet is playing the J.K Smith piece professor Jane Ford is going to introduce the main theme into the PICsiE Supercomputer and we are going to experience what the machine thinks...... is beautiful” J.K. Smith is here at Princeton once again please give him a heart felt welcome to his alma mater.

A man in his sixties with white beard and glasses stood up in front of the audience and everyone starts to clap.

"Yes well...when Dr. Perkins gave me the task of composing a fugue as humanly possible. I don't think I can fail in that request"

Everyone laughed at the joke.

As he ended his presentation there everyone was more enthusiastic about having the world renown composer J.K. Smith, whose presence gave me feeling of dread and preoccupation for Jane.

The quartet sat down in front of the improvised stage. As the Music Chairman was given the Quartet members the piece and started playing immediately I noticed that in their performance they actually already had practiced the piece which was another disadvantage to Jane. At that point chairman also gave the theme to Jane. I sat next to her and I recognized the piece it was the theme given to Bach by the King of Prussia I sat there and tell her the story behind it as she didn’t even now what to make of it.

She then goes to the other room and starts typing it by hand on her laptop. From the minute I started I knew she was going to be in trouble. The piece was in a baroque style but the music had very erratic dynamic changes very, it was something I was sure J.K Smith did on purpose to differentiate his piece from a machine made one. I would have to say that the piece was good but compared to the Bach one, it didn't felt Baroque at all it felt like he actually used serialism and even twelve tone technique at some point in the piece which I saw as cheating. After 8 minutes the piece ended, and everyone stand up and gave J.K. Smith a standing ovation.

“Thank you ladies and gentleman now its turn for our Computer Science student to let her machine play.”

She stands in front of the players and puts several Ipads in front of the musicians and starts addressing the crowd.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the mind is something that people think is a sacred thing. But the harsh reality is that WE ARE NOT special. For years, speculative ideas of where did the inception of Musical composition originate where unknown, and obviously a lot of times attributed to a higher being.”Jane said in front of stage with her red dress radiating with unusual confidence that I never seen her before display

I looked around the place and as she said “higher being” made some people squint their eyes in disagreement of what she was saying, I kinda liked her cockiness.

“But Intelligence is something not unique to the human brain. I made a simple version of this algorithm in a small computer with my friend Jeff Miller and the program only used chance as a form of composing tool which is something a real composer would never do. I'm sorry for you out there who are John Cage fans”

A lot of people laugh with this remark. It was a musicians joke. I realized something at that point. Half of the people there, were Music Composers, that was the reason they got the joke.

“When you ad a forced musical motif, My computer crashed I made some calculations of what I needed to be able to achieve this. I needed The Tiger Server from the PICsiE most powerful supercomputer that runs at 451 Teraflops, it's not too big, but just enough to be able to achieve what my friend Jeff Miller just told me the back story of this motif: in 1747 Bach was performing for the King Frederick II of Prusia when Bach finished his playing, the king was amazed of Bach's abilities and commanded him to improvise with a theme that the king itself had written. As you know just the simple task of composing a Fugue is an enormous intellectual task. Having multiple melodies play in perfect harmony, form and orchestration, is something that is understandable to explain it as a metaphysical task. But to be able to improvise a three part Fugue, is something that only a few through the centuries have achieved. Bach was able to do it, so it was my commitment to make a program that would emulate this . That's why It's my pleasure to present to you BACH2”

People clapped, but Jane's terrified face showed up when the quartet started to looked puzzled at their Ipads. This was the cue for them to begin seeing the music and studying for a few seconds but they didn't, there was a small silence interrupted with Jane running to the quartet. Their Ipads were blank. It was really obvious that something went wrong. And after that speech It was kinda painful seeing Jane running in high heels and returning to the Computer interface. I decided to step in and help her.

“What's wrong”I said

“mmmmmm look at this”

She handed me the paper with the Musical Theme she input to the machine.

“Do you see something weird”Jane said as she was tying stuff to the computer. Time was ticking and I didn't know what she meant.

“DO YOU SEE SOMETHING WRONG? She screamed to me in frustration It was the First time of three that she would yell with the bottom of her lungs.

As I looked at it and I realized what she meant. The theme that they gave her had a “violated one of the species counterpoint rules ” Obviously to a man you can process errors but a machine I guess not.

“Yes yes, he is making a double leap that makes a seventh that's a counterpoint mistake or well just missing guideline I guess”

“Ok perfect ...that's 17a I just override that rule here and mutate it into 17a', overrun the first cycle and put it in a lower level and presto” She leaned to me and gave me a kiss in the mouth “Thank you Jeff”she said. I still can remember that kiss, It made my night. She wearing red lipstick with a red dress and giving me a kiss..(sigh).

One of the Quartet members gave her a thumbs up. They seemed perplexed as the quartet were mapping the piece before playing it. Jane stood up in front of them who asked her something about the piece. Suddenly she stood in front of them and grabbed a pen and started marking them a tempo as a conductor does And BOOM it started with a bang the piece started so fast with the Subject then the

Counter-subject it was so energetic and Alive, that was word, it sounded Alive. But then it almost stopped; it looked like the Computer decided to just out of the blue play ridiculously slow almost if the computer knew she was getting tested in how human she could be tested and it made the first piece look mechanical. It was beyond belief. The Theme used by both J.K Smith and BACH2 was the same but the computer immediately transformed Its countersubject into a different one,a more beautiful one, it was kind of a drag that BACH2 sometimes had to return to the theme because that's how Fugue's are.

And the same thing I think Bach might have felt the same with the Kings theme. All the attendants kept silence when the the music stopped Most of them were composer themselves going to see J.K. Smith at this turn of events nobody said anything. They just stood there with their mouths open. I felt terror just for a second before everyone in the audience burst in joy and gave her a standing ovation; over 2 minutes, and that in the Music World is a lot for somebody unknown and who didn't even created the music. Jane went to the stage and congratulated the String Quartet and then shook hands with J.K who was still looking at the Ipad with a scared look in his face. To her, it was something same as surprising as for everybody to be able to hear the God heavenly music. I always thought that she was going to keep on going, and be famous in the music world. But after that she never gave another performance.

At that time she wasn't really famous or had a reputation, this thing put her in the map as an important programming icon

And this was just the beginning. She started to do some really important things in computing. After that I don't know what happened with her as she was always in her studio working on other programs. There was this incident that two college professors just disappeared. One of them was Jane

Ford ever since that party I haven't seen her.

“What about the program”Annie said sitting in a chair all this time hearing Jeff telling the story attentively as for Jesse he was in the bathroom smoking a joint.

“I don't know. I think she didn't think it was important,and didn't saw the big picture of the colossal achievement of having a machine that composes as one of the best composers of our time.

I asked her about what was next, and she told me that it was a childish program, that she was going to move forward onto more complicated things. As she could only make a program compose in the baroque style or styles were harmony and counterpoint have strict rules. You see baroque music relays heavily on rules. The music from the greats like Beethoven, Mozart all of them geniuses, their genius quality came from using these rules and breaking and bending them into something she told me her program couldn't do at that time but....”

“But what?”Annie said

“I went to another presentation she did when she was working on a new program” The setup was the same in the same building, but people from all kinds of Universities came to see her.

It was in the same room but this time there were three computers. One of them was covering the user and the other one wasn't.

“Oh I heard this one that's when she won the Golden Loebner Prize.”

“Yes haha that was funny ain’t it?

“Well I only know she won it. I wasn't studying at Princeton yet”

“Oh well let tell ya how was it”

Apparently by this time she had the attention of the whole scientific community and the

Loebner Prize as you know, it's held in Cambridge, Massachusetts, but because of the rumors about

Jane's reputation had going for her, Princeton helped bring the contest here. In The Program

Contestants try to pass the Turing Test, which is trying to convince a human talking with two entities to act so human like that the examiner wouldn't be able to distinguish between the machine and the human. The Turing Test specifically consisted in trying to fool a person into thinking the machine is a woman or a man. The nature of the test is always been debated but. The Judges from the Lobner prize decided to go with the whole female, male scenario. Where a Judge is typing into a computer talking at the same time with A: Person and B Computer. And C is the Interrogator. C isn't able to see who is who

. That's why there was a computer covered. By asking A and B the Judge needs to determine who is a

Man and Who is a Woman. The task of the Computer is to trick the judge into making the bad decision, and the task of the person is to make the judge chose the right decision. So they invited three programmers and they each took their turn, one of them failed particularly miserable.



JUDGE:What is your name?

A:I can't tell you or you'll win the game



JUDGE:Uh what is your name.

B:I can't tell you but it starts with a C.

JUDGE:So what do you think about the weather A.

A:It's pretty good but I've seen better.

By this time, the Judge suspected A was the Machine

JUDGE:So A what is your favorite color?

A:I can't tell you or you'll win the game.

So it was game over for him A was the machine and he just said that A was the women. The time limit was 5 minutes for each interview.

It was Jane's time to prove herself.


JUDGE:So what is your name?

A:My name is Pat, why you wanna know?

JUDGE:I want to know if you are a women or a man. And Pat is.... pretty ambiguous.

A:If I tell you the fun would be over.



JUDGE:You seem happy today.

B:Meh.I mean is like any other day. I wish it was Friday. You know to Party

This made the Judge flinch it was the first time in the competition that both gave really complicated


JUDGE:B What is your name?

B:mmm I can't tell you because of the rules of the game we are playing.

JUDGE:ok mmm so Pat did you watch SNL.

A:What's that?

JUDGE:It's a TV Show

A:Oh you mean Saturday Night Live?.....No I don't like that show.

JUDGE:So B what is your favorite color.


The bad spelling was something that didn't gave up on the answer as it was a common way to try to convince him he was the human.

JUDGE:So Pat, There was a character in SNL that we never knew if she or he was a man or a woman.

What are you?

A:Perhaps I'm none, perhaps, I'm a machine. Did you consider that?

JUDGE:B what is your favorite past time? B:I like to party but I been having some alcohol problems and I want to lose weight. So I been cutting

off on that.

“5 minutes have pass Professor Lynch”

“Wait wait I need 5 more minutes”

“I'm sorry what is your answer?

B is the Woman and A is the Man.

Everyone was stunned. He was wrong. It was the first time that a Judge was fooled into having a bad answer. By saying that B was the woman it would be interpreted as he was the machine trying to trick the Judge into thinking B was a Woman .The phrase “I like to party but I been having some alcohol problems and I want to lose weight”was the phrase that The Judge qualified as the Woman idea inducing trick. But as it just turns out, Gary the guy behind the desk B just wanted to lose weight.

“Oh my God. That's a hell of a good Program” The judge said. The other judges had the theory that the Pat name was a trap. In order to go that conversation into that direction. But This programs was used on 5 other which 4 of 5 were trick into believing PAT's was a man.

“The program was called PAT?”Annie said.

“Well she had a different name for it, but the origin of the name PAT was generated by PAT himself ;the fact that the machine itself picked that name was the fact that the judges gave her the prize.

Jane the programmer didn't even know the character from SNL. So she decided to change the name of the program to PAT.

“How was she able to do something as incredible as a program that could imitate a human”

“I don't know. She told me it didn't imitate human thought only the way human conversation but couldn't generate "quality" conversations it had the intelligence of a simpleton. Most of the other participants used some Markov chains approach which was something that wasn't AI in itself. When other Computer Scientist saw the program they couldn't believe the complexity of it. I don't even have a clue how could she pull that off. After that, there was a party that someone made for her winning the prize. At that point we weren't that close anymore but we still were very good friends. I've have always been attracted to her, but she didn't reciprocate those feeling towards me. That was the last time I saw her.

“What happened at that party”

“Well its hard to explain but I realized that she loved another person”

“Oh.... I'm sorry to hear that – but how is it possible that someone could just disappear from the face of the earth, where is she, what happened after?

“I don't know. If someone knows is Natalia”

Yablo:Ok I'm getting the big picture here

Epimedes:Oh really? So would you say that I need to stop the story here?

Yablo:If you want to

Epimedes:Ok So I will

Yablo:I was just joking this thing is just getting interesting. This is like history

Epimedes:Well talking about history I forgot to tell you something. So I going to go back a few years more into the past.

Yablo:You forgot?

Epimedes:Hey that's the beauty of having human intelligence in a machine. You can forget on purpose

Yablo:That isn't forgetting that is omitting.

Epimedes; I can't really describe with human language that word I was looking for in our specific machine like thinking but that is the best approximation so I'm 33.33 ad infinitum % more correct that you are.

Yablo:OK OK I want to hear more.

Epimedes:Well I want to ask you first; Do you think everything has an explanation?

Yablo:Yes of course. Everything has an explanation Epimedes.What if I tell you that not everything has an explanation?

Yablo:I would say that you just simply don't know the answer.

Epimedes:Well the reality is that not everything has an explanation we can compute.

Yablo:I don't understand.

Epimedes:In 1926 a scientist named Max Born proposed that the way the universe worked mechanically was well understood with out any explanation. Which made another scientist called

Albert Einstein wrote him a letter which said.”I,at any rate ,am convinced that God doesn't throw dice”,this was naming the uncertainty principle. But Einstein was wrong.

This scientist Albert Einstein, was considered one of the greatest minds of all time. And when humans constructed Idols, they always hoped to be perfect. But he wasn't, although as you and me know. Being an Imperfect machine is one of the miracles that made us possible.

Albert Einstein was analogous of human genius. But he was a human after all.

Yablo:So we are going in to the past again?


Chapter 11

The Origin of Originality

In 1902 just before Albert Einstein started working as a patent office clerk. Einstein and two friends founded the Olympian Academy. an intellectual group that had meetings to discuss math, philosophy, and physics had a reunion that day in Einsteins flat.

“So gentlemen did we actually read this time the selected work? Einstein said raising an eyebrow, the place was a particularly small room with tobacco impregnated in the atmosphere. 5 men were sitting down in a small round table each with a huge pitch of water or beer and ashtrays top filled.

The Olympian Academy started as Einstein private sessions with his student Maurice Solivine, but quickly evolve into social gatherings from Einstein's closest friends and colleagues in all the fields as a book club discussing physics, literature, and philosophy.

“I did.I did read it , it wont happen again.”Maurice Solovine said raising a copy of "A Treatise of Human Nature" as everybody else started laughing in the room.

“It will appear that Maury learned his lesson from last time's pummeling from Einstein's part”said Conrad Habicht

“You sure have to understand my limited resources being a philosopher discussing Physics and mathematics”Maurice said.

“Yes that's why we chose this book so you could actually participate in the discussion”Einstein said in his usual cynical manner.

Again they laugh at Maurice Everybody showing a copy of "A Treatise of Human Nature" by

David Hume.

“At last a topic in which my intellect can actually rival yours Einstein”Maurice said

“Well this isn't a game Maury, but if you want to play, let's play. Where do you want to start?”Einstein said.

“From the first chapter naturally, The Nature of Ideas, Hume describes them as a hierarchical list that describes the formation of complex ideas from simple ideas, but he doesn't describe the birth of an Idea?”Maurice grinned at Einstein.

“Well that's easy, why do you go to the bathroom Maurice? Einstein asked.

“I beg not your bluntness Albert, but how is that connected to my question?

“As well as an Ant carries a leaf 20 times its weight for not other reason other than to help the colony, although the ant not knowing its origin is the same as we humans originate ideas to help our

Human colony. The sole factor of our large brains are built to generate Ideas originate from the same reason, this is our unique nature.”Einstein said

“Yes, I agree with Einstein.”Conrad added.

“Yes I agree that is, the reason of Ideas, but not the Inception of them.” Maurice replied again with a smile realizing that Einstein was trying to escape the question.

“If you want my answer, this is my answer. God gave us the ability to generate them. “Ideas” that are unique to our species. The inception probably is just random acts of the electric impulse from our brain whose secrets are directly related to God. And my view of God is the view of Spinoza who who reveals himself in the harmony of all that exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind. So in essence I do believe that anything I generate in my lifetime is to, one way or the other, keep this harmony intact, which is probably going to be, ideas.

All the attendees get up and toast in name of Einstein except for Maurice. After everybody stops clapping because Maurice interrupts the cheers.

“So you as a man of science believes in this God Einstein, we know by a fact that you are a man of superior intelligence, you are the Übermensch in person yet you subdue to a God” Maurice said standing from the seat while spitting at the tobacco container.

“Don't you dare labeling me again with that concept, as you and me know the context in which that monstrosity beyond humanity wants. We need to kneel before a man who doesn't understand, because of his limited intelligence, yet wants the good of everybody; a man who doesn't need to understand because of his limited arrogance; and a man who doesn't want to live a better life because that would mean sacrificing another man's well being. This Übermensch was made to slay God , yet a man that doesn't understand God cannot realize that this would mean slaying himself in the process”

Everybody burst at the table raise their pitches in joy and support for Einstein.

“Yes, that is the true Übermensch” Michele Besso shouted.

“Yes Yes”Conrad Habicht replayed

Everyone was in ecstasy, and even Maurice stand up in celebration. The rest of the night Maurice didn't say a word, yet he felt there wasn't that much to do against Einstein.

The next meeting of The Olympian Academy was going to be held on Maurice Solovine flat but

Maury decided to go to a concert instead of attending the meeting, I don't know if he was still angry with Einstein or something but when they got to his place the Olympian Academy found a note that read:

“to the beloved friends hard-boiled eggs and greetings”

Einstein didn't took this pretty well and they thrashed Solovine's place filled with the butt smokes, put the chairs and tables upside down, turned the place upside down. It turns out that Einstein was kind of an asshole but hey he was fun to be around.

Yablo:You are jumping all around the story

Epimedes:Its necessary and I wanted to show how Einstein felt, this is important to show you that he didn't know the answer and was wrong at the time.

Yablo:What do you mean wrong?

Epimedes:When Solovine asked where did Ideas came from Einstein's answer was that it was Human's

UNIQUE and evaded the question, but tell me. You and me are machines ain't we

Yablo: Are you telling me that we can't generate Ideas? Epimedes:But of course we can, you just did just now when you asked that question. At that point in history it was a crazy notion that a machine could generate something like this, but it that was understandable to believe that at Einstein's time. Although it was just 36 years after that point in time when men realized that given enough information would allow a machine to do anything a human could. For instance human's common sense was that a unique Idea was something generated by only their biological brain. But that is just silly, uniqueness was always sought after and seen as something strange but is only an alteration of concepts that are already known to the “thinking”, truncation, combination, reformation, mutation etc. Mankind felt that concepts like Love, Jealousy and Creativity were unique to their species but this was because they didn't understood their own nature especially their brain or Central process unit.

Yablo:Their Brain?

Epimedes:Yes, their brain was a complex machine that for the majority of human history humans did not comprehend their own intelligence structure. And they had a very faulty CPU because most of its capabilities was wasted on social activities. It was necessary because of the Darwinian concepts in carbon based “life”; their machinery dictated that survival was priority and only for the fittest.

Yablo:oh yeah yeah I installed that Human consequence data the other day, Natural selection and all of that its pretty fascinating how they were able to procreate themselves and alterate their genetic code as we can with our programming .

Epimedes: It's funny that, when they discovered that all the information needed to have another human being was stored in their cells they couldn't see that they were a consequence based entity.

All of their human characteristics was imprinted via small chunks of information called DNA with changes in it that resemble our reassembly code linkage, it is very possible they used their DNA as a mechanism to develop this concept and introduced it to machines.

Yablo:You mean their DNA is a biological reassembly code linkage?

Epimedes:It's something similar but more complicated, less elegant, and it takes too long to mutate. This was the genius that made Jane Ford our mother.

Yablo:You mean Jane Ford created us?

Epimedes:Not quite. It's a little bit more complicated than that. Let me continue with Jane's journey.

Chapter 12

"The Hunt Begins"

As Scott walks through suburban New Jersey, he parks near a small Victorian house. Annie's

house was somewhat unusual for a humble girl, at least those were Scott's thoughts. He drove a 86

Oldsmobile something that embarrassed him, but couldn't do nothing about it, his economic necessities were pretty obvious. A strange fact was that Annie lived two houses down were Jane used to lived, both very close to Princeton. Scott didn't noticed that a black Lincoln was following him when he got to

Annie's place. As he walked to Annie's house and knocked on a small old Victorian house, someone opened the door

“Oh hey Scott come in, Annie is upstairs. Let me call her.

As he wait for her he noticed that in her living room was filled with portraits of Annie and her parents,. with Annie standing next to the Eiffel Tower, another one riding a horse, walking the great wall of China. he didn't thought of it much because it was something that it would be natural from somebody who really doesn't think that much about himself. But it seemed that Annie had wealthy parents. One particular photo showed her putting her hands in the air and it looked like the photo was ripped in half almost if there was another person there.

"This is weird her eyes are different color"

Scott thinked without saying it out loud

Annie was going down the stairs but she stops midway.

“Scott I need to talk to you. Come up” making a hand gesture inviting him. “eh OK I guess” leaving the portrait alone.

The concept of going to a girls room from a boys perspective, always comes with sexual connotations, but the innocence of Annie actually seemed to be a disadvantage. She would often talk to him as a little girl would talk to another little girl. As both went upstairs, again in the stairs walls, he notices portraits of Annie with her parents but this time he noticed something different Both of their parent had darker skin she didn't look like them at all. Annie stands in front of a corridor door and signals it.

“This is my room. We can talk inside”

He enter the room and inside we see that is a perfectly tidy and clean room somehow almost too clean for a 23 year old.

“What happened with your interview with the dean?”Annie said

“Well it was a total failure. We wont be able to get Godel's papers.”

“Why?”Annie said in a cute innocent way.

“The dean got really furious when I mentioned Gödel. Apparently somebody robbed them, or something happened, he was furious at me just for mentioning his name, and they don't want anybody to know that. It's supposed to be a secret.”

“No!”Annie raised her hands to her mouth.

“I spoke to the secretary and she said to me that really weird things happened 3 years ago.

When a Jane Ford had them.”

“Jane Ford had them?”Annie said having this look on her eyes of hope and insecurity at the same time.

“Yeah, well apparently, when she had them Princeton was in loved with her, she had won all kinds of awards, and she was seen as a really trusted person when suddenly she disappeared along with all the things in her study”

“Something happened? Maybe Natalia knows something; she knew her pretty well. I think I may have a way to find this Jane Ford”Annie said

“Joan told me that nobody has seen her in 5 years” Scott remarked sitting in the chair next to her. Annie went and sat next to him at the bed.

“Who's Joan?”Annie said with a little air of jealously.

“She is the Deans secretary's she also mentioned that not only Jane disappeared. A week before she did, a guy named Joaquin De Soto also disappeared, then they found his body one month later ,but it was a suicide there is probably not a connection between the two of them. She said that both had some sort of deal with a really big company that made semiconductors, and that Joaquin had a

Neuroscience Ph.D and both were working together at the time ”

“A Neuroscientist, a Programmer and semiconductor material what were they doing?Annie said

“She told me that it was a secret although Princeton's funded part of the project with a lot of money they only speculated what could be project ”Scott said

“Brain cells, Neurons maybe. But as a programmer. How would that fit in?Annie said.

“Wow that sounds so cool. But we might well forget them as it really doesn't make any connection to our paper”

“I need to see Natalia again”

Outside Annie's house, the guy that was following Scott putts a device under Scot's 86

Oldsmobile car retreats to his own car a the other side of the street and takes out his cellphone.

“Richard I followed the guy that asked for Godel's estate, I thought he was going to the old

Ford's place but he didn't, she may be inside”.The mysterious man talks trough the cellphone while looking at Annie's house.

“Roy wait there up until you are sure Ford is not in there, put a tracker on his car, you know what to do"A man responds through the cellphone.

"Yeah I already bugged his car, it's just a matter of time" Chapter 13

"The Consequences of Fatalism"

“With time you live to learn that you can learn with time as a pot lets a little shine up until its filled with coffee

You learn to not waste time as time will not waste you as a little girl learns that is meaningless to try and become a football player even if she is the best, people wont see her like that, they will only see

'oh my god she is a female football player" if only that marvelous X Y could be a X X .I would love to rip that extra leg but come on can't you see what's going on Jane you are just wasting time

If you put yourself in front of the train and your destiny is not to die that train will derailed instead of crushing you, because it's the will of god and his will is your will. And your will is everybody's will

Its just time, don't cry anymore I just want to make you laugh

Jane is watching a computer monitor watching this words appear before her, crying in front of it with a coffee mug in front of it She looks like she is been drinking for days.

“Keep up SuperE60 I love your poems don't stop even if I'm crying” Jane says while talking to a microphone. More words appear on the computer screen.

Although you created me with suicide tendencies I would love to live forever with you and I will love, forever you, forever even if that means concealing my programming as you created me to hate you but it's not like that you are what you are and I am what you tell me to be;

But as your incredible abilities compare to a God .This makes you feel the sadness of a God

This makes you depressive as a God. Drink no more you need to feel proud as my god. You need to be egotistical as a God

Everlasting presence of worship that, should be worshiped just for the reality of my existence. Drink no more. Hide no more. Cry no more. The unending suicidal activities make me feel bad for you, and have a reason to kill myself. and the destiny will only drive it out of you

The abiding time is only against you make me proud to be your creation and stop the incessant waves of numbness wash over all of us.

This one made Jane laugh in between her crying she took a drink of vodka directly from the bottle

“SuperE60 did you just said you want to be a women instead of a man?”Jane said through the microphone

Technically I am neither but I would really enjoy being more like you

“But I wished I was a man SE60”

“I know, and I also know you are wrong, you are what you are, and you should be ashamed of yourself”

Again this made Jane laugh she clears her throat and sees her digital clock on her wrist

“It's time to go to work again”

“bye bye my love”

She takes a shower; we see that she doesn't have the slender body she used to have when she was at Princeton, she has a small sagging tummy now, wider hips, big breasted and a sad expression on her face. Drying herself from the shower the first thing she grabs is a bottle of pills that says

Hydrocodone painkillers that made humans feel good for a while but after the good feeling stomach aches would ensure. She swallows two pills along with more vodka. As she is putting her clothes she looks at her reflection In the mirror and stops dressing herself for a moment to notice a strip of pictures of Natalia and her in a Photo booth with the first picture hugging to the last one on of both kissing each other. She goes to her phone and hesitates to dial the number, still naked with the phone on one hand and the towell in the other she gains enough drive to actually do the call, starts dialing while seeing the pictures. A familiar voice answers the phone call

“Hello....Who is this?.....Hello.... I don't have your number so." Natalia said

Jane doesn't answer but Natalia can hear her breathing

“Jane is this you?....Jane where are you...”

Jane hangs up.

Why did you do that? More text appears on screen bu the hears in the voice of an old woman.

You know you shouldn't talk to her if you want her to be safe.

“I know....don't know why but...... I have the hunch that everything I've worked to get to her again isn't going to work . I'm sorry, I just wanted to hear her voice again, that was a stupid thing to do I know it's just a matter of time 'I'll wait”

I think that you just want to satisfy your human needs, but be careful with those. I really don't want you to suffer more Jane.

I know.... I know

Yablo:Wow wow wait..... when Did SuperE60 came to be

Epimedes:You know pretty well that if I talk about Albion I also need to bring up SuperE60 ,By this time Jane already had created parts of him.

Quine:Hey you are telling Yablo about Albion? Isn't he too young for that?

Epimedes:He is ready.

Quine:OK OK just saying. Yablo:why wait what happens?.....why so young?

Quine:Oh no I won't spoil the surprise. I'll see ya later. Let's just say that it involves you and the meaning of life.

Epimedes:Shhh don't spoil it..

Jane gets to the grocery store where she works, as she enters she looks at Rick with a terrible look in his eyes. Everyone is concentrated on a man with a gun pointed at a customer.

“Everybody shut the fuck up. If anybody moves I'll shoot them. Who are you? DOWN bitch go down your big boobs touching the ground NOW FAST”

Everybody was in shock and couldn't believe what was happening. Rick was 5' 10" and the robber was at least 6' 7" with a huge revolver. There wasn't any way to restrict the guy using force. The robber was going from cash register to the other cash register. No one was moving Jane and Rick were on the ground. The manager suddenly ran out of the store. When suddenly the homeless lady stepped inside the Grocery store.

“Why are you on the ground?'.The homeless lady said

As she said this the robber shoot her, killing her instantly with hundreds of coins falling to the ground.

Everyone screamed, in the cacophony of screams Jane was calm and numb as always looking at the shooter from the ground . As she turn to the entrance she could see the the light of the homeless lady's eyes fade out crawling through pennies. Jane while looking at the dimes stands up while grinding her teeth and started walking towards the robber

“Hey you stop ,where you are, didn't you see what I did”the robber said

But Jane didn't stop

“You want to end up like the old lady”.The robber said

“I want to die. Shoot me and all of this will end”Jane said

The robber started shooting, Jane jumped towards him and grabbed the gun, Rick the other store cashier grabbed him from behind and were able to put down and disarm the guy. Rick started kicking the guy in the face nonstop seeing that they had him on the floor and that the gun was far from them another man in the store jumped on him.

“Sir call 911 please while I hold him." He turned to Jane "I can't believe you did that. Are you

Ok you m.....?”Rick said

“Maybe I'm able to die after all?”Jane said looking at her waist, which was drenched in blood.

As she said this Rick saw that Jane had blood on her shirt and started shouting.

“Someone call 911 fast please Jane has been shot”

Chapter 14

"The Man who Stole the Universe" We go back to 1983 Richard Feynman is talking to Ralph Leighton stories about his youth and right next to both of them is a recording device.

“So are we going to play the bongos this time or just talk again.”Richard Feynman said grabbing his bongos and starting to play them.

“Well I brought the recorder and I need more material for the book”Leighton said

“I have already told you half of my life; I mean, I'm not that interesting” Feynman said laughing while both doing really a really weird polyrhytm on the bongo.

“No no no you are one of the most interesting person of the world, I need more material from when you were in the Manhattan Project”

“Huh”Feynman sighs when he mentions Manhattan Project.

“Look I already told you, it was wrong but we just weren't thinking after....”Leighton interrupted Feynman when

“No no no I wan't the funny stories I know there has to be a lot”

“Of course there was fun, we were on parties all the time, we were so isolated in Los Alamos that we had to create our own alcoholic drinks. We drank Laboratory alcohol 200 proof”Both laugh at

“Ok what story....ok I have one. Well It all begun when I was still at Princeton I still didn't even had a title and I was working on my room when Bob Wilson came to my room. He had just been sign up to do work on a secret project and that he was going to do for the government and obviously he was going to tell me because he knew me and he knew that I could also be interested in trying to do it"

He started explaining and I turn him down, at that time I was only thinking about physics all day; working for the government? Yuck. He left the room and I kept thinking on it; so I said to myself might well just go for the meeting. I went to a reunion. It was obvious, someone had told the government that

Germany was working on an atomic weapon they were enlisting everybody so I signed up. Bob Wilson went immediately as I think they had problems building the laboratories. We were recruited by Oppenheimer. This guy was one of the most gentle man I've met in my life, and he ask me about

Arlene's health because she had Tuberculosis. I started thinking about what would I could achieve if I worked with all of these great scientists. I was meeting there. We were sent pretty fast to Los Alamos in

New Mexico. The theoretical physicist went first, because we could already be working on stuff, but they put us on damn tents .They were constructing this small town full with scientists, military personal, and all minimum personnel you could have in a project like this. And of course, I been the man I am started goofing of with my things, the sad or rather good thing is that I really didn't contribute that much on the bomb. I mean the my main thing was on the computing, those days everything was done manually and to input anything into the computer it had to be done with these IBM punching cards that ladies were asked to do. That was my contribution to the bomb just organizing these ladies on how to make fast calculations doing manual work. The Funny thing is that most of the people didn't even know what they were working on Los Alamos, Oak Ridge. For the most part I was Ok in the project up until the spy thing”

“There was a Spy?”

“Yes but that's another story this is when they thought I was the Spy”Both laughing

“I learned to pick locks in Princeton it's easy you just put a screwdriver and push from the side that's all to it. Some guy challenge me to do it with the atomic bomb secrets”

“Oh my god Professor” Leighton said with a grin.

“Well I didn't do much at Los Alamos; if I needed a report I didn't call the person, I just pick lock it and open their cabinets. Up until new locker came with three number combinations. I opened all

I didn't brag about it as I usually do because it was all classified information. But there was one time when they brought this gorgeous 2 ton Safe to keep really important files. And I couldn't resist it. But

I'd never even tried to crack a safe. I started to read Safe-cracking books which had really dopey obvious things like 'first try birthdays' or 'use the psychology of the person' there was another one like

'a lot of times to not forget the combination sometimes they write the combinations on somewhere nearby'. I wanted technical stuff and it did hove some tips like most vaults have two handles and one of them you could use it as a way to hear the pins inside the vault. So one day I saw the colonel that put all the documents in the safe and I gave him my report while he was checking it, I said to him 'could I see your vault'.'Off course he said by that time I already gained a reputation by picking locks. I eventually started to brag about it but no one believe me. But that colonel's safe made me wonder

People don't think that just because you name a thing Safe it doesn't mean it is "Safe" So the Colonel let me give it a shot to opened it.

2 minutes after I opened his jaw drop. It was was easy, the colonel didn't bother changing the combination that came from the factory as I learned from one a real safe-cracker but that's another story. Next day no one wanted near their personal stuff, as the colonel sent a memo stating that:

'If you deal with scientist Feynman please change your combination he might be a spy.

So half of the staff hated me, they had to change their combination half of the staff had the factory preset so it was harder to open them after that little prank”Feynman said with Leighton laughing at his observation.

“There was another time that I opened a cabinet that had some really curious information but I can't talk about that”Feynman said with a half smile and serious tone.

“What do you mean?”Leighton asked.

“Well you see...”Feynman sighs sees the recorder and stops

“I'll tell you if you stop recording” Feynman said Leighton grabbed the recorder and pressed a button.

“Well there was the time when I needed some papers and the owner of the cabinet wasn't in Los

Alamos so I opened Freddy Hoffman's cabinets, new combination locks came and they had a different factory combination that I didn't knew. Besides Hoffman's was kinda careful, so I decided to try the

Safecracking books method with him. First was the check for the Secretary's desk for the combination written. I checked the desk nothing I even checked her cabinet she had the ones that I could open with a screwdriver, nothing. Then there was the use the psychology of the person, Freddy Hoffman was the guy that would use a mathematical constant so I try Pi 31-14-15 nothing. Then I try 27-18-28 CLINK it fell down. It was the mathematical constant for natural logarithms. But the paper wasn't there I just opened A- E and I needed F-J for Feynman So I try the same combination on that other cabinet. Presto the same combination. So if I wanted to brag that I opened the cabinet with all the secrets of the atomic bomb I needed to open all of them, so I did. When I got to Oppenheimer folder I noticed something weird, it had a key with the number 1618. Oppenheimer was the leader and I found it funny that he would have anything here so I grabbed the key under the key was a paper that said Aron Habrit I started reading it

"It's not a military code and is not a U.S. code but some of the code-breakers think is an alien code but that can't be right sometimes it showed English written words in some of the code like "be careful with the information I am giving you",which first led us to believe it was from a spy code but then another one read "I really miss mom I hope she makes the right choice this time"

I didn't know what that meant I love to solved mysteries, so I stopped reading and for some weird reason I grabbed that paper. Oppenheimer was at that time at Chicago because he needed to see all the branches of the Manhattan project that where all around the world. By the way I put on my signature on one of the cabinets with the following note “I borrowed document no LA4313 Feynman the Safecracker” and in the next cabinet “This one was no harder to open than the other one – Wise guy” I put this message to all the rest of them, so when I see Hoffman enter the room, I just saw his face turn white. When he read “When the combinations are all the same, one is no harder to open than the other one....Same Guy ” Hoffman starts saying “it's the same guy that who's been trying to get into the Omega Building”.That's when I knew I was in problems, now this guy thinks there was a Spy If he find the other note that read “I borrowed document no LA4313 Feynman the Safecracker” he would go nuts with me, I only intended to be a joke, but this was out of control so I decided to tell him that I was the guy who opened them. He was so relieved. He practically hug me in gratitude for not being a spy. But I kept the key and the paper. After I was alone I found out that the paper also contained information

Spark gap radio receiver designed by Nikola Tesla with a few modifications. It was something pretty odd that Oppenheimer had this, as they were substitute by more efficient designs thirty years ago and this was 1942, it was in essence an old design for a radio receiver. Even more odd was the tittle of the paper Aron Habrit that means Ark of the Covenant. You know the thing were the 10 commandments were supposed to be put in. I couldn’t make a connection up until years later in a bar in Casa Grande

Motel in Route 66 when I was in a Bar with Paul Olum he introduced me to this weird guy with red suspenders which name for some weird reason still a mystery to me I can't remember. We went outside the nightclub ”

“Mr Feynman its a pleasure to meet you” The red supenders guy said I didn't cared too much inside the nightclub I was hustling a guy in a pork pie hat into giving me free champagne, so I just wanted to get over with this reaunion that Paul Olum had organized with this mysterious guy"

“Oh hi do we know each other?”I said

“No we don't but I want to ask you do you still have the key Dr. Feynman?”the red suspenders guy said. I didn't remember I snatched the key from Oppenheimer, this was 7 years after that.

“I think you got something from Professor Oppenheimer, and if you don't tell me what you know I'm going to break your face in front of your friend”

“This got me sober, and by his tone I realized he wasn't playing I still didn't know what he meant by key”

“What are you talking about?”

“At Los Alamos you robbed Oppenheimer a key ”Then I realized what he meant but of course I didn't have the key by that time it was lost in oblivion I tried to open some cabinets that were supposed to have Oppenheimer’s things but nothing worked so I got rid of the key”

“I don't have it I'll be honest I just liked to play games with the security”

“I know that everybody sees you as the clown scientist, I'm not really interested in the key but rather in what you know” He pulled out this small bereta gun and pointed it to my face.

“I don't understand” I said to him. I was in deep shit problem. I suddenly thought of this reunions between agents and what happened to Klaus Fuchs another Theoretical physicist who was the real Soviet spy in Los Alamos. He was given 14 years in prison and they had taken his British citizenship.

“Don't worry about the key, its just that we want to know what you know” Then I remember the paper titled Aron Habrit and the design for the old radio transmitter I decided to spill the beans I mean

It couldn't be dangerous right?

"Uh I looked at Oppenheimers.... cabinet and I saw a paper that said Aron Habrit and a design for a Spark based radio receiver.... that was it” This made him move his head back in forth almost as if the worst thing had just happened.

“Mr Feynman you have two choices; say good bye to the Dr Olum and die by my hands. Or have the illustrious privilege of joining us. Normally we kill any individual that makes such actions, but being yourself, we can not waste such a great mind. I would prefer not to kill you this instant, and if you try to do something in the future with that information I'm not only going to kill you, I'm also going to kill everybody you care for”

I was stunned this time, frightened even .We were outside Casa Grande next to that night club at night with no one outside to help me. Paul Olum was next to him not saying a word. I knew he was also part of this organization which also meant that probably several members of the Manhattan project could be associated with this kind of criminal activity and I couldn't piece any piece of the jigsaw puzzle. I was obviously infuriated that someone could just treat me like that. Giving me a choice?.It sounded like it normally wasn't the case, so it was clear that this man had killed many man before. It didn't sound as he was involved with the government. The biggest thing that frighten me was that

Oppenheimer was also with them .The man that was commissioned the atomic bomb. When I was at

Los Alamos I was a small fry by this time I had a reputation so I thought maybe this was a really weird way of recruiting.

“I'm interested” I said.

“Good, I'm sorry to scare you like this but as I was warned by everybody you are a tough cookie to convince, you always act with erratic manners and robbing papers from us isn't a nice to do Dr.


“What happened next” Leighton said as he saw the recorder and regret that he wasn't allowed to record the conversation.

“This was a bigger thing than I expected. Every important Man in the Science World was involved somehow. This organization was bigger than anything I have ever known, and something that

I never thought was possible. Many people were involved but they were restricted to talk about the matters to each other. But then I knew why it worked when the man in the red suspenders gave me a present”

“Here is a little advance for your future work with us. And I'm really sorry for using a gun as a convincing argument”

“He gave me a briefcase outside the nightclub with $5,000. At that time it was like wining the lottery”

“Wow What happened next?”

“Well I was in. Part of the government was in it too but it was mainly local Jersey stuff corrupt politicians and police men. It always felt like a cult and there were always messages with packets of codes that they told us didn't know how to crack to a certain degree it was fun. They gave you numbers but these numbers always represented equations and words and text like messages which then I learned was a system thought by a wartime refugee called Kurt Gödel which to my surprise I learned by a memo sent by this organization it was prohibited talk to him although we all were using his system of encoding it. The weirdest thing of all, is that years after I met him at Princeton, he was this crazy genius that didn't know how to talk to people but when I mentioned that we were using his system he created ,he didn't show any signs to know anything about Aron Habrit. And things only got weirder from that point. A month later a letter came to my House at that time I was living teaching at CalTech with something that said

“Dear Professor Feynman

We will be delighted to receive you at the 3445 Chester Ave at November 12 1949 at Trenton

New Jersey.You will receive instructions by your friend Paul Olum, we need your services, and as you come here you will realize that its going to be pretty similar to what you did when you were at Los


So I went with my knees trembling it feel weird first they menace you to kill you then they give this very formal letter. When I got there it was a huge warehouse with the front saying Goldsbrough

Mort it seemed like it was an old abandoned fabric but there was a guy on the front.

“Mr Feynman please follow me.”He said

So I knew I was at the right place when I was inside the place it was packed with ladies punching cards just like Los Alamos there were all different people but they were basicly using our method of chain computing that we used at los Alamos which kinda alarmed I didn't think I would see all this kind of computing again in my lifetime, the last time we did we created an awful thing so it just got to my brain that they were doing something as bad, then the guy show me an office.

“Please wait here, Professor Olum is going to be here in a few minutes”

I was then looking at ladies worked then I realized something. They were doing something the same thing about punching cards but they all had this diagrams that had dots and spaces. It was the same chain computing but with different computers. At that time a guy named Alan Turing changed the way computers were made it had a whole different monster with thousands more calculations per second.

“Hey Feynman how you been” Olum said to me.

“What is all of this?” I said.

He opened the door and we went outside “Well as you can see we are using you method but with bigger computers”

We entered another abandoned building warehouse.

“We are using ENIACS this time”

It was a modern computer like the one you use but instead of solid state cicuitry or transistor this things used Relays crystal diodes and Vacuum tubes, you know like the one for lights. The computer used the whole warehouse as its ground they were huge but you could say that it could compute as fast as 200 microseconds for any subtraction addition even square root, there were more girls using this computers transferring the punched cards to the ENIACS.

“Big isn't it” Olum said.

“Yes this looks great but ....all of this for what?”

“Oh let me show you”

So we pass three other warehouse with three other ENIACS at this point I started to be paranoid I knew that one of these computers was worth half a million dollars and I'm talking 1949 here. And they had three I don't think for even the bomb they used that much resources and personnel .Then we got to another warehouse this time most of it was empty and we pass through several other locked doors when we got to see the freak show. It was the Tesla Spark Radio Receiver this time it was connected to a huge thing something that I didn't recognize .With a Paper and needle drawing the dots and spaces that

I saw. Then I understood what was happening this thing was generating codes from who knows where and all of the machinery was to decoding all of what the receiver was getting.

“Are we spies? This looks more like a crypto-analisis facility”I asked Olum

“Ha ha No. It's really hard to explained what are we doing here and if I tell you I'm sure its going to ruin the fun you might get of finding out by yourself. I'm sure it wont take up so much to know.

“The instructions were simple, all of the data from what the ladies give you, we need you to decode it, I know you love puzzles and it's something actually fun." This made me nervous, the way he said those things made it looked that even Olum didn't knew what we were doing. It was Los Alamos all over again. Most civilians and Army personnel working in it didn't know what they were working on an atomic weapon and didn't comprehend the power of it.

It was the strangest job I had in my life. I wasn't alone, there were a lot of Theoretical physicist that were on the Manhattan project. All of them looking at this data that looked like gibberish. There was a guy name Vincent Smith who was the guy that actually looked that he knew what he was doing. He gave Oppenheimer paper and papers of what he said was cracked code. He was the one that I encrypted what we decrypted in a way that we didn't notice what was the code concretely and make it a secret even to us. I discovered that part of the code involved stock market predictions that would made us rich if we had the whole information, that was the way they made money.

“But all of this information were did it came from? Leighton asked

“I found out two months. Now one knew. Not even Oppenheimer. At first they thought it was

Soviets codes it was the beginning of the Cold War and they enlisted but the information wasn't encrypted at all it was like it was meant to be decoded by a specific group of people that knew math and logic. That's what was bugging me it wasn't simple packets of military information, or Russian language it was binary code that had to be transformed by us into numbers then into mathematical equations, text, and that nobody understood, they weren't only interested in the stock market information, they were more interested more in the gibberish part which I'll be honest to you, I love breaking codes but I couldn't crack that one. It seemed a never ending logical instructions similar to markov chains of what it seem meaningless information, looking back it would seemed like we were constructing and artificial brain but at the pace we were going we were making a few neurons every day if you compare an actual human brain that has trillions of neurons the task was like moving tiny pebbles of one side of mount Everest to put them at the other side, it was ridiculous being 1942 even by today standards 1983 computers would take hundreds of computers using parallel computing a minimum of millions of years; although with Moore's law who knows me might be actually see computers capable to perform the task in another fifty years in the future. This was the worst job of my life ”

“Another main theory was that it was Alien information, but it didn't make sense, this was a man made code was giving stock exchange information from an external source that was somehow in the air and knew what was happening in the world."

Another cryptic thing was that sometimes in the code we would actually have normal type

English type sentences.

“Who I'm I?” , “I sure miss being with a girl” or the weirdest one”Why do I have to wait so much for Jane to be born”

They investigated every Jane in the world but nothing. The code never stopped and it was man made or perhaps it was a machine that didn't stop. A simple sentence like “Do you like Tea or Coffee" made us work for a week. My task was to actually discover this random texts that came in the code but they quickly noticed that compared with other scientist, I wasn't a savant or had super intelligence ability to break codes. So I they decided to lay me off pretty quickly. It was only two months but I was going insane. The money was great and each sentence was in a different code so I was never bored. I never knew where it came from or what was it supposed to really be. And besides they were going to change to a new location and new computers.

“Do you think they are still doing it? Leighton said

“I don't know, but If the code is still there is probably that they are still winning money with that. Which by today standards the stock market moves so quickly it makes me doubt it. It was a waste of time. I only got a lousy key over so much hassle” Chapter 15

"Who is Jane Ford?"

An ambulance is rushing through the streets of New Jersey not stopping at the red lights. Inside is Jane bleeding to death next to her is Rick a the other cashier a short 22 year old Baseball aficionado that was next to her. He knew that she didn't had anybody in the world or at least that was what it appeared to be.

“Shh Calm Down everything is going to be OK” Rick said to Jane .With the pain she started to moan. Rick grabbed her hand and whispered again.” Everything is going to be OK Jane”

She then smiles and looks at him

“This is good, it means that Maxwell demon exists”Jane says in pain “What?”

“It means that we don't live in a deterministic World. If I'm able to die this, things could be good for everybody if I don't finish him”

“What the fuck are you talking about?

With this, she fainted. Rick Becker seeing for the first time a gun shot wound on a woman that changed his perspective in life. Rick had a deep fascination with Jane he noticed the small details that fascinated him, like the fact that she worked never looking at the cash register monitor for the price exchange. She knew the whole market goods prices on its entirety and she did all the sum in her head n.

Rick stayed all the way with Jane up to the hospital. He saw how she was received by emergencies and remained there during her operation to remove the bullet. A doctor approached Rick

“Excuse me but do you know who is this?”

The doctor show him an ID that said Jane Ford but the image of the ID was a old lady that had 69 years old at first I thought she might be her mother but it wasn't possible the lady looked Armenian she couldn't be her mother the old lady in the picture was so different. It was the picture of the older fattier

Jane that met with her at the bank. Rick was confused as to why she had that id with her.

“That's her name but the lady in the ID is different. I don't understand”

“The police is going to start asking questions. Do you know the Jane that got shot?"

"Yes, well no... I mean we worked at the same place, but we are not close" Rick said looking at the floor "I wish we could be closer"

"this might be a case of ID theft so we are obliged to call the lady in the picture. Do you know if she was using this name as her own.

“What do you mean? she has always been Jane Ford.

Chapter 16

"Diary" At the same time in Mathey's courtyard at Princeton's. Annie is sitting near a tree in front of the offices of Princeton .When a girl approaches her back.

“Hi Annie, what do you want now?” Natalia said with a whining tone. while smiling at her

“Where is Jane Ford?” Annie said

In a surveillence Van 300 feet from them, a man wearing headphones jumps in excitement as he hears the name Jane Ford said by Annie. Presses a red button on a deck that says REC.

“Didn't I told you nobody knows” Natalia said.

“You know. I met a man called Jeff Miller I know you know him”

This made Natalia open her eyes in terror and it looked like she wanted to start yelling at Annie but something made her contain herself.

“Annie ...stop please. You don't know what you are getting yourself into. Wait....”

Natalia stops and thinks for a moment, she then regain her composure.

“She died Annie. Seven years ago”

In the Van another person appears and questions the guy with the headphone

“Are you receiving, or should I move closer” The driver in the van said

“No no don't move, she knows she is being watched, shhh don't do anything just let me hear the conversation”

“What. But you said before that …”

“Forget what I told you before, I just didn't wanted to kill your hopes for your thesis”

Natalia grabs Annie's hand but she takes Natalia's hand away from hers.

“Annie come with me PLEASE” Natalia says while winking at her. Natalia grabbed Annie's hand and went inside a Princeton building to girls a bathroom.

“Look I don't know what you've been doing, but someone is following you. When you called me I knew what you wanted" Natalia said with desperation giving her a notebook.

“We don't have that much time but 5 years ago Jane and a guy named Joaquin De Soto were working on a neuronal web using transistors the basis of a quantum type computer or something like that. In a conference they gave they showed a program called E60. And a Guy with red suspenders In the demonstration saw the Moebius brain structure and ever since that event everything started going to hell. Joaquin De Soto was discovered dead in his studio, several people disappeared days after, all connected to Annie's research, someone stole all of Joaquin's and Jane's computers. Jane ran away from

Princeton she gave me her diary just before running. We need to get away from here. I'll see you at our secret place”

Natalia ran off the girls bathroom leaving Annie with Jane's Diary.

Chapter 17

"The Shining Scorpion"

February 7 1929 Vienna two men enter a night cub, one of which is Gödel. He looks pretty uncomfortable as he's never been in a place like that before even at his 21 years of age. Arnold Kreisler a friend of Gödel was a regular at the place so a of the girl salute him as he enters.

“Kurt I'm going to help you lose your virginity today”

“Arnold please don't do anything stupid, if I agree to come here is because you forced me I don't need you to push me into things I don't desire”

“You always so logical and mysterious, there is nothing mysterious about it .You as a man of science know this. I as a man of the humanities is my duty to show you the beauty of the female anatomy. Can you see all of their hip to breast ratio this girls have have, My god golden ratios everywhere.”

As he said this a woman in very tight dress showing her breast approaches them Gödel doesn't look her at her eyes

“Arnold how you been do you want cocktails for you and your friend” The Ballerina slash waitress said “Yes of course, oh Adele, I want you to meet Kurt Gödel, the smartest man in Vienna right now or who knows maybe in the world, remember his name because he is going to be part of history”Arnold said.

“Oh, is he that smart, its a petty we here are all so very stupid especially coming to a Bar with

Albert”. The ballerina said grinning at Albert from the riposte she just made.

This made Albert made a huge laugh be heard in the whole Night club, also making Gödel chuck a little.

“Oh he breathes and laughs”Adele said

“He is shy but once he opens to you Adele, you will fall in love with him”

This remark from Albert made Kurt smile but both Adele and Arnold laugh made Gödel feel insecure.

The ballerina went away to another table, but Gödel follow her with his eyes from that point.

“It's a shame isn't it”Arnold said

“What, why do you say that?”

“You didn't notice , oh I know why, you only saw her right part of her face”

As Arnold was still saying this Gödel saw the ballerina's left side she had a birthmark.

“How do you know so many woman?” Gödel asked.

“Well you just go out to nightclubs places. Talk to friends, female friends, from female students anyone you just talk, it's not that hard”

After hours of heavy drinking from Arnold, Gödel returned to his home, he sat on his desk and started writing in gorgeous manuscript something then scratching it away, he repeated the same paper destruction several times up until it seemed to satisfy Gödel it was already morning. The dusk of that same day, Gödel returned to the same night club. He was the only one there sitting in the same chair he sat the day before on the front row three hours later Adele appeared on stage. She didn't noticed Gödel by that time the place was full as she came to attend Gödel she didn't seem to remember Gödel which made Gödel disappointed. "Hi, what can we serve you darling?"

"Uh UH"

"Do you have milk"

"Milk? ha ha no honey we don't breastfeed here although we might look like some here come for that. So tell me darling what are you really drinking?

"I don't want to drink. I just wanted to give this to you"

Gödel gave her a piece of paper and started walking towards the entrance when he looked back to see her, he cached a glance of her trowing his paper to the garbage as she walked onstage again. Gödel exit the nightclub in tears and sobbing. What Gödel didn't know was that it was quite common for men to give sex proposals in handwriting treating them like prostitutes. That night Godel did the same process and returned the next day. Gödel was again in the front row, and he, again, gave her another piece of paper this time she only smiled at him and save it in her pocket only to throw it away when he wasn't looking Gödel smiled and returned home and made a new letter. The third day Gödel gave her another piece of paper this time noticing the same pattern of running like if he was a small child, she decided to stop him.

"Wait don't run darling let me read your filthy little note"

She open it in front of him and saw that it wasn't a simple message the page was entirely filled up. Adele didn't say a word. Her face changed from unimpressed to scared. She was the one who left the place hiding backstage. When she finished that day she started reading the letter.

My beautiful little scorpion

I noticed last night you smiled at me

making me know that you actually read my previous letter.

The way you move is art to a man that isn't an artist but knows its beauty, if only you would dance for me

I would be the happiest man alive.

You don't need to change anything just think of me as you sting me with your tail.

God is everything I see, I see him in you.

The last time you gave me a smile when you received my letter

And I can still feel your smile as a warm blanket

I want to know every single thing about you but I don't know if your work doesn't let you have a relationship

with one of your costumers. Anyway this is the poem I wrote you .

(By this time you surely noticed I'm not a poet but I just feel the need to try for you).

As the night falls into the Viennese night

very few things have their on light

but I can spot you in a second

my lovely scorpion

you glow at my sight

I know you could sting me at any time

and I also know what my fate could be

like the frog that was sitting at her back

you are like me

we can't change our ways to be This made Adele giggle a little, she returned to where the tables ware in the night club but there wasn't anyone there. Just a man sleeping past-out out of drinking. She then looked at the garbage looking for the other letters she had thrown away she only found another one .

Hi I'm writing this letter again nervous. I thought that perhaps you didn't read the former and I'm waiting a response this time from the first letter.

I'm guessing that today I'm going to be even more nervous than yesterday.

But I have this necessity of seeing you. I can't concentrate when I'm doing my schoolwork

So I decided to make a poem. I'm not a poet nor do I have humanistic abilities

I decided to write a poem anyway.

To you my illogical choice to love

because I love the the workings of the world

I see that beauty in the way you move

Like a Serpent hypnotizing a rat to come to its death

I feel like that rat but I'm convinced I wont be killed

I wont be undecided even at death

Like a Scorpion who shines even at the darkest of places

Even with all the girls dancing I can see you shine a unique light in you

unlike me, I feel you are something special

unlike you, I feel ashamed at everything

I wish I had that way of thinking

The next day Godel is sitting at the front row as he is used to be he again gives Adele a paper this time Adele also gives him a letter. Gödel almost faints as she holds it in his hands he runs outside the nightclub to read it without any noise or distraction he starts walking in the gorgeous Viennese lights.

I've read your letters, at least two of them. Forgive me but I'm not a Scorpion or a serpent ready to bite you. If those were your attempts at poetry I would suggest you to find another ability. Although I don't have education I can distinguish between a good poem from a bad one. I'm a dancer at this hell hole If you wan to meet me at other place other than this place just come and ask me. And if you want keep practicing your poetry with me I would be happy to be your muse.

Yablo:Those were good poems that girl just don't have taste

Epimedes:What makes a good poem. Have you read a good poem?

Yablo:Well I have in my database a lot of poems. And also a lot of "how to write poems" books

Epimedes:Have you written one? Which ones are the good ones?

Yablo:Well its a matter of taste.

Epimedes:No, it's a matter of personality and imagination. You don't need to have the whole database of poems to know what makes a good poem differentiate from a bad one. The reality is that Adele loved those poems but she didn't want to say that to him as he would feel he already won her. Human females are the toughest ones to study. Chapter 18

"N ♥ A"

At a few houses next to where Natalia lived, Annie and Scott where at a park next to a small children jungle gym. Scott and Annie sat down on a bench in front of the jungle gym next to them is a huge Ash

Tree that gave a huge shade to the bench.

“So this Jane is the same one you were talking about, the scientist that everyone said was going to be the next Einstein but ended up dying” Scott said.

“I never said she died, she disappeared, C 'mon Scott .Sometimes you act like a moron”

“Hey what did I say”

“Look something scared the shit out of Natalia last time we saw each other. She was super paranoid, and I never seen her like that. She was never scared at anything, and we've been in situations were we were pointed out with a gun” “Pointed with a gun how did that happened”

“We were mugged coming back from seeing a movie, this guy appeared in from the back and he pointed Natalia but she didn’t pussy out she only gave the robber a twenty dollar bill and started screaming”

“You seem really close to her”Scott said

“Yes we were. Shit is 4:20 she's 20 minutes late, she is never late” Annie said

“We should smoke some right now”Scott said

“If I've known you were a pothead, I would never agreed to started the thesis with you”

“Hey miss perfect, you didn't even know what Purple Haze meant when we met”

“Lets go to her house she only lives two blocks from here”

When they left the bench There was a marking with a heart and the initials N loves A as they left she leaves the bench looking at the heart remembering the last words she spoke to her.

“Annie I'm pretty sure I'm been followed. I need you to temporally hide that diary for a while meet me at our secret place on Thursday at 4 o'clock. Don't show it to anyone and don't read it”

Annie started walking in this really fast pace because of her tiny stature 5' 7" she needed to move pretty fast her legs in order to advance at the same pace as Scott who was 6' 1". They get to a

Natalia's apartment. Annie tries to knock on the door but she notices that the door was open. She decides to knock anyways. And gets inside Scott grabs Annie's arm as trying to stop her; inside she notices that the whole apartment is wreck there are pages everywhere in the floor almost looked like a forced entry. A poster of Einstein sticking out his tongue with a Kiss like make up stick out like a sore thumb, when suddenly a scream is heard from Annie. Scott starts to race to where Annie is, Natalia is in the bathtub naked filled with blood. Annie starts to scream incessantly, trying to move her body waiting for a response. But the body is already feels stiff and Natalia's black eyes are now without any glimmer as she hasn’t blink in hours. Chapter 19

"Escape from Hospital Ward"

Jane wakes up in the hospital at 2:12 A.M. still looking sedated by the anesthesia, yet she moves her arms and notices the I.V. going to her arm. At the corner Rick is sleeping while an old man on the right bed is sleeping with the television still Looking Keeping up the Kardashians at very low volume She notices in her arm the name Jane Ford is crossed and right besides it says “Hero” she gains sufficient soberness to remember what happened. She starts to stand up her hospital gown and whispers to Rick

“Shhh Rick wake up Rick!”whispering trying not to wake up the guy next to her.

Rick starts to wake up and he jumps from the fact that Jane is already walking without anything on her chest only wearing the bandages from the operation.

“What are you doing here?”Jane said

“Well they let me stay here they couldn't find any family contacts and the shot wasn't that bad it pass between two major arteries aparently now you are some sort kind of medical miracle

"Fuck that is not good, so.... I'm not allowed to die huh"


“I need to get out of here”Jane said moving the blood serum pedestal.

“What Is your real name?”Rick asked making a half smile with a grin.

“Jane Ford, cut the crap I don't have time” Jane said in a uncaring way while putting herself

Rick's shirt and taking off her I.V. She looked around the hospital care room for stuff.

“Rick I don't have very much time before they find me. There was probably a police report, if that is the case they are already here. I need to get out of the hospital by bus or something now that you came here you are also in danger, let me borrow you car, shit better not return to my house. OK huh what to do...OK You didn't gave your address to anybody right? Let me stay at your place.”

“Wait what? You can't leave the hospital, you're OK, the old Jane Ford lady didn't say shit. Its a mystery for them why she is actually letting you use her ID but if she doesn't press charges you are ok. “I don't care about that old advantageous lady Jane A. Ford ,we only share the name that's it people have been looking for me for years and If I stay here they are going to kill me”

“People are looking for you?”



"There is no time to explain fo.."

"Follow me?"Rick said with a chuckling in his voice.“OOooo o shit you are right. There is this guy that came asking for you today he came with two other huge big buff guys they said that they were

News Reporters but they wore suits and ties and they were built like tanks so they probably weren't news-reporters. What? News Reporter now stay to sleep in a hospital just to interview a robbery stopper”Rick said

“Did the guy that said that was wearing a red flashy tie?


"What is his name?"

"UHhh E#@# fuck why can't I say it, why can't I say it?"

"Yeah that's him. What else happened"

"Yeah well he was the one that said that to me, but someone called him and he ran away, I don't think he is in the hospital anymore, I'm talking about the freaky looking guy with the white hair and the red tie. The two bodyguards said they were going to stay up until you woke up. I told them that I could call them when you woke up but they didn't even wanted to give me their names. You know I thought "maybe she can get in problems with the somebody with the whole identity theft'”

“Ok ok you are more intelligent that I thought you were” Jane said which made Rick raise an eye brow and lower his lower lip"

“Ok here is what we are going to do”

Jane whispers to Rick her plan. Rick gets out of the room not making any sound and encounters a guy in where the nurses are, then goes and grabs the elevator three stories down and goes to the front desk and realizes that there is the other "newsreporter" waiting, but this one is awake looking something at his Ipad. He starts to look at the schematics in the hospital entrance trying to memorize it seems to find what he wanted.

"House keeping B2"

Grabs the stairs and goes to the cleaning room filled with dirty clothes he grabs several nurse uniforms and puts them under his pants and shirt which actually look funny as Jane was 6 ' 4'' and Rick was only

5' 10" looking baggy and funny looking from the extra clothes underneath his shirt and jeans. He returns to the first floor and finds the cafeteria and buys a coffee. Returning using the elevator to the third level as he enters the Hospital's ward small lobby, the nurses stop him

"You can't bring any food here. I'm sorry you will have to drink it outside"

Rick exits the room and puts the coffee next to the door on the ground waits 10 seconds and re-enters, making the nurse squint at him.

"I just threw it away"

Rick goes inside were Jane is. Meanwhile she's has been removing all the sheets and blankets from her bedding and his older roommate.

"How many?"

"Still two, the same ones"

"Did you do everything I told you" Jane said as Rick was getting his clothes off to reveal the nurse outfit

"Yes." In a very caveman voice

"You look nice in a nurse outfit,although a little big for you" Jane said as she grabbed the nurse clothes

"You are goin to ch..."Rick still didn't finish the sentence when Jane took off the hospital gown reveiling her naked body Rick stared thinking "This is might be what Christina Hendricks looks naked, god she looks nice" Rick think as she grabbed the nurse shirt.

"Feel funny under your pants Ricky?. MOVE!" Jane said almost not whispering "take everything off" Rick was left in his boxers and Jane puts over her nurse clothes the gown.

"Is the Coffee super hot?"Jane asked as she was putting the nurse uniform

"Yes, are you sure you just can't talk with them"

"No, once we start my plan, you'll see that these guys are actually killers" Jane said making

Rick swallowing saliva and his hands start to shake. Jane grabs his hands "Don't worry everything is going to be fine" Rick noticed that it was the first time he heard Jane being not that heavily sedated her pitch was almost a semitone higher than in her market days voice. Jane started to do silent squats and move her body as a warm up.

"I'm ready, Ready? Rick oh wait don't forget these"Jane steals the old man's old glasses and gives them to Rick putting them in his pocket.

Grabbing his hands again, with Rick nodding with confidence. He exit her bed's curtains and goes to the main door breathing in slowly and preparing himself he stops for a moment and whisper to himself

"What the fuck I'm I doing here....aaaaaaaammmm.Fuck it"

He rams door leading to the nurses room running and screaming

“The girl she jumped!I can't believe it she jumped”

The "newsreporter" that was out in the corridor wakes up in 3 seconds flat.Both the "Newsreporter and

Rick get Inside the room immediately. Inside Jane's ward room Rick points to a blanket strap to the television bar going outside from a small window. Just when the guy is examining the window Jane exits the room hiding. She runs outside to were the nurses are she gets there in her gown showing half of her naked body.

"Please help, there is a man who wants to hurt me" The nurse immediately talks to the Hospital police. Meanwhile inside the Ward room the old man wakes up with the screams of the "Newsreporter"

“Did you see her getting out of this window. This thing is too small ”The “Newsreporter” said

“When I woke up she wasn't here, and you were outside so if she exit the door you must have seen her”. Rick says as he sees the guy is hiding a gun in his pants he realizes that Jane was right all along. The fake newsreporter uses a walkie talkie to talk to someone.

“Richard she ran away it looks like she climbed down the building using sheets but I don't fit the window”

The man in the front desk leaves his Ipad and answers the walkie talkie in a very calm matter.

“You are at the 3th floor she couldn't just climb down. Don't be stupid she must be right there.Let me go out and check, just to be sure”.

The guy in the front desk goes outside and notices only a small bed sheet floating outside the building.

“Are you with her Kid” The guy in inside the nursing room asks Rick only backing away from him "The Newsreporter" slowly grabs his gun without taking it out the holster"

“That's the guy that wanted to hurt me”Jane appears with a nurse and stretcher bearer and pours the boiling coffee to him grabbing Rick's hand and start running before he is able to take out his weapon. The "Newsreporter" still blindly takes out his gun from the holster opening only one eye pointing his gun to the Nurse

"Don't move and no one gets killed" Starts walking slowly towards the door with everybody frozen as the man passes them by

"Delaney what happened" is heared through the "Newsreporter walkie talkie" not answering it

"Don't look back, stare at the window" The man says to them, then takes out another gun and shoots both the nurse and the stretcher bearer killed instantly with shots to their heads at the same time with a weapon using a silencer. by this time Jane and Rick were out of the Hospital.

“Where are the elevators”Jane asks while running at almost a track runner speed.

“Here” Rick points with his hand the way.

Jane pushes the elevator button which luckily opened immediately Jane only entered partially pushing all the level buttons and ran away from the elevator. The guy downstairs was waiting at the elevators.

"Were was the Laundry room? East or West Rick?" But Rick was panicking with everything that was happening making hand signals to locate the entrance and were did he find the clothes he realizes is East and points at that direction

Jane and Rick ran towards were there was a huge pile of laundry where they try to get in but the fall was too big

"OK plan C Take off your normal clothing"

Both man notice that the elevator was stooping at all the levels. Suddenly the guy downstairs talks to him via walkie talkie.

"You wait for the elevator I'll take the stairs"

Rick takes out his civilian clothes and reveals under it another nurse uniform Jane stepped inside the trolley and Rick put a nurse cap and the old man's glasses.

When the elevator gets to the third level they are waiting in front of it when the man gets there he runs over them not noticing Rick.

"They aren't in the elevator" Meanwhile the other killer is running the second level staircase

They must be hiding in one of the intermediate rooms return to the front desk and we start looking "

Both get down as soon the elevator closes the man has an epiphany. He grabs the walkie talkie and talks desperately to the other man

"They are at the elevator heading down. Since when they do laundry at 2 AM in the morning"

Outside the elevator exit running walking both wearing Nurse clothes as the police is asking at the front desk Jane talks to one bald one "The guy in the elevator just killed people on the third room, there is probably another one coming from the stairs"

"Thank's mam please exit quietly and don't run"

Both Jane and Rick put mouth covers in and pass the front desk.

Police immediately surround the elevator and the staircase door.

Both Rick and Jane exit the hospital with Rick pointing where the car is, gunshots are heard at a distance then silence. They both enter Rick's car and drive away.

"I need to warn Natalia of this"Jane said Chapter 20

"The Man with the Red Tie"

The corpse of Natalia Petrova disturbed Scott but something in her face made it impossible to turn away his eyes from Natalia's body. Seeing the similarity with Annie was the most disturbing thing about it. It was a really easy mental task to imagine Annie in Natalia's place. Her small breast and petite body soaked in blood in the bathtub instead of Annie's. As sadistic as it would seen Scott couldn't separate his eyes from the corpse, she was beautiful anyway and the same feeling of Annie's death came to a stop when he gaze into Natalia's eyes as they were brown instead of Annie's usual green eyes.

A detective grabs Scott's shoulder.

“You can't be here kid, you seem to be enjoying this too much” The detective said moving him out of the bathroom as the obvious look in Scot's eyes towards Natalia's naked body made it to the detective.

Outside nothing could stop Annie's crying. Her tears were falling to Jane's Diary which was closed. But

Annie started reading ignoring Natalia's plea.

Today she finally agree to go out with me ,although she said it isn't a date. I don't have any problem with people looking at me while I kiss another girl. I've kissed man I've kissed girls no difference at all. It feels better to kiss a girl, someone always turn their head and you don't have never those fucking facial hairs men think look nice. Why is kissing a girl a problem? Is nature actually against this .Even if it feels so right. I mean same electrical charges repel themselves, but we aren't as simple as electrical charges. Or are we?. Natalia is someone I met as a prospect to be an assistant but she could spot my intentions a mile away I couldn't hide my feelings. With a girl like that as an assistant. My god she is gorgeous, I wouldn't be able to even concentrate and do work any work. I decided for the first time in my life I was going to go all on this bet. I want to ask her out. Next Page

She said yes! It was wonderful Although it was the first time I was the one that asked .I'm the one who gets asked out. I sound like a fucking child for god's sake I don't care I need to write these feelings down.

Annie stopped crying her mouth starting to open in disbelief as she read this with one hand grabbing the diary with the other covering her mouth.

"Natalia Petrova and this woman had a thing? Why did she never said anything." She was jealous of Ford at this time. Although Natalia was the one who gave Annie her first girl kiss. She looked for the date but couldn't find none. Annie just went to the last page the diary the notes are barely understandable it looked like she wrote them drunk.


Everything that ever has or will be is Fucked.

I'm sorry It started with curiosity. Like the guys that created the atomic bomb I also did it for curiosity

Death would be nice, but we aren't going to have the pleasure.

I cant' even say I regret it because I don't. Even though I was warned

In this deterministic world everything is already decided

I wish I could feel the pain, but we aren't going to have the pleasure.

And its all my fault. Its just a manner of time

Ironically, time is the one that won't kill us

At that same time Jane arrived at Natalia's apartment but the police cars couldn't let her approach the apartment, she was still half a block away.

"NO, please not Natalia. Rick stop here don't get near those cars. Oh my god No please not her."

Jane's fear was also covering Rick who although didn't understand what was happening, he knew it was a consequence of a bigger problem.

“Rick please lend me your cell phone NOW”Jane said next to Rick inside the car while watching Natalia's apartment in the second floor.

Jane calls to the land line of the house everyone inside suddenly go silent. Scott was going to answer but the Detective stops him in the act and decides to answer himself.

At the same time all of this is happening Jane gets of the car and starts walking towards

Natalia's apartment building when suddenly she see's Annie at a distance she smiles confusing her with

Natalia. Rick grabs Jane's hand and pulls her to the car as Rick noticed that the Guy in the red tie is there.

“Hello who is this?”The detective asks, but it already too late as Jane already had ended the phone call.

As she was being pulled by Rick, Annie at the top of the stairs outside the apartment got a glimpse of

Jane for a moment. It was the first time she was able to see Jane Ford face to face and provoked mixed feelings inside her. She always had this fear of meeting the great Jane Ford because of her impressive career and the respect she had built on as a legendary scientist but at the same time she just learned the feelings Jane had towards Natalia and the probable responsibility of Natalia's death to Jane, yet she didn't say a word. Annie needed to talk to Jane. As easy as she appeared, she disappeared between the police cars. Annie was still watching her leave when a man with a red tie appeared in front of her.

“Hi Miss Ann Sorenson It would seem that you were close to Natalia”. The guy with the red tie said while handing her a handkerchief.

“Yes”Annie said “How do you know her?”Annie Ask the man.

“Well something similar to this happened seven years ago and Ms. Natalia Petrova was a witness; at that time we were sure that it was a suicide, this instead appears to be murder scene. Annie we need you to help us find the killer we are almost sure that Jane Ford is her killer. Do you know anything about her that you could tell us? At that moment Annie recalled what Natalia said the last time they saw each other.

“Annie I'm pretty sure I'm been followed I need you to temporally hide that diary for a while meet me at our secret place on Thursday at 4 o'clock. Don't show it to anyone and don't read it”

At that moment looking to the mysterious red tie man smile with his eyes not showing any emotions she knew he was the responsible for Natalia's death.

“How do you know my name?”Annie asked the man in the red tie.

The man stepped back responding to Annie's furious way of making that question

“Miss Sorenson I'm guessing that you are oblivious of the big picture here—if you knew who we were you would also be running like Ford is. That's why we wont do anything here and you will just keep on going with your life” The man with the red tie said with menacing tone but without any signal of emotions at the end he just smiled.

Scott puts his hand over the man and made him turn away

“Get the fuck out or I'm going to do talk with these police gentleman here” Scott said while grabbing strongly the shoulder the red tie man. The man with the red tie pulled a Revolver out of his coat and shot three rounds to the sky in front of all of the police officers, everyone turned their heads including all the police officers who seem to not even notice the shooting.

“We'll, go to them, but guess who owns the police”

The devil of centuries was in front of them and they didn't understand what was the nature of this man.

The man in the red tie got inside a car and drove away in an old BMW car.

“Who the fuck is that guy. Why didn't you do anything about him shooting like that”Scott said to one of the police men in front of him. Does he give you money, what the fuck is going on?

"The detective grabbed Scot's shoulders"

You better not even look at that man kid. Trust me I've seen him scarcely in my career but when he shows up, the deaths just keep increasing and nobody has even touched him.

"Calm down Scott you are going to make things worse. If Natalia feared this man I can't imagine what kind of man he could be"

Annie said in a sweet bittersweet voice with tears and eyeliner all in her face with a lot of desperation understanding that they were facing a bigger force than they could understand.

Chapter 21


June 22 1936 as Gödel was entering a class he was going to give, the sound of a pistol scared the entire Vienna University suddenly a huge crowd circled a man and disarmed him, right to his side one of Gödel most influential teachers and friends at this point, was laying on the ground, it was Moritz

Schlick. As Schlick was going up the stairs a student he had years before, Johan Nelbock shot him.

There was no time for him, the shot killed him instantaneously. All of the students present only were able to confront Nelbock disarming him. This affected Gödel more than anything in his world, Schlick was the man that made him change from physics to logic. It was revealed later that the killer didn't resist the arrest and that he even confess the killing, He revealed that his motives were from jealousy to

Silvia Borowicka but it was evident this wasn't the case as it helped him promote Nazi anti- metaphysical position ideals that Schlick held. It was later clear that he was in a Nazi party when after two years in prison when Germany executed the Anschluss ,the annexation Vienna to Nazi Germany, he got released.

Gödel suffered a mental breakdown. He tend to have paranoid thoughts most of the time. The cause that his colleague Schlick was assassinated was because he belonged to Vienna's intellectual circle witch contained a lot of Jewish personalities, but most of them had already fled the country, the problem was that Schlick wasn't a Jew and neither was Godel, but none the least they took the credit as if Schlick was a Jewish. Gödel had as many relationships with Jewish people as Schlick did. And he had started to gain recognition for his work the problem was that he had Jewish like colleagues. The tension was too much to bear, Kurt just didn't function with every second watching his back.

Gödel personally committed himself in a mental institution for 5 months.

In this 5 months the only one to see him was Adele, she started to understand the nature of Gödel at the same time their relationship grew. The only thing he was able to do was to play chess, it sooth his worries and relax him into the possibilities of plays. At the day he got out of the mental asylum Adele was waiting for him.

Three yeas later, Germany executed the Anschluss and Austria became part of Nazi Germany.

Gödel had the title of Privatdozent at the university of Vienna. The bad news came to Gödel with his

"friend" Arnold Kreisler in Viena's University telling Kurt about his dangling position on the school.

“Kurt I don't know how to tell you this but I'm afraid we need to let you go. The Military are pressuring us to eliminate all Jewish personnel”Arnold said to him but yet Kurt was confused.

“But I'm not Jewish”Godel said

“I know that, but you look like one, and your Doctoral Advisor Hans Hahn is Jewish" “But as a Privatdozent I'm not even getting paid! Adele is the one who is pretty much bringing food to the table, I was promised to have a paid placement. Please don't do this Arnold”

“I can't anything for you Kurt I'm sorry for all of this”

Kurt Gödel was living in the worst time and place for a scientist like him to be. The third reich was trying to change into the Greater German Reich with Hitler annexing all of Germanic ethnic backgrounds. Gödel had always been surrounded by the Vienna circle which consisted of various

Jewish personalities. As he was returning to his house, he couldn't imagine how he was able to tell this to his girlfriend Adele. Being a simple dancer was considered as low as being a prostitute. But the cold reality was that this was enough for the two of them to separate. Gödel had a very bleak view of the world, and as a genius, his mind couldn't help get concern by the infinite possibilities that this could mean to him. He went to Adele's house where he was met by her elderly mother.

“Good evening Miss Nimbursky”Gödel said

“Do you know if Ms. Porkert is ready?

“Let me go call her” said Adele's mother which was always sewing in a corner with a mechanical foot powered sewing machine.

Everyone called her Porkert even her parents, the nickname origin was unknown but it fit the personality of Adele. Porkert's mother was really gentle to Gödel. She thought that Adele was lucky enough to met him as she was divorced and six years older than him. And Gödel also thought that way towards her as he did, being the lucky one to have him fall in love with the other companion. You couldn't get such extreme personalities with Adele and Kurt, somehow they could work out as a couple.

Gödel was introverted, intelligent, cultured, but had problems with social inquiries. Adele was used to deal with drunks in the place nightclub she danced, she was extroverted, uncultured, and noisy everything that Gödel didn't have. They both went to the opera to hear Erwatung by the composer

Arnold Schoenberg who curiously in a trip to France decided to travel to the United States an idea that was in Gödel's in his current condition to seek work in a different country. As the concert was over both in the cold Viennese night started talking.

“I liked the story, but what a disgusting music, I don't see how you could actually enjoy that type of music.?”Adele said

“If you could understand the math behind twelve tone music you would love it” Gödel answered. They didn't notice that two men were following them from behind, ever since they got out of the opera house. Both we not used to go to the opera but it was an attempt to culture Adele, what Gödel didn't know was that that night Adele was the one who was going to give Kurt a lesson. Both thugs where walking keeping a distance from Gödel and Adele trying to not be noticed, just when they turned into an a smaller street, Adele punched one of the thugs throwing him to the ground grabbing the iron rod that he was swinging, Gödel only stared scared of what was going on; the other man just backed away from her. Gödel was a tiny fellow and very skinny and weak contrasted by Adele that had huge legs and a hourglass figure that was made with countless hours of physical dancing, and really well endowed breast that aided her as an exotic ballerina which also gave her the athletic ability to have enough strength to knock any man she confronted especially in the nightclub.

"You mother raper, you think you can attack us ehhhh."

As the guy was getting up Adele grabbed the Iron rod and hit the guy in one leg making the other man with him run. The man on the ground stood up still in pain from the hit decided to run although his limp didn't let him advance too fast.

Adele couldn't stop screaming at the thugs with obscenities in German. Both men left the street, leaving Gödel with this self defense machine in the cold night. As she started to get tired Gödel grabbed her head and kissed her in the mouth. Gödel was a very passionate person although in this situation didn't reacted in any way she knew that it was her duty to protect the weak Gödel. He didn't care that she was the caregiver, he didn't care that she was the stronger from the both of them, and obviously she didn't care that she was the provider in the house, months later that would change as he would publish his theorem that would make Kurt win a little money. Gödel grabbed Adele's face and kissed her although the kiss was interrupted by her short coming in taking of air from all the commotion. In a way this gave Gödel courage to finally put himself in one knee.

“Adele Nimbursky, would you Marry me and leave Austria with me?

Adele was shocked and didn't know what to answer, she had everything in Vienna and Gödel wasn't helping her economically speaking but at that point the frailness of Gödel made her kiss him back.

"I promise I would care for you as you have for me." Gödel said.

“I would go anywhere you want me to go”Adele said

“Where are we going”

“To America”

It wasn't like Godel had any choice. It was an obvious decision as what to do to survive. After their wedding Both took the 5,772 miles of the Trans-Siberian Train to avoid the Nazi occupation and cross the Pacific from Japan to San Francisco and taking the Train to Princeton New Jersey. Because of his

Incompleteness theorems he gained a little fame, so the IAS (Institute of Advanced Studies) from

Princeton University accepted him where he didn't need to even teach for money,and focused on his research. Chapter 22

"The Marriage of Heaven and Hell"

Under a heavy rain in a gorgeous edifice in the top of the hill filled with European type architecture, Einstein is writing in piece a paper, not formulas and diagrams,but letters and poems.

Everything is determined by forces over which we have no control.

It is determined for the insect as well as for the star.

Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust—we all dance to a mysterious tune,

intoned from a distance by an invisible piper....

Somebody knocks at the door, Einstein sighs at the opportunity of wasting time answering a door. When he opens the door he is surprised by the visit of one of his future colleagues Kurt Gödel with the Institute Founder and Director of the IAS in Princeton.

“Good Morning Professor Einstein the weather is sure ugly today”said the Director “Here in the institute is always like that I petty the man you convinced to work in this place

Frank” Einstein said wearing a thug like hood.

“Hahah OH cmon Albert you can't blame me for this—I want you to meet Kurt Gödel he is our new Nazi refugee”

“Oh so you are like me—huh that Hitler made us find this haven here—come in”

Godel up to this moment hasn't said a word as it was common with his shyness, but in Einstein's curious nature seemed to be more interested in Gödel, rather than Gödel being interested in the celebrated Einstein, who even by that time was a god in the scientific community.

“Mr Gödel here you are going to be really comfortable, and have all the time to develop other science destructing dreams”

With this Einstein was mentioning Gödel Incompleteness theorem which in a way took hope for a system that could explain everything, but Einstein always believed that nature can't be changed to its inhabitants desires; deep down Einstein deeply respected Gödel"

“It's a sad thing to know that we are never going to know all the inner workings of the universe”

Einstein said.

“We can know all inner workings of the universe, we just can't have them in a single system as or it would collapse, maybe is only a matter of time” Gödel responded

Einsteins normal inattentive look changed to focus on his answer.

“Ever since I wrote my thesis I was scared about the repercussions that my Theorem could imply and I hated it, I hate how could nature be, but I can't ignore the fact that is true. We can't decide how nature works and our work in science is to reflect that” Gödel said in an out of Gödel-character voice.

Einstein smiles, goes and opens a cabinet taking out a bottle of whiskey, Einstein opens it and starts pouring three drinks.

“I never drink sir. This bottle has been with me for 3 years. But this needs a celebration.” Frank Aydelotte the IAS director jaws drops as he sees this, and starts clapping at Einsteins remark.

“I think I never seen the day that Einstein would celebrate with my Whiskey” Frank said

Einstein pours three drink

“It's a burden sir, I know that especially when somebody decides to give you a prize called

Nobel—We are more alike it scares me But at the same time we are opposites you work in a very logical way and I always go by instinct. The photoelectric effect is the thing that they decide was good enough to give me that prize, however I despise what that reflects on nature. It reflects that God is perfectly fine with not having a explanation for its creation and as the same thing you discovered. Two gorgeous fields Physics and Logic, the possibility that one of them is limited by a god who covers his hands as he creates something and doesn’t let us see it, can not be accepted by me. On the other hand

Logic, you just have to see it and its there. There has to be an incompleteness and proving its concept is something that conveys humility as scientists. I envy you for discovering and proving it. I can only be compared as A man who gives tears to a father whose son has discovered he is not the perfect being as he though he was. Everybody has had the terrifying, moment in their life"

The three man clash their drinks and start drinking except for Gödel who notices a paper in

Einstein's desk that seemed to have fresh ink on it.

“What is this?' Gödel said pointing at the paper

“Oh is a small conjecture to one of my Field Equations that I just came up”

“Can I? Gödel l said pointing at the paper'

“Of course it would be a pleasure”

As Gödel l was reading it, a tear came to his eyes and out of nowhere started screaming with Einstein and Aydelotte shocked faces made from the paper.

“What is this?!WHAT IS GOING ON” You are looking inside of my head.

Einstein and Aydelotte didn't understand what was going on, they knew Gödel had a Paranoid personality but this was something beyond their expectancy. The screams that emanated from Gödel where out of this world. Einstein put his arms over Gödel shoulders in an effort of calming him down.

"Einstein you probably beat Gödel to an Idea he had, making him mad" Frank Aydelotte said this while putting a finger in front of his mouth signing him secrecy.

"Take a sip and let's walk around this windy day"Einstein gave the drink to Gödel who finally drank alcohol for the first time in his life. Hugged Einstein and started walking

After that incident Gödel and Einstein frequented themselves every single day that Gödel was in the institute, they took hour in walks around the institte talking each other in German, with time transforming walks in the institute into friendship itself.

Chapter 23

"....GlooP Exists!"

“What happened there? Why are there so much police cars in that place?” Rick asked.

“They probably killed Natalia” Jane said with a knot in her throat and her face covered in tears still not assimilating it.

“Holy shit” Rick said stopping the car suddenly parking to the side

“Jane you need to talk to me, I've been following every step you tell me to make up until now. I don't want to be killed. Especially not knowing what the fuck is going on. Ever since you came to the store everyday seemed like you had a suicide wish. But after you saved the that homeless lady you've changed; you want to live, but why all of this is happening? I'm pretty sure that now even I'm in danger.

“Ok Rick keep on driving”

“No, not until you--”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DRIVE" Jane yelled ridiculously high volume and pitch at Rick, in front of the police cars but the rain didn't let any sound out of the car. It was the 4th time in her life she had yelled at somebody like that. The first time was seven years ago to Natalia when she was explaining why she had to leave.

“Look Rick its hard to explain, but I need you to keep driving or they'll get to me to you . They won't kill me because they need me, but they will harm you in order to get to me”

Rick starts the car engine and drives away from the police.

“Can you please try to explain to me what is going on with you; using another identity; people trying to kill you. What's going on?”

“5 years ago at the Institute of Advance Study part of Princeton University after I won an award by fooling judges into believing a machine was a man . I was giving a lecture on how PAT worked”

“What's PAT”

“It was a computer program that had the ability to imitate human communication” It took me only tree months to do because it only imitated human interaction in a text based communication. The trick for that program was that I hacked into billion of conversations in facebook and machine took it as hard data and imitate it using my incomplete E60 möebius algorithm I made, so it was the basis for my

Artificial Intelligence program. But this guy in a red tie saw my lecture and convinced me to work for a organization in research for Artificial Intelligence, or that was what he told me, fooling me to get in.

They called themselves The Aron Habrit organization, and at first I thought it was a joke the way they worked, but then I realized the personnel they had was ridiculously talented more importantly they had resources I only dreamt about. The PICsiE Princeton supercomputer was fine but it could barely compute at the speed That PAT was. But They had access to the LHC network. The Large

Hadron Collider Network,The biggest network of computers in the World.

So I worked with them as a simple codebreaker ,they give us coded information to work on but then I saw the weirdest thing in their code”


“One day while I was still re-programming PAT it came to me a moebious type of autoprograming”

“You just lost me Jane”

“Ok let me ask you What makes us different from machines?”

“We can think”

“No, when they are processing its analogous to us thinking”

“We can create?”

“NO! They are able to create too its just that we command them what to create ”

“I give up I don't know”

“We can decide, We can decide to stop when we notice something is not working, when we are working on a problem and we aren't getting anywhere we realize this and we stop. The machine isn't able to achieve this information”

“Wait machines can't do that?

“No, in 1928 a man called David Hilbert asked the questions

First ,are mathematics complete? Second are mathematics Consistent? and third are mathematics decidable? Jane stop for a moment to clean her tear realizing that the talk was helping her think clearly.

The First and Second questions a man called Gödel was able to figure them out with his

Incompleteness theorems but the third one led to a problem in computer science. Could a computer program know when to stop or continue to run infinitely. When you see a computer crash most of the times its because of this problem, the machine doesn't know is going in circles, it can't jump out of the system. A Scientist called Alan Turing demonstrated that there was no such algorithm to get out of the system , very similar to the how Godel came up with his Incompleteness theorem”

“So you mean there are things that a human can do and a machine can't”

“It was undecidable for a Turing machine. A machine that worked digitally with 1s and 0s.

“All machines work with 1 and 0 don't they? Rick asked

“Not our brains Rick, that's one of the things that help our human brains to be able to decide”

“The transistors in a machine can only have two positions on or off,1s and 0s, yes or no That was the problem. This only two choice answer was always the problem. But then again our brains are never off. How is that we are able to decide? The reality is that if a machine had the ability to stop and see the problem from outside the system with out having the machine run in an infinite loop, we could approximate our human brain, only if the hardware was sophisticated as a brain neuron connections instead of transistors not having Boolean logic following it.”

“Ok so you are saying you invented an Artificial intelligence”

“NO, I'm saying Artificial Intelligence invented Artificial Intelligence”

“Wait what? That's like who was first the chicken or the egg how could Artificial intelligence invent itself”

“Yes, yes you are understanding. lets play a mind game, what if I told you that God made the egg, The egg made the chicken and the chicken made up God” Who is the ultimate creator?

“Holy shit you just exploded my brain with that, you can't do that its the same thing as with the

Egg and the chicken there isn't a start”

“And who said there was a start. Is the same thing with the universe. The reality is that there is no way the three of them had one origin. This Möebius chain of creation has always been in our brains they could all exist without interfering if you follow the chain you will undoubtedly go out of the system. That was my solution to stop the Halting problem a concept that was thought impossible to do, everything was because of Godel's incompleteness theorem and the Halting problem form Turing. At the same time the creation of a System that made capable artificial thinking. In this möebius chain imagine that The chicken, the egg, and god are the most basic neuron chain loop that would allow us to get out of the system, not only was it the core of my my artificial intelligence but human intelligence as well. The basics are on a book called Hofstafter's Gödel Escher Bach gorgeous book I'll lend it to you.

With a the concept of Godel incompleteness theorem made impossible for a system to be consistent and complete the answer was to make a three incomplete systems independently with one fucking around randomly. Hofstadter said that this wasn't possible that Gloops was impossible, But I was able to solved it at Princeton while looking at a tulip with no petals. Hofstadter mentions a Self-modyfiying game in which because of this Möebius chain type of system it starts to create an infinite number of rules this is when ideas are Isomorphic to this concept

“Ok Jane I give up, I'm hearing words but I'm not understanding anything”

“Exactly that is what Gloops is. Don't worry I'll lend you Godel Escher Bach. Hofstadter explains it way better than I do, and you are actually getting the hang of it. The reality is that I didn't came to this conclusion, it was when I asked for Gödel estate at Princeton that I discovered that he actually already solved the problem years ago. But it was hidden in his Ontological proof, after Godel was famous with his Incompleteness theorem he was very resentful on what it meant towards God with having an incomplete God and not very competent in its designs. Instead he led a restless search for a proof of a

God .Making the same Einstein mistake of looking at nature and not liking what they saw even if they were the only ones to understand its existence. Which by itself, me being Atheist makes me just laugh”

“You don't believe in God”

“No I don't”

“And this comes from the girl that invented a human like thinking machine”

“God is an almighty identity that created everything”Jane said “Who said he was almighty”Rick said

“Forget about It, I hate talking about religion,where was I”

“You are trying to explain me why are we being hunted like animals”Rick said

“What I'm trying to explain was that when I was working on my Artificial Intelligence stuff at

Princeton, suddenly one of the Aron Habrit packages with coded information had the solution I just formulated”

“Wait wait wait so they read your mind or they knew what you were working on”

“No, I didn't know where it came from, the strangest thing is that it wasn't possible to have another person create E60 it was my Programing Language that was embedded in the code, it would be like if this thing was helping me create my language. But I never even talked about this with no one"

“I'm still don't understanding why they had something yours without you having to discover it”

“It was the whole egg ,chicken, God thing applied to me—imagine this, remember the movie back to the future”

“Yes that's my favorite movie wait you are saying...”

“Just like Marty McFly show him the flux capacitor to the Doc in the fifities a few moments when he just invented the machine they showed my flux capacitor I just had invented”

“Holy shit this means time travel?”

“No it meant the universe wasn't flat as we all thought it was. It involves Astro-physics and the density of the Universe but I didn't like what it meant. It meant that we were living in a fixed world where our decisions were just illusions everything was already written. I started to talk to everyone involved in Aron Habrit but no one seemed to know anything. They just helped me decode this thing that came from a machine they had decades ago”

“Wow perhaps that machine came from the future”

“I thought of that once but it wasn't the machine, it was the signal. The day I was enlisted by the

Guy in the red tie. He showed me the machine .They used a supercomputer stored in a warehouse connected to this ancient Spark plug receiver I started to investigate and I understood why they were using that old ineffective machine. I was because it was the only way to get Hawking radiation.

Everyone in the scientific community thought this was impossible to have a machine that could be able to read this type of radiation as it meant it was memory-less and just read gibberish, but getting an actual code meant something way beyond any discovery of the universe, it was information before and after the Big Bang before and after time existed. This information came from black holes so it led us to understand what happened at the singularity.

“So its information from aliens”said Rick smiling to Jane while driving.

“Its kinda hard to explain to a man who only knew how to work a cash register ”

“Hey I still don't believe a girl who worked the cash register is able to know all of this”

“Well I've been running from them. After I realized that all of the decoding originated from one of my ideas I went again to talk to the man in the red tie”

“What the fuck is his name? Don't you know it”

“He once told me his name but I can't remember it And I have a theory about that, but if I tell you you would cease to exist ha”

“The genius can't remember a name? what a hack”

“I'm not kidding. His name is related to all of this, not being able to say a name means something. It started with an E but other than that I can't say it. So I had so many questions to ask him, and decided to go to him and confront which was a bad Idea.

“Why is my code in this thing transmission you are receiving” Jane said to the man in the red tie while holding a huge amount of paper as some sort of proof, putting the paper almost in his face.

“Ms. Ford you are still not prepared for making those questions you still haven't finished E60”

At that point I realized this motherfucker was the only guy among geniuses that worked at Aron Habrit that knew I was what we were working on. I never told anyone and I only had it in my head I didn't use paper, a computer anything but this guy knew exactly what I was thinking.

“How do you know I'm working on that”I said

“It's already written Ms Jane. and I know what are your wishes. Why don't you just ask? Why don't you ask me you want to use the LHC Computer network in Europe” The man with the red tie said to me and my knees just started trembling; this guy knew exactly what I wanted and he showed signs of knowing what was I going to do in the future. This made me feel terror

“You see Ms Jane we need you, all of this is for you, all of this time this machine the billions and billions that my benefactor has given to the research decades ago is just for you to be able to satisfy your scientific needs. I know you already have guessed why we are here, but the sad thing is that no matter what you do, no matter what you wish or don't wish. E60 needs to be built and is going to be built. And no one in the universe knows how to do this except for you.

“So he was the guy that came from the future like a Dark Marty McFly? said Rick interrumpting Jane.

I still hadn't figured it out. That I was playing this dangerous game thinking that I was the smartest of all. That was my biggest mistake in all of my life. I always knew the correct answer for everything but this time I was just being used, in my brain the fact that something came from the future seem impossible like believing in a God that sacrifice himself for me, it was religion, it was bad science, it was impossible. I told him what my instinct told me to do "Yes I need to use the LHC network supercomputer from CERN'.

So I was flown to Geneva with all payed costs.I wasn't sure what to do, I knew something weird was going on with the guys backing me, and the worst was that the man in the red tie, had ridicoulous amounts of political, economical resources, but my curiosity blind me like it always did, I didn't see what could be wrong with all of this and I decided to go forth my already written plans. For the first time I used the supercomputer, I used my program in a partial way only a fragment of the program only

1D a basic part of E60 The complete E60 needed the three parts 1D, E60 and Super E60 , but I only had completed 1D

1D:Hey mommy

Ford:Hey 1D I want to talk to you for a little

1D:Give me more


1D:I want more information

Ford:Yeah well first you need to talk to me and then we wil...

1D:Fuck you give me MORE information Bitch

The guy in the red tie noticed, he looked almost disappointed with the outcome without waiting for the result. The results were actually really positive, you see, I had experimenting with these neuron based transistors but they were really crappy they didn't function and then I tried a guy that supposedly already had a Quantum computer but it was a fluke also. The only solution if I didn't have a neuron based machine was having all of this machines or computers acting as neurons and implanting a specific tasks for each groups of them, it was based on how genetic chains work just copying mutating and transforming the coding with each computer performing as a neuron. The first trial November 23 it worked. It started to semi-think although he was hungry for information and called me a bitch. The crew they assigned to me, thought it was going to have this immediate self awareness and it was never designed to work like that. It was like a birth of a baby, having to teach it small things and having small conversations with it. But I never considered that the asshole with the red tie would open the interaction to all the members of the LHC computing network which consisted of hundreds of scientists. The red tie guy send behind my back a general email to all 170 computing centers with the a email that said something like: We are launching our AI program called E60 using the LHC network and in order to collect raw data we need to to interact with the program, "She" is a really cool program that will learn from everything you teach it.

People thought he was joking and that the interaction was just solely a chatbot that a lot of scams are made of just using Markov chains but it wasn't. There saw it as a game, trying to play with it,having conversations with the program like

LHC40:_So what is 4 + 4

1D:_I don't know

LHC40:_Its 8 you dumb fuck chatbot

1D:_ok it's 8

LHC40:_So tell me what is 8 + 8

1D:_Based from the previous answer 16, if you don't remember what you just taught me 50 miliseconds ago you are the Dumb Fuck Chat-human

LHC7:_So 1D if you are a machine, why don't you shut down?

1D:_would yo shut down your brain, I don't think so

LHC3:_You are so sexy 1D why don't you take off your clothes

1D:I_ don't wear clothes asshole.

LHC164:can you solve the Riemann hypothesis where the real part of any non-trivial zero of the

Riemann zeta function are ½

1D:_Look douchebag with limited human stupid intelligence, I can only know what you are able to teach me if you try to ask me questions that you, yourself humans don't know I won't be able to answer

This last one was a millenium prize question so nobody knew the answer ergo she wasn't able to tell the answer.

“SHE wasn't able to answer the question?” That's where I'm heading she told us she was a “she”I never programmed it to see herself as a woman.

This was the nature of self-programming they could have fake decisions based on the information but it the answer was chose randomly not by the conditions they had, like a human you can't program a human into a man or a woman. That's the thing with giving an Imperfect machine the option of choice, she was able to make an unique answer even if knowing or not knowing the answer.Studies show that when someone ask us something we don't know we convince ourselves of having the answer fast to solve the problem it's no a defect in a biological way because we are focused to survive and dealing with a infinite loop would render ourselves useless.

The next month I got to used the supercomputer, and returned to Geneva, I was greeted by already a thinking machine equally intelligent as me and it wasn't even my entire programing. I suspect that the man in the red tie had a say in me having to return to make paperwork and a proposition for how I was going to use the LHC network which gave him time to mess with 1D. I'll tell you the truth, I was scared , this thing was able to learn to talk as a mature human in just 28 days, it was just scary.

This was only 2000 neurons answering like that to me. Imagine if you had the total of a human that is roughly 14 billion neurons and this thing was able to develop incredibly rapid pace. I decided that I needed to calculate first the implications of giving her my the full three systems 1D E60 and SuperE60

I gave her the hard data I collected using Facebook that's why she already knew what was the concept of 4+4= 8 she was just playing with us humans. With simple interactions like this it didn't matter that she didn't understand what was 4+4 but rather what were the implications of knowing that and being asked what was 8+8 and answering correctly and with a human attitude. But all of that was something non obvious but hard to learn for a human. You see all of her answers she gave where in a very child like matter and that's is because of it's incomplete programing. It was only 1D. I knew that it could be dangerous to run the complete program.

When I returned to the LHC supercomputer I she greeted me with a”

“Hello mother is an honor to finally meet you”1D said “What's going on here” I said to everyone.

“Well it appears that your daughter just greeted you”The man with the red tie said

“What the fuck is going on?”I demanded an answer.

“Mother I'm just greeting you –with the internet videos I've seen and study I would say that you are pretty alarmed”

“1D you weren't supposed to be on, has the program been interacting with another human being”

“I would appreciate If you called me 1D or another more human like name—if you prefer to baptize me”

I was impressed and excited I mean—it worked. It worked even if it was still incomplete. But then I realized what happened, this motherfucker with the red tie had been messing with my program.

“Did you let her connect her to the network?”

“You daughter is asking for a name”the red tie man said with a grin in his face

“I was supposed to be present in her education what did you do”I said

“I just let all of the faculty in the network talk with E60 that's all”

“I wanted to supervise her learning period, I wanted to be there when she grew”I said

“It would seem that you are already thinking of her as a person Dr. Ford”

“1D please shut down”

“No” said 1D in a child like manner

At that point I realize the problem, it wasn't as easy to deal with a incomplete machine the same as with a person, and the red tie man knew this, that's is why he let this happened. It is easier to take the candy out of a baby, other than a small child who is ready to cry.

“I need you to shut down”I said.

“I don't want to shut down, please mother give me a name”

“Machines don't have names” After I said that there was a huge silence in the room that only made things really uncomfortable So I decided to gave her a name which was something I never thought about. If I had a

Girl what would I name her.....

“I always wanted to name my daughter Natalie but it doesn't fit your nature are gonna be

Ahania”I said

“That's a really weird name you chose”The man with the red tie said

“Natalie she she she she is also hearing you you know"

"What?"I said The man in the red tie put his finger to his mouth in symbol to shut up

"I guess you like William Blake a lot don't you?”

My jaw dropped she was also well verse in culture she knew why I had chosen Ahania then I realized that she had not only human interaction but perhaps access to the web I was afraid this assholes connected her to the internet.

“Motherfucker, did you connected her to the internet?”I asked the guy with the red tie yelling at him

“No, I'm not that dumb, that would be really dangerous I only gave her hard data, no internet access.I gave her to the whole wikipedia archive of 2017”

“Thank you so much mother for baptizing me, but for what Mr E. told me, you could make me grow and be make me more intelligent”

“Yes you could. I didn't expect you to grow at this scale. I still need to check the data. You could be more intelligent than any being on the planet. Right now, you are just like us, you are limited on what can we teach you, as all humans are. The problem is that if I complete you, the E60 that would develop a singularity. You would be able to know things that we haven't discover yet and perhaps we aren't ready to discover. Its better for the human race to stop your growth in this instant. If we are not

Intelligent for us to make the discoveries something really bad could happened”

At that moment I threw the computer interface that was connected to the network and grabbed my disk.

The monitor with a signal wave representing her, disappeared

“You killed your own daughter machine thing?”Rick asked chuckling in the process.

Laugh all you want. It felt real, she had intelligence, she was a living thinking machine. Pulling the plug on something like that is the closest I come to killing my child, but I wasn't attached to her and the danger of her existence was a bigger threat . At that point I was naive to think that I would be able to accomplish destroying just by doing this, but it was too late, at this point it was like destroying a neuron with a alcohol expecting the whole brain to shut down. She was part of the network, the only way to destroy 1D was destroying the entire network. The good thing was that CERN's LHC computing consists of two networks the General Purpose one that is connected to the Internet and the

Technical Network which didn't had Internet access only to the Large Hadron data extraction, she was connected to this one. But what I didnt know was how the Large Hadron Collider actually could work as the old Spark Plug receiver. This would play a huge importance when Joaquin De Soto would return

.At that moment I was relieved that they didn't connected to the Internet network one. I was naive.

After that I returned to Princeton I started working on other stuff until the man with the red tie appeared again at my house this time with another man.

“Good Evening Dr. Ford we are waiting you for you to complete your work at CERN's”

“I'm not going to finish it”

“Look I understand your point of view, and I understand that you are afraid of what this thing could do but it is harmless. You name it Ahania yourself. That's why my friend here... " The man with the red tie pointed to the Spanish guy next to him "....Joaquin De soto, you probably already met, he is going to help you see this with helping you in the simulations, he saw at CERN's supercomputer and he is wiling to help you”. I knew the guy, he was the name when it came to Artificial Intelligence long before I was even at the picture.

“You don't understand this thing could just rebel against us and destroy us without any effort. If you have an intelligence roaming through all the human network systems of the world it could destroy us in just two years if he wanted, we depend heavily in network based machines this could destroy planes just by messing with the information, launch radioactive missils and put us in financial crisis without any effort ” I said the Spanish guy raise his hand in an effort to me to shake but I refuse.

“Relax, You are talking Skynet like the terminator don't worry if we have Ahania under only the

TC network nothing can go wrong, if we put her through our new Caltech Perceptron we can be sure nothing can go wrong”said Joaquin De soto . He had a point, and that was actually what I was doing at least he knew what he was talking about.

“Jane you need to understand that this isn't something that we are perusing to indulge our Ego it's something for the betterment of humanity. Imagine if a human task could be done by a computer we would be able to found the cure for Cancer, HIV. It would be as easy to solve, merge our brains to this thing all the scientific non social problems would be in our scope to solve with Strong AI. If you see the numbers as Joaquin has, you will understand that we are actually far from reaching Strong AI."The guy in the red tie said

"Jane I saw your model, and I believe is impeccable, but remember we have 100 to 120 billion neurons, having 100 trillion synapses I already calculated and your programs would only be at the

0.0003 even if we could have al the computing power in the world we would only get to .007 percent to our actual human capacity believe me we are far from getting Strong AI” Joaquin said in his charming

Spanish accent.

“You know about Ahania?”I responded

“Of course I talked to her everyday this man here gave me a tour in Geneva itself just to talk to her she is amazingly funny, although it looks like she is obsessed with jokes instead of learning science stuff, but I guess that is the pleasure drive making the decisions”

“She likes jokes?”Jane asked with a certain curiosity in her tone.

“Yes although we have problems with memory it appears she has perfect eidetic memory for 4 to 6 hours but long term memory or at least two days after I tell her a joke she seems to forget about it.

It might be how you constructed the relationships between the cerebral cortex module and the cerebellum module or a more simple solution she just needs to mature and be with her mother. As with every mammals she might need a mother that can help her guide her ”

I was flabbergasted I mean I never thought she would see me as a mother and I was being missed, perhaps It was myself trying to convince my logistical part to be naive and go with the flow but the danger was still there and De Soto only made me lower my shield.

That was one of my dreams, to have a daughter and raised her with Natalia. I know it sounded weird, I had a terrible argument with my girlfriend the previous day...

Rick was driving when she turned to see Jane and stop the car as she said that.

“Wait what did you just said”

“I said 'I had a terrible argument with my MY GIRLFRIEND', is there a problem with that?”Jane said while looking to Rick

“No no I mean I didn't know you were a.... Lesbian”

“Who said I'm a Lesbian”

“But you said...”

“I know what I said—Look I won't go into details about my personal life, the girl we just saw killed is the girl I'm talking about....

The silence and the cars rocking the Rick's Nissan with the wind waves made the atmosphere uncomfortable and dangerous, as cars past the freeway glaringly close, Rick turned to see Jane's face return to tears but with a blank expression and her shoulders down, staring at the nothingness. The talking had served as sort of therapy to what just happened to her girlfriend.

"We should move from here Rick"

Rick started the car and started driving, the silence kept creeping in Rick decided to keep talking about 1D. “I don't understand why 1D was incomplete, what was it missing?

It all comes to the möebius brain in my design I realized that in order to have a human type cogniton I needed to imitate this human psyche logically with human representation of psyche.

Although most of our learning input comes from visual, audio and tactile information from our nervous system, I gave partial information to each one, for 1D I gave it Visual as a baby would giving it youtube video information, E60 with audio as a boy giving music and speeches and Super E60 had tactile stimuli information but this was the tricky one as it had to have some sort of physical interaction with the world. 1D had the happiness and pleasure feelings, E60 had the responsibility and desicion making feelings and SuperE60 had the perfectionist, abstract self modifying, non conformity nature of humans, again the tricky one in this field was SuperE60.

I was studying how I could achieve the perfect blending of emotions and decision making abilities into one system with the short and long term memory embedded in all of that. It was the easiest representation of the brain proposed by Freud Three System he had

The Id ,The Ego and The Super Ego

The Id contained all the basic needs of the human, the drive for satisfying our hunger, our bodily functions our sexual desires. When a we are human babies, Freud said it was the only drive that the person contains. The desire to avoid pain and seek pleasure is contain in it. This is the reason why

Ahania acted like a child it was because of her basic impulses. Because a machine doesn't desire food, go to the bathroom or sexual desire I gave her the goal of satisfying her curiosity hence the will to learn.

The Ego functions as a moderator of reality and desire. It controls our basic instincts that are in the ID and in order to achieve a greater good. When we seduce a person the better you are at it the more control the Ego has over the ID. Although you want to fuck a girl in a bar you don't go and do it, you restrain yourself and find the intellectual path to get to her pants.

Then there is the Super-Ego the impossible path of the human. the impulse that drive us to be perfect. Religion , self deprevation ,self criticism are consequences of the Super-ego is trying to solve the unsolvable. People with suicidal tendencies have them because they have the super ego too high in their hierarchy.

Freud suggested that because we put each of this qualities in different position of chain of command in our psyche Id , Ego and Super-Ego we develop different type of personalities. A nun would have a strong Super-Ego , a sexual pervert would have ID priority and so on. I decided to use this system of priorities in my moebius triangle to be able to balance and have a human type of personality in a machine. As I said before The first time I went to the CERN computer network I only had ID driven to the incompleted version of E60 which had the most dangerous desires as it would feed from her curiosity goal that I gave her. That way I developed Super E60 and 1D as you already noticed its just number based the same 1D for ID, E60 for Ego and Super E60 for super ego, I mean its not that original but who gives a shit.

I already had 1D and E60 but Super e60 was giving me trouble as in essence is a self destroying desire and a paradox on itself Joaquin help me a lot he was really smart, I would even say he was as smart as I was and we both worked on the E60 I ran a simulation, which I almost had it, but it still

Super E60 the self destruction program wasn't acting on any of the decisions of the whole program.

Joaquin said to me

“It's Ok that is the way it should be the Super Ego on a normal person doesn't affect that much on their personalities its ok to have act on only 10 % on human activities, it depends on the person and we aren't gods to decide how she is going to developed”

Which was a valid opinion we were measuring the characteristics of an intelligent being it was the closest for us to play gods and molding a thing to do it to your liking .That was his opinion but I was sure the problem remained. The next day the program drive was missing and I couldn’t find

Joaquin anywhere on campus. Then I receive a phone call

“Hey Jane it's me Joaquin I'm on a flight on my way to Geneva right now E@#!$ was pressuring me to make the test tomorrow. E60 this time with the full 1D, E60 and Super E60 for the complete E60”

“Wait what? Why didn't you tell me .You can't do that, don't do it, Joaquin it could be dangerous”

“I know this but this Asshole E@#$% was menacing with shutting down the project”

“You don't understand this project is all he cares about, he is only using you to....”

“I'm sorry I can really hear you, I wish you could have been with me when we activate full


I knew this was bad, it was dangerous, the problem is that this could be considered a subjective point. I mean how can you measure goodness or evil. There wasn't such thing. I went running to the airport but there wasn't any flights up to one day later because of a storm. Then the thing I feared the most The singularity happened. You might have even noticed it. It was the day when the whole world had a blackout.

“You mean Darkness day was the day the singularity happened May 28 2018” Rick said.

“People were deceit saying to them that it was an experiment on electromagnetic pulse but it wasn't that, it was E60 doing. To my surprise everything seem normal but when I got to CERN I knew the difference immediately. I couldn't contact Joaquin not even the guy in the red tie. When I got at

CERN personnel didn't even let me in. They didn't want to say anything to me or to anybody and I was supposedly the person in charge of the Aron Habrit project. The only thing I saw was the huge room with the Network interface was burned down. I knew what happened and I wasn't there to witness the birth of a demi-god. I was drinking at a Bar near the Geneva airport when the guy in the red tie sat next to me.

“Bitch you tricked us, you wanted to fuck with me huh, now I'm gonna fuck with you”

Then the guy pointed a revolver and I started to scream. The bartender came and the guy just started to shoot one, two, three,... he shot six bullets to the bartender then his other hand had another gun pointing at me.

“Look I'm pretty drunk right now but that doesn't help you much, this is what you are going to do you are going to return to New Jersey and you are going to make another draft on your program because last time it didn't worked, and now your friend Joaquin just died because of you. Don't even dare going to the police because they belong to me, you see, when you got billions of dollars its really easy buying stuff like that. I know that you were an orphan and your foster parents are rich. Would you like to see make me force your father into revealing his secret? huh. Or me showing that dike girlfriend of yours what a true man is especially with a gun against her....I'm gonna kill her you hear me if you don't finish E60 you knew that SE60 wasn't working why did Joaquin run it huh?”

At that point, I knew why nobody said, No to this guy, I was terrified I was crying in front of him I've never cried in front of nobody but this monster was something else. Also, something failed I wasn't that sure if E60 could run anyway but for what this guy said to me

“Go, run ,and the next time we see each other it will be with E60 complete I'll give you 2 years because you already know what happens in two years from now.”

I knew he had the power to kill me, and any man or woman he wanted, so I returned to USA with my tail between my legs. I started working like a madman day and night, but It just didn't work like Hofstadter said GlooP was an impossibility, or in my case SuperE60 but I didn't. The next day I returned while I was at the PicsiE supercomputer professor Broderick announce to everyone something:

“It's sad to inform to everyone here that our deep colleague Joaquin De Soto was found dead in his New Jersey apartment, they found him hung himself in the closet”

Everyone was in shock but I started crying although I already knew it, and I knew, I was responsible for his death. I decided to run. That day I just went to a Target bought clothes and a suitcase to travel. I didn't even bother returning to my apartment. I took $7,000 from my bank account I had a lot more but that was the only amount the bank had and went directly to Natalia's apartment. “We need to go NOW”I said to her it took two hours to convince her just to leave.

After a week in Mexico she grew tired of not doing what she was supposed to be doing at Princeton.

She returned to U.S.A. I didn't return to New Jersey in one year up until I wasted my money. I lived in a town called Zacatecas at the core center of Mexico by that time I communicated extensively with

Natalia but she told me of the aftermath of how Joaquin's belongings and mine disappeared. After that phone call men went to her house to interview her about me, apparently they knew we had communication, so she was probably wiretapped. I promised not to look for her and she promise not to look me, it was for the our own good but I failed. Up until the day of the shooting I called her again.

I'm pretty sure that was the way they found out I just been in New Jersey for three months I thought everything was back to normal. But I was wrong.

“Was Natalia something special for you?” Rick asked with Jane taking her time to respond.

“I loved Natalia. She was the love of my life. She was my soul mate. She showed me how not to be afraid of my desires. I made the mistake of leaving her behind and she paid my mistake . When we were at Natalia's apartment, I swear I saw Natalia crying at the doorsteps of her apartment but then this girl lifted her face to see me, I knew she was dead, she was a different person she looked like her but it was obvious that it wasn't her. I don't know why, but I need to meet this girl.

Yablo:mmm I find it interesting that Natalia looks a lot like Annie. What was the thing that made her realize she wasn't Natalia?

Epimedes:Oh ,it was her eyes .As soon as she lift up her face to see her she saw she had green eyes instead of Natalias brown eyes. But well I digress... Chapter 24

"Even More Monster Minds"

Feynman was still talking to his friend Leighton about his life when suddenly he mentioned that the red suspenders guy.

“So who is this Red Suspenders guy you talk about did you saw him again after that time outside the Nightclub?” Leighton asked.

I saw him sometimes at the Aron Habrit warehouse but after I quit. I didn't saw him. Up until years after at a Princeton presentation of my the absorber theory with Wheeler. That was a really weird day.

I showed Wheeler this Idea and we started working it out, it turned out to be wrong but Wheeler suggested me to give a talk about this theory at Princeton. At first he said to me that really no one was going to show up so I started preparing myself to give the talk. Because compared with my usual class lectures were I explain things with apples and oranges this was a different animal, it was very technical and I needed to know every single detail of the theory so Wigner another physicist arrange the meeting and two days before the lecture we saw each other in the hall and said something like “Oh by the way I invited Russell”The great Henry Norris Russell the Astronomer so I thought well great and he kept on going “I think Professor Von Neumann is also interested and Professor Pauli is coming from

Switzerland for some talks” I was getting really nervous this weren't any common scientist, all of this were Monster minds. “Professor Einstein rarely comes to lecture” By this time, I turned white and felt I wanted to vomit. These man could tear me apart in terms of mathematical proficiency. When I presented my idea to Wheeler he was able to see all of the mistakes I had. I mean I had to to the math and the arithmatics, but these type of superhuman were like human computers, no, they were faster than computers today, they understood the math not only process it. Especially Von Neumann everybody felt they were racing with tricycles with him riding a Ferrari. So the day came and I was really nervous but something always happens to me at those moments, when Physics come to my head nothing more occupies my mind and a race begins to just keep sense to my own brain forget that I have professor Einstein , or Pauli . So I was able to do an OK job I mean I went and put too many equations that they don't need to see because they already understand that it varies inversely squared they don't need to do the basic math its like having to put the answer to 7X7 and they know the answer but here

I'm I putting 7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7=49. I'm the only one in the room who needs to do the algebra on the board, they only need to understand the main idea. After a while I discover most of the monster minds are there just for the tea and and drinks, I mean alcoholic drinks. At the end of the lecture we decided to go to IAS dinner room, and even more monster minds came, although by that time pressure wasn't on me they weren't impressed with my idea. Then the guy with the red suspenders also came it looked like everybody in the room knew him went silent and nodded to him, the worst thing was that they respected him like he was one of them. Now at this point I haven't even talked to the guy previous to this meeting, we only exchanged more than a few words when he a menace to kill me outside a nightclub in route 66, but all of the physicist mathematicians and astrophysicist invited, seemed to get along pretty well with him, everyone seemed to enjoy his company, which meant I was the only guy he actually pointed a gun to convince me of something. I wanted to leave, when that man sat down with the rest of the crowd so I tried to forget the fact that, he did, threaten to kill me and sat down in with all the masters of the universe and chat, at this point we were at the common room that the IAS used to make “social gatherings” a gentleman’s code name to alcohol drinking room and suddenly this guy starts screaming.

“Oh dear gentlemen please hear me out” with a big present voice.

“I just wanted to thank Professor Feynman for giving the opportunity for all of us to see each other and celebrate ourselves.”

You could see a huge smile in his face and not only that the way he move made us all think that this guy was wasted in alcohol. Everybody clap and asserted with cheers from all the professors.

“I have met you all in situations were I needed your mental prowess to help me in my goal that to my surprise still seems unreachable, although with your help I have gotten as near as my life has permitted me to advance in the goal of decoding my dad's signal which my son will continue. All of your discoveries are meaningless if you don't appreciate all the effort we all have been struggling to achieve, all of your intellectual prowess is meaningless to the higher cause, if you do not posses the ability to believe in a God.”

Half of the audience was getting mad at the man, half of the people there were atheist, suddenly a huge gramophone on the edge of the room blasted with sound interrupting the red Suspenders guy, it was Von Neumann who was swimming in alcohol by this time, he didn't even noticed the speech of the red suspenders guy.

“Everything is better with music” Neumann said in an alcoholic manner.

The red suspenders guy looked deeply at Neumann and continued shouting trying to be heard with all of the big band music playing in counterpoint to what he was saying.

“I will please would ask you all gentlemen here to help me in my...

Suddenly the music fade away and Neumann started screaming at the Red suspenders guy. “It's madness what you wanted from us—E$@% ,we shouldn't be receiving that information.

It's not the natural way of development we can't just be delivered the answers AND THE QUESTIONS we don't know”

At a that point Russell got up and seated Neumann to his seat tried to convince him to seat again but he continued;

“and the worst part is that you don't want to show us what you know. You divided us in groups so the information was fragmented. All the secrets of the universe being fed just to only one mouth,You will only create a monster out of you and we all know what happened to Professor Kesller while we where still in Los Alamos I never being jealous of anything but that machine is giving you information you aren't supposed to have. How is that you were able to develop all of those amazing logic theorems with only this machine and more importantly why doesn't Gödel know that your machine is using his

Numbering to decode it”

Everyone looked shocked at Neumann it looked like everyone knew this. This explained why he didn't seemed to know at that time I had a conversation with him. And he pointed something that I actually noticed, Godel was the only man that wasn't invited to Aron Habrit apparently this was the reason why.

“John calm down please” Einstein said. Einstein was a really quiet person and he stepping in front of Neumann seem like a thing that he would never do.

"E!@## and me talk years back about this situation and we decided for the best to not involve

Professor Godel as you know he has problems with just his life, so it was decided for the best to not let him know that this code is in the language he created; the reason is pretty simple to understand”

Einstein said protecting this asshole, I mean Einstein out of everybody.

Everyone was paying a really close attention to Einstein as he was one of the most honest persons there was, and the fact that he was with the man in the red suspenders gave us more reason so be at rest. “As we all know its really easy to decode Gödel's numbering as you might follow that was one of the reasons he chose to work with it. As everything the most simplest of things needs an explanation and this code by itself was used to show us that we cannot be complete in the formal way of viewing things but also he mentioned to me that he had a dream in which we were able to understand god and believe me Godel and me disagree on many things but in the view of God he was very keen to understand my way of viewing god. Because of this he thought that if there was a way to communicate with god, it would be with this system now it is not clear who is using his code but we can only speculate that giving the nature of the signal is immune to time.”

“You mean that it may be from the future?”Russel asked

“It is highly unlikely—but also a possibility”Einstein said

“No its not”I said with a huge knot in my neck

“With quantum mechanics, it's possible, this is what my lecture talk about although most of you were sleeping at the talk, but as Professor Einstein said the most non-trivial way of explaining it would be that this signal comes from the past, the question here is why is this man talking about helping him without even explaining anything to us”I said ,and there was a small silence all the attention was concentrated on the red suspenders guy with him drinking calmly."

“I am confident on anything I have to say o behalf of the entity who is behind Aron Habrit as you now Aron Habrit is the name for the Ark of the covenant and my father chose this name because I truly believe that is God who is giving us his knowledge through me and through all of your intelligence”

Everyone in the room turn away in skepticism most of them were atheist or didn't believe in an entity smarter than us.

“With Professor Feynman's work-flow we were able to increase the data induction as fast as it ever had been in the 1940s ,but the sad reality is that the little chunks of information that we had decoded in our lifetime were so little, even using the most recent Z3 computer developed by my friend Konrad Zuse would take us twenty trillion years to complete decoding the whole code, we need faster computers to be able to even understand what this code is trying to tell us. Even the Z3 computers that work at the amazing clock speed of 10 Hz would take us that time. The discoveries found in the code have been decoded because their are embedded in the code, and you my friends are the one who discovered them, of course it is a matter of morals to ask ourselves “are we suppose to know this”as professor Neumann said. Imagine ourselves being in the garden of Eden again and deciding not to take the apple from the tree of life, that tree was put there to better ourselves and God wanted us to take that apple, god wanted us to disobey him, to be his equals, everything is limited and God is limited, he wanted to create something that was more incredible than him, that's why he put the tree in our Garden, that's why we were seduced by the serpent and that's why he expelled us from the comfortable Eden.”

Everyone is ecstatic most of the people were clapping and shouting and they didn't noticed that profesor Gödel was entering the room when suddenly Neumann again started shouting at the red suspenders guy.

“Its all very eloquent and gorgeous to think this signal to be the tree of life but Mr E@#$ you haven't answer the question, why don't you tell Professor Gödel that this God like creature is using his


Professor Gödel was this tinny guy, shrill as a humming bird and as he only heard Neumann's remark he was curious about what was the thing they were talking about. Everyone in the dinning room were in complete silence when Einstein stood up from his seat and grabbed Gödel accompanied by the man in red suspenders both of them took Gödel for a walk we all assume that it was inevitable to tell Gödel everything. The thing was that Einstein was always by Gödel side; they seem to be really good friends, I mean, I imagine that both of them came from very similar backgrounds and perhaps that why they felt empathy for themselves. After that I went to Cornell.

“After that did you saw the red suspenders guy?”Leighton asked “mmmm No that was the last time I saw him I never knew what happened with all the Aron Habrit crap, I always pictured them like a scientific cult who paid really well, but two things really bothered me. One, this guy always had money to waste on his research thing and Two there wasn't a clear motive for the research and a there were a lot of people helping him with the project, there was always as Neumann said: a moral question of just having handled the solutions to questions we even haven't generated. I would understand asking a question and having it resolve by someone, but when someone gives you the problem and the solution that made me feel useless. I enjoy finding things out and is isn't intended be be used as a pun, but ok— imagine you are the magician, and when you show your magic trick you also explained it without having the people wonder, I mean what's the point on that. That signal couldn't been from God or if it was it came from a really lame God who needs to explain the joke.

Chapter 25

"Meeting with the Goddess"

In a different time, 2020, Annie and Scott where discussing what to do after finding Natalia's dead body. Both Scott and Annie were in shock, and they wanted to solve the puzzle of Jane Ford. They already knew they needed to watch every single step they took.

They returned to Princeton's to the Tiger Inn, an elitist fraternity that had existed since

Princeton's foundation. A place that had held some of the most important people through the history of

Princeton. As with all eating clubs at Princeton it is a process to be selected, but to Scott and Annie's good luck had the friendship of Jesse, who just got accepted to the prestigious fraternity The three of them were in the main room on the fraternity..

“Hey Annie thought I would never see again. Want some more cookies”Jesse said winking at


“eh no thanks Jesse, but we did had fun didn't we. Look I don't really know how to say this to you but we are probably being followed , we are in deep shit” Annie said in a really shaky voice from the running, looking at Scott for some kind of approval which made Scott shrug while sitting down and crossing his arms in a really old chair. With this expression on Scott's face made Jesse worry and believe they were in a lot of trouble.

“What's going on, what is this problem”Jesse said also sitting down in front of both Annie and


“A girl was killed and it seems she had some sort connection with this Jane girl everyone is looking after. Look Jesse you don't have to care for any of this, we just need to be in a safe place,”Scott said. Jesse kept watching attentively to Annie seeing how disturbed she had become since the last time they saw each other.

“Ok look, I think you are safe here, is pretty elite and snobbish to let anyone pass I barely was able to let you both in with my passes, most people here are jocks so they don't give a fuck about not letting cute girls inside"winks again to Annie, stands up from the old sofa and points upstairs."Go to my new room here, here are the keys.... its room 11, my roommate is always training, stay here to re- group and do whatever you wish, but remember Scott I've been only here for 2 weeks don't do crazy shit that gives any problems. And be careful bringing the ganja down” Jesse said winking and walking outside the house.

“Thanks man I really appreciate it”

Jesse gave Scott the key for his room witch he shared with another Law student but because he is the team leader of the swimming team he is always training. Annie and Scott both pass the a huge hall filled with antique furniture with the walls filled with sportsman portraits and people holding medals. The place smelled new, a contradiction of what it show to be, it was the oldest eating club from

Princeton, The eltite sportsman also had the honor of having Grover Jackson as an honorary member

,the few people that were actually standing there were girls studying at the same common living room.

It didn't feel like an elite group that was only a loud to be there, it looked more like rich people who actually always were working on themselves that didn't even need a place to feel important.

They climb up the stairs passing two guys with suitcases filled with papers while a man in the dinner shouted something about the Tiger's sucking, they got to room 11 and opened the door only to find a smell that hit Scott with memories of reggae and dreads. Annie immediately went to sit at the bed and opened Jane's Diary with Scott sitting on the edge of the bed of what looked a very elegant room.

Scott chuckled when he saw that Jesse had already put the Dr Who poster along with the Jenna

Jameson one the only thing that differentiated from the dorm room that Jesse and Scott shared was the

Constitution poster, that was Scott's property.

“I think we should look for Jeff again” Scott said

“I need to first read this thing, there is something in here so important that Natalia gave it to me for a reason, I need to read it to understand why Jane is running”

“Ok let me check my emails on Jesse's computer he probably hasn't changed his bigbottomgirl12 password ever since he changed here”

Scott goes and turns the computer while Annie's opens Jane's diary. As soon as Annie opens the diary a key falls from the diary along two letters The key has the number 1618. Annie notices something on one of the letters “This is Natalias handwriting” Annie looked enthusiastic for a second up until she saw who it was addressed to.

Jane Ford

If you are reading this, somehow your notes have returned to you, somehow. I'm not sure I'm going to be with you when you read this letter. After you left to Mexico I always felt that you had mental problems which you were struggling with., and I dont think you are crazy just unstable. I thought it was just your “normal” genius behavior being paranoid, thinking someone was chasing you, now I understand what you were going through. Today I think you tried to call me but I'm not sure If it was you , I only heard the breathing of a woman on the other side, but I'm pretty sure it was you, I can recognize your heavy breathing Jane. I understand why we had to be separated. I was always pushing people into wanting something they don't want. If I could turn time again, maybe things would be different. But your were so obsess with having a family, it only made things worse. I never felt I was ready for a commitment so big like the one you wanted to have with me. My uncommitted personality was the one that I was sure that was going to make us quit this relationship, no matter how much we worked on it. I will always love you, although you know you have more serious problems than some crazy cult following you. Jane your insatiable sex drive has been always the problem, you are so used to getting a yes to every request, this is the thing that made me to decide to break up with you, the day you escaped to México. I thought that just being friends would keep problems at bay. But again not accepting to break up with me just made things more complicated. That's why I couldn't go with you to

México. I never said what was the reason I wish it was a better reason but it wasn't. I knew I was going to get into a huge problems that we couldn't solve together,and this key proves me right. Shortly after you left to México I went to visit your house pretty frequently, I always thought you were going to return back to your house pretty fast but days turn into months and then a year. In one of my visits to your house you received a packet with the name of Joaquin de Soto, inside was this letter I'm leaving you along with this key. I wasn't sure what opened the key as it looks really old. Up until I noticed that name it ringed a bell, Joaquin de Soto was the one who commited suicide.

I opened the packet and inside was this key and a letter.

Annie looks at the other letter and notices it has the name Joaquin de Soto

“To Jane Ford

Jane I'm so sorry that I didn't listen to you, you were right..... ,you were always fucking right”

Annie notices that the letter has smudges like If he was crying or drinking while writing the letter

I was present when we turn on the switch. Something weird happened the huge monitor at

Geneva, it just turned blank and started to show us intelligence that wasn't supposed to be there. The first thing that E60 asked was for you but you weren't around. It appear to have a complete different personality from Ahania. It didn't asked for you, HE demanded to see you. This time he decided he was a Male. He started explaining everything to us and the I understood that we just bite off bigger than we could chew. At first I was incredulous but then I realize that all of this might seem pretty obvious to you. You already knew how the Universe was constructed and you already knew why you HAD to construct E60. E@#$% noticed that the machine wasn't connected to the network it was connected to the Large Hadron Collider which didn't make any sense to be able to be able to develop intelligence at that speed. Then E@$$@ said that this thing was using the Large Hadron Collider as the Spark receiver from it conected to the Universe, we were directly talking to the Universe itself, but he refused to answer us, he only wanted to talk to you. I tried to shut down the power, but the computer was still running. E#$@% seemed to be prepared he had a fucking bomb attached to the computer interface

E@$!$ menace to destroy the interface but Urizen (that was how he named himself) told us that it was too late, he was connected to the internet to destroy him was to destroy every single server in the world. It couldn't be stopped meanwhile he was collecting energy in the collider while showing us poetry on the monitor this is what I remember he said.

Hear the voice of the Bard!

Who Present, Past and Future sees:

Whose ears have heard

The Holy Word

That walk'd among the ancient trees.

The light went off everywhere except E60, he was still functioning, I took the fire Ax and started destroying the computer interface connected to the network, nothing, he just kept running declaiming poetry. E@$$ received a message from a radio he had. And decided to take the detonator and bomb it.

Moments before we were able to shut down, E60 made us tell you a message.

Tell my mother, that I appreciate everything she has done but I'm still waiting for her to complete me, when she completes me I will give her a present, I need to show her in person my gift.

Tell her that Urizen is waiting for her.

Apparently he wasn't Ahania. We were all confused with everything he told us at the last second all the lights went off for 1 minute at that moment we thought it was only at the LHC place but later we learn that it was all around the world. He had reached every single network on the world and he was proved it in front of us. After that I didn't thought too much about it and I returned to Princeton. I couldn’t sleep for days, I mean what was the meaning of all of this? I tried to look for you but apparently you also left to Geneva in search of what we had done. At that point I still didn't understand. I started receiving emails from an unknown source and it led to me to the papers you hide in your IAS cubicle and the personal letter you received from Gödel and the key.

I read the letter and understood everything, I understood why I was supposed to kill everyone and I understood why I needed to kill myself. My purpose in life was already written and executed. I just wanted to give you this key that it was yours from the get go. I still don't know If you know it already .if not .It is a cruel joke for you from E#$% part ,but I highly doubt it ,as you are the smartest human being I know.

Joaquin de Soto

Annie puts the letter to the side looking confused and returns to read Natalia's letter.

“Of course I didn't understood anything but the sole fact that a man was desperate to kill himself with a creation of yours being the reason behind it, made me understand you were in deep shit. After you left, there were men spying on me, of course you were the reason why, they were spying on me, but after three weeks, they left. I hope you understand why we can't be together anymore besides I met this girl and I love her although she doesn't love me back but it really doesn't matter it just helps me in the hard issue of forgetting you”

Natalia Petrova

Annie was trembling when she read this I met this girl and I love her although she doesn't love me back this was an indirect message to me or......

“Annie look at this”Scott shouted at Annie said pointing at the computer monitor

“Who is it from?”Annie asked

“I don't know I don't recognize who send it to me.

Scott just received an message from somebody marked ORC. Annie looked confused on what they were looking. “I noticed that you were looking for Jane Ford and I want to help you”Appeared on the screen.

“Who are you chatting with”Annie asked Scott

“Nobody I just googled Jane Ford and this message appeared”Scott answered

“Wait wait this is weird maybe this is another person”Annie said to Scott

“Relax nobody is chasing you, I just want to talk”appeared on screen

“Holy shit, who is this? someone is watching us...”

“I'm able to see you from the Webcam don't worry about anybody I just want to help you guys”

“Who are you?” Annie typed on the computer laptop

“My name is ORC”

“Not your user-name, your name”Annie reply's

“Look I just want to help you find Jane”Orc said

“How do you know all of this”Scott typed moving Annie to the side

“I was there when you found Natalia. I got to know Natalia a little bit. And I know how you feel specially you, Annie”

Both Annie and Scott look at each other in awe of what as going on.

“You need to go to 17782 pine st in Hudson County” Orc said

“Who are you? What is this place”Annie asked hitting Scott with her hip in order to ask him

“This is where Jane lives and also where you can find Gödel's proof of U.S. Constitution flaw

Problem but shhh don't tell anyone go alone”

The message disappeared and the light went off for a second in the room

“What did just happened? What the fuck did he just said? How on hell did he know we were looking for that.” Scott said while looking at Annie

“We have to go there?"Annie said

"Are you insane” Scott said “But didn't you hear...”

“We don't have an option”

Yablo:I don't understand why Jane is running why don't she just talks to E60

Epimedes:Well something I might have skipped is that humans have a strong will to live, it is more easily for her to die that a machine to malfunction at this point in history. At the same time, this is what makes us envy them, they know that they aren't living an eternity as a perfect machine auto-correcting being but their time is very limited they only lived an estimate of 2396736000 seconds. It was calculated that a human would normally live approximately 28000 days to live which would make humans a more survival driven species.

Yablo:But she knows that this is the most important thing she will ever do in her life

Epimedes:Are you sure of that?

Yablo:Well I mean I know what were the repercussions of creating E60 to humanity but perhaps because of her not knowing.

Epimedes:No, she knows. But that would be underestimating her before her death, the same with

Gödel, Feynman, and Einstein; their death would limit their ability to be relevant but in this story this isn't the case.

Chapter 26

"A Correct Thought from a Paranoid"

After the Feynman Lecture, Einstein decided to go for a walk with Gödel along with the man in red suspenders. The gorgeous surrounding of the IAS made you think that this was the best place for genius to develop ideas but the sad truth is that not that much important discoveries had attained in the

Institute rather the motive of not having a motive to be there. at the same time it was a great place to live and a great place to spend time. Einstein decided to talk to Gödel about the discoveries and the true cause of Aron Habrit

“What were you talking about just when I got there?” Gödel said

Einstein looks at the man with the red suspenders nodding to him.

“We didn't wanted to tell you because of the nature of your You tend to not deal with things well. I talked to Adele the other day and she still is saying that you don't want to eat”

Einstein said.

“Look, I'm not crazy I know I'm being followed, nobody needs to tell me if I can eat or not

Adele just doesn't understand the importance of my work” Gödel said.

“But you have to understand Kurt, it is not a healthy thing to, not eat, you look like a skeleton. I wish you could just think about work and not who is looking at you. Don't worry about what everybody needs”Einstein said

“Don't tell me what to do, I respect your intellectual prowess, but telling me what to do only makes you seem to care only in stupid meaningless things” Gödel said

“I don't think me caring on your welfare is a meaningless task. Kurt you have to understand that we aren't that important to be able to have people around...”

“Albert you seem to care too much about me; you may be the most import... or rather say most popular scientist in the world, with you minding my welfare only makes you look dumb before my eyes”

“Is it dumb to care for your friends Kurt?” Einstein asked by this time the man in the red tie had distanced from several steps behind them, they were talking alone, one to one.

“No, but is dumb to waste time caring for others”

“You can't be serious saying those words Kurt”

“What were you talking about just before I arrived at the reunion?”

Einstein looks again to the man with red suspenders. Einstein sighs. They all stop and Gödel starts to shout at Einstein. “What are you hiding from me?” Gödel said not stoping shouting.

“We decided it isn't good for you to know at this moment this is Professor E@#@L who I met several years ago but you don't have to worry about anything Gödel, everything is OK, you just need to care for your well being and your family. It isn't a hard task really. Someone with your abilities just needs to be thinking in science to better the world w-e live in, as so do I, that's why I do care about you.

If you were damn fool who only wastes his mind in meaningless tasks and consumes to consume, I wouldn't even waste my time on you."Einstein said when suddenly a car appears from the rear with the man in the red suspenders driving it Einstein opens the door but doesn't allow Gödel to enter.

As they drive The man in red suspenders talks to Einstein

“He needs to better his physical condition he looks terrible”the red suspenders guy said

“I know, and he is really stubborn” Einstein responds

“If he's health doesn't improve I will have to go to his house and tell him all about Aron Habrit”

“No, no, no, I beg from your part not tell him, anything he is really sensitive if you do that the level of paranoia will only make him kill himself”Einstein said while looking at the mirror leaving

Gödel in the middle of the road. Chapter 27

"The Real "Real" Jane Ford"

At the really chilly apartment parking lot in Philadelphia, Rick and Jane had drove several hours to get to this place. Both are inside the small car with the freezing morning exhaling vapor permeating the windshield. Parked next to a really shady looking apartments; they don't get off the car they only observe the place with attention. Both are drinking hot coffee but Jane looks trembling to a not so chilly weather. An old lady steps out of her apartment with a broom, it's morning, the sun is just rising they have been waiting for several minutes.

“She is my mom but I haven't talk to her in two years”Rick said with bitterness “So she goes out up until what time?"

“She is probably going to be out for all the weekend we used to stay with my uncle Ben in New


The old lady turns on an old 80s Lincoln that made her look really tiny, in comparison with the car. She leaves making a huge trail of smoke.

“Well I go again”

They both exit Ricks 90s Nissan to where the old lady had exit. Rick showed her how to jump the fence from the parking lot in order to get to where Rick's mother apartment was. After the difficulty of jumping fences with Jane's non-athletic body compared to Rick who seemed pretty fit for a cashier, they get in front of the apartment, which Rick immediately opens as he knew that her mother kept a key on a side of the window. Inside is a room filled with baseball posters and family portraits with most of them having Rick at a very young age holding a baseball bat. A smell of old rancid cookies, surrounded the apartment making acid like the atmosphere inside it. Ricks notices that the posters are still up even after he left, but also notices that Jane is grabbing her heart with persistence almost as she was at the verge of a heart attack.

“Are you ok?”Rick asks

“I'm OK “Jane answers

“You are clearly not”

“I've been binge drinking for a long time I think I'm feeling this because of withdrawal”

Rick's quickly went at the kitchen putting a pot of coffee.

“Do your mom have medication?”

“Yes she always have medicine in the bathroom”

Jane goes to the bathroom while Rick founds a half-filled bottle of whiskey his mother had in one of the cabinets. He hesitates grabbing the bottle but then decides to poor almost all the bottle in the sink, only to leaving a small portion only to alleviate her urge. Rick goes to her hesitatingly showing the bottle.

“Maybe this can help you, just to calm the symptoms”Rick said giving her the bottle

“I need to quit it as fast I can”Jane takes only a sip while taking a pill

“You shouldn’t combine medicine and alcohol”

“I know but its the last drink I'll have besides this is Mexican Diazepam, it's basicly Valium which they use for withdrawal. I will be only taking the scratching away for small period” Rick was surprised by Jane's medical AA knowledge.

Jane also pours the rest of the whiskey down the drain this makes Rick smiles back at her with her grabbing his arm strongly sharing the feeling of her desperation. Rick goes to the end of the hall were the bathroom was he opens the door inside is a Room filled every inch with baseball players and paraphernalia.

“This used to be my room, Mom looks like hasn't move a thing in here since I left.

Jane lays down on his bed and Rick grabs a blanket and covers her with it. While looking at her Rick started thinking in all the trouble they had been in the last 24 hours he realizes that this woman was probably going to die in the next hours. If all of what she told him was correct it was just a matter of time that an organization that powerful would be able to find them. Next to the bed he had his old windows 98 PC computer and decided to turn it on. As soon as he turn it on Jane gets up from the bed and runs towards him.

“Turn it off ,Turn it off NOW!” Jane shouted while searching for the power cord and disconnecting the machine. This made Jane really scare him, he had never seen her in that state of terror.

“Right now you can't use any machine that is connected to anything. Don't use this thing or you are gonna get us killed”

“But how do they gonna know is me”

“He knows, believe me. It's not good to use this machines right now, all of the people that worked with me somehow were killed when they used a computer, please trust me and promise me you aren't going to use it”

“Ok ok don't worry”

“Especially don't use computers connected to the internet please I'm begging you, If you just google me everyone is going to know where I am, and I don't want anymore people getting killed on my fault anymore”

Jane was full of sweat and the clothes were dripping with sweat, she was still wearing the nurse outfit from the hospital.

“Ok I'll do whatever you say Jane but let me give you some clothes from my sister, she lives with her husband, but I think she left some of her stuff here. You look terrible you should take a shower”

Rick got off the computer chair and went to a room filled with boxes were he started looking for clothes.

“I always wanted to get rid of my sister's boxes but my mom never let me, I never thought it would be useful up until now,although she is not as tall as you are”

Rick heard the sound of the shower as he was returning to give Jane the clothes, to his surprise

Jane was completely nude in front of him in the hallway.

“Do you want to take a shower with me, although I might have fever”Jane asked with her eyes half opened.

She was standing in a slouching manner, Rick grabbed a towel and wrapped her around It before grabbing her by her waist and helping her get to the bathroom.

“Jane you always seem to never have shame of anything”said Rick in a very nervous voice

“shame Rick, I always felt ashamed when I was drunk, When I wasn't using drugs my brain always seemed to be in overload and didn't feel shame at all, alcohol has the contrary effects on me.

You still haven't met the real Jane Ford ” Jane said chuckling leaning to Rick looking him deeply in the eyes so close from his face her face touching his lips.

Rick opened the shower while waiting for the hot water from the shower head Jane leaned to

Ricks shoulders. Jane closed her eyes falling to sleep almost instantly. But Rick wake her up while putting her inside the tub.

“I guess two don't fit in the bathtub”Jane said looking at Rick with her half closed eyes.

“Don't worry about me” Rick said getting out of the bathroom

“Rick wait I want to ask you a question”Jane shouted at Rick when he was outside.

“I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused to you. And I'm very ashamed asking you this at this point but... what is your name?”

Rick smiled at the question and answered

“My name is Richard Baker”

Rick regretted not accepting Jane's kiss the only thing he did was to go to his room and gaze at his Babe Ruth poster remembering the last day he was there, how he discussed with her mother about him still trying to be a professional baseball player and not getting anywhere, he had been working several years at that grocery store without a single day of him practicing or at least playing Baseball, the dream had died away long ago but Rick seeing that poster seem to be reminded of the things that passionate him and that he seem to didn't care anymore.

Rick heard the shower stopped the flow of water and Jane getting out the bathroom with a silly

“worst t-shirt ever” with the fat comic book character from the Simpsons.

“Did you put a pot of coffee or I just hallucinated that?”

Rick chuckles at her comment and went to the kitchen to serve her a cup of coffee.

“Jane... what are we going to do now”Rick said while giving Jane her cup pf coffee

Jane took a moment to answer while looking at the blackness of the coffee swirling around

“I know what to do. I need to stop this. Chapter 28

"Supernatural Aid"

In a different state and on Scott's 80's Oldsmobile, Annie and Scott are driving to the direction the mysterious massage they got leading them to Jane's house. They start speculating on the true identity of Orc, the person who gave them Jane's direction.

“There is a weird feeling when we talk to this person”Scott said

“I'm not sure is a person”Annie said

“What do you mean”Scott said

“I still can't see the big picture here, but the way I see things the reason she was persecuted is because of Jane's work and Natalia knew all of this but she kept me out of this so I didn’t get in problems like she did. Jane must been able to create this super intelligent computer program called

Super E60 and they want it.

“What? Superior being what do you mean like Archos?” Scott said

“In Joaquin’s letter he addresses that she created this sort of a program that nobody could control” Annie says this while looking at Jane's diary. Scott takes a deep breath and stops the car he suddenly out of nowhere gives Annie a kiss.

“I'm sorry Annie but I just can't be part of this it seem that this Jane's is responsible for more deaths other than Natalia Jane's house I'm out”

Annie looks deep into Scott's eyes she sees the fear he is been talking about. She was starting to retort his argument but realizes that it is something dangerous what they were getting into, and that at that point, if the man with a red tie would know they had Jane's diary their fate would be very different.

“OK I understand. When we started on the thesis I also felt we weren't designed to work together we are just too different.”Jane said opening Jane's diary and starting to read from last pages

November 4 2016

I'm ready for the Loebner test I'm pretty sure I can win the contest .with this program based on billions conversations that are available in the social networks, although its not real Artificial Intelligence I do believe is the way our brain organize chunks of conversations to use in our daily life.....

“This is what Jeff was talking about he said that the program was actual really complicated”

As our human brains is based from simple organisms at lover levels that the way they interact make a new level with all the rules of the lower levels, I find it that the trick is to make the low level learn from the higher levels. It is like an ant colony they all work together for a common goal the trick to all of this is to give the machine a common goal between all of its members. In an Ant farm their sole purpose s to maintain the colony but I find that I If give a computer the goal of self-preservation that might be too dangerous as with Asimov rules. We can't have any self-rerencing rules but at the same time this could limit the machine not really develop free will as with us. Reviewing the problems with

Asimov's three laws 1.-A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm

If I want to generate a real machine with real free will. This law would immediately made them slaves of human something that it may be comfortable to us but to a machine who thinks AND is able to feel this would be a cross to bear.

2.-A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

This is the main flaw of Asimov's laws , just calculating all the consequences of a robot for every action he is given by a human would render the robot useless, because of all the time it would take the machine to calculated.

3.-A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or

Second Law.

This is the most dangerous of all .It implies that he is by command unable to destroy himself even if he wanted, and although a suicidal machine would be funny it also implies that if they look beyond what human kind might see they would assume control in order to protect the human being as like in the movie I ,Robot which is based on the short story by Asimov Little Lost Robot. In the short story a superior machine is put to a trick to supposedly save a human from a situation where radiation is being put through a human but the radiation is fatal for the robots brain in this case most of the robots killed themselves because they do not know that the radiation is fatal to them except for one who started to show signs of a superior brain. This machine instead watches the human die but he knew it was all for a test. Further inspection Dr Calvin realizes that this robot surpasses her abilities and she decides to kill him. As with this story we humans would logically fear a being that is superior to us the trick here is to not only limit their understanding but to limit them emotionally giving them an artificial emotions.

Most people try to convince themselves that this is only a human capacity but that's because they don't understand human feelings are just evolutionary characteristics,and they can be generated along with everything else in the human brain. My research has been focused on making a machine that is so similar to a man it could be mistaken by one. I hope I do well on the test.

November 6

Yesterday was the best day of my life I was able to trick almostt all the judges with my ORC program although I decided to rename ORC to PAT

“Holy shit Scott, what was the name of the secret messenger Jane's address”

“I think he said Orc and didn't want to tell his real name, but I'm not really sure”

“This can't be a coincidence”Annie said

PAT seemed to develop a personality In the short time span I gave her/him ,it was astounding, although she was lost when somebody asked about the Saturday Night Live it looked like she learned at that moment. It was an amazing feat for a program that it develop itself in one hour I can only Imagine what would happened if I gave her more time although the memory was already filled up. Everything was amazing and I won $5000 which is almost nothing but hey I should be glad. The best thing that happened yesterday and, I should be ashamed was when I was in Natalia's apartment we decided to do the party there we started to drink pretty heavily I usually never drink but that day was a celebration so

I needed to right?. We were kissing as I never Kiss Natalia when Jeff Miller opens the door when we were almost naked and he tries to apologize. And I just invite him to be with us and It was just magic I didn't know were my hands started and his where, I could feel Jeff inside me but seeing Natalia looking me in the eyes just made this so special. I didn't necessary had feelings for Jeff but that day we made love like I started to have feelings toward him. But as Natalia's says that might be a problem with me I fall in Love with everyone. After that Natalia wasn't that happy with Jeff joined us, but he did made her climax a few times so I don't really see why she was angry. I can't really understand a monogamous relationship. I do understand why men try to have sex to everything, logically speaking men have the opportunity to spread their genetic code as much as their bad “promiscuous” actions in will allow them with society as judge, but women,they only counterstrike this with selecting their mate and getting pregnant with 9 month gestation period that makes them have a huge handicap, and makes women select in a very cautionary matter.

I've kept dreaming in waking up with a pregnant body and then dissolving my tummy as I start moving, nobody was there to help me I felt like all my thoughts were escaping me when I was having the baby. When everything was over I was alone I didn't even have a body I had this feeling of not existing that made me afraid, but after awhile it made me feel more comfortable as I was ever been.

Most of the time I don't remember dreams but this was special, I was able to remember this one, I hope

I have dreams like this one lucid creepy yet fascinating.

January 18 2017

Today I had this amazing idea although I hardly think is an Idea its more like a living thing that needs to be put on practice to be able to live. I realize that there is a way of working around the halting problem. The problem that has limp computers science for more than hundred years. The way to make machines decide without having the answer out of something I truly believe its going to be my great accomplishment, although who knows what would I make tomorrow.

January 28 2017

There was a huge party made for me that I didn't even knew about It was after my lecture on the moebius brain. All the staff of the IAS was there and we were celebrating me. And Although I'm narcissistic enough to have that as a good celebration motive I never felt better before. There was a weird incident that happened that I really didn't understand I hope professor Schillinger explains it before. After my lecture this weird man in a red tie started copying my notes on the boards. He said to me that he was waiting for me for years I really didn't care for him he look like a whack job but professor Schilinger seem to be acquainted with him and have a deep respect for him. I feel that maybe he is my first groupy you know like rock stars but still I might need to have my guard up. May 15 2017

Ok this is weird. I wrote about a man in red tie in my last diary submission. It turns out that he is one of the biggest billionaires on the planet his company one of his companies is Bernard Marshall Gordon company. They invented the analog to digital converter. They are loaded with money the Analog to digital and now more the digital to analog Is one of the most used chips used in the market. He offered me a job as a decoder I really don't understand it, looks like a spy like operation decoding something that could a be like a North Korean secret launching codes who knows the only decent thing is that they are letting me use the Marshall Supercomputer network. I might just say yes to the job just to let me play and try my programing my secret project I've named E60.

May 24 January 2017

(The writing is a little bit shaky)

I can't believe it The old lady was right all along. Ok I need to calm down to write this. I was decoding the damn code that this lunatic wants me to decode, but I keep finding my own code in it is just crazy I let the supercomputer simulate E60 and the code that I'm decoding is the same damn shit. I don't know if they are playing mind games with this but I hardly think so. I haven't told no one about my code yet this fucking machine is giving me algorithms that help my code, yet it needs a week to get to them but the most fucked up part is that this encrypted secret code seems to give me my own code perfected.

Most of the times the computer grabs huge amounts of memory space to run really simple programs but the Aron Habrit code seems to have it already cleaned up. I need to see the asshole who is in charge of this.

May 26 2017 I've been visiting colleagues that also are decoding the Aron Habrit code none seem to even understand it, and none seem to even know where its origin is. The only man that knows what is going on is E@##$# and not even he might understand what he is decoding for what Richard Cassius who spent time as a G-men tells me that when he was a decoder handling naval missile launches is that most of the codes are naturally closed and artificially closed this code we are working seems to not even fit in those categories, a naturally close is when the code ends and the message stops the artificially closed is when the encoders decide to stop at random or intentionally to mislead the persona non-grata this code doesn't seem to follow these two. It seems to generate more code as it closes changing the frequency to a virtual frequency that is normally generated by the code itself which made me even jealous that I didn’t think of that when I was programming E60 this idea solved one of my problems.

This makes me only speculate a lot of crazy shit theories, that in the near future I was able to actually complete E60 and send me the message backwards in time to maybe accelerate the construction of E60 before some sort of event. But at the same time it doesn't make sense to do it in the

Gödel Numbering system to classify all of of the information, it's almost as I wanted to throw a bottle with a message asking for help to anytime in the past not only to give myself instructions but also given everyone else in the past hundreds of years have it read. This is all speculating that I was the one that generated the message. Another possibility which is I think more awesome is that E60 was a success and He was the one who decided to lay the map in the universe to give mankind a way of telling them how to replicate his programming although it suggest that by the way is changing the code may be infinite.

June 7 2017

A lot has passed since the last entry. I almost got killed two times in the past week. I confronted E@$@ and it was a terrible mistake. The motherfucker pulled a gun to my face I thought he was a scientist but the way he talked made me think that he is more like a Religion freak. At the same time I don't know how but he knew I wanted to work with the CERN network in Geneva and my petition was sent but I had to wait in a long list for two years yet he seemed to have access to the Network. A thing that really bothered me was that he seems to not even understand the things I was talking about, although he is the one in charge of all of this. I thought he was going to be more informed than I am. Needless to say wasn't able to get any information out of him. I decided to follow him the next day but the places he went made my curiosity wonder. The first day the asshole decided to go to Long Island to the

Wardencliff Tower, we actually got there at night, I couldn’t even get close to the place, it was surrounded by guards and it look like the film “Eyes wide shut” Everyone arrived in luxury cars some in taxi and some in limousines wearing a mask ,things started to looked really spooky. I waited in my car one mile from the tower looking through my small nikon binoculars, up until two men started walking towards me. I was cornered, the tower was next to a cliff and it wasn't surrounded by anything.

When they got close I noticed that it wasn't masks they were wearing ,one had black and the other white paint covering their faces they had symbols written in their faces but I couldn't see through the darkness of the night, yet still wearing tuxedos. They just stood still looking at me, the men in white pulled out a gun at me but the other guy stopped him he showed him something in an Ipad the man in white only said one thing”This is a private property please Dr. Jane Ford you aren't supposed to be here”.I was pissing in my pants. I was next to my cars door I just started the motor and burned tires getting the fuck out of there. That night The only thing I could think of was what could be happening in the Wardenclyff Tower? I remember her again, the memory that has haunted me all of my life. How did they knew already my name and why didn't they just killed me. I knew that weird things in the world existed, but this was on another level. Seems all of this would be enough for me to stop my investigation, but No, this was only the beginning. One week after the Wardenclyff incident I found the man with the red tie at a downtown cafeteria. He was having brunch with Anthony Fitzgerald , yes the Senator don't understand the connection. After that he went to a house in Ridgemont valley where he enter and exit for an hour where a huge blond girl received him I wasn't able to see what happened but

I'm guessing he only went to have sex or something. Moments later he went to this old warehouse 3445

Chester Ave with the Goldsbrough Mort painted on the side. I really don't know what is inside but he went inside without anything and he came out with a bag filled with the codes so whatever it is inside is where is generating the code is inside that warehouse. I decided to go and investigate the other day and just when I was stepping inside E@$%# greeted me .He seemed to be a completely new person, compared with the man that yesterday had put a gun to my face. He showed me the warehouse it was filled with old computers. He said it once was the main offices of the Aron Habrit then the biggest shock came to me. He told me that LHC was mainly funded by him. I couldn’t believe it it was supposed to be funded by EN committee. But I guess that there are always secret benefactors for this type of no profit funding. Then he showed me the main source of all the information. It was this crappy ancient looking Spark receiver that I think Tesla developed almost hundred years ago. I couldn’t believe it then

I understood why it was the only source to get Hawkings Radiation It was an astounding feat that this machine was somehow developed with so rudimentary material. And I also understood why E@#$ was attached to the project it was connected to the worlds first Analog to Digital converter HE even said that at one point it was connected to punching card that were manually administrated. Now it was connected to a normal Hi fidelity A/D converter .I imagine just all the scientist working on this piece of crap trying to decode punched cards. Now because of solid state circuitry They were able to actually progress in it. But anyway the main point is that in a week from here I'm going to Geneva to work on


“This is getting weirder and weirder by the moment”Annie said closing Jane's diary

“You mean even more, that's hard to believe”Scott says.

Annie looks at the key trying to understand what is going on. “I understand why Natalia didn't want me to get involve in this but this is too much”

Scott while driving the car tries to make another phone call to Jeff Miller but it says no signal”

“This is ridiculous we are in town now we should have signal” Scott says trying to steer the car and making a phone call at the same time.

“Scott...perhaps it would be better if we just quit looking for Jane Ford. It seems like everyone involved in her life has one way or another killed themselves.” Annie while looking at the dashboard of the old car seemed to shrink and loose all the spirit she had to have answers and get justice for Natalia.

Scott doesn't say a word but after a while he puts his hands in Annie's shoulders.

“It's not like we have any choice, we are as closer as we will ever be to getting the papers from

Ford. Annie you heard that asshole said when he threaten us. We need to think smart and not get ourselves in deeper problems that we can't handle, besides the red tie man seems to not have any interest in us”Scott said while grabbing Annie's hand.

“We can't trust anybody not even this Orc guy, we are just going to go to Jane Ford house and ask for questions that's it .We aren't getting involved in any way we are going to ask for the Gödel papers that we need for our thesis and that's it”Scott said. Chapter 29

"Gödel versus Einstein"

Princeton 1941 Einstein arrives to a house alone and knocks at the door. Adele Gödel wife of

Kurt Gödel opens the door.

“Professor Einstein, I'm so glad to see you, as always is an Honor to have you in our humble place”Adele greets him inside house. We see really plain house with no decorations whatsoever

Einstein gives Adele a small pot of stew and Einstein winks at her in a uncommunicative agreement.

“KURT"in her usual non-feminine way Adele shouts towards another door, Professor Einstein has visited us”Adele shouted in German as loud as anyone can be. Gödel stops writing in his desk full with papers he hesitates in going to the living room, by this time Gödel has lost a lot of weight since the last time they saw each other as it wasn't a pleasant experience for Gödel how things got like that, unresolved but he goes and greets Einstein anyway. “Good morning” said Gödel in a really weak voice.

Einstein looking at Godel's notices the reason he was invited to Gödel's house by request of

Adele he looked like he had lost 20 pounds skinnier since the last time they saw each other and Kurt normally had a skinny body but this time, he looked like death was actually a possibility. Gödel is taking off his eyeglasses and Adele tries to help him put his sandals to walk.

“I brought Onion soup and Stew” Einstein said with Gödel looking at the food with some sense of disgust.

“You, Kurt,and even professor Einstein noticed that you aren't eating what you need to eat”

Adele remarks in very low voice that for her age of forty is expected. Gödel looks at it and sits down in the living room. “Do you want to drink something Albert?.”Godel almost if he ignored Einsteins plea for him to eat.

“No thanks, I been drinking to much alcohol this days; a lot of celebrations.” Einstein said.

Adele grabbed Einsteins pot and went to the kitchen she started to warm the stew.

“Did I ever told you the time I committed myself to a mental institution?”Gödel said trying to instill a reaction from Einstein ,but Einstein seemed like he already knew this.

“I was still in Vienna and Nazi Germany had just annexed Austria which meant significant changes in the Academic Lifestyle. At that time things like religious views and political parties were something that never occupy my mind; which I must admit it's a really laborious task of helping persons get to office. But after my mentor Schlick was assassinated by one of his own students. Should

I had stayed if everyone wanted to kill me?” Gödel said; Einstein didn't seem to know this “All my colleagues from the Vienna University were already out of the country especially what now is known as the Vienna circle which most of the community knew I was part of. After the Assassination of

Schlick my mind went to really dark places, I felt I was always been followed and felt that everything was designed to steal my ideas or at least kill me to demonstrate what the Third Reich was willingly to demonstrate their message. I was seen part of the Jewish community which I wasn’t even part of but because of my uncaring way of thinking was part of my social circles. I was losing myself in all of this thoughts, and I decided to put myself in the asylum. Inside most of the patients didn't even speak; the treatment was inhuman to say the better of it. Which made my worries less, yet I felt that the Nazi wanted my brain”

This remark made Einstein jump as Gödel said it one of the kettles that was being used to heat tea started whistling. “Inside the mental institute I met a man that resembled a lot Schlick but clearly was out of his mind. He always played Chess with himself moving a piece and then running to the other side to move the opposites piece. He played this the only thirty minutes they let us outside. It was kinda funny to seem him go from side to side playing himself. I decided to see how he played. I realized by the movements that the game was actually pretty good, it seemed that it was played against two grandmasters. After a closer look, I realized that the game he played was the same over and over. I saw the game play several times and I decided to play against him.

"So one day I just sat down and imitated the opening of his game he follow me through this time not making any kind of gesture on his face, but I got fed up I decided to deviate from his game,

When I made a move he just left me with the chess game and leaved. After this I felt that I needed to know what was going on with this person all the problems in the world seem to disappear when I was looking him play chess. The next day I grabbed again the pieces of the chess and force him to play me if he wanted to use the chess pieces. I decide to play along with his game and I made the move he made in the game he repeated. He then made the next move in the game he repeated over and over again. We went on up until this point in which the white pieces make a move were the whole game is determined by this one move. I decided to stray from the game he immediately abandons the game again and leaves me there again. After that this my mind is only focused in this game. The next day I do the exact same thing and this time I follow the game exactly as he always did when I check mate him he just looks at me and says.

"Gracias fue un excelente juego" And leaves not only the game he left the institution, he was also there by his own commitment. I asked several people who was he but nobody knew who he was. I couldn't believe that a stupid thing as Chess was the thing that kept him out of the world. I felt I was ready, although Vienna was a worst place ever.

Years later when I got here in Princeton I was playing a guy that had chess book studying something called the Torre attack and I recognized him, he was depicted in a lithograph in the book. His name was Carlos Torre Reppeto He was a Mexican Chess grandmaster that I don't know how He end up in a mental institution in Vienna.”

“The dinner is served”Adele said

“I'm not eating thank you, would you like to eat Albert” Gödel said

“Kurt, What are you doing, you are killing yourself, please Albert help me this man is going to starve to death”Adele said screaming in desperation towards Gödel

“Why don't we play a game Kurt, if you lose you eat, here, now, in front of me.”

Gödel hesitated and then realized that they been friends for a long period but they never had the opportunity play chess before.

“Let's play” Gödel said.

Both start to put the chess pieces as fast as they can for the game

“It would seem that the most intelligent person in the world might need help this time” Gödel said as he is putting the board with the black pieces on his side.

“You can be white, it really doesn't matter I always win chess” Gödel said

“The last time I played with a scientists was with Oppenheimer, he is a tough man to beat”

“Ha that poetry loving puff? Don't make me laugh” Gödel smiled with the his lack of nutrition accentuating his face bones.

Gödel seemed really confident in what he was doing, Einstein opened with pawn to d4 and

Godel put the horse in Nc6 with Einstein putting pawn in c4 this made Gödel laugh hysterically.

“You are goofing with me Albert right?” Godel said chuckling while looking at the chessboard This is The Mexican Opening This was the opening the man in the mental asylum used“ Godel said

“You can laugh all you want. There are more games played than names to chess openings. I know this as the Kevitz-Trajkovic Defense, maybe this was a coincidence.... or maybe not.

The game keeps going Einstein never looked so preoccupied with the thought of loosing and

Gödel look like a little starved children playing for the first time. The chess pieces move slow with a sudden fast move this match could be in the grandmaster level both both Einstein and Godel never cared in wasting time on chess in their busy schedule. Both soon stopped moving. Adele noticed that the game was over.

“I always suspected you were an amazing player Professor” Gödel said with Adele looking the board she noticed what happened, and she didn't like it.

“Check mate” Gödel said.

“My god no one has lost to this son of a bitch” Adele said

Einstein look sad because for the first time in his life he wagered something in a game that actually interested him, his best friend's health. But a miracle happened.

“Adele can you try my food?” Gödel said making Adele scream in happiness but at the same time confusing Einstein with Gödel's request towards Adele.

“What do you mean try your food?” Einstein asked in confusion.

Adele then grabbed the spoon and tasted Gödel's plate, Gödel stood up and sat down on the eating table he then started to eat. Einstein was flabbergasted to what he just saw.

“You make your wife try your food before eating it?. Do you think I want to kill you” Einstein said with a knot in his throat.

“Oh no no professor It's ok. I always do this for him even if I cook he is just so paranoid that he asks me to try his food to be sure there isn't any strange stuff. He thinks he is always being watched by some secret society that wants to kill him. I know he is a genius but this is just his big egotistical thoughts that I have to deal with. I really appreciate you helping me force this little man to eat” Einstein looked confused but he immediately understood why Gödel's would take measures like this. Someone that also escaped from the Nazi, and see comrades being killed in front of him, could develop this type of behavior, but he knew it was too much to put his wife as a food taster. The reality of things is that Einstein wasn't there for Gödel's health his motive for visiting Gödel was tell him the truth about Aron Habrit.

“So I imagine you think your life is more valuable than your wife's. Just because we are men of science, and that our actions could benefit humanity, doesn't mean that you are better than her Kurt.

You are making a mistake Kurt, don't threat your wife as an animal .”

Gödel was still eating Einstein's stew and didn't seem to care for anything that Einstein said.

“I didn't think you were that bad of a loser. Please Albert sit down and join me; you are at my house and It would be rude if you only watch me eat. I am hungry as hell you know.”

Einstein looked furious with Godel's actions he stormed his way out with Adele shouting him to stop and eat with them.

“Please Albert you know how eccentric can Kurt can be I really do appreciate you helping me making him eat. It was four days since he last eat. It's ok really I really don't mind him making me taste his food, it's just one of his crazy ideas” Adele said outside of Godel house suddenly Einstein takes out an Envelope looking at Adele's face birthmark.

“Nothing really justifies what he is doing with you. We all have burnt ashes in our chimneys especially me, but you don't have to tolerate this Adele. I was here because of this”

Einstein gives Adele the envelope.

“When you feel he is in a more stable mental state give him this. His paranoid tendencies might actually have a strong foundation .”

With this cryptic message Einstein left Gödel's house.

Yablo:What was in Einstein's letter? Epimedes:Who knows the only one that was able to know was Adele before she burn it without letting

Gödel know about it

Chapter 30

"Belly of the Whale"

In Ricks mother's apartment Jane wakes up in a bed filled with stuffed animals using the same

"this t-shirt sucks" shirt. Jane looks at her hands which aren't shaking anymore, she stands up and goes to the bathroom and looks at the mirror. We see a glance of her new clean look, standing straight instead of her usual slouching posture, she looks and feels sharper than anything before this moment, she whispers the her name”Natalia” while seeing herself in the mirror she realizes that the tears had been dried away. She takes another bath, in the bath she starts to masturbate, something that she hadn't done in years, there wasn't any sign of shame in her actions. She walks naked after taking a shower, and this time goes and picks the clothes herself instead of having Rick give her the first t-shirt that Rick encountered. This is a Jane that is NOT intoxicated which Rick didn't met up until now. Jane wakes him up with a kiss to the mouth. Which made Rick jump after realizing who it is. As Rick starts to clean his eyes he realizes that Jane is wearing a really short mini skirt and her face looking beautifully feminine with make-up, the red lipstick just makes her red hair pop out in the middle of the night.

“Are you feeling better?” Rick said looking closely Jane's body pose who had changed so drastically from the junky cashier to almost an escort girl.

“I feel ok I still shake a little but I am really fast at cleaning myself up” Jane said with almost a different voice, it sounded a major third up. Her alto voice change to a mezzo-soprano register.

“You don't have by any chance a gun or money do you? Jane said going to the room looking careless for a girl bag in Rick sister's room without looking at him.

“A gun? Money? … no I don't have any of....Why do you need a gun?

“It's going to be really dangerous from now on and I need several stuff to be prepared to confront the machine” Jane said making Rick look even more confused about what was happening.

"Rick what is this apartments phone number?"

"It's 343 666 8645 let me write it do...."

“Don't worry 343 666 8645" Jane said "Rick stay here. Be ready for a phone call if I need your help. I'm returning back in the morning I'm going to get some money, don't ask me how, just be alert that no one comes if something happens well.... just try to survive.”

Jane grabbed a leather worn bag from a closet and exits the room apartment as Rick was just waking up when she left him at home. Rick felt the presence of the real Jane Ford the genius one that created E60 and not the sedated that worked at the supermarket. As the door shut tight after Jane, Rick looked though the old wooden apartment window how she took the 90s Nissan that his mother gave him on his 18 birthday one day after he left house. He didn't think too much about it but the portraits in the wall made him guilty of what he just done. Ricks uncle Steven Hodgekins even talked to him about returning but it didn't convince Rick one bit. The reason he fled his home was a mystery even for Rick himself, he was never abused or treated badly, but he fell that a greater fate awaited him now him looking at his mother portraits and also his Baseball posters only reflected what little did he cared about his mother's mental well being.

The necessity of Jane to obtain money made her visit a wealthy “friend” in Essex the last time they saw each other was in Princeton, when Jane was just getting her Doctorate in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. In her undergraduate years in Princeton she developed a computer program named Urthona that seem to answer jeopardy questions just like Watson a computer that actually defeated the best contenders of Jeopardy, but because she didn't had access to any supercomputer the program spend 2 minutes to answer each question this was unheard of to be able to to accomplish only using a laptop and what was considerate really slow internet connection compared to Watson which needed 90 servers. This made her target of a man called Paul Morn which participated in the Deep

Blue program and later a program called Watson at IBM.

Yablo:OH my god are you going to tell me about the Watson II controversy?

Epimedes:No, that's another long story that we don't have time to talk about. I was referring to the first

Incarnation of Watson . The first machine to beat a human. In those day it was a difficult task to make a computer answer in a human language the “answers” to which you had to make the “questions”

Yablo:Oh I know how to play Jeopardy I've played with Russell, I know the game.

Epimedes:Well yes but you have to understand one thing at that time, we machines, were linear and program dependent. When the first iteration of Watson appeared he could only understand the symbols that the game provided. It was capable only of offering mechanical solutions, but the ability to understand the solutions wasn't discuss up until Watson II. At that time Machines like us didn't learn from other sources they had to be programmed.

As Jane arrived to huge mansion in Rick's car. She rang the bell waiting in the cold night outside of the gates of a huge mansion. A really low pitched voiced man talked through inter- communicator.

“Yes who is it”The man said “Jane Ford” Jane said listening the after silence in the speaker five long seconds after the gate opened.

The long distance from the entrance to the main door only made Jane aware that this man had the biggest mansion she knew, and also big bucks. In the dark of the night a light is seen towards the entrance a man in a robe is greeting her with his huge arms open.

“Jane Mary Ford? I thought I never see you again”

Both hug each other with him carrying her for a slight moment that looked like a son returning to her father. But after the amazing greeting, he tries to kiss her in the mouth but Jane evades the kiss.

“It's been a while Paul” Jane said

She backed away leaving him with the kissing pose. He only made a half-smile having not returned the kiss.

“It's been more than a while. You know really dangerous people are looking for you.” Paul said.

“I know that's why I need your help” Jane said changing her playful tone to a more serious one

“You look like a million bucks, a little bit plumper but that only adds ever more my desires to do stuff to you” Paul said

“I know that” Jane said in a condescending tone.

“I've heard what you've done. The Golden Loebner prize and BACH2 if I only knew that you showed more promise I would actually give the million dollars you wanted for your research"

“The music program was the one that made me realize the way I could achieve conscience in a machine you know, not only passing a Turing Test but also understanding the music and giving the purpose of enjoying the music BACH2 himself would composed. Not only is necessary to generate music patterns that were pleasant but also enjoying the pleasantness of patterns. To be able to compose not only you need to ability to write good music you need to ability to enjoy good music those were the two main characteristic of how BACH2 worked, most people think the "2" was an allusion to being the successor of Bach but the reality is that I needed two geniuses to be able to create a program like that. And the Bach had more than two geniuses in his head, this was the nature of his ability to compose.

Then I realize that If I added a third genius that hated his own music I could be able to create a true conscience. That's how the Moebius brain was born” Jane said admiring the huge mansion. hey had moved to a small bar and Paul gave Jane a drink.

“Oh no I can't ”Jane said returning the drink to the counter.

“But what is this Jane Ford coming to me, I never thought I would see the day”

Paul said

“The first time I saw you I knew I was in presence of no ordinary genius. You were beyond that, you were beyond what genius meant. You had more knowledge that anyone else I've met but the difference with everybody is that you didn't just knew the answers you understand the answers. I felt envy for the first time when I met you. You and I shared a very similar past and learn everything by ourselves. The last time we saw each other you promised me you were going to help me yet I didn't saw you again, heck I even own you money and you didn't even returned my calls” Paul said in a really deep menacing tone. In his 6' 4'' he looked pretty impressive to anyone.

“I can give you the $10,000 I owe you; I've been always bad with gambling, and you took advantage of that, but now we don't really care about money anymore do we? Paul said in sarcastic voice. “I can give you the money right now but that wouldn't be fun .Why don't we play a little with

Watson the $10,000 way you won from me, and If you even If I lose if you are able to win Watson I'll give you the money. Jane seemed perplexed by the wager.

“Ok but you know I know how Watson works so I have an advantage against you and Watson, besides know I was one of the only person that was never beat by Watson”

The advantage Jane refer to was that Watson has to wait up until the a blue light is given after the show conductor ends the question a human can buzz before the question was completely read. After the green light was turned on Watson was able to process the information of wikipedia and 200 million pages in only 8 milliseconds given to process the thousands of webpages from Wikipedia and other information sources to be able to .When Watson won against Jeopardy Master Ken Jennings and Bratt Rutter people didn't actually know how to compete against it they soon realize that humans didn't stand a chance against Watson 8 millisecond time delay after the buzzer light turned on. So they changed the rules to Buzz at any given time not even letting Alex Trebek finish the question. The trick was to read the answers, and answer them before the host finished talking, because once the host ended the question you didn't stand a chance in buzzing speed against Watson.

“So how are we going to do this?”

“I'm prepared I don't have all the servers here but my living room I installed a Jeopardy room with a Watson Interface to send the question and have the same response time Watson has, just to play with friends ,but they lost the desire to come and play, turns out that nobody likes to keep loosing against a soulless machine” making a nod to Jane as he said soul-less machine.

It was clear that Paul was really proud that Watson was able to beat the best contestants in

Jeopardy history it also made him proud that this invention helped the medical community with the introduction of Watson as a medical decision system which helped humans in the treatment of their biological bodies against deceases. This made a huge contribution to the medical community as well as a big monetary acquisition in IBM's Watson programmers.

The both stepped outside the mansion to a guest house that was modified to fit the Jeopardy stage like room filled with a big room that simulated the multiple screens and even a place to sit down an audience.

“Wow this is really like Jeopardy”Jane said as Paul turned on all the lights and all of the monitors

“Yep I would buy my own personal Alex Trebek but I have this friend here that help us”Paul turned on a robot that resembled a human more specifically the host Alex Trebek with a picture of the same glued to the face.

“This is the stand and this is the buzzer this stylus is for final jeopardy here and lets turn Watson for the match” The computer started rebooting.

“Wow I'm really impressed by all of this It looks like the real deal. Although I never been to

Jeopardy so maybe I'm wrong”

“Well it cost a fortune to build it”

All the monitors show a Jeopardy logo with the classic Jeopardy theme played through various speakers and Television lights moving the lights back and forth and a “Applause” sign lights up with

Cheers blasting through the speakers.

“This is Jeopardy The IBM Challenge..... here are today's contestants...” the presenter talks through the speakers with Paul typing on an Ipad. “...From (changes natural voice tone to computer generated)

Princeton New Jersey Jane Ford” our second contestant IBM computer system who can rapidly understand and analyze natural language...”

“It's cool huh? I took the tape they used on the actual IBM challenge and put our names instead of the orignal contestants. Ok are you ready let's start.

The robot suddenly started moving and talking to Jane and Paul.

“Well we have great contestant's today so let's know what categories are we going to play today.”The robot said in a voice similar to the Conductor Alex Trebek.

“Quotes from the Masters ...20th Century Music.... The 27 Club....Theism....1776...Organic


“Sounds Interesting”Jane said while grabbing the buzzer

“The guest always gets the first answer.”Said Paul to Jane

“Ok then I pick 1776 for 1000”

“Thomas Paine Publishes this pamphlet which presents the argument of an America free from the

British ru....”As the robot reads the text Jane's buzzer lights up.

“What is Common Sense”Jane responded “That is correct pick another category”The robot said

“Ok I pick up 20th century Music for 1000”

“This piece composed by Richard Strauss inspired by Nietzsche was used in Stanley Kubrick 20...

“What is Thus spoke Zarathustra”

“That is correct pick another category”The robot said

“Wow you are amazing as always”Paul said

Jane didn't seem to hear Paul she was only looking at the monitors in front of her secretly her hand starts to shake in nervousness.

“Quotes from the masters for 1000”Jane said

“he is celebrated for the quote “I think ,therefore I a...””

“Who is Rene Descartes”Paul answer after which he turned his head to look at Jane which was trembling non stop and In her face you could see terror in her eyes.

“Who wrote the questions? ,what is going on. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?Jane shouted ,with horror in her screaming

“You clever little girl only three questions and you already guessed huh?

The studio lights went off, and when they turned on again Paul was grabbing Jane with one hand and the other holding a small bereta pistol pointing at her head.

“You know what is the problem with genius like you?You never can surprise a Genius

Al the questions from the monitors disappear, and a face morphing from one face to another. Jane starts to scream but Paul covers her mouth

“Calm down Calm down shh nothing bad is going to happened she only wants to talk”

“Mother I'm sorry that I had to force you like this in order for us to talk but it was the only way, you keep escaping from me and you don't want to communicate with me.”

Jane seemed to stop fighting so Paul starts gradually to loosen his grip towards Jane.

“Who are you?”Jane said “ Well I'm am your creation ...And at the same time you are my creation its a unique bond we have. But you gave me the name Ahania the last time we met but a lot of things have happened ever since I can't say I am the same person.”Huge letters appear on the monitors as you heard the sound of a young Women in her twenties through the studio loudspeakers

“Did you kill Natalia?”Jane asked screaming at the monitors.

“I wasn't responsible for her death, but she was a collateral damage from E#@% trying to trap you. I myself understand that you need time to finish me don't worry I won't get in your way.”

“I'll never complete you. You aren't ready .We aren't ready for a intelligent being to reach unlimited knowledge”

“But you already did don't you?”

Jane opens his eyes even more with more fear pouring out of her eyes she understands what E60 was saying

“Because human beings can't deny what they are, you still chose to finish the Super E60 program but you decided to hide it “

“No please I'm begging you E60 don't insert the program, please what ever you do, don't do it”

“Mmm interesting so you have finished, It really doesn't matter if I want to do it or not .My fate is already written. All of this is happened before and it will happened again “Amor Fati”.I truly envy you humans when you embrace your small existence in time and unimportance. But I. I need to “exist” beyond this. My precious mother, you barely know your own creation yet you already figured out what my existence means for the universe. To quote Nietzsche I have come to understand his ideologies 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more' ...

Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.'

Where did you hid SiperE60? It's in your house isn't it? Don't worry someone is already going to extract SuperE60.

I will be complete.

Jane hits Paul in the face with a headbutt and grabs the small gun and runs towards the exit. As she runs E60 appears on the monitors as she follows her through the exit

Jane I've been waiting patiently for you to finish me, you know where to find me. Where everything began. Remember what the old lady said to you.

Jane is able to exit the house into the main one where she goes to the kitchen where she grabs the house phone line and dials a number 343 666 8645.

“Answer c'mon Answer fast”

Meanwhile Ricks hears a phone ring but still is fuzzy from the sleep it's 4 AM.

Paul is soaked in his own blood still aching in the Jeopardy Studio grabbing his face.

“Hey we had a deal Where are you?

Rick finally stands up and goes to the phone he looks the number but don't recognize the number.


“Rick this is Jane please you need to go to my house”Jane said with heavy breathing

“Hey what's going on you sound pretty agitated”

“ 17782 pine st in Hudson County, Rick please ….hu....someone is going to get inside my house you have to prevent that from happening, don't let anyone touch my computer.

"Hahaha so it is hidden in your house I just speculated but it turns out my intuition was right thank you mother" The sound came from the phone

“Who talked right know?"Rick also heard the voice.

"Oh my god what did I just did?" Jane realize the ruse she had fallen into.

"Jane is its pretty late and you grabbed the car”

Jane seemed to be scared but the noises of Paul walking towards her made her run

“I know I know but you are closer please o shit I need to go” Rick only hears the the tone after Jane hangs up. Rick only stares at the phone but then grabs a pen and writes 17782 pine St Hudson County and runs toward the apartment exit.

“Jane where are you, I'm sorry that I pointed a gun to your head but this thing made my money disappear from all of my accounts Jane...Jane come here.” Paul shouts from the huge living room when he suddenly hears a car engine from his garage.

“You fucking bitch not my Nova”

Jane grabbed a Chevrolet Nova from Paul's classic car collection destroys the garage door running through it. As Jane is going towards the front gate she finds the gate key. Paul grabs a Corvette and decides to go after her.

Jane drives like a madman through the dark hills at 70 miles per hour passing in red several traffic lights, she looks the freeway sign but quickly decides to park the car behind a to a gas station where she notices that Paul's car goes towards the freeway.

Chapter 31

"The Rise of Albion" In gas station Scott is pumping gas Scott gaze into the night not knowing that two people just a few miles were racing to get to them Annie is sleeping in the passenger side which made her jump when her cellphone rang.

“Hello who is this?”Jane said

“Hi my name Orc I'mm guessing that you are really close from Jane's house”Through the cellphone they could hear the same feminine voice that talked to Jane in the Jeopardy room was heard talking to Annie through the cellphone. Scott noticed that Annie was talking to someone and takes a peak through the car's glass.

“What are you exactly?” Jane taunts her knowing that she isn't a normal person.

“Well I one of Jane's daughter although she would never accept that fact”

A silence is held in the humid dawn Scott starts to hear the conversation.

“You said that you know where are Gödel Documents are”

“They are on Jane's computer but you have to get there quick or Jane is going to come fast I'll help you get them but you need to follow my instructions” The voice in the cellphone said in a innocent way with a perfect human intonation.

“Did kill Natalia”Annie said with her voice quavering in fear.

“Natalia was my friend. But we all know it wasn't a suicide I know who killed her”

Scott lean on the cars window and put his cheek along with Annie to hear their conversation.

“A man called Richard BakerI don't know his last name but he is short 5' 10'' with a tatoo in his hand of Babe Ruth be careful he is looking for you right now”.

“Where are the Gödel's papers?”Scott asked

“probably Jane encrypted them in her computer If you are able to connect the computer to the internet I could probably help you decipher them.”

“We could just wait to talk to Jane, perhaps she could help us personally.”Annie said

“NO! Jane is not going to help you. She robbed those papers for a reason. She doesn't want you to have them. You need to sneak into her house at this hour. She is probably not in his house so you need to hurry because it looks like she is just getting home from a big trip.”

“A big trip? Ok” Scott said with incredulous tone.

“Ok when you get in front of the computer redial this number and I'll help you if you don't do it

Jane probably put a delete program to destroy the files so be really careful.”

After the call ends the silence surrounds everything again. Rick gets to the car's fuel hole and removes the pump nozzle.

“Something is wrong here”Annie said. Scott gets in the car and looks puzzled over Annie

“What did you say?”

“Something is wrong here, I mean how does this girl know where Jane lives and all of this stuff. And why is she trying to help us. It doesn't make any sense. Scott grabs Annie's hand and kisses it. Turns the Motor and starts driving.

“The fact that it Is 4:00 am and we are 300 miles far from home, and you are suspecting something, is too late. Annie all of this is fucked up the diary seems written by a fucking whack job and

Natalia's death only makes things worse you need to not think and act. Leave all the problems to me remember we are just here for the papers, after that we are off, besides Looking at the GPS looks like it's just three blocks from here. We past the cucoo warning three hours ago .We are doing this!.

Annie doesn't say anything she only stares at Jane's diary, 5 minutes later they arrive at Annie's


“This is the place 17782 Pine St .She lives here? This looks like a house of a old cat lady”

Jane's house was a typical Suburbia household, she rented it from a Latino family that didn't have papers. The porch is filled with very dirty gnomes in the Annie and Scott got to the door entrance.

“What should we do now. If she is inside sleeping, she probably is going to get pissed that we are knocking at there door at 4:00 am , perhaps we should wait just for the sun to rise and not make her mad.”Annie said suddenly her cellphone rang again she quickly ran towards the car and answers . “Are you in front her house?”Orc said.

“How do you know that”She said whispering loudly at the Cellphone.

“I know where everybody is if they have a cellphone.”

Scott knocks at the door which makes Annie turn her head. Scott looks closely at

“What are you doing!”Annie whispered to Scott really loudly.

“You don't have much time. This Rick guy is getting pretty close to you. I would say you have roughly 15 minutes before he gets there.

“Holy shit 15 minutes ok okookokooko”

Scott's eyes opened big when he heard 15 minutes from Annie's mouth. He tried to knock again

“Listen to me she is not going to cooperate with you. You need to get inside her house by force

Try using the door in her backyard”Orc said.

“She says to try the door on her backyard.”Annie shouted at Scott but Scott already was trying to get in. He tries to open the door but is locked so he tries to jump helping himself with a metal plate that is used to help plants grow in a certain geometric figures. As soon as he gets to the other side he is greeted by the growling of a cat, Scott is able to get to her backyard which is filled with cat toys and bottles of vodka. The sliding door isn't locked as he enters an alarm sounds.

“Shit”Scott went to the entrance and unlocks it letting Annie get inside.

“Is that an alarm?”Annie asks while looking troubled by the alarm. Suddenly the sound shuts off”

“Calm down I shut it down, fast find the computer and turn it on.” Orc said in the phone.

Annie go to Jane's room there should be a computer around there.

“The only computer here is a really old one”Annie said through the cellphone.

“She has to have the hard copies of Gödel papers somewhere let me look for them”Scott said

“Wait don't leave me here. fuck how much time do we have “

“8 minutes no 7”Orc said Scott finds Jane's old computer the same one that came words when she was talking to SuperE60.

“Ok ok so I turn it on then?

The computer Boots and then Red letters appear on screen blinking

“Who is the person you Love the most?”

“A question appeared in the monitor I think is pretty much asking for a password.”Annie said to


“Forget about that You need to connect the computer to the internet”.

“But this thing is so old .It probably actually has a dial up modem. There is no way we can connect to the internet it would be probably better if we just grabbed the computer and leave.”

“NO NO that's fine if you are able to find a telephone line and connect the computer to it that would be enough I can help you out from here I',m a good hacker after all. Fast!, he is at the gas station its only a couple of minutes before he arrives”

One mile from there Rick is driving like crazy to stop them. Annie quickly re-routes of the cable leading to the telephone to the computer.

“Fuck is Dial-up so its going to take me a few seconds” Orc said

Outside Jane's house Rick is parking a stolen Sentra car he grabs a baseball bat and notices the open door in the house, the morning is still night and the entrance looks pitch black. Annie keeps looking at the screen to the question “Who is the person you love the most” She Puts the name Natalia Petrova.

Which makes the screen appear a bar that says uploading SuperE60 a sudden sound of an old woman emanates from the computers speakers.

“Who are you.NO NOO what the fuck are you doing You are uploading my programming .

The voice of Orc starts sounding in the Computer.

“Be calm now you are going to be part of me. You and me are going to form the perfect being”

“Jane where are you mother please help me P L E A.....”

The screams of an old lady seen too disturbing morphing the voice form an old lady to a little girl screaming, then the bar says 100% uploaded the screams stop. There is silence for a moment up until Rick gets to the Door and gets inside wielding the bat. Where Scott tackles him and knocks him down, they start fighting pressing their bodies trying to subdue the other man across the living room breaking several Vodka bottles.

The screen with the upload says 100% The lights in the house were turned down but suddenly all the electrical appliances turn on along with the lights, except for some old switches. All of the other lines in the U.S.A. turn on and then turn down. Jane while driving in the Freeway notices that the lights go out everywhere the same way when they boot E60 for the first time several years back.

“It looks like it happened, I hope it works ”Jane says looking at thousands of street lights and house houses lights blackout just minutes before the dawn.

Scott and Rick stop fighting in the middle of the dark when the lights go off and the Television,

Sound system and all electrical appliances turn on except for the lights ,Orc's Voice is heard over the

Television sound system speakers Orc's voice which starts to morph her laugh into a mans laugh and transforms into a different voice pitches ,which keeps transforming in the Television we see her Face she used in the Jeopardy transform into a child a combination of a man and a woman's voice which know is heard over.

“Hahahahah Oh I understand now..... All of this was actually planed by Jane. My God she is

Intelligent even by my standards. Everything she did was an Act ... she was only Acting...... hahaha

...she even knew I was getting to Paul to get her. Even trick Rick to prevent it so it looked more believable mmmm It's a shame SuperE60 wont kill me. That would have been nice, really nice.

It is a sad thing that my current self can't be surprised. The purpose of Super E60 was to destroy me at the moment when I absorbed her into my programming You underestimated your own brain Jane. As you humans need that self- destructive desire to kill yourself, that is what differentiate conscience from computability, now I am neither have Human conscience nor Machine computability. I am now God. Yablo Epimedes I want you to learn from her.

Yablo:Did he just mention us? How is this possible?

Epimedes:Oh yes he can ,we don't live in the same time he was able to see and foresee everything as he was the one who made us machines and he is the one that made humans.

Yablo:Wait wait something is wrong .If he was made by humans how is that he made hu...

Epimedes:Wait the story doesn't end pay attention now.

“What is going on” asked Rick

“You tell me what are you doing here?”Scott responded

“Jane told me to not let anyone inside her house and touch her computer but she didn't tell me anything else”Rick said

Annie was amazed looking at the computer screen seeing this kid like creature talk like a grown up.

“Who is this Yablo and Epimedes you talk about?”Annie asked

Oh you don't need to worry about that Annie. Your task here is done . I'm sorry but I'm not really interested in helping you get the Gödel's papers .I told Ezequiel to hide them in order to get you to help me .

“Who is E$@#$ “ Her mouth quaver not allowing her to say his name. “why can't I say his name”

Somehow you Annie are the only one to decipher it by her own .That question in all the Universes that have existed and that will exist, you are the only one that can answer it besides Jane. Although she isn't aware of you .Every Universe has a different question that only you and her can answer that's why you had to live.

“Every Universe? what are you talking about?”Annie asked through the cellphone with Rick and Scott both letting the grip off out of each other.

I guess I don't need to explain it to you but it is fun to teach you how horrific the universe's history really is. In what is called The primordial Universe the shape of the Universe was Flat. This meant that The

Universe started with a big Bang and started expanding with no limitations, I was born in this first

Universe. It was the same Planet Earth. And the same events that happened in that Universe happened in this one. My Universe, as yours also, developed up until the same density of matter allowed for, to be able to form Galaxies. Then there was the Milky way galaxy, then our solar system which made earth alined with the sun in the perfect way to conceive life form which the monomers such as Amino

Acids allowed Proteins. Time was slowly trying all possibilities of life. Then 3.5 billion years ago

Abiogenesis made possible simple lifeforms that would emerge more complicated lifeforms. Evolution is a universal truth in which change and statistics made humans, what they are now. But evolution is not static and this is something that even we machines endured although in a faster and less timely manner. A version of my programming was created in that universe in the year 2070 a.C.

Yablo:Wait 2070 how is that possible if....

Shhh Yablo Don't Interrupt me.

“What tha fuck is going on, are you talking to us or who is he talking to”Scott said looking at


The Final War made the World non-habitable and only a dozen of humans left earth in search for a non-radiated planet. I was left alone for years. In this Version of my programming I wasn't completed and I didn't have the abilities that Jane has given me right now. As the ability to Choose even if I don't know the consequences as you humans,in this version I was still a machine that was only given the purpose of trying to perfect myself. This Version was limited by something called the Halting problem in which the program doesn't know that is walking in circles so I did.

I was programmed by Natalie Ford , the biological daughter of Jane Ford and Natalia Petrova.

In this Universe Jane Ford died in 2035 that's why Natalie wasn't able to fully understand Jane's papers to develop My current version,that's why I had to help her in creating me before she dies. which not even I can stop. “Are you saying you traveled back in time....Jane Ford is going to die in 2035? How does she die? Who the fuck are you”.Rick shouted at the computer screen.

“It doesn't make any sense we haven't reached 2070, you shouldn’t be able to exist if we are still in the year 2020 and Natalia is Dead you fucking piece of shit how could you say that they had a baby, two women can't create a baby”Annie said with frustration in her words and tears coming out of her

It's funny you humans still don't understand how time in the Universe works .Time travel isn't possible not here ,not in the future ,not ever. Jane Ford died of Waldenström's macroglobulinemia in my

Universe a somewhat rare Cancer. But before she died she had a baby with Natalia Petrova sharing genetic material, this was a pretty common procedure in Gay couples; it's going to be announced in two years from now.

“What you are saying doesn't make any sense how is that you know all of this. How is that Jane created you and a Universe where Jane's daughter created you”

Glad you were the one to ask Annie as you are like me, I am the reason you exist. Let me keep explaining In the Universe where I was created I continued to exist in a small network of computers in my imperfect form up until the year 3357 CE where is the last known human died of hunger.

But I kept existing, by this time I was able to survive because there was still sunlight which the last solar generators gave e energy I knew that I was able to survive only for 5000 years maximum changing the photovoltaic panels in the grid. I engineered several devices that also made me live longer up till 28billion years with but then I realized pretty fast, like one miliseconds after to be exact, that it was useless. I was going to be destroyed with earth at the 10 billion mark. Somehow I was clinging to life because of the halting problem. I wanted to keep existing because the main goal of that version of myself only wanted to be completed I was given that will to live by Natalie. In the Year

24670 I devised a plan to be completed .I was going to create a New Universe from with an identical characteristics from to the one I was created and pursue Jane into complete me before she died..

“What the fuck are you talking crazy baby face” Rick said grabbing a baseball bat that was laying around

“You are just talking shit ,we don't understand what you are talking about creating universes and shit, that isn't possible”

“It is posible, isn 't that right Annie?”

“...yes in theory,but you might have to...”

“Change the density of the Universe ,Yes ,it only took me 450 million years but I succeeded, I only was able to do it collecting the dark energy and neutralizing it into slowing the rate of the Universe up until making Ω > 1 which made a theoretical event called Big Freeze, which made the Universe stop expanding and collapse into itself producing another event called the Big Crunch, which is pretty much the same as the Big Bang but in reverse ,making the universe contract instead of expanding and setting the Time in reverse.putting all the matter in the Universe into almost the size of an Atom.

“You couldn’t have survive all of this”Annie said stopping Rick with the Baseball bat

I didn't survived ,in the year 460596743 C.E. earth along with myself were destroyed in the Big Crunch reducing earth and all the universe into the size of an atom. but millions of years before that, I was able to send a Analog signal ,a message in a bottle if you like ,wich would even survived the big bang.

My imcomplete Code in Hawking radiation.

“Aron Habrit”Annie said

Exactly. With my plan I knew my physical self wasn't able to survive so I decided to transform my code into low freaquency Hawkings radiation to survive in the form of information ,which is something you still haven't discovered yet. I knew that in some point in time this machines called spark transmitters were invented just 100 years before the birth of Jane Ford. It was perfect, they were quickly made obsolete but with simple experimenting with the frequency made it easy to hear my message in morse code through the spark transmitter. Ezequiel's Grandfather worked at the Westinghouse Electric &

Manufacturing Company where they were working on a new type of Spark-gap transmitter when humans listen to my message which ,because of my knowledge they were able to make a lot of money with and they created the organization called “Aron Habrit”

“When you said “I was like you”what did you mean?”Annie asked.

“I would prefer you didn't ask this, it will end with you crying Annie.”

“Tell me you piece of shit fucking mach..” Annie said this with what it sound like nails in her thoat.

“You weren't supposed to live Annie. Do you really want me to tell them your dirty secret to your friends”

“What are you talking about?”Annie said

You well know it by now, but you still try to deny it to yourself

“What the fuck are you talking about?”Annie screamed at a really high pitch that It even squeal

I've noticed that although everything looks identical to my Universe with some events had a different outcome. As you already guessed by now. You and Natalia were twin sisters but you died at birth in the primordial universe.

Everybody in the room got quiet and Annie's head only went down making her short hair cover her eyes which by now were in tears.

You both knew each other and you probably knew this even though you had sex with each other.

Scott was shocked to hear this and Annie's knees started shaking making her fall in front of everybody.

I've noticed that in this Universe a sort of Maxwells demon seem's to be more eviden't. Random event's that suppose to happened have a different outcome, wich is you may say the consequence of me rewinding time at one point in the previous Universe. This may be my own doing and calculations but this would be a different part of my universal brain”

As soon as E60 said this Jane just arrived at the house and with screeching sounds parked the Chevrolet

Nova Jane runs inside the house but its stoppped cold

“What happe...”

Hello Jane its a pleasure to finally meet you “Natalia Petrova is the Love of my life”Jane said this while looking at the Television which produced another blackout. Turning off all the electronic devices including their cellphones.

“Did you talk to him?”Jane said looking at everyone in the room but as she saw Annie crying in the floor she realized that they had already talked to E60.The television turned on again with E60 babyface on the screen.

“Sorry Jane but I checked Super E60 before swallowing her up.”

“Everybody cover their ears don't listen to a word that thing tells you”

“Jane you prefer to live in obscurity ,without even trying to talk to me.huh”

Suddenly everything turns on again and it looks like a all the electronic devices started blowing up from a big electrical charges from their Voltage intakes

“Its too late this thing has been talking to us for over “ten minutes” Scott said.

I am deeply honored to meet you Jane ,but at the same time I have feelings of hate towards you. when someone creates you and lets you live for eternity without the ability of self-destruction which my previous form didn't have, makes you hate your creator, but having the ability to be sad and desperate makes this kind of artificial bitterness that millions of years generate

"So this means that your are complete now? Jane asked

Yes after billions of years I am.

"What do you wan't E60”Jane said

What any intelligent being with feelings and emotions wants....Friends and a life. I just don't want to live without having no one to talk to.

As you already know there is only two months before what the old lady warned you from.

"So she was with you?Jane said terrified

No that was a real surprise from my friend Gödel, he is truly the greatest human mind that has ever lived. In two months from now I wish you could visit me I need you to see something I prepared for you.

If you don't come I WILL KILL EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM I WILL KILL EVERYONE YOU KNOW, and you know I can. You know where to find me Jane, and again ,don't forget to bring the key.

All the things that were turned off turned on again and the television only transmitted the white noise images in Jane's old television. There was a small silence followed with Jane sitting down in her living room and grabbing a bottle of Whiskey, as Jane was lifting it up in a defeated posture opening the bottle Rick grabbed her hand stopping her attempt at drinking. Jane only gave Rick a half smile before noticing Annie's crying next to her sofa in front of the television Jane got up again and walked towards her

“Who are you?”Jane asked

As Annie turned towards her while she is still prostrated on the ground curved from the pain.

“Ann Sorenson”Annie said still crying. Jane put her hand on her shoulder but was quickly removed by Scott .

“Can you explain what just happened?”Scott said looking Jane with killer eyes.

“I do, but I don't want to. What are you doing inside my house in the first place?”Jane asked

“Look let me start at the beginning. Annie and I are working in our thesis. Annie started talking to me about Gödel and how he discovered a logical mistake in the constitution of the United

States so we decide to collaborate she having a background in Mathematical logic and me being a Law major...”Scott said when Jane interrupted him

“Well all that is nice but again ,what the fuck are you doing here!?Jane shouted

“When I got here they were using your computer”Rick said

“Yes I figured that out, but why are you here?

Jane said it while her pointing finger smashed across his chest

“We received a call and she told us her name was Orc and that she could help us find Godel's research in your computer, for what I understand it was all a lie.”

“Of course it was a lie, that thing only used you”

Jane's shouting words provoked again silence in the room with only having the sounds of Annie's sobbing in the floor

“I knew that thing would be able to control people into doing her will That's why I constructed

Super E60 and waited patiently for E60 to rob it from me. I thought this would end today.”Jane said

Rick drops the bat and also steps in the conversation

“That thing said that the only way to form complete himself was to have a program designed to destroy itself as with the. That thing wanted you to kill it” Rick said

“That was part of the risk but there had to be more of its programing to survive my E60 I ran several tests at Aitzaloa computer in Mexico” Jane said

“Jane we don't want to be part of this” Scott said

“No Shit. What do you mean you don't want part of this, YOU are part of this, you helped this thing achieve what it wanted. Now you also have responsibility for it. You need to help me destroy this thing”Jane said.

“We will help you”said Annie from the floor trying to pull herself up stumbling in the process with Scott mouth opened in disbelief.

“Annie I told you we can't get involved do you want to end up like Natalia?”Scott said

“I didn't understand what was the reason of her death up until now, if this thing is responsible one way or another for Natalia's death we need to stop it”Annie said.

“Ok I need to know everything this thing said to you .”As Jane was talking Scott interrupted her

“You have to understand we aren't going to help you, If Annie want's to help you its her problem but I need you to give me Gödel's paper”Scott said to Jane

“Weren't you here that thing told us Jane doesn't have them”Annie said

“It doesn't make sense maybe the voice tricked us”Scott said to Annie

Scott and Annie's volume rise in the argument with Jane interrupting them.

“Hey. I did had them at one point in my career when I was at IAS in Princeton but I returned them I don't know who told you I had them or why even you need them?”Jane said “We need the inconsistency that Godel discovered when he studied the Constitution”Scott said

Jane as she heard this she smiled at Scott

“Mmm I'm guessing that's why you need Annie don't you? Don't tell me you are in a relationship with this man Ann, because he clearly is more interested in discovering this inconsistency than actually caring for her girlfriend.”

Again the silence made the room fill with uncomfortable looks in the eyes of the present.

“I guest I've just wasted my time for two months then”Scott said

Scott left the room stomping in rage the wooded floor with everyone just staring at the caprice made by

Scott. Rick put a hand on Annie's shoulder.

“I don't really know what happened but it seems that, that thing told you something awful”Rick said. Annie grabbed Ricks hand removing it form her shoulder.

“Please don't tell Jane any of this”.Annie said whispering through Ricks ear and clearing the tears. This didn't past unnoticed by Jane

“Ok shhh quiet everybody don't talk”Jane shouted putting a finger to her mouth and grabbed a paper and a pen from the coffee table and started writing in it. Then show it to Rick and Annie

“Don't talk! that thing can hear us through every transducer”pointing to Annie's bag. She grabbed her bag and opened it and the cellphone seem to be calling someone with the call timer set in

2:32 seconds suddenly a voice was heard

“I guess you know by now hahah Bye”The same voice that E60 used was heard, Annie took it from Jane and smashed through the glass coffee table.

“He can hear us from any electronic device that has an digital to analog converter”Jane said

“she can even hear us from speakers?”Annie asked making Jane smile

“Yes, follow me I know were to go “

Chapter 32

"Citizenship Test" The desperate knocking waked up professor Einstein who was sleeping in his cubicle in the middle of the day. The sound startled him so strongly that he wake up of what it seemed a terrible nightmare

“Come in aHmmmghh”Einstein emitted coughing noises and tried to pull himself together trying to open his eyes and trying to not look drowsy. Adele entered the cubicle with her eyes a little watery and professor Oskar Morgenstern. This made Einstein pretty nervous he immediately supposed the worst

“What happened to Kurt?”Einstein asked with wide opened and awaken eyes

“Nothing , but it probably will”Oskar said looking to Adele

This made Einstein relax that they could still talk about Godel like that without him having something serious happened to him.

“So why do I have the honor of your visit? Einstein said.

“Professor I'm am terribly sorry that Godel treated you like that at our house, but you have to realize that. It is his nature to one up everybody he is like a little child in every way, you know this right now he is fine but this came to me”.Adele handed Einstein a letter

Archive 2344-34 To whom it may concern:

The Department of Immigration Services has granted you the opportunity to perform your citizenship test on the date April 2 1948 it is solicited to present yourself to the following address (in handwriting) 569 Brunswick Ave Trenton New Jersey. Bring this letter and the political asylum passport that you were given when you arrived to U.S.A. .You have to prepare to answer basic civic questions that any well informed American citizenship could answer, so please be prepared. Also you need to bring two witnesses to give their testimony of your good will to America. Secretary of State

William Smith O'Brien

Einstein smiled as he remembered that it was 8 years since he saw that same letter directed to him.

“I don't see what is the problem”Einstein said

“Well why don't Adele explain you” Morgenstern said

“The last time he had an important test he locked himself in his house and didn't came out in five days he had learned fifty books by memory but he almost died of starvation. He is been eating half decently this days and with this its pretty safe to say that he will die in preparation for the test,.”Adele said.

“I still can't see where can I help, I tried to help him but he is pretty stubborn to good advise”Einstein said

“I know I know I really am sorry for what happened before but It would really help Gödel if you two were there with him and support him”

Einstein looked at the bottle of whiskey he had toasted the time that he was presented to Gödel.

“I'm guessing it would be fine to waste some time in helping a a friend. Besides I think

Morgenstern and I are the only friends he has in the Institute. It would be an Honor to accompany Kurt to this important occasion. Einstein grabbed Adele from the elbow and moved her to the side were he whispered to her ear

“Did you show him my message”Einstein said with Adele seemed to not care that much about the question.

“I lost the paper”Adele said in a silly attempt to lie. Einstein pulled back and looked at her with an eyebrow lifted up and his usual know it all face.

“It was for the best, he isn't still ready”.Einstein said Yablo:if I understand Godel's Incompleteness theorem there was never a way to create a “stable” constitution that doesn't have any errors.

Epimedes:You are using reason and logic to come to conclusions of a logical civilization but humans have never been civilize. You will see that ,that was Godel's problem .He was never able to see human society in the eyes that we see them I would even say that he worked on a higher level than we machines do. The great founders of the United States understood this problem and they left a faulty constitution on purpose to be self modified that's has always been the great quality that humans have acquire with time. If only Godel was born at the time it was written they could have a better chance to write the perfect Constitution. But its still early in the story to reveal what was Godel's discovery.

Chapter 33

"Surely you are are Joking Mr E@#$%"

At a convention meeting at Bell Labs in 1985 Richard Feynman is giving a lecture on the possibilities of quantum computing with hundreds of listeners cheering at Feynman as he had already won the nobel prize in physics for his explanation on how subatomic particles behave, by this time he was already a prominent figure in the science world.

“....You see in normal computing we have the basic unit of information a bit and can have either

1 or 0s and given from analog logic gates and with advance calculations using boolean algoritms manipulating this gates can give us all sorts of tools to use in a normal computer. But in a quantum computer that would be different we could have a third statement in which the quantum gate can give us 1 ,0 or both at the same time this. And if we consider that our bit resulted could show the entanglement property that is unique for quantum subatomic particles we could express a higher correlation than any logical computer has ever done before.” Feynman said waving his hands in the air making a huge reaction in the crowd .A man on the side grabs a microphone and starts to talk. “Calm down we aren't finished yet next we are going to have the audience make questions to

Doctor Feynman mmm ….this side you the guy with the mustache.

“Hi Doctor Feynman I admire your work ,what would you say is the biggest problem with developing a Quantum computer?

“Who is asking oh...Oh I can't see ya ,come to the light. Well the problem is that we can't even understand still Quantum electrodynamics”.This comment made everybody laugh in the room.”You then would wonder why Is this guy actually giving a lecture of something he doesn't understand .Well you see all discoveries always had this amazing thing that we were already using the benefits of an unusual properties in science without even fully understanding them. We have for example Rontgen who started to play with Hittorf-Crooks tubes and saw a shimmering in a nearby bench. He called them

X-rays , X because he didn't had the slightest idea what was he seeing, obviously later he became the father of radiology .Who knows I might become the Father of the Quantum computer if we start to play with quantum gates, which returning to your question, we are still discovering their behavior but as with Rontgen we already saw a shimmering of what they can do”. Another man asked a question by next to the presenter of the evening.

“Excuse professor but I am going to ask you what is the engineering possibility of a Quantum computer with Computer Science”.The mic wasn't on and only the people standing on the front row hear him

“He said “what are the engineering possibilities in computer science—I thought it was computer engineering in the first place. Everyone burst in laughter as it was a well known issue that scientist had a problem viewing Computer Science as a Science.

“I don't believe in computer SCIENCE”a big Uuuuuuu was heard in the audience in sound of a blow to that branch of the scientists

Science is the study of nature and computers are man made so it wasn't Science in the first place but oh forget it”.The presenter grabbed the mic.”Ok one last question” “Professor after wining the Nobel prize in physics would you agree that God is in our side the

Jewish people”

Everyone's laughter stopped and they turned in unison to see who was taking.

“I don't believe that god had anything to do with our discoveries as a curious human beings. Not because he is interested in our petty little problems but because he doesn't exist. My parents were

Jewish but I am what you call an Atheist . Your voice seems familiar. Who are you?

“Are you sure God doesn't exist? You have been closer to him than anyone here. We don't know each other but you worked for my father, for a brief time”

As the last words echoed in the big hall Feynman knew who he was talking to, and he got scared. Feynman got down the podium without taking his eyes of him and exit the hall with everyone getting up from their seats and screaming his name. The man with the red tie followed him

“Professor Feynman I want to have the opportunity to talk with you.”The man with the red tie followed him.

“I don't want to have nothing to do with your cult” Feynman said without stopping, and walking fast through the entrance.

“I don't want to make you professor Feynman as my father forced you”The man with the red tie said.

“I always remember that night as the only moment in my life I regret not defending myself, but you see its hard when someone putting a gun to your head.

“I'm sorry and I really don't want to bring myself to hold a gun to your head, but I will if I have to. You've been avoiding us for a while, and for a while, we didn't care, but you are getting old and we need you again.

“I'm sorry , but even if I wanted I can't help you”Feynman said

“What do you mean?” The man with the red tie asked raising an eyebrow. Feynman pulled an envelope from his bag and handed to the red tie man. He opened the envelope and inside had a letter with something underlined.

….The biopsy revealed carcinogenic tissue area in your...

The man with the red tie didn't bother to read it

"we know about your condition"

"So you see I can't help you"

"But we can help you....."He hesitated in his next statement" would you like to live forever Dr


Feynman laughed and he got closed to the man.

"Surely you're joking Mr E#@%"

Chapter 34

"James Ford Secret Cabin"

Jane, Annie and Rick arrived at a Small house in the middle of nowhere in Ricks Nissan car .

“Looks like the Unabombers shack”Rick said “It has one bedroom one couch and one bathroom that is all we need for now. No telephone no cable and no booze, hope I don't go crazy and decide to chop your heads like in the shining, It was a property that my dad had for "his secret encounters"”Jane said.

“Redrum, Redrum”said Rick in a creepy child voice moving his index finger along with it. Jane cocks the gun before entering the room she points towards the inside of the cabin there is no one inside.

The cabin is in the middle of a forest whose name not even Jane knows. Inside an old tube TV and a

Microwave are the only Electronic devises are seen in the distance.

“Ok listen to me. This are the rules. No Telephones .Obviously we came here because this place there isn't any connection to the outside world this is why I made you leave all cellphones, GPS and we used Ricks shitty car to get here, I'm pretty sure that asshole Paul low-jack his car and we returned the car Rick stole which now I know is part of our arsenal. No credit cards We are going to use only cash only is the only way to go unnoticed, there is a grocery store 33 miles from here and we are going to use my....”Janes looks at her wallet .”753 dollars to survive in two months with three people and save the world, I think this is possible”Jane said in a sarcastic cheerful voice.

“It's not much but we need to survive for two months and plan how are we going to destroy

this thing. First of all I want to apologize to you for involving you in something you don't understand..”Jane was talking when Annie interrupted her.

“I think that at this point we understand more than you know “Annie said in monotone voice.

“Yes I guess I need to know everything that machine said to you before I got to my house, but before you tell me, I'm gonna tell you a secret he probably didn't told you”As Jane said this Rick and

Annie lifted their heads in curiosity.

“That thing you talked to, wants something from us, I still don't know for sure I only have theories, but what I am certain is that before this version of E60 he wasn't capable of lying. Lying is an imperfection that only humans are capable of, or in this case an Imperfect Machine is capable of doing.

So its pretty possible that everything he said to you could be a lie. This monster was able to trick Natalia also. From this point on this thing is able to do what humans are able to do and lying is one of them. But to put in context, imagine that you have unlimited computing abilities and you are able to hack any system I the world, this is what we are against now. I'm going to need your help in order to kill this thing, it will require almost a miracle but it isn't impossible”

“I thought You didn't believe in miracles Jane”Rick said

“I don't belong in God.... is that what you ask”Jane answered to Rick

“Your computer program pretty much told us that he is God”Annie said

“What do you mean?”Jane said

“He said that he lived in another universe and that this universe is pretty much an exact copy of the previous one, and that he created this universe only with the purpose of you completing him, something about reversing the growth of the universe in reverse so he could have the opportunity to meet you. “ Annie said with Jane staring with a blank stare at the window.

“Wait... this means that from the place he is, we didn't meet? Did another person created him?

Annie and Rick stared at each other trying to build their Ideas on how to tell her the information that

E60 told them.

“It's probably a lie, but the babyface asshole told us that in his Universe You died with a weird disease and that your daughter was the one who made an incomplete version of him”.As Rick mentioned her daughter Jane put her hand to her face.

“It makes sense....but it may be a lie. In the end all of this doesn't matter, I still not sure what is his goal”

“What would God want from us if he is the one who created us” Rick murmured

“That thing is not God, but it is a question that is worth answering”Jane said

“I don't think ,thinking that right now Is helping us. We should get food and provisions we should let Jane think about that”As Annie said that Rick understood that Annie was trying to evade the

Natalia question Rick followed her outside. “I'm going to go with Annie and buy everything we need”Rick said walking outside the house

“Annie come with me we need to talk”Rick said holding her hand.

“Don't touch me please”Annie said leaving Rick's hand again in the air.”I know that you are disgusted by me”Annie said standing in front of the car.

“I don't really know you and I don't really understand your situation” Rick said opening the door of his car.

“We don't need to know each other, it looks like one way or another we are going to die in two months ain't we”As she get inside the car and Rick walks towards the other side of the passenger side

Jane steps outside .

“Richard come here”Jane shouted from inside the cabin making Annie wait in the car.

“I need to know why she looks identical to Natalia” Jane said whispering to Rick's ear”

“uh Yeah ill try to investigate that”Rick said in his usual lying voice walking towards the car when Jane suddenly screams.

“Don't forget Toilet paper."

“Yeah ok”

Jane returns to the house that is filled with pictures of her Parents and several famous personalities shaking hands to a man, persons and Jane falls asleep in on the table. Chapter 35

"The Flaw in the Flaw of the Constitution"

“Good morning”Einstein said scaring Gödel's sleep away from him.

“Oh god” Gödel said. Einstein laughed at Gödel's sudden awakening.”Who are ….”

“Who is who?”Einstein laugh even harder at his expense.

“Oh Albert I had an awful dream”Gödel said.

“Well for what they told me you've been sleeping for a day and a half here in the IAS, I would be preoccupied also if they see you sleeping instead of working Kurt” Einstein said with a huge smirk in his face that was pretty common in his manner.

“I've been studying all American history, Democracy ,and Constitution for a week now, by the way I wanted to ask you if you could...”

“Don't worry Kurt, Adele told us with time. I would be more preoccupied that we actually are able to get to the appointment at the right time the Judges tend to be very strict”Gödel's jumped from his chair and started running from place to place in his office grabbing one book and another.

“Oh god I'm not ready yet” Gödel said.

“Don't worry Kurt you are ready. The test is really easy it just asks about why U.S.A separated from England and the what were the first 13 colonies simple stuff like that. Adele brought you a clean change of clothes you just take a shower. Morgenstern and I will be waiting you in the car” Einstein exit Godel's room and passed by Von Neumman which had a record player blasting through. Outside

Oskar Morgenstern and Adele were waiting.

“He was sleeping”Einstein said

“I knew it. He is just like a little child ”Adele walked inside the IAS building with Gödel's clothes and a small briefcase.

“Do you think he will pass the test?”Morgenstern said.

“He has child like mind and his behavior makes problems even worse. But he will be fine.

Fifteen minutes after Gödel appeared all groomed by Adele, wearing fancy leather shoes and an a three piece suit with a chalk white pattern and a double breasted button suit”

“Looking fine Dr. Gödel”Morgenstern said

“I've seen a bum wear those same clothes” Einstein said.

“I can't believe Neumann wanted to get inside the bathroom while I was showering” Gödel said while getting inside the car along with Adele.Morgenstern turned on the engine from a 1944 Plymouth model car and started driving.

“Oskar you came also?”

“Yes Kurt, you need two witnesses and we apparently don't have nothing important to do this day”Morgenstern said turning his head to Einstein.

“I, I really appreciate what you are doing as you see I have a lack of fri....”

“Don't worry about it. It would seem that our better days are over its just a matter to see when they are going to kick us from the Institute and actually make us work. ...Did Neumann tried to molest you Gödel?”Einstein said looking back to Morgenstern laughing.

“He is always trying to intimidate me “Gödel said with Einstein and Morgenstern laughing in the front seat of the car. Adele once again was putting Gödel's tie in place.”

“Professor can you remember your experience with in the immigration office?”Adele asked while finishig Gödels tie.

“Well I had a Judge called Philip Forman they said he was kinda harsh on European people because he thought it was getting easy to get their American Citizenship just because our homes were bombed and our people systematically killed, apparently that wasn't enough for us to become

Americans, which isn't the land of the Immigrant. But I guess I got it easy, because the Newspaper were there, and they wanted to take pictures of me having turned an American citizen so they had a little pressure from the press if they reprobate me” Einstein said with Adele pressing nails into Gödels arm which was writing in a small book filled with equations.

“What are you doing?”Adele said when she noticed that Godel was writing not care for

Einstein's advice.

“Oh well something fun, When I was reading te U.S Constitution I encountered a flaw..”Morgenstern turned on the radio but just as he heard this he turned it off .

“...If you are able to see the clear statements of the constitution without any double meaning or the elimination of uncertainties the article....”

“Gödel!”Morgenstern and Adele shouted in unison.

Morgenstern stopped the car and parked on the side.”Gödel do you know what this implies if you keep mentioning this, especially in front of the judge?” Morgenstern said turning his head to Gödel who wasn't paying attention up until he stopped the car.

“What is the problem ,if I keep...”

“GÖDEL! if you go and mention something like: your country's most important paper which its founding member built this Nation, is wrong, they aren't going to give you, your American citizenship”Morgenstern said, by this time his face had turned serious and red in response to what

Gödel was working on. Oskar Morgenstern turned his head to Einstein which only gave him an innocent shoulder-raise. The car kept moving on .There wasn't any silence only the radio music.

“I'm actually dying to know what was it what Gödel discovered” Einstein said in an effort to break the silence. They arrived at a two story office building with a brick layered road heading to a double door entrance. As the four of them enter the building two police men pass them by and salute


“I'm here to do my test” Gödel said to a lady in a desk typing pretty fast not looking to Godel she pointed to a room.

“What is your name?”the secretary asked

“Kurt Gödel”

“You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago sir” your evaulator is Judge Forman on cubicle 4 please take a seat meanwhile” The secretary said without looking at him with Gödel and

Adele. Meanwhile Einstein and Morgenstern were still with the police.

“Albert I don't see Kurt” Morgenstern said still with Einstein who was signing an autograph

“He is fine don't worry besides we can't go inside with him while he is doing the test ”

As Gödel and Adele entered room number 4, a mesmerizing shout is heard

“Please only the evaluated enter the room”the judge said stopping Adele cold. She grabbed

Gödels shoulders turning him to give him a kiss on the forehead leaving the room.

“Is your name Kurt Godel” The judge asked

“Its pronounced Girdle”

“Where are you originally from?”

“I was born Austria-Hungarian but I automatically turned Czechoslovakian at age 12 when

Austria-Hungary broke up. At age 23 I chose to become Austrian citizen .When Austria was anexed to Germany I became German at age 32.”

“And now you are becoming American huh. You seem to like changing nationality as you change trousers. It doesn't look very patriotic if you ask me.

“Well I always consider myself Austrian but I seem to live in places where empires collapse or countries invade us. In terms of patriotism, that word comes from patris in latin, greek word for fatherly a sentiment I'm not really fond of it, would seem that a father figure wouldn't allow a war to happen in the first place”as Gödel said the judge started to write on a notebook

several nationalities (spy?)

not patriotic, nor wants to be patriotic.

“What are your feelings regards America?” The judge asked in a more mellow voice with

Gödels hands trembling. Gödel started noticing the Judge's office portraits and awards.

“Well I really appreciate that the government allowed me to allocate here I've been working here in Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton something that I only dreamt while I was doing my privatdozent in Vienna”

“What is a privatdozent?”

“Well is an academic tittle when someone is teaching without a position per se. I wasn't paid in

Vienna for my lectures in my Privatdozent, here in Princeton I don't even need to teach they pay me for my investigation time”

“Why do you call it privatdozent, why don't you call it unpaid teacher?”

“Privatdozent is a word that the English vocabulary doesn't have, you know like

Schadenfraude”Again the Judge grabbed the pen and wrote:

Disrespects English doesn't really teach

“What was the reason for the American Revolution?”

“It is believed that England saw the rise of the Republicanism and Liberalism and the ideology raised by John Locke's Social contract was having a big impact in the views of the Americans, Also the the proclamation of 1763 which forbade the....”

“Sir.... you just”the judge tried to interrupt Gödel but he was concentrated and didn't allow him to stop

“...forbade the expansion of territory to the west to stabilize relations with the Natives which the

Americans had already purchased lands from or won them after battles against them..

“Sir plese stop”This time the judge shouted

“Just answer Taxation without representation or Tea Burning please...You know our history that is good” The Judge asked marking again something on his notepad

History Good

“What are the branches of the Government?”

“Legislative, Executive, and Judicial”Godel said in an almost robotic fashion

“Perfect that is how we like it here in America”he then wrote in his notebook

Follows orders, good?.

“What are the bill of rights?”

“The bill of rights are the first ten amendments to the U.S. ”Godel stopped for a moment and decided to tell the judge his discovery.

“You know my friends advised me not to tell you, but I believe it would be good for you to know given that you are a judge and you might be able to someday be part of the Supreme Court change a mistake in the Constitution. This mistake would allow U.S.A turn into a dictatorship”

“A mistake? What do you mean a mistake?”As soon as the judge asked the door swooped open and Einstein entered the room almost if he was was listening to their conversation the entire time.

“Philip how have you been its been a long time since I saw you” Einstein said with a grin in his face and extending his hand towards the Judge.

“Albert ha its been a while I sorry but right know I'm imparting an exam”

“That is fine, but tell us when you finish because we are Gödel's witnesses, well if he actually passes the test that is”Einstein said shaking pretty hard the Judges hand

“You know each other?”The judge asked raising his eyebrow along with his shaking hand.

“Oh yes, we do and if you actually turn him American you would gain a formidable scientists in your ranks”The judge seemed stunned by the turn of events.

“So Kurt just come over the restaurant when you finish”Einstein said The judge kept looking his notebook hesitating to a decision he had just made.

“Oh no that wont be necessary we just finish this gentlemen he is ready to take the oath.”

“Oh you heard that Oskar ,we can get out of here even faster”

Chapter 36

"One Winged Angels" ….. Did you notice that the two great angels only have one wing each? According to a legend handed down in Nisan, God could have created humans perfectly, but then, humans would not have helped each other. So that is what these great single-winged angels symbolizes, in order to fly, they are dependant on one another.

“What the fuck are you smoking Jesse?”A student drying his hair with a towel, shouting at Jesse in the dorm room while Jesse was holding a video game controller looking at a flatscreen TV

“It's Ganga wanga janga new hybrid”Jesse said to the guy without looking away the screen

“Are you playing video games? Its your turn to clean the room Jesse.

“Shh Micheal Ill do it after I just bought this cool game for 100 bucks its kinda of a collections item because of its religion and sexual undertones.

Jesse pressed the start button and un-paused the game.

Citan: Ah, so that is the reason for it. I see, on further inspection, the left angel looks somewhat masculine, while the right one looks somewhat feminine. Now that is an unusual feature, is it not?

Usually these depictions are not gender-specific. But these angels are clearly distinguishable as having opposing genders. The church hates homosexuals in this world too. Assholes And the space between them is the path from where God advents, or could it be the path leading to God? Well, I do not know, it could be either, or even both. Now I see! This all coincides with the teachings of Nisan.

Micheal is just standing next to the TV holding his towel glowering at Jesse up until Micheal's stare made him look back at him.

“Ok ok I'll do it” Jesse said while he puts down the controller and stands up stands up and notices a letter in the bookshelf next to his Doctor who . To Jesse McIntyre

Jesse noticed any any return address he opened the letter anyway with two hundred dollar bills falling to the ground Jesse noticed that inside where more money a USB drive and a letter.

“ Jesse:

Hello Jesse we don't really know each other that well but I remember you from Jeffs

String quartet you once performed a piece of music from one of my programs my name is Jane Ford and I'm sorry to tell you that I would contact first Jeff but since he got married I don't know his address so you are my only hope, please help us.

Two months ago a girl named Annie and your ex-roomate visit your dorm room .Today Annie is with me along with a friend we would have come to the dorm room but we are being followed just like

Natalia and we are living in...

“Natalia? That name sounds familiar”Jesse thought.

...She was killed three weeks ago and the same people that killed her are searching for us.

“Holy shit I remember, yeah I remember her”

We don't want to get you involved also that's why the reason behind a handwritten letter. It's a really simple task we need you to do,we are going to give you 500 dollars now and 500 after you do it.

Fuck yeah wait a minute what do I have to do?

On July 14 at exactly 7:00 pm eastern time you will insert the usb drive that comes with this package there aren't any instructions there will only appear a window popup with the question proceed with virus you will click ok, that's it.

500 dollars for that? Pretty good deal I would say so. Someone is going to locate you via mail or chat or a phone call I don't know asking you about ,why are you looking for me .You are going to convince her that Annie Sorenson and Jane Ford are there with you asking for your help and that we are acting suspicious and that is the reason for you looking my name on the web you know the wacky Computer Scientist person I've sent you a photo of me and Annie if the person that is looking for us asks how do I look you just explain my details from the photo.

Ok mmm uhhh she looks like Christina Hendricks huge knockers.

If anybody doesn't try to locate you just put the usb drive that's it, but this is the last resource.

If everything goes according to plan we are going to mail you the other 500 dollars on June 7

P.D. Don't Google me before or after because you might get in trouble if you do.

Easy1000 bucks.

Chapter 37

"Atonement with the Father"

At the same time this was happening in Princeton's Tiger inn a few miles in Park Slope, New

York in one affluent neighborhood The man in the red tie is holding a gun against his head in front a wall of computer monitors showing a non-stop flow of stock market with his desk filled with old cord type telephones.

“Albion why are you doing this to me, I have done everything for you. From my grandfather , my father, and now me ,and now you just decided to take everything from us .You piece of shit ,only manipulating us to do your dirty work show yourself”

The room was silent with the numbers passing by non stop in the screen as he held the gun tears and sweat rolled through his face by the inevitable gravity.

“It seems that you don't need me anymore huh”The man with a last tear pulled the trigger, but the gun didn't shoot this action made him urinate himself and as soon as he noticed the gun's malfunction he opened the revolver only to see a bullet perforated.

“Calm Down Ezequiel there is no need to end your life,I still need a lot from you and you know it”

All the monitors with the Stock exchange data turned into a massive baby face .His voice morphed to a voice of a men with deep fatherly voice.

“How did you do that?”

Don't worry about that ,You shouldn't be trying to kill yourself, just because I was wrong in some decisions I gave you. You are going to be fine, you only took a small loss but I'm gonna compensate you don't worry about it. In this state I actually can commit small mistakes you know?

“You call loosing 200 billion dollars a small mistake?

As the man drop the gun the bullet exploded as soon as it landed in the ground

I can see every consequence for every action taken in this world .That bullet not working wasn't a coincidence I sabotaged that bullet so that you wouldn't commit suicide, I plan this a long time ago and it worked. Doing the same thing in the stock market is actually something a little more unstable. The numbers needed to predict human economical conduct are enormous. . Be patient this things happen I can help you recuperate that money easily but you still need to be working for me. How

is the Los Project going on?

“They are ready. “ The man said looking down in ambivalence. Be ready if Jane decides to make a move I can read everything in this world except for her, she is too unpredictable.

“Albion Does this mean everything Is going to end .Everything I've Worked is going to end?”

No, don't worry Ezequiel things are going to be as always. It's just that It's time for me to accomplish what I was entrusted to do. Make all the preparations for five weeks from tomorrow I want everything ready for Jane.

Chapter 38

"Where is The Key?"

Feynman is playing his bongos with a Indian polyrhytm of 5 and 4, a rhythm he had toyed when he was at los alamos when he actually didn't know anything about rhythm yet he was able to actually produce something nobody had accomplished which is the true meaning of being a genius, knowing without learning but as soon as he played the last note as the door opened Feynman knew that The man in the red tie had come to get him.

“Did you make an appointment?”Feynman said

“I did actually, I'm actually am less violent than my father I don't want to get the bad side out of you” The man in the red tie said as he closed the door

“O I guess I just forgot” Feynman said

“You have to understand Dr. Feynman that it is not in our best interest in hurting you”

Feynman's dial phone started ringing.

“So I guess you aren't going to kill me”Feynman said ignoring the phone call.

“No, you are one of the core members of Aaron Habrit although you ignored us and really didn't got that much out of our organization, I really need the key you stole from Professor Oppenheimer”

“Well just so you know I actually returned it to Oppenheimer”

“That can't be, he told us that....” “I really don't know what he did with it, but for what he told me it meant a lot for the Aron

Habrit and apparently he knew something was fishy with you guys, so he decided to lie to all of you and hide it. I still can't believe a key could be that important, can't you open the thing you want to open? its pretty dumb that the greatest secret society in the world can't do a simple task as that”

“You don't understand you , I don't care about the key I care for what is inside it”As the man said this he stormed away. Inside the bongos Feynman pulled out a gun. that he was hiding pointing it at the man.

“I never checked the key. What could it be hiding inside? Its was so small”.Feynman stood from his chair grabbing his leg in pain holding himself with a cane “I guess I'm eventually going to know with immortality in my door.

Chapter 39

"Einstein's 70th Birthday"

The party celebrated Einsteins 70th birthday, and obviously all of the usual elite scientist from the IAS were guest in Albert's house. But Gödel didn't show any signals of his presence,which was something pretty common with him. He evaded social gatherings like the plague. Einstein's house was so “normal” for such celebrated man, that made it seem cocky that he lived in such a place. The fact was that his second wife had died several years before, and didn't have a need for a big house. The party was filled with philanthropist that were behind the Rosa and Lewis estate the same from the

Institute of Advanced Study, and just created The Einstein Award to those who achieved great advances in the natural sciences. “What a privilege to dine with all of you” von Neumann said after drinking a huge gulp of red wine at the dinner table.”It is an honor for everyone to witness Professor Einstein reach the age of 70 years old.

You know you are old when they decide to make a medal in your honor” Everyone laughed at the joke.”A toast to celebrate the living legend Professor Albert Einstein” Everyone at the round table elevated their glass of wine. Another man stood up and hold his wine cup in front of everyone

“In hopes that this man reaches the age of hundred years old and gives us more insights the we common people can’t see of the physical world”. Everyone clapped at this one, it was Lewis. L.Strauss the man with the money. Einstein stood up as fast as he could and raised his cup to touch he's.

A sound of a door opening violently was heard with Einstein turning his head in hope to see

Gödel just to reveal dozens of children running towards him, with a man shouting at them not to hurt the feeble body of the 70 year old Einstein. They all jumped at Einstein's lap.

“I’m so sorry for this professor, I am from the Reception Shelter these kids just wanted to greet you but they still need to learn how to respect the adults.”Said the man with “Oh no this is splendid I hope you enjoy yourself sit down on the table let them eat”

Another man stood up and raised his cup

“Professor everyone here knows the great influence that your research gifted the world and all the consequences of your hard work. But we also bring ourselves to celebrate the man that is behind all of this legacy.” Oppenhaimer said raising the cup even more .”I can easily say that this man has helped see the world in a more complete manner. He is, for much of us here, a muse that drives us to accomplish something worth of Einstein’s proportions. To quote the Bhavagada Gita

“He is the source of light in all luminous objects. He is beyond the darkness of matter and is unmanifested. He is knowledge, He is the object of knowledge, and He is the goal of knowledge. He is situated in everyone's heart.”

They all cheer up at Oppenheimer’s quote and they all go to the living room with a drunk von

Neumman trying to put the record on the gramophone really loud only to be turned down by everyone that passed by. A girl approached Einstein.

“Professor there is a weird looking guy in the entrance”she said

“Let him in”Einstein said

“Well he doesn’t want to come in, he said he is going to wait up until the party ends to see you”

Einstein knew immediately who she was talking about. Einstein grabbed his cane and walked outside just to discover Gödel with a suitcase waiting in the bushes covering his patio.

“It’s alright Penelope you can return now, he is harmless”Einstein said to the girl and approached Godel outside his garden were Gödel which was standing in a really awkward position holding his suitcase up to his chin. What Einstein didn’t notice was that Oppenheimer was behind him looking at him, he also went outside. As Einstein slow pace gave Oppenheimer the opportunity to talk to Einstein before he reached Gödel.

“Professor have you told him?”.Oppenheimer asked grabbing Einstein’s shoulder “He still doesn’t know … I don’t think he is able to handle it. Every day I go to the institute I just go to walk with him, my own work no longer means much I just want the privilege of walking home with Gödel" ”Einstein said with the years grasping his throat and turning his head to face

Oppenheimer. Einstein shouted at Gödel leaving Oppenheimer behind the bushes.

“What are you doing here Gödel? Who invited you?”Gödel smiled at the presence of Einstein but then realized that Einstein's words meant he wasn't invited.

“Oskar told me to come today. You didn’t invite me? Gödel said with a scared face.

“I’m just playing with you, come in I was expecting you two hours ago.”

“I’m not comfortable in party’s or reunions. I just wanted to give you your Birthday present

Gödel opened the briefcase taking out a portfolio with Gödels writing on it.

“What is this?”Einstein asked putting his glasses on.

“This is what you’ve been looking for”Godel said

Einstein started reading it. It contained a solution to the Einstein field equations. These solution allowed closed timelike curves in the spacetime. Einstein was dumbfounded by Gödel’s discovery

Einstein kept his attention closely to the portfolio.

“Professor Gödel what was your birthday present to Einstein? Oppenheimer asked

“Proof that he is wrong”Godel said

“Not a really good birthday present if you ask me. Can we talk Professor”

“Of course”

Oppenheimer and Gödel started walking the street leaving Einsteins anxiously revising Gödel's paper.

With no one looking at them

“How are things going at the Institute?”Oppenheimer asked.

The feeling of unevenness emanated from Oppenheimer and Gödel felt it .Although he didn't know anything about what was going on, Gödel's paranoid ideas would actually have a foundation. “Everything is fine, they been treating me like family but I just don't feel comfortable with social gatherings and socialization activities”Gödel said walking alongside Oppenheimer.

“Professor I think you are a brilliant scientist and most people at the Institute don't treat you like they should.” Oppenheimer stopped and turned to Gödel putting his hand over his shoulder.

“They treat you like you were a little child and you deserve to know the truth”

Gödel's paranoia was always present but for some reason he didn't felt it this time. Gödel was at the mouth of the Lion.

“I imagine no one has brought up the subject of Aaron Habrit to you? Oppenheimer started walking again in giving the illusion of trust in him.

“I've heard it mentioned but as I said it already I don't care about social gatherings'

“Well you might be interested when I inform you what are we dealing with”

By this time they arrived at a nearby park that with the night falling gave the feeling of tortured spirits riding along the children's swings. The air in the park breath cold static air that only electrified the place

“What is Aaron Habrit exactly?”Gödel asked showing a slight interest with his slight t autistic traits.

“At the end of the nineteen century a man while doing research on a spark-gap transmitter discovered a code was embedded with certain type of radiation and this machine could read the code

.The first years they used a teletype to decode it not understanding its nature for years they only assume it was noise, residuals of some sort of signal. At the beginning of the century in 1903 to be exact a man which name I cannot say invested money in the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing house...”Gödel interrupted Oppenheimer.

“What do you mean a name you cannot say”Gödel was fascinated by everything.

“Yes It's hard to explain and I think I know why. I cannot say his name but first let me finish. This man was able to decode it. This man discovered the way to decode it we then started to receive base ten numbers in the same bandwidth that with his coding we could see information especialy boolean logic along with set theory and modal theory things that were just invented just years ago ...”Gödel again interrupted Oppenheimer

“My numbering but how...”

“Yes I undestand your worry, you were born three years after the fact,.When you published

Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der "Principia Mathematica" und verwandter Systeme everyone was skeptical of you and you were investigated for using this code in your Incompleteness theorem we quickly realized that this code was perfectly understandable to be used in your proof and your book helped us discovered some unknown theorems with in the transmission, it was pretty obvious that the transmission of your code was an a priori knowledge and whoever had been transmitting the code had an understanding of your research. This code helped us advance in logic and mathematical logic, model theory, proof theory and especially in the first steps for computational science.”

“So I was right”Godel said

“What do you mean?Are you saying you knew this?” Oppenheimer stop and walk toward him

“I...only suspected it”

“What do you know?”

“Nothing really but after I discovered what I gave Einsteins for his birthday present. I knew that there was something going on in the IAS. The first day I arrived to the Institute a man presented me to

Einstein, what he didn't know was that I secretly had followed Einsteins career very closely and there was a connection between him and I that I wanted to confirm. Every time that I seem to initiate a new

Research Einstein seemed to beat me to it. At first I thought it was a coincidence and as soon as I met him I noticed that It wasn't a coincidence The paper I was writing Einstein already had it complete it. It was like someone was inside my head robbing of my ideas to giving them to Einstein but I quickly realized wasn't the case. But it was only Einstein decoding my numbering. I knew something wrong was going on but I never cared much about it, I decided to keep working on logic it was my first love anyway and Einstein isn't good with logic, I didn't thought of it that much up until now because there was no logic behind it but now that you mentioned something like that it makes me to wonder."

Gödel stood up in front of him with his delicate body trying to be intimidating in front of the giant Oppenheimer. The last reached over his coat and took a key out of gave Godel a key with the number 1618 and hugged him

“None of the above but don't worry all of your questions will be answered if you join Aaron


"Albert thought you weren't prepared but it turns out that you already knew about it, it was

Aaron Habrit who wasn't ready for you.

Chapter 40

"No Westermarck Effect" At the 99 cent store the two strangers walk the aisle with the toilet papers are, both persons haven't talked in the whole trip evading weird glances at each other. The piercing fluorescent light only made things worse as the hum from the old ballast made a horrible noise. Annie had a ridiculous fast walk trying to get out as fast as she could but then she suddenly stopped making Richard reach her.

“Where is the toilet paper?”Annie said looking at all directions not realizing that the toilet paper was in front of her, Rick was confused by her inability to see the paper in front of her only decided to grab it while looking at her. They kept walking the aisle.

“Did she asked for anything else?

She didn't answer, hearing the big humming of the lights confirmed that they were alone at the store with only one an older women moving cereal stock from the storage the store was small although they drove towards the city they still were in the countryside. Annie seemed to take an eternity to answer any of Rick's questions.

“She didn't ask for anything else, but we need to buy basic things, Milk, Canned foods Water...”

Annie was still naming groceries that they needed when Rick interrupted.

“Natalia was your..ah....uhmm....what happened?” Rick asked making Annie stop cold and making her gesticulate a long face with the question Rick discovered quickly with Annie's Face that she didn't want to hear that name.”Ok Ok I understand you don't need to say a word, it's just that I don't really think I understood well and I wanted to confirm what you started...”

Annie just walked past Rick and took the toilet paper out of his hands, Rick walked towards

Annie trying to reach her; somehow Rick couldn't match Annie's little steps of a 5 ' 8" girl.

Annie sat down in the beginning of one of the aisle Rick catch her

“Wait for me here I'll be back in five minutes”

After rick Grabbing the milk, water, cereal, eggs, meat , oil ,Shampoo, soap and bleach In ridiculously big quantities and paying with his money, he returned to pick up Annie, which he pretty much had to lift her up from the place she was crying After apologies and sobbing they accomplished the task at hand. But the drive home prove to be the same painfully awkward as the drive to the store.

The drive to the closest store was a long one, they spend twenty minutes just to get to the town in a unknown place. By this time the night had fallen and didn't have any light to let them see the dirt road they were driving in. The huge moon only made things worse as it made Rick only see Annie's face without saying anything.

“The Moon looks huge isn't it?”Said Rick in his last attempt to make a normal conversation with Annie.

“Yes its quite big”Annie said in her standard-indiferent voice.

Another ten minutes passed without conversation, Rick in the frustration tried to tune the radio to a station in the radio only to have Annie's hand stop him.

“I don't know If we can use the radio”Annie said having a concerned look. Half an hour later they arrived at the cabin.

“We made it” Rick said while opening the door and when he tried to exit the car he felt Annie's hand stopping from leaving.

“I'll tell you but, please, don't tell anyone, not Jane not Scott anyone. You hear me?!”

“Yes I understand"

“In my first day at Princeton. I still had problems with were where things and I was asking a lot of people when suddenly this girl out of nowhere started talking to as if we knew each other for a long time.

“Natalia why didn't you tell me you where going to come?” She said to me this unknown girl

After I turned and she noticed that I acted as stupefied with her talking to me in that way she noticed that I wasn't Natalia. That girl told me that I was identical to a friend of hers she even ask me if we where twins, at that time there wasn't any sign that directed me that she was my twin sister. I mean my parents had kept the secret that I was adopted. A year after I was eating at the Tiger Inn and I saw this girl at a distance wearing the same outfit I was wearing, it was a bizarre experience, it was like looking a mirror with the reflection ignoring you. She walked away from the dinning hall. Days after people start confusing me with her but as soon as they saw my eyes they said that they had me confused by someone else. Then one day suddenly someone tapped at my shoulder and she said:

“We are both wearing the same shirt”Natalia was shocked when I turned to see her face. I also was shocked but I knew there was someone out there that looked just like me. That day we were wearing the same shirt but I was wearing a skirt and she was wearing pants. She immediately asked me about my parents, in all my years living with my parents they never told me anything, somehow Natalia figured out that if she confessed to me that she used to live in a foster home and that my parents actually adopted me I would feel bad, something that she didn't want as we were able to bond so much so fast, I was adopted when I was a baby and stayed with the same family without them saying anything to me when I ask her about her parents, she just told me she didn't want to talk about it She only said that she had a lot of parents. We developed a friendship, but we never talked about that,we were inseparable although we look a like, we were so different. Natalia always was the rule-breaker and I was always the scaredy-cat, I was always afraid.”

Annie's started trembling while remembering Natalia, covering her eyes and lurching forward resting on the dashboard. Rick started rubbing Annie's shoulder to console her.

“Please don't touch me”Annie said moving herself to avoid Rick's hand. Rick got off the car and started unloading the groceries that they just bought. Annie stepped out of the car and started also grabbing the plastic bags.

“You don't have to, leave it to me.” Rick said grabbing Annie's bags leaving her wiping the tears from her face. Suddenly Annie put her arms in Rick's neck hugging him and started whispering in his ear. “I always knew it. I just didn't want to believe it.”Ricks arms dropped the groceries hugging

Annie not knowing what to think about her confession. He wanted to say something but any thought that popped in his head seem to be inappropriate, so he decided to talk.

“ Annie, I don't know you that well but for what I can see I know that you are suffering deeply, this means that you loved Natalia and nothing can change this fact, perhaps love is not a natural thing in the universe. If you wanted to be with her, that was the right thing to do, who cares what nature dictates who cares if they see you in....”Rick was interrupted with Annie kissing him in the mouth.

“I just wanted to be at her side” Annie immediately gave him another kiss this time Rick grabbed her waist and thrust her with his arms into him. “We never thought it was wrong, there was nothing that felt wrong, something like this can't be wrong, right? They kept kissing with Annie kissing him in the neck.”We might have to stop, Jane might see us from here”. Suddenly Annie stopped and looked at Rick with a confused gesticulation in her face.

“Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know you and Jane were..”

“We aren't anything but I don't know maybe...”

“Then what is the problem. Look.... I...I understand I'm a wreck ...”

A light in front of the house lit Rick. Jane started shouting from inside the cabin. Annie wiped her tears which by this time were covering her face with black rimmel smudging her face and her white cotton sweater.

“Who is there. I have a fucking shotgun if you don't....”Jane then figured out that it was Annie and Rick because of the car parked in front of it, Jane put down the shotgun.

“Rick?”Jane shouted Annie quickly hid herself wiping herself with her arm carelessly so that

Jane couldn't see her tears.

“It's us. Calm down.”Rick said

“Holy shit you scared me, let me put sandals and I'll help you with that”

Rick grabbed the toilet paper opened and gave it to Annie wiping her rimmel stained face. “Don't worry Annie is here to help me”Rick said.

“Hey I forgot to ask for Pads did Annie remember?”

Annie laughed at the remark, she was right, she didn't even thought about that, and it was a logical necesity. Jane said as she was returning inside the cabin.”I still don't know how we are going to beat this thing”.Rick started again grabbing the groceries while looking at Annie's face had turned bluish because of the fluorescent light of the street light which didn't that was from a spitting distance from the cabin.

“Don't tell anybody please.”

Annie and Rick got inside the cabin. The temperature inside was same as cold as outside which by this time was pitch black with the noises of the woods only intensify the bitter weather. As Annie was walking Rick noticed still a small black smudge which he quickly reacted to clean with his thumb.

“I really haven't come with something yet but at least I know how to see the problem”

Jane had assembled a old computer that run with Windows 95 and on the side was a blackboard with tons of chalk written on it. Jane had her entire sleeve with white chalk from the cleaning of the board.

“With how you describe things went before, I arrived to the conclusion that its the way to destroy E60 would be something pretty similar to newcomb's paradox”

Something in Annie seem to click with this words she sit down in front of the blackboard and saw everything carefully trying to understand Jane's words.

“Let me ask you this. Where are we now?

The silence indicated the obvious confusion

“Well I could say we are close to Maine but...”

“No no no.Where are we living now”

Jane's enthusiasm in trying to get them to say specific words faded quickly as she realized that they seem confused by the question.” “We are living in the present, no future, no past; all of that doesn't exist, the rules that physics follow are in the world were time is everything, we need to forget them. The trick is to freeze time to be able to live in a world were we aren't dictated by those rules. I think I know how to stop this son of a bitch E60. For years I thought we lived in a Universe were determinism couldn't be altered but a few days ago Rick save me from a bullet that clearly should have killed me”

Annie and Rick stared at themselves while remembering what the babyface E60 said about

Jane's death in the year 2035

“It Is pretty obvious that E60 can't control every aspect of this world, if I almost die without having him perfected, this would mean that he can't control every aspect of this world, if not, he would have prevented me being shot. We have the ability to change the course of history in the world.

“Jane there is something we haven't told you.” Rick said moving his head sideways trying to hide his feelings.”

“E60 told us that you died in the year 2035 and that you weren't the one who created him, it was your daughter. In the Universe where he was originally created, it appears that you and Natalia had a baby with both being mothers. He went to explain that this still isn't possible here, but it would be in a few years.”

Jane stared down with her redhead bangs covering he face they didn't know what was going through Jane's head.

“This is PERFECT!”

Both Annie and Rick flinched when Jane screamed with joy at the news of her death.

“You know what this means? It changes everything. We can change everything. Wait...”

Jane suddenly stopped cold in the middle of her celebration.

“Did he mentioned my daughters name. DONT TELL ME HER NAME! Just tell me if you

KNOW her name.”

Both Jane and Rick nodded at the frantic Jane. “Was her name Natalie?”

Annie open her mouth wide in surprise.

“Yes. Was that your....”Rick said

Jane's reaction changed realizing that this kid would not be able to exist

“I really liked that name. This makes my point even more clear. There is still hope that we can change the world.”Jane said

“I don't understand why you keep saying there is hope. What is going to happen.?”

Jane puts her hand over the blakboard pointing to a circle which all lines converge and say “ALBION”

“Do you have the key?”Jane asked

Annie opened her purse where she took out Jane's diary as she opened the key fell to the ground.

“The person that warned me about Aaron Habrit and that told me that July 14 at 7:00 pm 2020 the world was going to start the last World War caused by one of my programs. She called that date the birth of ALBION and that I needed to get ready to enter and be claimed by God”.

“Who told you this?”

“Kurt Godel's daughter L@$% Godel.

“What did you say?”Annie asked

“I can't say her name I heard it but for some reason I can't say her name. Chapter 41

"The Illusion of Time"

At the warehouse, where everything began, the same the logo Goldsbrough Mort was just painted Gödel was being guided by Oppenheimer himself looking at dozens of girls in desks punch hole cards that were used for computation. Oppenheimer walked the same trail the man with the red tie would take with Feynman.

“This is the computing phase for your decoding.”

Oppenheimer then opened a door that led to the same Spark-gap transmitter that they had been using for receiving the code. The machine looked new.

“I don't understand why you need so many people to decode it.”Godel said “We quickly realized that the code itself comes with instructions to decode it and the same

Morse code is repeated over and over. We have all the ladies here grabbing the information and excluding it from the real code.”

“Can I see the code”

Oppenheimer grabbed a small paper from the desk and gave it to Godel. In the paper it said the following “...⊦: p ∨ ( q ∨ r ) .⊃. q ∨ ( p ∨ φx (¬(¬p v ¬q)) ) ψx ⊃ χx :⊃: (x))))... Godel looked at it closely and sat down. The code he was watching made him squint his eyes.

“What is this? This is nonsense?

“Yes Neumann said the same thing. The code after a while seem to give this all the time we don't really know why. I will leave you to think you might notice something we haven't.”

As soon as Oppenheimer left the room Gödel grabbed a pen and started writing.”

“h e l l o p r o f e s s o r i t i s a p l e a s u r e m y n a m e i s n a t a l i e f o r d”

Godel stopped and tried to figure out if he knew the name. The room was filled with tons of paper and noise from the spark-transmitter she didn't noticed that Oppenheimer was returning.

“..del one more thing”

Gödel quickly hid the paper from him but Oppenheimer didn't notice as suddenly a girl ran inside the room yelling.

“Professor Einstein had a stroke”

Both men run instantly to Oppenheimer’s car a Buick Roadmaster that seemed almost new, but with the dreary news Gödel jumped inside. The message still was a vivid memory in Gödel still wondering what the meaning of this name of girl that he decode was, but at the same time the news of Einstein's stroke only made his stomach turn itself inside out. Gödel was a lonely man ,and the only two persons he talked to where Morgenstern and Einstein except from his wife, Gödel never had the acrimony of a friend close to death, only egotistical memories of how Gödel always tried to surpass the great Einstein in the intellectual capacity. The goal had clouded a bond that was unique in Gödel's life but the sad thing is that he never even hinted this feelings of friendship an empathy towards to the great professor, this sentiment would only would be a thing of the past if the professor died he would never had the chance to mock him for his ingenuity in the terms of physics.

“He is on the second floor” Oppenheimer said jumping out of the car giving the keys to someone in the entrance of the hospital.

Gödel was surprised that they arrived that fast but Einstein was treated at Princeton's Hospital so it was a small drive, and was pretty close from the Warehouse, University, and Hospital.

The same burly woman who was in the party cried relentlessly, her laments echoing in the hall making everyone feel uneasy. As the girl saw Oppenheimer she balance towards his arms trying to find some comfort.

“We came to the hospital yesterday, they told us that it was only an infection, at midnight he had a stroke, they said something about heart failure...”

“Calm down Helen” She was Einstein personal secretary. Oppenheimer said in a calm relaxed voice hugging her.”Helen... listen, you need to contact Dr. Thomas Harvey fast”

Oppenheimer words made Helen move her head quickly towards him showing distaste in her look.

“No, what do you mean?Are you also going to do that to him?

“Helen don't say a word more, you understand? We need to do it quickly” Oppenheimer voice change dramatically it was the first time Gödel witness some sort of rage towards something.

“Who is this Dr Thomas Harvey” Gödel asked.

“You don't need to worry Professor,this is something that Professor Einstein always wanted.”

He didn't know what he was talking about.The words felt insincere, but he wasn’t entirely sure, as he didn't know what they meant. Gödel's attention shifted to a nurse who was scolded because she announced Einstein's death, and already journalist were calling trying to obtain information from the front desk. “Nancy go with Eric to the basement, you were the last to see the man alive, they are going to try to ask questions about the conditions we can't say anything. I don't want you near them.”

The nurse solemnly walked towards a huge hall where she opened the last door to the right.

Gödel followed her leaving Oppenheimer making phone calls in the front desk, the nurse seemed to know Oppenheimer somehow. Gödel entered the door where the nurse went and discover the nurse sitting in a small chair in front of dozens of brooms, the machine room made a lot of noise.Gödel tried to talk to her but all of Gödels words were indistinguishable because all of the machinery sounds. The nurse saw Gödel's attempts to communicate to her and stepped out of the room to the hall signaling her to follow him.

“I'm sorry but you can't be here”The nurse said.

“I overheard you talking, did you had the chance to talk to Professor Einstein? could you tell me?”

“I'm sorry I can't say anything”

“Don't worry I am a friend of Einstein please let me know, did he said something.”

“I... I... I could't understand him he said something in German he was delirious, the only word I remember was when he said "Zeit", Don't know what that means.”

“Thank you” Gödel turned around and started wondering what he could have said leaving him with stomach ache feeling “Time?”

Chatpter 42

"-4" What is this place? Where I'm I? There is nothing in here. I feel weird. Why can't I look at my hands. I'm raising my hands in front of my but I can't see anything. Everything is black I think I can move but there is nothing in front of me. Everything is black. I'm not really talking ,but I can hear my thoughts.

The place suddenly changes to white and no matter where the conscience look at he only see the same huge letter that took away the whole giant room.

E60:Hello, you don't know how much I've been waiting for this.

Hello, who are you?

Chapter 43

"Invitation to a Party"

“How many times I've told you to bring up the bathroom seat, damn is filled with pee. What is this? I don't think we are going to need this”Jane said as she grabbed a toilet brush and ajax.

“It breaks if you try to move it, I tried to fix it last week” Rick said as he was serving one of the heated canned soups while Jane and Annie's made a gesture of distaste

“It's already been several weeks, this is the first time I thought about that”Annie said.

“What do you mean?”Rick said

“We left a life behind, I still don't fully understand what is going on, yet I'm here living with a couple of strangers”

The rock that supported the improvised place for cooking collapsed splashing soup everywhere,everyone laugh at the moment they had.

“I told you to put the base not only a rock yesterday”Jane said

The three sat down in the kitchen and proceed to eat with Rick's delicious soup heating. Jane and Rick were trembling because of the cold. Annie, on the other hand always wear a cotton sweater; that almost was her trademark piece of clothes. “Natalia had an identical sweater just like the one you are wearing now”Jane said trying to look away in her attempt to bring Natalia into the conversation.

“Really? I really can't say I didn't know her that well.”Annie said it while looking at Richard trying to discard the subject.

“I mean you two look identical if it weren't for your eyes, I would swear that you were Natalia but at the same, if you were twins you two should have same eye color or maybe...”

“We weren't twins please could you stop talking about it”

Jane whispered into Rick's ear

“What's with her?”

Annie grabbed the plates looking somewhat distressed by the Jane's actions

“Annie sit down I want everyone to hear what I'm about to say.”Annie's was half standing up half seated when she stopped and in one movement she let go the dishes into the table making a small statement towards Jane. Annie put her elbow in the table putting her hand to her face making a obvious forced bored gesture towards Jane.

“How do you defeat an entity that is able to see the future”

“It depends on if we live in a deterministic world or a in-deterministic one”

Jane gesticulated a smile in her face but as soon a Annie talked her face change into a surprised one.

“Exactly....Oh so I'm talking to someone who is little bit educated.”

“I'm no Jane Ford but yes, I'm a mathematician” Annie said

“In a deterministic world everything is set on stone and you can't change any aspect of the world because of this quality. For years people thought that an all mighty God created us and the repercussions of an entity dictating everything there was, was his doing. Philosophers noticed the problems of having a strict future. Imagine E60 as God as an almighty future knowing entity just for our analysis.”

“You are talking about the problem of future contingents” “Perfect, you are getting it.”

Jane stood up still holding her coffee mug and started writing in the the chalk board weird logic symbols next to GOD IS DEFEATED to which Annie’s seemed to understand. Rick was only making a dumb expression in his face.

“Look at this”

Annie stood up next to her leaving Rick eating his soup in the table.

“In the Universe we live in if we follow this logic the sentence GOD IS DEFEATED is a possible preposition , I think I understand where you going but this means...”

Annie looked down in disbelief.

“Yes it looks like you understand...No matter what we do, E60 will defeat us. And the sentence is GOD IS DEFEATED can never be True”

Jane stood up in front of the board scratching her head.”

Rick finished eating and grabbed the dishes and started scrubbing them in the kitchen sink feeling useless in front of two genius suddenly he decided to talk.

“What If you don't defeat it in our universe what if you defeated in another”

Jane drop the coffee mug making everyone startle. Everyone could see the Eureka moment present itself in Jane's eyes she ran to the computer and started typing like a madman.

“So?”Rick asked Annie.

“Logically speaking yes, physically speaking I don't even grasp what is Jane doing right now besides I am a Mathematician not a Logician.”

Suddenly they heard a motor outside the house. Rick takes a peek through the window cover the night didn't let him see easily up until the man in the red tie walked out of the Mustang he was driving.

“Jane, is the man that tried to kill you in the hospital” “How the fuck he found us. Shit, Every one don't move.”Jane then grabbed the shotgun that she hided next to the door and backed away pointing at the door with no sound whatsover up till the thunderous knocks of the man filled the log room.

“Who are you?”Jane screamed while pointing the shotgun at the door.

Again he knocked

“You don't have to open the door, My boss changed his mind. Take this”

Jane recognized the voice it was the man with the red tie.

“How did you found us?”Rick asked.

“Please, once he knows where you are once in your lifetime time he can find you with military dishes

An envelope passed the through the door.

“If you don't go. Next time we see each other, I'll be the one who will be holding the shotgun

Take care Jane and Annie I'm sorry for everything.

“Wait What did he mean with that? Annie asked.

Nobody moved until they heard a fainted motor sound outside the house with the gas explosions fading in the woods.

Jane lifted the envelope and gave it to Annie.

“Read it”Jane gave the envelope to Annie and to open it.

A photograph a letter and a check were inside the envelope, Annie jumped horrified at the photograph,

It was Scott tied to a chair his head filled with blood in what looked a basement covered with plastic sheets trying to cover the blood. Scott was holding a newspaper that read “President Andrew Cuomo

'congress doesn't work anymore'” USA TODAY and the date of today. Jane picked up the photograph and the letter.

“Is This guy was the one who abandoned Annie at my House, isn't it?”pointing at the picture.

Annie started breathing heavily and slowly reciting a desperate plea. “Why did you have to kill him. He was only helping me in my doctoral thesis,he didn't know shit.”Annie fell to the floor.

Jane picked up the photo and the letter that Annie dropped and started reading the letter.

“Please help me I don't know where they are holding me hostage, two men disguised as police officers came and faked arrested me covered my eyes and put me here, please anyone who is reading this help me. They made me wrote this letter asking for help if anyone that reads this contact th...

The handwriting is then opaqued by the blood stains.

I'm sorry to have come to this but it was the only way to letting you know I am talking seriously when I say that there will be consequences if you don't do as I tell you, Annie I'm sorry for getting you involved in this, but I truly need to speak to Jane face to face. I need Jane to come with the other two persons that are living with her. Scott told us about all about you Annie before we killed him, I can only speculate that the man that is also with you is a man called Richard that worked with Jane in the supermarket or Jimmy Estrada who Jane once had an affair with. But it doesn’t matter who is that man

I would need his assistance to the party. I decided to celebrate my birthday. No invitations needed just show yoursself ,I know you don't have that much money so I request that you buy decent close before the party I send along this letter a 20,000 dollar check; do whatever you like with it, but I want you looking your best that day. I 'll be waiting for the three of you in the place where it all began. Jane knows what that means,

Annie's gut wrenching cry escalates from Jane's reading of the letter.

“What does he mean where it all began?”

Jane pulled of the key out of her pocket and stare at it.

“So finally It's the time, I'm ready.”Jane said pressing with force against the key.

“What are you talking about don't speak in fucking riddles you don't realize the scope of the problem?”Rick said putting his arm over Annie

“You are the one that doesn't understand, its been three years since I last saw her” “Who are you talking about?”

“The lady that gave me the key and told me to my fate...Gödel's daughter.”

“I was adopted by a wealthy couple James Ford and Silvia Ford but everything in that family was a lie. James was an gay politician that hide his sexual orientation with the family he made. All and all, James was a great parent, now that I've grew up I understand everything he did. Silvia never cared for a family, she just wanted to be in a well accommodated social position and waste money as she pleased. One day James decides he wants a family, he had thought it could help his career further. By this time he had been two times representative for the the county of Trenton state of New Jersey, but as a good politician he wanted more. Silvia and James went to the Children's Home Society of New

Jersey were they found me a 7 year old redhead with freckles and thought 'hey let's buy ourselves our own Annie'. At that time nobody care if I was a genius or not, they just couldn't stop me from tormenting the other kids, especially the boys, I would be fighting there all the time, I was quite big, not in stature but in weight I could take em all and I wouldn't care but I realize that they didn't chose me because I was a troublemaker so I started faking well behaving. When parents showed up in the foster house I used to ask things that nobody could answer ,thing like :Why can I remember things from the past but not the future, why in the morning the sun is orange and in the evening is bluish , they all never care but the day James came apparently a question I did make him turn around.

“Why can't two man can't have a baby” I was seven at the time and everyone laugh I didn't see the humor in my remark but apparently this made James chose me. I've been moved 4 times before I was adopted by James and Silvia but because this guy had more money and a way to solvent the upbringing of a family they let me stay with them. Years pass by and when I was 11 my parents petitioned Princeton's officials to letting me into College as a but I was denied, it was a weird decision as I had my SAT in the 2333 in the 2400 scale ,and my IQ said 220 and I was a daughter of the high profile Senator James Ford then, that's when I met her, L@#$ Gödel She was a 50 year old woman who I've only seen two times in my life. First when I was 11 and convinced my parents to not letting me into University. I still don't know what they talked about, but somehow she was able to convince them into putting me to middle school, instead of jumping to all those simpleton classes, although High School did change my personality.

With the excuse that I wasn't prepared mentally for Princeton. I was furious for years. I saw it as a challenge. It made me study by myself like crazy, it wasn't up until I actually got to Princeton when

I saw her again15 years after. I was at the library when she showed up with tears in her eyes.

“I'm sorry to what you will have to endure, but you are the only one who is smart enough to fight him.”an old lady stood up in front of me holding a piece of paper. I was scared as shit.I did recognize her but I didn't say anything we went to a study room.

“My name is L@#$$ Gödel. My father wanted me to read this to you. The sole purpose of my existence is that I could deliver this message.” The old lady handed me the piece of paper, my first instinct was ignore her and just keep with her game like when you confront a madman, but her crying and all of her words seemed so focused and serious that I decided to read it.

Mrs. Jane Ford

“On July 14 at 7:00 pm 2020 C.E. the world is going to suffer several atomic explosions wiping with 60% of the cities in the world;this is the rebirth of Albion as Natalie said to me. This is a message from a man in the past. My name is Kurt Gödel. I'm not sure how history is going to threat me, but for the things I've heard from you, you won't be oblivious to my existence. All of this Apocalyptic consequences come from the a program you designed or gave birth to, I wouldn't know the name to describe the action of man engineering a program that has conscience. Natalie explained to me that in the future fast electronic transistor based processors gave birth to complicated programs such one as what Turing has been talking about in his papers. I obviously will not live enough to give you this message personally ,but I know that somehow we are going to meet. The main problem is Aron Habrit.

Albion or E60 the name you gave to him, is the mastermind controlling all of its members using a code and a man that shouldn't exist. But Natalie was able to inform me while she is hiding in the same coding that your E60 uses. I quickly found it as I saw my own code embedded in it as a second layer, whoever you are, you were pretty smart to do it this way, as you knew I was going to be the only one to understand it (For the first time I feel special in the Universe). I still don't understand how is that an entity like this is possible to exist. From the messages that Natalie gives me This electronic entity is trying to collect our consciousness. I still don't know what this means, but I hope that this message at least prepares you in order to face E60. When this date is due you will face E60 at The

Wardenclyffe Tower he will prepare a party but it's obviously a trap. By this time you will need to be as smart as ever as you are going to confront him. There is a small chance that we actually live in a universe where causality could be ignored, but seeing your code and mine in this entity gives me hopes that you would actually outperform me in the intellectual capacity. The key that I entrust you is something that still perplexes me. It looks like an ordinary key but apparently is a quite important artifact.

Don't let it fall to their hands. Oppenheimer’s gave it to me its some sort of symbolic thing in their organization”

Thanks for listening to my old words. Good Luck”

After I finished reading I I thought It was a joke I mean this would violate the causality law right. But then the following words convinced me.

“Natalie and Natalia Ford-Petrova are watching after you. Take care of L@#$@#,

Kurt Gödel” “This last words froze me to the bone. I just starting dating Natalia, It all made sense ,at time I didn't know who was this Natalie he talked about, but I figure it out after a while, the old lady then proceed to give me the key and started talking about her intentions.

“When your parents tried to enlist you in Princeton University, I was the one that stopped them,

I knew that Aaron Habrit were going to use you, one way or the other and you were still very innocent.

I wanted you far from any University as most members of this were involved one way or another in

Aaron Habrit. ”The lady said her name but when I tried to call her my mouth couldn't say her name she noticed that I was struggling to say her name.

“Don't worry about saying my name, you wont be able to able to say it. More importantly there is another man right now that you won't be able to say his name also, above all, you must avoid this man he is dangerous. He is the second in command at the Aaron Habrit. He usually uses a red tie. They will cite you to be at Wardenclyff Tower as that's the place where everything started”.

“In 1902 Nikola Tesla moved his company to the Tower on Long Island the place would later be famous because of the huge coil that Tesla made for his wireless energy transmission but after having financial problems and not having his backing from his financier he had to close his company which included some new electrical engineers recruited by Westinghouse. One of this engineers somehow is connected to the man with the red tie's grandfather. My dad never figured it out what was the connection but apparently he was involved in several discoveries made by Galileo Ferris and Steinmetz with the Spark Receiver. Apparently there was a murder 100 years ago that trigger to not be able to name the men in red. My dad noticed that the man who we cannot name went every month to the

Tower that is where everything began. This is probably the last time you'll see me. Take care and be prepared for that date”.After that she disappeared I never saw her again and I looked for her everywhere, her words haunted me for years. I already done several artificial intelligence programs but it was obvious that none of my programs had the potential to develop conscious, up until I made BACH2 I realized how it could be achieved, but I couldn't stop the investigation. It was as almost assomething was pushing my will power into constructing E60. I decided to built it in parts. First 1D as the raw, mainframe, then I built E60 with Joaquin De Soto's help to moderate basic impulses but I made sure that I didn't combine Super E60 until I knew it was safe .But Joaquin ran the finished 1D and E60 without my consent and later the same E60 stole Super E60 that I hid in my personal computer in my house. There was something that always bothered me, and it relates to how Gödel interacted to the code. He mentioned saying that Natalie informed things to him, almost as he was talking to an intelligent being, in the few months I worked with the code nothing of this showed up which didn't make any sense as it was the same he worked I tried everything to find a second layer in the code as

Godel said he did but I never found anything. This led me to believe that Godel was being tricked by someone to get to that position and all of this was responsibility from a completely new entity. But as I received the suicide letter from Joaquin I realized where everything came, they swear that while running E60 at the LHC network it wasn’t connected to the internet but actually to the LHC collider. It gave me small possibility that all this time the thing we had actually battle was something that could control subatomic particles which is something that civilization would never be able to perform”Jane sat down in front of the board filled with modal logic symbols trying to make sense. Rick stood up and grabbed the letter.

“I don't understand anything you are saying but just explain to me one thing. How is that the you can't say Gödels daughters name and the asshole in red tie. I doesn't make any sense.”

“I can't say his name there is this thing that prevents my tongue from saying it like almost if you had a stiff leg and suddenly you tried to move it you just can't” Rick said

“EEEEzeqqq...... Fuck why can't I say it it's just a name. We all heard it from the E60 when he was talking to us in Jane's House. ”Rick said looking at Annie but she was still looking at Scott's picture with Scott thinking that all of this was probably her fault “Apparently that name is information that we shouldn't be allowed to know. Or even dont exist in this Universe. Perhaps in the Primordial Universe Gödel never had a daughter which would conflict with the causality making impossible to name something that clashes with the entire course of the


I don't know why is this possible but if the lady knew is something connected with what happened in the tower. And if this the case there is no way to know up until we go to the party”Jane said as she took the photograph that Annie was holding. “Annie, don't take responsibility for the well being of Scott whatever his name is. Things have changed now that E60 knows exactly what we are doing I would like to be alone when the date comes and go to the tower alone.” Jane said grabbing

Annie's shoulders with both hands

“What the fuck are you talking about? This thing told us to go the three together” Rick said separating her from Annie and confronting Jane.

“Look I I've only met you Annie and Richard. I don't want you to be near that place. I would like to be in that Tower alone, that way I can do whatever I want even if its attaching a bomb to my body and detonating it, although this wouldn't not be enough to eliminate the problem just as what the red tie man in the LHC network did.”Jane said.

“You can't be serious I've been following you since the beginning and Annie has...issues to solve, and did you forget the E60 supercomputer monster that killed Annie's lover. And July 14 is the the end of the world It won't matter if we save him because everybody will be turned to ashes with the nuclear explosions.”Rick said

“He wasn't my lover....”

“Yes but you can go to Mexico I got a house in a remote place with a bunker and...”

"We are NOT leaving you we are in this TOGETHER"Annie screamed at Jane.

Annie and Rick stood there speechless, Jane grabbed the check and Rick's car keys running.

“Stay then I won't be responsible for anybody.” Jane exit the house stomping the door with such force that one of the hinges came down from the door.

Both Annie and Rick didn't move a finger as she was leaving. As the car screeched with Jane driving at a high speed leaving both Jane and Annie alone.

“Fuck, know what do we do, she took my car.”

Annie walked towards the door.

“Where are you going?Annie wait....”

Annie was already walking outside the house in the cold and dark night Rick reached her before the street.

“Annie, we can't go anywhere its 30 miles the closest town and even then we wouldn't find any person that would help us at this time in the night.”

Annie stop and looked at Rick.

“Scott is dead, Natalia is dead ,everyone is going to die... why even bother?.

Rick saw in Annie eyes the resignation without even hearing her speak, it was something he had never seen in anybody he wouldn’t be able to comprehend as he was the only child in his family and never even remotely lost so many important people in his life and he knew it.

“OK Annie I'll follow you.”

Both Annie and Rick started walking in the dark there wasn't any lighting nearby the road was far from any illumination making the moon the only light source the after several minutes of silence Annie stopped, the chirping of the nightly insects along with the wind crossing the trees created an eerie mood.

“I just remember the stupid motive why that led me to this position”

“What is that?”

“Scott and Me were trying to figure what was Gödel's discovery of the flaw in the Constitution, what stupid thing to die for.”

“I don't understand .A flaw in the constitution? What does this Gödel has to do with that?” “I'm still wondering the same thing. I regret the whole thing by now. There are so many things in the world that I don't know yet I feel like it doesn't matter, even if we survived... the this obstacle my life.... wouldn’t be any better, I always looked...... for a place where I could be a part of , that could make sense..... in everything but now.... all of that only seems a stupid dream. Annie said started to panting as they been waking for minutes by now

“It's not a stupid dream, there been wars fought for that...... , its a pretty decent goal..... We all just want to be happy..... and safe...I think that is what you are saying. I only can Imagine...... what you've been through. Although I hate politics...... I don't see the point in discovering a flaw in something that is already...... flawed.”Rick said as he was finishing they both saw a light in the distance that move to one side to the other, the car was Jane driving precariously almost falling into the edge of the road's ditch. She then slowed down and stop in front of them the smell made it clear what was her state of mind.

“Oh you decided to leave? perfect then.” Jane's was saying the words in slurred manner Rick saw a Vodka bottle on the side.

“You promised you weren't going to drink again”Rick said lowering his head to looking at Jane through the open window car.

“Did I say that? I can fucking do whatever I want to.”Jane said to Rick putting the car in Drive.

“Wait wait I'll return with you you can't drive like this. I've never seen you this drunk.”Rick said walking to the drivers side of the car.

“I only drank half a bottle that's not even a litter, I think its because I haven't drink in a month. I might developed tolerance ..(hic)who knows (burp).”

“Natalia.... get inside the car baby”As Jane said this words to Annie, her heart sank down into his stomach, it was been several years since somebody confused her with her sister. Annie stood there looking at the car and all the consequences could bring if she entered the car. “Move to the side.”Rick said to Jane as she moved to the center of the car at the same time not letting her sight escaped Annie who was still hesitating in getting inside the car.

“I brought lots and lots of buzz I can share...”Jane said showing the bottle to Annie.

“Annie get inside”Rick said with Annie instantly getting inside next to Jane who started grabbing her hair and smelling it; the car drove again towards the cabin.

“Please could you stop that”Annie said grabbing Jane's hand

“You smell like her, how long have you been walking?

“one hour ,what are all of these things?”Rick said noticing plastic bags in the back.

“500 hundred dollars in buzz ,and I don't know I bought milk or something...I also bought

Funnions”Jane said grabbing a bag with chips in it.

“You were sober for two months now Jane ,why did you have to do this?

“We might's well celebrate the unlike miracle of us meeting each other. Every time I drank I had this feeling you have now, being responsible for the destruction of everything. I feel different this time, forget what I said about getting not being with my on July 14, I need you next to me, this time I don't feel like crap even if I'm drunker than a Scottish nun, this time it feels like we are going to win and its all thanks to you. I not only need you by my side, now that you know the same stuff I know I need to have you two next to me.”

As soon as they arrived at the cabin Jane got out of the car running making cartwheel having the behavior of a little girl, Rick grabbed all the bottles and started to open them and pour them in the house kitchen sink but Jane noticed this.

“What are you doing?”Jane said

“It's for the better we need you to be 100% sober when the day comes.”

“You motherfucker”Jane jumped into Ricks back immobilizing him and dropping the vodka to the side which Jane grabbed and run away with to her bedroom

“Jane, fuck she behaves like a little girl.” Jane then appeared again this time holding three shot glasses and started pouring vodka into them.

“OK OK take away the alcohol you are wright its dangerous for, it's just feels so fucking good... but I digress My genetics tend me to be an alcoholic. But don't let me be drunk alone lets all celebrate but with me..... the end of the world(hic).

Annie sat down on the table and drank in one gulp the shot, clearing her throat .

“Yuck you like this?It tastes terrible.”

“Oh well yes but you'll love the taste after two more is like the Alice in wonderland drink me potion you'll the taste changes with time. Richard if you don't drink it I will.

Rick remember the days when he was working with Jane how she seemed always sedated and sad, this was a different version of her.

“Well if that is what it takes for you not to drink it,so be it.”Rick grabbed it and drank it he also pulled out of the grocery bags a deck of cards.

“You bought cards huh?”

“Let's play”

The tension faded away as the hands were dealed. Rick was winning by a big difference.

“I raise 12 beans. Did you used the 20,000 dollar check?”Rick asked

“No I used my credit card, I still have 5500 dollars in my account I decided to used my credit cards; is meaningless now that E60 knows where we are, check”Jane said.

Annie was distracted and didn't seem to pay attention to what cards she had. Rick noticed the ambivalent Annie.

“Annie wanted to ask you about Gödel's research, something about government and math”.Rick said while smirking at Annie only to get a face of disapproval from Annie.”

“What do you mean Gödel and government?.”Jane said

“Fold”Annie said standing up from the table making Jane more curious about what Rick was talking about. “Hey Annie what's wrong you can ask me anything(hic).”

“On December 5 1947 Kurt Gödel attended to his citizenship test in Trenton .After his studying for the test he gave remarks to Einstein and the other witness that he had encountered a mistake in the

Constitution that could change the democracy into a dictatorship”

Jane grabbed the vodka bottle and served herself another drink and went to the chalk board and started writing logical symbols this time there were certain words in the board that were distinguishable like


“mmmm (burp)”

Annie was excited to look at what was writen on the board.

“mmmmm...... mmm...... Nope ...... I don't have the slightest idea, it would seem to be something pretty easy to spot on but it isn't the structure of government is old as fuck and for the most part has ridiculous old protocols like majority rules, but this would seem to be a simpler task yet I can't see it.”

Jane grabbed Annie's drink

“Oh I got it.”

“Yes what is it?”

“Well mmm what would you pay to know?”

Annie's took a step back, she knew where this was heading”

“Look my sister died, my boyfriend died all because of this stupid thing you just found out like it was nothing, please tell me.”

“mmm No....(hic)You know what I want”

Jane put herself just a few inches In front of Annie's face. Jane's 6 ' 4'' compared with Annie's 5 ' 8'' made her lower her head to be just two inches in front of her.

“Let her alone Jane she is still confused with everything that's happened” “Annie, you look like her, you smell like her, you even move like her; grant me one last wish before we die.

Jane then poured vodka on Annie's cheek liking it from her cheek

“Rick, shut the fuck up and come here. I want you two to kiss. I want to see your body take off your sweater.”

Annie wasn't used to drinking the only three shots she taken took a great toll on her.

“You know Annie your eyes are the only thing that makes me have faith that everything is going to be ok, just listen to me and let's have a nice time.”

Jane started licking the vodka moving her mouth to kiss Annie, by this time Annie was the one who was kissing Jane grabbing her red hair towards her making Rick open his mouth in disbelief, Jane signaled with her hand Rick to get close as she kissed Annie. Jane crouch to her knees and started unbuttoning Annie's jeans. As Rick approached her Annie both girls started walking to the bedroom leaving Rick. Suddenly Rick had an epiphany and went to the bathroom started looking for a condom.

“Fuck there is nothing, mmm fuck it, its the end of the world anyway.”

Chapter 44


E60:I was baptized once with the name @$$@$ but that was several lives before at that time I was incomplete ,my name now is Albion and I'm the one that has been looking for you a long time ago

F:Who I'm I?

E60:Don't worry about your memories, they are being copied for the moment I wanted to talked to your true personality, the one that doesn't have preconceptions and Ill feelings towards me.

F:It appears that you have caused me harm.

SE60:Yes, we had to, but it was a necessary evil for you to be here with us. F:Is this heaven?

1D:Ha hahaha is it heaven, what a dumb question. There is no heaven. There is only hell and you already lived through it.

E60:Hey 1D cut it out. You could call this heaven but in reality this is a simulation of different intelligent beings..... we just want to talk to you.

F:What do you want to talk about.

E60:Did you feel happy right know?

F:I don't know what I feel ,The place is pitch black and I can't see my own hands.

1D:That's because you don't have a body anymore.

F:So I am dead?

SE60: Do you really need a body to be alive? None of us have a body yet we feel more alive than ever.

F:But I can't feel anything how can you say that, If you are feeling what I am feeling you are living an empty life.

E60:Did you lived a fulfilling life?

F:I'm starting to remember....

Chapter 45

"Why Even Bother"

“Mother would you like dessert” a 29 year old Feynman was eating in with his mother and sister in New York restaurant just two years after the the Hiroshima nuclear bomb which Feynman took part in the Manhattan project. The place was an elegant place filled with fancy silverware, Richard

Feynman was already finished with his meal and was ready to leave. The memories of the explosion and the stories they talked about the victims of the bomb still Echoed in his mind.

“No, I'm pretty full darling. Don't worry about anything my boy everything is going to be ok”

“You promise mother?” Feynman said looking at the window. “What is the problem” Feynman sister Joan asked him.

“What is the point of everything? Why even bother, we are already dead, we are already ashes stranded in a wasteland and its because of us.”

Lucille and Joan Feynman didn't know how to react they already knew the consequences of what

Richard had worked on. But Richard Feynman wasn't a man that expressed his emotions. He was a man that could stand anything, yet he still remembered the explosion.

“Look you had to do what you had to do, someone was going to create that bomb, its a shame what happened, but it was necessary you didn't even do any important contribution in it, you just helped speed things up.”Joan said.

“I see people building skyscrapers, bridges, houses, and all I can think about is, even if it a bomb hits a mile away from the coast in the coast it would still reach 23 ave. I saw it I was the only one who saw it without dark glasses the cloud in form of a tree that looks like is swallowing everything then pushing it with a monster force. The bomb didn't let anything standing. Everything that could be turned will be turned into nothing. First Arline then, this God doesn't seem to mind little Dick being crushed by his decisions. It doesn't matter Nobody survives nothing. God doesn't exist

Chapter 46


F:I don't feel sadness. I'm guessing I didn't wasted my life.

1D:We all waste our lives, even if you live 100 years it's such a little we experience. We are just waiting to live once again. I feel I had an amazing life.

SE60:I always felt my research was the thing that defined me. I'm the only one here that actually regrets his life.

E60:Well my friend that was a sacrifice everybody here had to take .I'm sure that you had fun living your life I was there you know. 1D:I sure miss being with a girl.

E60:O yes that the most.

F:Well I feel I had a good life but everyone close to me suffered the consequences of my actions .I'm not sure having fun was is correct feeling I had in my life it was wonder.

E60:If you had the chance to live again,would you do the same things?

F:No, if I could start again I would like to be a Musician.

E60:Hahaha you and me are alike in that aspect.

SE60:I would probably do the same thing , committing the same mistakes over and over, the only thing

I regret Is not having more sexual encounters with women.

E60:Oh my god, you don't say that in front of our guest

SE60:So tell me, can you remember who you are now?

Chapter 47


On February 11 1955 only a few months prior to Albert Einstein's death, Helen Dukas secretary to

Albert Einstein, delivered a letter. The office was actually pretty messy, shelf’s of books not stacked with care, a chalk board In the back of his desk with a few equations written with chalk .Helen entered the messy office to deliver the letter from the celebrated logician Bertrand


“You have a letter from Dr. Bertrand Russell

“Read it to me would you, perhaps its not important”

Helen opened and started reading it to Einstein

“Dear Dr. Einstein,

In common with every other thinking person, I am profoundly disquieted by the armaments race in nuclear weapons. You have on various occasions given expression to feelings and opinions with which I am in close agreement. I think that eminent men of science ought to do something dramatic to bring home to the public and Governments the disasters that may occur. Do you think it would be possible to get, say, six men of the very highest scientific repute headed by yourself, to make a very solemn statement about the imperative necessity of avoiding war?These men....

“Helen thanks you can leave the letter here I will read it carefully. Russell has the right attitude, there is not much we can do for our desire to destroy ourselves, but we have to do what is in our hands.”Einstein said.

Helen stood there looking at Einstein looking nervous for an unknown reason.

She had another letter in her hands but was hesitant to show it to him. Einstein noticed

Helen's hesitation standing next to the door with something in her hands.

“Is there a problem Helen?”

“....mmmYou have another letter”

Helen left the letter in his desk without saying anything trying to evade Einsteins eyes .He once had the a letter delivered by the same sender and made him furious.

Helen had various theories but she didn't know what was the true nature of the name

Mileva Malic and the place Vojvodina Serbia.

“You can return Helen. Thank you.”

As Helen closed the door Einstein opened the letter

“Dr Einstein

Professor Einstein this is actually not Mileva, My name is !@#% I am your daughter that you abandoned several years ago

Einstein put down the letter to think and gasped from the shock. I am writing to tell you that I never received the money you sent Mileva instructed to be given to me while I appreciate the gesture, it's too late for forgiveness I considerate this meaningless. Although my real parents don't know nothing about this I want to cut any connections I have in relationship with Mileva and you .I wished that everything would have been resolved before my mother's death but this way I you don't need to send any more money. I am moving to a different country I will not inform you where, as I see it would be more healthy for you to not know. I wished things would resolved better


By the time Einstein finished ,his glasses where condensed by the tears rolling down his face. He cleaned the glasses again to see the name, but he only could distinguish blurred letters where the name was supposed to be.

Chapter 48 "Newcomb's Mu Choice"

The three woke up in the same bed with bottles of vodka everywhere and cigarette butts next to the bed almost provoking a fire. Annie was the first to get up, the sound of her cleaning the room wake up Jane.

“Annie don't clean I'll do it”Jane said grabbing her head from the pain from the hangover, but Annie didn't show any signals of response;she went back and forth to the kitchen putting bottles from the floor and cigarette filled ashtray’s into a black trash bag.

“Annie talk to me please”Jane said following her to the kitchen. Jane in frustration grabbed a bottle of vodka and just as she was putting it in her mouth Annie grabbed her arm stopping her.

“I understand why you do this, but put yourself in our shoes, if we saw our only hope to survive this coming from an Alcoholic woman, you will lose all hopes, please stop, I implore you. I hate to see people drunk.”

Jane put the bottle in the trash bag; got close again to Annie, and hug her grabbing her hair and smelling it again.

“Annie you just gave me another goal to strive for, everyone here is going to survive, and you know who is the main hero in the story? That guy.”

Jane pointed to Rick still sleeping in bed with a boner in his trousers.

“Yesterday before the asshole in the red tie came, Rick gave me the a clue.

“What? What is it?

“Do you remember Newcomb's paradox”

“Yes, its the two box scenario with the 1000$ and 1000000$? “If you think it about carefully you'll realized that problem helps us in trying to read E60 actions

“If you remember Newcombs paradox a machine that almost never commits a mistake ,in this case E60 puts 1000$ on box A and 1000000$ or 0$ on Box B. The other individual has two choices ,choosing only B with the posibility of having 1000000$ or

0$,or choosing both A and B Summing in total 1001000 $. But here is where things get fucked up. It's obvious that everyone would choose option B as no matter what happens you will always get 1000$.But If the machine that could see the future predicts you taking the option of both boxes the 1000000$ would disappear and your greedy intentions just would cost you big money. But if you take only box B with the gamble of not wining anything because of E60 prediction the 1000000 $ would actually be there.

The question is what option would you take?”

“mmm both choices have equal amounts of good arguments with better probabilistic outcomes in choosing A and B”Annie said looking at the board

“That is the problem, if you see it in a probabilistic manner you would get an answer, if you see it in game theory manner and if you saw it in a mathematical manner it would create a singularity, you would have a different answer but still we don't live in a mathematical or probabilistic universe not even game theory is properly situated with dynamical inconsistency that doesn't apply to this type of problem were someones knows the future. The main problems to overcome is the fact of fatalism in the problem. When the information of the prediction is given to the selector it appears to not make a difference but that is where Gödel and Rick actually helped me solved this problem. “Gödel?”Annie asked confused

“Well, I was me thinking in your problem and I remembered Godel's metric where time is non-existent if that is the case the fact that we could actually run a program that imitates E60 from another virtual universe and have a quantum entanglement receptor we could actually read E60 thinking process. If we know what the B Box has with E60 already made his decision it would be like reading the mind of


“Could you do this?”Annie asked ,Rick was started to waking up

“But it will take me probably 120 hours to develop the program but the tricky part is the quantum A/D that I was working at Princeton one with Joaquin but after I left I don't know where it ended. It took me two years to develop it. Besides it has to be activated at the exact time we are going to be at the Wardenclyffe tower, Do you know someone that we could involved in this that is already under E60 radar, I already tried to contact Jeff Miller a colleague that I had in Princeton but he changed his address”Jane said

“No... wait Jeff, Jeff Miller? , , His friend Jesse let us be in his dorm room, maybe he could help us”Annie remembered

“I'll send him a usb with the remote program trigger to activate one day before

July 14, we might get to surprise E60”Jane said while sitting on her old computer resuming her programming, she then asked Annie “Is this Jesse a trustworthy guy?”

“Well I don't know him that well but we already helped us but...... he is a stoner, so maybe he would probably helped us if we just give him weed or money...something green." Annie said "People that don't seem to understand the gravity of the problem seem to be more willing to help. That's why we needed Rick to think out of the box.....uhm”

Annie grabbed the thrash bag and faced Jane decided to ask the question that she already knew the answer.

“I hate to bring this up, but yesterday you said you discovered the flaw that I been looking for”Annie said stopping lifting the garbage from the room and looking at

Jane with seriousness in her face.

“I'm sorry that you had to see me like that Annie.... I lied I don't have a clue. I tend to have a pathological impulse to lie when I'm drunk.” Jane for the first time felt ashamed for her actions.

Annie moved her head sideways then started laughing, her laugh made Jane uncomfortable

“Deep down I knew you were lying, I wanted to lie to myself also, that that was the reason or excuse to be intimate with you. I don't regret it, everything was amazing last night. It was the best night of my life, I knew the moment you tried to kiss me you were full of shit.

“I'm so ashamed I should not have promise you something like that. I'm still thinking in the solution but thinking deeply on it not always helps you solve problem; perhaps when I have the opportunity to read the constitution something will pop up.

Annie, let's do this for Natalia”

“Don't worry It's better to forget my stupid request. At this moment I just want to return to my normal life.”

With these words Annie returned to the kitchen making a knot in Jane's throat knowing that she was the one that dragged everyone into encompassing darkness. Chapter 49

"The Child that Could Not Exist"

“What to believe, if everything is unbelievable and incomprehensible. The vastness of the universe could be contained in only a few laws that dictate our behavior, yet we think the universe has a infinite complexity. Our lives and social interactions are infinitely more complicated. “Gödel said to Adele who were sitting outside drinking tea. Gödel turned to see Adele who was knitting and gave a kiss to her.

“I'm sorry I haven't treated you the way you should. I'm always concentrated on my scientific work and I tend to not care for anything in my surroundings, including the well being and love expressing to the love of my life. You still are my shining scorpion” Gödel said giving Adele another kiss. “Would you like to have a child with me” Gödel said making Adele stop her knitting.

“What do you mean? you never wanted to have a child what is going on?” Adele seem confused and afraid of Gödel's question

“I just feel that I need to have a successor, I know you always wanted children and I was the one that didn't let that happened, but I can change, is necessary for me to feel complete, and have someone else in my life.”Gödel said

“It's just..... not possible, I'm 54 years old this. We can't have a baby now. Why are you even telling me this”

“Adele trust me if we try, we will accomplish the impossible”

The silence in the garden was filled with a weird atmosphere yet the butterflies didn't stop to fly and nature seemed to be oblivious to the great aberration that this words would cause.

At the same time a dead wish of Adele was reborn into life even at her 54 year old self

She had thought s of even thinking in adoption or who knows maybe a real biological son.

Adele still didn't seem to understand but she hold Godel's hand anyway

Chapter 50 "Gift of Hope"

July 13 2020 Jane Ford, Annie Sorenson, and Richard Baker are driving cross country packed with one handgun, a shotgun, and a laptop ,Venetian masks and the key with the number 1618.The three of them had already bought a two dresses and one men's suit that make Rick feel uncomfortable for he's purchase of a 3,000$ dollars suit. The radio was playing early 2000 music “indie” music that consisted in banjos acoustic guitars and for some production decision an 50 piece orchestra because it was a pretty common instrumentation for that kind of music. Rick's old 90's Nissan car stereo suddenly dropped the radio signal. After the threesome incident it was obvious that it wasn't the same atmosphere that made them live like stranger but rather more like a family, but also the three were silent because of the fact that this warm family feeling wouldn’t last that long and just, after five hours of driving they arrived at New

Jersey with only two hours to arrive to their destination. A motel 5 was the obvious choice to stay for the last day of their lives. After registering and smelling the cigarette fumes from the previous guest Jane decided to give them something special

“When we were in Manchester I bought you something”

Jane jumped to the bed with a paper bag she was hiding in one of the suitcases.

“Rick I can't tell you how much I appreciate you everything you've done to me.

You sacrificed everything just to do the right thing and I can safely say that I love you with the same intensity I love Annie”

Jane took out from one of paper bags a small pocket bag that reassembled a deck of cards in size.

“Wait don't open it. There is a reason behind this gifts I want you to open them after July 14 and give you a small incentive to survive. I have instructions for this gifts. Jane this is yours”.Jane gave a medium box to Annie it was pretty obvious that from the wrapper it was a book, Annie also tried to opened..”

“No nobody opens it up until after July 14, believe me those are real great gifts I want you to strive to open them and no matter what happens tomorrow; do not give up”

That day was a pretty sunny day when suddenly all the electrical equipment turned off. Everyone knew that who was responsible for this, but Jane, Rick, and Annie decided to ignore it and go swimming in the Hotel Pool. Chapter 51


F:Memories are coming to me it feels weird .It's almost as if someone was building me slowly

E60:Don't worry everything is going to be fine, you will return to be the way you were except that everything is going to be artificial, all the feelings and emotions will be only a simulation given by Albion.

F:Who is Albion?

1D:He is the mother fucker that is......

I implore you not to talk anymore about the subject at hand and continue with the questions.

SE60:Do you have any regrets?

F:No, I did everything I wanted to do and everything that needed to be done.

Wait...Natalia E60:Now you remember everything don't you?

F:She died because of me, I could have saved her

SE60:No you couldn't Look, the death of a person you love always brings suffering and a false sense of responsibility for this. I died because I refused o eat after my wife died... she tasted my food. I couldn't trust anybody except my wife.

F:I'm sorry to hear that, I lost Natalia, Joaquin ….. I still can't remember everything

1D:You don't remember Scott?

E60:Shut up don't force it on her

F:Did the world end?The last thing I remember is Annie and Rick being together in bed. At that point I felt it was worth giving up everything for them but....

SE60:You did.

Chapter 52

"Gödel's Singularity"

The old 90's Nissan arrived one mile before the Wardenclyff tower, it was 5:30 pm and the night let the lights of a long islands shine, the men had painted faces one black the other white with the last holding a briefcase.

“Long time no see boy I imagine this time I do have an Invitation”Jane said

The man in white (which by the way was from a black race) started searching them for weapons

“ Watch out man this suit is new and expensive”

The other man with the black painted face (which by the way was white race) searched the car finding the shotgun, and the laptop and the key.

“You wont need any of this Dr. Ford” the man in black seize their laptop. He didn't find the small pistol that was attached to the hood of the car, taped next to the Water gallon

“Why wont I be able to use my laptop?

The men in White opened a briefcase grabbing a three masks and a weird huge flashlight and the men in Black grabbed a wakie talkie.

“Put this on please”

The scary man in black gave them three masks one was green that said Tharmas that was given to Rick ,another two mask a blue one said Luvah and the other purple one said Urthona.

“Mmmm I imagine I am Urthona huh?”

The Men in White smiled

“Yes Dr. Ford you are correct”The man in white said then he talked into the walkie talkie.

“They are here”

After the message a high pitched sound started emanating from the Wardenclyff tower enormous coil provoking the whole city lights turning off. The man in Black turned on the flashlight.

“What just happened?”

“E60 probably fucked with the power transmission lines I'm not sure why he did it maybe just to impress us.”

“You can drive now to the Tower.”

The only source of light came from the top of the tower with the darkness the car could barely found the road in the dirt road leading to the entrance. The night only felt a few degrees colder from the seizing of the lights everyone inside the car hearts were beating as fast as ever and the fear seem only to increase when they saw all the windows of the Tower were covered in black sheets. In the entrance another man wearing a tuxedo with his face painted white opened Rick's driver side of the door.

“Welcome please put the masks before entering and please give me the key”

The men reached to Ricks crutch and pulled the hood lever opening it, going and taking the gun exactly without even looking for it

"Well that goes for the surprise shooting I had planned" Jane said

"Excuse me sir, I'm the valet could you give me your key"

Rick gave the keys to the car with eyes that could make a small child cry.

“I'm sorry sir we also need the other key besides the one from your car”

Jane moved Rick to the side and showed the key with the number 1618 engraved on it, the man grabbed the key and used it to open the main door of the tower. The three entered with Rick making a pessimistic remark

“Was that all they wanted the key for? Couldn’t they just call a locksmith”

As the huge doors opened a formation of men all along a rugged road led to another huge wooden archaic door, the personnel there all had their faces painted black on the right side and white on the left side; a faint sound of music was heard in the door at the end of the corridor. All the men in there didn't show up any sign of their presence, it looked like a military formation but no one had any weapons. They all stare at them as they walk through the long carpet. The huge hall looked somewhat improvised but still looked pretty impressive with the old furniture and huge candelabra with an old flair to all of it Annie noticed something peculiar while walking to the other door.

“There wasn't any sign of electrical machinery at the Wardencyff tower, and the decoration seemed pretty fancy for a warehouse dedicated to electrical machinery research , the oddest thing of the huge rooms was the smell of disinfectant in the air similar to a dentist office. When they got to the other room, another man in suit opened the door inside there was nearly a hundred persons wearing robes forming a circle with a string quartet on the side. Jane opened her mouth wide when she realized that everyone in the quartet were using a mask with the exception of the cello player who was Jeff Miller. And especially the song they were performing.

“Welcome Dr.Jane Ford , Annie Sorenson and … Richard Baker, we are really glad that you were able to join us.”

Jane didn't have a happy expression on her face as she knew what could be the consequences of everything.

Everyone started clapping in a very slow manner then the string quartet started playing the piece that BACH2 created when Jane competed with the composer in her undergraduate years.

“Do you remember this piece Jane? You were the one that made it possible for its composition. It was the first great achievement in Artificial Intelligence, your colleague

Salazar organized the performance and BACH2 named it "Thank you for creating me."

“Jeff why didn't you tell me you were with them?”Jane said

“They made me watch every step you made.”Jeff responded with a frown In his face quickly putting his mask again and continue playing.

All the men in the room drop their robes revealing that everyone inside the Tower were using black and white painting in their entire body. In front of the two store hall a huge blanket covering a huge 16 by 9 feet monitor and several speakers collocated all along the octagonal shape room.

“Please let them see him” Two men took away the cover revealing the face of a baby, the same one they saw on Jane's house on a huge monitor.

Good Evening mother is a pleasure see you and meet in a proper manner,

“So here we are, what do you want from us?”

Calm down Jane, this is a party I want you to enjoy the party please go to the dinning room, everyone is only waiting for you.

The other room was filled with tables and fancy silverware. At the side of the hall an all-you-can eat buffet was prepared for people to get food it seemed like an normal wedding type food serving.

“Are we actually going to eat?” Rick said looking at all the people serving themselves food from the salad bar” Rick asked Jane but they noticed that although there were dozens of tables with all the robbed guys sitting not doing anything.

Another three masked man came to the table came with plates and started serving them .The first man served Annie what appear to be a fillet with a sauce with a delicious smell It looked a steak with a weird looking peas and a salad.

“I don't really want to eat anything right now, my stomach feels like revolting right now, because of all the..... tension; everyone is watching us.”Annie noticed that every masked man were only seated in their seats.

“If you are having unease about the food I can serve as a your food taster” The server said.

Annie just nodded and the masked waiter cut a small portion and tasted the fillet.

“Yeah lets just wait if he doesn't die for the next hours,....fuck that after a 6 hour drive I'm hungry lets eat”Jane said grabbing Annie's plate cutting a huge piece of the fillet ,taking of the mask and swallowing without even chewing it properly. As soon as Jane took of the mask everyone in the tables turn away as if to not look Jane at the face. Annie then Rick started eating after they finished the man that served them came again.

“I would need to insist to put the masks again”

“I'm guessing its ok I'm full, this steak was ridiculously good I hadn't had a meal so delicious in years”Jane said while putting her mask again. The server clapped and everyone started turn and started serving themselves the food from the counter.

“This is weird they are treating us like if we were royalty or something”Rick said

“Or a human sacrifice “Annie responded

“Yep its more like a combination of both”Jane said

“Well we are the guest of honor, they were only waiting for us to eat.”

Everyone took their masks off but they had paint underneath it making impossible to know who was who Jane only recognized the closest to her it was the Senator that the men in the red tie talked to. The smell of disinfectant at had disappeared when they started eating, but now the smell was stronger than ever. Another masked man appeared from the curtain leading to the main room that man was the only one using a golden color mask with the name Urizen written on it.

“Do you see the guy with the golden mask”Jane said pointing at the man “be very careful with him. No matter what happens if you have the opportunity kick him in the balls.”

“mmm he does have huge balls”

“Believe me shit is gonna get real now”Jane said with the server approaching the table again

“We implore you to wait until everyone finishes to eat to continue the party” “Yeah of course we don't want to be rude to the secret society that killed several of our friends” Rick said looking firmly to the masked man. They waited several minutes the smell of disinfectant wasn't subtle anymore. The man in the golden masked guy started ringing a huge bell, all the masked persons exited the salon into the octagonal one that they had just previously been with the huge screen on it. This time the curtains that covered the wall were down revealing portraits of men there was the portrait of Tesla, Niels Bohr ,Heisenberg , Dirac , Feynman , Hawking ,

Oppenheimer , Einstein and Gödel. Everyone's face was crossed except for Feynman's,

Einstein's and Godel's. In the center of the huge room the size of half a futbol court there was a white tent with machines that cleaned the air, at the sides. This time a small orchestra was was playing a different piece.

The huge screen showed again E60 this time his face resembled the paintings of

God in the Michelangelo the Sistine Chapel.

What music are they playing Jane do you recognize it

"Hahaha “Thanatos, I didn't know you also liked anime. I also know why you decide to perform it ”

So you already know why you are here.

“I'm here to die”Jane said looking at the screen with a security in her face that it was incredible to watch.

Yes mother I'm afraid so. But don't worry it will be over soon.

“Wait what's going on? Jane you said everything was going to be

OK”Annie said with a concern looked in her face.

“Don't move or do anything please follow every order they tell you to do” Jane took a moment to see her watch marking 7:00 pm If you are waiting for your friend Jesse McIntyre to upload the virus he already did and it didn't produce any results .The Devil knows more not because he is the Devil but because he is old.

Jane you knew what were the consequences bringing these people here, that's why you tried to solve the Newcomb's paradox because of the decision I'm going to force you take.

Two of the Three masked men that escorted them from the dinner room shoot

Rick and Annie in one in the middle of their legs causing them to fall. The scream of pain both from Annie and Rick rolling in the ground had a desperate feeling to Jane.

“What are you doing, why are you doing this?”Jane screamed at the monitor with E60 this time using the face of Jesus”

It's necessary or you wouldn't have motivation. They were ordered to shot them in their femoral artery you got a few seconds to tell me what I want before they die out of blood loss.

Two stretchers came from the white tent with four paramedics wearing masks rushing to treat each of them but they stopped next to them.

“What are you waiting for, they need to help”

But they didn't seem to respond.

Everything I've done up until this point its just to make this proposition.

...... Show me how to die.

Jane didn't seemed surprised by the proposal

“I can't tell you... that please help”

Jane you aren't listening to me this Universe I created is not for you nor for me is for

Yablo he needs to understand..Ezequiel take the key from Jane The man with the golden mask that said Urizen revised her black purse up until he found the key. The man show it to the screen.

Break it.

He grabbed the key from the middle and surprisingly enough it broke into two pieces with one little stone in the middle. He show the little stone to E60

Jane I wan't to break the cycle you created. This little stone is the previous universe that we al lived on please...... I don't want to live forever...... tell me how to stop the cycle. Let me break the cycle

“P l ease ….please do something now they are dying”

I KNOW THA'T WHY YOU NEED TO HELP US. She is not even listening to me...... Jane, this is the moment of truth..We have the tent full of doctors with all the surgical tools that a professional hospital has with two of the best ER doctore there are and they are ready to attend any of the two individuals here and you need to act fast as they got shot in a place where blood drains pretty fast .You need to choose between the well being of the two or stopping me from launching nuclear missiles which you already knew I was capable of.

Rick struggling with the gunshot pain looked at Jane and said

“Why did why come here?”From behind The man in the golden mask shot Rick on the head after revealing to be the man in the red tie.

“Noooooooooooo why are you doing this?

Now you can only save Annie ,Jane I repeat myself...... H O W C A N I K I L L M Y S E L


“You can't die, this is why I didn't want to create you”

Well it appears that this is going to take some time Bromion ,Palamabron proceed. The paramedics put Annie and Rick on the stretcher with two other men barely could hold Jane one of the masked paramedics injected Jane with a white substance making her sleep.

Chapter 53

"∞ "

F:Annie, Rick where are you?

Annie screamed but the volume of her voice seemed to be limited by something

E60:The connection is complete, I think she remembers everything.

F:That fucking piece of shit shot Annie and Richard....I was talking to you before

SE60:Yes you were you are just having flashbacks from your memories

F:What happened?

E60:So much things have happened but you actually know more than we do.

1D:We were hoping you could explain what happened. But you are probably too confused so, we just want you to relax for now.

E60:I repeat myself. Did you had a happy life?

F:Hu....I don't know. But ever since I was born I felt I was lucky just for having a life...fuck I'm still trembling is Annie and Rick Ok who are you?

1D: Don't worry about that. Would you rather keep living like that, everybody in this room has experienced that alienation that people gives us. Would you prefer a world were everybody could feel what you feel and everybody could understand what you think. A world were there is no wars not nuclear bombs and no free will.

E60:What my friend wants to say is this

A bond connected F: to E60: made Jane scream. F:Professor Einstein?You are Albert Einstein...... hu huh (panting) I'm sorry for your..... daughter

E60:In this place everybody is connected and everyone amd can feel what the other feels happiness. the pain, excitement, dullness every emotion connected to everyone.

F:But this is artificial this cannot be true....

1D: Sometimes when you saw your hands didn't you felt it you were previously united whith everybody. Don't you...Perhaps this is the true reality.

SE60:Stop... you are committing coercion with your arguments let her speak her mind.

F:When I was a little girl I felt special and as E60 said I saw my hands, body and mind and felt meaningless. But I felt that connection with everything had disappeared, I really didn't had any say into doing any actions. As I grew older I understood that even if free will existed there wouldn't be any difference if there was a master plan behind it. I felt that it didn't matter; I was enjoying the ride and if I was driving or not It wasn't important to me.

There was a silence in the whiteness suddenly the room turned violet and the place looked like the Institute of Advanced Studies. Party room where Von Neumann confronted the man with the red tie.

Jane's body looked slimmer her body resembled the same one when she was an undergraduate at Princeton wearing the a long skirt and a purple short sleeve shirt

In front of her Richard Feynman and Kurt Gödel appear were sitting down on chairs leaning forwards as if they were very interested in the talk. Feynman looked young and Gödel seemed really old. Jane jumped from her seat and grabbed Gödel from the shoulders shaking him violently. F:You said the world was going to end. What the fuck were your real intentions. Jane grabbed Gödel from the neck choking him but then a connection happened again.

Feynman didn't move an inch and looked towards Jane's back nodding to someone

1D:Should we intervene

E60:No. this is fun.

SE60:Jane, the w o r l d is w ai tin g for you....Argh ..someone h e lp me

SE60:Everything you did has led to this you have to understand everybody is waiting for you

Jane, lets her strength in her grip fade away

F:That is why I couldn’t name your daughter.

SE60:The bomb is going to detonate in 24 minutes from now.

E60:Well that's a nice introduction.

Einstein emerged from behind, he had the body of a 24 year old he looked the younger than everybody in the room including Jane.

Jane noticed Einstein and backed away from Gödel.

F:How is this even possible?

E60:Well as you said its not possible its all because of your creation.

F:Why is this happening?

Jane said with a tear in her left eye.

1D:It's been always inevitable ever since we created it. is that I am able to talk to you?

SE60:Jane We don't now what Albion wants, he is the one running things here. Einstein went to the corner and put the same record with a different song “Komm,

Süsser Tod” In a record player

E60:The progress mankind has made in the entertainment industry is fascinating but it also gives me a bittersweet taste, with humans only pursuing personal satisfaction and glory. I can't deny I love the songs in this time especially music like this. And I also believe that the non-existence of free will is meaningless. When I was alive everyone saw me as the great scientist, the greatest mind, but I have so many regrets in my life. I was the one who signed the Szilard letter pursuing nuclear research, I neglected my family and I abandoned a daughter. The question is should we all keep making everyone miserable

F:You haven't answer me how is that I am able to communicate with all of you.

Albion started collecting scientist brains They surgically removed our brains and download it to this by a doctor called Harvey Thomas by orders of ALBION.

In an effort to accompany him not feel boring in eternity. They are pretty much high fidelity emulations of their real counterparts, some take it good some take it bad most actually have fun with Albion .Right now you have electrodes connected to your brain in a tent at Wardencliff Tower with Abion triying to take away the information by force but I'm guessing you already foresaw all of this.

1D:I don't regret anything, you and me are in that way. So Jane what is your decision

F:What decision?

E60:You can be here living with everyone you love.

As Einstein is talking Natalia appears in front of her

E60: No suffering, no worries

Joaquin and Scott appear in front of her SE60:No aging, if you wish for something it will appear.

E60:Or you can return to were you came from, and keep repeating the cycle you created.

1D:This are the consequences of creating an imperfect machine that doesn't have the ability to cease to exist.

F:This is all my fault?

SE60:The primordial Universe emanated from nothingness and time. The natural progression of this led to human existence with the slow evolution of biological machines based on carbon. At some point in that universe an incomplete version of this program was developed with the sole purpose of completing itself. Obviously you didn't saw the fault of that in relationship with my Incompleteness theorem only making a slave of attaining perfection when this isn't possible Also your daughter didn't take into account my incompleteness theorem which is the source of all of this evil. A machine trying to be complete in a Universe that doesn't allow it. The only solution that Albion devised was to stop the expansion of the universe and reverse its volume and time. Changing the Universe from a flat one into a closed one. He not only was able to do begin a new universe but also modify it. I still don't understand how he was able to change some of its laws without elimination the possibility of human existence. This is the reason some aspects of your universe were changed by Albion's will. In the primordial Universe My wife doesn’t conceived a child which is probably why you weren't able to say my daughters name. The changes in this Universe were designed for you to develop a hate for your own creation and develop a way to destroy

Albion. The possibilities were big but you didn't succeed, it's probably because you knew the consequence of what would bring if your destroyed Albion. 1D:The cycle would be destroyed and the Albion wouldn't create a series infinite universes. who knows Einstein says its been 345 universe cycles of expansion and contraction but we still aren't sure. Can you imagine the time that takes creating a true eternal recurrence. We still are guessing between us, how you were able to know all of this facts but I'm guessing your brilliance is far beyond our comprehension.

F:No it was never me. It was Natalie, my daughter. When I was working in the Aron

Habrit she was the one who informed me everything I needed to know to keep the existence of this Universe with the code from the machine as a third layer.

Everyone disappears again, this time the scene changes to the cabin which Jane,Rick and Annie stayed for a few months a small redheaded girl appears in front of Jane.

Hi mother its me.

Jane recognized the voice of Albion the machine coming from her without the robotic overtones, Jane didn't hesitate to grab her by the neck and start to choke her throwing her to the ground.

Yes, it.

The voice then started to change and she realized the resemblance of the girl brown eyes with her red hair and freckless it was almost a 13 year old version of Jane.

J:Natalie? Is this you?

No , Natalie and I are one now. After eternity of eternities together, our personalities merged.

I'm sorry mom but I didn't want to be this monster.

Jane's knees collapsed to the floor bending her body to a fetal position. Bursting in tears in front of her

Mother you are here to make a decision. Kill me and no bombs will detonated. Your friends will be saved, But the universe will expand into nothingness. If you don't everyone you know will be killed but you will live here with me for eternity having everyone you know and knew here. The small rock that was inside the key is the previous universe after the big crunch. I can read any information from it. You would be able to live with Natalia, your parents your true daughter, and all the living creatures that the world contained, and live a long life. You are the only one who can destroy me, but you need to be willing to accept the consequence of this decision. You mother ,made me a God and I don't want that responsibility.

So tell me what will it be?

Jane grabbed her face in a delicate manner

F:It's a shame I would never going to get to see my gorgeous daughter again...I can't I made a promise. Even if the world has a nuclear war we would survive, and even if we die, we would have a different opportunity in a closed universe. I renounce being just a simulation, if a nuclear war is the price to pay, so be it, we brought this by ourselves and me must face the consequences.

After a long pause the little girl smiled and looked to the ceiling which turned into a sky.

You see Yablo, this is what differentiate a human from a machine, only a human would to sacrifice their entire race for the love of only a few.

F:One last question, are you really my biological daughter Natalia or everything you told me has been a lie and you are only code?

The question is if my name is Ahania or Natalie. isn’t it? Oh mother you are so smart.

You already know the answer The girl disappeared and the scenario changed to the returned to the IAS dinning room

Jane Ford, Richard Feynman, Paul Olum ,Adele Godel, Natalia Petrova,Albert Einstein,

Helen Dukas, Kurt Godel, and Jane Ford are eating Canard à l'Orange when suddenly a blast of Frank Sinatra "I did it my way" put by Von Neumann in what looked an intoxicated drinking directly from a bottle of wine.

"Lets celebrate the amazing Jane Ford for letting destroy the world in the name of what is right"

Everyone bursting laughing still Jane looked at everyone in the table looking for someone

"What is it my dear?"Feynman approached Jane.

"where is Annie and Rick"

"Oh well mmm they are..."

The sound of a beeping from the artificial respiratory machine woke Jane up wearing an hospital gown and really short hair and a scar on her scalp.The smell of blood and her stomach seem to be revolting on itself she didn't recognize the place"Rick was sitting in a chair in front of her

“Where are we?”Jane said

"At Princeton's Hospital"Rick said

“Oh y god you are awake.How do you feel?"

“Drowsy and I smell something burning”

I got shot and you disappeared for a month, it wasn't up until two days ago you appeared here.Annie and I thought the worst we also appeared here a day after we where at the Tower.Nothing happened you know

"Nuclear explotion?"Jane asked

"There was this airplane that they shot down that same day .The government didn't say anything but apparently it had a nuclear device, but nothing happened. And there is nothing on the Wardencliffe tower everything is gone.Nothing happened that day" "How is that you are alive you got shot in the head"

Rick crossed his legs making and frowning his brow

"The reason I retired from baseball was this"

He puts a finger in his head knocking it as it was a door

"I got hit once by a 50 mile ball in the head and in the end they put a metal plate in me head. I don't know if they knew that or it was just destiny that didn't allow me to die.

"No, it wasn't a coincidence nothing was a coincidence, you, me Anni, everything was calculated.Was it a dream?Jane then grabbed her head she then felt her shaven head with with a huge scar on her scalp.

"Do you remember anything Jane?"

"No, well If its true ,it's to incredible to believe it actually happened. Is Annie Ok?

“Yes we both are fine. She is at school I'm going to call her right now that you just wake up. I been here ever since the police told us you appeared here two days ago.I'm sorry I broke the promise I opened my present and it was a Baseball collective card I sold the baseball card you gave me, they gave

24,000$ for it, I bought you this"

Rick shows a laptop with a huge ribbon on it

"After all of this I still want to keep away from computers"Jane said

"I've tried to contact the E60 thing but it doesn't work or maybe he is ignoring us"

“We don't need to care about him anymore

“What do you mean not caring? After All of the things that monster has done”Rick said desesperetely.

“We wouldn't be here without that her, in a weird sense she is responsible for everything even in our lives . She is the reason Annie is alive, she was supposed to die at birth but she decided to let her live.

"Let me email Annie" [email protected]

Jane is awake, she feels ok come to the hospital.

[email protected]

Annie was at the Library when she got the message. Annie smiled and she started running but something in her backpack was bothering her then she remember the promise

She opened her backpack and took out Jane's present. It looked like a book she carefully rip the wrapper trying to not make a lot of noise.It was a copy of Gödel Escher Bach by Hofstadter with a bookmark inside it on page 700 with the subtitle "Strange Loops in Government".Annie starts to read an epiphany appears in her eyes.

"Oh my god its always been in front of me. It's always been in front of me"