Journal of Crop and Weed, 15(1): 29-34 (2019)

Induction of flowering in cv. S. KUNDU, J. MISHRA, P. NANDI, R. SWAMY SEKHAR AND T. ADHIKARY Department of Fruit Science Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur-741252, Nadia, West Bengal Received : 20-02-2018 ; Revised : 12-02-2019 ; Accepted : 24-02-2019


-1 An experiment was carried out to study the effect of different inducing treatments viz. ethephon 0.625 ml l (T1), KNO3 10 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 g l (T2), ethephon 0.625 ml l + KNO3 10 g l (T3), KH2PO4 10 g l (T4), pacobutrazol 4 ml m canopy radius (T5), -1 -1 decapitation in October (T6), decapitation (June) + urea 5g l (July) + KNO3 10 g l (T7) on 10 years old mango cv. Himsagar at Horticultural Research Station of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Nadia, West Bengal, during 2012–14. -1 -1 Among different treatments, paclobutrazol and ethrel 0.625 ml l + KNO3 10 g l were found most effective in production of higher flowering shoots with higher content of total non-structural carbohydrate (starch and sugar) and C:N of leaves both in -1 the ‘on’ and ‘off’ year. Yield was recorded higher with the same treatments of paclobutrazol and ethephon 0.625 ml l + KNO3 10g l-1. Keywords: C/N ratio, flowering shoots, total non-structural carbohydrate and yield

The commercial varieties of mango are gripped with India during 2012–14. The area is in new alluvial zone the problem of bienniality. The problem is manifested which is situated between 21.5 0North latitude and 86- mainly due to inability of once fruited shoots to 89 0E longitude with an average altitude of 9.75 m above differentiate flower buds directly for the next fruiting sea level. The experiment was laid out with 8 treatments season. Such fruited shoots have to undergo a vegetative and 3 replications following randomized block design. phase to develop new shoots, which is turn mature to All the chemicals were applied as foliar spray except become the new fruiting shoots for the next flush of paclobutrazol which was applied in the soil. Ethephon, flowering and by this process one year of flowering is KNO3 and KH2PO4 were applied as foliar spray in 4 skipped off causing bienniality in cropping (Rao, 1997). consecutive months starting from September. For

Himsagar, the choicest cultivar in mango in West Bengal, combined treatment of ethephon + KNO3, ethephon was similarly suffered from the problem of biennial bearing applied in September and October and KNO3 in the habit. Attempts have been made to manage the problem month of November and December. Paclobutrazol was of bienniality by way of stimulating the sub apical buds applied once in the soil during 2nd fortnight of September. of fruited shoots to develop directly instead of Four branches consisting of approximately 100 shoots undergoing the vegetative phase or the development of from each were selected for differentiation of flowers on new shoots with the use of bioregulators and shoots. Five panicles were taken for counting nutrients (Ram, 1996; Sanyal et al. 1996, Debnath, hermaphrodite and male flowers for each replication. 2000). However, there is a necessity of further Four to seven month old leaves (latest mature flush) from comprehensive studies for cultivars and agro-climate the middle of the shoot were sampled in December. Leaf specific standardization of these chemicals. Present samples were also collected before starting of investigation was designed with an objective of induction experiment. Collected leaf samples were washed with of flowering with the chemicals and decapitation distilled water to make them dust free and then chopped treatments for fruiting both in the ‘on’ and ‘off’ year. and dried in hot air oven at 70 0C for 72 hours. The dried samples were grinded and collected in brown paper MATERIALS AND METHODS for analysis. Nitrogen was determined by micro-Kjeldahl The effect of different flower inducing treatments method as described by Black (1965). Total non- viz. ethephon 0.625 ml l-1 (T ), KNO 10 g l-1 (T ), 1 3 2 structural carbohydrate (starch and sugar) was estimated ethephon 0.625 ml l-1 + KNO 10 g l-1 (T ), KH PO 10 3 3 2 4 by colorimetric method using anthrone as a reagent g l-1 (T ), pacobutrazol 4 ml m-1 canopy radius (T ), 4 5 (Hedge and Hofreiter, 1962). The data obtained were decapitation in October (T ), decapitation (June) + urea 6 analysed statistically by the analysis of variance method 5 g l-1 (July) + KNO 10 g l-1(T ) and control (T ) were 3 7 8 as suggested by Goon et al. (2001) and the significance studied for induction of flowering on 10 years old mango of different source of variation was tested by error mean cv. Himsagar at Horticultural Research Station of Bidhan square by Fisher’s ‘F’ test of probability level of 0.05 Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Nadia, West Bengal, per cent.

Email:J. Crop [email protected] Weed, 15(1) 29 Induction of flowering in mango cv. Himsagar

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Protacio, 1992). The induction of flowering by KH2PO4 The present investigation revealed that all the might be due to increased amount of potassium and treatments effectively induced flowering, advanced the phosphorus in the terminal buds. Involvement of flowering, increased the hermaphrodite flowers in a phosphorus in fruit bud differentiation was reported by panicle and improved the yield in both years. The effect Nawadakar and Pandey (1982). of chemicals was more as compared with decapitation In the present investigation, shoots decapitated in the month of June + urea 5 g l-1 + KNO 10 g l-1 (T ) alone (T6) or with decapitation+chemicals (T7). In the 3 7 ‘on’ year, among eight different treatments, paclobutrazol produced lesser flowering shoots (50.1% in ‘on’ year resulted production of maximum flowering shoots and 15.7% in ‘off’ year) and lesser number of panicles -1 per shoot (1.35 in ‘on’ year and 1.28 in ‘off’ year) as (77.7%) followed by KH2PO4 10 g l (68.2%) and -1 -1 evidenced from table 1. This is quite obvious because ethephon 0.625 ml l + KNO3 10 g l (67.3%). In the following ‘off’ year, the flowering shoots were recorded new shoots came from sub apical buds just after much higher with paclobutrazol (48.4%) and ethephon decapitation either went for extension growth or -1 -1 remained dormant in majority cases. These finding are 0.625 ml l + KNO3 10 g l (37.2%) as compared with -1 in agreement with the earlier findings of Ram (1996). control (13.9%). KH2PO4 10 g l (T4), ethephon 0.625 -1 -1 Decapitation in October (T ) resulted maximum panicles ml l (T1) and KNO3 10 g l (T2) were moderately 6 effective in production of flowering shoots in ‘off’ year. in a shoot (2.41 in ‘on’ year and 1.42 in ‘off’ year). This Different chemicals resulted early panicle emergence by might be due to the fact that multiple sub apical buds 7-9 days in ‘on’ year and 4 – 9 days in ‘off’ year. directly forced to grow as panicles leading to more -1 panicles in a shoot which is in conformity with the earlier Paclobutrazol (T5) and KNO3 10 g l (T2) were more effective in early panicle emergence in ‘on’ year and findings of Das (2006). -1 Flower inducing treatments used in the present KH2PO4 10 g l (T4) in ‘off’ year (Table 1). Similar results of early and profuse flowering were also reported investigation had no significant influence on percentage earlier with paclobutrazol (Tongumpai et al., 1997; of perfect flowers (Table 2). However, ethephon 0.625 -1 -1 Singh, 2008), ethrel (Sanyal et al., 1996; Debnath, 2000); ml/l (T1), ethephon 0.625 ml l + KNO3 10 g l (T3) and -1 KNO (Sergent et al., 1997; Kumar et al., 2003) and KH2PO4 10 g l (T4) were more effective for higher 3 percentage of perfect flowers. The higher percentage of KH2PO4 (Kumar et al., 2003); ethrel + KNO3 (Rabelo et al., 1999; Hafle et al., 2003). In the present perfect flowers was also recorded earlier with ethrel investigation, the better effect of combined treatment of (Singh and Dhillon, 1986), KNO3 and KH2PO4 (Kumar ethrel and KNO (T ) on induction of flowering than et al., 2003) and paclobutrazol (Khader, 1992; Yeshitela, 3 3 2004). Fruit production was much higher with the ethrel and KNO3 alone was also supported by Hafle et al. (2003). treatments of paclobutrazol (T5) and ethephon 0.625 ml -1 -1 The stronger and persistent influence of l + KNO3 10 g l (T3). Paclobutrazol produced maximum -1 paclobutrazol as an antigibberellin might account for its number of fruits plant (399.4 in ‘on’ year and 190.3 in -1 higher effectiveness in promoting flowering (Abdel ‘off’ year) and yield plant (85.5 kg in ‘on’ year and Rahim et al., 2011). Paclobutrazol, owing to its anti– 48.8 kg in ‘off’ year) as compared to much lesser in -1 gibberellin activity, could induce or intensify flowering untreated control (261.6 and 70.8 fruits plant in by blocking the conversion of Kaurene to Kaurenoic acid ‘on’ and ‘off’ year respectively and 57.4 and 16.7 kg -1 (Webster and Quinlan, 1984; Voon et al., 1991). Ethylene plant in ‘on’ and ‘off’ year respectively). Treatments -1 -1 may influence the expression of gene at the KNO3 10 g l (T2), KH2PO4 10 g l (T4) and ethephon -1 transcriptional level from DNA to mRNA, the 0.625 ml l were moderately effective in fruit production translational level from mRNA to protein and the post– (Table 2). Appreciable increase in yield was recorded translated level for modification of proteins. This earlier by the treatment with paclobutrazol (Yeshitela, modification of protein may results in that specific 2004; Singh, 2008), ethephon + KNO3 (Rabelo et al., enzyme which is responsible for the regulation of a 1999; Hafle et al., 2003), KH2PO4 (Kumar et al., 2003), specific plant physiology process, like growth, flowering ethrel (Sanyal et al., 1996; Debnath, 2000) and KNO3 or fruiting, provided other factors remain favourable. (Debnath, 2000; Kumar et al., 2003). However, it is now generally accepted that ethylene It is evident from table 3 that paclobutrazol (T5) and -1 -1 action is mediated by receptor (Christoffersen and Latics, ethephon 0.625 ml l + KNO3 10 g l (T3), leading to higher flowering and yield, also resulted higher total non 1982; Sister and Blankenship, 1993). KNO3 stimulated flowering in mango might be mediated by the increased structural carbohydrate (starch and sugar) and C/N of levels of endogenous ethylene but later it was reported the leaves. The total non-structural carbohydrate and C/ N of leaves in the month of December were found much that KNO3 induced flowering by inhibiting GA3

J. Crop and Weed, 15(1) 30 Kundu et al. -1 2.2.11 7.2.12 2.41 1.42 1.92 Date of panicle emergenceshoot panicle of Number (29.9) (41.3) 52.7) 63.364.5 24.967.3 28.368.2 44.1 37.2 46.4 27.1.11 28.7 52.3 25.1.11 4.2.1250.1 48.4 26.1.11 5.2.12 27.1.11 1.46 15.7 5.2.12 1.50 31.1.12 32.9 1.01 1.61 27.1.11 1.81 1.36 1.23 1.09 7.2.12 1.43 1.22 1.35 1.35 1.52 1.20 1.28 0.81 2.44 1.48 – – 0.14 0.42 0.09 ( (53.5) (32.1)(55.7) (42.8) (32.4) (44.0) (55.1) ( 37.6) (46.4) (45.1)(43.3) (23.2) (21.9) (34.2) (32.6) (61.9) (44.1) (53.0) (45.5) (32.7) (39.1) (2012-13) (2013-14) (2012-13) (2013-14) (2012-13) (2013-14) ‘On’ Year ‘On’ Year ‘Off’ PooledYear ‘On’ Year ‘Off’ Year ‘On’ Year ‘Off’ Pooled -1 canopy radius) 77.7 48.4 63.0 25.1.11 3.2.12 2.25 1.32 1.78 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 10 g l -1 3 -1 10 g l Treatments Flowering shoot (%) 10 g l 4 3 10 g l 3 PO 2 – Ethephon 0.625 ml l – KNO – Ethephon 0.625 ml l – KH – Pacobutrazol (4 ml m – Decapitation (October) – Decapitation (June) + Urea 5 g l – Control (water spray) 50.8 29.2 47.0 40.0 13.9 30.4 3.2.11 9.2.12 1.38 1.02 1.20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 T T + KNO T (July) + KNO T T SEm(±) T T T Table 1: Effect of flower inducing treatments on flowering shoot and panicle emergence of mango cv. Himsagar on flowering shoot and panicle emergence of mango cv. inducing treatments of flower 1: Effect Table LSD (0.05) angular transformed values are *Note: Data in the parenthesis 4.44 0.85 2.46 – – 0.28 0.08 0.24

J. Crop and Weed, 15(1) 31 Induction of flowering in mango cv. Himsagar (kg) -1 Yield plant Yield 3.74 1.77 2.08 72.974.2 32.975.2 34.171.3 52.9 41.885.5 54.2 39.3 58.5 48.8 55.3 67.2 65.861.4 32.457.4 22.9 49.1 16.7 42.2 37.1 11.21 5.31 6.04 -1 6.67 223.0 228.6 254.2 242.7 294.8 212.4 177.7 166.2 19.32 of fruits plant 50.25 21.29 N.S. 8.49 11.02 291.6 133.2 2.57 1.71 1.63 16.76 7.10 19.6513.49 13.0315.87 9.1618.28 16.34 11.0010.87 11.33 9.13 323.7 13.43 12.29 328.3 13.71 122.5 341.1 11.58 128.8 314.4 167.3 399.4 171.0 190.3 13.67 10.66 12.16 259.2 96.1 (21.27) (18.64) (19.96) (25.87)(21.38) (21.16) (17.53) (23.52) (25.04) (19.45) (17.44) (21.24) (21.29) (16.88) (19.08) (23.46) (19.04)(21.25) (21.69) (18.78) (20.24) (2012-13) (2013-14) (2012-13) (2013-14) (2012-13) (2013-14) ‘On’ Year ‘On’ Year ‘Off’ Pooled Year ‘On’ Year ‘Off’ Pooled Year ‘On’ Year ‘Off’ Pooled -1 -1 10 g l -1 -1 3 -1 -1 -1 10 g l 10 g l 4 3 10 g l 3 (July) + KNO PO -1 2 – Ethephon 0.625 ml l – KNO – Ethephon 0.625 ml l – KH – Pacobutrazol (4 ml m – Decapitation (October) – Decapitation (June) + Urea 13.56 – Control (water spray) 13.50 10.31 11.91 261.6 70.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SEm(±) T T T T T T + KNO canopy radius)T (19.06) (20.44) (19.75) T 5 g l Table 2: Effect of flower inducing treatments on perfect flowers and fruit yield of mango cv. Himsagar on perfect flowers and fruit yield of mango cv. inducing treatments 2: Effect of flower Table TreatmentsLSD (0.05) ‘Numbers N.S. N.S. *Note: Data in the parenthesis are angular transformed values are *Note: Data in the parenthesis

J. Crop and Weed, 15(1) 32 Kundu et al.

higher with the treatments paclobutrazol (13.12% and -1 7.66, respectively) and ethephon 0.625 ml l + KNO3 10 g l-1(12.22% and 6.56, respectively) as compared with control (9.08% and 5.09, respectively). Application of -1 Ethephon 0.625 ml/l (T1) and KNO3 10 g l (T2) also resulted moderate C/N ratio in leaves. So, the higher C/ N of leaves might be responsible for high yield. The majority of the dormant buds of the treated were released from their quiescent state more or less simultaneously soon after the cold period. This situation in addition to the high level of total non structural carbohydrate (starch and sugar) and high C:N in the trees led to intense flowering and fruiting (Vijyalakshmi and Srinivasan, 2002; Hoda et al., 2001; Yeshitela, 2004). In the present experiment, decapitation + urea 5 g l-1+ -1 KNO3 10 g l (T7) exhibited minimum C/N in the leaves which might be due to lower nitrogen content in the leaves as well as due to utilization of carbohydrate reserve for excessive vegetative growth. It is concluded that paclobutrazol or ethephon 0.625 ml l-1+ KNO 10 g l-1 may be used effectively for 0.42 0.79 1.053 0.55 0.57 induction of flowering with a promising fruit yield in the ‘off’ year. REFERENCES

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