The 95th Anniversary of Avatar 's Silence

Meher Baba's Silence & A Story from Meher Mount Meher Baba's Silence Started July 10, 1925

Meher Baba's Silence Started on July 10, 1925

“In this present Avataric form, I observe silence.” — Avatar Meher Baba

AVATAR MEHER BABA using the alphabet board as His principle means of communication for the last time in 1954. He observed silence from July 10, 1925, until He dropped His physical form on January 31, 1969. Meher Baba's Silence Started July 10, 1925

On July 10, 1925, Avatar Meher Baba began His silence that lasted for 44 years until He dropped His body on January 31, 1969.

After Meher Baba started His silence, He communicated by writing on a slate board. After that, He pointed to letters on an alphabet board to spell out words. Later, he used a series of hand gestures that were interpreted by His close disciples ( mandali).

Meher Baba said that His silence was not undertaken as a spiritual exercise, but solely in connection with His universal work.

About His silence, Meher Baba said:

“Man’s inability to live God’s words makes the Avatar’s teaching a mockery. Instead of practicing the compassion he taught, man has waged wars in his name. Instead of living the humility, purity, and truth of his words, man has given way to hatred, greed, and violence.

”Because man has been deaf to the principles and precepts laid down by God in the past, in this present Avataric form, I observe silence. You have asked for and been given enough words - it is now time to live them.”

— Avatar Meher Baba, "The Universal Message" [1] Meher Baba's Silence Started July 10, 1925

AVATAR MEHER BABA came out of this jhopdi (hut) in , India, at 5:00 a.m. on Friday, July 10, 1925, marking the start of His silence. Asked how He would teach in silence, Meher Baba replied, "I have come not to teach, but to awaken." (Photo: Sam Ervin) Meher Baba's Silence Started July 10, 1925

Followers of Meher Baba Observe Silen ce on July 10 Avatar Meher Baba asked His followers to keep silence from midnight July 9th to midnight July 10th. Eruch Jessawala - one of Meher Baba's close mandali - stated the following about Silence Day [2]:

"It was Baba's order for all His lovers and applies even to this day. One can say - it was one of His few orders for posterity. In fact, there are very few orders He has left for His lovers in the world...

"If someone accidentally speaks up -- it's okay, but on realizing his mistake, he should keep silence again and be more alert. Use gestures or write on a notepad...

"All those who consider themselves Baba lovers are expected to do this."

Sources: [1] Avatar Meher Baba, "The Universal Message", (c) Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust, Ahmednagar, India. [2] Rustom B. Falahati, "Observing Silence Day," The Real Treasure - V: Life of a Resident with Avatar Meher Babas Mandali, (India: Joy Meher, 2013). (c) Rustom B. Falahati. Why Avatar Meher Baba Observed Silence

Why Meher Baba Observed Silence

AVATAR MEHER BABA communicating only with hand gestures after He stopped using the alphabet board in 1954. He was silent from July 10, 1925 until He dropped His body on January 31, 1969. Why Avatar Meher Baba Observed Silence

By Eruch Jessawala

We would often question Meher Baba about His long silence, asking Him when He intended to break it and one day in 1954 in answer, He just dropped His alphabet board and said, "From now on I will not use the board."

We thought this was a hint that He might be about to break His silence but the days passed without incident except that He then started to communicate by using nger gestures. All He would say, referring to His silence, was, "What a binding it is" but it was a binding with a purpose — for our sake.

However, one lasting benet which developed out of this, came one day when He asked us this question: "Why do people shout at one another when they are angry?"

We said, "They shout because they are angry and they want to express their anger," and Baba responded, "Yes, they can express their anger that way, but even if someone is seated at their side they will shout at that person. Could they not speak softly?"

We volunteered dierent explanations, saying dierent things which came to mind at the time, but our answers did not satisfy Baba. So He gave us the answer.

"When a person is angry with another person," He said, "that person is far removed from his heart and distance is created between them. That's why the physical reaction is to shout, and the greater the distance, the greater is the shouting. Love disappears and one goes on shouting at the other who in turn barks back at him. Then he barks and so it goes on and on." Why Avatar Meher Baba Observed Silence

AVATAR MEHER BABA communicating with a series of hand gestures that are interpreted by His followers. (Photo: Los Angeles Times, 1956) Why Avatar Meher Baba Observed Silence

But Baba did not stop there as He doubtlessly wanted us to see the same thing from a dierent angle. So He continued, "Now take the other case of two people in love. When two individuals are in love with each other, how do they speak?"

"They speak softly," we answered.

"Yes," Baba agreed, "they do speak softly and the greater the love between them, the softer is their tone of speech. And when they are still further in love, no words are needed and they just look at each other, and eventually there is not even the need to look — no need at all."

Well, that is the reason why Meher Baba observed silence. There was no need for an exchange of words. It was very good to hear that, to be reminded that He was so very close to us; as He has said, "I am closer to you than your very breath."

Whether the world accepted His closeness or not was immaterial to Him for whom there was no need to speak, and it was so true that whenever people came in contact with Him, although there was an exchange of signs or words through interpretations, Meher Baba always spoke directly to the hearts of people. There is no doubt at all about that, He simply reached deep into their hearts.

Source: Anzar, Naosherwan, The Ancient One: A Disciple’s Memoirs of Meher Baba (Hamilton, New Jersey: Beloved Books, 1985), pp. 101-102. (c)Naosherwan Anzar. Used with permission.

About: Eruch Jessawala was a primary interpreter of Meher Baba’s alphabet board and then His signs and gestures. He was well known for his deep understanding of Meher Baba’s Life and work. How Silence Day Started

How Silence Day Started

In 1979, just 10 years after Avatar Meher Baba dropped His physical form, The Glow magazine published this account by Eruch Jessawala regarding the observance of Silence Day. Eruch was a close disciple of Meher Baba's and often interpreted Meher Baba's hand gestures.

From 1969 until Eruch's passing in 2001, Eruch would sit in Mandali Hall in Meherazad, India, and answer pilgrims' questions about life with Meher Baba and share his insights regarding the meaning of Meher Baba's words and actions. In the excerpt below, Eruch is answering questions about Silence Day which is observed every July 10th.

By Eruch Jessawala

The tenth of July is Silence Day. We all know that Baba observed silence for 44 years, and we talk about His Silence and about the breaking of His Silence.

A number of Baba-lovers are asking us [His close disciples] whether we should continue to observe silence on Silence Day or not. Well, it is left to each individual whether one wants to observe silence or not.

But there will come a time, I feel, when the world will observe Silence Day, just as we observe Christmas and New Year's Day. There will come a time when the observance of Meher Baba's Silence Day will spread all over the world. How Silence Day Started

In order to commemorate the day Meher Baba began His Silence, it is natural that all those who love him observe silence on July 10th. Those who are close to him would obviously want to commemorate this day. To our wanting or not wanting to observe the day, there is a guideline from Meher Baba himself. In the beginning, we never made it a special day.

There came a time, after several years when somebody drew Baba's attention to the fact that July 10 was the day when He began his silence.

Baba casually instructed that it should be remembered by observing a fast. Adi [Adi K. Irani, Meher Baba’s secretary] would send out circulars in advance with a reminder to Baba-lovers that July 10 is the day of Silence, and that they should observe fast on that day. “Fast” meant 24 hours of fast, only tea was permitted.

Then there came an option. Either one observed fast for 24 hours or silence for 24 hours. Baba-lovers were happy; they said, "Let us try observing silence."

Many people who were close to Baba began to observe silence on that day. Still there remained the option of fast or silence. Then there were a few who could neither observe fast nor silence. Some said they could not observe silence because they were in the military or were holding a responsible position which necessitated the use of speech. How Silence Day Started

Reports of diculties encountered would come to Baba. They would write letters saying how it was not possible for them to observe the fast or the silence. Baba would lovingly say, "It doesn't matter, it's all right."

Then there came a time when Baba said. "I want you all to observe fast or to observe silence." It was not an optional decision left to the discretion of His close ones; but it was His wanting them to do it. So people in the world who followed Baba either observed fast or observed silence.

But then in the late sixties He would mention how important the Day of Silence was as He had been keeping silence for so many years. He conveyed, "It's not anybody's silence, but it's My Silence; so it's best you also observe silence for a day."

Thus He started giving us a gift – His sanction to participate in the day of His Silence. Even in His physical presence we (the mandali) observed silence. We had to observe silence. There was no option whatsoever. We had no option about fast or anything in between.

For a number of years the mandali were observing silence on the Day, but His lovers around the world were given the option to observe silence or to observe fast. In later years Baba expressed His wish that it was better if all observed silence instead of observing fast.

Source: The Glow, August 1979, edited by Naosherwan Anzar. Used with permission. The Month of Silence at Meher Mount

The Month of Silence at Meher Mount - July 1949

In 1949, Avatar Meher Baba asked His mandali (close disciples) in Meherazad, Ahmednagar and Meherabad, India, as well as His close lovers and followers everywhere in the world to keep silence for the entire month of July. Meher Baba had been silent since July 10, 1925. One of Meher Baba’s followers in the West, Marguerite Poley wrote about observing that month of silence at Meher Mount.

By Marguerite Poley

According to Baba's orders, July 1949 was to be a month kept in complete silence by His lovers and devotees residing at Meher Mount, Upper Ojai, California.

As it turned out, we were ten, as follows:

A young couple, both school teachers, from Palm Desert, Calif. (the husband was the only male person in the group). Two ladies from [the] Palm Springs area, also California; these rst four were Jean Adriel’s [1] friends…I might add that to her delight one of these ladies was allowed to bring her dog for the stay. The Month of Silence at Meher Mount

Agnes Baron [2] knew the rest, namely Ruth Chace, a Quaker from Los Gatos, California, and Mary Beasley. Mary B. was a Su, had met Inayat Khan [3] and respected Meher Baba. She was to be our spokesperson when accompanying Agnes into town for supplies. She was not committed to silence. And nally, Agnes, her dear friend Margaret Craske [4], Jean Adriel and myself.

AVATAR MEHER BABA at the Los Angeles International Airport on July 31, 1956. Marguerite Poley is next to Meher Baba in the headscarf. To her right is Gladys Carr. On Meher Baba's left are Ruth White and Hilda Fuchs. (Photo: Love Street Lamp Post, 1st Quarter, 1988. Used with permission.) The Month of Silence at Meher Mount

The Plan for the Month By evening, June 30, 1949, we were assembled. After being shown individual sleeping quarters there was a brieng:

Never go outside in darkness without a lit ashlight due to rattlesnakes (these creatures hunt at night). Plus, if any snake is seen in daylight warn others by a sign, i.e., point hand toward ground, follow with zigzag hand motions.

Carrying a pencil could be useful for inter-communications.

Meals: We were to have two a day.

Breakfast: (from 7:30 am) Tea, coee, fruits, cereals, breads.

Dinner: No red meat: Vege-meat, vegetables. Fish 2-3 times a week, beverages, dessert (we never worried what to do with leftovers. There weren’t any). Ample water was always available. Meher Mount water is sulphuric, therefore not potable.

A period of silence in Baba’s Name was held after the brieng. Amid smiles we bid one another good night, went our separate ways. One could feel an undercurrent of trepidation regarding this swiftly upcoming month!

How does one suddenly switch from a “talking world" into absolute silence? Good question! But rest assured, by the third day we nally were s-i-l-e-n-t. No more hands ying towards one’s mouth in dismay at having spoken, and dear Baba forgave us, too! The Month of Silence at Meher Mount

Assignments for All Activities: Plenty! There’s never a time at Meher Mount with nothing to do. Agnes found assignments for all; there was always brush to be cleared.

AGNES BARON (left) and Margaret Craske (right) doing weed clearing chores at Meher Mount. This photo was probably taken around the time of the month of silence in 1949.

In 1949 there were several apricot trees ready to be picked. The fruits had to be sorted, cleaned, halved, and laid out on long, stretched-out gunny sack racks, placed in the sun and each apricot half had to be turned over daily. Agnes sold these “cots” to health food suppliers. There was also watering to be done and let us not forget K.P.

Rest and Recreation: Rest during the day’s hottest hours. Swimming pool available. Ball playing. A piano to use. Reading. The Month of Silence at Meher Mount

As regards Baba literature we had a variety of articles, mostly printed in India, Discourses [5], and Jean Adriel’s recently published Avatar. I would also like to mention that two of us were allowed to paint. Ruth Chace had movement diculty, and I was not 100%. Agnes was solicitous [and] allowed us a glass of milk or buttermilk noontimes.

Time for Painting Anyway, paint and paint and paint we did…I’m now taking the liberty to describe Ruth’s unique works: She would start dead center of her canvas and from there outwards in all directions, using geometrical only; triangles, rectangles, squares, circles, polygons, etc. These all became larger the further from center. With her knowledge of color, the end result was stunning. I was fascinated. Mandalas, indeed!

I worked seven canvases. The young couple from Palm Desert took one home and I forget who got “Golden Hour,” this one depicting a sunset seen through the oak trees – from a black-and-white Kodak print taken during the month of silence in 1949 at Meher Mount (Proceeds – not a great deal – for Meher Mount).

The Daily Highlight Now to the wonderful daily highlight! Around seven PM we gather in the veranda of the main house. There we sat on the oor or chairs for an hour, or a bit more. It was a special, precious time, with Baba’s Loving Presence so powerfully felt! Jean had a record player nearby. Our departure signal was when “A Song of India” played. Slowly, we did so, and I may say, reluctantly! The Month of Silence at Meher Mount

On July 29th, there was a chill in the air. Agnes had a re going in the living room of the main house where that evening’s gathering was held. It was so powerful!

A MUSIC SCORE from Jean Adriel to Marguerite Poley, May 14, 1949. (Image from T he Awakener Magazine online, Vol.21, No. 1, 1984. Used with permission.)

Now that I think back, the closest comparison I can come up with is when Baba was with us in the Barn [6] at Myrtle Beach, SC, in 1958.

We simply lost sense of time. I’ve no idea how long we stayed in that room. And besides all that, I’m reasonably sure we were aware that very soon we would part to individual destinations…after an unforgettable month spent together in silence. The Month of Silence at Meher Mount

Apropos that particular evening: Jean told me as I drove her to Hollywood August 1, that she saw Baba slowly walking in the living room. He touched everyone, placed His hand on a shoulder, or arm, or top of the head as He glided among us!

About the Author: Marguerite Poley (1909-2005) was a circus performer, artist, and follower of Avatar Meher Baba. According to Linda Zavala, writing about Marguerite in the January 2006 (1st Quarter) issue of the Love Street Lamp Post: "In 1947, Marguerite and two of her friends heard that a spiritual master was coming to Meher Mount in Ojai. After one friend said, 'Oh, no don't go there...' she and the other friends looked at each other impishly and immediately got into the car to go to Ojai. There they met Jean Adriel, saw Baba's photos, and bought Jean's book Avatar. A few week later....while reading Avatar she realized that Baba was the real thing -- God Incarnate. She felt struck 'as if by a lighting bolt.' She knew that she had 'come home.'"

Source: “Meher Mount Memories: The Month of Silence, July 1949,” by Marguerite Poley, Love Street Lamp Post, January 2006 (1st Quarter 2006), pp. 43-44. ©Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. Reprinted with permission. The Month of Silence at Meher Mount

Notes: [1] Jean Adriel (1892-1984) was one of the founders of Meher Mount -- August 9, 1946 -- and author of the book, Avatar:The Life Story of Avatar Meher Baba (1947). [2] Agnes Baron (1907-1994) was another founder of Meher Mount, moving there in 1946 and caring for Meher Mount the rest of her life. She left the property to a non-prot corporation, which currently owns and manages Meher Mount. [3] Inayat Khan (1882-1927) was the founder of The Su Order in the West in 1914 (London) and a teacher of Universal Susm. [4] Margaret Craske (1892-1990) was a well-regarded ballet teacher in London and the United States and a close disciple of Avatar Meher Baba. She wrote of her life with Meher Baba in The Dance of Love (1980) and Still Dancing with Love (1990). [5] Discourses by Meher Baba has been in print since the 1940s. The Discourses address many of life's most perplexing problems and provide a spiritual perspective on the challenges of everyday life. [6] The Barn is a gathering place at the Meher Spiritual Center in Myrtle Beach, SC, which is considered Meher Baba's "home in the West." It is a spiritual retreat for rest, meditation, and renewal of the spiritual life, for those who love and follow Meher Baba, and for those who know of him and want to know more. Subscribe for More Inspiring Stories

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Meher Mount is a place of universal pilgrimage dedicated to Avatar Meher Baba. Visitors come for pilgrimage, for celebrating Divine Love and Oneness, for loving God through nature, and for service.

Avatar Meher Baba sanctied Meher Mount with His presence when He visited on August 2, 1956. Upon His arrival, Meher Baba gestured and said, “I love Meher Mount very much and feel happy here.”

The 172-acres of Meher Mount sit at the 2,500-foot level atop Sulphur Mountain in Ojai, California.

Meher Mount is open to all for day pilgrimage, and there are periodic special events.

9902 Sulphur Mountain Road, Ojai, CA 93023 -9274 805-640-0000 [email protected]