Oecologia Australis 24(3):538-549, 2020 https://doi.org/10.4257/oeco.2020.2403.01


Cleber José Rodrigues Alho1*

1 Universidade Anhanguera-Uniderp, Programa de Pós-graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Regional, Rua Alexandre Herculano, 1400 - Jardim Veraneio, CEP: 79037-280. Campo Grande, MS, Brasil.

E-mail: [email protected] (*corresponding author)

Abstract: This paper offers a review and discussion on environmental aspects of live bait capture for sport fishing within the Pantanal wetland. The extractive exploitation of live bait has intensified in the region due to the growing flow of tourists in search of sport fishing, who pay for this bait, creating a consolidated market. Because baitfish are often harvested from mixed stocks in the wild, the potential for bycatch exists, also leading to the disruption of their fragile habitat, affecting species assemblages in the wetland ecosystem. These target small fish, such astuvira and other organisms, live in small-depth seasonally flooded ecosystems, usually covered by aquatic macrophytes. Due to the intense demand, this market brought in a socioeconomic factor, favoring the collectors of live bait. However, extraction has been done intensively to meet the growing demand, consequently causing damage to the fragile ecosystems and natural habitats occupied by these organisms used as live bait. The macrophyte species occurring in the Pantanal wetland vary depending on seasonal inundation and on various degrees of dependence of water. There has been limited focus on the socioeconomic and ecological consequences of in this biome. Also, there is particularly a scarcity of information on the consequences of the current live bait harvest on the natural habitats where the organisms live. This review explores some of the complex ecological interactions that occur with regard to live bait extractivism as well as identifies and analyzes environmental damage, emphasizes the socioeconomic importance of the extractive activity, and proposes a line of action to construct a management plan looking for the sustainability of the extractive resource of live bait within the Pantanal.

Keywords: aquatic macrophytes; environmental damage; angling; flooded habitats; recreational fishery.

INTRODUCTION Taquari, Negro, Aquidauana-Miranda, Nabileque and Apa. These rivers are slow moving when they The Pantanal is an extensive biome (150,355 reach the Pantanal depression (Alho 2005; Alho & km² with approximately 140,000 km² in ), Silva 2012). recognized as a wetland of international importance Professional and sport fishing are traditional by the Ramsar treaty. It is located in the center of activities in the Pantanal, with a strong , in western Brazil, and positions of environmental and socioeconomic focus (Alho and , and is the wetland part of & Reis 2017). The natural aquatic habitats of the Upper Basin. The major rivers the Pantanal are strongly seasonal, influenced feeding the Pantanal wetland are: Paraguay River, by the water flow that determines an annual Bento Gomes, Cuiabá, São Lourenço-Itiquira, and multiannual changing regime (Alho & Silva Alho | 539

2012). This heterogeneous complex of habitats activity has attracted local people, participating supports the high diversity of fish in the biome, as important actors in this market that involves where fish assemblages with 269 described a socioeconomic chain on the banks of rivers of species are found (Britski et al. 2007). Among the the Pantanal. It turns out that, in addition to the species of fish with a high socioeconomic value enormous pressure on these live bait targets, it was for professional fishing and also for sport fishing observed in field work that the disturbance caused are: “cachara” (Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum), in the aquatic environments has led to damage in “pintado” (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans), “pacu” natural habitats where the organisms caught as (Piaractus mesopotamicus), “barbado” (Pinirampus bait occur. This type of catch generally occurs in pirinampu), “dourado” ( brasiliensis), the vicinity of tourist infrastructure facilities, which “piavuçu” (Megaleporinus microcephalus), are prepared for visitors and the intermediaries “jurupoca” (Hemisorubim platyrhynchos), known as pesqueiros, who work in the market chain “curimbatá” (), “jaú” (Zungaro between bait collectors and the final consumers, jahu), among others (Alho 2005). Fish communities sport fishermen. or assemblies vary depending on the type of habitat. The number of tourists has been growing in Large, commercially important species usually the Pantanal since the beginning of the 1990s and occur in large rivers, such as the Paraguay, Cuiabá, includes those who are interested in sport fishing, São Lourenço-Itiquira, Negro and Aquidauana- with consequent pressure to search for live bait. The Miranda. Small species occur in smaller rivers, Pantanal still keeps a complex environmental and corixos (water channels) and shallow floodplains, biological diversity, valuing the natural ecosystems, and some species are well adapted to the seasonal which is crucial for tourism, supporting the biome’s regime and may remain in dry sediment during integrity. The increased number of inns, locally the dry season. The species migrate and disperse named pousadas, which are specialized in receiving according to the seasonal regime and the search for fishing tourists, is also an evidence of this boom, reproductive and food habitats (Alho 2005). as is the larger fleet of fishing boats or hotel boats, Fishing where the primary objective is not to mainly with departures from Corumbá to go along produce food or generate income through the sale the Paraguay River. Similarly, the socioeconomic or trade of fishing products is commonly termed importance of recreational fishing in many areas of “sport fishing”, “recreational fishing” or “angling” different countries is increasing rapidly (Arlinghaus (Arlinghaus et al. 2007). The motives of recreational & Cooke 2009). This increasing search for recreation fishers are diverse and differ from one person to in still protected biomes has been pointed out in another. However, specific motives such as “sport different publications (Sharma et al. 2012, Tortato fishing” are unsuitable for defining recreational et al. 2017, WTTC 2018). fishing as they do not embrace the attitudes and To illustrate the increasingly demand for value systems of all recreational fishers. recreational fishing, between May 1994 and April Sport fishing constitutes a substantial 1995, 1,433 tons of fish were caught in the Pantanal, recreational pursuit throughout the Pantanal. with about 28 % of this amount coming from The use of live bait is a current practice across professional fishing and more than 71 % from sport the Pantanal and live baits are often harvested fishing, which shows the significance of this activity from mixed stocks in specific natural ecosystem, in the region (Catella et al. 1996). For example, in leading to the destruction and relocation of non- 2005 was registered the catch of 1,230,229 live bait target species, as well as to disruption of fragile specimens, estimated to represent about 16 % of ecosystems (ANA/GEF/UNEP/OAS 2005). Given the regional catch, mainly in the region of Corumbá the high demand for sport fishing throughout (Catella et al. 2009). While there has been a decline much of the Pantanal, this activity has significant in commercial and subsistence fishing since the socioeconomic and ecological implications. 1990s, there has been an increase in sport fishing With the considerable increase in the arrival in the region (Alho & Reis 2017). Some local people of tourists in the Pantanal for sport fishing, there argue that the excessive regulation of commercial is also a marked increase in the catch of small fishing, to cope with the fishing decline caused by fish and , to be used as live bait. This overfishing, and the consequent decline in the size of

Oecol. Aust. 24(3): 538–549, 2020 540 | Live bait for fishing in the Pantanal fish caught, have caused the decline in professional Paraguay River (19º00’33” S, 57º39’12” W); sub- fishing and led to an increase in sport fishing. region of Abobral (19º26’25.51” S, 57º03’45.24” For decades, local people of the Pantanal have W); sub-region of Miranda (19º5020.20”S, relied on subsistence and commercial fisheries, 56º49’39.53”W) and sub-region of Porto Murtinho harvesting its abundance of fish. In recent decades, (21º48’02.37” S, 57º49’47.18” W). A review of however, fish were removed on a massive scale, relevant publications and unpublished reports was and overfishing has been identified as a primary carried out, highlighting the studies conducted cause of ecosystem collapse in aquatic systems during the ANA/GEF/UNEP/OAS (2005) program. (Alho & Reis 2017). However, it is also necessary to Additionally, technical reports were consulted such consider the growing tourist influx in the Pantanal as “Subprojeto 5.1 MS - Diretrizes para o Manejo in recent decades. This trend can be evidenced by Sustentável da Atividade de Coleta de Iscas Vivas the growing increase in tourist facilities, including no Pantanal de Mato Grosso do Sul. Relatório Final” fishermen’s lodges, in addition to the increase in (ANA/gef/pnuma/oea 2003a) and “Subprojeto hotel boats with facilities for fishermen. 5.1 - Caracterização Socioeconômica da Atividade The official control of fishery activities in the de Coleta e Comercialização de Isca Viva na BAP- two Brazilian States with large territories in the MT. Relatório Final” (ANA/gef/pnuma/oea Pantanal is carried out by the following agencies: 2003b). This data base resource was fundamental Sistema de Controle da Pesca do Mato Grosso for this review. Complemented fieldwork was do Sul - SCPESCA/MS (Fishery Control System of developed over more than 30 years of research the state of Mato Grosso do Sul) and Sistema de experience by the author in the Pantanal, providing Controle e Monitoramento da Pesca de Mato Grosso a wide range of information on the subject of live SISCOMP/MT (Control and Monitoring System of bait capture to supply the market for sport fishing. the state of Mato Grosso) — https://www.embrapa. Throughout the biome, the author interviewed br/en/busca-de-noticias/-/noticia/18028890/ stakeholders involved in live bait extractivism. The sistema-de-controle-de-pesca-atualiza-dados-e- overall bibliographic references were important analisa-informacoes. to integrate the focal problem on an ecological The objectives of this review are to (i) identify perspective. Nomenclature and other aspects of the mainly devices used for catching live baits; (ii) fish are in accordance with Reiset al. (2003), and determine the preferred environments for catching aquatic macrophyte species based on Pott & Pott live baits; (iii) identify the organisms most caught (2000) and Pott et al. (2011). and their role on the ecosystem; (iv) verify the environmental damage caused by unsustainable DEVICES USED FOR CATCHING LIVE BAIT catch of live baits; (v) propose actions for sustainable The most commonly used tool is the mesh, also management and future research. known as a sieve, which consists of a rectangular metal frame, approximately one-meter-long and MATERIAL AND METHODS two wide, covered by a thin mesh. Two people hold the rigging, which is dragged on the catchment bed This review paper treats sport fishing as the in an area dominated by aquatic macrophytes, thus aquatic complement to the recreational activity capturing all living organisms in the habitat, which in the Pantanal wetland. Recreational fishing is are then selected for use or disposal. The collectors today predominantly conducted within the region enter the baías (depressions in flat terrain filled using hook and line fishing. Live bait is defined as with water) or corixos (water channels) in the midst any live organism, generally a small fish, used to of the “mat” of aquatic macrophytes, locally known attract and catch fishes. The use of live organisms as camalotes de aguapé, and submerge the sieve as bait has traditionally been popular among sport under the macrophyte banks. They raise the mesh, fishers in the Pantanal. The type of bait used often the aquatic macrophytes are removed and the varies with the species of fish being sought. Recent tuviras are selected and kept in pails with water. complementary field inspections were carried out Fish and crab species are selected and stored in by the present study at different points of the wetland plastic containers. Before submerging and dragging where sport fishing occurs: the port of Corumbá, the mesh, the aquatic macrophytes are removed

Oecol. Aust. 24(3): 538–549, 2020 Alho | 541 to allow this drag. In other cases, larger trawling preferentially captured, many other aquatic devices are used. This form of catch is usually done macrophyte species occur, which show how during the day in the dry season. In the wet season, complex and sensitive the habitats are. These the collection is reduced, and is done with a stick species are: Acantaceae: Justicia laevilinguis; with a hook. The bait is selected and stored in large Alismataceae: Sagittaria guyanensis, Echinodorus flasks or canisters with water, then being sent to the paniculatus, Echinodorus grandiflorus; sales outlets where the bait species are arranged in Amarantaceae: Alternanthera philoxeroides; larger tanks. Araceae: Pistia stratiotes; Azollaceae: Azolla sp.; The coarse-type trap is usually used at night Cabombaceae: Cabomba sp.; Cannaceae: Canna in deeper places, with the aid of the spinning glauca; Characeae: Nitella sp.; Convolvulaceae: device. The trap is hung by a handle from a cable Ipomea sp.; Cyperaceae: Oxycaryum cubense; made of a tree branch, where it will be attached to Euphorbiaceae: Phyllanthus fluitans; a turning device named a girau during the period Fabaceae: Senna spp.; Hydrocharitaceae: that is submerged. Termites are used as bait and are Limnobium laevigatum, Egeria najas; placed inside the trap to attract the tuviras. A black Lemnaceae: Lemna aequinoctialis, Wolffia canvas cover is also used to prevent the passage of brasiliensis; Lentibulariaceae: Utricularia spp.; light. Limnocharitaceae: Hydrocleis sp., Limnocharis There are other artifacts used in capturing flava; Marantaceae: Thalia geniculata; the live bait, among them the jiqui. This is a trap Menianthaceae: Nymphoides sp.; Nymphaeaceae: that uses nylon mesh and an iron frame for its Nymphaea spp.; Onagraceae: Ludwigia spp.; preparation. It is about one-meter-long by about 70 Polygonaceae: Polygonum spp.; Pontederiaceae: cm in diameter. In its sides there are two circular Pontederia spp., Eichhornia spp.; Rubiaceae: openings of about 30 cm each, and in these Diodia kuntzei; and Salviniaceae: Salvinia spp. openings there are funnels made of nylon fabric, The organisms caught as live bait compose approximately 30 cm long. the ecological communities dominated by these Traditionally in the Pantanal, the live bait aquatic macrophytes (Poi de Neiff & Neiff 1980, Poi routine is comprised of harvesters, dealers, and de Neiff 1983, Bronmark 1985, Cyr & Downing 1988). sport fishers. A harvester is a local individual who In addition to the natural environments of rivers, freely harvests live bait from a focal designated area corixos and baías, there are also depressions formed using harvest equipment. Most harvesters sell the in land alongside roads. These environments vary majority of their bait to dealers. A bait dealer is an in the dynamics of their ecological community individual who sells bait to tourists interested in structure, but all are seasonal due to the wet and sport fishing. All this routine occurs freely without dry hydrodynamics of the Pantanal, and they make any formal license or environmental control. up the list of environments explored by live bait scavengers (Figure 1). CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PREFERRED ENVIRONMENTS FOR CATCHING LIVE BAIT LIVE BAITS MOST CAUGHT

The Pantanal’s aquatic macrophyte habitats, The use of live organisms as bait has traditionally forming a green “mat”, locally known as camalotes, been popular among sport fishers in the Pantanal baceros or batumes, were found to occur in shallow (ANA/GEF/PNUMA/OEA 2003a, 2003b). Harvest waters of rivers, baías, corixos and in man-made equipment for live bait includes traps, dip nets, and depressions, which accumulate water in the rainy seine nets and traps that are usually baited. Fish are season (Pott et al. 2011). The main species of aquatic often sorted (by species) and graded (by size) before plants in the region are Eichhornia crassipes and being moved to some form of holding tank. The E. azurea. Both can uproot the soil and become small fish species most sought to supply the market buoyant (Pott et al. 2011). Other floating plant of live bait living in the habitats described above are: species that compose the mat are Pistia stratiotes, “jeju” (Hoplerythrynus unitaeniatus, Erythrinidae); Salvinia auriculata, Oxycaryum cubense, and “tuvira” (Gymnotus carapo, Gymnotidae); “cascudo” Eleocharis spp. (Corydoras britskii, Callichthyidae); “mussum” In aquatic habitats where live bait is (Synbranchus marmoratus, Synbranchidae);

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Figure 1. The aquatic habitats of the Pantanal are influenced by seasonal river flood, supporting the floristic diversity of aquatic vegetation, as well as the structure of the local ecological community, where live bait species occur. The ecological assemblages dominated by macrophytes, occurring in shallow water, are integrated by fish species and other organisms captured as live bait. Unsustainable capture that damages the entire ecosystem needs to be managed in order to better balance the mutual benefit of the local people and the conservation of nature. “cambota” (Callichthys callichtys, Callichthyidae); in the mud, the cambota is a small armored “chimboré” (Leporinus amblyrhynchus, showing a preference for more active water. Tuviras Anostomidae.); “piramboia” (Lepidosiren paradoxa, are preferred by harvesters and consequently most Lepidosirenidae) and “acará-açu” (Astronotus captured for trade. This species has a high survival ocellatus, Cichlidae). Hoplerythrynus unitaeniatus rate when compared to other live bait species, prefers standing waters, while S. marmotarus is as they are also able to breathe atmospheric air a swamp-eel living in habitats with a low oxygen through their swim-bladder system on certain level, being a burrower species found in the mud. occasions, which allows greater survival in their Callichthys callichthys is a small armored catfish transport and storage. Again, it is particularly showing a preference for more active water. popular as bait because it has been shown to be The aquatic vegetation or baceiro is also home to effective in catching large fish such as pintado, the crab Dilocarcinus paguei, widely used as bait in cachara and jaú, which have a high value and are the Pantanal (Pivari et al. 2008, Pott et al. 2011). This seen as a “trophy” for sport fishermen. crab lives among macrophytes, with preference for Fishermen prefer live bait, especially tuviras (G. environments with large branches and dead trunks. carapo, G. inaequilabiatus), and probably other In general, all these species are associated with species of this genus, which are the most preferred aquatic macrophytes. The tuvira species, belonging and captured in the trade. These small fishes are to genus Gymnotus, lives in shallow water habitats slightly electric; while their electric charge is not among the roots of macrophytes. Gymnotids perceived by man. The fish use electrical organs prey on invertebrates, are nocturnal aggressive for communication and electro-localization, and predators, exhibit territorial behavior and build large predators such as surubim and cachara detect nests. The jeju has a preference for standing waters. this electricity and locate their prey. Hence, there is The mussum is a swamp eel living in habitats with high demand for tuviras as live bait; however, this a low oxygen level, being a burrower species found demand depends on the time of the year, or more

Oecol. Aust. 24(3): 538–549, 2020 Alho | 543 specifically, on the seasonal phase of the Pantanal. with well-developed roots, such as Limnobium The peak is in early April, at the beginning of the laevigatum and Oxycaryum cubense associated dry season, with a lower peak in August-October, with Eichornia crassipes, Eichornia azurea, Salvinia the end of the dry season (Alho & Silva 2012). auriculata, Ludwigia lagunae and Utricularia gibba. In addition to supplying the local trade in Mato The tuvira fish feeds preferentially on insects and Grosso do Sul state, bait is also exported to the micro-crustaceans. It reproduces in the Pantanal’s states of Mato Grosso, Paraná, Goiás, and Santa floodplain, through spawning in stages, when flood Catarina, according to information obtained at the waters arrive in the region, usually from February commercial sites. to April. There is potentially the possibility of translocating live bait from one place to another THE ROLE OF LIVE BAITS ON ECOSYSTEM when the bait accidentally escapes from the hook Biogeochemical, chemical and biological processes, or accidentally escapes the fisherman’s reach. as well as the level of conservation of riparian Although there is no study clearly showing the vegetation and floodplains carry the nutrient loads habitat specificity of these organisms, however, from the watersheds that make up the Pantanal transport from one location to another may (Alho 2005). It should also be considered that the potentially lead to the reintroduction of species, loads from deforestation and other environmental causing effects on the assemblage of fish from this changes, such as wild fires, can be transported to relocated site. As there is still information that these the rivers and flood areas, in the form of pulses, baits are exported to more distant locations, this according to the precipitation indexes and, potential negative impact deserves further study. therefore, may represent an occasional increase in And yet, the management plan must also consider the concentration of nutrients. these aspects of the activity. It is important to consider that in the There is, in fact, a proven socioeconomic value ecosystems where live bait species occur there arising from live bait extractivism for local people are physical, chemical and biological variables, (Marques 2017). The Pantanal sites most sought all interacting in the stability of the system (Poi after by sport fishermen are those that most de Neiff 1983). Regarding the living part of the demand the trade of live bait. The port of Corumbá, system, constitutes a life form of aquatic on the banks of the Paraguay River, where large organisms that develop in still waters or that have fishing boats are concentrated for tourism, is where small currents, therefore occurring more in lentic this trade is most registered, followed by the region systems as in the baías (Pott et al. 2011). Plankton of Porto Murtinho and Miranda, in the state of is composed of bacteria (bacterioplankton), plants Mato Grosso do Sul. In the northern Pantanal, in (phytoplankton) and (zooplankton). the state of Mato Grosso, the regions of Cáceres, They play important roles in the ecosystem as Poconé and Barão de Melgaço are the largest trade producers, such as phytoplankton, consumers and centers of live bait. These areas are the hotspots of decomposers. Zooplankton also comprises a large recreational fishing in the Pantanal. variety of organisms, from protozoa to copepods. In addition to the tuviras, in the regions of The so-called macroinvertebrates comprise a Poconé, Cáceres and Barão de Melgaço, there is a diverse number of insects of various orders, search for mussuns (S. marmoratus) as live bait to annelids, mollusks, and other species. supply trade. Among the live bait most preferred by The ecological community that is composed the fishermen are the tuvira, the mussum, the jeju of aquatic macrophytes, plus the focal species and the crab, which obtain a greater commercial captured as live bait and, even more so, the other value in the sale. These species are most easily species of fish that occur in the habitat, participate captured at the beginning of the ebb and in the in the nutrient cycling and energy flow of the region. dry season, from April to September. The places of These species of fish serve as food for many species occurrence of the tuvira are basically baías, corixos, of birds and other groups of regional biodiversity and shallow flooded areas, with abundant aquatic and develop different life cycle and reproduction vegetation. Tuviras are usually captured in shallow strategies, adapted to the conditions that the areas under dense clumps of aquatic macrophytes wetland system offers. The distinct annual tides of

Oecol. Aust. 24(3): 538–549, 2020 544 | Live bait for fishing in the Pantanal the rivers, causing the wet and dry seasons, result The removal of hundreds of thousands of small fish in hydrological seasonality with productivity and and other bait organisms leads, potentially, to the feeding and breeding grounds for fish in particular alteration of ecological communities, in addition of and wildlife in general, subject to biochemical the release of non-target bait in different habitats cycles (Alho & Silva 2012). The habitats change as a (Arlinghaus 2007, Arlinghaus & Cooke 2009). function of the water discharge carrying nutrients The distribution, diversity and abundance and sediments, enriching the macrophyte habitats, of the focal species that serve as live bait are where the organisms caught as live bait occur. directly influenced by the substrate type of the The literature emphasizes the role of integrated habitat, the shape and function of the ecosystem, and interdependent organisms in the conservation quantity and type of organic attributes, presence of aquatic ecosystems (Lemmens et al. 2013). and composition of aquatic vegetation, and the Microorganisms living on the macrophyte substrate presence and extent of riparian forest (Grenouillet form a food base for macroinvertebrates, which in et al. 2002). Indirectly, they are affected by changes turn supply food for other species in a complex food in nutrient concentration, the trophic chain and web. The macrophytes also provide cover, nesting changes in primary productivity, given the existing sites, building materials, and food for the small fish threats. It should therefore be noted that focal caught as bait. Thus, microphytes are important species for bait, as well as aquatic macrophytes, for fish spawning and nursery. Human disturbance are fundamental components of the food chain, through massive removal of microphytes increases essential for the maintenance of the ecosystem in habitat vulnerability and instability, affecting which they live. the biodiversity and overall biomass of the focal Specific disturbance, such as the massive ecosystem. In this way, unsustainable removal of collection of bait organisms, without a sustainable macrophytes affects the structure and function of approach, has effects on other levels of the the aquatic community. ecosystem. These effects include interaction In the natural system of the Pantanal, between species, changing population parameters, macrophytes comprise a set of rooted or partially and changing the structure and function of submerged plant species, in shallow water with ecological communities; however, it not only little water circulation (Pott et al. 2011). These involves pressure on these focal species. Indeed, camalotes cover large areas. They are determined, environmental impact affects the whole ecosystem among other factors, by sediment composition, and not only the focal species that are drastically water turbidity, nutrient availability and herbivore removed from the natural system, unless there is a action. They represent one of the most productive focus on sustainability. In this ecosystem approach, aquatic communities. The macroinvertebrates the chemical variables (composition and water that compose this ecosystem are insects quality, pH, dissolved oxygen content, temperature, (orders Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, turbidity, conductivity) interact with the typical Lepidoptera) and species of crustaceans, including seasonal regime of the Pantanal (which depends the Pantanal crab. on the rivers that rise on the surrounding plateau Studies show that the distribution and diversity and the regime of precipitation and drainage). of fish are influenced by the heterogeneity of the Both the variables and the regimes interact with habitat, involving physical, chemical and biological biological factors (diversity of phytoplankton factors, as well as the diversity of phytoplankton, species, zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, aquatic zooplankton, macroinvertebrates and aquatic macrophytes, fish and other species), all of which macrophytes. This availability of food and habitat are dependent on biogeochemical cycles, such as complexity are two factors generally invoked nutrient cycling, solar radiation and precipitation to explain the high density of fish in vegetated (Thomaz & Cunha 2010). habitats (Grenouillet et al. 2002). Thus, the pressure of collecting small fish for bait, plus the significant ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE CAUSED BY disturbance with alterations in the natural habitat, UNSUSTAINABLE CATCH OF LIVE BAITS are threats that reflect the unsustainable aspect of the The unsustainable extractivism of organisms used capture of this resource of the regional biodiversity. as live bait can reduce the species diversity and

Oecol. Aust. 24(3): 538–549, 2020 Alho | 545 abundance of both plant and organisms. cycle. The management of live bait collection, Where wild live bait harvest occurs, our field therefore, should be adaptive, considering, for observations emphasize that bycatch can occur example, the lower production in periods where with important ecological implications. Realistic successive years occur with changes in floods. It opportunities for risk reduction are needed, such is also recommended the participatory approach as harvest management, bycatch control points in environmental education and consciousness of at retailers, and government control programs, stakeholders (harvesters, dealers, and fishers) as an considering the ecological risk tolerance decision. attempt to reach an intermediary balance between In addition, this human disturbance may potentially ecological conservation and socioeconomic plus favor species of plant and animals that are tolerant recreational factors. to a disturbed habitat. For example, due to small The local Government has tried prohibiting the area and shallow depth, the baías in the Pantanal collection of live bait (as was the case of the state are a complex system, with various microhabitats of Mato Grosso law 7155 of July 21, 1999), which is that support different environmental conditions not always effective because it is difficult to enforce for the macrophyte species as well as for the fish the law in the huge Pantanal. Later, in 2002, that composing that system. This system represents a State allowed live bait capture only by professional mosaic of habitats where the organisms (plants and fisherman registered with the FEMA (State fish) interact, composing the healthy ecosystem. Environmental Foundation), according to State Therefore, the species-specific preferences by Law 7881. Additionally, the state of Mato Grosso do small fish for different types of macrophytes Sul, through the State Secretary of Environment, indicate the high ecological value of the integrated Planning, Science, and Technology (Secretaria de system, stressing the importance of high Estado de Meio Ambiente, Planejamento, Ciência e diversity and abundance of aquatic plants in the Tecnologia), established the Resolution Nr. 03, 28 ecosystem. Human-induced disturbance such as February 2011, which enforces the State Law 2.898, unsustainable extractivism involving the massive 29 October 2004, that refers to capture, transport, extraction of biomass, particularly macrophytes storage, trading, and cultivation of live bait (Catella and all associated organisms, potentially disrupts et al. 2017). Again, our field experience has shown the ecosystem, affecting the level of the ecological difficulty to enforce legislation throughout the community. The ecosystem may quickly react Pantanal. to changes in biological, physical and chemical Enforcement of control is needed, for example, parameters. Practical examples of actions that to avoid release of non-target organisms as bait could be implemented to minimize the negative and aquatic plants into different ecosystems from impacts of live bait capture are: the development where they were harvested. In the field, some bait of an educational awareness program; to limit the harvesters and dealers are reluctant or unwilling number of live bait caught; the efficient compliance to provide accurate information of their activities of the legislation. when they are interviewed. Thus, the amount of Finally, it is concluded that the bait harvesting bait been harvesting by fishing season may be activity needs more consistent policy and unknown or underestimated. Lack of knowledge enforcement direction to balance ecological regarding numbers of live bait harvested is a protection and more accurate socioeconomic common problem throughout the Pantanal. There benefit. have been, at least, problems of non-compliance with environmental and conservation norms and ACTIONS FOR SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT legislation, regarding ecosystem disruption and unregulated trade of live organisms, including the The initial assumption is that the capture of live absence of any guarantee necessary to encourage bait should be carried out through a program of care to environmental damage. In conclusion, exploitation of fishing resources in a self-sustaining there is a concern regarding the lack of knowledge way. This would be at levels that are compatible about live bait productivity and sustainable levels with the capacity of annual renewal of the stocks of harvest. of these live bait, considering their reproductive capacity in function of the Pantanal biogeochemical

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PROPOSALS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH the unsustainable use of these live resources, with ecological consequences (ecological issues This present review allowed the identification of associated with the use of live bait; potential the following research lines: (1) More information is bycatch leading to relocation of species; degree of needed on biological knowledge on the productivity space used by target organisms), as pointed out of live bait species (for example, tuvira) which can by international publications (Kerr 2012, Drake & be used to establish possible quotas to prevent Mandrak 2014, Monk & Arlinghaus 2017). A certain overharvest; (2) Potential evidence to suggest degree of biological impact may be accepted as long that some live bait species are relatively resilient as this does not affect entire ecosystem where live to current harvest procedures; (3) Effects on the bait is harvested, allowing continuing use of the live ecological community and ecosystem integrity due resource. Harvester stakeholders might conclude to current harvest procedures; (4) Time necessary that the irreversible alteration of habitat structure for ecological community recover after harvest and function is unaccepted. procedure; (5) Comparison between macrophyte It is concluded that the ecological consequences community structure and function before and of live bait harvest for recreational fishing is after bait harvest procedure; (6) Suggestion on negligible, at least throughout most of the live bait license and regulation to reach controlled searched fishing sites, such as at the Paraguay harvesting and procedure to implement them in River near to the municipality of Corumbá. Some real action; (7) The socioeconomic and ecological published international literature stressed that potential benefits generated by recreational fishing this negligence is detrimental to the long-term in the Pantanal, as were comprehensively reviewed sustainability of the freshwater ecosystems that for other regions by Weithman (1999) and Arlinghaus the fishers depend on for their recreation (Burgin et al. (2002); (8) Excessive exploitation of live bait 2017, Monk & Arlinghaus 2017). This concern is through high level of anthropogenic ecological due to current and increasing popularity of nature disturbance should potentially be minimized by recreational tourism, including sport fishing, in raising some bait species in captivity to supply this the Pantanal. In fact, there has been insufficient market; (9) The potential ecological role of live bait scientific information on the negative impacts to translocation from one habitat to another, if there natural habitats where live bait occurs, in order to are some organisms that only occur in a specific assess protection of these freshwater ecosystems. habitat and are translocated to other places, what This environmental concern is consistent with could be considered a pathway for introduction of the increased awareness of human-mediated species, eventually altering local/native ecological species-use, with consequent vulnerability assemblage. of focal aquatic ecosystems, where live bait is IMPLICATIONS FOR CONSERVATION AND harvested. Three aspects related to the trade of MANAGEMENT live bait in the Pantanal should be emphasized: (1) the socioeconomic importance for the local Commercial live bait operations, such as harvesting people who live and maintain this trade; (2) from the wild, and retailing live bait, provide a the proven negative environmental impact that source of employment and income for local people. this unsustainable activity has on shallow water For many sport fishers across the Pantanal, live ecosystems, covered by macrophytes; and (3) bait represents a relatively inexpensive source the need to adapt a management plan, with the of bait, especially for individuals trapping their participation of the main actors involved in this own fishes from the wild. Live bait is valued by activity, in search of the sustainable use of this sport fishers primarily because a live, natural bait resource. Managers have to consider the increasing provides scent, shape, size, vibration, and visual volume of live bait capture involving wild stocks. aspects familiar to game species. These attributes The action required for the proper management may increase fishing effectiveness in a variety of of this natural resource must balance the need recreational fishing scenarios. Despite the many to curb environmental degradation with the positive factors associated with the use of live bait need to maintain the livelihood of harvesters or for recreational fishing, concern exists surrounding extractivists, given the socioeconomic importance

Oecol. Aust. 24(3): 538–549, 2020 Alho | 547 of this activity. However, the maintenance of the floods and droughts on wildlife of the Pantanal socioeconomic factor cannot be due only to the wetland (Brazil) — A Review. Animals 2(4), anthropocentric prerogative of human interest, 591—610. DOI:10.3390/ani2040591 denying or neglecting the conservation of this ANA/GEF/PNUMA/OEA. 2003a. Technical living resource, as pointed out for other regions Report: Subprojeto 5.1 MS - Diretrizes para of the world (DiStefano et al. 2009, Killian et o Manejo Sustentável da Atividade de Coleta al. 2012, Drake and Mandrak 2014). As with all de Iscas Vivas no Pantanal de Mato Grosso do sport fishery, management of live bait across the Sul. Relatório Final. Projeto Implementação Pantanal must focus on relevant socioeconomic de Práticas de Gerenciamento Integrado de and ecological factors. This review assessment of Bacia Hidrográfica para o Pantanal e Bacia do the Pantanal’s live bait harvest activity identifies Alto Paraguai. Campo Grande, MS, p. 29. certain socioeconomic successes, and many ANA/GEF/PNUMA/OEA. 2003b. Technical Report: ecological challenges, for the future management Subprojeto 5.1 MT - Coleta e Comercialização of live bait. Improvement of measures that educate de Iscas Vivas na Bacia do Alto Paraguai em commercial harvesters about the risks of natural Mato Grosso. Relatório Final. Caracterização habitat disruption and the need for effective Socioeconômica da Atividade de Coleta e target species sorting are needed. The biological Comercialização de Isca Viva na BAP-MT. process relies on the reproductive potential of Cuiabá, MT, p. 27. the organisms used as live baits and can be better ANA/GEF/UNEP/OAS. 2005. Strategic Action exploited through appropriate management, based Program for the Integrated Management of on ecological and administrative attributes, to the Pantanal and the Upper Paraguay River ensure continued productivity of live bait for sport Basin. Final Report. Brasília, DF: ANA – Agência fishery in the Pantanal. Nacional de Águas, p. 318. Arlinghaus, R. 2007. Voluntary catch-and-release ACKNOWLEDGMENTS can generate conflict within the recreational angling community: a qualitative case study The author thanks Humberto C. Gonçalves, of specialized carp, Cyprinus carpio, angling Superintendent of the Brazilian Water Agency (ANA in Germany. Fisheries Management and – Agência Nacional de Águas), allowing his access Ecology, 14, 161–171. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365- to data provided by the project Strategic Action 2400.2007.00537.x Program for the Integrated Management of the Arlinghaus, R. & Cooke, S.J. 2009. Recreational Pantanal and the Upper Paraguay River Basin (ANA/ Fisheries: Socioeconomic Importance, GEF/UNEP/OAS), which had the participation of Conservation Issues and Management the author in field work activities, and from which Challenges. Recreational Hunting, Conservation this article sprang. and Rural Livelihoods: Science and Practice. B. Dickson, J. Hutton & W. M. Adams (Eds.) Blackwell REFERENCES Publishing Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/9781444303179. ch3 Alho, C. J. R. 2005. The Pantanal. In: L. H. Fraser & Arlinghaus, R., Cooke, S., Lyman, J., Policansky, D., P. A. Keddy (Eds.) The World’s Largest Wetlands Schwab, A., Suski, C., Sutton, S.G., & Thorstad, — Ecology and Conservation, pp. 203—271, E.B. 2007. Understanding the complexity of Cambridge USA, Cambridge University Press. catch-and-release in recreational fishing: DOI:10.1017/CBO9780511542091.008 An integrative synthesis of global knowledge Alho, C. J. R., & Reis, R. E. 2017. Exposure of from historical, ethical, social, and biological fishery resources to environmental and perspectives. Reviews in Fishery Science, 15, socioeconomic threats within the Pantanal. 75—167. DOI: 10.1080/10.641260601149432 International Journal of Aquaculture Arlinghaus, R., Mehner, T. & Cowx, I.G. 2002. and Fishery Sciences, 3(2), 22—29. Reconciling traditional inland fisheries DOI:10.17352/2455-8400.000024 management with sustainability in Alho, C. J. R., & Silva, J. S. V. 2012. Effects of severe industrialized countries, with emphasis on

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Submitted: 29 June 2019 Accepted: 28 November 2019 Published on line: 19 December 2019 Associate Editor: Diego Garcia

Oecol. Aust. 24(3): 538–549, 2020